a journey through lapalala
a journey through lapalala
A J O U R N EY TH R O U G H LAPALALA PA R T I C I PAT E I N A F R I C A’ S F I N E S T S U S TA I N A B L E C O N S E R V AT I O N I N I T I AT I V E A J O U R N E Y T H R O U G H L A PA L A L A TH E E C O LO GY Some of the planet’s earliest sedimentary formations have been generous in Lapalala’s creation of breathtaking and diverse habitat; bounteous waters and waterfalls flow through 44 km of Lephalale and Kogong river landscape, elevated rocky outcrops look out over valleys, grassland plains and dotted woodland where wild animals have roamed for thousands of years. A BOLD VISION FOR THE FUTURE Lapalala’s vision and promise is to continue to protect and conserve its bio-diversity, uplifting its neighbouring communities and creating a responsible and sustainable model to secure its conservation status into the future. Duncan Parker, son of the late Dale Parker, who together with Clive Walker founded Lapalala, has partnered with Lapalala’s neighbour Gianni Ravazzotti. Together with Peter Anderson of Anderson Wildlife Properties a sensitive plan had been formulated in order that the vision and legacy of Lapalala is safeguarded for the future. A N I N V I TAT I O N Like-minded conservation-focussed individuals are invited to participate in this remarkable and exciting venture as custodians. Lapalala Wilderness will be the first off grid, sustainable big five private protected area of its size. A large portion of the reserve will be maintained as a wilderness area and free of man-made structures. C U STO D IAN O F F E R I N G The three main components of Lapalala’s Custodianship offering are; 1. Free-hold title ownership of 42,000 hectare reserve of pristine land with the rights to build a luxury 12 bed safari lodge. 2. Participation as a shareholder in the Lapalala Special Species Breeding Project 3. Traversing rights in perpetuity over the entire 36,000 hectare reserve. A Lapalala Conservation Fund endowment will be combined with the breeding initiative to create an integrated sustainable model for Lapalala. LION AN D PR E DATOR N U M B E RS AR E B E I NG I NCR EASE D L A PA L A L A H A S B E E N A P I O N E E R I N P R I V AT E P R O T E C T E D A R E A R H I N O C E R O S C O N S E R V AT I O N T H E W I D E LY A C C L A I M E D L A PA L A L A W I L D E R N E S S S C H O O L H A S E D U C AT E D O V E R 70 , 0 0 0 L E A R N E R S S I N C E I TS I N C E P T I O N L A PA L A L A H A S P L AY E D A R O L E I N R O A N A N T E L O P E C O N S E R VAT I O N S I N C E I N C E P T I O N T he K udu is one of 59 large mammals found at L apalala B U F FA LO H E R D S R O A M L A PA L A L A W I L D E R N E S S L A PA L A L A I S H O M E TO T H E C R I T I C A L LY E N D A N G E R E D B L A C K R H I N O C E R O S ~ Diceros bicornis A N A F R I C A N F I S H E A G L E S O A R S F R E E LY A B O V E T H E PA L A L A R I V E R A L E O PA R D R E S E A R C H P R O J E C T I S U N D E R W AY AT L A PA L A L A BLACK RHINOCEROS BREEDING PROJECT B U F F A L O F O R M A N I M P O R TA N T P A R T O F L A P A L A L A ’ S B R E E D I N G I N I T I AT I V E , A L O N G WITH R OAN ANTE LO P E AN D R H I N O C E R O S S A F E G U A R D I N G A N D N U R T U R I N G T H E R H I N O C E R O S P O P U L AT I O N S I S A P R I O R I T Y A C R AS H O F R H I N O C E R O S M OVI N G TH R O U G H ACAC IA VE LD OFF G R I D DESIG N Lapalala has developed an off grid design and aesthetics theme for the custodian lodges. The 12 bed custodian lodge sites will be located in carefully selected locations on each respective 1,450 hectare land portion. The sites will be made up of a combination of landscapes ranging from elevated view sites, river sites and others located in interesting wildlife areas. North Gate BUFFALO PAN MOHLATSE PLAINS ELAND PLAINS Pa la la Ri “Of what avail are forty freedoms without a blank spot on the map” ~Aldo Leopold n WATERBERG KGOKONG PAN TSHUKUDU FIG ver SELOUS SUNBIRD n KINGS POOL TAMBOTIE Main Gate Map Legend Custodian site Munadu Rapids KGOKONG VIEW WILDERNESS AREA Commercial lodge site Head Quarters ROAN PLAINS MUNADU Rapula Rock MARULA BONWA PHALA Lapalala Wilderness MELORA LEPOTEDI School Places of historic interest RUNDGRENS REST MELOTE ve r R ala FOUNDERS CAMP COMMERCIAL LODGE SITE Pal West Gate Game drive route MODUMELA i Melora Iron Age Site Entrance gate Main road Ransomes 1923 Paperbark Plains KWENA WILDERNESS TRACK Perennial river system n gR ive r HEAD QUARTERS Kubu Dam SOUTH AFRICA Zimbabwe Mo Botswana que Mpumalanga North West Gauteng Swaziland Namibia Free State BURKEA Place of the Big Sky zambi Limpopo MOLOPE Airstrip Kg n DRAGONFLY Special Species Breeding Centre ok on Drainage lines THOLO Rock Art BUSHMANS PAINTINGS KOLOBE THAKADU PLAINS KwazuluNatal ELEPHANT POOLS Sacred Lake Lesotho Northern Cape Eastern Cape Western Cape South Gate Scale 0 K I L O M E T 5 R E S Lapalala Wilderness School TH E LAPALALA LEGACY Clive Walker was born in 1936 and his illustrious career has spanned over 5 decades with a focus on environmental education and wildlife conservation. He founded Educational Wildlife Expeditions in 1975 and produced one of his most successful books “Signs of the Wild” in the late 80s and has penned a number of books since. In 1985 Clive was elected Chairman of the Wilderness Trust of South Africa, he founded the Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT) and cofounded the Rhino and Elephant foundation and African Rhino Owners Association. Clive Walker will be dedicating a new Lapalala Wilderness book to the memory of Dale ‘Rapula’ Parker with whom Clive had worked on the establishment of Lapalala Wilderness since its inception 31 years ago. Clive Walker and Lapalala founder Dale ‘Rapula’ Parker A N I N V I TAT I O N TO PA R T I C I PAT E I N T H E L A PA L A L A L E G A C Y “Lapalala Wilderness represents one of the last true wildlife areas in southern Africa. Dale Parker and I shared a dream which we achieved in his lifetime with the support of all of our Lapalala staff. To conserve an area of high biological diversity, a remarkable river system and landscapes of astonishing beauty. The responsibility of this exciting legacy into the future now lies with Duncan Parker, Gianni Ravazzotti and its future Custodians.” Dr George Hughes of the then Natal Parks Board, right, congratulates the late Dale Parker on being the first private black rhino owner in Africa in 1990. Clive Walker in the centre looks on approvingly. Fo r m o re i nfo rm at i o n o n LAPALALA WI LDE R N ESS & LAPALALA CUSTODIANSH I P PROG RAM M E www.lapalala.com Contact Peter Anderson | peter@awpsa.co.za | +27 829002024 | +27 116562041 Photography by Dana Allen, Lapalala & Peter Anderson © Lapalala Wilderness & Anderson Wildlife Properties
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