nevada edition
nevada edition
BINGO BUGLE ONLINE CASHBALL UPDATES! NEVADA EDITION VOLUME 31, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2016 Circulation 35,000 FREE PUBLICATION North America’s Bingo & Casino Newspaper HIGHLIGHTS $600,000 WEEKEND! PAGES 2, 20, 23 & 27 $500,000 POWER BINGO! PAGES 3, 9, 29 & 30 & BACK COVER $20,000 PAGE MULTI-WIN! 5 $20,000 PAGE BLACKOUT! 7 $150,000 SUPER BINGO! PAGE 14 $30,000 BINGO EVENT! PAGE 16 $10,000 BINGO BASH! PAGE 18 $100,000PAGEMATINEES! 21 $7,250 PAGE BIG29 GAME! $126,704PAGEDUAL WIN! 30 THIS ISSUE BROUGHT TO YOU BY THESE ADVERTISERS! ALIANTE ARIZONA CHARLIE’S BOULDER ARIZONA CHARLIE’S DECATUR BINGO BUGLE CRUISE BOULDER STATION CANNERY CATHOLIC CHARITIES CLINICAL RESEARCH CENTER OF NV EASTSIDE CANNERY ELDORADO FANTASTIC INDOOR SWAP MEET FIESTA HENDERSON FIESTA RANCHO GOLD COAST GREEN VALLEY RANCH JERRY’S NUGGET NUGGET RENO MRS. WILLIAMS BAKERY PAHRUMP NUGGET PALACE STATION PLAZA POKER PALACE RAMPART CASINO RED ROCK CASINO SAM’S TOWN SANDS REGENCY SANTA FE STATION SOUTH POINT STATION CASINOS SUNCOAST SUNSET STATION TEXAS STATION VIRGIN RIVER $25,000 $48,277 $11,479 CASH BALL! SUPER WINNER! SMILE! Mary Valdez traveled from San Antonio Texas to play in Plaza’s $150,000 Super Bingo in August. It was definitely worth the trip when Mary yelled bingo on the 30th number of the Super Coverall game. She was awarded the top prize of $25,000! Congratulations! Tamara is smiling because she just won $48,277 playing bingo at Arizona Charlie’s Decatur. Congratulations Tamara and we hope you have many more big wins at this Round The Clock bingo game. Richard and Judy C. traveled all the way from Missouri to hit a 2nd chance cash ball at the Green Valley Ranch Bingo room totaling $11,479! Way to go! $31,155 $10,000 BIG CHECK! Epifanio (Peppy) is showing off his big check he received for his big Progressive Bonus Coverall Jackpot win at Sam's Town. Peppy won $31,155. Way to go, and continued good luck! COVERALL! While playing bingo at Arizona Charlie’s Boulder, Erikka won a $10,000 Super Coverall! Congratulations and continued good luck! $4,226 CASH BALL! $10,000 BONUS COVERALL! Lucy de Guzman hit it big at the Aliante Bingo room. She won the Cash Ball for $4,226 recently and his celebrating with Froilan de Guzman. Congratulations Lucy! Eastside Cannery plays a Bonus Coverall which pays $10,000. Winning that $10,000 on July 12th was lucky Rock Thompson. Congratulating her are Eastside Cannery’s own Donna and Kathy. Way to go Rock! Page 2; Bingo Bugle (Nevada) September 2016 Page 3; Bingo Bugle (Nevada) September 2016 G NEVADA EDITION 56 B 11 25 I NEVADA • LOS ANGELES • SAN BERNARDINO • RIVERSIDE • ORANGE PUBLISHER: Rene deGuzman ADVERTISING: Rene deGuzman Jill Arons PRODUCTION MANAGER: Jill Arons CIRCULATION: 24/7 Distributing CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: Reva & Kate PHOTOGRAPHERS: Jeffrey Charboneau Ed Oliphant Gayle Mitchell Michael Shackelford Henry Tamburin Annie E. Ennis Bonnie Mitchell Bob Whittmore Frederick Woodruff Labor Day Bingo The Bingo Bugle is printed on recycled newsprint. Verified Circulation 115,000 Nevada 35,000 • L.A. County 40,000 • San Bernardino 25,000 • Orange County 20,000 Sworn circulation statements are provided to Standard Rate & Data Service on a monthly basis. For further information call Bingo Bugle Group head office, (206) 463-5656. The Bingo Bugle is published monthly in states and provinces throughout the United States and Canada. All Contents Copyright © 2016 by Bingo Bugle, Inc. Reproduction or use in whole or part of the contents, without the written permission of the publishers and copyright owners is prohibited. The Bingo Bugle, is published on the first of every month by NV BINGO INC. The Bingo Bugle reserves the right to refuse any advertisement. Supplied editorial comments do not necessarily express the opinions of the Bingo Bugle, they are meant to be entertaining and/or informative. Editorial rebuttals are welcomed. The Bingo Bugle is a federally registered trademark. Contents copyrighted © 2016. Reproduction prohibited. DOWNLOAD FULL COPIES OF THE NV BINGO BUGLE AT BINGO4FUN.COM For advertising information from 9 to 4, Monday thru Friday, telephone (888) 915-3344. To contact the Bingo Bugle main office, telephone (818) 557-5500, Fax # (818) 979-6484. Mail all inquiries to Bingo Bugle Newspaper, 8550 W. Charleston Blvd., Site 102, Las Vegas, NV 89117 INDEX As I See It.............................Page 17 Ask Annie.......................................26 Astrology .......................................37 Bingo & Casino Guide ..................34 Bingo Bugle Hotlines....................15 Bingo Land ....................................36 Bob on Bingo.................................33 Buffets............................................26 Business Box Ads .........................33 Coffee Break .................................32 Coffee Break Answers .................37 By Guy Williams Vacationing ■ Bingo along the way Hi Guy, I look at the Bingo Bugle paper and see pictures of players all the time and keep thinking that I want my picture in the paper, too. I recognize lots of the players with their pictures printed which must mean that I play in some of the same Bingo halls where they play, but somehow they get their pictures in there and I don’t. Dear Aunt Bingo..............................6 Dear Dream Lady..........................36 Gaming Today ...............................38 Guy’s Turn........................................4 Jackpot Hotlines...........................17 Monthly Sweeps ...........................24 Nevada Happenings................34-36 Savvy Senior..................................24 The Bingo Sisters............................4 The Kitchen Diva...........................26 As I think about it, one of the problems may be that I have never seen a photographer in the hall. Where do you get your pictures? Do the halls take them and ask you to print them or do you have your own photographers going out taking them? If it is your own photographer, is there some kind of schedule they follow that I can know about so I am at the right Bingo hall at the right time? I don’t mean to make a big deal out of all this, but it really would be fun if me and my friends got our pictures in the Bingo paper just once. Or if that is too much trouble, forget about my friends and it can just be me. Which is only fair because I wrote this letter. —Don G., Nevada Hi Don, Well, you sure aren’t a shy one, so we know that this can’t be why your picture hasn’t been taken yet. Most of the Bingo Bugle editions around the country are quite small and don’t have Page 4; Bingo Bugle (Nevada) September 2016 Kate and I talked about Labor Day as it affects us. It celebrates American workers. I looked it up and found that the first Labor Day holiday was celebrated on Tuesday, September 5, 1882 in New York City. Since then it has become a national holiday and usually the day before school begins in the fall. I learned also that the form the observance and celebration of Labor Day should take was outlined in the first proposal of the holiday—a street parade to exhibit to the public the strength and esprit de corps of the trade and labor organizations of the community, followed by a festival for the recreation and amusement of the workers and their families. The holiday has changed over the years but still pays tribute to the strength, freedom and leadership of the American worker. “Wow, that’s a mouthful,” said Kate. “But I get it. It’s a super holiday to pay tribute to us working class stiffs.” Our favorite Bingo hall staged a Labor Day celebration to defeat all others and Rod and Cliff decided to join us for the day. staff beyond the owner/publisher and an occasional helper. This means that the owner is also usually the writer, photographer, designer, advertising salesperson, and even delivery guy for each monthly issue. When you wear this many hats, you do everything on the fly—including photography. This results in photo shoots being sporadic, typically occurring when papers are being delivered or during a visit to a Bingo hall manager. So basically, it’s a matter of being at the right place at the right time in the very narrow window when the publisher or other worker is at the hall where you are playing, and remembers to bring the camera along. While I can’t speak for all publishers, I do know that some invite people to submit photos they think will be of interest to readers. Keep in mind, however, that these need to be Bingo photos that show people playing, working, or enjoying the game in some other way. Otherwise, you will just have to be patient and, like that elusive Bingo jackpot, wait until it is your time to smile for the camera. —Guy Hi Guy, You and Aunt Bingo have talked a number of times about making Bingo part of a vacation to see what Bingo playing is like in other areas. This summer, my wife and I were visiting relatives in California and while we were there saw some ads for an Indian casino close by which was having a “Million Dollar Bingo Weekend.” They had $30,000 prizes, $5,000 prizes, and a thing called a Do-it-Yourself Jackpot for $100,000. They started at 8 a.m. and had sessions going as late as 10 at night. It was a very full house and we were lucky to find our best seats but both Rod and Cliff seemed fidgety to me—unable to settle happily into play. “What’s wrong?” I asked. “Oh, nothing,” was the reply. The first special game was an “eight on anywhere,” followed by a “medium picture frame,” which is the second square in from the outside, all around. That was completely new to me and I found it very interesting and harder to keep track of than you would suspect. A tablemate won it, to my delight. Rod suddenly handed me his cards and said to excuse him for a few. I was bewildered as he did not head for the men’s but to the caller’s stand. The next special was called the “worker’s rally” and was the small x followed by the big X. I especially like this one and was very happy to win it. Then came intermission and time for a big surprise. Cliff and Rod promoted some music from somewhere and entertained the crowd with dancing an Irish jig. They explained this dance had come over from the old country and had been performed at all workers celebrations since the early 1800s. They invited the company to join in the dance, which many did and it was a merry group that went into the second half. “That was just great,” I said to Rod as he settled back into play. “Where did you learn it?” “Oh, it’s part of our ‘movement for life’ group,” he replied. “You should try it. It is loads of fun and you feel just great afterward.” “I guess I will,” I said. “It will give us something more to do together.” Kate got very serious as she had not won all evening and really wanted to. The next game was a big plus followed by the big x which to me meant the Indian Star. They, however, called it “the freedom game.” Kate was on for the big win, but didn’t quite get there. Nonetheless we went away happy, feeling we had well and truly celebrated Labor Day. It sounded so great that we decided to take your advice and check it out. Well, to begin with, the place was huge: There had to be 2,000 seats in the Bingo section alone, and when we got there for the first Bingo matinee it was already pretty full. We played that session then took a break to tour the rest of the casino. I have never seen so many slot machines in my life! My wife loves slots so we played those for a while and won enough to pay for the buy-in for another Bingo session. It was a great day and we had a lot of fun. I’m writing you because it was your encouragement to add Bingo to our trip that got us to go in the first place. Great advice! —Alex H., Oregon Hi Alex, What did I tell you? Checking out Bingo and other gaming opportunities during your travels can be a real vacation bonus. And how lucky were you guys to show up during a Million Dollar Bingo Weekend? You would have kicked yourselves the rest of the year if you hadn’t gone! While your Bingo outing was obviously mega, it doesn’t always have to be on such a massive scale. Stopping in at a little seaside church game or backwoods firehouse Bingo can also have its rewards as you mix with locals and meet a few other folks bitten by the vacation Bingo bug. Enjoy! —Guy Hey guys! (And gals!) Write to: Guy’s Turn c/o The Bingo Bugle, P.O. Box 527, Vashon, Washington 98070, or email Guy directly at Be sure to include your name and address (you may request that your name not be published), as typically Guy will not include anonymous letters in his columns. Page 5; Bingo Bugle (Nevada) September 2016 Rosanna, Thelma, Ve, Angie and Madelina Aliante All Paper Bingo What does he want her to do? Sit home and stare at the walls? That’s a recipe for dementia, a rest home and an early grave if I ever heard one! Hubby needs to borrow a page from his wife’s book and get out there and enjoy retirement. He needs to find his own interests and maybe come up with a few things they can do together. That is a plan that would have her in the Bingo hall less and enjoying his company more…by doing something! —AC, Georgia, via email Dear Aunt Bingo, I cannot believe this woman is being put on the defensive by her husband because she wants to play Bingo. Good for her that she keeps track of her Bingo spending (everybody should!), but the reason should not be so that she can justify an activity to him. When was the last time she challenged him on how much he spends on beer or what a waste of money it is to have 10 TV sports cable channels? But she probably wouldn’t because she sounds much too thoughtful. My advice to her would be to keep her budget to herself and not try and justify a single penny of her Bingo spending. What is important is that she knows her spending limit and sticks to it. —Melanie J., Illinois Dear Aunt Bingo, When people retire there is a definite change to income and expenses that needs to be monitored. My guess is that the man expressing his concern to his wife about how much she is spending on Bingo may have something to do with that—especially if he has crunched the numbers and is worried over a savings shortfall. When your income flow changes with retirement, your initial assumption may be that there isn’t going to be enough money for the years to come. At first, a person may “adjust” by pinching every penny— buying day-old bread, shopping clearance racks and stockpiling 99-cents-a-pound chicken, for example—until he or she becomes more confident that the money will last. I suspect that this is exactly where the husband’s thinking stands right now regarding his wife’s Bingo. He sees it as money being frittered away that should be saved for food, shelter and heat. For the wife, it is entertainment that enhances her quality of life. She has a better understanding of what retirement can and should be—a time to go places and do things freely. He is stuck in a mindset that the only smart thing to do is sit in an armchair at home and not spend a penny more than absolutely necessary. Eventually he will realize that this is existing, not living. Until then, she should stick to her guns and enjoy Bingo, and whatever other activities she wants to enjoy, as much as she wants, as long as she enjoys them within reason and keeps an eye on that budget. —Ray W., Washington, via email Dear Aunt Bingo, The husband who is bothered by his wife’s Bingo playing should be grateful she isn’t spending her retirement years hanging out at bars and going to male strip clubs with her girlfriends! Share your views! Write to Aunt Bingo c/o the Bingo Bugle, P.O. Box 527, Vashon, Washington 98070, or email her at Be sure to include your name and address (you can request that your name not be published), as typically she will not include anonymous letters in her columns. Readers Responses ■ Enjoy Bingo during your retirement Dear Readers: In last month’s column, I shared comments from readers who wrote in about a letter from a woman who recently retired and was now enjoying the freedom to play more Bingo. Her issue was that her retiree husband was complaining that she was playing Bingo too much and spending too much money on it. Following are more letters and emails from readers weighing in on the subject. —Aunt Bingo Page 6; Bingo Bugle (Nevada) September 2016 Page 7; Bingo Bugle (Nevada) September 2016 Page 8; Bingo Bugle (Nevada) September 2016 Page 9; Bingo Bugle (Nevada) September 2016 Bingo crew got patriotic in its support for Team USA! Green Valley Ranch Stacey Mayberry $13,700 Dual Daub plus additional $6,250 Cannery Marvin and Anne Joachim Wickenburg, AZ Anne won $50,000 South Point $500,000 Super Gala Phillip Chandler and family - $7,500 Gold Coast Power Bingo Event Herman M. and Minnie $2,300 Big 3 Green Valley Ranch Page 10; Bingo Bugle (Nevada) September 2016 Linda Ramirez Mike (Bingo Director) Jerry’s Nugget Page 11; Bingo Bugle (Nevada) September 2016 Page 12; Bingo Bugle (Nevada) September 2016 Page 13; Bingo Bugle (Nevada) September 2016 Page 14; Bingo Bugle (Nevada) September 2016 THE BINGO BUGLE NEWSPAPERS Hotlines, Information Numbers & Websites Listings Power Bingo Costume Contest Winners 1st Place - Fr. Ernest, 2nd Place - Sue S., 3rd Place - Ebony R. Sam’s Town Bingo Hall Maria - $32,721 Dual Daub Shown with agent Maria Suncoast Jeanne Aparis - GA $5,000 3rd Chance Coverall Plaza $150,000 Super Bingo ARIZONA Phoemix. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (830) 885-4818 Tucson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (520) 797-6555 CALIFORNIA Central . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (559) 907-7215 Los Angeles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oakland/E Bay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (925) 829-2009 Orange County . . . . . . . . . . . . . Riverside . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sacramento . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (916) 421-5512 San Bernardino . . . . . . . . . . . . San Diego/Santa Barbara . . . . . San Francisco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (925) 829-2009 San Jose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (925) 829-2009 Santa Barbara & Ventura . . . . . . Marin, Sonoma, Lake, Napa & Salono Counties . . . . . . . . . . . (925) 829-2009 COLORADO Denver. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (303) 458-6601 FLORIDA Cape Coral/Ft. Myers . . . . . . . . . . (239) 945-4830 Tampa/St. Petersburg. . . . . . . . . . . (954) 776-3322 Central/East Coast. . . . . . . . . . . . . (954) 776-3322 IDAHO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (888) 478-3088 ILLINOIS Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (708) 579-3629 Rockford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (815) 547-1096 South Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (800) 938-1285 INDIANA Indianapolis Metro & Fort Wayne Metro . . . . . . . . . . . . (765) 348-2859 Northwest Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . (800) 938-1285 KANSAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (785) 654-3939 MAINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (207) 883-4582 MARYLAND South Maryland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (540) 943-0898 MICHIGAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (616) 784-9344 Where Can I play Bingo? I found out on my local Bingo Bugle’s website MINNESOTA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (651) 600-9019 MISSOURI West Missouri. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (816) 822-1940 NEVADA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (702) 269-3300 NEW HAMPSHIRE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (603) 382-4800 NEW MEXICO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (866) 443-4373 NEW YORK Western New York/Buffalo . . . . . . . (800) 938-1285 Syracuse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (315) 451-1071 Long Island . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (516) 797-0224 OHIO Cleveland/Akron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (877) 210-5700 Columbus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (877) 210-5700 North Central Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . . (877) 210-5700 OREGON Portland Metro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (360) 798-0391 Oregon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (888) 478-3088 TEXAS Austin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (830) 885-4831 Houston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (800) 459-9558 San Antonio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (830) 885-4831 VIRGINIA Richmond/Petersburg . . . . . . . . . . (804) 615-6977 Lynchburg/Roanoke . . . . . . . . . . . (434) 239-3072 Norfolk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (800) 938-1285 WASHINGTON Seattle/Everett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (206) 453-5756 Tacoma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (360) 798-0391 Vancouver & SW Washington. . . . (360) 798-0391 Eastern Washington . . . . . . . . . . . . (888) 478-3088 WASHINGTON D.C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (804) 615-6977 WISCONSIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (414) 327-0705 BINGO INFORMATION ON THE WEB! Locate information on your favorite bingo games and cash balls on the web. NEVADA BINGO BUGLE WEBSITE ARIZONA CHARLIE’S BOULDER STATION PLAZA RAMPART CASINO RED ROCK CANNERY EASTSIDE CANNERY SAM’S TOWN SANDS REGENCY ELDORADO FIESTA HENDERSON SANTA FE STATION SILVER SEVENS FIESTA RANCHO SOUTH POINT GOLD COAST GREEN VALLEY RANCH SUNCOAST SUNSET STATION JERRY’S NUGGET TEXAS STATION NUGGET RENO PAHRUMP NUGGET Estelits Daigle and Rose $7,500 Gold Coast Power Bingo Event PALACE STATION ALIANTE Eric and Tom Teuchtler with Team Member Kerry Eric won $250 Stations $100,000 Matinee - Red Rock NEVADA CASH BALL UPDATES! VIRGIN RIVER Josephine and Leslie - NY Josephine won $260 Stations $100,000 Matinee Boulder Station Page 15; Bingo Bugle (Nevada) September 2016 Page 16; Bingo Bugle (Nevada) September 2016 Gnady Resham - $500 Conchita Chua - $500 Leticia Nolasco - $500 Lotteries ■ Skill or Dumb Luck MIT students discovered that by buying $600,000 worth of lottery tickets in the Massachusetts Cash Win All Lottery they could get a 10-15% return on their investment. Over seven years, they managed to accumulate a profit of $8 million through this method. —Crazy Facts Carol Wainwright - $500 Patricia Carrington - $250 Barbara Amey - $500 Jennifer Ortiz - $500 Irene Vigil - $1,000 Dolores Goodeagle - $1,000 Update! Yours truly, the author of this column, is on another l-o-n-g losing streak. To my regular readers, this is not big news. The big news would be if I were on a huge winning streak and yelling Bingo multiple times while collecting gobs of cash. Yeah, I dream of that day. In the meantime, I continue to play Bingo, buy lottery tickets, and visit casinos at every opportunity just in case Lady Luck blows me a kiss instead of telling me to kiss her butt. Richard, my little brother, loves to tease me about my playing the lottery. He knows that I frequently buy scratch off tickets so that’s what I get from him on my birthday and any other day he feels like tormenting me. The kicker is that most of the time he scratches off the tickets before he gives them to me. His version is that he’s saving me time. My version is that he keeps the winning tickets and gives me his losers. It doesn’t really matter because what’s important is that my brother cares enough about me to aggravate me mightily. I consider it tit for tat though as I’ve been known to return the favor with lottery tickets I’ve already cashed. As many others do, I buy a few extra tickets when the lottery jackpots grow into the super jackpots of millions of dollars. I don’t go overboard though. After all, I only need one ticket to win. Yes, the odds against me are huge; around one in 176,000,000 for Powerball and Mega Millions. That’s worse odds than if I were to be killed by a vending machine falling on top of me, one in 112 million. Recently I read about a former Stanford University math professor who specialized in statistics. This person won four different lotteries. First, she won $5.4 million, then a decade later, she won $2 million; then two years later $3 million and finally in the summer of 2010, she hit a $10 million dollar jackpot. The odds of this happening have been calculated at one in eighteen septillion. Was it blind luck or since she was a mathematician did she figure out an edge? Only she knows, but regardless, she won a boatload of money. So how did she spend it? Did she save some for a rainy day or did she spend it all? According to the New York Daily News, seventy percent of lottery winners spend all their winnings within seven years. How stupid is that! I’d like to have the chance to prove I’m smarter than those dummies. And speaking of dummies, to claim a lottery prize in Canada you have to answer a math question. Uh-oh. I better not win big in Canada. I’d never get my money as math is not my strongpoint. Until next month may Lady Luck blow you kisses as you dance out the door with dollars. Win big! JACKPOT PHONE NUMBER Molly Silva - $500 Arleen DeGregorio - $500 Susan Cox - $1,000 Maria Johnson - $500 Linda Jurczeski - $500 Patricia Malone - $500 Sherry Diner - $1,000 Susan Niemi - $500 Erlinda Alfonso - $1,000 Some of the Happy Winners on August 7th Gold Coast $25,000 Bingo Event Just dial our Jackpot phone number, 702-269-3300 and listen to the first message. If you want Jackpot information in the Northwest & Southwest of Las Vegas push the #1 on your telephone (Rampart, Santa Fe, Fiesta Rancho, Texas, Suncoast, Arizona Charlie’s Decatur, Palace, Gold Coast, Red Rock and Aliante). For Jackpot information in the Northeast & Southeast push the #2 on your telephone (South Point, Poker Palace, Cannery Eastside, Jerry’s Nugget, Cannery, Boulder, Sam’s Town, Arizona Charlie’s Boulder and Silver Sevens). For Jackpot information in Downtown Las Vegas, Henderson, Laughlin, Mesquite, Pahrump and Reno push the #3 on your telephone (Eldorado, Fiesta Henderson, Sunset, Plaza, Green Valley Ranch, Pahrump Nugget, Nugget, Sands and Virgin River). Listen to the announcement and it will explain everything you need to know to completely understand the system. QUICK CODE SYSTEM: CASINO AREA CODE NORTHWEST AND SOUTHWEST Rampart Santa Fe Station Fiesta Rancho Texas Station Suncoast Arizona Charlie’s Decatur Palace Station Gold Coast Red Rock Aliante 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 NORTHEAST AND SOUTHEAST South Point Poker Palace Cannery Eastside Jerry’s Nugget Cannery Boulder Station Sam’s Town Arizona Charlie’s Boulder Silver Sevens 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 DOWNTOWN LV, HENDERSON, PAHRUMP AND RENO Eldorado 3 31 Fiesta Henderson 3 32 Sunset Station 3 33 Plaza 3 34 Green Valley Ranch 3 35 Pahrump Nugget 3 36 Nugget 3 37 Sands Regency 3 38 Virgin River 3 39 To repeat a message, Press 1. For address, session times and casino phone number, Press 2. To go back to the main menu and listen to another Casino Jackpot message, Press 9 702-269-3300 Page 17; Bingo Bugle (Nevada) September 2016 Page 18; Bingo Bugle (Nevada) September 2016 Page 19; Bingo Bugle (Nevada) September 2016 Page 20; Bingo Bugle (Nevada) September 2016 Page 21; Bingo Bugle (Nevada) September 2016 Page 22; Bingo Bugle (Nevada) September 2016 Page 23; Bingo Bugle (Nevada) September 2016 Hurtigruten 7-Day Norway Voyage For Two Sweepstakes 1 Grand prize: 7-day Hurtigruten Norway Voyage for two—does not include airfare to/from port ($2,500). To enter: On a 3x5” card, print your name, address, phone #, and e-mail address. Mail in a #10 envelope. Only 1 entry per person. Mail to: 5 to 7-day Norway Voyage for Two Sweepstakes - Hurtigruten USA 320 120th Ave NE Suite 100 Bellevue, WA 98005 Deadline: Postmarked by September 30, 2016 and received by October 7, 2016. ------------------------------Open to legal residents of the U.S. and Canada 18 or over, void in Quebec. Entries also online at Telemarketing scams ■ How to detect and prevent Dear Savvy Senior, Can you recommend some tips to help protect seniors from telemarketing scams? My 80-year-old mother has been swindled out of several hundred dollars over the past year and keeps getting calls from scam artists. Worried Daughter Dear Worried, Telemarketing fraud is a big problem in the United States, particularly among seniors who tend to be the most vulnerable and frequently targeted. Here’s what you should know, along with some tips to help protect your mom. Phone Fraud According to FBI reports, there are around 14,000 illegal telemarketing operations that steal more than $40 billion from unsuspecting citizens each year—most of whom are over the age of 60. Telemarketing fraud happens when a con artist calls you up posing as a legitimate telemarketer and tries to cheat you out of your money by offering things like free prizes, vacation packages, sweepstakes or lottery winnings, discount medical or prescription drug plans, buying club memberships, credit and loan promises, investment and work-at-home opportunities and more. They also usually demand that you act right away and require some kind of up-front payment to participate or receive your winnings, which is always a red flag that the call is a scam. Seniors also need to be careful of fake charity and fundraising phone scams, home improvement scams, fake checks (see, grandparent scams, and invitations to free lunch seminars. What You Can Do The first thing you should do to help your mom steer clear of phone scams is to alert her to the problem and how to recognize it. To help you with this, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) offers a consumer education website at that provides a rundown on some of the most common phone scams making the rounds these days and what to watch for. They also offer some helpful publications you can get for her like Putting Telephone Scams on Hold and Who’s Calling? Rec- Glen and Joyce Glommen Las Vegas Cannery Dorine Barber Loretta Messer Kingman, AZ Stations $100,000 Matinee Palace Station ognize & Report Phone Fraud that you can order for free by calling 877-382-4357. The next step is to remind her to never give out her personal information like her credit card number, checking or savings account numbers, Social Security number or mailing address to telemarketers no matter what they promise or tell her. If she’s getting calls from telemarketers requesting this information, she should simply hang up the phone because it’s a scam. If, however, your mom is having a hard time recognizing a scam or hanging up on pushy telemarketers, get her a caller ID and tell her not to pick up unless she recognizes the number of the caller. Or, ask her to let the calls go to voice mail. Telemarketers rarely leave messages. Also, make sure her phone number is registered with the National Do Not Call Registry—which will significantly cut down the number of telemarketing calls she receives. You can register your mom’s phone number for free at, or by calling 888-382-1222 from the number you wish to register. Unfortunately, being on the registry will not stop calls from political organizations, charities, pollsters and companies that your mom has an existing business relationship with. And, it won’t stop telemarketing scams either. If your mom is getting a lot of calls, discuss the possibility of changing her phone number. Scam artists trade and sell what they call “suckers lists” of prior victims, and the only way to get her off these lists may be to change her number. Report It It’s also important that you or your mom report any suspicious telemarketing calls she gets to the FTC (see or call 877-382-4357) and to her State Attorney General. Reporting it helps law enforcement officials track down these scam artists and stop them. You’ll need to provide the telemarketer’s phone number, as well as the date and time of the call. Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of The Savvy Senior book. Page 24; Bingo Bugle (Nevada) September 2016 Carol - $14,000 Cash Ball Surrounded by Palace Station Agents and Friend Palace Station Angela Sanders, Carolyn Norman, Doreen Ahia and Cheryl Adler South Point $5000,000 Super Gala Lucky winners! Suncoast $30,000 Sizzlin’ Summer Bugle Cruise News ■ A solo traveler is back in the game By Jeffrey Charboneau Special to the Bingo Bugle It has been four years since Donna McAlary, 75, of Manteka, California, last enjoyed the fun and excitement of the World Championship Bingo Tournament & Gaming Cruise. “I’ve been on a lot of them, at least nine or ten,” says Donna, who has sailed with friends, with her late husband, Stuart, and also on her own. “Eventually Stuart couldn’t travel, and he passed away in 2014. Now it feels like it’s time to get back on the ship and enjoy a cruise again.” Donna has made many Bingo Tournament Cruise friends over the years and says she is looking forward to seeing them again. “That’s one of the nice things about the Bingo cruise,” she says. “After you’ve gone a few times you begin to feel an atmosphere of extended family.” This will be Donna’s second time traveling solo, which she has discovered has certain benefits. “You can do what you want and not have to worry about what your travel companions want to do, like going on tours you’ve been on before,” she says. “I can relax in my private room on the balcony, explore the ship and visit the shops on my own, and then meet up with other players for dinner or the shows. It’s a pretty good arrangement.” In fact, Donna says that with the World Championship Bingo Tournament & Gaming Cruise you can “practically leave your brain at home.” “Once you get on the ship, there’s no more rushing, no more packing and unpacking, just exploring what the ship gives you and doing whatever you feel like at that moment.” Along with the Bingo Tournament, Donna has been a regular player in the annual Sizzling Slots Tournament. This year she has decided to pull out all the stops by playing in the Blackjack and Texas Hold ’em tournaments as well. “They all look like so much fun and I’ve wanted to try them before, so I decided this will be the year,” she says. “Between all the tournaments and playing in the casino, you can really get your fill.” Away from all that gaming, Donna likes to seek out the live music being performed aboard ship and watch the couples dancing. Will she do a little dancing herself? “Well, I do enjoy it,” she says. “Maybe I’ll work up the courage to ask someone to join me on the dance floor. That does sound fun.” The World Championship Bingo Tournament & Gaming Cruise is a vacation adventure not to be missed. For more information on this unparalleled travel experience, phone the Bingo Bugle Tournament Cruise Hotline at 888-352-2464 or visit us online at DAILY SESSION TIMES 11AM - 1PM - 7PM - 9PM FRI., SAT. & SUN. 3PM & 5PM FRI. & SAT. 11PM 2757 N. Las Vegas Bl. • 702-657-4247 SEPTEMBER’S TREASURES TREASURE BALL** KICK-OFF BALL** EVERY WEDNESDAY IN SEPT. - ALL SESSIONS Bingo on the Treasure Ball and win an additional THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8TH - ALL SESSIONS Bingo on the Kick-Off Ball and win an additional $1,000! $1,000! With Validation With Validation DOUBLE ACTION EVERY SESSION MONDAY THRU THURSDAY IN SEPTEMBER $1,000 GUARANTEED COVERALL EVERY FRIDAY & SATURDAY 7PM DOUBLE ACTION SESSIONS FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 11AM & 9PM FREE BINGO TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS 9AM SESSION (With a minimum weekly spend of $15 Poker Palace Bingo receipt(s) from previous week) SEPTEMBER GIVEAWAYS THURSDAY, SEPT. 1ST SPORTS BOTTLES* SUNDAY, SEPT. 11TH SUN VISOR* ALL PLAYERS, ALL SESSIONS CASINO MINIMUM BUY-IN REQUIRED $500 CASINO WEEKLY DRAWINGS** Friday & Saturday Win $500 to $10,000 6:30PM, 8:30PM & 10:30PM MANAGER’S SPECIAL Buy 3 Small Rainbows and GET 2 FREE! EVERY DAY EVERY SESSION SUNDAY DRAWINGS** WIN UP TO $1,000 ON THE WHEEL SPIN** EVERY SUNDAY & TUESDAY 11AM 2nd Single Winner of the Session Gets to Spin the Wheel 2:30PM & 4:30PM FREE RAINBOW PACK 1PM AND 7PM SESSIONS WITH MINIMUM BUY-IN FREE BLUE PACKS EVERY FRI, SAT. AND SUNDAY JUST SHOW YOUR SLOT CARD AND I.D. IN THE BINGO ROOM. One per person per day. Minimum Buy-in Required. Not valid with other offers or coupons. *WHILE SUPPLIES LAST -**RULES POSTED IN BINGO ROOM MANAGEMENT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CANCEL OR CHANGE PROMOTIONS OR SPECIALS AT ANY TIME. PROMOTION RULES ARE POSTED IN CASINO Page 25; Bingo Bugle (Nevada) September 2016 BUFFET LISTING ALIANTE Medley Buffet, B, Mon-Fri 7-11am, $5.99; L, Mon-Thu 11am-4pm, $8.99; L, Fri 11am-3pm, $8.99; D, Sun-Thu 4-9pm, $10.99; D, FriSeafood Night 4-9pm, $19.99; Sat-Steak Night 4-9pm, $15.99; Sat & Sun Brunch, 7am-3pm, $10.99 (All prices are with Players Club Discount) ARIZONA CHARLIE’S BOULDER B, 8-10:30am, $7.32 (RGO$5.49/B$6.59); L, 11am-3pm, $9.32 (RGO$6.99/B$8.39); DMon,Wed&Thu 4-8pm, $11.99 (RGO$8.99/ B$10.79); D-Fri&Sat 4-9pm and Sun&Tue 48pm, $13.32 (RGO$9.99/B$11.99); Sunday Brunch 8-3pm, $11.99 (RGO$8.99/B$10.79) (RGO-ace Red-Green-Orange/B-aceBlue) ARIZONA CHARLIE’S DECATUR B, 8-10:30am, $7.99 (RGO$5.99/B$7.19); L, 11am-3:30pm, $9.99 (RGO$7.49/B$8.99); D-SunThur 4-8pm, $11.99 (RGO$8.99/B$10.79); DFri&Sat 4-9pm, $14.65 (RGO$10.99/B$13.19); Sunday Brunch 8-3:30pm, $11.99 (RGO$8.99/ B$10.79) (RGO-ace Red-Green-Orange/B-aceBlue) BOULDER STATION Feast Buffet, B, 8-11am, $5.99 (WBP$7.99); L, 11am-4pm, $7.99 (WBP$10.99); D, 4-9pm, $9.99 (WBP$14.99); Sunday Brunch, 8am-4pm, $9.99 (WBP$14.99) WBP (Without Boarding Pass) FIESTA HENDERSON Festival Buffet L, 11am-4pm, $6.99 (WBP$9.99); D, 4-9pm, $8.99 (WBP$12.99); Saturday and Sunday Brunch, 8am-4pm, $8.99 (WBP$12.99) WBP (Without Boarding Pass) FIESTA RANCHO Festival Buffet L, 11am-4pm, $6.99 (WBP$9.99); D, 4-9pm, $8.99 (WBP$12.99); Tuesday Hawaiian Nights, 4-9pm, $12.99 (WBP$18.99); Saturday Brunch, 8am-4pm, $8.99 (WBP$12.99); Sunday Brunch, 9am-4pm, $8.99 (WBP$12.99) WBP (Without Boarding Pass) GREEN VALLEY RANCH Feast Buffet, B, 8-11am, $7.99 (WBP$9.99); L, 11am-3pm, $9.99 (WBP$12.99); D, 4-9pm, $14.99 (WBP$18.99); Friday “Seafood & Wine”, 4-9pm, $27.99 (WBP$32.99); Saturday Prime Rib, 4-9pm, $16.99 (WBP$21.99); Sunday Brunch, 8am-3:30pm, $14.99 (WBP$19.99) WBP (Without Boarding Pass) GOLD COAST Ports ‘O Call Buffet, B, 7-10 a.m., $6.95; L, 11a.m.-3p.m., $8.45, D, 4-9 p.m.; $12.95; Sunday Brunch, 8a.m.-3p.m., $12.95; Sunday Steak Night $13.95; Thursday Night Seafood $17.95. PALACE STATION Feast Buffet, B, 7-11am, $5.99 (WBP$7.99); L, 11am-4pm, $6.99 (WBP$10.99); D, 4-9pm, $7.99 (WBP$14.99); Sunday Brunch, 7am-4pm, $9.99 (WBP$14.99) WBP (Without Boarding Pass) RAMPART L, 11am-3pm, $7.99 (WRR$9.99); D Sunday thru Wednesday, 4-9pm, $13.99 (WRR$15.99); D Thursday thru Saturday, 4-9pm, $16.99 (WRR$18.99); Saturday and Sunday Brunch, 9am-3pm, $12.99 (WRR$14.99) WRR (Without Re- Use Science to Get Kids to Eat Veggies Parents often ask me for suggestions about ways to get their children to eat their vegetables. I’ve always believed that teaching children from an early age about the importance of nutrition is one of the best ways to get them to eat healthy as adults. In a new paper in Psychological Science, Sarah Gripshover and Ellen Markman of Stanford University have shown that scientists can help overcome the child-vegetable repulsive principle. Remarkably, the scientists in question are the children themselves. It turns out that, by giving preschoolers a new theory of nutrition, you can get them to eat more vegetables. Preschoolers already have some of the elements of an intuitive theory of biology. They understand that invisible germs can make you sick and that eating helps make you healthy, even if they don’t get all the details. The more information that they have about nutrition, the better their food choices will be. The Stanford researchers got teachers to read 4- and 5-year-olds a series of story books for several weeks. The stories gave the children a more detailed but still accessible theory of nutrition. They explained that food is made up of different invisible parts, the equivalent of nutrients; that when you eat, your body breaks up the food into those parts; and that different kinds of food have different invisible parts. They also explained that your body needs different nutrients to do different things, so that to function well you need to take in a lot of different nutrients. Under controlled conditions, the teachers read children similar stories based on the current U.S. Department of Agriculture website for healthy nutrition. These stories also talked about healthy eating and encouraged it. But they didn’t provide any causal framework to explain how eating works or why you should eat better. The researchers then asked children questions to test whether they had acquired a deeper understanding of nutrition. And at snack time they offered the chil- dren vegetables as well as fruit, cheese and crackers. The children who had heard the theoretical stories understood the concepts better. More strikingly, they also were more likely to pick the vegetables at snack time. You can find age-appropriate books about healthy eating in your local library, and tips for teaching children about nutrition online. Taking your children to the grocery store and letting them help you in the kitchen also are two great ways to teach children healthy habits and skills. Involve your children in the cooking process and incorporate vegetables into a family recipe with these easy-to-make Barbeque Chicken Burgers. You can pick up a rotisserie chicken or shred a few pieces of leftover baked or fried chicken (with the skin removed) and mix it with the rest of the ingredients. This recipe also freezes well, so you can make “fast food” at home. BARBEQUE CHICKEN BURGERS 2 to 2-1/2 1 1/2 1/2 1 1 1 1/2 4 cups shredded cooked chicken cups barbeque sauce tablespoon chili powder tablespoon Worcestershire sauce tablespoon honey mustard (or 1 tablespoon mustard plus 1/4 teaspoon honey) cups shredded coleslaw mix small whole-wheat sandwich buns Lettuce, pickles, onions (optional) 1. Combine chicken, barbecue sauce, chili powder, Worcestershire sauce and honey mustard in a microwave-safe bowl. Microwave on high for 5 minutes. Stir in the coleslaw mix. 2. Top the bun with equal portions of chicken mixture, and lettuce, pickles and onions, if desired. Angela Shelf Medearis is an award-winning children’s author, culinary historian and author of seven cookbooks. Her new cookbook is The Kitchen Diva’s Diabetic Cookbook. Her website is To see how-to videos, recipes and much, much more, Like Angela Shelf Medearis, The Kitchen Diva! on Facebook and go to Read Gina Harlow’s blog about food and gardening at Recipes may not be reprinted without permission from Angela Shelf Medearis. © King Features RED ROCK Boarding Pass) SAM’S TOWN The Firelight Buffet, B, Mon.-Sat. 7am-10am $5.99(WBC$8.99); L, Mon.-Fri.11am-3pm $7.99 (WBC$10.99); D, Sun.-Thu 4pm-9pm $9.99(WPC$14.99); Fri. & Sat. 4pm-9pm $12.99(WPC$17.99); Sun Brunch 8am-3pm $9.99(WBC$12.99) WBC (Without B Connected Card) SANTA FE STATION Feast Buffet, B, 8-11am, $5.99 (WBP$8.99); L, 11am-4pm, $7.99 (WBP$10.99); D, 4-9pm, $10.99 (WBP$15.99); Saturday Prime Rib & Shrimp, 4-9pm, $13.99 (WBP$18.99); Sunday Brunch, 8am-4pm, $10.99 (WBP$15.99) WBP BUFFET LISTING CONTINUED SUNCOAST St. Tropez Buffet, B, 8-11a.m., $6.99; L, 11a.m.4p.m., $8.99; D, 4-10p.m., $12.99, Tue-$13.99, Fri-$17.99; Sunday Brunch 8a.m.-4p.m., $12.99; Hours vary on Fri, Sat & Sun. SUNSET STATION (Without Boarding Pass) Feast Buffet, B, 8-11am, $4.99 (WBP$7.99); L, 11am-4pm, $7.99 (WBP$10.99); D, 4-9pm, $9.99 (WBP$14.99); Sunday Brunch, 8am-4pm, $9.99 (WBP$14.99) WBP (Without Boarding Pass) SOUTH POINT TEXAS STATION B, 7-10a.m., $6.95; L, M-F-11a.m.-3p.m., $9.95; D, Sun-T-W-Th-4-9p.m. Sat 4-10p.m., $14.95; M-4-9p.m., $15.95; F-4-10p.m., $18.95; Sat/Sun Brunch 8a.m.-3p.m., $13.95 Feast Buffet, B, 8-11am, $4.99 (WBP$7.99); L, 11am-4pm, $7.99 (WBP$10.99); D, 4-9pm, $9.99 (WBP$14.99); Sunday Brunch, 8am-4pm, $9.99 (WBP$14.99) WBP (Without Boarding Pass) Page 26; Bingo Bugle (Nevada) September 2016 Julie Mertens $1,000 Gold Coast $25,000 Bingo Event MARTHA’S BARBECUE SAUCE 2 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 large sweet onion, minced 2 cups tomato puree (16 oz.) 1/3 cup Dijon mustard 1/2 cup fresh lemon juice (several lemons) 1/2 cup firmly packed brown sugar 1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce 1/4 cup hot pepper sauce 1/2 teaspoon ground allspice 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger 1/2 cup water salt, to taste freshly ground pepper, to taste Using a large saucepan, warm the oil over a medium heat. Add the minced onion and saute until soft, about 10 minutes. Add the remaining ingredients and stir well. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat to low and simmer slowly, until the sauce thickens. This should take about 20 minutes. Remove from the heat and let cool. Use immediately. Freeze the leftovers. Makes about 4 cups. sort Rewards Card) Feast Buffet, B, 8-11am, $6.99 (WBP$9.99); L, 11am-3pm, $8.99 (WBP$11.99); D, 4-9pm, $13.99 (WBP$18.99); Saturday Prime Rib, 49pm, $16.99 (WBP$21.99); Sunday Brunch, 8am-3pm, $13.99 (WBP$18.99) WBP (Without Sharon Eskin from Florida $1,000 Winner with Agent Denise Sam’s Town Power Bingo Event Barbeque! ■ A dear friend shares a classic Dear Annie, Have you ever made your own barbecue sauce? I would like to try doing this. Can you help me please. Carole Sue from Madison, Wisconsin Dear Carole Sue, Here is a recipe given to me by a dear friend many years ago. My family always liked it. I hope yours does, too. —Annie Dear Readers, Here’s a real simple recipe for those of you who love to barbecue. I buy fresh corn on the cob. I remove the husks completely. I allow the cleaned corn to soak in cold water for about 20 minutes to add moisture to the kernels. I rub soft butter on the corn. I grill the corn on the barbecue, turning frequently. If you like the corn crispy allow it to turn brown or black. Serve immediately, adding additional butter if desired. I love this corn. —Annie Your comments and questions about cooking and entertaining will be addressed in this monthly column. Write to “Ask Annie” c/o Annie Ennis, 8312 SE 168th Trinity Place, The Villages, Florida 32162.So Ask Annie. Don’t forget you can E-mail me at And let’s get cooking. Patrick M. - Over $17,000 with Agents Ruth and Beverly Green Valley Ranch Derrick - $1,526 “R” Ball Rampart Casino Jacqueline F. $2,000 Dual Daub Suncoast $30,000 Sizzlin’ Summer Page 27; Bingo Bugle (Nevada) September 2016 Recliner Giveaway Winners Barb, Barbara, Flicitas, Joe and Vito Sam’s Town Bingo Hall Sherrill and Charles Carter - KS Charles won $1,000 South Point $500,000 Super Gala Eva M. Flores El Paso, TX Gold Coast Power Bingo Event Bildred Monroe and Claudia Smith Poker Palace Javier Montoya - $500 Las Cruces, NM Stations $100,000 Matinee Red Rock Page 28; Bingo Bugle (Nevada) September 2016 Masako Wilson $1,000 Gold Coast $25,000 Bingo Event Elena Camerer - $1,550 Cash Ball Pictured with Beth Moore and bingo agent Steve Aliante All Paper Bingo Maria - $3,771 Cash Ball pictured with friend, Priscilla Suncoast Joseph Paino $1,321 Cash Ball Sunset Station Thermanetta Green with Bingo Buddy and Susan Niemi Each won $500 Gold Coast $25,000 Bingo Event Angela Stonum Jerry’s Nugget Pauline and Robert Dibbert $4,771 Cash Ball Winners Eastside Cannery Page 29; Bingo Bugle (Nevada) September 2016 Peggy Hudson $1,000 Gold Coast $25,000 Bingo Event Nia Hunt - Tehachapi, CA Big winner last Power Bingo Suncoast Power Bingo Event Bob $1,535 Cash Ball Winner Eastside Cannery Jo Gowda - $100 Jerry’s Nugget See All The CashBalls At A Glance! Bingo Bugle has a new alternative to all the phone calls you have been making to find CashBalls. It's the new CashBall Update website. Combined with our Daily Daub Forum messages, you can tell everyone your biggest win or leave a message you want bingo players to read. Our website is also cell phone friendly. DESIGNED FOR BINGO PLAYERS! Page 30; Bingo Bugle (Nevada) September 2016 William and Frances Gates - Frances won $1,500 Cash Ball Aliante All Paper Bingo Sara Torres - $150 with Janet Padilla Las Vegas Poker Palace James - $4,316 Hot Ball Sam’s Town Bingo Hall Myrna and Keith Johnson – Henderson - Keith’s 65th Birthday! Eldorado Bingo - Henderson Tom Perrotta - $200 Leanordtown, MD South Point $500,000 Super Gala Kenny Lemons - $5,000 Gold Coast Power Bingo Event Page 31; Bingo Bugle (Nevada) September 2016 by Linda Thistle Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each small 9-box square contains all fo the numbers from one to nine. Difficulty this month: ★★★ FIND AT LEAST 6 DIFFERENCES BETWEEN PANELS ★ Moderate ★★ Challenging ★★★ HOO BOY! HOW TO PLAY: Read the list of words. Look at the puzzle. You’ll find these words in all directions-horizontally, vertically, diagonally, backwards. Draw a circle around each letter of a word found in the puzzle, then strike it off the list. Circling it will show a letter has been used but will leave it visible should it also form part of another word. Find the big words first. When letters of all listed words are circled, you’ll have the given number of letters left over. They’ll spell out your MAGICWORD. ACROSS 1 Revisiting the past? 11 __ shot 15 “Been there” 16 Country with a green, yellow and red flag 17 Israelites, to many 18 Hone 19 The sport of shooting, in Soissons 20 Took in 21 Finn’s friend 23 Sarah McLachlan’s record label 25 Chinese port also known as Xiamen 27 2012 games host country, in Olympics code 28 Come to 29 Like some boxers 31 “Who __ we kidding?” 32 Personification 34 Tales you can also read backwards? 36 Fakes 39 “To reiterate ...” 41 Notable Nixon gesture 42 Jenny Fields’s son, in a 1978 best-seller 44 Luv 45 Talked up 47 Certain dieter’s concern 51 Go (for) 52 Objects 53 Glassy-eyed one 55 Brand named for two states 57 __ favor 58 Whitman of “Arrested Development” 59 Essex neighbor 60 Female pop trio since 1979 64 Go back, in a way 65 Only place on Earth where crocodiles and alligators co exist 66 Lowly worker 67 Pans, and how DOWN 1 Popular mint 2 Mariner from Japan 3 “The Piano” extras 4 USNA grad 5 Pay for 6 Airport offering 7 Succulent genus 8 Cargo carrier 9 Summer abroad 10 Good thing to learn 11 Duck in the Eurasian taiga 12 Singer known for unconventional outfits 13 Basic math course 14 Second-least populous st. capital 22 Bridge response 24 Immortal college coach 25 Santa __ 26 Illusion 30 Ready to father 33 Let it all out 35 Shepherd-protecting org. 36 KOA amenity 37 Petroleum processing by product 38 Pioneer in side-scrolling video games 40 Tearjerkers of a kind 43 61-Down crossers: Abbr. 46 How some stunts are done 48 Fighting force 49 Hole widener 50 One may come with wings 54 Refrain from singing? 56 “Bring __!” 57 Tudor widow 61 See 43-Down 62 Gp. for teachers 63 Emulate Sir Mix-A-Lot Unscramble these four words, one letter to each square, to form four ordinary words. © Tribune Media Services COFFEE BREAK ANSWERS NOW ON ASTROLOGY PAGE Page 32; Bingo Bugle (Nevada) September 2016 BUSINESS BOX ADS BUSINESS BOX ADS BUSINESS BOX ADS E V A D A BINGO SUPPLIERS Store Hours: Mon. - Sat. 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Cheesecakes - Pies - Muffins Candies & More • SERVICING BINGO HALLS • OLATES BOXED CHOCTS FOR AND BASKE IONS ALL OCCAS ic & For the DiabetAlike Non-Diabetic FORTUNET "BINGO STAR" (702) 796-9090 One of the great things about writing this column is opening the mail sent to I don’t get to answer all the letters. And, there is not room here to relay all of them. But, I want you all to know that each letter is important. I recently got a note from a woman named Diane who wants some suggestions about the best places to live in Las Vegas for someone on a fixed income. I would suggest that she simply search the Internet for “senior housing, Clark County, Nevada.” It would seem that Diane really wants to be near Bingo. She wants to find a part-time job working at a Bingo hall. “My heart, Bob, is in Vegas Bingo. I want to move there to live,” she writes. Wow, what a great testimony about just how important the game we love the most can be in our lives. Next, a letter from a fellow who iden- tifies himself as “Frustrated.” “Bob, I am writing to you because we have a caller who thinks he’s the best caller in the world. You have to light a fire under him to keep him in motion. I have talked to him and told him that when we have a Bingo winner who is verified, we need to move on. “Not only that, this guy often drops the Bingo balls. He is constantly stopping to sip on his coffee. He over-explains everything, especially when it comes to talking about the various Bingo patterns. He takes up time giving nicknames to many of the numbers. For example, he cannot call B11 without reminding everyone one that that ball is sometimes called ‘chopsticks.’ I-22 is, of course, ‘choo-choo.’ This guy only calls for us when the regular caller is sick. The problem is that many people have told me they won’t be back until this guy is gone.” Frustrated, I understand what you are going through. If this guy is the only fillin you have, then you can’t do much about it. Dealing with personalities is tough, especially when you are the boss but don’t have the power to change very much. It would seem that this guy is the opposite of callers who seem monotone and bored. This guy is over-the-top in the other direction. Finally, Frank wrote to tell me about a caller who loses track of time and her 6 p.m. sessions don’t end until 11 p.m. The answer here may be to be honest with our complaints. We need to stick by those halls that bring us pleasure. We need to work harder to fix the problems and preserve the game we love best. 10% DISCOUNT WITH THIS AD OPEN EVERY FRIDAY SATURDAY & SUNDAY 10AM-6PM FREE ADMISSION WITH THIS COUPON LIMIT 2 PER COUPON U.S. 95 1717 S. Decatur Blvd. at West Oakey 877-0087 Booth Rental Info 862-6211 OAKEY WEST I-15 EAST SAHARA BOULDER HWY More from the mailbag Paula Lemus Gold Coast $25,000 Bingo Event GAMING ARTS, LLC (702) 818-8943 DECATUR William Spickerman III $19,722 Dual Action Santa Fe Station 3466 S. Decatur Bl. Las Vegas 702-362-1243 THE “STRIP” N Page 33; Bingo Bugle (Nevada) September 2016 BINGO & CASINO GUIDE SEE ALL THE CASHBALLS AT A GLANCE! LAS VEGAS ALIANTE 7300 Aliante Parkway, L.V. . . . . . . . . . . . .(702) 692-7777 TIMES: 10am, 12, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10pm; Fri. & Sat. 12am TEXAS STATION 2101 Texas Star Lane, L.V. . . . . . . . . . . . .(702) 631-1000 TIMES: 9, 11am, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11pm HENDERSON ARIZONA CHARLIES BOULDER 4575 Boulder Hwy, L.V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(702) 951-5800 TIMES: 7, 9, 11am, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11pm, 1, 3, 5am ARIZONA CHARLIES DECATUR 740 S. Decatur Blvd., L.V. . . . . . . . . . . . . .(702) 250-5200 TIMES: 7, 9, 11am, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11pm, 1, 3, 5am BOULDER STATION 4111 Boulder Hwy, L.V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(702) 432-7777 TIMES: 9, 11am, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11pm CANNERY EASTSIDE 5255 S. Boulder Hwy, L.V. . . . . . . . . . . . .(702) 856-5402 TIMES: 11am, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9pm; Thu-Sun 9am; Fri & Sat 11pm CANNERY NORTHSIDE 2121 East Craig Road, N. L.V. . . . . . . . . . .(702) 507-5825 TIMES: 11am, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9pm; Fri. & Sat. 11pm ELDORADO S. of Lake Mead on Water St., Henderson(702) 564-1811 TIMES: Sun.-Thu.: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9pm; Fri/Sat.: 3, 5, 7, 9, 11pm FIESTA HENDERSON 777 W. Lake Mead Drive, Henderson . . .(702) 558-7000 TIMES: 9, 11am, 1,3,5,7,9,11pm GREEN VALLEY RANCH 2300 Paseo Verde Parkway, Henderson .(702) 617-7777 TIMES: 9, 11am, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11pm SUNSET STATION 1301 W. Sunset Road, Henderson . . . . . .(702) 547-7777 TIMES: 9, 11am, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11pm LAUGHLIN FIESTA RANCHO 2400 N. Rancho Dr., L.V. . . . . . . . . . . . . .(702) 631-7000 TIMES: 9, 11am, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11pm, 1am GOLD COAST 4000 W. Flamingo Rd., L.V. . . . . . . . . . . . .(702) 367-7111 TIMES: 9, 11am, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11pm JERRY’S NUGGET 1821 Las Vegas Bl. N., N. L.V. . . . . . . . . . .(702) 399-3000 Times: 11am, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9pm; Thu., Fri. & Sat. 11pm PALACE STATION 2411 W. Sahara Ave., L.V. . . . . . . . . . . . .(702) 367-2411 TIMES: 9, 11am, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11pm PLAZA 1 Main Street, L.V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 634-6575 TIMES: 11am, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9pm POKER PALACE 2757 N. Las Vegas Blvd., L.V. . . . . . . . . . .(702) 657-4247 TIMES: 11am, 1, 7, 9pm; Fri-Sat-Sun 3, 5pm; Fri-Sat. 11pm RAMPART CASINO LAUGHLIN RIVER LODGE 2700 S. Casino Dr., Laughlin . . . . . . . . . .(702) 298-2242 TIMES: 9, 11am, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9pm RIVERSIDE 1650 Casino Way, Laughlin . . . . . . . . . . .(702) 298-2535 TIMES: 9, 11am, 1, 3, 5, 7:30, 11pm TROPICANA LAUGHLIN 2121 S. Casino Dr., Laughlin. . . . . . . . . . .(702) 298-4200 TIMES: 9, 11am, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9pm MESQUITE EUREKA CASINO I-15, Exit 122 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 346-4611 TIMES: 9, 11am, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9pm; Fri. & Sat. 11pm VIRGIN RIVER I-15, Exit 122 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(877) 438-2929 TIMES: 9, 11am, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11pm 221 North Rampart Blvd., L.V.. . . . . . . . . .(702) 869-7890 Times: 11am, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9pm; Fri. & Sat. 11pm RED ROCK PAHRUMP GOLD TOWN I-215 at Charleston, L.V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(702) 797-7777 TIMES: 9, 11am, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11pm 771 S. Frontage Road. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(775) 751-7777 TIMES: 9, 11am, 1, 3, 5 & 7pm SAM’S TOWN PAHRUMP NUGGET 5111 Boulder Highway, L.V. . . . . . . . . . . .(702) 456-7777 TIMES: 9, 11am, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11pm SANTA FE STATION Hwy. 95 & Rancho Dr., L.V. . . . . . . . . . . . .(702) 658-4900 TIMES: 9, 11am, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11pm SILVER SEVENS 4100 Paradise Rd., L.V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(702) 733-7000 TIMES: 11am, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9pm SOUTH POINT 681 S. Hwy 160. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(775) 751-6500 TIMES: 11am, 1, 3, 5, 7 & 9pm & 9am Sun. Only SADDLE WEST 1220 S. Highway 160. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(775) 727-5953 TIMES: 11am, 1, 3pm; Mon.-Fri. RENO/SPARKS NUGGET Las Vegas Bl. & Silverado Ranch Bl., L.V. . .(702) 796-7111 TIMES: 11am, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11pm, 1am 1100 Nugget Ave., Sparks . . . . . . . . . . . .(775) 356-3300 TIMES: 11am, 1, 2:30, 4, 6:30, 7:30pm SUNCOAST SANDS REGENCY Alta & Rampart, L.V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(702) 636-7111 TIMES: 9, 11am, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11pm 345 N. Arlington Ave., Reno . . . . . . . . . .(775) 348-2290 TIMES: 10:30am, 1, 3, 5, 7:30, 9:30pm & Wed. @ 9am NEVADA BINGO HOTLINE 702-269-3300 JACKPOT, SPECIAL EVENTS & REG. SESSION TIMES THE BELOW LIST ARE HOTELS THAT HAVE BINGO HALLS, USE THE TOLL FREE NUMBERS TO MAKE YOUR HOTEL RESERVATIONS. LAS VEGAS Aliante . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .877-377-7627 Arizona Charlie’s Boulder . .800-362-4040 Arizona Charlie’s Decatur . .800-342-2695 Boulder Station . . . . . . . . . .800-683-7777 Cannery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .866-999-4899 Eastside Cannery . . . . . . . .866-999-4899 Fiesta Rancho . . . . . . . . . . .800-731-7333 Gold Coast . . . . . . . . . . . . .888-402-6278 Palace Station . . . . . . . . . . .800-634-3101 Plaza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .800-634-6575 Red Rock . . . . . . . . . . . . . .866-767-7773 Sam’s Town . . . . . . . . . . . . .800-634-6371 Santa Fe Station . . . . . . . . .800-872-6823 South Point . . . . . . . . . . . . .866-796-7111 Suncoast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .877-677-7111 Texas Station . . . . . . . . . . . .800-654-8888 HENDERSON Fiesta Henderson . . . . . . . .888-899-7770 Green Valley Ranch . . . . . .866-782-9487 Sunset Station . . . . . . . . . . .888-786-7389 MESQUITE Virgin River . . . . . . . . . . . . .877-438-2929 RENO Nugget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .800-648-1177 Sands Regency . . . . . . . . . .866-386-7829 Your local website to find bingo games in your area Page 34; Bingo Bugle (Nevada) September 2016 BINGO PALOOZA! Here’s what is happening this month at Rampart Bingo! Beginning September 1, all Rampart Bingo players will earn entries into any casino-wide drawing PLUS earn towards their Tier Status through Bingo Play! Visit the Rampart Rewards Club for details. It’s Back! The Rampart Bingo Room is hosting another fun Bingo Palooza Party on Saturday, September 17, with over $30,000 in Payouts! Every session offers 3X $1,000 Coveralls, free Hot Dogs & Chips, plus every single winner receives a bonus $25 in free bingo. Bonus Win Mondaysat the Rampart Bingo Room! Earn 100 Points in Bingo and play the kiosk game to win free Bingo, Free Slot Play, dining comps and up to $1,000 cash Rampart Bingo Room will be giving away a free Magnifying Compact Mirror on Grandparent’s Day - September 11 - to all players at all sessions, while supplies last. The Rampart Crystal Ball Giveaway is back in September! Every Friday at all sessions, participants who Bingo on the Crystal Ball and receive their choice of a Swarovski Necklace or Earrings. Multi winners receive $100 free slot play. See Rampart’s ad on the inside back cover for more information. WONDERBALL SUNDAYS! Look what’s happening at Sam’s Town Bingo September. $1,000 Wonderball Sundays! What is Wonderball? Wonderball is an extra ball in the blower with a question mark in the center of the Bingo ball. Achieve the required game pattern and the next ball drawn after the Wonderball could win you $1,000! Every Sunday at the 3pm and 7pm sessions. See Bingo room for complete details. $1,000 Coveralls all month long in September! Get Regular Pay games plus your chance of five $1,000 coveralls every Wednesday at the 1pm & 3pm sessions and every Friday at 7pm, 9pm & 11pm sessions. This Labor Day Weekend, September 3, come in and play their Bingo Blast. Our 3pm session, play for $6,000 in prizes with a $10 Buy-In and $5 extra packs. 10 Games at $250, three chances at $1,000 coveralls, and $500 fourth chance coverall. The 7pm session, play for $10,000 in prizes with $20 Buy-In and $10 extra packs. 10 games at $500 each and five $1,000 coveralls. See all of Sam’s Town’s ads for more info. 4X COVERALLS! Both Arizona Charlie’s are having Customer Appreciation 4X Coveralls every Saturday in September. Win $1,000 Cash! 1st 2nd, 3rd & 4tgh Chance Coveralls at the 11am, 1pm, 7pm & 9pm sessions. Play Bingo round the clock in Las Vegas’ only 24-hour Bingo Room at Arizona Charlie’s Decatur or Arizona Charlie’s Boulder. See their ad or visit either bingo room for more info. Constance and Zachary Wilson $10,000 Gold Coast Power Bingo Event BOUNCE BACK BINGO! At Aliante Monday thru Friday at the 8:30am session, players that have played a regular session within 24 hours of the Bounce Back Session, get their game FREE, or they can purchase up to 4 packs for $5 each! Aliante has Super Dual Daubs for only $2 each at all sessions where players can win $3000 up to the 36th number, $1500 up to the 37th number and $1000 up to the 38th number. Consolation is $100. On Monday, September 26th, all players will get a Free B-1 to Fight Dauber at all sessions while supplies last with their minimum $4 buy-in. See Aliante’s September ad for more. SUPER SATURDAY! Eastside Cannery’s Player Appreciation Day this month is Saturday, September 17th. Super Saturday Specials are September 10th and 24th at the 7pm session. Make plans now to play on Labor Day, Monday, September 5th. They will have Double/Triple Pay All The Way and Three Chance Coveralls. See their ad for information about the Super Bonanza Multi-Win up to $20,000 and the $10,000 Super Coverall which are played every session every day! Bingo is Done Right at the Eastside Cannery. GET A SWAG BAG! Station Casino's next $600,000 Big Bingo Weekend will be October 15th through 18th. Get your seats now before they are gone. It’s only $250 for both events. The $100,000 Saturday & Sunday game will be played on October 15 & 16 at Boulder Station, Santa Fe Station and Texas Station. The $500,000 Blockbuster game will be played on Monday & Tuesday, October 17 & 18 at Red Rock, Green Valley Ranch, Sunset Station and Palace Station. Players can choose to play all four days or either the two-day $100,000 or $500,000 game. There will be Bonus Drawings during the linked sessions! Sign up for the Big Weekend and both $100,000 Matinees and receive a Super Bingo Swag Bag! See center spread for info. You can reserve your spot today by calling 1-866-961-3361. Visit their website for more details at NEVADA HAPPENINGS $60,000 BINGO EVENT! LABOR DAY GIVEAWAY! SEPTEMBER TREASURES! BONUS BALLS! Gold Coast’s $60,000 Bingo event is on October 17th & 18th. Here’s what you need to know. $80.00 Buy-in 6on pack, $20.00 Extra 6on packs, $5.00 Warm up 6on packs. Doors open at 3pm, Warm ups start at 6pm and Event begins at 7pm. 3 pack minimum to play the electronic units (buy-in plus 2), 20 pack max Warm ups 10 games pay $500, Event games pay $1,000-$2,000 with the coverall each day for $10,000, second chance $4,000 and 3rd chance $1,000. All players receive 1 Buffet and 1 Dauber. No refunds after October 1st, 2016. Tickets are available now for this and their $25,000 Bingo Event on August 7th. There are room specials for both events. See their ads for more information. SEPTEMBER SPECIALS! The following are what’s happening at the Gold Coast Bingo room! “BEST” Cash ball every Monday and Thursday at 11am 1, 7, and 9pm session. Win on the Cash ball ending number receive $500 in addition to the regular pack pay. Win on the Cash ball receive the regular pack pay-out plus the Cash ball prize and receive $500 for winning as the “BEST” ball. “Best” Ball good on games 1-7 and 9-12. Cash ball valid on first chance coverall. Validation required to win the “BEST” ball. September 5th all players at all sessions receive a free Travel Mug while supplies last. Player Appreciation Day Saturday September 17th at the 1 and 7pm sessions. Regular pay with 5-$1,000 Coveralls. Four pack min required to play the electronic units. “Crazy 5 Coveralls” Every Friday and Saturday at 7pm and Every Sunday at the 1 and 3pm sessions. 5$1,000 COVERALLS. Regular pay with a four pack min in the electronic units. Still taking reservations for our Power Bingo Event September 12 and 13. Tickets are available for the $60,000 October 17 and 18th Bingo Event . Now selling for the $500,000 Power Bingo Event November 28 and 29. See all of Gold Coast’s ads. $150,000 SUPER BINGO! Make plans now to play Plaza's $150,000 Super Bingo October 2nd through 4th. There are special rates for booking early! Bingo and Hotel packages are available. See their ad for all the details and book your seat now! Also check out Plaza’s ad for September specials! They are still the highest paying packs in Las Vegas! $500,000 POWER BINGO! Start the holiday season by attending Boyd Gaming’s next $500,000 Power Bingo on Monday, November 28th and Tuesday, November 29th. Choose your favorite bingo hall in which to play this half million-dollar game, reserve your seat at the Gold Coast, Suncoast or Sam's Town bingo halls. See their ad for complete details and they have special room offers for you. You can also go to for more information. Make your reservation today! The return of another Jerry’s Nugget $7,250 Big Game is on its way! Tickets for the October 1 event go on sale September 5 at the Bingo Hall and include one six-on pack, one Bonanza, and reserved seating into the 17-game event. The Big Game schedule contains four $1,000 coveralls and 13 games with $250 payouts. Celebrate Labor Day with Bingo Hall’s giveaway – a 4-piece flask gift set. Play on the upcoming Jerry’s Nugget Player Appreciation Day, September 5 at any session for the free Labor Day gift. $50 minimum buy-in is required. Every day at the 3pm session, win a $250 bonus when landing bingo on the day’s date. The bonus must be validated, excludes Letter J, Double Dab, or Super Coverall games. Jerry’s offers “Buy One, Get One” specials daily. Receive a free #2 especial when you purchase a #3 special or higher on Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Get a free small e-rainbow when you buy a #2 especial or higher on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Plus, on your birthday receive a free dauber with a $4 minimum buy-in. Bingo times are 11am, 1pm, 3pm, 5pm, 7pm, and 9pm daily. Late night 11pm Double Pay Sessions are on Fridays and Saturdays. See the ad for more details. COVERALL MADNESS! Be a part of the bingo madness on Friday nights at 7 pm at the Palace Station Bingo hall. We will offer a guaranteed four $1,000 coveralls, and the first three single game winners will collect a $200 Amazon Gift Card. Be a part of Palace Station Bingo room’s “Palace Bonus Balls” every Thursday in September at the 1 pm, 3 pm, 7 pm and 9 pm sessions. Bingo on B-9 for a $1,000 bonus; bingo on any number ending in 9 for a $500 bonus. Earn an entry all September for a $5,000 free game happening on October 1 at the 3 pm session. Winners during the month will earn a free ticket to the exciting event. Labor Day bonus cash balls will be in effect on Sunday, September 4, at the 1 pm, 7 pm and 9 pm sessions. We will be adding an extra $10,000 to existing cash balls at those times. BIG BINGO WEEKEND DRAWING! Win your way into October’s Big Bingo Weekend at three different drawings during October at the Red Rock Bingo room. By spending at least $40 in a session between September 1 and October 9th, you will earn an entry into drawings being held on October 7, 8, and 9. See the room for more details. Earn an entry all September for a $5,000 free game happening on October 1 at the 3 pm session. Winners during the month will earn a free ticket to the exciting event. Join Red Rock every Friday and Saturday night for your chance to get a piece of four guaranteed $1,000 coveralls at the 7 pm and 9 pm sessions. Labor Day bonus cash balls will be in effect on Sunday, September 4, at the 1 pm, 7 pm and 9 pm sessions. We will be adding an extra $10,000 to existing cash balls at those times. Look at all the September Treasures happening in September at the Poker Palace! Every Wednesday in September, play the Treasure Ball at all sessions, win $1,000 when you bingo on the Treasure Ball with Validation. Thursday, September 8th is the Kick-Off Ball. Win an additional $1,000 wen you bingo on the Kick-Off Ball with Validation. September giveaways at the Poker Palace include Sports Bottles on Thursday, September 1st and a Sun Visor on Sunday, September 11th. Giveaways are available at all sessions to players with a minimum buy-in. Read their ad to see details on these and other specials at Poker Palace in September. LABOR DAY DAUBERS! Virgin River is just one hour north of Las Vegas on I-15 in Mesquite, NV. They have a fun bingo room with a lot happening in September. There are Rainbow Sessions Monday and Friday at 7pm and Saturdays and Sundays at 11am. Buy any large or small Rainbow, Value Pack or Jumbo Pack and receive one Free Small Electronic Rainbow. The River Ball B-9 is available Wednesdays and Thursdays at the 1pm, 3pm 7pm and 9pm sessions, also all sessions on Monday, September 5th. Bingo on B-9 in addition to your regular prize payout, receive an extra $250! Get your Free Labor Day Dauber on Monday, September 5th at the 11am, 1pm, 5pm and 7pm sessions while supplies last. See the Virgin River’s full page ad for complete details on these and more. PAPER MUST WIN! The Sunset Station Bingo room will continue to encourage paper play in the month of September. On Tuesdays and Thursdays at all sessions there must be a paper winner. Come join the party during the 11 pm session on Fridays and Saturdays. Boot Scootin’ Friday and Saturday Night Fever feature all electronic with music and a guaranteed $5,000 cash ball. Win your way into October’s Big Bingo Weekend at three different drawings during October. By spending at least $40 in a session between September 1 and October 9th, you will earn an entry into drawings being held on October 7, 8, and 9. See the room for more details. Labor Day bonus cash balls will be in effect on Sunday, September 4, at the 1 pm, 7 pm and 9 pm sessions. We will be adding an extra $10,000 to existing cash balls at those times. SUPER SESSIONS! The Fiesta Rancho Bingo room will be holding “Super Sessions” on Friday, September 2 and 16 at the 9 pm session. Games will pay double/triple and have a $1,000 guaranteed coverall. Collect cartoon themed daubers every Sunday in September at all sessions. A minimum buy-in is all you need for these awesome daubers. Don’t forget to join us for our nonsmoking bingo sessions every day at the 9 am and 5 pm sessions. Be a part of Boulder Station Bingo room’s “Boulder Bonus Balls” every Tuesday in September at the 1 pm, 3 pm, 7 pm and 9 pm sessions. Bingo on B-9 for a $1,000 bonus; bingo on any number ending in 9 for a $500 bonus. “Super Sundays” are coming to Boulder Station with back-to-back sessions at 1 pm and 3 pm with three guaranteed $1,000 coveralls. Be a part of this hefty promotion every Sunday. If you are in the mood for even more big coveralls, come to the Boulder Bingo room every Friday and Saturday at the 7 pm and 9 pm sessions for back-to-back three $1,000 coverall play. Labor Day bonus cash balls will be in effect on Sunday, September 4, at the 1 pm, 7 pm and 9 pm sessions. We will be adding an extra $10,000 to existing cash balls at those times. SEPTEMBER 2016 SPECIALS! Bingo at the Eldorado Casino, Henderson’s only Bingo game! Here’s what’s happening in September. Come in for the Best Value Electronic Bundles! Our $11 Electronic Bundle will get you two Rainbows plus a Blue Pack. Validated electronic, Sunday Thursday at the 1pm & 7pm sessions and Friday – Saturday at the 7pm session. Buy 2 small Rainbows for only $4 with the purchase of the #2 Electronic bundle or #3 Electronic Bundle. Valid in the 3pm, 5pm, 9pm & 11pm sessions. Come in for your FREE dauber on Labor Day, September 5th. While supplies last. Balls on the Wall! Get Bingo on the designated ball on the wall and receive DOUBLE PAY! All month long at the 9PM session. Double Pay on Double Bingo, Fridays and Saturdays at 11pm session. Senior Day ½ point Bingo, Tuesdays at 5pm and 9pm sessions. See Bingo Room for complete details. Stop by the Eldorado Casino and play to win! LARGE JACKPOTS! The Sands Regency in Downtown Reno has Northern Nevada’s largest Jackpots. Win up to $1-,000 on MulitWin, up to $7,500 on Bonanza, Double Action and Crystal Ball, and up to $40,000 on Super X. There are also Cashballs at all six sessions daily. See their ad in this paper for more information. $500,000 SUPER GALA! South Point Hotel & Casino is having another $500,000 Super Gala Bingo on Monday, November 14th & Tuesday, November 15th. The buy-in for the Super Gala event is only $295 and includes one 9-on pack for both days, food coupon and a dauber. This event always sells out, so sign up early. Win some extra cash on the South Point Wish Ball in September, just bingo on B-9 on a validated card and win $1,000 or bingo on any number ending in 8 and win $500! The Wish Ball is played every Tuesday and Thursday in September at the 1pm, 3pm, 7pm & 9pm sessions. On Labor Day, bingo on B-5 or any number ending in 5 and gt $500! See their ad for more information or visit Page 35; Bingo Bugle (Nevada) September 2016 NEVADA HAPPENINGS TRIPLE YOUR WINNINGS! $14,000 CASH GIVEAWAY! Triple Pay, All the Way remains intact for the Green Valley Ranch Bingo room in September. GVR offers this on all regular games played three times a week, three sessions a day. GVR Bonus Balls are back twice a week. Every Monday and Thursday at the 1 pm, 3 pm, 7 pm and 9 pm sessions, bingo on B-9 for a $1,000 bonus, or bingo on any number ending in 9 for a $500 bonus. Speed Bingo will be happening every Saturday at the 11 am session at GVR. Play as many games as we can in one hour. Labor Day bonus cash balls will be in effect on Sunday, September 4, at the 1 pm, 7 pm and 9 pm sessions. We will be adding an extra $10,000 to existing cash balls at those times. The Cannery is having a $14,000 Cash Giveaway in September! Drawings will be held on Fridays & Saturdays at the 1pm & 9pm sessions. Players can win up to $250, earn entries beginning August 28th. Play the $10,000 Bingo Bash on Friday, September 2nd at 9pm. All regular games pay $500. Labor Day, Monday, September 5th, at the 1pm, 3pm and 7pm sessions, there will be $4,000 Cashballs. Every Sunday in September is a Bingo Bonus Day at the Cannery, players who Bingo on B5 can win an extra $300. See Cannery’s ad this month for details on Bonus Double Action Jackpots, Weekend Special, $5 Small Rainbow Session and Free Weekly Bingo Pack Offers! $222,000 LABOR DAY! LUCKY 7’S! Station Casinos is celebrating Labor Day Weekend with a big Cash Ball Bonus! The 1pm, 7pm and 9pm sessions on Sunday, September 4th will have $10,000 Bonus Cash Balls at Palace, Boulder, Texas, Sunset, Santa Fe, Red Rock and Green Valley Ranch. There will be $2,000 Bonus Cash Balls at the All Paper Fiesta Rancho and Fiesta Henderson Bingo Rooms. Sign up for the End of Summer and Fall $100,000 Big Money Matinee games! Plus tickets are on sale for the $600,000 Big Bingo Weekend taking place October 15th thru 18th. See their ad in the center section of this paper for more information or visit Try your luck at the Santa Fe Bingo room and take it to the slot machines. Every Saturday and Sunday at all sessions if you win on B-7 or any number ending in 7, you will receive a free pull on the “Lucky 7’s” slot machine. Earn two times your points every Thursday at all sessions. For every $1 you spend on bingo, you will earn 10 Boarding Pass points. Earn an entry all September for a $10,000 free game happening on September 24 at the 3 pm session. Winners during the month will earn a free ticket to the exciting event. $100,000 BLOWOUT! Play Buzz Ball at the Suncoast Wednesdays in September and Labor Day, All sessions, Bingo on any number ending in 9 and receive $500 in addition to the regular game prize payout. Aggregate payout if more than one winner. Excludes Dual Daub and session coveralls. Must Bingo on last number called ending with the number 9 to be a valid winner. Cashball validation required to participate in the Buzz Ball promotion. The Grand Weekend Special is Four $1000 Guaranteed Coveralls, Every Friday, Saturday and Sunday in September, 1pm and 9pm sessions only. Don’t miss the Grandparent’s Day Giveaway. They are giving away a 3 Glass Bowl Set with Lids to all Suncoast players on Sunday, September 11th to all players, all sessions, while supplies last. Tickets are available for the September 24th $30,000 Bingo Event and the $500,000 Power Bingo Event taking place on September 12th and 13th. See their ad for more information on these specials and more. Mark your calendars for Saturday, September 24th to play in the Nugget's $100,000 Bingo Blowout game. Have a blast at the Bingo Blowout playing 20 of your favorite Nugget bingo games for prizes ranging from $1,199 to $25,000, plus there are optional games paying from $500 to $1,199. Buy-in is only $90 for 2 packs, extra packs are $20 each. Get ready for a fun weekend playing all paper in Reno’s biggest bingo game at the Nugget. Accommodations and dining are the best in Northern Nevada and there is a special rate for bingo players. Call early and make your reservation because rates are subject to availability. For tickets to Nugget’s $100,000 Blowout call 800843-2427 and ask for bingo. BINGO HAS SWAG! Come to the Texas Station Bingo room for a weekly drawing every Tuesday for six swag bags full of fabulous gifts. Qualify each week for your chance to win. Texas Station will be celebrating grandparents on Saturday, September 10. Bring in a photo of you and your grandkids or you and your grandparents and receive a free small rainbow with the purchase of a small rainbow. Speed Bingo will be happening every Friday at the 5 pm session at Texas Station. Join the fun as we play as many games as we can in one hour. Labor Day bonus cash balls will be in effect on Sunday, September 4, at the 1 pm, 7 pm and 9 pm sessions. We will be adding an extra $10,000 to existing cash balls at those times. BUZZ BALL! CASHBALL BONUS! The Fiesta Henderson Bingo room will have a $2,500 cash ball bonus at the 1 pm and 9 pm sessions on September 16 and 30. Make sure you bring your dauber to this all paper hall. The Fiesta Henderson Bingo room will be holding “Super Sessions” on Saturday, September 10 and 24 at the 9 pm session. Games will pay double/triple and have a $1,000 guaranteed coverall. Don’t forget to join us for our nonsmoking bingo sessions every day at the 9 am and 5 pm sessions. Page 36; Bingo Bugle (Nevada) September 2016 Gladys Wray - $2,500 Gold Coast Power Bingo Event Deborah & Dutch Systermann Aliante All Paper Bingo heads. They don’t scare me, but I do see them. A few times, I see their entire (clothed) bodies, but very rarely. I hope all is well with you—it is a bit hot here. Harry G., Sun City, Arizona Adjusting ■ Fast paced life slows down Dear Dream Lady (edited), Hello again—I have another dream that stuck to me. A new pope was elected and his name is “Jack Otis Stearns.” I helped him put on a white robe and head gear, and that was the end. I want you to know that when I am in bed at night, I see adults, children and babies, but I see only their Hello Harry, Thank you for your readership through the years, and yes, you hold the record! Your “heads only” dream symbolizes a protective device to keep you from getting too emotionally close to people. Often, as people age, they start to not get “too close” to potential friends because when they pass away, there won’t be as much emotional pain when the person is gone. Also, the pope, no matter what his name is, clearly represents a leadership position. Your helping him is a statement that you are helping his position of faith, love and leadership. Since you don’t actually “know” the pope, all of the unknown people reflect yourself. This tells me you are on a continuing journey to know yourself better, as most of us are. Don’t let these dreams worry you. —Dream Lady Send your dreams to Dream Lady at P.O. Box 414, Entiat, WA 98822. Enclose an SASE if you want a personal reply before publication. Not all dreams are published. BINGO LAND ...Stories from the Real World & Cyberspace ■ This month: Beach Bingo’s new rules By Jeffrey Charboneau Special to the Bingo Bugle Casino Player Wins $1 Million Bingo Prize A New York woman walked away from Foxwoods Resort Casino a millionaire after hitting the jackpot during the 30th anniversary celebration of the Bingo hall. Patricia Elliott of Elmont, New York, won her million on a $650 investment when she bought into Foxwoods’ annual Firecracker Bingo tournament. The 60-yearold grandmother of eight has made her way to the casino in Mashantucket, Connecticut, every other weekend for more than 30 years. What will she do with her winnings? “The house has to be paid off, and I have children and grandchildren, so they’re going to have to share some of it,” Elliott said. The jackpot wasn’t Elliott’s only brush with fortune at Foxwoods. She previously won $50,000 during a slots tournament, and won another $1,500 on a different game of Bingo just hours after becoming a millionaire. NC For-Profit Beach Bingo Halls to be Regulated North Carolina’s for-profit beach Bingo parlors have gone largely unregulated for years, but recent legislation approved by the state Senate could add new rules. The popularity of Bingo started decades ago at the coast, but long ago spread inland. And while the state regulates 246 Bingo operations that serve as fundraisers for nonprofits, those rules currently don’t apply to for-profit parlors. According to the new regulations, each prize at a beach Bingo operation would have to be worth $10 or less. The $10 prize limit is already state law, but it’s not typically enforced because the parlors don’t have to register with the state. There would also be a $300 annual license, and the State Bureau of Investigation would monitor the businesses. attracting whatever you set your heart on. Plan accordingly by keeping your aims doable (and realistic). You’re never one to shy away from hard work when necessary, and effort is the secret quality you’ll need to make your dreams come true. Lucky Days: 8-12 Lucky Numbers: 28-39 7th thru 12th… A sure win 10th/11th!$$ 13th thru 18th… Dreams come true 15th/16th$ 19th thru 24th… BLUE brings cash 23rd-24th$$ 25th thru 30th… You’ve got it made the 28th$ by Alessandra Lucky Predictions for September 2016 ARIES: March 21 to April 20 1st thru 6th… Wait (to win). 7th thru 12th… RED brings $$ 8th/9th! 13th thru 18th… A lucky surprise the 13th!$ 19th thru 24th… Charming chance 21st-22nd$ 25th thru 30th… GOLDEN opportunity 26th$ TAURUS: April 21 to May 21 1st thru 6th… Lots of GREEN stuff the 2nd$$ 7th thru 12th… $$ is real 10th-11th! 13th thru 18th… Sneak one in the 16th$ 19th thru 24th… You call the shots the 23rd! 25th thru 30th… From rags to riches 28th-29th! GEMINI: May 22 to June 21 1st thru 6th… PURPLE passion wins 3rd/4th$ 7th thru 12th… Not worth mentioning. 13th thru 18th… You’re in the game 13th and 17th! 19th thru 24th… Made in the shade 21st$ 25th thru 30th… Can’t go wrong 25th-26th and 30th!$$ CANCER: June 22 to July 22 1st thru 6th… BLUE for the win 5th/6th$$ 7th thru 12th… Take a rest. 13th thru 18th… You’re on a roll 15th/16th!$ 19th thru 24th… VIOLET = success 19th-20th! 25th thru 30th… Worth your time 27th-28th$ LEO: July 23 to Aug. 23 1st thru 6th… GO on GREEN 3rd/4th! 7th thru 12th… Travel to win 8th/9th$ 13th thru 18th… RED card rewards you 17th-18th$ 19th thru 24th… Friend inspires 21st-22nd$ 25th thru 30th… Spotlight on you 25th-26th$! VIRGO: Aug. 24 to Sept. 23 1st thru 6th… You’re in the $$ 1st/2nd! 7th thru 12th… Unbelievable luck 10th/11th!! 13th thru 18th… Back off or lose. 19th thru 24th… GREEN bills flowin’ 19th-20th! 25th thru 30th… Yours for a song 28th$$$ LIBRA: Sept. 24 to Oct. 23 1st thru 6th… PURPLE pays 3rd/4th$ 7th thru 12th… The right direction 8th/9th! 13th thru 18th… Easy wins 13th/14th$! 19th thru 24th… Keepin’ it up 21st-22nd$$ 25th thru 30th… Uncanny luck 25th-26th$! SCORPIO: Oct. 24 to Nov. 22 1st thru 6th… What a week!! ;o) SAGITTARIUS: Nov. 23 to Dec. 21 1st thru 6th… YELLOW wins 3rd/4th$ 7th thru 12th… You might be surprised the 8th! 13th thru 18th… RED is hot 17th-18th$! 19th thru 24th… Too risky. 25th thru 30th… ORANGE fortune 25th-26th$$ CAPRICORN: Dec. 22 to Jan. 20 1st thru 6th… All good 1st/5th/6th! 7th thru 12th… You’re a natural 10th-11th$$ 13th thru 18th… VIOLET wins 15th/16th$! 19th thru 24th… GREEN multiplies $$ 19th-20th!$ 25th thru 30th… Your best bet the 28th$$ AQUARIUS: Jan. 21 to Feb. 19 1st thru 6th… Exciting win 3rd/4th!$ 7th thru 12th… Amazing luck 8th/9th$ 13th thru 18th… RED card wins 17th-18th! 19th thru 24th… YELLOW crowns a win 21st-22nd$! 25th thru 30th… Step right up the 30th! PISCES: Feb. 20 to March 20 1st thru 6th… BLUE best of all 5th/6th$ 7th thru 12th… Serious chances 10th/11th$$ 13th thru 18th… Bring it all home 15th/16th$ 19th thru 24th… GREEN surprises you 23rd-24th$ 25th thru 30th… Follow Scorpio’s moves. Color associations refer to lucky objects, daubers, cards, machines, clothing/jewels you wear, or a dominant color in the room. PREDICTORS LUCKY CARD FOR SEPTEMBER 2016 by Frederick Woodruff Explore more at Horoscopes for September 2016 ARIES: Mar. 21-Apr. 20: With Venus moving through your house of relationships, it’s easy to fall in love all over again with your significant other. But be prepared for some surprising shifts or announcements from your partner this month, too. Keep an open mind as he or she expresses their deepest desires—insights that can guide you both into a new and rich emotional terrain. Lucky Days: 4-25 Lucky Numbers: 16-53 TAURUS: Apr. 21-May 21: A newfound clarity of mind has you focused in a fierce way on what you want and the best ways to achieve it. The only catch is how to convince those around you that what you wish to create will benefit everyone involved with your plan. This will require a bit of negotiating. Strike a balance between personal vision and accommodating others. Lucky Days: 7-22 Lucky Numbers: 21-34 GEMINI: May 22-June 21: The full moon on the 16th brings to light a secret that Plato espoused centuries ago: “The seen is the changing. The unseen is the unchanging.” The very taproot of your life—your home and domestic life—might be transforming right before your eyes. Open up to the invisible forces that are guiding your life, you will be led to a solid and secure place. Lucky Days: 12-27 Lucky Numbers: 19-56 CANCER: June 22-July 22: Find a way to bring beauty directly into your home in shocking and surprising ways. This means some sort of makeover where you might paint the walls orange or shift furniture around to generate a sense of newness and freshness. You also need a strong connection to the natural world now. Plan some autumnal adventures in the great outdoors. Lucky Days: 15-28 Lucky Numbers: 39-60 LEO: July 23-Aug. 23: Although you’re a sign that exudes confidence, the truth is that you have a shy side that only your closest friends ever see. With Mars still pushing through your house of creative expression (along with work horse Saturn) this is the month to make your dreams a solid reality. Keep the timidity for your private moments and get out there and shine. Lucky Days: 12-28 Lucky Numbers: 24-56 VIRGO: Aug. 24-Sept. 23: With Venus and Jupiter in your house of resources, you’re like a magnet SEPTEMBER 2016 1st 3rd 4th 5th 9th 11th 16th 18th 22nd 23rd 28th 30th New Moon Bacon Day Newspaper Carrier Day LABOR DAY First Quarter Moon Grandparent’s Day Full Moon Wife Appreciation Day FALL BEGINS Last Quarter Moon National Good Neighbor Day New Moon LIBRA: Sept. 24-Oct. 23: To achieve the peace of mind you crave, you’ll need to need to bring your soothing touch to niggling money issues. Don’t put it off. Here’s a key to making this work to your advantage: People grant your wishes when those wishes appeal to their self-interest. With that in mind you can have just about anything you want! Lucky Days: 4-15 Lucky Numbers: 44-59 SCORPIO: Oct. 24-Nov. 22: The fiery planet Mars is moving through your money house all month. Finances could feel like they are on a teeter-totter. Your mission is to strike a balance between credits and debits and then stop worrying about outcomes. Do the best you can. Here’s some advice from Ben Franklin for making the best of this transit: “Leisure is the time for doing something useful.” Lucky Days: 11-26 Lucky Numbers 17-61 SAGITTARIUS: Nov. 23-Dec. 21: Your impulse to create art, establish a new enterprise or organize a social event can infuse you with a new lease on life. The universe is calling you forward, people are ready and willing to bask in your zeal and optimistic approach to life. The full moon on the 16th offers you another opportunity to grab the brass ring. Risk it, it’s yours for the taking. Lucky Days: 19-30 Lucky Numbers: 38-47 CAPRICORN: Dec. 22-Jan. 20: Establishing trust is essential while harmonizing Venus puts the focus on the job front. You need supportive relationships to help each of you flow easily into common goals and aims. Goats tend to prefer going it alone, but this month is all about cooperation. Time to stretch and feel the love; it’ll make your job ten times easier. Lucky Days: 3-30 Lucky Numbers: 28-65 AQUARIUS: Jan. 21-Feb. 19: The full moon in your resource sector on the 16th might leave you feeling vulnerable about budgeting and meeting your financial obligations. Or it might be the other way around: Are you being properly compensated for what you are owed? Questions of worth dominate throughout the month. Don’t slip and slide on these issues. Lucky Days: 4-36 Lucky Numbers: 14-61 PISCES: Feb. 20-Mar. 20: Normally, your tolerance for ambiguity enables you to maintain your composure when the universe sends you mixed signals. However, there’s no time for waffling with the full moon triggering your house of relationships and partners. You’ll want to state specifically to others what you intend and then outline clearly how you plan to achieve your desires. Don’t edit or hold back. Lucky Days: 14-34 Lucky Numbers: 23-27 COFFEE BREAK ANSWERS BUGLE WORD GAME ANSWER: SOFTWARE BUGLE UNSCRAMBLER ANSWERS: DOUBT ENTRY IMPEND JUSTLY ANSWER: How the toddler’s sitter felt at the end of the day - TIED UP IN “NOTS” HOCUS FOCUS DIFFERENCES: 1. Hair is different. 2. Sleeve is shorter. 3. Handle is missing. 4. Curtain is different. 5. Comb is missing. 6. Soda can is missing. CRYPTOQUOTE ANSWER: Observe yourself as your greatest enemy would do, so shall you be your greatest friend. Jeremy Taylor BUGLE CROSSWORD ANSWERS SUDOKU ANSWERS MAGICMAZE ANSWERS Page 37; Bingo Bugle (Nevada) September 2016 Cynthia Green - $5,000 Gold Coast Power Bingo Event Changing video poker machines One of the most controversial topics amongst video poker players is changing machines. I’m going to throw my two cents into this issue and share with you my perspective on this topic. Many video poker players will change machines when they are losing. They believe that their machine is “cold” and by switching to another machine, they, hopefully, will land on a “hot machine.” Here’s my two cents on doing this. There are some perfectly good reasons for switching but doing it “to change your luck” isn’t one of them. The cards on a video poker machine are selected randomly. The cards don’t know (and don’t care) whether you are on a cold (or hot) steak. Therefore, from a strictly mathematical viewpoint, changing machines from a game you are currently playing to another machine to play the same game with the same pay table isn’t a guarantee that your luck will change. You will get most likely, different results in the short term on your new machine but you don’t know beforehand whether it will better or worse. However, there are some other reasons why you might consider switching machines. They include a “sticking” button on the machine, a blurry screen, cold air blowing on you from an overhead air conditioner vent, smoke being blown in your direction from a smoker, or having an “overly chatty” player next to you. However, the bottom line is this: If the expected return (ER) for the game you are playing on machine A is the same as machine B, from a mathematical viewpoint, it doesn’t make any difference which machine you play. I often add this caveat: If you don’t have an expected return (ER) over 100% when you play, changing machines could lower your hourly loss because it will de- Mel Romans $1,000 Gold Coast $25,000 Bingo Event crease the number of hands you play per hour (this assumes you would hop around from one machine to another several times during a session). In addition, by pausing from the action and giving your brain a rest when you switch machines, it could help you avoid making playing mistakes, which often occurs when players play video poker machines non-stop for long periods. As you can see, I take a rather hardline, scientific view on the topic of switching machines. (I am a trained scientist, after all.) Enter Frank Kneeland, author of the book The Secret World of Video Poker Progressives, and who also wrote an article about changing machines as a strategy in my Blackjack Insider Newsletter. I’ve summarized below a few points that he made on this topic. When a player is sure he will do better after changing machines, they really have no data to compare with simply because they can’t clone themselves and continue playing on the first machine, and then compare the results with the second machine. If a player happens to get “better” results after changing machines, he will point to this fact as proof that changing machines makes a difference. This is a natural human tendency to overrate how much control a player thinks he has over an event, such as the output of the results of the random number generator (RNG) in a video poker machine (this is known in psychological circles as Illusionary Control). Our less-than-perfect human minds are primed to look for patterns. Suppose instead of changing machines, you changed underwear. Some of your underwear will result in a “hot session” while other result in a “cold session.” You might start favoring your “lucky” underwear when you play video poker. I hope you realize that your choice of underwear doesn’t affect what hands you are dealt or what draw cards you get when you play video poker. Neither does changing machines. Bottom line: Changing machines as a playing strategy won’t work in the long run. Note: You can read Frank Kneeland’s entire insightful article (The Lucky Underwear Phenomena) by going to Henry Tamburin, Ph.D. is the author of the Ultimate Guide to Blackjack (, editor of the Blackjack Insider eNewsletter (, lead instructor for the Golden Touch Blackjack course, and host of For a free three-month subscription to his blackjack newsletter, go to To receive his free Casino Gambling Catalog, call 1-888-353-3234 or visit Page 38; Bingo Bugle (Nevada) September 2016 Joe Anna Roots from MO $1,000 Winner Sam’s Town Power Bingo Event Fred and Connie Baptist Connie won $200 Arizona Charlie’s Boulder Maxine S. Porter - Winner Las Vegas Poker Palace Wanda - Washington $2,510 Hot Ball Sam’s Town Bingo Hall Janice and Nina Fallico Mother and Daughter Eldorado Bingo - Henderson Irene Guiterrez Las Vegas Cannery Sandra Nyles - CO - $200 Nettie Boysen - AZ South Point $500,000 Super Gala Vicente Sanchez M. - $50 Jerry’s Nugget Page 39; Bingo Bugle (Nevada) September 2016