ot - Gallery
ot - Gallery
9tt_]);)J~ R~t2_ VARIETY WCCO 9o9~30 HEAR~ HOSPITAL DEDICATION P. M. ORIGINATION POINTS: Stage, Coffman Union Ballroom Second floor, Variety Club Heart PERSONNEL. • wally Olson and Band George Grim, emcee Bob DeHaven !.~oretta {et hospital) Young Vera Ellen President James Morrill Dre Harold Diehl Arthur w~ VIA TAPE: Anderson Adolph Menjou Abbott and Danny Kaye Alan Ladd Ben Blotcky Roy Miller Moe Levy Dre Wood (at hospital) Cost~llo Ho~pital DEDICATION RECORD: This is Bob DeHaveno I'm usually here with the Quiz of the Twin Cities MacPherson is too. But tonight, we 0 ve st~ppad oo9 Stewart aside to bring you one of the finest stories our part of America could It's the dedication of the Variety Club the program you'll hear screen Ellen~ ~tara H~art tell~ Hospitalo On Loretta Young and Vera members of the Variety Club of the Northwest$ Dre James Morrill, Dr. Harold Diehl and many more =- plus the voicee of Abbott and Costello, Danny Kaye~ Adolph Menjou and Alan Ladd 9 and Wally Olson and the weco orchestra are on hando Oh yea, I'll be talking to some of the first patients in the new hos= pi tal. Here now, a special WCCO departrrent of Special Evente \ t1on ••• from the ballroom of Coffman Union on the c~mpus University of Minneeota and your master of ceremoni e Grim0 prea~ntao o ~ of the George DEDICA I O ~ GRIM:· Good evening. This ie George Grim with the f1neBt story show- business ever told. It isnot the story of one atar o®e or of a great picture ... o or the opening o:r a fine new theaters This is the story of the shovnnan '·n YOUR town. e runs your local movie house ahowm~n or a group of ··~ the "Variety Club of the Northwest." proudest evening of th 1r lives For they tha 0®~ OUT ABOUT HERE UNDER F•OLLOWINO GRIM: Itt s the story of how these men o that man who h~vo d~dioation Club Heart Hoepital, here on tho University of BAND : 0 who fo~m ©oma to the of tho Minne~ota Va~1ety @&mpuao ~~--~~~~----- wo,~ked and how, no matter how much more this hospital to reality, they v1a~ m~t o Q. who he~Jl.pad them o (l) 0 d mended of them. to bring that challenge~ I don't know now how many of you ar6 familiar with Currie Av0nUe in Minneapolis $ It 0 s our "L'~ttla Hollywood 10 G names of all the major movie companies on the You"ll find the building~ there o No big sta :ra work inside • o o jum}the mi l lions and m1111ono o f feet of film coming FROM Holl y wood. Qe and going out to that neighborhood theate r near you a Here work many of the showmen who be l ong to the Varioty Club ot the Northweste coasto Frankly, the job full of t he glamor of the There are blizzards to be f ought the theaters on t1me. outo i~nvt There are ~ndleos GO$ to get the film! to details to ba smoothed But these men suddenly found themselves with the biggest responsibility of their livest to make the Variety Club heart hospital real $ •• not merely an idea~ The boys of the Var1et7 Clubs have always tried to :·he).p their fellow ma~~ In f~ct, the DEDICATION GRIM: clubs started with an evening coffee gathe~in~ purely sociel o•• until, one Thanksgiving mother left her month~old baby Square theater in P1ttabur~h care for my baby. I can't.~" The elem n men took over 9 But tonight oe<» In the 25 yeara their greatest equipped heart hospital o .. e hope for those with heart a distraught •e• with a note reading: youngst~rs G~~ in the nursery of the Sheridan Clubs have increased their helpfulness than half a million Day~ in P1ttaburrh we~a <9 e .. ~ince ~Please then, the Variety unti.ltJ last year, more given a hand by these showmene nchiev~ment~ an 80 b~d, tully a million and a half dollar houaa of d1Beaae~ Five hundred thou~and dollars of that aum has been contributed by the Variety Club men of the Nor~thwest eG)o and their .friends <D0\9 Never have so few besn so buoy on a and moV10 patron!5Q project~ They knew the families who attend the movioB would want to and so the boys got on the phones to cooperation from the coast? BAND: SHORT FANFARE w~ CUTS FOR: Liot~n Hollywood~ to thiet h~lp o@Q And did they get DEDICATION ADO~PH MENJ'OU MOE LEVYg Ia this Adolph Menjou? Mist0r Menjou, this is Moe Levy of Twentieth Century Fox tulm company in M!nneapolia, Could you do somethinp:, or rive ua a big hand f'or tho Variety Club heart h ospital? MENJOU: (h art beat background): May we ha:~rfJ absolute quiet? Your attention plemse e Now listen oe • 11 t~n carefully. The sound you hear is the b sting of your hGa:rttl) Seventy times a minute, the tireleoa hoar muacl0 expand~ and contract Seventy times a minute, it supples brain and body with f{»od and oxygen , moving between 9 and 10 tons of blood each dayQ When the heart fails , the brain and the body fail 0 Last year~ Wa di0 o this single greatest killGr of htm1anity took the lives of 430 thousand people. That~a ~ -· ~ time a as many as tuberculosis twice a~ many ~s ©an~er 0 ~ • e16ht and between 4 and 5 times a! many as all accidents combinod e Deaths from heart disease in th1a country rate of approximately one a a~e occurring now at the minut~). Now the point of all this is, .frankly~ Five ye ars ago, an organization of the Northwest, in Minne apoli s , moneyo ~howmen~ undc~rtook fi Minnesota, the erection of this hospi t a l, to the study of heart disease eG• the Variety Club of with the Univer~ity of dcvo t ~ d pr i~ ci pa lly t o be known as the Va ri ety Club Heart Ho a pi tal, on the Uni ve rsi t ·y Campus o This is more than a new hospital your hospital. ~•e it 1a a unique hospital o~o DEDICATION MENJOU: Through th se portals will not only pa~a patient~D but doctorso For physiciane will ba invited to come here from all over the state, and from neighboring atateaD to study heart di~ease in all its for.ms 9 and to apply the knowledge gained to the treatment of their ps1~1ents In a. moment, th back home. house lights will go up and the ushers will pans down th0 aisles for your contribution$ Give generously forg who knows, the BAND : SHORT FANFARE THEN . CUT FOR:· l'~fe you tJave may b your own t =6o DEDICATION ABBOTT AND ROY MILLE R: COSTELLO~ Rallo, Lou Coat llo-? rrhia is Roy pictures in Minneapolis. of Univeraa .... c::>Internetionel would you and Bud Abbott give us help on our Variety Club Heart COSTELLO~ Mill~r Hoepit~l? Awfl you don't have to tell me about; rheumatic fever through itc And, dtya know what I found out Bud: not a single hoopital 1n the w 11, I say 1 t NURSE: That's our aim, MiBtor Abbott. 8 e about high t1mo ;,~"1erG fev~r I9vo been oe• That there's nti oe country solely cureD prevention, and research of rh3umatic ABBOTT: oma d~vot d to th and heart diaeaseo was one o Th( Uni verfiity of Minneasota asked the Variety Club of the Nortbw st to sponaor a compalgn to raiaa funds for the f1rat h art hoep1ta1@ ABBOTT~ Well, that w a gr at, nurse, but hotJ about the i"ollca who can't afford to send their k1dd1ea to a COSTELLO~ That's where the Variety Club lo~pital? com~a 1n~ Bud* Tn~ Variety Club has pledged themselves 25 thou and dollars each end every toward taking care of cases just like thnto in o0• you ••• me to go to bato ~e• and all you folks out That~8 ther@~ We,ve got to eet tbOS@ kidB Off the ar m1era we come WeGv~ ell got benche~ and back into that bsllgameo Ladies and gentl man, the manager of this theater ia our friends We have asked him to collect your contribut1onso hearts 9 so you can heal a BAND:SHORT FANFARE THEN CUT FOR: ch1ld~s hearto Open we thank youo ~p your DEDI CA 'I' I 01'1 ALAN LADD BEN BLO'rCKY: This is Ben Blotclcy, Minn apolis, Pe;n.rt!mount p1.cturea0 (out #1) Can Alan Ladd giv LADD: Heart disease VOICE: Alan, aren't there other discesea that are woree than heart disease? LADD: As a matter or 1~ us a hand with our Vorloty Club Heart Hospital? the biggest killar in the fact, it kills mor~ other five leading disease put VOICE: I didn't know thato ~ountry todsy6 Americans every year than the togeth~ro I do know that rheumatic fevGr the b~ights lives of about half a million kids a year by affecting th~1r heart a. LADD: Doctors still haven't found out what causes rheumatic; feve:ro But, whon they build this hospital, maybe they9ll find the cause and the cure of it* Yes ••. fro:m good hcarta 8 lat' rl with bad hearts@ BAND: SHORT FANFARE THEN CUT FOR: hE~lp those DEDICATION DA:'qNY KA\'E AR 1r ANDERSON: This ia Art And®rtJon of warner Brothors H llop D nny Kaye? pictures in Minne polis~ I'm wondering if youOll help a trailer to be used to tak up colloctiona 1n the the Variety Club heart hospital KAYE: There was one little bear And he nevo r knew wh re h And ho never aa them And he sneezed (BIZ} Ian•t that cute? BURSE: m ke t~rritory for c ooo ecampcred in the woodse wefl gom1.a get goodtJ e •• and they never sa Oh, my goodness ••e h u~ him caught a colds Huh? we'd love to hear more, Mioter Kayo, but heart patient~ muBt havo plenty of rest(!) KAYE: understand~ I ee rou eoon0 Well, we'll go now, but Ium gonna come be©k and Good~byo, CHILD: Goodabye, M1stor Kay KAYE: You • re 'f.ve lcome, dsar Gl sw etia@ ~ (PIE.Q.E_ OF TAPE_•.!.•_SOtnlD_BRIDGE)_ KAYE: President Morrill \vas ltind enough hoep1t 1 built on tho Univera1ty to se what a medQJ to th Tho heart 1 wo~~thwhile Va~iety hospit a l~ to take ma through thi It we@ e _campu~. thing had bo en e~sa t © Ol unique th ~illing thing out ©f c©ntributiono Club heart fun:d o filpr.•nsor d by t ..a Vori©ty Clmb of t ha NorthwoGtt> tengibl ccn~~ibuJtion ie naed~d to msk a.ro used to the fullest extGnto ones well aga1no sure that thc~o wth)ndo~ful r~~ilitiata It talte® good . h~H:arts to mak~ bad GRIM: Yes~ Hollywood helped and paper money too Qoo oo$ ana the movie patrons found coina to drop in that passing hato But the burden fell on the should Northwest o o ooo ~s of the Variety Club of the snd ·most heavily on Art Andereong the mombar whoD for five long years has buttonholed peopleD cajoledD reasoned ~eo only to go back and say costs \Tent up and start buttonholing, cajoling, and reasoning all over aga1ne . ~- Speaking for all the ae last arrived ~o• Va~iety Club maumera on this night that has tha hospital 1a completed ~G her0 is Art Anderson 1 BAND: APPLAUSE FANFARE (SHORT) 0 0 • 0 • 0 • • • • • • • • A Chief Barker of our Variety Club of the Northwaet really ANDERS.oN·: began this projecto Al Steffes had hoart diaeaseo a heart hospital could mean to pe opl He kn w what like hims lf, for kids o. For two years, from 1944 until 1946, Al worked for this hosp!telo His own heart stopped • 0. But the WOJ:' .( went one Now, we • re a small club, but we saw the ~"lellenge we knevt our friends from show busineeo eo o 81 and we thought our patronse They would want to helpo Hollywood helped with the trailers, and those theater collect1ona keep bringing in e1xty to·a hundred Thoy started thou~~nd dollars each yearo USe But, please, let me recognize our frlande who gave so much. The American Legion and the Legion Auxiliary in M1nneaote raised a fund of over half-a~~:~million our sold1erso fellow o o o dollars· for reoearch o () o ae a mG3mor1al to Tho Alpha Phi Sorority is 1ponaoring a re~~arch the Minnesota Heart Association gave generouely· individual donors, too, came througho Oh, ye~ ooo valuable eo o o DEDICA'!':.ou ANDERSO' : 9 ]Laboratory e;quipment chapt~:r \Y&a <:'> A purchased by the men of tha Minneapolis of the Soc! ty of the Pre so :·r vetion and ancoura@:'ement of Barber Shop Quartet singing 1n Amar:l.caD govemment pitchod in with 1nora than hel~=&om 1 111on Un1v rsity of Minnesota oontributea frow borrowed eome money f:ro111 a bank. Incorporated~ it~ funds~ ThQ Federal dollars 9 The And we V!<:'' 11 he.ve to pay th t back l The show 1en't on the road yet. The hoepital 1s built, but therG's uora to be donee We members of the Variety Club of tha Northwest have pledged 25 thoueand dollars a yaar to holp c., era for hoap1 tali zed child:renQ Many of the organizations who holped put this over will stay in end w1ll ke p helpineo Th0 hospital it;ealf is now in tho hands of th6 mon and women of the University of Uinn0aota social workera, taehn1c1ane o•• and tha To you oc ooo doctor s, nurses, ~@1 nt1ot~~ we give this result of yenra of labor, of hope~ fa i th . Here o:o .... Minnesots 1000 1a your Var1et~r Club Heart Ho~p1tsl ~ and DEDICATION GRIM: c:tl2= · A word from the men and women who will operate this unique heart hospital now oso from Dr. Harold Diehl, Dean · of the College of Medical Scierlcee, University of M:t:nn.eaota.Q ct"-'t DIEHL: I r~present, of the this evoning, tha dootora, Coll~ge Dr. Diehl: :::s::l:J:U~~~~cianti~ts~ t~ chnioians v;ro-n t\ 0 of Medical SolonctH!D and the ,..._Univorait}· Hoapitaleo On. b8half of the Uni"'lereity of M1xul~H9ote, invitllltion to you to vio1t the n~Hl' I hospital 'IIWi~b ~= to 0.xtend an to sea just whe.t it Q."-'~C~ will h&lp-ue tpY to doc For w shall ne®d your help, in th<a coming y.asrf!1' as we to~cther, the hospitalns growth and Tonight, let me p$y tribut ot the Northwt:tst ct.," our to tho partner~ b1ll1ngt APPLAUSE BAND: 0000090 SHOW B_!JSINESS FULL, !,HEN OUT UNDEH ~har , dev~lopmento memb~ra in of the Variety Club DEDICAT!O~! APPLAUSE .-BA.N-..D ....:.___~_..M .....I.. . ,NN.. .,_.E. . ,S_O_T_J\ HA,!L_T.Q !H~-- GRIM: .= _F:gL~D_.TI-IE_N BG_F.QR_. C_!. ,O_!.- Adding this great hear·t hospital t o the (Oampus of tho University of Minnesota makes this a .e:reat n i ght for the o:ff i c1eJ.a of our Univ0rsi ty e ot our MORRILL~ Morri ll £! President Y..Je Dro. Morrill: Univ~rsityo . OUT UNDER APPLAUSE BAND: APPlAUSE Here i with h1e wottd 0 Dro . Jeme e $ ~ 0 0 • • • • • • 0 • • • • 0 Yosterday morning, after more than of fund ra i sing and fiv~ y~ar~ almost three yeara conatruotio11 1 the firf!Jt a man about pat1ant&iiJ ·~ 50 with high blood pressure, and ttvo children, e.p:eo 7 and 10, suffering from rheumatic fever Q~ub Heart Hospitalo ... -:o-c=t beo~ Thia day haft shortages, rising costs, weeks Many peop~e Agencies or ~aven of the Northweste Va~1ety fo~ the Fede~al But tha job hae I doubt if Government, lqcsl and · nat1onal andcoullltl~8s I remember the ovening of Club presented tho 500 thousand dollars~ difficult times that followed o •• Th1e hospital 1s a work of love, family Material 1ndiv1due.la all :aut t ·h e moving force behind !t all, the Variety Club contributed. a check tonight l I csnnot name thom allo business groups, civic · organizatiorae when the long in coming e were involved in tho buildin g of this Variety Club Heart Hospital. anyone cans n ow Variety weeka of painful wintor we ther upo~ I don 1 t have to mention that gone ahead0 th~ •vere moved in oa ~··but th Septemb~r Un1v~rs1ty And all of 2:3 9 1946, of M1nne;ota with u0 rem0mber the :!':rom r1s1ng anow to :ria.i ng costao GQo not per~onal love or love ot love of one human being for another o DEDICATION MORRILL: In accepting ths Variety Club Heart Hoapital for the University, I wieh to pledge hone5t» sincere aervices goalD the high community Q o. mar~ or We ehsll eet, as our dis1nter~atsd ~oodwill r~~lized and the members of the Variety Club of the Northwest,<;; APPLAUSE BANDt by our MINNESOTA HAIL 'T'O THEF. @ • FULL, THEN BG, AND OUT UNDER Pf>om Ho~lJlV@c.d C3Clm@&J n~xt ~n 70uug 1~4y =o §t&~ i& the b@~ut1:tul . @nld t~l®nte4 4~~@~§ ~up~rbl7 9 t~~~ uh@ into an r.dmdxoexwD and Bor OX@@odimgly ot delight~ @U§t©M~~Fj Bt 'th® "Wcrdm~ BAnd MuJJ~ic~\) "Thre® Little Word ve Q ®ol@~ @~m@~A th® oo o !l9 too On bo~ th® @tti®®o Tctm'0 o o o o o o o MoGoMo I?~ you~ $tcmr. o Miss VERA ELIENK SHOW BUSINESS UP AND OUT APPlAUSE • VERA E LIEN8 I w~nt to add my word ot t@ COIDl~~tuUiti©rm~ ~V®~:f@IDl@ wh@ worl.f.®cd tio hard to J&k\1 thie V~ri@tf al~b H~~l"t H@~Pi tell m©xlt.,e than a Wel.mo w It milk®& mo proud uMt @®lfl HiM~@cts h~&i d©>~elo Mf g3 You &Boe 9 I have wory ©lfJI~e ti~fi t (~ Nill:AlrM~~~@taAo grilndmo tmr 9 !117 Aunt ®.nd aot to d~light®4 ~rt All ot th18 ~t Ul owe ct Uf§ in co·i\y· ·r.rh~~ t@~ ·in tho QW@r~s. mviea~ ~ollJWood work~ mone7 h~a~i~~loeo I · TbfD·J t~t w~nted ham ~•4 W~d@trn/,1!\ to bo th® I @®m® cdl@wt1m tb@ I th1Dk I hAw® pl@nty ct 1@o8 or A p®r~cnal p~rt I9d like to @t$y t~1ght@~ m®o ·. ~ Aeta1re that begins turning ot all the p~s~1ng build tld® b~y tiek®t~ tor l'fh@m all ·@l!l®a "lj.c~~rd 1oo akat1DS for ooo dtiAn.@® 1n .,nd&J' morn1ngo f@U t~to h~~p@d Your anow dooan't I. •~ le~nins ~~@ · ·And 0 v.h®n ·. evening ot dcd1cat1ono awh1leo @§ b~l~@~~ tb@ to t :rn@ " 1'®-miU~~ who money these good people had put thoator~o•o And I W~d@l'Mt~o · oM d@\Qlio t1o!l1 o and att@nd · th~ local ot .. jjJi 1~@ telli~g m~ th~t 0 i~ A tgn1ght 0 tha own@r& to bo uncle~....l!w@ f®~:r bat 1n tbo ~e~t h®~t th1B wcnd®rtul 1~ Hlnna~cta I l@We ito ~ ll@\l Iu t~@t£) pi@\rur@ with botor~ th~ ea~~~- llhc'V.!~ld f@r n@Xt fit&;y h@r@ tor tl:u~ l@~~ontJ o o o VERA ELOOJ: But I ~d ~ ve~~ P©~~on~l ~©~§~~ t~~ @@mi~g h~r~ thi~ g~@~t V~~i®ty gl~b H@~~t Ju@t ~ a ~ttaoko h©@p1t~l ~~ thiO trcubl® o o o ~hc©kooo that Tbio 1g a @t tbumt it Qlm\:il.y h®lpi~ thJ."§ ·· -iadn©~©· · -im: ·gllt P®r~pa to m1 tiimllyo ®'Jldd©Jml7 o o o @~®b ~d b~@n ~ @~i~t©~©®oooWith it~ g~®~~ r®§~~@h t~@iliti@@ooo . it~ u~y h@J~rt ©1&11«1 di~do o o k~pt thii~~=o I ~@@ H@@pit@lo "'@fAr @00 a halt' ag@ 9 ncy· ot a h®axot t© ·n©t you·-might. be ®11 ~w© tho~@ with @:oHM ~o ©l«»~© @}f)@r>©d tMt ~udd@n t~~gOdJ~ gr@~t and ond@~~~l thi~go I vm pl'oud just to be 9.bl{} llttl® wordo., \11 to tho TrulYo• I kno oo t E) d~dicnti ~r.nl how much it c©m~ htll.Al® ot th1 ill 0 "o tin® m~~no te» ~dd m'f lw~pitttlo ~14= DRDICATION BAND: HEART THEME _l;B!\_CKGROUND ON~!] GRIM: But the new Variety Club heart hospital is more than a buildingo~oo~ more than facll,.ties o It 1a as close to you as the beating of your heart. Right at this very moment, the tomorrowB in that hospital. fir~st patients arc finding thei:r Moved in only yeatorday eoe they already ravere the homG where they may again find health and hopeo Bob DeHaven, our weco aeaociata, 1a, sven now, talking to a doctor and some ot those first pat1ente and li~t~no PICK UP '.11ITH DEHAVEN ...BAND: ____ _ ___ 0 U T ...... ...,..._..._ o eo We take you to the KIDS e •• • Q. so let ua tiptoe bGhind him Var1~ty Club Heart Hospitall DOCTOR GOOD -~See separate cue sh(;)et) GRIM: ( eul8) Ther>~ 1~ tor all th@ re 1 re&\son on thG Variety Club He p1talo th©3e who hAW6 had H@WD m~y of I cno or tha A®~domy in a motion picture about DaugbtfJ~" - a ~~4'1 Th~ the ·@rk =<:;) thfl~~ yfim~@e:>o building ot h©p~ ooo t@r c~ly te~ro introd~© ~how bu~1naaao ©>f o co at th® winn®r for har @~d ~ ~nt~~@ta gi~l of great l'&die&i and G@ntlemen A gr©~t l~di®~ flrt1tJt~,- o l4ISS LOllli!rTA Q o vaTh® ~®r®®ndc pe~rorman©® F®r~r~® Gln.d shimdlng Spirito o o o · YOUN~ o (BAND OUT: APPLAUSE 0 ooo~oo MISS YOUNG: IAdieo and gentl@~on: ·I stand in ave botore tho v$.31on genero31tJ and MArt Variety Clubs d®t©r~dn~ t1~Tm 9 @nt~~~~1~~ 9 ~t Variety ~lub ave~JWhero ~ which CPt tb@ Northw®~t mad@ th1® h~3 l~t~~t &.IDJd o pro@f ©t the lUJu.sl word ttcongra~ullit1one" 0 no mtltt~l~ M!f ~itmc~~~ o It'• 1mp@~a1bl@ to b9 ignorant ct th@ m&rmfir in which G@d Jogg@ph 0 ~b~nd@m~ C~il lilnlg~r ilm had ho n@t boon gcve~M U@ ~llo 1rm too pit by hlti OC?>ml@id~~~t~on_ o.t @0 ~b~ndc~®d 0 h~ m~@t®ricuaD in~crut~bl~ · I filrud my~@u thinkirG!g b;re@too~~p; . ~d b®f@~® higj plight f) _I. r®~li~@- C@uld n©t hav® been I . _t~~f) 1. ' .• - - " DEDI(CATION =15tm= P©tip~~~~ be~~®~ n©r l ©ng la®t Egy,pt8 B~©~U~@ ~nd fi~V®d o 3@~~phu~ ©f ct God in ian~t hi~ hard to ~@OCgni~®) pal~ o «>V®r that mcntho@ld big ~~t@~ o Whi@h 'Ul§J@d a 10 o to To ~~V@ th®m with MQ~~®~~to WOO\$V~r too ~®® J~ny in ~JQ!d Ha.rJri@ th©>~@ ~n©lilnlg m®n 0 jL'l®~d tb® ~~~ b©~~ T~n~giw1mg D@~~ project trsgGdy _at hope and help to ~11 9 at©)ey'o - and ~@ ~@®edt V~~i®ty A ~t~«»mtg~r @t@~Jl'o th~ mo~h®r @t helple~e ~a G©d~~ th@UtJii\nd§ - catherine's mother has that as o Q woo A~ & mtlle~v eomp®n, ~ ati.on = te>'lfi @!' did n@t 1n$t~~m@nt ~to of ©hil.dr®n oth®rwi~c ~ ~ ~b~nd©>ID!llll@lfilt t~agic urg~u@y p©~~®~~~d h@~ ot ©l1Wb§ littl~ ~®th~ri~@~ mr kiDl@'W~ tb~t but aerv$d JAundJrled~ «~~ wit~l ~@ th~t pby~1@~lly 0 m@r~lly ~~~ ~p1~1t1W~~ lfo BOO mAy beo tor whatever b~en hop~ l~~- MJ b@by th@ Egypti@lro!@) ~lAW@ t@ll mo a OW®etBr ~ S~ma :jbilit~n tcun@l :lin\ th® ®mpty th®fJl't®r v b~b7 Ju~t child t© ~ ~1~t~~ Ev~ =©®nturi®~ lat@~o th® As a m@thGrD I hop© that h~r m~ ~ 11ttl~ gi~l=©hild 1~ $ ~~wins~ ®on~t~@tiw@ t©~@© 0 3o~@ph wb@1J®Ver §!tlld ct MR"<d. tor ~@~ = ~t h~~@ b~@~~~@ xnw~ ~1w~y~ h~~rd th~t @h@i~~ h~W@ to save childreno ii\to~y i~m1<1t Sine®l tb.® night th&it it~ m@tb@~ vritt®n by IBm l®Aving h®r en theat~r ~ pck®r=p]Aying not~ §Jtoey 9 it th~ ~b~ndonm®nt motion picture It int®rp~~t@~ P~~@~ho~ d~®~m~ bring might MW@ I h@p@ not oow1rmg Catherineo What a blecs1ng to all theoo cn11~~~ 1o ~nd their p~~@nta resulted trom the act of that ob11ourea unknQwn motl»r who mu~t Q BAND : (§neakoo in ble~~Jing What 1th HEART b&Okg~Cund ~JDODymD~§ to or· dedic~te nt to b1g=mo~ «) vh®n s h6 · l"emind@d ~he · ~art ~§ ~. 1th mhc =f©lko It It 13 a mighty m~u,),- ahe wrote for· flo ~Johnny H~rr1~ and · ~~.· :rrl~nde· ~h®~ whieli' 1&11 IJ~ littl~ m@@~@g@o ndght7B ~~t m~~@@g® th~t @ ~~@ this evon1ngo Ae a member ot the motion p1otux}© rocogn1~1~ th~ be~uty of in~:oJJ~tey 0 ~1rnd P©~11 &i)O~~ll" ervic@ 9 tb@ j©~ @t giw1ng 9 I the . Var1~ty Club ot th~ No.r.tb @~t ~nd t~ Univ~r~ity l41m'losota tor the g1'l@~t d b@r® g1tt cf ~@l~t@ of V~~~i®ty ~l~btJ H®J~~t H@~pit~l Q:Ot to ohil~~~®~ ?~ 8nJt· ~·~®_~ .,c~oo~d . ~r,. . ~· l©Jro . ~~© ·. ~ ~e~@~~~,,I: F~n~,, ~ J ~ • \' il ~· ;'. ·, !I I' . ) H ~ ··'' •.; t ' r •,{ r I . 'i * ~ ( . ' ~ ( thiD1·· · torr ~11 too mothe~~m of dth@gj© c;hil~©lrno .• . "' f I Ac an I .~@r~can I h©~o dod1c~t@ thi§ l b@~pit~l. to th® id©®]8 and purl;l@~~ to which !!ricty Club~ jC~t®_:~t!.9___n®l ,1~ d~di@~t®do Not only will the . \ atrengthori~td, but hea~t~ ot the B@~rt ct a little @bild l®d the BAND FULL TO FILL: APPLIUSE 8 b® the diacove:!t'lieD tut1de hero will reach far into the tuture 9 and into tar From the cl~ldr©n t~e®ted ~r® lantdlr~ .} ShowaBu~i~©~~ ~YQ to unt@ld h~~rt~D lit@r~ll7~ etl7= DEDICATION STUDIO ANNCR: (hold banquet background:) You heve heard Loretta Youngv Vera Ellen, President James Morrill of the University of M1nne·aota, Dro Harold Diehl, Arthur w. Anderson, the voice~ of Danny Kaye, Adolph Menjou, Bud Abbott and Lou Costello, Alan Ladd, in this WCCO Department of Special eventa brodoast of the formal dedication of the V8 riety Club Heart Hospital in Minneapolis •. George Grim wee tho master of ceremonies for the prop.ram, originating in the ballroom of Coffman Uniono Bob DoHaven interviewed the first patients from the hospital. BANQUET BA'CKGROUND OUT -o we wish to thank