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Vidyaniketan Journal of Management and Research Volume No. 4 (1), June 2016 ISSN: 2320-3951 MANAGEMENT THOUGHTS: EYING FROM THE LENS OF DR. BHUPEN HAZARIKA Sakil Imtiaz Research Scholar, Department of Commerce, Dibrugarh University Dibrugarh -786004 Dr. Chimun Kumar Nath Assistant Professor (Stage III), Department of Commerce, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh 786004 Email:, M: 9435030698 ABSTRACT From a historical tour, it has been observed that the Indian management gurus have extracted thoughts of management from the old Indian Scripture like Bhagavad-Gita. Gradually it spread into a social group like ideal of Tamil literature’s ‘Thiruvalluvar’, western India’s saint ‘Swami Ramdas’ etc. Western part of the world also inspired to do work in this field whereby they tried to extract management thought from famous literatures of Shakespeare. Feeling a strong thrust, it has also being felt to extract management thought from the literatures available. This study is an attempt to extract management thoughts from the write ups of Dr. Bhupen Hazarika, whose works specially the lyrics touches the wide range of themes surrounding the world in different periods. So, the study has been carried out taking the literature of Dr. Hazarika to extract the management thoughts incorporated in it. The study observes that there are existence of management thoughts in Dr. Hazarika’s lyrics and has contribution towards management of life in particular. The philosophy observed in the work of Dr. Hazarika, was that of character building instead of mere superficial transformation, which is the need of the hour in contemporary management. Key Words Management, Organization, Leadership, Effectiveness 84 Vidyaniketan Journal of Management and Research Volume No. 4 (1), June 2016 ISSN: 2320-3951 of time it is also observed that Western part PROLOGUE of the world also inspired to do work in this When peep into the literatures, it sometimes field also pave a path to contemplate about some whereby management riddle inherent thoughts which seems like a they tried thought to from extract famous literatures of Shakespeare. Feeling a strong blend of several disciplines having linkages thrust, with life. The literature has this malleable it is also needed to extract management thought from the literatures feature that it can interpret for any discipline available. This study is an honest attempt to for the betterment of the society. These extract management thoughts from the write literatures always manifest on the bringing ups of Dr. Bhupen Hazarika, whose works out the best of human body, mind and spirit. specially the lyrics which are a great work Therefore, in this period of professionalism that touches the wide range of themes now in every spheres of the world, surrounding the world in different periods. management thinkers trying to extract the So, the study is done taking the literature of work ethos from their indigenous literatures Dr. Hazarika to whom Assamese society to apply in their life as well as in their concerned workplace. It is also extended to consider as ‘icon’. work of a community. The work initiated by In the Assamese literature, Dr. Bhupen the Indian management gurus that extracted Hazarika is the name pertaining with lyrics, thoughts of management from the old Indian music, poem and film of Assam. His songs, Scripture like Bhagavad-Gita. Gradually it written and sung mainly in the Assamese spread into a social group like ideal of Tamil language by himself, are marked by literature’s ‘Thiruvalluvar’, western India’s humanity and universal brotherhood and saint ‘Swami Ramdas’ etc. With the passes have been translated and sung in many 85 Vidyaniketan Journal of Management and Research Volume No. 4 (1), June 2016 ISSN: 2320-3951 languages. These lyrics reflect the codes of holds power to command, not derived from conduct of an ideal society specially he a grant of power by others.1 written for Assamese as well as Indian Taylor argues that under the best of society. Therefore, a study is made for traditional managerial practices, initiative extracting the leadership effectiveness, life and incentive management, too much of management and motivational aspect from responsibility is placed on the worker. The these lyrics which will remain as great work result is all too often inefficiency. Taylor for thousand decades to come. characterizes initiative REVIEW OF LITERATURE management as From the time immoral, it has been observed philosophy”, in which management has that many thinkers has brought about shirked it’s primary responsibilities in revolutionary change in development of regard to job design. 2 Under the scientific concepts of management and contributed to Management, science has replaced the rule the present body of literature. of thumb, harmony has replaced discord, a and “lazy incentive manager’s cooperation has replaced individualism, a) Management in Organization maximum output has replaced restricted Weber defines an organization as an output and each man has been developed to “Ordering of Social Relationships”. The his greatest efficiency and prosperity3. organization consists of members accustomed to obedience; an administrative 1 Rheinstein M. (1964), Max Weber on Law in Economy and Society, New York: Simon and Schuster, pp XI to XIi 2 Copley F.B. (1923), Frederick W. Taylor: Father of Scientific Management, Vol. 1, New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, p. 241 3 Taylor F.W. (1919), The Principles of Scientific Management, New York: Harper and Brothers, pp 36-37 staff that holds itself at the disposal of the masters; and the masters themselves, who 86 Vidyaniketan Journal of Management and Research Volume No. 4 (1), June 2016 ISSN: 2320-3951 Barnards (1938) was not satisfied with with the result that occupation has been traditional definition of an organization separated from social function. Even the which laid stress on ‘membership’ and not family has become isolated and faces the on its functioning. In his opinion the hard state of social disunity. Mayo maintains that core of the group concept is the “System of the problem of social disorganization has interaction”. Accordingly, Barnard regards been complicated by an economic theory an organization as “a system of consciously that emphasizes competition in the pursuit of coordinated or forces of two or more individual self interest. According to him, persons” the economic theory, based on the 19th century executive is the most strategic factor in an concept of individualism, considers society organized or cooperative system. As a is the collection of unrelated individuals system, it is held together by: (i) some motivated by hedonistic interest.5 common purpose; (ii) the willingness of The central concern of Follett is the process certain the by which groups can create something that functioning of the organization; and (iii) the individuals working separately could not ability of such people to communicate with have created. The group process is guided and people each other. then to indicates contribute that to 4 by the “law of interpenetration” and the According to Mayo, the modern society is “doctrine of the wholes”. Under the law of facing a condition of social disorganization. interpenetration, members of a group are In the western world, the authority of church reciprocally conditioning forces as human is on decline. Work has been organized interaction evokes new forms through the according to the dictates of mass production, synthesis of differences. The process of 4 5 Chester I. Barnard(1938), The Function of The Executive, Cambridge, Harvard university Press, p.61 Melbourne & MacMillan(1919),Elton Mayo, Democracy and Freedom : an essay in Social Logic , p5 87 Vidyaniketan Journal of Management and Research Volume No. 4 (1), June 2016 ISSN: 2320-3951 interpenetration and the emergence of results the fastest”. 7 Thus, in Drucker’s synthesis results in a ‘whole’. Follett’s view, the philosophy of management is “doctrine of wholes” is dynamic entity designed not only for businessmen but for produced by human interaction in which the the ordinary citizen also. interest Naachimuthu & Kalaiselvan (2012) in their of individuals in social relationships.6 paper made a humble attempt to derive lessons on management from the two b) Management of Life In his earlier thinking, Drucker’s concept of thousand year old text of wisdom of the management was confined to business only. Saint Thiruvalluvar. Emphasizes was made But later, he pleads for new premises of to manage the day to day life exploring the management which should be, as far as concept inside the verses. Henry Fayol’s possible, close to reality. Drucker states five stage of Managerial process – POSDC “That ‘Business (Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing Management’ is particularly important as and Controlling) bring into account and the growth sector of a developed society in apply the verses for proper functioning of the 21st century is the most unlikely to be management both for organization and business, individual life.8 ‘Management’ that is, is not organized economic activity… It is likely to be the non-profit Satpathy & Muniapan (2008) stated that the social sector. And that is also the sector message of the Bhagavad Gita is not only where management is today most needed limited to spiritual development but also in and where systematic, principled, theory7 Peter F. Drucker(1999), management Challenges for the 21st Century ( London: Butterworth), pp 8-9 8 Naachimuthu K P and Kalaiselvan K(2012),Management Lessons From Thirukkural, International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy, vol I based management can yield the greatest 6 Longmans, Green(1924), Mary Parker Follett, Creative Experience,p.47 88 Vidyaniketan Journal of Management and Research Volume No. 4 (1), June 2016 ISSN: 2320-3951 other aspect of human capital development talk and mutual help among all members of and also to facilitate the development of the transformational leaders. They interpret that performance standards. Likert refers to this man’s understanding of the world around type of management as ‘system 4’ or him is proportional to the understanding of Participative-Group the self. There exist a correlation between general, Likert has observed that those self knowledge and the outer world. Self managers who applied the ‘System 4’ knowledge begins with self observation, self approach to their management had greatest examination and self evaluation and other by success as leaders.10 developing certain qualities that are called In Arthasastra attributed to Kautilya, we Divine qualities, enlisted by Lord Sri find references to motivation. Arthasastra Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita Chapter 16 identifies verses 1,2 and 39. motivation, viz., Sama, dama, danda and Likert’s (1976) research at the university of bheda. As a group, they can be referred to as Michigan over the years has revealed that motivation the is combinations as means- mix. Sama is the supportive in that he lends support and help persuasion method of motivation; dama is to those reporting to him; (ii) facilitates the ‘incentive system’ or the reward method people’s work with the necessary tools, of motivation; bheda is the ‘internal training and other resources necessary to competition’ method of motivation; and ensure action; (iii) encourages interaction, danda best managerial producer (i) work is group; four expects high Management. different means the (iv) and methods their punishment In of various method of 9 Satpathy. B & Muniapan B.(2008), The Knowledge of “Self” from the Bhagavad-Gita and Its Significance for Human Capital Development, Asian Social Science, vol. 4, p vi-vii 10 Rensis Likert and J.G. Likert(1976), New ways of Managing Conflict, New York: McGraw Hill, pp. 7576 89 Vidyaniketan Journal of Management and Research Volume No. 4 (1), June 2016 ISSN: 2320-3951 motivation by use of power/ authority/ force. rise to innovation, commitment to goals, and 11 a climate of human relationships.12 In his book The Professional Manager, Barnard says that the primary function of the McGregor executive is to create and maintain a develops the concept of 13 transactional influence. According to him, communication system. when certain social elements such as trust communication is the blood stream of an and mutual support exist in the management, administrative there is no need for concern about “power considers it “the heart of management.”15 equalization” or the loss of responsibility Lesikar and status in managerial hierarchy. The knowledge management that influence the management of differences or building a effectiveness management communication. team is challenge to a Millett regards organization. described the of 14 Pfiffner importance of organizational Knowledge management professional manager. The management of (KM) is a process of organizing and differences or building managerial team is a distributing challenge to a professional manager. wisdom(Knowledge) so that it gets people at McGregor also suggested that an organization’s the right time. Intellectual organization is the now as important as financial assets. 16 professional manager should not only guard himself against mutual antagonism, playing 12 Douglas Mcgregor(1976), The Professional Manager, edited by Caroline McGregor and Warren G. Bennis( New York : Mcgregor- Hill, pp. 32-42 13 Chester Barnard(1938) , The Functions of the Executive ( Cambridge : Harvard University Press), p.217 14 J.D. Millett, management in the Public Service (New York : McGraw – Hill, 1954), pp. 83-84 15 Pfiffner J.M.& Presthus R.V.(1960), Public Administration(New York: Ronald Company), p. 115 16 Lesikar R.V.(1977), “A General Semantics Approach To Communication Barriers In politics, secrecy, favoring seniors, etc., but should work through the differences so that the interaction between members may give 11 Sapru R.K. (2013) Administrative Theories and Management Thoughts, 3rd ed. , Delhi: PHI, pp 443 90 Vidyaniketan Journal of Management and Research Volume No. 4 (1), June 2016 ISSN: 2320-3951 Lakhendra B. (2013)17 in his paper examine educating, awakening and informing them the impact of Bhupen hazarika's song among about their own identity, assimilation and the Assamese society during different harmony. In fact all of his songs are a crucial times and also an attempt has been symbol of unity, brotherhood which helps in made to find out the historical background constructing the larger Assamese society. when the songs were written. According to Sarma (2012) him Dr. Hazarika is known for poetic Hazarika in the mould of a "brand", a word compositions and parables that touch on a which has such direct association to the idea wide range of themes— ranging from the of rampant consumerism in a world seared erotic to social and political commentary; by and as a composer for his use of folk music Hazarika's creative genius appeals to all with a touch of the contemporary. because it is rooted in the earthy, humane By following the context analysis method values which are universal. To even try to the paper classifies the songs of Dr. imagine him as a brand would be to reduce Hazarika into Patriotic Songs, Human and deny him this universal appeal. interest songs, Love songs, Historical Songs OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY and Revolutionary songs. It has been This observed that the songs are not only have a management related thoughts as expressed respect among all class of Assamese society in different lyrics of Late Dr. Bhupen but also played a significance role in Hazarika. In order to carry out this study, the excesses study 18 of , has projected Bhupen globalization. attempts to Bhupen explore the researcher proceeds with the following organizations” in Keith Davis, 5th ed.( New York: Mcgraw-hill) 17 Lakhendra B. (2013), “A Study on Bhupen Hazarika's Songs and its Impact on Assamese Society”, International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol. 2 (3), pp 13-24 objectives: Sarma G. (2012), ed. Dutta N. (2012) “Bhupen Da”, Asomi Publication, pp 67-81 18 91 Vidyaniketan Journal of Management and Research Volume No. 4 (1), June 2016 1. To explore the thoughts ISSN: 2320-3951 Interpretation, in the sense relevant to on Leadership Effectiveness inherent hermeneutics, is an attempt to make clear, to in the lyrics of Dr. Bhupen Hazarika. make sense of an object of study. This 2. To explore the thoughts on Time object must, therefore, be a text, or a text- Management in the lyrics of Dr. Hazarika. analogue, which in some way is confused, 3. To explore the thoughts on Life incomplete, cloudy, seemingly contradictory Management in the lyrics of Dr. - in one way or another, unclear. The Hazarika. 4. To explore the thoughts on interpretation aims to bring to light an Motivational Aspect inherent in the underlying coherence or sense (Taylor 1976, lyrics of Dr. Hazarika. p. 153).20 SAMPLING METHODOLOGY There were about 372 numbers of lyrics This study is based on the Interpretive written by Dr. Hazarika as preserved at Research and exploratory in nature. Bhupen Hazarika Digital Archive 21 during Interpretive researchers usually goes with his life time out of which 342 numbers of the assumption that access to reality (given lyrics has been composed to songs as or socially constructed) is only through available at Dr. Bhupen Hazarika’s Geet social constructions such as language, Samagrah, compiled by Surjya Hazarika consciousness and shared meanings. The philosophical base of interpretive research is Research: Contemporary Approaches and Emergent Traditions, H-E. Nissen, H.K. Klein, R.A. Hirschheim (eds.), NorthHolland, Amsterdam, 1991, pp. 439464.. 20 Taylor, C. (1976). Hermeneutics and politics. InP. Connerton(Ed.), Critical Sociology: Selected Readings (pp. 153–93). Harmondsworth:Penguin Books. 21 These songs are preserved by the Language Technology Development Group, Department of Information Technology, Gauhati University hermeneutics and phenomenology (Boland, 1985). 19 19 Boland, R.J. Jr. "Information System Use as a Hermeneutic Process," in Information Systems 92 Vidyaniketan Journal of Management and Research Volume No. 4 (1), June 2016 ISSN: 2320-3951 Saikhik Nyaas (Tarun Nagar, Guwahati). management, From these songs, the researcher has motivational aspect has been presented in a selected 8(eight) lyrics for this study. sequential manner. Judgemental sampling method is used while Lyrics depicting the Leadership effectiveness thoughts of Dr. Bhupen Hazarika selecting the lyrics. Life management, and ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES In this section, two lyrics of Dr Bhupen In order to analyse the lyrics, first of all the Hazarika have been selected. They are: lyrics were being translated to English with “Ami Nahau Mathu” and “Aah Aah Ulai the help of an expert in the field and also Aah”. In these two songs, Dr Hazarika tries transcript available in the web has been used to highlight the effectiveness of leadership as most of the Dr. Hazarika’s lyrics were from a general perspective. Both the lyrics written in Assamese. Utmost care has been has certain philosophical background where taken to protect the original meaning and the in the first lyric, it was composed to manage context on which the words has been used or the applied. After that the researchers have tried depicted through the flood problem which is to of a perennial problem for the people of management thoughts with the help of Assam. Further in the second lyric, the base interpretive deductions. was created to fight against exploitation. ANALYSES In the song “AMI NAHAU MATHU” (WE draw inferences on the basis environmental WON’T MERELY), Here different analyses have been presented threats symbolically Dr Hazarika has expressed that: according to the sub objectives set for the Ami nahau mathu qrondanrata study. In the following lines, the analysis Garhim shakti Sanmilito based on leadership effectiveness, time Manuhe manuhe mili 93 Vidyaniketan Journal of Management and Research Volume No. 4 (1), June 2016 ISSN: 2320-3951 22 Mahaajagarrupi Mahabandh Saji Saji Ravanas living in the Rama’s23 Kingdom/ If we have to sacrifice our life, let it be”. Panir Udhyotak It has been observed that leadership is an Churna karim. influencing process. It is an important ( ‘Ami Nahau Mathu’, Guwahati, 16 June, element of management process. To get the 1990) thing done by others, the leader has to lead “We won’t merely be a crying mass/ Will his/her subordinate’s activities. Leadership make the united strength / we all join is a study of influencing the behaviour of together /Like a big python/ Will construct others. the dam/And smashed the disobedience of By influencing the working behaviour of people, the leader directs it water” towards the accomplishment of specific In the song “AAH AAH ULAI AAH”( goal(s). COME OUT CONSCIOUS MASS) he It has been observed in the two lyrics as expressed: cited above, were written to arouse the Aah aah ulai aah Sajag janata enthusiasm in the mindset of the people and Aah aah ulai aah to influence on the behaviors of others for Puhar Anuta accomplishment of a specific objective. Ramare desote thoka Ravan badhute Where in the composer had seen a problem Jai jodi jai jibontu jaak. ( ‘Aah Aah Ulai Aah’, Kolkatta, 1 and takes the leading role to solve the st problem, again in these two lyrics it can be September, 1964) observed that Dr Hazarika wants the “Come out/ the Conscious mass/Come participation from each and every conscious out/the carrier of light/ In killing the 22 23 94 As a symbol of Dishonesty and terror As a symbol of Honesty and peace Vidyaniketan Journal of Management and Research Volume No. 4 (1), June 2016 ISSN: 2320-3951 individual. At first, one should define the participation problem and explains about the different managers can achieve the objectives of the consequences which according to him are individuals as well as the organization with the source itself for solving the problem. As this method easily. This approach helps in a leader it is important to know the problem evocation and understand the consequences clearly. If employees working in a group. Employees the consequences are known, then the also increase their moral and job satisfaction solution or the means of solution can easily through the leader’s participation approach. be traced out. According to Dr. Hazarika the Again it has been observed that in these consequences of the problem leads to the lyrics a “Management Fad” is applied which clues for solving the problem. (Manuhe is “There is no ‘I’ in a team”. Teamwork is a Manuhe Mili Maha Ajagarrupi Mahabandh work done with several associates as each of Haji Haji Panir Udhoytak Churna Korim) them doing a part but all their personal Dr. Hazarika had written the lyrics of “Aah prominence leads to the efficiency of the Aah Ulai application Aah” of by the of of his subordinates. positive motive The within emphasizing the whole. Performing team works better when “Democratic” or members of the team have prior experience “Participative” style of leadership. In this working case, Dr. Hazarika tried to involve the coordination and communication. There is people with mentally and emotionally and always a team leader to lead the work of the tried to share responsibility among the group whole members of the team together. But, a members to contribute towards the goal participative leader should always use this achievement. A participative leader takes management fad by considering the fact that decision based on the consultation and he is also a member of the group. He should 95 together due to enhanced Vidyaniketan Journal of Management and Research Volume No. 4 (1), June 2016 ISSN: 2320-3951 always use the term ‘We’ instead of ‘I’. So, Time is like the “Kans Grass”. “Kans Grass” in these lyrics it has been depicted that Dr. is a beautiful grass which looks like a Hazarika also focused on ‘We’ instead of flower, though it is a grass. People wishes to ‘I’. This helped in stimulating the members pluck them for its beautiful appearance. But of the team with positive words. if one does not grasp it smoothly it would be LYRICS PORTRAYS THE TIME MANAGEMENT THOUGHTS OF DR. BHUPEN HAZARIKA crashed. Hence one should remain cautious Dr. the one does not grasp it nicely it will have no significance of ‘time’ in his lyrics “Kanhua value. Again the times are like a ‘gem’ and Bon Mur Axanta Mon”. In this lyric he money which will not come again if one focuses on how each moment is important to wastes it or not manage it properly. achieve a specific goal.In the lyric he Further the first two lines of the stanza can expressed that: be interpreted as if addressing to the youths. Hazarika gave emphasis on in handling it. Time is also just like that, if Kanhua Bon Mur Akhanta Mon It is a fact that youths are often having Alful Hatere Lua Haboti ǀ freckle mindset. So in such situation, just Eti Eti Khyon Jen Mukutare Dhan like Kans grass the youths were found to be Eneye Heruale nahe uloti ǀǀ running after several avenues of life without ( Kanhua Bon Mur Akhanta Mon, realizing the value of time. They were not Movie : Puwati Nikhar Hopun, 1959) aware that they are sacrificing their golden “Kans grass like my unstable mind/ Hold me part of their life running after some with your hand gently/ Each Moment is like materialist means which do not have any a Diamond Wager/ will not come again if real return. In the process they are losing lost uselessly.” their precious time. 96 Vidyaniketan Journal of Management and Research Volume No. 4 (1), June 2016 ISSN: 2320-3951 Again he said that the time is like a ‘wager’ A: Tasks that are perceived as being urgent (Eti eti khyon jen mukutare ‘paan’). A and important, B: Tasks those are important but not wager is the amount or possession for invest urgent, in an uncertain return situation. In other C: tasks those are neither important nor urgent. words it is a bet. The player should play the game efficiently with his possession. He Urgency of a task is largely governed by should speculate the amount properly. When deadlines whereas ‘importance’ of a task is one will be the looser the all possession goes decided by the impact or significant change out from them. Nothing will remain for it can have on your life. Again ‘Urgency’ is growth. Hence, the speculator should always driven by external factors like deadlines analyze and evaluate the best alternative whereas where he can invest the limited resources to introspective exercise. What one consider earn maximum return. ‘important’ can differ from what others These words lead to the concept of ‘ABC consider as important.25 importance is more of an time A manager will put their task in the best management. If time is taken as resources segment according to their needs to get the and has to choose how the limited time can maximum benefit from the time. use to get the maximum return from one’s Management is always concerned with task. The tasks have to divide to manage the completing limited time properly. For that, the tasks are organization effectively and efficiently; divided into three segments: where efficient is ‘no wastage of resources’ Analysis’ 24 (Lakein, 1973) of the performance of the Difference between the ‘urgent’ and ‘important’, access on 24/09/2014, ence-between-urgent-and-important/ 25 24 Lakein A. (1973). How to Get Control of Your Time and Your Life. New York: P.H. Wyden. ISBN 0-451-13430-3. 97 Vidyaniketan Journal of Management and Research Volume No. 4 (1), June 2016 ISSN: 2320-3951 and effective is ‘completion of task on time’. “Keeping the light on head/Days comes So, in the present era the time management /Plays melody of hope/No regret of gain or is loss/Burning light of tide is stand in front.” important factor for the modern organization which has been aptly depicted Bhupen hazarika’s these lines has a great in this lyric of Dr. Hazarika. management lesson of progressive thinking. The second lyric “SAMAYAR With the span of time one should think AGRAGATIR” (“WITH PROGRESSING about expansion of any project, but a TIME”) was written in Calcutta (now continuous development is needed in every Kolkata) in the year 1968. The lyric goes moment for own growth. like: Hyottok harothi kori Ahe din, jai din Homoyor Ogrogotir Birambihin Pokhirajot uthi Uronto mone mur jau moi namane hengar Notun digontoloi Hengarei kore muk hahi mukhe, hahi mukhe ǀ Mitha upokar ǀ “By riding in the garuda of progressing time/I am going to a new horizon/with a “By supporting the truth/Days come, days smile, happily.” go continuously/Obstruct can’t strike /In my Jyotik Khirot tuli flying mind/Obstruct do me a sweet learning Ahe din , baje bin benefit.” Nirakhabihin Time is like a ‘speechless spectator’ just like Nai Akhyep kunu Pua nupuar water. So it is our responsibility to utilize it Hamukhat puhoror to the best possible manner. The universal Jyolonto juar ǀ truth is as and when obstacles come in a 98 Vidyaniketan Journal of Management and Research Volume No. 4 (1), June 2016 ISSN: 2320-3951 process it leads to new horizon of thinking transitions in the late 1980’s. 26 Dr. Hazarika as well as innovations and discoveries. If was also passing through a bad phase of his there is no obstacle, than there is no need of life as during that period his family was a manager in an organization. So according circums to separation. to him, the best utilization of time and In the lyric “BHORIR TOLUAR PORA”(“ situation leads to prosperity. FROM THE BENEATH OF YOUR FEET”) LYRICS PORTRAYS THE LIFE MANAGEMENT THOUGHTS OF DR. BHUPEN HAZARIKA Hazarika has expressed that : Bharir toluar pora jodi dhorakhan Khahi khahi pora jen lage The first song of Dr. Hazarika selected for Til til koi Jodi nijorei gharkhan this section of analysis portrays the Life Karubar dukhotei bhage Management which he has written in the Punar gorhiba tumi he bandho, punor year 1977. It has been observed that during gorhiba tumi that decade the American Columnist Jan “If it seems the earth has/ fallen off from the Warner saw a glaring need to inform the beneath of your feet/Gradually own home is millions of Americans facing the trauma of broken/for the fault of someone else/You divorce, separation, senior care, and dealing built again friend, you again build it.” with issues affecting the elderly and Again he stated that: disabled. To respond to these needs he wrote Jodi poriale tumar hongo ere many columns in newspaper to provide Tumi okolhoria hua affordable, practical information to help Jodi haat kam kori kori Hangkhar hojaleu opojokh pade pade pua Americans to manage these important life Punar hojaba tumihe bandha,punar hojaba tumi ǀ 26 Era of evolution practices of Life management, access on 20/05/2014; 99 Vidyaniketan Journal of Management and Research Volume No. 4 (1), June 2016 ISSN: 2320-3951 helps to survive in this competitive era. So, “If family leaves your companionship/ and he said: you will be lonely/ If you disgraced in every Hantik kori lua tumar grihini step/ Although doing good deed/ For build Dhajya hobo lage pittri your family/ You build again friend, you Doya hobo lage moromi bhagini Khyoma hobo lage dhatri ǀ again build it.” Akha hobo lage tumar hohudar Hangram hobo goi matri ǀ It has been observed that, in the above lines he was clearly mentioning about the trauma “The peace, make it your own wife/Patience of separation of family or more specifically should be like your father/ Kindness should about divorce. In the first stanza it is said like your lovely nephew/ Pardon should like that one’s family is separated for the fault of nursemaid/ Hope should like your own someone one else, knowing that reason, brother/Struggle will be your mother”. keep patience and should try with all In the third stanza of the lyrics he mentioned possible steps again to built the nest by about the five qualities specifically needed doing good deed. Even if he fails still he to survive in these situation. These are should try again by taking into account all Peace, Patience, Kindness, Pardon, Hope the family members into cognizance. and Struggle. In the whole song it has been Here Dr. Hazarika has put emphasis to adopt depicted and in the last part of the first and some traits for progress in life to cop up in second stanzas he gave importance on these every trauma which may come in different five qualities as well. periods of life. He mentioned that people First he said about the significant virtue should give the same priority to some ‘Peace’. Peace is when people are able to qualities in life as they give priorities to resolve their conflicts without violence and other relationship in life, these qualities 100 Vidyaniketan Journal of Management and Research Volume No. 4 (1), June 2016 ISSN: 2320-3951 can work together to improve the quality of it. Kindness is a mindset that one chooses their lives. and develops. So, make kindness as lovely In the full song, he gives emphasis on a one nephew in your life. virtue which is ‘Patience’. Patience is the A pardon is the forgiveness of a crime and ability to keep control over the impulse that the cancellation of the relevant penalty. At rises suddenly when something disagreeable the same time as a human being we tend to happens. It is not just disregard of or rely on hope to keep us going. Hope refers indifference to life’s daily irritations or to the state that promotes desire of positive upsetting incidents, but a real control of self, outcomes of one’s feelings and impulses. On the circumstances in one’s life or in the world at contrary, impatience is the lack of self- large. Hope is also the feeling that what is control, and leads to others for greater faults. wanted can be achieved or what events that It can easily grow into anger, irritability, will happen will turn out to be the best. harsh words, unpleasantness towards others, Hope is also the feeling of finding solutions etc. Many of the serious conflicts start with to the problems, the rainbow after the storm impatience and the light after the darkness. over little annoyances or related to events and inconveniences. So, he said patience should At last he referred to the issue of Struggle be like your own father. which is to make strenuous or violent efforts Again "Kind" is when you treat people with in the face of difficulties or opposition. Life respect and compassion regardless of who is a constant climb, but the journey is they are and what they do. Kindness rewarding and the view is great. It’s just a includes empathy and care. Kindness is not matter of pushing forward when the going something one give to people who deserve gets tough. Therefore make struggle as like 101 Vidyaniketan Journal of Management and Research Volume No. 4 (1), June 2016 ISSN: 2320-3951 your mother who constantly motivate and Natun purukh,natun purukh Tumitu nuhua aru bhiru kapurukh ǀ cared in the whole life. Hate kame aji jodi nuhua purukh In the last stanza of the lyrics he had Kailoi hoba tumi puroni purukh ǀǀ expressed that: Jodi bisanar obhabot akakhar tolotei “Young Man, young man/ You are not Bagori poribo lage merely timid coward/If you won’t a man of Jodi pusakor obhabot homoyor rongoke hand work today/ Tomorrow you will be a meriai lobogoi lage old man.” takei koriba tumi hahimukhe takei koriba tumi ǀ Though the lyric starts with the ‘Young Man “If it needed to lay/ On the surface below or New man’ but there is no indication of the sky/ In the absence of a bed/ If it needed benchmark for age, grouping ‘Young man’. to wrap/ The color of time/ In the absence of So, Dr. Hazarika calls every individual as a cloth/ Than that you will do with a smile/ ‘Young man’ to arouse their enthusiasm Than that you will do.” asking them not to sit like a coward but to In the last stanza of the lyrics he tried to initiate for doing continuous improvement focus on ‘Peace’, it is no matter how much of their life with right vocation. one possess, satisfaction with the possession Aganan ujjal deka hupurukh is the main mystery of Peace. Rest of the Aru akha bhora dristir gabhorur mukh thing people should release to time keeping Manakhpatat aji jiliki uthe He mur maramar natun purukh ǀǀ on faith in it. Again in the last part he said “Innumerable shinning youngish man/ And about a ‘smile’ which may also work as a filled with hope of the face of the girl/ in the source of motivation of oneself to progress. human scene they all shinning/ my dear The second lyric selected for analysis in this young man.” section is: 102 Vidyaniketan Journal of Management and Research Volume No. 4 (1), June 2016 ISSN: 2320-3951 Now, he clearly indicates to the younger The new Innovator also got trip in their path generation in this stanza, who have lots of but they learned by themselves. dreams and shinning era to progress with Dynamic era by noticing that changes the new hope. They all have the innumerable coward will spells misfortune. power for shinning. In the Mukutir sintak jetia abore Puroni sintar makarajale Juge juge jugar dabi karhiai Natun purukhe niye samaj gatik Natun natun purukh ahile Natun natun ponthar fale ǀ Nupuar bedanak dhankha karibo buli “When in Dekhorei dharani kapaleǀ the thought of liberty is Kisu natuneu nijar batot encompasses by the cobweb of old thought, Haituba ujoti khale then it is the new generation who should Ujotir aghator tej mosi loi applied their guts to give a new path to the Hahi hahi punu aguale ǀ society a whole.” “With time, a new generation had given step In the first part of the Dr. Hazarika motivate into the world/ To erase the pain of the new generation by saying that they depression of unsuccessfulness/ Vibrated the should not live like a coward, they should earth of the nation/ Some new also on their start to invent new things. As time progress path/May also got trip/ erasing the blood of they would become old and the spirit of the the injury of trip/ Again they progressed youngish would loss forever. This concept with smile.” leads to ponder about the Japanese concept Bhulei hauk ba bhalei hauk Kaizen. KAIZEN (Kai- change, zen- to Natun natun purukhe become good) Nejei theki hikile 27 means continuous slow Hat haboti thoka kapurukhe improvement involving everyone from top Take dekhi promad gonile !! 27 Bhat A. & Kumar A.(2008),ManagementPrinciples, Process and practices, Kaizen, New delhi, Oxford University Press,pp. 519 103 Vidyaniketan Journal of Management and Research Volume No. 4 (1), June 2016 ISSN: 2320-3951 managers to workers. It is a policy that is of produced goods that involve gradual, followed by leading Japanese companies. unending improvement, doing ‘little things’ Kaizen is an overriding concept, the better, unifying standards.28 thread running through the and setting achieving higher philosophy, the systems, and problem Kaizen as a philosophy is practiced not only solving tools developed in Japan in the last in Japanese management but also in its half-century. In an organization that follows social life. Therefore, people should have Kaizen, every employee is encouraged to always seeks change, respond to it, and come up with innovative ideas. Japan exploit to it as an opportunity. People of the attained the status of a world economic organization had to create a mindset that power after about four decades following sees the possibilities and the problems World War II. After this era some created by change. The people should indigenous innovative production practices possess saw a growing demand for Japanese goods organisation. Creativity is the entire process worldwide. by excellence Japanese has automation, seen robots manufacturing manufacturing introduction and technologies requirements. All new mind ideas are in modern generated, MOTIVATION ASPECT PORTRAYS IN THE LYRICS OF DR. BHUPEN HAZARIKA take advantage of the changing markets and customer which creative developed and transformed into value.29 of flexible to a In this section, the researchers have selected Japanese two lyrics of Dr. Hazarika which were companies were following a common 28 Bhat A. & Kumar A.(2008),ManagementPrinciples, Process and practices, Kaizen, New delhi, Oxford University Press,pp. 519 29 Bhat A. & Kumar A.(2008),ManagementPrinciples, Process and practices, Kaizen, New delhi, Oxford University Press,pp. 519 philosophy of Kaizen, which meat neverending improvement and maintain standards 104 Vidyaniketan Journal of Management and Research Volume No. 4 (1), June 2016 ISSN: 2320-3951 composed to motivate the grater Assamese pure water of /Light rain you will remove people. Dr. Hazarika was a great motivator the darkness. and he motivates the youth to bring out These words clearly show that the lyrics is hidden ‘Creativity’ and ‘Innovation’ among written for the youth of the society whose them. He focused on three aspects which are life are unripe and tried to inspire that Imagination, Inspiration and Initiative – section of society. The ‘young man’ and mindset of ‘young lady’ as it stated above there is no potentialities which will bring a change for any bench mark for grouping the person better society. Creativity is the consequence according to age. Therefore, Dr. Hazarika of “generation of imagination” In one of his tries to target the people of the existing lyric, the whole lyric was written focusing century. on evoke ‘inspiration’ to force them to The second stanza depicts: of unrestrained pursuit “Hankalpa tumar hoboi hafal ‘initiate’. Durbbar hahokhere poth ujjal” Therefore he expressed that: Tumi notun purukh,tumi notun nari “Your determination will fulfill certainly/the Onagoto dinar jagrata prahari ! path is shinning with your irresistible Kesa jiban hutok hinchan kori Hojaba homaj nij hatere gorhi ǀ courage.” Endhar golito alook borokhar These words are to bring on the ‘confidence’ Dhaliba tumi uchal bari ǀǀ “You are new man, you are to new the personality for having strong determination. The last stanza of the lyrics is: lady/Awaken guardsman of the upcoming days/By sowing your unripe life/will built Tumi nobo hopun, nobo ongikar the society with your own hand/Pouring the Tumi nobo hongram hoto jhyonjar ǀ Bipadar prostor bichurna kori 105 Vidyaniketan Journal of Management and Research Volume No. 4 (1), June 2016 ISSN: 2320-3951 Hojaba notun poth hatere gorhi ǀ about the competitive landscape surrounding bojaba tumi akhar gogona the life they lead. nupuar hahakar nuhua kori ǀǀ Inspiration is a drive, an energizing force “You are new dream, new promise/you are that directs and sustains a person’s effort to new struggle of hundreds of storm/By achieve a given objective and goal. These smashing the rock of distress/You will make are really inspiring for the new generation to the new path with your hand/You will excel. overcome the cry of distress/By playing the The lyric also arouse the “Never Give Up” flute of hope.” attitude of human which lead to achieve a In the whole lyrics Dr. Hazarika’s tough goal of the organization as well as the imagination leads like “you will overcome individual goal. New people should be the ‘cry of distresses’ by playing the flute of characterised by a dogged determination to hope”, “Pouring the pure water of light rain, succeed in the face of what seems like you will minimize the darkness”, “by impossible odds. Most projects that fail to smashing the rock of distress, you will make do so because their initiator gave up too the new path with your hand”, all these often short of it. But the young people motivates the youth more to put their effort should have to keep unconditional faith in in their work. So the whole lyric said that their idea and its execution despite the the people should imagine and explore new opposition from all corners. opportunities and innovative ways of doing The next lyric which is “KARMEI AMAR the things. They should think strategically, DHARMA” (“WORK IS OUR WORSHIP”) which means they should think about the again he emphasis on the motivational long-term goals and should be insightful aspect. This lyric he had written in the year 106 Vidyaniketan Journal of Management and Research Volume No. 4 (1), June 2016 ISSN: 2320-3951 1949. At that time the whole nation was on Kuri hotikat Bapujie kole karmai Xarmormo ǀǀ the wave of ‘Freedom’. Dr. Hazarika tired to “In the ‘dwapar yugas’, Lord Krishna said give his contribution to this celebration by don’t let your own works go/In the twentieth way of his this lyric. century Bapuji said, Work is the only In a country like India, people devote a summery” plethora time in worship, where they feel Again he said: that inner spirituality helps in achieving a Ami notun jugar notun manob determined goal. He written the lyrics by Anim notun swargo taking this fad and expressed that: Obohelito jonotar babe Kormoi amar dhorma,kormoi amar dhorma Dhorat patim swargo ǀ Ami jiban jujat jikibo lagibo “We are the new man of new era/Will create Pindhi hahokhar barma ǀǀ new heaven/for the neglected people/we will “Work is our worship, work is our build a newer heaven on earth.” worship/We have to win in our life-race/By It is only the work which helps to flourish armouring ourselves with courage.” the organization and the society. The At the same time, he brought out the words success is not something which is an about work of Lords Sri Krishna. Again at accidental fruit. It takes a lot of perseverance the next line he put the name of Mahatma and hard work. Everyone loves to win, but Gandhi who played a vital role at that time most people are not willing to put required of Indian Freedom movement to whom effort and time to win. So, to enjoy the fruits Indian considered him as almighty at that of triumph, to register victory, we require era. As he expressed: nothing but the spirit to treat our work as Dwaporot kole Sri Krishnai, nepelaba nij worship. In the last part of the lyrics it is kormo 107 Vidyaniketan Journal of Management and Research Volume No. 4 (1), June 2016 ISSN: 2320-3951 stated that ‘we are new man of the new where it is full of joy and there is no era/will bring new heaven/ for the neglected poverty, no flood, no corruption and people.’ It’s only the right vocation and the exploitation etc. From the motivational proper effort which only helps to convert the aspect it seems that generally in most part of earth into heaven. the lyric it resembles with the “The Porter The above thoughts has some managerial and Lawler Theory” of Motivation. This implications as management is the art of theory was developed by Lyman W. Porter creating the and Edward E. Lawler. However, Dr management must satisfy the needs and Hazarika was somewhat different from their aspiration of the people working in the thoughts as according to him performance organization to get from them sustained and leads to satisfaction, rather than satisfaction consistent effort towards fulfillment of the leading to performance. Traditionally people organizational objectives. believe that motivation leads to performance In the lyrics he tried to motivate the people which in turn leads to satisfaction. Porter first exposing and imagined about the and Lawler start with the premise that rewards which they would achieve after motivation does not equal satisfaction and completing the specific task.( “Ami notun /or performance. They point out that effort jugar notun manob/ Anim notun swargo/ doesn’t directly lead to performance. It is Obohelito jonotar babe / Dhorat patim meditated swargo.”) In most part of the lyrics it has perception.30 More important Porter-Lawler been observed that Dr. Hazarika had applied model a unique style of motivation. Imagination performance. The rewards that follow and about the earth to convert it to Heaven, 30 an environment where is by abilities/traits what happens and after role the Mohan A C(2007), Leadership and ManagementText, Cases, Exercises, pub: HPH, First Edition, ISBN: 978-81-8318-808-1, pp. 162-163 108 Vidyaniketan Journal of Management and Research Volume No. 4 (1), June 2016 ISSN: 2320-3951 how these are perceived will determine 1. Dr. Hazarika stress on Participative satisfaction, Porter and Lawler categorised Leadership style of management. the reward as ‘intrinsic’ and ‘extrinsic’, According ‘Intrinsic’ rewards are the positive feelings Leadership always have an influence that from over his/her subordinates. In today’s completing the task e.g. satisfaction, sense era of competition as well as of achievement and on the their hand changing ‘Extrinsic’ rewards are rewards emanating relations, participative approach of from outside the individual such as bonus, leadership style always seems to be commission and pay increases etc. 31 Dr. effective. Participation often reduces Hazarika written the lyric by taking into miscommunication and creates a consideration on both the aspect but psychological alignment with the basically he emphasis on the ‘Intrinsic’ team members. the individual experiences to Dr. dimension Hazarika, of human aspect which is somewhat can be derived 2. According to Dr. Hazarika, Problem from Gita and Dr. Hazarika seems to be and the different consequences for influenced by the same thought of Gita. solving the problem are the sources MAJOR FINDINGS itself for solving the problem. The best way to solve a problem is to From the forgone discussion some of the understand the problem first and to interesting observations have been revealed. find out the different consequences These are: arising out of the problem. If the possible consequences are known 31 Porter and Lawler model, access on 28/09/1014; expectancytheory.htm beforehand, it is easy to find the clue 109 Vidyaniketan Journal of Management and Research Volume No. 4 (1), June 2016 ISSN: 2320-3951 to solve the problem. In the ear of value, respect, identity and the sense uncertainty of self esteem in the group. and complexities, complex problems are prevalent in 4. According to Dr. Hazarika, time is an organization. However, if the like a ‘wager’. When one loses all leader knows the consequences of the possession, nothing will remain the problem well he/she can easily for growth. He spoke about it when find out the solutions of the problem. he was highlighting the life style of a So according to Dr Hazarika, the youth. Youth is like a ‘Kans’ grass, solution of a problem lies in the their minds are freckled. However, it problem itself; it is the level of is important to realize the value of foresightedness of the management time as if it is lost it will never come that determines the success story of back. So, he urge upon the youths to solving these problems amicably and utilize the time properly. Similarly, effectively. in business organizations, due to the 3. In the words of Dr. Hazarika, always competitions and complexities, many use ‘we’ not ‘I’ when in a team. The a time the management needs to take very essence of a team work is to do some hasty decisions. Their minds the things collectively. Here there is become freckled. However, whatever no place of individualism. However, the decision may be, one should if someone is interested to safeguard realise that whether such decisions his/her personal interest in a team, are timely or not. Whether such he/she will lose his/her existence in decisions have future benefits or not. the team and he/she will lose his/her Because the amount of time and 110 Vidyaniketan Journal of Management and Research Volume No. 4 (1), June 2016 ISSN: 2320-3951 money that one has to spend for Confidence and Combats. With these executing a decision, if not done five Cs a manager can easily come properly, it will lead to incur huge out from any depressive situation. loss for the organization. The loss of Further in the words of Dr. Hazarika, finance can be recovered but the one should satisfy with what he/she amount of time that has been lost has possessed and should concentrate during the process and in a way the on the work sincerely, the result will competitors have gone ahead of it come automatically. It seems that Dr. cannot be recoverable. Time is a Hazarika was influenced by the ‘speechless spectator’ just like water. words of Gita while expressing this So, it is the responsibility of all to thought. This concept is a great utilize it to the best possible manner. contribution from Indian mythology 5. According to Dr. Hazarika, one to the formation of management should adopt five qualities in life – thought that one should not see or Peace, Patience, Kindness, pardon, expect Hope and struggle. These will help performing a task. If one performs one to lead its life in a period of the task sincerely, the result will depression. or definitely be positive and vice versa. unknowingly, Dr. Hazarika has given So there must be a demarcation us a great management thought that between the term ‘result’ and ‘goal’. managers should have Five Cs i.e. However, most of the western Calmness, Consumptiveness, management thinkers tries to coin Compurgation, both the terms together in the sense Conscience, Knowingly 111 the result first while Vidyaniketan Journal of Management and Research Volume No. 4 (1), June 2016 ISSN: 2320-3951 that organizational goal should be someone to motivate him/her. In result Indian today’s world, when stress and management thought differs as it tensions are rampant on executives, believes that the focus on the goal the best way to get themselves should be on performing the task motivate is to convert their dreams sincerely, the result will follow. Dr. into reality. They should always Hazarika too had subscribed the explore innovative ways to achieve same view. something. oriented. But the 6. Dr. Hazarika was of the view that 7. According to Dr. Hazarika, one’s own smile may work for performance leads to satisfaction him/her as a source of motivation. rather than satisfaction leads to This performance. thought has important His thought is managerial implication that nobody somewhat contradictory to many of in the world can able to motivate the western management thinkers someone not like Herzberg, McGregor and even motivated from within. According to Maslow, who believe that if the him, Imagination and always willing people to explore new opportunities are the satisfied, best way to motivate self. One improves. Factors like hygiene and should never give up till one’s motivators, imagination turned into action. This satisfaction of the employees which should be the proper source of ultimately motivation rather than rely upon performances. unless he/she is 112 in an organization their if are performance present reflect leads in However, to their Dr. Vidyaniketan Journal of Management and Research Volume No. 4 (1), June 2016 ISSN: 2320-3951 given a different lyrics presented in this study provide us a dimension to it as he believes that new way of defining the idea of Indian good to management. Dr. Bhupen Hazarika has satisfaction. Even if the path of never been a bard writing his lyrics in performance isolation Hazarika has performance lead is difficult, of contemporary society. uncomfortable and full of jigsaw Intimately associated with several of the puzzles, but when one accomplishes regional movements, he is a bard with a the task, it is a great source of social conscience, a troubadour who mirrors satisfaction and motivation too! society, musically, but relentlessly. In a CONCLUSION community ridden with fractious discord, he Many Indian scholars and practitioners has always been the voice of moderation, of have Indian the need for harmony among the many concepts in management. This has taken peoples, tribes and races that has been living various roots viz replication of western in Assam. model in India and documenting this So it can be concluded that modern experience managers, been searching through for the empirical research. can be benefited from the Indian management concepts find their philosophy of texture of these literatures, unfolding from in many Indian literature of which serves as a guide in developing spirituality, through the wisdom of ancient managerial effectiveness. Mere imitation of Indian scriptures it can make the existing western modern approaches may not be appropriate in the management sustainable in practice. paradigms more Managerial effectiveness third world country’s context So, management due to differences in the culture and environment. thoughts from the Dr. Bhupen Hazarika’s 113 Vidyaniketan Journal of Management and Research Volume No. 4 (1), June 2016 The philosophy of ISSN: 2320-3951 these lyrics has H.K. Klein, R.A. Hirschheim (eds.), North Holland, Amsterdam, 1991, remained and will remain as a guide for Pp. 439-464.. developing managerial effectiveness, not 3) Chester only in this 21st century but also for many Barnard(1938) Functions of (Cambridge: more centuries to come. It can be perceived , The the Executive Harvard University Press), Pp.217 that this study performance represents approach particularistic a rather approach global than 4) Chester a I. 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