Hephzibah Happenings
Hephzibah Happenings
A Song of Tforhanksgiving ashley O n March 9, 2013, when our baby, William Henry Darling IV, came into the world wrapped in innocence, angel-kissed, and with Heavenly Father-love, his father and I received more than we had anticipated. Little Will had arrived with special needs. I was chosen to look after his difficulty and need. My mother was with me in the delivery room, holding my hand. The normal pregnancy I had experienced had just resulted in shock. Holding my baby in my arms and close to my heart, I loved him immediately but I knew something was not right. The thrill of giving birth and feeling new life against my body was interrupted at what I noticed. “Mother, what is wrong with my baby?” “He doesn’t look . . . normal.” The word “deformed” came to my lips. Believing that everything was alright when I carried him, I was now so very confused with what was happening. The days ahead would be challenging ones. A new learning curve, for sure, was involved in his care. Time, lots of time, would be required for trips to get the necessary medical help, and finances fluctuated but mostly mounted. You see, Little Will was born with a cleft palate. He had one lip and no nose. He was kept in the hospital for one month where he could be fed properly. The road ahead was going to be a long one for Little Will as multiple surgeries and life-long visits to Ear, Nose, and Throat physicians will always be necessary. His first lip surgery, preceded by over seventy orthodontist preparatory visits, was performed on October 15, 2013. He was seven months old. I was scared and fearful of how he might look after the ordeal. The surgery was amazing! He didn’t have a nose or a lip – now he has both! I can feed him, clean the area easily, and move on to a normal life with his big brother, Jayden. Jayden is proud to be a brother of a “clefty,” and I’m proud to be Little Will’s mother. As a teen mother at Hephzibah Children’s Home, I have learned a lot about life. I am grateful to have had my caseworkers, house-parents and girls in the cottage on my team during this ordeal. pp Here, I learned, and have watched it modeled in the n lives of those caring for us too, that we have a loving Savior and Heavenly Father who will always be our Guide if we put our trust in Him. I am happy and joyful in this circumstance because God has proven to me that there is hope in Him. He can change things. He has certainly given me strength that I didn’t know I had. Ashley is completing her GED and enrolling into college in January. She wants to study welding. She plans to be certified in six different areas by the time she graduates. She’s well on her way; she has scored high on her tests and won three scholarships. We here at Hephzibah applaud her and want more than anything to see her achieve her goals. She said, “It’s not about me, it’s about looking after my children and I have to do it!” 2 Hephzibah Happenings FR O M T HE D I REC T O R Miracles Love of D pp uring an overwhelming time in his leadership of the ministry at Hephzibah Children’s Home, Rev. C.K. Chitty had this conversation with God: “God, there is no way that I can compete with the type of miracles that Betty Tyler, Joe Neyman, and Larry Freels experienced!” I sensed God’s response to my helpless confession. “C.K., those were not Bette Tyler, Joe Neyman, or Larry Freels miracles. They were My miracles! Furthermore, I did not do those miracles FOR Bette Tyler, Joe Neyman, or Larry Freels – and I won’t be doing any miracles FOR you either.” Catching my breath in this fresh realization, I “heard” the Lord sum it up like this, “Those miracles were for the kids! That is who will be the beneficiary of the rest of MY miracles.” There have been many conversations with God, but this one settled in my head and heart just WHO is responsible for the children of Hephzibah – God Himself. Miracles of all kinds will happen as God lives and loves through me, and workers around me, in the place He has set us to serve. The motto we live by at Hephzibah is simple – three words, “Love. Found. Here.” This past year 192 children have been brought to our campus in search of a safe place to call “home.” Some children come for a few weeks, months, and a few for several years. All of them come in need of loving touches from the heart of God Himself, and that responsibility is ours. The goal is that children and young people will recognize God’s love here, through us, and that they will find Him as their personal Savior and Guide for life. And they do! Five children made first-time commitments to serve Jesus Christ as their personal Savior during 2013. Seven of them were baptized at the local church where they attend with their Hephzibah family. During Camp Pathway last summer, over 75 children made commitments to serve Christ. This touching testimony was shared by one of our young people in my presence, “I first heard of the love of Christ when I was twelve years old. Four years later, I accepted Him as my Savior. Then, after another year, I was called into ministry. Before my eighteenth birthday, I was preparing to study at Kingswood University in Canada.” God still works miracles, as we call them. Actually, His children are His miracles because of the transformation of grace in their lives. We are expecting more miracles at Hephzibah. How? Dreams of happiness, freedom, purpose and success become reality because of people like you who genuinely care and show love “to the least of these.” Thank you for praying! Thank you for giving! Thank you for coming to the campus and serving! Thank you for giving to the Christmas Fund which enables us to express love in the giving of gifts – for some, it is the first time they will Hephzibah Happenings n Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” ~ J e r e m i a h 33:3 ~ receive gifts. Thank you for standing by us, as God continues His Love-Miracles in lives. Sincerely, “I thank my God every time I remember you.” Wonderful things are happening here at Hephzibah, and it cannot continue without you. Doors are opening in the very dark venue of Human Trafficking survivors. The Light of Christ is penetrating the darkness and rescues are happening. We need you to stay on board with us as we share the Living Bread to souls God brings to us. Your support is vital to carrying the Light. May God bless your loving heart as you open it to the needy. For the King and His Kids, C.K. Chitty C.K. Chitty CEO/General Director 3 Joyce Kinney Bus Group Rides Again! When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will take me up. — P s a l m 27:10 O nce again, the Joyce Kinney Bus Group from North Carolina came rolling around the scenic drive into Hephzibah Children’s Home on Labor Day weekend. Their purpose was to be the hands and feet of Jesus in seeing this promise fulfilled. They came for the children. Old-fashioned love, enthusiasm, with a dose of down-home country joy and gladness filled the atmosphere as the passengers bounded off the bus. In her “happy Hephzibah band” were familiar faces, as well as many first-time visitors to the campus. This year, they came with all kinds of toiletries and other helpful items for the supply room - plus an abundant love offering of $10,000 for the ministry. Joyce, a loved 4 and respected advocate of Hephzibah Children’s Home for many years, has been carrying on the vision her mother had for the ministry during Hephzibah’s early years. The seeds of “doing for the least of these,” planted in Joyce’s heart by her mother have grown and flourished. She has given wholeheartedly to the cause and challenged others to keep giving to the children at Hephzibah. Joyce is now eighty years old and aging with grace. She says she would like to pass the torch of leadership to someone else but, “I’m still coming on the bus,” she declares. Our hearts whole-heartedly say, “Thank You, Joyce Kinney Bus Group, for your investment in Hephzibah. Many, many times – Thank You!!” Hephzibah Happenings Hephzibah Happenings 5 Hephzibah Behavioral Health Services Staff Gives Back H ephzibah Behavioral Health Services counseling department participated in a team-building 5K Color Run in Atlanta, Georgia to give back to the community in support for those surviving and thriving through cancer. The office team banded together in celebrating Hephzibah’s desire to share God’s love with others while reaffirming the teamwork that helps to make God’s will happen for the children and families served through the counseling program. The HBHS department is expanding to not only include counseling for our residents and other children in the community, but will soon offer adult mental health and substance abuse services. This will enable them to truly make a difference to families in crisis. Only 474,000 to go!!!! W For a number of years, Tracy Bryant, Dental Assistant to Dr. Joseph Boland in Macon, Georgia, has been faithfully saving Campbell’s UPCs. 6 e are almost to our goal of collecting 1.6 million Campbell’s UPCs for a new van. For over twenty-five years Hephzibah has been participating in the Campbell’s Labels for Education program. This program provides educational materials, sports equipment, musical instruments, art supplies and transportation needs. Hephzibah has benefited by collecting enough points to purchase 13 vans through the years. These vans run hourly from this campus—providing transportation for our children to and from school, doctor’s appointments, church, off-campus jobs and other travel needs. Hundreds of you take the time to clip, count and send in UPCs from eligible products. Please do not hold on to the bonus certificates! Send them in as soon as possible so we can send them to Campbell’s! They will not accept expired bonus certificates and special offers. This program would not have been successful without your help. We are indeed appreciative for all the extra trouble you go through in sending these UPCs to us. For a complete list of eligible products you can check out the Campbell’s web site at www.labelsforeducation.com or email Audrey Ruth at aruth@hephzibah.com or call 478.477.3383, ext. 114. Again, we thank you for taking the time to make this project work! You are indeed a blessing to this ministry. Hephzibah Happenings Ohana Means Family by Daniel Guinn “O hana means family; family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.” Strong words from one of my favorite childhood movies, Lilo and Stitch. Here at Hephzibah we are striving to be a family where nobody gets left behind or forgotten. Often times this ohana can be straining, frustrating, and down right difficult, but we always cling to our mission and calling to serve the lost and hurting. Jesus, as our example, came not for the healthy but for the sick. This is our daily challenge working with our Hephzibah Ohana. My name is Daniel Guinn, and I am a recent graduate of Southern Wesleyan University. I have greatly enjoyed the short two months I have been on staff here at Hephzibah Children’s Home. As the Campus Life Coordinator, I am responsible for carrying on the legacy of a community that is full of life and laughter. We have already made several great memories with some of our youngest to oldest residents. From campus-wide trips to the fair, to a guys’ retreat in the mountains of South Carolina we are striving to make each resident’s time here full of fun experiences and memories that will last a lifetime. While activities are a big part of what this position entails, it is truly our belief that events are the best pathway to developing personal relationships with the residents, which can often lead to meaningful conversations and decisions for Christ. Ultimately teaching and modeling a Christ-filled life is our goal as a ministry team and specifically as the Campus Life Coordinator. It is our goal to promote holistic living by engaging our residents socially, spiritually, and educationally. Because of this, we request your prayers specifically for our residents’ spiritual well-being. We ask you to pray for forgiving hearts because they all too often have been wronged, peaceful spirits because it can be stressful living in a group home, and grateful attitudes for all here at Hephzibah. Yes, this ohana is not the typical, conventional thought of what a family looks like but we know God has a great plan for us. As Stitch says in the movie, “This is my family. I found it all on my own. It’s little and broken, but still good. Yeah, still good.” We like to think this is our family. God brought each of us here. It is big and broken, but still good. Yes, still very good. Hephzibah Happenings 7 C amp Pathway 2013 was a summer of slogans. Each week the camp theme was an advertising slogan used in the everyday world. Campers had a daily worship time and devotional time covering the theme. For example, week one had a theme of “I’m Loving it”, which is McDonalds’ slogan. Our devotionals and worship time covered Jesus’ love for us. Everyday activities that the campers got to do consisted of swimming, gym time, watching movies in the theater, pond time, field games, arts & crafts, gaga ball, and playing on the inflatables. Each week there were also a couple activities that were theme based. One week the theme was “Just do it.” We talked about boldness and a couple of themed activities were high ropes and camp-wide Fear Factor. Over the course of the summer we had five weeks in which volunteers came and spent time with the campers. The clown ministry from Calvary Wesleyan Church in Harrington, Delaware led over 50 children to the Lord. The summer of 2013 was a blast. We also had more total campers than any previous summer and we’re looking forward to more campers coming to Camp Pathway in the summer of 2014. 8 Hephzibah Happenings Augustaville Wesleyan Church, Paxinos, Pennsylvania Grace Point Wesleyan Church, Topeka, Kansas North Park Wesleyan Church, Evansville, Indiana Sonlight Wesleyan Church, Bluffton, Indiana Above: Reach One Church, Alpharetta, Georgia Left: New Life Wesleyan Church, Greensboro, Maryland Southern Wesleyan University, Central, South Carolina Hephzibah Happenings 9 Welcome Karl Gant, Our New Camp Director A fter a long search and a series of God-ordained events, the search for our camp director finally came to an end when Karl Gant decided to take the position at the end of March of this year. Karl comes to us from Howard, Ohio along with his wife, Elizabeth, and two children, Spencer (6) and Isaac (3). Karl has been teaching 5th grade science for the past 12 years. Over the past few years, Karl has been feeling a call into ministry, specifically camping ministry. It appears that God had been crafting this position just for Karl. Karl brings the skills and the passion we have been looking for in this position since we started this search. Please continue to pray for Karl and his family as they serve in this ministry. Karl adds, “I’m so excited to be here at Hephzibah. In just the last few months, God has shown me that this is where I am supposed to be. He opened doors to get me here and has continued to bless my family since we have arrived in Macon. Elizabeth was blessed with a teaching position at Quail Run Elementary in Warner Robins, Georgia. Spencer is at Sonny Carter Elementary in Macon, and Isaac is just happy to be with anybody. Thanks for allowing us to be here. We are excited and blessed to be a part of God’s plan at Hephzibah.” Thanks for allowing us to be here. We are excited and blessed to be a part of God’s plan at Hephzibah. Macon Mud Run A fter a year of planning, plotting, organizing, scheduling, and countless volunteer hours, on March 16, 2013, 1409 participants gathered on our campus to participate in the first-ever Macon Mud Run. We estimated that close to 1500 additional spectators were on our campus to cheer on their family and friends through the tunnel crawls, our pond (twice), hay hurdles, climb mud walls, and jump, run, climb, and crawl through over 60 mud pits! A few of our staff and residents were even brave enough to face the challenges of trenching through all the mud. While no one on our staff imagined we would have had this great of a turn out our first year, God knew all along. Our first year was a huge success! Not only we were able to generate additional funds for the children’s home, but the connections and relationships we have been able to establish in our community to help us carry out our mission here at Hephzibah have been spectacular. From the perfect weather to all the logistics of the event, it was a truly humbling experience to see how God pulled everything together to make this such a success. While I’m sure no one originally thought we would use our property for a mud run, we are so thankful we were able to be good stewards of the amazing property God has blessed Hephzibah with. The feedback in the Macon community has been outstanding and we are can’t wait to bring it back next year—maybe even with a little more mud! To God be all the glory! Kyle Muir Director of Recreation 10 Hephzibah Happenings Christmas is all about Giving from the Heart T alk about a heart gift! God, Heavenly Father of all mankind, gave His heart in the form of flesh to be Savior of the world, giving the gift of eternal life. Jesus, the Gift of all gifts, came and gave His all on the Cross. Through His people, the love Gift of Himself gives and lives out His example. Christmas heart-gifts have faithfully come in for the children at Hephzibah since the ministry was founded in 1900. Generosity, joy, and love have never ceased to flow freely, especially at Christmas time. The real reason for Christmas is expressed tangibly by giving gifts. Through loving acts of people, Christ shows how much He cares for the children in ways they have never experienced. Many come from dysfunctional backgrounds and have never known the joys of waking up on Christmas morning with packages with their names on them under a lighted tree. Some of our children and young people have not been taught the true meaning of Christmas. They may have never heard the Christmas story. We are careful to make it central in the celebration at Hephzibah. Applying it to their lives, we want them to know that the giving of gifts comes from Christ who lives and gives through people like you. We do depend on your help to make Christmas special for every child and young person here at Hephzibah. You can imagine in an environment like this, kids always need something. We ask them to make a wish list. If there is money left after the wish lists are filled, it is used throughout the year to meet unexpected additional needs. You may help in various ways. Individual gifts may be purchased. A special group project could be providing the gifts for a cottage of ten. Perhaps a Sunday School class would like to give a monetary gift for some specific significant-sized gift. An offering is always extremely helpful or you may send gift cards for us to use in purchasing gifts. Thank you for participating in the Christmas offering for Hephzibah. We depend on your partnership. We appreciate it more than you’ll ever know. Keep Christ as your focus during this Christmas season. Make all of your giving “Heart-Giving”. For specific questions or more information, contact Shirley Duncan, 6601 Zebulon Road, Macon, GA 31220. Ph: 478-477-3383, ext. 106. Hephzibah Happenings Gift Cards may be purchased from these stores: Aeropostale Barnes & Noble Bath & Body Works Best Buy Cato Dick’s Sporting Goods Game Stop Gap JC Penney K Mart Kohl’s Life Way Bookstore Old Navy Target Wal-Mart 11 Jayden Damien Hannah Cameron Allen Jordan Dontae Breanna Alicia Jesse Cydni Adam Alicia Joshua Dakota Chelsea Ashley Holly Danny Christian Michaela Elisha 20 Micah Tiffani Nathan Torris Rivera William Shaquetta HEPHZIBAH CHILDREN’S HOME T’Erica Nora Merry Christmas S’Erica Marquiesha 14 Shelby Congratulations graduates! Anasterasia Terrell has been a resident at HCH for seven years. She has accomplished many personal goals in track and academics and was awarded a full scholarship to Clemson University for track. Anasterasia is working hard and enjoying her first semester and looks toward becoming a physical therapist or occupational therapist. Ashley Averett became a resident at HCH in 2011. Ashley was part of our teen parent program and has a little girl named Ally. She was a great student and worked hard at Howard High. Elisha Brooks has also been a resident at HCH since 2011. Elisha is the mother to twin boys. She graduated from Howard High and is in her first year of college and plans to be a nurse. Tiffani Ferguson has been a resident at HCH since 2011. She is a mother to a little girl and graduated from the GED program. She is currently attending college in Macon. All of our HCH graduates are to be commended for their personal effort and determination to finish their undergraduate schooling and pursue secondary education to better care for themselves before they turn 21. God Speed Class of 2013! 14 Hephzibah Happenings pp pp n Hephzibah Awarded Grant by the Governor’s Office for Children and Families n T he Hephzibah Ministries Board of Directors hosted a Community Awareness event during their fall sessions to announce the awarding of a grant from the Governor’s Office for Children and Families! The grant was awarded to Hephzibah Children’s Home as one of only twelve grants awarded state wide – from more than thirty applications received. In accepting the grant, board chairman, Dr. James Wiggins said, “Hephzibah Children’s Home was founded in 1900. Our board has endured many changes in the services we provided for 113 years and we continually look for ways to better support families and children in our local communities. In 2012, the board approved expanding our development opportunities to support Hephzibah Children’s Home’s mission by working with partners in surrounding counties. This past summer, an opportunity to develop a unique partnership to support families and children by improving positive parenting skills became available. Our executive leadership team determined that expanding program services in Monroe County was logistically the next right step in expanding our vision. At the same time, an opportunity to submit a funding proposal to the Governor’s Office for Family and Children attracted our attention and was uniquely a perfect fit for our new vision.” Rev. C. K. Chitty, General Director said, “After learning of the governor’s office funding opportunity, we hit the ground in Monroe County to meet the movers and shakers who could help us determine the urgent need of an invigorating positive parenting initiative. Our team called on the Forsyth/Monroe County Chamber of Commerce to seek directions and get introductions to influential leaders. Our planning team called on old friends at the Department of Family and Children Services to be our first true partner in this great work.” Commissioner Larry Evans, District 1 Representative for the Board of Commissioners in Monroe County, expressed his excitement at the opportunity to work with Hephzibah on this initiative designed to bring stability and training to families - through an emphasis on the development of positive parenting skills. In conclusion, Rev. Chitty expressed the commitment of the Board of Directors and Hephzibah to continue to serve at-risk children in this way, “What we are doing now at Hephzibah is similar to operating an ambulance at the bottom of the cliff – so, if a child falls off, we can pick them up, provide care, help them get back on their feet and equip them to live productive lives.” He concluded his remarks by suggesting, “This new emphasis is like erecting a safety fence at the top of the cliff – in an effort to prevent the child from falling off the cliff in the first place!” As the event wrapped up many of the attendees and board members alike expressed their delight in this new, additional avenue of ministry where Hephzibah will continue to build on her 113 year history of caring for children and families! Rev. C. K. Chitty, CEO of Hephzibah Dr. James Wiggins, Chairman of the Hephzibah Board of Directors Monroe County Commissioner Larry Evans Hephzibah Happenings 15 First Church of the Nazarene, Huntington, Indiana Rose Bailey, Vicki Stephens, Linda Holmes, Nancy Arnold F our years ago, Ann Gannone from Chichester United Wesleyan Church in Upper Chichester, Pennsylvania heard Shirley Duncan speak at a Ladies’ Retreat in New York. The message stayed on her heart. At that time she was not free to come and volunteer on a work team. In her heart, she longed to do this. Finally, she got the chance! She showed up on Monday morning and had no idea what she was going to be doing. She was excited, until…her assignment…”Ladies, you’re going to be helping Ron do some outside work.” They each got their rake and off they went! Ann says, “But, I just got my nails done!” That was the joke of the week. Ann raked and painted and raked and painted. She soon forgot about those beautiful nails. She was here on a heart-mission. Her desire was to serve and do whatever needed to be done and she willingly pitched in. This past year, we have been blessed over and over by men and women, college students, teens and boys and girls who came and donated a week or more of their time to serve the ministry of Hephzibah Children’s Home by volunteering. Our ministry cannot survive without the help of volunteers. Thank you—you are a gift! We invite you to come and serve on a mission work team. Maybe you think there’s nothing you can do. Believe it or not, there’s always something to do! All you have to do is come! You will soon discover that there is a job for you! For more information, please email Peter Bagley at pbagley@hephzibah.com or call 478-477-3383, ext. 200 for available dates. 16 First Wesleyan Church, Blacksburg, Virginia Cindy Harris, Tina Russell, Esther Larkins, Leigh Barnett, Tom Russell, Johnny Kirk Oak Ridge Wesleyan Church, Largo, Florida Carol Fyvie, Stephanie Rapko, Margie Caudill, Floyd Fyvie, Mike Caudill McAdenville Wesleyan Church, McAdenville, North Carolina Hephzibah Happenings Kevin, Joshua and Deborah McNight, Duncansville, Pennsylvania New Life Wesleyan Church, Greensboro, Maryland Jim Saathoff, Russell Lease, Don Hecker Bill Polzin (Grand Rapids, Michigan), Eiliana Zupcich (Middle Island, New York), Jim Terwilliger (Milton, Pennsylvania) Madelyn Martinez-Valdes from Grace Point Wesleyan Church, Topeka, Kansas Kernersville Wesleyan Church, Kernersville, North Carolina Lou Arnold, Carol Oliphant (Gumboro Wesleyan Church, Millsboro, Delaware), Robert Frailey, Don Oliphant (Gumboro), Sharon Turner, Pastor Don Martin, Luther Trivette, Christyna Trivitte, Dorothea Dorsett, Ralph Dorsett, Maxine Reid, Bill Tuttle Good Goers Group (front) Chris Wisener, Huntsville, Alabama; Abbey Crisp, Wilmington, North Carolina; Jeremy and Emma Fowler, Deltona, Florida; (back) Robbie Duncan, Deltona, Florida; Stephanie Crisp, Wilmington, North Carolina; Diane Duncan, Deltona, Florida Sandy Lake Wesleyan Church, Sandy Lake, Pennsylvania Hephzibah Happenings Northgate Wesleyan Church, Salem, Oregon Tara Stark, Jessica Miller, Andi Sanders, Joanne Hass, Derek Settlemoir, Terry Sanders, Wanda Pettipiece, Evelyn Cole, Dane Gjesdal Emmanuel Wesleyan Church, Roanoke, Virginia Bill and Peggy Overstreet, Clyde Allison, Rick Poff 17 Community Wesleyan Church, Horseheads, New York Walt Michalko, Elwyn Patrick and Cliff Shadduc, Diane Strope, Anna Mae Shadduck, Cheryl Michalko, Barb Patrick Lili, Jackie, Emma and Dominic Greathouse and Michael Paynter (in blue jacket) from Pennsylvania Indiana Wesleyan University, Indianapolis, Indiana Indiana Central District Sandra Gross, Virginia Shaffer, Karen Snider, Larry Gross (back) and Bob Weinmann, Gene Lohrman, Marvin Wilson, Dick Doan (from Pennsylvania), Bob Weinmann Coleman Wesleyan Church, Coleman, Michigan Dave Border and Moose Murphy, Sheryl Ruhle, Pam Acker, Barb Greer (back) Chichester United Wesleyan Church, Upper Chichester, Pennsylvania Dorothy Strum, Lois Nancarrow, Pattie Seitz, Ryan Gray, Ann Gannone Mt. Pisgah Wesleyan Church, East Smithfield, Pennsylvania Betsy Field and Jean Bird, George Bird and Bill Field 18 Hephzibah Happenings Thanksgiving B l e ssi n g s Y ou are always generously giving when we have a need. We acknowledge God’s goodness through your kindness. Time and time again this past year, when we needed toiletries, diapers, linens, clothing, gift cards and baby items, we put the word out and you answered. On behalf of the children and staff of Hephzibah Children’s Home, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We wish for each of you a wonderful Thanksgiving season. We feel so blessed that you love us! Thank you to the Sisters In Christ Women’s Retreat from Park Place Wesleyan Church in Pinellas Park, Florida who recently collected supplies for Hephzibah. Archie Lane from Fruitful Ministries in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, has been delivering fruit to Hephzibah for 47 years. He’s still going strong! What a “fruitful blessing!” North Carolina East Wesleyan Women loaded Shirley up with supplies when she was at their district get together! Her eyes got big when she saw all these precious women had! Thank you, ladies! Hephzibah Happenings Shirley Duncan received a call from East Gold Street Wesleyan Church in Kings Mountain, North Carolina that they had supplies for Hephzibah. She went by the church and picked them up! Thank you East Gold Street! Taryn Spencer saw Shirley Duncan’s post on Facebook that Hephzibah was in need of toiletry and school supplies. Taryn called Shirley and said, “I have collected some items for you.” When Shirley showed up to get the supplies, she was expecting a few bags. Trinity Wesleyan Church in Salisbury, North Carolina collected enough items to fill a van in one afternoon. Wow! Shirley learned that the little girl helping load the collected items from Taryn’s van was Beyonce, Taryn’s foster daughter. Shirley’s heart was touched to know that this little girl, who herself was a foster child, was helping other children just like her. Claire Webb, from Hayworth Wesleyan Church in High Point, North Carolina, is a special young girl with a big heart. Claire contacted Shirley Duncan to see if Hephzibah could use some new shoes that she had collected. She had a shoe ministry called Sole Savers where she gave shoes to students in her area and also in the Dominican Republic and she had some extra inventory. Claire was getting ready to go away to college and she wanted to put the shoes to good use. She started Sole Savers in 8th grade and has given away over 150 pairs to those in need. Claire is a freshman at Asbury College in Wilmore, Kentucky. 19 For years, Rev. Trent Patterson and members of Beulah Heights Wesleyan Church in Troutman, North Carolina have been purchasing and filling diaper bags for the pregnant girls and teen moms at Hephzibah. They give the leftover money in the form of Wal-Mart gift cards to buy items for the babies and toddlers. Rev. Linda Riffle and her husband Keith from Hudson Wesleyan Church, Hudson, Florida stopped by on their way to South Carolina to drop off supplies their church had collected. We are always amazed when people say, “I have a few items!” Why their trunk and back seat were full! Thank you Hudson Wesleyan! Shirley put the word out that our ministry needed certain items and churches in the North Carolina West District responded. Mr. Gary VonCannon from Hayworth Wesleyan Church in High Point, North Carolina donated all kinds of school supplies including a box of colored paper! God always supplies what you need before you ask and he uses kind-hearted people! 20 Pastor Randy Addison from Trinity Wesleyan Church in Salisbury, North Carolina presents Shirley Duncan with a check for $5000 from the church’s annual missions budget. She was shocked! Pastor Randy expressed, “We want our giving to make a difference to the ministries we support!” He said they had decided to trim the number they give to… a few dollars here and there, and instead give an amount that will meet a need. That unexpected offering was a huge blessing to Hephzibah. Praising God for this love gift! Thank you Trinity Wesleyan! Special thanks to Diane Stockwell from Randleman, North Carolina for the beautiful fall wreaths for our front entrance. Diane is a floral designer and is the manager of the floral department at Harris Teeter in Greensboro, NC. She generously donated these lovely wreaths to Hephzibah. Dick and Irma Gayan from Crossroads Wesleyan Church in Belmont, North Carolina are always meeting Shirley Duncan on Interstate 85 in NC with a load of supplies. The Wesleyan Women and their Sunday School Class are quick to respond when we have a need! A great church with warm hearts! Shirley Duncan arrived to pick up a U-Haul and discovered someone had stolen the hitch off her van. It was a Saturday and about time for businesses to close. She needed a hitch because she was to get a U-haul to take back vegetables, fruit and birthday supplies from Bethel Wesleyan Church. She searched to purchase a hitch and no one had the one she needed. Danny Todd from Southside Automotive in Hendersonville, North Carolina made one that would fit her van and donated it to her! Thank God for caring people like Danny Todd! Sally Edmonds from High Point, North Carolina was so kind to sort and package toiletries, school supplies and baby clothes that were collected by the NC West and East area churches. She used her garage willingly to do this so when the supplies got to Hephzibah they would be ready to distribute. Sally has a soft spot for Hephzibah Children’s Home! Thank you, Sally. Hephzibah Happenings In Honor TOM & PEGGY BRITT Tim & Cindy Leonard Asheboro, NC HELEN CALLAWAY Stacy White Apex, NC Stephanie Callaway Courtney Thompson Chicago, IL CHILDREN AT THE HEPHZIBAH HOME Gary & Sharon Hall Lakeport, MI DAVID & SHIRLEY DUNCAN Charles & Joyce Kinney Asheboro, NC Rev. Wayne & Yvonne Byrd Asheboro, NC Delbert & Mary Ann Green Fenton, MI Harriet Chapman Dunwoody, GA FATHERS OF COUNTRYSIDE WESLEYAN CHURCH Countryside Wesleyan Church Alva, FL MAXINE FREIHEIT’S 99th Birthday Rev. Phil & Betty Lou Harris Imperial, NE C.K. Chitty, HCH CEO, and Daniel Guinn, Campus Life Coordinator, help unload 40 cases of apples from Dan Henderson at Henderson Farms in Hendersonville, North Carolina and an assortment of vegetables donated by Tom and Robert Henderson. Rev. Bob Allred who attends Bethel Wesleyan Church in Flat Rock, NC started a “Hephzibah Weekend” which has become a yearly tradition. On Saturday evening the guys start cooking on a fire outside in back of the fellowship building while the ladies are working on the inside. They are preparing for the “Poor Man’s Supper” which consists of cabbage, homemade corn bread, pinto beans, fried potatoes, fried bacon chili and desserts! Yummy! On Sunday morning David and Shirley Duncan shared the ministry of Hephzibah Children’s Home with the congregation. A love offering of nearly $1000 was given. Thank you Pastor Tim Clark, Bethel Wesleyan and Rev. Bob Allred for a wonderful blessed weekend for Hephzibah Children’s Home! Hephzibah Happenings GERALDINE FORTUNE MASTERS Jennifer Fortune Pelzer, SC ELIZABETH MILLS Birthday Gail Johnson Laurel, MD LEO RECORD Birthday Adult Class Kernersville Wesleyan Church Kernersville, NC GERALD & CONNIE DELANEY LAVERNE & MARGARET JOHNSON 50th Wedding Anniversaries Jim & Peggy Ricker Brooksville, FL HAZEL RICHNER CARL “SHORTY” RICHNER Birthdays James & Sharon Strunk Bellefonte, PA REV. GARY WAISNER 80th Birthday Ruth H. Hamilton Asheboro, NC GRANDCHILDREN RACHEL, ZACHARY, NATHAN, & NOAH Virginia Trueblood Cameron, NC RUBY HUDSON JOE & SHIRLEY NEYMAN ANGIE GONZALES SHIMP DAVID & SHIRLEY DUNCAN Cecil & Elsie Daniels Macon, GA CHARLES & JOYCE KINNEY Shirley McLain Asheboro, NC 21 In Memory LUZ MARIA AGUSTI Lucy Agusti Charles & Debra Fischer Miami, FL REBECCA APPLEMAN ROSEMARY BUDD Jan & Greg Doublestein Indianapolis, IN RUTH BAIRD MAXINE BLAKE Rev. Richard & Mary Deisler Fairmount, IN BARBARA’S PARENTS Bob & Barbara Hutchins Suwanee, GA DR. RONALD BRANNON Benny & Violet Hurlock Wichita, KS Herschel & Van Smith Greer, SC EILEEN BURRIS Glenda McBride Rainier, OR GEORGE CALLAWAY Stacy White Apex, NC Stephanie Callaway Courtney Thompson Chicago, IL DARVIN CAMP Peggy Ann Camp Mooresville, NC JUDY CARSWELL Certus Bank Mr. & Mrs. Charles Deaton John & Jane Willingham Jennie Stabenow Macon, GA Timothy Broyles Jackson, GA Mr. & Mrs. Dan Pitts Robert & Annie Melton Harold & Glenda Smith, Sr. Forsyth, GA Dr. Pat & Gail Hunnicutt LaGrange, GA David, Kathy & Kate Blankenship Lizella, GA WALTER ECKLER Donna Eckler Medina, NY GERRY GUNDERSON Marion Peter Azusa, CA ARLENE EDDY Fred & Carole Wandrei Marion, IN DON HAMMONS Rev. Phil & Betty Lou Harris Imperial, NE Don Berens Family Gene & Donna Heasley Door, MI Betty Folkert Lee & Sybil Veldhoff Hudsonville, MI Cecil & Sybil Demaray ROBERTA PEAK ELKINS Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Chriscoe Rev. & Mrs. Edwin Chriscoe Lexington, NC REV. FRANK HARRIS, SR. Rev. & Mrs. Frank Harris, Jr. Macon, GA GRACE ROSCOE Spring Hill Wesleyan Church Hamlet, NC J.E. ELLINGTON Robert & Candice Bridges Bessemer City, NC REV. JACK HARRIS ANNIE WEBB ROBERTS Helen Callaway New Castle, IN CONSTANCE J. “CONNIE” RUST Jan & Trina Stout Yorktown, IN Tim & Dianne Haris Marion, IN BARBRA EMMONS Christine Gillen Delta, OH LOIS D. HOLDER Dr. Dolores Holder Arlington, TX CAROLYN FIKE ROBERT STEPHEN FIKE Silver Village Club Livonia, MI DAVID “HOLT” HINSHAW, JR. Steve & Cynthia Denny Archdale, NC EULALIA WADE GENTRY C.K. & Pearl Johnson Gentry Family Fund Georgetown, KY LEON JAY GIRARD Philip & Carol Girard Hudson Falls, NY PAUL GOON Sharon Stolz Elkhart, IN The Burlington Family Mt. Pleasant, MI Mark & Ruth Ryan South Bend, IN Richard Peterson North Liberty, IA Gloria Heminger Granger, IN Herb & Norma Amstutz New Paris, IN Irene Jones Goshen, IN Sonja K. Smith Dowagiac, MI Sonlight Fellowship Wesleyan Church South Bend, IN ALPHA MARGARET CLARK Pauline Croy Duluth, MN WRAY E. GRAHAM AMANDA BREECE Viola Graham Anderson, IN REV. YORTON CLARK, SR. Rev. Phil & Betty Lou Harris Imperial, NE IMA JEAN GRIMES Earl Grimes Milford, OH 22 PARKER JONES Drs. Billy & Gloria Jones McDonough, GA LOUISE KINNEY Rosa Welborn Missionary Society Ramseur Wesleyan Church Mont & Ann Cox Asheboro, NC RALPH KRIEGER, JR. Christine Gillen Delta, OH MARY SUE MANESS Bobby Hammonds Senior Adults Sunday School Class Rushwood Park Wesleyan Church Asheboro, NC KATHLEEN H. MARLEY Virginia Trueblood Cameron, NC CLAUDE B. MASTERS Geraldine Masters Pickens, SC BILL MAW Drs. Billy & Gloria Jones McDonough GA HARRY MITCHELL CHARLES JESTER David & Roxana King Taylors, SC SALLY OSBORNE Jerry Berens Family Zeeland, MI ALMEDIA “TOOTSIE” PAYNE SPIRES James (Bimbo) & Goldie Faulk, Sr. Jefferson, GA LAURIE SUMMERS Mabel Summers Winchester, ON CHARLES & ROSETTA TAYLOR Dorothy Wilcox Ostrander, OH REV. RONALD TERRY MARY FOWLER Rev. James & Rachelle Denny High Point, NC CECIL & EDITH TICE Richard & Mary Deisler Fairmount, IN Chuck & Jackie Neidig James & Jean Sullivan Florence, KY Thomas & Michele Kohorst Aurora, IN Tony, Lynn, Mason & Michael Nienaber Hebron, KY Professional Properties Ft. Wright, KY Larry & Sandra Stephens Union, KY Harry & Pamela Spahr Bethpage, TN Nancy Stodghill Louisville, KY Charlene Tipton Hebron, KY Jerry & Luanne Williams Villa Hills, KY Timothy & Rose Simon Newport, KY RONALD H. WEBER Tom & Joyce Wirsing Margaret Combs Sarasota, FL NELLIE RUTH WEATHERMAN Roy Weatherman Overland Park, KS HARRIETT YORK Alan & Diane Hall Hamburg, NY Mary Alice Walz Alton York Buffalo, NY NANCY TINSMAN Tom & Joyce Wirsing Sarasota, FL LAURA NAOMI VAZQUEZ Stacey & Michael Schlesinger Statesville, NC KAREN VERST David & Tracy Beck The Hoffman Family Ronnie & Pamela Lonkard Union, KY Winifred Boxell Warren, IN Robert & Susan Davis Louisville, KY Sid & Margaret Galbaugh Walton, KY Jeffrey & Annette Hatfield Edgewood, KY Rick & Mary Hulefeld Covington, KY Barry & Kimberly Johnson Charles & Denise Korzenborn Hephzibah Happenings tttt G OKY MOUNTAI M S T A NS RE gathering is for You! April 7-11, 2014 | Pigeon Forge, Tennessee Music Road | Hotel • Convention Center • Inn T he Great Smoky Mountain Gathering is a four-day spring getaway planned to refresh the body, mind, and spirit. The relaxing setting of The Music Road Inn in scenic Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, is where this first-class event takes place. A packaged retreat awaits people of all ages. The Gathering is sponsored by Hephzibah Children’s Home. It has been defined as an annual spiritual vitamin by some. Here, in one of the most beautiful areas in our country, a change in pace happens. There is time to relax, enjoy fellowship and activities with friends, and take in the treasure of soul-renewal. The Rick Webb Family provides incredible music every day. If you don’t have a singing heart, you will have one after being around them for a bit. If you find it hard to laugh, you will experience “laughter-renewal” from being around the most unhandicapped, handicapped per- son ever, David Duncan, who is known as the South’s “Minister of Mirth”. Additional wellknown musicians, singing groups, comedians, and entertainers are featured in the evening rallies. Rev. Jerry Brecheisen, author, humorist, and preacher, speaks into our lives from the Word of God daily. Both Old and New Testament Scripture are applied to life today. Jerry’s messages are directed to “where we live”. Ministry at The Gathering is a huge boost to walk the challenging terrain of life’s journey ahead. Free time is even a highlight for everyone. Front-porch rockers at The Apple Barn overlook a quiet flowing river. The taste buds are satisfied with a country lunch, including apple butter and fritters. The Old Mill is just down the way with more delectable choices. Some folks enjoy taking a picnic lunch and driving on the Smoky Mountain Parkway until the perfect spot is spied for a quick picnic. A local show might even be worked in. Mel’s Diner is the happening place for more laughter, time with friends, and the biggest banana splits ever! Mel’s is a must in Pigeon Forge! After Mel’s, The Village Shoppes are close by to shop for the next size in clothing. A special offering is taken at the event for Hephzibah Children’s Home. This year’s offering was $35,000 and is designated for refurbishing the Zebulon Road cottages’ air-conditioning units. What a wonderful blessing this is! The staff and residents are thankful for this over-the-top offering given by 2013 Gathering attendees. Don’t miss it this coming year! We hope to see you there! The dates are April 7-11, 2014. Please contact Audrey Ruth at 478-477-3383, ext. 114, email aruth@hephzibah.com or check out www.hephzibahgathering.com for more information. Hephzibah’s Great Smoky Mountain Gathering Registration q I need a handicap room. ($50 non-refundable deposit per person due February 1, 2014. Balance due March 1, 2014) Bring five new attendees and receive a $200.00 rebate • Bring ten new attendees and receive a $400.00 rebate Name Roommate(s) Address CityStateZipEmail PhoneHome ChurchGroup q Option 1 $375 per person* 2 Queen-size beds, 3 buffet dinners plus rallies, concerts * Single occupancy, add $100 Mail to: Hephzibah Gathering c/o Audrey Ruth 6601 Zebulon Rd. • Macon, GA 31220-7606 Hephzibah Happenings q Option 2 Jacuzzi Room $400 per person* 2 Queen-size beds, 3 buffet dinners plus rallies, concerts * Single occupancy, add $100 q Option 3 Lodging on your own $250 per person 3 buffet dinners plus rallies, concerts PAYMENT: q Check payable to Hephzibah Gathering q VISA q MasterCard q Discover Card No. Security Code Expiration 23 non-profit org. u.s. postage paid macon, ga permit no. 297 Rev. C.K. Chitty General Director Dr. Jim Dunn Executive Director Church Multiplication and Discipleship Division The Wesleyan Church Board of Directors Dr. James E. Wiggins Chairman Dr. Daniel Berry Mrs. Dawn Marie Colaw Dr. Keith Carroll Rev. James Clements Rev. Anita Eastlack Rev. Troy Evans Mrs. Betty Lou Harris Dr. Sharon Little Dr. James Luttrull, Jr. Mr. Robert Rogers Hephzibah Children’s Home 6601 Zebulon Road Macon, GA 31220-7606 (478) 477-3383 telephone (478) 474-6370 facsimile www.hephzibah.com ion Newsletter paperless opt now available! If you would like to receive our newsletter electronically, please send @ your request to Cheryl at ccalmer no then will You om. hephzibah.c longer receive our newsletter in the ce mail. Selecting this option will redu ing us production and postage costs leav more funds to minister to children. Hephzibah Ministries is a non-profit, 501c(3) organization and all contributions are tax deductible. Financial audits are performed by Lamb and Braswell, Certified Public Accountants. Early Childhood Program T his past September, Hephzibah launched an Early Childhood Program. We have a wonderful team of house parents working with our little ones under the age of four. By caring for these children on campus, we can ensure the quality of spiritual and educational development our children will be receiving. Psalm 8:2 most accurately puts to words what our efforts are in this transition: “Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.” Our first goal is to teach these children who God is and who they are in God. We are teaching them to pray, to declare truth, to know they are loved (and of course, they are learning their ABC’s, 123’s and much more, too!). Our second goal is to partner with their moms as they grow into their identities as mothers and as children of God. We are standing by them as they walk through the ups and downs of parenting and of being teenage girls, trying to find their way. This program is opening up new chances for growth in both our little ones and their mothers. We have already had new opportunities for relationship building, and our kids are realizing that our staff is here for them whether they are one or twenty-one. Early Childhood Program Wish List… Would you like to help? Paint Aprons for Toddlers Sand Table & Sand Quality Changing Table Water Table Art Supplies Large, Medium Toy Cars Dress Up Clothes for Boys and Girls Stickers Giant Blocks (Especially Community Helper Clothes) Balls Hard Plastic Animals Any Books for Under 4 Play Food Toy Box Craft Supplies Little People Toys Contact Shirley Duncan or Audrey Ruth Boy Toys Under Age 4 at 478-477-3383, ext. 106 or 114. Little Tykes Noah’s Ark
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process of finding a home and we hope to be able to start our
ministry here around the first of August! We are excited about what
God is doing here, and we honestly cannot wait to get plugged in