July 3, 2016 - Holy Rosary Parish
July 3, 2016 - Holy Rosary Parish
“Let all the earth cry out to God with joy.” July 3, 2016 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 26th Sunday in H R HOLY ROSARY PARISH 630 7th Ave. N. P O Box 206 Edmonds, WA 98020 Parish Phone: 425-778-3122 Parish E-mail: parishmail @holyrosaryedmonds.org Fax: 425-672-4909 Website: www.holyrosaryedmonds.org ***** School Phone: 425-778-3197 School E-mail: info@holyrosary edmonds.org Fax: 425-771-8144 Website: www.hrsedmonds.org *** Mass Schedule: Sunday: 7:30, 9 & 11 AM Monday-Friday: 8 AM Saturday: Communion Service: 8AM Saturday Vigil: 5 PM *** Confessions: Saturday: 3:30-4:30 PM *** The Catholic Cemetery serving Holy Rosary is Holyrood Cemetery. 206-363-8404 Dear Parishioners, My life has not been planned; it has been a surprise. My parents had six children. My dad thought that was enough and had not planned any more kids. My dad was not happy when my mom got pregnant again. But, surprise, twins! I came first, followed by my brother. My brother and I were born in Southern California. We eventually moved to the TriCities where my dad worked for Westinghouse at Hanford. We stayed there and that is where I grew up. My mom passed away 6 years ago and is buried near our home of almost 50 years. My dad is 93 and of frail health. As you know, the Northwest is a great place to grow up. We spent a lot of time on the Columbia River. And as a family we did a lot of camping. As teenagers my twin brother and I did a lot of backpacking in the Cascades. In my senior year in high school I felt the call to become a priest. I was attracted to a seminary in Southern California called St. Michael’s Abbey. In 1980, I entered and spent 10 years in the seminary -- half of that time spent in Rome where I completed my theological studies. In 1990, I was ordained a priest for the Norbertine Fathers and began my ministry in the classroom with teenagers. I spent 15 years in education as a teacher and administrator. Just when I thought I was going to be a teacher all my life, my superior asked me to go to a parish as parochial vicar. I soon learned to love parish ministry as much as teaching. I spent 10 years in parish ministry. Overall I have served in four different schools and four different parishes, all in Southern California. An opportunity arose to return home to Washington State. The nuns on Shaw Island needed a chaplain. I happened to be making a weeklong retreat there and was immediately attracted to the place. I loved the land, the beauty of the Islands, the work and the life at the monastery. I asked Archbishop Sartain’s permission to join the Archdiocese and he warmly welcomed me to live and work on Shaw at the Monastery. The Archbishop did not forget about me, even though Shaw Island is a rather secluded place. In late February, the Archbishop called me to his office and told me that Holy Rosary Edmonds is the place where I shall next serve. I was delighted. I have heard so many good things about the people and the parish. And Edmonds is just a beautiful place to live. I am so happy to be serving the people at Holy Rosary Parish. The priesthood of Jesus Christ is a gift from God. Every priest needs a flock, a people, a context in which to serve and minister. Edmonds will now be that place where the gift of my priesthood will find a home. My only hope and prayer is to bring and be an instrument of Jesus Christ, the High Priest, to the good people of this parish. I never thought I would return home. I never thought I would be on Shaw and never thought I would now be in Edmonds. God is full of surprises and it is all good. As St. John Vianney used to say often: “Bon Dieu”. We have a “Good God” and I look forward to all the good and surprises I will find at Holy Rosary in Edmonds. Sincerely, Father Vincent Gilmore Pg. 2 CALENDAR Sunday, July 3, 2016 St. Thomas the Apostle 1 Kings 19:16b, 19-21; Galatians 5:1, 13-18; Luke 9:51-62 Welcome, Father Gilmore! Monday, July 4, 2016 St. Elizabeth of Portugal Hosea 2:16, 17c-18, 21-22; Matthew 9:18-26 9 AM Mass—Independence Day—Parish Office closed. Joe Kuchinski/Intentions Tuesday, July 5, 2016 St. Anthony Zaccaria Hosea 8::4-7, 11-13; Matthew 9:32-38 8 AM Communion Service Exploring the Catholic Faith meets in the Pastoral Center, Rm. 204, 7PM. Wednesday, July 6 2016 St. Maria Goretti Hosea 10:1-3, 7-8, 12; Matthew 10:1-7 8 AM Mass Mahjong group meets in the Pastoral Center, Rm. 204, 1PM. Thursday, July 7, 2016 Blessed Emmanuel Ruiz and Companions Hosea 11:1-4, 8c-9; Matthew 10:7-15 8 AM Mass Friday, July 8, 2016 Hosea 14:2-10; Matthew 10:16-23 8 AM Mass Gregory Grassi and Companions Tom Beirne/RIP Ken Pitchford/RIP Dory Magat/Intentions Saturday, July 9, 2016 St. Augustine Zhao Rong and Companions Isaiah 6:1-8; Matthew 10:24-33 8 AM Communion Service Sunday, July 10, 2016 St. Veronica Giuliani ` Deuteronomy 30:10-14; Colossians 1:15-20; Luke 10:25-37 Welcome to Holy Rosary Parish, Father Vincent! We are grateful for your leadership and look forward to your contributions to our faith community. Together we hope to share in a healthy and vital relationship and the advancement of stable, long-term ministries. Fr. Haydock’s new contact info after July 1st: Rev. Kenneth Haydock Phone 206-523-8787 St. Bridget Church email: khaydock@stbridgetchurch.org 4900 NE 50th St Seattle, WA 98105 Parishioners pray the rosary at 7:30AM daily, prior to mass. Please join us in the easy to follow format consisting of a leader with alternate sides of the church sharing response. All are welcome! FAITH FORMATION A Catholic View of the World By Robert King Pg. 3 FROM THE QUESTION BOX: What churches did the Twelve Apostles found? This weekend, we celebrate our Declaration of Independence from the king of England. At the same time, the Gospel tells us that Jesus sent his disciples out preaching, “The kingdom of God is at hand.” “Kingdom” is a negative word for us Americans, but for the Israelites it actually meant independence: independence from the foreign rule of the Roman Empire; freedom to live and worship according to their conscience. Their hopes were surprisingly similar to the hopes of our Founding Fathers. When the Israelites heard, “The kingdom of God is at hand,” they thought that some political or military revolution would give them a nation of their own. But Jesus’ revolution is greater than any nation, greater than any political movement. His kingdom embraces all creation, and his government commands the laws of nature itself: he changes water into wine, multiplies bread and fish, raises the dead. When Jesus reigns in me, no foreign empire has power over me. My rights, given by the creator of the universe, really are inalienable. I am independent of every human power because I acknowledge my dependence on his divine power. The only one who can deny my freedom is me, and I do that only when I deny my creator. This is what St. Augustine meant when he said, “Love, and do what you will.” Only in God am I truly free to love. What do you seek independence from? How can you be truly free? This list is not exclusive, and is somewhat speculative, since much of what we know about the Apostles is based on local traditions and hasn’t been verified by other sources. These churches are sometimes called Apostolic Sees because they were originally founded by one (or more) of the Twelve. Peter founded the Church in Antioch and Rome. His brother, Andrew, founded the See of Byzantium, now Constantinople. James the Greater is said to have established the Church in Compostela in Spain, but this is historically unlikely. John probably founded the See of Ephesus. Philip founded churches throughout Greece, Phrygia, and Syria. Bartholomew is said to have established the Church in Armenia. Thomas founded churches in India. Various cities claim that Matthew established the Church there, but none are certain. James the Lesser founded the See of Jerusalem, insofar as he was the first reigning bishop there. Jude Thaddeus and Simon the Zealot apparently preached as a team, and established churches together from Libya to Persia. Other later Apostles, such as Paul and Mark, are credited with various ancient churches, including Corinth and Alexandria. Judas Iscariot, of course, did not found any churches. Are you a returning Catholic? A non-Catholic curious about Jesus or the Church? A Catholic who has not been confirmed? Please contact Robert King at 425-778-3122 or robertk@holyrosaryedmonds.org, or join us at Exploring Catholic Faith on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of every month. MARRIAGE & FAMILY LIFE Family Life: The starting point in talking of marriage and family life needs to be very different from what it might have been even a few decades ago. Back then it was presumed that people would marry, have children, assume roles of wife and husband, and so on. However, now when I ask young adults about marriage they talk about the doubts they and their friends have about getting married, its value, its purpose, and how it’s supposed to work. If you’re so inclined you can read more about all this in such books as Young Catholic America by Smith and others, or Coming Apart by Charles Murray, or the more recent Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis by Robert Putnam. And that’s to name only a few books. Thus, to repeat, any talk of marriage and family today can’t presume what it could only a few decades ago. However, the church has much to say about family, its purposes, the church’s view of the human person, and so on. Additionally, there is also a lot to be said about family life that has emerged in the human sciences. Talking about family from the perspective of the intersection between Catholic teaching on the family and the human sciences is proving most productive. In this series I’ll look at that intersection. What I will offer is certainly not original. However, I borrow liberally from what is called Catholic anthropology as well as the best work of the social sciences. I hope you find this new series interesting, helpful, enlightening, and a support for both your faith and your family life. ~Deacon Ray STEWARDSHIP Today is the Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Holy Rosary Stewardship Prayer Dear Lord God, You alone are the source of every good gift and the mystery of each human life. We thank you for your creation And for your tender, faithful love. Fill our minds with the Gospel of your son Jesus and fill our hearts with his compassion. Send your Spirit to grant us wisdom, that our gratitude may bind us together into a community of faith and a caring people. Give us the courage to express our gratitude first as we discern how to be good stewards of the gifts entrusted to us that we may do the work for your Kingdom. In your son’s name we pray, Amen! "At that time the Lord appointed seventy-two others whom he sent ahead of him in pairs to every town and place he intended to visit. Luke 10:1 Luke tells of the first evangelization effort with Jesus sending out 72 to prepare for his visits. We are all called upon to continue the mission of the 72, living simply and inviting others to a deeper relationship with Christ. Do not be hesitant to share with others why you attend Holy Rosary! Welcome Fr. Gilmore! This week is Fr. Gilmore’s first as shepherd of Holy Rosary. Please introduce yourselves and make him feel welcomed! As of June 28, we have received $192,553 in gifts and pledges for the Annual Catholic Appeal, exceeding our goal of $180,000! Please keep in mind that next May the parish will be responsible for any cash shortfall; it is very important that those pledges come through! Any donations over the goal will be returned to the Parish to put modern windows in the rectory. Help give Fr. Gilmore a true rectorywarming present! Those of you who are skilled with your cell phones can scan the QR code to the left to donate now. John Russell, Pastoral Associate for Stewardship johnr@holyrosaryedmonds.org (425) 977-4545 MARRIAGE & FAMILY LIFE MARRIAGE AND FAMILY LIFE COMMISSION—Upcoming Events for the Family Little Blessings will not have Taco Tuesday in July. Please plan to join us on Tuesday, August 9th. from 6-7PM in the Pastoral Center. We will enjoy a “Taco Tuesday” potluck as well as social time for children and adults. For questions about Little Blessings gatherings, contact Kelly Groesbeck at littleblessings@holyrosaryedmonds.org. SAVE THE DATE FOR BASEBALL WITH THE AQUASOX! It will be Holy Rosary Night at the Aquasox in Everett on Friday, August 5th. Tickets are a bargain—$7 each. Tickets are now on sale at the Parish Office (cash or check, please). Please join us for a fun family night at the ballpark, sponsored by the Marriage and Family Life Commission and the Knights of Columbus. Pope Francis’ new document on marriage and the family, The Joy of LoveAmoris Laetitia, is now available. We have a limited supply at the Parish Office, which are available on a first-come first-served basis. We are planning a study group this fall, so drop by to pick up your copy. Pg. 4 FAITH IN ACTION Pg. 5 PRAYER SUPPORT…“Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves.” -Matthew 11:28-29 A Time to Heal — Katherine Sphung, Joe Kuchinski, Vanessa O’Berg, Shirley Wambolt, Frank and Valerie Rocco, Joe Sackmann, Jon Netterstrom, Father Petosa, Bill Cheshier, David Gerdon, Archbishop Sartain, Joe Linehan, Sandra DiAngi and Sharon Benson. A Time to Mourn—Dominic Marrese and James Schemmer (father of Twila McDonell). “Welcome them into paradise, where there will be no sorrow, no weeping nor pain, but fullness of peace and joy.” -Catholic Blessings & Prayers Please contact Roberta Tassani at 425-778-3122 or robertat@holyrosaryedmonds.org if you have a prayer request. Youth and Young Adult Ministry Youth Migrant Project is a week-long service project for Catholic youth in the Archdiocese of Seattle. Holy Rosary Parish has participated in this project for over 25 years. This past week, 38 junior high and high school students spent their days serving the migrant families, helping on farms and food banks and preparing meals. It was a wonderful week of service, learning and fun. Thank you, parishioners, for all your support and donations! It feels great to take the words of our Lord and put them into action! We find out first hand that when you give you receive so much more! Angus angusm@holyrosaryedmonds.org 425-778-3122 x225 “The Lord is kind and merciful!” St Vincent de Paul Society wishes to thank you for your generosity in allowing us to help those less fortunate than we are. During our current fiscal year that began October 1st, 2015, we have been able to respond to nearly 450 requests for assistance. Vincentians have assisted over 500 adults and over 200 children in the Edmonds area during this time, and have given approximately $18,000 in food and other supplies. Thanks to your monetary gifts, we have disbursed $85,500 in the eight months ended May 31st, 2016. Thank you for all of your generous help and support. Through your gifts, you help us make a difference in the lives of those in need in our community. ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Why spend a Holy Hour before the Blessed Sacrament? Because day and night, Jesus dwells in the Blessed Sacrament—because you are the most important person in the world to him! “Christ is reserved in our churches as the spiritual center of the heart of the community, the universal church and all humanity, since within the veil of the species, Christ is contained, the invisible heart of the church, the Redeemer of the world, the center of all hearts, by him all things are and of whom we exist.” - Pope Paul IV, Mysterium Fidei If you would like to spend time with Jesus in front of the Blessed Sacrament, contact Mike Montgomery to schedule a weekly day and time: DsastrPlng@comcast.net, phone: 206-795-9837. OUTREACH St. Vincent de Paul Food Bank: SVDP food bank needs more of the following items--apple juice, ground coffee, cold cereal, spaghetti sauce, mayo (small), tooth paste. Kids are home from school so any kid friendly snacks or meals are welcome. Thank you for all of your donations! LITTLE BLESSINGS morning play dates are on vacation for the summer. Please look for announcements in August about the fall schedule. In the meantime, please join us at Little Blessings Family Night: on Tuesday, August 9th in the Pastoral Center. Contact Kelly Groesbeck littleblessings@holyrosaryedmonds.org or see the parish website for the Sign Up Genius link. BRIDGE, ANYONE? Did you know that Holy Rosary has bridge groups? We have two women’s groups and a couples group. Games are played once a month in players’ homes (September-May). We are looking for more bridge players. For more info call Mary Hupf 206-226-0970. Are you someone who has experienced PostTraumatic Stress or Moral Injury from your service in the armed forces? These wounds go deeper than psychological and can only be truly healed by the sacred touch of Jesus Christ. The Warriors Healing Retreat will address these wounds and offer such healing on Saturday, July 16th from 9AM6PM at American Lake VA Hospital. The cost is $10 for lunch plus a free-will offering. Contact Father Charles Barnes at 206-764-2033 or charles.barnes2@va.gov to register. Pg. 6 A Psychologist is available to treat concerns such as depression, anxiety, grief and loss, and family problems. This service is offered for adults and children of the community. If you need assistance, please call Dr. Jeff Baird at 425-977-4534 to leave a message (your call is confidential and will be returned within 24 hrs.) Rachel’s Corner Hope and Healing After Abortion Every step of the retreat changed my emotions, opened the door of my spirit, and healed my physical and interior injuries. -Testimonial after Retreat Come on a Rachel’s Vineyard™ Retreat and receive His abundant and boundless mercy. August 12-14, 2016 Call Valerie: 1-800-822-HOPE (4673) You are loved with an everlasting Love! Project Rachel is a program of Catholic Community Services. VBS: We had a wonderful week’s experience at Vacation Bible School last week! 122 Cave Dwellers attended our “Cave Quest” camp. A big shout out to the 21 adults and 28 teens who made this week possible for the children of our parish! HOLY ROSARY FALL SOCCER registration is open. Please see the registration form on the school and parish websites. Soccer registration deadline is August 1. The season begins in early September. Stay tuned for information regarding Fall 2016 Holy Rosary CYO Cross Country for grades K-8. NEXT STEP PREGNANCY SERVICE NEEDS VOLUNTEERS to sort and distribute baby clothes, diapers and baby supplies to clients; advocates to welcome clients and assist with paperwork, and nurses to do medical intake and administer tests. As little as a couple of hours a week could make a difference in many lives—born and unborn. For information about Next Step, call our office at 425-329-4569, email Kathy at Kathy@nextstepnw.com or visit www.nextstepnw.com. SCHOOL NEWS HAVE A SAFE AND WONDERFUL SUMMER—WE’LL SEE YOU IN SEPTEMBER! HOW TO REACH US Pg. 7 PARISH STAFF: PHONE: 425-778-3122 REV. VINCENT GILMORE - PRIEST ADMINISTRATOR vincentg@holyrosaryedmonds.org no ext. DEACON RAY BIERSBACH ext.263 rayb@holyrosaryedmonds.org Don’t forget to get your scrip and support Holy Rosary School throughout the summer. Scrip will continue to be sold after all weekend masses this summer! Thank you! Around the Archdiocese Sisters of St Joseph of Peace Summer Retreat, “God’s Great Gift of Mercy”, presented by Father Marlin Connole, July 8-15, 2016. $350 includes meals and coffee breaks. To register or for more information contact Linda Hanson at 425-467-5499 or email lhanson@csjp-olp.org. The Priory Spirituality Center in Lacey offers individual retreats and Spiritual Direction. We have many interesting programs available. Please check out our website: www.stplacid.org; look under spiritual formation programs), as well as our Facebook page (The Priory Spirituality Center), and our Twitter feed (http://twitter.com/SpiritualityCtr) for more information. HEALTH MINISTRY—Verdant Health Commission offers many activities, classes, seminars, screenings and other health and wellness events taking place in our community. These events include: Support Group for Caregivers; Drop-in Grief Support Group; network for mothers of children with developmental disabilities; play and parenting groups, and more. For a full calendar of events, call 425-582-8600 or visit verdanthealth.org. JOHN RUSSELL - PASTORAL ASSOCIATE FOR STEWARDSHIP johnr@holyrosaryedmonds.org ext. 258 ROBERTA TASSANI - PASTORAL ASSISTANT FOR OUTREACH AND FAMILY LIFE robertat@holyrosaryedmonds.org LIN LACY - OFFICE MANAGER linl@holyrosaryedmonds.org ext. 223 ext. 257 DR. JEFF BAIRD - CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST no e-mail-you may leave a confidential voice mail ext. 226 HEALTH MINISTRY healthministry@holyrosaryedmonds.org MARY HUPF - RELIGIOUS EDUCATION maryh@holyrosaryedmonds.org ext. 242 ext. 249 ROBERT KING - PASTORAL ASSOCIATE FOR ADULT FAITH FORMATION robertk@holyrosaryedmonds.org ANGUS MCDONELL - YOUTH MINISTER angusm@holyrosaryedmonds.org SUSAN OLMOS - MUSIC DIRECTOR susano@holyrosaryedmonds.org BETH HUDSON - BOOKKEEPER bethh@holyrosaryedmonds.org ext. 232 ext. 225 ext. 281 ext. 227 COLLEEN LEMESHKO - PARISH SECRETARY colleenl@holyrosaryedmonds.org ext. 222 GARY MCCONAGHY - DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS, FACILITIES AND TECHNOLOGY garym@holyrosaryedmonds.org ext.245 PARISH OFFICE HOURS MONDAY-FRIDAY 8:30 AM TO 4:30 PM. THE ANSWERING SERVICE WILL RELAY MESSAGES WHEN THE OFFICE IS CLOSED. SCHOOL STAFF: PHONE: 425-778-3197 SUE VENABLE - PRINCIPAL susanv@holyrosaryedmonds.org ext. 230 CHERI ORSI - SCHOOL OFFICE MANAGER ext. 231 cherio@holyrosaryedmonds.org SCHOOL OFFICE HOURS 7:30AM TO 4PM MONDAY-FRIDAY Pg. 8 SACRAMENTAL INFORMATION INFANT BAPTISM - Parents attend two sessions to prepare to celebrate this sacrament. We encourage parents to attend before the birth or adoption of their child. Baptisms are normally celebrated at a weekend liturgy on the first weekend of the month. Please call the Parish Office six weeks prior to the desired Baptism date to register your child. Next preparation sessions are on Monday evenings, July 18th and 25th, 2016 from 7-8:30PM in the Parish Office. Upcoming baptisms are on August 7th at 11AM. MARRIAGE - Couples wishing to celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage should contact the parish at least 6 months prior to the desired date. Preparation for celebrating and living the sacrament is required. Contact Deacon Ray Biersbach for more information. ANOINTING OF THE SICK - is celebrated any time there is a serious illness or health crisis. Contact the parish office to make arrangements. The sacrament is also celebrated periodically at a Sunday liturgy and on weekdays. FUNERALS - Please contact the parish after a death, and before making arrangements with a funeral home. CONFIRMATION - The Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated yearly for those who are high school juniors or seniors. Attendance at preparation sessions is required. Adults who have not been confirmed may also celebrate the sacrament. Contact Angus McDonell, Youth Minister, for information about preparation. FIRST RECONCILIATION/FIRST EUCHARIST - Children are prepared for these sacraments after completing a year of remote preparation in either the school or religious education program. Parents attend preparation sessions for each sacrament. Contact Mary Hupf, Director for Elementary Faith Formation, for more information. ADULT INITIATION - Adults who wish to join the Catholic Faith participate in sessions of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.) Contact Robert King, Associate for Adult Faith Formation, for further information. WE CAN SERVE YOU BETTER IF YOU ARE A REGISTERED MEMBER OF HOLY ROSARY FOR A REGISTRATION FORM OR CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE FOR AN ON LINE FORM. PARISH. PLEASE CALL US
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