Mass Intentions Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 5, 2016
Mass Intentions Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 5, 2016
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 5, 2016 Page 1 St. Michael’s Church June 5, 2016 Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time RECTORY OFFICE 800 Ocean Avenue West End, NJ 07740 Ph: (732) 222-8080 Fx: (732) 870-1174 Office Hours Monday–Thursday: 8:30am–3:30pm (Closed 12:00pm–1:00pm) Summer Fridays: 8:30am-12:00pm Parish Rectory Staff Rev. John Butler, Pastor Susan McCullough, Business Manager Lauren Ernst, Administrative Assistant Paul Bergin, Music Director Jose Rodriguez, Maintenance Manager Mass Schedule OUTREACH CENTER 6 West End Court West End, NJ 07740 Ph: (732) 483-0360 Fx: (732) 483-0363 St. Vincent de Paul 732-483-0360 ext. 113 Registration To register with the parish, please call the Rectory. Baptisms Baptisms take place Sundays at 1:00 pm. Parents must be registered parishioners, and can call the Rectory for information and scheduling. DAILY MASS Mon - Fri Sat 8:00AM; First Friday in Latin at 12:15 PM Baptism Preparation Class 9:00AM Baptism preparation classes are hosted every third Thursday of the month. Classes begin at 7 pm in the lower WEEKEND MASSES church. Please call the Rectory to register. Saturday 4:00PM, 5:00PM, 7:30PM Sunday 7:00AM, 9:00AM, 10:00AM, 11:00AM, 12PM, 4:00PM, 7:30PM Religious Education To sign your child up for our Tuesday or Sunday Religious Education classes, please contact Patty Chavez, ext. 110 Confessions are held 12 minutes to 5 minutes before at the Outreach Center. All families must be registered each Mass; and on First Friday from 11:45 AM to 12:05 with the parish. PM and after this Mass until 1:15 PM. Marriages Couples who wish to marry at the parish should contact the Rectory for a Marriage Request Form, and for further information. The bride or groom, or their parents/ grandparents must be registered parishioners for at least eighteen months to make arrangements. There is a twelve month timeline for wedding preparation. Anointing of the Sick During office hours, please call the Rectory to request an anointing. If the office is closed, please call the emergency line which is 908-433-7590. If you or your loved one is in a hospital, the head nurse could also call for the chaplain. Page 2 June 5, 2016 Saturday, June 4 Mass Intentions 4:00 PM † Carol Cero 5:00 PM †Rev. Leonard P. Lang 7:30 PM †Rev. Eugene T. Keenan Husband, Richard Sunday, June 5 7:00 AM People of the Parish 9:00 AM Special Intention Robin Verhose † Bernie Boglioli 10:00 AM † Katharine Humbold † Marc Gardner 11:00 AM † Louise D'Ambrisi † Bernard F. Boglioli, Sr. 12:00 PM † Tom Dougherty 4:00 PM † Bernard F. Boglioli, Sr. 7:30 PM †Rev. James A Thompson Janet Schroth & Family Jeanne Boehles Joanne , Avery, Raleigh & Kirby Gabe LaConte The Koellhoffer Family Mr. Edward Williams Monday, June 6 8:00 AM † Marc Gardner Joanne , Avery, Raleigh & Kirby Tuesday, June 7 8:00 AM † Marion Cunningham † Rev. Msgr. Paul F. Bradley Carol Moran and Family Parishioners of St. Michael's Church Wednesday, June 8 8:00 AM † Bernard F. Boglioli, Sr. † Marc Gardner The Parishioners of St. Michael's Church Joanne , Avery, Raleigh & Kirby Thursday, June 9 8:00 AM † Marc Gardner Joanne , Avery, Raleigh & Kirby Friday, June 10 8:00 AM † Frank John Christie, Jr. † Bernie Boglioli The Parishioners of St. Michael's Church Janet Schroth & Family Saturday, June 11 9:00 AM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 7:30 PM †Rev. Bernardino Esguerra †Rev. Matthew Adackapara † Marc Gardner †Rev. Msgr. Edward Strano Joanne , Avery, Raleigh & Kirby Sunday, June 12 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM †Rev. Msgr. William F. Fitzgerald People of the Parish † Bernie Boglioli † James E.J. Kane † Mary M. Lemanowicz 12:00 PM †Rev. Gerard J. Brown 4:00 PM † Bernard F. Boglioli, Sr. 7:30 PM †Rev. David A. Hillier Janet Schroth Jill & Mickey Maita The Fernicola Family Mr. & Mrs. Fred M. & Jamie Seibel Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 5, 2016 The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; whom should I dread? When those who do evil draw near, they stumble and fall. –Psalm 27 Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 5, 2016 Please Join Us Next Weekend on June 11th and 12th! The Ministry Fair at St. Michael’s will be held before and after all the Saturday and Sunday Masses of the June 11-12 weekend. The fair will include tables staffed by members of our parish ministries who will be providing information about their ministry’s work, brochures, and answers to your questions. Those who are interested in learning more, receiving a follow-up phone call, and exploring the possibility of becoming a ministry volunteer will be able to leave their name and contact information with the ministry representatives at the tables. The Ministry Fair will provide you with a chance to consider and discern ways that you can be more fully involved in the life of our parish and utilize your talents, skills, and time to assist and serve parish and community, as well as consider new/additional ways through which the Holy Spirit might be calling you to share of yourself and your God-given talents. At all the Masses of this weekend, we will also acknowledge all the ministries and volunteers of the parish, express our gratitude for their dedicated and generous efforts, and celebrate their work with a special blessing and prayer at the end of Mass. Through the gifts of time and talent that our parishioners so generously share we are able to truly be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ in our parish and community. May the Holy Spirit continue to inspire and guide our ministries and volunteers and call others to join in this unique way of living the Gospel message through service to our parish family. UPDATES REGARDING FAITH IN OUR FUTURE AN EXCERPT (AS EDITED) FROM CORE TEAM UPDATE WWW.DIOCESEOFTRENTON.ORG/FAITHINOURFUTURE: St. Michael’s Family Fun Night Tuesday, July 12th 6:00 BBQ followed by games and Movie under the stars! #27 AT “…when the leftover fragments were picked up they filled twelve wicker baskets.” –Luke 9:11-17 There has been a lot of talk about diminishing resources: fewer active parishioners, smaller collections, fewer priests and religious to serve in leadership. If this is the only lens that shapes our view of the future, we can easily slip into “survival mode.” We find ourselves protecting what we think is “ours”: our priest, our church, our customs and ways of doing things. On the surface, we say we are willing to share; but really, when we think there’s not enough to go around, it’s every man (or parish) for himself. The scriptures for the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ last Sunday encouraged us to pick up another lens in order to see more clearly. The first two readings remind us that all we have has been entrusted to us by God for use according to HIS purpose. Each reading illustrates a disciple’s response. In Thanksgiving for God’s generous blessing, Abram makes a tithe or offering of ten percent of everything he owns (Gen 14:20). St. Paul passes on to others what he himself received (1 Cor 11:23). Both examples show us that what we do with what we are given matters. The Gospel recounts the Lord feeding more than 5000 people with just five loaves and two fish. All ate their fill and there was plenty left over. This miracle prefigures the Eucharist. We can see that the Lord does not mete out grace in small measure; rather he generously pours out his own life for us. Compounding this immeasurable gift, the Lord also sends the Holy Spirit to dwell in us and help us to use what we have been given wisely. By the loving hand of God, all of the gifts we need exist in the local Church of Trenton. How will we call forth and gather the gifts? How will we use them so that all are satisfied? What abundance will overflow for good works? These are among the questions that Faith in Our Future asks us to address and to pray over. Friendly Reminders… Please keep the following in mind: • Cigarette Butts. Cigarette butts seem to be increasing in the parking areas and courtyard. Please dispose of cigarette butts in the trash cans or in your car’s ash tray. • Save the Date Page 3 Early Departures. Thank you for please returning to, and remaining in, your pew after Communion until the end of the Mass (which is the celebrant’s exit from the sanctuary either to the sacristy or to the church’s doors). Remaining until the end of the Mass shows the proper respect for the Blessed Sacrament and courtesy to fellow worshippers and clergy. Page 4 June 5, 2016 Religious Education VOLUNTEERS WANTED!!!! If you are between the ages of 12-100 and want to have an incredible week come join us on an over the top underground adventure this year at Cave Quest Vacation Bible School, "Following Jesus The Light of the World" The dates for VBS this year is Monday, July 25th-Friday, July 29th. For more information contact Patty if you are interested in volunteering at732-483-0360 ext. 110 or cell phone at 908-347-7948. Attention Parents: Watch the bulletin the first week of June for VBS application. Come join us July 25thJuly 29th as the kids will explore the rock solid foundation of Jesus' love. Our theme this year Cave Quest is filled with faith learning experiences kids will see, hear, touch and even taste!!! So don't miss out on all the fun!!! Limited to the first 25 children. Attention All CCD Families: CCD Registration for 2016/2017 is now closed. The deadline was April 10th. If you did not hand in your form you must contact the office to see if there are any spots left. You must also now add the late fee of 25.00 if there is a spot open. Re-registration forms were mailed to you in February. The St. Michael's Youth Group had our end of the year party last week! We will still meet as a group for Mass throughout the summer and have a few events. At these specific Masses the kids are encouraged to be “Lectors.” This is not an easy or comfortable experience, but by participating in this process the kids will become closer to their Faith and more confident in any public speaking situation. This experience will carry them through life and equip them with the necessary tools to become successful. Also coming up in June, we will be filming to be in another “Real Faith TV” episode. The title is about God’s creation and protecting it. The kids will be interviewed and asked specific questions pertaining to the environment. Keep checking the bulletin for all upcoming Youth Group info. Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 5, 2016 Page 5 Page 6 June 5, 2016 Annual Catholic Appeal $109,000 Please remember the needy who are helped by the funds contributed to the Annual Catholic Appeal. They include: the poor and vulnerable, schools, seminarian education Catholic Charities, home health nursing programs for seniors, vocations, ministries to all segments of the parish and diocese (families, seniors, young adults, youth). The list is virtually endless. YOUR contribution DOES make a difference! Please help. Please contribute. Please make a pledge. $75,000 $50,000 $47,307 $25,000 RESULTS & DATA FOR THIS YEAR’S APPEAL (THROUGH 5/31/16) Number of Registered Families in Our Parish Number of Pledges Received to Date Percentage of Participation by Registered Families 2,610 242 9% Pledged Dollars) Dollar Amount Paid and Received 43% $40,516.60 Percentage of Dollar Amount of Goal (Based on Pledges $47,307.00 Weekend Collection & Attendance Thank You! Saturday, May 28, 2016 4:00 PM Mass 5:00 PM Mass 7:30 PM Mass $1,945.00 $1,449.00 $1,691.00 250 people 200 people 162 people Sunday, May 29, 2016 PLEASE NOTE Half-Day Fridays at the Parish Office are back for the summer! From now until Labor Day, the office will close at 12 noon on Fridays. Thank you for your understanding! 7:00 AM Mass 9:00 AM Mass 10:00 AM Mass 11:00 AM Mass 12:00 Noon 4:00 PM Mass 7:30 PM Mass Mailed in: $2,379.00 $1,945.00 $1,145.00 $1,163.00 $1,107.00 $897.00 $934.00 $3,220.00 193 people 235 people 146 people 166 people 172 people 141 people 189 people ____________________________ TOTALS: $17,875.00 1854 people Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 5, 2016 Page 7 PASTORAL CARE STEPHEN & PADUAN MINISTRIES Our Extraordinary Ministers made 13 communion/shut -in visits and 3 Stephen Ministry visits during this past week. We pray that we have helped to bring God’s love and peace to His people in need. Trust “We must strive to place ourselves completely in God’s hands. Then He will cause us to feel the effects of His goodness and protection – which are at times is extraordinary” St. John Baptist de la Salle It isn’t always easy to let ‘go’ - to trust in another but we know that we can always trust in Our Lord to love and care for us. Strive to live in God’s presence and remember that He is always with us and you can trust in Him to never abandon you. Our Extraordinary Ministers are available for our parishioners to visit the sick, the elderly, and to bring Communion. Please contact us if you need us at 732483-0360 ext. 120. ANOINTING OF THE SICK AND COMMUNION TO HOMEBOUND Please call the Parish Office when serious illness occurs or when the sick, aged or incapacitated are confined to the home for an extended period so our Extraordinary Ministers can visit and bring Communion. If there is a serious situation where the parishioner needs to be anointed by a priest, please call the Parish Office to make arrangements. Propagation of the Faith of the Trigani & Drummond Families Annual JUNE 2016 John C. Manna, Sr. Family JULY 2016 Emil Schroth III Kyle, Nan, Bonnie and Shirley Abbagail Alexa Nick DECEMBER 2016 Kelli A. McCarthy Family MAY 2017 Dr. James G. Mazza The Schulz-Nick Family AUGUST 2016 Ronald Lubischer Family OCTOBER 2017 Frank and Jodi Di Maggio Mom and Dad Wife, Joyce & children, Ronnie & Salvatore J. Mirarchi Randy Joe & Carmel Mirarchi OCTOBER 2016 Dorothy Brady Weekly George V. Illmensee Paul Kiernan Jr. Daughter, Dee Celli Robert P. Nemeth Parents, relatives, loved ones & friends, living and deceased Jackie & Leroy Garifine New Years Resolutions - The Pope Francis List – 1. Don't gossip. 2. Finish your meals. 3. Make time for others. 4. Choose the 'more humble' purchase. 5. Meet the poor 'in the flesh.' 6. Stop judging others. 7. Befriend those who disagree. 8. Make commitments, such as marriage. 9. Make it a habit to 'ask the Lord.' 10. Be happy. - Pope Francis St. Michael's offers a group for those that may need support with life's new paths and journeys. The PATHWAY TO HEAL is a ministry for separated, divorced, and widowed persons. You are invited to meet twice a month. A confidential forum of issues that are unique for adults dealing with life’s problems. We seek to assist individuals to live a more fulfilled Christian life and meet others who share similar values. The group is open to anyone that is experiencing a loss of the heart. Next Meetings: June 8th (Every second and fourth Thursdays) 7:00PM St. Michael's Living Room, 6 West End Court, West End, NJ. St. Vincent de Paul Society We could use more help- whether it's putting food bags together on the third Saturday of the month, helping collect funds at the doors that same weekend, answering phones at the office one or two times a month- or being a home visitor where we interview those who need financial assistance. Please call 732-483-0360 ext.7 if you are interested. Rosarian Prayer Group PRAYERS FOR THE SICK OF THE PARISH This list of parishioners, relatives, and friends are in need of our prayers for healing. Our Rosarians also pray every Saturday for all the parishioners of Saint Michael’s. Please note that intentions will be listed for 2 months and then removed, unless the requestor calls to extend for another 2 months. Please also note that according to the HIPPA & Privacy Laws only the sick themselves or family members may request to be added to the list. Contact the Rectory for all prayer requests. Thank you and may Our Lord grant healing to all those who are suffering and in need of our prayers. Week 4 Nancy Vecchione Week 5 Matt Sheehan Week 6 Tiffany Patella McCahill Antonio Bevacqui Tino Rodriguez Rev. Charles Weiser Diane Delmar Week 7 Marianna McDermott FOGGIA FLORIST & GREENHOUSES Pastry Shoppe Ursula Plaza 444 Ocean Blvd. 732-222-2999 Long Branch 222-3838 Est. 1930 Award Winning Florist Bill Hazley, Owner FLOWERS - PLANTS - BALLOONS - FRUIT/GOURMET WEDDINGS - FUNERALS - SPECIAL EVENTS 196 Monmouth Blvd., Oceanport HAVE A FINE FARE DAY “THE SUPERMARKET WITH SUPERPRICES” 222-8900 320 3rd Ave., Long Branch H Hoffman Funeral Home 415 Broadway • Long Branch, NJ 07740 Barbara A. Hoffman Manager • 732.222.2454 • George P. Hoffman Director N.J. Lic #3867 Dedicated to meeting your individual needs. N.J. 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