PDF - Mears Transportation


PDF - Mears Transportation
July - August 2013
Volume 17
Issue 4
Please join in welcoming Ariel Christenson as Facilities
Supervisor. She graduated from Southeastern University
with double majors in Psychology and Business. Ariel
comes to us with many years of experience in managing
Her primary responsibilities will be to supervise our
custodial and maintenance staff for all locations. She will
manage and direct all building and grounds service needs
such as roof repairs, painting, plumbing, electrical,
heating and air conditioning. She is excited to tackle the new challenges she
will face as she keeps our facilities looking and working their best.
Hello! Florida welcomes Ariel Sommers as Sales
Coordinator on Chad Daun’s team. Ariel graduated from
the Rosen School of Hospitality at UCF this past May. She
was our spring intern for the Creative Services team and
did an amazing job. Ariel has a passion for the hospitality
industry and is eager to continue to learn and grow
with us.
We’re pleased to announce the promotion of Jeanine
Ollarek to the position of Operations Manager for Hello!
Arizona. Jeanine joined us as an Account Manager at
Hello! Florida in December, 2010. Her motivation,
genuineness and experience as an Account Manager in
two Hello! destinations give her a unique outlook on
leadership to our Operations team.
Bret Voisin, Vice President Sales & Marketing makes the following personnel
We will be adding a fourth person to our WDW team of
Nick Stein, Sarah Barry and Tim Heberling. Krista Estepa,
currently Senior Meetings Manager, has accepted the
Account Executive position and will be transitioning over
to her new role gradually over the next eight months
while training her replacement. Her full-time start date
with the Disney team will be January 1, 2014. Krista’s exWLYPLUJLPU[OLÄLSKHUK^VYRPUN^P[OV\YPU[LYUHS+PZUL`
team makes her the perfect choice for this new position.
Krista Estepa’s replacement as Senior Meetings Manager
will be Keri Gunther. Keri is currently a Hello! Florida
staff person and she joined our organization in September
2012. Before joining Mears, Keri worked as Business
Manager/ Controller at the YMCA for 10 years. Prior to
that, Keri held several positions at Walt Disney World,
most notably in the Transportation division and eight years
as Event Manager at WDW Sports. Keri will train under
Krista for the remainder of the year. Keri’s responsibility as
Senior Meetings Manager will be coordination and execution of transportation
for per person groups booked through the Mears sales team, along with onsite
coordination of other group business. Congratulations!
Hello! Las Vegas Account Executive
JJennifer Cheung Cline and husband, Jerry,
welcomed a son on March 12. Clark Ka
JJun Cline weighed 7 lbs., 6 oz. and
measured 18 ¼ inches. Congratulations to
tthe Cline family.
City Cab Call Center Coordinator
Roberts and Dimitrius
welcomed a baby boy
o April 7. Dylan Jaiden Jarman
6 lbs., 7 oz. and measured
2 inches. Congratulations to mom,
big brother Darrion and big
Hello! Florida Account Executive
Amanda Trosset and husband,
Danny, welcomed a baby boy on
April 22. Luke Allan Trosset
weighed 8.9 lbs. and
measured 20 ½ inches.
Congratulations to the Trossets.
Karen Pitcherello
Director of Business Development
Heidi Fischer
Hello! Florida
Senior Account Executive
Eduardo Carvacho
Shuttle Van Driver
Richard Czaya
Motor Coach Operator
Shanon Osman
Supervisor, Guest Services
Vanessa Velasquez
MDS Shop Secretary
Toni Goode
Lead Guest Services
Manuel Molina
Motor Coach Mechanic
Steven Allen, MDS
Vladimir Arcadeau, MDS
Billy Jean Baptiste, MDS
Amie Bell, MDS
Jerry Blakemore, MDS
Leah Bodi, HF
James Bradley, MDS
Carol Brown, CCC
Zoralla Castellano, MDS
Erin Considine, HF
Joselyn Cruz, CCC
Julio DeJesus, MDS
Arnel de la Cruz, MDS
Diego De Leon, MDS
Mark Erwin, MDS
Michael Firebaugh, MDS
Amanda Flaum, HLV
James Follett III, MDS
Edwin Garcia, MDS
Willie Gardner, MDS
Emily Graville Fils, CCC
Michael Greco, HF
Bruce Hart, MDS
Joseph Higgins, MDS
Mark Kent, MDS
James Krapp, MDS
Trude Knutson, MDS
Aja Jones, HF
Harold Martin, Jr., MDS
Kim Mouton James, MDS
Monica Muriel, MDS
Courtney Nelson, MDS
Samuel Nunez, MDS
Rodolphe Pierre Louis, MDS
Nancy Provenzano, MDS
Max Raymond, MDS
Gustavo Rivera, CCC
Michael Rojas, MDS
Verita Shaak, MDS
Baranise Telsaint, CCC
Walter Tullis, MDS
Samantha Tyner, MDS
Francisco Valerio, MDS
David Wiechert, MDS
Karen Wilhite, MDS
Jason Wright, MDS
M EA RS IN M OTIO N N EW SLETTER • Ju l y - Aug ust 2013
Hello! Florida Account Executive Alison Davis
sends KUDOS to Marketing Manager Monica
Armstrong, Sales Coordinator Jordan Bickel,
Graphic Designer Bill Langbein, Print and Graphic
Design Manager Jose Pujals, Creative Services
Manager Holly Steinebronn and Account Manager
Brittany Willis:
“I owe a ‘thank you’ for a couple of big programs.
Although one is delayed by a few weeks, it is
nonetheless still as heartfelt.
Papa John’s
“What to say about this one? It was truly a team
effort picking up this program after it had been
worked on for 5 months by a competitor and we
had just 5 weeks to pull it all off.
“Holly, thank you for jumping in and negotiating
with our vendors to get this program to an incredible margin, despite the special circumstances, as
well as being onsite to assist.
“Jordan, you should be the cost sheet trainer now
because I’m pretty sure we’ve never ‘costed’ a
program like this before! Also, keeping everything
straight between the vendors for us was essential to
our success.
“Brittany, some more long hours and another hotel
stay despite the many hours already logged, but the
client left happy and you kept a smile on your face.
“Print Shop - any last-minute requests? Yes, I had
us look so good.”
“The client left the hotel after hugging us and
crying. She said what we pulled off was nothing
short of a miracle. Now that’s a compliment! What
happened for Papa John’s just last month turned out
to be preparation for Experian which was awarded,
contracted and executed in the last 14 days! A tight
turn-around time indeed. You guys rock at your jobs
and I’m grateful to have you on my team. (Holly is
an honorary member, of course.)
“Thanks for helping secure this business and
operate it so well. You all stayed right by my side
and kept us all on track. I’m sure I forgot others
who affected these two programs both directly and
indirectly, but know that I am sincerely grateful.”
Paul Mears III adds:
“Wow…That’s a BIG month and a lot of happy
clients. And I know Enterprise was very happy too!
Great job, Alison and team. Congratulations!”
Hello! Florida Account Executive Kelly Kruszewski
sends KUDOS to Account Manager Lindsay
“THANK YOU so much for all of your hard work
on the USM/AT&T program. I received many
thanks and sweet comments. Your grace and
professionalism won over the entire team. Trust
me, that is not an easy thing to do!”
Core Values: 9LZWLJ[,U[O\ZPHZT
along KUDOS to Client Service Manager Karren
“Karren assisted on-site with a move in the North
Service area of the Magic Kingdom. The pick-up
Karren personally led the motor coach operator
through some tight and unfamiliar areas to get to
staff member John Swift, ‘Karren Umstead is a great
help and goes the extra mile. She really cares.’”
Director of Client Services Lee Bradley adds:
“Karren, thank you once again for a job well done.
Your dedication continues to contribute to our
success in so many ways.”
Core Values: :HML[`,U[O\ZPHZT
Hello! Florida Field Staffer Joe Drogo sends
KUDOS to Client Service Manager Warren
“Warren did a great job assisting my Kellenberg
moves. One evening at Animal Kingdom I had to
take care of a situation for this group, so Warren
stepped in to stage the coaches, which was a huge
“He was concise and honest in his communication
with me regarding where coaches were and what
he planned on doing to rectify any problems
throughout the week.
“It was a stressful time, but he kept his cool and
had a good attitude. A big ‘thank you’ for all his
help. It really does help to have a Client Service
Manager out there for moves.”
Director of Client Services Lee Bradley adds:
“Please let me add my congratulations for a job
well done. I know there can be challenges in our
everyday encounters with customers/guests,
especially when they are using our services every
day throughout their stay in Orlando. At times,
those challenges can be ever-changing. You
exceeded all expectations.
“Again, please accept my sincere thanks for all you
do to insure we are the ‘best in the business.’”
Core Values: ,U[O\ZPHZT:HML[`9LZWLJ[
Director of Client Services Lee Bradley sends
KUDOS to Motor Coach Operator Roy Richardson:
“I received a call from Roy concerning a move he
was assigned. Before his shift began, he was able
to see a satellite image online of the location and
thought it may be problematic. He went to the
location prior to coming to work to see if it was
safe for a motor coach. He discovered it was not.
The location was located 2 1/2 miles off the paved
road and would certainly have resulted in the
coach becoming stuck in the sand. By communicatPUNOPZÄUKPUNZ[V[OLVWLYH[PVUZ[LHT^L^LYL
was safe.
“I commend Roy for his commitment to excellence
and his dedication to our company. Please pass
along my sincere thanks for a job well done.”
Core Values: :HML[`,MÄJPLUJ`,U[O\ZPHZT
Hello! Florida Vice President of Sales Greg Kaul
sends KUDOS to the Hello! Florida Orlando team:
“You are the best in the business and last week
so proud to be associated with such an amazing
group of people. Last week we operated 61
programs…61! Not to mention one was a partial
buy-out of Universal Studios with Alicia Keys and
another was transferring 4,000 attendees from
41 different hotels to the Amway Center. All in a
week’s work.
“The operations team worked unheard of hours
(some exceeded 100 hours) servicing extremely
demanding clients with professionalism and grace.
The dedication, work ethic and perseverance was
truly impressive. However, accolades go out to all
last-minute holes and juggled an enormous amount
of personnel. The Sales Coordinators not only had
last-minute client and vendor contracts to compile,
but they were all willing to help on-site as staff,
greeters and runners. Account Executives were
advancing venues and overseeing food and
beverage on other AE programs. Creative not only
was on-site assisting but also had huge program
deadlines as did the Print Shop. Accounting was
quick to process paperwork, but their workload is
last week’s programs. We had individuals volunteering to help even though they had no idea how to
perform the task…but they were willing to learn.
“As Paul has said many times, ‘We don’t own
anything. We are just people and computers.’ Well,
I will take our people and computers over anyone
else’s. Thank you all for your hard work in making sure last week was such a huge success. Well
Motor Coach Operators Horace Boreland, Erik Hummel, John Sturniolo and Cecil Walton have served thousands
of customers during their tenure with Mears. Recently, our “Mystery Shopper” observed them aboard Disney’s
Magical Express (DME). Congratulations to Horace, Erik, John and Cecil for earning a Perfect Shopper Report and
courtesy award! Here’s what the shopper had to say about their great service:
Horace Boreland
“Horace was very helpful in
loading luggage. Once everyone
was aboard, he gave a warm
welcome aboard Disney’s Magical
Express. He explained we had four
stops, and that the trip to Disney
property would take about 45 minutes. He explained
that once everyone was safely off at their destinations,
he would remove their luggage for them. Horace said
the video would play once we got on the highway. As
we entered Disney property, he welcomed everyone,
thanked us for choosing Disney’s Magical Express,
and wished everyone a great vacation. On each of the
three stops, Horace announced as we approached the
resort, informed everyone once again he would be at
the bottom of the stairs to ensure guests’ safety, and
that he would then remove luggage. Upon my
departure from the coach, Horace was friendly and
thanked me once again for riding Disney’s Magical
Express. Horace achieved all service points.”
Erik Hummel
“As guests approached the coach,
Erik and the starter were both
quite pleasant and friendly. Erik
helped load luggage and greeted
guests as the starter scanned
everyone in. The coach was clean
and the temperature quite comfortable. Once Erik boarded, he stood at the
front of the coach, gave a very cheerful welcome
aboard Disney’s Magical Express, and seemed very
enthusiastic to be driving everyone to Walt Disney
World. Once underway, he announced the stops that
would be made. He then gave brief details on the
some of the events going on at Walt Disney World.
He announced the video would be starting
momentarily, and said that if any assistance was
needed during the ride to inform him and he’d be
happy to help. Volume was appropriate on the video.
Erik was very cautious on the road because of rain.
Once we reached the Disney entry gate, he welcomed
us to WDW again, and sang a few quick lines of
‘When You Wish Upon A Star.’ As we approached the
resort, Erik was very informative about the departure
and baggage details. After arriving, he again thanked
us for riding Disney’s Magical Express. Erik stood at the
base of the stairs to ensure guest safety, and welcomed
us to the resort.”
John Sturniolo
“As we approached the coach,
both John and the starter kindly
welcomed us aboard. Once
everyone was on, John boarded
and made a welcome announcement, thanking everyone for riding
Disney’s Magical Express. He cheerfully said we would
have three stops, explained he would gather the
luggage once everyone exited, informed us the trip
would be about 30 minutes, and told us to keep an
eye out for the special Disney video that would play
once we were on the road. As we neared the entrance
of Walt Disney World, John informed us to watch for
the archway, then made a point to get the children
that were already excited even more so once it was in
to Disney World. With all three stops, John informed
passengers of the destination we were approaching,
repeated the luggage procedure, thanked everyone for
riding Disney’s Magical Express, and wished everyone
a very happy Walt Disney World vacation. Upon exiting, John was very courteous, once again thanking us,
and wishing us a magical vacation.”
Cecil Walton
“Cecil loudly and cheerfully
announced the arrival of Disney’s
Magical Express. He asked for
my voucher and my airline, and
welcomed me aboard. After the
pick-up at Grand Floridian, Cecil
stood at the front of the coach,
got on the microphone and gave an overall welcome
to Disney’s Magical Express. He explained the stops
at Terminal A and Terminal B, listing all the airlines for
each. He gave us a 45-minute travel estimate and let
us know that the video would help occupy our time.
He quite helpfully explained the armrests for the seats.
Once we crossed into OIA, he welcomed us there.
He once again explained the terminals and which stop
was which, and stated he would gather luggage once
everyone was safely off the coach. He also explained
that if luggage had been checked at Disney property,
everyone for riding Disney’s Magical Express. He
noticed that a passenger’s luggage was still in the
bay and jumped back aboard to make sure she was
still on the coach. Then Cecil and the passenger
Cecil was very knowledgeable and gave good
directions. Upon leaving the coach, he was kind
and once again thanked me for riding Disney’s
Magical Express.”
Paul Mears III Thanks Team
Mears/Hello! Florida
To the best in the business,
Once again, our incredible Mears/Hello! Florida team
came out in force for the annual March of Dimes Walk
for Babies, and I want to say THANK YOU to everyone
who helped to make this event a success. This is our
raised more than $12,100 to help the March of Dimes
in its mission to prevent premature births.
There were a number of folks who went the extra mile
to help make our team successful, including a group of
luxury chauffeurs who raised more than $2,000, as well
that raised more than $1,300. It’s always great to see
our team - more than 100 strong this year - walking in
a sea of gold t-shirts, so a special thanks to those who
joined us bright and early.
The March of Dimes is celebrating its 75th anniversary
this year and it gives me great pride that our Mears/
Hello! Florida family supports an organization that is
babies. Thank you for lending your time and talent to
this critically important cause and congratulations on
another fantastic year!
Ready to Ride!
Recently three Mears Motor Coach Operators decided
to go for their motorcycle license endorsements together.
A Basic Rider Course is required for all motorcycle
Trio” enrolled in the required course at Orlando HarleyDavidson. Together they enjoyed a combination of
classroom instruction and time on the riding range,
Virginia Velez says, “I decided to do this out of the blue.
I wanted to do something different and it’s been very
interesting. I’m not getting a bike right now, but I will
someday.” Olga Velez (Virginia’s sister) describes the
experience as a positive one. She states, “The instructor
was excellent and very patient.” Fellow driver Jean
Hector admits, “I was planning to do this a long time
ago. Virginia bugged me to do it, so we decided: Let’s
have fun!”
The course was challenging, but all three successfully
mastered the
necessary skills.
For anyone
considering taking
the plunge, Virginia
offers this bit of
and advice: “I fell
down but I got
back on! Don’t
give up!”
M EA RS IN M OTIO N N EW SLETTER • Ju l y - Aug ust 2013
Mother Gives Son a Second Chance at Life
Jermaine Graham was born in 1988, weighing 5 lbs., 8 oz. He quickly learned how to walk, talk, relate to everyday challenges
and enjoy a normal childhood, like many of his friends. He ran track, played basketball, attended The Boys and Girls Club of
Orlando, and graduated from Oak Ridge High School. In 2008, Jermaine joined the Army and had the opportunity to venture
out of his small community, traveling to South Carolina, Kansas, Texas and Germany. While in Texas Jermaine took ill and was
hospitalized, diagnosed with high blood pressure. Shortly after, he was transferred to Germany and re-enlisted for another two
years in the military. At age 22, Jermaine became ill and was hospitalized once again; this time the diagnosis was stage 4 kidney
failure. Alone in a country where he had no family or friends to support him through this news, he had to understand and
navigate the medical processes all alone. Then, during his transition back to the U.S., Jermaine learned his condition had
escalated and he now had chronic end stage renal failure, which meant that his only options were aggressive dialysis or a
kidney transplant.
Jermaine accepted peritoneal dialysis and would have to be on dialysis seven nights a week until he found a donor. Six months
(Parents are normally not a transplant match to their children, which made this gift of life even more special.) That generous donor is our own Luxury Vehicle Operations Manager
Michelle Engram, who has worked for Mears Transportation Group since 1995.
The procedure took place in May of 2013 when Michelle and Jermaine drove to Atlanta and were prepped for surgery. Their operations lasted approximately 3 hours, with several
post-op days to recuperate.
Today, mother and son both are doing well. Michelle has recovered and has already returned to work. Jermaine will recover completely in about six months and will be glad to have
this process behind him. Michelle smiles when she says, “I am blessed to be able to give the gift of life to my son.” And Jermaine’s face lights up when he says, “I am blessed to have my
beautiful mom who has given me a second chance at life, and I will be forever grateful!”
Jermaine’s plans are to enjoy life as a retired soldier, then return to school. Michelle will continue to be thankful that she was given the opportunity to give the gift of life. She does not
consider herself a hero; just a mother!
Costs for transplants can be more than most families can afford, and no one understands this more than Michelle and Jermaine. So, they decided to pay it forward and have started “The
Michelle may not see herself as a hero – but we certainly do!
To nominate a co-worker for our next “Here’s to the Hero” feature, please email their name, job title and relevant info to motion@mearstransportation.com.
Community Contributions
Mears recently awarded a $1,000 scholarship to a
deserving student through the Central Florida Hotel and
Lodging Association (CFHLA). Shannon Gravitte, our
Vice President of Government & Community Affairs,
is pictured with scholarship recipient Daryl Fuentes,
a student at Webber International University and Rich
Maladecki, President of CFHLA.
In March of 2012, Brevard County Deputy Sheriff Barbara
Pill was tragically shot and killed in the line of duty.
Memorial in Washington, D.C., and Mears Transportation
Group donated a motor coach to transport family
Canaveral to our nation’s capital to witness the ceremony.
Shannon Gravitte shared this note of thanks from Wayne Ivey, Brevard County Sheriff:
“I don’t know what to say except THANK YOU! Your team and compassion for our agency were beyond words! I
truly can’t thank you enough for your generosity as it meant so much to our team and the Pill family. Without your
assistance we would never have been able to attend in the numbers we did and I will always be grateful!”
Joe Hellebrand, Port Canaveral Chief of Police, also wrote this letter of appreciation:
“On behalf of the Pill Family and the entire Brevard County Law Enforcement Community, thank you to the Mears
Family, CEO Chuck Carns, Dan Ford and your entire team. In a time when public/private partnerships are so
critical to the success of local government, Mears sets the gold standard.”
Spotlight on Safety
In The Good Old Summertime
Between Memorial Day and Labor Day, there are more drivers
hitting the nation’s roads than at any other time of year. Add the
ever-present work zones into the mix, and driving during the busy
summer months can be like driving through a hot and dangerous
obstacle course.
Motorcycle Dangers
(NHTSA), there are more than 4 million motorcycles registered in
the U.S., and the number of bikes on the road increases dramatically in the summer. Deadly motorcycle accidents are reported
all over the country as soon as the weather warms up. To avoid a
potentially dangerous situation, be sure to check your blind spots
when changing lanes, turning, backing up or parking. Maintain a
safe following distance and take your time at intersections. Because
of its small size, a motorcycle can be easily hidden in your blind
spots or masked by objects or backgrounds, like bushes, fences
and bridges.
Takin’ It To The Streets
Summer brings more people outdoors, which means more
pedestrians, bicyclists and children near your vehicle. Keep your
eyes moving in populated areas, near bicycle paths, around
playgrounds and in parking lots. An out-of-state license plate may
signal a confused driver (especially in Central Florida’s popular
tourism corridors). Drivers who are unfamiliar with an area might
suddenly slow down or stop to read road signs, erratically change
lanes or quickly turn without signaling. And many summer
vacationers are operating vehicles they are not familiar with, such
as rental cars or recreational vehicles. Also, be aware that there
are irresponsible individuals who put others’ lives in jeopardy by
driving judgment if you spot a vehicle moving erratically.
Increased activity combined with longer daylight hours often means
that we are cheating ourselves of sleep and, consequently, creating
a fatigue hazard. Fatigue is a problem for professional drivers as
well as tourists who aren’t used to driving for extended periods of
time. Get proper rest and follow anti-fatigue measures to avoid the
dangers of driver fatigue.
It’s Not Only Drivers
Summer driving conditions are often hot and stressful on you, your
passengers and on your equipment. Maintaining your vehicle’s
mechanical systems is a must. Perform a thorough pre-trip
inspection and pay attention to tires, engine oil, coolant, belts,
breakdowns and delays in the summer heat.
Be Our Guest Wins National Award
The new Be Our Guest Restaurant at Magic Kingdom is earning national
recognition for providing guests with a groundbreaking dining experience
in New Fantasyland. The National Restaurant Association recently
honored Walt Disney Parks and Resorts with its “Operator Innovation
Award” for introducing state-of-the-art touch-screen terminals that allow
guests to customize their orders and have their food magically delivered
views innovation and will serve as the benchmark
for other operators to apply the same innovative
spirit within their own operations,” said
Jeffrey W. Davis, convention chair for
NRA Show 2013.
Source: MouseMail
Busy Hurricane Season in Full Swing
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) recently
issued their 2013 Atlantic hurricane season outlook, predicting another active
season. The forecast calls for 13 to 20 named storms, seven to 11 of which are
expected to become hurricanes, including three to six major ones (Category
3 or higher). These forecast numbers are above the long-term average for the
last 62 years.
Last year was the third-busiest on record with 19 named storms. Ten of those
became hurricanes and two were major storms with winds over 111 mph. The
last time a major hurricane made landfall in the United States was Wilma in
2005. This seven-year span between U.S. landfalls is the longest on record,
which could indicate an increased chance of a major Atlantic storm hitting
the U.S. in 2013.
The Atlantic hurricane season runs through November 30, and typically peaks
in mid-August to late October. (However, dangerous tropical weather can
occur anytime during the season.) Organization and preparation are the keys
to weathering these storms safely. The Mears companies have comprehensive
hurricane preparedness and recovery plans in place to protect people and
property alike. Please be sure you have the necessary plans and supplies in
place for your family’s safety and security as well.
For more information, visit the National Hurricane Center website:
Source: May 2013 Lancer Insurance Company “Driver Safety Bulletin”
M EA RS IN M OTIO N N EW SLETTER • Ju l y - Aug ust 2013
10 Tips for Better Emails
Electronic mail can be both a blessing and a curse. When
used appropriately, it can expedite and improve communication. When misused, it can harm relationships and enable
us to avoid responsibilities. Check out these 10 guidelines to
enhance the effectiveness of your emails:
1. Assume that your email will be broadcast to the world. If
there is anyone who might be offended by your message,
rewrite it or use a different form of communication.
2. Limit “broadcast” e-mails to large groups as well as the
use of “Reply to All.” Does everyone really need this
one person help? Pick one or a few key recipients.
1. The following properties have been added to our
system for shuttle service:
EconoLodge International (location code #27038)
7102 International Dr., Orlando, FL 32819
Shuttle Zone 3; Luxury Vehicle Zone 130
Taxi Zone 28
Hampton Inn & Suites Orlando (location code
4971 Calypso Cay Way, Kissimmee, FL 34746
Shuttle Zone 4; Luxury Vehicle Zone 143
Taxi Zone 361
Mystic Dunes Resort (location code #49173)
7600 Mystic Dunes Ln., Kissimmee, FL 34747
Shuttle Zone 4; Luxury Vehicle Zone 163
Taxi Zone 354
2. Zone Change:
The Luxury Vehicle Zone for Disney’s Art of
Animation (location code #1199) has changed.
The new zone is now 152.
3. Hotel Name Changes:
Days Inn 33rd Street (location code #703) is now
Days Inn Universal North
2500 W. 33rd St., Orlando, FL 32839
Shuttle Zone 2; Luxury Vehicle Zone 211
Taxi Zone 98
is now
Flamingo Waterpark Resorts
2261 E. US Hwy 192, Kissimmee, FL 34744
Shuttle Zone 5; Luxury Vehicle Zone 432
Taxi Zone 371
Quality Inn Heritage (location code # 1541) is now
Heritage Park Inn
2050 E. US Hwy. 192, Kissimmee, FL 34744
Shuttle Zone 5; Luxury Vehicle Zone 134
Taxi Zone 371
Orlando Courtyard Suites (location code # 1276) is now
Orlando Suites
3010 Reedy Creek Blvd., Kissimmee, FL 34747
Shuttle Zone 4; Luxury Vehicle Zone 162
Taxi Zone 354
Lexington Suites (location code #790) is now
Quality Suites
7400 Canada Ave., Orlando, FL 32819
Shuttle Zone 3; Luxury Vehicle Zone 130
Taxi Zone 28
Ramada Kissimmee Downtown
4018 West Vine St., Kissimmee, FL 34741
Shuttle Zone 5; Luxury Vehicle Zone 134
Taxi Zone 364
Rodeway Inn Watermania (location code #1391) is now
Rodeway Inn Maingate
5995 W. Irlo Bronson Memorial Hwy.
Kissimmee, FL 34747
Shuttle Zone 4; Luxury Vehicle Zone 143
Taxi Zone 357
Super 8 Vine Street (location code# 1400) is now
Super 8 Kissimmee Suites
1815 W. Vine St., Kissimmee, FL 34741
Shuttle Zone 5; Luxury Vehicle Zone 134
Taxi Zone 363
Super 8 East Maingate (location code #1384) is now
Super 8 Maingate
5875 W. US Hwy 192, Kissimmee, FL 34746
Shuttle Zone 4; Luxury Vehicle Zone 143
Taxi Zone 360
is now
Tranquility Inn & Suites
4855 S. Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando, FL 32839
Shuttle Zone 2; Luxury Vehicle Zone 301
Taxi Zone 98
Safar Inn (location code #676) is now
Royal Inn
7107 S. Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando, FL 32809
Shuttle Zone 2; Luxury Vehicle Zone 301
Taxi Zone 88
expect us to respond quickly, so warning them that you
may not be able to respond immediately is reasonable.
But when we state that we are “out for 3 days,” we’re
creating a convenience for us, not them. And it’s an
that require a response.
4. Be personal; don’t hide behind your e-mail. Whenever
possible, instead of sending an email, take a short walk
to someone’s desk or pick up the phone, especially if the
topic is sensitive.
5. Watch your message tone. Since your tone of voice
doesn’t come through in an email, your words do all the
talking. Strive for friendly professionalism, but not overly
“familiar” or casual. AND AVOID ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.
6. The “e-mail trail” or “message thread” should be read
and considered in its entirety before forwarding. The
message thread includes all correspondence relating to a
message, starting with the original email (which can be
useful or damaging). So be careful.
7. Avoid acronyms and abbreviations. In business emails,
do not to use acronyms or abbreviations such as BTW
(by the way) or TBB (to be billed). This convenience is for
the author only, not the reader. And it can be offensive to
presume someone knows your internal language. Spelling it out is never offensive.
8. Use a meaningful subject title. Try to use a subject header
that is meaningful to the recipient as well as to you. For
instance, when you send an email to a company requesting information about a product, it is better to mention
the actual name of the product, for example: “Product
A2006 Information” rather than “product information.”
9. Use active instead of passive verbs. For example, “We
will process your order today” sounds better than “Your
taking personal responsibility and the second distances
you from the action.
10. ALWAYS read your e-mail before sending...maybe two
or three times! It is important to convey your message
clearly, concisely and to the point. Read it and ask
yourself, “Is this the best impression I can make with
this e-mail?” Also, improper spelling, grammar and
punctuation give a bad impression of you and the
company. Use the spell check tool…EVERY time.
UCF Associate Instructor Robin M. Kohn praised Sales
Coordinator Erin Leonhardt and Motor Coach Operators
Sam Knechel and David Rhynard:
“The trip went very well. Sam and David were very cordial
and accommodating to the students, which is greatly
appreciated. I hope to use you again next year and maybe
if we are lucky, have the same drivers.”
Core Values: 9LZWLJ[,U[O\ZPHZT
Our CEO Chuck Carns received this note from Rebecca
Irish, Managing Partner of RVR Consulting Group,
commending Sales Manager Linda Schwarz and Sales
Coordinator Peggy Nance:
“I wanted to let you know about the excellent customer
service I have received from Peggy and Linda in your organization. They have helped me multiple times in chartering
coaches for our parents group from Lake Highland Preparatory School to attend sporting events to support our teams.
My son is a senior this year so I won’t be continuing past
May, but will pass along their names to my successor.”
Core Values: ,U[O\ZPHZT9LZWLJ[
Sales Coordinator Lisa Wilson and Luxury Vehicle
Chauffeur Shipu Khondker received the appreciation of
this customer:
“The shuttle to Port Canaveral and the driver were just
great! Thank you so much for arranging everything on such
well, too. Thanks to you and the wonderful Mears drivers,
we will have a worry-free cruise and a special, relaxing
time with our family.”
Janet Martin, President of DreamCatcher Adventures, was
pleased with the service she received from Hello! Florida
Account Executive Kelly Kruszewski and Account Manager
Megan DeCarlo:
“On behalf of Albert Tire, thank you for a job well done!
Your transportation team, airport and port staff did a wonderful job in very hectic environments. Please extend our
sincere thanks to all who worked the Albert Tire program.
“The Consular Lounge was wonderful and the perfect
clients. I was able to announce the departure gate changes
and direct people to their gates as they departed the lounge.
“Again, thank you for the excellent service Hello! Florida
provided to DreamCatcher Adventures and Albert Tire attendees. It was my sincere pleasure to work with you both!”
Core Values: ,MÄJPLUJ`,U[O\ZPHZT
Employment Placement Specialist Joy Fleming passed
eager job applicant after experiencing our high service
“Thank you for suggesting Bondurant Racing - which they
loved! Also, I appreciated your assistance in the planning
on my list for Gore Creek’s 2015 meeting. I thoroughly
enjoyed working with you and your team from Jeanine and
Stan to all the drivers - all were fantastic. Thanks again.”
Core Values: ,U[O\ZPHZT,MÄJPLUJ`
Hello! Florida Senior Account Executive Mika Duynhouwer
and Account Manager Megan DeCarlo made a great
“You did an outstanding job. I cannot express to you how
happy I was to work with you. I am literally blown away at
your work, attention to detail and overall GREAT Events.
Megan is wonderful and such a sweetheart. I really enjoyed
her and I was proud of everything you guys did. I will be
glad to be your reference any time!”
St. Louis and I convinced them to take a Disney’s Magical
Express Mears bus to the resort. They were so excited with
the service and the comforting, safe ride that they thanked
me for it! Our airplane ride over was shaky and nerve
wracking for them, so to be able to relax on the bus was a
great and memorable experience.
are maintained really inspires me to push forward in a
career with Mears to make the most of my life. Thank you
for considering me for employment.”
Core Values: ,MÄJPLUJ`,U[O\ZPHZT
Sales Coordinator Erin Leonhardt, Limousine Chauffeur
David Lambke and Motor Coach Operator Max Mena
received these words of thanks:
“Thank you for the limo for my daughter’s prom. She said
all went great. In addition, it was great having the Mears
motor coach and Max as the driver for the Winter Park Water Polo team. He really is an excellent driver and the coach
is always in great shape. Thanks so much for everything.”
Core Values: ,U[O\ZPHZT9LZWLJ[
David Peckinpaugh, President of Maritz Travel Company,
appreciated the recent work of Hello! Arizona General
Manager Heather Husom:
“Wow, what an event this past week. InFusion was a huge
success and we can’t thank you enough for your support
and partnership. The feedback on the entire event was very
positive, but Monday night’s reception and all that you did
in support of our clients was a huge home run.
“We truly appreciate and treasure our relationship with
your company and please know how much we appreciate
your support.”
Retired Navy Rear Admiral Kenneth
J. Braithwaite, II expressed his appreciation for the excellent service
he received from Luxury Vehicle
Chauffeur Ricardo Rodriguez:
“I wanted to thank you for the
superb service that my family and
I received during our visit to Disney. We have travelled
to Disney nearly every year over the past decade and we
always turn to Mears for our transportation to/from the
with your service, which is of course why we return to
Mears. However, this year we were very fortunate in
whom you assigned to transport us to/from the Magic
“Mr. Ricardo Rodriguez was not only prompt, polite
and extremely professional, but simply outstanding in all
ways. He greeted us warmly and graciously upon arrival
(even though we were late in arriving) and personally
saw to it that our luggage was promptly recovered and
transported to the car which he had ensured was parked
very close by. Often when utilizing a car service, I usually
have to walk long distances to reach the vehicle. We were
out of the airport in record time and on to our vacation.
I attribute this to Ricardo’s diligence in doing the
Core Values: :HML[`,U[O\ZPHZT
Hello! Arizona Account Executive Christie Christian,
Account Manager Jeanine Ollarek and Field Staffer Stan
Parnes provided great service to Evelyn Laxgang, President
of Laxgang Consulting, Inc.:
“Most importantly Ricardo was extremely conscientious
and a very accomplished driver. I noted that whenever
he approached any intersection, he momentarily
decelerated to allow for complete situational awareness
before accelerating through the cross-street. As a Navy
pilot and one who has been trained to be aware of all
situational ‘threats’ this was extremely comforting, as
Ricardo was transporting the most important element of
my life - my wife and children. Watching his performance,
hands and being transported with care.
“Having travelled all over the world and having been
assigned many drivers, I have never, yes never felt as
comfortable as I did with Ricardo driving me, especially
with my family onboard. As your records will indicate,
I personally asked for him to return us to the airport at
the end of our vacation because he is simply one of the
being kind, considerate and polite above and beyond.
Whenever I return to Orlando I will be seeking Ricardo’s
services again.
upon the Service and how important that is to the
reputation of the entire United States Navy enterprise.
Rest assured that Mr. Ricardo Rodriguez not only
You have a winner in Ricardo and should be proud that
he represents you in such an exemplary manner.”
Core Values: ,U[O\ZPHZT,MÄJPLUJ`
M EA RS IN M OTIO N N EW SLETTER • Ju l y - Aug ust 2013
Tricia Albert, Concierge
Supervisor with Hilton
Orlando Bonnet Creek,
expressed her gratitude
for MDS Customer
Service Representative
Pamela Young and
Luxury Vehicle Chauffeur Hemwattie Singh:
“Pam and Hemwattie
were a HUGE help.
There was a miscommunication regarding
our VIP transportation, and Pam and
Hemwattie went above and beyond,
providing truly exceptional customer
service. Thanks to them, our clients
had a smooth experience. Please
recognize both these ladies for all their
help! They were absolute stars!”
Core Values: ,U[O\ZPHZT,MÄJPLUJ`
Luxury Vehicle
Chauffeur Edson St.
Jean was commended
by a grateful customer:
“A guest called to say
that Edson St. Jean
tracked him down to return his $3,000
laptop that he had left in the car while
he was at Hollywood Studios. The
guest was so grateful that Edson went
the computer that meant so much to
him, but pictures [on the computer] of
his daughter who had recently passed
away. The guest was very thankful that
Mears has a driver who cares.”
Core Values: Integrity, Enthusiasm
Michael Burton, Director of Convention Services with
Rosen Shingle Creek, commended the service provided by
Hello! Florida Account Executive Alison Davis, Account
Manager Brittany Willis and Creative Services Manager
Holly Steinebronn:
“The hotel Postcon with Experian went very well. Kimberly
was overwhelmed by Hello! Florida. She said it could
not have been better. You exceeded every one of her
expectations, and she feels Hello! Florida is an ideal
partner for Rosen. You delivered on everything you said
you would and in such a short time period.
“She was very happy with every part of the services you
provided. Please pass that along to your team and Holly.
They could not have been happier with you and would
love to work with you all again.”
Disney Sales Coordinator Samantha Steff received the
appreciation of this customer:
“Thank you so much for all of your help to coordinate
transportation for us from Disney to Universal for the Grad
Bash. Our driver was at the hotel promptly at 6 and was
easily found after the event let out. Our seniors had a
wonderful trip and I appreciate all of the effort you put in
to get them to Grad Bash.”
Core Values: ,U[O\ZPHZT,MÄJPLUJ`
Motor Coach Operator Luis Castro was thanked by a
happy customer:
“We were very pleased with our driver, Luis. He was polite
at all times and very adaptable to our schedule. It would
be easy to request him for our next outing with Mears!”
Core Values: 9LZWLJ[,U[O\ZPHZT
Ria Maratheftis with Maximum Tours thanked Sales
Coordinator Jose Ulmos:
“Thanks, Jose. The group had nothing but great
compliments to you and your team!”
Core Value: Enthusiasm
Vivian Clarke with Citi sends her thanks to Hello! Florida
Account Executive Anne Laxson and Account Manager
“We cannot thank you enough for all of your help and
guidance in planning the 2013 Chairman’s Forum. This was
[OLÄYZ[[PTLPUÄ]L`LHYZ^L^LYLHISL[VOH]L[OPZWYLZ[Pgious incentive trip and because of you and your team, it
was exactly what we wanted. We have received so many
compliments on the activities, décor, entertainment and
ground transportation. You could not have done a
better job. Everyone was impressed by how seamlessly all
the aspects of the event were woven together, just as we
had hoped. We truly appreciate your partnership in making
this a successful event! Thank you again for everything.”
Core Values: ,U[O\ZPHZT,MÄJPLUJ`
Karen Chan with HUB International was pleased with the
service she received from Transportation Sales and
Operations Manager Kerri Ludwig-Kriner and Program
Manager Trish Kanner:
“I greatly appreciated the prompt responses I got from the
two of you each time I had a query. Mears Transportation
will be at the top of our list the next time we need to arrange
group transportation in the Orlando area! Thank you!”
Core Values: ,U[O\ZPHZT,MÄJPLUJ`
Hello! Arizona Program Manager Dianna Jimison was
thanked by Judy Campbell with Northern Blizzard
Resources Inc.:
“You are amazing; thank you, thank you, thank you. I had
such great feedback - that everything ran so smoothly and
that you were such a great lady. By the looks of all the
pictures taken, everyone (and I mean everyone) seemed
to have big smiles on their faces and seemed to be having
so much fun.
our destination point for these getaways for our staff,
someone recommended Hello! Arizona to us. I am so
grateful to whomever that was, as I couldn’t do this
without you, or have it such a successful event 3 years in
a row.
“Really appreciated the updates with the text messages.
Again, thank you.”
Core Values: ,MÄJPLUJ`,U[O\ZPHZT
Business Manager Rosemary Gates and Motor Coach
Operator Max Mena received this note of thanks:
“I want to thank you for our trip. The service was excellent!
Max was fantastic! I will be sure to request him next time
we use your service!”
Core Values: 9LZWLJ[,U[O\ZPHZT
Judy McGee Burley from Atlanta, Georgia complimented
Training Manager Julie James and Motor Coach Operator
Lois Turco:
“I would like to thank Julie and Lois for giving me the
opportunity to express my feelings in my poem while
on vacation. My poem, ‘Fun In The Sun,’ was published
in your May-June 2013 newsletter. I was honored and
overjoyed. I hope my poem expressed to your customers
and riders the great customer service of the staff, and the
pleasant and caring attitude that your operators provide to
the public.
“I was overwhelmed by the newsletter’s wonderful content
of local news, customer news, comments, and the article
concerning the March of Dimes Walk for Babies. Congratulations to Mears Transportation for helping others, making a
difference, and giving back to society.
“I will be back again to use Mears Transportation on my
next vacation and will be recommending Mears to others
from Atlanta and around the country so they use your
service during their vacations in Orlando.”
Core Values: 9LZWLJ[,U[O\ZPHZT
Luxury Vehicle Chauffeur Lucas Barroso received the
appreciation of this customer:
“Please pass a special thanks to Lucas Barroso. He was
so kind and patient with us and got us to our desired
destinations with ease.”
Hello! Florida Account Executive Kathryn Hughes adds:
“My Helmsbriscoe site visit had some transfer changes
last-minute. I booked a vehicle late the night before the
visit and things changed, of course, by the morning. The
Core Values: ,U[O\ZPHZT9LZWLJ[
Travel Industry Senior Sales Coordinator Rachel Bustamante
and the Mears team earned this note of appreciation:
“We are extremely pleased with the service we received
drivers who cared, the service of the support staff, dispatch,
etc. and your help, of course. Please use me for any
reference you may need.”
Core Values: 9LZWLJ[,U[O\ZPHZT
A motor coach job applicant appreciated the email
response she received from Motor Coach Operations
Receptionist/Administrative Assistant Charlene Wenk:
“Thank you for this email. I was pleasantly surprised. (I
have never had someone contact me about an incomplete
application - so thank you!) I heard about this position
from Roy Richardson. He knew you were seeking good
employees – personable with a good work ethic. He gave
me a card with the information about how to apply. Thank
you for this information. I will reapply when I complete the
necessary [licensing] steps!”
Director of Client Services Lee Bradley adds:
“Great job! This is the kind of dedication that makes
people want to work for the best!”
Core Values: 9LZWLJ[,U[O\ZPHZT
Scott Lucius, Vice President, Unbridled Solutions,
expressed his gratitude for the service provided by Hello!
Florida Account Manager Megan DeCarlo:
“Just a quick note of thanks. The event was not easy
because we got a bit of rain. But Megan rocked! She
really is great at her job and did an amazing job of helping
recover. Thank you so much!”
Core Value: Enthusiasm
Luxury Vehicle Chauffeur Sean Holley earned this note of
appreciation from Chris and Christine Dice:
Sales Manager Ortancis Gaines and Motor Coach
Operators Robert Bowman, Luis Castro, Christopher
Luckie, Angel Marrero, Charles Ray, David Rhynard,
Mahadeo Surujballi and Lois Turco delivered great service
to members of Trinity Baptist Church:
“My wife and I always use Mears town car services to
commute between OIA and our home in Celebration.
While we have always been extremely pleased with Mears
and the professionalism of its drivers, we really hit the
jackpot when you dispatched Sean to pick us up about 6
months ago. Now we use Sean exclusively. We love both
his professionalism and his demeanor. He is always on time
(early, actually) for pickup and it is a pleasure talking to
him on our trips.
“Oh, what a wonderful trip. Mears Transportation is awesome. We felt like kings and queens. What an awesome
job. The coaches were on time. Because of the rain and
the elderly passengers we had to leave a little earlier than
expected from the parks, but Dispatch was awesome and
worked with us. If you could have only seen the relief on
their faces that they could get out of the rain. We did not
want them to get sick. I want to thank you for calling and
checking up on us. All the drivers were pleasant. One time
they did not send a wheelchair coach, so the driver that
picked us up from BB King’s called dispatch and within
minutes another coach was sent. You guys are awesome. I
want to acknowledge how well everything went. We will
always partner with Mears for all our transportation needs.
Thank you again.”
“I hope there is some way for Mears to recognize his
outstanding service. While we always enjoy seeing him
and I think he knows we appreciate him; it would be most
impactful if you could pass on to him how much his clients
value his service. He is a real asset to Mears and you
should be proud of him.”
Core Values: :HML[`,MÄJPLUJ`,U[O\ZPHZT
Cindy Davis with Marriott International sent these compliments to Hello! Florida Account Executive Erin Considine:
Tosha Williams, Choral Director with Silver Sands Middle
School, appreciated the service provided by Sales
Coordinator Erin Leonhardt and Motor Coach Operators
Luis Castro, Sam Knechel, Olga Velez and Virginia Velez:
“THANK YOU for everything that you are doing for us.
appreciated. I know that we are not very easy to work with
in terms of our budget and our response time in getting
you decisions and providing direction. You truly took our
talented! Everything is coming together wonderfully and I
cannot wait to get on-site.”
“Thank you for the wonderful transportation service
provided. Sam was very personable and friendly and all
of the drivers were very professional and accommodating.
When we arrived home, I forgot to get the hand bell
equipment off the coach. Your driver came back to deliver
the equipment – I truly appreciate that! Thank you again
for your team being a part of our wonderful ‘Magical’
Disney experience.”
Core Values: ,U[O\ZPHZT,MÄJPLUJ`
Hello! Las Vegas Director of Business Development Craig
Bullock and Program Manager Sandy Glynn received the
gratitude of Michael Carioti with Ingram Micro:
Core Values: 0U[LNYP[`,U[O\ZPHZT
“The event went very, very well. I was incredibly impressed
with Hello! Las Vegas and I would recommend them for
any event. They showed up early and prepared, and took
very good care of our partners and guests.”
Mr. Meyer appreciated the problem-solving skills of
Chris Earl, Safety Director:
“Chris Earl solved a problem my family had on one of
the coaches during the recent Worlds Cheerleading
Competition at the Wide World of Sports. He was so
helpful. He’s a wonderful representative of your company.
I want to thank him and let him know I’m very grateful
that he could intercede on my behalf.”
Sales Manager Linda Schwarz and Motor Coach
Operator William Reardon provided great service to
Laurie K. Ingram with Innovative Business Software:
Core Values: :HML[`,MÄJPLUJ`
Sales Coordinator Erin Leonhardt and Motor Coach
Operators David Crawford, Julio DeJesus, Omar Guayana,
Sam Knechel, Martin Martinez, Thomas Sesic and Derrick
Wilson provided great service to Brian D. Branks and the
students of Piedmont Lakes Middle School:
“Thank you for keeping me informed about the pick-ups.
You have been wonderful to work with; you can be sure
that we’ll consider you for future transportation needs.”
“Just wanted to say how much I appreciate working with
Mears. As always, the drivers were professional, approachHISLLMÄJPLU[HUK]LY`RPUK0HWWYLJPH[L[OLNVVKZLY]PJL
(as always) from you and the drivers who safely transport
us. It has been a pleasure working with you over the past
couple of years and I thank you!”
Core Values: 9LZWLJ[,U[O\ZPHZT
Core Values: 9LZWLJ[:HML[`,U[O\ZPHZT
Ilona Rosenthal with Zion’s Hope had this to say about
Sales Manager Linda Schwarz:
“I wanted to express my gratitude for the outstanding job
your motor coach driver did for us. He was fantastic! He
was on-time, friendly and made sure that we arrived at our
event and back to our hotel safely. I wanted to give him
a big THANK YOU, as well as one to you for helping me
make my conference a success.”
Core Values: 9LZWLJ[:HML[`,U[O\ZPHZT
M EA RS IN M OTIO N N EW SLETTER • Ju l y - Aug ust 2013
Jeanene MacLean with Cornerstone Research expressed
her gratitude to Hello! Arizona General Manager Heather
Husom and Account Manager Alleson Liebling:
“I wanted to thank you and Heather and your whole crew
success. It was especially helpful to me, in dealing with the
training programs, to have your staff everywhere, directing
people where to go and how to get there. The team-building events were also a success. Your team members were
all such lovely people; we greatly appreciated everything.”
Core Value: Enthusiasm
Sales Coordinator Nancy Provenzano and Motor Coach
Operator Gilbert Beltre were thanked by Scott T. Hilinski
“I wanted to thank you for all of your help with
transportation this year. Our last driver (Gilbert) was great
and we really enjoyed our experience in working with you
all. Thanks again.”
Core Values: 9LZWLJ[,U[O\ZPHZT
Donna Boyle, Marketing Manager with Ciber, sent a note
of gratitude to Group Sales Manager Sarah Barry, Hello!
Florida Field Staffers Pablo Comas and Tyler Henry and
Luxury Vehicle Chauffeurs Angel Crespo, Joe Esparra,
Gardy Jerome, and Will Simpson:
“Your group was fabulous! Everything went perfectly; thank
you so much. Please pass on my thanks to the crew! We
will be doing this again in the future!”
Group Sales Manager Sarah Barry adds:
“Gentlemen, thanks for making this program a great
Core Values: ,U[O\ZPHZT,MÄJPLUJ`
Erin Lerma with Hartmann Studios thanked Sales Manager
Linda Schwarz and Program Manager Mary Johnson for
their excellent service during a program for BlackBerry:
“Thank you for all your hard work. Everything went so
well. Mary, thank you so much for all your patience and
crazy, but you were great with everything. Linda, thanks for
everything prior to the show!”
A happy customer complimented Hello! Florida Field
Staffer Rick Boyd:
Core Values: ,MÄJPLUJ`,U[O\ZPHZT
“I was at the Blackberry Conference which your drivers
handled. They provided such an amazing experience on
their shuttles. I used the Caribe hotel shuttle at least 100
times - the same guy was at the Caribe pickup spot the
whole 3 days but he was always very friendly despite being
a statue there for so long! I then decided to deviate a bit
from the bus shuttle services, and found your taxi services
were even great! I had one of the most positive town car
rides I have ever had; the driver was courteous and did not
pander a sob story to try to get more money/tip or beg for
cash. Thanks again and keep up the wonderful service.”
Pat Hausle with Chico’s FAS, Inc. complimented Luxury
Vehicle Chauffeur Abidally “Bo” Azeez:
Core Values: 0U[LNYP[`,U[O\ZPHZT
Core Values: ,U[O\ZPHZT9LZWLJ[
“I had the pleasure of riding with Bo Azeez during Chico’s
FAS, Inc.’s Most Amazing Tour Event. Bo provided transportation for me and for our founders, Marvin and Helene
Gralnick, as well as many other Chico’s executives and
VIPs. Everyone commented that Bo was polite, courteous,
helpful, and a real gentleman. He is a credit to your
organization. We all would be very pleased to use Bo’s
services again in the future.”
Checker Cab Driver Eyob Hailab received this heartfelt note of thanks:
Hello! Arizona Account Executive Brianna Moody and
Director of Creative Services Cendy Knight received the
appreciation of Neil Waren, Director with Effective
Business Travel Limited:
“I am writing to express my sincere thanks for the
outstanding service that you and your team at Hello!
Arizona provided for the Virgin guests and hosts during
our recent event on the Akimel lawn at the Sheraton Wild
Horse Pass and resort. I can honestly say that in 18 years of
taking thousands of guests all over the world (and running
a huge variety of events) that we rarely experience the
levels of personal service, dedication, professionalism and
attention to detail that you and your team provided both
prior to and during our event.
“We spent many hours on email and telephone calls, often
late into the evening discussing the requirements in minute
detail, but it was so worth it in the end. You delivered an
event and an experience that exactly matched the client
requirements in every way, leaving the guests truly amazed
and with the undoubted ‘Wow! factor’ that Virgin wanted
from the evening.
“I genuinely appreciated all the hard work and effort you
put in to get everything absolutely right. Please do pass on
my sincere and grateful thanks to Cendy as well, as I know
she worked hard, often behind the scenes, to ensure the
event was such as success.
“We will certainly recommend you and Hello! to our other
clients; in fact, I have done just that for a client who is
looking to take a group to Miami next year.”
Core Values: ,MÄJPLUJ`,U[O\ZPHZT
Published bimonthly through the
teamwork of:
Cher Brutus, MDS Operations
Chris Earl, Safety
Joy Fleming, Employment
Rosemary Gates, Sales
Shannon Gravitte, Gov’t & Community Relations
Heather Husom, Hello! Arizona
Julie James, Training & Development
Kraige Jean, Motor Coach Operations
Danielle Kambic, Hello! Washington D.C.
Julie Mezzina, Hello! Florida Orlando
Christy Lawson, Hello! Florida Hollywood
Lynn Pool, Training & Development
Cari Rubin, Human Resources
David Taitano, Taxi Training
Jim Ungvary, Human Resources
Heidi Ziegler, MDS Operations
Melissa Zorko, Hello! Las Vegas

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