prosperity month - Unity Minneapolis
prosperity month - Unity Minneapolis
Sunday Worship Service Please turn off or silence your cell phones and give yourself and others the gift of this sacred hour. Thank you. Volume control headsets are available in the Bookstore. Prelude ..................................................................................... Music Team Welcome & Opening Prayer ........................................ Rev. Pat Williamson Our Core Values We are Loving, Transforming, Welcoming, Spirit-Filled, Prosperous and Joy. Our Vision Centered in Spirit, we celebrate a world transformed by love, peace and compassion. Our Mission We are a vibrant, inclusive, prosperous, spiritual community, inspiring and empowering full expression of the Divine within through prayer, education and service. Prayer Chaplain Acknowledgment............................... Rev. Pat Williamson Opening Song - “More than Enough”...................................... Congregation Greet Our Guests ....................................................... Rev. Pat Williamson Greet Your Neighbors............................................................. Congregation Hymn - “Yes I Am” .................................................................. Congregation Reading of the Daily Word..............................Member of the Congregation “The Lord’s Prayer”................................................................. Congregation Meditation .................................................................... Rev. Pat Williamson Musical Interlude .......................... Rachel Holder Hennig & the Unity Band Lesson ...................................................................... Rev. Jeanette Bohnen “You Don’t Know if You Don’t Know” Special Music ............................... Rachel Holder Hennig & the Unity Band Offertory Blessing “My Prayer for Prosperity” Welcome our Youth (9:45 service) ......................................... Congregation Prayer for Protection............................................................... Congregation The Light of God surrounds us, The Love of God enfolds us, The Power of God protects us, The Presence of God watches over us. Wherever we are, God is! “Peace Song” ......................................................................... Congregation UNITY MINNEAPOLIS 4000 Golden Valley Road | Minneapolis, MN 55422 763-521-4793 | 763-522-4441 — Inspiration Line PROSPERITY MONTH Watch the livestreamed and archived services on our website. Unity Minneapolis Wi-Fi Password: Minneapolis REV. PAT WILLIAMSON, SENIOR MINISTER REV. PATTY WILLIAMS, M.DIV., ASSOCIATE MINISTER REV. JEANETTE BOHNEN, ASSOCIATE MINISTER Greg Brodjeski, Executive Director Nancy Maiello, Youth & Family Ministry Director Lori S. Dokken, Music Director | Judi Vinar, Choir Director Lori Dokken, Dave Berget & Peter Hennig, Unity Band Lisa Harper, Molly Hammond, Jason Kujawa & Steve Traen, ASL Interpreters Sunday Youth Education Summer Youth Education Schedule - June 12-September 4 8:15 Service - Nursery (birth to two years) 9:45 Service - Nursery, Y.E.S., Uniteens and Y.O.U. (all ages) Credentialed Unity Leaders Reverend David Belton, Reverend Shirley Engelmeier Board of Trustees Sarah Cox, Judy Kilian-Weber, Jim Nepp, Margie Oleson, Steve Overby, Gregg Peterson, Rev. Pat Williamson Thank you for being mindful of the comfort of others by refraining from using fragrances and colognes. ♦ This service is being audio recorded. Copies are available in our bookstore. ♦ Overflow parking is available in the Courage Kenny lots across the street. Our Unity shuttle bus is available to take you to and from the overflow parking lots before and after the 9:45 and 11:30 AM services. Keys to the Kingdom JULY 17, 2016 “You don’t know if you don’t know” NOTES Scan, click, donate! Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here. MORE THAN ENOUGH There is more than enough in a universe that You created. There is more than enough on a planet of sacred design. There is more than enough for humanity made in Your image. Why would I worry; Why would I doubt? Why would I ever think I’d go without? Your infinite love made me; made everything I see And all that will ever be is Your infinite love. Let my soul know the truth, whatever I choose to do Your infinite love will prove more than enough. “CHRISTMAS IN JULY” BACK-TO-SCHOOL SUCCESS PROJECT YES, I AM Words and Music by Daniel Nahmod Yes, I am here to love; Yes, I am here to serve Yes, I am here to be the love of God Yes, I am here to love; Yes, I am here to serve Yes, I am here to be the love of God, My God And I know forevermore that I am love (repeat) Yes, I am here to learn; Yes, I am here to live Yes I am here to be the love of God Yes, I am here to learn; Yes, I am here to live Yes, I am here to be the love of God, My God Sun, July 17 Sunday Celebrations ........................8:15, 9:45, 11:30 AM Personal Visioning Meditation | Meditation Rm ....1:00 PM Spring Forest Qigong Practice | Midwest Rm .......1:00 PM Town Hall Meeting | Sanctuary .............................1:00 PM Mon, July 18 Navigating Depression | Friendship Hall ...............7:00 PM A Course in Miracles | Meditation Room ..............7:00 PM CoDA | Y.O.U. Room ............................................7:00 PM Tue, July 19 Healers Orientation | Friendship Hall ....................6:30 PM Spenders Anonymous | Meditation Room ...........7:00 PM Wed, July 20 Silent Unity Prayer Service | Meditation Room ...12:00 PM Keys to the Kingdom | Fillmore Room ..................7:00 PM Thu, July 21 AA | Meditation Room ...........................................5:30 PM Vocal Workout | Fillmore Room ............................6:30 PM Fri, July 22 Office Closed Sat, July 23 OA | Fillmore Room ............................................10:00 AM Sun, July 24 Sunday Celebrations | Sanctuary ....8:15, 9:45, 11:30 AM “Let it Go, Let it Go, Let it Go!” | Rev. Pat Williamson Music: Jen Burleigh-Bentz & the Unity Band Personal Visioning Meditation | Meditation Rm ....1:00 PM Spring Forest Qigong Practice | Midwest Rm .......1:00 PM Yes, I am here to love; Yes, I am here to serve Yes, I am here to be the love of God, My God Town Hall Meeting | TODAY, 1:00-2:00 PM | Sanctuary Join the Board of Trustees for our Town Hall meeting. Get up to date on the latest and greatest about Unity Minneapolis’s finances, strategic planning, survey results and more! Learn about how we are working to fulfill our vision and mission. MY PRAYER FOR PROSPERITY Uniteen Coffee & Tea in Bookstore Coffee, tea, hot chocolate and chocolate covered espresso beans are available in the bookstore. All purchases support our teens. Thank you. And I know forevermore that I am love (repeat) I believe God is the source of all supply and that “money is God in action.” I believe my good is now flowing to me so richly and so fully that I have an abundance of money to spare and share, today and always. I believe true prosperity includes perfect health, perfect wealth and perfect happiness. “Drop In” Vocal Workout | Thursday, July 21 & 28, 6:30-7:45 PM Two sessions left! For Judi Vinar’s summer “workout.” No need to sign up. Just show up and sing! $15 per session. Navigating Depression: Spiritual Insights for the Journey Mondays, July 18-August 22, 7:00-9:00 PM Life circumstances may provoke feelings of sadness, anxiety, guilt, loss and emptiness that can lead to depression. If you’ve experienced such feelings, please join us for this 6-week group experience in a caring, nurturing and respectful environment. Co-led by Margie Black and Jan Marie Johnson. $80 suggested love offering for the six weeks. These words which I now speak in faith activate a Law of Universal Good, and I accept the results. I bless all the good that is with me now; I bless the increase. I bless all of the others in the Unexpected Income Program, and I know now we prosper together in every way. I give thanks for this good. So it is! And so I let it be. Healing Ministry Orientation | Tuesday, July 19 | 6:30-8:15 PM If you’re interested in learning more about being a part of our Healing Ministry, this is the session to attend! Sign up in the Garden Court. | This Sunday we kick-off our annual drive to support PRISM’s ‘Back to School Success Project.’ Please join us in helping all students start the school year off on the right foot. There are over 7,000 students in the area served by PRISM who are not currently in a position to buy school supplies. Let’s bring a spark of Christmas into their lives by providing backpacks and other school supplies. Take a “shopping list” off the Christmas tree in the Garden Court, have fun shopping and then return your donations to the church by August 7, so that they can be delivered to PRISM by August 12. If you prefer, we will shop for you. Just mark “backpacks” on the memo line of your check and turn it in to the church office by August 1. Volunteer Opportunity: Helpers are needed at PRISM the week of August 15 to sort donations, set up for the Back to School Event, assist with distribution at the event, and help clean-up from the event. Interested? Contact PRISM’s Community Engagement Manager at 763.432.4210. Volunteers must be age 12 or older. Brahmarshi Patriji Meditation Workshop | Tuesday, July 26, 7:00-9:00 PM We are so pleased to have Brahmarshi Patriji, a spiritual Grand Master from India, here this month! Check the Garden Court for more info on this special guest. Free Will Love Offering. The workshop will be ASL interpreted. Who Have I Come Here To Be? | Tuesdays, August 2-30, 7:00-9:00 PM Rev. Patty Williams leads this 5-week Spiritual Gifts Discovery process which is being offered for a second time this year, as all members (especially Team Leaders) are highly encouraged to take this course. When we discover our gifts and choose to use those gifts with passion, we can begin to maximize our capacity to grow and thrive. $10 suggested love offering per week. World Peace Meditation | Thursday, August 4, 7:00 PM Join Rev. Pat, Rev. Jeanette, Rev. Patty, Eden Bodnar, Lori Dokken and Judi Vinar for this quiet and meaningful evening of meditation in which we surround our world with peace. “Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.” Choir News! Our choir will begin singing again in September for their first performance October 2. If you are interested in joining this wonderful ministry, please contact Judi Vinar (director) for a short "voice check" in August. Email Judi at We welcome new singers with joy! Summer fun with the youth of Unity Minneapolis! Seeking adult volunteers to support our summer youth education at 9:45 service. Pick 2 or 3 Sundays, now through September 4, and assist a classroom leader. Sign up in the Garden Court to enjoy an experience with our young people this summer. PRISM (People Responding In Social Ministry) | You are invited to bring non-perishable food, personal hygiene or cleaning supplies and paper and plastic grocery bags to help fill PRISM’s Food Shelf. Donations may be left in Friendship Hall. Thank you!