Reuniting our classmates, our community.


Reuniting our classmates, our community.
O’Gorman and Cathedral Alumni
Reuniting our classmates, our community.
Winter 2015
In This Issue:
Go>Give>OG Day
1, 3
Upcoming Class
What’s Up at O’G?
Missing Knights
Hall of Fame
Remember Me
Alumni Updates
Called to Serve
In Memoriam
What’s New With
Have you been told lately that you're awesome? Well,
you are.
Last May 1st, we held our 2nd annual
GO>>GIVE>>OG Day - a day when we asked all of
our alumni to get online or get on the phone to make a
gift to tuition assistance.
We had set a lofty goal of raising $50,000 in one day. It
was a crazy day - and tons of fun. And when the day
was over, we had raised just a little more than $50,000.
In one day. You are generous and you give back. That's,
in part, what makes you so awesome.
Did you know that last year alone, more than $1.4
million in tuition assistance, grants and scholarships was
given to families at Sioux Falls Catholic Schools that
needed help?
(con’t on page 3)
From the Alumni Office
Dear Friends/Fellow Alumni,
Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas,
spent with family and other loved ones. It is hard to believe
we are more than halfway through this school year already.
They say as you age, time flies by faster. The older I get, the
more I understand that.
Our mission... to
form a community of
faith and learning by
promoting a Catholic
way of life through
Gospel values and
academic excellence.
A year ago in this winter issue, I was talking about the
impending retirement of longtime principal and later superintendent, Dr. Tom
Lorang. Now we have already had our new president, Robert Wehde, with us for
more than half a year. In many ways, he is like Dr. Lorang - a man of deep faith,
integrity and a true passion for Catholic education. I look forward to continuing to
further our mission of community, faith and excellence with him. I hope you will
soon have the opportunity to get to know him as he leads our Sioux Falls Catholic
Schools into the future with his energy and vision.
Sioux Falls
Catholic Schools
If your class is due for a class reunion this summer, please contact me for any
informaton you might need to pull it together. I'm here to help with whatever you
need. I'm always willing to take your group through the school, even during the
summer months. I'm here! :)
3100 W 41st St
Sioux Falls, SD 57105
Robert Wehde
Director of Instruction:
Joan Mahoney
God bless you and your families,
Carol Barnett Nesbitt, ‘80 Alumni Director
Director of Finance:
Lisa Rysavy
Executive Director
SFCS Foundation:
Michelle Meinen Katen, ‘87
Director of Development
Katie Fritz
Alumni Director/Editor:
Carol Barnett Nesbitt, ‘80
Admissions Coordinator/
Jenni Struck
O’Gorman Principal:
Kyle Groos
Vice Principals:
Joan Mahoney
Art Hagg
Find us on Facebook!
Want the latest news on O’G? Just
search for Sioux Falls O’Gorman
High School and ask to join our
group of OVER 2,000!
That’s why this drive is so critical. Mark
your calendars now for MAY 1st. We
need you.
Our GO>GIVE>OG Day will run from
8 am to 8 pm (CST). You’ll be able to
donate ahead of time if you choose,
donate that day via our online portal or
over the phone if that’s more
comfortable for you.
Who benefits from tuition assistance?
Oh my gosh - there are many stories.
Many families want their children in our
schools but just can’t afford the full cost
of tuition. With your support on
May 1st, we can help make a Catholic
education a reality for them.
We have more than 8,000 alumni.
Last year, just 324 of you joined in
GO>GIVE>OG Day. And we still raised
We’ll be sending out reminder postcards $50,000 in one day! I challenge even
prior to the event, and emails throughout more of you to get involved and donate.
the day and posting on our social media $5, $10, $25 - it all adds up and makes
accounts (Facebook and Twitter). We
an impact. The time is NOW for all of
will keep you updated on the success of our alumni to join together once again to
the day and remind you to make your
raise $50K for tuition assistance through
gift if you haven’t already.
this year's drive. More info will be sent
before May 1st, but you can make a gift
NOW by using the envelope inserted
into this issue of the Re-U-Knight-er.
Challenge your classmates to join you
and match your gift. We can't wait to
hear from you all!
Are you ready? It’s almost GO TIME.
**All donor names will be printed in the
May Re-U-Knight-er under their graduation class. Will your name be there?
Class of 1965 - 50 Years - October 9 - 10, 2015
The first class to attend all four years at O'Gorman is about to celebrate a milestone - 50 years since graduation! We hope all
classmates will join us for this great event. Friday will be appetizers and cocktails. Saturday includes a buffet dinner. More details
going out soon. Reunion coordinators are Mike Gillespie 332-1463, Greg LaFollette 271-1759, and Bob Thoen 371-3097.
Class of 1975 - 40 Years - Sept 4 - 5, 2015
Tentative plans are to gather over Labor Day weekend and catch the Dakota Bowl, too! More info will be coming, but mark it on
your calendar now. Kathy Burke Monahan is helping to steer the reunion committee. 605-521-9502.
Class of 1980 - 35 Years - Sept 4 - 5, 2015
Let's get together over Labor Day weekend and have some FUN! Friday is a casual gathering downtown. Saturday includes a tour
of the new O'Gorman and attending the Dakota Bowl. We were there for the 1st Dakota Bowl. Do you remember? More info soon!
Class of 1995 - 20 Years - September 4 - 5, 2015
We are gathering over Labor Day weekend and are excited to celebrate our 20th Class Reunion! We are still in the planning stages
but will need help! We'll be sending more info. Contact Jess Paulson Karim at: to help with planning or update
your information (new name, new address, new email, etc). Our Facebook page: O'Gorman Class of 1995 20th Class Reunion.
Passionate Performers
Shining Knights on Stage
There is never any shortage of talent when
it comes to our O’Gorman alumni. So
many are doing fun things, we thought you
might be interested in hearing about some
of them.
music, to watch her music video, or get
information about Alexis’ journey.
Ben Sieverding, a 2005 graduate, has also
been touring quite a bit recently. While
many of us can still remember what an
First up,
amazing, deep bass voice he had in high
one of
school, he is continuing to study and hone
our more
his skills. He holds a Bachelor of Arts
in Music from SDSU, and completed his
gradupost-graduate studies in Vocal Perforates,
mance at the University of Michigan,
where he also received his Master of
Music degree. Ben recently completed his
Class of
second summer as an apprentice
artist with The Santa Fe Opera, where
In addihe covered the title role in Don Pasquale
tion to
and the roles of Herr Puff/The Impresario
and the Chamberlain/Le Rossignol. He is
a three-time district winner and regional
Univerfinalist of the Metropolitan Opera National
sity, double majoring in chemistry and
Council Auditions. Ben is a past finalist of
math, she is working very hard on the side
the Brava! Opera Theater and James M.
to promote her first CD. The album, titled
Collier, Schubert Club, and Coeur d’Alene
“love, alexis” has 13 original songs written
Symphony young artist competitions and
mainly while she was in high school. “I
winner of the Birmingham Musicale and
recorded the album in Nashville, TN at The
FAVA Grand Concours de Chant. In 2009,
Sound Emporium, a recording studio home
he performed in Paris at the Grand Conto famous artists like Taylor Swift.”
cours de Chant Laureate recital and Daniel
Pearl World Music Day at the United
Alexis says she got to work with incredible
States embassy.
musicians there, folks who work on albums
of superstars including Miranda Lambert,
Sieverding performs both regionally and
Tim McGraw, Jason Aldean, Blake Shelton
internationally, including trips to Germany,
and others. “It has been an honor and a
France, and closer to home at University of
privilege to be able to do something
most people only dream of doing, and
I am beyond excited that the world can
now enjoy the finished product!”
Alexis’ album took years to complete,
but she says the hard work was worth
it. “It is some of the hardest work I’ve
ever done. If you thought Mrs. Britton
made us rehearse too many times, try
a sound engineer making you sing the
same line thirty times in a row. It was
early mornings, late nights, sore vocal
chords, and one of the greatest experiences of my life.”
You can find Alexis' album on iTunes,
Google Play, Amazon Music, and listen
on Spotify. You can also go to her website: to purchase her
Ben Sieverding, '05, performing.
Michigan’s world-renowned Hill Auditorium, and as a featured artist with Ann
Arbor Cantata Singers, Adrian Symphony
Orchestra and the Windsor Classic Chorale
and many other groups.
Upcoming engagements for Ben include a
reprisal of Oscar with Opera Philadelphia
and a role debut as Il Commendatore/ Don
Giovanni with University of Alabama
Opera Theater.
We will continue to watch Ben's star rise!
Jeff Barnett, '83
Jeff Barnett, ’83, a CFO by day and professional singer by night, spent several weeks
this fall on tour with “Apollo’s Fire”, a
Baroque chamber orchestra, performing
11 concerts in cities across the country.
Apollo's Fire is a popular and critically
acclaimed ensemble specializing in Renaissance, Baroque and early Classical music,
and has been praised by critics as "American's finest chamber orchestra". The group
performs all over the U.S. and across
Europe, and has released more than 20
recordings. “It's an honor and a joy to
be hired by such a highly regarded
orchestra and for such a high-profile
tour," said Barnett.
This past December, there was a l
arge group of alumni involved in
producing a spectacular show at
St. Joseph Cathedral for their annual
“Christmas at the Cathedral” concert.
Andy Henrickson, '78, played the part
of the narrator/ shepherd in this year's
show, which many said was one of
the best in the concert series over the
years. A special choir was formed to sing
along with the South Dakota Symphony
and nationally recognized featured soloists.
The picture on page 5 shows many of the
Singers who are O'Gorman graduates or are connected with O'Gorman in this year's Christmas at the Cathedral concert include: Front
row (l to r): Abbie Pierce, ’16, Susie Donley Doetzel, ’80, Barb Mork Sandoval, ’79, Sherri Timmer Alvey, ’80, Cathy Britton (former OG
choral director). Row 2: Madeleine Lauret, ’16, Suzy Billion Schrier, ’82, Mackenzie Holm, ’11, Becky Kayser, ’13, Mickey McGrann,
’13, Sr. Carmella Luke (teacher), Row 3: Kevin Murphy, ’80, Greg Schmitz, ’73, Kenny Mork, ‘85, Kevin Humke (O’G staff), Joe Barnett,
’71, James Carrell, ’14. Row 4: Matt Billion, ’81, Dan Boyum, ’83, Lyn Oleson, former teacher, Bailey Lauret, ’15, Rod Pierce, ’74, Seth
Pierce, ’13, Parker Brandner, ‘16, John Parezo, ’07. Not pictured: Helen Conzemius, ’13, narrator/shepherd Andy Henrickson, ’78.
beautiful O'Gorman faces involved in this
fantastic production.
Veronica Fritsch's
journey has been a
little unconventional.
After O'Gorman, the
2012 grad was heading off to business
school, but then life
took her in another
direction. "With
much prayer and
contemplation, I decided to pursue music
whole-heartedly and
take the plunge by
deferring my enrollment for a year and
moving to Los Angeles. During that year
I attended acting and vocal classes,
auditions, and did a lot of extra work on
movies and music videos, including Blake
Shelton's 'Boys Round Here'." While
Veronica loved all she learned in LA,
she missed the academic challenge that
college provides. She moved to Minneapolis to attend the U of M where she works to
balanace her academics and music. "Coming from such a strong high school choral
program at O'Gorman under
Mrs. Britton, it was only natural for my
love of music to extend into college. I
have been able to team up with a studio
and producer in Minneapolis. During our
sessions, we write a plethora of songs,
many of which will never
be recorded or heard!"
The first song Veronica
officially recorded and
released in May was "I
Dodged A Bullet".
"When I moved to L.A.,
I was an 18 year old
girl with musical ambition, but no 'real-world'
experience in the music
industry. I brought the
experiences and knowledge gained during that year to the studio
in Minneapolis. Releasing a single was a
way for me to enter into the country music
scene on a very small scale, which was
exactly what I wanted. Because I am only
able to pursue music part-time, I did not
want to rush the creation of an album and
put out a product that I was not happy
with. With "I Dodged A Bullet", I was very
excited about the quality of the song and
felt comfortable releasing it on its own.
The entire process of writing, recording,
and releasing the single while being in
school was an incredible learning
experience, and my knowledge of the
music industry has only increased since
then." While school is Veronica's primary
focus right now, her ultimate goal is to
release a full album. She continues to
perform around the Twin Cities area and
network with others in the music industry.
She is writing in studio each week, with
plans to release another single or EP in the
near future and do more live shows. Stay
Another "one to watch" is 2008 graduate
Brooke Colby. Brooke is in the
Minnesota National Guard but is getting a
lot of attention these days for her powerful
singing, including being a featured vocalist
at major sporting events, including a
recent Minnesota Vikings game, where she
sang the National Anthem. We're excited to
see where her talents take her as well!
What’s Happening at
O'Gorman Brings Home the Gold
In more ways than one, O’Gorman brought home the GOLD during the State One-Act festival this month. For the first time,
O'Gorman served as host of the event, showcasing our beautiful new performing arts center and school. The theatre provided the
perfect setting for 45 schools and well over 1,000 students from across the state to showcase their talent. In addition, the
O’Gorman cast and crew brought home a State Superior Award for their show, “Bubble Boy –the Musical,” and also brought
home three Superior ensemble awards and four Outstanding Individual Performer awards for Emmy Bear, Christian Heisler,
Taylor Billion and Matt Billion. Last, but not least, "Bubble Boy" director Teresa Fester, '88, was also given the
Outstanding Speech Educator award during the awards ceremony. Congrats to the cast and crew!
The O'Gorman Knights volleyball team has been working hard in the last few years to be 'the team to beat' across South Dakota. They
continued to display their dominance this year by winning their second consecutive State AA volleyball championship this fall. For
the second straight year, they beat their rivals from just down the road, the Roosevelt Roughriders, in a 3-0 sweep (25-11, 25-12 and
The team, coached by O'Gorman's own Julie (Sudbeck) Kolbeck, '88, had an impressive record of 33-5 this year, with their only losses
coming from out of state schools. That also means that the Knights have only lost one game to an in-state school over the last two
seasons. “For me to sit here and say that it’s the best team I’ve ever coached – well, it would be an insult for me to say otherwise,”
Kolbeck said. “These girls are amazing on so many different levels.”
Additionally, the American Volleyball Coaches Association (AVCA) announced this fall that senior Taryn Kloth was selected as an
Under Armour Girls High School All-American! The 150 players selected for this year's honors represent 36 states and 139 high
schools. Taryn was also recently named South Dakota's Miss Volleyball for Class AA. Kloth led O’Gorman with 558 kills and 314 digs
on the season. She'll play for Creighton in the fall.
OGorman High School
What some may term a "dynasty" continues to grow for the O'Gorman Lady Knights tennis team. For the eighth straight year, the
team has taken the State Championship tennis title. Under the deft direction of head coach Don Barnes, the ladies finished with seven
1st place titles and two 2nd place finishes. "This is kind of surreal," says Barnes, who is assisted by his wife, Kate. "We are very
proud of our kids, the team and everybody who is involved with the program."
The Lady Knights earned 1st place titles in the following: Singles Flight 1: Morgan Brower; Flight 2: Sidney Brower;
Flight 3: Samantha Czarnecki; Flight 5: Mira Yousef; Flight 6: Maggie Eckerstorfer. Doubles: Flight 2: Czarnecki/Kosiak;
Flight 3: Yousef/Townsend. O'Gorman's Abi Kosiak earned 2nd place in Flight 4 singles (3 sets), and 2nd place in Flight 1 Doubles
for Brower/Brower (3 sets). Senior Morgan Brower is the first to win four singles titles in the first flight since Nancy Rost, '81, won
the fourth of her five titles in 1979. The All-Tournament Team includes: Morgan Brower, Sidney Brower, Samantha Czarnecki, Abi
Kosiak, Mira Yousef, Rachel Townsend.
Eight straight? Wouldn't NINE be DIVINE?
"Empty Bowls" Soup Supper
Wed., March 11th - JOIN US!
5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the O†G Cafeteria
$15 for meal & pottery bowl
$4 for meal only or $20 per family
This event is an annual Lenten fundraiser for local organizations
that support the poor and homeless.
The "Empty Bowls" are a reminder to us all
that there are those in our own community
who don't have enough to eat. Please join
us for a wonderful meal while helping us
raise money for the new Bishop Dudley
Hospitality House, the St. Francis House,
and the Food Pantry. Local restaurants and
businesses donate their soups and breads for the meal, while
parents and staff provide bars, cookies, or pies for dessert.
The event also features hand-thrown pottery bowls created by
art teacher Gary Siska, his pottery classes and the art club.
Nearly 200 students help with this great event. Join us!
Knights SHINE in
1st Prolife Half Marathon
Congratulations to O'Gorman junior Ryan Westendorf
(on right) for his 1st Place finish in the first ever
Pro-Life Half Marathon, held in Jefferson City, MO. in
November. The event was sponsored by Vitae and LIFE
Runners. Pat Castle, (left) a 1989 O'G alumnus, is the
co-founder of
LIFE Runners
and Vitae's
Pat placed 2nd,
a 1-2 finish!
missing! missing!missing! missing!
Please help us update our records! The alumni listed below have either moved, married, or passed away. We need
YOUR help to update our records, get new addresses, etc. Please call 605-575-3360, email us at:,
or mail it to: Alumni Office, 3100 W 41st St, Sioux Falls, SD 57105. We appreciate your help!
Class of ‘35
John Mullen
CatherineCraig Weller
Class of ‘36
Charlotte Kavoney Grammar
Class of '61/'61
John and Sharon
Jerentowski Weber
Melody Ochs Whalen
Class of ‘39
Virgil McLaughlin
Class of ‘63
Johnetta Dysart Gray
Robert Nichols
Victoria Ollerich Trisler
Class of '40
Lorayne O'Donnell Cassady
Class of '64
James Pinard
Class of ‘42
Beatrice Snyder Herring
Rita Lange Hofenkamp
Class of ‘65
Patty Bolger
John Heisler
Class of ‘43
Lois Heiden Aelazas
Kenneth Keating
Class of ‘45
Theresa Sylvix Daniel
Margaret Koehler Doane
Class of ‘46
Kay Atkinson Etter
Celia Fisher Hofeditz
Mary Leimbach Wiebers
Class of ‘47
Pat Mahoney Olson
Class of ‘49
James Brown
John Crampton
Class of ‘66
Mary Baumgartner Burke
Cheryl Nelson Carnazzo
Virginia O'Brien
James Ollerich
John Voss
Class of ‘67
Joan Miller Bachman
Stephanie Neuroth Blair
Brian Bolger
Kevin Comstock
John Donahue
Cheryl Fogelman
Eric Frost
Judy Fisher Hartman
John Kaliszewski
Terrance Timmer
Class of ‘68
David Boever
Class of ‘50
Stephen Davis
Pauline Bengtson
Barbara Schulz Harris
Sheila Murphy McDonald
Colin McDonald
Margaret Bjornstad Swenson Catherine Reetz Laiolo
Bridget Bechtold Vanveen
Class of '51
Mary Schneider Martinson
Class of ‘69
Arlene Phillips Cox
Class of ‘54
Kathleen Hruza Hirsch
Ron Connors
Dan Konic
Jane Loveland Pauley
Class of ‘55
Van Satlak
Aurelia Williams Harr
Sharon Henning
Class of ‘70
Bob Nelson
Michael Bechtold
Mary Vernon Ryan
Francine Kowski Coerver
Class of ‘56
Roberta McDonald Mitchell
Class of ‘58
Jeanne Comstock Cockerill
Class of ‘59
Peter Burbank
Bob Hughes
Class of ‘60 Bill Miller
Gayle Crider
Patty Fleming
Joseph Flicek
Vicky Gerken
Susan Jarding
Joanne Nichol Lindstrom
James Miller
Rita Dysart Moore
Nancy Heiberger Patten
Robert Sanders
Terrance Shields
Joseph Weber
Class of ‘71
Mary Wilka Boykin
Barbara Carlson
Maureen Donohue
Patrick Duchemin
Steve Eckerman
Tom Kiley
Paul McGann
Donald Nelson
Ronald Nelson
Peter Walton
Class of ‘72
Mark Cadwell
Patrick Crangle
Armando Escobedo
Michael Floe
Kevin Garry
Nancy Kiley Hess
Marileen Lowman
Michael Olinger
Jenet Schulz Watson
Class of ‘73
Todd Anderson
Wayne Donahue
Steve Drange
Ed Kaliszewski
Steven Larsen
Patrick McDermott
Janet Rinzel Olson
Class of ‘74
Mike Donohue
Nancy Sullivan Garner
Tim Hannigan
Mark McKenna
John Murphy
Tom O'Neil
Tim Pelican
Dave Schutz
Scott Streeter
Ellen Rogers Thomas
Class of ‘75
Jane Gregg
Celia Roland Hagemeyer
David McMahon
Rick Myers
Pat Sullivan
Joel Wardell
Cheryl Winklepleck
Class of ‘76
Joseph Bruggeman
Jim Flicek
John Koltze
Ann Wingert Krumm
Terry O'Neil
Debbie Swaboda Paxton
Jeff Sauer
Class of ‘77
Lisa Viger Cella
Cindy Crawford
Shelley Donahue Johnson
Nery Tufte Karasch
James Morrissey
Loren Morrow
Jessica Nguyen Nguyen
Teresa McConville Prokop
Eugene Rensch
Pat Schwartz
Kay Schmidt White
Class of ‘78
Michael Gallant
Tim Gillen
Enriquita Gonzalez
Terri Heck Reiners
David Tennyson
Neal Wagner
Class of ‘79
Rachael O'Neal Bohn
Steve Gannon
Chris Hughes
Andy Lafond
Kelly McIlvenna
Dixie McKelvey-Fleming
Michael Patrocky
Tony Pelican
Monica Ritter
Dave Schiefen
Carillon Schmeling
Mary Shaeffer Smith
Paula Staudenmier-Varilek
Brian Steele
Briana Winterborn
Class of ‘80
Gerard Brunetti
Gerard Budeit
Tami Smith Cox
Timothy Jenkins
Brian Mahan
Jeff Murphy
Joe North
Class of ‘81
Shelly Bruhn
Bill Choate
Kim Evans
Linda Gilley
James Laber
Nancy Miller
Kathy Nultemeier
Nancy Rost
Jeff Sweetman
R Jay West
Paul Wiseman
Class of ‘82
Corinna Elyea Cordell
Leah Piersol Crain
Robert Finney
Heather McLachlan
Lisa Hiebert
Renee Hodgin Jones
Diana Lukens
Daniel North
Brian Ross
Virginia Gebhart Smith
Michelle Thury Thompson
Molly Ochsner Witherell
Class of ‘83
Melinda Rohrich Bellis
Ronald Dickens
Patricia Wahlert Ellis
Janet Gebhart Flood
Jill Reiter Hoggarth
B Kelly Neuroth
Cindy Merrick Peplinski
Julie Smidt
Natalie Soukup
Pat Weisensee
Class of ‘84
James Beck
Grant Galvin
Barb Gilley Flicek
Sharri Kaufmann
Laurie Koch
Mick McKinley
Scott Moe
Kari O'Connell-Kuhnert
Michael Rooney
Michael Rotherham
Class of ‘85
Teresa Anderson
Michelle Gaspar Bloomhall
James Budeit
Melissa Mapes Erra
John Fitzgibbons
Sherri Kautz Fleming
Cindy Fredericksen
Robert Hoffmann
Marie Spencer Hopkinson
Greg Kennelly
Bruce Ross
Scott Snyders
Class of ‘86
Aida Asmellash
Susan Dinsmore Burkard
Mike DeWitte
Carrie Fitzgerald
Brian McCulloch
Rob Noonan
Jane Baldwin Ragatz
Mike Ronan
Kevin Stoll
Peggy Van Deest Taylor
Renee Aaker Walters
Missy Wells
Class of ‘87
Roy Adams
John Bachmeier
Angela Crites
Simone Fibiger
Alan Hicks
Kevin Hoffman
Todd Jerentowski
Jay Johnson
Michael Kindred
Alan Malavolti
Natalie Hoecherl McDonald
Kathy McGuire
Charles Myers
Mike Schulte
Colleen Morse Schultz
Class of ‘88
Ryan Cahalan
Jack Gillen
Steve McCulloch
William McGreevy
Brad Merrick
Class of ‘89
Jennifer Arnold
Todd Bradley
Tara Kendle DeBoer
Tricia Estlund
Jennifer Garry
Lisa Gillen
Chris Hanson
Jay Hollenbeck
Shari Kelly
Matthew Metli
Matt Mossefin
Robert Paulin
Chris Sitzmann
Karen Weber
Class of ‘90
Chris Boyd
Sara Clemetson
Karen Weeldreyer Coe
Mary Coughlin
Stacy Dodge
Jason Elrod
David Fahrendorf
Jennifer Plucker Jones
Teresa Justman
Wendy Karolewicz-Becker
Diana Bunkers McCloskey
Greg Muller
Chad Owens
Michelle Kaufmann Peterson
Kurtis Roers
Daniel Smoot
Charles Soukup
Joshua Stritecky
Class of ‘91
Ann Aden
Melissa Pierce Cooper
Jason Donahue
Julie Swanson Erickson
Shannan Hanson
Jeanne Hayes-Inman
Fredrik Johnson
Julian Johnson
Matthew Johnson
Jason Madison
Lucien Miller
Eric Muller
Sung Park
Matthew Samp
Jimmy Tucker
Chad Watson
Candace Kolberg Wilson
Steve Wilson
Class of ‘92
Andy Burman
Brian Butler
Deana Carman
Jason Fitzler
Regan Fox
Katherine Rowe Glogowski
Angie Rodway Josephson
Kristen Kelly
Sarah Mairose
Class of ‘96
Maureen Anderson
Sharon Gramm Anderson
Jami Boorman
Mark Campbell
Erin Donohue
Theresa English
Casey Flanery
Tyson Kant
Adam Patten
Class of ‘93
Jennifer Boorman-Murkins
Amy Davis
Michael Durband
L Anthony Flammond
Martha Gadbois
Thomas Galvin
Theodore Geelhart
Kathryn Hexamer
Brandon Jett
Jade Lay
Betsy Long
Steve Mielke
Anthony Smith
Nikki Geraets Vetter
Class of ‘97
Lamont Brown
Travis Burns
Melissa Butler
Karina Chaman
Magdalena Ciechanowski
Glen Drew
Francesca Ortiz DuChene
Maria Ellenbecker
Angie Famestad
Joseph Galvin
Andrea Rysdon Gustaf
Mary Lloyd Huber
Abby Johnson
Troy Krantz
Kasey Krull
Nicholas Larson
Anne Schafer
Michael Sweeter
Chantal Tunge
Ben Watson
Cheryl Wilson
Yelena Zhdanova
Class of ‘94
Jim Anderson
Eric Bench
Travis Burkhalter
Joseph T Chick
Jose Compan-Olno
Liza Jane Ramos Cook
Teresa Dardis
Erin Daughters
Aaron Gadbois
Juliana Galego
Thomas Heim
Anna Johnson
Kirsten Kraas
Brenda Manke
JoyAnna Oakland Martin
Angela Thompson Mathiesen
Lori Girard Miles
Matt Miller
Sophia Nassif
Joan Kaufmann Peterson
Sergio Pinacho
Amy Pokela
Stacy Boehmer Snyder
Sarah Stombaugh
Gene Weeg
Class of ‘95
Robert Brown
Marsha Carey
Nick Christy Christopulos
Elizabeth Connelly
Scott Doohen
Jeff Eneboe
Elizabeth Heim Hagan
Raena Smith Hillman
Lisa Honerman Hoffmeister
Eric Holmes
Mia Kilmer
Kevin Klempka
Wade Miller
Ryann Moehn
Ryan Olson
Lance Schulte
Kevin Timpe
Class of ‘98
Ellie Buell
Melissa Eberhard
Kelly McSwiggan
Madeline Moore
Lance Nelson
Abigail Parlet
Megan Powell
Garric Solberg
Chelsea Twamley Golden
Class of ‘99
Ryan Cacaro
Chris Eixenberger
Keely Elgethun
Tracy Haley
John Hall
Emily Kalda
Kali Kirk
Nick Nordstrom
Kathryn Paulson
Adam Schmidt
Katie Trent
Class of ‘00
Timothy Andersen
Jeff Berg
Brandon Bulit
Miriam Clinton
Matthew Edwards
Alyse Gallagher
Justin Galloway
Shawn Girard
Matt Jordahl
Joshua Neises
Brandan Parker
Mariana Porto
Megan Sommer
Sarah Young
Matt Zimmerman
Jason Wettlin
Crystal Woodring
Class of ‘01
Amanda Chaussee
Cheng Chi Yan
Angela Crandall
Laura Fritz
Anthony Galvin
Courtney Oines
Rebecca Buell Schmidt
Matthew Sewell
Class of ‘06
Megan Arend
Katherine Carstensen
Roman Dojcak
Brooke Edman
Kyle Hanlon
Ivan Martic
Samuel Mega
Amanda Simons
Joseph Sweets
Class of ‘02
Chris Buckley
Leslie Coulter
Megan Eberhard
Thomas Fuller
Laura Grinsell
Derek Gross
Lindsay Hauger-Gross
Mark Jarding
Jennifer Johnson
Mathew Keirnes
Amy Meier
Angela Murphy
Elizabeth Loen Nehlich
Katie Phalen
J. Michael Philippe
Jason Trent
Thomas Vanek
Scott Westhoff
Sungmin Yoon
Class of ‘03
Jamie Ahlers
William Bierbaum
Katherine Clarkson
Brenna Edman
Cody Evans
Kara Gjesdal
Jenna Patten
Jay Polkinghorn
Palavee Suwannapasri
Dan Vining
Matthew West
Zachary Zwieg
Class of ‘04
Mayara Arruda
Philip DePaula
Morten Hansen
Brent Hardie
Mateg Kianicka
Megan Lotton-Kock
Jessica Schroeder
Alex Tatone
Class of ‘05
Deng Akok
John Harlan
Alison Holt
Amy Jarding
Elif Kinay
Mercedes Lux
Eric Mifflin
Whitney Millar
Daniel Philippe and
Veronika Leszayova
Patrick Trevett
Jessica Weidler
Allison Weppler
Class of ‘07
Daniel Arch
Frank DePaula
Erin Markey
Carolyn Miller
Michelle Moore
Elena Svatikova
Robert Vrolyk
Class of ‘08
Lindsey Albers
Gabee Cho
Sarah Eichacker
Travis Gruidel
Michael Rippentrop
Dexter Ross
Erika Gerads Xu
Class of ‘09
Danel Abera
Emily Kolb
Tomas Koubek
Brian Muldoon
Class of ‘10
Jessica Di Simone
Elizabeth Hickey
Alta Joliffe
Nate Jordahl
Alexander Julian
Ji Hyun Park
Ross Steineke
Tony Viger
Class of '11
Angel Alva
Abigail Anderberg
Zachary Cole
Class of ‘12
Weston Bednar
Adam Kianicka
Deborah Mika
Class of '13
Maria Diaz
Matheus Longo
Class of '14
Robert Corsini
Please help us find
addresses for
these lost alumni!
(note: a general
vicinity isn't much
help.) Thank you!
Email me:
O’Gorman - Cathedral
Alumni Hall of Fame
Academics - Arts - Service - Athletics
The Alumni Hall of Fame will once again honor alumni for their excellence in academics, the arts, athletics, in
service, or for their work in their community (job-related). You have the opportunity to nominate someone you
think is worthy of recognition in one of those areas. PLEASE note that if an alum has already been nominated by
you for any of these awards that the nomination remains in our files and will be considered again each year.
You do not need to re-nominate. Those who have previously received an award in any of the categories will not
be considered again, even if it is for a different category.
Have you witnessed or been touched by an alum who has given of his/her time in service to their community?
Do you know of someone who has excelled in athletics while at O’Gorman or Cathedral, or in the field of
academics? Do you know of someone who has done wonderful things in the arts (in high school or since then)?
This is YOUR opportunity to nominate him/her for the O’Gorman-Cathedral Alumni Hall of Fame. Each of this
year’s recipients will be honored at this fall’s Homecoming Mass, football game, and at the Alumni Hall of Fame
Banquet that day. Watch for your May issue of the Re-U-Knight-er to find out who this year’s inductees are and
how you can get tickets for the banquet. All are welcome to honor the new inductees.
Nomination Form
Nominee’s Name:Class Year:
Nomination is for: (circle) Academics
Service (service can be volunteer or job-related)
Activities related to this nomination (involvement, list of accomplishments, awards, etc.):
Other supporting evidence/reasons this person should receive an award:
(Use additional paper if needed to provide more information on your nominee)
Nominator’s name:
Daytime phone or e-mail:
Please remember that you MUST provide supporting evidence our committees can use to determine
winners of these awards. It is difficult to research the many names that are submitted, so we rely on
your research to aid in this process. If names are submitted without additional information, it is
unlikely that your nominee will be given true consideration for an award. Thank you!
Nominations must be received by April 3rd in order
to be considered by the various selection committees.
Mail to: Alumni Office, 3100 W. 41st St, Sioux Falls, SD 57105.
Laura Rutten Woods, '86, Remembers Those
Gone Before Us Through Special Project
Remember Me, Never Forgotten ~An Heirloom
Created by Local Woman Turns Into Product of
Love, Sharing
By Andy Wilcox, Sioux Valley News (Canton, SD)
Family, friends, loved ones all pass away. This is an eternal truth
that cannot be changed. How Those loved ones are remembered,
cherished and loved can be influenced after their time of passing
Laura Woods of Canton has been working several years on a
“product” as she calls it, which will help not only keep the dates of
loved ones’ passing fresh, but also help guide future generations to
honor the memory of those who have passed.
“When we first got married (Jim, her husband), we had obituaries
all over. Family members would pass away and we would just add
to the pile,” Woods said. “Jim told me I should put together a book
to help remember all of those that had passed. Four years ago, I had
a feeling that I had not been remembering to pray for these people,
I just wasn’t remembering the dates.” That is when Woods began an
undertaking that would take faith, time, money, but also many strong
connections with others who had a hand in the “Remember Me,
Never Forgotten” product.
After researching for several months, Woods realized most people
had problems keeping the obituaries, funeral programs and holy cards
in a safe place. From putting the items in drawers, to rubbermaid
containers or even throwing out the items, Woods found there were
no products out there to put all the precious memorial information
together. That is when she started putting together a binder, of sorts.
The book Woods put together is one-of-a-kind. It is also a labor of
love. “Everyone wants to be remembered, regardless of your age,
your beliefs,” Woods said.
Woods is Catholic and designed the book to reflect the strong
imagery of her faith, but the tools can be utilized by any faith. The
book describes the reasons for praying for the dead, instructions on
how to use the book, prayers for those departed and then the heart of
the book is opened. The book starts with a page that says January. On
the opposing page is an image of Jesus falling as he carries the cross.
Under the flap, however, is the secret to Woods’ book’s appeal. There
is a folder pocket to put the obituaries, holy cards and other information about loved ones who have passed. There is room for writing the
names and dates of death on each month’s page as well.
The book is divided by month, offering a fast and convenient way
to start out each month when remembering those who have passed.
“When I first put this together, I said to myself, let me use it for a
year and see how it worked,” Woods said. “We would open the book
at the beginning of the month and each of our children would read
an obituary aloud. As Catholics, we feel you should offer up your
sufferings and sorrows to the soul that has passed. They, the kids,
began to know the people that we were praying for. We believe that
if you have sufferings, you should offer those up to the souls you are
remembering. Maybe it’s something as simple as a test you are facing
or troubles you are having, but those souls can help with the troubles.
God has given each person a special gift. When they pass, we want to
remember that gift.” She said the stories that are told in the obituaries
and funeral programs give those who did not know the dead a glimpse
into what they had offered in their lives.
Every detail was taken to heart when putting the heirloom
together. This included the Celtic knot that frames the pictures in the
book, which was drawn by Catherine Billion (wife of '74 O'G grad
Woods is pictured with the first "Remembrance" book while she was still
working on it. She used it for a year to check the practicality of various
elements put into the book in terms of organization. Woods says it was
a labor of love, but the help she received from various people she met
along the way helped the creation come into existence in its current form.
Laura has been promoting her book throughout the area.
Steve Billion). The knot is known for not having a beginning or an
end, a symbolic addition to the book. The photos in the book are of
the Stations of the Cross at Saint Lambert Church, which had just
been painted and renovated. The special foreword was written
by Woods’ brother, Fr. Paul Rutten, '92.
Another important part of the piece is the record of death section
in the back, which provides space to record not only the name of the
person remembered, but their relationship, date of death, where they
are buried and a memory of that person you would like passed on.
“It’s amazing,” Woods said of the response. “I’ve given a few talks
about the book and people are not just buying one, they buy two or
three because they can think of someone else who can use this tool.”
Woods had 1,000 books printed, which sounded like a goodly
amount of books. However, when they started moving the books into
the back of their office in Canton, they quickly realized how many
1,000 really is for storage purposes, too.
The timing of the delivery of the book was momentous in and of
itself as well. The printer had told Woods she could expect delivery
after Easter. The books, however, arrived two weeks before Easter,
in time to distribute to various family members and also share with
others who knew of her journey she had undertook so many years
ago. “This time of year, with Easter, is what this book is all about. It’s
a tool to be used. The passion, the death, the resurrection, this is what
it’s all about, it’s a celebration.”
Woods notes the book has much more to it than can be written in a
story and invited anyone who wants to know more about the Remember Me, Never Forgotten book to visit the website: Woods can also be reached via
phone at (605) 254-3235. On the website, there is a short video, but
also more information on the contents of the book, ways to use the
book, etc. The book is published under Laura Rutten Woods, a way
for her to preserve the heritage of her family and lineage.
“Whatever the faith, the book will help you remember, offer up
prayers and keep your loved ones and their gifts alive in your heart
and mind,” Woods said. "With the grace of God and the guidance of
the Holy Spirit, this book has come to completion.”
**Reprinted with permission.
Alumni News
‘56 Fr. Jim Barnett, OP, will celebrate his 50th anniversary
as a priest this June. He was ordained on June 5, 1965. His first
Mass was at the Cathedral of St. Joseph. He will celebrate with
family this June. Congrats, Fr. Jim!
Peggy Stanton retired on Dec. 19th from Sanford
Health after a total of 33 years. She spent 17 years at Sioux
Valley Hospital as a Cardiology Health Unit secretary, then she
moved to Central Plains Clinic for another 17 years. She worked
first as a medical records clerk, then an EMR scanner. She
writes, "Enjoying the down time." Her new email address is:
Paul Duimstra and his wife, Jeanette, welcomed their
first grandchild, Bennett Andrew in November. They also just
bought the new Detour Bar in Sioux Falls.
Kelley McAndrews Thomson has a new email address:
Lance Fanning has associate's degrees in applied
science (business administration 2002, marketing in 2004) and
a bachelor's degree in criminal justice in 2014. He will be
attending graduate school in forensic psychology this year. His
professional occupation is criminal justice practitioner, equal
parenting advocate and father's rights advocate. Lance has a
Dave Barnett writes, "After spending most of my adult daughter, Olivia. He is currently employed with The Lamb
life working for some of the finest failed start-ups in Silicon
Catholic Radio Network, "Bringing people to Christ and Christ
Valley, my wife Cindy and I are slowing down a bit. We moved to His people." (91.3 FM KSTJ in Sioux Falls, Mitchell and
to Grass Valley, CA in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. I now work Yankton, 88.9 FM KSJP Aberdeen and Ipswich. Email:
as Chief Engineer of a local nonprofit listener-supported radio
station, KVMR. We take pride in being the only 24-hour live,
2309 S Bahnson Ave
Sioux Falls, SD 57103
local radio station in the Sacramento metro, and have a
reputation for some very ambitious live festival broadcasts. If
Sarah Burns sent good news. She and her husband,
you're ever in the mood for some truly eclectic radio, check us
welcomed a daughter, Georgia Elizabeth, on Oct. 20th.
out at Oh - and I'd love to hear from the O'G
the NICU for a week but is healthy and happy at
folks." Dave's wife is Cindy and they have one child, Jesse.
her proud big brother, Xavier," writes Sarah.
Dave has his BSEE from SDSM&T. His email address is:
John Glenski has been named one of the 2014
PO Box 2663
Leaders Under 40 by Control Engineering, Plant
Nevada City, CA 95959
Engineering and CFE Media LLC. John joined Process Plus in
January of 2011 as a Senior Controls Engineer. He earned a BS
Lisa LaFollette Ellis was recently promoted to Chief
in Electrical Engineering from the University of Dayton.
Medical Officer of the Medical College of Virginia Physicians.
She writes, "I am very excited about this new role and all of its
challenges and opportunities." Her email:
725 Woodson Place
Manakin Sabot, VA 23103
'03 Carmen Valencia McBride and her husband, Kevin,
welcomed their first child, a baby girl named Lily Gabriela, on
August 24, 2014.
Wayne Klug recently moved and wanted to share his
new address. It is: PO Box 2496, Ashburn, VA 20146.
'04/'04 Christi (Merideth) and Nathan Pease welcomed a new
baby girl, Charlotte Mary, on November 16, 2014. She weighed
in at 8 lbs 6 oz.
Joseph Glenski was recently promoted to Senior
Principal Engineer at Cray Inc., the highest technical role at
Cray. Fewer than 15 engineers in the entire company hold this
status. Senior Principal Engineers are selected based on their
technical leadership and skills, mentoring, communication,
external engagements, cross-disciplinary cooperation and
influence, and impact to the company.
Lacey Babekuhl Weerts and her husband, Eric,
welcomed a baby boy in March of 2014. Elliot has become the
center of their lives. The three are currently living in Austin,
MN. Lacey is working as an insurance agent for Farm Bureau
Insurance. While they love to visit friends and family in Sioux
Falls, they are definitely enjoying settling in to Austin and the
life of busy new parents.
Kathy-Jo Johansen Peterson recently accepted a
position as the Director of Development, working on
fundraising, for St. Therese Southwest and The Glenn by
St. Therese Southwest. She will work to build relationships
with the residents and their families to expand their healthcare
services and ministries. She was also in a play for the first time,
playing the role of Mrs. Armstrong in The Best Christmas
Pageant Ever in her local community. She and her husband,
Jerry, and their two children, Charlie (8th grade) and Angie (6th
grade) live in Uptown in Minneapolis.
Allison Kueter graduated from Southeast Technical
Institute with an Associate of Applied Science in Allied Health
degree and a diploma in Health Information Services. She
graduated December 5, 2014 after having made the STI
President's List for Fall 2014. Allison is currently doing clinicals
at Sanford Orthopedics.
Want to get your Re-U-Knight-er in your INbox instead of your
MAILbox? Just shoot me an email and let me know! cnesbitt@
Called To Serve.
2009 Graduate Makes First Profession of Vows
Nolan Cleary, son of Shawn and Julie, entered the
Franciscan Third Order Regular as a Postulant in Loretto,
PA, on August 18, 2012. Nolan was a St. Mary parishioner,
graduate of O’Gorman High School class of 2009 and a
Franciscan University graduate of 2012.
On May 31, 2013, the Feast of the Visitation, Nolan became
a Novice and received a new name, Brother Elijah, along
with his first habit. One year later, on May 31, 2014,
Br. Elijah made his First Profession of Vows of Poverty,
Chastity and Obedience and received the full habit of
the Franciscan TOR. He has recently begun seminary at
St. Louis Friary in Washington, DC, and is attending classes
at Catholic University of America.
The Franciscan Third Order Regular is an ancient Order
that can trace its origins back to the times of St. Francis
himself. The Third Order is just one of several branches
of the Franciscan Orders throughout the world.
Please keep Brother Elijah in your prayers as he
continues his journey of faith.
Br. Elijah Cleary, TOR
(on right)
St. Louis Friary
831 Varnum Street N.E.
Washington, DC 20017
The Celebrate My Drive contest through
State Farm Insurance was a huge success,
thanks to our students, staff, families and
ALUMNI who took the time to vote. As a
result, O'Gorman was awarded a $25,000
prize! We couldn't have done it without you!
In Memoriam
Lorraine Kirchen Stein ‘30
Lorraine passed away October 31, 2014, at the age of
102. Lorraine sent in an update just this past year to
tell us she was praying for all of us and loved hearing
about what was going on in our schools. Lorraine was
likely the oldest living CHS graduate. She is survived
by her daughter, Sr. Kathy Stein.
Bernard "Bernie" Bangasser, ‘49 Bernie died Oct. 29, 2014. He is survived by his wife,
Patricia; children: Anne, Teresa, Mary, Tom, Sharon, Joe,
Elizabeth, Jim, Cathy, Edward and Jeanne; 37 grandchildren;
25 great-grandchildren and six siblings: Paul, ’56, Gene, ’52,
Elmer, ’60, Ruth, ’61, Rita, ’61, Loretta, ‘58. He was
preceded in death by his brothers Don, ’50 and Joe, ‘46.
Loretta Weber Snelling, '33
On Nov. 1, 2014, Loretta celebrated her 100th birthday. On Nov. 8,
she and her husband celebrated their 71st wedding anniversary.
She died eight days later on Nov 16, 2014 and he died nine days
after her on Nov. 25th. Together now in heaven!
Elnora Arend Thielman, '52
Elnora died December 13, 2014. She is survived by her
husband, LaVerne; her daughter, Amy; two grandchildren; her
sister, Roseann Namanny. Preceded in death by her siblings:
Genevieve, Viola , Josephine, Mary and Leo.
Mildred Seubert Vandel, '35
Mildred died on January 25, 2015, at the age of 99. She is survived
by her children: Gracie Kolb (former O'G teacher), Claradith
Kingsbury and George Vandel III. Her sisters were Grace, '32, and
Babe, '35.
Don Kent, '53
Don passed away June 3, 2014. He is survived by his wife,
Susan; and his children: Catherine, Andrew and Elizabeth;
seven grandchildren; and his brother, Gene, '56. His brother
Thomas preceded him in death. His brother, Dennis, '49, died
just a few weeks after Don. Dennis' obit was in a previous issue
of the Re-U-Knight-er.
Florence Tremblay Ripple, '39
Florence died September 18, 2012. She is survived by nine
children, 20 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren.
Dorothy Jane Barnett-Harris, '41
Jane died December 6, 2014. She is survived by her children,
Mike, '68, Barb Colter, '70, Patrick, '71, John, '74, Mary Taylor,
'74, Steven, '79, William, '81, Jim, '85; her siblings: Don Barnett,
'49, Lou Barnett, '42, and Kate Williams, '39; 19 grandchildren
and four great-grandchildren. Preceded in death by her husband,
Bob, son Tim, '76, her sisters Barbara Sanders, '37, Patricia, and
brothers Bob, '49, and Jack, '47.
Nick Reiter, '42
Nick died October 9, 2014. He is survived by his wife, Faye; his
children: John, Cindy, Jerry, Michael, David, Paul and Nick;
eighteen grandchildren, twenty-seven great-grandchildren, and
four great-great-grandchildren. He is also survived by a brother:
LeRoy, '52; and his sister: Agnes Dyer, '56.
Howard John "Jack" Barnett, '47
Jack died November 10, 2014. He is survived by his wife,
Kathleen Kaercher Barnett, ‘47; four daughters, Kathy, Kelly,
Kitty and Kerry; two brothers, Don, ‘49 and George Louis Barnett,
‘42; two sisters, Kate Williams, ’39, and Jane Harris, ‘41 (who
died less than a month after Jack); and seven grandchildren. Jack
was preceded in death by a brother, Bob, ‘49; two sisters, Barbara
Sanders, ‘37 and Patricia Barnett, ‘45; and his first wife, Muriel L
Mongoven Barnett, '47.
Ann Sweere Dison, '49
Ann died December 25, 2012. Her siblings were: John Sweere, '53
(dec.), Dick Sweere, '48, Bill Sweere, '50, Pat Hoff, '55, and Joe
Sweere, '60.
Dennis Merlyn Schmidt, ‘58
Dennis died October 26, 2014 after a 47 year battle with MS.
He was preceded in death by his wife, Clarice.
Richard Even, ‘59
Richard died November 16, 2014. He is survived by his wife,
Carol; three children: Matthew, Aaron and Jessica; four
grandchildren; two sisters: Marilyn Even Collins, ’55 and
Jeannine Even Carlson, ’60.
Joseph Patrick Lehnertz, '62
Joe died Nov. 27, 2014. He is survived by his wife, Connie;
daughters, Christine and Shannon; his siblings: Mary Ann
Holden, '67, Peggy McKeown, '70, and Michael Lehnertz,
'73; brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews, and
many other relatives. He is preceded in death by his grandson, Sammy, and his brother, Jack Lehnertz.
Richard Francis "Dick" Sheridan, '62
Dick died May 15, 2014. He is survived by his daughter,
Julie; a granddaughter, Madison; his siblings: Judy Bailey,
We have made some changes in the format of our
Re-U-Knight-er publication to save space
and paper, including condensing the obituaries.
Full obituaries (for those alumni we have) can be
viewed online at
If you have questions, email Carol at or call 605-575-3360.
Thank you!
Kimberly Stanga Sargent, '84
'58, Jeanne Schomer, Linda Hoerner, and Dennis Sheridan. He
was preceded in death by his wife, Nancy; an infant son, Michael; Kimberly died November 17th, 2014. She is survived by her
husband, Todd; two daughters, Heather and Samantha, and two
and his sister, Mary Beth Hanrehan, '60.
Don Srstka, '67
Don died January 21, 2015. He is survived by his wife Cynthia
(Lacey, '71); children: Charles, '00, Michael, and Caroline, '05;
To view complete obituaries, go to:
his siblings: William, Jr., Robert, '75, Jean Benson, '73, and Mary
Day, '79. Preceded in death by his sister Katherine, '65.
Dan Gacke, '73
Dan died January 8, 2015. He is survived by his children, Angie
and Jeramy; his siblings, Tom and Jeanne; three grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by his sister, Nancy Gacke Lovro, '69.
to the Class of 1954
for donating $443.84 in leftover
reunion monies to the
CHS/OG Alumni Association!
Tom Callaghan, '74
Tom died February 7, 2015. He is survived by his wife, Lois; his
children, Patrick and Emily; step-children Ryan and Kristen; his
siblings: Deborah Callaghan Gannon, '71, Colleen Callaghan
Lecy, '73, Margaret Callaghan Jarding, '75 and Jim Callaghan,
The O’Gorman / Cathedral Alumni Association extends its sympathies to the family and friends of:
 Ruth Kelley, mother of Patricia Kelley Josten, ‘69, and
Kevin Kelley, ’72.
 Joseph F. Pillar, husband of Dorcas; father of: Randy Pillar
'68, Tom Pillar '70, Julie Curry '73, Mary Wesnoski '75, Theresa
Standish '79, Joe S. Pillar '83.
 Dwight Duimstra, father of Paul Duimstra, '80, Christina
Petterson, Ann Reurink, Sindy Metha, Shelleen Weeks, and Cody
 Tom Theobald, husband of Kristi; father of Sam, '92, and
Geoff, '95.
 John Schander, husband of Connie; father of Jason
Schander, ’93, and Chad Schander.
 George Zuraff, husband of Colleen Lynch Zuraff, '50; father
of Cathy, Dan, Tom, Shelley, Tony, David, Steve, and Tim.
 Betty Lou Reetz, mother of Barb Staudenmaier, '64,
Cathrine Reetz, '68, Nancy Winness, '73, and Jeffrey Reetz, '80,
Vicki Reetz, '65 (dec).
 Frank McGuire, husband of Donna; father of: Timothy
McGuire, Teresa Zuraff, Michael McGuire, Joseph McGuire, '82,
Kathleen Godfrey, Patricia Huizenga, '88, and Mark McGuire.
 Theresa Whitcomb, mother of: Ann, '58 (dec.) Sue, '59,
Mark, '68, Mary, '72, and Don, '76.
 Tim Reiter, son of LeRoy Reiter, '52; brother of; Kim Reiter,
Tony Reiter, '77, Josh Reiter, '80, and Jill Reiter Hoggarth, '83.
 Leona Nyberg, mother of: Harvey Nyberg, '68, Lance
Nyberg, '70, Wayne Nyberg, Jim Nyberg, Beverly Kirstein,
Shirley Parpart, Joann Morey, and Linda Carpentier, '67 (dec).
 Dorothy Donohue, mother of Mary Sue, '68, Margaret,‘70,
amd Maureen, ‘71; grandmother of: Molly Bruggeman Donohue,
'96, and John Bruggeman, '99.
 Marion Hartman, former staff member at O'G, mother of
Vickie Welbig, '74, Rodney Hartman, '78; grandma of Kelly
Burfischer Moore, '85, Tammy Burfischer Mason, '87; great
grandma of Michelle Moore, '07.
 Theresa O'Dea, wife of Clifford; mother of: Steven, '73,
Sheila Ludens, '71, Suzanne Timm, '75, and Shawn Cynkar, '78.
 Marge Price, mother of longtime math teacher and O'G
coach, Tom Price, and mother-in-law of Pat Kellen Price, '74.
 Eileen Clark Dunkelberger, sister of Mike Clark, '64, Jim
Clark, '68, and Pat Clark, '59 (dec).
 Mike Purtell, brother of Susan Parker, '65, Stephen Purtell,
'69, Colleen Reichelt, '71, Patrice Gaulrapp, '73, Maureen Suga,
'74, Vincent Purtell and Todd Purtell, '81.
 Laurie Rezac, wife of Michael; mother of Nicholas, '09,
Joseph, '10, and Laura, '12.
 James Pentico, husband of Jeanne Jensen DuBose Pentico,
'53; father of Joseph, Christopher, Patrick, Danielle and
 Richard Krenke, husband of Annette; father of: Bart, '91,
Donelle Beynon, '93, and Wylie. The family is directing
memorials to the O’Gorman Education Department,
3201 S. Kiwanis Ave, Sioux Falls, SD, 57105.
Jerome Hoff, brother of Edith Hoff, '78.
 Margaret Summy Morgan, mother of: Dave Summy, '63,
Dana Mefford, '65, Terry Reddin, '67, Chris Gullick and Tony
O’Gorman-Cathedral Alumni Association
3100 W. 41st St
Sioux Falls, SD 57105
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The Re-U-Knight-er
The Re-U-Knight-er is published by the O’Gorman-Cathedral
Alumni Association for all O’Gorman and Cathedral graduates
and their families. O’Gorman, which graduated its first class in
1962, is a private school founded in 1961. It is accredited by the
North Central Association and the State of South Dakota
Department of Education.
Editor: Carol Barnett Nesbitt, ‘80
Ph: (605) 575-3360
On the Move: If you have moved recently or plan to do so
and know your new address, please avoid extra postage costs
by notifying the Alumni Office. If you’d like to receive this
newletter via email, email us at: Thank you!
Alumni News
New job? New address? Recently married? Earned a degree?
Welcomed a new member to your family? We want to hear your news
and share it with your fellow CHS/O’G alums! Just send this form to:
Alumni Office, 3100 W. 41st St, Sioux Falls, SD, 57105;
or e-mail us at:
Name (maiden and married, if applicable): Class:
Address:City:State: Zip:
Spouse:Children: Education after high school:
Employment: News about you: 
Please print my update and include my mailing address and my e-mail address.
Please print my update but DON’T print my mailing address. You MAY list my e-mail address.
Please print my update but DON’T print my e-mail OR my mailing address.