Breaking the Cycle of Depression


Breaking the Cycle of Depression
The Lifelong Learning Company
The Happiness Foundation
Breaking the Cycle of Depression
Powerful, Practical, Positive, Solution-Focused
In partnership with Victoria Road Surgery and Andaman Surgery
Join us for a groundbreaking
course that will give you insights
and strategies to break the cycle
of depression. Take a deeper
solution-focused adventure with
us and extend your ability to
create positive change in your
own life.
The Happiness Foundation
Kathryn Temple
MSc Psychologist
Licensed NLP Master,
Licensed NLP Trainer
EFT Trainer
EFT Advanced Practitioner
Kath is part of the NLP Research Group
of Surrey University and has worked for
DfES, SENDIST, Schools & LEA’s,
British Nuclear Group, & Tenneco.
Her clients include BT, Everest,
Schlumberger, NHS, Sure-Start,
Age Concern England, Prowess,
GlaxoSmithKline, Bristol Myers Squibb,
Prowess, MIND, Connexions,
Norfolk & Waveney Mental Health
She regularly assists NLP’s Co-Creator,
Dr Richard Bandler & Paul McKenna,
who regularly refers clients to her.
In addition to training in psychology,
NLP, EFT, hypnosis & psychotherapy,
Kath has enjoyed training with:
Dr Deepak Chopra, Dr Wayne Dyer,
Dr Caroline Myss, Dr Masaru Emoto,
Professor Candace Pert, Louise Hay,
Dr Bruce Lipton, Dr Brian Weiss,
Dr Robert Holden and many others
f you are a person who has depression, you know how it can pervade all
aspects of your life. You know about the great personal cost, and the cost
to your relationships too. You are not alone. Depression is on the increase
and is more common than we realise. There is around a one in five chance of
experiencing an episode of depression, and women are twice as likely as men
to get depressed. There is a link with stress and depression. High levels of the
stress hormone cortisol is present in the blood of those suffering from
depression. So although depression may appear to others as a state of low
arousal, it is not. Depression is about 10 times more common, in the post-war
generations than in prior generations. Human biology cannot change that
quickly, so whilst depression may create some biological effects, possibly only
10% of
depression has biological origins. We invite you to our inspiring
enjoyable breakthrough course where we share with you:
The trance state of depression, how it gets locked in, and how to
unlock it and shift it’s ability to emotionally hijack you.
New insights as to why you wake up tired and unmotivated, and what
to do about it.
Why some types of psychotherapy and counselling make depression
Techniques for tackling negative thinking and negative expectancy.
How to lift the physiology and psychology of depression.
Healthy ways of shifting brain chemistry in the right direction.
Regain state control and better manage your emotions - rediscover
the happiness centre in the brain.
The New Behaviour Generators - it’s time for a change.
Making the change - it’s an inside job.
12 - 3pm, Wednesday 3rd & 10th March 2010
Book Your Place Now
through Victoria Road Surgery, or Andaman Surgery,
or call us on 01502 562162
Donation of £7.20 to The Happiness Foundation.
It’s the price of a prescription but without the side effects!
The Happiness Foundation
Member Coaching
Psychology Group
Our Clients Say Such Nice Things!
I want you to know how much it meant to me. I was on the
verge of seeing my doctor for clinical depression. Somehow it
all came together at the right time for me to take notice and let
it change my attitude and my life for the better ... I woke up the
next morning a new person. I have been a ball of bubbling joy
ever since. I learned that every moment that passes is gone
forever and I will never get the chance to re-live it a better way.
To make my life meaningful, I have to be happy with me as I
am and accept that I have a right to be the way I am. I shouldn't be so afraid of saying the wrong things that I say nothing at
all. I shouldn't be so afraid of consequences that I do nothing
at all. If I take a risk, then maybe my life will get even better. I
have learned that I possess everything I need to be happy now
- I don't need to wait until other people treat me better or until
circumstances dictate. My happiness is a state of mind;
happiness is an attitude, an outlook and no-one can make me
truly happy except me. I have learned that if I am happy, then
I am better placed to make thepeople I love happy. I have
learned that people may say hurtful things, but that doesn't
mean it's the truth - their words can only hurt me if I believe it's
the truth and fail to realise that sometimes people try to feed
their ego by stealing a bit of my precious spirit. I have learned
that I am loved and not just accepted because I co-exist with
others. I am valued for who I am, what I am, the way I am. I
should not be afraid of doing my best and letting people know
what I do well....Most importantly, I have learned to be unafraid
of the future. I am not a victim. Any pain I may have suffered
has made me strong, enriched my personality, and made me
more understanding, wise. It has taught me to appreciate the
good things in my life and to make the present a really good
place to be. I know I've only just started this journey. I have
more to learn, more to do. But for now, I feel unshackled,
liberated. I feel as if a ball of joy lives in the centre of my chest.
I can feel it bubbling, flowing. It's in my throat and in my mouth.
I feel like laughing! It lights up my entire being and makes me
feel like dancing. The one word I keep using is 'irrepressible'.
'Irrepressible' is my theme song! I feel physically different. I
even noticed that I walk differently. Believe it or not, I think I
strut (in a totally non-arrogant, non-pompous way of course!) hips forward and striding. My shoulders are straighter. My
back is upright. My head is higher. Kath I love you for the way
you are and for helping me to discover me. Over the last 18
months I had been slowly finding myself. But you set ablaze a
torch I had only begun to spark. I wanted you to know that you
triggered something wonderful in my. You touched my life in a
deeply significant way, and if only for that, you will hold a
special place in my heart. VANESSA BELL, London
I just wanted to say a big thank you for the help and guidance
you gave me. I remembered how you showed me a way to forgive my father for everything that happened in the past and to
let go, and to be able to remember him with love. This was a
really big help and comfort to me. Thank you! Thanks also for
the inspirational messages you sent me. I look at them frequently. You're a star! STEVE RAISON, Watford
Your total energy, enthusiasm and commitment . Your magic
which made the learning magical. Your wide knowledge and
experience and the fun, innovative way it was imparted.
Special and life changing. So many things on so many levels
- intellectual, emotional, spiritual. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!!!! An enormous THANK YOU! You are inspirational!'
You are truly inspirational. A bloody great big learning lighthouse on planet earth! Keep on shining!
MELANIE McCABE, Lincoln County Hospital
Thank you for helping me to shine!
SOPHIE MICHELL, Fit Farm, Channel 4
Thank you for a brilliant course and thank you for helping me
reclaim a lost part of me.
I learned ways to change myself instead of getting burnt out
waiting for others' behaviour to change.
DR S SRIDHARAN, Psychiatric Registrar, Warwickshire
Kath's course means to me INSPIRATION. She inspires me to
fulfill my life and help my children to achieve their potential.
she is intelligent, fun, sensitive, understanding, energetic and
bubbly. I feel good in her company , she is a brilliant teacher
yet I don't feel taught. Her course has been of great help to me
in so many ways. It's opened my mind to many things - a new
look at my life. I will think of her when my energy and
inspiration is flagging. LOUISE ALDRIDGE, Southwold
I've used Hara, my timeline and the power circle a good few
times since I saw you and I've found them really effective! The
box and balloon were an excellent touch. I almost skipped
back to my car and two different old boys wished me a happy
birthday - it felt great! SARA SHERRIF, Bungay
Since Sara came back from seeing you, she has become
amazingly more dynamic and confident and generally a lovely
person to be around. Thanks for the work you did with her.
MICHAEL HOLNESS, partner of Sara
Life changing moments - Kath you moved through my world
and made it a better place. I can now do the same for others.
Everything related to real life but it was presented in a magical
spiritual way - great! LINDEN MAJOR, Lincoln
Kath – you bloody genius you! Walked in your office as a 3.
Walked out of your office feeling like an 8 - after just over an
hour with you! And managed to keep it up all weekend (oo-er
missus!), and today's going wonderfully well too. Ok, it may be
on the same level as Buddha as it's finally clicked - and a
1000 watt bulb has just been switched on in my head! Did
some cool stuff over the weekend, went to organise some art
classes, didn't find any I liked so am setting up my own! You
should really write a book – you'd make a fortune! Kept
practicing the visualisation techniques, created my "Happy
Soul" CD and, wait for it, booked a long weekend in
Amsterdam for the Bank Holiday weekend – going by myself
so that's going to be one helluva adventure! Send you a postcard....aiming for a 10! MATTHEW ROSE, Cambridge
I learned LOADS! Lots of new knowledge and skills which will
really enhance all I do. Thanks!
ANNIE GRANT, Health Visitor
How totally different the approach was - how it gave you - at
last - the opportunity to be yourself, your true self. Life can be
great! LUCY WHITMAN, Princess Elizabeth Hospital
10 our of 10! You were brill!!!!JOHN WEBB, Drug Concern
The building of self-belief and positive anchors, feeling that
you can go away from it so positive and almost a month later
it's still making me feel good, positive and able to recall it and
put it to great use. I can do it! And do it with conviction and
knobs on! MOLLY KIRK, Ipswich Women's Aid