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H,.fr B /. q E }+E* ;gE S d*E!tst 4 E E fi nffi H ffi= ft iI +nHJ fitrX[^Hf. * ft ffi}fri=E, ;ET e:: opIME*r E 1rHt{I+E' E )ElEx HtEi€ iEg 6 . mmgrur,r.th.. g.ra O B+PnlAr,.bp. sb. cmyrt Gl Powell@ +|1#ffilLittleHollywood @ El+*H/Lake Departthe BayArea,led by our professiona I g uide,begin the spiritualjou rneyto t h e w i l d e r n e s sH. e a dt o L a sV e g a sa n d s p e n dt h e n i g h t .C u s t o m e rcso u l de i t h e r chooseour localtour bus or fly by their own. Passengers who arrivalLasVegas b y f l i g h t ,p l e a s em e e to u r t o u r g u i d ei n t h e s p e c i f i e d h o t e ll o b b ya t 8 : 3 0 P M . fiE@tr5EtFfi[/Sedona @ E{tilfi2lE/Petrified Forest @ ffiSEig/New Mexico lllFE ffiJAtr rt r gzo4'1tE 4l E n 8!+ B H - {rX {_€ F lEe,a^ffi66' ffi lbih-wffiltt+irlr' t ffiffiF{$ e 6!ftr6 B tr F FtnE. f tj&firE#in€ td5fivort exffilE | ffi m* SU ffi{EEffiT',Fi' E E ifi tr E!E HfE'fLn t ^Eh] i$68!*rfig)4)F" ltE*,tEtrH " V i s i tH i s t o r i cR o u t e6 6 .t h e n v i s i tt h e b e a u t i f u a l n d s p i r i t u a rl e d r o c k c o u n t r y Sedona.Visit PetrifiedForestand PaintedDesert.They are wood fossilsfrom t h o u s a n d sy e a r sa g o . Verde @ HFSE*AH/Arches 5EH0nSEE'H/Mesa f IJi* F E*U F$E 6 H E I,JHX A H' iEH+ flB}ilHfr E EI]ffiA A f,!I 5OO+ HiJ E ^ tr lEtr E T e n 6!ffiFIFsl lFH.^.e * ffiH E e, E I t t ),illRtr * fl[ ]E*l^H,f #2-R . p'E&*fL]+Effi A 8!l*F5 BAA ffi , ffitrB+A' iE{fiEHIHIB! tytB{=,ff 6{}xtrH F5;F1gFft 6!8R tE' +TB#li!llAiH#F5A HF5! p1{[. Visit ancientdwellingsof MesaVerdethat takesyou backthousandsof years. Learn about pre-historicpeoples of the American Southwest.Visit Arches, w h e r e t h e s p i r i t o f t h e l a n d s c a p ew i l l b r i n g y o u t o a n e n c h a n t e dw o r l d . O v e r n i g h it n M o a b . il&e*l&B*flffi/Canyontands @ HF5B?FAH /ArchesNationalpark @ f,B$ftlfi/MonumentValley jtsBaaHEE H (E H) . f;&mfi FFqCUiUhitEBH!il&et fr # A RtE, EtrEflH6{E+$A#p5. ffi1gT+*5!l+ E{r*E[ltF P5 , -1818 {RgEffif;ffiA, E?EE-{EISgMi ffiRE!++TftJT4 t X E!X E f € fI E!FsJ iI E iHF€t,))Ft, th1fEfl,f,FfI AF =E EI]j&F E!ffitEl+f,f, E?SE. Wffit B!E[ftAR gE . fidf;r46tq ,\ tEh u fi H n + eH,! tfil=*h +,q fE+85 F a 6!* lil $ttr g[z jt tH. , fftrqty= JAq*Eg+ (EH)E A6 , )*r!]BgeftftB!+$+ (EH)| &tEE[l&*lRgE. FElrffqfi!.rfrire^ V i s i tC a n y o n l a n df so r s u n r i s e( o p t i o n a)l C o n t i n u ev i s i t i n gA r c h e st,h e n s e et h e m o s tp h o t o g e n i cs p o t so f M o n u m e n tV a l l e y( o p t i o n a l )a, l s oy o u c a ne n j o yt h e d e l i c i o u sI n d i a nM e a l ( o p t i o n a l ) . Hlt+{uKtilft6tffi ' f}ffi}t3)stE! trtt8ffi iltr?il(ffi,iffiffi*4l]6F}t ! E€E{*EI] 4{"F.' EET,}F EIIF ft q/.#i,E(EH), EA-18 6==EH (EH)E -ffi iX +E!€ trTf BlFfl&n | ffi{&XIUE{+'tE' l$tr*fla' i?fi 8'! ilfi ilft t I ,^, E {+;fifi e, ![ tr t e ffifl )fifi fli 2'&*4tJ+ 13FthI, ffiC (EF). E EtrEIJ+{f FEEIB,IE, EqD]=F5lJgtrE!+{3€ Seethe beautifuland mysteriousAntelopeCanyon(Optional).Takean optional boattour on the beautifulLakePowell(Optional).ArriveLittleHollywood,Kanab, you may enjoy a ChuckWagonCowboyCookout.(Optional) lFtFtrEtfi/Bryce Canyon@ ffigilHgEf, lZion @ fiffiffit[ffi/Las Vegas ilrE,xt iJ\iJ\E!+trEftE*€i[ Eii+Xftr{U E!ffifr Hfilfi ?5' ?ggF4+Eil1,ijf - €€tr 14ft H fi!,^.18,15{tl^ iEE T H* E!iXE " tJtjt!tUr E-#/\f,{B (fEAE6{E*;E' ,e,:rffF*B!4;f FftE' )ftEEEI Wl&Eth&ffia^ffi z jt ) . E rilHe6 Hiffiffitt' Et pfiila6!FfiE ilF5 triF+F6! +iii&xtfrz F€'tJbA Hfi ,^.EHB!-tr4,;*trBFlJtTHt+.*# i++n-Hfr fitrXr E | {*m+ft . Ffr' ;*JAtrCIJi&F€{HXEEEBIIE,{tUF Walkthe trail of BryceCanyon,the most beautifulcanyonin the West!Thenvisit Z i o n ,t h e m a g n i f i c e nat n d b r e a t ht a k i n gs a n d s t o n em o n o l i t h sA . r r i v eL a sV e g a s for a fun filled evening. EtrffitflHfi/LasVegas@ BE/Bay Area 4/oR liffiffitflffi/Las VegasO FEiil!/Hometown , ft)ffiEirrlFB6ltr+E=t+ffi-Elq#5 ' lE0ftlEi*;gE ' EEIIH&' fiAtFES ' ffi=EH " 4qE++ElliEE, trHffi=t{=FHil+ffi18ffiffii&ErFElt R e t u r nw i t h g r o u pt o t h e B a yA r e aa n d a r r i v ei n t h e e a r l ye v e n i n g . O p t i o n a fl l i g h t b a c kt o y o u r h o m e t o w na n d t a x it o a i r p o r tn o t i n c l u d e d . iElE Hotels Cir(us Cir(us LasVegas (4ldt&iArEor similar) BryceviewlodgeBryce Chart E *mt.FE+Fd/f&RfiF BusToursPickUpTime/ Location t r H f i R / s o u t h w e sR t outes \Bil 718Franklin (eH.hE#4"9! ) St./A8fir (!{tAlEtEtr#JMacysB5n) Zlfecaff & Powell, UnionSquare 199Californ-Eh{,!99(Millbrae x+iElBartiA*, =niEtwffilf Oakland -lJtF sar-fu*d16 7 : 3 0a m Millbrae 8am 2992S.Norfolk St.(?i;F*AA!arina FoodsjEZ!66TE) SanMateo 8 : 1 5a m /Etbt#EE 10122BandIey o r.(:&n iEn rrlarjDtGb - iEE& P1=\ Cupertino 8 : 4 5a m 4ffiffirffi EE'Gt+M l#ft)-z{ 1698 Hostetter & Lun.rlfiGldilocks-tlH-,i+Fllffi*J) San Jose 9 : 1 5a m 333Barbes)ffiF i li,EE -t + IEfi Ranch 99 v arketPBE!\ Milpitas 9 : 3 0a m 4ft4{Warm SprinqsBlvd.(,il[tg$. MarinaFoodsF5tr) 1lliFrl MicrotelGallup -EfrF,1t$XlF,TtPC'#HSH')El5ld.tdqe^E€Ffd{9"/DuringLasVesasconventiontimes,hotellocatio 9 : 4 5a m .EEl€Ei56SBJietFfftr€iF-Please phone place (650)259.9599 arrive thebusdeparture 5 minutes earlierH€ffif,€E;f;"Emergency - H#,8;*'trE2NHFa -hf;C;CEEHREfU#, 1T'f"JfiftB#S[*EggEHiEE &fl]6,18)8, ,4.^at4*,Etf.@:nl|E2€t1]. E+frREF3g1fr^,1tr**8, AAE€iE€ieflry)HF*HAF*trflZ-?ffifrr\F*,4+8, -tT)liHElftr_FJ9elAAd*D. * WERESERVE *We reserve THERIGHT T0 ADJUST ITINERARY the rightto cancelthe tour of anypersonwho displays disruptive behavior which r e p e a t e d l y h i n d e r s t h e e n j o y m e n t a n d c o m f o r t o f o t h e r t o u r m e m b e r s , a t a n y t i m e aN n yo w r ehf eu rned.w i l l b e g i v e n a n d w e w i l l n o t b e responsible ofthe consequences of theirconduct. 3;
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