46 CENTRAL AVENUE, BRIDGETON, NJ 08302 Immaculate Conception / Inmaculada Concepcion Pastoral Team 312 N. Pearl Street, Bridgeton, NJ 08302 MASSES / MISAS Sunday .................................................................................................. 8:00 AM Domingo .............................................................................................. 7:00 PM Thursday, Friday, Saturday............................................................ 8:00 AM Martes, Miercoles, Jueves ............................................................. 6:30 PM CONFESSION / CONFESION Saturday aŌer the 8:00 AM Mass or by appointment Domingo ...................................................................... 11:30 AM y 5:30 PM ADORATION / ADORACION Thursday / Jueves ........................................................ 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM Saint Teresa of Avila / Santa Teresa de Avila Rev. Vincent G. Guest ......................................................... Pastor Rev. Daniel A. DiNardo .. Parochial Vicar/Hispanic Ministry Rev. David Rivera………………………………………Parochial Vicar C.J. Achee .............................................................................. Deacon William Johnson .................................................................. Deacon Christopher D. Nichols ...................................................... Deacon Donald W. Rogozenski ...................................................... Deacon Sr. Rafaela Valadez, M.D.P.V.M.................................... Superior Sr. Graciela Rosas, M.D.P.V.M. Sr. Oralia De La Paz, M.D.P.V.M. Sr. Maria de Jesus Herrera, M.D.P.V.M. Parish Office Hours 46 Central Avenue, Bridgeton, NJ 08302 MASSES/MISAS Saturday Evening .............................................................................. 5:00 PM Sunday ............................................................................................... 10:30 AM Domingo………………………………………………………………………. 12:30 PM CONFESSION Saturdays ....................................... 4:00 to 4:30 PM or by appointment Convent telephone 856-455-9960 DAY -- 46 Central Avenue, Bridgeton 856-455-2323 -- Parish Fax: 856-455-7291 Monday - Friday ............................................ 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Kathie Downie, Bookkeeper ....................................... ext. 302 Alice Olszewski, Secretary .......................................... ext. 300 Maria Lopez, Secretary/Parish BulleƟn Ed. .......... ext. 301 EVENING -- 312 N. Pearl Street, Bridgeton -- 856-451-0254 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday ........... 5:00 - 9:00 PM Saint Mary’s / Santa Maria 732 Morton Avenue, Bridgeton, NJ 08302 MASSES Saturday Evening ................ 4:30 PM Sunday................... 9:30 AM Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday ................................................... 8:00 AM CONFESSION Saturdays ....................................... 3:30 to 4:00 PM or by appointment ADORATION Wednesdays .................................................................. 8:30 AM—3:00 PM Saint Michael / San Miguel 367 Main Street, Cedarville, NJ 08311 MASS Sunday ........................ 11:30 AM (1st, 3rd, and alternaƟng 5th Sunday) CONFESSION: By appointment with a priest Saint Anthony / San Antonio 1560A Main Street, Port Norris, NJ 08349 MASS Sunday ....................... 11:30 AM (2nd, 4th, and alternaƟng 5th Sunday) MISSION STATEMENT We, the people of the Parish of the Holy Cross, are a Multi-cultural parish of the young and elderly, married and single, healthy and broken. We welcome all to come together and give praise and thanks to God. Through the celebration of the Eucharist and the other sacraments and devotions of the Church, we reach out to others in mercy and compassion and seek to share the joy of the Gospel throughout our large community. Here, with the support, strength, and inspiration we receive from one another, we are nourished daily on our journey of faith. CONFESSION: By appointment with a priest PARISH EMAIL -- parishholycross@gmail.com PARISH WEBSITE -- www.parishholycross.org Page 2 November 15, 2015 Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time From the Pastor’s Desk… WE DO NOT KNOW THE DAY OR THE HOUR It is the middle of November and all around we see signs that the calendar year is coming to an end. The leaves changed color and are quickly falling from our trees. It is getting colder outside and in the malls we see Christmas decorations and children patiently waiting to speak to Santa. As the calendar year comes to an end our church liturgical year also ends in a few weeks. Thus, our readings at Mass challenge you to reflect about the end of your own life. As you prepare for the arrival of the holidays and the end of the year you must also ask yourself if you are ready for the end of your earthly life? As the Gospel tells us this weekend, we do not know the day or hour that the Lord will call us home. Allow me to suggest three (3) ways to prepare for the end of your life. First, you can prepare for the coming of Christ by being a person of prayer. Ask yourself this weekend: “how often do I pray?” Do I only pray when at Mass on Sunday or do I begin and end every day with prayer? Second, you can prepare the coming of Christ by being faithful to the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist and the Sacrament of Reconciliation. It is in the Sacraments that the saving work of Christ Jesus continues. The sacraments transform you. Do not be afraid to receive the mercy of God in the sacraments. Third, you can prepare for the coming of Christ by being a person of charity. If you live the corporal and spiritual works of mercy you will be prepared to meet our Lord. To pray, to be faithful to the sacraments and to be a person of charity are a few ways we can prepare for the arrival of our Lord. This you know. One day your life on earth will end. Will you be ready? God Bless you and your families, Fr Vince THE WEEK AT GLANCE… Monday, November 16 -Confirmation Level I, 7 pm, STA Basement -Legion of Mary, 7:00 pm, ICC Basement Tuesday, November 17 -Bingo, STA C. B., opens 4:30 pm; game 7:00 pm -Choir “Luz y Vida” ICC B, 7:00 pm Wednesday, November 18 -Catholic War Veterans, ICC R. B., 3 pm. -Mass for Deceased K of C, STA, 7 pm -R.C.I.A. Teens, 7 pm, STA-Parish Office B. -R.C.I.A. Adults, IC, 7 pm, Topic: Creations -Adoration at St. Mary’s C., 8:30 am – 3:00 pm -Rosary, 6:30 pm, St. Michael’s Church Thursday, November 19 -Adoration, ICC, 8:30 am – 6:00 pm, ICC -Scripture Classes, 10 AM, ICC Rec. B. -Scripture Classes, 7 PM, ICC R.D. Rm. -R.I.C.A. Adults in Spa ICC Rec. B. 7pm-9pm. -Conf. Level 2 Make up Meeting, STA, 7 pm. Saturday, November 21 -Eucharist Adoration, Miraculous Medal Novena & Rosary, ICC after 8:00 am Mass -Men of Malvern Retreat Group, ICC, 8 am A FAMILY PERSPECTIVE Today’s gospel teaches us UNCERTAINTY is normal. There are some things in life which “no one knows … only the Father.” Marriage and parenting are full of uncertainty for like the fig tree in the Gospel; the people we love grow and change. STEWARDSHIP LIVES “And then they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory.” (Mark 13:26) We will all have that day when we are standing before God and our life is played out like a movie. When this happens and God asks each of us, “Have you lived Stewardship with the gifts that I have given you?” How will you respond? Collection: November 8, 2015:$13,080.00 Maintenance: $2,291.00 Thank you for your generosity! Page 3 November 15, 2015 Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time PARISH NEWS… MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA We will pray the Novena Prayers at all of our Masses for 9 days beginning Sunday November 15th to Maonday, November 23. On the closing of the novena at 7:00 p.m. at Immaculate Conception Church. Our parish will Pray the Novena Prayers with Benediction. Our guest preacher will be Father Doug McKay, a priest of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia who has a special ministry working the streets of the city and helping those suffering from drug and alcohol addictions. THE GIVING TREE The Giving Trees are in place in preparation for the Advent season. Gift tags are on the trees for individuals and families. We ask that you take a gift tag and return the gift tag with the corresponding present(s) and place it under the Giving Tree no later than December 13th. CONFIRMATION STUDENTS THANKSGIVING DAY MASS Thursday, November 26th Saint Teresa of Avila Church 9:00 am The Parish Office will be closed on Thursday, November 26th and Friday, November 27th. PARISH CHRISTMAS CONCERT Saturday, December 4, 2015 Saint Mary’s Church 7 PM CHRISTMAS BAZAAR St. Anthony’s R.C. Church – Fellowship Hall 1560 Main St., Port Norris, Dec 5, 2015- 9:00am to 2:00pm Shop local crafters & small business vendors Pictures with Santa Claus at 1:00pm Refreshments will be sold. For vendor information contact Sarah Krug 856-367-7247 LEVEL 1 Meeting, Nov 16, 2015, 7 pm Enrollment Mass, Nov 22, 2015, 10:30 am LEVEL 2 Meeting, Nov 19, 2015 All at Saint Teresa of Avila Church For parents and students TURKEY DONATIONS The good Shepard Dining Room is asking for turkey donations for the Thanksgiving meal. Frozen turkeys can be dropped off at the soup kitchen up until November 18, between 9:30-11:30 am. We thank you for your generosity. MASS SCHEDULE: 8:00 am, Saint Mary’s Church 7:00 pm Immaculate Conception Church (Holy Day of Obligation) Page 4 November 15, 2015 Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Desde el escritorio del pastor… NO SABEMOS NI EL DIA NI LA HORA Ya estamos a mediados de noviembre y a todo nuestro alrededor miramos señas de que el ano en el calendario está llegando al fin. Las hojas cambiaron de color y rápidamente se están cayendo de los árboles. Ya afuera esta frio y en las tiendas miramos decoraciones Navideñas y los niños con paciencia esperan hablar con Santa. Así como el año calendario termina también el año litúrgico termina en nuestra iglesia en unas semanas. A pesar de que las escrituras nos desafían a reflexionar acerca del fin de nuestra vida. Mientras nos preparamos para la llegada de los días festivos y el fin del año debes preguntarte si ¿estás preparado por el fin de tu vida aquí en la tierra? Ya que el evangelio nos dice este fin de semana, que no sabemos ni el día ni la hora en que el Señor nos llame a nuestra casa. Permíteme sugerir tres (3) maneras para prepararte para el fin de tu vida. Primero, puedes prepararte para la llegada de Cristo siendo una persona de oración. Pregúntate este fin de semana: ¿Qué tan seguido rezo? ¿Rezo solamente durante misa el domingo o comienzo y termino mi día en oración? Segundo, tú puedes prepararte para la llegada de Cristo siendo fiel a los Sacramentos. En especial la Eucaristía y el Sacramento de Reconciliación. Es en los Sacramentos en los cuales el trabajo Salvador de Cristo continúa. Los Sacramentos te transforman. No tengas miedo recibir la misericordia de Dios y los sacramentos. Tercero, tú te puedes preparar para la llegada de Cristo siendo una persona de caridad. Si tú vives los sacrificios espirituales y corporales de misericordia estarás preparado para el encuentro con el Señor. Orar y ser fiel a los Sacramentos y ser persona de caridad son unas de las maneras de prepararnos para la llegada de Nuestro Señor. Ten por seguro que un día tu vida terrenal se terminara. ¿Estarás preparado? Que Dios te bendiga a ti y tu familia, Padre Vicente VISTASO A LA SEMANA… Lunes, noviembre 16 -Confirmación Nivel 1, reunión STA, 7 pm -Legión de María, 7:00 pm, IC sótano de la iglesia Martes, noviembre 17 -Bingo, STA Sótano, 4:30 pm se abren y comienza 7 pm -Coro Luz y Vida, Sótano de la Iglesias IC, 7pm Miércoles, noviembre 18 -R.C.I.A. Adolecentes, 7pm, Sótano de Oficina, STA -R.C.I.A. Adultos (Ingles) 7pm, IC -Adoración, Iglesia Santa María, 8:30 AM – 3:00pm -Rosario, 6:30 pm, Iglesia San Miguel -Veteranos de Guerra Católicos, ICC S., 3 pm -misa C de C, STA, 7 pm Jueves, noviembre 19 -Adoración, ICC, 8:30 am – 6:00 pm, ICC -Sagrada Escritura Clases, 10am, ICC S. Rectoría -Clases Sagrada Escritura, 7pm, IC Comedor- Rectoría -R.I.C.A. Adultos en Español, ICC Sótano Rectoría -Confirmación Nivel 2, STA, 7 pm. Sábado, noviembre 21 -Adoración Eucarística, Novena a la Medalla Milagrosa y Rosario. Iglesia IC, Después de Misa de 8:00 am -Hombres de Malvern, ICC, 8 am. PERSPECTIVA DE FAMILIA El evangelio de hoy nos enseña que la INCERTIDUMBRE es normal. Hay cosas en la vida que “nadie sabe… solo Dios Padre.” Matrimonios y padres de familia están llenos de incertidumbre así como el árbol de higo en el evangelio; la gente crece y cambia. ESPIRITU DE SERVICIOPRIMEROS FRUTOS "Verán entonces al Hijo del hombre venir en las nubes con gran poder y gloria." (MARCOS 13:26) Todos llegaremos al día en que nos pararemos frente a Dios y nuestra vida pasara frente a nosotros como una película. Cuando esto suceda y Dios nos pregunte a cada uno de nosotros, "¿Que has hecho con los regalos que te he dado?" ¿Cómo responderá usted? Colecta Total – Noviembre 8: $ 13,080.00 Mantenimiento: $2,291.00 ¡Gracias por su generosidad! Page 5 November 15, 2015 Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time NOTICIAS PARROQUIALES… NOVENA DE LA MEDALLA MILAGROSA Estaremos resando la Novena en todas las nueve misas comenzando el dia Domingo, Noviembre 15 a el dia Novembre 23. lunes, Noviembre 23 a las 7:00 p.m. en Iglesia Inmaculada Conceptcion sera celebrada por el Padre Doug McKay, un sacerdote de la arquidiocesis de Filadelfia. Quien tiene una ministerio especial trabajando en las calles de la ciudad y ayudando a aquillos que estan sufriendo por las adicciones de drogas y el alcohol.. EL ÁRBOL GENEROSO El árbol de la generosidad está en todas las Iglesias en preparación para la temporada de Adviento. Etiquetas del regalo están en los árboles para los individuos y las familias. Le pedimos que se tome una etiqueta de regalo y regrese la etiqueta de regalo con el correspondiente regalo (s) y lo coloque bajo el árbol a más tardar el 13 de diciembre. MISA DE ACCION DE GRACIAS Jueves, Noviembre 26 Inmaculada Concepción 9:00 am (Misa en Español) La Oficina Parroquial estará cerrada el jueves, 26 de noviembre y el Viernes, 27. CONCIERTO NAVIDAD Sabado, 4 de diciembre 7:00 pm Iglesia de Santa Maria BAZAAR NAVIDEÑO EN: Salón de Iglesia San Antonio 1560 Main St., Port Norris Sábado, Dic 5, 2015 9:00am - 2:00pm Compra a los de negociantes locales Fotos con Santa Claus a 1:00pm Edificio es accesible para incapacitados. Para información de ventas Sarah Krug 856-367-7247 ESTUDIANTES DE CONFIRMACION NIVEL 1 Reunión, Nov 16, 7 pm Misa de Inscripción, Nov 22, 10:30am NIVEL 2 Reunión, Nov 19, 7 pm En: Santa Teresa de Ávila Para Padres y Estudiantes DONACIONES DE PAVOS El comedor del Buen Pastor está pidiendo donaciones de pavos para la cena de Acción de Gracias. Pavos frisados pueden ser entregados en el comedor del sótano de la Iglesia Santa Teresa. Hasta Noviembre 18, de las 9:30- 11:30 am. Te agradecemos tu generosidad. Misa a Nuestra Señora de Juaquila (Día de precepto) Lunes, 8 de diciembre 8:30 P.M. – Iglesia de Inmaculada Concepción (En español) Page 6 November 15, 2015 Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time SAINT MARY’S CHURCH Saturday, November 14, 2015 4:30 pm (Celebrant: Fr. Vince) James & Rose Visconti, James & Jennie Stanzione: Nieces & Nephews Mary DeFrancisco: Roseanne & Anthony Racano Don Everly: Michael & Dianne Cocove Bernadine Earnest: Everett & Marycatherine Brogen Dreama Musso: Frank & Dolly Buono Sunday, November 15, 2015 9:30 am (Celebrant: Fr. Dan) For Parishioners, Living and Deceased Monday, November 16, 2015 8:00 am (Celebrant: Fr. David) John Esposito: Anthony & Julie Brago & Family Tuesday, November 17, 2015 8:00 am (Celebrant: Fr. Vince) Karl & Flora Haaf: Kathy Bescher & Children Vera McElvaney: Szalay Family Wednesday, November 18, 2015 8:00 am (Celebrant: Fr. David) Lena LoBiondo: Frank & Dolly Buono Joseph & Beatrice Bisconte: Daughters & Families SAINT MICHAEL CHURCH Sunday, November 15, 2015 11:30 am (Celebrant: Fr. Dan) George Tirak: Daughter Lorraine For the Souls in Purgatory: Kathryn Daniels Margaret Miletta: Anthony & Julia Marsella Deceased Members of the Werba & Sullivan Family: Sullivan Family Coleen Downey: Anthony & Julia Marsella IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CHURCH Sunday, November 15, 2015 8:00 am (Celebrant: Fr. Vince) Sam & Josephine Ricci: Daughter, Patty Fleetwood Deceased Members of the Zigmond Family: Steve Kutney Deceased Family Members of the Cesta & Terrigno Families: Ed & Mary Cesta Stephen & Joanne Olszewski: Children Robert Kristovich: Wife, Pam 7:00 pm (Celebrant: Fr. David) +Josefiana Avalos Ále, +Miguel Morales, +Carlos Vera Frias, +Luis Vera Frias: Sandra Rodriguez & Jose Vera Tuesday, November 17, 2015 6:30 pm / Misa en Español (Celebrant: Fr. David) Por los Miembros de la Comunidad Vivos o Difuntos Wednesday, November 18, 2015 6:30 pm / Misa en Español (Celebrant: Fr. Vince) Thursday, November 19, 2015 8:00 am (Celebrant: Fr. Vince) Anna May Hitchner: Herman Girock Domenick Terrigno: Antonietta & Pasquale Ruscitto 6:30 pm / Misa en Español (Celebrant: Fr. Dan) Friday, November 20, 2015 8:00 am (Celebrant: Fr. Dan) Michael Anthony Firrincili: Charlie & Phyllis Gentile Saturday, November 21, 2015 8:00 am (Celebrant: Fr. Dan) Fred Breuning: Robert & Anita Brady Verna Spinelli Spiegel: Paula Caughron SAINT TERESA CHURCH Saturday, November 14, 2013 5:00 pm (Celebrant: Fr. David) Al Caggiano: Bonnie Sam Marchese & Harold Groves: Family Sandra Johnson: Ted & Margaret Mary Propert Mary Brown: Sister, Brother In-Law & Niece Don Everly: Betty Matta Sunday, November 15, 2015 10:30 am (Celebrant: Fr. Vince) Edward I. Archer, Jr.: Wife, Sharon Sandra Johnson: Karl & Pat Goebel James Paul Daniels: Kathryn Daniels Maria & Felice Terrigno: Children Mario Terrigno: Children 12:30 pm (Celebrant: Fr. David) +Edward Rodriguez: Luz Rodriguez PRAY FOR OUR SICK Ora por nuestros Enfermos Sharon Biondi, Ann Brago, Anthony DiGregorio, Rose Earnest, Mildred Fleming, Patricia Gutierrez, Bob Griffith, Mary Randazzo, Doug Riggins, June Riggins, Dot Sackie, Wilson Saul, Deanna Speranza-Murphy, Jan Waddell, Maria Ines López, Karen Weis, Bill Vain, Brian Filipone, Nelva Ancona, Edith Myers, Joann Chiari-Cervini & Lyndal Kellogg, Kim Wagner, Fr. Ron Falotico, Veronica Vickers, Patrick Mullin, Kristi, Carlos Diaz, Jacob Riley-Wisserman, Trevor Ward, Trudy Contino, Fr. Jay, Kathleen,Charlton, Rosemarie Gaburo, Frank Gergenti, Louis Bush, Jill Lloyd Pino, Esther Spagnola, Maryann Bramante, Patricia Lee, Karen Wuzzardo, Francis Grzybowski, Lucy Gharp, Tyler Vit & Fred Pangburn ORA POR LOS DIFUNTOS Anthony Copare CELEBRANTS FOR NEXT WEEK: NOVEMBER 21 & 22 SMR: 4:30 pm- Fr. David SMR: 9:30 am- Fr. Vince SAP: 11:30 am- Fr. David ICC: 8:00 am- Fr. Dan ICC: 7:00 pm- Fr. David STA: 5:00 pm- Fr. Vince STA: 10:30 am- Fr. Dan STA: 12:30 pm- Fr. Vince NOW OPEN 761 Landis Ave., Rosenhayn 856-391-5198 Luciano J. Bispo, MD, FACOG · Carolyn E. Rivera, RN, APN, C Announcing To Our Practice ~ Raechel A. Fockler, DO Phone: 856-205-0606 · Fax: 856-205-0044 Accepting New Patients www.lucianobispomd.com 2950 College Drive · Suite 2F · Vineland, NJ 08360 Upper Deerfield ShopRite 1000 North Pearl Street • Bridgeton, NJ 856-453-1782 Pharmacy 856-453-5993 Owned and Operated by the Bottino Family In this memoir, set as deeply in his mind as in the Southeast Asian jungle, a young American soldier embarks on a journey to a war that, for him, will never be over. The world was a playground for Mickey, a naive Irish American kid bored with his life. His father served in World War II, his brother was a Marine in Vietnam; now it was his turn. His 365 days in Vietnam builds in torment until an attack on a bunker complex in Cambodia. 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