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Money News
Money News A Quarterly Publication Winter 13 Start Heading in the RIGHT DIRECTION Establish or re-establish your credit with a CREDIT BUILDER LOAN $1,000 • 12 months • 18% APR* No Credit Check Required • Easy Qualifications** APPLY ONLINE AT WWW.GOABCO.ORG/CREDITBUILDER *APR=Annual Percentage Rate. **Easy Qualifications: Must be employed for at least one year. Agree to payroll deduction for loan repayment. Have no other loans or credit card balances with ABCO. Agree to opt out of Privilege Pay. Agree to save $5.00 per pay period to an ABCO savings account. Not a guarantee of financing. Loan subject to Lending Department approval. There is a $35.00 processing fee. • 800-225-1859 Don’t let go… F INANCIAL S ERVICES Offered by Roll over an existing IRA, increase your contributions, change your options— what to do? Let CU Financial Insurance Group (CUFIG) provide you with alternatives to help you achieve your goals. Because we are a wholly-owned subsidiary of ABCO, you can trust us to put your interests first. of your retirement goals! Hang on to your retirement goals. Contact us for a no-obligation analysis. Phone: 888-439-0770 Email: *Securities offered by Registered Representatives of ING Financial Advisers, LLC (IFA), member SIPC. Investment Advisory Services offered by Investment Advisory Representatives of IFA. Insurance sold through licensed insurance representatives of various companies in association with CU Financial Insurance Group (CUFIG), a wholly-owned subsidiary of ABCO Federal Credit Union. ABCO Federal Credit Union and its subsidiaries are not corporate affiliates of IFA. Nondeposit investment products are not federally insured, not obligations of the Credit Union, not guaranteed by the Credit Union or any affiliated entity, involve investment risks, including the possible loss of principal and may be offered by an employee who serves both functions of accepting member deposits and selling nondeposit investment products. IFA products are not offered, recommended, sanctioned or encouraged by the NCUA or the Federal Government. P.O. Box 221, Rancocas, NJ 08073; phone 1-888-439-0770; fax 856-439-1199. *APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Rate as of 11/26/12. Not a guarantee of financing. The rate a member pays is based on credit worthiness and some members may pay an annual fee. Balance transfers up to member’s credit limit. Contact us for complete details. Apply in Person • By Phone • Online Resolve to Save Money in 2013. Go to our website for examples or call us to see how much you can save: NO Balance Transfer Fee Earn Reward Points for Purchases NO Annual Fee (for most cards) Rates as low as 6.75% APR* ABCO Visa® Credit Card Warm Up to the Value of an Federally insured by NCUA P.O. Box 247 • Rancocas, NJ 08073-0247 Big City Efficiency…Small Town Friendliness IMAGE.WORKS 53719 PAID PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE MOVE or IMPROVE? ABCO Has You Covered BUY NOW Rates are low and home values are expected to appreciate. Finance your home with ABCO and take advantage of: • Competitive rates • Low down payment for qualified borrowers* • Minimal closing fees • A variety of financing options Mortgage Options • Conventional Fixed-Rate Mortgages • Adjustable-Rate Mortgages • FHA (Federal Housing Administration) Loans Need to make some repairs to your heating system, replace drafty windows or get a new roof? Whatever improvements you’re looking to make to your home, our home improvement loan* is a great way to finance it. Borrow up to $25,000 at 2.99% APR** for up to 48 months. More information and an application form is available online at Not sure which mortgage type is right for you? Call 866-441-8632. HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN More information and an application form is available by phone or online at *Subject to credit approval. Must be a homeowner to qualify. Documentation/ estimates of work to be done to home must be supplied for disbursal of this loan. Other conditions may apply. **APR=Annual Percentage Rate *Based on a member’s credit worthiness and other factors. I NSURANCE S ERVICES 888-439-0770 Offered By: Available Now! Teachers’ Insurance Plan of NJ Auto Insurance Discount Special low discount rates are now available for people who work for or are retired from an accredited NJ school, district or diocese, or who are a member of an NJ Parent Teachers Association. You don’t have to wait until your current policy expires to start saving on your rates. Not in the education field? You can still save. Ask us about other insurance plans for auto, vehicles (truck, van, motorcycle, SUV), home, even your pet! Insurance products are offered through various insurance companies in association with CU Financial Service Group, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of ABCO Federal Credit Union (ABCO FCU). ABCO FCU provides insurance products and services through CUFIG to members and non-members without opinion to the product or service provided. Insurance products are not federally insured and not obligations of ABCO FCU, CUNA, or any other affiliated entity. For complete details and a quote contact us: Phone: 888-439-0770 • Email: Avoid Dormant Account Fees and Escheat (sending the funds to the state) MAILING ADDRESS P.O. Box 247, Rancocas, NJ 08073-0247 Like Us PHONE (ALL LOCATIONS) 800-225-1859 MEMBER CARE Email: 24/7 TOUCH-TONE TELLER 800-808-2226 OTHER SUPPORT NUMBERS Visa® – Evenings, Weekends and Holidays Visa® Credit Card........................800-453-4270 Visa® ATM/Check Card..............800-523-4175 Bill Payer........................................877-760-6004 OFFICE LOCATIONS WILLINGBORO AREA MAIN OFFICE FULL SERVICE BANKING CENTER 690 Beverly-Rancocas Road LENDING CENTER East Ridge Shopping Center 621 Beverly-Rancocas Road RANCOCAS VILLAGE 215 Main Street BRANCH OFFICES ATLANTIC CITY 2652 Atlantic Avenue BROWNS MILLS 81 Pemberton-Browns Mills Road Dormant accounts are defined as accounts that have had no activity on shares/ savings or loans for a period of 12 months or more. When this inactivity period has been reached, we will begin to notify you that your account has fallen into the dormant status. This means that unless activity resumes, your account may be subject to fees and ultimately escheated. Accounts that remain inactive will be assessed a monthly fee of $15 beginning with the 18th month of inactivity. Also, New Jersey statutes require that any account that remains inactive for a three-year period is escheated (the funds are sent) to the State Treasury Department. These actions are easily avoidable by simply utilizing the products and services that ABCO membership provides. You also have the option to close your account. To find out more about all our services, please visit our website,, or call Member Care at 800-225-1859. ABCO Helps Finance New Clean Energy Vehicles Through a joint venture with the Atlantic City Jitney Association, ABCO has helped jitney association drivers finance new clean energy vehicles. The new fleet of 190 vehicles is clean-running, cost-efficient, domestically-fueled, Compressed Natural Gas-powered jitney shuttle buses. It is reported that the fleet conversion is the largest ever on the East Coast. The word “jitney” is a slang word for nickel, which is what it cost in 1915 for a ride in one of Atlantic City’s earliest “buses.” Even though the price has increased, the name stuck. The first jitneys looked very similar to regular cars and were, in fact, large, black Ford model-T touring cars which used a rope-and-pulley system to open the back doors. Now you can ride around Atlantic City and even to the airport in a modern eco-friendly vehicle. The Atlantic City Jitney Association, established in 1915, claims to be the longestrunning unsubsidized transit company in the United States. ABCO has had a strong relationship with the Jitney Association, its drivers and staff—most of whom are credit union members. We are proud to have helped our members and helped the environment. COOPER HOSPITAL (Hospital Employees Only) 1 Cooper Plaza, Camden Pictured are the Treasurer of the Atlantic City Jitney Association, Frank Becktel, and President Tom Woodruff, celebrating the grand opening of the new Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) station that will provide power to the new Atlantic City Jitney fleet. EGG HARBOR TWP. 6716 Black Horse Pike, Suite 8 GLASSBORO Doubletree Center, 870 Delsea Drive MOUNT HOLLY 76R High Street RIDER UNIVERSITY Ground Floor of the BLC Next to University Bookstore FOR CURRENT HOURS OF OPERATION AND DIRECTIONS TO OFFICES Go online @ or call us. ABCO FCU’s ROUTING AND TRANSIT NUMBER 2312-7827-4 The new, Compressed Natural Gas-powered jitney. ABCO FCU is not responsible for typographical errors, omissions or misprints in this publication. The Early Bird Gets the Scholarship Money Have a child in 6th to 11th grade? Learn the secrets of success in winning scholarships and reasons for planning early in your search for financial support. Free Seminar Date: March 12, 2013 • Time: 6:30 – 8:00 pm Place: Carlucci’s Waterfront Restaurant, Mt. Laurel, NJ Topics To Be Covered • An introduction to the wide-ranging scope of scholarships and grants • Financial aid and other financial support systems • The application • Financial planning—Find out ways to maximize your savings and alternative ways to fund the expenses that scholarships and grants do not. A Question and Answer Period will follow. Handouts will be provided Co-Presenter—Eric Lorenz Eric Lorenz is the Financial and Investment Specialist for CU Financial Insurance Group, a wholly-owned subsidiary of ABCO FCU. Eric brings more than 10 years of financial planning and investment management experience. Special Guest Presenter—Helena Kosoff A former Superintendent of the Springfield Township, NJ School District, she currently serves non-profit agencies as a professional grant writer and educational consultant. Registration Form This fast-paced, one-hour seminar is FREE to credit union members, their families and friends. Light refreshments will be served. Space is limited. Advance registration is required. Yes, I/we would like to attend The Early Bird Gets the Scholarship Money Name Mail:ABCO FCU, P.O. Box 247, Rancocas, NJ 08073 Attn. Early Bird Fax: 609-261-4785 Email: Street Address Questions:Contact Eric Lorenz 888-439-0770 or Email: Reserve by:March 5, 2013 Cell Phone ANNUAL MEETING Tuesday, March 26, 2013 Time: 6:30 pm - Meeting 7:00 pm - Dinner Place: Carlucci’s Waterfront 876 Centerton Rd. Mt. Laurel, NJ City/State/Zip Home Phone Email Address No. of People Attending DINNER RESERVATION FORM Price: $25 per person Spouses, friends and guests are welcome. To attend you must return the Reservation Form at right by March 18, 2013 Deadline: March 18, 2013 Names of Members and Guests: _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ TOTAL NUMBER ATTENDING _____ @ $25.00 each AMOUNT TO BE ENCLOSED OR DEBITED $_______ Method of payment—Check one: Share Draft/Check Enclosed for $ _________ Please debit $ _________ from my: Share Draft Account Share Account Name ___________________________ Signature _________________________ Date ____________________________ Bring form to: any Branch Office • Fax to: 609-518-6958 Mail to: ABCO Federal Credit Union, P.O. Box 503, Rancocas, NJ 08073 ABCO FCU Co-CEO Ellen Kuiper Named a South Jersey Biz Magazine’s Executive of the Year The editors of South Jersey Biz magazine asked their readers to nominate 20 business leaders who have been at the front of industry changes and economic growth. Ellen Kuiper, President and co-CEO of ABCO Federal Credit Union, was among the 20 business leaders chosen as 2012 Executive of the Year. She was also featured on the magazine’s cover. Mrs. Kuiper likes to say she’s done every job there is at ABCO, and she’s not exaggerating. Now in her 41st year with the company, she got her start when she was just 17, working out of CEO Milton Hershberger’s garage. Now out of the garage, ABCO has grown to nine branches located throughout South Jersey and has grown to $175 million in assets. Mrs. Kuiper went from being the first and only employee to overseeing the 78 now working under the company’s umbrella. “We work as a team and everyone deserves credit to what this has now become,” Mrs. Kuiper likes to say. “I love every minute of it.” Member Appreciation Week Winners ABCO Adds Two to Business Department To celebrate International Credit Union Week, October 15-20, 2012, ABCO held celebrations and drawings at all the branch offices. Here are a few of the winners. ABCO’s Business Department is growing. As of January 2013, two new people will be on board to serve the business community. Julia Day (Mt. Holly branch) presents the $500 Members Matter Most Sweepstakes check to Lewis L. Price III. Lewis has been an ABCO member for over 20 years. John C. Hall is the Director of Business Development and Government Relations. As such he will be responsible for developing relationships with school districts and municipalities for deposits and lending needs. He previously held the position of Vice President, Government Banking with Beneficial Bank. Robert H. King is the Director of Commercial Lending. He was previously a Senior Vice President of Roma Bank where he served as the leader of the bank’s Southern Region Commercial Loan Center. Mr. King has held executive positions within the Delaware Valley banking community for over 30 years. Tracy Adams (Glassboro branch) presents an iPad® to Laura Kramer. Laura, who’s been a member for only eight months, had this to say: “I like all of the benefits and perks of being with ABCO. I would recommend and encourage all of my friends to join.” Barbara A. King won a $5 Wawa gift card on the prize wheel at our Browns Mills branch. I. E. Parker won an AMC movie ticket on the prize wheel at our Mt. Holly branch. John C. Hall Robert H. King Director of Business Development and Government Relations Director of Commercial Lending Do You or a Family Member Belong to Another Credit Union? ABCO FCU is now part of a national network of cooperative credit unions, providing free, easy-access member accounts at shared branching locations across the tri-state area, the country and the world. At member credit unions that display the CUSC logo, you can now enjoy a host of services, just like you would at your home credit union. These include: deposits, withdrawals, transfers between accounts, loan payments and more. For more information and a list of participating credit unions, visit • 800-225-1859
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