XLIV Reunión Anual
XLIV Reunión Anual
ANALES | ASOCIACION ARGENTINA DE ECONOMIA POLITICA XLIV Reunión Anual Noviembre de 2009 ISSN 1852-0022 ISBN ISBN 978-987-99570-7-3 MEASUREMENT OF EDUCATIONAL INEQUALITIES IN THE ARGENTINE PUBLIC SYSTEM Cecilia Adrogué MEASUREMENT OF EDUCATIONAL INEQUALITIES IN THE ARGENTINE PUBLIC SYSTEM Cecilia Adrogué* August 2009 ABSTRACT This paper is focused on the quantification of the educational inequality at the public elementary level in Argentina using different measures. We start by presenting the coefficient of variation of the quality of the schools which is between 0.10 and 0.25 when 0.10 is generally used as a benchmark. The Theil index is then offered to provide a decomposition of the inequality found, since it allows separating the inequality between and within the provinces, the governmental units ordered to finance primary education. Last but not least, regression based measures and the concentration index are used to search for unfair situations. RESÚMEN El presente trabajo realiza una medición de la disparidad educativa en la educación primaria pública argentina utilizando distintas herramientas de medición. Al comienzo, se presenta el coeficiente de variación para brindar una aproximación a la magnitud del problema; su valor está entre 0.10 y 0.25, cuando suele usarse 0.10 como referencia. Luego se utiliza el índice de Theil para descomponer la desigualdad de la calidad educativa entre y dentro de las provincias, las encargadas de financiar la educación primaria. Por último, se utilizan medidas derivadas de la técnica de regresiones y el índice de concentración para identificar situaciones consideradas injustas. *Universidad de San Andrés-Conicet. UdeSA Vito Dumas 284 (B1644BID) Buenos Aires, Argentina. Tel (54-11) 4725-7000. E-mail: cadrogue@gmail.com Keywords: Public education, inequality, Argentina JEL Classification: I28, I29, J79. 1 1. Introduction Though several studies have shown that there are great discrepancies among the public schools in Argentina regarding their quality, there is not a conclusive or good measure of how grave is such inequality, where the main problem is, and to what extent such inequality is related to the level of income. In Argentina, as in most of the countries and regions inside countries assignment of children to state-financed schools is not by lottery, but through the minimal distance principle; children are mandated to attend classes at the nearest school (Lott, 1987). At the same time, schools‟ quality is not randomly distributed among districts either, but positively associated to their economic wealth. Most notable are the great discrepancies that exist even among the public schools financed by the same governmental unit. The coefficients of variation corresponding to the quality of the schools in the provinces of Argentina range between 10.3% and 25.5%, and an absolute standard of about 10 percent is generally used for evaluating equity (Odden and Picus, 2000). Other studies also find intradistrict inequalities; Roza et al. (2007) find great disparities in spending among the public schools financed by the same district, and Iatarola and Stiefel, (2003) also find inequalities in the provision of resources as well as a lack of equitable distribution of performance; in particular, they analyze the district of New York City. So, assignment to neighbourhoods and schools implies assignment to a level of school quality. This is the core of the social process of educational segregation. Some children have access to high quality schools while others have access only to poor quality ones. To close the vicious circle, educational policy-makers do not fully compensate this “natural” segregation process through adequate improvements of school quality in poorer districts. This paper quantifies the educational equity at the elementary level in Argentina following two of the three principles developed by Berne and Stiefel (1984)1: horizontal equity and equality of opportunity. The horizontal equity, also defined as the equal treatment of equals, will be analysed in order to determine the degree of inequality and to establish whether the mayor existing disparities occur between or within the provinces. The provinces are the Governmental units ordered to finance elementary education since 1970, when the National Government, by Law 17.878 and Law 18.586, transferred the elementary schools to the provinces and the Municipality of the City of Buenos Aires. This process was completed in 1978. Though the schools were transferred to the provinces, educational equity remained the responsibility of the National Government. As such, compensatory federal funds were mandated in order to guarantee educational equity. The equality of opportunity will be analyzed through the degree of association between the school quality of public schools and the socioeconomic status of their students. The proportion of immigrants and native students will also be considered. According to Iatarola and Stiefel (2003), the equality of opportunity can be conceptualized in two ways. A neutral formulation posits that equal opportunity exists if there is a lack of association between per pupil resources and characteristics associated with historically disadvantaged groups (Berne and Stiefel, 1984), while an affirmative action formulation posits that equal opportunity is achieved if there is a positive association in the relationship (Roemer, 2005). In Argentina, one of the main objectives established by the Federal Education Law (1993), section 8, was to provide equality of educational opportunities, or, in Roemer‟s words, “to level the playfield.” If this were the case, the differences in outcomes would be due to differences in efforts. And those inequalities derived from different amounts of efforts would not be considered inequitable. 1 Berne and Stiefel (1984) define three principles of educational equity: horizontal equity, vertical equity and equality of opportunity. In the present study vertical equity or, as it is also called “unequal treatment of unequals”, will not be analyzed due to lack of information. 2 In the following section, the different topics regarding educational equity and measures used to evaluate it will be analyzed (review of the papers in the literature). Section three provides a description of the database and sample, descriptive statistics as well as an outline of the methodology that was used to construct the different indexes of school quality and socioeconomic status. Section four presents the measures of inequality that will be used and an explanation of why they were selected among the different existing inequality measures. The following section provides the results and section six concludes. 2. On the measurement of schooling inequalities Formal schooling is an important contributor to the skills of an individual and to his human capital but it is not the only factor. “Parents, individual abilities and friends undoubtedly contribute. Schools nonetheless have a special place because they are most directly affected by public policies. For this reason, we frequently emphasize the role of schools.”2 In addition, “[a]ll governments in the world assume a substantial role in providing education for their citizens. A variety of motivations lead societies to provide such strong support for schooling, some of which come from pure economics and others of which come from improved political participation, [equality of opportunity related to] social justice and of general development of society.”3 An equal opportunity policy, as Roemer (2005) defines it, [I]s an intervention (e.g., the provision of resources by state agency) that makes it the case that all those who expend the same degree of effort end up with the same outcome, regardless of their circumstances. Thus, the equal opportunity policy „levels the playfield‟, in the sense of compensating persons for their deficits in circumstances, making it the case that, finally, only effort counts with regard outcome achievement.4 In this sense, “[i]t is relatively non-controversial to consider an individual‟s educational level and basic health status important factors in determining her set of opportunities”5. In Argentina, the National Education Law (2006) states that knowledge and education are public goods and personal and social rights guaranteed by the Government. And as a way to guarantee equity for all the inhabitants of the Nation, it should be free, of good quality, and available to everyone. In order to follow this objective, the government should provide more funds to those areas less advantaged, so as to compensate for the deficit in resources. What Iatarola and Stiefel (2003) call the affirmative action formulation, in contrast to the neutral formulation, which requires a lack of association between resources and historically disadvantaged groups. Though not only quantity matters regarding education, “[m]ost empirical analyses of human capital have concentrated solely on the quantity of schooling attained by individuals, ignoring the quality differences. This focus contrasts sharply with policy consideration that, with some exceptions, considers exclusively school quality issues.”6 One of these exceptions took place some time ago in many developing countries, where a great effort was done in order to expand schooling including the Education for All initiative, and good results were obtained regarding years of schooling. Yet, much of this policy making tended to downplay the issues of quality (Hanushek and Woessmann, 2007). In this line, the years of schooling of the argentine population rose considerably after 1974. The proportion of people without instruction or with primary incomplete represented 37% of the total population at that time, 2 Hanushek 2004, p.3. Hanushek 2004, p.1. 4 Roemer 2005, pp. 3-4. 5 Gasparini 2002, p. 796. 6 Hanushek 2004, abstact. 3 3 on the contrary, in 2002, only 9%. As well, the population who had completed only primary school reduced from 37% to 28%, and as a consequence, secondary schooling and graduate schooling rose considerably, the latter, from 3% to 16%. This great increase of the number of years of schooling was a great first step and, at present, the mayor concern is the quality improvement so as to provide horizontal equity and equality of opportunity to all the people, since precisely those who receive less quantity of education also receive a poor quality one. Therefore, “the issue of explanation of educational inequality is not just a matter of computational procedure but can significantly affect our understanding of inequality and can potentially guide the design of economic policy.”7 Berne and Stiefel (1984) analyze the different alternative measures of horizontal equity, which are basically those that capture the spread or dispersion in a distribution. In this sense, perfect equity would exist when every pupil in the distribution receives the same object, and the horizontal equity measures assess how far the distribution is from perfect equality. Although no list of horizontal equity measures is exhaustive, they present a rather complete list of the measures that can be used: Range, Restricted range, Federal range ratio, Relative mean deviation, McLoone index, Variance, Coefficient of variation, Standard deviation of logarithms, Gini coefficient, Theil‟s measure and Atkinson‟s index (Berne and Stiefel, 1984, pp. 19-21). A great number of studies use the coefficient of variation as the measure to evaluate horizontal equity, Berne and Stiefel (1994), Iatarola and Stiefel (2003), and Roza et al. (2007) among others. Murray et al. (1998) construct four measures of the within-state distribution of education expenditures –the Theil index, the Gini coefficient, the natural logarithm of the ratio of spending at the 95th percentile to spending at the 5th percentile, and the coefficient of variation. Those studies that are interested in decomposing inequality mainly use the Theil inequality index. Ram (1995) studies the inequalities in access to education using the population weighted Theil index to measure the amount of intercountry and intracountry inequality of school enrolments, and Murray et al. (1998) use also the Theil index to show the disparity in pupil spending between and within states. In order to assert that the existing inequality is inequitable, it should be corroborated that its main source is socially unacceptable (Gasparini, 2002). For example, inequality among private schools may not be considered inequitable in sight of the fact that it derives from the fees they charge, though, the same inequality among public schools may be unacceptable, because the governmental unit that finances education should assign the resources in such a way as to compensate for existing disparities and provide equal treatment of equals. In the case of Argentina, it is very relevant to disentangle whether the issue regarding educational inequality is due to differences among the provinces (the governmental units that support basic education), or to differences within each province. This would shed light on the importance of each of the causes of the problem. In fact, it could be analysed whether the main problem is one of provincial administration of the educational resources, or an incomplete compensatory policy from the National Government. For this reason, it is very convenient to develop a summary measure of explanation to relate overall educational inequality to it constituent components and to address such issue, inequality decomposition analysis applied to population subgroups should be used (Cowell and Jenkins, 1995). As Bourguignon (1979) states, the decomposability of an inequality measure implies a sort of additivity, so as to express it as the sum of inequality existing between subgroups of a population and a kind of “weighted average” of the inequality within those groups, although the “weights” used in this averaging do not necessarily sum up to one. In this sense, an inequality measure is said to be additively decomposable if it can be expressed as the sum of a “within group” inequality term and a “between group” inequality term (Shorrocks, 1980). In the present case, the decomposability is a much desired property, though not any decomposable measure is a satisfactory index. For example, the variance is not neutral with respect to a scale change of the whole distribution, which would be a desirable property of 7 Cowell and Jenkins 1995, p 421. 4 an inequality measure. Another property that might be expected from an inequality measure is to decrease with any transfer from rich to less rich schools (Pigou-Dalton condition or strong principle of transfers). Bourguignon (1979) investigated all inequality measures which are decomposable while satisfying a set of basic requirements: are continuous and differentiable, symmetric, mean independent (also called income-homogeneous), satisfy the symmetry axiom for population and satisfy the Pigou-Dalton condition. The continuity requirement means that an infinitesimal change in the value of a school quality may be expected to produce only an infinitesimal change in the inequality measure. The differentiability condition leads to the elimination of a wide family of measures in which school qualities enter with their rank in the whole distribution and which are not differentiable everywhere (Gini coefficient, interquantiles mean incomes ratios, etc.). These measures are generally not decomposable. The symmetry requirement is also called the anonymity rule. The mean independence property implies that the measure is invariant when all school quality indexes are multiplied by the same scalar, and in the same way, the symmetry axiom for population, which requires that the inequality of a distribution be the same as that of the distribution obtained by replicating any number of times each school quality, a kind of population-zero-homogeneity. Decomposable inequality measures will differ by the weighting systems and the two most obvious candidates are naturally “income-weighted” and “population-weighted” decomposable measures. Interestingly, Bourguignon found only one inequality measure consistent with each concept of decomposability and satisfying the list of convenient properties: the Theil Entropy coefficient (T) and the average logarithm of relative incomes (L), which as he pointed out, is the same as Henri Theil‟s (1967, pp. 126-127) populationweighted index of inequality. Going one step further, Shorrocks (1980) points out that “when inequality measures are used to assess the contribution of one particular factor to total inequality, another problem arises in the different interpretations that can be given to statements like „X per cent of inequality is due to Y‟.”8 Only when the decomposition coefficients do not depend on the subgroup means will the ambiguities disappear. For this reason, the most satisfactory decomposable measure, allowing total inequality to be unambiguously split into the contribution due to differences between subgroups is the population-weighted index of inequality, in which the decomposition coefficients are precisely the population shares (ng/n). “[It allows] total inequality to be unambiguously split into the contribution due to differences between subgroups and the contribution due to inequality within each subgroup g=1,…,G, in such a way that total inequality is the sum of these G+1 contributions.”9 Finally, regarding the measurement of equality of educational opportunities, what are mainly used are relationship measures (Berne and Stiefel, 1984) to quantify the degree of association between characteristics that are considered illegitimate or unacceptable (Gasparini, 2002). And though there are a great number of available measures, regression based measures are the most common. They are popular not only because they are based on certain statistical principles, but also because there are several possible equal opportunity measures that can be derived from regression analysis. Berne and Stiefel (1984, pp. 27-32) present eleven regression based relationship measures, of four types: correlation, slopes, elasticities and adjusted relationship measures. Several studies use the regression based analysis to search for educational inequities; among others we can find Berne and Stiefel (1994), Iatarola and Stiefel (2003), Llach and Schumacher (2005) and Rubenstein et al. (2007). However, another interesting measure, called the Concentration Index (CI) can also be applied to the case. The CI is an analytical tool that is being vastly used in Health economics to analyze income related inequality in health and health care (Gravelle, 2001). It is a generalization of the Gini coefficient (Lambert, 1993), and in the case of income related inequality in education, the index is derived from the concentration curve which graphs the 8 9 Shorrocks 1980, p. 624. Shorrocks 1980, p. 625. 5 cumulative proportion of the quality of education against the cumulative proportion of the population ranked by income. A value of zero would mean that educational quality is equally distributed over income in the sense that the pth percentage of the population ranked by income has exactly the pth percentage of the school quality for any p. A negative value would mean that educational quality is concentrated in the poor, whereas a positive value would result if educational quality were concentrated in the rich. In the case under study, the extent in which school quality is related to the level of income of the students should be evaluated. A priori, a strong correlation would be considered inequitable, though it should be analysed thoroughly. The existence of cooperative associations could be enhancing this correlation, though their influence should not be considered unacceptable. These associations are generally managed by parents of students of the school and recollect funds from the students to invest them in improving the quality of the service provided by the school. Therefore, the inequalities derived from the existence of these associations could be assimilated to the one related to the fees private schools charge, not a direct consequence of public intervention. 3. Data base and sample As the main objective of the paper is to measure horizontal educational equity and equality of educational opportunities, the information needed is referred in the first place to the quality of the schools and in the second place, to the socioeconomic status of the students. Regarding the quality of the schools, as there are plenty of measures, they will be grouped in three indicators of what can be defined as the main school resources (physical, human and social capitals). They were constructed using a methodology that has been applied in other studies in the field (Llach and Schumacher, 2005). The physical capital index is divided in two sub indices, corresponding to the construction and functional characteristics of the buildings, which includes the quality, functionality and state of repair of the building, electricity, classrooms, furniture, library, courtyards and bathrooms; and the quality and availability of teaching materials. The human capital index is referred to the directors and teachers of the schools and is constructed on three main issues: professional and school experience, qualifications and training and aptitude for the job. The first one refers to the seniority in a particular school, the number of years in teaching, the contractual status (full time, replacement, etc.), and the mode of access to the position. The following one refers to the qualifications acquired via formal training and education, and the latter was constructed on the analysis of the working methodology. Finally, the social capital refers to the social networks that exist in the schools. It is divided in three sub indices, interaction with the community, with the students‟ parents, and the internal organization and climate, which include school autonomy, the relationship among the teaching staff and the relationship of the director and teachers with the students. An additional comment regarding the different measures of school quality is about the degree of subjectivity. Although the three of them were constructed on the basis of the Operativo Nacional de Evaluación Educativa (National Educational Assessment Operation) or ONEE, the different dimensions measured have different degrees of subjectivity. That is to say, what regards the physical capital is quantifiable and verifiable, the same as the years of experience and qualifications, corresponding to the human capital, or the interaction with the community in the social capital. On the other side, the aptitude for the job reflects in a great measure the interviewees‟ opinion, and the relationship among the different members of the school is quite affected by subjectivity. With the aim of measuring unfairness, as mentioned in the previous section, an indicator of the students‟ socioeconomic status is required. And, since the ONEE does not include any question regarding the household income or consumption, the socioeconomic status of the students had to be inferred. So as to estimate it, the answers provided about 6 the possession of durable goods, the utilization of public services, the number of family members and the parents‟ educational level were used. Schumacher (2003) and Elbers et al. (2003) were used as a reference for the estimation. See appendix 1 for details on the construction of the index. Our primary source of information on schools, teachers and students characteristics is from the administrative records of the Argentine National Ministry of Education, specifically the ONEE. Starting in 1994, this ONEE remained censual until the year 2000, after that moment, a sample instead of a census began to be surveyed. Because of this we have decided to work on the data corresponding to the year 2000, so as to have enough information about the distribution of educational resources not only between provinces, but also within them. In addition, the National Household Expenditure Survey (Encuesta Nacional de Gastos de Hogares or ENGH) was selected to provide the income and consumption patterns in order to calculate the socioeconomic status of the children in the sample. Argentina is a federal country organized in 24 autonomous political jurisdictions (23 provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires). Responsibility for pre-primary and primary education has been decentralized at the provincial level since 1970- 1978. Both free public schools and private institutions that charge fees to students supply education (Berlinski and Galiani, 2005). Unfortunately, one of the provinces (Neuquén) did not participate of the CENSUS, and therefore, we will work with 23 units. And, as our concern is about the unacceptable sources of educational inequality, we will focus the study on the public schools, due to the fact that the private ones may differ in quality because they receive different amounts from the fees they charge. An original database was constructed as a way to integrate the outcomes of the survey of GBE sixth-year students with those obtained from the surveys of directors and teachers for the same year. The three data bases were integrated using the section or classroom as the unit of measurement. Therefore, each database entry represents a school section and shows the characteristics and opinions of the director of the school, the teachers‟ features and judgments and the average of the students‟ outcomes and characteristics. As a first approach to the inequality matter, the coefficients of variation for the three school capitals and for the socioeconomic status can be seen in table 1. 7 Table 1: Means and Coefficients of Variation corresponding to the school capitals and to the SES index Obs. SES PhC HC SC Mean CV Mean CV Mean CV Mean CV All Jurisdictions 11237 41.818 0.204 2.655 0.240 3.731 0.129 2.849 0.163 City of Bs.As. Bs.As Catamarca Córdoba Corrientes Chaco Chubut Entre Ríos Formosa Jujuy La Pampa La Rioja Mendoza Misiones Río Negro Salta San Juan San Luis Santa Cruz Santa Fé Sgo.del Estero Tucumán Tierra del Fuego 525 3188 106 1030 384 506 180 440 245 168 208 113 586 563 219 469 276 156 100 804 361 539 71 59.366 43.464 40.866 43.867 37.288 36.211 49.753 41.215 33.719 37.006 46.711 43.220 40.390 36.248 42.608 37.380 38.743 40.215 53.314 39.776 33.150 38.532 54.918 0.065 0.126 0.133 0.130 0.220 0.258 0.135 0.158 0.264 0.183 0.113 0.106 0.160 0.226 0.183 0.204 0.164 0.146 0.068 0.196 0.250 0.157 0.074 3.335 2.493 2.392 2.892 2.461 2.419 3.039 2.594 2.251 2.411 3.333 2.492 2.889 2.464 2.714 2.586 2.662 2.781 3.094 2.817 2.339 2.611 3.347 0.167 0.255 0.216 0.210 0.239 0.239 0.170 0.225 0.237 0.213 0.165 0.238 0.208 0.203 0.183 0.212 0.176 0.215 0.140 0.215 0.228 0.188 0.103 3.860 3.675 3.412 3.924 3.535 3.631 3.811 3.434 3.543 3.555 3.650 3.611 3.862 3.637 3.576 3.864 3.901 3.937 3.702 3.910 3.602 3.875 3.542 0.112 0.130 0.112 0.104 0.131 0.133 0.109 0.135 0.119 0.122 0.116 0.132 0.131 0.129 0.125 0.118 0.110 0.102 0.109 0.113 0.163 0.117 0.105 2.876 2.876 2.641 2.962 2.646 2.765 2.755 2.709 2.664 2.621 2.909 2.552 2.979 2.862 2.789 2.828 3.009 2.946 2.577 2.916 2.757 2.902 2.390 0.159 0.172 0.176 0.134 0.175 0.156 0.159 0.165 0.152 0.194 0.131 0.195 0.153 0.149 0.146 0.160 0.121 0.144 0.185 0.153 0.161 0.147 0.220 As could be observed in table 1, there is a great disparity in the number of sections in the jurisdictions, nonetheless the highest coefficients of variation are not only in the larger ones like Buenos Aires province or Cordoba, but also in the smallest ones like Catamarca, La Rioja, Jujuy and San Luis. The coefficients over 20% were highlighted, though 10% is generally used as a benchmark (Odden and Picus, 2000). It is quite noticeable that the capital most unequally distributed is the physical capital, which is at the same time, the easiest to measure and to modify via a redistribution of resources. At the same time, the jurisdictions with the highest mean of physical capital tend to have it more equally distributed, this is the case for the City of Buenos Aires, Tierra del Fuego, Santa Cruz, Chubut and La Pampa. The Human Capital presents a higher value in all the jurisdictions and is more equally distributed. Santiago del Estero is the jurisdiction that presents the highest coefficient of variation (16.3%). Regarding the Social Capital, Tierra del Fuego, La Rioja, Jujuy and Santa Cruz are the ones that present the highest coefficients (all over 18.5%). Finally, the coefficients of variation regarding the socioeconomic status of the students range from 6.8% (Santa Cruz) to 26.4% (Formosa), being, in general, the poorer ones the most unequally distributed. 4. Methodology and estimation strategy To assess the relevance of the various factors discussed in the previous section on educational equity, we adapt the decomposition methodology, the regression analysis and the concentration index methodology to our case. Regarding the decomposition methodology, the basic intuition is that, given a specific partition (the provinces in this case) and a suitable inequality measure, overall inequality can be written as some function of withinW 8 refer to inequalities within each province, and would reflect a bad assignment of resources by the provincial betweenB inefficient or incomplete compensatory policy by the National Government, thus f , W (1) B In principle, this functional breakdown would permit the specification of the proportion of inequality „accounted for‟ by between-group inequality with reference to a particular present case, it would mean to differences between the provinces. If for a specific partition W 0 B (Cowell and Jenkins, 1995). A summary measure of the amount of inequality „explained‟ by differences between the groups would be: IB RB (2) I In order to implement such indexes, a suitable inequality measure is needed. Such measure should at least guarantee that the decomposition is consistent for all logically possible partitions and if we also require that the measure be continuous and differentiable, symmetric, mean independent (also called income-homogeneous), satisfy the symmetry axiom for population and the strong principle of transfers the only measure is the generalised entropy index (Cowell, 2000). Ic y I 0 ( y) I1 ( y) n 1 1 ncc 1 1 n 1 n yi c 1 ,c 0,1, i 1 n log i 1 n yi yi log ,c yi 0, (3) ,c 1 i 1 Expresion (3) specifies a family of inequality contour maps with given mean and population. The parameter c indexes the members of the family and can be assigned any real value, specifying a high positive value of c -that is particularly sensitive to changes in the upper tail of the distribution (Cowell, 2000). In particular, when c=2 corresponds to the square of the coefficient of variation. I 1 is the Theil index and I0 is the population weighted entropy index, also proposed by Theil (Shorrocks, 1980). I0 and I1 are particular family members for which the within-group component weights sum to one, being I0 the most satisfactory decomposable measure, allowing total inequality to be unambiguously split into the contribution due to differences between and within subgroups (Shorrocks, 1980). “For any partition we may in principle assign overall inequality to between group and within-group components, but there are two logically separate and unavoidable difficulties that have to be confronted when doing this [the cardinalisation issue and the definition of between group inequality].”10 Regarding the first one, it is worth mentioning that “[a]lthough inequality within a given population or group is a purely ordinal concept, the 10 Cowell and Jenkins 1995, p. 424. 9 decomposition by component subgroups is contingent upon the specific cardinalisation of the inequality measure.”11 And regarding the latter, it is important to bear in mind that [S]ince an inequality measure is defined on the sets of arbitrary dimensions, the concept of inequality within any subgroup is straightforward; selecting a measure for the whole population also provides a measure for any group in -group inequalities into a single number representing the withinnot self-evident. Two different meanings have been given to this concept: (...) the between-group component can be interpreted as inequality of the group means, (...) or inequality of the group representative [values]. (...) The second interpretation is more demanding since it requires complete specification of a social welfare function, not just an inequality index.12 This decomposition technique outlined was applied to the socioeconomic status index and to the three schools‟ capitals indexes and the results are presented in the following section. In order to evaluate the equality of educational opportunities, multiple regression analysis will be used to measure the extent to which characteristics of students or schools explain variation in school capitals. As the neutral formulation of the equal opportunity principle states, perfect equity would be defined as the absence of a relationship between the object of study (school quality) and a certain characteristic considered illegitimate. The most common one used is a measure of the student‟s wealth, in our case it would be the socioeconomic status, though other characteristics may also be considered illegitimate, such as being an immigrant or a native student. Regarding the measurement of the relationship between the variables, two different aspects should be given particular attention. On the one hand, the degree in which the variables move together, which could be analyzed through the correlation existing among them or through the goodness of fit of the whole model, (the coefficient of determination, which is also the square of the simple correlation, and indicates how much of the variability of the dependant variable is explained by the model). And on the other hand, the magnitude of the relationship can be assessed with the slope or the elasticity. The results obtained with the multiple regression technique regarding both types of measures are presented in the following section. In particular, the coefficient of determination of the model and the slopes of the variables considered illegitimate will be offered. Finally, as a complementary way to evaluate the equality of educational opportunities, the degree of relationship between school quality and the level of income will be analyzed with the concentration index (CI). The concentration index is an analytical tool adopted for the measurement of socioeconomic inequalities in health (García Gomez and Lopez Nicolas, 2004) and has a similar interpretation to the more familiar Gini index for pure inequality. Actually, the two inequality measures differ in the fact that the ranking variable is a measure of socioeconomic status (usually income) rather than educational quality (Gini coefficient). The CI ranges between -1 and 1. A value of -1 would mean that educational quality is concentrated in the poorest person, whereas a value of 1 would result if all educational quality were concentrated in the richest person. A value of zero would mean that educational quality is equally distributed over income in the sense that the pth percentage of the population ranked by income has exactly the pth percentage of the school quality for any p. In the present case we are interested in calculating the CI for a measure of school quality. Let yi denote a measure of quality of section i. i=1,2, …n, and Ri denote the cumulative proportion of the population ranked by income up to the ith section (their relative 11 12 Cowell and Jenkins 1995, p. 425. Cowell and Jenkins 1995, p. 425-6. 10 income rank). In our case the population is conformed by all the sections of the public schools in Argentina. The CI of school quality on income can be written in various ways, one (Wagstaff et al., 2003) being CI 2 n n y i Ri 1 (4) i 1 Where is the mean of y. CI, like the Gini coefficient, is a measure of relative inequality, so that doubling school capitals leaves CI unchanged. We consider three measures of school quality: physical, human and social capitals and the SES index is used as the measure of socioeconomic status. 5. Results This section reports the results of performing the decomposition described in the previous section as well as the estimation strategy outlined. The objective is to shed light over the quantitative relevance of the various phenomena discussed in section two, on horizontal educational equity. Table 2: Theil decomposition between and within jurisdictions SES Physical Capital Total Theil 0.0449 100.0% Total Theil 0.0302 100.0% Between groups Between groups 11.2% 15.8% 0.0050 0.0047 Theil Theil 88.8% Within group Theil 84.2% Within group Theil 0.0399 0.0254 Human Capital Total Theil 0.0088 Between groups 0.0007 Theil Within group Theil 0.0080 Social Capital 100.0% Total Theil 0.0143 100.0% Between groups 8.5% 5.0% 0.0007 Theil 91.5% Within group Theil 95.0% 0.0135 As can be observed in table 2, all the school capitals are distributed more evenly than the socioeconomic status, which presents the highest Theil value (0.0449). This could mean that there is a certain equalizing policy regarding educational quality. At the same time, it should be noted that the largest inequalities are within each of the provinces, which would suggest that a priori, it is the provincial administration rather than the National policy that is failing. In the case of the physical capital, 84.2% is explained by differences within the provinces, while for the human and social capitals, more than 90% corresponds to differences inside the provinces. Therefore, improving the distribution of the school quality within each jurisdiction is essential to get closer to the objective of horizontal educational equity. At the same time, it is worth mentioning that, though the inequality in the physical capital is less than the inequality in the socioeconomic status, a higher proportion is explained by differences between the provinces (15.8% against 11.2%). Almost the same inequality between jurisdictions existing in the SES (0.005) is replicated in the physical capital (0.0047), this could indicate, there is not a National compensation regarding the physical resources of the schools. In the case of human and social capitals between inequalities represents 8.5% and 5% respectively. 11 Table 3: Theil index and the amount of school capitals in each jurisdiction Rankings Jurisdiction Theil SES SES Theil PhC PhC Theil HC City of Bs.As. 23 23 21 22 15 Bs.As. 14 14 1 9 5 Catamarca 18 15 13 3 18 Córdoba 16 17 14 18 21 Corrientes 8 10 3 6 7 Chaco 3 4 4 5 4 Chubut 17 20 19 19 19 Entre Ríos 12 13 6 11 2 Formosa 1 1 5 1 12 Jujuy 13 3 12 4 10 La Pampa 19 19 20 21 14 La Rioja 20 18 2 8 6 Mendoza 9 11 9 17 3 Misiones 2 5 15 7 8 Río Negro 5 16 17 14 9 Salta 10 6 10 10 11 San Juan 7 8 18 13 17 San Luis 11 12 11 15 23 Santa Cruz 22 21 22 20 20 Santa Fé 4 9 8 16 16 Sgo.del Estero 6 2 7 2 1 Tucumán 15 7 16 12 13 Tierra del Fuego 21 22 23 23 22 Ranking Theil: 1: Most unequal 23: Most equal Ranking capitals and SES: 1: Lowest value 23: Highest value HC Theil SC SC 16 13 1 22 3 10 15 2 5 6 12 9 17 11 7 18 20 23 14 21 8 19 4 9 5 7 21 6 14 12 8 16 2 22 3 11 17 19 10 23 20 4 15 13 18 1 16 15 5 21 6 11 9 8 7 4 18 2 22 14 12 13 23 20 3 19 10 17 1 The city of Buenos Aires presents the highest value in the SES index and at the same time is the one where it is distributed most equally. While Formosa is the jurisdiction with the poorest students and the most unequally distributed. A special case is Tierra del Fuego, which presents a very high value of SES and quite equally distributed, the highest value for physical capital and the most equally distributed, but the lowest and worst distributed social capital. A similar situation can be seen in Santa Cruz. Though, as it has been mentioned, this capital is to a certain extent affected by personal opinions. At the same time, Tierra del Fuego is the youngest jurisdiction, and both provinces have the fewer amount of schools and sections. An opposite situation can be seen in the case of San Juan and San Luis, which present much better results for the human and social capitals than for the physical capital and the Socioeconomic Status. 12 Graph 1: Theil index of the SES, Physical, Human and Social Capitals 0.0700 Theil SES Theil PhC Theil HC Theil SC 0.0600 0.0500 0.0400 0.0300 0.0200 0.0100 Tierra del Fuego Tucumán Sgo.del Estero Santa Fé Santa Cruz San Luis San Juan Salta Río Negro Misiones Mendoza La Rioja La Pampa Jujuy Formosa Entre Ríos Chubut Chaco Corrientes Córdoba Catamarca Bs.As. Province City of Bs.As. 0.0000 As can be observed, in all jurisdictions except the City of Buenos Aires and La Rioja, the Theil index of the SES is the highest one. This indicates that the quality of the schools is more equally distributed than the socioeconomic status. At the same time, the Theil Index corresponding to the human capital is the lowest in all the jurisdictions with the exception of Tierra del Fuego, in which is equal to the corresponding one to the physical capital, and Santiago del Estero where the social capital presents a lower Theil. The quality of education plays a particular roll in determining the set of opportunities of a person and its distribution concerns policy makers and people in general. Though it is desirable an equal distribution of this good, inequality in its provision is not necessarily unfair. Since only those differences in outcomes that are due to differences in unacceptable variables would be considered unfair (Gasparini, 2002). Analysing inequality was the first step, what should be done next is evaluate its degree of association with the factors considered unacceptable in order to determine its unfairness, that is to say, to relate the amount of school capitals to the SES, the presence of immigrants and native students (variables considered illegitimate as determinants of school quality). The variables corresponding to the presence of immigrants and of native students are dummy variables which were constructed on the response given by the directors of the schools. They have a value of 1 if there are immigrants or native students, 0 if there are not, and missing value if the director did not answer the question. 13 Graph 2: Coefficients of Determination corresponding to the multiple regressions including the three variables considered unacceptable: SES, immigrants and native students. 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 City of Bs.As. Bs.As. Province Catamarca Córdoba Corrientes Chaco Chubut Entre Ríos Formosa Jujuy La Pampa La Rioja Mendoza Misiones Río Negro Salta San Juan San Luis Santa Cruz Santa Fé Sgo.del Estero Tucumán Tierra del Fuego Physical Capital Human Capital Social Capital In some jurisdictions, as the City of Buenos Aires, the Buenos Aires Province, Cordoba, Corrientes, Chaco, Chubut, Entre Rios, Formosa, Mendoza, San Juan, San Luis, Santa Fe and Tucuman, the regressions corresponding to the physical capital are the ones with the highest coefficient of determination. This would suggest that in these jurisdictions, there is less equality of education opportunities regarding the physical capital than the other capitals. Catamarca, Jujuy, La Pampa, La Rioja, Tierra del Fuego, Santa Cruz and Rio Negro present the highest fit in the regression corresponding to the social capital, while Misiones, Salta and Santiago del Estero show the highest fit in the human capital regression. Corrientes and La Rioja present all the coefficients of determination under 0.05, which would indicate that in all of them, there is not a strong association between the variables considered unacceptable and the school capitals. Table 4 presents the outputs of the regressions regarding the Equality of Educational Opportunities. 14 Table 4: Equality of Educational Opportunities Dependant variable: Physical Capital Num. of obs. All Jurisdictions 9198 SES pupils Inmigrants 0.0306 -0.0851 *** *** native † students -0.0380 City of Bs.As. 453 0.0435 *** -0.0169 -0.0802 Bs.As. Province 2643 0.0388 *** -0.0514 ** -0.0523 Catamarca 83 0.0269 *** 0.4712 0.0896 Córdoba 884 0.0390 *** -0.0560 0.2196 Corrientes 279 0.0125 *** -0.2463 0.3614 Chaco 411 0.0171 *** 0.1468 -0.1636 ** Chubut 144 0.0018 -0.1596 -0.2352 ** Entre Ríos 371 0.0224 *** -0.1697 -0.0490 Formosa 201 0.0253 *** -0.0174 0.0393 Jujuy 107 0.0017 0.2454 ** 0.0207 La Pampa 170 0.0286 *** 0.1972 0.1946 La Rioja 82 0.0144 -0.0708 (dropped) Mendoza 477 0.0195 *** -0.1250 * 0.2125 * Misiones 472 0.0103 *** -0.1117 -0.1248 Río Negro 181 0.0029 0.1342 -0.0161 Salta 343 0.0160 *** 0.1955 *** -0.0823 San Juan 221 0.0155 *** 0.1469 (dropped) San Luis 124 0.0247 ** 0.2309 (dropped) Santa Cruz 72 0.0083 0.0610 -0.0077 Santa Fé 674 0.0231 *** 0.0915 -0.1530 * Sgo.del Estero 294 0.0214 *** 0.6305 *** 0.0227 Tucumán 448 0.0322 *** -0.1923 ** 0.3345 * T. del Fuego 64 0.0135 -0.1792 ** (dropped) *** Significant at 1%, ** significant at 5% and * significant at 10%. † The cases when the variable is dropped correspond to those in which answered that there are native students. Intercept R2 F 1.4154 *** 0.171 629.84 *** 0.8160 0.8486 1.2473 1.2120 1.9814 1.8418 3.0494 1.7179 1.4011 2.2637 1.9899 1.9198 2.1494 2.1060 2.5745 1.9653 2.0548 1.7624 2.6752 1.9367 1.5845 1.3886 2.6819 ** *** *** *** * *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 0.117 0.131 0.131 0.139 0.041 0.112 0.094 0.069 0.174 0.045 0.070 0.017 0.056 0.034 0.015 0.076 0.071 0.072 0.009 0.109 0.169 0.158 0.095 19.76 133.08 3.97 47.27 3.89 17.14 4.84 9.06 13.83 1.63 4.13 0.67 9.26 5.49 0.92 9.25 8.29 4.70 0.21 27.38 19.60 27.81 3.19 *** *** ** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ** *** *** *** ** none of the directors of the schools The provinces that present coefficients of determination over 10% are Formosa, Santiago del Estero, Tucuman, Cordoba, Buenos Aires, Catamarca, Chaco, Santa Fe and the City of Buenos Aires. The highest slopes values of the SES and significantly different from zero are those corresponding to Formosa, Tucuman, Cordoba, Buenos Aires Province, Catamarca, the City of Buenos Aires and La Pampa. The SES has a significant and positive effect on the level of physical capital in almost all the jurisdictions with the exception of Chubut, Santa Cruz, Tierra del Fuego, Rio Negro, Jujuy and La Rioja. This confirms that in most of the provinces there is not equality of educational opportunities, because there is a significant relationship between the level of physical capital and the wealth of the students, measured through the SES. The exceptions are Jujuy, La Rioja, Rio Negro and Santa Cruz where we cannot reject that all the coefficients corresponding to the independent variables are equal to zero (F-Statistic), indicating that the present inequalities cannot be attributed to unacceptable reasons. In these cases, though there is inequality, we cannot conclude that it is unfair. Regarding the other two variables that would also be considered unacceptable as determinants of the schools‟ capitals, the presence of immigrants and native students, the outcomes presented in the table suggest that their presence is significant in very few provinces and that their effect on the physical capital goes in both directions, either positive or negative. Therefore, in most of the cases we cannot conclude that the inequality found is unfair to immigrants or native students. 15 Dependant variable: Human Capital All Jurisdictions Num. of obs. 9198 SES pupils 0.0091 *** immigrants -0.0326 *** Native † students 0.0061 City of Bs.As. 453 -0.0002 0.0707 * 0.0700 Bs.As. Province 2643 0.0119 *** 0.0158 -0.0127 Catamarca 83 -0.0089 0.3011 -0.5038 Córdoba 884 0.0117 *** -0.0293 0.0830 Corrientes 279 0.0052 0.0420 0.0225 Chaco 411 0.0121 *** -0.2591 ** 0.0989 * Chubut 144 -0.0028 0.1009 -0.0780 Entre Ríos 371 0.0019 0.2297 * -0.3654 Formosa 201 0.0135 *** -0.1560 * 0.1954 ** Jujuy 107 0.0091 -0.2078 ** -0.0203 La Pampa 170 0.0278 *** 0.4254 *** -0.0806 La Rioja 82 0.0093 -0.1167 (dropped) Mendoza 477 0.0100 *** -0.0566 0.0023 Misiones 472 0.0156 *** -0.0579 -0.0428 Río Negro 181 0.0063 -0.0191 0.1796 ** Salta 343 0.0161 *** -0.0577 -0.0623 San Juan 221 0.0119 *** 0.1189 (dropped) San Luis 124 -0.0030 0.0541 (dropped) Santa Cruz 72 0.0126 0.1532 0.9329 ** Santa Fé 674 0.0049 ** 0.0020 -0.0308 Sgo.del Estero 294 0.0315 *** 0.1167 0.6797 * Tucumán 448 0.0121 *** -0.1838 ** 0.1327 T. del Fuego 64 0.0014 -0.1866 ** (dropped) *** Significant at 1%, ** significant at 5% and * significant at 10%. † The cases when the variable is dropped correspond to those in which answered that there are native students. Intercept R2 F 3.3781 *** 0.t0278 87.75 3.8294 3.1754 3.7544 3.4209 3.3893 3.2109 3.9693 3.3913 3.0688 3.3433 2.3536 3.2889 3.4938 3.0891 3.2930 3.3087 3.4399 4.0552 3.0021 3.7442 2.5816 3.4347 3.5850 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 0.0128 0.0219 0.0219 0.0274 0.0091 0.0631 0.0122 0.0114 0.1036 0.0619 0.1424 0.0135 0.0201 0.0779 0.0447 0.0831 0.0582 0.0042 0.0798 0.0091 0.2036 0.0344 0.0661 1.93 19.66 0.59 8.25 0.84 9.14 0.58 1.41 7.59 2.26 9.19 0.54 3.23 13.19 2.76 10.24 6.73 0.25 1.97 2.06 24.72 5.29 2.16 *** *** *** *** *** * *** ** *** ** *** *** *** *** none of the directors of the schools In the case of the human capital approximately half of the jurisdictions present a coefficient of the SES positive and significantly different from zero. The presence of native students is significant on the determination of the amount of human capital in very few provinces. In all of them, the effect is positive, nor negative, which would have been considered unacceptable. On the contrary, the presence of immigrants, when it is significantly different from zero, is sometimes positive, as in the case of the City of Buenos Aires, Entre Rios and La Pampa, and negative in the cases of Tucuman, Tierra del Fuego, Chubut, Jujuy, Formosa and all the jurisdictions considered as a whole. We cannot reject the equality of opportunity regarding the human capital in the following jurisdictions: City of Buenos Aires, Catamarca, Corrientes, Chubut, Entre Rios, La Rioja, San Luis, Santa Cruz and Santa Fe (The F-Statistic is not significantly different from zero). Therefore, we cannot conclude that the inequality found in the human capital of these jurisdictions is unfair. 16 Dependant variable: Social Capital Num. of obs. All Jurisdictions 9198 City of Bs.As. Bs.As. Province 453 2643 SES pupils 0.0085 *** inmigrants -0.0306 native † students *** -0.0399 Intercept ** 0.0114 ** -0.0315 -0.0287 0.0200 *** 0.0018 -0.0295 Catamarca 83 0.0269 *** 1.1215 ** -1.7597 *** Córdoba 884 0.0151 *** -0.0133 0.1092 Corrientes 279 0.0032 -0.0098 0.0720 Chaco 411 0.0045 ** -0.0438 0.0194 Chubut 144 0.0070 0.0366 -0.0884 Entre Ríos 371 0.0122 *** 0.0186 -0.5188 ** Formosa 201 0.0149 *** -0.0615 0.0666 Jujuy 107 0.0228 *** -0.1821 * -0.0357 La Pampa 170 0.0282 *** 0.2435 * 0.0025 La Rioja 82 0.0079 -0.3356 (dropped) Mendoza 477 0.0134 *** 0.0529 0.2086 ** Misiones 472 0.0095 *** -0.0178 0.0239 Río Negro 181 0.0086 ** 0.1641 ** 0.0596 Salta 343 0.0110 *** -0.0549 0.0447 San Juan 221 0.0114 *** -0.0179 (dropped) San Luis 124 0.0030 0.0905 (dropped) Santa Cruz 72 0.0402 *** 0.2017 0.6622 Santa Fé 674 0.0115 *** -0.0662 0.1102 *** Sgo.del Estero 294 0.0094 *** 0.3779 ** -0.2111 Tucumán 448 0.0137 *** 0.0541 0.0415 T. del Fuego 64 0.0335 ** -0.3071 ** (dropped) *** Significant at 1%, ** significant at 5% and * significant at 10%. † The cases when the variable is dropped correspond to those in which answered that there are native students. R2 F 2.5299 *** 0.0281 88.51 *** 2.2419 2.0376 *** *** 0.0162 0.0627 2.46 58.82 * *** 3.7333 2.3152 2.5724 2.6342 2.4442 2.2377 2.1463 1.8994 1.6086 2.2905 2.4637 2.5379 2.3917 2.4188 2.5977 2.7861 0.3949 2.4856 2.4607 2.3803 0.6600 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 0.1438 0.0472 0.0037 0.0104 0.0333 0.0540 0.1068 0.1513 0.1484 0.0362 0.0549 0.0364 0.0731 0.0304 0.0551 0.0069 0.1106 0.0479 0.0567 0.0423 0.1401 4.42 14.54 0.34 1.43 1.61 6.99 7.85 6.12 9.64 1.48 9.15 5.9 4.65 3.54 6.36 0.42 2.82 11.24 5.81 6.53 4.97 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ** *** *** *** *** none of the directors of the schools In the case of the social capital, the absence of equality of educational opportunities can be confirmed in most of the jurisdictions. Catamarca is a special case, in which there would be a negative association between the level of SES and of capital, suggesting the existence of a pro-poor distribution. The presence of native students is significant in very few provinces, and its impact on the social capital is sometimes positive (Santa Fe and Mendoza), and sometimes negative (Entre Rios, Catamarca and all the jurisdictions considered as a whole). A similar situation is observed in the case of immigrants, in Catamarca, Santiago del Estero and Rio Negro their presence has a positive and significant impact on the social capital, while in Tierra del Fuego, on the contrary, the effect is negative. Tierra del Fuego is the only province in which the presence of immigrants has a negative and significant effect on the three types of capitals of the schools, and Santiago del Estero and La Pampa are the only ones in which this variable has a positive effect on the three capitals (though in the case of the human capital it is not significantly different from zero for Santiago del Estero and in the case of the physical capital for La Pampa). As was already mentioned, public schools quite often have cooperative associations which are generally managed by parents of students of the school and recollect funds from the students to invest them in improving the quality of the service provided by the school. Their action could affect the amount of physical capital the school can buy or afford to repair, or provide funds to hire more acknowledged teachers (human capital). Regarding the social capital, as it is constructed taking into account the relationship between schools and parents; it also takes into account if these cooperative associations are constituted in the school. 17 Therefore, it cannot be used to test if it is a determinant of the social capital, because we already know it is. Incorporating the presence of these cooperative associations in order to check their impact on the physical and human capitals of the schools in most cases did not alter significantly the results previously found. Three variables considered unacceptable (SES, immigrants and native students) were tested as determinants of the school capitals, and one considered acceptable (the presence of cooperative associations). The presence of a cooperative association is a significant determinant of the physical capital in Río Negro, Formosa, Mendoza and Misiones. In the case of Río Negro, it is the only element that presents a coefficient significantly different from zero indicating that all the disparity in the distribution of this capital would be due to acceptable sources. In fact, the model which was not significant without incorporating this variable, now it is. In Mendoza and Misiones, though the coefficients regarding the unacceptable factors are still significant, they are slightly smaller than when these cooperative associations are not included, but in Formosa, the coefficient regarding the SES, is even bigger than in the previous analysis. As regards the Human Capital, the cooperative associations have a significant impact for the cases of Buenos Aires Province, Formosa, San Juan, San Luis and Tucumán. In the case of San Luis, it is the only determinant with a coefficient significantly different from zero, indicating that the inequality in the Human Capital would be explained by acceptable factors, and again, the model that was not significant now is. In the rest of the provinces, the results regarding the other coefficients are mixed; in the case of Buenos Aires province, the coefficients corresponding to unacceptable sources were reduced, on the contrary, in Formosa and San Juan the coefficients were increased, and in the case of Tucumán, the one corresponding to the SES was reduced, but the corresponding to the level of immigrants was increased. Finally, as a complementary way to evaluate the equality of educational opportunities, the degree of relationship between school quality and the level of income will be also analyzed with the concentration index (CI). The CI for the Socioeconomic Status is in essence the Gini Coefficient, and the CI for the physical, human and social capitals is also presented in Graph 3. As can be seen La Rioja is the only province that can be considered pro-poor (-0.00235) regarding the physical capital, while Formosa is the one which presents the most pro-rich distribution for this capital (0.05778). Concerning the human and social capitals, Catamarca is the only jurisdiction that presents a negative value, indicating a propoor distribution (-0.004543 and -0.025323 respectively). Santiago del Estero is the most pro-rich in what respects the human capital (0.04065) and Tierra del Fuego concerning the social capital (0.024604). 18 Graph 3: Concentration index of the SES, Physical, Human and Social Capitals CI SES 0.16 CI PhC CI HC CI SC 0.14 0.12 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 Tierra del Fuego Tucumán Sgo.del Estero Santa Fé Santa Cruz San Luis San Juan Salta Río Negro Misiones Mendoza La Rioja La Pampa Jujuy Formosa Entre Ríos Chubut Chaco Corrientes Córdoba Catamarca -0.04 Bs.As. Province -0.02 City of Bs.As. 0 With two exceptions, Catamarca and La Rioja, the CI is always positive. This indicates that in almost all the cases, the school capitals are more concentrated among those who have a higher socioeconomic status, confirming the lack of equality of educational opportunities. At the same time, the CI for the SES is the highest one for all jurisdictions, what would indicate that the schools capitals are distributed in a less pro-rich way than the socioeconomic status. The results obtained by this methodology are very much in line with the ones from the regressions presented above. 6. Concluding remarks The need for empirical work on the measurement of educational inequalities in the Argentine public system has often been stressed. This paper takes a step in that direction by presenting different measures regarding the horizontal inequality, also known as the equal treatment of equals, and the equality of educational opportunities, measured through the degree of association between the school quality and the variables considered unacceptable. The coefficients of variation for the indicators of the school quality range between 12.9% (corresponding to the human capital) and 24% (corresponding to the physical capital) considering all the jurisdictions, while 10% is usually considered as the benchmark. Therefore, the presence of inequalities is not just a feeling but a fact. After having a first approach to the problem, the following step was to try to unravel where the main problem was. In that sense, it was studied whether it was one of provincial administration or of inefficient compensatory policy by the national government. The decomposition of the Theil index showed that the majority of the inequality was explained by differences within the jurisdictions, more than 84% corresponded to it. Then, we focused the study in the evaluation of the particular situation of each jurisdiction. First we studied the horizontal equity with the coefficient of variation and the Theil index. The ones that present the worst scenario are Buenos Aires province, Corrientes, Chaco, Entre Rios and La Rioja. All these are the worst ranked in the distribution of the three measures of school quality, either by the coefficient of variation as by the Theil index. The 19 best ones in this respect are Córdoba, Chubut, La Pampa, San Juan, San Luis and Tucuman. It is worth mentioning that the size of the jurisdictions is quite different, but that large and small jurisdictions are in both groups. Buenos Aires Province is the largest one while Córdoba is the second largest one. And La Rioja and San Luis are among the smallest jurisdictions. Next, the degree of association between the quality of the schools and those variables considered unacceptable was studied to determine the degree of equality of educational opportunities. In this sense, the regression analysis and the concentration index showed that in most cases there is a positive association which indicates the lack of equality of educational opportunities. With the exception of Santiago del Estero, the coefficient of determination is never higher than 20%, and in most of the cases is fewer than 10%. Formosa and Santiago del Estero present a worrisome situation. Not only they have the poorest students, but also they have horizontal inequality and a lack of equality of educational opportunities. Two cases that call the attention are La Rioja and La Pampa, the first one has bad marks regarding horizontal inequality, while we cannot reject the hypothesis of equality of educational opportunities, even more, the Concentration Index for the Physical Capital is negative, what indicates that it is distributed in a pro-poor way. This means that we could not find evidence that the distribution of the school quality is related to unacceptable factors. 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The chosen survey was the National Household Expenditure Survey because it has similar questions to the ones corresponding to the ONEE as well as information regarding households‟ income and consumption. It also has the advantage of representing the whole population of the country, not as other commonly used surveys that only represent urban population. After selecting the source of information and the variables to use, so as to know which weight corresponds to each of the items, several regressions were run by region. And, as there are multiple variables that define the socioeconomic status (dependant variable), as it may be the household income or expenditure, per capita household income or expenditure and their logarithms, several regressions were run and the explicative power of the model was measured through the R2. The logarithm of the per capita household income was selected as the dependant variable and the explanatory variables used in the regression were those selected from the ONEE that were as well in the ENGH. The regression equation was as follows: ln(ingpcf) = a0 + a1(edup) + a2(edusi) + a3(edus) + a4(eduui) + a5(eduu) + a6(car) + +a7(electricity) + a8(telephone) + a9(stove) + a10(gas) + a11(air conditioning) + +a12(hot water) + a13(toilet) + a14(water) + a15(2 members) + a16(3 members) + +a17(4 members) + a18(5 members) + a19(6 members) + a20(7 members or more) The first five explanatory variables are intended to represent, using dichotomic variables, the maximum educational level attained by the head of the family: completed primary (edup), incomplete secondary (edusi), completed secondary (edus), incomplete tertiary (eduui) and completed tertiary (eduu). The subsequent nine variables represent the possession or not of durable goods and utilities. Finally, the last six variables are referred to the size of each household, only one of the last six variables is assigned the value “1” with the remaining valued at “0”, depending on the number of members in the household. Estimations of the households‟ expenditure patterns for each of the regions in the country (GBA, NEA, NOA, Cuyo, Pampeana and Patagonia) were obtained, which means, that a specific value was assigned to each of the coefficients for each of the regions. Later, with the estimated coefficients, the explanatory variables were replaced by the different vectors provided by the ONEE data base for each of the regions, and in this way, a prediction of the logarithm of per capita household income of each student surveyed was obtained, taking into account the expenditure pattern usual of his place of origin. Finally, the values were rescaled without altering the relative positions in order to assign zero value to the minimum and one hundred to the maximum. This was done by subtracting the minimum value from each prediction, dividing by the difference between the maximum and the minimum values and multiplying by one hundred. It is worth mentioning that the SES has an economic dimension; it is the prediction of the logarithm of the household per capita income, and also a cultural dimension, captured by the level of education of the household head and the amount of members in the family. It is expected that the higher the SES of the student, the bigger will be the financial capacity of the household to invest in the children‟s education and there would be more cultural climate. In addition, the average SES for each section, institution and jurisdiction was calculated. 23 Appendix 2: Figures and Tables Figure A.1: Physical, human and social capitals and average SES per jurisdiction. The size of the circle indicates the number of sections in the jurisdiction. Physical capital and average SES per jurisdiction 3.6 3.4 Tierra del fuego City of Bs.As. La Pampa 3.2 Physical Capital Santa Cruz Chubut 3 Mendoza Córdoba 2.8 Santa Fé San Luis 2.6 San Juan Tucumán Entre Ríos Río Negro Salta Misiones Chaco 2.4 La Rioja Bs.As. Province Corrientes Jujuy Catamarca Sgo. Del Estero Formosa 2.2 2 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 Socio Economic Status Human capital and average SES per jurisdiction 4 San Juan 3.9 Salta San Luis Santa Fé Tucumán Mendoza Córdoba City of Bs.As. Chubut, 3.810995 Human Capital 3.8 3.7 Santa Cruz Bs.As. Province Misiones La Pampa Chaco 3.6 La Rioja Sgo. Del Estero Río Negro Jujuy Formosa Tierra del fuego Corrientes 3.5 Entre Ríos Catamarca 3.4 3.3 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 Socio Economic Status 24 Social capital and average SES per jurisdiction 3.6 3.4 Social Capital 3.2 3 San Juan Mendoza Tucumán San Luis Santa Fé Misiones Sgo. Del Estero 2.8 Salta Chaco La Pampa City of Bs.As. Bs.As. Province Chubut Entre Ríos Formosa Catamarca Jujuy 2.6 Córdoba Santa Cruz La Rioja 2.4 Tierra del fuego 2.2 2 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 Socio Economic Status Figure A.2: School capitals and average SES per section in each jurisdiction Physical capital, fitted values of physical capital and average SES per section Provincia de Buenos Aires Catamarca Córdoba Corrientes Chaco Chubut Entre Ríos Formosa Jujuy La Pampa La Rioja Mendoza Misiones Río Negro Salta San Juan San Luis Santa Cruz Santa Fé 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 Ciudad de Buenos Aires 0 Tucumán 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80 Tierra del Fuego 0 5 Santiago del Estero 20 0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80 (mean) NESal CF Fitted values Graphs by juris 25 Human capital, fitted values of human capital and average SES per section Provincia de Buenos Aires Catamarca Córdoba Corrientes Chaco Chubut Entre Ríos Formosa Jujuy La Pampa La Rioja Mendoza Misiones Río Negro Salta San Juan San Luis Santa Cruz Santa Fé 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Ciudad de Buenos Aires 0 Tucumán 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80 Tierra del Fuego 1 2 3 4 5 Santiago del Estero 20 0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80 (mean) NESal CH Fitted values Graphs by juris Social capital, fitted values of social capital and average SES per section Provincia de Buenos Aires Catamarca Córdoba Corrientes Chaco Chubut Entre Ríos Formosa Jujuy La Pampa La Rioja Mendoza Misiones Río Negro Salta San Juan San Luis Santa Cruz Santa Fé 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 Ciudad de Buenos Aires 0 Tucumán 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80 Tierra del Fuego 0 1 2 3 4 Santiago del Estero 20 0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80 (mean) NESal CS Fitted values Graphs by juris 26 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1 Figure A.3: Nonparametric distribution of the schools capitals All public schools 0 1 2 3 4 5 x kdensity CF kdensity CS kdensity CH Public schools per jurisdiction Provincia de Buenos Aires Catamarca Córdoba Corrientes Chaco Chubut Entre Ríos Formosa Jujuy La Pampa La Rioja Mendoza Misiones Río Negro Salta San Juan San Luis Santa Cruz Santa Fé 0 .5 1 1.5 0 .5 1 1.5 0 .5 1 1.5 0 .5 1 1.5 Ciudad de Buenos Aires 0 Tucumán 4 6 0 2 4 6 Tierra del Fuego 0 .5 1 1.5 Santiago del Estero 2 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 x kdensity CF kdensity CS kdensity CH Graphs by juris 27 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1 Figure A.4: Concentration Index for the Physical, Human and Social Capitals. All public schools 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1 shrpob shrCF shrCH shrCS r45p Table A.1: Theil index and the amount of school capitals in each jurisdiction Absolute values Theil SES City of Bs.As. 0.0115 Bs.As. 0.0386 Catamarca 0.0286 Córdoba 0.0334 Corrientes 0.0473 Chaco 0.0555 Chubut 0.0288 Entre Ríos 0.0428 Formosa 0.0584 Jujuy 0.0390 La Pampa 0.0278 La Rioja 0.0254 Mendoza 0.0462 Misiones 0.0571 Río Negro 0.0495 Salta 0.0451 San Juan 0.0478 San Luis 0.0428 Santa Cruz 0.0190 Santa Fé 0.0553 Sgo.del Estero 0.0481 Tucumán 0.0379 Tierra del Fuego 0.0201 Jurisdiction Mean SES 59.3904 43.3006 43.5550 44.5785 40.8298 38.8472 51.0881 42.5848 36.6196 38.8389 47.2685 44.8411 41.1075 38.8905 44.0559 38.9282 40.1969 41.5220 53.5776 40.6746 37.5507 40.0374 54.9696 Theil PhC 0.0146 0.0344 0.0233 0.0230 0.0301 0.0301 0.0150 0.0271 0.0285 0.0234 0.0148 0.0307 0.0240 0.0214 0.0172 0.0235 0.0167 0.0234 0.0100 0.0242 0.0262 0.0182 0.0054 Mean PhC 3.3353 2.4933 2.3919 2.8916 2.4612 2.4189 3.0389 2.5936 2.2512 2.4109 3.3328 2.4918 2.8887 2.4637 2.7135 2.5858 2.6619 2.7808 3.0941 2.8168 2.3388 2.6108 3.3467 Theil HC 0.0068 0.0090 0.0063 0.0057 0.0089 0.0091 0.0061 0.0097 0.0072 0.0076 0.0068 0.0090 0.0093 0.0085 0.0080 0.0072 0.0066 0.0052 0.0061 0.0066 0.0137 0.0071 0.0054 Mean HC 3.8598 3.6747 3.4118 3.9236 3.5349 3.6311 3.8110 3.4342 3.5430 3.5550 3.6501 3.6114 3.8617 3.6375 3.5761 3.8642 3.9012 3.9374 3.7015 3.9100 3.6018 3.8746 3.5417 Theil SC 0.0140 0.0162 0.0159 0.0093 0.0161 0.0124 0.0132 0.0146 0.0118 0.0199 0.0086 0.0196 0.0134 0.0116 0.0111 0.0135 0.0078 0.0107 0.0177 0.0123 0.0132 0.0112 0.0236 Mean SC 2.8763 2.8757 2.6412 2.9623 2.6462 2.7655 2.7548 2.7093 2.6636 2.6212 2.9091 2.5524 2.9790 2.8620 2.7892 2.8281 3.0086 2.9460 2.5774 2.9156 2.7566 2.9023 2.3903 28 Table A.2: Concentration index of the SES, Physical, Human and Social Capitals Jurisdiction City of Bs.As. Bs.As. Province Catamarca Córdoba Corrientes Chaco Chubut Entre Ríos Formosa Jujuy La Pampa La Rioja Mendoza Misiones Río Negro Salta San Juan San Luis Santa Cruz Santa Fé Sgo.del Estero Tucumán Tierra del Fuego SES 0.0368867 Physical Capital 0.031662632 Human Capital 0.000168755 Social Capital 0.014640484 0.07138859 0.05175813 0.010695707 0.024602865 0.0752369 0.07088999 0.12303326 0.14586407 0.07466859 0.08709147 0.14916162 0.1027711 0.06386703 0.05779457 0.08879394 0.12894981 0.10389302 0.11415454 0.0889905 0.07944139 0.0383473 0.11067375 0.14324267 0.08754757 0.039407212 0.046046889 0.015508766 0.038262139 0.014699457 0.03600217 0.05778317 0.011281701 0.022671505 -0.002348407 0.014890169 0.017595175 0.001979957 0.034443686 0.027037045 0.039453322 0.008142857 0.041957038 0.049109799 0.038994636 -0.004542602 0.008694903 0.00866496 0.015253156 0.0000360903 0.006289962 0.015343371 0.001274802 0.014763694 0.002352786 0.004971224 0.020430824 0.009163114 0.021500676 0.01595073 0.00631646 0.006925584 0.007085144 0.040652057 0.008563719 -0.025323007 0.019954057 0.007508357 0.008456322 0.013585936 0.02425742 0.023840534 0.021158576 0.022763337 0.012089895 0.012051411 0.018202922 0.016795531 0.01741193 0.014148603 0.011459611 0.021364249 0.019704006 0.015119131 0.016413879 0.04152146 0.007245935 0.006128526 0.024604441 29