march 18, 2014 - Town of Yarmouth
march 18, 2014 - Town of Yarmouth
BOARD OF SELECTMEN TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 ROUTE 28. SOUTH YARMOUTH. MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4492 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1271. Fax (508) 398-2365 TOWN ADMIN ISTRATOR William G. Hinchey PUBLIC MEETING Per Massachusetts General Law.: All town and school boards, committees, commissions, and authorities shall post a notice of every meeting at least 48 hours prior to such meeting, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays. Notice shall contain a listing of topics/agenda that the chair reasonably anticipates will be discussed at the meeting . BOARD OF SELECTMEN WORKSHOP MEETING MARCH 18, 2014 - 6:30PM TOWN HALL HEARING ROOM AND ROOM A Meeting Agenda 6:30PM Executive Session (Room A)- Collective Bargaining 1. United Steelworkers 7:00PM Staff Recognitions (Hearing Room) 7:15PM Discussion 1. Last Drink - Longtellows 7:30PM Board/Committee Annual Updates • 7:45PM Golf Enterprise Committee Board of Selectmen 1. FY15 Budget Update 2. Board and Committee Actions • • Resignation -Golf Enterprise Committee [1 Member] Appointment 1. RASWAC [1 Member] 2. Energy Committee [1 Member] 3. Old Kings Highway Committee [1 Member] 3. lndividualltems 8:30PM Town Administrator's Items 1. Consent Agenda 2. Updates 8:35PM Adjourn All times are approximate and subject to change TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 ROUTE 28. SOUTH YARMOUTH. MA.SSACHUSETTS 02664-4492 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1271. Fax (508) 398-2365 BOARD OF SELECTMEN TOWN ADMINISTRATOR William G. Hinchey CONSENT AGENDA BOARD OF SELECTMEN MARCH 18,2014 APPROVED: Community Development Block Grant Application Program Year 2014 Donations 1 . Senior Services • Joyce Rouleau • Carolyn Weeks • Maureen Cox • Marianne Miles • Dorothy McFarland • Joan Minyard • Fred Miller • Arthur Brooks • Joanne Brides • Maribeth Nickelson • Wanda Loring • Carol Coverly • Pamela Newman • Marietta Fitzgerald • Cape Cod Salties Sportfishing • Margaret Taylor • The Foot Nurse, LLC • Anonymous 2. Fire Department • Cape Cod Area Philatelic Group 3. Police Department • Estate of Wilhelmina I Gomes $100.00 $15.00 $25.00 $50.00 $25.00 $25.00 $20.00 $20.00 $50.00 $10.00 $25.00 $100.00 $35.00 $30.00 $100.00 $38.00 $138.00 $222.00 $1,028.00 $100.00 $100.00 $416.96 $416.96 4. Library • Shelia & O'Neal Antonio Hayles • Craig Johnson • Brewster Ladies Library • Hyannis Public Library Association TOTAL $50.00 $50.00 $30.16 $26.95 $157.11 $1,702.07 AGENDA PACKET BOARD OF SELECTMEN MARCH 18, 2014 Staff Recognitions Email from Chief Simonian to EGH, dated March 13, 2014. Re: Recognitions Email from Chief Frederickson to EGH, dated march 13, 2014. Re: Recongitions. Discussion 1. Last Drink – Longfellows Letter from WGH to Longfellows, dated February 6, 2014. Re: “Last Drink” Discussion Board/Committee Annual Updates Golf Enterprise Committee Memo from Jim Armentrout to PJS, dated March 11, 2014. Re: 2014 Report of the Golf Enterprise Board of Selectmen 2. Board and Committee Actions Resignation – Golf Enterprise Committee [1 Member] Email from John Reeve to PJS/PB dated March 5, 2014. Re: Golf Enterprise Committee resignation Appointment – RASWAC [1 Member] Energy Committee [1 Member] Old Kings Highway Committee [1 Member] 3 Memos from Appointment Chair Jim Quirk to BOS, dated March 10, 2014. Re: Appointments Town Administrator’s Items 1. Consent Agenda Memo from Mary Waygan to Erik Tolley, dated March 7, 2014. Re: Community Development Block Grant Application Program Year 2014. Donations Memo from Kathleen Bailey to WGH, dated March 10, 2014. Re: Gifts to the Division of Senior Services Memo from Chief Simonian to WGH, dated March 4, 2014. Re: Gifts Memo from Chief Frederickson to BOS, dated March 3, 2014. Re: Donation Approval. Memo from Toby Wilson to WGH, dated February 28, 2014. Re: Donations to the Yarmouth Town Libraries Hartsgrove, Elizabeth From: Sent: To: Subject: Simonian, Philip Thursday, March 13, 2014 2:29 PM Hartsgrove, Elizabeth RE: staff recognitions Captain David Morley and Lieutenant Ronald S. Napolitan. Ron has confirmed with me. I am still waiting for Captain Morley to reply. From: Hartsgrove, Elizabeth Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2014 11:57 AM To: Frederickson, Frank; Simonian, Philip Subject: staff recognitions Can you give me a list of the employees you are wanting to recognize at next week’s BOS meeting? Thanks ‐Liz Elizabeth Gallerizzo Hartsgrove Executive Assistant to the Town Administrator Town of Yarmouth 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 508-398-2231 ext. 1271 508-398-2365 (fax) 1 Hartsgrove, Elizabeth From: Sent: To: Subject: Frederickson, Frank Thursday, March 13, 2014 1:10 PM Hartsgrove, Elizabeth Re: staff recognitions Recognized for is outstanding service as the DY School Resource Officer Sent from my iPhone On Mar 13, 2014, at 12:57 PM, "Hartsgrove, Elizabeth" <> wrote: Is he being promoted or recognized for a service? Elizabeth Gallerizzo Hartsgrove Executive Assistant to the Town Administrator Town of Yarmouth 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 508-398-2231 ext. 1271 508-398-2365 (fax) <image001.jpg> From: Frederickson, Frank Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2014 12:25 PM To: Hartsgrove, Elizabeth Subject: Re: staff recognitions Off . Nicholas Pasquarosa Sent from my iPhone On Mar 13, 2014, at 11:56 AM, "Hartsgrove, Elizabeth" <> wrote: Can you give me a list of the employees you are wanting to recognize at next week’s BOS meeting? Thanks ‐Liz Elizabeth Gallerizzo Hartsgrove Executive Assistant to the Town Administrator Town of Yarmouth 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 508-398-2231 ext. 1271 508-398-2365 (fax) 1 <image001.jpg> 2 BOARD OF SELECTMEN TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4492 Telephone (508) 398-2231, Ext. 1271, 1270 -Fax (508) 398-2365 TOWN ADMINISTRATOR William G. Hinchey CERTIFIED MAIL: 7010 3090 0002 72817214 February 6, 2014 Longfellow's Pub Attn: Ms. Janet Mcinerney 1A Old Townhouse Rd. South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Dear Ms. Mcinerney: The Attorney General's Office is now e-mailing Cities and towns information regarding licensed establishments where defendants convicted of operating under the influence had their last drink. Pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 90, Section 241, before sentencing a defendant convicted of operating under the influence of alcohol, the court is required to ask a defendant whether he/she was served alcohol at an establishment licensed under M.G.L. Chapter 138, Section 12, and the name and location of said establishment. Longfellow's Pub is listed on the most recent list received from the Attorney General. The Licensing Board requests your presence at their meeting on Tuesday, March 18, 2014 to discuss the findings by the state. Please be prepared to present to the Board steps you plan on taking to insure that there will not be repeat offenses of patrons leaving your establishment while intoxicated and operating a vehicle. The meeting is at Town Hall, 1146 Route 28, in the hearing room beginning at 7:00pm. Please be reminded of the refresher courses offered by the Yarmouth Restaurant Association and the Police Department each year for TIPS training for all servers of alcohol. All servers should be current with intervention procedures. There are also multiple times throughout the year the Yarmouth Police Department offers free taxi service. You may obtain information about these available programs by contacting the Yarmouth Police Department at 508-775-0445 . Please let me know if there are any scheduling conflicts for this meeting and contact me if you have any questions. Respectfully cc: Licensing Board/Board of Selectmen Police Chief Frederickson Kevin Russo Yannouth Golf Division 635 Wc~t Y~rmoulh Tdcphon~ Road. West Y~nnouth, MA 02673 (508) 760-4878, Fax (SOS) 760-4H06 MEMORANDUM To: Peter Johnson Staub From: Jim Armentrout, Director of Golf Operations Subject: 2014 Report of the (;oJf Enterprise Date: March 11, 2014 The Golf Enterprise continues It) pursue il~ mission a~ stated: "It i~ th~: goal orthe To\'11 of Yarmouth Golf Division to provide tht: line~t golf facilities and the utmost in service to resident and non-resident patrons of the Town of Yannouth Golf Courses. We will seek this objective while making every attempt to maintain the Yarmouth Golf Facilities as a sell~ funding operation \\ithin the Town." The Committee·~ charge includes advising the board of Selectmen on budget. policy, and other golf matters as assigned and to facilitate community input and assist the Selectmen and the Director ofGolfOpcrations in communicating Town policies to the residents. The Golf Emcrprise in 2014 is in its ninth fiscal year and over that time has generated over $4.5 Million in debt principal payments, ov~:rh~:ad payments to the Tov.n, and gro\\1h in the Enterprise Fund through revenues exceeding outlays in six of its eight fiscal years. These comributions were nol generated by revenues exceeding hudgeled levels, but by our consciously keeping the level of outlay below the actual revenue whenever pt)SSihle. The balance in the Enterprise fund ha~ grown to ~ome $360,000 or roughly II% of annual revenue, providing a safeguard to the Town and a po~sible source of some capital funding for the courses. The prospects lor fi~<.:al2014 are guarded. Through the first half of the fiscal year, revenues are slightly ahead of 2013 levels in our daily receipls. These include: l. 2. 3. 4. 5. Golf Car Revenue Green Fee Revenue Golf Shop Revenue Pr<1ctice Range Revenue Restaurant Revenue lhc Annual Fee Revenue experience is: We have seen lower revenue levels in this category each year since fiscal 2009 in which the fees were not increased. We expect this trend to continue in 2014. The anticipi!ted shortfall here is currently $25,000 from budgeted level. On the expense side, our golf car contract cost has increased signilkantly, (we turned over the golf car fleet late in April of 20 13) some $90,000 over what was re4 uired in fiscal 20 13. This, along with wage increilses i!nd other smaller increases, will make our cnvering total expenses with total revenues a challenge in fiscal 2014. On the positive side is the contribution to the bottom line made by the restaurants at Bayberry Hills and Bass River. Although the stated fi seal year 20 J3 expense versus revenue shows a negative $5,771, when Aayberry Hills grill stm:tup costs are consider()(j (furniture, equipment, building improvements, etc.), the figure changes to a positive $45,000 for the first year of operating both (Bayberry Hills was operated for only three months). For the first six months ofFisca12014, the revenue excee<.b expenditure the ligure by over !>42,000 with both facilities in operation. Over the past golf season, we hosted some 18 golf/food combined activities at Bass River and a number at Baybeny Hills as well, including the Cape I\EPA Junior Tour, a PGA Playing Ability Test, The Yarmouth Rotary and Red Faced Jack's Fundraisers, as well as the Yarmouth Golf Festival Golf Fair and Demo Day with the Yarmouth Chamber of Commerce. The ability to bring the foodscrvicc and golf together helps to raise revenue in both areas. This was accomplished with strict altention to all State and To,•n Alcohol related Statutes. We have had no incidences of alcohol related issues at either course a~ our trained personnel in all areas (restaurant, golf shop, range, golf cars, and even maintenance) provide eyes and ears to the operation. Our marketing efforts that should enhance revenues for the 2014 golf season include plans to continue programs that have proved successful and to bring ne\v initiatives on line: I. Continue to encourage positive ''word of mouth" advertising for the courses by providing S\•perior facilities and friendly service. 2. Maintain a signiticant Web presence and utilize data base in communicating with patrons. 3. /mend regional golf shows (13oston, Portland, Hartfmd) in cooperation with the Cape and the Yarmouth Chambers of Commerce. 4. Continue our media outreach in cooperation with the Chambers and ''Play Golf on Cape Cod" courses organization. 5. Production of a Yarmouth Golf and Community featun~ with NESN leaturin~ both the To,•n and the Courses, as a tourism destination in cooperation with the Yarmouth Chamber. 6. Further enhance our outreach to the young adult demographic through .new fcc proposals. 7. Bundle golf. range, golf shop, and !oodservice offerings to auract additional outside activity such as the Chang Putting Series, the Yarmouth Golf f-air and Demo Day, the Dass River .. Nine and Dine" as well as the MGA Senior Team Championship and the Cape Cod PO/\ Professional!Amateur Event. 8. Solidily the base of resident golfers through providing added value to the annual pass through measures such as allowing them to bring guests at a reduced green fcc at certain times. '>. C011tinuc th<.: outreach to new golfers of all ages through Hunily friendly activities such as free junior golf instruction at our golf camps in July and August, liunily rates on the Links course, and PGA '·Get Golf Ready'' programs. I0. Continue lO nurture and build on our relationship with local Hotel Partners and seek new properties that might henelit lrnm offering golf pa<.:kages. Although the Golf Jnd~try is beset with numerous challenges as the population ages and the yow1gcr generations have a variety of leisure opportunities and demands on their time, there is opportunity to utilize a quality golf experience in attracting tourism to the Town nf Yannouth, thereby reinlllrcing its economic base and to providing a recreational amenity for the citizens of the Town as well. The key to success in seizing that opportunity is prnviding a level of quality that is exp~:cled in a resort destination environment. Golf Yarmouth - Cape Cod Marketing Plan 2014 Updated: 20 December 2013 Presented by: Jim Armentrout, Director of Golf Operations Marketing Planl Plan Overview: There are eight main points in our Marketing Plan for the Yarmouth Courses for 2014. First and most important of which is customer "word of mouth" advertising and an emphasis on the repeat customer. It is widely recognized that the cost of maintaining ones current client base pales in comparison to the cost of bringing in new customers. It has been our marketing philosophy that a dollar spent on maintaining our consumer base is the dollar best spent, particularly in an age of widespread and constant communication among the golfing population. We take the into consideration that a customer whom we go out of our way to please, or one who perceives our facilities and services as superior, will not only be likely to return but also to relate his positive experience with friends and acquaintances, often instantaneously. Consequently, the lion's share of our marketing effort is concentrated in the area of positively differentiating our courses from others on Cape Cod. A good example of our approach is the improvement of the Bayberry Hills practice facility (often the first impression the golfer has of the course), the introduction of Friday afternoon putting event at Bayberry Hills; providing a multivendor demo day with events and complimentary instruction, the recruiting high profile instructors such as Jim Hallet (former tour player) and Sue Kaffenburgh (former New England PGA Teacher of The Year) and Bob Quirk (Cape Cod PGA Junior Golf Leader); providing upgraded range balls, mats, dividers, trash receptacles, club washers, water coolers; quality maintenance and new cups and pins for our practice putting greens and chipping/pitching greens. We have also invested in course signage for both courses, providing a uniform and eye appealing presentation that would rival quality resort operations. We will continue to upgrade these as budget permits. We also invest in our course personnel, providing staff uniforms, name tags, training and resources, striving to insure a positive experience for our golfing guests. Second is the maintenance of a significant web presence and engaging in regular email marketing through our website. We currently have our own website that we utilize to communicate with our Yarmouth resident golfers as well as to provide information for current and potential guests. The site allows for online tee time bookings, online golf shop purchases, and even allows us to provide micro sites for our tournament and outing patrons. We propose to further refine the website and seek to optimize our web offerings and email marketing. At the same time, we continue to upgrade the Courses' Point of Sale systems to enhance online bookings and streamline the reservation process. We also affiliate with other websites as our budget allows. These affiliations include: Golfing Magazine, Golf on Cape Cod Magazine, the Play Golf on Cape Cod association of golf courses, The Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce, New England Golf Journal, as well as Golf Magazines in New York and Vermont. We utilize our Email lists, compiled over the years from our contacts and contacts from the Portland, Maine, Boston, Ma, and Hartford, Ct. golf shows, as well as Email blasts to subscribers of Golfing Magazine. Third is our attendance at the regional Golf Shows and meetings of State and Local Golf Organizations. Working with both the Yarmouth and the Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce, Yarmouth Golf attends the yearly Portland, Providence, Hartford, and Boston Golf Expos, allowing us face time with and the opportunity to share promotional literature for current and prospective patrons of our courses. Attendance/representation at these shows and meetings also allows us to interact with our peers in the business and our Hotel/Lodging partners to further develop and to maximize the reach and impact of our marketing efforts. Fourth is our out reach to the Media, both local and regional. We participate in and provide facilities for representatives of a variety of media. We work with the Cape Cod Chamber and the Golf on Cape Cod Association as well as our Lodging Partners in arranging and providing facilities for "Fam" trips for regional media representatives. We emphasize providing press releases and other support for our local media to encourage positive depictions of our operation. We are partnering with the Yarmouth Chamber of Commerce and the Yarmouth Community Development Department in producing a program for NESN that will feature the Golf Courses and also allow for promotion of the Town as a Tourism Destination. Fifth, we propose a continued emphasis on reaching out to a younger demographic of golfer in order to promote the long term viability of our golf program. The effort is spearheaded by the offering of a value priced golf pass for the under 35 years of age demographic and supported with a campaign via social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter to reach and to communicate in real time with these individuals. Sixth, by virtue of our now having the ability to "bundle" our golf with range, golf shop and foodservice offerings, we are able now to highlight the courses with events such as the Chang Putting Series, the Yarmouth Golf Demo Day festivities, the Bass River Short Game Event, the Bass River Weekly Couples "Nine and Dine", utilizing the courses, the practice facilities, and the restaurants. We are also enabled to attract and host such outside events as the NEPGA Junior Golf Tour, The PGA of America Playing Ability Test, The Massachusetts Golf Association Senior Two Ball Championship, Cape Cod PGA Pro Amateur Events as well as additional local and regional charity events incorporating all of the amenities available at the courses. 3/13/2.014 Tactical Marketing Plan page 3 Seventh, to solidify our base of resident golfers, we plan added value for our annual resident and non resident base by allowing them to bring guests to the courses on most Sundays after eleven A.M. offering these guests half price golf fees and restaurant specials. We, in turn, hope to introduce new players to the Yarmouth Golf experience. Efforts will continue to expand the base of our annual subscribers toward a younger demographic as we look toward the future. We will continue to utilize our Links Nine's availability for this purpose, offering a "family golf package" that will allow up to three under 17 youths to accompany a paying adult after four P.M. on Sundays during the season and offering a discounted nine holes with golf car at any time during the week. Eighth we will continue our hotel golf program as we maintain and grow our relationship with current lodging partners and seek additional properties that may benefit from the offering of golf packages. IOur Four Objectives: First and foremost, to maintain our current customer base and encourage additional utilization of our facilities by these individuals and groups. Second, to encourage new customers to try our courses. Third, to specifically reach out to the younger demographic through tailored programs of interest encouraging their utilization of our facilities and fostering long term growth. Fourth, to establish and maintain a positive image for the Yarmouth Golf Operation and the Town of Yarmouth and promote our courses and Town amenities as the best overall value on Cape Cod. 3/13/2014 Tactical Marketing Plan page 4 Target Market Our target markets are: The traveling golfer who comes to Cape Cod specifically to play golf during the shoulder seasons of April thru June and September to November (usually travel in groups of 12 or more) The Traveling Golfer who comes to Cape Cod during the "season" July and August, for whom golf may be either a primary or secondary source of recreation during the stay. (generally individuals or couples) The "local" Golfer who lives in Yarmouth or neighboring communities Summary Our Marketing plan includes strategies to address the variety of individual golfers within our target market. We take different approaches to address the different market segments. We work closely with our lodging partners, attending Golf Shows, providing brochures to the properties, linking to their websites, etc. as well as maintaining regular contact and rapport with "group leaders" to address our shoulder season market. Our "peak season" customer is driven by loyalty and value and tends to stay on Cape for a longer period than the "shoulder season" golfer. We address this segment with our email marketing blasts and by providing opportunities to play multiple rounds at our courses at a value price. The "Local" Golfer is driven by word of mouth advertising and is again interested in value, and in course conditions. Our strategy with this segment is to garner a greater number of his rounds over the course of the year. Here we provide local media with information regarding the positive attributes of our facilities. Our instructional programs, our non resident annual pass, and our off peak rates help to attract this segment of the market. 3/13/2014 Tactical Marketing Plan page 5 Yarmouth Golf Mission Statement It is the goal of the management and staff of the Town of Yarmouth Golf Division to provide the finest golf facilities and the utmost in service to resident and non-resident patrons of the Bayberry Hills and Bass River Golf Courses. We wiJl seek this objective while making every attempt to maintain the Yarmouth Golf facilities as a self-funding operation within the Town. Revenue Expense Summary Golf Enterprise Fund 2010 2011 2012 2013 TOTAL 2006-2013 1,310,875 1,332,568 230,114 118,294 51551 9 1,250,696 1,284,417 104,853 11 8,294 600 552 1,255,365 1,288,833 110,000 134,424 568,309 1,250,773 1,267,543 112,134 106,500 549,908 1,173,007 1,175,392 114,985 115,015 532 916 1,254,236 1,334,671 114,820 11 5,180 406 559 889,230 4 352 753 3,473,796 3 507,370 3 358 812 3 356 931 3 286 858 3 111 315 3 225 466 26 530 547 3,320,358 3,670,199 3,543 803 3 412 374 3, 282 468 3,240 623 3211039 3 260~270 26 941 ,134 110 359 196 403 36433 53 562 99 724 34804 410 587 2007 1,197,805 1,155,345 164,780 94,823 597,246 1,282,204 1,414,700 108,448 86,700 581 ,744 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 3 209 999 EXPENDITURES Wages Golf Budget Expenses Other Direct Expenses Overhead Debt ! 2009 2006 REVENUES TOTAL REVENUES LESS EXPENDITURES: 2008 (74 463) (46 235) This represents over $4.5 million in contribution through payment of debt principal and overhead as well as Enterprise bottom line for the seven years. Annual Fee Revenue Fy 2010 thru 2014 * 2014* 2013 2012 2011 2010 740,000 770,528 768,985 788,263 819,126 *Estimate Course Golf Car & Green Fee Revenue 2010 thru 2014 * Bayberry Bass River Total 2014* 1,146,000 869,000 2,015,000 2013 1,146,000 869,000 2,015,000 2012 1,212,000 2011 1,218,000 2010 1,317,000 *Estimate 858,000 2,070,000 848,000 2,066,000 860,000 2,177,000 Total Revenue Fy 2010 thru 2014 * 2014* 2013 2012 2011 2010 3,265,000 3,260,000 3,211,000 3,241,000 3,282,000 *Estimate Net Restaurant Revenue FY12 thru FY14* 2012 2013 2014* 23,268 Net Concession Revenue {5,771) Net Concession Revenue 42,007 Net Concession Revenue *July thru December Note: FY 2013 includes start up costs for Bayberry Hills Restaurant and and Bayberry Hills Revenue for the months of April, May, and June Restaurant Revenue and Expense Calendar 2013 Revenue Wages Operating Expense Net Profit $287,000 95,000 177,000 15,000 Additional Start-up Costs: Wages paid for Improvements Equipment Purc:hases Bayberry Opening F&B Inventory 12,000 15,000 l.OOO Net Profit Adjusted for Start Up Costs 30,000 $45,000 2014 Marketing I. II. Ill. IV V VI. VII. VIII. Word of Mouth from current patrons Website presence Regional Golf Show attendance Media Outreach Young Adult Outreach Golf I Foodservice Bundles Added Value to Annual Pass Family Friendly and Junior Golf Efforts 2014 Marketing Objectives I. II. Ill. IV. Maintain Current Customer Base Encourage and Invite new golfers Focus on a younger demographic Reinforce and maintain a positive image for the courses and the Town Greetings From Yarmouth Golf We look forward to having you as a valued business partner!! Yarmouth, Cape Cod is the premiere golf destination in Massachusetts. Both Bass River and Bayberry Hills Golf Courses arc meticulously maintained and offer challenging layouts. Bass River Golf Course is one of Cape Cod's best and oldest courses. Opened in 1900 as a private 9 hole club, the course has grown and flourished into an immaculate 18 hole layout over it's 100 plus years. In 1914 the noted got f course architect Donald Ross was commissioned by the club to redesign the course. Wide fairways and traditionally small undulating greens make the course both a pleasure and a challenge to play. At Bass River, the emphasis is on shot making as the player contends with breezes off the water, as well as the subtleties of a classic tum of the century Ross design. Water views, superb conditioning, and a friendly staff all make for a memorable day of golf. After a round, guests are encourage to visit the Grille at Bass River. There is no better place to have lunch than on the deck at the Grille overlooking beautiful Bass River. Bayberry Hills Golf Course offers our guests a more modemly designed layout featuring large greens and can play up to 7172 yards from the championship tees. This beautiful course was designed by Geoffrey Cornish and Brian Silva in 1986 and opened for play in 1988. An additional 9 holes, known as The links was opened in 1999 and modeled after traditional Scottish style links design. Stefanic's Restaurant is the perfect place to relax after your round and enjoy some food and beverage, inside or out. Yatmouth Golf has designed a great package for our hotel partners, offering deep discounts on rounds of golf. The following pages outline the offerings. There is also a sample voucher that you may tailor to your own specifications. Please contact us to set up your account. We look fonvard to doing business with you in 2014!! 2014 Yarmouth Gol(Hotel Information Packet Bass River G.C. Bayberry Hills Golf Course 635 West Yarmouth Road 62 Highbank Road South Yarmouth. MA 02664 Becl::y Wbite, Managet Operations: Fax: Rest<lurant E-mail West Yannouth, MA 02673 Fred Ghimo, Manager Keith MacArlhur, Mauager (50S) 398-9079 (508) 398-2004 (508) 398-9079 Operations: c·mail f£hioto-; e-mail krnacarthur( fax: Restaurant: (508) 394-5597 (508) 760-4877 (508) 760-2929 Note: Please find rate schedule and golfcart requirements on attached pages. $$$Hotel Specials$$$ Monday-Thursday $50.00PP Cart Included! (Excludes July & August) July & August Special $6S.OOPP Cart Included after 12:00 Noon Daily! **Customer must present bote) voucher upon arrival** Rt>servations: We are plea~ed to have you a~ a hooking agent for Bass River G. C. and Bayberry Hills G.C. As the 1st line contact with the golfing customer you may be nequired to explain policies such as cancellation and ''course cloS<XI" situations. If you arc cot familiar with the policy in qu~stion pleas~ refer the customer to the operations center for an explanation. Your reservation is considered "pre paid" when it is taken by phone in advance. (Please make checks payable: Town of Yarmoulh) • • • • We Offer' Regulation4S holcsofCbampio.oshipGolf(Ba» Rivcr-18 Bayberry Hills-27) tully stocked pro shops, rental clubs and golflcssons Restaurants with liquor licenses All gr-<~Ss driving range (Baybeny Hills Golf Course) We Rwuir~: • • • • Proper dress (No Jeans) No private coolers Directions from Route 6 East: To Bass River Golf Course: Exit 8, right at base of ramp, I'' lcfl after High School (Regional Avenue) right at 2nd stop, entrance on left To Bayberry Hills Golf Course: Exit 8, right at base of ramp, right at 2"' light (Old Townhouse Road) follow to course Bayberry Hills Golf Course 2014 Rate Schedule Contacts: Fred Ghioto/Keith MacArthur 508-394-5597 AM $40.00 JVove~her-Aiarch PM $30.00 April Mon.-Thurs. Fri.-Sun. $42.00 $54.00 M(ty 1-0ct 15 Open-2:00PM 2:00-4:00 4:00-Ciose $35.00 $35.00 $66.00 $55.00 $33.00 Oct. 16-0ct 31 Mon.-Thurs Fri.-Sun. $42.00 $54.00 $35.00 $35.00 Cart Fees: 18 Holes $20.00 per player /9 Holes $12.00 per player Cart Requirements: Carts mandatory on weekends (Fr-Sun) May 15-0ct 15 Carts mandatory daily June 15-Sept. 15 Bass River Golf Course 2014 Rate Schedule Contacts: Ron Hewins/Becky White 508-398-9079 AM $40.00 November-March PM $30.00 April $42.00 $54.00 Mon.-Thurs. Fri.-Sun. May 1 -Oct. 15 Open-2:00PM 2:00-4:00 4:00-Ciose $35.00 $35.00 $66.00 $55.00 $33.00 October 16-31 Mon.-Thurs Fri.-Sun. $42.00 $54.00 $35.00 $35.00 Cart Fees: 18 Holes $20.00 per player I 9 Holes $12.00 per player No Cart requirement at Bass River Golf Course -···••Sampl;og~ Sample Golf Course Voucher Course: Bass River Golf Course Date: Saturday, April 2nd Tee Time: 12:30 Name of Party: Smith Number of Golfers: 4 Carts Included: Yes Direct Bill: Yes Please arrive at the cour~e listed above Y, hour prior to tee time and present this voucher to the Pro Shop prior to teeing off. Each voucher is valid for 18 holes of golf per person on the specified date and indicates only the first scheduled tee time of the entire group. Vouchers have no cash value and are not replaceable. Only original vouchers with a signature will be honored. Missed tee times are not refundable. Rain checks issued only at the discretion ofthe golf course. Voucher Number: 00001 Authorized Signature: ----------------------------- 2014 Aeration Schedule Bayberry Hills Golf Course Spring Aeration: April 7'h & ~tll Fall Aeration: August 26th & 27th Bass River Golf Course Spring Aeration: Fall Aeration: April 14'h & 15 1h August 25'h Why Do We Aerate?? In short, to provide the absolutely best putting surfaces tor our customers throughout the bulk of the year. Here's a little further explanation below. The grasses used on greens are very temperamental. In fact, for it to grow successfully while being cut to the short length of about 3/16'h of an inch, the grass needs long roots. h's through these roots that the grass gets the needed oxygen and water. Countless golfers and machinery moving over greens compacts the ground under the green, to the point where if left unchecked, the roots could suffocate and die. By removing small cores ofturf(aeration) the green decompresses and regains its ability to hreath properly. A sandy mixture is then used to fill in the holes improving the makeup of the turf. This allows the roots to gain more water and air needed to help grow. Aeration also helps to reduce thatch issues. Barnes, Pam From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Johnson-Staub, Peter Wednesday, March 05, 2014 8:16AM Barnes, Pam; Hartsgrove, Elizabeth John Reeve (; Armentrout, Jim Golf Enterprise Committee resignation John Reeve contacted me today to let us know that he is resigning from the Golf Enterprise Committee. He was the first Chair of the Committee and played an important role in bringing about changes in the golf operation that were absolutely necessary for the long-term sustainability of the courses. My sincere thanks to John for his service. Please notify the appointments Chair and place the resignation on the next Selectmen agenda. Peter Peter K. Johnson-Staub Assistant Town Administrator Town of Yarmouth, MA 508.398.2231 X 1279 1 ~<-01/. ~.)z___- TO: BOARD OF SELECTMEN FROM: Jim Quirk, Appointments Chairman SUBJECT: Recycling and Solid Waste Advisory Committee Appointment DATE: March 12,2014 OPENINGS: 1 Regular position (term to run through February, 2017) Number of Interviewers: - - -1- - - Selectmen - - - - - - Commission/Committee Members Numerical Evaluation of Candidates **Maximum Score = 20** APPLICANT COMMISSION RATING SELECTMEN RATING AVG. RATING Jill Talladay RECOMMENDATION: To appoint Ms. Talladay as a regular member to the Recycling and Solid Waste Advisory Committee. This appointment is for a three-year term which will run through February, 2017. Message Page 1 of3 Barnes, Pam From: Sent: Friday, December 27, 2013 8:55 AM To: Barnes, Pam Subject: Online Form Submittal: Interested in joining a Committee, Commission or Board? If you are having problems viewing this HTML email, click to view a Text version. Interested in joining a Committee, Commission or Board? The Board of Selectmen would like your experience and expertise to serve on a committee 1 board or special study group. Please complete this form to enter your information into our database. You may also call 508-398-2.2.31 ext. 2.70 with any questions. Contact Information First Name:* Jill last Name:* Talladay I Am Interested In Serving On The Following Board(s)* Affordable Housing Commitee Board of Appeals 2/6/2014 Page 3 of3 Message Former Recording Secretary for Yarmouth Finance Committee-3 Years, Philanthropy Day Committee, Past President CC Hospitality Marketing ~~m.::!\0.'?~-~! ~-~!\0~~~~(: tQp_~~~-~~D.. "-----· __""-·· _"_______________ ------·--------- -· __________ \Yarmouth homeowner for 21 years-Full time Resident for 25 years State briefly why you are interested in serving the Town in the area of indicated:* I am concerned about our town finances as well as for the environment and would like to use my knowledge and passion to help find the best fit The following form was submitted via your website: Interested in joining a Cmmnittee, Commission or Board? The Board of Selectmen would like your experience and expertise to serve on a committee, board or special study group. Please complete this form to enter your information into our database. You may also call 508-398-2231 ext. 270 with any questions.: Contact Information :2} tf JU yif! ~J- •. . ~ . / aiJ-u-J Lnt-v' . ~ 011-5 CUI+{!, n-- 2 2s-. 1 : 2/t& J2A5w~ -.k-;r'-Jtd urtV· ~u 3/tf- &':!S?P"V)-.- to~M~--ct First N arne: Jill Last Name: Talladay Residency: Full-time 2/6/2014 TO: BOARD OF SELECTMEN FROM: Jim Quirk, Appointments Chairman SUBJECT: Energy Committee - Appointment DATE: March 10, 2014 OPENINGS: 1 Regular position (unexpired term to run through December, 2015) Number of Interviewers: - - -1- - - Selectmen - - -1 ~t / / f)~Jt.___.- Commission/Committee Members Numerical Evaluation of Candidates **Maximum Score = 20** APPLICANT COMMISSION RATING SELECTMEN RATING AVG. RATING Regina Wood RECOMMENDATION: To appoint Ms. Wood to the Energy Committee. This appointment is to fill an unexpired regular term, which will run through December 31, 2015. Page 1 of 4 • Message Barnes, Pam From: noreply@ Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2013 5:22 PM To: Barnes, Pam Subject: Online Form Submittal: Interested in joining a Committee, Commission or Board? If you are having problems viewing this HTML email, click to view a Text version. Interested in joining a Committee, Commission or Board? The Board of Selectmen would like your experience and expertise to serve on a committee, board or special study group. Please complete this form to enter your information into our database. You may also call 508-398-2231 ext. 270 with any questions. Contact Information First Name:* Regina Last Name:* Wood R~~!~~~~y:_~ ------ ---- . -------- ---- ----- ----- ------- ----------- -----------------Full-time I Am Interested In Serving On The Following Board(s)* r Affordable Housing Commitee r Board of Appeals 12/9/2013 Page 2 of 4 , Message I Board of Assessors I Board of Health I Cable Advisory Committee I Government Oversight Committee ! Community and Economic Developerilent Committee I Conservation Commission I Council on Aging I Cultural Council I Design Review Committee I Disability Commission P" Energy Committee I Finance Committee ! Golf Enterprise Committee I Historical Commission I Investment Committee I John Simpkins Building Review Committee I Library Board I Media Advisory Committee I Open Space Committee I Old King's Highway Committee I Parker's River Marine Park Committee r Personnel Board I Planning Board I Recreation Commission I Recycling and Waste Management Committee I Scholarship Fund Committee ! Waterways/Shellfish Advisory Committee Please enter more detailed information about yourself ~~~!<--~~l>~r!~r:'-~~~Q~~~p~_t_~~!':_~ __________________________________________________________ _ Science Teacher Mattacheese Middle School Educational Studies:* _n_, _____ ___ . - .... ._~ ~~-·-~--~ ·-···-•·-~--- A ___ "'-'' -~·-·-~-·•·•~•• •,~,, •-·---···- Biology Community Service Record:* 12/9/2013 ·~ ,__, m•-••-·-·-~·-··-~ ·-·--·-"-~··••>•~~-- •--·-·--~··••---~~·-•~---._~ . --;•~~-- __,.., •-- -~- -••·•~ Page 3 of 4 · Message In the past I have been on the PTO of LCM. I was the chair of our most successful fundraiser, Touch A Truck. I also organized a float for State briefly why you are interested in serving the Town in the area (S>tf3!_fl«?Y~~r1_"!~_r1! _i_J1d~~~!~~:~ ________________________________________ _ I would like to be on the Energy Committee to share information about energy with my students at the middle school. I would also like to share -· --- -~~--~-- ---·---~ -------~- - · · - - · · '>< -~ --- --~ ··-· ··- -·. ·-··-- ~ •••• ·- • -~--- ~ ---- -· ---- --·- ·--- ·-------- - ----------- ---- -- -~--- ---- --- ·----. ----~- ···-----·· ~- - - - - ' " . .· · · - · - - ,_ ........ The following form was submitted via your website: Interested in joining a Committee, Commission or Board? The Board of Selectmen would like your experience and expertise to serve on a committee, board or special study group. Please complete this form to enter your information into our database. You may also call508-398-2231 ext. 270 with any questions.: Contact Information :2ft2ji'-f : 17 ,1tf . , . ~1.0'q0~c~,~ -tA~At-~ 2)1--6 L+itv . . _, .. ~w'V~d/r CenuY\ . ~nULt u1hl :h ~--- Ljzo@ ~ ~pt'YI ...... Last N arne: Wood Residency: Full-time 12/9/2013 , ., Message 12/9/2013 Page 4 of 4 TO: BOARD OF SELECTMEN FROM: Jim Quirk, Appointments SUBJECT: Old King's Highway Committee- Appointment DATE: March 10, 2014 OPENINGS: 1 Alternate position (term to run through December, 2014) Number of Interviewers: - - -1- - - Selectmen - - -1 Chai~.>b / / ~.)z__. Commission/Committee Members Numerical Evaluation of Candidates **Maximum Score= 20** APPLICANT COMMISSION RATING SELECTMEN RATING AVG. RATING John Stuart RECOMMENDATION: To appoint Mr. Stuart as an alternate member to the Old King's Highway Committee. This appointment is to fill an unexpired term, which will run through December 31,2014. Page 1 of 3 ·Message Barnes, Pam From: Sent: Sunday, November 24, 2013 3:53 PM To: Barnes, Pam Subject: Online Form Submittal: Interested in joining a Committee, Commission or Board? / If you are having problems viewing this HTJ\1L email, click to view a Text version. Interested in joining a Committee, Commission or Board? The Board of Selectmen would like your experience and expertise to serve on a committee, board or special study group. Please complete this form to enter your information into our database. You may also call 508-398-2231 ext. 270 with any questions. Contact Information First Name:* John Last Name:* Stuart R-~S.i.~ 4:!_1lfY~ ~. Full-time I Am Interested In Serving On The Following Board(s)* I Affordable Housing Commitee I Board of Appeals 12/12/2013 ( ' .t\ ifA ... •• / Page 3 of3 'Message Volunteers In Service to America (VISTA) Program director of "The Drop in Center" at the Brooke House. The Brooke house services current and _F.'.~r.~~!!~!-~-i~-~~Fr~_1f?l?!i_~_..,_~-~t _____ ------- ----- ----------- --------------~---------- ----- I have over 40 years in design work, construction and restoration of antique homes. My wife Barbara and I lovingly restored our home at 182 State briefly why you are interested in serving the Town in the area (~1C?._f. 9oy_~~~~e-~~-i11c!ica~ed:* _ ___ __ _ ________ ------------------------Having lived in the historic district for these many years, I have come to realize the import of the preservation of this district not only culturally The following form was submitted via your website: Interested in joining a Committee, Commission or Board? The Board of Selectmen would like your experience and expertise to serve on a committee, board or special study group. Please complete this form to enter your information into our database. You may also call508-398-2231 ext. 270 with any questions.: First N arne: John Last Name: Stuart Residency: Full-time 12112/2013 TOWN OF YARMOUTH DEPARTMENT OF 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 D# (508) 398-2231 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1275, Fax (508) 398-2365 CONSENT TO: Erik Tolley, Chairman AGENDA FROM: SUBJECT: Community Development Block Grant Application Program Year 2014 DATE: March 7, 2014 CC: Karen M. Greene, Director Attached, for the Board of Selectmen's approval and signature, please find the Resolution Authorizing the Submission of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) 2014 Annual Action Plan to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Next year's Community Development Block Grant to the Town shall be approximately $120,000. The funds will be used to provide decent and affordable housing, a suitable living environment, and to expand economic opportunities for Yarmouth residents . Thank you. TOWN OF YARMOUTH RESOLUTION OF LOCAL GOVERNING BODY AUTHORIZING SUBMISSION OF THE TOWN OF YARMOUTH ANNUAL ACTION PLAN PROGRAM YEAR 2014 WITH THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WHEREAS, the Town of Yarmouth Annual Action Plan for the Program Year 2014 integrates the planning, application and reporting requirements for the Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG); and WHEREAS, the overall goal of the Annual Action Plan programs and activities is the development of a viable community by providing decent and affordable housing, a suitable living environment, and expanding economic opportunities, principally for low and moderate-income persons; and WHEREAS, the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has notified the Town that the entitlement shall be approximately $120,000 under CDBG; and WHEREAS, the Annual Action Plan provides the necessary assurances and/or certificates of compliance with applicable federal regulations and requirements of the CDBG Program; and WHEREAS, Town Administrator William G. Hinchey, must be authorized to submit the Annual Action Plan with the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and to accept and/or execute the Grant Agreements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF SELECTMEN that: Town Administrator William G. Hinchey is authorized to submit the Annual Action Plan and application for CDBG entitlement funds and to accept and/or execute the contract with the Unites States of America and to do all things necessary to carry out the CDBG Program, including the execution of contracts and the submission of such reports, certificates, and other materials as the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development shall require. Voted and signed this _ _ _ _ _ _ day of _ _ _ _ , 2014 Erik Tolley, Chairman Norman Holcomb Tracy Post Michael Stone James Quirk Yarmouth Board of Selectmen TOWN OF YARMOUTH RECEIVED TOWN OF YARMOUTH MAR 1, 1 2014 Division of Senior Services TOWN ADMINISTRATOR OAD WEST YARMOUTH MASSACHUSETIS 02673 Telephone (508) 394-7606 Fax (508) 398-9866 Kathleen Bailey, Director Memo To: From: Subject: Date: William Hinchey, Town Administrator Kathleen Bailey, Director- Division of Senior Services Gifts to the Division of Senior Services - Consent Agenda March 10, 2014 At your convenience, please present the following gifts of donated to the Council on Aging, to the Board of Selectmen for their acceptance on behalf of the Town: Donations: Joyce D. Rouleau Tax Donation Carolyn H. Weeks Tax Donation Tax Donation Maureen L. Cox Marianne 0. Miles Tax Donation Dorothy H. McFarland Tax Donation Joan A. Minyard Tax Donation Fred Miller Tax Donation Arthur Brooks Tax Donation Joanne Brides Tax Donation Maribeth Nickelson Tax Donation Wanda Loring Tax Donation Carol J. Coverly Scrabble Club Pamela J. Newman Tax Donation Marietta Fitzgerald Tax Donation Cape Cod Salties Sportfishing Club Donation Margaret E. Taylor Donation The Foot Nurse, LLC Donation Anonymous Donation TOTAL $100.00 15.00 25.00 50.00 25.00 25.00 20.00 20.00 50.00 10.00 25.00 100.00 35.00 30.00 100.00 38.00 138.00 222.00 $1,028.00 These donations will be used at the discretion of the Director for senior activities. YARMOUTH FIRE DEPARTMENT 96 Old Main Street South Yarmouth, MA 02664 (508)398-2212/(508)760-4858 FAX MEMO EN TO: William Hinchey Town Administrator AG NDA RECEIVED TOWN OF YARMOUTH MAR 0" 2014 CC: Irene Wright Treasurer's Office Board of Selectmen TOWN ADMINISTRATOR FROM: A/Chief Phil Simonian Re: Gifts DON'T STAPLE GIFT MEMO (2) TO DEPOSIT Email 1 to: Date: March 4, 2014 The Fire Department has received gifts totaling $100.00 A donation from Cape Cod Area Philatelic Group for the appreciation to the Fire Department. The Fire Department requests that the Board of Selectmen approve this donation. Yarmouth Police Department -----Excellence in Policing----Frank G. Frederickson Chief of Police TO: FROM: Chief Frank Frederickson SUBJECT: Donation Approval DATE: March 3, 2014 Please be advised that the Yarmouth Police Department has been names the beneficiary for the Estate ofWilhelmina I Gomes. We have received a donation in the amount of$416.96. I respectfully request your approval for this donation. The donation will be deposited into the Donation Account (24094-484000) and be used for Miscellaneous Police Expenses. If you should have any questions regarding this donation, please do not hesitate to contact my office. Thank you in advance for your attention in this matter. nb xc: file Emailed: Ehartsgrove, Ffrederickson, Sxiarhos, Klennon 030314 One Brad Erickson Way, West Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02673 • Phone: (508) 775-0445 • Fax: (508) 862-2721 RECEIVED TOWN OF YARMO UTH YARMOUTH TOWN LIBRARIES 312 OLD MAIN STREET YARMOUTH, MA 02664 SIDRLEY BARRON, DIRECTOR PHONE (508)760- 4820 FAX (508)760- 2699 MAk 0 ,) £014 TOWN ADMINISTRATOR ENT To: William Hinchey From: Toby Wilson, Principle Department Assistant - Yarmouth Town Libraries Subject: Donations to the Yarmouth Town Libraries Date: February 28, 2014 AGE DA At your Convenience, please present the following gift of cash, which was donated to the Yarmouth Town Libraries, to the Board of Selectmen for their acceptance on behalf of the Town. Donation: Total: Sheila and O'Neal Antonio Hayles Craig Johnson Brewster Ladies Library Hyannis Public Library Association $50.00 $50.00 $30.16 $26.95 $157.11 These funds will be used for materials bought at the discretion of Library Director Jane Cain.