oulu ideas competition for the nallikari area competition programme


oulu ideas competition for the nallikari area competition programme
21 December 2010
1.1 The organiser, character and objective of the competition
The area of Nallikari and Holstinsalmentie Street, in the district of Hietasaari, is being developed in
cooperation between the City of Oulu and the present and potential new operators of the area. The
common goal is to develop a wide range of all-year-round recreational and tourism services, which will
benefit both the citizens of Oulu and tourists, by amending the local detailed plan and improving the
accessibility of the area. The goal of the City of Oulu is to develop the area into a high-quality
recreational and tourism area. The goal of the operators is to develop their own operations by building
new facilities and developing their operations on a commercial basis. A cooperation agreement
concerning the development of the area has been prepared between the City of Oulu and the
operators in question.
The main plot holders and operators in the area, namely Sokotel Oy (Holiday Club Oulun Eden),
Pohto Oy and Nallikari Lomakylä-Camping, have decided to organise an ideas competition concerning
the area of Nallikari, in cooperation with the City of Oulu. The objective of the competition is to find a
comprehensive solution, which is of high quality in terms of the operations, cityscape, architecture and
environment. The solution will be used as a basis for pending land use planning and the amendment
of the local detailed plan. In addition, the objective is to find innovative ideas to serve as starting points
for plot-specific development plans.
The results of the competition will be used in the amendment of the local detailed plan of the area. The
amendment of the local detailed plan will be prepared by the city of Oulu after the results of the
competition have been published. The website of the local detailed plan project is:
1.2 The invited participants
The competition is organised as an invited competition, in which the following operators have been
invited to participate:
‐ Linja-Arkkitehdit Oy, Oulu, Finland
‐ Arkkitehtityöhuone Artto Palo Rossi Tikka Oy, Helsinki, Finland
‐ 70 N arkitektur as, Tromsø, Norway
The minimum requirement is that the participating teams have expertise in the fields of land use,
traffic, architecture and environmental planning.
1.3 Reward
Each participant is only allowed to submit one proposition. Every participant who submits an
acceptable proposition will be remunerated with an equal financial reward. The total value of the
rewards for the organiser is 20,000€ + VAT 23 % per participant. This includes the share which is
withheld by the Finnish Association of Architects (SAFA), which is 10 % of the reward of each
participant and which will be used to cover the fee of the architect judge, appointed by the participants,
and other expenses. The reward will be paid through the Finnish Association of Architects to the
participants who have submitted an approved proposition.
1.4 Jury
The members of the jury appointed by the organiser of the competition are:
‐ The representatives of the plot holders and operators:
o Raija Rinta-Eerkkilä, SOK, real estate properties
o Tarja Karvola, Holiday Club Oulun Eden
o Sirpa Walter, Nallikari Lomakylä-Camping
o Pasi Kinnunen, Pohto Oy
‐ The representatives of the City of Oulu
o Matti Karhula, City Planning Manager
o Timo Lajunen, City Planning Architect
o Esa Kauppi, Supervising Architect
o Liisa Kääriä-Fischer, Landscape Architect
o Jorma Heikkinen, Traffic Engineer
o Henry Mäkelä, Technical Committee
o Jukka Kokkinen, Housing Planning Manager
o Jouni Kurttila, Planning Manager
o Mervi Uusimäki, Sports Planner
o Olli Rantala, Development Manager
o Jouni Kähkönen, Marketing Director
o Marketta Karhu, Environment Office of the Oulu Region
o Juha Ala-Mursula, Director of Economic Development at the City of Oulu
‐ Expert member, appointed by the participants:
o Helka-Liisa Hentiä, Professor, Architect SAFA
The chair of the jury is Mr Matti Karhula and the competition secretary is Mr Ari Tuutti. The jury has, in
its discretion, the right to consult independent experts who do not participate in the evaluation of the
propositions. The jury will appoint a workgroup of four from amongst its members to prepare the
propositions for presentation.
1.5 Competition rules and the approval of the programme
The competition follows the competition rules of the Finnish Association of Architects (www.safa.fi).
The competition programme has been approved by the organisers, the jury and the Competition
Secretary of SAFA.
1.6 Competition language
The language used in the competition is English.
1.7 The starting and deadline of the competition
The competition starts on Tuesday 21 December 2010, when the competition documents are
delivered to the participants.
A briefing event on the competition will be held on Wednesday 19 January 2011, from 10:00 to 12:00
EET. An invitation to the event will be delivered to the participants later.
The competition deadline is on Monday 28 March 2011, at 15:00 EET, by which time the completed
propositions must be submitted to the City of Oulu, at the latest.
The goal is to evaluate the propositions during April and May 2011. The results of the competition will
be published in an event organised in June 2011. The participants will be informed of the date after
the evaluation process has been completed and the propositions rank
2.1 Programme documents
The programme documents include this competition programme and the following attachments:
1. A map of the location of the area
2. Borders of the area subject to this competition and review © City of Oulu
3. Street map (current operations) © City of Oulu
4. An excerpt of the master plan of Oulu 2020 © City of Oulu
5. An excerpt of the valid local detailed plan 1:2000 © City of Oulu
6. A draft of a general plan 1:4000, 30 August 2010
7. Base map, dwg © City of Oulu
8. A map of the locations of cables, sewage and water pipe networks 1:2000 © City of Oulu
9. Aerial image 1:2000 © Blom
10. Oblique images of the area © Blom
11. The participation and assessment plan, 4 August 2009
12. A survey on the architectural history of Mustasaarentie and Jaalakuja 8/2010
13. An environmental and landscape survey of the area of Holstinsalmentie 10/2010
14. Up-to-date drawings of the buildings in the competition area (spa hotel Eden and the training
institute Pohto)
The competition programme and its attachments will be delivered to the participants in electronic
format. The participants have the right to only use the map and other visual material attached to this
competition programme for the purposes of making their competition proposition.
2.2 Requests for information
The participants have the right to request clarifications and additional information concerning the
programme. Questions must be made using a pseudonym and sent by e-mail to the secretary of the
jury, address: ari.tuutti@iss.fi. Questions must be sent by Monday 10 January 2011, by 16:00 EET.
Questions and answers of the jury will be sent to all of the participants by e-mail, at the latest on
Monday 17 January 2011. Questions concerning the competition may also be made at the briefing
event, held on Wednesday 19 January 2011 from 10:00 EET to 12:00 EET. An invitation to the event
will be delivered to the participants later.
2.3 The selection of the winner, publication of the results and display of the propositions
The aim is to resolve the winner during April-May 2011, after which, a publication event will be held at
a time specified later. The propositions will be displayed for viewing after the selection of the winner
and the publication of the results. The results of the competition will be published in the
Arkkitehtiuutiset periodical.
2.4 Actions taken after the competition
The jury will make
a) Recommendations as to the use of the results of the competition, as the basis of the
amendment of the local detailed plan.
b) Recommendations as to the use of the results of the competition, in the subsequent planning
of the plot of each operator.
The results of the competition will not directly lead to a contract. The organisers of the competition
may use the themes which are suggested in the propositions in their development projects, within the
limits of copyright law. The juridical amendment of the local detailed plan will be prepared by the City
of Oulu after the competition
2.5 The right to use the competition propositions
The competition organiser has the proprietary right to the propositions and the competition material
remains with the organiser. The organiser has the right to use the themes and ideas, suggested in any
proposition, in accordance with copyright laws.
2.6 The insurance of the competition propositions
The competition organiser does not insure the competition propositions.
3.1 The background of the competition assignment
The area of Holstinsalmentie-Nallikari constitutes an important area for tourism and recreation, which,
as a part of the River Oulujoki delta, has a notable natural and environmental value. It has been noted
that there is both the need and excellent opportunities to develop and diversify the present tourism,
recreational and outdoors activities, as well as to enhance the cityscape in the area.
The City of Oulu, the plot holders and operators in the area have set a common goal, to find an overall
solution for the area, which enables the development of the Nallikari area, taking the development
goals of the different parties into account. The main goals are to develop a range of recreational and
tourism services, which benefits both the citizens of Oulu and tourists, and to extend the current
seasonal use into year-round use. The goal of the City of Oulu is to develop the area into an
operationally versatile and attractive recreational and tourism area, which is of high quality, both in
terms of the environment and the architecture. The goal of the operators of the area is to develop their
own operations by, for example, the further building and developing of their operations on a
commercial basis.
The City of Oulu has launched the preparation of a general operations and land use plan in the area to
serve as a basis for the amendment of the local detailed plan. The designs which are submitted in the
architectural invited competition will be used when preparing the general plan of land use, the
amendment of the local detailed plan and plot-specific development plans.
An oblique photograph from the west.
3.2 3.
An oblique photograph from the south.
The borders of the area, subject to this competition and review
The area is divided into the actual competition area and a wider area for review. The participants must
suggest a land use solution for the whole area of review. Draft designs for the buildings in the actual
competition area must also be submitted.
3.2.1 A general description of the area
The target area is located in the district of Hietasaari, approximately 2 kilometres north-west from the
city centre. The area is bordered by Hietasaarentie in the east, by the Mustasalmi inlet in the south
and by the seashore in the west. The area of Holstinsalmi-Nallikari and the residential area of
Toppilansaari, to the north of the area, are bordered by the Holstinpuisto Park, with its pedestrian and
bicycle paths, situated on both sides of the bed of the former inlet. An environmentally and culturally
valuable villa area is located to the south of the Mustasalmi inlet. The area is an important recreational
area with rich flora and fauna and an extensive network of bicycle and pedestrian paths. The area is
connected to the city centre by means of Hietasaarentie and pedestrian and bicycle bridges.
Developments are currently mainly focused to the south of Holstinsalmentie Street. The most
important and prominent buildings are the spa hotel Eden, the training institute Pohto and the tennis
and floorball hall Nallisport. The nationally important Nallikari camping is located in the north-west from
the competition area. The seashore is mainly used as a bathing beach.
The area is owned by the City of Oulu and the current operators in the area lease their land from the
3.2.2 The status of the planning process
In the master plan of the City of Oulu 2020, the area is, to a large degree, designated for tourism
services (RM). The seashore and the forest on the side of the residential area of Toppilansaari are
reserved for general recreational and outdoor use (V). The villa area by the Mustasalmi inlet is
designated for holiday homes of organisations and associations and it has a cultural and historical
value (RA-1/s). The area is a part of an area that is valuable in terms of its architecture, cultural history
and cityscape, marked with the raster image in the master as well as in the urban park area of the
River Oulujoki delta.
There are several valid local detailed plans / amendments to the local detailed plan in the area. The
situation of the local detailed plans is plot-specifically described in item of the competition
programme. The main part of the area has been built and is used in accordance with the local detailed
plan. The area restrictions, floor areas and numbers of storeys of the valid local detailed plan are not
binding to the participants. The local detailed plan will be amended, in accordance with the results of
the competition.
3.2.3 A description of the current status Traffic arrangements
Hietasaarentie Road: The vehicular traffic to the Nallikari area is directed through Kiertotie Road and
its extension, Hietasaarentie Road. A pedestrian and bicycle path has been separately built to the
eastern side of the street. There was a private industrial siding to the Vihreäsaari port, which has been
demolished in autumn 2010. At present, Hietasaarentie Road has the appearance of a highway, both
in terms of its outlook and the surrounding environment.
Hietasaarentie. The view to the south, towards the intersection of
Holstinsalmentie Street.
Holstinsalmentie Street
. The view towards the sea, from the western end of the street.
Holstinsalmentie Street: The main street of the Nallikari area is Holstinsalmentie Street. Both ends of
the street command a view towards a waterway. A pedestrian and bicycle path has been separately
attached to the northern side of the street. The bus service 17 operates to Nallikari and its terminal
point / turning point is at the western end of Holstinsalmentie Street, in front of the spa hotel Eden. The
square in front of the spa hotel Eden has often served as a starting/finishing point of various sports
and outdoors events, as well as processions of mobilists and motorbikers. There is a direct and wellfunctioning connection to the city centre via pedestrian and bicycle bridges from the eastern end of the
street. The intersections of the streets, the railway track and the pedestrian and bicycle paths have
level crossings.
Jaalakuja and Mustasalmentie: The streets on the eastern part of the area (Jaalakuja and
Mustasalmentie), dating back to a historical villa period, are narrow access roads and have little traffic.
There are no separate pedestrian and bicycle paths in the area.
Jaalakuja Street. The view to the south.
Toppilansaarentie Street, The view to the north.
Toppilansaarentie Street: Toppilansaarentie Street, which runs north from the area, will be extended
over the Toppilansalmi inlet in the near future with a new bridge. However, as the street runs through
a residential area, it would not be practical to use it for disturbing through-traffic. A separate pedestrian
and bicycle path has been attached to the eastern side of the street.
Vellamontie Street: Vellamontie Street is an access road, leading south of Holstinsalmentie Street,
along which Nallisport and the training institute Pohto, among others, are situated. At present, the
straight street reaches the Mustasalmi inlet. There is no separate pedestrian and bicycle path along
the street.
Vellamontie Street The view to the south.
Leiritie Street. The view to the north.
Leiritie Street: Leiritie Street, which runs to the north of spa hotel Eden, is the entrance road of the
camping area and ends at the gate and reception of Nallikari Camping to the north. A parking area has
been built by the street to serve the users of the bathing beach, the camping area and spa hotel Eden.
Nallikarinranta: The slow road (Nallikarinranta), which is parallel to the seashore, commands a view
towards the sea. The traffic of the street separates the operations on the eastern side of the area from
the bathing beach. An aim has been to decrease traffic flows and improve the safety of pedestrians
and bikers through the means of speed limits and road structures.
Nallikarinranta, view to the south.
Aallokkopolku by the bathing beach.
Aallokkopolku path: Aallokkopolku path, which is parallel to the seashore, serves pedestrian and
bicycle traffic in the bathing beach area. It is a part of a network of outdoor recreation paths in the area
of Hietasaari, to which, it is connected via the bridges across the Mustasalmi and Holstinsalmi inlets. Block areas
Block 4:
Plot 1 (Holstinsalmentie 29 / Holiday Club Oulun Eden) has been designated for the use of tourist
services and, in particular, to spa-use in the local detailed plan (RM-1). The spa hotel building was
completed at the end of the 1980s and the new part of the hotel at the beginning of the 2000s. The
permitted building volume, indicated in the local detailed plan, has been fully used. According to the
local detailed plan, some of the parking spaces can be located to the parking space block area on the
north side of the street (LPA). The plot holder has made an initiative to amend the local detailed plan
to allow the modernisation and extension of the current premises. (www.holidayclubhotels.fi).
Spa hotel Eden viewed from the side of Holstinsalmentie Street.
Spa hotel Eden viewed from the side of the bathing beach.
Plot 2 (Vellamontie 10: Sokotel Oy) is designated as a block area for I-II storey holiday homes in the
local detailed plan (RA). The plot is important in terms of the street environment and cityscape, but it
is, at the moment, vacant. The objective of the plot holder is to transfer the permitted building volume
of the plot nearer to the bathing beach and the spa hotel complex, in which case, plot 2 will be free for
other use.
Block 6:
The parking area along Leiritie Street is designated as a block area for parking spaces in the local
detailed plan (LPA). At present, the parking area serves the users of the bathing beach and the
customers of the spa hotel Eden and Nallikari Camping.
Block 5:
The block (Vellamontie 12: Pohto Oy, Oulu Training and Development Centre) is designated as a
block area for educational institutes in the local detailed plan (YO). The permitted building volume of
the plot is 12,000 square metres of floor area, of which, at present, 8,300 m2 is used. The current
buildings were originally completed in the middle of the 1970s. The plot holder has planned to develop
operations by, among others, modernising the accommodation facilities and by extending the kitchen,
restaurant, training and meeting facilities. (www.pohto.fi).
The main entrance of Pohto, viewed from the north.
Pohto, viewed from the shore side.
Block 3:
Plot 1 (Vellamontie 9: Nallikari Tennis Oy / Nallisport) is designated as a block area for sports facilities
in the local detailed plan (YU). The permitted building volume has, to a large extent, been used. The
indoor tennis courts, parallel to Holstinsalmentie Street, were completed at the end of the 1980s and
the indoor floorball arena facing the yard in 2009. The air-supported structure, used as indoor tennis
courts, is built under a temporary building permit. The outdoor courts in the yard are also used for
tennis. The plot holder has expressed an interest to extend the current indoor tennis/floorball building
and to improve the facade facing Holstinsalmentie Street. (www.nallisport.com).
Nallisport, viewed from the Holstinsalmi intersection.
Nallisport, viewed from Vellamontie Street.
Plot 2. The plot on the east side of Nallisport is designated as a block area of tourism service buildings
in the local detailed plan (RM). The area is vacant and is, at present, used for allotment gardening
(Hietasaari 2). The objective of the city is to remove the allotment gardening activities from the
Nallikari area and find a new location for them over the next few years.
Plots 3-5 (Jaalankuja 4, 6, 8) are designated for public use and as a block area accommodating villas
owned by organisations and associations (RV-1). The residential buildings on plots 4 and 5 are
marked as protected buildings in the local detailed plan (sr-3). The local detailed plan also regulates
the adaptation of the buildings to the environment (hs). The Mustasaari gallery, which organises art
exhibitions in the summertime, operates on plot 5. Plot 3 is vacant.
Block 2:
The three plots in the block are reserved for public use and as a block area accommodating villas
owned by organisations and associations (RV-1). Three of the current buildings are marked as
protected buildings (sr-2 and sr-3) and the local detailed plan also regulates the adaptation of the
buildings to the environment (hs).
Block 9:
Plot 1 (Mustasaarentie 9) is reserved for public use and as a block area accommodating villas owned
by organisations and associations (RV-1). The main building on the plot is marked as a protected
building (sr-2). The local detailed plan regulates the adaptation of the buildings to the environment
Plot 2 (Mustasaarentie 7) is reserved for a block area of social welfare service buildings in the local
detailed plan (YS). The Heinäsalmikoti children’s home / kindergarten Eväsreppu of the Auta Lasta ry
association operate on the plot. The local detailed plan regulates the adaptation of the buildings to the
environment (hs).
Block 8:
The plot is designated for public use and as a block area accommodating villas owned by
organisations and associations (RV-1). The local detailed plan regulates the adaptation of the
buildings to the environment (hs).
12/26 Other areas
Camping area (www.nallikari.fi), Leiritie 10:
The area of Nallikari Lomakylä–Camping is designated for camping area use in the local detailed plan
(R-1). The total permitted building volume of the area is 5 500 square metres of floor area, which
allows the building of additional holiday homes to the north-west part of the area. The northern side of
the former bed of the Holstinsalmi inlet is designated to be maintained in its natural state because of
its natural values (s-2). Therefore, only paths and light structures may be situated on the area without
compromising the existing natural values. The four-star camping area was selected as the best public
camping area in Finland in 2006.
The entrance to the area is through Leiritie Street. A new reception building was built at the northern
end of the street in 2005. The other building stock comprises holiday and camping homes and service
buildings, which have been built at various times since the 1970s. The newest holiday homes, which
were completed at the end of the 1990s, are situated on the side nearest to the sea.
The camping area, viewed from the bathing beach.
Holiday homes in the camping area.
Bathing beach:
The main seashore area is marked in the local detailed plan as a bathing beach area (VV). The water
is shallow and the beach is sandy. There are, among others, a playground and a beach volleyball
court in the area. The area between the pedestrian and bicycle path, Aallokkopolku, parallel to the
bathing beach, and the Nallikarinranta Street, contains grass and young birch trees.
The bathing beach, viewed from the south.
The bathing beach, viewed from the north.
The visible landmarks on the beach, the “lighthouse” lookout tower and a former restaurant building,
are marked as protected buildings (sr-3), as they are valuable examples of the architecture of their
time and are significant landmarks on the open seashore area. The “lighthouse” lookout tower, which
was completed at the end of the 1980s, is, at present, primarily used for equipment storage and as a
lookout tower. The former restaurant building was completed in the 1970s and it was extended in the
1980s to match the original style. The building is currently unused and the city’s aim is to find new use
for it by means of, for example, an open application procedure.
The southern facade of the restaurant building.
The “lighthouse” lookout tower, viewed from the east.
Parks and recreational areas:
The main playground, which was built alongside the bathing beach in 2005, is designated for the said
activities with a playground marking (VK). The environment of the playground is green and contains a
diverse range of playground equipment.
The area of the main playground.
Mini-golf area.
The open meadow area between the camping area and Holstinsalmentie Street is designated for park
use (Nallikarinpuisto) in the local detailed plan. There is a mini-golf course maintained by the Oulun
Tarmo sports club in the eastern side of the area (www.ouluntarmo.fi/minigolf), Toppilansaarentie 20.
The forest area on the northern side of Holstinsalmentie Street (Holstinpuisto / Holstinmaa) is reserved
for recreation and outdoors activities in the master plan and local detailed plan (VL, R). An illuminated
jogging course / cross-country ski trail has been built in the area which has primarily remained
wooded. The area balances the otherwise rather developed area of Nallikari and separates it from the
residential area of Toppilansalmi. The mainly overgrown bed of the Holstinsalmi inlet can still be seen
in the terrain as a ditch.
Wooded area on the northern side of Holstintie (Holstinpuisto).
Allotment garden area (Hietasaari 1), viewed from the south.
The area south of Nallisport, by Vellamontie Street, is reserved for sports and recreational services in
the local detailed plan (VU-2). At present, the area is used for allotment gardening (Hietasaari 1). The
objective of the city is to remove the allotment gardening activities from the Nallikari area over the next
few years and find a new location for them outside the competition/review area. The city of Oulu has
granted a reservation to the area to Pellepyy Oy, for the planning of an amusement park (size 2-4
hectares) (City Board 19 April 2010 § 251).
Shores and waterways:
The seashore is shallow rising land (post-glacial rebound) and it requires repeated dredging, which
makes the development of boating services more difficult. The most suitable docking place is a pier at
the end of the northern breakwater, which does not, however, have sufficient depth for larger boats.
For this reason, there is no boat traffic to Nallikari at the moment. Also, variations in the water level are
rather large and pose additional challenges to, for example, waterfront structures.
The seashore, south from the spa hotel Eden.
The northern seashore.
The Winter Village, accommodating various activities for families with children, has been built by the
bathing beach, north of the spa hotel Eden, during the last couple of winters. The frozen sea has
been, to some extent, utilised for skiing and fishing. In the future, the fairway to the former Toppila port
will not be kept open during the winter, which will improve the possibilities to use the frozen sea for
recreational winter activities.
The Winter Village in 2009.
Nallikari, viewed from the frozen sea.
The banks of the shallow, relatively unnoticeable Mustasalmi inlet are in their natural state and the
inlet has no major features. The inlet is currently used mainly by canoeists. It might be possible to use
the inlet more for small boating, but would require, among others, dredging. The park area along the
inlet (Mustasalmenpuisto) has an outdoor recreation path, which crosses the inlet over two pedestrian
and bicycle bridges.
The mouth of the Mustasalmi inlet, the view from the Pookisilta Bridge
Mustasalmi, the view from the Pookisilta Bridge
towards the sea
towards the east
A major part of the shallow Holstinsalmi inlet is becoming overgrown. A small pond has been dredged
to the northern side of the camping area. The forest running along the inlet is dense and almost in its
natural state. Activities outside the area, subject to this competition:
Vauhtipuisto (www.vauhtipuisto.fi), Hietasaarentie 9:
Vauhtipuisto Speedpark is situated on the eastern side of Hietasaarentie Road, where it has, until
now, been operating under short-term leases on a park area in accordance with the local detailed
plan. The aim is to find a new, permanent location for Vauhtipuisto in the Nallikari area, which will
improve investment opportunities and the long-term planning of operations.
The current buildings of the children’s Speedpark
3.2.4 Environmental and cultural values The nature and landscape
The area is a part of the Hietasaari area, which according to a number of surveys, has a notable
natural value. The parts of the rising land (post-glacial rebound) that are in their natural state and the
banks of the inlets have a diverse range of flora and fauna.
The area is also valuable by its landscape and environment, as it constitutes a part of the most
important recreational area of the city. The landscape values are highlighted on the seashore. As an
entrance to the area, the street environment of Holstinsalmentie Street is of great importance both for
the area of Nallikari and the cityscape of Oulu.
An environmental and landscape survey has been made for the basis of the local detailed plan.
(Attachment to the competition programme: A local detailed plan of Holstinsalmentie - Environmental
and landscape survey, September 2010). A developed cultural environment
The area is a part of the River Oulujoki delta that is valuable in terms of its architecture, cultural history
and cityscape. The most valuable buildings are marked as protected buildings in the valid local
detailed plan.
In its inventory made in 2009, the National Board of Antiquities of Finland classified the villa area in
Hietasaari as nationally valuable (www.rky.fi), which must be taken into account in all of the planning
of the area. A part of the said area is located on the northern side of the Mustasalmi inlet (JaalakujaMustasaarentie). A survey on the architectural history has been prepared for the basis of the local
detailed plan of the area (the attachment of the competition programme: Hietasaari, the area of
Mustasaarentie - Jaalakuja, a survey on the architectural history 8/2010).
3.2.5 Characteristics of the soil and foundations
The shore area is low-lying rising land (post-glacial rebound), where the water-level varies greatly
(mean water level MW = NN-0.56, lowest water level NW = NN-1.85, highest water level = NN+1.29).
In general, there is silty sand and/or silt under the sandy surface layer. There are also loose layers
which are susceptible to compression in the area, which means that plot-specific soil investigations
must be carried out prior to any building work.
3.2.6 Municipal infrastructure
The area has an existing network of municipal infrastructure.
3.3 Goals
3.3.1 Common development goals
The area of Holstinsalmentie-Nallikari is developed, in conjunction with the on-going land use planning
process, both as an important tourism, educational and congress site and as an area for recreational,
outdoors and sports facilities for citizens. The aim is to improve the attractiveness and the image of
the area by diversifying operations and by developing the interconnectedness of the operations,
cityscape and environment. Therefore, new operations, buildings and structures, situated in central
and prominent places, must be of high architectural quality and their environment must be carefully
thought of. The extraordinary nature, landscape and developed cultural environment of the area must
be taken into consideration when locating operations and designing the area and buildings.
The following goals have been set towards the development of the area, among others:
A goal is to obtain high quality international architectural solutions, originating from the local
starting points. Therefore, the participants should assume an innovative, artistic approach.
The general architectural appearance of the main areas (Holstinsalmentie street, the street on
Nallikari bathing beach, the entrance to spa hotel Eden and the main playground), as well as
the cityscape and the image of the environment must be improved by constructions that
harmonise the environment and operations that complete the entity.
Vacant plots, areas which will become vacant after allotment gardening has been removed
from the area and centrally located / underutilised areas should be exploited.
The relocation of the activities located on the eastern side of Hietasaarentie Street (the dance
pavilion and speedpark) next to the other operations of Nallikari should be enabled.
The new amusement park (Pellepyy Oy) will be situated along Vellamontie in the current
allotment gardening area, which must be taken into consideration in land use solutions and in
traffic and parking arrangements. (Pellepyy Oy is planning the amusement park, and therefore
it is not necessary to suggest solutions for the internal arrangements of the park. The goal for
planning the location for the amusement park is to ensure that it will not create significant noise
pollution in the environment.
The use and operations of the villa area of Jaalakuja - Mustasaarentie should be developed in
such a way that they could possibly be used in public or semi-public happenings and activities.
The villa area should also be completed with new buildings, which are suitable for both the
environment and the scale.
A goal is to find appropriate use for the former restaurant building on the beach.
Separate operations should be designed to complement each other and synergy should be
utilised by, for example, improving the interconnectedness of buildings.
The maritime landscape should be developed and important views towards the waterways
should be utilised.
The operations of the bathing beach area must be developed.
Boating possibilities should be improved.
Year-round operations and diversified wintertime use must be taken into account.
Orientation in the area and connections to surrounding areas and to the city centre must be
Traffic arrangements and traffic safety must be improved by developing intersections and
internal connections, taking all forms of traffic and user groups into account.
Parking arrangements are calculated on the basis of and matched to the environmental
conditions of the area, by applying, for example, the principle of shared use.
The perspective of a well-functioning tourism industry must be taken into account in the
The special characteristics of the environment are to be considered.
A cooperation agreement on the development and planning of the land use of the area has been
prepared between the City of Oulu and the current operators. A draft of the general plan was prepared
on the basis of the general goals concerning the area and the development goals of the operators on
30 August 2010 (attachment 6 of the competition programme). The draft is preliminary and instructive
in nature as regards to its details, and it is not binding for the participants.
3.4 Instructions for planning
Participants may deviate from the given instructions for justifiable reasons, in so far as the instruction
in question has not been explicitly identified to be binding in the competition programme.
In addition to the goals and instructions of the competition programme, participants may also suggest
their own ideas concerning suitable new operations and planning solutions for the area.
3.4.1 Public areas
Beach square
A square with a high-quality environmental design will be built in front of spa hotel Eden to create an
explicit end to Holstinsalmentie Street, to reconnect the surrounding operations both to each other and
to the bathing beach and to offer a central urban venue for concerts and other public events. Apart
from passenger transportation, through-traffic in the area will be reduced. The following aspects must
be taken into account when designing the square: an extensive view towards the sea, the entrance
arrangements of the surrounding buildings, their facades and their functional connection to the square.
The propositions must suggest land shapes, the harmonisation of various height levels, surface
material, boundaries and other environmental structures, including plant and flower arrangement
Main playground:
The main playground located in the heart of the area, its structures, equipment and plant
arrangements, will be taken into account. Possible new operations including buildings, structures and
yard arrangements, situated close to the playground must suit the entity, taking the operational
preconditions of a playground into account.
The street on Nallikari bathing beach:
The cityscape between the spa hotel Eden and the former beach restaurant will be intensified through
the means of new buildings, which will improve the image of the area, and by implementing more
activities in the bathing beach area (see Draft general plan 30 August 2010). Accommodation facilities
and the related business and service premises can be built in the area. A portion of the building
volume must be allocated to the needs of the camping area, taking the view of the present holiday
homes into account.
Seashore area:
The development ideas for the seashore area must consider the continuity of the outdoor recreation
path along the bathing beach and the safe pedestrian and bicycle paths from the bathing beach to
other activities. The activities of the bathing beach area will be developed.
The natural environment of the northern part will be taken into consideration. The goal is to find new
use for the former restaurant building that is as much in line with the character of the building as
possible. The proposition must also suggest the traffic and parking arrangements required by the
The goal is to develop the seashore south from the spa hotel Eden, towards a more intensively tended
and active environment. The current natural environment, shallow water, changing water level, further
development needs of the spa hotel Eden and the training institute Pohto and the view to the sea will
be taken into account.
Mustasalmi inlet:
The role of the Mustasalmi inlet will be activated by intensifying the use of the banks and outdoor
recreation paths and improving the banks. The goal is to open the inlet for small boating, which will
require the partial dredging of the inlet. The natural values of the area must be considered.
3.4.2 Traffic arrangements and parking
Connections and parking arrangements will be improved, taking the different forms of traffic into
account. Parking area for approximately 12 buses must be allocated.
The pedestrian and bicycle traffic arrangements must be developed along Holstinsalmentie Street and
towards the city centre. The visibility, practicality and safety of the intersection between Hietasaarentie
Road and Holstinsalmentie Street are developed, also taking caravans and heavy traffic of Vihreäsaari
port into account. The arrangements of the street on the Nallikari bathing beach will aim to reduce the
effect of traffic as a separator between the various operations in the area.
The traffic and parking solutions must take the location of the planned amusement park (Pellepyy Oy)
along Vellamontie Street (current allotment gardening area) into account.
The building of multi-level or indoor parking is not technically or financially feasible. Parking lots must
be situated and designed, taking the environmental and landscape conditions of the area into
Shared-parking must be applied whenever possible. In the case of centralised shared parking lots, a
reduction coefficient of 0.75 is used in the calculation of the number of parking spaces, as calendar
parking can be used.
3.4.3 Soil and its use for building purposes
The vast variations in the sea-level and flood height must be taken into account when locating and
planning the operations, buildings and structures prone to flood damages near the shoreline. It is not
recommended to build underground facilities in the shore zone, due to the low-lying terrain / flood
height and groundwater conditions. The floor level in new buildings has to be a minimum of NN+2.70,
taking the required allowance for wave uprushes into account.
Plot-specific soil and foundation surveys are required, when planning buildings on or near the shore.
3.4.5 Municipal infrastructure
Existing networks will be considered when possible. New operations can be quite easily connected to
the current networks.
3.4.6 Instructions for planning from plot holders and operators
The goal is to develop the all-year-round services of one of the most important recreational and
tourism areas of the Oulu region, which will benefit both the citizens of Oulu and tourists alike. The
goal of the operators is to develop their own operations by building new facilities and developing their
operations on a commercial basis. An additional goal is to take into account the synergy between the
operators and the operations planned to the area, as well as the goals for extending the current
seasonal use into year-round use, when designing the entity.
The operators wish to especially emphasise the following general starting points for designing both the
actual area subject to this competition and the area subject to review:
o The central role of the beach square - piazza - as an end to Holstinsalmentie Street and as a
space harmonising the area and connecting various facilities (entrance, events etc.).
o Locating a mini-golf course in the area.
o Removing traffic from the beach boulevard.
o Connecting the main playground to the activities of the bathing beach.
o The development of shore areas in public recreational use.
o The development of the Mustasalmi inlet and its banks, by keeping the inlet at least as deep as
it currently is for canoeing and rowing and by building docking and campfire places on the
banks of the inlet.
o The development of the main park (Holstinmaa-Holstinsalmenpuisto) which, at the moment, is
of little use to its users, into a well-functioning park area, taking the environmental importance
of the forest into account (e.g. areas with various activities and different levels of
The yard arrangements, required for the operations in the area, as well as the operators’ own and
shared traffic and parking areas must be taken into account when designing the sites and the related
Sokotel / Capman-Eden
Special considerations:
o Currently, appr. 13,500 m2 of floor area is used
o A new chalet type holiday home complex, appr. 10,000 m2 of floor area, by the shore; 2-3 units
that are connected to each other and to the current spa hotel building. The connection can be,
for example, a covered passage (Sokotel)
o The reception and other related areas are to be kept in their current positions
o The development of boating in front of the current spa
o A covered connection between the spa hotel Eden and the training institute Pohto
o A demand for appr. 335 parking spaces (*0,75)
Pohto Oy
Special considerations:
o Currently, appr. 8,330 m2 of floor area is used
o A new hotel building, appr. 8,900 m2 of floor area, replacing the current hotel (1,570m2 of floor
area) which will be demolished
o An extension of the current restaurant, appr. 320 m2 of floor area
o Building a seaside sauna by the shore, public use of the bathing beach and traffic connections,
taking the shared use with Eden into account
o Improving the attractiveness of the area by, for example, clearing/opening/enhancing the sea
view and thinning wooded areas
A covered connection between the training institute Pohto and the spa hotel Eden
A demand for appr. 320 parking spaces (*0,75)
Nallikarin Tennis Oy
Special considerations:
o The current permitted building volume is 9,300 m2 of floor area
o The need for a new building is appr. 4,000 m2 of floor area
o Maintaining outdoor tennis courts in their current use
o Maintaining the air-supported structure in its current place and converting it into a permanent
construction as a training arena for tennis and golf juniors
o The possible extension direction is along Holstinsalmentie Street, towards the east and the city
centre on the adjacent vacant plot (a reservation proposition to the City of Oulu)
o A demand for appr. 135 parking spaces (*0,75)
Nallikari Lomakylä-Camping public utility company
Special considerations:
o In the first stage, 5 new semi-detached holiday homes/villas will be built next to the beach /
current camping area, in such a way that every apartment (a total of 10 apartments) has 50-60
m2 of floor area. The long term overall need is appr. 500-600 m2 of floor area
o The servicing, fire and safety passage must be directed through the camping area
o Beach volleyball court (2 pcs), beach tennis courts (2 pcs) and beach soccer courts (1 piece)
to the sandy area
o Caravan parking for short-term accommodation, about 20-30 parking spaces
o Changes have been suggested to the area in the needs analysis of Nallikari LomakyläCamping. The suggested changes will have no substantial influence on the design solutions of
the actual area, subject to the competition
Vauhtipuisto Speedpark in Hietasaari
Special considerations:
o The need for a fenced area, a total of appr. 3.5 hectares
o The main entrance to the south-western corner of the area from the large beach square piazza – and servicing logistics from the north-eastern corner
o Operating units are permanent structures of which the maintenance building is situated in the
o Year-round operations in a summer-winter activity park
o A demand for appr. 600 parking spaces together with dance and music building (*0,75)
Dance and music building
o Acitve use all year round
o Space that serves dancing and music activities and association related activities on a
commercial basis
o For example dance hall, festival pavilion, dance school, dance experience space, café –
restaurant, karaoke bar, office space, appr. 1500-2000 m2 of floor area
o Outdoor terrace / performance stage (area covered with a roof or enclosed with a fence)
An outdoor performance area for approx. 1000 persons in connection with the building, can
function in the winter for example as an ice skating / rousette skating area (no permanent
A demand for appr. 600 parking spaces together with Speedpark (*0,75)
Recreation and entertainment centre
o A versatile recreation and activities complex is being planned in block 4, plot 2 (e.g. a science
centre, virtual world, indoors playing hall, gaming hall/casino, bowling alley, indoors adventure
trail, climbing, exhibitions etc.)
o Premises for various hobbies, activities and exhibitions to operate on a commercial basis. The
facility can be flexibly adjusted for different purposes
o A total need for 6,000 m2 of floor area space (possible to build in two phases, for example
4,000 + 2,000 m2 of floor area)
o An outdoors exhibition area
o A demand for appr. 120 parking spaces (*0,75)
Amusement park
The location of the amusement park along Vellamontie street, in the current allotment
gardening area, must be taken into consideration in land use solutions and in traffic and
parking arrangements
It is not necessary to suggest solutions for the internal arrangements of the park in the
competition propositions
Pellepyy Oy is planning the amusement park simultaneously with the competition. The goal of
the competition proposals must be to ensure that the amusement park will not create
significant noise pollution in the environment
A demand for appr. 500 parking spaces (*0,75)
3.5 Evaluation criteria
The evaluation of the competition propositions emphasises an overall solution to operations and land
use in the area that suit the conditions in the area. The evaluation also emphasises an innovative,
artistic and unique touch in the improvement of the versatility, attractiveness and image of the area, by
taking advantage of the opportunities of various functional solutions, urban planning and architecture.
The merits related to the urban structure, cityscape and architecture of the overall solution are
prioritised over the correctness of partial solutions or details.
Special attention in the evaluation is paid to, among others:
The appropriate location of operations, versatility, year-round use and the harmonious
integration of operations to each other and their surroundings
The overall approach of the design solution to the city structure, cityscape, architecture and the
The architecture of buildings and the quality of the environment
The practicality and safety of traffic and parking arrangements, in terms of all forms of traffic
and the integration of the suggested solutions to the environment
The consideration and utilisation of the natural, environmental and cultural values of the area
The flexibility, implementation and workability of the proposed ideas from the viewpoint of both
the city and the private service providers
4.1 Required documents
Drawings must be attached to rigid 70 x 100 cm plates and they must be of publishing quality and
endure handling. The maximum number of panels is 5. Each document of the proposition must be
provided with a pseudonym and be numbered. A series of drawings of reduced size (A3 size) for every
plate must be provided in electronic form (CD or DVD).
All documents must be in English language.
The proposition must contain the following drawings and descriptions:
1. General plan 1:2000
A conceptual drawing (illustration) of the whole design area (the area subject to the competition and
review) is presented in the given base map. The drawing must illustrate the boundaries of blocks and
other areas and their uses, traffic network and parking lots, the main principles of handling the
environment of the areas with different characteristics, the architectural modelings of buildings with the
number of floors and floor areas, the general principle of yard arrangements, the location of parking
lots and the number of parking spaces. The architectural modelings must be shaded in such a way
that the readability of the drawing is not compromised; the light angle should be 45 degrees northwest.
2. Site plan 1:1000
A conceptual drawing (illustration) of the area subject to the competition is presented in the given base
map. The drawing must illustrate the boundaries of blocks and plots, buildings with their entrance
arrangements, service traffic, parking and other yard operations. Yards and public areas are
presented with approximate altitudes, main drainage principles, the structures included in the entity,
fittings, equipment, surface materials and plant and flower arrangement designs. The architectural
modelings must be shaded in such a way that the readability of the drawing is not compromised; the
light angle should be 45 degrees north-west.
3. Floor plans 1:400
The floor plans of every new building and extension must be presented for all the constructions and
floor levels that are relevant to the evaluation and their floor levels in the area subject to the
competition, which are necessary for the evaluation, are presented. The floor plans must illustrate the
location of the main spaces, the connections between them and their possible connections to existing
buildings. The floor layouts can be presented as a scheme. The surface area information must be
presented separately for each space and in building-specific total areas. The number of beds must
also be presented for accommodation facilities.
4. Sections and elevations 1:400
A necessary number of sections and elevations are presented of the new buildings and extensions
located in the area subject to the competition. The sections must illustrate the architectural solutions of
the buildings in a sufficient degree from the viewpoint of evaluation. A minimum of two area elevations
must be presented: towards the sea and south from Holstinsalmentie road. The drawings must
indicate the approximate altitudes, main materials and colours of the facades, as well as the
integration of the buildings in the environment. The locations of the sections are presented in the
general plan 1:2000.
5. Architectural modelings
The designed entity and its architectural goals are illustrated in 3D mass model illustrations, which
cover the central part of the area subject to the competition. The minimum number of architectural
illustrations is 2 pcs from different directions. A minimum of one illustration must be competent for
6. Description
The main principles of the solution are explained in a brief, typewritten A4-long description. It is
submitted both separately and attached to the general plan plate. The surface areas of new buildings
must be presented for each site/plot separately.
7. Other documentation
In addition to the aforementioned required documents, participants may submit as many diagrams,
detail drawings and architectural perspectives etc.
4.2 The anonymity of the competition entries
The competition is anonymous. Each document of a competition proposition must be labelled with a
A closed, non-transparent envelope, labelled with a pseudonym, must be submitted with the
proposition. The envelope contains the pseudonym of the proposition and the name of the participant.
In addition, the copyright holder of the entry and the contributors must be identified.
4.3 Submitting the proposition
The deadline of the competition is Monday 28 March 2011, at 15:00 EET. Delayed competition
documents will not be admitted into the evaluation. The package must be labelled with the
identification “Nallikarin ideakilpailu”.
The proposition must be verifiably left at the post office or other delivery company for delivery on the
last day of the competition, at the latest. Address:
Oulun kaupungin kirjaamo
PL 27 / Torikatu 10
FI-90015 Oulu
Oulu, 21 December 2010
The Jury
Mr Matti Karhula
Mr Ari Tuutti