Spring.2015 - International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy
Spring.2015 - International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy
I-ACT International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy Quarterly Spring 2015 Disclaimer: I-ACT neither endorses, approves, nor supports any products advertised in this Quarterly Newsletter. These advertisements are provided to the membership by each advertiser. Additionally, the readers should assure themselves that the material presented herein is current and applicable at the time it is read. The authors cannot warrant that the material will continue to be accurate. Readers should verify statements before relying on them. No statement herein shall be considered a legal opinion nor a substitute for the advice of an attorney. For the most recent and complete interpretation of laws, please consult an attorney. Table of Contents I-ACT Policy Statements 3 I-ACT President’s Letter Legislative Committee Report 5 9 6 Nominations For Election Regional Rep Committee Report 14 18-19N 16 ashville Convention Information 20 Article on Gluten Marketing & PR Committee Update 2015 International Congress 23 22 Congress Registration Form CA Regional Information 26 24 Insurance Information 28 A&P Courses Functional Forum / MidWest Region New Members 1st Quarter 2 13 Food Article Truth in Advertising 32 10 Regional Rep List Membership Committee Report 21 4 NBCHT President’s Message I-ACT Cookbook 11 2 I-ACT Policy Statements: I-ACT recommends the use of currently registered FDA equipment and only disposable speculums, rectal tubes, or rectal nozzles. However, should the Therapist use reusable speculums, these speculums should, at a minimum, be autoclaved for sanitation and cleanliness (30 minutes). Additionally, the autoclave unit must be tested and inspected by competent authority at least four times per year- maintain documentation. (Under NO conditions should a disposable speculum or rectal tube be reused). I-ACT recognizes the FDA classifies equipment used to instill water into the colon through a nozzle inserted into the rectum to evacuate the contents of the colon into three distinct classes; Class I (Enema Kits), Class II and Class III are (Colon Irrigation Systems). Follow the guidelines of your manufacturer, as approved by the FDA for the type of equipment (devices) you are using. Make no claims as to the use of your device other than those approved by the FDA. The main differences between Class I and Class II devices: The code of federal regulations CFR 876.5210 & 876.5220 describe the differences between the Class I and the Class II devices. From that regulation, a Class I device is an enema system and does not include “colonic irrigation devices”. A “colon irrigation device” is a Class II device, which in part is described as: “The system is designed to allow evacuation of the contents of the colon during the administration of the colonic irrigation. The Class I Device: · The Class I device is defined as an enema system and may not have temperature control, temperature gauges or water purification as part of the device. Class I enema systems must be self-administered. · Manufacturers of Class I devices are not required to have third party oversight as they need not comply with the good manufacturing practices and record keeping that are required of Class II manufacturers. Class I devices are not as heavily regulated and controlled by the FDA as Class II devices are. · Owners of Class I devices may not market their service using the terms “colonics or colonic irrigation” in describing the scope of their practice of evacuating the contents of the lower bowel. The Class II Device: · The Class II Device is a “colonic irrigation device”. · Manufacturers of Class II devices are required to have third party oversight and must comply with the good manufacturing practices and record keeping that are required by the FDA. Class II devices are heavily regulated and controlled by the FDA. · The FDA requires Class II devices to be sold and used on or at the order of a physician or health care practitioner. This may be different in each state. Although I-ACT is not aware of any laws that preclude you from assisting an individual with an enema, I-ACT does want you to consider upgrading your equipment to the equipment that provides the greatest safeguards to the public. In this profession, that would be equipment marketed as Class II devices. Remember that I-ACT strongly recommends that all I-ACT members use FDA registered Class II devices or devices equivalent to Class II devices regulated by the appropriate agency in your country. Only individuals using FDA registered equipment will be placed on the I-ACT Web Site. Purchase equipment at your own risk. Ensure you are in compliance with your local, state, federal and country guidelines. Ensure that equipment you purchase is cleared for use in your country. I-ACT recognizes there are two distinct types of colon irrigation systems; open and closed systems. However, it is I-ACT policy that the colon hydrotherapist / technician is always in attendance / or is immediately available to the client throughout the session. The degree of assistance is to be in compliance with the instructions of the manufacturer of the equipment as registered with the FDA, and/or as directed by a physician. The policy on insertion is to follow the instruction of the referring physician; the guidelines of the manufacturer as approved by the FDA; or the directives from the authority of your city, county, state, or country ordinances. I-ACT recommends that you do not put the initials (CT) for colon hydrotherapist after your name, write it out in full. According to most state laws, putting initials after your name is not allowed unless you are licensed or have a degree from an accredited professional school. NEW MEMBERS 1ST QUARTER 2015 Following is a list of our new members for the period January 1, 2015 through March 31, 2015. We are glad to have you as members. Remember, at I-ACT you are important to us! First Name Daniel Alanna Bryan Tonya Yiyang John Eduardo Tom Gillian Naomi Jenny Melanie Marina Darlean Ernesto Gladys Ladan Vania Kelly Marlene Zhe Margit Dandan Serena Pietrina Ramona Gillian Rosemary Levina Shanta Emilia Lisa Ngwe Biju Beth Shonda Nancy Amanda Dosha Robin Shonda Kelsey Lorraine David Last Name Espinoza Wignall Culpepper Reyes Liu Stevens Lugo Phillips Mickelson Trevelyan Putrino Kuipers Swedberg Williams Diaz Diaz Raissi Bencosme Reynaud Rose Wen Brandhuber Zhang Hilton Clark Linehan Akong Flickinger Deslandes Johnson Carlota Begey Chang Jose Long Rodehaver Langlands Shub Welch Pediford Hall Decker Barwick Barwick Home City New Albany Mount Gravatt Collinsville Las Cruces Richmond Dallas Garland Lawrenceville Santa Fe Ithaca Cathedral City Byron Bay Scottsdale Atlanta Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Coronado Jackson Heights La Quinta Ventura Vancouver Los Angeles Burnaby Honolulu Sioux Falls Ketchum Largo Baltimore Brookline Augusta Boston Huntington Beach San Gabriel Westbury Milan Greenfield Palmerston North Norcross Commerce Lawrenceville Douglasville Indianapolis Cronulla Cronulla IN QLD MS NM BC TX TX GA NM NY CA NSW AZ GA FL FL CA NY CA CA BC CA BC HI SD ID MD MD MA GA MA CA CA NY TN TN GA GA GA GA IN NSW NSW Home State Country USA Australia USA USA Canada USA USA USA USA USA USA Australia USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Canada USA Canada USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA New Zealand USA USA USA USA USA Australia Australia Advertising copy which states or implies that colon hydrotherapy can treat any disease, promise cure for any disease, or that makes unsubstantiated medical claims SHALL NOT be used. 35 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 35 We ADVERTISEMENTS Letter to the Members from the I-ACT President: GAIL NAAS in England and Europe to put on this event. We Wow! There is a lot happening in our profession that thank ARCH, RICTAT, and IPCH for their help putting I want to bring you up to date with. this together. The Italian First, we are taking nominations for our 2015 Election. association SIPC will also As you know, our By-Laws require that we have an become a major participant and we welcome their election every two years. It is that time again. assistance. If you would like to run for office, there are a few All of this has been put in things that you should know. place by the efforts of Richard and Marlin Armstrong and our International Committee Chairperson, Prior to being nominated to a position as a MemDorothy Chandler. ber of the Board or as an Officer of the corporation, the individual: We have been notified that the state of PA has a •• must be a Full member in good standing of the Naturopathic Bill that has “Colon Hydrotherapy” in corporation. the naturopaths scope of practice. We are concerned •• must use FDA registered equipment. that this might interfere with our members ability to •• must be a member of the association for a practice our profession. minimum of two consecutive years. •• must be certified by I-ACT at the Intermediate Cathy Windland has been working with legislators Level, or higher. and •• must be National Board for Colon Hydrotherapy in Pennsylvania and has been told that the current naturopathic law is not meant to interfere with our certified. ability to practice colon hydrotherapy as long as you •• must be at the Instructor level if running for a have been properly trained. position as an Officer in the Corporation Dear I-ACT Members, Announcing The book that educates clients to the importance of Digestive Tract Care See an increase in the number of new patients Pricing $1.50 per book. Free shipping & handling on orders of 100 or more Medsker Publishing, 106 N. Creek Dr., Quinby, SC 29506, 843-669-5794 IN MEMORIUM We have been notified of the passing of our long-time friend and I-ACT member, Ruth Kay from New Zealand. We need good people to run for the Board and to help us move our profession forward. Please look on page 9 for a complete list of the requirements to run for office. She was a tireless servant to all mankind and she was instrumental in establishing the I-ACT presence in New Zealand. Being on the board is a lot of work, but it is well worth your efforts. Her Husband and soulmate, Mike Kay reported, “It is with great sadness that I write to tell you that Ruth passed away in her sleep at around 04:30 this morning. I feel absolutely devastated. I truly thought that she would live for ever, certainly seeing me out. It has been raining most of the day -- even the angels are shedding a tear!! Thank you for the support you gave her over many years. Keep up the good work!” Ruth Kay was a special person and she will be missed. 34 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 Our 2015 Convention will be held in Nashville, TN, June 25 - 27, 2015. You can relax and enjoy the music in the home of Country Music while learning from a great line up of speakers. We will have the best “Hoe Down” ever and other fantastic activities. We’ll see Y’all there!!! We are preparing for the first International Congress of Colon Hydrotherapy to be held at the Hilton, Birmingham Metropole in England August 21 & 22, 2015! We are working with the other associations We will continue to monitor the situation and keep you informed. In this regard, it would help the Board if each of you takes the time to check your state to ensure that there are no bills being proposed that might interfere with your ability to practice your profession. IT takes the efforts of each of us to ensure that we are protected. You can see that 2015 will be an exciting time. So, take a moment and reflect on the past year, allow yourself to rest and become strong so we can have the best year ever. I wish you a prosperous and health-filled New Year, wherever you are, in our I-ACT global community. Gail Naas I-ACT President I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 3 LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE REPORT ADVERTISEMENT NEW ESSENTIAL BOOK!!! THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO COLON HYDROTHERAPY Greetings Members, By Stephen Holt, MD, PhD, LLD, DSc As part of I-ACT’s colon hydrotherapy advocacy, the board has become aware of naturopathic licensing legislation in five states, which could potentially impact the unlicensed practice of colon hydrotherapy respectively. Each bill includes colon hydrotherapy in the scope of practice for licensed naturopaths. A Must Read for All Colon Hydrotherapists Supplement your training and practice DISTINGUISHED PROFESSOR OF MEDICINE (EMERITUS), DR. HOLT PROVIDES A MODERN ACCOUNT OF THE PRINCIPLES AND The aforementioned states are: Illinois SB 1601, Penn HB 516, Idaho HB 181, New Jersey A 814, Rhode Island SB’s 0094, SB 0331 and Rhode Island HB’s 5380 & HB 5501. PRACTICE OF COLON HYDROTHERAPY. Our board member, Cathy Windland from PA, has taken a leadership role on behalf of I-ACT in our effort to seek an amendment to the current PA naturopathic licensing bill and has traveled to the state capital to lobby the house licensing committee members currently hearing this bill. Colonic Irrigation. A Modern Reappraisal of The Evidence Base, Principles and Practice of This book is a must read for all colon hydrotherapists and individuals who are interested in Alternative and Complementary Gastroenterology. During a recent regional meeting, Illinois I-ACT members have formed a leadership team to work on legislation protecting access to colon hydrotherapy. COMMENTS: In our effort to make advocacy a priority, I-ACT needs your help. Please submit to the committee or the office the following: Dorothy Chandler, Past President I-ACT, Chicago, IL. • • • Your work and home state representatives Party in leadership Number of State Senate, House members and legislative districts “This book provides basic academic knowledge that all colon hydrotherapists should possess”. “This is a valuable contribution to the modern-day use of colon hydrotherapy. Dr. Holt analyses this subject in his usual thoughtful manner and “open the eyes” of the conventional physician who may reject this procedure”. As a reminder, our legislative strategy has several key components, which are: Ester Mark, MD, Laguna Hills, CA. • • • • • www.stephenholtmd.com To educate the colon hydrotherapist community on the importance of legislative advocacy To encourage members to get to know their state legislators and create goodwill To educate our clients and solicit their support To network with other unlicensed practitioners To educate our state legislative officials regarding our identity as a practitioner group and how we are an important part of our local economies These legislative efforts need each of us to decide its importance and to get involved. Only with sustained action will our industry protect the right of access for our clients. www.hiom.org AVAILABLE AT 973-256-4660 US$49.99 20% DISCOUNT FOR I-ACT MEMBERS OR TRAINEES. PORTION OF SALES WILL BE GIVEN TO I-ACT. I-ACT is accepting donations to the legislative fund for each state, so please consider sending a donation for any of the states mentioned or start a fund for your state. Please contact the office for more details. What do we want “ Legislative Protection for Colon Hydrotherapy” When do we want it, NOW!! Submitted by, Dorothy M. Chandler RN, Legislative Committee Chair 4 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 MEMBER NOTICES I-ACT is GREEN!!! As of the Summer 2013 Quarterly, I-ACT has gone “green.” Your quarterly will be emailed to you. I-ACT sends out E-Blasts to notify its members of Regional Meetings and other important issues. If you are not receiving these E-Blasts, please email the I-ACT Office and give your current e-mail address. We will immediately put your email address on our E-Blast list. If you would like to have the quarterly sent to you via regular mail, you MUST let us know so we can put you on a list. Just send us an email: homeoffice@i-act.org and let us know you want/need your future quarterlies via mail. Members Only Section of the I-ACT Web Site If you have not been to our web site, please go to www.i-act.org. Go to the members only section - contact the office for your Members Only password. In that location, you can find the I-ACT Member Logo, and additional member information. In the future, those on our By receiving an email version of the Quarterly, E-Blast list will be sent the current password, so make sure that you are on our E-Blast list to you help the Association be cost effective and good stewards of the budget. ensure that you receive the password for our I-ACT Member site. I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 33 FUNCTIONAL FORUM INFORMATION EDGAR GUESS, MD NBCHT PRESIDENT National Board for Colon HydroTherapy NBCHT Announcing!!!! A special thanks to Beverly Blass, as we have a new relationship with the company that hosts the Evolution of Medicine/Functional Forum. This group has over 50,000 doctors that participate in their Podcasts and Webinars. 11103 San Pedro Ave., Suite 117, San Antonio, TX 78216 Office: 210-308-8288 • Fax: 210-366-2999 www.nbcht.org We have paid $8500 so we will have two podcasts available for your use. We anticipate that this effort should help you generate relationships with medical doctors in your area. In addition, it will help to spread information about the value of colon hydrotherapy to the medical community as part of our desire to educate the doctors. Go to: http://functionalforum.com/colon-hydrotherapy-valuable-to-your-clinic/ From The Desk Of: Edgar Guess, MD, FACOG NBCHT President To: All Members of NBCHT You can listen to, and download the pod casts, one from Dr. Holt, and one from Dr. Kolbo. We hope this letter finds you and yours in the best of health and ready for Spring. MID WEST REGIONAL REPORT The Spring meeting of the Mid West Region was held in Chicago, Illinois, at the office of Dr. and Mrs. Milton Chandler, on Sunday, March 15, 2015. There were eleven members present, five of whom earned NBCHT CEUs. Our guest speaker was Kenneth Carlson, a Business Coach. His topic was “Powerful Questions: Using Your Time with Your Clients to Also Move Emotional Toxicity Out of Their Lives”. The presentation was inter-active and was very well received. Dorothy Chandler, our President Emeritus, brought us up to date on I-ACT issues and explained the importance of getting to know our elected officials. We finished up the afternoon with a round table discussion Respectfully submitted, Grace Melby Mid West Regional Representative 32 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 As I-ACT continues pushing for legislation, one of the strongest arguments that we have to help the legislative bodies of our states to believe that our profession is safe and our members are capable of working on the public in a safe manner, is the NBCHT Certification Examination. This exam is used by the state of Florida to license colon hydrotherapists. The NBCHT has made this exam available to any state that is seeking legislation to help speed up the legislative process and support the legislative effort. With that in mind, we want all NBCHT members to consider taking the new exam. This will provide the following benefits: • The NBCHT will have a larger sample size of individuals taking the exam, resulting in greater validity. • All NBCHT members would have taken a legally defensible Exam. • The NBCHT will be able to provide each state a complete list of NBCHT members, not just the names of those that have passed the new exam. We hope you all understand that as a practicing Colon Hydrotherapist, you should be able to pass the New NBCHT exam. The exam that many of you took to get “grandfathered” was the most difficult exam that has been created for Colon Hydrotherapists. The new exam is an “entry level” exam. Have faith in yourselves and believe you know what you are doing, then register and take the new exam. Also, just like I-ACT, the NBCHT is required to hold elections during every odd year. If you are interested in serving, please send in your nomination letter. Thank you for doing your part to help us grow our Association and our Profession. Sincerely, Edgar Guess, MD NBCHT President I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 5 I-ACT COOKBOOK ADVERTISEMENTS Order the NEW I-ACT Cookbook only $20.00 each plus shipping Over 270 Recipes Appetizers, Sauces & Dips Breakfast, Smoothies & Juicing Snacks, Soups & Breads Vegetarian Vegan & Raw Main Dish Salads & Cultured Foods Desserts Drinks & Beverages Limited Quantities People are loving this Cookbook! Get yours before they are all gone! Get Your Copy of the Very First I-ACT Cookbook call 210.366.2888 to order “Thank you to the members that submitted their recipes!” 6 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 31 ADVERTISEMENTS 30 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 ADVERTISEMENTS “Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.” “Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.” I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 7 BUSINESSES FOR SALE ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SALE -- Established Angel of Water-Colon Hydrotherapy Business & or Equipment -Thriving central UTAH location, clients rave about office ambiance/service -The business is turn-key ready - Owner is expecting twins & would love someone to come in & show her clients the same love & care - If you, or someone you know, are interested, please contact for info & pricing. Infinite love & gratitude. AJ Harris 801-822-1611 colonhealthinstitute@gmail.com Colon Hydrotherapy Highest Quality in Safety & Sanitation! Thriving Colon Hydrotherapy Business for Sale in Eugene, Oregon Call Tara Alder with Alder Brooke Healing Arts to inquire 541-513-7894 Or email Tara at Taralyn@alderbrooke.com Find more info at www.alderbrooke.com Aqua Soothe is a 9 year and growing cliental business. It is located in The Wellness Education Center in Kalispell, MT. The building is filled with many great practitioners including, 2 health educators, a naturopathic physician, massage therapist, thermography as well as a monthly guided juice fast. Aqua Soothe features the Libbe system including I-ACT certification as well as the NRG foot spa. The business has one Libbe bed. The business is complete turn-key with treatment room and office space. Transitional training and assistance will be provided until new owners feels comfortable. Please contact Holli at 406-752-3390 colonic.net Tiller MIND BODY, Inc. 10911 West Avenue San Antonio, Texas 78213 210 308.8888 FDA (class II) Colon Irrigation Systems, are prescription medical devices and are intended for use for colon cleansing, when medically indicated, such as before radiologic or endoscopic examinations, as identified in 21 C.F.R. 876.5220 Copyright © 1994-2015 Complete LIBBE and I-ACT at COLONIC NETWORK SCHOOL San Antonio, Texas (10 Day Course $2,000.00) And for a limited time, receive up to $1,600.00 Training Discount Off Purchase of one or more LIBBE Devices! http://colonic.net/training/registration/ email: info@colonic.net Off: 210 308-8888 (OR Train @ LIBBE Recognized School $1,000.00 Off Purchase) (((((((Colonic((Font is named bowel Trouble 8 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 “Are YOU a TOXIC WASTE SITE?” BOOKLETS Twentiethry sa Anniveron Editi ew N COLOR Pages By Bill Tiller, ND. Example of How a Colonic Session Softens Feces and Cleans the Colon San Francisco Bay Area Wellness Center for sale! Established in 2006. Great location, lots of potential LIBBE equipped with two rooms Please see BIZBEN posting #: 208334 Contact: Zoltan at 415-531-6950 RECTAL NOZZLE Colon Hydrotherapy Questions & Answers Promotes Your Industry www.toxicwastesite.net © COPYRIGHT © “Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.” I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 29 MEMBER INFORMATION NOMINATIONS FOR ELECTIONS Information on Approved A&P Courses Your students may take an A&P course through their local community college or university. If they have taken an Anatomy & Physiology course for massage, from a state licensed school that provided at least 45 hours of classroom time, that course will also count. There is one course that may be used for the A&P pre-requisites. Your student may take the Delmar course through CENGAGE Learning, ONLY if you as the instructor or school register with Delmar and set up the program. It goes through you, students MAY NOT call Delmar, it doesn’t work that way. The Instructor must Contact: Claudine DeChant: Cengage Learning at, 5 Maxwell Dr., Clifton Park, NY 12065 (p) 800.998.7498 x2598 or email: Becky.Chateauneuf@cengage.com. Valid in the USA. Information for Those Seeking a Job Looking for a Career Opportunity? If you are looking to be employed, you may email us and we will list your name as someone looking for employment. Also check our “Help Needed” section, page 24 in this issue. 28 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 ALL Positions are open: NBCHT Board Positions (Certification Board) Vice President - Incumbent - Open Secretary Treasurer - Incumbent - XXX Two (2) At Large Board Members Incumbent - XXX Incumbent - XXX If you are interested in running for one of these positions, or if you would like to nominate someone to run for one of these positions, please follow the guidelines listed below. As a member of either Board, you will be required to travel to Board Meetings (usually 2-3 times per year). Additionally, there are teleconferences scheduled each month that you are required to participate in. When you are required to travel from your home, your itemized expenses will be compensated and you will receive a small stipend to offset the time you are away from your home. If you do not have the time to fully participate with Board activities, please do not run for office. Voting will be by Mail Ballot. Eligibility Requirements for Individuals Nominated to Run for Office: • Prior to being nominated to a position as a Member of the Board or as an Officers of the corporation, the individual: •• must be a Full member in good standing of the corporation. •• must use FDA registered equipment. •• must be a member of the association for a minimum of two consecutive years. •• must be certified by I-ACT at the Intermediate Level, or higher. and •• must be National Board for Colon Hydrotherapy certified. •• must be at the Instructor level if running for a position as an Officer in the Corporation Nominations must be received by the CPA in written form, via a certified, return receipt letter. If you are seeking someone to employ, send us an email with your information and we will post your opening in our E-Blasts. Hope you enjoyed solving the Word Hunt puzzle ALL Positions are open: I-ACT Board Positions - Officers of the Board Vice President - Incumbent - Open Secretary Treasurer - Incumbent - XXX Three (3) At Large Board Members Incumbent - XXX Incumbent - XXX Incumbent - XXX • Additionally, the individual must NOT be a manufacturer of equipment and supplies directly related to the practice of colon hydrotherapy or colon irrigation; their immediate family, nor may nomination be an employee of a manufacturer of colon hydrotherapy equipment or supplies • There Must Not be any other instructors or employees from the same school serving on this Board of Directors (or running in this election) at the same time. • Finally, there may only be one member of a family on the Board at one time. Go to the I-ACT web site and then go to the members only section. Inside you will find numerous job opportunities. solution to puzzle on page 17 Per your I-ACT By-Laws, and since this is an odd year, it is time to solicit nominations for the following Officers and Members of the Board for the I-ACT Board... and the Officers and Members of the National Board for Colon Hydrotherapy. L C X R O L O N Y S Z N B I O R V B C A G C X R M A U H A S I Z L N Y L C N Z Y N D N O T A G L R C E O E I P E L C N B C O I P R V A G N B V E B M T T O N I A C T V M L C O H A I A N B E I O E I Y T T P R I S O N O C B B M P R C S I E I A N V O M U H A O N O G Y T S R P S X N P S T N I L C P U H A S I Y S O A D E S N A E C V X A G L L The Nomination letter must be received by the CPA [addressed to: Joseph C. Osborne, Certified Public Accountant; 4407 Bee Cave Rd, Suite 412 Attn: I-ACT Ballot; West Lake Hills, TX 78746] no later than May 31, 2015. (Any nomination sent to the I-ACT office is invalid and will not be accepted.) By June 6, 2015 the CPA will notify (by postmarked letter) the individuals that their nominations were received and the CPA will also notify the Home office of the names of those that were nominated for election and the office they are running for. In concert with the Home Office, the Nomination Committee will determine the eligibility of all nominees. Once vetted, the Home Office will notify the Board of Directors. Nominations should be completed by the annual meeting of the membership (so individuals running for office can be introduced at the annual convention). Nominee Must submit a letter on a single page (8 in x 10 in - black & white with no photos) for the quarterly with the following information: • your history as a colon hydrotherapist including length of time as an I-ACT member • level of I-ACT membership and certification • length of time in an office or on the board, if applicable • school, family, and office affiliations • a statement describing why you want to be elected and the goals you have for being on the board. You will be given time (3 - 5 minutes) during the annual membership meeting to speak to the membership. Thank you for taking the time so that members may get to know your qualifications better. Sincerely, I-ACT Charlotte Layne Nomination Committee Chairperson I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 9 REGIONAL REP COMMITTEE REPORT Regional Representative Committee Report Darlene Holloway Chair Regional Representative Committee I-ACT Board Member At Large Spring has finally arrived, and there is a buzz in the air. Our Regional Representatives have been buzzing around as well, holding regional meetings and preparing for our Nashville convention. We just held our 2nd go to meeting. Thank you for all that attended. Our Regional Representatives are working hard towards our Nashville convention. This is our 26th year. Can you believe that! 26 years and our association is getting stronger and growing more each year. Our Regional Representatives will be hosting the Wednesday night social event in Nashville. Wear your boots and come meet your Regional Representative and enter into our “Boot Contest”. Our committee in conjunction with the talent committee will be having a boot contest Wednesday during the social event. We are calling all boots to come on down and to show your cowboy boots, most bling boots, most used boots, most practical, most impractical, work boots, snow boots, rain boots, etc. Let’s see what region has the most boots and the largest variety. ADVERTISEMENTS High Potency, Targeted Probiotics from The Digestive Care Experts Featuring Formulas Developed Especially for Women With Advanced Naturals probiotic formulas, you can be assured that your clients are getting a high-potency daily probiotic formula that meets their individual needs.* Choose from 6 billion to 200 billion live cultures per serving to help support and maintain a balanced intestinal environment.* Plus our women’s formulas have additional support for vaginal and urinary tract health.* Advanced Naturals High-Quality Probiotics ✔ High Bifido and Lacto formulas ✔ Potent multi-strain probiotic blends Brenda Watson, C.N.C. ✔ Targeted-release delivery system I-ACT President 1999-2004 Visit www.advancednaturals.com to see our entire line ✔ Guaranteed potency Established accounts – call for monthly specials New accounts – receive a FREE GIFT with initial order 1-800-690-9988 Linda x265, Gina x280 or Olga x276 * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. AN-6922 And of course stop by and visit us at our Regional Representative Booth and meet your Regional Representative. Wear your boots and come on down to Nashville for a root ‘n tootin hoe down of education. With Gratitude, Darlene Are you ready to get great clients and make more money? Free Training for I-Act members: How to Attract Great Clients Who Love You and Pay You Well! Check the I-ACT Web site http://www.i-act.org/regionalmeeting.html to find out when your Regional Meeting is scheduled 10 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 GetGreatClientsNow.com I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 27 INSURANCE INFORMATION REGIONAL REPS Professional liability insurance. Allied Professional Insurance will write professional liability insurance for I-ACT members. You must be a current member and keep your membership current to be eligible for the insurance. Contact the I-ACT office (210-366-2888) for the application form, or go to the I-ACT web site - Members Only Section - and download the application from the web site. Doctors’ Insurance Agency also writes professional liability insurance for colon hydrotherapists. Email them at: info@ doctorsagency.com. They are located at 6 Hamilton Landing, Suite 170, Novato, CA 94949. Phone 415-506-3030. Another company, CM&F may write liability insurance for colon hydrotherapists (they have dropped numerous therapists, but some are getting insurance. - call 800-221-4904, or go online to cmfgroup.com. It will be listed as “Enterostomal Therapist.” They will put a rider in the policy stating colon hydrotherapy if you request; however, it is not required - this depends on the underwriter of the insurance. In Canada, try Lloyds of London - check with your local Lloyds of London agent. In the UK, try Balens Insurance Brokers at 01684 893006. In the Netherlands, try: Mark Hypotheken & Pensioenen B.V., Therese van Reeuwijk Oude Delft 103, NL-2611 BD DELFT • tel. +31 152147543 • fax. +31 152126086 • www.markhypotheken.nl Check around and choose the best policy for you. As other options become available, we will let you know. If you hear of anything let us know. Advertisement Wholistic Skin & Body Rejuvenation ™ 26 CERTIFICATED COURSES FOR Colon & Massage Therapists & Health Professionals E ARNING CERTIFICATION AS A WHOLISTIC REJUVENIST (C.W.R.) will exponentially change your life, your practice, your income potential, and the lives of those you serve. WSBR courses introduce you to the art and science of Pluralistic Medicine—diverse global disciplines that encompass all healing modalities that are safe and effective regardless of their origin; each one a piece of the total health continuum. The courses are designed to prepare you to become certified as a C.W.R., to expand individual disciplines whose ultimate goals are complete health, recovery and anti-aging. TELESEMINAR “LIVE” CLASSES for all levels from the convenience of your home or office. Check our website for level offered, dates and time. You can register online or call 888-352-8175, CLOSED FRIDAY. ON-SITE DATES/ LOCATIONS… Check our website for locations nationally and internationally. Why not schedule a class at your location? Email us for minimum attendee information at your location. COST… $695 per level, includes full-color 300+ page course manual. Join your colleagues who have taken the courses and are raving about its comprehensive information you don’t learn elsewhere. Certification course NOW OFFERED VIA TELESEMINAR. No travel or lost income! INSTRUCTOR— Gloria Gilbère, N.D., D.A.Hom., Ph.D., D.S.C., EcoErgonomist™, Wholistic Rejuvenist™ Registration For a complete list of on-site class dates, for more information, to request a class at your facility, or to attend a class in Sandpoint, ID, call toll-free in the U.S. 888-352-8175. EMAIL—WSBR@gloriagilbere.com VISIT OUR WEBSITE— www.gloriagilbere.com LEVELS– One—Rejuvenation is a Journey, Not a Destination Two—Rejuvenation Inside-out Advanced—Preparing the Terrain Instructor—Teaching the Teachers NBCHT approved for 20 CEUs (for each level) when combined with a Case Study/Investigative Report Project Approved by Florida Massage Board and Georgia Board of Chiropractic—many states allow for reciprocal credit. I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 NEW ENGLAND/NEW YORK -- New York, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine Barbara Chivvis 516-383-9505 email:bdchiv65@optonline.net NORTH EAST -- Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, D.C., West Virginia Rose Mary Polhemus973-697-3530 email:rosemary@earthspringwellness.com NORTH CENTRAL -- Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky Open Position MID ATLANTIC -- Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina Darlene Holloway 919-380-0023 email althealthcenter@peoplepc.com MID SOUTH -- Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi Open Position SOUTH EAST -- Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, North Florida Open Position FLORIDA -- Florida Naima Reynolds 305-490-5850 email:naimareynolds@yahoo.com SOUTH CENTRAL -- Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico Debra Christian 903-593-4025 emaildebrachristian5554@sbc.com NORTH MID WEST -- Wisconsin, Minnesota, N Dakota, S Dakota Kristin Burich 651-490-3347 emailkburich@comcast.com MID WEST -- Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, Kansas Grace Melby 815-648-4544 emailghmelby@gmail.com Open Position for Rep to co-host with Grace NORTH WEST -- Washinton, Oregon, Idaho, Montana Russell or Cherie Kolbo 253-649-0288 emailrussellkolbo@earthlink.net CENTRAL MOUNTAIN -- Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Nebraska Open Position CALIFORNIA/SOUTH WEST -- California, South Nevada, Arizona Suzanne Childre’ 310-576-6360 email suzannechildre@ieihealth.com France Robert 310-576-6360 email francerobert@ieihealt.com HAWAII -- Hawaiian Islands Russell Kolbo 253-649-0288 emailrussellkolbo@earthlink.net AROUND THE WORLD AUSTRALIA - EASTERN REGION Michelle King Gum Tree Retreat 3570 Orara Way, Grafton, NSW, Australia 2460 612-6649-4464 email: info@gumtreeretreat.com AUSTRALIA - WESTERN REGION Open Position EUROPE Lisette Timmermans Natuurgeneeskundig Therapeut / Aqua Lingua Center for Colon Hydrotherapy Education Julianalaan 45, 2628 BB Delft, Netherlands Phone: +31 15 214 42 21 email: info@aqua-lingua.eu CANADA Katherine Labonte Dharma Spirit Holistic Health 67 Gleneagles Terrace Cochrane, Alberta T4C 1W5, Canada Phone 403-981-3334 email: k.labonte@dharmaspirit.ca CARIBBEAN Jennifer Blaufox The Holistic Therapeutic Center & International Colonic Institute 125 Molynes Rd. Kingston, 20 Jamaica West Indies Phone 876-969-6124 email: jblaufox@yahoo.com SE ASIA Open Position UNITED KINGDOM Marlin and Richard Armstrong Heavenly Spa 1 Chilworth Mews, London, W2 3RG, United Kingdom Phone: 020 7298 3820 email: relax@heavenlyspa.co.uk If interested in becoming a Regional Representative in any of the open areas, please contact the I-ACT office or Darlene Holloway 918-380-0023 for an application. I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 11 ADVERTISEMENTS ADVERTISEMENTS www.QMSAZ.com EMAIL info@QMSAZ.com TOLL FREE (877) 759-1277 MOBILE (623) 640-4646 EVERYDAY LOW PRICING!!! HIGHEST QUALITY MEDICAL GRADE SPECULUMS Smooth-Tip Speculum Kits Hydrocare Speculum Kits $3.20 / 42” KIT $3.25 / 48” KIT $3.35 / 42” KIT $3.40 / 48” KIT One-Piece Speculum Kits Round-Tip Speculum Kits $3.35 / 42” KIT $3.40 / 48” KIT Smooth-Tip Bulbed ORIGINAL SMOOTHBOR™ OR CUFFED WASTEHOSE SAME DAY SHIPPING, EVERYDAY! $3.35 / 42” KIT $3.40 / 48” KIT *ORDER BEFORE NOON MST $1.00 EACH _________________________________ Clear Poly Tubing (Open System) 100 ft. Roll $24.99 - 50 ft. Roll $14.99 - 7”Pre-cut .22¢ __________________________________ All Products are FDA Registered - - FDA Registration #3008274651 12 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 “Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.” “Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.” I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 25 SW REGIONAL MEETING MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE REPORT Regional Meeting SO CA 10-19-14 Membership Committee Report We had 13 people attending, including the President of the NBCHT, Edgar Guess. A low count for us, but we all had a great time together and one member pointed out that we had over 200 years of combined experience from just 6 of us. (See picture). by Gail Naas Announcing New Member Benefits! I am excited to report that I-ACT now offers its members with the following group saving discounts at major companies and service providers! Look on page 15 for the introduction flyer and how to register! We had great speakers with much interaction with our members. Mark Fowler, from the 2014 convention, spoke on “how to tell where your business is and how to take it to the next level.” India Holloway presented “how we can help see our client’s colon in their eyes,” so we can help them more without diagnosing. Dr. Bo Wagner, again from the 2014 convention, broke down food combining with your blood type and why it is so important t educate our clients on both, not just one so they feel better. Pam Craig (our former I-AT President) taught us how to make Fermented Veggies, Kefir and coconut pudding. We had a YUMMY conclusion for all to enjoy and now we understand how valuable eating fermented foods can be for our digestive track, not just for ourselves but how to teach our clients. Please join us next year, Sunday, October 18th, 2015 for a great time of camaraderie and education. We had such a great time with each other and the education value will make our practices grow. 24 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 You will receive discounts at: Office Depot (see page 32 ) - HUGE, HUGE Savings!!! ADP Payroll Services YRC Freight Shipping Services Carbonite File Backup Systems Transworld Systems – Collections Springboard Promotional Products First Data Credit Card Processing Teledoc Physician and Pediatrician Services Cruise One Travel Services The amount of savings is truly amazing and can impact your business and personal expenses! These benefits are some of many that you receive as an I-ACT member. The I-ACT Board and Membership Committee strive to continue to add more! If you have an idea or a desire for a member benefit, please contact the I-ACT office or myself, Gail Naas. I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 13 ARTICLE FOOD 2015 Congress Registration Form for I-ACT Members (Exhibitors must use separate Exhibitor Registration Form) Please register me for the 2015 I-ACT Convention August 21 - 22, 2015 ••• Hilton Birmingham Metropole Mail completed form to: I-ACT • P.O. Box 461285 • San Antonio, TX 78246-1285 (210-366-2888) •• Please Print Legibly •• •• Fax to 210-366-2999 or email to homeoffice@i-act.org •• Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please Print - Copy this form if necessary - (only one person per form) Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City / State / Zip (Postal Code): _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Information: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ (area code) Phone number E-mail Address Registration Costs (USD) - DOES NOT INCLUDE SLEEPING ROOMS (Includes meetings, Speaker presentations, and Friday Banquet) (additional dinner tickets and other event tickets will be available at the Convention for a fee) (Sleeping room rates are shown in £ (Pounds) please convert to US dollars so you know the approximate cost) Pre Registration Prior to Mar 1 Standard Registration Prior to May 1 Late Registration Prior to July 1 On Site Registration Prior to August 21 Delegate (Member) (or Spouse)* $375.00 (US) $425.00 (US) $475.00 (US) $525.00 (US) Delegate (Non-Member) $525.00 (US) $575.00 (US) $625.00 (US) $475.00 (US) ••• Call the I-ACT Office to set up Payment Arrangements ••• *Includes members of all International Associations/International Corporations Meal Selection (FRIDAY BANQUET) (If no selection is circled, the Banquet meal (chicken) will be ordered) Please select one: Check Vegan / Vegetarian Cash Banquet Chicken Banquet Fish No Meal Payment Options (Check one) Credit Card (circle one: MC/Visa/Discover/American Express) CC Number ____________________________ Expire Date________ Security code ______ 3 or 4 digits Signature _____________________________________________ --- Absolutely NO exhibiting or selling of products without vendor fee. --Refund Policy: ALL REQUESTS FOR REFUND MUST BE MADE IN WRITING. Refunds of Convention Registration Fees may be made until August 10, 2015 (less a $50.00 processing fee); after August 10, 2015, No Request for Refunds will be honored. 14 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 23 FOOD ARTICLE CONTINUED FIRST EVER International Congress August 21-22, 2015 (I-ACT / ARCH / RICTA / IPCH / SICT) Hilton Birmingham Metropole National Exhibition Centre Birmingham B40 1PP United Kingdom Congress Speaker list: Dr Chris Shorrock – Gastroenterologist. Divisional Director of Medicine, Blackpool. Hon. Senior Lecturer of Medicine University of Salford. - Talking ‘Gut Stories’ Simon Gilbert – Motivational Speaker and Author of ‘How Big Is Your But’ Talking ‘Busting Self Limiting Beliefs’ Prof. Dr. Nick Read MA, MD, FRCP – Chair of IBS Network. Gastroenterologist & Psychotherapist, Helping people cope with illnesses, like IBS, that have no clear cause or pathology. Has held university chairs in Gastrointestinal Physiology, Human Nutrition and Integrated Medicine, Author of ‘Sick and Tired; healing the illnesses, doctors cannot cure’ Talking ‘What’s Bugging You – Bacteria & Its Role In The Sensitive Gut’ Elaine Wilson – Acupuncturist (MSc). Colon Hydrotherapist. Nutritional Therapist (MSc) Former Course Director of Northern College of Acupuncture. Author of ‘the 6 diet’. Talking ‘Diabetes & Relationship Between Diabetes & Inflammation And How Type 1 & Type 2 Relate To Each Other’ Peter Jackson-Maine – Guild of Naturopathic Iridologists. Master Herbalist. Lecturer & Author Talking ‘Herbs & Iridology For Inflammation’ Sheila Granger – Pioneering Work On Virtual Gastric Band. Author & International Speaker. Talking ‘Virtual Gastric Band’ Barry Tanner – Project Director GRCCT. Broadcaster & lecturer. Campaigner on Rights Of Complementary Medicine. Former NHS Project Manager, Teacher, Examiner, University External Verifier, Professions Rep, Parliamentarian, Participant Of Prince’s Foundation Federal Regulatory Group. Talking ‘From his years of experience as Over 30 years as a complementary therapist and over 25 years experience in regulatory processes as diverse as the London Stock Exchange, the employment sector, and education, as well as orthodox and complementary medicine.’ 22 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 Reprinted with permission from Life Line Screening I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 15 ARTICLE BY AUDREY CHEN MARKETING & PR COMMITTEE Truth in Advertising Marketing & PR Committee Update by Audrey Chen ADVERTISE TRUTHFULLY Cathy Windland, Secretary/Treasurer & Committee Chair What has your marketing done for you lately? Have you tried anything new and exciting that has really increased your business or awareness? Do you have tried and true marketing practices that have really been successful? Are you willing to share your best practices with other colon hydrotherapists around the world? Are you ready to learn how marketing can help your colon hydrotherapy business grow? Many small business owners often think that there is a magic bullet for advertising; that with a compelling ad, potential customers will immediately pick up the phone and make an appointment. The reality is that the decision to act is a complicated process and is rarely ever an impulse decision. In the past, advertising research concluded that a consumer needed to be exposed to an ad anywhere from five to seven times before they responded. But with today’s multitude of distractions from the family to the digital world, it can take as many as twelve or more exposures before a potential customer takes action. Proper and targeted advertising is essential in cutting through the clutter and attracting a potential customer’s attention. With this is mind, a small business owner needs to understand some basics of advertising before embarking on an ad campaign. 1. Budgeting Most small business owners either have not thought about what their advertising budget should be or think they cannot spend much on advertising. To estimate your budget, think about how much a new client generally spends, deduct the amount that it costs you to serve that client (a portion goes to rent, to paying the practitioner), and multiply that by the average number of repeat visits your business generally sees over the course of a year. This is the net amount of revenue that you receive from that one new client. Then decide the minimum number of new clients you would be happy to have over the course of the year. That is how much money you are able to spend on any given medium of advertising. Keep in mind that new clients gained from an ad may refer a friend. If the friend also becomes a client, this is also due to the success of that ad. Lots of questions, and the Marketing & PR Committee has been working diligently to help answer them. You’ll want to be sure and attend the Marketing & PR Committee meeting at this year’s convention as we’ll be presenting our new MARKETING TOOLKIT that’s just for I-ACT members. It’s full of great ideas, tips and best practices as well as news release templates. It’s all designed to help you build your business. We do need your help, too! Last year, we started an article library for members to use as educational pieces for marketing. The idea is that we have a wealth of information to share, and we’re all stronger practitioners for the collective effort. If you have an article that you’ve written that you are willing to share with our library, please submit it to the committee for review and inclusion. Each time an I-ACT member uses an article, they will be required to cite the original author so you’ll always receive credit for your work. We are in need of a few more articles (250 – 750 words each) in order to roll this out at this year’s convention. To those who have already submitted articles, thank you for your contributions and willingness to share. We look forward to seeing everyone at convention in Nashville June 25-27. Bring your boots, and get ready to kick-up your heals for I-ACT!! ADVERTISEMENTS 2. Target Audience As a therapist in the field of health, it may appear that the audience is anyone and everyone. After all, the general public should be concerned about their health, right? While mostly true, not everyone is mindful about their health. Take, for example, the reader who is perusing the local newspaper and has just read an article about crime in a neighboring town. That reader’s mind is thinking about safety—not about personal health. It’s a matter of context. Find a targeted venue in which to advertise, where the readers are already interested in topics directly related to your business. So, advertising in a publication whose readers are naturally concerned with overall health issues would result in a greater return for that therapist than advertising in mediums devoted to the general public. 16 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 continued on page 17 Wanted to Buy Used Open System jeffsfountainofyouth@yahoo.com 608-516-4483 For Sale: DoTolo Toxygen Model BSC-UV gently used; 5 years old * excellent condition Price includes 1 case of speculum/tubing sets $4000 Call (731)-686-7004 or email surgeryclinicofmilan@hotmail.com I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 21 ARTICLE ON GLUTEN TRUTH IN ADVERTISING CONTINUED Most People Shouldn’t Eat Gluten-Free 3. Campaign Length Gluten-free products made with refined grains can be low in fiber, vitamins and minerals Another major consideration is how many times the ad should run. Clearly, running an ad seven times in seven months is better than running an ad seven times in seven years. Remember the multitude of distractions? Today’s consumers are so bombarded with marketing messages that spreading an ad campaign out over a number of months is better than spending your annual marketing budget in one or two weeks—and then not being able to advertise again for another year. Continuity is key, as it is impossible to predict exactly how often a potential buyer needs to notice an ad. Many Americans are considering cutting back on the amount of gluten in their diets or avoiding it altogether. However, nutritionists say that if this is not done carefully, the diet can be unhealthy. In a recent poll, 30 percent of adults said they wanted to “cut down or be free of gluten,” according to The NDP Group, the market-research company that conducted the poll. That’s the highest percentage of people to report having this goal since the poll began asking the question in 2009, NDP says. Gluten is a protein found in many grains, including wheat, rye and barley. It’s found in most breads, cereals, pastas and many processed foods, according to WebMD. People who have a condition called celiac disease develop an immune reaction to gluten that damages the intestine, and so they need to avoid the protein. About 1 percent of the population has celiac disease. For most other people, a gluten-free diet won’t provide a benefit, said Katherine Tallmadge, a dietitian and the author of “Diet Simple” (LifeLine Press, 2011). What’s more, people who unnecessarily shun gluten may do so at the expense of their health, Tallmadge said. That’s because whole grains, which contain gluten, are a good source of fiber, vitamins and minerals, Tallmadge said. Gluten-free products are often made with refined grains, and are low in nutrients. If you embrace such a diet, you’ll end up “eating a lot of foods that are stripped of nutrients,” Tallmadge said. Studies show gluten-free diets can be deficient in fiber, iron, folate, niacin, thiamine, calcium, vitamin B12, phosphorus and zinc, she said. “You can eat a healthy diet without gluten, but you have to be very knowledgeable, and most people aren’t,” Tallmadge said. People who go gluten-free may feel better because, to avoid the protein, they end up cutting out desserts and junk foods, thus losing weight. “They mistakenly attribute that to their gluten-free decision,” Tallmadge said. Heather Mangieri, a nutrition consultant and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, agreed. “There’s nothing magical about eliminating gluten that results in weight loss,” Mangieri said. Any of us that eliminates or removes cookies and candies from our diets, and replaces them with fruits and vegetables is going to feel better.” Before you switch to a gluten-free diet, you should be evaluated by your family physician, and a specialist who can determine if you have celiac disease. (To be diagnosed with the disease, people should see a gastroenterologist.) Other people who may need to cut back on gluten are individuals who have a wheat allergy — they need to avoid wheat, but not all grains — and people with gluten sensitivity, who may feel better when they eat less gluten, WebMD says. If you want to go gluten-free, “do it the right way,” Mangieri said. If you eliminate wheat from the diet, make sure to replace it with a healthy, naturally gluten-free grain, such as quinoa or buckwheat, Mangieri said. You should also balance the diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, Mangieri said. Lean meat and low-fat dairy products such as yogurt are also good for a gluten-free diet, Tallmadge said. If you don’t have celiac disease, a wheat allergy or a gluten sensitivity, you’re unlikely to benefit from a gluten-free diet. Published March 11, 2013 |By Rachael Rettner and My Health News Daily 20 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 4. Patience Many business owners can get discouraged if there isn’t an immediate return and want to abandon their ad campaign before it really gets going. There are too many competing ads, articles and distractions. Do not withdraw an ad before it has had time to reach a sufficient number of potential buyers. Give them sufficient time to see your ad. Discount sites and mailers may result in an immediate response but they historically do not foster long term, invested customers. Usually these are the buyers who are looking for a good deal and will only purchase when a deep enough discount is available. Placing an ad should be about building a presence for the longer term picture. Audrey Chen is the publisher of Natural Awakenings magazine, a publication devoted to healthy living, for Bucks and Montgomery counties in PA. To find out if one of the 94 other Natural Awakenings are in your area, visit NaturalAwakeningsMag.com. To reach Audrey, call 646-361-7031 or email Publisher@NABuxMont.com. A G L C X R M A U H A S I Word Hunt Puzzle C O L O N Y Z L N Y Z Y N find all the words below going across, X S Z N B I L C N D N O T R O R V B C A G L R O C E E I P E L C N B C O I P R V A G N B V E B M T T O N I A C T V M L C O H A I A T P R I N B E I O E I Y T S O N O C B B M P R C S I E I A N V O M U H A O N O G Y T S R P S X N P S T N I L C P U H A S I Y S O A D E S N A E C V X A G L L backwards or diagonal ASSOCIATION CLEANSED COLON CONVENTIONS DIGESTIVE HYDROTHERAPY IACT INTERNATIONAL MEMBERS PROBIOTIC solution on page 28 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 17 rs u p s r e y h dy s a i l e Po et r g e m and o s ’ n i for t oo c s t o o !! b N FU ILLE HV S 5 1 NA 0 E2 N JU Na 20 I-ACT 2015 Convention Picture of Nashville taken from General Jackson on October 3, 2014 Printed with Permission by Kenny Ju n 15 e2 sh Co vil 5- le, nv en TN tio n 27 Bo ,2 sta ard 01 M 5 rt e Ju eti ne ng 22 s nd General Jackson, a 300 ft Paddlewheel Showboat, offering dining and live entertainment while cruising down the Cumberland River rs u p s r e y h dy s a i l e Po et r g e m and o s ’ n i for t oo c s t o o !! b N FU ILLE HV S 5 1 NA 0 E2 N JU Na 20 I-ACT 2015 Convention Picture of Nashville taken from General Jackson on October 3, 2014 Printed with Permission by Kenny Ju n 15 e2 sh Co vil 5- le, nv en TN tio n 27 Bo ,2 sta ard 01 M 5 rt e Ju eti ne ng 22 s nd General Jackson, a 300 ft Paddlewheel Showboat, offering dining and live entertainment while cruising down the Cumberland River ARTICLE ON GLUTEN TRUTH IN ADVERTISING CONTINUED Most People Shouldn’t Eat Gluten-Free 3. Campaign Length Gluten-free products made with refined grains can be low in fiber, vitamins and minerals Another major consideration is how many times the ad should run. Clearly, running an ad seven times in seven months is better than running an ad seven times in seven years. Remember the multitude of distractions? Today’s consumers are so bombarded with marketing messages that spreading an ad campaign out over a number of months is better than spending your annual marketing budget in one or two weeks—and then not being able to advertise again for another year. Continuity is key, as it is impossible to predict exactly how often a potential buyer needs to notice an ad. Many Americans are considering cutting back on the amount of gluten in their diets or avoiding it altogether. However, nutritionists say that if this is not done carefully, the diet can be unhealthy. In a recent poll, 30 percent of adults said they wanted to “cut down or be free of gluten,” according to The NDP Group, the market-research company that conducted the poll. That’s the highest percentage of people to report having this goal since the poll began asking the question in 2009, NDP says. Gluten is a protein found in many grains, including wheat, rye and barley. It’s found in most breads, cereals, pastas and many processed foods, according to WebMD. People who have a condition called celiac disease develop an immune reaction to gluten that damages the intestine, and so they need to avoid the protein. About 1 percent of the population has celiac disease. For most other people, a gluten-free diet won’t provide a benefit, said Katherine Tallmadge, a dietitian and the author of “Diet Simple” (LifeLine Press, 2011). What’s more, people who unnecessarily shun gluten may do so at the expense of their health, Tallmadge said. That’s because whole grains, which contain gluten, are a good source of fiber, vitamins and minerals, Tallmadge said. Gluten-free products are often made with refined grains, and are low in nutrients. If you embrace such a diet, you’ll end up “eating a lot of foods that are stripped of nutrients,” Tallmadge said. Studies show gluten-free diets can be deficient in fiber, iron, folate, niacin, thiamine, calcium, vitamin B12, phosphorus and zinc, she said. “You can eat a healthy diet without gluten, but you have to be very knowledgeable, and most people aren’t,” Tallmadge said. People who go gluten-free may feel better because, to avoid the protein, they end up cutting out desserts and junk foods, thus losing weight. “They mistakenly attribute that to their gluten-free decision,” Tallmadge said. Heather Mangieri, a nutrition consultant and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, agreed. “There’s nothing magical about eliminating gluten that results in weight loss,” Mangieri said. Any of us that eliminates or removes cookies and candies from our diets, and replaces them with fruits and vegetables is going to feel better.” Before you switch to a gluten-free diet, you should be evaluated by your family physician, and a specialist who can determine if you have celiac disease. (To be diagnosed with the disease, people should see a gastroenterologist.) Other people who may need to cut back on gluten are individuals who have a wheat allergy — they need to avoid wheat, but not all grains — and people with gluten sensitivity, who may feel better when they eat less gluten, WebMD says. If you want to go gluten-free, “do it the right way,” Mangieri said. If you eliminate wheat from the diet, make sure to replace it with a healthy, naturally gluten-free grain, such as quinoa or buckwheat, Mangieri said. You should also balance the diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, Mangieri said. Lean meat and low-fat dairy products such as yogurt are also good for a gluten-free diet, Tallmadge said. If you don’t have celiac disease, a wheat allergy or a gluten sensitivity, you’re unlikely to benefit from a gluten-free diet. Published March 11, 2013 |By Rachael Rettner and My Health News Daily 20 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 4. Patience Many business owners can get discouraged if there isn’t an immediate return and want to abandon their ad campaign before it really gets going. There are too many competing ads, articles and distractions. Do not withdraw an ad before it has had time to reach a sufficient number of potential buyers. Give them sufficient time to see your ad. Discount sites and mailers may result in an immediate response but they historically do not foster long term, invested customers. Usually these are the buyers who are looking for a good deal and will only purchase when a deep enough discount is available. Placing an ad should be about building a presence for the longer term picture. Audrey Chen is the publisher of Natural Awakenings magazine, a publication devoted to healthy living, for Bucks and Montgomery counties in PA. To find out if one of the 94 other Natural Awakenings are in your area, visit NaturalAwakeningsMag.com. To reach Audrey, call 646-361-7031 or email Publisher@NABuxMont.com. A G L C X R M A U H A S I Word Hunt Puzzle C O L O N Y Z L N Y Z Y N find all the words below going across, X S Z N B I L C N D N O T R O R V B C A G L R O C E E I P E L C N B C O I P R V A G N B V E B M T T O N I A C T V M L C O H A I A T P R I N B E I O E I Y T S O N O C B B M P R C S I E I A N V O M U H A O N O G Y T S R P S X N P S T N I L C P U H A S I Y S O A D E S N A E C V X A G L L backwards or diagonal ASSOCIATION CLEANSED COLON CONVENTIONS DIGESTIVE HYDROTHERAPY IACT INTERNATIONAL MEMBERS PROBIOTIC solution on page 28 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 17 ARTICLE BY AUDREY CHEN MARKETING & PR COMMITTEE Truth in Advertising Marketing & PR Committee Update by Audrey Chen ADVERTISE TRUTHFULLY Cathy Windland, Secretary/Treasurer & Committee Chair What has your marketing done for you lately? Have you tried anything new and exciting that has really increased your business or awareness? Do you have tried and true marketing practices that have really been successful? Are you willing to share your best practices with other colon hydrotherapists around the world? Are you ready to learn how marketing can help your colon hydrotherapy business grow? Many small business owners often think that there is a magic bullet for advertising; that with a compelling ad, potential customers will immediately pick up the phone and make an appointment. The reality is that the decision to act is a complicated process and is rarely ever an impulse decision. In the past, advertising research concluded that a consumer needed to be exposed to an ad anywhere from five to seven times before they responded. But with today’s multitude of distractions from the family to the digital world, it can take as many as twelve or more exposures before a potential customer takes action. Proper and targeted advertising is essential in cutting through the clutter and attracting a potential customer’s attention. With this is mind, a small business owner needs to understand some basics of advertising before embarking on an ad campaign. 1. Budgeting Most small business owners either have not thought about what their advertising budget should be or think they cannot spend much on advertising. To estimate your budget, think about how much a new client generally spends, deduct the amount that it costs you to serve that client (a portion goes to rent, to paying the practitioner), and multiply that by the average number of repeat visits your business generally sees over the course of a year. This is the net amount of revenue that you receive from that one new client. Then decide the minimum number of new clients you would be happy to have over the course of the year. That is how much money you are able to spend on any given medium of advertising. Keep in mind that new clients gained from an ad may refer a friend. If the friend also becomes a client, this is also due to the success of that ad. Lots of questions, and the Marketing & PR Committee has been working diligently to help answer them. You’ll want to be sure and attend the Marketing & PR Committee meeting at this year’s convention as we’ll be presenting our new MARKETING TOOLKIT that’s just for I-ACT members. It’s full of great ideas, tips and best practices as well as news release templates. It’s all designed to help you build your business. We do need your help, too! Last year, we started an article library for members to use as educational pieces for marketing. The idea is that we have a wealth of information to share, and we’re all stronger practitioners for the collective effort. If you have an article that you’ve written that you are willing to share with our library, please submit it to the committee for review and inclusion. Each time an I-ACT member uses an article, they will be required to cite the original author so you’ll always receive credit for your work. We are in need of a few more articles (250 – 750 words each) in order to roll this out at this year’s convention. To those who have already submitted articles, thank you for your contributions and willingness to share. We look forward to seeing everyone at convention in Nashville June 25-27. Bring your boots, and get ready to kick-up your heals for I-ACT!! ADVERTISEMENTS 2. Target Audience As a therapist in the field of health, it may appear that the audience is anyone and everyone. After all, the general public should be concerned about their health, right? While mostly true, not everyone is mindful about their health. Take, for example, the reader who is perusing the local newspaper and has just read an article about crime in a neighboring town. That reader’s mind is thinking about safety—not about personal health. It’s a matter of context. Find a targeted venue in which to advertise, where the readers are already interested in topics directly related to your business. So, advertising in a publication whose readers are naturally concerned with overall health issues would result in a greater return for that therapist than advertising in mediums devoted to the general public. 16 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 continued on page 17 Wanted to Buy Used Open System jeffsfountainofyouth@yahoo.com 608-516-4483 For Sale: DoTolo Toxygen Model BSC-UV gently used; 5 years old * excellent condition Price includes 1 case of speculum/tubing sets $4000 Call (731)-686-7004 or email surgeryclinicofmilan@hotmail.com I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 21 FOOD ARTICLE CONTINUED FIRST EVER International Congress August 21-22, 2015 (I-ACT / ARCH / RICTA / IPCH / SICT) Hilton Birmingham Metropole National Exhibition Centre Birmingham B40 1PP United Kingdom Congress Speaker list: Dr Chris Shorrock – Gastroenterologist. Divisional Director of Medicine, Blackpool. Hon. Senior Lecturer of Medicine University of Salford. - Talking ‘Gut Stories’ Simon Gilbert – Motivational Speaker and Author of ‘How Big Is Your But’ Talking ‘Busting Self Limiting Beliefs’ Prof. Dr. Nick Read MA, MD, FRCP – Chair of IBS Network. Gastroenterologist & Psychotherapist, Helping people cope with illnesses, like IBS, that have no clear cause or pathology. Has held university chairs in Gastrointestinal Physiology, Human Nutrition and Integrated Medicine, Author of ‘Sick and Tired; healing the illnesses, doctors cannot cure’ Talking ‘What’s Bugging You – Bacteria & Its Role In The Sensitive Gut’ Elaine Wilson – Acupuncturist (MSc). Colon Hydrotherapist. Nutritional Therapist (MSc) Former Course Director of Northern College of Acupuncture. Author of ‘the 6 diet’. Talking ‘Diabetes & Relationship Between Diabetes & Inflammation And How Type 1 & Type 2 Relate To Each Other’ Peter Jackson-Maine – Guild of Naturopathic Iridologists. Master Herbalist. Lecturer & Author Talking ‘Herbs & Iridology For Inflammation’ Sheila Granger – Pioneering Work On Virtual Gastric Band. Author & International Speaker. Talking ‘Virtual Gastric Band’ Barry Tanner – Project Director GRCCT. Broadcaster & lecturer. Campaigner on Rights Of Complementary Medicine. Former NHS Project Manager, Teacher, Examiner, University External Verifier, Professions Rep, Parliamentarian, Participant Of Prince’s Foundation Federal Regulatory Group. Talking ‘From his years of experience as Over 30 years as a complementary therapist and over 25 years experience in regulatory processes as diverse as the London Stock Exchange, the employment sector, and education, as well as orthodox and complementary medicine.’ 22 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 Reprinted with permission from Life Line Screening I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 15 ARTICLE FOOD 2015 Congress Registration Form for I-ACT Members (Exhibitors must use separate Exhibitor Registration Form) Please register me for the 2015 I-ACT Convention August 21 - 22, 2015 ••• Hilton Birmingham Metropole Mail completed form to: I-ACT • P.O. Box 461285 • San Antonio, TX 78246-1285 (210-366-2888) •• Please Print Legibly •• •• Fax to 210-366-2999 or email to homeoffice@i-act.org •• Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please Print - Copy this form if necessary - (only one person per form) Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City / State / Zip (Postal Code): _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Information: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ (area code) Phone number E-mail Address Registration Costs (USD) - DOES NOT INCLUDE SLEEPING ROOMS (Includes meetings, Speaker presentations, and Friday Banquet) (additional dinner tickets and other event tickets will be available at the Convention for a fee) (Sleeping room rates are shown in £ (Pounds) please convert to US dollars so you know the approximate cost) Pre Registration Prior to Mar 1 Standard Registration Prior to May 1 Late Registration Prior to July 1 On Site Registration Prior to August 21 Delegate (Member) (or Spouse)* $375.00 (US) $425.00 (US) $475.00 (US) $525.00 (US) Delegate (Non-Member) $525.00 (US) $575.00 (US) $625.00 (US) $475.00 (US) ••• Call the I-ACT Office to set up Payment Arrangements ••• *Includes members of all International Associations/International Corporations Meal Selection (FRIDAY BANQUET) (If no selection is circled, the Banquet meal (chicken) will be ordered) Please select one: Check Vegan / Vegetarian Cash Banquet Chicken Banquet Fish No Meal Payment Options (Check one) Credit Card (circle one: MC/Visa/Discover/American Express) CC Number ____________________________ Expire Date________ Security code ______ 3 or 4 digits Signature _____________________________________________ --- Absolutely NO exhibiting or selling of products without vendor fee. --Refund Policy: ALL REQUESTS FOR REFUND MUST BE MADE IN WRITING. Refunds of Convention Registration Fees may be made until August 10, 2015 (less a $50.00 processing fee); after August 10, 2015, No Request for Refunds will be honored. 14 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 23 SW REGIONAL MEETING MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE REPORT Regional Meeting SO CA 10-19-14 Membership Committee Report We had 13 people attending, including the President of the NBCHT, Edgar Guess. A low count for us, but we all had a great time together and one member pointed out that we had over 200 years of combined experience from just 6 of us. (See picture). by Gail Naas Announcing New Member Benefits! I am excited to report that I-ACT now offers its members with the following group saving discounts at major companies and service providers! Look on page 15 for the introduction flyer and how to register! We had great speakers with much interaction with our members. Mark Fowler, from the 2014 convention, spoke on “how to tell where your business is and how to take it to the next level.” India Holloway presented “how we can help see our client’s colon in their eyes,” so we can help them more without diagnosing. Dr. Bo Wagner, again from the 2014 convention, broke down food combining with your blood type and why it is so important t educate our clients on both, not just one so they feel better. Pam Craig (our former I-AT President) taught us how to make Fermented Veggies, Kefir and coconut pudding. We had a YUMMY conclusion for all to enjoy and now we understand how valuable eating fermented foods can be for our digestive track, not just for ourselves but how to teach our clients. Please join us next year, Sunday, October 18th, 2015 for a great time of camaraderie and education. We had such a great time with each other and the education value will make our practices grow. 24 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 You will receive discounts at: Office Depot (see page 32 ) - HUGE, HUGE Savings!!! ADP Payroll Services YRC Freight Shipping Services Carbonite File Backup Systems Transworld Systems – Collections Springboard Promotional Products First Data Credit Card Processing Teledoc Physician and Pediatrician Services Cruise One Travel Services The amount of savings is truly amazing and can impact your business and personal expenses! These benefits are some of many that you receive as an I-ACT member. The I-ACT Board and Membership Committee strive to continue to add more! If you have an idea or a desire for a member benefit, please contact the I-ACT office or myself, Gail Naas. I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 13 ADVERTISEMENTS ADVERTISEMENTS www.QMSAZ.com EMAIL info@QMSAZ.com TOLL FREE (877) 759-1277 MOBILE (623) 640-4646 EVERYDAY LOW PRICING!!! HIGHEST QUALITY MEDICAL GRADE SPECULUMS Smooth-Tip Speculum Kits Hydrocare Speculum Kits $3.20 / 42” KIT $3.25 / 48” KIT $3.35 / 42” KIT $3.40 / 48” KIT One-Piece Speculum Kits Round-Tip Speculum Kits $3.35 / 42” KIT $3.40 / 48” KIT Smooth-Tip Bulbed ORIGINAL SMOOTHBOR™ OR CUFFED WASTEHOSE SAME DAY SHIPPING, EVERYDAY! $3.35 / 42” KIT $3.40 / 48” KIT *ORDER BEFORE NOON MST $1.00 EACH _________________________________ Clear Poly Tubing (Open System) 100 ft. Roll $24.99 - 50 ft. Roll $14.99 - 7”Pre-cut .22¢ __________________________________ All Products are FDA Registered - - FDA Registration #3008274651 12 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 “Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.” “Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.” I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 25 INSURANCE INFORMATION REGIONAL REPS Professional liability insurance. Allied Professional Insurance will write professional liability insurance for I-ACT members. You must be a current member and keep your membership current to be eligible for the insurance. Contact the I-ACT office (210-366-2888) for the application form, or go to the I-ACT web site - Members Only Section - and download the application from the web site. Doctors’ Insurance Agency also writes professional liability insurance for colon hydrotherapists. Email them at: info@ doctorsagency.com. They are located at 6 Hamilton Landing, Suite 170, Novato, CA 94949. Phone 415-506-3030. Another company, CM&F may write liability insurance for colon hydrotherapists (they have dropped numerous therapists, but some are getting insurance. - call 800-221-4904, or go online to cmfgroup.com. It will be listed as “Enterostomal Therapist.” They will put a rider in the policy stating colon hydrotherapy if you request; however, it is not required - this depends on the underwriter of the insurance. In Canada, try Lloyds of London - check with your local Lloyds of London agent. In the UK, try Balens Insurance Brokers at 01684 893006. In the Netherlands, try: Mark Hypotheken & Pensioenen B.V., Therese van Reeuwijk Oude Delft 103, NL-2611 BD DELFT • tel. +31 152147543 • fax. +31 152126086 • www.markhypotheken.nl Check around and choose the best policy for you. As other options become available, we will let you know. If you hear of anything let us know. Advertisement Wholistic Skin & Body Rejuvenation ™ 26 CERTIFICATED COURSES FOR Colon & Massage Therapists & Health Professionals E ARNING CERTIFICATION AS A WHOLISTIC REJUVENIST (C.W.R.) will exponentially change your life, your practice, your income potential, and the lives of those you serve. WSBR courses introduce you to the art and science of Pluralistic Medicine—diverse global disciplines that encompass all healing modalities that are safe and effective regardless of their origin; each one a piece of the total health continuum. The courses are designed to prepare you to become certified as a C.W.R., to expand individual disciplines whose ultimate goals are complete health, recovery and anti-aging. TELESEMINAR “LIVE” CLASSES for all levels from the convenience of your home or office. Check our website for level offered, dates and time. You can register online or call 888-352-8175, CLOSED FRIDAY. ON-SITE DATES/ LOCATIONS… Check our website for locations nationally and internationally. Why not schedule a class at your location? Email us for minimum attendee information at your location. COST… $695 per level, includes full-color 300+ page course manual. Join your colleagues who have taken the courses and are raving about its comprehensive information you don’t learn elsewhere. Certification course NOW OFFERED VIA TELESEMINAR. No travel or lost income! INSTRUCTOR— Gloria Gilbère, N.D., D.A.Hom., Ph.D., D.S.C., EcoErgonomist™, Wholistic Rejuvenist™ Registration For a complete list of on-site class dates, for more information, to request a class at your facility, or to attend a class in Sandpoint, ID, call toll-free in the U.S. 888-352-8175. EMAIL—WSBR@gloriagilbere.com VISIT OUR WEBSITE— www.gloriagilbere.com LEVELS– One—Rejuvenation is a Journey, Not a Destination Two—Rejuvenation Inside-out Advanced—Preparing the Terrain Instructor—Teaching the Teachers NBCHT approved for 20 CEUs (for each level) when combined with a Case Study/Investigative Report Project Approved by Florida Massage Board and Georgia Board of Chiropractic—many states allow for reciprocal credit. I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 NEW ENGLAND/NEW YORK -- New York, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine Barbara Chivvis 516-383-9505 email:bdchiv65@optonline.net NORTH EAST -- Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, D.C., West Virginia Rose Mary Polhemus973-697-3530 email:rosemary@earthspringwellness.com NORTH CENTRAL -- Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky Open Position MID ATLANTIC -- Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina Darlene Holloway 919-380-0023 email althealthcenter@peoplepc.com MID SOUTH -- Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi Open Position SOUTH EAST -- Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, North Florida Open Position FLORIDA -- Florida Naima Reynolds 305-490-5850 email:naimareynolds@yahoo.com SOUTH CENTRAL -- Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico Debra Christian 903-593-4025 emaildebrachristian5554@sbc.com NORTH MID WEST -- Wisconsin, Minnesota, N Dakota, S Dakota Kristin Burich 651-490-3347 emailkburich@comcast.com MID WEST -- Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, Kansas Grace Melby 815-648-4544 emailghmelby@gmail.com Open Position for Rep to co-host with Grace NORTH WEST -- Washinton, Oregon, Idaho, Montana Russell or Cherie Kolbo 253-649-0288 emailrussellkolbo@earthlink.net CENTRAL MOUNTAIN -- Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Nebraska Open Position CALIFORNIA/SOUTH WEST -- California, South Nevada, Arizona Suzanne Childre’ 310-576-6360 email suzannechildre@ieihealth.com France Robert 310-576-6360 email francerobert@ieihealt.com HAWAII -- Hawaiian Islands Russell Kolbo 253-649-0288 emailrussellkolbo@earthlink.net AROUND THE WORLD AUSTRALIA - EASTERN REGION Michelle King Gum Tree Retreat 3570 Orara Way, Grafton, NSW, Australia 2460 612-6649-4464 email: info@gumtreeretreat.com AUSTRALIA - WESTERN REGION Open Position EUROPE Lisette Timmermans Natuurgeneeskundig Therapeut / Aqua Lingua Center for Colon Hydrotherapy Education Julianalaan 45, 2628 BB Delft, Netherlands Phone: +31 15 214 42 21 email: info@aqua-lingua.eu CANADA Katherine Labonte Dharma Spirit Holistic Health 67 Gleneagles Terrace Cochrane, Alberta T4C 1W5, Canada Phone 403-981-3334 email: k.labonte@dharmaspirit.ca CARIBBEAN Jennifer Blaufox The Holistic Therapeutic Center & International Colonic Institute 125 Molynes Rd. Kingston, 20 Jamaica West Indies Phone 876-969-6124 email: jblaufox@yahoo.com SE ASIA Open Position UNITED KINGDOM Marlin and Richard Armstrong Heavenly Spa 1 Chilworth Mews, London, W2 3RG, United Kingdom Phone: 020 7298 3820 email: relax@heavenlyspa.co.uk If interested in becoming a Regional Representative in any of the open areas, please contact the I-ACT office or Darlene Holloway 918-380-0023 for an application. I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 11 REGIONAL REP COMMITTEE REPORT Regional Representative Committee Report Darlene Holloway Chair Regional Representative Committee I-ACT Board Member At Large Spring has finally arrived, and there is a buzz in the air. Our Regional Representatives have been buzzing around as well, holding regional meetings and preparing for our Nashville convention. We just held our 2nd go to meeting. Thank you for all that attended. Our Regional Representatives are working hard towards our Nashville convention. This is our 26th year. Can you believe that! 26 years and our association is getting stronger and growing more each year. Our Regional Representatives will be hosting the Wednesday night social event in Nashville. Wear your boots and come meet your Regional Representative and enter into our “Boot Contest”. Our committee in conjunction with the talent committee will be having a boot contest Wednesday during the social event. We are calling all boots to come on down and to show your cowboy boots, most bling boots, most used boots, most practical, most impractical, work boots, snow boots, rain boots, etc. Let’s see what region has the most boots and the largest variety. ADVERTISEMENTS High Potency, Targeted Probiotics from The Digestive Care Experts Featuring Formulas Developed Especially for Women With Advanced Naturals probiotic formulas, you can be assured that your clients are getting a high-potency daily probiotic formula that meets their individual needs.* Choose from 6 billion to 200 billion live cultures per serving to help support and maintain a balanced intestinal environment.* Plus our women’s formulas have additional support for vaginal and urinary tract health.* Advanced Naturals High-Quality Probiotics ✔ High Bifido and Lacto formulas ✔ Potent multi-strain probiotic blends Brenda Watson, C.N.C. ✔ Targeted-release delivery system I-ACT President 1999-2004 Visit www.advancednaturals.com to see our entire line ✔ Guaranteed potency Established accounts – call for monthly specials New accounts – receive a FREE GIFT with initial order 1-800-690-9988 Linda x265, Gina x280 or Olga x276 * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. AN-6922 And of course stop by and visit us at our Regional Representative Booth and meet your Regional Representative. Wear your boots and come on down to Nashville for a root ‘n tootin hoe down of education. With Gratitude, Darlene Are you ready to get great clients and make more money? Free Training for I-Act members: How to Attract Great Clients Who Love You and Pay You Well! Check the I-ACT Web site http://www.i-act.org/regionalmeeting.html to find out when your Regional Meeting is scheduled 10 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 GetGreatClientsNow.com I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 27 MEMBER INFORMATION NOMINATIONS FOR ELECTIONS Information on Approved A&P Courses Your students may take an A&P course through their local community college or university. If they have taken an Anatomy & Physiology course for massage, from a state licensed school that provided at least 45 hours of classroom time, that course will also count. There is one course that may be used for the A&P pre-requisites. Your student may take the Delmar course through CENGAGE Learning, ONLY if you as the instructor or school register with Delmar and set up the program. It goes through you, students MAY NOT call Delmar, it doesn’t work that way. The Instructor must Contact: Claudine DeChant: Cengage Learning at, 5 Maxwell Dr., Clifton Park, NY 12065 (p) 800.998.7498 x2598 or email: Becky.Chateauneuf@cengage.com. Valid in the USA. Information for Those Seeking a Job Looking for a Career Opportunity? If you are looking to be employed, you may email us and we will list your name as someone looking for employment. Also check our “Help Needed” section, page 24 in this issue. 28 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 ALL Positions are open: NBCHT Board Positions (Certification Board) Vice President - Incumbent - Open Secretary Treasurer - Incumbent - XXX Two (2) At Large Board Members Incumbent - XXX Incumbent - XXX If you are interested in running for one of these positions, or if you would like to nominate someone to run for one of these positions, please follow the guidelines listed below. As a member of either Board, you will be required to travel to Board Meetings (usually 2-3 times per year). Additionally, there are teleconferences scheduled each month that you are required to participate in. When you are required to travel from your home, your itemized expenses will be compensated and you will receive a small stipend to offset the time you are away from your home. If you do not have the time to fully participate with Board activities, please do not run for office. Voting will be by Mail Ballot. Eligibility Requirements for Individuals Nominated to Run for Office: • Prior to being nominated to a position as a Member of the Board or as an Officers of the corporation, the individual: •• must be a Full member in good standing of the corporation. •• must use FDA registered equipment. •• must be a member of the association for a minimum of two consecutive years. •• must be certified by I-ACT at the Intermediate Level, or higher. and •• must be National Board for Colon Hydrotherapy certified. •• must be at the Instructor level if running for a position as an Officer in the Corporation Nominations must be received by the CPA in written form, via a certified, return receipt letter. If you are seeking someone to employ, send us an email with your information and we will post your opening in our E-Blasts. Hope you enjoyed solving the Word Hunt puzzle ALL Positions are open: I-ACT Board Positions - Officers of the Board Vice President - Incumbent - Open Secretary Treasurer - Incumbent - XXX Three (3) At Large Board Members Incumbent - XXX Incumbent - XXX Incumbent - XXX • Additionally, the individual must NOT be a manufacturer of equipment and supplies directly related to the practice of colon hydrotherapy or colon irrigation; their immediate family, nor may nomination be an employee of a manufacturer of colon hydrotherapy equipment or supplies • There Must Not be any other instructors or employees from the same school serving on this Board of Directors (or running in this election) at the same time. • Finally, there may only be one member of a family on the Board at one time. Go to the I-ACT web site and then go to the members only section. Inside you will find numerous job opportunities. solution to puzzle on page 17 Per your I-ACT By-Laws, and since this is an odd year, it is time to solicit nominations for the following Officers and Members of the Board for the I-ACT Board... and the Officers and Members of the National Board for Colon Hydrotherapy. L C X R O L O N Y S Z N B I O R V B C A G C X R M A U H A S I Z L N Y L C N Z Y N D N O T A G L R C E O E I P E L C N B C O I P R V A G N B V E B M T T O N I A C T V M L C O H A I A N B E I O E I Y T T P R I S O N O C B B M P R C S I E I A N V O M U H A O N O G Y T S R P S X N P S T N I L C P U H A S I Y S O A D E S N A E C V X A G L L The Nomination letter must be received by the CPA [addressed to: Joseph C. Osborne, Certified Public Accountant; 4407 Bee Cave Rd, Suite 412 Attn: I-ACT Ballot; West Lake Hills, TX 78746] no later than May 31, 2015. (Any nomination sent to the I-ACT office is invalid and will not be accepted.) By June 6, 2015 the CPA will notify (by postmarked letter) the individuals that their nominations were received and the CPA will also notify the Home office of the names of those that were nominated for election and the office they are running for. In concert with the Home Office, the Nomination Committee will determine the eligibility of all nominees. Once vetted, the Home Office will notify the Board of Directors. Nominations should be completed by the annual meeting of the membership (so individuals running for office can be introduced at the annual convention). Nominee Must submit a letter on a single page (8 in x 10 in - black & white with no photos) for the quarterly with the following information: • your history as a colon hydrotherapist including length of time as an I-ACT member • level of I-ACT membership and certification • length of time in an office or on the board, if applicable • school, family, and office affiliations • a statement describing why you want to be elected and the goals you have for being on the board. You will be given time (3 - 5 minutes) during the annual membership meeting to speak to the membership. Thank you for taking the time so that members may get to know your qualifications better. Sincerely, I-ACT Charlotte Layne Nomination Committee Chairperson I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 9 BUSINESSES FOR SALE ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SALE -- Established Angel of Water-Colon Hydrotherapy Business & or Equipment -Thriving central UTAH location, clients rave about office ambiance/service -The business is turn-key ready - Owner is expecting twins & would love someone to come in & show her clients the same love & care - If you, or someone you know, are interested, please contact for info & pricing. Infinite love & gratitude. AJ Harris 801-822-1611 colonhealthinstitute@gmail.com Colon Hydrotherapy Highest Quality in Safety & Sanitation! Thriving Colon Hydrotherapy Business for Sale in Eugene, Oregon Call Tara Alder with Alder Brooke Healing Arts to inquire 541-513-7894 Or email Tara at Taralyn@alderbrooke.com Find more info at www.alderbrooke.com Aqua Soothe is a 9 year and growing cliental business. It is located in The Wellness Education Center in Kalispell, MT. The building is filled with many great practitioners including, 2 health educators, a naturopathic physician, massage therapist, thermography as well as a monthly guided juice fast. Aqua Soothe features the Libbe system including I-ACT certification as well as the NRG foot spa. The business has one Libbe bed. The business is complete turn-key with treatment room and office space. Transitional training and assistance will be provided until new owners feels comfortable. Please contact Holli at 406-752-3390 colonic.net Tiller MIND BODY, Inc. 10911 West Avenue San Antonio, Texas 78213 210 308.8888 FDA (class II) Colon Irrigation Systems, are prescription medical devices and are intended for use for colon cleansing, when medically indicated, such as before radiologic or endoscopic examinations, as identified in 21 C.F.R. 876.5220 Copyright © 1994-2015 Complete LIBBE and I-ACT at COLONIC NETWORK SCHOOL San Antonio, Texas (10 Day Course $2,000.00) And for a limited time, receive up to $1,600.00 Training Discount Off Purchase of one or more LIBBE Devices! http://colonic.net/training/registration/ email: info@colonic.net Off: 210 308-8888 (OR Train @ LIBBE Recognized School $1,000.00 Off Purchase) (((((((Colonic((Font is named bowel Trouble 8 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 “Are YOU a TOXIC WASTE SITE?” BOOKLETS Twentiethry sa Anniveron Editi ew N COLOR Pages By Bill Tiller, ND. Example of How a Colonic Session Softens Feces and Cleans the Colon San Francisco Bay Area Wellness Center for sale! Established in 2006. Great location, lots of potential LIBBE equipped with two rooms Please see BIZBEN posting #: 208334 Contact: Zoltan at 415-531-6950 RECTAL NOZZLE Colon Hydrotherapy Questions & Answers Promotes Your Industry www.toxicwastesite.net © COPYRIGHT © “Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.” I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 29 ADVERTISEMENTS 30 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 ADVERTISEMENTS “Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.” “Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.” I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 7 FUNCTIONAL FORUM INFORMATION EDGAR GUESS, MD NBCHT PRESIDENT National Board for Colon HydroTherapy NBCHT Announcing!!!! A special thanks to Beverly Blass, as we have a new relationship with the company that hosts the Evolution of Medicine/Functional Forum. This group has over 50,000 doctors that participate in their Podcasts and Webinars. 11103 San Pedro Ave., Suite 117, San Antonio, TX 78216 Office: 210-308-8288 • Fax: 210-366-2999 www.nbcht.org We have paid $8500 so we will have two podcasts available for your use. We anticipate that this effort should help you generate relationships with medical doctors in your area. In addition, it will help to spread information about the value of colon hydrotherapy to the medical community as part of our desire to educate the doctors. Go to: http://functionalforum.com/colon-hydrotherapy-valuable-to-your-clinic/ From The Desk Of: Edgar Guess, MD, FACOG NBCHT President To: All Members of NBCHT You can listen to, and download the pod casts, one from Dr. Holt, and one from Dr. Kolbo. We hope this letter finds you and yours in the best of health and ready for Spring. MID WEST REGIONAL REPORT The Spring meeting of the Mid West Region was held in Chicago, Illinois, at the office of Dr. and Mrs. Milton Chandler, on Sunday, March 15, 2015. There were eleven members present, five of whom earned NBCHT CEUs. Our guest speaker was Kenneth Carlson, a Business Coach. His topic was “Powerful Questions: Using Your Time with Your Clients to Also Move Emotional Toxicity Out of Their Lives”. The presentation was inter-active and was very well received. Dorothy Chandler, our President Emeritus, brought us up to date on I-ACT issues and explained the importance of getting to know our elected officials. We finished up the afternoon with a round table discussion Respectfully submitted, Grace Melby Mid West Regional Representative 32 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 As I-ACT continues pushing for legislation, one of the strongest arguments that we have to help the legislative bodies of our states to believe that our profession is safe and our members are capable of working on the public in a safe manner, is the NBCHT Certification Examination. This exam is used by the state of Florida to license colon hydrotherapists. The NBCHT has made this exam available to any state that is seeking legislation to help speed up the legislative process and support the legislative effort. With that in mind, we want all NBCHT members to consider taking the new exam. This will provide the following benefits: • The NBCHT will have a larger sample size of individuals taking the exam, resulting in greater validity. • All NBCHT members would have taken a legally defensible Exam. • The NBCHT will be able to provide each state a complete list of NBCHT members, not just the names of those that have passed the new exam. We hope you all understand that as a practicing Colon Hydrotherapist, you should be able to pass the New NBCHT exam. The exam that many of you took to get “grandfathered” was the most difficult exam that has been created for Colon Hydrotherapists. The new exam is an “entry level” exam. Have faith in yourselves and believe you know what you are doing, then register and take the new exam. Also, just like I-ACT, the NBCHT is required to hold elections during every odd year. If you are interested in serving, please send in your nomination letter. Thank you for doing your part to help us grow our Association and our Profession. Sincerely, Edgar Guess, MD NBCHT President I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 5 LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE REPORT ADVERTISEMENT NEW ESSENTIAL BOOK!!! THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO COLON HYDROTHERAPY Greetings Members, By Stephen Holt, MD, PhD, LLD, DSc As part of I-ACT’s colon hydrotherapy advocacy, the board has become aware of naturopathic licensing legislation in five states, which could potentially impact the unlicensed practice of colon hydrotherapy respectively. Each bill includes colon hydrotherapy in the scope of practice for licensed naturopaths. A Must Read for All Colon Hydrotherapists Supplement your training and practice DISTINGUISHED PROFESSOR OF MEDICINE (EMERITUS), DR. HOLT PROVIDES A MODERN ACCOUNT OF THE PRINCIPLES AND The aforementioned states are: Illinois SB 1601, Penn HB 516, Idaho HB 181, New Jersey A 814, Rhode Island SB’s 0094, SB 0331 and Rhode Island HB’s 5380 & HB 5501. PRACTICE OF COLON HYDROTHERAPY. Our board member, Cathy Windland from PA, has taken a leadership role on behalf of I-ACT in our effort to seek an amendment to the current PA naturopathic licensing bill and has traveled to the state capital to lobby the house licensing committee members currently hearing this bill. Colonic Irrigation. A Modern Reappraisal of The Evidence Base, Principles and Practice of This book is a must read for all colon hydrotherapists and individuals who are interested in Alternative and Complementary Gastroenterology. During a recent regional meeting, Illinois I-ACT members have formed a leadership team to work on legislation protecting access to colon hydrotherapy. COMMENTS: In our effort to make advocacy a priority, I-ACT needs your help. Please submit to the committee or the office the following: Dorothy Chandler, Past President I-ACT, Chicago, IL. • • • Your work and home state representatives Party in leadership Number of State Senate, House members and legislative districts “This book provides basic academic knowledge that all colon hydrotherapists should possess”. “This is a valuable contribution to the modern-day use of colon hydrotherapy. Dr. Holt analyses this subject in his usual thoughtful manner and “open the eyes” of the conventional physician who may reject this procedure”. As a reminder, our legislative strategy has several key components, which are: Ester Mark, MD, Laguna Hills, CA. • • • • • www.stephenholtmd.com To educate the colon hydrotherapist community on the importance of legislative advocacy To encourage members to get to know their state legislators and create goodwill To educate our clients and solicit their support To network with other unlicensed practitioners To educate our state legislative officials regarding our identity as a practitioner group and how we are an important part of our local economies These legislative efforts need each of us to decide its importance and to get involved. Only with sustained action will our industry protect the right of access for our clients. www.hiom.org AVAILABLE AT 973-256-4660 US$49.99 20% DISCOUNT FOR I-ACT MEMBERS OR TRAINEES. PORTION OF SALES WILL BE GIVEN TO I-ACT. I-ACT is accepting donations to the legislative fund for each state, so please consider sending a donation for any of the states mentioned or start a fund for your state. Please contact the office for more details. What do we want “ Legislative Protection for Colon Hydrotherapy” When do we want it, NOW!! Submitted by, Dorothy M. Chandler RN, Legislative Committee Chair 4 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 MEMBER NOTICES I-ACT is GREEN!!! As of the Summer 2013 Quarterly, I-ACT has gone “green.” Your quarterly will be emailed to you. I-ACT sends out E-Blasts to notify its members of Regional Meetings and other important issues. If you are not receiving these E-Blasts, please email the I-ACT Office and give your current e-mail address. We will immediately put your email address on our E-Blast list. If you would like to have the quarterly sent to you via regular mail, you MUST let us know so we can put you on a list. Just send us an email: homeoffice@i-act.org and let us know you want/need your future quarterlies via mail. Members Only Section of the I-ACT Web Site If you have not been to our web site, please go to www.i-act.org. Go to the members only section - contact the office for your Members Only password. In that location, you can find the I-ACT Member Logo, and additional member information. In the future, those on our By receiving an email version of the Quarterly, E-Blast list will be sent the current password, so make sure that you are on our E-Blast list to you help the Association be cost effective and good stewards of the budget. ensure that you receive the password for our I-ACT Member site. I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 33 We ADVERTISEMENTS Letter to the Members from the I-ACT President: GAIL NAAS in England and Europe to put on this event. We Wow! There is a lot happening in our profession that thank ARCH, RICTAT, and IPCH for their help putting I want to bring you up to date with. this together. The Italian First, we are taking nominations for our 2015 Election. association SIPC will also As you know, our By-Laws require that we have an become a major participant and we welcome their election every two years. It is that time again. assistance. If you would like to run for office, there are a few All of this has been put in things that you should know. place by the efforts of Richard and Marlin Armstrong and our International Committee Chairperson, Prior to being nominated to a position as a MemDorothy Chandler. ber of the Board or as an Officer of the corporation, the individual: We have been notified that the state of PA has a •• must be a Full member in good standing of the Naturopathic Bill that has “Colon Hydrotherapy” in corporation. the naturopaths scope of practice. We are concerned •• must use FDA registered equipment. that this might interfere with our members ability to •• must be a member of the association for a practice our profession. minimum of two consecutive years. •• must be certified by I-ACT at the Intermediate Cathy Windland has been working with legislators Level, or higher. and •• must be National Board for Colon Hydrotherapy in Pennsylvania and has been told that the current naturopathic law is not meant to interfere with our certified. ability to practice colon hydrotherapy as long as you •• must be at the Instructor level if running for a have been properly trained. position as an Officer in the Corporation Dear I-ACT Members, Announcing The book that educates clients to the importance of Digestive Tract Care See an increase in the number of new patients Pricing $1.50 per book. Free shipping & handling on orders of 100 or more Medsker Publishing, 106 N. Creek Dr., Quinby, SC 29506, 843-669-5794 IN MEMORIUM We have been notified of the passing of our long-time friend and I-ACT member, Ruth Kay from New Zealand. We need good people to run for the Board and to help us move our profession forward. Please look on page 9 for a complete list of the requirements to run for office. She was a tireless servant to all mankind and she was instrumental in establishing the I-ACT presence in New Zealand. Being on the board is a lot of work, but it is well worth your efforts. Her Husband and soulmate, Mike Kay reported, “It is with great sadness that I write to tell you that Ruth passed away in her sleep at around 04:30 this morning. I feel absolutely devastated. I truly thought that she would live for ever, certainly seeing me out. It has been raining most of the day -- even the angels are shedding a tear!! Thank you for the support you gave her over many years. Keep up the good work!” Ruth Kay was a special person and she will be missed. 34 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 Our 2015 Convention will be held in Nashville, TN, June 25 - 27, 2015. You can relax and enjoy the music in the home of Country Music while learning from a great line up of speakers. We will have the best “Hoe Down” ever and other fantastic activities. We’ll see Y’all there!!! We are preparing for the first International Congress of Colon Hydrotherapy to be held at the Hilton, Birmingham Metropole in England August 21 & 22, 2015! We are working with the other associations We will continue to monitor the situation and keep you informed. In this regard, it would help the Board if each of you takes the time to check your state to ensure that there are no bills being proposed that might interfere with your ability to practice your profession. IT takes the efforts of each of us to ensure that we are protected. You can see that 2015 will be an exciting time. So, take a moment and reflect on the past year, allow yourself to rest and become strong so we can have the best year ever. I wish you a prosperous and health-filled New Year, wherever you are, in our I-ACT global community. Gail Naas I-ACT President I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 3 I-ACT COOKBOOK ADVERTISEMENTS Order the NEW I-ACT Cookbook only $20.00 each plus shipping Over 270 Recipes Appetizers, Sauces & Dips Breakfast, Smoothies & Juicing Snacks, Soups & Breads Vegetarian Vegan & Raw Main Dish Salads & Cultured Foods Desserts Drinks & Beverages Limited Quantities People are loving this Cookbook! Get yours before they are all gone! Get Your Copy of the Very First I-ACT Cookbook call 210.366.2888 to order “Thank you to the members that submitted their recipes!” 6 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 31 Disclaimer: I-ACT neither endorses, approves, nor supports any products advertised in this Quarterly Newsletter. These advertisements are provided to the membership by each advertiser. Additionally, the readers should assure themselves that the material presented herein is current and applicable at the time it is read. The authors cannot warrant that the material will continue to be accurate. Readers should verify statements before relying on them. No statement herein shall be considered a legal opinion nor a substitute for the advice of an attorney. For the most recent and complete interpretation of laws, please consult an attorney. Table of Contents I-ACT Policy Statements 3 I-ACT President’s Letter Legislative Committee Report 5 9 6 Nominations For Election Regional Rep Committee Report 14 18-19N 16 ashville Convention Information 20 Article on Gluten Marketing & PR Committee Update 2015 International Congress 23 22 Congress Registration Form CA Regional Information 26 24 Insurance Information 28 A&P Courses Functional Forum / MidWest Region New Members 1st Quarter 2 13 Food Article Truth in Advertising 32 10 Regional Rep List Membership Committee Report 21 4 NBCHT President’s Message I-ACT Cookbook 11 2 I-ACT Policy Statements: I-ACT recommends the use of currently registered FDA equipment and only disposable speculums, rectal tubes, or rectal nozzles. However, should the Therapist use reusable speculums, these speculums should, at a minimum, be autoclaved for sanitation and cleanliness (30 minutes). Additionally, the autoclave unit must be tested and inspected by competent authority at least four times per year- maintain documentation. (Under NO conditions should a disposable speculum or rectal tube be reused). I-ACT recognizes the FDA classifies equipment used to instill water into the colon through a nozzle inserted into the rectum to evacuate the contents of the colon into three distinct classes; Class I (Enema Kits), Class II and Class III are (Colon Irrigation Systems). Follow the guidelines of your manufacturer, as approved by the FDA for the type of equipment (devices) you are using. Make no claims as to the use of your device other than those approved by the FDA. The main differences between Class I and Class II devices: The code of federal regulations CFR 876.5210 & 876.5220 describe the differences between the Class I and the Class II devices. From that regulation, a Class I device is an enema system and does not include “colonic irrigation devices”. A “colon irrigation device” is a Class II device, which in part is described as: “The system is designed to allow evacuation of the contents of the colon during the administration of the colonic irrigation. The Class I Device: · The Class I device is defined as an enema system and may not have temperature control, temperature gauges or water purification as part of the device. Class I enema systems must be self-administered. · Manufacturers of Class I devices are not required to have third party oversight as they need not comply with the good manufacturing practices and record keeping that are required of Class II manufacturers. Class I devices are not as heavily regulated and controlled by the FDA as Class II devices are. · Owners of Class I devices may not market their service using the terms “colonics or colonic irrigation” in describing the scope of their practice of evacuating the contents of the lower bowel. The Class II Device: · The Class II Device is a “colonic irrigation device”. · Manufacturers of Class II devices are required to have third party oversight and must comply with the good manufacturing practices and record keeping that are required by the FDA. Class II devices are heavily regulated and controlled by the FDA. · The FDA requires Class II devices to be sold and used on or at the order of a physician or health care practitioner. This may be different in each state. Although I-ACT is not aware of any laws that preclude you from assisting an individual with an enema, I-ACT does want you to consider upgrading your equipment to the equipment that provides the greatest safeguards to the public. In this profession, that would be equipment marketed as Class II devices. Remember that I-ACT strongly recommends that all I-ACT members use FDA registered Class II devices or devices equivalent to Class II devices regulated by the appropriate agency in your country. Only individuals using FDA registered equipment will be placed on the I-ACT Web Site. Purchase equipment at your own risk. Ensure you are in compliance with your local, state, federal and country guidelines. Ensure that equipment you purchase is cleared for use in your country. I-ACT recognizes there are two distinct types of colon irrigation systems; open and closed systems. However, it is I-ACT policy that the colon hydrotherapist / technician is always in attendance / or is immediately available to the client throughout the session. The degree of assistance is to be in compliance with the instructions of the manufacturer of the equipment as registered with the FDA, and/or as directed by a physician. The policy on insertion is to follow the instruction of the referring physician; the guidelines of the manufacturer as approved by the FDA; or the directives from the authority of your city, county, state, or country ordinances. I-ACT recommends that you do not put the initials (CT) for colon hydrotherapist after your name, write it out in full. According to most state laws, putting initials after your name is not allowed unless you are licensed or have a degree from an accredited professional school. NEW MEMBERS 1ST QUARTER 2015 Following is a list of our new members for the period January 1, 2015 through March 31, 2015. We are glad to have you as members. Remember, at I-ACT you are important to us! First Name Daniel Alanna Bryan Tonya Yiyang John Eduardo Tom Gillian Naomi Jenny Melanie Marina Darlean Ernesto Gladys Ladan Vania Kelly Marlene Zhe Margit Dandan Serena Pietrina Ramona Gillian Rosemary Levina Shanta Emilia Lisa Ngwe Biju Beth Shonda Nancy Amanda Dosha Robin Shonda Kelsey Lorraine David Last Name Espinoza Wignall Culpepper Reyes Liu Stevens Lugo Phillips Mickelson Trevelyan Putrino Kuipers Swedberg Williams Diaz Diaz Raissi Bencosme Reynaud Rose Wen Brandhuber Zhang Hilton Clark Linehan Akong Flickinger Deslandes Johnson Carlota Begey Chang Jose Long Rodehaver Langlands Shub Welch Pediford Hall Decker Barwick Barwick Home City New Albany Mount Gravatt Collinsville Las Cruces Richmond Dallas Garland Lawrenceville Santa Fe Ithaca Cathedral City Byron Bay Scottsdale Atlanta Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Coronado Jackson Heights La Quinta Ventura Vancouver Los Angeles Burnaby Honolulu Sioux Falls Ketchum Largo Baltimore Brookline Augusta Boston Huntington Beach San Gabriel Westbury Milan Greenfield Palmerston North Norcross Commerce Lawrenceville Douglasville Indianapolis Cronulla Cronulla IN QLD MS NM BC TX TX GA NM NY CA NSW AZ GA FL FL CA NY CA CA BC CA BC HI SD ID MD MD MA GA MA CA CA NY TN TN GA GA GA GA IN NSW NSW Home State Country USA Australia USA USA Canada USA USA USA USA USA USA Australia USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Canada USA Canada USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA New Zealand USA USA USA USA USA Australia Australia Advertising copy which states or implies that colon hydrotherapy can treat any disease, promise cure for any disease, or that makes unsubstantiated medical claims SHALL NOT be used. 35 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 35 ADVERTISEMENTS 36 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2015 I-ACT International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy Quarterly Spring 2015