April 16, 2010


April 16, 2010
Celebrating 50 years of service to
Philadelphia, Chester, Camden, New
Jersey, Wilmington, Delaware
Friday, April 16, 2010
Rev. Mary Floyd Palmer
is now Bishop
Bishop Mary Floyd Palmer and Bishop
Anthony Floyd.
Bishop Mary Floyd Palmer reciting vows administered by Bishop
Anthony Floyd. Rev. Mary Floyd Palmer was ordained to the Sacred
Office of Bishop during The Episcopal Consecration and Ordination
Service held on Sunday, April 11, 2010.
Grand Opening of the Leadership
Center of Delaware Valley
Delores Weaver, Philadelphia Links, Inc. President, Dr. Constance Clayton.
Blanche Burton-Lyles and Phyllis Sims at the Grand Opening of the
Leadership Center of the Delaware Valley, See “Grand Opening…”
page 8
Phyllis Sims photo
Ducky Birts
4th Annunal
page 8
Keeping the Dream AliveA Coalition to erect a life-size Bronze Sculpture of Dr.
Martin Luther King, Jr. on Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive. Have your name
engraved on the monument base -- see page 3
Reach One, Teach One, Lets Save the Children
“If I cry tonight, understand that my cries are those of our children dying in the streets.” ~ Father Paul M. Washington
2 - SCOOP U.S.A. - Friday, April 16, 2010
Party with a Purpose
thera martin-connelly
A lot of people like a
party, but when you can
party with a purpose, that's
when I really like a party. I
don't know if she coined the
phrase -- but New York
radio personality Hal
Jackson's daughter, Jewell
Jackson-McCabe is the first
person I ever heard, use the
terminology and that was in
the late 19890's, early
1990's. "Party with a purpose."
Ducky Birts and all his friends and supporters
of the Ducky Birts Foundation will come together for the fourth year in a row, at the First
District A.M.E. Plaza at 3801 Market Street to
eat fantastic food, cooked by Kevan Parker.
They will drink cool liquid refreshments, they
will be entertained by The Universal African Dance and
Drum Ensemble; the featured entertainment will come
from R&B singer Amazin' Grace, and thirteen people
and two couples will be honored. All of this will happen on one night, at one location, between 6pm-10pm,
on Saturday April 17, 2010.
Even as late of April 17th, Ducky Birts the founder,
says tickets will be available at the door.
Now let's go on to the part about "purpose." Yes
Ducky Birts knows how to throw an excellent party, but
one of the best things I admire about this man is that
he's always trying to find another way to give back. In
particular, over the now thirty years that I've known
Ducky Birts, more than anything, outside of his beloved
Zion Baptist Church, he contributes to and raises
money for education. I guess his two favorite colleges
are Cheyney University and Lincoln University and
those are the two schools where a portion of the proceeds from his 4th Annual Ducky Birts Foundation
Medallion Awards program goes. Once the money gets
to the schools, depending on how much has been targeted for each school, students most in need can be awarded the money, at the discretion of the Ducky Birts
Foundation and the School Administration.
Those receiving awards this year include the following: City Councilman Bill Greenlee, City Councilman
James Kenney, City Councilman Franny Rizzo, State
Representative Louise Williams Bishop, State
Representative Mark Cohen, State Representative John
Myers, State Representative Frank Oliver, State
Representative Tony Payton, Jr., State Representative
Rosita Youngblood, City Councilman W. Wilson
Goode, Jr., and first Black Mayor of Philadelphia, W.
Wilson Goode, Sr. On top of all those elected officials
who will be honored for their work this weekend at the
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Ducky Birts
event, Mr. and
Mrs. Bill and
Linda Miller
will be recognized, as will
Mr. and Mrs.
Tony and
Matlock Turner.
One final award
recipient will be
Beech Company
President, Ken
The Ducky
Foundation is a
501 C-3 nonprofit organization. For information about
Ducky Birts
other events they do throughout the year, call 215-2421220.
Who is this man Ducky Birts for those SCOOP
Readers who don’t know him. Well, he's legendary on
both sides of the bridge. People in Philly know him as
the long time owner of a very popular business in Mt.
Airy on Wadsworth Avenue called Ducky's
Habbadachery. He's a life-long member of Zion Baptist
Church at Broad and Venango in North Philadelphia.
He's a very active member of the Philadelphia branch
NAACP. He has worked with and marched with the late
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Cecil B. Moore, Esq.,
a former President of the Philadelphia Branch, NAACP,
and a foot soldier, if you will, for the late Rev. Dr. Leon
Sullivan just to name a few of Ducky Birts’ connections. If there's positive action or activity going on
around the immediate areas of New Jersey and PA, look
up and you may well see Donald Ducky Birts. In High
School he was a star athlete in Camden, and all of his
life, he's had the ability to be a popular individual,
while accomplishing good things in life.
Some people are always talking about what they're
going to do. Some people sit on a couch and dream
about what they are going to do -- and then there's the
people who talk about it and then do the work to make
it happen and they live their dream. Congratulations to
Donald "Ducky" Birts for making a difference and for
being a stand-up man and community leader in
Philadelphia and in Camden.
FYI---Check out yours truly on the air at 900AM
WURD Mondays, 10am-11am and Tuesdays-Thursdays,
10am-12noon. Listen and watch on-line at
2nd Annual “Great Day on the
Great Road” festival
Historic Germantown, a coalition of 15 historical and
cultural landmarks that date back to Colonial times, will
host its 2nd Annual “A Great Day on the Great Road”
Festival on Sunday, April 18th, 1 to 4 p.m. at Vernon
Park, at Germantown and Chelten Avenues, to celebrate
the history and communities of Philadelphia’s Northwest
The celebration will include live music costumed reenactors of historic events and personalities and activities for the whole family such as papermaking, storytelling and historical children’s games. There will also be
a narrated bus tour of highlights along the “Great Road,”
a nod to the long and rich history of Germantown
Avenue (once an Indian trail) as an important artery
through the Northwest.
This year’s performers will include jazz great Byard
Lancaster, actor James C. Roberts portraying famous
abolitionist Frederick Douglass, and the popular Ned
Hector, a free Black Revolutionary War-era soldier portrayed by actor Noah Lewis. Local storyteller Irma
Gardner-Hammond will be character as the enslaved
African housekeeper Dinah of Stenton House, the home
of William Penn’s secretary, James Logan, and First
Presbyterian Church will be open for tours of their his-
toric murals, created by famed local muralist Violet
In addition, festival-goers can enjoy food and a spring
plant sale. Select artisans and craftspeople will be on
hand to demonstrate and sell traditional wares, including
weaving, marbleized scarves and 18th century-style
sweets. Admission is free.
This year, Historic Germantown will premiere videos
from Germantown Speaks, a multigenerational oral history project documenting discussions between local high
school students and longtime Germantown residents.
The project, a collaboration between Historic
Germantown, Neighborhood Interfaith Movement (NIM)
and others, is part of Germantown WORKS , a year-long
Historic Germantown program initiative highlighting the
hard-working spirit of Germantown’s people throughout
its 300 year history. Germantown WORKS is supported
by the Pew Center for Arts & Heritage through the
Heritage Philadelphia Program.
For more information, email programs@freedomsbackyard.com or call 215-844-1683. This event was
made possible through the generous support of OARC,
the Ogontz Avenue Revitalization Corporation, and State
Representative John Myers.
Logan CDC seeks Community input
to refine program focus
Logan CDC will host
four focus groups to survey the Logan community
on Mondays, April 19th
and 26th from 7pm-9pm
and Saturday, April 24th
from 10am-12pm and
1pm-3pm, at the
Yorkhouse, 5325 Old York
Road, 1st Floor Library.
Refreshments will be provided at all sessions.
"Logan CDC hopes to
enhance its current programming to better serve
the Logan community and
to increase the quality of
life for residents and business owners," says Cicely
Peterson-Mangum, executive director of Logan
CDC. "We hope the community will provide us
with their view on our
programs aimed at cleaning and greening North
Broad Street, attracting
new businesses to Logan’s
commercial corridor, and
reducing the blight of
vacant lots and homes."
Logan CDC believes
that in order to provide the
most effective programs
and services, it must determine what the community
wants and needs. To do
this, Logan CDC has
enlisted the help of Net
Impact Philadelphia
Service Corps and the
Drucker Society of
Philadelphia to interview
Logan residents and stakeholders about what they
value and how Logan
CDC can best provide programs and services to
meet their needs. For
more information or to
R.S.V.P., please contact
Carla Robinson at 215457-3014 or
Please R.S.V.P. by
Monday, April 14th.
Through collaborations
and independently, Logan
CDC seeks to enhance the
quality of life for residents
and businesses through a
broad range of revitalization efforts, including
transformative community
and economic development, commercial corridor
and affordable housing
development, and commu-
nity-focused education and
Net Impact is a group of
young business professionals that is committed
to using the power of business to create a better
world. Service Corps, a
program of Net Impact,
focuses on bringing this
mission to life by providing high-quality pro-bono
consulting services to nonprofit organizations.
Drucker Society of
Philadelphia’s mission is
to foster principled,
responsible and ethical
leadership across the forand non-profit, government, education and entrepreneurial sectors.
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R. Sonny Driver: Publisher / Editor
Dedicated to the Community People
Volume 50 - Number 12
Published every Friday by R.E. Driver Jr. Associates with a Controlled Circulation of
over 90,000 readership. Copies are distributed each Friday in Philadelphia, PA and
suburbs, Chester, PA, Camden, NJ and Wilmington, Delaware to people and customers in Shopping Malls, Beauty Shops, Restaurants, Night Clubs, Hotels, Theatres,
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5:00 p.m. Monday. Call office for rates and information. The Publisher reserves the
right to refuse any advertisement or unsolicited manuscripts.
The comments made by the columnists of SCOOP U.S.A. are their own and do not
necessarily reflect the opinions of the newspaper or of its staff.
“If I cry tonight, understand that my cries are those of our children dying in the streets.” ~ Father Paul M. Washington
marian wright edelman
Two recent decisions by
school boards in North
Carolina are local signs of
a troubling national trend
towards resegregation in
public schools. In New
Hanover County, which
includes Wilmington, parents and advocates spent
much of last year debating
a new middle school redistricting plan that would
focus on “neighborhood schools,” essentially
resegregating the schools by race and economic
class because our neighborhoods look that way.
School board member Elizabeth Redenbaugh was
the only White and only Republican member to
join two Black Democratic colleagues in opposing the new plan. In a letter sent to parents and
fellow board members last fall, Redenbaugh
described some of what she was seeing: “I have
literally had parents…approach me and state, ‘The
bottom line is this: I do not want my children in school
with black children.’ I have had parents ask me why we
do anything at all for the black children in our county.
They look me in the eye and say, ‘we have spent so
much money on black children . . . Nothing helps. I
don’t know why we even try anymore’…Such statements literally grieve my heart and beg the question:
Who is my neighbor?” But despite the concerns
Redenbaugh and her colleagues shared, they were ultimately overruled by the other members early this year in
a 4-3 vote.
Meanwhile, in Wake County, North Carolina, which
includes Raleigh, schools may be moving backwards in
a similar direction. Wake County has been lauded for its
student assignment policy to balance schools using
socioeconomic status augmented by a comprehensive
program of magnet schools. But on March 24, the Wake
County School Board voted to begin studying a new districting plan that would change the current busing system and reassign students based on “neighborhood attendance zones”—a return to potentially more segregated
schools because of the neighborhood demographics.
Advocates for Wake County’s current socially and economically integrated school system are fighting to prevent this change. But these significant decisions represent a very disturbing trend across the country. The sad
truth is that the dream Dr. King rightly considered one of
the greatest victories of the Civil Rights Movement—the
desegregation of our nation’s schools—is unraveling
before our eyes.
Desegregated schools grew in the years directly following the Civil Rights Movement, but since 1988,
racial resegregation in public schools has been rising
slowly and systematically. In June 2007, both the spirit
and intent of the historic Brown v. Board of Education
Supreme Court decision were assaulted when the
Supreme Court acknowledged in Parents Involved in
Community Schools v. Seattle School District No. 1 and
Don’t Close
Our Post
Speak to your neighbors and spread the word.
Call the following USPS Reps and tell them
you want your Post Office keep Open James
Gallagher, District Manager 215-863-5001
-- Megan Brennan 412-494-2510 **Call
Congressman Robert Brady 215-389-4627
and Congressman Chaka Fattah 215-3876404 also your City Council members
to share your concerns about these proposed
closing and how they will affect you.
SCOOP U.S.A. - Friday,April 16, 2010
The Dangerous drift back
toward segregated schools
Meredith v. Jefferson County Board of Education the
benefits of racially diverse schools for all students who
attend them, but ruled that desegregation plans that
assign students to schools on the basis of race are unconstitutional. At a time when the number of poor and
minority children in America is growing and the number
of White middle-class children is decreasing, our schools
are once again becoming isolated by race and class.
Plans like the diversity policy and magnet school program that have been in place in Wake County, which
focused primarily on socioeconomic status instead of
race, helped produce integrated schools with broad
appeal and academic achievement gains; this twopronged approach was lauded as another method of
achieving diversity without concentrating children in
racially isolated, high-poverty schools. But as the recent
school board decision there shows, even those successful
measures are now under attack.
The problem, as leading expert Gary Orfield of the
Civil Rights Project at the University of California, Los
Angeles and others have argued, is that segregated
schools are not good for any of our children. We already
know they are disastrous for poor and minority students,
for whom there is a strong connection between school
segregation, failing schools, and high dropout rates.
Almost half of America’s Black students and nearly twofifths of Latino students attend high schools that have
been labeled “dropout factories” by Johns Hopkins
University researchers and the U.S. Department of
Education, where less than 60 percent of the freshman
class will graduate in four years. But studies of the outSee “Segregated schools” page 5
Coalition to erect a Dr. Martin Luther King,
Jr. life-size Bronze Sculpture at the entrance
of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive
The Artist Sculptor Rebecca-Rose tm (RMFAC
Studio) Present Plans for a Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
“Freedom Dream” Monument in Historic Philadelphia.
The monument will be made a Gift to the City of
Philadelphia as a Legacy and Symbol of International
Human Rights and dignity for all people.
Ms. Rose, a fourth generation African-American
sculptor revealed to the public her designs for the monument, as well as the Coalition’s plans to bring visibility
to the Drive, in Dr. King’s honor.
This is a history in the making tribute in Philadelphia
to Americas Renown Nobel Peace Laureate. This tribute
honors Dr. King, the City of Philadelphia, and R. Sonny
Driver, Publisher, SCOOP, USA Incorporated. Mr.
Driver spearheaded the naming of Dr. Martin Luther
King Jr. Drive, with the support of the City of
Philadelphia and over 60,000 citizens in petition.
Philadelphia’s leaders, community organizations, cultural families and sponsors are being asked to support
the Dr. King’s “Freedom’s Dream” Monument.
We ask your support at this time to provide us with a
letter of interest if you are able and willing to make this
tax-exempt donation. For your contribution of one thousand dollars ($1,000.) dollars, your name or that or your
organization’s will be engraved on the granite base of
the monument as a living legacy of your support.
Neither deposits nor payments are required at this time.
Please forward to SCOOP USA, the enclosed
Expression of Interest Pledge Form, so that we may
gather and forward your letter along with others to the
Greater Philadelphia Urban Affairs Coalition who have
expressed an interest to be our Fiscal Agent for the project.
We welcome an opportunity to talk or meet with you regarding the details. Contacts: Rebecca
Rose: (215) 833-9082 (cell), e-mail: /rebeccarosermfac@yahoo.com or SCOOP 215-232-5974
Please indicate your preliminary interest or pledge below to contribute to the Dr.
Martin Luther King Jr. Monument fund. No money is required at this time. We will
include you in the Sponsors and Supporters Preview Reception. Our Fiscal agent
will follow up for a 501c3 tax exemption for your contribution.
Check box:
> Donor of $1,000. / Name to be engraved on monument base as testament of support,
> Sponsors call for Pledge Options and Return on Investment.
> General contributions of any amount are welcomed.
> I want to pledge in-kind support, call for details.
Name/Title:_______________________ Organization:_____________________
Address:_________________________ City/State/Zip:____________________
Phone: __________________________
Email: _________________________
4 - SCOOP U.S.A. - Friday, April 16, 2010
“If I cry tonight, understand that my cries are those of our children dying in the streets.”~ Father Paul M. Washington
Tax time
junious r. stanton
“Revenue from mortgages, deeds or securities
dropped 36 percent, with
the largest decreases
occurring in the South.
The declines in tax revenue have forced states to
reduce spending. States
cut their general fund
expenditures by nearly 5
percent in 2009, according
to the National Governors
Association, and are
expected to cut spending
by another 4 percent this
year as revenue collections continue to decline.
The association predicts state revenues likely will
continue to be depressed in 2011 and 2012, since
state tax collections tend to lag national economic recovery.” State Revenue Falls 9%; decline likely to continue
Washington Business Journal March 29, 2010
As you read this, the April 15th filing date for federal
and most state income taxes has come and gone. If you’re
like me you waited until the last minute then scrambled
to get all your forms, records and laboriously go over
them to meet the filing deadline. Local governments
impose taxes on the public to cover its operating costs.
But in the case of the federal government the money we
pay goes to the interest and fees associated with the printing of US currency by a consortium of privately owned
banks known as the Federal Reserve Bank. The member
banks of the Federal Reserve system are not part of the
federal government, they exist and operate in contradiction to the supposedly sacrosanct US Constitution which
states Congress has the power “To coin Money, regulate
the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the
Standard of Weights and Measures...” US Constitution
Article I section 8. Congress abdicated that power in
1913 when it supposedly passed the Sixteenth
Amendment to the Constitution.
The Fed as it is called is the culprit behind the creation
of the US income tax. The Fed in collusion with its fellow international bankersters created and facilitated all
the boom and busts since its creation in 1913. “A consortium of international bankers had tried and failed over
and over again to maintain financial dominance of the
U.S., but this changed in 1913. As is covered in great
depth in G. Edward Griffin’s incredible book The
Creature From Jekyll Island, the consortium returned, led
by men such as JP Morgan, Paul Warburg, Frank
Vanderlip, German Bankers Kuhn, Loeb and Co., and the
Rothschild Family among others. They and their representatives met in secret, traveling under fake names, to
meet at the resort on Jekyll Island off the coast of
Georgia in 1910. Under Paul Warburg’s direction, they
Attacking America
harry polis
Too often on the news I see
crazies hurting innocent people. It seems that a majority
of them are trying to push our
legislators and populace back
to earlier times when bigotry
was acceptable. They have
been aiming at Obama, arming themselves, expecting his
(centrist) voters—who the
Socialists, Leftists, and
Commies—to hijack the
American government. I think they are projecting
their own desires onto us.
Instead of increasing the lawlessness and rewarding the
superrich of “W”, the Democratic government gives
something back to the citizens. That’s why people usually vote Democratic. The Tea Party folks appear hysterical declaiming change in our laws and programs; but they
are the danger. They are a small group encouraging violence to elected legislators and
threatening a rightist takeover of
our government. That is the ultimate for their movement.
No paramilitary group should be
tolerated, and apparently, our government is doing just that. A
declared Nazi paramilitary is outlawed, but simple anti-government
crazies are not. Nobody wants to
pay taxes, or submit to searches
getting on an airplane. Lots of judicial judgments and law enforcement is unfair; but I do not
believe more violence could straighten it out. Radio and
television celebrities who stoke the tea’s anger really
should not be tolerated; but please, no more violence.
Hopefully, nothing will come of their ignorance and rage
and maybe we can work toward peace and tolerance.
That needs to be our goal.
Copyright 2010 by Harry Martin Polis and edited
by Jaynee Levy-Polis
Harry is available for lectures and entertainment with stories
and poetry. Contact SCOOP USA, or e-mail Harry
drafted a plan to pass the 16th Amendment which would
allow them to flank the Supreme Court in creating an
income tax, as well as the Federal Reserve Act, which
would form the new Federal Reserve System (the bank
was in no way a part of the Federal Government. The
name was used to swindle the public into believing the
institution was not the same as the Central Banks they
despised). The plan was then to be presented to Congress
by their confidant Senator Nelson Aldrich as if it was his
idea alone.” The Anti-Income tax Movement And Why
They are Right By Giordano Bruno Neithercorp Press 02/25/2010
Even with an income tax, the US government and most
states are still broke. With each passing year “we the
people” are being gouged, fleeced and taxed into poverty
and peonage. The federal, state and local governments
are in deep financial difficulty and they are forced to hit
taxpayers harder to take up whatever slack they can. The
economy is way down, unemployment and bankruptcies
are way up, so naturally tax revenues are not what they
used to be. Federal tax revenues are off over the last two
years following the Wall Street banker/speculator created
economic implosion. “Federal tax revenue plunged $138
billion, or 34%, in April vs. a year ago — the biggest
April drop since 1981, a study released Tuesday by the
American Institute for Economic Research says. When
the economy slumps, so does tax revenue, and this recession has been no different, says Kerry Lynch, senior fellow at the AIER and author of the study. ‘It illustrates
how severe the recession has been.’ For example, 6 million people lost jobs in the 12 months ended in April —
and that means far fewer dollars from income taxes.
Income tax revenue dropped 44% from a year ago... Big
revenue losses mean that the U.S. budget deficit may be
larger than predicted this year and in future years.” IRS
tax revenue falls along with taxpayers' income by John
Waggoner USA Today.
The situation will probably worsen in 2010 into 2011
because the commercial real estate market is unraveling.
“Over the next five years, about $1.4 trillion in commercial real estate loans will reach the end of their terms and
require new financing. Nearly half are ‘underwater,’
meaning the borrower owes more than the property is
worth. Commercial property values have fallen more than
40 percent nationally since their 2007 peak. Vacancy
rates are up and rents are down, further driving down the
value of these properties. When the reckoning comes, it
could threaten everyone from banks and pension funds to
renters and small businesses -- and small banks could be
particularly vulnerable.” Elizabeth Warren warns about
Commercial Real Estate Crisis Downward Spiral For
Small Businesses and Banks The Huffington Post 02-1110 .
This means even less tax revenue will flow into federal, state and local coffers. Where will the needed money
come from to replace these funds? What does this decline
in revenue mean for working folks? It means local governments will be increasingly hard pressed and stretched
to make ends meet. In fact some municipalities and state
finances are so precarious, default on their loans, and
pension obligations is a real possibility! This means state
and local governments will be forced to: raise taxes, cut
services or both. Guess who will catch the brunt of these
cuts and tax increases? State and local government debt
has skyrocketed in the last several decades and now the
bill is coming due. “The growth in local government
debt has exploded since the 1970s. We went from $295
billion in 1968 to $2.3 trillion today. But as Greece is
demonstrating, there is such a thing as having too much
debt and at a certain point the markets no longer have an
appetite for so much borrowing. Average Americans
probably have a hard time examining the large numbers
being thrown around. Yet state and local governments are
now finding a hard time balancing their budgets. In many
cases, the ability to balance their budget goes in direct
conflict with paying out pension distributions. Or in
many cases states need to raise taxes or cut services.” The $2.3 Trillion State and Local Government Debt
Monster – California Pension Systems on Unsupportable
Path with $500 Billion Projected Shortfall. CalPERS,
CalSTRS, and UCRS.
The federal government unlike the states is not constitutionally mandated to balance its budget; so it will continue to spend money it doesn’t have and descend deeper
and deeper into debt. (The US government borrows over
two billion a day just to operate and this doesn’t count
See “Tax Time” continued on page 12
Mumia Abu Jamal’s Birthday
Support the Campaign For A U.S. Civil Rights Investigation
by Marilyn Kai Jewett
Once again, justice-loving people will gather to celebrate the 56th birthday of Mumia Abu-Jamal 12 noon5:00 p.m., Saturday, April 24th at the American
Friends Service Center, 15th & Cherry Street.
“Spoken Word Uprising for Mumia Abu-Jamal” will
include performances by legendary poet/activist Sonia
Sanchez, Umar Bin Hassan, founding member of “The
Last Poets,” originators of rap and the dynamic
Universal African Dance & Drum Ensemble.
Those attending will be updated on Abu-Jamal’s
quest for justice and will hear from speaker’s that
include Ramona Africa, Temple University journalism
Professor Linn Washington, Leon Williams, Esq.,
Sundiata Sadiq, the exiled president of Ossining, NY
NAACP and Michael Coard, Esq.
Information will also be provided on the campaign
for a U.S. Civil Rights Investigation in the case against
Abu-Jamal. In 2009, the U. S. Supreme Court refused
Abu-Jamal’s appeal for a new trial. Although the
issues appealed were clear grounds for a new trial,
precedent was once again ignored. Abu-Jamal, a
Philadelphia journalist/community activist, was convicted of the murder of Philadelphia Police Officer
Daniel Faulkner and has been on Pennsylvania’s Death
Row since 1982.
“The U. S. Justice Department said in a documented
letter that if there is evidence of an ongoing conspiracy
to stop Mumia from having a fair trial, then they can
intervene,” explained Pam Africa, chair of
International Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal
(IFFMAJ). “We have the proof. Without the civil
rights investigation he will receive life in prison or the
“Last November 12th, we delivered approximately
20,000 letters to the Department of Justice after holding a press conference at the New York Avenue
Presbyterian Church,” she continued. “Henry Louis
Gates, Jr., Cornel West, Noam Chomsky, Charles
Rangel, Ruby Dee, Angela Davis, and Alice Walker
were among the signers. We delivered the letters to the
Department of Justice spokesperson, Alejandro Mijar
and explained to him why we are calling for a civil
rights investigation into Mumia’s case and also conveyed to him that we hoped to meet with Attorney
General Holder when we next come to the Department
of Justice.”
Africa said a second letter was sent to Holder in
February, again requesting a meeting to discuss an
investigation into the case.
That letter stated, “We wish to return in April with
many of us listed below as well as other national and
international leaders representing unions, anti-death
penalty groups, religious, legal, and human rights organizations. On April 26 we will explain the police, pros-
ecutorial, and judicial patterns in this 28-year legal
case that could hardly be said to represent the law but
rather the lack of law. Clearly this is a very political
and highly charged case. As such, the case of Mumia
Abu-Jamal cries out for a review of the decades-long
history of lawlessness and injustice.”
Signers of the February letter included: the National
Conference of Black Lawyers; Dr. Marvin Cheatham,
president of the Baltimore NAACP; Sundiata Sadiq,
former president of the Ossining NAACP; Suryea
Peterson, board member, Westchester Martin Luther
King, Jr. Institute for Non-Violence; former Georgia
Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney; Dr. Suzanne
Ross, co-chair, Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition
(NYC); Mireille Fanon Mendes France, chairperson,
Frantz Fanon Foundation, member of International
Association of Democratic Lawyers; Fignole St. Cyr,
president, Autonomous Unions of Haiti; Sion
Assidon, former political prisoner and member of the
Moroccan Association of Human Rights; the
Riverside Church Prison Ministry; Alan Benjamin,
San Francisco Labor Council Executive Board member, International Liaison Committee of Workers and
Peoples; Patrick Braouezec, member of the French
Parliament; Dr. Michael Schiffman, University of
Heidelberg, Germany; Professor Mark Taylor,
Princeton Theological Seminary, Educators for
Mumia; Sister Empress Phile Chionesu, Founder of
the Original Million Woman March and Universal
Movement; Philadelphia Attorneys Leon Williams and
Michael Coard among others.
International trade union and labor support includes
organizations from Africa, Latin America and Europe.
U.S. trade union and labor supporting the effort
includes: Local 1199 Service Employees International
Union (SEIU), United Auto Workers (UAW), National
Writers Union, New York Metro Local 10 American
Postal Workers Union (APWU), Industrial Workers of
the World (IWW)/New York General Membership
Branch, Local 375/District Council 37 of the
American Federation of State, County & Municipal
Employees (AFSCME), Local 150 United Electrical,
Radio & Machine Workers Union (UE), North
Carolina Public Service Workers Union and American
Federation of Teachers Local 37-901.
Africa and an international delegation supporting
Abu-Jamal will hold a rally and press conference at
the Justice Department in Washington, DC, 1:00PM.
Monday, April 26th. Buses will leave from New York
and Philadelphia. Tickets for the April 24th “Spoken
Word Uprising” are $15. To obtain tickets for the 24th
information on buses to the April 26th rally in
Washington DC call 215/476-8812 or 215/724-1618.
Information, articles and videos on the case can be
obtained by going to www.freemumia.com, www.abujamal-news.com or www.mumiavideos.blogspot.com.
“If I cry tonight, understand that my cries are those of our children dying in the streets.” ~ Father Paul M. Washington
SCOOP U.S.A. - Friday, April 16, 2010 -
Remembering Judge Juanita Kidd Stout
Copyright James G. Spady, 2010
"A case well prepared, clearly and fairly presented,
demands its own respect from the bench, opposing counsel, and even from the defeated defendant."
These are the words of a woman whose name continues to be associated with integrity, dignity, poise and
legal scholarship.
Her name? Judge Juanita Kidd Stout. Many people in
the City of Philadelphia vividly recall Judge Stout. You
will recall that she was never afraid to express her opinions with conviction.
Juanita Kidd was born on 7 March 1919 in Wewoka,
Oklahoma. She was the only child of Henry and Mary
Kidd. At the time of her birth, Wowoka had a population
of less than 2,500. It was a farming, cattle raising and oil
drilling town. At that time, Oklahoma was primarily an
agricultural state. Black workers , who were not farmers,
were largely concentrated in service occupations. Her
parents taught in the public schools.
Stout was educated in Wewoka's public schools, graduating at the top of her class at Douglass High School in
1935. With the aid of her parents and an uncle, she was
able to attend Lincoln University in Jefferson City,
Missouri before transferring to the University of Iowa,
where she received her A. B. in 1939. At the time , she
had hopes of becoming a concert pianist, in addition to
teaching. She began her teaching career in Seminole,
Oklahoma at the young age of 20.
She also taught at Sand Spring, a suburb of Tulsa,
Oklahoma. It is there that she met her future husband,
Charles Otis Stout, who was also on the faculty. .
Summers were spent doing graduate work in music at
the Universities of Colorado and Iowa. There was still
no evidence of Juanita becoming a lawyer. This is not
totally surprising when one considers that the number of
Black lawyers in
Oklahoma actually
declined from 53 to
25 during the
decade from 1930 to
1940. Perhaps, the
most prominent
African American
woman lawyer during this time was
Thelma Davis
Acikss. The ratio of
black lawyers to its
population was
something like 1 to
6, 754. Nationally,
the ratio was worse.
During World
War 11, Charles
went into the army,
Juanita to Washington, D.C. There, African American
lawyers were much more visible. In fact, she was
employed at the prominent law firm of Houston,
Houston and Hastie. The two Houstons were father and
son, William and Charles Hastie was a cousin. Stout
worked directly with Charles Hamilton Houston, a key
legal strategist whose legal acumen earned him the title,
" Father of Modern Civil Rights Law". Houston earned
his doctorate in Juridical Science at Harvard University
before continuing his studies in Civil Law at the
University of Madrid. He later became Vice Dean of
Howard University Law School, training many black
lawyers during the first half of the 20th century.
It is to Charles Hamilton Houston's credit that he
served as a worthy mentor to Juanita Kidd Stout. When
her husband, Charles Stout enrolled in graduate studies
program at Indiana University, Juanita enrolled in
Indiana's law school, earned the J.D. in 1948.
She did a preceptorship for Pennsylvania Bar under
the Honorable Herbert F. Goodrich, U. S. Court of
Appeals. A month after the 1954 Brown vs. Board of
Education decision in the U.S. Supreme Court, Stout
earned a Masters of Law degree at Indiana University,
specializing in legislation. This proved useful in her
rapid ascendancy in the District Attorney's office. Had
she remained there she may very well have become the
first African American District Attorney in the City of
Philadelphia decades before D.A. Seth Williams
Stout credits District Attorney and Later Judge Victor
H. Blanc with providing her an unusual opportunity. She
explained, "It was he who made me the Chief of the
Appeals department and gave me the opportunity to
show what I could do. Before that time, no woman,
black or white, had been the head of any major division
in the District Attorney's office."
It is beyond the scope of this brief account to tell
Stout's full story. However it is significant to note that
President Kennedy appoint Juanita Kidd Stout "Special
Ambassador" to Kenya's Independence Celebration in
East Africa. On another occasion she visited Nigeria,
Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawai, Zambia and Uganda, talking
to high school students, women's groups, law schools,
Her years as Judge in the Juvenile Division of
Philadelphia's Family Court are now legendary as is the
career of this groundbreaking lawyer and Judge ending a
distinguished career as a Justice in the Supreme Court of
Red, White and You North Philly Hurricanes
political forum
Specter (contingent upon
voting schedule); U.S.
Representative Joe Sestak
(contingent upon voting
schedule); Auditor General
Jack Wagner; State
Senator Anthony H.
Williams; Allegheny
County Executive Dan
Onorato; Montgomery
County Commissioner Joe
Hoeffel; and the
Honorable Doris SmithRibner.
The following organizations are hosting this
forum: NAACP
(Philadelphia Chapter);
East Mt. Airy Neighbors,
Inc.; The 5 Guys PAC;
Lutheran Theological
Seminary at Philadelphia;
Action PAC; National
Pan-Hellenic Council of
Philadelphia; Kappa Alpha
Psi Fraternity, Inc.
(Philadelphia Alumni
UrbanPhilly.com; 2000
African American Women;
and the African American
Chamber of Commerce
(PA, NJ, & DE).
Segregated schools
Continued from page 3
comes of inter-district transfer programs also show that
while programs designed to improve integration significantly improve the life chances of children who are
transferred in, they do not have a negative effect on the
academic progress of students in the receiving district—
one of the apparent fears of many parents. In fact, as
Orfield and others note, integration has been shown to
benefit children on both sides.
As our society becomes more and more diverse, it is
critically important that children from all backgrounds
learn to interact with one another productively. When
parents are allowed to hold on to the outdated beliefs
that sending their children to a “diverse” school means
sending them to an inferior school, it does their own
children a disservice. In a rapidly globalizing world,
returning to segregated schools would be another missed
opportunity for all of America’s children. We have so far
left to go. We can’t afford to take any more steps backwards.
Marian Wright Edelman is a lifelong advocate for disadvantaged Americans and is the President of CDF.
Under her leadership, CDF has become the nation's
North Philly Hurricanes from the Martin Luther King, Jr. Center at 22nd Street and Cecil
B. Moore Avenue, 2nd Place winners at the Allstar Cheerleader Competition
Good stuff about Good folks
This week’s rap from the
Mayor of Girard Avenue,
Toby Rich is called “Good
Stuff About Good Folks”.
I am talking about people
like Mr. Bill Morris. Bill got
some great advice from his
uncles Speedy Morris, Dave
Morris, Perry Morris and his
father, Nick Morris. I am
speaking about Bill because
he wants to be your State Representative and if you live
in the 194th district, he will be the right choice. I have a
whole list of things that he has been a part of and places
that he has been which basically tells me that he is a
man that is ready and willing to serve the people. Not
everyone can serve the people but I rally think that Mr.
Bill is ready and he will do the job right because he will
have to answer to family members. That will make a big
difference. Oftentimes, all it takes to make sure someone
will do right is to have the right people to answer to and
this is all of the right start with the right stuff. So can we
all just sit back and watch a good man win a great race
with our help, of course.
Next was the memorial for my sister Cheryl Rich.
Many people from G-town came and all of them happened to be her classmates and friends along with people
from Toby Learner’s Clothing Store and some other
places that my sister worked. She was also a friend of
Mayor Nutter’s so he gave his condolences. Many family members came that we do not see all of the time like
my brother from Florida along with his children. My
Toby Rich
Several Philadelphia
organizations host U.S.
Senate, Gubernatorial, and
Lt. Governor Candidates
On Wednesday, April
28th at 7:00 p.m., at the
Brossman Center of the
Lutheran Theological
Seminary at Philadelphia
(7301 Germantown
Avenue), several
Philadelphia organizations
have joined together to
host a political forum for
invited U.S. Senate,
Gubernatorial, and
Lieutenant Governor candidates.
This forum will be moderated by Sheinelle Jones,
morning co-anchor of
Good Day Philadelphia of
Fox 29 and Elmer Smith,
columnist and Editorial
Board member of the
Philadelphia Daily News.
The forum will be
broadcast live on the
Pennsylvania Cable
Network (PCN) and the
following candidates have
confirmed their attendance: U.S. Senator Arlen
niece Myisha put the event together and she did a very
special job. There were even pictures of the service In
London. All in all, I think Sis would have approved of
her sign out.
I just got the bad news that Steve Wynn pulled out of
the casino deal. Maybe that’s not so bad, especially if we
talk to Bill Cosby, Will Smith and maybe Oprah
Winfrey, Jay-Z and Russell Simmons and maybe bringing back “The Donald”. You know he was here before
and some people really turned him off so he just needs
to know that they will keep their mouths shut now and
maybe we can get him back to the table. Look, we need
the money, the jobs and God knows we need the incentive.
Moving along …. The Philly Gang Association along
with Bumi Samuels and some great young people with
Tumar want a sit down with our Mayor and other officials out at 923 on the 17th of April. Let’s all pray it
goes well.
Also, there was an ex-offenders meeting put together
by Mr. Wayne Jacobs that was at 29th and Lehigh. It
went well and we all thank Brother Wayne for all that he
does for ex-offenders.
Now this article is a collection of things that have
gone on and are going to be but sadly we also have some
fallen leaves. First Mr. Reggie Bryant and Mr. Malcolm
Poindexter. I know Mr. Sonny mentioned them before
but I need to say my piece because these people were all
right with me. May God bless them.
With peace and honor, your Mayor of Girard Avenue,
Toby Rich.
6 - SCOOP U.S.A. - Friday, April 16, 2010
“If I cry tonight, understand that my cries are those of our children dying in the streets.” ~ Father Paul M. Washington
Meet the Browns, Tamela
Mann gives back to Fans
sherri y. johnson
Gospel powerhouse,
Tillymann Music Group
artist and sitcom star
Tamela Mann launches
national sweepstakes–
“The Master Plan
Mastercard $5,000
Giveaway” -- as a way
to ‘give back’ to fans in
celebration of her new
single release, “The Joy
of The Lord,” from her
chart-topping CD, The
Master Plan.
Fans can enter-to-win
on the official Tamela
Mann website -DavidandTamelaMann.com. They will have the chance to
win one of one hundred $50 Master Plan Mastercards.
Upon submission, fans will be signed up to receive
Tamela’s Tillymann Music newsletter with news and
updates about Tamela (aka Cora) and her husband David
Mann (aka Mr. Brown), Tamela’s co-star on Tyler Perry’s
“Meet The Browns.”
Twenty five potential winners will be randomly selected each week for four weeks, through April 24, 2010,
from all eligible entries received. Winners will be contacted by telephone and email. Drawings will be conducted by Tillymann Music, and the odds of winning will
depend on the total number of eligible entries received
during the Promotion Period.
“The Master Plan” was produced by Grammy Award
winning Myron Butler (Kirk Franklin, Yolanda Adams);
and Terrell Carter, and features a more contemporary
urban/R&B twist to traditional gospel music. The CD has
been in TOP 5 on the sales chart since it released more
than 16 weeks ago. As co-writer on “I Trust In You,”
“Here I Am,” “Anything For You” and “In Him,” Tamela
janet walters levite
also performs a stirring new arrangement of “The Lord’s
Prayer.” Starting her music career in 1999 as lead singer
of the multi-Grammy award winning Kirk Franklin & The
Family; and currently on the #1 rated television show for
black audiences, “Meet The Browns,” Tamela, for the first
time, releases a collection of gospel songs in which she
makes her debut as a co-writer.
Prior to Tamela’s solo recording debut with “Gotta
Keep Movin’” and the CD/DVD “The Live Experience,”
as a member of Kirk Franklin and The Family, Tamela
was the featured soloist on the Grammy-nominated “Song
of the Year” -- “Lean On Me,” which featured Mary J.
Blige, Crystal Lewis, R. Kelly and Bono. “Father Can
You Hear Me” and “Take It To Jesus” are also included
on the soundtrack album of “Diary Of A Mad Black
Woman.” Tamela, whose Cora Simmons role on “Meet
The Browns’” television series originated from her role in
the movie “Meet The Browns,” has also starred in other
Tyler Perry’’ hit films “Diary of a Mad Black Woman”
and “Madea Goes To Jail”; and his plays “I Can Do Bad
All By Myself, “ “Madea’s Family Reunion” and
“Madea’s Class Reunion.”
Special thanks to the Belle Report for the updates. If
you would like to join our promotional team, please contact us at 866.659.8132 or email us at promo@supremegospel.org. Looking to be a part of a talk show with
HOT topics? Then, Urban X-pressions "Generation
Change" TV Show is what you want! Pilot talk show
kicks off at The Ark on Tuesday, April 20th at 4pm. It is
a free live taping with very intriguing topics and great
entertainment. Produced and hosted by Shelly Shell of
Urban X-pressions, this talk show will be an avenue that
will empower and inspire youth to discuss issues on their
minds and provide solutions to problems that plague
them. The Ark is located 3759 Main Street in Manayunk.
For more details email Urban X-pressions at xpressionsinc@aol.com. Until the next column, remain encouraged!
DATE NIGHT... Fun with
no Neegro buffoons
Did you ever think
you’d see the day where
you’d go to the movies
and find this refreshing
turnabout? Taraji P.
Henson and Common costaring in Date Night.. not
as the resident buffoons,
but cast in sobering roles
as a diligent detective
(Henson as Arroyo), and a
louring crooked cop
(Common), alongside two
comic sensations Steve
Carell (as Phil Foster) and
former SNL Writer / Player Tina Fey (as Claire
Foster). It’s truly a new day. The President of the
United States is a Black man, and Neegros are no
longer shufflin’ and shinin’ in the Cinema. I’m
lovin’ it. Instead, the two knuckleheads are comprised of
Carell and Fey, who take a run of the mill storyline and
fashion it into a comedic gem with a tonic and original
flavor - that renders the duo modern-day comedic chic.
Carell and Fey star as The Fosters; a rutted, overworked couple with two children from the suburbs of
New Jersey - who decide
to make a special date
night in "The City" at a
trendy Manhattan eatery.
They arrive on a whim
without reservations and
upon realizing that a couple named "The
Tripplehorns" are not
answering the hail to their
table, Phil Foster decides
that they should take on
the identity of the
Tripplehorns in order to
complete their night in the
city as planned. But their
date night goes awry when
Tara Ji
they realize that The
Tripplehorns are actually a
couple in trouble with a noted mob boss (Ray Liotta).
What ensues is an intelligent and laugh-out-loud comedy from the collaborations of Carell and Fey, Writer Josh Klausner (Shreck), and Director/Producer - Shawn
Levy (Night at the Museum). Date Night antics are
understated and yet hilarious, as Fey falls in line with
Carell who is already noted as a master in the art of lessis-more comic delivery. Carell continues to flourish in
his rise as one of the industry’s best comic leading men.
So effective for my
money, that I can very
easily envision him, in
the not too distant future,
taking on a non-comedic
role that could garner
him award recognition.
Carell has a particular
knack of displaying a
stoic humility on screen
that hopefully will not
go unnoticed in the
industry. Alongside Tina
Fey - it’s a match made
in heaven. A genteel and
charismatic, not overCommon
the-top, slap-stickish,
nor slathered-with-goofiness marriage between these two that serves up 88 minutes of engaging comedy... including the hilarious outtakes offered during the closing credits. There isn’t a
moment in Date Night that isn’t, if not funny, steeped in
family or relationship reality that we can all identify
As if Carell, Fey, Henson and Common weren’t
enough for your cinematic senses - enter in two mostly
dramatic ‘Hottie’ Actors; Mark Wahlberg (as the "shirtless" security expert named Holbrooke), and the gorgeous James Franco - who is absolute rolling-on-thefloor-funny as "Taste"; the real Mr. Tripplehorn. The
casting here is refreshingly surprising and brilliant.
Wahlberg as Holbrooke is comedically deadpan and not
at all out of place in the production. And Franco serves
up a comedic performance that is not to be missed. This
combination of Hollywood favorites at the top of their
craft, married with expert Writing and Direction, renders
Date Night is an absolute pleasure that holds your attention from the opening to the finale, and this happens not
at all often enough when you’re dishing out thirteen dollars of your hard-earned money at the movie theater.
From the comic duo of Carell and Fey, to Common's
portrayal of the flatigious Officer Collins, to the believable Taraji Henson as Detective Arroyo.... Date Night is
a comic winner. No Shufflin and Shinin. Run see it.
“ 4 out of “5” scoops
Janet Walters Levite is an optioned Screenwriter.
Keep Black Music Alive
CD Spotlight
top CDs & DvDs
1. Sade ................... “Soulder Love” ..................... (Sony)
2. Jaheim .................. “Another Round” ........... (Atlantic)
3. Alicia Keys ... The Element of Freedom ... (J. Records)
4. Melanie Fiona ................... “The Bridge” ............. (Uni)
5. Maxwell ....... “Black Summer’s Night” ... (Columbia)
6. Trey Songz ........................... “Ready” ................ (Atlantic)
7. Mary J. Blige ........ “Stronger With Each Tear ... (Geffen)
8. K’Jon .............. “I Get Around” ................ (Up & Up)
9. Drake ........................... “So Far Gone” .................... (YM)
10. Monica Stills ........... “Still Standing” ..... (J. Records)
11. Raheem DeVaughn ... “Love & War Master Peace” ..... (Jive)
12. Robin Thicke ........... “Sex Therapy” ........ (Star Trak)
13. Roy C. ....“Don’t Let Our Love Die” .... (Three Gems)
14. Jay-Z .................. “Blue Print 3” ............. (Roc Nation)
15. Michael Jackson ........... “This Is It” ............... (Epic)
16. Lil’ Wayne ...................... “Rebirth” .................... (Uni)
17. R. Kelly ............................ Untitled .......................... (Jive)
18. Mariah Carey ... “Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel”
19. Usher ........ “Raymond vs. Raymond” ......... (LaFace)
20. Freeway ... “The Stimulus Package” ... (Rhymesayers)
21. 50 Cent ........... “Before I Self Destruct” ........ (Shady)
22. Drama & Meek Mill .............. “Flamerz-3” ........ (215)
23. Eric Robinson .......... “Music Fan First” ........... (BES)
24. Res ............. “Black.Girls.Rock!” ............. (The 1 Res)
25. Ludacris ............ “Battle of the Sexes” ........ (DefJam)
Top gospel cdS & dvdS
1. Fred Hammond ........... “Love Unstoppable” .... (Verity)
2. Clarence Fountain, Sam Butler & The Boys ... “Stepping
Up & Stepping Out .... Word
3. Brian Courney Wilson ... “Just Love” ... (Music World)
4. The Mighty Clouds of Joy ....... “At The Revival” ....... (EMI)
5. J. Moss ............. “Just James” ............. (PAJAM)
6. Israel & New Breed .... “Power of One” .... (Zomba)
7. WOW ...................... “Hits 2010” ...................... (Verity)
8. Shirley Ceasar .... “A City Called Heaven” .... (E1)
9. Donnie McClurkin ... “Live Detroit” “We All Are One”
10. Bebe & Cece Winans ..... “Bebe & Cece Winans” ... (B & C)
11. The Whispers ...................... “Thankful” ............. (KR)
12. Greg O’Quinn ........ “After the Storm” ....... (Pendulum)
13. Donald Lawrence & Co. ... “The Law of Confession,
Part I” ... (QW)
14. James Fortune & Fiya ..... “Encore” .... (Black Smoke)
15. Byron Cage .............. “Faithful to Believe” ............. (Verity)
16. Hezekiah Walker & LFC .... “Souled Out” ....... (Verity)
17. WOW ......... “Gospel 2009 Top 30”.................. (Verity)
18. Bunny Sigler ..... “The Lord’s Prayer” .... (Bun-Z)
19. Marvin Sapp ................. “Here I Am” ............. (Verity)
20. The Sensational Nightingales ................... “The Gales”
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“If I cry tonight, understand that my cries are those of our children dying in the streets.” ~ Father Paul M. Washington
SCOOP U.S.A. - Friday,April 16, 2010 -
?^Wl[jeX[$ ?mekbZd[l[hb[Wl[j^[^eki[m_j^ekjadem_d]
8 - SCOOP U.S.A. - Friday, April 16, 2010
“If I cry tonight, understand that my cries are those of our children dying in the Streets.” ~ Father Paul M. Washington
The Leadership Center of Delaware Valley grand opening
The Leadership Center of Delaware Valley launched their
opening at the Philadelphia Museum of Art Friday.
Dr. Constance Clayton, Executive Director presided over
the event. The Center is located at the University of
Pennsylvania and includes top educators from the Delaware
Valley. Dr. Warren Simmons, Executive Director, Annenberg
Institute for School Reform Brown University delivered
inspiring directives to the attendees. Following the opening
was a reception and Picasso exhibit. Event workshops continued the following day at the Hyatt Regency Penn's
Landing Hotel. Marian Anderson Historical Society Founder
and classical pianist Blanche Burton Lyles played a variety
of selections prior to the program.
happy Birthday
Mom, Mae Francis
Williams in your
celebation of 70
beautiful years on
April 20th From your
children, Wanda,
debra, Renee,
Randall, Mat- Mat.
Also from many of
your friends who you
are know as “the Rib
It doctor “ at the Rib
“How can two walk together unless they agree”?
Elder jerome E. &
jane Cuthbertson,
1st Administration
Delores Weaver, Philadelphia Links, Inc. President, Dr. Constance Clayton. Blanche BurtonPhyllis Sims photo
Lyles and Phyllis Sims.
Celebrating Ducky’s More than 50 Years of Community
Service to Philadelphia and The Delaware Valley
“The Ducky Birts Foundation”
Friday & Saturday,
April 17 & 18th
Cathedral of New
6136 Cedar Avenue ~ Phila., PA 19143
Guest Minister Pastor Albert Holden
New Pentecostal United Holy Church
April 17 Service starts at 6:00 p.m. sharp
Guest Minister Pastor Robert Goodman
New Life United Holy Church
April 18 Service starts at 4:00 p.m. sharp
For information contact:
George Newman, Jr.: 803-426-0972
Henry Byrd: 215-868-3329
Pastor Elder Linda Lee: 215-492-8391
Hon. Bill Greenlee
Hon. Jim Kenney
Hon. Frank Rizzo
Hon. Louise
Williams Bishop
Hon. Marc B.
Hon. John Myers
Hon. Frank L.
Hon. Tony J.
Payton, Jr.
Hon. W. Curtis
Hon. Rosita C.
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“Medallion Award
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Working Together
Together “Making
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Miller IV
harmain Matlock-Turner
& AnAnthony
thony ““Tony”
Tony” Turner
The Ducky
brings us all
together to
education and
our youth
Featured Ent
ersal AAfrican
fricanan Danc
and Drum Ensemble
ou Ar
Aree IInvited
nvited T
The Fourth
ersary Celebration
The Ducky
Ducky BBirts
irts FFoundation
Medallion Scholarship BBanquet
day,, AApr
pril 17, 2010
Rev.v. Dr.
Dr. Wilson
Wilson Goode and
WW.. Wilson
Wilson Goode,
Goode, Jr.
enneth Scott
ent & CEO Beech,
Beech, Inc.
First District
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Plaza, 3801 Market
Market Street
Philadelphia, PA
PA 19104-3153
Reception 6:00 pm
Cocktail Reception
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Call 215-242-1220
ntertainment bbyy Amazin’
Amazin’ G
Dinner 7:00 pm Program
Program 8:00 pm
Emcee: Thera M
artin-Connelly of WURD Radio
All You
You Can
Can Eat and Drink
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“If I cry tonight, understand that my cries are those of our children dying in the streets.” ~ Father Paul M. Washington
Farewell to Dr. Reggie Bryant
SCOOP U.S.A. - Friday,April 16, 2010 -
Some of the scenes from the Celebration of Life and
Homegoing Service for Dr. Reggie Bryant on
Monday, April 12, 2010 at the Shiloh Apostolic
Mr. Webb photos
Church, 1500 Master Street.
Philly 360
Shown from (L to R) Creative Ambassadors Marc Byers, Rockstar
Entertainment; Bobbi Booker, Gospel DJ WRTI FM Radio, Sunday
6:00 a.m.; Philly 360 Member Bunmi Samuel; and Rachel Ferguson,
Mr. Webb photo
Philly 360, EPTMC, Media Relations
A space this
little can
bring big
results to
your business
the Web
www.scoopu sanewspaper.com
e have a rresponsibility
esponsibility to instill a sense of ‘what is possible’ in our youth.
I am living pr
oof that one can achieve whatever they want in life. Har
d work,
self-belief and discipline ar
e the ingr
edients to success.”
Youngblood, Philadelphia-area
Philadelphia-area McDonald’s
McDonald’s franchise owner has always
– Kenneth Youngblood,
focused his energy
energy on encouraging young people.
10 - SCOOP U.S.A. - Friday, April 16, 2010
“If I cry tonight, understand that my cries are those of our children dying in the streets.” ~ Father Paul M. Washington
Save on a Rainy Day
patrick l. robinson, sr.
You’ve heard the saying
before: save for a rainy day.
We’d like to suggest you save
on a rainy day. Just as April’s
showers bring May’s flowers,
your savings today can help
make your retirement savings
flourish in the future.
According to a recent survey
by the Employee Benefit
Research Institute, 43 percent
of Americans have saved less
than $10,000 for retirement; 27 percent have
saved less than $1,000. If you haven’t started
already, now is the time to begin saving for your
retirement — no matter what your age. If retirement is near, you’ll want to jump into the fast lane right
away. If you’re younger and retirement seems a lifetime
away, it’s still in your best interest to begin saving now,
as compound interest will work to your advantage.
Investors and financial advisors agree that saving when
you’re young will make a world of difference when the
time comes to draw on your retirement savings. Don’t
take our word for it. You can check out the numbers
yourself. A great place to start figuring out how much
you will need for retirement is to learn how much you
could expect from Social Security. You can do that in
minutes with Social Security’s online Retirement
Estimator. The Retirement Estimator offers an instant
and personalized estimate of your future retirement benefits based on your earnings record. Try it out at
www.socialsecurity.gov/estimator. We encourage saving for retirement, but there are reasons to save for every
stage of life. A great place to go for help is
www.mymoney.gov. MyMoney.gov is the U.S. government's website dedicated to teaching Americans the
basics about financial education. Whether you are planning to buy a home, balancing your checkbook, or
investing in your 401(k) plan, the resources on
www.MyMoney.gov can help you do it better.
Throughout the site, you will find important information
from 20 federal agencies government wide. Another
excellent resource is the Ballpark Estimator at
www.choosetosave.org/ballpark. This online tool takes
complicated issues, like projected Social Security benefits and earnings assumptions on savings, and turns them
into language and mathematics that are easy to understand. These online resources are a great way to spend a
rainy day. And if you’re hungry for more, dive into a
wealth of further information at www.socialsecurity.gov.
Opportunities of a lifetime must be seized during the
lifetime of the Opportunity
Local fraternity and sorority
members educate youth on
sexual health issues
Alpha Phi Alpha
Fraternity, Inc. and Alpha
Kappa Alpha Sorority,
Inc., century-old
Historically Black Greek
Lettered Organizations,
team up to address the
issues that are on the
minds of Philadelphia’s
youth: sexual health and
social well-being. This
year’s Project
Alpha/Project AKA cosponsored with the City of
Philadelphia’s Department
of Human Services –
Community Based
Prevention Services, will
be held on Saturday, April
17, 2010 at Community
College of Philadelphia –
Northwest Regional
Center; located at 13th &
Godfrey Ave.,
Philadelphia, PA The
event begins promptly at
8:30am and ends at
Project Alpha/Project
AKA is a free event for
both teens and parents.
The program includes:
• 4 workshops* for
teens titled, “HIV/STD
101”, “Gender Roles”,
s”, and “Dating and
• A gender-separated
discussion for teens.
• Concurrent parent
workshops* addressing
ways to effectively communicate with teenagers.
• A light breakfast and
lunch will be served.
*Student and parent
workshops are facilitated
by experts in the healthcare profession.
At the conclusion of the
event, members of Alpha
Phi Alpha and Alpha
Kappa Alpha will entertain
the participating teens
with a step exhibition.
For the past nineteen
years, these two organizations have provided an
open forum, affectionately
called Project
Alpha/Project AKA, for
teens ages 13-17, to
assemble and discuss their
thoughts about sexuality,
healthy relationships and
other social issues. By
tackling these issues with
our youth, we believe that
we can help ensure healthier, happier, and safer
communities for our
To Register for this
event, please e-mail: project-alpha-aka@odlchapter.com for a registration
form or call 646.234.7291
or 267.978.6909 for more
Health News
Seven signs of addiction
by Barb Rogers
It's like a train wreck. We want to look away, but we
can't. We sit by stunned as they flash mug shots of
favorite movie stars drunk and disheveled across the
television screen. Beloved talk show hosts are fighting
obesity in public. Super models, every bone visible, are
speaking up about eating disorders. The story of the day
is a politician or prominent sports figure caught in an
infidelity scandal. It's extreme. It's dramatic. It's addiction.
Addiction is out of the closet and into the spotlight.
Treatment centers for every imaginable addiction are
popping up like mushrooms. What does this do for the
average person? It lessons the stigma that was for so
long associated with addiction, and it helps you understand that you are not alone -- that addiction can happen
to anyone, anyplace, anytime regardless of race, gender
or financial status. The seven signs of addiction are:
1. Questioning. People who don't have an addiction
problem don't wonder if they have a problem. It's simply
not something they think about because they don't need
to. The mind is funny in that way. If we're paying attention, the mind tells us what we need to know whether we
want to hear it or not. If it is haunting you with questions such as "What am I doing," "Why do I keep doing
it," and "Why can't I stop," take note. Your problem may
have crossed that line into addiction.
others know, but they continue to tell lies, then the only
ones they're fooling is themselves.
5. Time and effort. The time addicts put into the
behavior, and into finding ways to stop doing it, takes
away from other parts of their lives. The effort it takes to
manipulate situations and other people so that they might
indulge in the behavior take away from the effort they
could be putting into building better relationships, getting an education or building a career, or simply living
life free to choose what they will do.
6. Guilt and shame. How you feel about your behavior should be a clear indication about whether or not it's
a problem. If you feel guilt and shame, but you can't
seem to stop what you're doing, then the problem has
become an addiction. No one wants to feel guilt and
shame, so if you inflict it on yourself repeatedly, then
that's something you should take a hard look at.
2. Defensiveness. When others touch on the topic, do
you feel your hackles rise, and do you instantly defend
yourself with statements like: "It's not a problem for me,
"If other people don't understand, it's their problem," "I
can stop doing it anytime I want to," or "I'm not hurting
anyone but myself?" But, in your inner core, do you
know these things aren't true?
7. Isolation. Convincing yourself that no one loves
you, others don't understand, or you don't fit into the
world around you to justify your behavior may convince
you that you are protecting yourself from more pain and
disappointment, but it will leave you feeling alone and
empty. Telling yourself you are different and can handle
things that others are not able to handle will only prolong the problem and escalate the possibility of serious
It doesn't matter whether it's alcohol or shopping,
drugs or clutter, eating or not eating, gambling or infidelity -- if it's causing problems, and you can't quit even
though you want to, then it is an addiction. The good
news is that there is help ranging from treatment centers
and anonymous meetings to individual therapy. Very few
addicts find successful, long-term recovery without a
support system.
3. Blaming. Placing blame for your behavior on others
or a situation is an old ploy of addicts that keeps them
from taking responsibility for their choices. When others
are out of the picture, and the situation is resolved and
the behavior continues, it's a clear sign that there's a
problem -- yours.
The ultimate goal in recovery is to be happy and free - free to live life boldly and unafraid, to embrace others
and the world around you without the burden of addiction. There is a whole world out there waiting for you to
shine your light on it and, through brutal honesty and
seeking help, it's possible.
4. Secrets and lies. Often, addicts are the only ones
who think their addiction is a secret. They believe the
lies are hiding the secret, but those close to them have
noticed they are drinking too much, abusing prescription
drugs, gambling away necessary funds, overeating, purging, shopping. living in clutter, etc. If addicts know that
Barb Rogers is the author of If I Die Before I Wake: A
Memoir of Drinking and Recovery along with several
other books on addiction. You can visit her online at
More than 36 million American go to bed hungry every night – 12 million of them are children.
They may be people you know, to address this issue some 20 representatives of Philadelphia Coca
Cola Bottling Company, recently volunteered to help sort food at SHARE (Self Help And Resource
Exchange) a program working to make food more affordable for individuals and families. Volunteers
prepared bags of fresh fruit, frozen meat, vegetables and basic items. From left to right are representatives from Philadelphia Coca Cola Bottling Company: Christopher Moore, Lance Moore,
Sana Moore, Pat Wimms, Litanya Davis, Travis Mosley, SHARE Representative – Heather, Karen
Drummond, Shawn Coleman, Carol Ann Clark, Dwayne Surratt, Jerry Martin, John Stroman,
Tawanna Cunningham, Shawn Coleman's daughter - Milan Coleman (with glasses), Madonna Choy
Ron Allen photo
and Michelle James.
Reach One, Teach One, Let’s Save the Children
SCOOP USA - Friday, April 16, 2010
“If I cry tonight, understand that my cries are those of our children dying in the streets.” ~ Father Paul M. Washington
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12 -SCOOP U.S.A. - Friday, April 16, 2010
“If I cry tonight, understand that my cries are those of our children dying in the streets.” ~ Father Paul M. Washington
Philadelphia residents earn Recycling Rewards
At the Jeff Brown’s ShopRite, a rewards partner in the
Parkside neighborhood, Streets Department
Commissioner Clarena I.W. Tolson officially marked the
first week of Recycling Rewards collections in West
Philadelphia and encouraged all city residents to sign up
for the program. Philadelphia Recycling Rewards will
be rolled-out monthly over six months based on sanitation service areas with the entire City receiving service
by July. Philadelphia Recycling Rewards is a partnership between the City of Philadelphia, the Streets
Department and RecycleBank. The program allows residents with City provided recycling collection to earn
points that are redeemed through RecycleBank for groceries, gift cards, merchandise and entertainment at hundreds of participating local and national merchants.
Philadelphia is proud to be the largest City in the United
States to reward its residents for their recycling efforts.
“I am thrilled to bring Recycling Rewards, a partnership with Philadelphia’s own RecycleBank, to
Philadelphia. Recycling has always paid off in several
ways, but never before so directly,” said Commissioner
Tolson. “Recycling has always saved the environment
through diverting refuse from the landfills, saved the
City money by paying less in landfill fees, and now it
will save residents money by allowing them to use their
rewards at area businesses. With the opportunity to get
rewarded, I expect every Philadelphian to join their
neighbors in recycling.”
Residents in Philadelphia can earn hundreds of dollars
worth of rewards for recycling each year. They can
redeem their rewards at many of local businesses includ-
Col. Charles Young
Post 682
159 E. Sharpnack St.
Phila. 215-844-9894
1st Sunday Breakfast
8 am ‘til noon - $2.99
Monday Nite - Big Screen Night “All Sports”
Wednesday Nite ~ Happy Hour 7 to 9 pm
Music by Joe Bones
Every other Thursday ~ Line Dance ~ 7:30 - 9:30
Friday Happy Hour ~ 6 to 8 pm
ing: Fresh Grocer, ACME, select Shop Rite Locations,
Rite Aid, CVS/pharmacy, Rita’s Water Ice, Las Cazuelas,
Reading Terminal Market, Second Street Pizza, London
Grill, and hundreds more. Major retailers and national
brands such as Nature Made, Coca-Cola,Fancy Feast,
Friskies, Seventh Generation, Dick’s Sporting Goods,
Ruby Tuesday, 1800GOTJUNK?, and Bed, Bath &
Beyond also participate. Philadelphians will also have an
option to donate their Recycling Rewards to environmental initiatives at local schools through the
RecycleBank Green Schools Program.
Philadelphia Recycling Rewards is anticipated to bring
the City’s recycling diversion rate-- the amount of recyclable materials that are diverted away from landfills—to
record levels. Every ton of waste diverted from landfills currently saves the city about $70. The program is a
“pay for performance” contract and shares the savings
for additional tons of recycling collected above and
beyond current levels. This means RecycleBank only
gets paid when the City increases recycling and reduces
“Philadelphia took the initiative in 2005 to be the very
first city to pilot our service and since then we have
grown to service over 1 million people across 26 states
and the UK. We are proud and excited to have the
opportunity to continue to service Philadelphia.” said
Ron Gonen, CEO and co-founder of RecycleBank. “We
look forward to helping the City of Philadelphia become
a model of urban environmental management, reaching
and surpassing their GreenWorks Philadelphia Goals.”
Jeff Brown’s ShopRite is committed to grassroots
environmental work within our stores’ communities.
Partnering with RecycleBank has always made perfect
sense because of our shared vision to help protect our
limited natural resources,” said Jeff Brown, Founder,
President and CEO of Brown's Super Stores, Inc. “We
recognize the value that RecycleBank brings to the community and look forward to rewarding our loyal
ShopRite customers who also participate in responsible
waste handling.”
The Mayor has set ambitious goals with GreenWorks
Philadelphia, which has recycling goals including a 20
percent diversion rate by 2011 and 25 percent by 2015.
Philadelphia Recycling Rewards powered by
RecycleBank will help the City achieve and hopefully
exceed those goals.
The Philadelphia Recycling Rewards roll-out schedule
is as follows:
April 2010: West and Southwest Philadelphia
May 2010: Center City and South Philadelphia
June 2010: Northeast Philadelphia
July 2010: Northwest Philadelphia
For more information about Philadelphia Recycling
Rewards Program, and to sign-up for a rewards account,
please visit www.PhillyRecyclingPAYS.com or call the
Philadelphia Recycling Rewards Customer Affairs Unit
at 1-888-769-7960.
Tax time
Continued from page 4
the appropriations for their imperialist wars) It means the
government will take even more of our money via all
kinds of taxes and hidden fees. We will continue to experience flat line wages. We will have less discretionary
funds for spending.
This is why white anger and frustration levels are so
high and why their anger and frustration are being channeled and manipulated by the tea party movement backers. This is why the anti-income tax movement is growing. I suggest you rent or download the late Aaron
Russo’s film America, From Freedom to Fascism. It
examines the nexus between the Federal Reserve Bank
and the illegality of the US federal income tax among
other things. I am not telling anyone not to pay your
taxes but we need to do the research about the real deal
about the government, the Fed and taxation. In a future
article I will introduce you to a courageous Sistah named
Sherry Peel Jackson who appears in Russo’s film. Mrs.
Jackson is a former IRS agent currently in federal prison
for telling people there is no actual law that says we have
to pay federal income tax.
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Saturday Happy Hour 5 to 7 pm
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“If I cry tonight, understand that my cries are those of our children dying in the streets.” ~ Father Paul M. Washington
1994-Ralph Ellison author of "Invisible Man," a
searing novel about black life in America, dies.
1990-South African black leader Nelson Mandela
made an appearance at a huge pop concert held in
his honor during a visit to Britain
1973-Lelia Smith Foley becomes the first African
American woman to be elected mayor of a U.S. city
(Taft, OK)
1965-Maj. Gen. B.O. Davis Jr., assistant deputy
chief of staff of the U.S. Air Force, named lieutenant general, the highest rank attained by a Black
to date in the armed services.
1962-Three Louisiana segregationists were
excommunicated by Archbisop Joseph Rummel for
continuing their opposition to his order for integration of New Orleans parochial schools.
1947-Basketball great Kareem Abdul-Jabbar born
Lewis F. Alcindor, Jr. in New York City.
1929-Baritone singer Roy Hamilton was born in
Leesburg, Georgia. Hamilton's biggest hits of the
50s were "Unchained Melody" and "You'll Never
Walk Alone."
1924-Don Redman performed the first recorded
scat vocals while a member of Fletcher Henderson's
Orchestra. Scat singing is an improvised vocal
instrumentation composed of nonsense syllables.
Don Redman scatted a few bars of "My Papa
Doesn't Two-Time No Time," recorded in New York
by Columbia. Although Louis Armstrong is generally credited with having recorded the first scat
vocals, Don Redman actually preceded him by two
1869-Ebenezer Don Carlos Bassett becomes the
first African American to serve in a diplomatic post
for the U.S. (Consul-General to Haiti and the
Dominican Republic)
1868-Louisiana voters approved new constitution
and elected state officers, including the first Black
lieutenant governor, Oscar J. Dunn, and the first
Black state treasurer, Antoine Dubuclet. Article
Thirteen of the new constitution banned segregation
in public accommodation: "All the persons shall
enjoy equal rights and privileges upon any conveyances of a public character; and all places of
business, or of public resort, or for which a license
is required by either State, Parish or municipal
authority, shall be deemed places of a public character and shall be opened to the accommodation and
patronage of all persons, without distinction or discrimination on account of race or color."
1862-On April 16, 1862, President Abraham
Lincoln signed a bill ending slavery in the District
of Columbia. Passage of this act came 9 months
before President Lincoln issued his Emancipation
Proclamation. The act brought to conclusion
decades of agitation aimed at ending what antislavery advocates called "the national shame" of slavery
in the nation's capital. The law provided for immediate emancipation, compensation of up to $300 for
each slave to loyal Unionist masters, voluntary colonization of former slaves to colonies outside the
United States, and payments of up to $100 to each
person choosing emigration. Over the next 9
months, the federal government paid almost $1 million for the freedom of approximately 3,100 former
slaves. The District of Columbia Emancipation Act
is the only example of compensated emancipation in
the United States. Though its three-way approach of
immediate emancipation, compensation, and colonization did not serve as a model for the future, it
was an early signal of slavery's death. Emancipation
was greeted with great jubilation by the District's
African-American community. For many years
afterward, black Washingtonians celebrated
Emancipation Day on April 16 with parades and festivals
April 17th
1990-Playwright August Wilson won his second
Pulitzer Prize for drama with the play "The Piano
1990-Rev. Ralph David Abernathy, keystone of
the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and
aide to Dr. Martin Luther King, died of heart failure.
1872-Wiliam Monroe Trotter, crusader for full
equality, publisher of "The Boston Guardian," cofounder of the Niagra Movement and close friend of
W.E.B. Dubois, was born in Boston, Massachusetts.
Trotter led a protest against the showing of the
racist film "Birth of a Nation" and was in opposition
to Booker T. Washington.
1823-Arkansas jurist Mifflin Wistar Gibbs was
born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Gibbs became
the nation's first African American judge in 1873.
From 1850-1858, he served as U.S. consul to
1758-Francis Williams, first U.S. Black college
graduate, publishes a poem book in Latin.
- 13
Thomas annouces new Senior initiatives
State Rep. W. Curtis
Thomas, D-181, recently
announced new senior initiatives while celebrating
National Jazz Day with participants of the Spring
Garden Senior Center.
Thomas and Dr. Jamil
Assaf Bautista of Logistics
Management Consultants,
Inc. announced the establishment of the 181st
Senior Surveillance
Program that will provide
video camera surveillance
at senior housing developments in the district.
“Security is a real issue at senior developments in
my district,” explained Thomas. “Last year, I
secured $50,000 to hire a security guard at one of
the developments, but we needed to ensure that all of the
developments had the same level of safety, so I enlisted
Dr. Bautista and LMC, Inc. to assist me in implementing
this project. This program is the first of its type in the
city. Keeping my seniors safe is a priority for me.”
“We are happy to work with Representative Thomas
on this important project,” Bautista said. “This is an
innovative approach and we are glad to assist him in
implementing this program. I am grateful that he always
looks to include minority businesses in important projects in the 181st District.”
Thomas also announced that he will establish the
Electronic Shopping Opportunities Program (ESOP) at
Mt. Tabor Cyber Village Senior Apartments. It was
Thomas that secured funding to build the new Mt. Tabor
Cyber Village Senior Apartments. The first of its kind in
the state, each apartment is wired for Internet access and
other 21st Century technology. ESOP will allow the residents of Cyber Village to fully utilize that technology.
Members of the 181st Emergency Preparedness
Taskforce were introduced. The group consists of representatives from each of the senior developments in the
district that will plan and implement emergency pre-
state rep. w. curtis thomas
Black History
April 16-17
SCOOP USA - Friday, April 16, 2010
paredness programs for each development.
“We love and appreciate Representative Thomas for
the good work he has done in the 181st over the past 20
years,” said Frances Walker, taskforce coordinator and
resident council president at Gray Manor Senior
Apartments. “He is a visionary that has established
innovative programs like the taskforce and the surveillance program for the seniors in our district. He and his
wonderful staff are always available to assist us whether
it’s issues with the state and city or personal concerns.
He takes good care of us and the members of the taskforce support him 100 percent in his reelection.”
Thomas has been a champion of the seniors in his district since his first term in 1989. In addition to securing
funding to build Mt. Tabor’s new Cyber Village, over the
years, Thomas has provided computers for and brought
technology to William B. Moore Manor and Guild
House East. In 2001 he established ESOP at William B.
Moore Manor. The first of its kind in the nation, the program taught seniors how to shop online for groceries in
an effort to fill the void of lack of a local supermarket.
ESOP was visited by a delegation of legislators from
Germany who were so impressed that they invited
Thomas to help them establish ESOP in Germany.
He also assisted 123,000 additional seniors in securing
property tax and rent rebates from gaming revenues
thanks to legislation he co-sponsored. Guild House East
is now being renovated thanks to state tax credits that
Thomas supported. Of course, seniors throughout the
181st District look forward to his Annual Senior to
Senior Connections where he provides them with needed
information and day of fun and fellowship.
“I was raised to always respect and protect my elders,”
said Thomas. “The seniors in my district are very close
to my heart. It’s important to me to provide them with
everything they need to lead safe, healthy and productive
lives. I value their support and input and will continue to
do everything in my power to protect and assist them
however needed.”
The 181st District includes parts of North and North
Central Philadelphia, Northern Liberties, Hunting Park,
Logan, Feltonville, Kensington and Nicetown-Tioga.
Show Me the
Money - the
Roadmap to
Financial Aid
for College
State Senator Vincent Hughes, Fola Sade Badmus, Sonny Hill, Taylor Marshall and Taylor
Marshall. Were among hundreds of high school students and parents who turned out
recently for State Senator Vincent Hughes’ (D-Phila.) Show Me the Money – The Roadmap
to Financial Aid for College conference at the High School of the Future in West
Philadelphia. The conference attracted attendees from across the region who were seeking
Ron Allen photo
to tap into resources to support their plans for higher education.
Criteria for PA Inmate transfer
Due to massive prison overcrowding in Pennsylvania
that has forced the state to transfer inmates to other
states, state Sen. LeAnna Washington (DMontgomery/Philadelphia) today provided information
on the criteria that goes into selecting which inmates will
be transferred.
“It is hard enough for those who have family members
incarcerated,” Washington said. “It is even harder when
these individuals are bused away seemingly overnight to
out-of-state prisons with little to no warning. I will continue to press the state Department of Corrections to provide greater and timelier information to families on the
inmate transfer criteria.”
Washington said the transfers were expected to be
completed by now, but were delayed due the winter
snow storms.
According to the department, the criteria for selecting
which inmates transfer are as follows:
· No inmates with serious medical issues are to be
· No inmates with serious mental health issues are
· No inmates with serious behavioral issues are transferred;
· No inmates enrolled in special education programs
are transferred;
· No inmates with capital cases are transferred;
· Inmates who have no more than three visits per year
are considered for transfer;
· Inmates with at least three years left on their sentence are considered for transfer;
· No inmates with out-of-state detainers are considered
for transfer; and
· Inmates with pending court dates are not to be considered for transfer.
To date, 470 Pennsylvania inmates have been transferred to a correctional facility in Virginia; 320 have
been transferred to a facility in Michigan. The intent is
to transfer an additional 1,300 inmates by the end of
April/beginning of May of this year. It is estimated, at
the conclusion of the transfers, that Virginia will house
1,020 Pennsylvania prisoners; and Michigan will house
Washington said that the department has assured her
that they will provide for virtual visitation accommodations for inmates selected for transfer, including webcams and teleconferencing.
Prison officials in Michigan and Virginia have committed to making quarterly trips to Pennsylvania to transport prisoners. Officials from Pennsylvania prisons will
only travel to those states in the event of "serious medical issues" on the part of the inmate. Moreover, there
will be one full time Pennsylvania Department of
Corrections staff person at each out-of-state prison to
serve as a liaison between the host facility and the PA
Department of Corrections. While Pennsylvania has
signed a five year agreement with Michigan and Virginia
to house our inmates, it is expected that the inmates will
only be housed out-of-state for three years, essentially
until the first of the new prisons is built and operational.
“There is a serious overcrowding issue in
Pennsylvania prisons that must be alleviated,”
Washington said. “Prison transfer is just one way to
address this issue. You can rest assured that I will work
with my colleagues in the legislature and the Department
of Corrections to find other ways to address this issue.”
14 -SCOOP U.S.A. - Friday, April 16, 2010
“If I cry tonight, understand that my cries are those of our children dying in the streets.” ~ Father Paul M. Washington
God be with you, till we meet again
rev. dr. wm. rocky brown, 3rd
A white minister who
was to become president
of a great AfricanAmerican University
picked up a dictionary in
his study at the First
Congregational Church,
Washington, D.C. He
thumbed through the
pages until he found what
he wanted, and then made
some notes on a pad at his
side: “Farewell-fare thee
well. Wherever you go, whatever you do, however circumstances affect you, may you fare well.”
Another volume furnished an interpretation of the
slang expression, “So Long,” and hinted that it
was possibly an English corruption of the Islamic greeting, “Salaam Alaikum” which means “Peace be with
you.” Noting that the French farewell, “Adieu” and
“Au Revoir,” means “Till we meet again,” he then
looked up the word “Goodbye.” He jotted down these
notes: “Goodbye-God be with you. Can God go with
everyone? Suppose they don’t want Him to go with
them? Is this not a parting word for Christians only?”
With that he looked up the various “Farewells” in the
New Testament and found these references: Acts 15:29,
“Fare ye well”; Acts 23:30, “Farewell.” From the original Greek, he discovered that these words have a wide
variety of meaning, including “God make you strong; be
strong; be well; be firm; enjoy good health; rejoice; be
joyful and be full of joy.”
Since his Sunday evening congregations were growing, the resourceful pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Eames Rankin
(1828-1904) featured evangelistic singing. He had
already edited a book of gospel songs two years earlier,
“Gospel Temperance Hymnal” having been published in
1878. Even before that, some of his original hymns had
The Original -- Bar-Hotel-Sandwich Shop
Open Monday thru Saturday 7 a.m. ~ 2 a.m. w Sunday noon to 2 a.m.
301 W. 3rd St. (3rd & Concord Ave.) ~ Chester, PA
Saturday, April 17
been included in “Songs of the New Life” published in
This particular Sunday night in 1880 he wanted to
close the service with a farewell hymn. The only good
one in the standard hymnals was John Fawcett’s “Blest
Be the Tie that Binds.” But Rankin wanted something
different, more of a lilting gospel song than a dignified
stately hymn. Not finding what he wanted, and with the
results of his recent study of the dictionary and the
Bible in his mind, he sat down and wrote the first stanza
of his own “benediction hymn”:
God be with you till we meet again,
By His counsel’s guide, uphold you;
With His sheep securely fold you;
God be with you till we meet again.
He sent the words to two musicians, asking them to
try their hand at composing an appropriate tune for the
stanza and chorus: “Till we meet at Jesus’ feet, God be
with you till we meet again.”
The tune that suited him and seemed to express the
spirit of the words was sent in by William Gould Tomer,
at that time a school teacher in Carpentersville, N.J. The
music so pleased the poet that he wrote seven additional
stanzas to complete his new hymn. It is interesting to
note that Mr. Tomer had been at one time on the staff of
General Oliver Otis Howard, after whom the great
African-American institution of higher education,
Howard University, in Washington, D.C. is named.
Later Dr. Rankin himself was to serve as President of
this University for seven years.
Dr. John W. Bischoff, blind organist of the author’s
church, revised the new tune slightly, and it was sung
for the first time by the poet’s Sunday night congregation in his own church.
It is strange that a hymn so simple that of its sixteen
lines eight contain the same phrase “God be with you
till we meet again,” should have such a hold on the
affections of Christian folk. But, for good or ill, it has,
and, with or without the “Chorus” it is sung Sunday
after Sunday as a parting hymn and as a “Christian
goodbye.” It was first published the year of its composition in Gospel Bells,” a collection of hymns and songs
edited by the pastor, his organist and his Sunday School
It is fitting for an age which says “Thanks” when it
means “Thank you” to be reminded that every time it
says “Goodbye” it is saying a prayer, “God be with
This is Rev. Dr. Wm. Rocky Brown, 3rd asking you to:
Chester host Earth
Day Shred-a-thon
In celebration of Earth
Day, the City of Chester’s
Streets & Public
Improvements is holding a
two-day long “shred-athon” featuring the Shredit Truck on Friday, 4/23
and Saturday, 4/24 from
10:00 am-2:00 pm at City
Hall in the west side parking lot. Chester residents
and local businesses are
encouraged to come out
for the free shredding of
paper items, and bring old
ink cartridges, cell phones
and cords to be recycled.
At the event, residents
can learn about what,
when, where and how to
recycle in Chester and also
pick-up recycling containers. There will also be
give-a-ways including coloring books, pens and
bags made from recyclable
materials. Sponsored in
part by Delcora, the event
is being held by the City
of Chester to provide residents will the opportunity
to shred old paper items
and learn more about recycling.
For more information
please see attached flyer
or call the Department of
Streets & Public
Improvements at 610-4477742. Please spread the
word. Thank you.
W ORkING !!!
Chester Businesses Willing to Serve you
9 p.m. until
Birthday Party
thirsty thursdays ~ 7:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m.
hAPPy hOUR with vAl
Monday through Friday
4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
$2.00 bottom shelf ~ $1.00 off top shelf
B3rd&& highland
E’s Tavern
610 497-525
Come PARty
with Dj ACE
and Saturday
9 p.m. until
501 E. 7th St.
Chester, PA
610- 872-4230
Monday ~ thursday
happy hour 4-6 pm
Blue Monday 10 - 6 pm
tuesday ~ Men’s Nite Out
thursday - Open Mic ~ 9 pm until
Friday - Fun Fridays
with Dj Squeeze
Saturday ~ guest Matinee 3 - 9 pm
9 pm - 2 am Dj Bang & Freeze
301 E. 12th Street
Chester, PA
Open 7 am Mon.- Sat. / Sunday 11am
& thURSDAy
5 pm to 7 pm
gAME tiME is PARty tiME
Watch your team win or lose
th Street Bar
302 W. 5th St. Chester, PA
Summer is here
and the
Good Times
are Rolling on
5th Street!!
I-95 & Concord Rd - Chester, PA -(610) 485-4111
Saturday ~ 9 p.m. until ~ BiRthDAy
CElEBRAtiON -honoring- RitA
EvERy MONDAy ~ 8 p.m. until ~ All Star MAlE REvUE
EvERy WEDNESDAy ~ 7 to 10 p.m. POOl PlAyERS’ NitE AMPlE
FREE POOl hosted by gege ~ light Refreshments PARKiNg
KARAOKE EvERy thURSDAy NitE ~ 9 p.m. to 2 a.m.
FRiDAy NitE ~ hAPPy hOUR ~ 6 to 8 p.m.
SUNDAy ~ 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. DiSCO with
the tri-States finest Dj SWURv
Your Ad -2 for the
Price of 1-in Print
and on
the web
Book your next party here Call 610-485-4111 for more information
Our Kitchen open daily with its good southern cooked, delicious foods for lunch and dinner
such as ribs, hot dogs, hamburgers and fish sandwiches. Weekly specials that include
mac and cheese, fresh cooked cabbage, greens and our delicious
fried, baked and rotisserie chicken ... and now we have CAJUN CRABS!!!
KITCHEN OPEN Mon. - Wed. 4 pm to midnite: Thurs. - Sun. 4 pm to 2 a.m.
“If I cry tonight, understand that my cries are those of our children dying in the streets.” ~ Father Paul M. Washington
Chester Events
C heSter C ItIzen ’ S p oLICe A CAdemY
The Chester Police Department would like to invite you
to check out their newly formed Citizen’s Police Academy
located at 2600 West 9th Street in Crozier Community
Hospital. For more information contact Officer Robert
Jones the Law Enforcement Coordinator for the Weed and
Seed Program. You can contact him at 610-633-8397 or
stop in and see him for an application at the community
hospitalWeed and Seed Program.
C rozer L IBrArY S prIng B ook & B Ake S ALe
Avid readers, rejoice! The J. Lewis Crozer Library’s
Spring Book & Bake Sale will be held on Saturday,
April 17th from 9:00a.m. to 2:00p.m. at the library. All
books are priced at $1 or less. Gently used former
Chester, PA
S & Bar
700 W. 2nd Street, Chester, PA
Corner of Rt. 291 & Kerlin Street
Monday Days with “KAtRiCE” - happy Day
Monday Nites with “SUE” & “jUliE”- happy Nite
tuesday and Wednesdays with “BEBE”
tuesday Nite with ‘KAtRiCE” ~ Men’s Nite
Wednesday Nights with “yOlANDA” 1 + 1 shot
and Special Mixed Drinks
thursday Nights with ShEEDAh” ~ 2 + 1 NitE
EvERy WEDNESDAy NitE ~ 6 to 10 p.m.
BiKE NitE given by K.R. and FRiENDS
SPECiAlS: Buy 1 double shot ~ get 1 single shot Free!
Beer of the Night $1.50 plus Mixed Drinks
All Bikers and Regulars Welcome!!
Saturday, April 17 ~ 3 to 9 p.m.
Saturday, April 24 ~ 3 to 9 p.m.
Big BiRthDAy BASh -for- “SAM”
also Sat. April 24 - from 9 pm until
Big BiRthDAy BASh
honoring our Starmaid “KAtRiCE”
The Big Event SUNDAY MAY 2
The big 3 in 1 affair ~ 3 pm till 9 pm
Fun, Music and a menu too
long to name all foods
Our Staff Serving: Bebe, Bernard, Julie, Jaime, Debbie, Larry,
Karen, Katrice, Rose, Sue, Sheedah, Yolonda, Yvonne
House DJ. Dr. Boogie & Crew
Kitchen Staff Darlene, Monte & Juice
Security Staff -Dayton, Jack, Nodie, Steve & Devin
Manager Blinky
2701 W. 3rd St. Chester - 610-497-9037
Watch for our Daily
and Activities
library books and donated items will be sold. The sale
includes fiction and nonfiction for adults and children.
There will also be a small bake sale and raffles. All proceeds benefit the J. Lewis Crozer Library. Crozer
Library is located at 620 Engle Street in Chester. Please
call 610-494-3454 with any questions.
S omethIng F or e verYone t hIS S prIng At
C rozer L IBrArY
Make sure that your family history is preserved on
Wednesday, may 5th, from 11:00a.m.-12:00 noon.
Keeping Your Memories Alive will demonstrate ways to
reinforce family traditions and preserve your personal
history. Generously provided by the Crozer Keystone
Health System.
Crozer Library is located at 620 Engle Street in
Chester. Registration is required at (610) 494-3454.
"p ennIeS From pAtronS " p ennY d rIve
u nderWAY At C rozer L IBrArY
The J. Lewis Crozer Library wants your two cents'
worth – or actually, as many cents as you can spare. The
J. Lewis Crozer Library asks Chester residents young and
old to contribute to their "Pennies from Patrons" penny
drive. The penny drive will extend through the end of
March, with the goal of raising $500 for Chester's only
public library. If you don't have many pennies to contribute, library staff will gladly convert donations of different denominations for you. Donations will be accepted
during normal library hours. If you have any penny drive
questions, please contact Kim Braun at (610) 494-3454,
x204. Crozer Library is located at 620 Engle Street in
o Ld S ChooL F rIdAYS
every First Friday, Network and Dance ... Old School
Music by DJ Cory AK. A Cabaret-style event from 8 p.m.
until 1 a.m. hoste by Councilwoman Marrea at Chester’s
City hall, 1 Fourth Street in Chester. For information call
Weekly Programs
Tuesdays: “Math Tutoring” from 6 to 7 p.m. (ages
12 and up only). To register visit, or leave phone message at 610-494-3454 ext. 203 or email
crcsd@delco.lib.pa.us. Space is limited.
Wednesdays: “Little People Storytimes” 10 - 10:30
SCOOP USA - Friday, April 16, 2010
- 15
a.m. (Ages 3-5 only). Interactive stoirytime with songs,
stories and fun activities. Register your child or group
now during library visit, leave phone message at 610494-3454 ext. 203 or email crcsd@delco.lib.pa.us.
Tuesdays and Thursdays: Violence Prevention for
Teen Girls: “Enhancing Self-Esteem” from 6 to 7 p.m.
(Ages 13 and up only). For information contact Ms.
Logan at 610-494-3454 ext. 203 or email
The J. Lewsis Crozer Library is located at 620 Engle
Street in Chester, PA.
I mprove Y our F or B odY A nd S pIrIt
At C rozer L IBrArY
Have fun and come away with important information
on Saturday, April 24th at the J. Lewis Crozer Library in
Chester. From 11:00a.m. to noon, adults and parents can
learn how to manage asthma from Zalika Shani, a
Certified Health Education Specialist with the Crozer
Keystone Health System Speakers Bureau. Parents will
receive a free gift to help them with asthma control!
On Saturday, April 24th from 1:00 to 3:00p.m., join
the community (and a prominent City figure or two) as
we gather in celebration of African American poetry at
our Coffee House Poetry readings. Choose from our
selection of African American poems, enjoy a beverage,
and join the readings! Crozer Library is located at 620
Engle Street in Chester. Registration is appreciated at
(610) 494-3454.
FAmILY S torY t Ime A nd B ook S IgnIng
Chester’s own children’s author Lakisha Cornell will
host a family storytime and book signing on Tuesday
evening, April 20th from 6:00 to 7:30p.m. Ms. Cornell
will read from her new children’s picture book, "Mommy,
Where’s My Birthday?", highlighting the special birthdays of children born on February 29th! Books will be
available for purchase and signing. This program was
rescheduled from its original March dates due to author
Registration is appreciated at (610) 494-3454.
531 Avenue of the States
Chester, PA 610-872-0789
All Styles & Fashions
4 East 21st Street, Chester PA
All Star Barber Shop
tattoo Parlor & Spa
(hands & Feet) - Open 7 days
Roger’s RAiNBOW iNN
6th & Kerlin Sts. Chester, PA
(610) 874 - 1777
hAPPy hOUR ~ 5 to 7 p.m.
FRiDAy NitE with Dj BANg
9 p.m. until
9 p.m. until with ‘thE g-MAN”
~ Book your Party for Saturday Nites ~
You can’t give radio listeners or TV
viewers a map to your business.
You can reach more people
with a newspaper ad.
Call 215-232-5974
See us on line
8 West 9th Street
Chester, PA
(610) 874 - 8454
Open at 4:00 p.m. ~ SENiOR DiSCOUNt
and thursday
9 to 11 p.m.
$1.00 NitE
KitChEN Open Daily until 1:30 a.m.
We Make Our Own Crab Cakes
Wings & Things
Turkey Burgers
Mac & cheese Black-eyed Peas
club Sandwiches collard greens with Rice & more
Horsey Post 300
1101 W. 7th Street Chester, 610-872-2751
Every FRIDAY, After Work Party 5-9
Members must have membership
card with them all the time to drink.
Everyone must be 30 years old
OPEN: Mon., Tues., Wed. 3 to 11 p.m.
Thurs. 12 noon to 12 midnite w Friday 12 noon to 2 a.m.
Sat. 10 a.m. to 2 a.m. w Sun. 8 a.m. to midnite
16 -SCOOP U.S.A. - Friday, April 16, 2010
Divers. CDL-A, 1 yr
Exp. Req. for Local
Bristol Flatbed Runs!
Great Pay, Benefits!
Estenson Logistics
A space this
little can bring
big $$$$$$$$
results to your
W.E. Martin Production Company and Emma’s Caring
Hands Foundation, Inc. invites you to attend the play
“It’s Time for Freedom” and a Luncheon honoring City
Councilman Darrell Clarke and Community Activiet
Mrs. Marilyn Mourning on Saturday, April 17 from 12
noon until 3:00 p.m. at Zion Baptist Community Center,
3600 N. Broad St. For information contact: Virginia
Booker: 215-276-2451; Hennie Sullivan: 215-924-5567;
Beverly Allen: 267-591-0481; Webb’s Dept. Store: 215765-9187. Vendor spaces available.
The Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta
Sorority, Inc. hosts the 8th annual Juanita Kidd Stout Youth
Economic Empowerment Conference, “The Truth Behind Your
S.W.A.G. – Savings With a Goal” on Saturday, April 17 from
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. at Saint Joseph’s University’s Bellarmine
Hall, 5600 City Avenue, Phila., PA 19131. The Students in
grades 5-12 are encouraged to attend this event, which costs
only $10. For information call 215-248-2288.
NSF Project Build-up will conduct two youth forums. The
focal point is (Youth Talk-We Listen). Along with open discussion forums with youth parents and city officals, NSF will host
city wide anti-violence activities. Saturday, April 17 the forum
will be held at the MLK Recreation Center, 22nd & Cecil B.
Moore at 12 noon and on Friday, April 23 the forum will be
held at the Vare Recreation Center, 2600 Morris Sts. at 4:00
p.m. For information contact Miriam Kebede at 267-978-2958.
A Family Bazaar will be held on Saturday, April 17, from
1:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. Vending available. Call Kaamilah 215849-2325 or email – masjalmuid@aol.com
Avenging the Ancestors Coalition (ATAC’s) next meeting date is
Monday, April 19 at 7:00 p.m. at Zion Baptist Church, Broad &
Venango Sts. in Phila. For up to date information about ATAC, visit
the official website at www.avengingtheancestors.com.
The Childen’s Dept. of the Blackwell Regional Library, 52nd &
Sanson Sts., would like to invite dads, granddads, stepdads, uncles and
big brothers to our Daddy and Me Storytime with Mr. Brian on
Saturday, April 17 at 2 p.m. Stories are geared for preschool children
and the main men in their lives. For information call 215-685-7422.
On Tuesday April 20, at 7pm, Reelblack, Philly’s #1 pro-
Jessie’s Herb Center
& Herbs Massage Salon
4 Better Health
Monthly Health Seminars
1537 South Street
Phila., PA 19146
(215) 735-0458
moter of African-American Film will host the Philadelphia
Theatrical Premiere of Robert Townsend and Quincy Newell’s
2009 Sundance hit, “Why We Laugh: Black Comedians on
Comedy.” Screening will take place at International House,
3701 Chestnut Street in Philadelphia, PA 19104. Cost: $10
General Admission/ $8 Students
Join The Frator Heru Institute (TFHI) on Tuesday, April 20,
at 6:30p.m. at the historic Cliveden Carriage House in
Germantown, 6401 Germantown Ave., for a one-of-a-kind presentation on the "Evolution of American Popular Music" facilitated by Mr. Bob Davis of the Soul-Patrol! For more information, contact (215) 235-1604 or mail@thefratorheruinstitute.org
The Wayland Temple Baptist Church, 2500 W. Cecil B.
Moore Avenue will celebrate their 108th Church Anniversary
on Sunday, April 25. Twp worship services with two dynamic
preachers/teachers - 10:40 a.m. and 3:0 p.m. For further information call 215-769-0243/2391.
The Bobbie Carter Foundation is holding its annual Diabetes
Game Night on Thursday, April 29, from 6-8 p.m. at PNP
Family Play Center, 53 N. Union Ave., (right off Baltimore Ave)
in Upper Darby, PA. Celebrity Host Patty Jackson, of WDAS
FM. will head up The Price Is Right and Diabetes Family Feud.
For more information call 856-228-5040.
Afeni Shakur
Film: thE FBi WAR on
April 7
474 263 348 592 604 112 316
April 8
637 926 888 551 921 766 458
April 9
565 433 916 323 690 765 792
April 10
April 11
900 302 237 510 825 964 972
April 12
778 596 578 931 781 473 234
April 13
349 851 680 942 027 091 689
957 607 714 715
xxx 765
Bold Red face indicates Hits picked by SCOOP U.S.A
Independent Distributor
642 179
tAURUS - April 20 - May 20
Mercury go’s retrograde in your sign this week
so for you dear Taurus look before you leap and
sign on documents for at least three weeks. Best numbers for
you are 7 and 3.
gEMiNi - May 21 - june 20
You can’t be in two places at once but with
your quick wit you can multi-task so stay focused. Best numbers for you are 8 and 0.
CANCER - june 21 - july 22
You’ll find yourself focus on family and home
remodeling this week dear Cancer, try not to go into your
shell when thing do not go your way. Best numbers for you
are 6 and 4.
lEO - july 23 - August 22
All eyes are on you this week with the new
moon in fiery Aries so don’t take your eyes off the prize.
Best numbers for you are 1 and 5.
liBRA - September 23 - October 22
Tupac Amaru Shakur
With the week stating off with the moon in your
sign and a new moon on Wednesday makes it a good time to
start a new. Best numbers for you are 9 and 0.
Stop, look and listen is where you are this
week dear Virgo, so listen closely and say little and it will
all play out right in front of your eyes. Best numbers for you
are 6 and 3.
thursday, April 22 ~ 7 p.m.
ARiES - March 21- April 19
viRgO - August 23 - September 22
showing at Dowling’s Palace
1310 N. Broad St.
Phila., PA / 215-236-9888
Film is based on same-titled book by John Potash.
Discussion follows with author/producer
For information: John Potash http://fbiwarontupac.com
by Judy Renay
Every Friday
720 912
Down Memory lane
The opposition to your sun this week has you
over thinking your every move so make your decision and
stick to it an Aries or Capricorn can help. Best numbers for
you are 6 and 3.
SCORPiO - October 23 - November 21
Your battle of good vs. bad this week dear
Scorpio will have you playing a tug of war with yourself so
draw on that hidden sources of power and go for the good.
Best numbers for you are 0 and 7.
SAgittARiUS - November 22 - Dececember 21
Every things coming up rose and you want to be
that social butterfly, just remember to crave that tongue and
go with the flow. Best numbers for you are 9 and 2.
CAPRiCORN - December 22 - january 19
A new opportunity arises so go ahead and
take it to the home front and plan that elaborate business dinner. Best numbers for you are 8 and 6.
AQUARiUS - january 20 - February 18
You shine this week and your find your source
of power in group activity and within a close
circle of friends. Best numbers for you are 4 and 8.
PiSCES - February 19 - March 20
You can be your own worst enemy or your own
best friend so avoid the temptation of judging other and let
your positive side show. Best numbers for you are 2and 5.
Where are you going
without more education?
is your current path a dead-end, because you
lack a high school diploma or college degree?
the Salvation Army learning zone
1340 Brown St., Phila., PA 19123
is offering educational opportunities
Classes for an Associates Degree in Leadership from
Harcum College is available. Help to apply for financial
aid to pay tuition cost is available. Deadline for financial aid applications is April 29th so apply now.
Classes are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30 p.m. to
9:30 p.m.
Call 215-787-2962 or 215- 825-4636 to
enroll and begin a new path.
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