Current Catalog Nov. 11, 2015 - Unitarian Society of Hartford


Current Catalog Nov. 11, 2015 - Unitarian Society of Hartford
Programs for Adults and Families
Fall 2015
Programs, Classes and Events for Spiritual Growth
and Community Fellowship
UNITARIAN SOCIETY OF HARTFORD Hartford, Connecticut 06105
Revised 10/27/15
Table of Contents
Mission Statement
Registration Information
Active Hope: Reconnecting with the Web of Life and Making a Difference
Authentic Connection and Communication - NVC Practice Group
Ballroom Dance
Building Your Own Theology
Community Events
Drum Circle
Emei Quigong Practice Group
Festival of the Season
Friday Night Pizza and Movie
Great Discussions
Lunch Bunch
Meditation and Dharma Gathering
Performing Arts 2015-2016
Saturday Morning Salon: What Moves Us
Senexet House Retreat
Small Group Ministry
Tai Chi
USH Book Club
UU, USH and You
Visualize Your Life’s Journey Through the Arts
Women’s Alliance Sunday Programs for All
Your Written Legacy
The Adult Programs Sub-Council strives to provide lectures, classes, workshops
and other offerings for continued spiritual growth, religious learning and
community fellowship. Programs are intended to be of broad appeal while
meeting the needs of particular groups where practical and appropriate.
The sponsors of these classes, programs and events affirm the Society’s antidiscriminatory position by offering them at a range of times and in accessible
locations, accommodating special needs as a standard practice and welcoming
individuals and families of all kinds.
Unitarian Society of Hartford
50 Bloomfield Avenue
Hartford, CT 06105
Phone: 860-233-9897
Registration Information
1. Registration - Fill out completely the Program Registration Form. Forms may
be obtained on the Unitarian Society of Hartford website
( or at the Programs For Families and Adults Table at
Fellowship Hour. Please include all contact information requested, the name of
the program, and the start date. For Tai Chi registrants, be sure to sign the
liability release section of the form for these activities. Attach check (payable to
Unitarian Society of Hartford, or “USH”, with program title on the memo line), or
cash, or include your charge card number and expiration date (Master Card,
Visa, Discover or American Express) in the space provided. Then:
bring your form(s) with attached payment to the Programs For Families and
Adults Table in Fellowship Hall during Fellowship Hour on Sundays; OR
call Janice Newton at 860-677-1121; OR email at janicecnewton(at
sign); OR
mail your completed registration form(s) and check –made out to USH, with the
course(s) name on the Memo line (no cash) to:
Janice Newton
3 Deborah Lane
Farmington, CT 06032
You may also register for programs by phone with a charge card (American
Express, Discover, Master Card or Visa); call the Office at 860-233-9897 before
3 PM.
Except for paying using a charge card, please do not call the Office to
register. Thank you!!
2. Fees – There is a $5 registration fee for all offerings. If there are costs for
materials, food or a facilitator, there will be additional fees.
3. Cancellation - In case of the cancellation of an individual class due to
inclement weather or for any other reason, every effort will be made to contact
you. Please be sure to provide day and evening contact information on your
registration form. Call the office on weekdays before 3:00 PM or the contact
person for the latest information.
Programs are occasionally cancelled due to insufficient enrollment. In such
cases you will be notified, and your fee refunded. Please assume that all classes
will be held as scheduled unless you are otherwise notified.
4. Scholarship Fund - Consider including a donation to the scholarship fund
with your class fee payment. This donation helps pay for programs for those who
need assistance.
If you are unable to pay the full fee for a program but would like to participate,
please contact someone at the Programs Table or the minister to discuss the
availability of scholarship assistance.
5. Accessibility - All programs are accessible for those with disabilities. If you
would like to discuss any special needs you may have, please indicate that on
the registration form by checking the appropriate box. Someone will be in contact
with you.
6. Questions and Comments - You may contact Janice Newton by phone (860677-1121) or email (janicecnewton(at sign), if no contact name is
specified for a program you are interested in. We welcome your questions as
well as any comments you may have about our programs. Please offer your
ideas for future programs.
7. Other programs at USH - USH offers other programs and activities that may
not be included in this catalog. If you are interested in Religious Education for
Children, please contact the Director of Religious Education directly
( Other sub-councils and groups e.g. the Council on Social
Justice, the Unitarian Alliance Ministry to Women, etc. sponsor programs and
activities. Additional programs may be developed and announced at a later
date. For information on all of these other programs and activities, watch for
announcements in the weekly USh-Enews, inquire at the Programs For Families
and Adults Table in Fellowship Hall during Fellowship Hour, or look on the
bulletin board in the lower lobby of the Meeting House.
8. Locations - All programs are held at the Meeting House unless otherwise
Active Hope: Reconnecting with the Web of Life and Making a
It can be an overwhelming challenge to live in these times of climate change,
social division and economic decline. How can we feel hopeful, let alone
mobilize the energy to face the crises before us and take useful action? We
often disconnect, numb out and stay busy to just get by. Is there really another
This workshop offers an alternative – the path of reconnection. Using practices
developed by Joanna Macy, environmental activist and Buddhist scholar, we
experience our innate connections with each other and with the interdependent
web of existence of which we are all a part. Through nurturing our gratitude for
all that is, we are able to turn to face the challenges ahead and find new ways for
going forth. We reconnect with our pain for events in the world and, in turn, with
our love for our beautiful and precious planet.
Active Hope offers participants a fresh relationship with the living world: our
caring, our concern, and our community become our allies, arousing our
resilience and passion to protect life. We invite you to join us for a supportive
and transformative day that strengthens our intention to act so that we can
best play our part, whatever that may be, in the healing of our world.
DATE: Saturday, October 17, 2015
TIME: 9:45 AM - 4:30 PM
LOCATION: USH Meeting House - Library and David’s Den
Registration fee: $20 No one turned away for lack of funds. Please bring a
brown bag lunch. Light snacks will be provided.
Registration is limited, email Lisa.Galinski(at sign) to reserve your
space today or sign up at the Programs Table at Fellowship Hour. “Authentic Connection and Communication” - an NVC Practice Group
This NVC Practice group welcomes anyone who has taken an introduction class,
or read the book, Nonviolent Communication, A Language of Life, by Marshall
Rosenberg (or equivalent book introducing the elements of NVC).
The Practice group meets weekly from 7:15 - 9:00 PM, to enhance the
understanding and usage of the Nonviolent Communication components. By
“practicing” with each other using such activities as readings, exercises, humor,
and sharing personal experiences, our intention is to work together to improve
our authentic communication skills.
Contact person: Jan Bennett. Interested in joining this group? Please notify the
contact person prior to attending.
Dates: Wednesdays Time: 7:15-9:00 PM - Beginning September 16, 2015
Fee: None
Contact: Jan Bennett, 860-817-4900 or email, chair2clinic(at sign)
Next session begins on Ocotber 1
NOTE: There will be FREE Kick Off class on SEPT 10, so
newcomers can try it out.
Fall Ballroom Classes Start October 1 - Ballroom classes will be
held at 6:00 PM on Thursday nights, starting on October 1 for ten
weeks. Thinking about taking ballroom instruction? Then this is the
right place to start. Learn the waltz, rumba, foxtrot, tango, cha cha,
and more in a casual and friendly atmosphere. One hour of
instruction will be followed by a half hour of practice. Learn to dance
with a professional ballroom instructor.
Cost is only $130 for the ten classes, payable to USH by, cash, check
or credit card. Students of all ages are welcome.
Sign up at the Programs for Adults and Families Table or contact Ron
Friedman at 860-523-1105 or rsfriedman41(at sign)
Building Your Own Theology
Unitarian Universalism differs from other denominations because the religion
does not provide a ready-made theology. Instead, each person has a right and
an obligation to determine the truth for him / herself. It can be a daunting task.
Building Your Own Theology (BYOT) is an intensive 12-week program that uses
readings, written reflections, discussion and fellowship to help participants travel
down the road of spiritual discovery. So, join us in March for a very deliberate
look at who we are, what we believe, and who we, individually and collectively,
can become.
Participants must sign up for the program and are expected to try to attend every
session. There is a small amount of weekly homework in the form of reading and
reflection. The program culminates in the development of a personal spiritual
Parents are encouraged to attend. Childcare will be available. (Please let us
know if you desire childcare.)
7:30 – 9:00 PM
Servetus –USH Meeting House
Class Size: Limited to 10 participants
Contact: Tom Gervais at: tom.j.gervais(at sign) 860/558-3000
er –
- Summer break - BYOT
Margaret860-214-3974 or Tom860-558-3000.
Emei Qigong Practice Group
Emei Qigong is a comprehensive system of Chan (Zen)
Qigong that generates vital energy and leads to the
attainment of ever-higher levels of awareness. The study
and practice of Emei Qigong promotes strong physical
health, emotional balance and spiritual development.
Tuesday evenings: 6:30 PM: Emei Qigong Cultivation; 7:15 PM:
Emei Qigong Deeper Learning and Understanding. Contact Diana
Heymann (860-461-0908).
Wednesday evenings, 5:00 PM: Emei Qigong Internal
Cultivation). Contact Diana Heymann (860-461-0908).
Level I Seminar: Healing Arts of Emei Qigong
at the Meeting House on the following dates:
Contact Diana Heymann (860-461-0908). SEE NEXT PAGE
Discover the Healing Arts of Emei Qigong
Simple techniques for improving your health and finding contentment
LEVEL I 4-DAY TRAINING: Oct. 17-18 and Nov. 14 -15, 2015 ($99)
(Oct. 17, Nov. 14-15: 9:00 am - 5 pm; Oct 18: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm)
GROUP HEALING: Oct. 18 at 3:30 PM ($30)
An Ancient Path to Self-Healing
Secrets for Accelerating the Healing Process
• Discover the healing power of Wuji Qi
• Understand the causes of illness
• Find balance within and unlock your latent abilities
• Remove the blocks that keep you trapped in old habits
Open to All - Space is Limited
REGISTER by calling
860-233-9897x102 or
Unitarian Society of Hartford,
50 Bloomfield Ave. Hartford, CT
Emei Qigong teacher
Diana Heymann, has trained
since 2013 under Master
Pat Bolger and in China with
Grandmaster Fu Wei Zhong, 13th
Lineage holder of the 800-yr-old
Emei Linji Qigong tradition.
For more details visit:
Start Now - Change your karma and transform your destiny!
The long-running USH Dinner & Movie series will
open again on Friday, October 9, with the celebrated
1950 Japanese classic "Rashomon". The expression
"the Rashomon effect", used when witnesses have
conflicting recollections of the same event, rose from
this movie by the celebrated Akira Kurosawa, in which
four individuals recount differing, self-serving versions
of a tragic event. English subtitles are provided in this
88 minute film.
"Brimming with action while incisively examining the
nature of truth, Rashomon is perhaps the finest film to
investigate the philosophy of justice."*
"A riveting psychological thriller that investigates the nature of truth and the
meaning of justice, Rashomon is widely considered one of the greatest films
ever made."**
You can watch the original black and white trailer here
We will gather at 5:30 in Fellowship Hall for popcorn and socializing, eat pizza
and salad at 6, film at 7, followed by optional discussion. You can reserve ($10
each) (cash, check, or credit card) at the Programs Table during Sunday coffee
hours or call 860-677-1121 (leave a message and pay with cash or check at the
Please indicate your choice of meat or vegetable topped pizza; please reserve by
Tuesday, October 6. If you have reserved but find you cannot attend on Friday,
please call by noon on day of the movie (leave a message at 860-380-7062) so
the pizza order can be adjusted.
Early birds to help with set-up will be greatly appreciated!
*DVD box copy
**Criterion Films webpage
"The Imitation Game
USH Dinner & Movie Friday, November 13, 2015
“'Sometimes it is the people no one imagines anything
of who do the things that no one can imagine.' This oft
repeated line splendidly sums up Alan Turing, the
subject of the riveting and tension filled biopic 'The
Imitation Game.' If you’ve never heard of Alan Turing,
it’s no surprise. He was kept secret by the British
government for 50 years. This brilliant mathematician
became the father of the computer while feverishly
working to crack the Nazi’s Enigma coding machine during World War II."*
"The movie is undeniably strong in its sense of a bright light burned out too soon,
and the often undignified fate of those who dare to chafe at society's established
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Our Friday, November 13, Dinner & Movie Series will feature "The Imitation
Game", a film earning great acclaim in this fall's voting by USH movie fans. This
2014 film stars Benedict Cumberbatch (star of the PBS "Sherlock" series) and
Keira Knightley, runs almost 2 hours, and has English subtitles. It was
nominated for 8 Academy Awards.
"In its review of the film, The New York Times has indicated a parental warning
for 'advanced mathematics.' The complete notice reads, 'The Imitation Game' is
rated PG-13 (parents strongly cautioned). Illicit sex, cataclysmic violence and
advanced math, most of it mentioned rather than shown."*
You can watch a trailer at
We will gather at 5:30 PM for socializing with popcorn and libations, have dinner
of pizza and salad at 6, then watch the movie at 7, with optional discussion
afterward. If you can arrive early to assist with set-up, your help will certainly be
You can reserve ($10 each) with cash, check, or credit card at the Programs
table during Sunday Fellowship Hours; otherwise, you may call Janice and leave
a message at 860-677-1121, then pay with cash or check at the event. Please
indicate your choice of meat or vegetable topping for pizza when reserving.
Please reserve by Wednesday, Nov. 11. If you find that you cannot attend after
reserving, please call and leave a message by noon Friday, Nov. 13, at 860-3807062, so the pizza order can be adjusted.
Questions? Please leave a message at 860-693-4269. *Internet reviews (italics)
For the 2015-16 year, the Lunch Bunch will meet at La Trattoria in Canton at 12
noon. LaTrattoria is on Route 44. In addition to lunch, there will be a speaker.
We will continue our series “Who Am I?” You will be able to order off the menu.
Separate checks will be provided. There is convenient parking. We will meet on
the third Tuesday of the month September through June (except December)
~ 9/15, 10/20, 11/17, 12/15 (at USH Meeting House), 1/19, 2/16, 3/15, 4/19,
5/17, 6/21. There will probably be a potluck picnic scheduled at the Meeting
House in July or August.
Reservations are necessary!
If you wish to attend you must see, call (860/677-1121) or email
(janicecnewton(at sign) Janice Newton by the second Wednesday
of the month.
Meditation and Dharma Gathering
Join us on any Wednesday night to participate in sitting meditation, walking
meditation and contemplation of Buddhist teachings (Dharma) presented by
various well known teachers such as Pema Chodron, Jack Kornfield, Thich Nhat
Hahn, Sharon Saltzberg and Joseph Goldstein, among others. This is an
opportunity to sit together as a community (Sangha) in silent or guided
meditation, softening our hearts and minds as we listen together to the audio
presentations. The ongoing framework for this gathering encourages you to “drop
in” when your schedule can allow for it and join us in this exploration.
“…from this practice….We become part of a lineage of people who, against
enormous odds, have stayed open to great difficulties and painful situations and
transformed them into the path of awakening… the lineage of gentle warriorship.”
~ Pema Chodron, from Start Where You Are
Wednesdays, ongoing - Cancelled only if the Meeting House is
closed because of challenging weather.
5:45-7:00 PM - Beginning September 16, 2015
Contact: Jan Bennett 860-817-4900
chair2clinic(at sign)
What is a Meetinghouse Sing-Along? - Maggie Green, Fred Louis and Ed
Savage are offering an opportunity to USH and Greater Hartford families,
singers, song-writers and audience members to join in song once a month,
starting on Saturday, September 12, 2015 from two to five PM. This is a “drop
in and do your thing” kind of event. We'll put some chairs in a circle and take
turns singing or playing, with those who know the tune or words joining in as they
wish. Ukuleles are encouraged! You can come early or come late, whatever fits
your family schedule. Let's just have some musical fun!
For information, contact: Maggie Greene – turtlepoem(at sign)
or Ed Savage - esavage15(at sign)
Second Saturdays of the month 2:00 - 5:00 PM
Performing Arts Series Announced!
We are excited to present a full slate of seven events for the next church year,
which include music, drama, and dance. Something for everyone!
Please join us by buying a series ticket beginning this Sunday after the service,
simply by signing up at the Programs Table. This is a tremendous way to
support USH. All profits go to the General Fund, and since nearly all of these
events are benefits, most of what we take in is profit. And every dollar is
matched by our generous anonymous donor! Note that this is the last year in
which such a matching grant is available.
Early bird prices are a special bargain… see details below.
2015-2016 USH Performing Arts
Series Tickets Now Available!
All events will take place on Saturday nights at 7:30 unless otherwise noted.
Sept. 19 – Greater Hartford Opera Ensemble
Come hear soaring arias, swelling opera choruses, lively Gilbert & Sullivan
songs, and other classical favorites with this accomplished and entertaining
Oct. 31 – Masked Ballroom Dance
Join us for a short lesson with pro teacher Wendy Nielsen from Arthur Murray
and stay to dance. Costumes and masks are welcome, or just come ready to
rhumba. It’s Halloween!
Nov. 7 – Underground Jazz Cabaret
Jazz pianist Alex Nachimovsky will appear downstairs in Fellowship Hall to play
with a variety of vocalists. Outside it might be chilly, but inside the music will be
Jan. 2 – John & Katie Jesensky in Concert
Talented USH favorites Katie and John come back to perform for us and kick off
the new year. John promises to sing and play some of his own music.
March 6 – Concert Pro Femina
Inspired by the 15th year of the Hartford Women Composers Festival, this concert
brings a dazzling array of classical music written by women, featuring chamber
groups, solo voices, and choral works.
Sunday, March 20 – Classical and Broadway Vocal Concert
Immediately after the service
Come hear some great vocal music… including, we hope, some performed by
our choral scholars and our new accompanist. The program isn’t finalized, but
we guarantee it will be both entertaining and varied.
April 2 or April 16 – Jacques Lamarre Play Reading Premiere
Don’t miss another new play premiere penned by USH friend and supporter
Jacques Lamarre. He gets more successful every year, and we are thrilled to
have the opportunity to present him again.
Series Ticket Prices
Early Bird Deal – On or before Ingathering Sunday (Sept. 13th), you can
purchase the entire 2015-2016 season for only $75. That’s seven performances!
Two events come free, as compared to the regular $15 ticket price.
Standard price – Only $90 for seven events! One event is free at that price.
Premium price for extra special supporters – $180 for seven events. Show USH
your love. You can sit in the front pews! (So can everyone else – we don’t
discriminate – but you’ll know you gave that little bit extra.)
Tickets at the door will be $15 Standard, $30 Premium, and $10 for students with
ID. USH children under 18 free, always.
Please whisper something to us (we won’t tell) if money would keep you from
coming to any of these events. We want you there, even if you don’t have the
cash to spare! Plenty of seats.
All profits go directly to the USH General Fund, to be matched by our amazing
anonymous donor. This is the final year for that generous matching grant.
Please do your part to help fund the bottom line by subscribing to the Performing
Arts series. We make the most money for the Meeting House when members
subscribe in advance.
And best of all, it’s great fun! Please join us.
Patrice Fitzgerald, for the Performing Arts Sub-Council
Saturday Morning Salon: What Moves Us - Join with Rev. Heather in a
powerful small group class about transformative experiences in our lives.
We will use the “What Moves Us” curriculum as our guide. “ ‘What Moves Us’ is
a program that explores the life experiences of both historic and contemporary
Unitarian Universalist theologians, highlighting that which caused in them a
change of heart, a new direction, new hope, and a deeper understanding of their
own liberal faith. These workshops offer participants a chance to engage with
and bring your personal experiences to bear on the very questions explored by
each theologian in turn. The program offers a pathway for developing not only
one's own personal theology but also one's deep understanding of the threads of
our Unitarian, Universalist, and Unitarian Universalist theological heritage.” You
are welcome to attend one, two, or all ten sessions that will offered monthly, on
Saturday mornings, over the course of 2015-2016. Please RSVP to Rev. Heather
(at by the Tuesday prior to each session so that the
appropriate number of copies can be made.
Saturday mornings 10am-noon, dropping in for one session is welcome,
you don’t need to come to all of them (but you can!)
Dates and times for the first four sessions:
Saturday, September 19, 10am-12noon
Saturday, October 10, 10am-12noon
Saturday, November 14, 10am-12noon
Saturday, December 12, 10am-12noon
Location: Servetus and the Memorial Garden (at the Meeting House)
Fee: $5 for one or all the sessions
Please RSVP to Rev. Heather (at by the
Tuesday prior to each session so that the appropriate number of copies
can be made.
The theme for the ALLIANCE Retreat this year is:
Contemplative Practices: Rev. Cathy will lead us in several contemplative
spiritual practices with our voices, with our hands, and with our bodies. These
practices will help us center down deep and remind us of who we are and how
we wish to be in the world. These will take place Friday evening and Saturday
We will also create “Wish Boats” from natural materials surrounding Senexet,
and share them with memories.
The Saturday evening discussion will be Current Women’s Issues including the
“Pink Tax”.
All this, plus hiking and gourmet food! What more could you ask for.
The retreat from November 6-8 will cost $175 per person. This is for two night,
Friday and Saturday, and five meals beginning with supper on Friday. One night
with three meals is $100.
(Scholarships available. Talk to Rev. Cathy.)
Come for silence and contemplation, come for deep sharing, come for
rejuvenation, come for fun.
Sign up at the Programs for Adults and Families table beginning September 27.
• Asmallgroupofpeoplewhomeetonaweeklyorbi-weeklybasis
• Attimes,yourresponsecanbequitepersonalandmighteven
• ItisNOTadiscussiongroup,meaningthatnoonerepliesbackto
• Whatifyoudon’tfeellikerespondingtoaparticularquestion?
• Eachmemberofthegroupisboundbyacovenant,whichstates
• InSmallGroupMinistry,yougettoknowothersinaverypersonal
Family-Friendly Small Group Ministry - September 11 and 18;
October 2 and 16; November 6 and 20. 6 Sessions
This Small Group Ministry will be held on Friday nights (dates above)
from 6-8:30 PM. Participants will chip in to have a pizza or other
similar dinner from 6-7 PM. The adults will then move into the SGM
from 7-8:30. Childcare will be provided, at no charge, during this
time. The dates have been set based on other activities at USH.
There are six sessions instead of the usual eight, so a commitment to
these dates is important.
This Small Group Ministry will be facilitated by Ginny Allen and
hosted by Zean Gassmann at the Unitarian Society of Hartford
Meeting House.
Register at the Programs Table or by contacting Janice Newton (860677-1121 or janicecnewton(at sign)
For additional information contact: Facilitator or Esther McKone –
estmckone(at sign) or Bill Shoemaker - wshoemaker17(at
Conscious Aging brings awareness to the inevitable passage of time
as we age. During this SGM, we will examine our hopes and fears
related to aging… its blessings as well as its burdens. Our goal is to
identify our personal values, relationships and beliefs, and to learn
from the collective wisdom of the group. Our hope is to develop a
sense of meaning and purpose that is authentic to who we are and
who we are becoming.
* Those who did not attend the 2014 SGM
* Those anticipating or grappling with the consequences of retirement
* Those who wish to bring awareness and intention to their third
phase of life
* Anyone who faces, or expects to face, the challenge of aging
There is a $5 registration fee.
This Small Group Ministry will be facilitated by Susan Spaniol and
hosted by Esther McKone at the McKone home in Avon.
Register at the Programs Table or by contacting Janice Newton (860677-1121 or janicecnewton(at sign)
For additional information contact: Facilitator or Esther McKone –
estmckone(at sign) or Bill Shoemaker - wshoemaker17(at
This Small Group Ministry will explore a variety of topics and
The group will be facilitated by David Newton and hosted by Janice
Newton at the Newton home in Farmington.
Register at the Programs Table or by contacting Janice Newton (860677-1121 or janicecnewton(at sign)
For additional information contact: Facilitator or Esther McKone –
estmckone(at sign) or Bill Shoemaker - wshoemaker17(at
We are pleased that the long history of Tai Chi instruction at the USH
Meeting House continues. Tai Chi is a martial art based on the flow
of Chi (Life Force). It is often described as moving meditation that
promotes physical wellness, balance and self-discipline. It consists of
a series of several postures that, when joined together, make up a
form that enhances the flow of Chi throughout the mind and body.
USH is offering classes in Tai Chi under the instruction of Master
Steve Luckingham on Wed. evenings starting at 5:30 PM.
Participants are welcome for all or any part of the 1.5 hours their
schedules allow. To realize the full benefit of the instruction
students are encouraged to participate in all classes for the
duration of the class.
Classes will be scheduled as follows:
*Tai Chi - All Levels- Beginners Welcome – Warm-Ups- PosturesForms 5:30-7:00 PM
*The emphasis in each class may vary depending on students’ needs
at the discretion of Master Luckingham.
Classes are held in 8-week sessions. Fee is $80.00 per 8-week
For questions please contact Ginny Hedrick at 860-677-9272.
2015-2016 USH Book Club
The goals of the Book Club are:
(1) to foster communication and community, as do our other small
church groups. Visitors to the Meeting House as well as Members are
welcome to participate in the USH Book Club.
(2) to read fiction and non-fiction that raise issues of interest to
Unitarian Universalists (recognizing that any and all issues are
generally interesting to UUs!).
As with any continuing organization, consistent participation from a
core of members is essential to the success of the group; i.e. regular
members of the Book Club should attend meetings, read the book
selected, recommend books for general reading or for a future
meeting and notify the host of the next meeting if they are unable to
attend. We welcome individuals who want to “try out” our sessions or
are attracted by a particular book.
Meetings are generally held between 5:30 PM and 7:30 PM on the
first Thursday of each month in David’s Den at the Church.
At the beginning of each session, it has been our custom to share
and discuss poetry of interest to a participant.
In our discussions we employ the rules for small group meetings as
much as possible with the goal being to patiently hear everyone who
wishes to share thoughts and to have as many participate as
Members select the books to be read at the beginning of each year,
but changes during the year are always possible. We seek to read
fiction and non-fiction books that are generally available -- usually
books that have been issued in paperback and therefore can be
easily found in libraries. Generally, the proposer of a book selected
serves as facilitator to pose questions/provide background.
Please feel free to “try out” the Book Club and see if it will meet your
Please talk to Richard Groothuis if you have any questions. 860678-1030; rgroopofus(at sign)
Books selected and schedule for 2015-2016 book club year:
Our first meeting will be on Thursday, Sept. 10 to discuss
whatever classics (however each of us chooses to define a
classic) each of us has read over the Summer.
Oct 1: When We Were The Kennedys- Monica Wood
Nov 5: Between the World and Me - Ta-Nehisi Coates
Feb 4: Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End- Atul
Mar 3: The Last Death of Jack Harbin- Terry Shames
Apr 7: The Shell Collectors: Stories- Anthony Doerr
May 5: The Little Friend- Donna Tartt
June 2: Spring Chicken: Stay Young Forever (or Die Trying) - Bill
USH Book Club
Thursday, October, 1 5:30 - 7:00 PM
Visitors to the Meeting House as well as Members are welcome to
participate in the USH Book Club.
Winner of the 2012 Sarton Memoir Award
“Every few years, a memoir comes along that revitalizes the form…With
generous, precise, and unsentimental prose, Monica Wood brilliantly achieves
this . . . When We Were the Kennedys is a deeply moving gem!”—Andre Dubus
III, author of House of Sand and Fog and Townie
Mexico, Maine, 1963: The Wood family is much like its close, Catholic, immigrant
neighbors, all dependent on the fathers’ wages from the Oxford Paper Company.
But when Dad suddenly dies on his way to work, Mum and the four deeply
connected Wood girls are set adrift. When We Were the Kennedys is the story of
how a family, a town, and then a nation mourns and finds the strength to move
“On her own terms, wry and empathetic, Wood locates the melodies in the
aftershock of sudden loss.”—Boston Globe
“[A] marvel of storytelling, layered and rich. It is, by turns, a chronicle of the
renowned paper mill that was both pride and poison to several generations of a
town; a tribute to the ethnic stew of immigrant families that grew and prospered
there; and an account of one family’s grief, love, and resilience.”—Maine
SundayTelegram (from
AN INVITATION:Join us at the Meeting House at 5:30 on
November 5.
Dear Members and Friends,
We invite you to join us in reading Between the World and Me by TaNehisi Coates during the month of October.
Rev. Cathy Rion Starr will facilitate our discussion of this book at the November
meeting of our UU Book Group.
Between the World and Me was chosen to enhance our understanding of black
families as we focus on Black Lives Matter.
In a profound work that pivots from the biggest questions about American history
and ideas to the most intimate concerns of a father for his son, Ta-Nehisi Coates
offers a powerful new framework for understanding our nation’s history and
current crisis. Americans have built an empire on the idea of “race,” a falsehood
that damages us all but falls most heavily on the bodies of black women and
men—bodies exploited through slavery and segregation, and, today, threatened,
locked up, and murdered out of all proportion. What is it like to inhabit a black
body and find a way to live within it? And how can we all honestly reckon with
this fraught history and free ourselves from its burden?
(from the book jacket)
According to Toni Morrison, “The language of Between the World and Me, like
Coates’s journey, is visceral, eloquent, and beautifully redemptive. And its
examination of the hazards and hopes of black male life is as profound and it is
revelatory. This is required reading.”
Please RSVP to Richard Groothuis at rgroopofus(at sign) if
you plan to join us, so we can schedule the right-size room. If you can’t be
with us on November 5, we hope you will make time in your life to read this
Image from:
About the Author
Leonard Rosen is a best-selling and widely respected non-fiction author among educational publishers
(including Pearson, Allyn & Bacon, Little Brown, and Nelson Doubleday). He has written Radio Essays
broadcast by NPR's Morning Edition, Only A Game, and All Things Considered, as well as op-eds
published by the Boston Globe. He has taught writing at Bentley University and Harvard University. He
lives in Brookline, Massachusetts.
This is a 12-week program to explore life events and express
those memories and feelings through various art mediums,
such as collage, painting, drawing, writing, music, dance,
storytelling and mixed-media. Projects will be facilitated
voluntarily by group members for varying lengths of time. It is
not a drop-in group, but somewhat in the style of an SGM
with artful camaraderie! Two open workshops will be the
introduction to this exploration on September 21 and
September 28, with the first project meeting beginning
on October 5. No specific text will be utilized.
CONTACTS: Sherry Williams and Helen David
Day phone: 860/872-0949 (Sherry)
860/413-9240 (Helen)
DATE: Mondays 9-21-15 through 12-14-15
TIME: 6:00 PM-8:30 PM
LOCATION: USH Library and David’s Den
FEE: $5 course fee plus each attendee will be responsible for the cost of
supplies for the various art projects undertaken – cost as minimal or extravagant
as they wish.
Programs will be held on November 15, January 17 and April 17
in Fellowship Hall after the service.
Watch here and at the Programs for Adults and Families Table
during Fellowship Hour for Program Details.
Your Written Legacy
We may leave our heirs grandma’s rocking chair but it can be so
much more meaningful to leave behind a legacy of stories that
illustrate who we are and what we care about, perhaps most
especially how we live our UU values. This class helps both writers
and non-writers tell good stories using a series of short, fun
exercises. The process is rich with self-discovery, humor and history.
Goal: To enhance personal growth, insight, enjoyment of life and the
articulation of personal and family stories as well as UU values, using
a process of guided autobiography.
• To write five 2-page “chapters,” one each week.
• To learn the guided autobiography process so it can be
continued afterward
• To follow a structured series of themes that evoke memories
• To learn one way of organizing a life on paper
• Optional reading aloud enhances community and inspires the
Facilitator: Judy Robbins is a UU psychologist who has been a
journal writer her entire adult life. Before she became a therapist, she
was teacher and professional writer/editor. She loves showing
people how writing can add depth and meaning to our lives and be
fun in the process.
Contact: Judy Robbins 860-633-3348 (days and evenings)
judyrobb2(at sign)
Dates: Wednesdays – September 23 and 30; October 7, 14 and 21
Time: Noon – 2:00 PM
Fee: $5.00