invites you and your family to a Special David Nesenoff is an independent filmmaker, blogger and publisher. In the 1990s, he counselled youths who had committed bias crimes, and worked as a consultant to the U.S. Department Justice. In June 2010 a video he made went viral; the video showed Helen SHABBATON Friday night dinner JUNE 12, 2015 - 7:00 P.M. Thomas, the so-called “dean” of the White House media corp, making antisemitic statements. In the aftermath Thomas was forced to resign her job, and Nesenoff received over 25,000 WITH SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKER RABBI DAVID NESENOFF pieces of hate mail, including death threats. Cost: Adults $36.00 Children 10 and under free For reservation please call the office at 514-482-3366 or email S p onsore d by R osly n M arg l es