Book News - Robinsons Bookshop


Book News - Robinsons Bookshop
The Pink Suit...
May 2014 New Releases
Fiction $32.99
Kids $24.99
Non-Fiction $32.99
MACARONS... Set up MUM this Mother’s Day!
with a book
hand picked with love by Robinsons
Pink Popular Penguins
Look for the Hearts
blind date cards13.indd 1
CD $24.99
DVD $44.99
robinsons bookshop
12/3/2013 3:26:21 PM
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City (June 2014)
Victoria’s Oldest General Independent Bookshop
Voted Victoria’s Favourite Bookshop 2013
We wish mums a Happy Mother’s Day this month. We hope you get lots of
pampering and treats. This newsletter has lots of geat ideas for Mother’s Day gifts
and our staff are excited to assist with special selections - just right for your mum.
Whether your mum likes cooking, gardening, relaxing with great fiction or armchair
travel - we have something to suit all tastes.
Mid April saw the opening of Emporium
Melbourne. The first stage of stores in the
centre are looking fabulous and we are eagerly
commencing our shopfitting just after Anzac Day.
Robinsons Bookshop Emporium
Melbourne - a work in
This month we are selling books at a Father Bob literary event at the Frankston
library. He has a fascinating story to tell, and early bookings indicate there will be a
large gathering of interested community members. Please book early if you would
like to attend as space is limited.
Chadstone Shopping Centre is hosting their first ever 4 day Ultimate VIP Event
from May 22 - 25. Please check our website close to the date to see Robinsons
Chadstone & Graus Comix special offers for these 4 days.
Now that the weather is getting chilly, people are planning their Winter escapes - and
Lonely Planet Guides are perfect for planning the perfect holiday. Lonely Planet &
Robinsons Bookshop have joined forces to bring you a special travel offer this month.
For every Lonely Planet Guide sold this month - you receive a FREE Lonely Planet
travel journal to record your adventure.
And for now... GOOD READING!
Father Bob @
Frankton Library
Wed May 14 @ 6pm
Father Bob The Larrikin Priest
interviewed by Norm Currie.
Fr Bob Maguire is a man of passion, creativity &
humour; he is part Billy Connelly, part angry old
testament prophet & part compassionate Mother
Theresa. He is a risk taker, an elusive chameleon
& a man of brilliant riddles.
Learn more of the life story of Fr Bob Maguire the much loved ‘people’s priest’.
5:30 pm drinks & nibbles provided by the
Frankston Interfaith Network.
This is a free event however bookings are
essential. To book call 9784 1020.
May Book of The Month
the girl who saved the king
of sweden
Jonas Jonasson
“The Girl who Saved the King of Sweden” challenges fundamentalism in all its forms, together with the fallacy that different
peoples have different values.
Nombeko Mayeki started working at the age of five, was orphaned at ten, and run over by fifteen. There was no indication
that she wouldn’t live out her life in her shack in South Africa’s
largest shanty town, and then die, missed by no-one. If she
hadn’t been who she was: Nombeko Mayeki, the illiterate who could count.
Destiny, along with her talent, leads her away from Soweto to international politics, to
the far side of the globe, to two identical and very different brothers. During the trip, she
manages to upset the world’s most feared security service before, one day, finding herself trapped in a potato car. An entrancing tale of luck, love and international relations.
Jonas Janasson first started writing when he was working as
a journalist for several Swedish newspapers.
He later on went on to start his own production company. After
several years in the media industry Jonas felt the need to do
something else. That was when the character Allan Karlsson
came to him and he started to write his first novel “The 100-Year-Old Man Who
Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared”.
Vivaldi Mozart Chopin Beethoven Debussy Bach
Thurs 22 - Sun 25 May
Check our website
close to the date to see
what’s happening at
Robinsons Chadstone &
Graus Comix
Choose Lonely Planet Travel Guides
Lonely Planet
Discover USA 2
Regis St Louis
Be awed by the Grand Canyon,
revel in the glitz and glamour of
New York City, or eat your way
through the diverse cuisines of
New Orleans; all with your trusted travel companion.
Lonely Planet
Discover London 3
Steve Fallon
Pop into a pub for good cheer
and a pint of beer, let a Yeoman
Warder regale you with medieval
tales at the Tower of London, or
soak up Westminster Abbey’s sublime stonework, all
with your trusted travel companion.
Lonely Planet Central
Asia 6
Bradley Mayhew
Sample lamb kebabs and nan
bread from roadside grills, hike
through the spectacular canyons
of the Kyrgyz Alatau Range, or
marvel at Yasaui Mausoleum’s beautiful architecture;
all with your trusted travel companion.
Lonely Planet Austria 7
Anthony Haywood
Watch the scenery unfold as you
drive up Grossglockner Road,
marvel at the grandeur of imperial
Vienna, or ski down Austria’s many
pistes; all with your trusted travel companion.
Lonely Planet Discover
Ireland 3
Fiona Davenport
Slurp oysters and clap your hands
to spirited fiddle music in a lively
Galway pub, explore medieval
castles in Dublin and beyond, or
set off amid vibrant green hills toward Atlantic coastal
trails; all with your trusted travel companion.
If you want to know
the real story...
read the books...
the movie lost the plot
Sally Green
Sally Green’s debut novel Half Bad has been christened as
the next Harry Potter. The young adult novel is a dark fantasy
centered around 16 year old Nathan. Nathan is a powerful
witch & also the son of the most evil witch in England; Marcus.
Nathan is what we call a ‘Half Code’, having been born to
a white witch and a black witch. The first novel in the trilogy
focuses on Nathan’s early teenage years and his ‘outsider’ status. This is the
premise of the novel and is what feeds the plot and the rich subtext.
I enjoyed Half Bad immensely. The character of Nathan was fascinating and is
similar to typical gothic protagonists, more specifically Wuthering Height’s Heathcliff. Much like Bronte’s Heathcliff, Nathan roams the gloomy English countryside,
tortured by the light and dark that lurks inside him. Green’s writing style has been
compared to Markus Zusak and I would agree that there are similarities in the
rhythm of the prose. Yet, unlike Zusak, when reading Green’s writing, it is hard not
to feel the darkness penetrating even the lightest moments of the novel. When
Nathan connects romantically with white witch Analaise, the reader instinctively
senses the grey storm clouds drowning out the light. But of course, this is Green’s
intention, the novel itself is a clever comprise of contrasts.
While Half Bad is an engaging and suspenseful read, I believe the message of the
novel is the most compelling of all. What paves way to evil and good? Nature or
Alex Shearer
‘This is the Life’ is a novel that is both engaging and
distressing at the same time; it feels like an easy read until you
realise just what it is you are reading about; the last stage in
life of a terminally ill man who brushes with an autistic lifestyle.
Author, Alex Shearer, ignores any kind of linear narrative
and wanders in and out of the present, a kind of future and
especially the past, where he has always had to deal with the brother that he
longs to follow wherever. The characters in ‘This is the Life’ are genuinely unique
and likable, and the brotherly love ultimately won me over. This is a heartfelt and
beautiful read.
Tahereh Mafi
The final book in the Juliette chronicles is now one of my
favourite books. I read books two and three (Ignite me is #3)
in a weekend - and I was completely captivated the whole
time. Juliette has changed so much from being the shy, lifeless
girl who was scared of her own shadow in book one to this strong, independent
and confident girl in book three. You get to watch her grow and go through
struggles with her. You experience all of her pain and suffering with her friendships
and relationships. As with any good book - the ending was unpredictable - but
satisfying. I would highly recommend the series for young girls - like myself.
Pamela Erens
Set at Auburn, an American pre-college prep-school in the
late 1970s/early 1980s, The Virgins tells a familiar tale of first
love and sexual awakening. The narrative, however, has an
unusual structure: the story of the romance between students
Aviva and Seung is told from the perspective of a third, largely
uninvolved, character, Bruce. Bruce is privy only to occasional,
out-of-context snippets of the couple’s relationship, but around these slivers
of knowledge he embroiders a complex, destructive, ultimately tragic tale. The
Virgins was beautifully written & the entire concept of this novel was interesting
& enthralling. I found it impossible to put down and it was deeply satisfying to
finish. John Irving was correct when he called ‘The Virgins’ ‘flawlessly executed &
irrefutably true’.
Helen Hiorns
The Name on Your Wrist was an intriguing book that always
kept me on my toes. Just when I thought I had figured Corin out,
something else happened that had me rethink my ideas. When I
got towards the final pages of the book I was shocked... shocked
by the name on her wrist, shocked by the name on his wrist, and
shocked by the name on her sister, Jacinta’s wrist.
When Jacinta’s story was explained my heart broke for her, she tried to be there for
Corin in her own way that just didn’t work for Corin. She wanted to protect her from
what she went through but she just went the wrong way about it - which meant that
Corin inadvertently got mixed up in it. The ending of The Name on Your Wrist has me
wanting to read more and I hope there will be a sequel at some point.
Robert Glancy
Frank is a corporate lawyer specialising in fine print. Following a
terrible car accident, Frank suffered injuries that led to a loss of his
memories. Consequently, the book begins with Frank laying in a
hospital bed with no idea who he is or who the people around him
are. The only thing he does remember prior to the accident is that
he was a lawyer specialising in fine print.
The story continues with Frank as the narrator as he attempts to uncover the events
of his life prior to the accident. As he returns to work at the law firm, he begins to
notice unusual things in the footnotes of previous contracts he has written and these
in turn help him to piece his life back together.
I particularly enjoyed the format in which this book is written. The footnotes at the
bottom of every page add a level of authenticity to Frank’s character as a fine print
lawyer and at times are just downright hilarious*. Frank’s character is witty and
loveable and the novel overall is humorous and very clever. If you are looking for a
cleverly crafted read with a main character who will have you cheering him on to the
end, this one’s for you!
*Definitely do not skip over the footnotes when reading!
Ceridwen Dovey
“What does it mean to be human? Perhaps only the animals
can know.” This quote appears at the beginning of one of the
stories in “Only the Animals” and perfectly illustrates some of the
philosophical ideas in this wonderful book. Ten animals each have
a chapter to tell their stories of life and death, and bear witness to
some of the best and worst qualities of humanity amidst a background of conflict and
war. It’s a funny, moving, and original work with some profound things to say about
human-animal interaction.
Many of the stories have the animals encounter famous writers who have written
about animals in their work, like George Orwell or Virginia Woolf, and we get some
interesting animal perspectives on the creative process. One story has a dolphin
writing a letter to Sylvia Plath, and another has a camel listening to Henry Lawson.
One story in particular, about a free-wheeling mussel whose life playfully mirrors
Kerouac’s “On The Road”, is one of the most delightfully strange things I’ve read in
a long time. Another memorable story concerns a tortoise who, like Forrest Gump,
constantly encounters famous people at crucial moments in their lives, and witnesses
pivotal moments in Twentieth-Century history, ending up as part of the Space Race.
By making the animals the narrator not only are we better able to empathise with their
stories, but it also gives us the non-human perspective we need to better understand
the absurdity and stupidity of much human behaviour, especially during conflict when
we are often at our worst. An audacious novel from a very talented writer.
Best Sellers
George R. R. Martin
PB $19.99
Graeme Simsion
PB $29.99
Veronica Roth
PB $19.99
Sarah Wilson
PB $34.99
Lola Berry
PB $34.99
Cameron Diaz
PB $32.99
Martin Sixsmith
PB $19.99
Brandon Sanderson
PB $29.99
Janice Macleod
PB $24.99
Gillian Flynn
PB $19.99
DVD $14.99
John Green
PB $19.99
DVD $19.95
Veronica Roth
PB $17.99
CD $9.95
PB $9.99
100 VOL 21
CD $27.99
Veronica Roth
PB $17.99
John Green
PB $16.99
Seniors $6.50
DVD $39.99
Blind Date
with a Book
Set up your
MUM for
Mother’s Day
New to the cafe
this month
blind dat
e cards1
hand p
icked w th a book
ith love
by Rob
013 3:2
Mums deserve treats every day!
1 PM
General Fiction
Chestnut Street
Maeve Binchy
Bucket Maquire, window cleaner,
who must do more than he
bargained for to protect his son.
Nessa Byrne, whose aunt comes
to visit from America for 6 weeks
every summer. Lilian, the girl with a big heart, & the
fiance not everyone approves of. And Melly, whose
gossip about the neighbours leads to trouble in the
form of a the fortune teller.
Fiona McIntosh
The key to her future is trapped
in the past. In 1978, Jane
Maxwell is celebrating her
engagement to Will, but though
she should be deliriously happy,
she is plagued by doubts. When tragedy leaves Will
hanging between life and death, Jane’s guilt makes
her determined to save him ... somehow.
The Fortune Hunter
Daisy Goodwin
In 1875, Sisi, Empress of
Austria is the woman that every
man desires & every woman
envies. Bored with the stultifying
etiquette of the Hapsburg Court & her dutiful but
unexciting husband, Franz Joseph, Sisi comes to
England to hunt.
The Pink Suit
Nicole Mary Kelby
On 22 November 1963,
Jacqueline Kennedy
accompanied her husband to
Dallas, Texas, wearing a pink suit
that was one of his favourites.
But as Jackie was greeted by ecstatic crowds that
sunny morning, nobody could have dreamt just how
iconic the suit would soon become.
All The Light We
Cannot See
Anthony Doerr
Marie Laure lives with her father
in Paris within walking distance
of the Museum of Natural History
where he works as the master of the locks. When
she is 6, she goes blind & her father builds her a
model of their neighborhood so she can memorize it
with her fingers.
Remember Me Like This
Bret Anthony Johnston
4 years have passed since Justin
Campbell’s disappearance, a
tragedy that rocked the small
town of Southport, Texas. Then
one afternoon, the impossible
happens. The police call to report that Justin has
been found only miles away in a nearby town, and
most important, he appears to be fine.
Ned Beauman
London, May 2010. Foxes are
behaving oddly, and Burmese
people are going missing. A
new synthetic drug, Glow, has
begun to appear on the streets
of London. And Raf, a 22-year-old dog-walker
suffering from a bizarre sleeping disorder, uncovers
a massive corporate conspiracy... and falls in love.
Beatrice and Benedick
Marina Fiorato
Messina, Sicily, 1588. Beatrice of
Mantua, newly orphaned at just 20,
is brought to live at the court of her
uncle Leonato, to be companion
& governess to his 10-year-old
daughter Hero. That summer Benedick, a visiting
soldier, and Beatrice begin to wage their merry war
of wit which masks the reality that they dance a more
serious measure, and the two are soon deeply in love.
Help for the Haunted
John Searles
It begins with a call one snowy
night. Lying in her bed, 14-yearold Sylvie Mason overhears her
parents on the phone. This is not
the first late-night call they have received, since her
mother and father have an uncommon occupation:
helping ‘haunted souls’ find peace.
The Blue Mile
Kim Kelly
The week before Christmas,
1929, Eoghan O’Keenan loses his
factory job, & has to flee the slums
of Chippendale with his 7-year-old
sister Agnes. On the north side of
Sydney at Lavender Bay, Olivia Greene is working
on her latest millinery creations and dreaming of
becoming the next Coco Chanel.
The Truth about the
Harry Quebert Affair
Joel Dicker
August 30, 1975. The day of the
disappearance. The day a small
New Hampshire town lost its
innocence. That summer Harry Quebert fell in love
with 15-year-old Nola Kellergan. 33 years later, her
body is dug up from his yard along with a manuscript
of his novel. Quebert is the only suspect.
The Steady Running
of the Hour
Justin Go
Just after graduating college,
Tristan Campbell receives a letter
delivered by special courier to his
apartment in San Francisco. It
contains the phone number of a Mr J.F. Prichard of
Twyning & Hooper, Solicitors, in London- and news
that could change Tristan’s life forever.
Only the Animals
Ceridwen Dovey
Ten tales are told by the souls of
animals killed in human conflicts
in the past century or so, from a
camel in colonial Australia to a
cat in the trenches in World War
I, from a bear starved to death during the siege of
Sarajevo to a mussel that died in Pearl Harbour.
Su Dharmapala
Nila wasn’t born beautiful and
is destined to go through life
unnoticed... until she becomes a
saree maker. As she works, Nila
weaves into the silk a pattern
of love, hope and devotion, which will prove to be
invaluable to more lives than her own.
the Unknown Woman
Jacqueline Lunn
As the day unfolds, lies are told,
choices are revisited, family, friends
& strangers are lost & found & Lilith
Grainger discovers it’s exhausting
being Lilith Grainger. It is Tuesday
May 15 & accidental housewife Lilith Grainger wakes
to find herself in a photograph on the front page of the
newspaper, in a place she shouldn’t be, in a world her
privileged family knows nothing about.
Chasing Shadows
Leila Yusaf Chung
This is the story of Lavi, a middleaged Polish Jew who, desperate
to have children, flees his barren
marriage & moves to British
Palestine in 1945. He converts to
Islam and is soon arranged to marry a beautiful young
Palestinian girl, Keira.
Sex Lives of Siamese
Irvine Welsh
When Lucy Brennan, a Miami
Beach personal-fitness trainer,
disarms an apparently crazed
gunman chasing two frightened homeless men along
a deserted causeway, the police & the breakingnews cameras are not far behind. Within hours, Lucy
becomes a hero.
Janette Turner Hospital
Manhattan, 1996: the trial of
the Vanderbilt claimant is finally
coming to an end. The case - long,
complex, riven with unknowns,
attracting huge media and social
interest - has been seeking to establish whether or not
a certain man is the son of the fabulously wealthy and
well-connected Vanderbilt family.
Wild Things
Brigid Delaney
St Anton’s university college is a
cradle for privileged young men
& women. With its Elysian lush
green lawns & buildings of golden
sandstone, it seems like a place where nothing bad
could ever happen. One weekend, members of the
college cricket team go to the mountains for a wild
weekend away. Things spiral rapidly out of control, and
a young Malaysian student goes missing.
The Forbidden Tomb
Chris Kuzneski
For over 2,000 years, the
legendary tomb of Alexander the
Great - & the riches concealed
within - has evaded discovery.
Now, after centuries of searching, an ancient map has
come to light that could hold the key to finding the
fabled vault.
The Crimson Ribbon
Katherine Clements
May Day 1646. The Civil War
is raging & what should be a
rare moment of blessing for the
town of Ely takes a brutal turn.
Ruth Flowers is left with little choice but to flee the
household of Oliver Cromwell, the only home she has
ever known. On the road to London, Ruth sparks an
uneasy alliance with a soldier, the battle-scarred and
troubled Joseph.
The Snow Queen
Michael Cunningham
It’s November 2004. Barrett
Meeks, having lost love yet
again, is walking through Central
Park when he is suddenly and
inexplicably inspired to look up at
the sky, where he sees a pale, translucent light that
seems to regard him in a distinctly godlike way.
The Headmaster’s Wife
Thomas Greene
Arthur Winthrop is a middleaged headmaster at an elite
prep school in Vermont. When
he is arrested for an act that is
incredibly out of character, the
strait-laced, married headmaster confesses to a
much more serious crime. Arthur reveals that he has
had a passionate affair with a scholarship student
called Betsy Pappas.
A God in Every Stone
Kamila Shamsie
July, 1915. An Englishwoman &
an Indian man meet on a train
to Peshawar. Viv Spencer is
following a cryptic message sent
to her by the man she loves,
from whom she has been separated by war.
In Certain Circles
Elizabeth Harrower
Zoe Howard is 17 when her
brother, Russell, introduces
her to Stephen Quayle. Aloof &
harsh, Stephen is unlike anyone
she has ever met, ‘a weird,
irascible character out of some dense Russian
novel’. His sister, Anna, is shy and thoughtful, ‘a little
orphan’. Zoe & Russell, Stephen & Anna: will spend
their lives moving in and out of each other’s shadow.
THE Strays
Emily Bitto
In The Strays, Evan Trentham is
the wild child of the Melbourne
art world of the 1930s. He and
his wife, Helena, attempt to carve
out their own small niche, to escape the stifling
conservatism they see around them, by gathering
together other like-minded artists.
Foreign Soil
Maxine Beneba Clarke
A desperate asylum seeker is
pacing the hallways of Sydney’s
notorious Villawood detention
centre, a 7-year-old Sudanese
boy has found solace in a
patchwork bike, an enraged black militant is on the
warpath through the rebel squats of 1960s’ Brixton,
a Mississippi housewife decides to make the
sacrifice to save her son from small-town ignorance,
a young woman leaves rural Jamaica in search of
her destiny and a Sydney schoolgirl loses her way.
A Place of Her Own
Deborah O’Brien
18 months ago Angie Wallace
thought her world had ended.
Now she’s fighting off suitors and
facing a crisis she never saw
coming. Following the death of
her husband Phil, Angie has made a new life for
herself in the gold rush town of Millbrooke. Just as a
relationship between Angie & Richard is blossoming,
a woman from his past arrives back in town.
Lost For Words
Edward St Aubyn
Each of the judges of the Elysian
Prize for literature has a reason for
accepting the job. But for Penny
Feathers it’s all just getting in the
way of writing her own thriller.
Over the next few weeks they must read hundreds of
submissions to find the best book of the year.
The Girl Who Saved the
King of Sweden
Jonas Jonasson
On June 14th, 2007, the King and
Prime Minister of Sweden went
missing from a gala banquet at the
Royal Castle. Later it was said that
both had fallen ill: the truth is different. The real story
starts much earlier, in 1961, with the birth of Nombeko
Mayeki in a shack in Soweto.
The Ruby Slippers
Alexander Keir
On the day of the St Patrick’s
Day Parade, Rosa is in a terrible
accident. As she lies in a coma,
Mr Marcinkus visits her squalid
flat and unearths something
remarkable from the monstrous piles of junk: two
glittering pieces of Hollywood history. How on earth
does decrepit old Rosa come to own such treasure?
And what is to be done with them now?
All That is Solid
Melts into Air
Darragh McKeon
Russia, 1986. In a run-down
apartment block in Moscow, a
9-year-old piano prodigy practices.
And in a rural village in Belarus, a teenage boy wakes
up to a sky of the deepest crimson. Outside, the
ears of his neighbour’s cattle are dripping blood. Ten
miles away, at the Chernobyl Power Plant, something
unimaginable has happened.
Leah Fleming
2002, Australia. When Melissa
discovers a postcard addressed
to ‘Desmond’ among her recently
deceased father’s effects, she
is determined to discover this
person’s identity and his relationship to her father.
Ruth Reichl
Billie Breslin has travelled far from
her California home to take a job
at Delicious!, the most iconic food
magazine in New York. But Billie’s
career has barely started when the publication is
summarily shut down.
The Target
David Baldacci
The mission is to enter one of
the most dangerous countries in
the world. The target is one of
the toughest to reach. The result
could be momentous - or it could
be Armageddon. There is no margin for error. US
government operatives Will Robie and Jessica Reel
have to prove they are still the best team there is.
The Skin Collector
Jeffery Deaver
A new type of serial killer is stalking
the streets of New York - one more
devious and disturbing than ever
before. They call this butcher The
Skin Collector: a tattooist with a
chamber of torture hidden deep underground.
Night Heron
Adam Brookes
A lone man, Peanut, escapes a
labour camp in the dead of night,
fleeing across the winter desert of
north-west China. Two decades
earlier, he was a spy for the British;
now Peanut must disappear on Beijing’s surveillanceblanketed streets.
The Killing Season
Mason Cross
When Caleb Wardell, the infamous
‘Chicago Sniper’, escapes from
death row two weeks before his
execution, the FBI calls on the
services of Carter Blake, a man with certain talents
whose skills lie in finding those who don’t want to be
found. A man to whom Wardell is no stranger.
Through the Cracks
Honey Brown
Four-year-old Nathan Fisher
disappears from the bank of a
rocky creek. A decade later, young
teen Adam Vander has grown tall
enough, strong enough, to escape
his abusive father. Emerging from behind the locked
door of their rambling suburban home, Adam steps
into a world he knows little of.
Dog Will Have His Day
Fred Vargas
Keeping watch under the windows
of the Paris flat belonging to
a politician’s nephew, Louis
Kehlweiler catches sight of
something odd on the pavement.
A small white object, surrounded by the excrement of
local dogs. A piece of bone. Human bone, in fact.
Keep Your Friends Close
Paula Daly
Natty and Sean Wainwright are
happily married. Rock solid in fact.
So when Natty’s oldest friend, Eve
Dalladay, appears & just as their
daughter collapses on a school trip
in France & Natty has no qualms about leaving Eve
with Sean to help out at home. Two weeks later and
Natty finds Eve has slotted into family life too well.
Natty’s husband has fallen in love with Eve. He’s sorry,
he tells her, but their marriage is over.
The Wolf in Winter
John Connolly
The community of Prosperous,
Maine, has always thrived when
others have suffered. Its inhabitants
are wealthy, its children’s future
is secure. It guards its own. But
the death of a homeless man and the disappearance
of his daughter draw the haunted, lethal private
investigator Charlie Parker to Prosperous. Parker is a
dangerous man, driven by compassion, by rage, and
by the desire for vengeance.
Eeny Meeny
M J Arlidge
The girl emerged from the
woods. Traumatised and
emaciated; close to death, but
alive. Her story seemed too
terrible to be true. But it was.
Every dreadful word of it. When, days later, another
survivor is found, a pattern becomes clear.
The Axeman’s Jazz
Ray Celestin
New Orleans, 1919. As a dark
serial killer - The Axeman - stalks
the city, 3 individuals set out to
unmask him... Though every
citizen of the ‘Big Easy’ thinks they know who
could be behind the terrifying murders, Detective
Lieutenant Michael Talbot, is struggling to find leads.
the Murder Bag
Tony Parsons
There’s a serial killer on the
loose. The social network sites
all love him. Because he cuts the
throats of rich and powerful men.
And he’s good at it. Twenty years ago seven rich,
privileged students became friends at their exclusive
private school, Potter’s Field. Now they have started
dying in the most violent way imaginable. Enter
Detective Max Wolfe.
Giancarlo De Cataldo
Judge Valentina Lorenzi - La
Bambina - is so young and
inexperienced she barely merits
a bodyguard. But when she
barely survives an assassin’s bullet, her black-&white world of crime & punishment turns a deathly
shade of grey.
Everything to Lose
Andrew Gross
Hilary Blum is barely holding it
together. Josh has Asperger’s
Syndrome. First to the scene
of a fatal car crash, Hilary finds
a briefcase full of cash on the
backseat of the car. Knowing it could solve all of her
problems, she makes a split second decision to take
the money - a decision that will have consequences
beyond her worst nightmares.
Sci Fi/Fantasy
The Oversight
Charlie Fletcher
Once there were hundreds
of members of the Oversight,
the brave souls who guard the
borders between the mundane
and the magic. Now there are only five. And their
numbers are dwindling further still.
Emperor Of Thorns
Mark Lawrence
The path to the throne is broken
- only the broken can walk it The
world is cracked and time has
run through, leaving us clutching
at the end days. These are the
days that have waited for us all our lives. These
are my days. I will stand before the Hundred and
they will listen. I will take the throne no matter who
stands against me, living or dead.
Star Trek Enterprise
Tower of Babel
Christopher L Bennett
The United Federation of Planets
has weathered its first major
crisis, but its growing pains are
just beginning. Admiral Jonathan
Archer hopes to bring the diverse inhabitants of
the powerful & prosperous Rigel system into the
Federation, jump-starting the young nation’s growth.
Simon Ings
Ajay had a future once, birthing
intelligent cities for the Haag
Agency. First Delhi, then Milan. But
then he is seduced into betraying
his employers and finds himself
working for a city that wishes to become human.
Midnight Crossroad
Charlaine Harris
Welcome to Midnight, Texas,
a town with many boardedup windows and few full-time
inhabitants, located at the crossing
of Witch Light Road & Davy Road.
It’s a pretty standard dried-up western town. Stop
at the one traffic light in town, and everything looks
normal. Stay awhile, and learn the truth...
The Unwelcomed Child
Virginia Andrews
Elle Edwards, who has been told
she’s a product of her mother’s
sinful mistake, has never gone to
school, never met a teenager her
own age, never even been allowed
off of her grandparents’ property.
Erotic Romance
Lick: Stage Dive 1
Kylie Scott
Evelyn Thomas’s plans for
celebrating her 21st birthday in Las
Vegas were big. Huge. But she
sure as hell never meant to wake
up on the bathroom floor with a hangover to rival the
black plague, a very attractive half-naked tattooed
man, and a diamond on her finger large enough to
scare King Kong.
Sylvia Day
Showcases some of the best
erotic writing from both sides of
the Atlantic, bringing together a
collection of unashamed, wildly
entertaining fantasies all on the
theme of holiday romances and sensual encounters.
Rush Too Far
Abbi Glines
Rush has earned every bit of his
bad-boy reputation. The threestory beach house, luxury car,
and line of girls begging for time
between his sheets are the envy
of every guy in Rosemary Beach, and Rush handles
it all with the laid-back cool of a rock star’s son. All
he needs are his best friend, Grant, and his sister,
Nan. Until Blaire Wynn drives into town in her beat-up
pickup truck with a pistol under her seat.
The Masterful Mr
Stephanie Laurens
Montague has devoted his life to
managing the wealth of London’s
elite, but at a huge cost: a family
of his own. Then the enticing Miss
Violet Matcham seeks his help, and in the puzzle she
presents him, he finds an intriguing new challenge
professionally ... and personally.
How To Seduce A Vampire
Without Really Trying
Kerrelyn Sparks
Vampire Zoltan Czakvar is on the
hunt for the truth about his father’s
death. He’s been searching for
a very long time- since 1241, in
fact. And he is not about to give up, even when he’s
attacked by a woman with striking blue eyes and a hell
of a right hook!
Luck of the Irish
Nora Roberts
Two Stories. Irish Thoroughbred
- After receiving a letter from her
uncle, Adelia Cunnane left Ireland
to join him, she then meets Travis
Grant. Irish Rose - Burke Logan
was a gambler, & luck had made him owner of Three
Aces, one of the finest stables in Maryland.
Lying Under the
Apple Tree
Alice Munro
Spanning her last five collections
& bringing together her finest
work from the past 15 years, this
new selection from the winner of the Man Booker
International Prize is a masterclass in the genre.
Australian Love Poems
Mark Tredinnick
This collection of new poems
displays the richness and variety
of contemporary Australian poetry.
Here is larrikin love, ironic love and
the understated love we inhabit. This is how we do
love, how we fall in & out of it, yearn & turn & hurt in it.
Liquid Nitrogen
Jennifer Maiden
This is the quality of liquid
nitrogen which gives the book
its title- the frozen suspension
which is risky but also fecund and has beauty. It is a
substance which permits the most intense and heated
interactions, and at the same time, the survival of
delicate organisms.
Poems That Make
Grown Men Cry
Anthony Holden
In this anthology, 100 men distinguished in literature & film,
science & architecture, theatre &
human rights - confess to being moved to tears by
poems that haunt them. Representing 20 nationalities
& ranging in age from their early 20s to their 80s, the
majority are public figures not prone to crying.
Non Fiction
City of Lies
Ramita Navai
Far removed from the picture of
Tehran we glimpse in news stories, there is another, hidden city,
where survival depends on an
intricate network of lies and falsehoods. It is where
Mullahs visit prostitutes, gangs sell guns, cosmetic
surgeons restore girls’ virginity and homemade porn
is bought and sold in the bazaars.
Finding Me A Decade
of Darkness
Michelle Burford
Michelle Knight was just 21 when
she was kidnapped by Ariel
Castro. Held captive for 11 years
in Cleveland, she finally made
her escape in 2013. She reveals new details about
her years in captivity as Castro’s first victim, as well
as her escape.
Struck by Genius
Maureen Seaberg
Jason Padgett was the victim of
a brutal mugging outside a karaoke bar in 2002. That same night
his stepfather died of cancer, & 2
weeks later his only brother went
missing. The combined traumas of these 3 events
proved too much for Jason and he withdrew from
life completely.
Small Bamboo
Tracy Vo
In 1978, following a dramatic
escape from war torn Vietnam,
Tracy Vo’s parents boarded a
leaky boat not knowing what
their future held or whether they
would live. The couple fled Vietnam, exchanged
wedding rings en route to Malaysia, then sold them
to feed themselves on the journey.
One Million Lovely
Jodi Ann Bickley
Jodi had been performing at
Camp Bestival on the Isle of
Wight. She returned with pockets
full of glitter, & her favourite
bands’ songs still playing in her head. A week later,
Jodi found out that she had been bitten by a tick and
contracted a serious brain infection.
Politics Death &
Carolyn Hirsh
Tells how an active Member of
Parliament, psychologist and
mother became addicted to
alcohol & ‘pokies’, while rearing
her granddaughter & working as a Member of
Parliament, following her daughter’s suicide.
Africa My Passion
Corinne Hofmann
In a compelling personal pilgrimage, Corinne Hofmann, delves
into the slums of Nairobi to
uncover the heart-warming and
heart-breaking stories of unforgettable people and
places, then treks 500 miles across the Namibian
desert to discover the lives of the nomadic Himba
people. Joined by her half-Kenyan daughter, Napirai, they travel to Nairobi together.
The Moth
Neil Gaiman
Before television & radio, before
penny paperbacks & mass literacy,
people would gather on porches,
on the steps outside their homes,
and tell stories. The storytellers
knew their craft and bewitched listeners would sit
and listen long into the night as moths flitted around
The Buy Side
Turney Duff
In the mid-2000’s, Turney Duff was,
to all appearances, the very picture
of American success. One of Wall
Street’s hottest traders, he was
a rising star. What few knew was
that the key to Turney’s remarkable success wasn’t
a super-genius IQ or family connections but rather a
winning personality.
Dear Leader
Sung Jang Jin
Dear Leader contains astonishing
new insights about North Korea
which could only be revealed by
someone working high up in the
regime. It is also the gripping story
of how a member of the inner circle of this enigmatic
country became its most courageous, outspoken
critic. Jang Jin-sung held one of the most senior ranks
in North Korea’s propaganda machine, helping tighten
the regime’s grip over its people.
North of Normal My
Cea Sunrise Person
In the late 1960s, riding the crest
of the counterculture movement,
Cea Sunrise Person’s family left a
comfortable existence in California
to live off the land in Canada. But unlike most commune dwellers of the time, the Persons weren’t trying
to build a new society - they wanted to escape civilization altogether.
Under Magnolia
Frances Mayes
Frances Mayes longed to leave the
small town of Fitzgerald, Georgia,
but now she’s been drawn back to
explore her past ... This memoir
evokes the Deep South in all its
steamy warmth, fascinating characters and disturbing
Dan Bischoff
When James Gandolfini died suddenly at the age of 51, there was
an outpouring of sympathy and
sorrow around the world. As Tony
Soprano, Gandolfini was the face of a new golden
age of television, and his portrayal of the New Jersey
mobster has become part of American mythology.
Force Benedict
Eric Carter
2nd World War fighter pilot Eric
Carter is one of only 4 surviving
members of a secret mission,
code-named ‘Force Benedict’.
Sanctioned by Winston Churchill in 1941 Force Benedict was dispatched to defend Murmansk, the USSR’s
only port not under Nazi occupation. If Murmansk fell,
Soviet resistance would be hard to sustain and Hitler
would be able to turn all his forces on Britain...
Secret Warriors
Taylor Downing
The 1st World War is often viewed
as a war fought by armies of millions living & fighting in trenches,
aided by brutal machinery that cost
the lives of many. But behind all
of this a scientific war was also being fought between
engineers, chemists, physicists, doctors, mathematicians and intelligence gatherers.
Operation Paperclip
Annie Jacobsen
In the chaos following WWII, some
of the greatest spoils of Germany’s
resources were the Third Reich’s
scientific minds. The U.S. government secretly decided that the
value of these former Nazis’ knowledge outweighed
their crimes and began a covert operation code-named
Paperclip to allow them to work in the U.S. without the
public’s full knowledge.
Mapping The 1st
World War
Simon Forty
This title features over 120 largeformat illustrations presenting detailed and fascinating
wartime cartography. Key battles such as the Somme,
Mons, Gallipoli, Jutland and Ypres are given extensive
coverage alongside fascinating detail pieces such
as airship raids & stations, communication systems,
Orders of Battle, railroad routes & battlefield medical
Paris at the End of
the World
John Baxter
One of the most fascinating periods
in the city’s history, 1914-18 saw
the citizens of France under constant threat of German invasion,
leading them to live like there was no tomorrow.
The Big Book of Scandalous Australian Women
Kay Saunders
Some are wicked, some are scandalous, some are downright mean
and ruthless and some just went
a little bit sideways. Meet the bad
women of Australia together in one book. Tilly Devine,
Mary Bryant, Helena Rubenstein, Lola Montez - these
notorious women defied the times they live in.
Black War Fear Sex &
Resistance in Tasmania
Nicholas Clements
At its core, The Black War is a story
about 2 peoples who just wanted
to be free of each other...sooner
or later Europeans and Aborigines
were bound to clash, but it was Tasmania’s unique
circumstances that turned this encounter into a ‘war of
Digging for Richard
the III
Mike Pitts
On February 4, 2013 a team from
Leicester University delivered its
verdict to a mesmerized press
room: they had found the remains of Richard III,
whose history is perhaps the most contested of all
British monarchs. History offers a narrow range of
information about Richard III which mostly has already
been worked to destruction.
The Invention of the
Land of Israel
Shlomo Sand
Shlomo Sand examines the
mysterious sacred land that has
become the site of the longestrunning national struggle of the twentieth and
twenty-first centuries. The Invention of the Land of
Israel deconstructs the age-old legends surrounding
the Holy Land & the prejudices that suffocate it.
The Short Strange
Life of Herschel
Jonathan Kirsch
On the morning of November 7,
1938, Herschel Grynszpan, a
desperate 17-year-old Jewish refugee, walked into
the German embassy in Paris & shot Ernst vom
Rath, a Nazi diplomat. Two days later vom Rath lay
True Crime
Tom Gilling
Milat - the serial killer who
preyed on young hitchhikers.
The backpackers - the innocent
victims of a brutal murderer.
Belanglo - a place that became
synonymous with pure evil. This is the story of how
Ivan Milat was caught.
Murder in the Family
Lindy Cameron & Fin J. Ross
loved each other…
Murder in the Family explores fifteen cases where families have
been torn apart by murder. The
saddest thing about the stories
in this book is the fact that the
perpetrators and victims once
the Forgotten Crime
Michael Madigan
On Saturday, August 25, 1973
2 young girls- Joanne Ratcliffe,
aged 11, & 4 year-old Kirste
Gordon - were abducted from
Adelaide Oval during an Australian Rules match. The girls did not know each other.
The ‘Adelaide Oval’ Case provided many unwanted
parallels with Australia’s most infamous unsolved
crime - the disappearance of the three Beaumont
children from Glenelg beach 7 years earlier.
John Dale
A blend of biography & detective
novel - Huckstepp investigates
the murder of a charismatic
woman who has fascinated
Australians since she first appeared on national
television and accused NSW detectives of shooting
her boyfriend in cold blood.
Sharon Moalem
Geneticist Sharon Moalem
employs his wide-ranging
interdisciplinary skills in science
and medicine to explain how art,
history, superheroes, sex workers and sports stars
can all help us to understand our genetic inheritance
in a radically new way - in our present lives as well
as our children’s future.
Non Fiction
Alex Through The
Looking Glass
Alex Bellos
From triangles, rotations & power
laws, to fractals, cones & curves,
bestselling author Alex Bellos
takes you on a journey of mathematical discovery with his signature wit, engaging
stories and limitless enthusiasm. Alex demonstrates
how numbers have come to be our friends, are fascinating and extremely accessible, and how they have
changed our world.
Naturalist’s Voyage
Round the World
Professor Charles Darwin
When On the Origin of Species
came out in 1859, it changed the
understanding of life and was the
foundation of evolutionary biology. All the material that
he received for this book was from the famous expeditions he took on the Beagle during the 1830s. This is
the story of that voyage.
Improbability Principle
David Hand
Why is it that incredibly unlikely
phenomena actually happen quite
regularly & why should we, in fact,
expect such things to happen?
Eminent statistician David Hand, answers this question by weaving together various strands of probability
into a unified explanation, which he calls the improbability principle.
Current Affairs
Diary of a Foreign
Bob Carr
6 years after vacating his position
as the longest-serving Premier of
NSW, Bob Carr returned to politics
in his dream job: as Foreign Minister of Australia and
a senior federal cabinet minister.
No Place to Hide
Edward Snowden
Glenn Greenwald
In June 2013, reporter and political
commentator Glenn Greenwald
published a series of reports which
rocked the world. He revealed shocking truths about
the extent to which the National Security Agency had
been gathering information about US citizens and
intercepting communication worldwide.
Dirty Secrets
Meredith Burgmann
In this moving, funny & sometimes
chilling book, leading Australians
open their ASIO files & read what
the state’s security apparatus said
about them. Writers from across
the political spectrum confront and in some cases
reclaim their pasts.
Dangerous Allies
Malcolm Fraser
Malcolm Fraser argues that
Australia should adopt a much
greater degree of independence in
foreign policy, and that we should
no longer merely follow a ‘great and powerful friend’
into wars of no direct interest to Australia or Australia’s
security. He argues for an end to strategic independence and for the true independence of Australia.
General Reference
How Intelligent Are You
Victor Serebriakoff
The scientific basis of psychology
is often debated, with some arguing
that it is a branch of philosophy
rather than a true science. You can
scientifically test your verbal or numerical skill, your
emotional stability, your assertiveness and, of course,
your intelligence.
Bride’s Essential
Wedding Planner
Amy Nebens
Filled with everything a modern
bride needs to organize her perfect
day. It contains a wealth of information about the
entire planning process: checklists for every step,
interview questions for service providers, worksheets
to record services & costs, DIY & money-saving hints,
and more.
Bridesmaid’s Handbook
Kathy Passero
This essential & modern guide to
being a bridesmaid is here to help
wipe those worries away with its
comprehensive checklists, DIY &
money-saving tips, sensational shower ideas & more.
Think Like a Freak
Steven D Levitt
The Freakonomics books have
come to stand for challenging conventional wisdom; using data rather
than emotion to answer questions.
Now Levitt and Dubner have turned
what they’ve learned into a readable and practical toolkit for thinking smarter, harder, and different - thinking,
that is, like a Freak.
Flash Boys
Michael Lewis
All we can say is that it involves
Wall Street and features a cast of
misfits and oddballs doing things
with stupefying amounts of money
and data that will have you by turns
shocked, outraged, laughing, tearing your hair out,
cheering - but throughout sitting on the very edge of
your seat.
The 80/20 Principle & 92
Other Powerful Laws
Richard Koch
Richard Koch puts science to work,
applying ninety-two other natural
laws to promote the “science of
success” within the ever-changing
world of business. This is a must-have book for
business leaders looking for clear, evidence-based
reasoning that explains why some companies seem to
find success everywhere they turn, while others don’t
make progress.
ebay made easy
Nick Nydam
Katrina and Nick Nydam reveal
what it really takes to dominate on
eBay. With over 10 years experience, they have captured media
attention and will show you what is necessary to
create your own story of unlimited possibilities all on a
shoestring budget!
Non Fiction
Riding this Road
Joy McKean
CD also available
Joy McKean wrote many of Slim
Dusty’s most famous songs &
won the first Golden Guitar ever
awarded at the Tamworth Country Music Festival.
Now she turns her talent as a writer to telling us
about her own life.
Nirvana In the Words
of the People Who
Were There
Carrie Borzillo
This unique telling of the story of
Kurt Cobain’s years with Nirvana
is made up of quotes & interviews from people who
were there as the story was unfolding.
Face The Music
A Life Exposed
Paul Stanley
Compelling personal revelations
that will surprise even the most
steadfast member of the KISS
Army. He takes us back to his childhood, a traumatic
time made more painful thanks to a physical deformity. Born with a condition called microtia, he grew
up partially deaf, with only one ear.
ABBA The Backstage
Magnus & Halling
Features never-before-seen
photographs from private collections, & removable
facsimiles of personal items belonging to Anna,
Benny, Bjorn and Agnetha.
Present Shock
Douglas Rushkoff
We live in a continuous now,
enabled by Twitter, email, & a
so-called real-time technological
shift. Yet this ‘now’ is an elusive
goal that we can never quite reach.
Everyday Sexism
Laura Bates
In a culture that’s driven by social
media, women are using this
online space (@EverydaySexism to come together, share
their stories and encourage a new generation to
recognise the problems that women face. This book
is a call to arms in a new wave of feminism and it
proves sexism is endemic - socially, politically and
Never Mind the
Vanessa Able
As Vanessa Able learnt, all it
takes is a little bit of gumption,
a whole lot of patience, and
the world’s cheapest car - the Tata Nano. From
the gleaming towers of Mumbai to the badlands of
Hampi, the croissants of Pondicherry and all the
way down and back round again, Vanessa’s little
yellow Nano takes her on a voyage of discovery.
Sabrina Talarico
This illustrated volume offers an
exclusive tour of 100 of the most
breathtaking beaches in the world.
Covers all the coasts of the world - so take an exclusive tour of 100 of the world’s most beautiful beaches.
Iron Road The
Illustrated History of
the Railway
Christian Wolmar
Uncover the compelling tales of
bold vision, invention & error, &
social change behind the history of trains & railways,
with famous railways such as the Transsiberian fully
World Cup
Paul Hansford
The World Cup has a strong, irreverent and humourous writing voice.
It concentrates on the stories behind the legends, teams and great
matches of the World Cup, putting aside the pundits’
picks for who will win and concentrating on the weird,
whacky, controversial and legendary moments of the
world’s best sporting event.
History of Football
Bill Murray
Football has a long and fascinating
history in Australia stretching back
to the mid-19th century. It is a rich
history, closely related to one of the main themes in
this country’s development: immigration and the problems of integration of successive generations into a
rapidly evolving national identity. This history tells the
story of the game in a lively and provocative account.
World Cup Player by
Liam McCann
A comprehensive collection of the
100 greatest footballers to have played at the World
Cup finals. From the pre-war aces like Guillermo St
bile and Giuseppe Meazza to the golden generation of
Brazilians such as Pel, Carlos Alberto and Jairzinho,
this book also includes entries for the most gifted
players of the 1970s and ‘80s.
Little Book of the
World Cup 2014
Michael Heatley
Presented in an A to Z format, this
illustrated compilation highlights all the tournament’s
pivotal moments and matches including England’s
glorious triumph on home soil in 1966 to Zidane’s
notorious sending off in the 2006 Final.
Tour de France
Illustrated History
Marguerite Lazell
Packed with vivid, action-filled
photographs and covers every
aspect of the race, including: the organizers, technical
advances, and all the scandals. Cycling superstars
Greg Lemond, Jacques Anquetil, Miguel Indurain, and
Lance Armstrong are featured.
Art Of Coaching
David Wheadon
A book on the principles that underline the Australian game of football.
Based on David Wheadon’s extensive career as an assistant coach
at many AFL clubs, and with a primary focus on AFL, it
is also a comparative study of the other sports around
the world and the similarities in the principles inherent
to those sports and Australian football.
A Dog Walks into
a Nursing Home
Sue Halpern
At loose ends with her daughter
leaving home & her husband on the
road, Sue Halpern decided to give herself & Pransky,
her under-occupied Labradoodle, a new lease on life
by getting them certified as a therapy dog team.
Beautiful Cats
Nick Mays
Sashaying in front of our photographer’s lens are 40 of the world’s
most remarkable and best-loved breeds, from the
Bengal to the Birman, the Rex to the Ragamuffin.
Posed to perfection, with not a whisker out of place,
the stunning portraits of these show-quality felines will
have you purring with pleasure.
Bailey Boat Cat
Louise Kennedy
Bailey is a boat cat. He loves
nothing more than cruising aboard
Nocturne, gazing wistfully out of
portholes, lounging on the sun deck wearing his cat
lifejacket, climbing the mast and generally fulfilling his
important boat-cat duties - and blogging about them at
Natural History
Finding Australian Birds
Rohan Clarke
Finding Australian Birds is a guide
to the special birds found across
Australia’s vastly varied landscapes. From the eastern rainforests to central deserts, Australia is home to some 900 species of birds.
This book covers over 400 Australian bird watching
sites conveniently grouped into the best birding areas,
from one end of the country to the other.
A Guide to Spiders of
Paul Zborowski
This definitive guide to the subject,
written by three experts in the field,
offers a window into a fascinating
world. Notorious species such as the Redback and the
Sydney Funnel-web sit alongside less wellknown but
equally intriguing spiders such as the ant-mimics and
net-casting spiders.
New Age
Angels of Abundance
Doreen & Grant Virtue
Doreen and Grant wrote this book
to show you how Heaven can give
you material and emotional support as you strive to
attain your life purpose and manifest everything you
desire. Each of the 11 chapters features a message
from the Angels of Abundance- the specialty angels
who ensure that your Divine mission here on Earth
isn’t hampered by lack.
My Door Is Always Open
Pope Francis
In the summer of 2013, Pope
Francis gave three extended
interviews to Spadaro, a Catholic
periodical based in Rome, in
which he spoke at length about
his background, his Faith, & his vision for the
Roman Catholic Church. Here is the complete collection of the interviews.
Living With a Wild God
Barbara Ehrenreich
As a teenager Barbara Ehrenreich was an atheist & rationalist,
determined to understand the
meaning of life. When she was
17, while on a skiing trip, she had an overwhelming,
cataclysmic ‘mystical’ experience.
RHS The Urban
Matt James
Garden designer, lecturer
and broadcaster Matt James
explores how to design an urban outdoor space, no
matter the size or location - from balconies and roof
terraces to courtyards, basement areas and front
gardens, factoring in areas for relaxation, play and
growing your own produce.
Creative Vegetable
Joy Larkcom
Inspirational colour photographs
of potagers & kitchen plots
capture the essence of the creative approach to
vegetable growing. Techniques are described in
clear stages & illustrated with full-colour step-bystep artworks, while an A-Z directory includes more
than 150 edible plants.
Quilters Applique
Kevin Kosbab
Divided into 3 sections that
each explore a basic applique
approach: raw-edge, prepared-edge, & needle-turn
applique. Each section includes detailed instructions, tips, and illustrations.
Merchant & Mills
Elementary Sewing
Carolyn Denham
Answers to most frequently
asked questions in one handy
volume. Providing an overview on the art of sewing,
the book is packed with information on the tools and
materials you will need.
100 Ideas That Changed
Street Style
Josh Sims
A look-by-look dissection of the
key ideas that changed the way
we dress explaining the most iconic items of clothing & how they were worn, its cultural background,
how it was received & how it still resonates in
fashion today.
Humans of New York
Brandon Stanton
Photographer Brandon Stanton
captures New Yorkers & their
stories in a vibrant blog he called
“Humans of New York,” in which
his photos were featured alongside quotes and
Human Anatomy
Alice Roberts
You’ll get to see all the biological wonders of the human body,
often at life-size, with spectacular
anatomical images showing the body’s structure in
incredible detail, from bone sutures to lymph nodes.
Professor Alice Roberts takes you on a journey
through all the body’s systems.
Fast Cook
Mimi Spencer
In response to popular demand, a
pocket edition of 120 all-new recipes with the emphasis on simple,
convenient, low-cal food to provide
the definitive support system for the 5:2 diet.
The Superfood Diet
Gurpareet Bains
Become slim and healthy with this
informative and unique cookbook
that ensures continued weight-loss
and extending lifespan. Specialist nutritional chef Gurpareet Bains’ fantastic plan
brings together a combination of detox, exercise and
superspices to suppress appetite and encourage fat
metabolism, as well as feasts of healthy and filling
high-antioxidant foods.
The Obesity Paradox
Carl J Lavie
Carl Lavie, MD, reveals the science behind the obesity paradox
& shows us how to achieve maximum health rather than minimum
weight. Lavie not only explains how extra fat provides
additional fuel to help fight illness, he also argues
that we’ve gotten so used to framing health issues
in terms of obesity that we overlook other potential
causes of disease.
Eat to Cheat Ageing
Ngaire Hobbins
Eat to Cheat Ageing is for anyone
65+ wanting to head off declining
function in the years ahead. But
it’s also for anyone 50+ looking
to make food choices tailored to their future health
and to head off wrong food choices that could hasten
dementia, type 2 diabetes, frailty, and more.
Tapping Solution
Jessica Ortner
Offers women a better choice. Why
not lose the weight and create the
life you’ve always dreamt of? As a
culture obsessed with weight loss,
we all know the latest fads that claim to help us drop
weight instantly. What often isn’t discussed is the science behind the issue and how learning to deal with
stress can promote and accelerate weight loss.
Non Fiction
Cooking & Nutrition
Same Same But Different
Poh Ling Yeow
The 100 brand new recipes in the
book are organised in pairs that
share a common process, ingredient or texture - so a ‘bite sized
spice’ could be Kunyit (turmeric) Fried Chicken or a
Curry Puff, and a ‘yummy curry’ could be Prawn and
Pineapple Curry or a Beef Rendang.
Asia Express
Marion Grasby
Marion is no stranger to requests
for fast Asian recipe ideas for
busy families. In Asia Express she
shares her wealth of knowledge of
Asian cuisine in a fun and fresh way, providing quick
versions of ALL your Asian favourites without scrimping on flavour.
Alison Thompson
This new collection from Alison
Thompson, celebrates desserts in
every delicious form: creamy, fudgy,
gooey, molten, fruity, refreshing,
chocolatey, crunchy, chewy, light-as-air or sinfully
rich. From elaborate show-stoppers to comforting
family puddings, Alison’s clear, straightforward recipes
guarantee sweet success, every time.
The Food Hourglass
Dr Kris Verburgh
A daily fruit & vegetable juice reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s. Lots of
different fats cut down your risk of
a heart attack. The Food Hourglass
is a revolutionary new look at how food influences the
way we age. Based on the latest scientific evidenceThe Food Hourglass shows you how to slow down the
signs of ageing through what you eat.
I Am Food
Anthia Koullouros
In this practical guide to eating
for health, respected naturopath
Anthia Koullouros explains how to
‘unscramble the scramble’ and transition from eating
processed foods to eating the food that’s best for your
body and soul - as well as the planet.
Roast Lamb in the Olive
Belinda Harley
A mix of modern and traditional
Greek recipes, all inspired by the
quaint and picturesque island of
Paxos. This cookbook will appeal to fans of Mediterranean cuisine as well as those inspired by Greek
island life. On the sleepy and beautiful Ionian island of
Paxos, the local people still follow the old ways.
Halliday Top 100
Australian Wineries
James Halliday
Arranged alphabetically and
representing wineries from many
regions, James profiles each winery
revealing the background on the winery’s establishment, plantings, production and winemaking styles. He
also provides tasting notes for each winery’s selected
two most representative wines.
Pre School
Our Island
Alison Lester
In this lyrical celebration of
place, the children of Mornington
Island explore their home in words & pictures. This
is a collaboration with much-loved children’s picturebook creators Alison Lester & Elizabeth Honey.
One Busy Day
Lola M Schaefer
All Mia wants is for her big
brother, Spencer, to play with her.
But he’s always too busy! So Mia
paints, & dances, & explores, & keeps busy all by
The Hueys
None the Number
Oliver Jeffers
The Hueys have an important
question about counting in this
hilarious new book. The thing about the Hueys
was that they loved numbers: 0, 1, 2, 3...Wait! 0?
Is ‘none’ a number? Join the Hueys for a counting
THE Girl & the Bicycle
Mark Pett
A little girl sees a shiny new
bicycle in the shop window. She
hurries home to see if she has enough money in
her piggy bank, but when she comes up short, she
knocks on the doors of her neighbors, hoping to do
their yardwork. They all turn her away except for a
kindly old woman.
Please Louise
Toni Morrison Slad Morrison
On one gray afternoon, Louise
makes a fateful trip to the library.
With the help of a new library
card and through the transformative power of books,
what started out as a dull day turns into one of
surprises, ideas, and fun, fun, fun!
A House for Donfinkle
Choechoe Brereton
Up high in the grasslands where
Wooble Beasts roam, Donfinkle
Vonkrinkle is building his home. When up pop four
creatures to babble and squawk, a troublesome
taunt full of bothersome talk…
The Hairy Nosed Wombats Find a New Home
Jackie French
Once upon a time, deep underground, there was a colony of
wonderfully whiskery wombats who all had hairy
noses. They lived in the only home for Hairy-nosed
Wombats in the world. Could there ever be another
home for Hairy-noses?
Mr Men The Big Match
Roger Hargreaves
When the Mr Men & Little Miss
decide to stage their own World
Cup, Mr Small is desperate to
join in - but will he be just too small to make it into
the team? With legendary saves from Mr Tickle,
plenty of injury time from Mr Bump and Mr Noisy as
the loudest referee around, this game of football is
like no other!
This Little Footballer
From a leathery ball & rough
goalkeeper gloves to a silky shirt &
shiny trophy, each football-themed
tactile area helps to stimulate sensory awareness in older babies &
toddlers & teach them the difference between smooth,
rough, bumpy, shiny and so on.
Sugarlump &
the Unicorn
Julia Donaldson
When Sugarlump the rocking
horse wishes to see the world, a
magical unicorn with a silver horn & sparkling blue
eyes turns him into a real horse. But after trotting
around the farm, galloping around a racetrack & even
dancing at the circus, Sugarlump learns to be careful
what he wishes for. Luckily the unicorn has one more
wish to grant.
Incy Wincy Spider
Karen Erasmus
We all know that the rain washed
the Incy Wincy spider down the
water spout. But where else did he
try to shelter before the sun came out? In this fun and
lively story, Incy tries to find a place to rest but keeps
getting into strife!
Wombat Stew 30th
Anniversary Edition
Marcia K Vaughan
One day, on the banks of a billabong, a very clever dingo caught
a wombat ... and decided to make... Wombat stew,
Wombat stew, gooey, brewy, yummy, chewy, Wombat
stew! In this classic Australian picture book, a dingo
catches a wombat and wants to cook him in a stew.
Drat that Cat
Tony Ross
Suzy the cat is always getting into
trouble much to the annoyance of
her family. She can never do anything right! So Suzy
decides to teach her family a lesson and make them
realise just how much they love her.
Little Red Riding Hoodie
Kel Richards
Miss Red Riding Hoodie would
walk through the wood in her coat
with a hood And pay her dear
granny a call... But will the sly dingo get to Granny’s
house first? Or will the brave squatter make it in time
to save the day?
LEGO Star Wars The
Visual Dictionary
Come face-to-face with LEGO
versions of Darth Vader, Obi-Wan,
Luke Skywalker, Yoda, Anakin
and more and discover hundreds
of little known facts about Star Wars characters and
factions, such as the Jedi and the Sith.
Peppa Pig Peppa’s
Big Race
Peppa and her family enjoy a day
of cycling fun in Peppa’s Big Race.
Peppa and her family are going
cycling. Peppa loves cycling down the hill but she’s
not so keen on pedaling back up! So, when Peppa
and her friends decide to race, she insists it should be
downhill all the way!
Peppa Pig Summer Fun
Sticker Activity Book
Peppa, George and all their friends
enjoy the summer at fetes, funfairs,
picnics and the beach too. With lots
of puzzles and activities this sticker book will keep all
little Peppa fans busy. It is based on the hit pre-school
animation, Peppa Pig, shown daily on Five’s Milkshake
and Nick Jnr.
AFL Magpie Mania Footys
Search and Find
Join Magpie stars like Dane Swan,
Scott Pendlebury and Travis Cloke
as they take you on an exciting adventure. Spend hours of fun looking
for hidden objects at the MCG, the circus, the Grand
Final Parade and lots of other amazing places!
Mr Men Football Sticker
Roger Hargreaves
Join the Mr Men and Little Misses
as they put on their football boots,
blow their whistles and go for goal
in a crazy game of football! This is a game in which
anything could happen, and does ...
Socceroos On the Pitch
A soccer team is made up of players with many different talents and
abillities. Find out what it takes to
be a soccer player in each of the
on-pitch positions. There are also
fun activities and over 50 stickers just for you!
Socceroos Sticker
Activity Book
Have hours of fun with the Socceroos as you solve code breakers,
word searches and quizzes in this
fun activity book. You can also fill in
your very own future Brazil 2014.
LEGO Star Wars Choose
Your Side! Ultimate
Choose your side in the epic
battle between good and evil
that dominates the LEGO Star
Wars universe. Engage in battles
between Jedi & Sith, Republic & Separatists, humans
& clones, Ewoks & stormtroopers.
LEGO Star Wars
Darth Vaders Empire
yodas jedi army
PB $9.99 each
Darth Vader’s Empire &
Yoda’s Jedi Army Ultimate
Sticker Books are packed
with more than 250 colourful stickers of the evil Darth
Vader and his empire.
Junior Fiction
Billie B Mystery #4
Strawberry Thief
Sally Rippin
Someone has stolen all of the ripe
strawberries from Mika’s garden!
The Secret Mystery Club is determined to work out who it was. Could it have been the
gardener? Or was it the neighbours who just made a
batch of strawberry jam?
Superhero School 1
Alan MacDonald
Stan Button had always
dreamed of becoming a superhero. Then one day a letter arrives
inviting him for an interview at the mysterious Mighty
High School. To his amazement, Stan is offered
a place - starting immediately. His superpower is
‘non-conventional’, as are those of his two new best
friends, but lessons in supervillain-spotting and
tight-wearing mean they are soon ready to defeat
the evil Green Meanie.
Geronimo Stilton
Special Edition
Geronimo Stilton
Geronimo is on the Hunt! Grandfather William was throwing me,
Geronimo Stilton, a party - it had
been ten years since I published my first book! He
wanted me to write a new book especially for the
occasion. Then my laptop was stolen right from
under my snout. Cheese niblets, how terrible!
Geronimo Stilton
Spacemice #1
Alien Escape
Geronimo Stilton
He is a spacemouse -- the
Geronimo Stilton of a parallel
universe! He is captain of the spaceship MouseStar
1. While flying through the cosmos he visits distant
planets and meets crazy aliens. His adventures are
out of this world!
EJ Spy School #3
Spy Secret
Susannah McFarlane
a secret?
Emma Jacks is Agent EJ10. She
goes to Spy School. EJ10 uses
special tools so no one will know
she is a spy. But can she keep
EJ Spy School #4
Puppy Alert
Susannah McFarlane
Emma Jacks is Agent EJ10. She
goes to Spy School. EJ10 uses
special tools so no one will know
she is a spy. But can she keep a secret?
Billy Slater
Patrick Loughlin
try time
$12.99 each
Josh can play footy. He’s fast
and fleet-footed and a blur
down the sideline. But every
time he steps onto the field a
stampede of elephant-sized
butterflies invade his stomach and he fumbles the ball.
Banana Kick
Junior is the youngest player
for the Ravens. He is also the biggest. Everyone
on the team starts to call him Cannonball because,
when he makes a bust, he’s virtually unstoppable.
My Story War Heroes
D Day
Bryan Perrett
D-Day is the story of the Allied
landings in Normandy. It’s 1944,
when Lieutenant Andy Pope
takes part in the D-Day landings, crossing the
English Channel to the beaches of Normandy. Ordered to cut off the Germans’ line of retreat, Andy’s
company comes under sustained attack.
My Story War Heroes
Flying Ace
Jim Eldridge
Flying Ace tells the story of Jack
Fairfax the 19-year-old son of Lord
and Lady Fairfax. The Fairfaxes
are steeped in the military tradition and don’t approve
of Jack’s volunteering for the Royal Flying Corps.
39 Clues Unstoppable #3
Natalie Standiford
The clock has run out for thirteenyear-old Dan Cahill. As head of the
Cahills, the most powerful family
the world has ever known, he and
his older sister Amy have been in the crosshairs for
too long. Dan and Amy have always managed to stay
a step ahead of their enemies, but it was only a matter
of time until luck failed them.
Our Australian Girl
Daisy All Alone Bk 2
Hamer & Masciullo
It’s1930 and Daisy’s worst nightmare has come true. She’s alone
on the streets, separated from her
Pearlies Pet Rescue Bk 2
Wang & Masciullo
It’s 1941... and school is almost
over - not just for summer, but
forever. Darwin could be bombed
any day, and everyone Pearlie knows is leaving for a
safer place. Animals and pets of all kind are being left
behind, and Pearlie can’t bear it.
FIFA World Cup 2014
Ben Hubbard
As excitement builds in the run-up
to the world’s greatest football
competition, the official 2014 FIFA
World Cup Brazil Kids’ Handbook provides information
about the host country, Brazil, plus the stadiums, star
players, FIFA World Cup facts, statistics, and more.
The Story of the
World Cup
Richard Brassey
From the first tournament in Uruguay to England’s
legendary 1966 win & beyond, with red cards, penalty
shoot-outs & goals galore, there are fun facts football
fans can use to impress their family and friends.
Meet Douglas Mawson
Mike Dumbleton
Douglas Mawson led the first
Australian expedition to the Antarctic. Meet Douglas
Mawson tells the story of how Mawson survived the
dangers and challenges of the frozen continent.
Magic Faraway Tree &
the enchanted wood
Enid Blyton
$14.99 each
When Joe, Beth and Frannie
move to a new home, an
Enchanted Wood is on their
doorstep. And when they
discover the Faraway Tree, it
proves to be the beginning of
many magical adventures!
Wishing Chair Again
Enid Blyton
Join Peter, Mollie & their friend
Chinky the pixie as they fly away
on their magical wishing-chair to
exciting places - from the Land of Spells to Snoogle’s
Castle and the Island of Surprises, meeting giants,
goblins, witches, wizards and other amazing creatures
along the way in this beautiful illustrated vintage edition.
Kids Fiction
Brotherband 4
Slaves of Socorro
John Flanagan
When the Heron brotherband become the Skandian duty ship to the
Kingdom of Araluen, they’re excited
at the challenges ahead. Hal, Stig, Thorn and the Herons eagerly set off for the trip & with an unexpected
new crew member aboard.
Liz Pichon
From the winner of the Roald
Dahl Funny Prize, the Red House
Children’s Book Award, the Waterstones Children’s
Book Prize and the Blue Peter Best Story Book Award
2013, comes the seventh amazing instalment of the
Tom Gates adventures.
Adventures of Sir Roderick The Not Very Brave
James O’Loghlin
In a land where peace is threatened by assassins, invading armies
& unhappy peasants, one knight
must be brave enough to protect the kingdom. But
Roderick doesn’t want to be that knight!
James Phelan
Solaris stands facing us, his arm
raised, his flame weapon pointed
and ready. Sam’s nightmares
become more unpredictable, and
even more dangerous, as he seeks
the next Dreamer. His search takes him to Cuba,
where unknown pursuers, long-forgotten treasure and
the perils of the ocean await.
The Luck Uglies
Paul Durham
Luck Uglies was a name whispered
around the docks and darkest
taverns, places the law dare not
tread... Rye has grown up hearing
the legend of the Luck Uglies - notorious deadly
outlaws who once stalked the streets. Now they have
faded to ghosts and rumours and Rye isn’t sure they
ever existed.
Warriors Dawn Of The
Clans #1 The Sun Trail
Erin Hunter
The first book of a thrilling prequel
arc in Erin Hunter’s #1 nationally
bestselling Warriors series! In the
action-packed Dawn of the Clans
arc, discover how the Warrior Clans came to be. Long
before Firestar left his kittypet home to join ThunderClan, a band of cats from the mountains set off on a
dangerous journey in search of a new home...
Young Adult
Dragonkeeper 5
Shadow Sister
Carole Wilkinson
Tao is learning to be a dragonkeeper. With no one to teach him
it is not easy. He must keep Kai
safe but there is danger at every
turn - they are pursued by a gang of murderous
nomads, tricked by unseen spirits, attacked by a
giant seven-headed snake and disoriented in the
realms of the dead. Most terrifying of all is the ghost
who can turn blood into ice.
Forbidden Library
Django Wexler
Late one night Alice Creighton
hears her father having an
argument with a fairy & a snarling, bald beast with warts and
needle-like teeth. It is threatening her father, insisting he accept a mysterious offer, or else.
Infinity Drake The Sons
of Scarlatti
John McNally
Humour and high adventure combine in the biggest action debut in
years - even if its characters are
very small. Infinity Blake - aka
Finn - is looking forward to a week away with his
mad scientist uncle when they are summoned to a
crisis meeting.
You Choose series
#1 Treasure of Dead
Mans Cove
#2 Magic School
George Ivanoff
$14.99 each
You find an old treasure map
while holidaying in a secluded seaside town. Could
it be real, or is it someone’s idea of a joke?
World Without Princes
Soman Chainani
When Agatha secretly wishes
she’d chosen a different happy
ending with Prince Tedros, the
gates to the School for Good and
Evil open once again. But Good
and Evil are no longer enemies and Princes and
Princesses may not be what they seem.
The Eye of Zoltar Last
Dragonslayer #3
Jasper Fforde
The Mighty Shandar, the most
powerful wizard the world has
ever seen, returns to the Ununited Kingdoms. Clearly, he didn’t solve the Dragon
Problem, and must hand back his fee.
Young Adult
Pandora Jones
Barry Jonsberg
Pandora Jones wakes in an
infirmary - her body weak, her
memory providing only flashes
of scenes of death. She discovers that her family
has succumbed to a plague pandemic which almost
wiped out humanity. Pan is one of the survivors who
have been admitted to The School - a quarantined,
heavily guarded survival-skills facility - to recover
their strength, hone their skills and prepare for
whatever comes next.
Dangerous Creatures
Book 1
Stohl & Garcia
Some loves are cursed ...others
are dangerous. Ridley Duchannes
will be the first to tell you that she’s
a bad girl. She’s Dark. She’s a
Siren. You can never trust her, or even yourself when
she’s around. Lucky for her, Wesley ‘Link’ Lincoln can
never seem to remember that; quarter Incubus or not,
his heart is Mortal when it comes to Ridley.
Non Pratt
Hannah’s smart and funny...she’s
also fifteen and pregnant. Aaron
is new at school and doesn’t want
to attract attention. So why does
he offer to be the pretend dad to
Hannah’s unborn baby? Growing up can be trouble
but that’s how you find out what really matters.
Year of the Rat
Clare Furniss
The world can tip at any moment
... a fact that fifteen-year-old Pearl
is all too aware of when her mum
dies after giving birth to her baby
sister. As she tries not only to
come to terms with losing her mum, but also the fact
that her sister - The Rat - is a constant reminder of
why her mum is no longer around...
The Fearless
Emma Pass
Cass remembers the night they
passed through her village. Her
father was Altered. Her mother
died soon after. All Cass has left is
her little brother u and when Jory
is snatched by the Fearless and
taken to their hellish lair, Cass must risk everything to
get him back.
Sleep No More
Aprilynne Pike
Oracles see the future. But they
are never supposed to interfere.
Charlotte learned that the hard
way. If she hadn’t tried to change
one of her childhood visions,
her mother wouldn’t be in a
wheelchair-and her father would still be alive. Since
that fateful accident, Charlotte has tried to suppress
her visions.
BZRK Apocalypse
Michael Grant
Noah & Sadie have seen death,
and it holds no fear for them.
Madness does, though. And losing
each other. But they will not sit
back, helpless witnesses to an
invisible apocalypse. The world is being destroyed
from the inside out. It’s time to take up the fight once
more, in the streets and in the nano.
Mutant City
Steve Feasey
Fifty years ago, the world was
almost destroyed by a chemical
war. Now the world is divided: the
mutants and the pure, the broken
and the privileged, the damaged
and the perfect. Thirteen years ago, a covert government experimental facility was shut down and its
residents killed. The secrets it held died with them.
But five extraordinary kids survived.
Other Side of Nowhere
Stephen Johnston
When Johnno and his friends
survive the freak storm that rips
apart their yacht, they’re just glad
to be alive. That is, until reality hits: they’ve washed up on an
uninhabited island with few supplies, no phone and no
way to get home. The situation becomes even more
desperate when the four teenagers discover they are
not alone on the island.
Love Letters to the
Ava Dellaira
It begins as an assignment for
English class: write a letter to a
dead person. Laurel chooses Kurt
Cobain - he died young, and so did Laurel’s sister
May - so maybe he’ll understand a bit of what Laurel
is going through. Soon Laurel is writing letters to lots
of dead people - Janis Joplin, Heath Ledger, River
Phoenix, Amelia Earhart’s like she can’t stop.
Savage Drift #3
Emmy Laybourne
Dean, Alex, & the other survivors
of Monument 14 have escaped
the disaster zone & made it to the
safety of a Canadian refugee camp.
Then, Niko learns that his lost love,
Josie, has survived... For Josie, presumed dead, life
has gone from bad to worse.
Maybe One Day
Melissa Kantor
Zoe and Olivia have always
been best friends. And becoming
professional ballerinas has always
been their goal. But when they turn
sixteen the unthinkable happens as
Olivia is diagnosed with leukaemia.
Haunting of Lily Frost
Nova Weetman
When Lily Frost’s parents make her
move from the only home and best
friend she’s ever known to a country town, things are dire. Lily knows
no one - but someone seems to
know her. Upon entering her new attic bedroom, Lily
faints. Coming to, she’s overcome by someone else’s
secrets - the girl who lived there before.
Of Neptune
Anna Banks
Emma & her Syrena love, Galen,
need time together. Alone. Away
from the kingdoms of Poseidon and
Triton. Emma’s grandfather, the
Poseidon king, suggests the two
visit a small town called Neptune. Neptune is home
to both Syrena and Half Breeds alike. But Emma and
Galen didn’t sign up to be peacemakers between the
ocean and the land-dwelling, freshwater Syrena.
The One
Kiera Cass
For the four girls who remain at
the palace, the friendships they’ve
formed, rivalries they’ve struggled
with and dangers they’ve faced
have bound them to each other for
the rest of their lives. Now, the time
has come for one winner to be chosen. America never
dreamed she would find herself anywhere close to the
crown - or to Prince Maxon’s heart.
@ The Movies
Jon Ronson
In the late 1980s Jon Ronson was
the keyboard player in the Frank
Sidebottom Oh Blimey Big Band.
Frank wore a big fake head. Nobody outside his inner circle knew
his true identity. This became the subject of feverish
speculation during his zenith years.
Half Of A Yellow Sun
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Set in Nigeria during the 1960s,
at the time of a vicious civil war in
which a million people died and
thousands were massacred in cold
blood. The 3 main characters in the novel are swept
up in the violence during these turbulent years. As
these people’s lives intersect, they have to question
their own responses to the unfolding political events.
Heaven is for Real
Todd Burpo
Mother’s Day
Award-winning Australian photographer Alex Cearns has captured
the special relationship between
many mother and baby animals over the years, and
finds them uncannily like humans. These adorable
and entertaining images reveal and celebrate the
love, patience and guidance of all mothers, great and
Love and Treasure
Ayelet Waldman
A fugitive train loaded with the
plunder of a doomed people. A
dazzling jewelled pendant in the
form of a stylized peacock. And three men - an American infantry captain in World War II, an Israeli-born
dealer in art stolen by the Nazis, and a pioneering
psychiatrist in fin-de-siecle Budapest - who find their
carefully-wrought lives turned upside-down by three
fierce women, each locked in a struggle against her
own history and the history of our times.
A true story of the four-year-old
My Mummy Says
son of a small town Nebraska
Justine Smith
pastor who, during emergency
surgery, slips from consciousness
A soft and gentle take on family
and enters heaven. He survives
life and relationships that perfectly
and begins talking about being able to look down and
captures the humour and impulsive
see the doctor operating and his dad praying in the
nature of family life, and those people who hold a
waiting room. The family didn’t know what to believe, special place in the lives of every child.
but soon the evidence was clear.
Invisible Woman The
Story of Nelly Ternan
Claire Tomalin
Claire Tomalin’s multi-awardwinning story of the life of Nelly
Ternan and Charles Dickens is
a remarkable work of biography
and historical revisionism that returns the neglected
actress to her rightful place in history as well as
providing a compelling and truthful portrait of the great
Victorian novelist.
Before I Go To Sleep
S. J. Watson
The Baking Collection
From hot scones to jam and
cream, to a triple-layered cake with
lashings of frosting & the oohs and
aahs make it all worthwhile. This
book is a special collection of some of our favourite
baking recipes u cakes, biscuits, slices, pastries,
tarts and breads, We hope you enjoy them as much
as we do. Including special recipes for birthdays and
Christmas,this is the perfect gift for Mother’s Day.
The Power of Bones
Keelen Mailman
It looked bleak and predictable for
little Keelen Mailman: an alcoholic
mother, absent father, the horrors
Each day, Christine wakes knowof regular sexual and physical asing nothing of her life. Each night,
sault and the casual racism of a small outback town in
her mind erases the day. But
before she goes to sleep, she will the sixties. But somehow, despite the pain and deprirecover fragments from her past, flashbacks to the ac- vation, the lost education, she managed to absorb her
cident that damaged her, and then—mercifully—she mother’s lessons: her Bidjara language and culture,
her obligations to country, and how to fist-fight with
will forget.
the best of them and win.
Fault in Our Stars
John Green
Women of Spirit
Anne Crawford
Despite the tumour-shrinking
The women featured range from
medical miracle that has bought
hard-bitten bush women to those
her a few years, Hazel has never
who’ve left the city for a new chalbeen anything but terminal, her
lenge. Together they share their
final chapter inscribed upon diagnosis. But when a
gorgeous plot twist named Augustus Waters suddenly stories of lives forged in often inhospitable conditions,
appears at Cancer Kid Support Group, Hazel’s story the hardships imposed by isolation and the personal
trials they endure to live as they do.
is about to be completely rewritten.
Godzilla The Official
Movie Novelization
Greg Cox
Annabel Karmels Family
Annabel Karmel
Mother Knows Best
Alex Cearns
My Mummy is Magic
Dawn Richards
I think my mummy’s MAGIC - I noPB
tice every day . . . That whenever
An epic rebirth of Toho’s iconic
MAGIC happens, Mummy’s never
Godzilla, this spectacular adventure pits the world’s most famous far away! From a morning cuddle to a bedtime kiss,
monster against malevolent creatures who, bolstered follow a mum and her little one through the day as
by humanity’s scientific arrogance, threaten our very they find magic in the simplest of things.
Too often, busy mums have to
make one meal for the kids and
then another for adults. In her
beautiful new cookbook, Annabel
offers no-fuss, tasty recipes for all mealtimes that
will get everyone around the table at the same time whether they be 2 years old or twenty.
AWW Recipes to
A trip down retro lane is a wonderful thing. And this book is a
reminder of the recipes that have
stood the test of time. In the 1950s and 1960s home
cooks spent much more time not only preparing family
meals and baking, but also entertaining. Dinner parties
were lavish affairs with lots of time spent planning and
cooking for often complicated recipes.
Modern Grandparenting
June Loves
Modern Grandparenting is a comforting, friendly and useful read for
grandparents, especially those who
are feeling bewildered about the
options available to entertain children in today’s techdominated world. Grandparents play a vital role in their
grandchildren’s lives. Grandparenting can be joyous,
but it can also be tricky, challenging and frequently
chaotic. And there are no courses on becoming a
grandparent. It just happens.
Clean and Lean
Pregnancy Guide
James Duigan
Whether you want to boost your
fertility, ensure your body is in the
best possible shape before birth,
or get it back afterwards, staying active and eating
healthily is very important. James Duigan’s Clean
& Lean philosophy has encouraged thousands to
improve their diet and lifestyle and here he turns his
attention to helping you achieve optimum health for
you and your baby.
Dear Mum
Dear Mum brings together a selection of timeless tracks, appropriate
for any mum, from some of the
greatest artists of all time. If you’re
looking for a Mother’s Day gift it’s hard to go past the
soothing sounds of Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder, Etta
James, Smokey Robinson, James Brown, Michael
Jackson and many more.
Magic Of The Musicals
Rieu Andre
Andre Rieu is the King of the Violin,
the King of the Waltz, and now
the King of the Musicals! Just like
‘Magic of the Movies’, Andre has now recorded some
of the most-loved hits from musicals we all know and
Game $59.99
Based on the ABC drama series,
this version of Cleudo will immerse
you in the glamorous & dangerous world of 1920’s
crime in Melbourne solving mysteries alongside the
iconic heroine, with her pearl handled pistol, quick wit
and impeccable taste in fashion.
CDs & DVDs
My Baby Just
Cares For Me
David Hobson & Rachael
Riding This Road
(The Record Collection)
Joy McKean
This collection of songs is taken
from across the years, intended as
the perfect companion to the book Riding This Road.
Two of Australia’s best-loved
singers combine for their first recording together.
Featuring favourites from screen and stage, the
album includes classics such as ‘Baby It’s Cold
Outside’, ‘Get Happy’ and ‘Stranger in Paradise’
australian playground
Tony Delroy Presents
Great Tracks Of Your
$24.99 This collection, hand selected
by Tony, provides the perfect
soundtrack to those monumental times in everyone’s lives ... dating … serious relationships...
moving home.. kids being born .. losing loved ones
.. finding a career.
A musical adventure to Australia
with fun songs about kangaroos,
boomerangs, didgeridoos and so
much more. Features Australian
classics such as Waltzing Matilda, Give Me a Home
Among the Gumtrees, The Road to Gundagai as well
as a kid-friendly, Australian recipe to try.
Talented singer-songwriters &
captivating indigenous musicians
come together on this fascinating
journey to the land down under.
Swing Noir Music from
the Jazz Clubs of the
ABC Jazz presents some of
the most influential toe-tapping
works to come out of the extraordinary musical culture from both sides of the
Tres Chic
‘Tres Chic’ celebrates France
when the Gallic nation was the
coolest place on earth. Here we
gather music from that era and
feature French icons like Serge Gainsbourg, Brigitte
Bardot and Francoise Hardy alongside American
jazz men like Miles Davis and Art Blakey who
soundtracked iconic French films.
Prior Marina
Songbird, incorporates Marina’s
recent work- Both Sides Now,
Encore (her favourite music
theatre songs) plus a Live CD recorded recently at
The Glasshouse in Port Macquarie.
Van Diemens Land
Russell Morris
Morris is joined on Van Diemen’s
Land by a host of special guest
artists including Joe Camilleri, Rick
Springfield, Rob Hirst (Midnight
Oil), Scott Owen (The Living End), Ross Hannaford
(Daddy Cool), Vika & Linda Bull, Phil Manning (Chain)
and blues legend Joe Robinson.
The Art Of Letting Go
Dr Gillian Ross
There are three practices on the
CD. The first two are no more than
15 mins in length but can be as rejuvenating as several hours sleep.
The third practice is a half hour whole body relaxation
known as yoga nidra or psychic sleep.
Downton Abbey S4
Six months after Matthew’s
tragic death, his loss is still felt
throughout the great house. Mary
struggles to face a new future with
her fatherless child, and is encouraged by the family to pick up the
The Perfect Evening
Indulge your senses with this
4CD collection of music and
recipes from the great culinary
traditions of Europe: exquisite
French cuisine, hearty British fare, classic Italian
flavours and lavish chocolate treats.
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Chris Lilley’s Jonah
From Tonga
The last time we saw the 14-year
old school boy he was expelled
from the concrete playgrounds of
Summer Heights High. Now his father Rocky Takalua is sending him
back to his homeland of Tonga to live with his uncle
and their family to help get Jonah’s life back on track.
The Wolf of Wall Street
Based on the true story of Jordan
Belfort, from his rise to a wealthy
stockbroker living the high life to his
fall involving crime corruption and
the federal government.
Book Thief
Although Liesel is illiterate when
she is adopted by a German couple, her adoptive father encourages
her to learn to read. Ultimately, the
power of words helps Liesel and
Max (Ben Schnetzer), a Jew hiding
in the family’s home, escape from the events unfolding
around them.
Mrs Brown Rides again
Cathy’s psychiatrist boyfriend wants
her to be his case study, Winnies
husband Jacko needs a life-saving
but unaffordable operation and
Buster & Dermot have come up
with another dim-witted scheme to
make some quick cash.
Play School Dress Ups
The toys go into outer space, try
out some new hairdos at a wig
shop, and sail across the seas.
Through the windows children
dress up, visit a sculpture garden,
climb a lighthouse, get a check up at the doctors and
splash in puddles.
It’s the summer of 1979, a time
of reckless abandon, free love,
social upheaval and youthful
rebellion...and being a teenager
has never been more liberating or
more frustrating. Suspended in the
fragile moment between childhood and adulthood,
Debbie and Sue’s lives are about to head into totally
unchartered waters.
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Attack on Titan Before the Fall 1
A prequel series to the number
one bestseller in Japan. Humanity
has learned to live in complacency
behind its high walls, protected
from the giant Titans. But when a
Titan-worshipping cult opens one
of the gates, a Titan wreaks havoc,
consuming the cultists. After the
rampage is over, two young Survey Corps members
are shocked to discover a pregnant woman’s partially
digested corpse - with her baby still alive inside it!
Akira Toriyama
Goku is dead - but his journey is
just beginning. Now he must travel
through the afterlife along the
million-kilometre Serpent Road to
find Kai-sama, the Lord of Worlds
who will teach him martial arts
techniques so powerful they’re
reserved for the gods! And he’d
better hurry too, because Earth has only nine months
until the evil Saiyans Vegeta and Nappa arrive to wipe
the planet clean of life !
Hidenori Kusaka
How can Black convince a group
of bitter Pokemon to trust people
again? And how can Trainer Alder
convince Team Plasma leader N
that the Pokemon League exemplifies the powerful bond between
Pokemon and their trainers? Then
it’s Black and White - together
again! Now how will our friends rescue the kidnapped
Gym Leaders...?Plus meet Cobalion Virizion Terrakion
Twineedle Megahor and... Serperior and Samurott?!
Not to mention the new rougher and tougher Gigi?!
In the near future the federal
government creates a committee
to rid society of books it deems
unsuitable. The libraries vow to
protect their collections and with
the help of local governments form
a military group to defend themselves - the Library Forces!
Hiroshi Sakurazaka PB
When the alien Mimics invade Keiji
Kiriya is just one of many recruits
shoved into a suit of battle armor
called a Jacket and sent out to
kill. Keiji dies on the battlefield
only to be reborn each morning to
fight and die again and again. Now
a major motion picture starring
Tom Cruise!
Masashi Kishimoto
As the battle against Obito and
Madara continues to heat up,
Sasuke has Orochimaru revive the
previous four Hokage! In order to
learn the truth Sasuke will listen
to First Hokage Hashirama’s tale
of how the village was founded. But what will Sasuke’s
next move be once he gets what he wants?!
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BLEACH VOL 60Tite Kubo
PB $14.99
With the training not going as
planned, Ichigo returns to the
World of the Living to reevaluate
himself. But when he runs into his
father Isshin he discovers he has a
lot to learn about his mother - and
the way she died!
Pop Culture
Vaders Little Princess Flexi Journal
Darth Vader and Son Flexi Journal
Jeffrey Brown
Hiroshi Sakurazaka
Now a major motion picture
starring Tom Cruise! The official
graphic novel adaptation of ‘Edge
of Tomorrow’ based on the original
$34.99 GAME OF THRONES POP VINYL figures greywind & rhaegal $17.99 each
Koushun Takami’s notorious highoctane thriller envisions a nightmare scenario- a class of junior
high school students is taken to
a deserted island, where as part of a ruthless authoritarian program they are provided arms and forced to
kill until only one survivor is left standing.
Inspired by the bestselling books Vader’s’ Little
Princess & Darth Vader & Son, these full-colour flexi
journals feature Jeffrey Brown’s hilarious artwork
illustrating the ups and downs of being both
a father and a Sith Lord in a galaxy far, far
Kazuki Takahashi
In a futuristic city augmented reality Duels are all the rage. Duelists
using devices called D-Gazers can
interact with their environment &
their opponents as never before.
With more awesome monsters and
unbelievable cards, the future of
Yu-Gi-Oh! starts right here!
(EPS 280-291)
The Soul Reapers form an uneasy
alliance with the Visoreds, and the
battle against the Espadas resumes. Barragan, the former ruler
of Hueco Mundo who was displaced
by Aizen, appears to be defeated by the combined
efforts of Hachigen and Soi Fon until they discover him
forcing open Hachigen’s Shiju Saimon barrier.
Aladdin has yet to regain consciousness from the battle with
the fallen magi Judar. Meanwhile,
as the third prince of Balbadd,
Alibaba tries to stop his older
brother King Ahbmad from turning Balbadd into a
slave-exporting nation.
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DVD $49.99
The assault on Enies Lobby reaches a boiling point, as Spandam
drags Robin towards the towering
Gates of Justice! Zoro’s demonic
nine-sword fighting style sets
the stage for a blistering barrage
of heroic attacks, as the Straw
Hats inch ever closer to a joyous
reunion with their captured crewmate. The showdown
between Luffy and Lucci rages out of control against
a backdrop of devastating destruction thanks to
Spandam’s Buster Call.
Explore the
world of Game of
Thrones like never
before! This pop-up guide to Westeros, the
land all your favourite characters dwell in, is a
must have for all fans. Full of fun facts on White
Walkers, Dragons and Direwolves, and pop-up
recreations of Winterfell and King’s Landing.
Whether you’re a Jon Snow or the Queen of the
Dragons, this book, complete with fold out map,
will help you on your fandom journey.
part of the Robinsons Bookshop Group of companies
graphic nOvels manga
The World According to Spider Man
Daniel WallaceHB
The wisecracking hero spills the
beans on how he balances his two
lives and manages to keep his
trademark sense of humor, even
while he’s tangling with Doc Ock or
the Green Goblin.
The World According to Wolverine
Matthew K Manning
The favorite stoic loner finally
opens up on a range of topics that
are close to his mutant heart.
With helpful tips on everything
from clawed combat to outdoor
survival & dealing with the agony
of adamantium implantation, this book will delight
fans wanting to learn how to be like the grizzled hero.
Comic Strips
Garfield Souped Up 57
Jim davis
$22.99 Garfield shifts the laughs into
overdrive in this latest collections
of all-new comics. Whether he’s
booting Nermal through the front
door or battling Mrs. Feeny’s lawn gnome, the fat cat
keeps the mischief and mayhem coming fast and furious. Let the wild ride begin!
Garfield & Co Boxed Set Vol 5-8
Jim Davis
$34.99 Four furry books in one boxed set!
Everyone’s favorite flabby tabby
comes to Papercutz in this series
of stories from the hit Cartoon
Network TV show. Jon, Odie,
Nermal, Arlene--the gang’s all here
in this collection of wacky stories from the minds
of legendary comics creators Jim Davis and Mark
Marvel Super Heroes Hero Action
slinging activities.
Join the web-slinging wonder
as he swings into action in this
adventure activity book! Complete
top-secret puzzles, defeat Super
Villains, get through menacing
mazes and enjoy many more webMarvel Poster Book
Learn all about the Marvel
universe with character profiles
and 15 posters to stick on the
wall, including one giant poster
of many Marvel heroes. Includes
all of the popular characters such as Iron Man, Thor,
X-Men and the upcoming movie hero Ant-Man.
Disney Infinity The Essential Guide
Discover how to create your own
worlds where your figurines will
come alive! Featuring all your
favourite Disney and Pixar characters, including Mr Incredible, Jack
Sparrow, Sulley and Lightning McQueen. Packed with
fascinating facts about all the amazing locations,
weapons, gadgets, and accessories.
Disney Infinity Official
Sticker Book
The Official Sticker Book! Complete puzzles with Mr Incredible,
Sulley, Captain Jack Sparrow and
friends, as well as exploring their
worlds, discovering the toy box and creating cool
sticker scenes. With over 1000 stickers.
Disaster Diaries ZOMBIES R McGeddon
It’s the end of term and Sam and
Arty are anxiously awaiting the
final bell. They barely even pay attention when the bumbling science
teaches causes an explosion and
accidentally covers one of the
pupils with a strange goo. Then
zombies (and bits of zombies) start turning up.
Disney Princess Royal Carriage Ride BB
6 sound triggers are embedded
within the module. Five short stories each showcase an important
moment in a princess’s life, and
include an exciting carriage ride.
Cinderella, Rapunzel, Aurora, Ariel,
and Snow White are featured.
Disney Vintage Cinderella
Cinderella was made to work hard
by her cruel stepmother. One day
an invitation arrives from the King,
inviting all the girls in the land to
attend a grand ball so the Prince
may choose a bride. But alas, for
Cinderella, her stepmother and ugly stepsisters spoil
any chance of her attending. That is, until Cinderella’s
Fairy Godmother turns up.
Disney Vintage Bambi
When Bambi is born in the middle
of a thicket, the forest comes
alive with chatter and excitement.
Everyone wants to catch a glimpse
of the young prince. It isn’t long
before the curious young fawn is venturing out of the
thicket and into a new and wondrous world.
Marvel Little Golden Book Favorites
Marvel Heroes Little Golden Book
Favorites collects the SpiderMan, Iron Man, and Avengers Little
Golden Books into one hardcover
Adventure Time Slumberparty Panic
When Finn tries to help his friend
Marceline the Vampire Queen
reunite with her father, the Lord
of Evil, he doesn’t realise that he
is releasing a terrible curse upon
the land of Ooo. If he doesn’t act
quickly, the citizens of Ooo stand
to lose their very souls.
Adventure Time It Came from the
Princess Bubblegum wants to
bring all the candy people who have
died back to life. But her decorpsinator serum is incomplete! The
experiment goes horribly wrong,
and soon the Candy Kingdom is
teeming with half-dead candy people determined to
feast on its sweet citizens...
Angry Birds Star Wars
Search and Find
With an all-new team, including
Chuck ‘Ham’ Solo, Terebacca, Red
Skywalker, the Pigtroopers and Lard
Vader, you have an exciting mission
to complete. Search through the packed pages to find
your favourite Star Wars Angry Birds characters, as
well as exciting objects such as lightsabers, lasers and
the mighty Pig Star!
The Muppets OmnibusRoger Langridge
It’s time to play the music, it’s time
to light the lights! It’s time to turn
the pages of this Omnibus tonight!
The Muppets take on Marvel in this
zany collection of Roger Langridge’s
award-winning, gag-filled adventures
of Kermit and the gang. From Bunsen
and Beaker to Piiiigs In Spaaaace, all
your favorites are here in a volume as hilarious as it is
Graphic Novels
Asterix Omnibus 9
Rene Goscinny
A special collector’s edition of three
Asterix stories - Asterix And The
Great Divide, Asterix And The Black
Gold And Asterix And Son - in one
Sherlock Bones 5
Yuma Ando
Takeru and Sherdog have once again
found themselves in the midst of a
mystery! This time, the prime suspect is the beautiful Mayor Takasugi,
and with her iron-clad alibi, it looks
like she has brains to match her
looks. How will they solve the case to
reveal the murderous devil that lies
behind the angelic face of London’s mayor?
THE Books Of MagicNeil Gaiman
Timothy Hunter could be the most
powerful magician in the world, but
does he really want to be? Guided
through the magical world starting
at the begining of time by a group of
DC Universe magicians, often refered
to as the Trenchcoat Brigade (John
Constantine, Phantom Stranger,
Mister E, and Doctor Occult), they attempt to aid Timothy in his decision whether or not to embrace his gift.
World War One 1914-1918 Alan Cowsill
The First World War, also known as
the Great War, involved over thirty
nations and resulted in the deaths of
millions of young men. This stunning
new book brings history to life as we
see the war through the eyes of the
young conscripted servicemen on all
sides of the conflict.
Cardfight Vanguard v1
Unfortunately for Aichi, his favorite
card was stolen by a vengeful
classmate. Furthermore, the Blaster
Blade was later lost in a winnertakes all competition to one of the best players around
his community. Now to retrieve his priceless card, Aichi
is going to have to break from his mold of shyness and
win his property back by finally engaging someone!
neW releAse cOmics
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Prelude
$20.99 You’ve seen The Amazing SpiderMan, now get the full story!
Spider-Man swings from the
comic page to the silver screen and
back again in this adaptation of
the blockbuster movie - including
“deleted scenes” in an additional
tale inspired by the film.
Spider-Man Family Business
Someone has Spider-Man in their
crosshairs and the only person in
the Marvel Universe who can save
him is...Peter Parker’s sister?! As
the web-slinger meets family he
never knew, will she end up becoming his greatest ally...or the one
who damns him? And what does the KINGPIN have to
do with it?
For years, the X-Men have fought
to avert a nightmarish future
where robotic Sentinels herd
mutants into camps...or kill them
on sight. But no matter what they
do, that future seems to loom
ever closer. Now, all the classic
tales featuring this dystopian alternate ti meline are
collected in one oversized volume!
Emerald City of Oz
Uncle Henry can’t pay the
mortgage, so he, Aunt Em and
Dorothy must leave their Kansas
home. Where can they go? To the
Land of Oz, of course! Dorothy and
the Wizard take Em and Henry on
a grand tour, discovering knowledge pills and living
paper dolls, solving living puzzles, suffering abuse
from living kitchen utensils and drooling over living
baked goods - but will anyone in Oz be left living after
the Nomes attack?
Wolverine Volume 2 Killable
After the recent loss of his healing
factor, Logan must adjust to a very
different reality. Wolverine thinks
a cure has been found...but it’s in
Wakanda, where he’s not exactly
a welcome guest! And as his foes
react to his new status quo, a
hefty bounty is placed on Logan’s
head, and villains and mercenaries begin popping out
of the woodwork to try to take him down.
Mighty Avengers Vol 1
No Single Hero
These unlikely heroes must
assemble when no one else can
- against the unrelenting attack
of Proxima Midnight! But that’s
easier said than done...and when
Promixa begins killing New York City one block at a
time, Cage’s ad-hoc Avengers might not be able to
stop her...and the one hero who can is at the bottom of
the Mariana Trench!
New Avengers Vol 1
Everything Dies
When the Illuminati experiences
its first dimensional incursion, can
the members of this loose brotherhood trust each other enough
to use the Infinity Gems in unison?
And when they learn Earth is the center point for the
death of the universe, doesn’t that mean destroying
it might save everything else? Enter the world-eater,
Galactus, as the Illuminati does the unthinkable!
Uncanny X-Men Volume 1
Once again, robotic Sentinels hunt
the team and the mutants they
protect - but who’s doing the hunting? And there’s a mole on Cyclops’
squad - who is it? A weakened
Magneto must prove he’s still the master of magnetism as Magik wonders why she’s the only member of
the Phoenix Five to emerge unscathed!
All New X-Men Volume 4
All Different
The X-Men are shaken to the core
by the fallout from the Battle of
the Atom event! Kitty Pryde is
particularly affected, and her faith
in Wolverine’s Jean Grey School is
eroded. With her students gone, what is Kitty to do?
Thor God of Thunder Vol
3 The accursed
It’s the bloody return of one of
Thor’s greatest enemies: Malekith
the Accursed! The former lord
of the Dark Elves is freed from
his otherworldly prison, and the
chase is on across the Nine Realms to capture him!
As Malekith begins a bloody rampage, Thor finds a new
allie to aid him: a Dark Elf sorceress!
DC Comics
Batman Vol 3 Death Of The Family
Every legendary hero has an opposite - the darkness to their light.
These reflections of evil, death and
menace bring out the best in our
champions. But none compare to
The Joker – the deadliest, most
frightening villain to grace the
comic book page and the bloodthirsty, grinning psychopath who, in his horrifying return to Gotham City,
sported a new, disturbing visage: his own face!
Batman Vol 4 Zero Year Secret City
Batman must stop a robbery by...
Bruce Wayne. Twists and turns
are around every corner as Bruce
must clear his name and stop this
mysterious perpetrator, all leading to the epic “Zero Year.”
Adventures Of Superman Vol 1
a great jumping on point for new
readers interested in the Man of
Steel. These tales feature battles
with some of Superman’s greatest
foes, including Lex Luthor, Bizarro,
Brainiac and Zod!
Joker The Death Of The Family
After having his face sliced off one
year ago, The Joker makes his horrifying return in this new epic that
features Batman’s entire network
of partners in crimefighting,
including Batgirl, Catwoman, Nightwing, Robin, the Teen Titans and
more. While The Joker threatens
the very existence of Gotham City, these heroes - and
villains - must find a way to survive.
Arrow Vol 2
Spinning out of the hit CW
television show, these digitalfirst chapters, written by show
creators Marc Guggenheim and
Andrew Kreisberg, fill in the gaps
between the television show and
the comics. This volume explores the mystery of what
really happened to Deadshot after his dramatic showdown with Oliver during season one of Arrow!
Green Lantern Vol 3 The End
The universe is in shambles and
the Guardians are the cause. Their
mysterious Third Army has risen
across the cosmos like a plague,
destroying everything in its path
and Hal Jordan and Sinestro are
nowhere to be found. It is up to
wrongfuly accused Simon Baz to
clear his name and become the hero that the Corps
needs in order to get to the bottom of Hal and Sinestro’s disapperance and the Rise of the Third Army!
Green Lantern Vol 4
Dark Days
Lanterns from all over the universe
begin to lose power, but unlike
times’ past, the reasons for
the outage don’t seem to be infighting. Allying with enemies and
friends alike, Hal links the answers to the mysterious
alien Relic, and their confrontation will leave all the
corps forever changed!
Green Team The Teen
Trillionaires Vol 1
When four teen trillionaires join
forces, nothing is impossible. The
highest tech gadgets, faraway
explorations--anything money can
buy, really. But as this group of
wealthy teens decide that their
future is in superheroics, can anything stop them
from achieving their goal?
Superman Batman Vol 1
Public Enemies
The iconic super-heroes unite
when longtime Superman enemy
Lex Luthor, now president of the
United States, accuses Superman
of a crime against humanity, and
assembles a top-secret team of
powerhouse heroes to bring Superman in - dead or
alive! And in the second story arc, prepare for the
arrival of Supergirl!
Batman AnthologyHB
$79.99 2014 marks the 75th Anniversary of Batman, the World’s Greatest Detective! And if a hero is
measured by his foes, then Batman is truly the greatest hero of
all, as his incredible rogues gallery
is unrivaled in comics history.
Talon Vol 2 The Fall Of The Owls
In this volume, Calvin must slip
unseen onto Bane’s personal
island fortress of Santa Prisca
to capture scientist Sebastion
Clark and uncover the truth about
Bane’s ongoing experiments on
the island. What Calvin finds would
make even Doctor Moreau tremble
in fear!
May 2014
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