Missouri Branch – NLPM Jan/Feb/Mar 2015


Missouri Branch – NLPM Jan/Feb/Mar 2015
After a couple different extensions, Friday, February 6th marked the end of many
postmaster’s postal careers – and most NOT by choice. These loyal, knowledgeable,
dedicated employees were released from their duties – either by retirement (some forced and
some by choice) or by RIF, which hasn’t happened very many times in the history of the USPS.
While we, as an organization, succeeded in saving the rural post offices from closure – we were
in fact, only saving the buildings. Those postmasters who were very much respected in their
communities will be sorely missed.
The positions left in the reduced hours offices will be APWU employees in the Level 4’s.
The 2’s are the only ones who will still have the position of PMR – and the 6’s will also belong
to the APWU once the current postmaster moves on or retires. So, did POStPlan save the
money it was intended to? Of course not! Now those brick and mortar buildings will cost the
USPS even more money with the career clerks, not to mention the extra workload for the APO
postmasters trying to remotely manage them. We were somewhat relieved that a final offer to
the remaining postmasters to stay on as PTF clerks in the 4-hour offices was given. And to
those postmasters, we hope that you will remain a part of our League family as an Associate
member so that you’ll continue to receive our educational publications and be a part of our
events. Thank you to those of you that are still here – and an even bigger thank you to those
Joint State Convention
April 10th, 11th and 12th
Ramada Inn - Branson, MO
National League of
June 28th – July 2nd
Washington, DC
Downtown Hotel
who decided it was time to start anew! Again – you will be missed….
Understanding the MOU's
HRSSC forms - understaning webcoins & hiring
Listed are just a few of the items
on the agenda for this year’s
Scanning explanations
State Convention. Besides the
Latest information from our District Managers
educational value, the fellowship
and sharing with other
Information provided by National Exec VP Shelly Stigall
Inspection Service
postmasters is PRICELESS! Won’t
you decide to join us in Branson?
Motivational Speakers
E1412 info and tips & tricks
In Honor of President’s Day: Abraham Lincoln - Born February 12, 1809 – Died April 15, 1865
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
Happy President’s Day!
Missouri Branch – NLPM Jan/Feb/Mar 2015
A message from our President – Mike Daugherty
Dear Leaguers,
NAPUS to create one organization for Postmasters,
WOW! So much to talk about
Managers and Supervisors.
today. I think I will start with State
This organization would hopefully be the best of both
Convention. Your Executive Board
organizations creating a NEW organization named
met and went over several proposals for out State
Postmaster and Managers of America, or PMA. We
Convention this year. We came to the conclusion that
were told the reasons for it and who had been in on
the best deal for us was at Branson MO. We will have
the negotiations and were sent the Bylaws as well as a
the convention on the
of April at the
transition document. There was a lot of quiet on the
Branson Ramada Inn. We were able to secure a room
telecom as we tried to digest what we had just heard.
rate of $59.00 a night, which includes a breakfast
I will also say even though I have had a couple of
buffet. You will find your registration form in this
weeks now to think about this I still find it hard to
newsletter so fill it out and send it in. The room rates
believe. The Executive Board of both organizations is
are good from 4/5 to 4/14 so you could make it a full
to put these proposals out to their membership and to
week if you so desired. This is one convention you will
try to get a feel for whether or not – we as a State –
not want to miss and I will explain why.
feel that we should go in this direction. Those
First, I would like you to know that we will be having a
discussions will take place at State Conventions of
joint convention with the great state of Kansas. This will
every state and then delegates will be voting at the
help both states save some money on convention,
National Convention in June, based on the State’s
give us the opportunity to be with more friends, and
decision. So now you know the importance of this
receive the same message from our National Board
year’s State Convention.
member in attendance.
As your President, it is imperative that I get your input
Now for the hard part. We will have a major need for
on this extraordinary happening and the input I need
as many members to attend as possible. Why?
is from educated members. That education will also
Because we will be deciding the future of the National
be a major part of the convention. We will have Shelly
League of Postmasters. Shortly after our meeting I
Stigall, National Executive VP there to present the
received a message that all State Presidents be on a
proposals and to answer questions we all will have.
telecom for important information from our National
These have been trying times for all Postmasters. The
President, Sean Accord. Anticipating answers to
ones affected by the downgrades, moving to new
questions we had been sending up to HQ my thoughts
offices, losing friends to retirement and many who are
were that these would be the reason for the telecom. I
no longer Postmasters. The one thing I have always
couldn’t have been more wrong.
leaned on is the National League of Postmasters, so
Sean gave us a history lesson on the number of
this is important to me and I hope it is important to you.
Postmasters from the time the League started to what
Important enough for all of us to meet, learn, and
the numbers will be within the next couple of years.
make decisions together for the benefit and
These numbers were enough to get your attention
betterment of us all. After all, it is you the Postmaster
when you consider that there may be only about
we represent.
10,000 Postmasters left by 2016.
Please join me and the executive board as well as our
This still did not prepare me for what was said next. We
Kansas membership for the State Convention April 10th
were then told that we had been in negotiations with
through the 12th at Branson, Missouri. We need you!
Missouri Branch – NLPM Jan/Feb/Mar 2015
Please NOTE – there is a new requirement for the scholarship recipients this year. In order to receive either of these
scholarships, the applicant must be PRESENT at the State Convention banquet on Saturday, April 11th and be accompanied
by the active League member who also must be fully registered for the State Convention in Branson, MO.
Mark Rosenbaum Scholarship Application
Name ___________________________________________________________ Sex __________________
Social Security # _________________________ Telephone # ____________________________________
Name of High School ______________________________________ GPA_______
College you will be entering (Fall 2015) ___________________________________________________
Major (if known) _______________
Name of League Member _________________________________Relationship ___________________
Activities you have participated in:
Please provide three letters of reference and send with application to:
David Dyer, 2600 NW Stonecrest Ct., Blue Springs, MO 64015
Signature of Applicant ______________________________________ Date _______________________
On a separate sheet, please write a short narrative why you feel you should be considered for this scholarship. Must
be postmarked by March 31, 2015.
McKinley/Mallette Auxiliary Scholarship Application
Name _________________________________________________________ Sex __________________
Social Security # _________________________ Telephone # __________________________________
Name of High School ______________________________________ GPA________ ________________
College you will be entering (Fall 2015) ________________________ Major (if known) ______________
Name of League Member ____________________________________ Relationship _________________
Address ______________________________________________________________________________
Activities you have participated in ________________________________________________________________
Please provide three letters of reference and send with application to:
Pam Crowden, 32720 Southwest Outer Road, Harrisonville, MO 64701-7400
Signature of Applicant __________________________________________ Date _____________________
On a separate sheet, please write a short narrative why you feel you should be considered for this scholarship
addressing factors such as financial need, character, leadership ability, service history, and scholastic achievement.
Must be postmarked by March 31, 2015.
Missouri Branch – NLPM Jan/Feb/Mar 2015
Missouri & Kansas Joint
April 10th – 12th in Branson, MO
Postmaster ____OIC ____PMR ____Retiree ____Auxiliary ____
Post Office: ______________________________________________________
Additional Registrant(s):_____________________________________________
Are you a First Timer? Yes _____
______ $55.00 Registration postmarked by March 20th
______ $65.00 Registration postmarked after March 20th
______ $25.00 BRATS and other children under 12
Registration includes two lunches and one dinner.
Please send your completed registration form & payment to:
Pam Payne, 25707 Highway 5, Gravois Mills, MO 65037-9998
Ramada Branson Hotel & Resort
1700 W Hwy 76, Branson, MO, 65616
Book By Phone: 1-800-641-4106
For room reservations call 1-800-641-4106 or 1- 417-334-1000 and refer to
National League of Postmasters to get our group rate of $59.00 + tax for 2
people (each additional person is $5) and this includes a free hot breakfast.
Hotel is located at 1700 W Highway 76, Branson, MO 65616. Check-in time is
3:00 p.m. and checkout is 12 noon. We have been given an extension
period for this great room-rate from Sunday, April 5th – Tuesday, April 14th for
anyone interested in turning this into a fun-filled family vacation in beautiful
Branson, Missouri!
Missouri Branch – NLPM Jan/Feb/Mar 2015
Vice President
Don’t Forget!
If you are contacted by your boss and fear that it is not
for a good visit, your first question should always be, “Could
Hello there. I am again trying to think of something you
this possibly lead to discipline?” If the answer is YES, do not
would be interested in reading about. One thing I thought
go to any meeting without representation and most
of was the Postmaster Finder. Have you ever wondered
certainly do not sign any type of written statement.
who has been in charge of your office or the town you live
in over the past 100 years or so? Here is your answer.
Go to :
There are all kinds of things there for you. It will go back
The person you want to call is listed below. He is the
representation that you will need!
Adverse Action Counselor –
David Dyer, Postmaster Oak Grove, MO
to the beginning of your office or town. I love looking at it.
Cell: (816) 645-6134
You might be surprised what you find out. In these ever-
Office: (816) 690-3500
changing times it is nice to know who came before you.
David.j.dyer@usps.gov or ddyer28@live.com
Next- SPRING IS COMING and with that is the League
State Convention. This year it will be held April 10-12,
2015 in Branson, MO at the Ramada Inn on Hwy 76
across from the Dixie Stampede. The registration form is
in this issue. Please plan on coming even if it is for one
day. We will have lots of great training and information.
Also we will have National EXVP Shelly Stigall with us to
talk about issues and the possible combining of League
and NAPUS. This is something that we need to seriously
talk about. It will be voted on at the National Convention
in June in Washington DC. Come to State Convention
and fellowship with us and learn what is changing in the
Postal Service.
Change is a continuing thing and must for us to survive.
Sometimes, however, I wonder at what cost. A warm
body is hard to find these days if you need to find
someone to fill in for your office. We lost a lot of good
employees over this mess and we are suffering for it.
Hopefully the future will be better. Again don’t forget
State Convention. Go to your calendar right now and
mark it down. You won’t be sorry.
See you in Branson!!!!!!!
In 1913 it was legal to mail children. With stamps attached to their
clothing, children rode trains to their destinations, accompanied by letter
carriers. One newspaper reported it cost fifty-three cents for parents to
mail their daughter to her grandparents for a family visit. As news stories
and photos popped up around the country, it didn't take long to get a
law on the books making it illegal to send children through the mail.
The NATIONAL Retirees of the National League of Postmasters also offer a scholarship for a qualifying senior of
an active League member. Please see either the NLPM website at postmasters.org or the Missouri website at
missourileagueofpostmasters.org. The deadline for submission is May 30th.
Missouri Branch – NLPM Jan/Feb/Mar 2015
How Well Do YOU know your Legislators?
Building a relationship with your legislators is very important, not
only to you personally but in many different aspects of your life.
Your legislators are there to serve you; you are the ones that
voted them info office to represent you, your community, your
area and your state on matters that affect you in many
different ways.
You should know your state and federal legislators and have a good
relationship with them so when you contact them they are receptive to
what you want to discuss.
They oversee policy and law on how your community, area and
state are governed and they propose changes that will affect how
much you pay in taxes to how your children are educated. They deal with many
issues and concerns on a daily basis and they rely on you and their constituents to keep them informed and
updated about issues and concerns that affect you and others in a negative or positive way.
Your legislators at the state level cannot make changes to federal law but they can let their federal legislators
know how the people they serve will be affected by any changes to the federal rules and regulations.
Each of the federal legislators will have someone on their staff that handles certain topics such as Postal Issues.
You should know who that person is and how to contact them when changes occur so you can keep them in the
loop on what changes are taking place and how they affect you and others in the Postal Service. If we don’t tell
them, many times they are unaware that changes have taken place or the impact it has had on someone in their
District. It is your constitutional right to talk to or contact your legislators about anything.
You can find contact information on both state and federal legislators by searching for their website on the
Internet. Each site will have contact information on where they have offices and a phone number to contact that
office. Any one of the offices can put you in touch with the person that deals with Postal Issues and I highly suggest
you get in touch with them today.
Do not wait till something happens that adversely affects you, many times it is too late to change something
after the fact. They need to know about your issues and concerns before the change happens so they can address
it before it gets too far.
It does make a difference! If the legislators hear from hundreds of Postmasters in the State of Missouri they will sit
up and take notice. It cannot come from just one or two as that will have no impact on votes but 100 or more will
have a greater impact and get the issue out in front of them where it can be addressed. Don’t just rely on your
legislative contacts to speak for you, you need to step up and speak for yourself and let your voice be heard not
only in the State of Missouri but also in Washington, DC.
I ask you to consider attending the combined National Convention and National Legislative Forum in
Washington, DC from June 28 to July 2nd and let your voice be heard by your US Senators and US Representatives.
They serve you and your future depends on how well you know your legislators.
Please contact me by email at danroach@grantcity.net or by phone at 660-254-1833 if I can help you find your
state or federal legislators contact information or if you have a legislative issue you would like to discuss.
Debbie Roach, Vice President and Legislative Chair for the Missouri Branch of the
National League of Postmasters and National Legislative Committee Member
Missouri Branch – NLPM Jan/Feb/Mar 2015
Attention all retirees – It is a possibility that LEAGUE and NAPUS after all these years will combine to form a
new Postmaster’s organization. Whether to go forward will be voted on at National Convention this year.
Please be at state convention where this will be discussed in depth and a national officer will be there to
explain and answer our questions. To many of us “old timers” this is a very emotional subject that requires a
practical resolution. We need to hear your thoughts. I suggest that you go to the League’s website,
www.postmasters.org, to read what is proposed for both active and retired members so you will be informed. If
you see something or question something you can get clarification by coming to the state convention in
Branson and speaking out. I will remind you that just because this has been proposed it doesn’t mean that it is
final and won’t require some adjustments. I believe we must keep in mind that what is needed is protection for
Postmasters and this will possibly be an answer.
Our Retiree meeting will be on Saturday, April 11 immediately following lunch and door prizes. The Banquet
will be that evening. Join us for both reminiscing and looking ahead.
MO Retiree President
Bob Frakes
Convention Committees:
Listed below are the Convention Committee Advisors. If you are interested in helping on a certain committee, please
do not hesitate to contact them:
Registration – Kathy Mills, PM, St. Thomas; Auditing – Janet Brock, PM, Braymer; Sergeant at Arms – Dave Weber, PM,
Adrian; Door Prizes – Debbie Roach, PM, Sheridan; First Timers – Tracy Fillpot, PM, Rich Hill; Memorial – Kelly
McCartney, PM, Liberty; Banquet – Tammy Cummings, PM, Butler; Hospitality – Auxiliary Branch; Scholarship – David
Dyer, PM, Oak Grove; and Nominating – Pam Payne, PM, Gravois Mills.
Also, please bring a $5 to $10 door prize with you to Convention! THANKS!!
Postmaster of the Year Award
Public Service Award Nominations
Do you know a postmaster who goes above
and beyond for the Postal Service and for the
League? We want to recognize him/her at
our State Convention. Please send your
nomination with a brief statement as to why
to Debbie Roach, 809 S Briggs, Grant City,
MO 64465 by April 6th.
Postmasters have always given to their
communities in ways that go above and
beyond their jobs. If you know someone who
spends time helping others, nominate him/her
for this award. Please send the nominee’s
name, office and number of person to
contact for more info to Mike Daugherty,
Postmaster, Clinton, MO 64735-9998.
Final Words from out-­‐going Vice-­‐President Kathy Mills… To those who are still employed by USPS -­‐ stick together -­‐ you need each other. Call, email, drop a line, whatever ... Keep in contact -­‐-­‐ you never know when someone needs a laugh, or a hug through the phone or computer....To those of you who are no longer employed but retired -­‐ may you have better health and happiness and may you still support our organization. Try to forget the unpleasant memories and get back in the game of being a helper of those who need you. We are not an island -­‐ we need each other -­‐-­‐-­‐ I am so grateful for the shoulders/ears/wisdom that got me through the last four weeks. And, -­‐ remember most of all to KEEP LOOKING UP -­‐ HE is always there!!! Kathy L. Mills, RETIRED Postmaster, St. Thomas, MO 65076 7
Missouri Branch – NLPM Jan/Feb/Mar 2015
Missouri Branch – NLPM Jan/Feb/Mar 2015
Mike Daugherty
Clinton MO 64735
W: (660) 885-5221
H: (660) 686-2758
Email: daugherty@embarqmail.com
Executive Vice President
David Dyer
Lexington MO 64065
W: (660) 259-3612
C: (816) 645-6134
Email: ddyer28@live.com
Tracy Fillpot
Rich Hill MO 64779
W: (417) 395-2135
H: (660) 643-7458
Email: fillpot6@yahoo.com
Vice Presidents
Kelly McCartney
Liberty MO 64068
W: (816) 792-2630
H: (785) 393-5266
Email: athiker50@gmail.com
Debbie Roach
Sheridan MO 644876
W: (660) 799-2695
H: (660) 564-3698
Email: danroach@grantcity.net
Tammy Cummings
Butler, MO 64730
W: (816) 899-2558
H: (660) 267-3353
Area Coordinators
Dave Weber – W2
Adrian MO 64720
W: (816) 297-2210
H: (816) 297-2843
Email: Weber64720@gmail.com
Pam Payne - GLA
Gravois Mills MO 65037
W: (573) 372-6509
H: (660) 298-3439
Email: pampayne82@gmail.com
Robert Frakes
Clinton MO
H: 660-351-2434
Email: dbfrakes@gmail.com
Executive Vice President
Steve Best
Blue Springs MO 64015
H: 816-224-2189
Email: bestfab5@sbcglobal.net
Vice Presidents
Toni Koch
Bosworth MO 64623
H: 660-534-7723
Kathy Lutjen
Clinton MO 64735
H: 660-890-2225
Email: klutjen@embarqmail.com
Cathy Bowe
Laredo MO 64652
H: 660-286-6675
Email: kenbowe@grm.net
Pam Crowden
Harrisonville, MO 64701
H: 816-729-7953
Email: postalsammie@aol.com
Executive Vice President
Lee Cummings
Amsterdam, MO 64723
C: 660-200-5470
Email: gksmi@embarqmail.com
Vice President
Alberta Weber
Archie, MO 64725
C: 816 830 3163
Email: kenbowe@grm.net
Deena Frakes
Clinton MO 64735
The Missourian is published quarterly and mailed by the Missouri
Branch of the National League of Postmasters. The opinions
expressed in this publication do not necessarily express the views of
the NLPM of the United States.