1 - Door County - University of Wisconsin
1 - Door County - University of Wisconsin
DOOR COUNTY ASSOCIATION FOR HOME AND COMMUNITY EDUCATION Door County Extension Office, Government Center 421 Nebraska Street, Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235 (920) 746-2260 www.co.door.wi.gov RIPPLES November-December 2015 Hello Ladies, Thank you for attending our Door County HCE Fall Association dinner and business meeting. A thank you to the clubs for the donations for the Chinese raffle. A big thank you goes to Apple Polishers for a wonderful evening, and great planning on their part. I want to say hello and welcome our new Extension Family Living Educator, Tenley Hitz. It was wonderful to see her at our fall meeting. I am hoping that if you were there in attendance that evening that you introduced yourself to her. I personally at this time of year gear up and down. Trying to get everything cleaned, put away, shut off, turned off. Yards are always on my mind, but very seldom ever done. I rest for a week or two and get busy with all things for Christmas. I used to make out a separate calendar from mid-November to Christmas day, all marked up with hopeful achievements. I will say it was much easier 15 or 20 years ago. I don’t bake as much, decorate as much; the sewing and knitting has increased though. My most sincere hope that all of you ladies who put great effort into your vegetable gardens had a bountiful year. I observe my daughter-in-law and realize the time, energy and effort that goes into the creating of it all and the great results. One of the big fall projects around my place this fall is new roofs. The men came and they left. It was done after the fall festivals. They started on the south side, the easy side, came back two days later after the 20 to 30 mph winds had died down to 10 to 15 mph. The north side of my home is protected by a wall of 5 cedars trees. They had to do much trimming and the entrance to my office is in this mixture. They would get up on the roof; one man would have to stop, climb down the ladder and move it so that guests could get in the office to check in. Then sweep up the debris. Now as I would walk around and observe their progress I would notice short straps of nails hanging off cedar branches, the shingles all over the place, nails of 3 or more sizes lying on the sidewalks, in the dirt. They do bring a giant WHAT’S INSIDE … magnet that is larger than a big push broom and they run this President’s Letter..................... Cover over the ground quite a few times. Anyway, one roof is done Advisor’s Article / Programs........... 1 and there are two more to go. Then I am going to start Calendar .......................................... 2 painting in the motel rooms. I hope you have a great fall Executive Board ............................. 3 and a better winter. HCE News & Opportunities ............. 4 Warmly, Little Bit LeClair Potpourri ........................................... 5 All About Clubs ............................ 6-7 WAHCE State Conference .......... 8-9 http://door.uwex.edu/family-living/hce/ http://www.wahceinc.org/ https://www.facebook.com/UWEXDCFamilyLiving/ The roof of the home symbolizes our past heritage with Extension Homemakers. The letters H (Home) C (Community) E (Education) make it a suitable logo by the state, county, and club. The house without walls confirms a commitment to membership open to all, regardless of race, color, creed, religion, sex, age, handicap or national origin. An EEO/AA employer, University of Wisconsin Extension provides equal opportunities in employment and programming, including T itle IX and American with Disabilities (ADA) requirements. La Universidad de Wisconsin-Extensión, un empleador con igualdad de oportunidades y acción afirmativa (EEO/AA), proporciona igualdad de oportunidades en empleo y programas, incl uyendo los requisitos del Título IX (Title IX) y de la Ley para Americanos con Discapacidades (ADA). ADVISOR’S ARTICLE / PROGRAMS REMINDERS December 1 -- Club Forms Due (Club Roster, Committees, Affirmative Action) to the Extension Office. December 15 -- Club Dues & Payment Form to Marilyn Kleist Dear HCE Members, I have so appreciated all of the warm and welcoming moments you have shared with me, as I begin my position, as the Family Living Educator. During this new transition, I am constantly humbled by the efforts and energy of the people in our community, who are striving to make Door County an even more wonderful place to live. The energy and passion in our community is delightfully contagious! Still, at times it can be challenging to remind myself to slow down, take it all in, and practice my patience. The world we live in is a world of action; people want progress and there is nothing wrong with that. We need activists and go-getters to elicit positive change and share fresh ideas. Yet, what we often forget is that there is power in being present, pleasure in traditions, and that listening is a skill that needs to be practiced. Often, we hear this idea of slowing-down being referred to as “mindfulness.” Mindfulness is defined as “the awareness that arises through paying attention in a particular way, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally.” Being mindful, gives us permission to stop, breathe, and think before we react. It helps us to understand our emotions, show compassion to ourselves and others, and ultimately show respect for those we care about most. Research tells us that this action of mindfulness has been shown to improve communication skills, better relationships, and even prevents us from being provoked or upset by someone else’s negativity. I heard this quote the other day, and I can’t help but find some truth in it: “I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you've actually left them.” Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could be grateful for life’s little joys as we experience them, instead of simply being grateful for those moments during reminiscing? I know the holiday season is fastapproaching, and with that comes all the goodness and joy of preparation and giving back to the community. Still, I challenge you (as I challenge myself) to practice being mindful during this time of great action. Be present, show compassion, be kind to yourself, and appreciate where you are in the moment. You never know, perhaps, these very moments will become your new version of the ‘good old days.’ 2016 DATES NE WAHCE DISTRICT SPRING MEETING May 4, 2016 - Crossroads in Sturgeon Bay NE WAHCE DISTRICT FALL MEETING October 20, 2016 - Cobblestone in Brillion WAHCE CONFERENCE September 12-14, 2016, Plaza Hotel, Eau Claire Theme: "76 Trombones Leading HCE" NVON July 19-21, 2016, Marriott Hotel, Normal, IL ACWW TRIENNIAL CONFERENCE August 17-22, 2016 - Univ. of Warwick, England FALL ASSOCIATION - OCTOBER 22, 2015 The Fall Association meeting was held at The Lodge at Leathem Smith. Speaker: Tenley Hitz, Door County Family Living Educator. If you want more on Family Living in your day-to-day, “like” our new Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/UWEXDCFamilyLiving/ Tenley Hitz Family Living Educator Door County UW-Extension 920-746-2264 tenley.hitz@ces.uwex.edu Ripples HCE Newsletter New officers installed by President Elizabeth LeClair: Donna Rudolph (VP-Programs), Annette Heck (Cultural Arts Coordinator), Marilyn Kleist (Treasurer). 1 November-December 2015 NOVEMBER 2015 Sunday 15 Monday 16 Tuesday Wednesday 17 Thursday Friday Saturday 18 19 20 21 25 26 27 28 Family Living Visioning Session, 1-3 pm, Chambers Rm 22 23 24 THANKSGIVING Gov. Ctr. closed 29 Gov. Ctr. closed 30 DECEMBER 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 Thursday Friday Saturday 2 3 4 5 Club Forms Due to Extension Office (Roster, Committees & Affirmative Action) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 23 24 25 26 Club Dues & Payment Form due to Marilyn Kleist 20 21 22 MERRY CHRISTMAS Gov. Center closed 27 28 29 30 Gov. Ctr. closed 31 JANUARY 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 Saturday 2 HAPPY NEW YEAR! Gov. Ctr. closed 3 4 10 11 5 6 7 8 9 Club Financial Report --- due to Marilyn Kleist by January 25 May 4, 2016 -- Door County hosts the Northeast District Spring Meeting at Crossroads at Big Creek Ripples HCE Newsletter 2 November-December 2015 EXECUTIVE BOARD September 9th. HCE Kick-Off Potluck September 23, 6-8p.m. Peninsula Room of Government Center. Little Bit LeClair will write up a notice for WDOR and Advocate. We are hosting the 2016 Spring Northeast District Meeting. It will be held Wednesday April 27, 2016 at Crossroads at Big Creek. Closed with the Homemaker Prayer. Motion to adjourn was made by Marilyn Kleist and seconded by Annette Heck. Meeting adjourned at 8:35p.m. nd These minutes were approved at the October 22 DAHCE Fall Association Meeting. DOOR COUNTY HCE SUMMER POTLUCK July 22, 2015, 6:00p.m., Teri Madden's Home After a delicious potluck, our meeting was called to order at 7:15p.m.by President Little Bit LeClair. Homemaker Creed was recited. Roll Call: Little Bit LeClair, Teri Madden, Annette Heck (Harbor-Ettes); Marilyn Kleist (Apple Polishers); MaryEllen Smith, Barb Duquaine (Home-Mades). Approval of Agenda, Secretary Report/Treasurer Report. The agenda was approved with a motion by Mary Ellen Smith and second by Teri Madden. Minutes of the Spring Association Meeting held April 23, 2015 were read and approved with motion by Annette Heck and second by Marilyn Kleist. The treasurer's report was given by Marilyn Kleist and will be placed on file for audit. There was no correspondence. Committee reports: Fair Booth: Discussion was held on who would monitor the booth and what was going to be displayed. Things we do as HCE members, women walk the world, water filters for Nicaragua, pillow case dresses for Africa, walker bags etc... There were no volunteers for readers. Old Business: On the Move and in the Groove and Impact of HCE hours should have been turned in. New Business: We will be getting a new county agent. Discussion was held on whether our personal information from the program book should be put on the County website. Mary Ellen Smith suggested we wait for the new County Agent and ask her how to handle the situation. Our next brat fry will be July 25 at Econo. The Fall Association Meeting will be held October 22, 2015 at Smith Lodge. Apple Polishers will be hosting. Each club is to bring two items for the Chinese Auction. There will be a Mexican Cooking demonstration at the Government Center October 29, 2015. More information will come closer to the date. Other: WAHCE State Conference, September 14-16 in Stevens Point. We need pictures of members that have been members for over 55 years. June is to notify WAHCE with the number of 55 plus member names. We need to have silent auction items for the state conference and the board basket to Extension office by Ripples HCE Newsletter Respectfully submitted, Barb Duquaine, Secretary SAVE YOUR ECONO-FOOD RECEIPTS Remember to save your Econo-Food receipts. This is an easy fundraiser for our organization! Mail receipts to Marilyn Kleist, 1821 Jefferson Drive, Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235. 2016 DOOR COUNTY HCE EXECUTIVE BOARD OFFICERS President (1/1/14-12/31/16) ............................ Elizabeth LeClair 823-2404/559-0379 -- Harbor-Ettes Pres-Elect .................................................................. vacant VP Programs (1/1/16-12/31/18) .........................Donna Rudolph 743-5358-- Home-Mades VP Family & Community Life (1/1/14-12/31/16) .................................................... Karen Spittlemeister 743-6748/256-1269 -- Sevastopol Secretary (1/1/15-12/31/17) ................................ Barb Duquaine 743-4506 -- Home-Mades Treasurer (1/1/16-12/31/18).................................. Marilyn Kleist 746-0826 -- Apple Polishers 3 November-December 2015 HCE NEWS / OPPORTUNITIES MEXICAN COOKING PROGRAM The program was presented by Imelda Delchambre and Enedelia Sandoval, of the Door County Hispanics club. Over 25 people attended the program. Participants learned how to make tamales and everyone tasted authentic Mexican cuisine, including tamales, Spanish rice, beans and calabaza entacha (candied pumpkin). If you missed the Mexican Cooking Program held on October 29th, there are a few recipe books left at the Extension Office. Thanks Imelda and Enedelia! - REVISED 2015 DOOR COUNTY FAIR HCE MEMBERS “BEST OF THE BEST” Congratulations to the following HCE members who exhibited at the 2015 Door County Fair: Linda Anderson, Sister Bay Club o Clothing Champion (purse/bag) o Home Furnishings Champion (weaving-loom) Gina Cross, Country Roses Club Elizabeth Gierhahn, Country Roses Club Beverly LuMaye, East Maplewood Club Lis Mertens, Country Roses Club Mary Ellen Smith, Home-Mades Club Congratulations! Start working on your projects now for next year’s Door County Fair –August 3-7. MASTER GARDENER PROGRAMS http://www.dcmga.org/ The following programs are being offered to anyone who wants to attend … free of charge. Programs are held at the Crossroads at Big Creek and begin at 7:00 p.m. WAHCE MEMBER'S PLEDGE Improving Habitats with Native Plants January 12 - Coggin Herringa from Crossroads at Big Creek 1. I will treat others in a respectful manner. What’s New for 2016 January 19 - Kori Zawojski from Sunnypoint Gardens 3. I will listen and make an effort to understand and respect other's point of view. A Close Look at Soil February 16 - Bill Schuster from Door County Soil & Water Conservation Dept. 4. I will accept assignment(s) with an open mind, a willingness to learn, and be mindful of deadlines. Floral Arranging March 15 - Bette Sternard from Maas Floral & Greenhouse 5. I will be dependable, recognizing the commitment and responsibility to my volunteer assignment(s). Accessible Gardening March 22 - Kathy Blankenberg 6. I will speak and act in a way that does not demean or offend others. Garden Rooms and Structures April 12 - Master Gardener's own Tom Luebker 7. I will be respectful of our leadership. 2. I will assume the best of others. Revised 2015 Ripples HCE Newsletter 4 November-December 2015 POTPOURRI A sharing page of Homemaker ideas, hints, recipes, jokes, folklore, etc. The information is not necessarily research-based information. It is here solely for your enjoyment. Submit contributions to June Meikle, 4555 Hwy. 42N, Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235 -- Phone 743-5764. LONG-TERM COMMITMENT: Recent widow who has just buried fourth husband, looking for someone to round out a six-unit plot. Dizziness, fainting, shortness of breath not a problem. SERENITY NOW: I am into solitude, long walks, sunrises, the ocean, yoga and meditation. If you are the silent type, let's get together, take our hearing aids out and enjoy quiet times. WINNING SMILE: Active grandmother with original teeth seeking a dedicated flosser to share rare steaks, corn on the cob and caramel candy BEATLES OR STONES? I still like to rock, still like to cruise in my Camaro on Saturday nights and still like to play the guitar. If you were a groovy chick, or are now a groovy hen, let's get together and listen to my eight-track tapes. MEMORIES: I can usually remember Monday through Thursday. If you can remember Friday, Saturday and Sunday, let's put our two heads together. My favorite: MINT CONDITION: Male, 1932 model, high mileage, good condition, some hair, many new parts including hip, knee, cornea, valves. Isn't in running condition, but walks well. Do not regret growing older. It is a privilege denied to many. From the Recipe Box Recipes served at the 2015 Kickoff Potluck Sept. 23. ZUCCHINI STROGANOFF ~ Jerry Schimmelpfennig, Harbor-Ettes ½ pound ground beef ¼ cup onion, chopped ½ can mushroom soup 1 cup egg noodles 1 cup sliced zucchini Seasoned salt & pepper ½ tsp. chervil or basil 2/3 cup sour cream Place ground beef and onion in a 10-inch skillet. Cook until beef loses pink color. Ove the beef mixture, spread mushroom soup, noodles, zucchini and seasonings. Simmer, covered, until the noodles are done. Stir in sour cream and warm through. Note: Try other ground meats such as pork sausage (marjoram or savory), lamb (basil or oregano), or veal (rosemary or tarragon). This doubles very easy. SPINACH SALAD ~ Jerry Schimmelpfennig, Harbor-Ettes 1 3-oz. pkg. lemon jello ¾ c. hot water Dissolve, then add: 1 tablespoon vinegar. Cool 20 minutes. Beat and beat, then add 1 cup mayonnaise and beat and beat again. Then add: 1 pkg. (10 oz.) frozen spinach, cooked and drained 1/3 cup chopped onion* 1/3 cup chopped celery* 1 cup small curd cottage cheese* *Note: I use 1 cup onion, ¾ cup celery and 1½ cups small curd cottage cheese. PLACES I have been in many places, but I've never been in Kahoots. Apparently, you can't go alone. You have to be in Kahoots with someone. I've also never been in Cognito. I hear no one recognizes you there. I have, however, been in Sane. They don't have an airport; you have to be driven there. I have made several trips there, thanks to my children, friends, family and work! I think I would like to go to Conclusions, but I was told you have to jump to go there, and I'm too old and a little out of shape for physical activity anymore. I have also been in Doubt. That is a sad place to go, and I try not to visit there too often. I've been in Flexible, but only when it was very important to stand firm. Sometimes I'm in Capable, and I go there more often than I care too, as I'm getting older. One of my favorite places to be is in Suspense! It really gets the adrenaline flowing and pumps up the old heart! At my age I need all the stimuli I can get! Pour into a 2-qt. dish and refrigerate. Makes 6 cups. THE VILLAGES DATING ADS … Dating Ads for Seniors found in a Florida Newspaper You can say what you want about Florida, but you never hear of anyone retiring and moving north. These are actual ads seen in ''The Villages'' Florida newspaper. (Who says seniors don't have a sense of humor?) FOXY LADY: Sexy, fashion-conscious blue-haired beauty, 80's, slim, 5'4' (used to be 5'6'), Searching for sharp-looking, sharp-dressing companion. Matching white shoes and belt a plus. Ripples HCE Newsletter 5 November-December 2015 A ll ‘B out C lubs Note: Thanks to club secretaries for condensing meeting minutes to 250 words or less. APPLE POLISHERS ~Kirsten Meacham, Secretary September 10, 2015. Our meeting was called to order by President Marilyn and we began by reciting the Creed. Roll call was taken and the secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were read. Old Business: Econo Foods receipts collected; Fair booth report – by June – Marilyn had pictures to show us; Marilyn, Mary Jeanne and June were on the Committee – Women Walk the World; Leader Lesson – Marilyn & June attended and reported valuable information on Identity Theft. New Business: WAHCE State Conference – Sept. 14-16 (June & Marilyn will attend); Brat Fry & Bake Sale – Friday, September 18 – volunteers are needed; HCE Kick Off/ Potluck – Wed., Sept.23 – call Little Bit if you plan on going; Fall Assn. Mtg. – Thursday, Oct. 22 – Leathem Smith Lodge – we are hosting (Kirsten & Cathie volunteered for registration, Jocelyn will sell tickets); We will make table decorations on Oct. 8; Mexican Cooking Demo – Thursday, Oct. 29 – Peninsula Room – Pre-register with Judeen (necessary). Adjourned with the HCE Prayer. White Elephant Auction – our Money Maker for the year. Recipe: Jan and Mary. Next Meeting: Our October meeting will be at Jocelyn’s home. October 8, 2015. Our meeting was called to order by President Marilyn and we began by reciting the Creed. Roll call was taken (answering with something we dislike about growing older) and the secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were read. Old Business: Econo Foods receipts collected; Fall Association Meeting / Banquet at Leathem Smith – plans were discussed as we are in charge; Registration Table – Cathie and Kirsten; Silent Auction Ticket Seller – Jocelyn; Prepare Silent Auction Items – June & Shirley; Marilyn & Cathie will bring pumpkin bars for dessert; Mexican Cooking Demo – Thursday, Oct. 29, pre-register with Judeen by Friday, October 23; Report on KickOff Party – those that attended had enjoyed it; State Conference – June talked a bit on a class she had taken; New Business: Christmas Party – be thinking about a place and the date; $15 dues will be collected in November; Jocelyn received her blue ribbon for placing First at State for her poem!; June Ripples HCE Newsletter showed table favors that she made for the Fall Association Meeting. Adjourned with the HCE Prayer. We enjoyed dessert while writing out recipes that will be used at the Fall Association Meeting. Recipe: Jan and Mary shared recipes – Mary Jeanne will share in November; Next Meeting: Our November 12th meeting will be at Marilyn’s home – Shirley hosting. EAST MAPLEWOOD ~Nila Schley, Acting Secretary September 1, 2015. President Ingrid Donley called our meeting to order. The Homemakers prayer was recited and followed by a delicious lunch served by Dianne Olson. Each member responded to roll call by talking about a summer event. Welcome to our newest member, Teresa. Congratulations are extended to Margaret Kramer and Joanne Bongle for their entries in the State Cultural Arts Contest. The September 23rd Kick-off is at 6 p.m. in the Peninsula Room at the Government Center. Joanne, Ingrid, Barb and Nila plan to attend. Updated ideas for the remaining months were discussed. Our October meeting will be at Ingrid Donley’s home. Barb will be providing lunch. Following our business meeting and signing up for our winter craft project, our members will learn a fall craft. Please remember to pay your dues. On November 3rd, we will be going to Wienke’s for an 8:30 a.m. Lefse program. Lunch will follow. Our Christmas gathering will be at Richard’s on Wednesday, December 2nd with social at 5:30 and dinner at 6 p.m. Bring an unwrapped Toy for Tots and two interesting, wrapped prizes for the game winners. Teresa and Joanne will arrange the entertainment. A motion was made by Barb and seconded by Joanne to donate $30 to the Christian Faith Fellowship Walk. A $10 donation was also made to the Tanum Forest Veterans Group for snacks. “Guess the pieces of candy” in the jar game was played followed by the Creed and a motion to adjourn at 7:55 p.m. Ingrid/Teresa. 6 November-December 2015 A ll ‘B out C lubs Note: Thanks to club secretaries for condensing meeting minutes to 250 words or less. HARBOR-ETTES ~Pat Gureski, Secretary Sept 13, 2015. At the home of Annette Heck. Following a delicious meal, the meeting began at 7:05 led by president, Little Bit. Roll call-seven members present. Jerry Schimmelpfennig presented the Treasurer report. Teri Madden, County Bookworms™ Coordinator, reported on the meeting for readers; 36 sets of books were purchased. Members were reminded to log their volunteer hours for HCE in their program books. Pat reported that she worked with the Door County Fair booth committee to set up and take down the fair booth. Pennies for Friendship were collected. Members were reminded that if they had cultural art entries to go to the State Conference to turn them into Marilyn Kleist immediately. We went through the Ripples to plan our participation at the county’s fall events. The Fall Association dinner is at The Lodge at Leathem Smith on October 22. Each club is asked to bring two items for the Chinese Auction. Char Mueller will purchase the items. Door County is hosting the Spring Northeast District meeting in April. It will be held at Crossroads at Big Creek. We need to decide on the food, program, whether they will use the Historical Association Heritage Village, etc. Approximately 95 persons attend this meeting. The next meeting will be at Pat Gureski’s on Tuesday, October 13 at 6:00 p.m., we will make tray favors for the Hospital Extended Care. The November meeting is at the home of Little Bit on November 18 at noon where we will be cutting out fabric. Meeting concluded at 8:10 with HCE prayer. discussed the Fall Association Meeting. Three of us will be attending, and will send in our checks individually. Barbara has items for the Chinese Auction. The November meeting will be at Linda Anderson’s house on November 9. Linda will attend the Mexican Cooking Demonstration and will share the recipes when we meet at her house. We discussed the Christmas Party, and whether we should have it at the Meadows, and how many residents might be able to attend. Barbara will find out if we can have it here. We are to think about a menu. Linda mentioned that at the District Meeting, members who had been in the organization (55 years or more) were named and Faye Sitte was one of them. For our program, Barbara shared some information on weather. Linda had some tips on spot removal from Haley’s tips. The meeting was closed by reciting the Homemaker’s Prayer. BOOKWORMS™ REPORT Teri Madden, County and District Bookworms™ Coordinator, reported on the meeting for Bookworms™ readers; 36 sets of books were purchased. There are some books remaining from the previous year. She visited the YMCA Barker Child Care Center. Monday would be the day to read at that facility. A coloring page would be provided to each student at the beginning of the year as a coloring contest. The pages could be displayed at the Sturgeon Bay Library. A suggestion was made to request gift certificates from book stores; another was a set of books. A letter will go to the parents of each student explaining the program for their use. Recognition letters will be sent to donors who help us support Bookworms™. The YMCA has 20 children and Zion will get some remaining from Head Start from last year. That amounted to 32 sets of books, which is why we had to purchase only 36 sets of books. The Door County Child Care Center closed so we had a half years’ worth of books left over from that center. SISTER BAY SEW & SEWS ~ Darlene Kolp, Recording Secretary October 12. Meeting at the home of Barbara Jarvis. Barbara opened the meeting by saying the Homemaker’s Creed. Roll call was taken by saying what we liked or disliked about Fall. We signed the photo release on the membership form and Linda will send it in. She also collected monies for dues, but we will wait to send this in until next month, as we may possibly have a new member. We Ripples HCE Newsletter 7 November-December 2015 WAHCE STATE CONFERENCE September 14-16, 2015 candidates for Alice in Dairyland was a thrill. Honoring the first baby born at our local hospital during National Homemaker Week with gifts and a book, which evolved into “Books for Babies” with the Homemakers giving each newborn a book long before First Books was started. It was worth waiting for 2 years before one of the members dropped out of Country Circle so there was a spot for a new memberme!! In those days, our club limited its members to 15, so they could meet in their homes each month. I enjoy writing the Potpourri page for our HCE Ripples Newsletter. I also have been active with the HCE Fair Booth each year since 1970. 55+ YEAR MEMBERS HONORED AT STATE In celebration of WAHCE’s 75th Anniversary, and the women who have made HCE what it is today, the WAHCE membership committee recognized all members with 55 or more years of service to HCE, ‘Diamond’ Members, at the 2015 State Conference in Stevens Point. There was a display of pictures and information about each member. From Door County, we had 4 members honored: MARGARET KRAMER Member for 63 years - 1952 to Current East Maplewood Club Offices Held: County Secretary, 1st Club President, Club Historian for over 10 years Activities: Gardening, painting, genealogy, playing piano, and have kept a diary for over 60 years. Enjoy traveling to Europe, Hawaii and within the United States. She won trips to the Pillsbury Bake Off in Los Angles, Boston and San Antonio where she won ranges, microwave oven, dishwasher and $2,500. She was a 4-H leader for 20 yrs. BEE EHLERS Member for 56 years - 1959 to Current Sevastopol Club Offices Held: County President (2 terms), County First Books Coordinator, County Cultural Arts Chair, District Cultural Arts Chair, District Young Family Chair Memories/Activities: Teaching sewing leader lessons, and attending numerous State Conferences. Also was a 4-H sewing leader. JUNE MEIKLE Member for 55 years - 1960 to Current Country Circle Club, then Apple Polishers Club Club Offices Held: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer County Offices Held: President, Secretary, Treasurer Chairs Held: Education Coordinator, Family Life, Membership and Marketing, Health, V. President-Programs, Vice President-Community Outreach, Fair Booth District Offices Held: Director Elect, Director (2 terms), Family Life Chair, Membership Chair State Positions: Member of WAHCE Board (2 terms), Tour guide for NVON Conference to Door County, CoChair of WAHCE 2013 Conference in Manitowoc, conducted Family Life Seminar to 60 persons. Memories/Activities: Meeting and retaining good friends is the biggest perk of being a HCE member. The continuous learning is a bonus. We’ve had many fun times, especially the Christmas parties and summer picnics. Serving a picnic luncheon to the Ripples HCE Newsletter FAYE SITTE Member for 56 years - 1959 to Current Sister Bay Sew and Sews Club Offices Held: Club President off and on and as Secretary for many years Memories/Activities: In the early years, the lessons related more to homemaking, sewing, cooking, cleaning, etc. I especially recall the lesson on reupholstering. My husband and I did over several pieces of our furniture. Also, learning to bake yeast breads. These lessons were very useful to me as a young mother and homemaker. I recall Phyllis Larson to be one of the early members who started the Sister Bay club. Though our membership has reduced in numbers over the years, we still enjoy getting together as a group. I am now the oldest member, so I remember many who are no longer with us. 8 November-December 2015 WAHCE STATE CONFERENCE September 14-16, 2015 STATE CULTURAL ARTS CONTEST RESULTS Linda Anderson o 2nd place – Wall Hanging “Owl in Tree” o 2nd place – Heritage - Small basket Joanne Bongle o 1st place - Heritage - Hardanger Tablecloth o 2nd place - Heritage - Bauernmalerie Photo Book Elizabeth LeClair o 1st place – Knit baby hat o 1st place – Book Purse Margaret Kramer o 1st place – Watercolor painting - “A Magical March Morning” Teri Madden o 1st place – Crafts - Scrapbook o 2nd place - Jewelry - Beaded necklace & earrings set o 3rd place - Sewing - Tote & cosmetic bag set Jocelyn Winkel o 1st place - Poem: “The Old Lady” o 2nd place - Essay: “A Gift” Joan Draeb o “Something Sparkly” - Braided sparkle necklace with beads (no ribbons given for this just-for-fun category) Ripples HCE Newsletter 9 November-December 2015