THE SOUTH AMBOY **** SAYREVILLE Date: June 24, 1995
THE SOUTH AMBOY **** SAYREVILLE Date: June 24, 1995
THE SOUTH AMBOY * * * * SAYREVILLE Date: June 24, 1995 PRICELESS Popular Teacher Mayor Honors Medical Center Vol. 4 Issue 8 Carroll Receives Appointment Will Be Missed Kathleen L. Lenahan Batissa. 54, a very well liked and respected 3rd grade teacher for the last 25 years at Our Lady of Victories School in Sayreville passed away on May 31st. A graduate of Middlesex College, and Kean College, where she graduated summa cum laude. and received her bachelor of education degree, and was active in countless educational programs and civic groups. She was a committeewoman in Sayreville for many years. In 1987. she won a certificate for service to Literacy Volunteers of Middlesex, and won the Educator of the Year Award in 1990. Mrs. Batissa is survived by her husband James C , two daughters. Angela B. Trillhaase of Mundelein, 111., and Gail M. Staples of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, a brother James B. Lenahan of Amherst,N.H., two sisters. Sheila L. Boyle of Metuchen, and Francis L. Dockery of Brick, and two grandchildren. Kathleen did so much for children and the community, and will be sadly missed by all. Lenahan, Nowicki Appointed to MCUA Sayreville Democratic Party Organization Chairman, Luke Lenahan, and Democrat Leo Nowicki, also of Sayreville, were appointed to 5-year terms on the Middlesex County Utilities Authority (MCUA) Board of Commissioners, by the Middlesex County Board of Freeholders. Former Republican Councilman, Kenneth Olchaskey is also on the Board, and Sayreville now occupies three of the 11 seats. Pamela A. Carroll, vice president of public relations and marketing for Memorial Medical Center at South Amboy has been appointed to a one year term as an exol'ficio member of the Council on Auxilians by the New Jersey Hospital Association. The council works lo help develop the capabilities of auxilians and facilitate their role within the hospital setting. As vice president of the New Jersey Public Relations and Marketing Association. Ms. Carroll will represent that organization to the state council. Ms. Carroll holds a masters' degree in corporate communication from Farleigh Dickinson University, Madison and has held her current position at the Medical Center since 1991. Sayreville Taxes Increase Suresh K. Gupta, MD, medical director of pathology and Ben Meyerowitz, vice president of medical services accept a proclamation from South Amboy Mayor John O'Leary (R), honoring the laboratory personnel of Memorial Medical Center at South Amboy during National Medical Laboratory Week. South Amboy Mayor John O'Leary bestowed a proclamation honoring the laboratory personnel of Memorial Medical Center at South Amboy during National Medical Laboratory Week. The Mayor's proclamation was the highlight of a series of events scheduled that week which included free glucose screenings for the public. "Laboratory personnel are highly trained professionals," explains Meena Rathee, laboratory manager. "We analyze various specimens for a variety of reasons including: diagnosis of a clinical condition, monitoring a treatment regimen, isolation Hoffman High's 1995 Grads Sara Nicole Accardo, Jayson Accordino, Monika M. Cancel, Jason Thomas Carter, Cheryl Ann Christensen, Jonathan D. Christie, Tara De Pasquale, Crystal Lee Delrymple, Marcin Domaradzki, Joseph Michael Evanski, Michael J. Felice, Michael Walter Flaherty, Corrine Garretson, Kristen Lorraine Henry, David Michael Hetzel, Steven W. Honimar II, Joy Alisa Ingstrup, Heather Jankowski, Jamie Lynn Keeter, Michael F. Kerr, Sheryl Lynn Krieger, Robert C. Kovacs, Kelly Ann Krass, Eileen Elizabeth Krutul, Nancy Rose Kurtiak, John G. Lawrence, Jr., Kathleen Lucy Lucovitz, Kevin Michael Manion, Peter L. Margl, Jr., Amy Leigh Martin, Colleen C. McCormick, Karen Ellen McNerny, Jennifer Ann Mercado. Lisa Marie Moglia, Walter Mueller, Jolynn Olszewski, Kristy Ann Parfianowicz, Kristin Patricia Pasquale, Melissa Starr Paul, Colleen Pearson, Michael Thomas Quirk, Marie Antoinette Ramer, Raymond E. Royce, Jr. Next Issue: July 29 All Deadlines JULY 19th Call 727-0398 Sayreville's Borough Council adopted a 1995 budget, which will increase the average homeowner taxes by $81. The spending plan for $29.3 million will account for Sayreville's operating expenses from Jan.Dec. The tax rise makes up for around $1 million shortfall, mostly because of revenue shortage, not an increase in spending. Patrick M. Royce, Michael George Russo, Erin Marie Senape, Denise Ann Sendziak, Renee Marie Serrano, Stephanie Lynn Schultz, Thomas John Simeone, Jaime Michelle Skierski, Peter W. Ksrzyniarz, Michelle M. Smith, Kirsten Elizabeth Svenningsen, Melinda D. Thomson, Allison Marie Toth, Barbara Ann Ust, Lisa Ann Vigilante, Adrienne Lynn Walczak, Edward L. Welsh. and identification of a suspected infection and blood compatibility testing prior to a blood transfusion or surgery." National Medical Laboratory Week serves to increase the awareness of the role laboratory professionals play in health care today. Retirees May Regain Benefits 17 retired municipal workers from South Amboy stand a chance to regain their health insurance, if a new legislation bill, A-2974 is passed by the State Assembly. Ernest L. Oros. a Middlesex County Republican Assemblyman sponsored the bill, which will help all former municipal workers throughout the state. Assemblyman Stephen A. Mikulak, a Republican from Middlesex County sponsored a similar bill, which would only aid South Amboy's retirees. On April 30th, a law from 1979 regarding age and length of service one must perform before qualifying for retirement benefits was activated. The 17 South Amboyans and others from different municipalities lost their coverage at that time. Sacred Heart Celebrates 100 Years Sacred Heart Church in South Amboy begins celebrating its 100th Anniversary of Faith on July 6. The Anniversary Kick-Off Celebration will begin with Mass at 7 P.M. Following will be a reception in the Parish Annex. Dance the night away with Freddy K and his orchestra. Polish platter will be served. For tickets at $10 per person call Ed at 721-1521. Arts & Crafts Start Monday Mary Lou DeBlis, Superintendent of Recreation, announces that the Summer Arts & Crafts Program will begin on Monday, June 26, 1995 and will run through to Friday, August 4, 1995 from 9:00 a.m. till 12:00 noon at the playgrounds. Anyone who has not yet registered may do so daily at the Recreation Office in the Dr. Charles W. Hoffman Senior Resource Center, 108 So. Stevens Avenue from 8:00 a.m. till 4:00 p.m. The Arts and Crafts Program will be sponsoring a trip to the Liberty Science Center on Wednesday, July 12, 1995. Permission slips will be available at the Recreation Office and payments will be due no later than Monday, June 26. 1995, opening day of the program. The cost will be $8.(X) for children up to the age of 12, $10.00 for students and Senior Citizens and $ 12.00 for adults. This will include both the general admission and also the Kodak Omni Theater. Payments MUST be made in cash and received no later than Monday, June 26, 1995. - *•• '• ill' * '"2 if • f * • * Lions Club Donates Drum Set The South Amboy Lions Club donated a set of drums to 10-year old South Amboy resident Marcin Walesa, who underwent surgery in November to restore sight in his right eye. Lions Club President. Jack Hulsart stated that the Lions may be able to supply the youngster with an instructor. A musicteacher from the school has offered basic lessons as well. Marcin was born blind in his left eye. but after two operations in Poland, sight could not be restored. Two years ago, a vein in his right eye ruptured, and doctors could not save his vision. He moved to the U.S. in 1993, and had surgery on his right eye last year, and could see, until his cornea was clouded by a membrane. Since last November's operation, Marcin can see colors and light. Doctors are hopeful that his condition will improve. *: 2 June 24,1995 South Amboy-Sayreville Times Talk Of the TOWnS Sacred Heart Class of '65 Reunion Sacred Heart Class of 1965 will be holding their 30 year reunion on Nov. 25th. Anyone needing info please call Tom 7275745 or Lenn 251-4931, or the Oak Tree Village Inn. Zdanewicz to Enter Hall One of South Amboy's most prolific sports figures, the late John Zdanewicz, will be inducted into the New Jersey Baseball Coaches Hall of Fame. "Mr. Z" was a truly great one, who will never be forgotten. His nephew, Jim, alsoofS.Amboy was Keyport High's varsity baseball mentor from 196585, and chalked up around 270 victories. Parade Shows St. Mary's Creativity The St. Mary's High Annual end of school senior car parade around the school, and town was disallowed for safety reasons, but the seniors were not to be denied. They rode around on . . . would you believe tricycles and scooters? The Class of '95 will go down in history as a creative and safety aware group. Girl Scouts Take Babysitting Course Girl Scout Troop 750 of South Amboy recently completed a Babysitters/Mother's Helpers 3-week course conducted by Julie Gottstein of the Middlesex County Health Dept. The successful participants were: Tara Packard, Katie Van Allen, Kerri Sforzo, Jaclyn McGlynn, Kristin Sforzo, Rachel Rodziewicz, Nicole Brady,Carolyn Krutul, Katy Keegan, Mary Ellen Szraga, Kaitlin Kennedy. The troop leaders are Roxanne Keegan and Theresa Packard. Car Show Raises $$$ for Local Youths The Landmark Tavern & Cafe's annual car show drew 70 participants at an entry price of $5 which was donated to the S. Amboy Youth Baseball Association. Camille Tooker of the Landmark presented a check for $350 to Mayor John T. O'Leary by Tom Burkard Rev. Schellberg Celebrates Anniversary Rev. L. Eugene Schellberg, Pastor of St. Bernadette's Church celebrated his 35th Anniversary of his ordination to the Priesthood on May 28th. Congratulations & God Bless! Zrebiec Wins Poster Contest Jennifer Zrebiec,amemberofUnit211 American Legion, won the Poppy Poster Contest in her unit, and also Middlesex County American Legion Auxiliary. Congrats! Welsh Wins Moglia Scholarship Edward Welsh, a recent Hoffman grad was awarded the 1st Annual Tim Moglia scholarship award. Tim was killed last year in a shocking tragedy at a local nightclub. Ed was a staff writer for three years for the South Amboy Sayreville-Times. Congratulations and best of luck in your studies in Media Arts at Jersey City State College, Ed! The Sullivan Family Picnic Over 100 people turned out for the Annual Sullivan Family Picnic at the South Amboy Water Works, and it turned out to be a great day for the Irish! I was asked to take the family group photos, and had the pleasure of being reunited with my 2nd grade teacher, Mrs. Kurtz, for the first time in over 30 years. I also met a very cordial FBI Agent, who was also enjoying the festivities. Place Your Ad Now! Advertise in the South Amboy Sayreville Times call 727-0398 Dugo* 200 S. Stevens Ave. South Amboy (908)727-3988 Pleasant Little Trivia by Tom Burkard 1. This S. Amboy Police Captain retired in '83? a. Phil Danielo b. John Kruzwicz c. James Tedesco 2. S. Amboy K of C #426 Grand Knight in '66? a. Lou Meszaros b. Henry Sager c. James Hagerman 3. This S. Amboy mayor was broadcast on WCTC's "The Mayor Report" in 1973? a. William O'Leary b. Richard Schultz c. J. Thomas Cross 4. Well-known welding service in Sayreville in '50? a. Zagata b. Welder's World c. Hanson's 5. Editor of S. Amboy High School's "Purple and Gold" newspaper in 1919? a. Gladys Parisen b. Raymond Dowdell c. Gertrude Rue 6. St. Mary's first student council was formed? a. 1942-43 b. 1950-51 c. 1927-28 7. Vice President of Sayreville Board of Education in '63? a. Frank Melochik b. Martha Washburn c. John Stanik 8. Sayreville High's Principal in '84? a. Crawford Lance b. Homer Dill c. Rich Revlone 9. S. Amboy's Fire Chief in '47? a. Martin Keays b. Jeremiah Jones c. Tom Halsey 10. Appointed S. Amboy Business Administrator in '85? a. Ed McLane b. John Mason c. James Maloney 11. Sayreville War Memorial High School was dedicated in? a. 1969 b. 1962 c. 1957 12. Popular Highway #35 nightclub in S. Amboy in 1966? a. Colonel Cooper's b. Club 35 c. The Cellar #1 HITS ON JUNE 24 i 983 - Flashdance ... What a Feeling Irene Cara , 1975 - Love Will Keep Us Together Captain & Tenille 1966 - Paint It Black - Rolling Stones 1959 - The Battle of New Orleans Johnny Horton SOUTH AMBOY SAYREVILLE TIMES P.O. BOX 3027 • SOUTH AMBOV N J . 08879 Tel. 727-0398 Fax 727-7721 Editor-in-Chief Tom Burkard Feature Writers Virginia Stillwagon Teo Weber Ruth Connors Ed Welsh Joanne Olchvary Lisa Meyers Beverly Kovacs Sgt. Jerry Pizzillo Poet Laureate Albert Gomolka Jr. Advertising Mgr. Steve Schmid Opinions and comments in primed articles do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The South Amboy-Sayrcvillc Times, c. 1991. This newspaper will no! be liable forerrors appearing in the editorial copy or advertising beyond the cost of space occupied by error. qn SH3AVSNV scum TAXI, INC DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE CALL US FOR A RIDE!!!!! HOURS: SUNDAY TO THURSDAY 6:00 A.M. TO MIDNIGHT FRIDAY & SATURDAY 24 HOURS We Have Sports Channel Catch all of the Mets - Hockey Playoff Action Here SATURDAY, JULY 29TH *Bill Turner & Blue Smoke* SUNDAY AND MONDAY $1.00 Drafts All Day Thursday is Ladies Night $1.00 Drafts & 1/2 Priced Drinks KITCHEN OPEN TUESDAY THRU SATURDAY NIGHTS Call any night 'Hies. - Sat. for Takeout Pizza * Fresh Dough Made on Premises * Brick Oven Pizza * ALL MAJOR AIRPORTS * PIERS "THE LEADER IN SERVICE" 10% Senior Citizen Discount Serving SOUTH AMBOY • SAYREVILLE • OLD BRIDGE CALL 727-5569 South Amboy-Sayreville Times May 27, 1995 3 **Business Of The Month** NATIONAL PLUMBING SUPPLY CO. INC. J8SL. National Plumbiivj Supply i« wholesale • retail FINE FOOD AND SPIRITS 115 North Feltus St. • South Amboy (908)721-9846 - 01SHWASH UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP U Entertainment Friday & Saturday National Plumbing has been successfully serving the local community for 46 years. Current owner, Nick Bacek gained valuable experience as the manager from 1957-70, and he eventually purchased the business in 1970. National Plumbing's highly professional and experienced sales force is mostly family, as Nick, and his younger brothers are always available to help the customers According to Nick, "Everyone knows each other. People who have been our customers for 25-35 years, now send their kids in when they need something." National Plumbing specializes in oil & gas fired boilers, warm air fur- FRIDAY - JUNE 30th naces, air conditioning, whirlpool baths, and vanities. Not only do they offer the best products around, but their prices are competitive with all major stores, and National Plumbing discounts everything. For the customer's convenience, they can pay for their great buys with Master or Visa cards. The Need George & Steve on Acoustic Guitars FRIDAY-JULY 14th Two Over 30 For all of your plumbing needs and more, stop at National Plumbing Supply Co., Inc., 7050 Route 35 North, South Amboy (1/2 mile south of Edison Bridge) or call 721-1694. The showroom and supply company's hours are Mon.-Fri. 8 am. to 5 p.m., and Sat. 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. National Plumbing is now open on Thursday evenings until 8 p.m. Stop in for our exciting Friday & Saturday Entertainment Schedule * Open for Lunch at 11:00 a.m. * Kitchen Open Day & Night * Mon.-Tues.-Wed. Appetizers $1.50 from 4-7 p.m. Learn toSail Offshore Sailing School invites New Jersey sailors of all levels to improve their sailingskillsduringthe 1995 National Leam to Sail Tour. The sail tour, a series of comprehensive weekend courses for beginners and advanced sailors, is based at Lockwood Boat Works in South Amboy Thursday, July 27 - Monday, July 31. sort branches at South Seas Plantation, Captiva Island, Florida: Treasure Isle Hotel, Tortola, British Virgin Islands; Marigot Bay Resort, St. Lucia; Newport, Rhode Island and St. Petersburg, Florida. The school also operates New York area locations in Jersey City, New Jersey and Greenwich, Connecticut. Offshore's Learn to Sail Tour presents a unique opportunity for participants to learn to sail or improve their sailing without leaving their local waters. Each course includes 20 hours of instruction with Offshore's professionally trained US SAILING certified instructors. No more than four students are assigned to a boat. Offshore arrives in South Amboy with a 27 foot Olympic class Soling accompanied by classroom facilities and audio-visual set-up. The program runs Thursday through Sunday with an optional practice sail Monday. Participants are also eligible to apply for US SAILING Basic Keelboat certification. For further information regarding Offshore's National Learn to Sail Tour, contact Offshore Sailing School at 800221 -4326. Or write Offshore Sailing School, 16731 McGregor Blvd., Fort Myers, FL 33908 For more advanced sailors. Offshore teaches Performance Sailing on the tour. Performance Sailing is also taught aboard a 27 foot Olympic class Soling. From sail trim and sail shape to advanced spinnaker techniques, the course provides sailors with the skills needed to maximize a boat's performance. Tuition for Learn to Sail or Performance Sailing is just $495 per person - a $200 savings over comparable programs at Offshore's resort locations. Since being founded by Olympic and America's Cup sailor Steve Colgate in 1964, Offshore has taught over 78,000 people to sail. In addition to the National Learn to Sail Tour, which is sponsored by The Moorings charter agency, Offshore operates re- This Summer, do something different! Try our exciting Summer Martial Arts Program. COUPONS You will learn how to... The Friends of the Dowdell Library, Inc. is pleased to announce that it has awarded the Second Annual Sadie Pope Dowdell Memorial Award to Hoffman High School graduating senior, Marcin Domaradski. Bom in Poland, Marcin emigrated, with his parents, to the United States, in August 1994, and enrolled at Harold G. Hoffman High School in South Amboy. At Hoffman High School Marcin studied Math, Science, and Languages, including Polish, Russian, German and English. Prior to leaving Poland, Marcin had been accepted to Gymnasia, the Polish equivalent to American College. He left Poland prior to starting classes. In his spare time, Marcin enjoys listening to music, reading and going to the movies. Begun in 1994 by the South Amboy Friends of the Dowdell Library, Inc., the Sadie Pope Dowdell Memorial Award is named in honor of Sadie Pope Dowdell. who served as library director for 47 years. The award is presented annually to an outstanding graduating senior who demonstrates, through a love of learning, a love of books. FREE Trial Class! U Reduce Daily Stress- Library Awards Student fora healthier life. Sayreville Martial Arts • Improve Your Fitness- Limit 1 EXP. 7-31-95 soyou always feel good. • Build Self Esteem- Present This Coupon For Discount for success in life. I Oth Anniversary 3 Strengthen Values- Summer Special such as integrity & honor. FOR 2 3 Increase Confidence- Includes: FREE Belt & Uniform & Unlimited Classes in Taekwondo for school or work. • Protect Yourself- & Kung Fu Sayreville Martial Arts and keep your family safe. EXP. 7-31-95 ® 1995 The Masters Club Present This Coupon For Discount A martial arts America T H E F A M I L Y C L U B Where Families Grow Strong Together Home of 7 State Champs Out of 8 Divisions! One of the Top 100 Martial Arts Schools in North America Sayreville Martial Arts Academy Jack Skutnik l ( I9 >2- >.'{ Instructor of the ^ ear 2909 Washington Rd. Sayrebrooke Town Center • Parlin • 721-6100 Joe Brignoli 5-Time N.J. State Champion 4 June 24, 1995 South Amboy-Sayreville Times Animal Care By Virginia Stillwagon There are so many things I want to write about, but 1 have picked four things I want to cover in my column today: 1. Do not lake your pet in the car during the summer months. On an 80 degree day, the inside of that car will reach 120 degrees in no time - and that's with the windows open. Please, leave the animal home, the house is cooler. 2. July 4th is not a happy time for our pets. Most are terrified of the noise of the firecrackers and fireworks. They are injured and even die trying to escape the noise. Please, keep your pet in the house on that weekend. 3. Do not take them to the beach. The sand is hot and they do wear a fur coat. Pets do suffer heat stroke. 4. Get your pet spayed or neutered. It is cruel to let your pet breed indiscriminately and have litter after litter. Through Friends of Animals you can get it done reasonably; female cat $38, dog $59; male dog $39; cat $25. If you are on public assistance, ex. food stamps, medicaid, general public assis., families with dependent children, lifeline utility credit, tenants assistance, supplemental security income and PA AD, it can be done for $10. Remember there are over 10 million animals euthanised each year because there are not enough homes for them. P.S. Special cat for adoption to special person. Cat has heart condition - owner would be rewarded with love and devotion from this extra nice cat. Call Virginia at 727-6904. Professors of Distinction by Al Gomolka, Jr. Times Poet Laureate c. 1974 Prof. Eshmiel Attaberti teaches Photography; Prof. Howie Feelyn Psychology; Prof. Tom Arrow Nuclear Physics & Astrological Flight; Prof. Hugh Speekwell - Linguistics: Prof. Doug Growls - Animal Behavior; Prof. Ima Teecher - Education; Prof. RhodaBooke- Journalism; Prof. Frank N. Beans - Restaurant Management. St. Jude Novena May the sacred heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Sacred heart of Jesus pray for us. St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, help of the hopeless, pray for us. Say this prayer nine times a day. By the eighth day your prayer will be answered. Say it for nine days. It has never been known to fail. Publication must be promised. Thank you St. Jude. R.K. Prayer to the Blessed Virgin (Never known to fail) Oh, most beautiful flower of Mr. Carmel, Fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven. Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. Oh Star of the Sea, help me and show me, herein you are my mother. Oh, Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth! I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor me in this necessity. There are none that can withstand your power. Oh, show me herein you are my mother. Oh Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee (3 times). Holy Mother, I place this cause in your hands (3 times). Must be said 3 times for 3 consecutive days and published immediately after favor is granted. Thank you. R.K. SAVING LIVES TOGETHER - are Memorial Medical Center and the South Amboy First Aid Squad. Pictured (Standing L-R) are: Elaine Mann, RN, nursing supervisor, Anthony Oliveri, EMT, Jack Mulvey, EMT, Eric Kayser, public safety officer, Chris Ryan, EMT, Brian McLaughlin, public safety officer, (kneeling L-R) Mark Stotele, EMT and Jason Dombrowski, EMT. Memorial Medical Center Honored Emergency Medical Services Workers National Emergency Medical Services (EMS) week provided Memorial Medical Center at South amboy with the perfect opportunity to honor local EMS workers who dedicate their lives to saving the lives of others. "The emergency room staff of Memorial Medical Center applauds the efforts of the EMS workers," explains Peggy Dunn, RN, administrative supervisor for emergency services. "We welcome them into our facility and enjoy working with them to best meet the needs of the community." The week-long celebration included an ambulance tour, an afternoon social, complimentary refreshments each day in the emergency room, a special gift and a chance to win dinner for two at Clare & Coby's Inn. The winner of that raffle was Betty Levielle, S. Amboy-Sayreville Times P.O. Box 3027 • So. Amboy, NJ 08879 Include prayer, your initials,name & phone number. Charlotte's rWesfem rWear 277 Johnson Lane, Parlin WESTERN B O O T S • Danpost • Acme (Off Washington Rd.) 721-1952 Catering for All Occasions • Funeral Brunch • Showers St. Jude Novenas, Prayers to Holy Spirit, Blessed Mother, etc. lowest Rate Around Send Check or M.O. for $7 to: GRAND OPENING BUDDIES TAVERN OPEN 7 DAYS captain of the South Amboy First Aid Squad. Mark S. Beezek, M.D., medical director of the Emergency Department presented a free continuing education seminar on the Emergency Treatment of Burns. The Medical Center also offered an Emergency medical Technician training weekend at a nominal cost to all EMTs affiliated with Memorial Medical Center. • Weddings • Christenings,etc. Try Our Delicious Friday Menu! HALFPOUNDER CHEESESTEAK Fish Dinners, Sandwiches EAT IN OR TAKE OUT • Dingo TEXAS BOOTS • Capezio • Minnetonka Moccasins WESTERN APPAREL • Charlie One Horse Hats • Belts • Buckles • Western Jewelry Open 10 AM-9 PM Mon.-Sat. • Open Sunday 11 -5 ANY MERCHANDISE WITH THIS AD 2045 Hwy. 35 So. Tor Plaza Sayreville • 7 2 7 - 7 6 3 7 10% OFF k ANY MERCHANDISE] WITH THIS AD Mailer Contracting WE SPECIALIZE IN PROFESSIONAL PERFORMANCE WITH PERSONAL CARE! * SIDING * BASEMENTS * ROOFING * DORMERS * WINDOWS * DECKS * EXTENSIONS * ADDITIONS * REMODELING * CUSTOM ALTERATIONS & MORE! Free Estimates - Licensed - Fully Insured Over 18 years experience!! Now Serving Monmouth & Middlesex Counties (908) 294-8615 South Amboy-Sayreville Times Americans Have Positive Outlook Mind Matter* —Americans believe In Power of Thought Independent nationwide survey finds a vast majority of Americans believe Positive mental attitude can be "very Things will effective" In helping What you think work out for the to deal with life's m*a*&*mmmmmmmmmummmmmmm^^ r i can change the outcome of events in life (92%). best in our lives (91%) challenges (92%) Try to use the power of our minds in positive ways (95%). MORGAN INN What we think has an effect on our physical well being (96% Sports Bar & Grill GREAT DAILY SPECIALS! ° 1994 Unity School Some 92 percent of those surveyed feel that what you think can change the outcome of the events in your life. If you think positive, you're not alone. Despite the many problems of modern society, most American adults have a pragmatic, but essentially positive outlook on life, according to a national survey from the Unity School of Christianity, a religious educational organization headquartered near Kansas City Missouri. Scholarship Awarded Deidre Lynn Kolarick, 17, of Parlin, is a 1995 recipient of the Westinghouse Family Scholarship Program. She will receive a $3000.00 one-year scholarship. Forty such awards are given to children of Westinghouse employees nationwide each year. Winners are selected on leadership, scholastic assessment and achievement. Deidre will attend Princeton University this fall, and is also a Salutatorian of her graduating class of 1995 of Sayreville War Memorial High School. She is the daughter of Roberta and John J. Kolarick of Parlin. June 24, 1995 5 So confident are we in the power of positive thinking, as many as nine out often Americans make a conscious effort to "think positive." "When someone offers help by telling you to 'think positive' they probably mean it," said Jim Rosemergy, executive vice president of Unity School of Christianity. "Most of us acknowledge a connection exists between mind and body." Other results of the survey show that of the 604 adults surveyed, 75 percent agree that in life nothing comes easy. However, 91 percent also believe that "things will work out for the best in my life," and 82 percent agree that "the universe is essentially good." A majority (68 percent) also believe that "all people are essentially good." "It is heartening to see that despite the problems and challenges of modern life, people still demonstrate a good degree of optimism about the world," Rosemergy adds. For additional information on how your thoughts can affect your life, call 1800-669-0282. Mondays Cheese Steak Hero $2.95 - with Fries $3.95 Tuesdays 1 Dozen Steamers $5.50 - Shrimp in the Rough $5.95 Wednesdays * B-B-Q Back Ribs with Fries $6.95 Thursdays Bar Pie $2.50 - Large Pie $5.25 Fridays Fish Sandwich w/Fries $3.95 - Fish Platter $6.95 Saturdays *Calzone with one Topping $4.50 Sundays Chicken Parmigiana Dinner w/Garlic Bread $6.50 LOOK FOR OUR BLACKBOARD SPECIALS > NAIL 1866 RT. 35 & STEVENS AVE. MORGAN, NJ 08879 (908)727-4111 Kitchen Open 11 a.m. -11 p.m. Sun. 5 p.m. -11 p.m. Mon 11 a.m.-11 p.m. Tues., Wed. & Thurs 11 a.m. - 1 a.m. Fri. & Sat. 4NNIN6 (908)316-0166 ROUTE 9 SOUTH, SAYREVILLE Sayreville Plaza, Foodtown Shopping Center WE SELL GIFT CERTIFICATES FACIAL TANNING Mon. thru Weds. Manicure & Pedicure Only $24 * MANICURES * PEDICURES * MAN'S MANICURE * GLUE MANICURE r TIMES TIMES I TIMES GLASS TIPS FACIAL Offer good until Aug. 95 Offer good until Aug. 95 Offer good until Aug. 95 Offer good until Aug. 95 Offer good until Aug. 95 L. TIMES FRENCH TIP 00 TAN One Month Offer good until Aug. 95 Offer good until Aug. 95 | TIMES TIMES $2°°0FF ! 4°°0FF L. 3°°0FF REGULAR TIPS $ Foodtown 5 OFF ACRYLIC TIPS L. Burger King $ $ 00 MANICURE PEDICURE TIMES McDonalds TIMES TIMES $ 2 oo O F F , $ 3 oo O F F $ 4 oo O F F We Accept Personal Checks R t . 9 SOUth GEL MANICURE GLASS TIPS ALL KINDS OF WAXING FACIALS * FRENCH MANICURE * ACRYLIC TIPS * REGULAR TIPS * FRENCH TIPS * WRAP J- $ OFF 3°°0FF _L TIMES $ 00 3 OFF TAN One Month TAN 10 Sessions TAN 10 Sessions Offer good until Aug. 95 Offer good until Aug. 95 Offer good until Aug. 95 -L. 6 June 24, 1995 South Amboy-Sayreville Times NEW LIFE BOOKS & BIBLES LIC. # \ (LIC. ,93247 JOHN T. LUKIE \ Graduation Cards & Gifts | P ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR ^ Hours: 123North Tues.-Wed.-Fri. 10-5 Broadway Thurs. 10-7 South Amboy, N.J. 08879 Closed Mondays Yearbook Sayreville 1960 (908) 721 -1 999 COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL 721-6449 Mugusia CM., OOUUI amuoy, INJ uoo/y Nebus Construction and Remodeling • Vinyl Replacement Windows • Vinyl Siding • Kitchens • Decks • Roofing • Bathrooms • Basements • Drywall • Ceramic Tile • Additions i Avenue Cheesequake Road OW Bridge, NJ 08859 • Residential & Commercial Bob: 721-5143 Ray: 721-5321 ALL FOUR WHEELS BRAKE SPECIAL KURZAWA FUNERAL HOME 338 Main St., South Amboy, NJ 341 Washington Road, Sayreville, NJ nft] r m il LJ* ISC o uN MOST CARS TUNE UPS: 4 CYLINDER 6 CYLINDER 8 CYLINDER *29.95 $39.95 $ 49.9S INCLUDES: Replace Plugs, Check Dist. Cap & Rotor, Clean Carburetor or Fuel Injection and Set Timing. WE DO NEW JERSEY STATE INSPECTION AIL WORK GUARANTEED! DAVE LORINCZ DAN SCHEREN All Car Tech, Inc. Foreign & Domestic Repairs Electronic Fuel Injection Repair Specialist Tl RINT i NG U J_m Quality Printing At An Affordable Price! * 139. J Business Cards • Letterheads • Envelopes NCR Forms • Rolodex Cards • Menus Invitations • Newsletters • Raffle Tickets Ad Journals • Resumes • Flyers • Coupons Brochures • Labels • Catalogs •Copies Typesetting • Personal Fax Service Tel. 908-254-1058 Fax 908-254-2207 (908)721-5220 WE REPAIR - CHECK ENGINE LIGHTS 401 South Pine Avenue, South Amboy, NJ. All Your Health Care Needs Peterson Pharmacy "Serving The Community A Over 100 Years" • Money Orders • Greeting Cards • Medical/Surgical • Phone Bills • Notary Supplies • Film Developing • Fax • Free Delivery by Tom Burkard If you happened to be cruising to Sayreville High on that crisp September morning in 1959, you probably listened to the mellow instrumental classic "Sleep Walk" which happened to be the # 1 hit all over the country on that first day of classes. The Class of I960 was on their way to history . Several noteworthy teachers were: Mary Dulemba, John Dresser, AdeeBennett, Dorothy Check, Barbara Kates, Lois Jankowski, Edward McGarigle, Vera Strieker. School secretaries were Lois Nowak, Mildred Trent, and Mary Ann Beck . . . Edward Popowski was the Senior Class President, Richard Ball - V.P., Richard Morgan - Trcas., Arlene Bogush - Sec.. . . Cathy Shigas was Editor-in-Chief of the yearbook . . . The senior trip was to Washington, D . C . . . . Some of the interesting Class of '60's members included: John Adams, Helen Baran, John Bartkowicz, Joseph Benianto (successful businessman), Joanne Beuerle, Bernice Chlebowski, Suzanne Conover, Richard Denby, Darryl Dettrick, Barbara Ann Dzergoski, Don Eberle, Elizabeth Federici, Joyce Godfrey, John Haag, William Hanvey, Rita Holey, Robert Jewell, Pauline Kovacs, David Lytkowski, Mary Mulcahy, Judy Plewa, Raymond Rupp, Lillian Sakowski, James Solook, Nels Timm, Carol Winzerling, Mary Ellen Young, Carol Zebrowski... Now for some different, so to speak, nicknames: Apps, Nene, Pizza, Freckles, Pancho, Kink, Carrottop, Governor, Zeld, Soph, Ears, Scrooge, Dink, Gillis, Mutek, Flip, Gugs, Bulla, Highsy, Sweet Water, Hocky, Killer, Ace, Luigi, Moe, The Sheik, Robin Hood, Mule, Bear, Kolbas, Bottles, Toots, Patches, Bull, Screamy, Ching, Numers, Tombstone Kid, England, Skinhead, Esquire, Yank, Sheena, Zeppie, Stu. It seems like everybody had one! The Student Council was composed of Pres. Jim Applegale; V.P. Nancy Ivaninski . . . Joan Bartkowicz was Editor-in-Chief of the Echo Lites newspaper . . . Arlene Bogush was Majorette, and Joan Bush was captain of the Twirlers . . . In sports, the basketball team under Coach Gutkowski finished 21-6, and won the state Group III championship . . . The baseball club under the fine mentorship of Coach John Wortley turned in a brilliant 213-1 mark . . . .Some of the mighty-fine senior athletes were: Joseph Deerin, William Falgares, James Hockenjos, Joseph Kabara, Francis Marchesi, Rich Mytnick, Edward Popowski, Rich Nuzzo, Ed Fielek, John Phillips, Rich Mazer, Rich Morgan, Rich Ball, Jack Glendenning, Jim Clark... On graduation in June of '60, "Cathy's Clown" topped the pop charts . . . John F. Kennedy and Richard M. Nixon were tearing up the campaign trails in preparation for their Presidential election showdown in November... The New York Yankees were on their way to another pennant, but had no idea of what a kid from Pittsburgh would do to them in the Fall Classic . . . Sayreville's Class of 1960 was abundant in talent especially in athletics, where they truly made their lasting mark . . . Now accepting IPP Payments for gas, electric, cable & others* 721-0137 132 North Broadway South Amboy, NJ 08879 INSURANCE BROKERAGE Est 1968 (908)727-6719 JOSEPH J. MADURA, D.M.D. General Dentistry Spring is Here • Motorcycle & Boat Insurance Available Call for rates. 360 Main St. South Amboy, NJ 08879 • Mortgages Now Available 113 So. Broadway-So. Amboy, NJ (908) 721 -9174 (908) 721-1166 (Corner of S. Broadway & Henry St.) 222 AUGUSTA STREET SOUTH AMBOY N.J. 08879 Hours: Mon.-Tues.-Thurs.-Fri. 9 AM-3 PM Now open Sat. 10 AM - 2 PM South Amboy-Sayreville Times June 24, 1995 7 Places to Go Things to Do by Beverly Kovacs I would like to begin this column with sincerest best wishes to all the graduates of the Class of 1995 from the youngest to the oldest! May life's blessings be yours! Even while the grads hum their strains of''Free at last... Thank God I'm Free at Last!" I hate to burst their bubble, nothing in this world is free and sadly to say, we have to work and hard at that, for whatever we do get. I remember all too well my last weeks of senior year gazing out my favorite histo y class window, when our teacher brought to my (in)attention, "Miss Bienkowski, as you sit gazing out that window wishing this year behind you. Someday you'll wish to be back inside this window." Of course those words of wisdom had no meaning until years later. The window always looks brighter from the other side, and you can never go back. So enjoy it while it lasts! On the otherhand, with theexcitement of proms, graduations, and parties the visions of $$$ dance in your parents heads. Having gone through 3 girls and now the last my boy I don't know which is worse. Gowns, long, short, on or off the shoulder. Dad with "Do you see what she has on? You're not leaving the house in that!" To tuxs with or without tails, top hat, cane gloves. Not to mention the Fashion Statement of White Sox. Mom with "Where do you think you're going with white sox and a tux?!" Excedrin stock must be through the roof! I'm sure as I sit graduation night (tears rolling down), the memories of scouts, softball, class Jvume'b tfeu mother, trips, and parties, looking at all these kids who have been such a large part of my life, you ponder how quickly all those years went by. It seems like only yesterday we brought these babies home. We also have another holiday this month. Father's Day. This hard working lot with all the goings on feel neglected and unappreciated at this time of year! Taken for granted and unappreciated . . . maybe .. . neglected . . .never.. . Hey Pop! 5 bucks here, drive me there, I need this or that 7 a.m. the morning of. I have a date can I borrow the car? The list goes on and on. Dad is always on the tip of their tongues. If mom says "No" go to dad. Of course never mention the "No" part. Always plead stupidity. "I didn't know Mom said no!" The question always arises what to get this man who has more sox, tee shirts, shorts, and belts than K Mart! A few suggestions come to mind. How about a gift certificate for a fishing trip, car or horse race, his favorite restaurant where I'm sure he'll be treated as the King that he is. Movie tickets (without the kids). Or an I.O.U. a night on the town. Or for the little ones a coupon (homemade) for a grass cutting, garbage take out, delivery of one pair of slippers, newspaper, soda, beer, or iced tea. Or the ever popular Hug and Kiss. Whatever the choice, pampering goes a LONG way! 80 MAIN STREET • SAYREVILLE 238-5077 Remember Your Graduate - 20 Years of Reliability Feel Safe & Secure with the Expert Jeweler * Complete Jewelry Service * We Size Rings and Do Repairs * We Buy Gold * We Repair Watches and Clocks * We can re-mount your diamond while you wait * We have a Large Selection of Jewelry Thank You Vets! COMPLETE UTOMOTIVE AIR CONDITIONING ' REPAIRS * RADIATOR REPAIRS See you next month! Dads and Grads have a great day! COOLING SYSTEM SPECIALISTS News From the First Baptist Church There will be a change in our schedule during the summer months. Starting July 2nd, Sunday School will be discontinued and Worship Service will begin at 9:30 a.m., with Pastor Mitchell giving the message. Our Ladies Aid and Mission Society will have no meetings during the summer months but the Mission Women will have their regular Work Day on the second Thursday of each month from 10:00 a.m. until early afternoon. Every Thursday evening at 6:00 p.m. there is a Fun and Game Time for kids ten years and older under supervision of responsible people. For more information please call the Church office - 721-1216. This year our Church Picnic will be held at Frog Hollow on Saturday, July 29th. Vacation Bible School is coming up fast. Our theme this year is "Celebrate the Family" with First Presbyterian Church as host. It will be held from August 7th to August 1 lth starting at 8:50 a.m. until noon each day. Registration forms are available. Hope to see you there. The Spinal Column by Dr. John Misiewicz, D.C. The Human Element in the Prevention and Treatment of Disease A doctor-patient relationship is a human one. Not only should you have confidence in your doctor, but you should also feel that he is interested in you; concerned with all your problems and desirous to serve you conscientiously. You should feel free to talk to him, to be able to express you anxieties about health matters whether real or anticipated, without reservation, and to have your concerns received with serious interest and exhaustive investigation. Likewise your health practitioner should recognize economic factors. He should value the importance of keeping your expense at a minimum; he should utilize practical procedures which are designed to afford maximum relief in minimal time. Chiropractic's conscientious approach to the prevention and treatment of disease and disability utilizes an approach which does not shuttle patients from doctor to doctor, a procedure that does not confine the individual to high cost hospital care, an approach to treatment that strives to keep the patient ambulatory and on the job. And which avoids prescription drugs and major surgery. It is interesting to note that the same factors which foster confidence on the part of the patient also act to speed his recovery, for health is the result of a combination of external and internal conditions. Schade Earns Dean's List 7060 Rt. #35 North, South Amboy (1/2 mile south of Victory Bridge). r i i i i i i i i i L THIS COUPON ENTITLES THE BEARER TO A $10.00 Discount off any purchase of $100 or more, or $5.00 Discount off any purchase of $50.00 or more 1 I I I I I I I I I J LIMIT ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER NEED HELP! A/C PROBLEMS! Corey Charles Schade, son of Dr. Charles and Nancy Schade, Sea Girt, and grandson of Marie Newcomb of South Amboy and the late Russell Newcomb, has been named to the Randall Lee Gibson Honor Society at Tulane University in New Orleans. To earn honor society status, a student must maintain a minimum grade point average of 3.30. Mr. Schade is a freshman majoring in History. He is a 1994 graduate of Christian Brothers Academy. CALL: 1-800-727-3868 Plastic Radiator Parts & Repairs New Gas Tanks & Repairs Rod Outs Recores ASSOCIATES OF Specializing in Neck and Back Care and Chronic Pain JOHN S. MISIEWICZ, D.C. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN OFFICE HOURS:M O N - W E D - FRI 9 - 1 2 & 3 - 8 4-7 TUES 9-12 NOON SAT FREE CONSULTATION MOST INSURANCES ACCEPTED 1 MAIN STREET SAYREVILLE, NJ 08872 NEW PATIENTS SEEN SAME DAY (908) 238-8282 8 June 24, 1995 South Amboy-Sayreville Times BUSINESS DIRECTORY PETERSON PHARMACY SPOTLIGHTS Hair & Nails 132 No. Broadway South Amboy 520 Ernston Rd. Parlin 721-0137 721-4247 SURE HIT A-l SERVICE FREDDIE'S S.A. PUB QUICK PIX SUBS-N-MORE 1830 Highway #35 So. Amboy 115 No. FeltusSl. South Amboy 513 So. Pine Ave. Morgan 727-0321 721-9846 721-5990 ALBERN'S SEAFOOD Spezzi's presents GIANNA'S Home Improvements 222 Augusta St. South Amboy 727-6719 WALCZAK SAYREVILLE BAR Educational Enterprises 7 Cecelia St. Sayreville 230 S. Feltus St. South Amboy 109 No. Broadway So. Amboy The Fourth Generation 3276 Washington Rd. Parlin 721-0459 525-5586 257-4110 721-9091 BUDDIE'S TAVERN JACQUELINE'S FLORIST &GIFTS WHOfS SUBS? ... and more 277 JOHNSON LANE PARLIN 346 Bordentown Ave. So. Amboy SAYREVILLE MARTIAL ARTS ACADEMY 721-1952 727-5511 CHAMPION Karate Center MORES JEWELRY 346 Bordentown Ave. South Amboy 80 Main Street Sayreville 316-0595 CHARLOTTE'S WESTERN WEAR 2045 Hwy 35 So. Tor Plaza, Sayreville 238-5077 525-9262 721-6100 Next drawing Friday, July 14th at A-l Service 1830 Hwy. # 35, S. Amboy at 10:30 A.M. PRIZES • Oak Tree Ceramics - Free Palette & Brush Kit plus a free Greenware Item valued up to $5. MULLER CONTRACTING • Wedding World- $15 Gift Certificate or Free Wishing Well - Umbrella Rental - Value $15. SAYREVILLE, N.J. JUNE WINNERS: Patricia Hospador, Helen Kuc, Carol Krutul, Kevin Nemeth, Ronald Ross, Dave Inman, Catherine Zera, Christa Leslie, John Sturgis, Karen Applegate, Joey Vigilante, Paul Rasimowicz, Jim McCabe Sr. Business Winners: 1/4 Page - Buddie's Tavern; 1/8 pg. - Muller Contracting; 1/8 Pg. Charlotte's Western Wear. • All prizes must be claimed within 30 days of drawing or forfeited. 727-7637 294-8615 DOT'S LUNCHEONETTE 721-9863 BOB NEBUS General Contractor 721-5143 DUGOUT SPORTS CAFE OAK TREE CERAMICS 200 So. Stevens Ave. So. Amboy 141 No. Broadway. So. Amboy 727-3988 525-0033 100 So. Broadway So. Amboy 132 So. Pine Ave. So. Amboy Sayrebrook Towne Center Parlin WHERE & HOW TO ENTER • Most of the businesses listed in our Directory will have a WHITE BOX that says S. Amboy-Sayreville Times on it, and also some contest ENTRY BLANKS. JUST FILL OUT and deposit in the Box. Usually the Box & Blanks are on the counter. • NO PURCHASE NECESSARY! Anyone, except Times staff or their families can enter. (1 entry per visit - per business) Stop in one or all of the businesses & say HELLO! • Person can win only ONE prize per month. • 'MONTHLY BUSINESS DRAWING - If your business advertises in our monthly business directory, you are automatically entered in our drawing for a FREE AD. • Note: Business drawing winner of free ad must purchase their regular size ad from previous issue. FREE ADVERTISING // pays to advertise! Especially in these hard economic times. Business directory advertisers have 3 chances to win valuable advertising space. For the minimal priced ad, your business could win (1) quarter page ad, or possibly win (1) of 2 one-eighth page ads. Odds are great and its easy to win. Many business have won twice already! South Amboy-Sayreville Times Saint Mary's Scene ./. by Lisa Meyers Saint Mary's is proud to announce the Valedictorian of the Class of 1995 Samantha Treese and co-Salutatorians Bryan De Young and Robyn Palomo. These students are wonderful examples of the best of St. Mary's. With seniors gone, yearbooks being signed, and final tests being taken it can only mean one thing for the underclassmen, The End of the Year. The official end for the graduating class of 1995 took place on May 11, their last full day of school; however the next day, Friday , May 12 the seniors went on a cruise on the Spirit of New York that left from Weehawken, New Jersey and sailed around Manhattan. There they danced to the terrific music of the DJ and proudly signed yearbooks. Senior exams were held the 15th-18th and the senior prom at the Shadowbrook ended the week. To top off a fun filled prom weekend, the senior class left for their class trip to Virginia Beach the 23rd-26th. Graduation was held on June 3rd with Baccalaureate Mass at 10:30 a.m. in the church and graduation at 2:30 in the school gym. Best of Luck to all our graduates as we bid them a final farewell! Mrs. Janet Gray, business teacher, was awarded "Teacher of the Year" at St. Mary's. Mrs. Gray teaches five classes at school, organized a phone-a-thon which raised money for the school, has helped organize class reunions, and has worked on the playbook and ad drive for this years play "'Bye Bye Birdie". The students and faculty thank Mrs. Gray for all her hard work and what a better way to do it than to honor her with her award. Eleven groups of S A (Students Against Substance Abuse) members taught Prevention Education at local elementary schools this year. The members also participated in South Amboy's Community Awareness Day, May 20. Sayreville Concert June 29th The Sayreville Cultural Arts Council closes its Springtime Concert series programs with a performance by the Tim Gillis, Country Western Band. The hottest music in the country today is country western. Tap your toes, clap your hands, hum, sing-along with Tim Gillis Band. The concert will be held on Thursday, June 29, 1995 at 7:30 p.m. at the Senior Center, 423 Main St., Sayreville. If you enjoyed the first appearance, this is amust. The talent is superb. All performances are free and open to the public. This is for all age groups. Light refreshments are served. The Fall Concert Series will begin on September 27, 1995, with a concert by Pete Korey and the big band sounds. The band will perform WWII hits, show tunes, big band swing and more or your favorites. A great musical evening for all to enjoy. Reading for the Rain Forest An organization called Natures Conservancy sponsored a progm at the Eisenhower School to promote reading. Mrs. Loundhardt' s First Grade class and 29 other students read to save the rain forest. They set individual goals and had friends and relatives pledge money if they reached these goals. $665.00 was raised and over 761 books were read. 19 acres of rain forest were able to be saved because of the efforts of these students. The Kindergarten students were from Mrs. Podalak, Mrs. Shorosky and Mrs. Thostesen's classes. Second Grade students were from Miss Fingerlin, Mrs. Schwartz and Miss Martin's classes. Fourth Grade students were from Mrs. Mackie's class. Finally, to wrap up the year, the Spring Athletes Recognition Night was held June 1. at 7 p.m. Our Senior athletes received recognition from the following groups. NJSIA A, Robyn Palomo, Fateisha Bess and Brian De Young, U.S. Army Fateisha Bess and Ben Zmigrodski, U.S. Marines James Christie. OurSeniorScholar Athletes Robyn Palomo and Brian DeYoung will be honored at the County Dinner on June 5. Underclassmen are anxiously awaiting June 15th which is the last day of exams and the final day of the 1994-1995 school year. St. Mary's students and faculty had a great year in all aspects and will strive for an equally, if not better one next year. May 27, 1995 9 FAMILY RESTAURANT "Home of the All You Can Eat Pizza, Pasta, Salad & Dessert for $3.99 -Always" 3276 Washington Rd. • Parlin, NJ. 08859 (908) 525-5586 A Spezzi Family Tradition for Four Generations Serving the Community for over 30 years! With Your Hosts, Donna & Michael Mauro Festival at St. Mary's Gianna's First Annual The fourth grade students of St. Mary Elementary School, South Amboy, celebrated a New Jersey Cultural Festival, May 31 st, in their classroom. Each student came dressed in a costume of a different country that they were representing. The students also wrote and read group reports about different topics that they studied and researched about New Jersey. Some of the topics included, New Jersey in Colonial Times, The Lenape Indians, New Jersey Immigration, Folklore and Inventors. The students presented their reports to their parents who also participated by cooking different cultural dishes. To top off the celebration, each student was assigned a New Jersey county and baked a cake in the shape of one of the 21 counties. The students raffled off the cakes and will donate the money to the Holy Childhood Association Missions. Sunday, July 30th 12 Noon until 6 P.M.. Rain or Shine Student of the Month SA Elementary School June, 1995 These students have been selected for achievement attained by consistent effort for the month of May, 1995: Mrs. DeHart: Nicholas Pansini Mrs. Stroz: Cheryl Damion, Jaclyn Channel lo Mrs. Tighe: Michael Hedlund, Nicole Brown Mrs. Butieb: Erica Torres, Rebecca Mahoney Mrs. Bernosky: Christopher Schaaf, Jessica Frisch Mrs. Johnson: Jordan Dudley Mrs. Ravaioli: Aysah Khalil Mrs. Durski: Michael Calzaretta Mrs. Tobin: Jared Mundy Miss Heinze: Amanda Christensen Miss Fitzgerald: Matthew Paullus Mrs. Lund: Kelly Schwarz Mrs. Cannella: Jeremy Gonzalez Mrs. Kennedy: Michael Devine Mrs. Owens: Jesse Wieler Mrs. LaVigne: Megan Switzer Mrs. Zach: Stephanie Clark Ms. Skata: Anthony Rutkowski Miss Hess: Jessica Walsh Mrs. Sibol: Jay Kenderish Mrs. Koy: Kathleen Schultz Mrs. Shafer: Matthew Norcross Mrs. Meisner: Craig Powalie Miss Parillo: Melissa Castles Mrs. MacKay: Amy Saddler Miss Kosr/ioski: Kelly Allen HAVE A SAFE AND HAPPY SUMMER! at Burke s Park Price: $20.00 Adult $10.00 Child Advance Purchase only. Tickets must be purchased on or before July 16th. Includes: All You Can Eat & Drink All Day Long! Sports Tournaments • Live Entertainment Pony Rides, Moonwalk Don't Miss this Great Family Day! FOR TICKETS CALL 525-5586 OR STOP IN FOR YOUR TICKETS $ 3" All You Can Eat * Pizza * Pasta * Salad * Dessert Stop in for the Fastest Lunch in Town! • SUNDAY , TUESDAY, THURSDAY, SATURDAY - Karaoke with Groove & Mr. E. • WEDNESDAY-Live Duo-Acoustic Soul • FRIDAY - DJ Night 10 June 24, 1995 South Amboy-Sayreville Times Bag Days The Christ Church Thrift Store on Main St. South Amboy, is offering Bag Days on June 27,29, & 30. Tues. hours 10-3, and 68; Thurs. hours 10-3; Fri. 6-8 p.m. Congratulations Peggy 1994 Millions Sales Club MAJL Charles Smith Agency, Inc. 150 Morgan Avenue Sayreville, New Jersey 08879 24 Hrs. 1-800-804-9375 Fax (908) 721-4656 Business (908) 721-9000 Senior [ Citizens Discount 10% /^Tadies Night^N VjTuirs. 7-9 yjp^S Peggy Yanuzzelli Relocation Director NJAR Million Dollar Sales Club 1989-1994 Each Office Is Independently Owned And Operated National Plumbing Supply Co. Inc. • Serving The Community Since 1 9 4 9 • * Fiberglass Baths * Shower Units, Fixtures * Vanities, Medicine Cabinets * Whirlpool Baths * Boilers * Baseboard Heating A complete line of Plumbing & Heating Visit Our Showroom at 7050 Route 35 North 1/2 mile south of Edison Bridge K J KUST0M HOME RENOVATIONS Vinyl Siding Carpentry Windows Renovations 721-1694 Roofs Add-Ons Alterations Decks (908) 727-2622 KEVIN SINKA "MONAGHAN HOUSE" 400 SOUTH PINE AVENUE SOUTH AMBOY, NEW JERSEY 727-8606 South Amboy, NJ, Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Sat. 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. 516 Ridgeway Avenue South Ambov, NJ 08879 (908) 525-0915 LARGE PIZZA $ 5 25 ONLY VISA EXPIRES 7-30-95 WITH THIS COUPON Too Tired? Too Busy toClean? LOCKWOOD BOAT WORKS, INC CALL COMPLETE MARINE SERVICE Reliable Housecleaning COMPLETE MARINE 721-3369 1825 HWY. 35, MORGAN So. AMBOY, NJ 08879 (908) 721-1605 Reiner's Hardware Inc. 104 NORTH BROADWAY SOUTH AMBOY Mnller Contracting * Screens Repaired * Grass Seed • 10% Senior Citizens Discount * Locksmith Services Available WE SPECIALIZE IN - ' PROFESSIONAL PERFORMANCE WITH PERSONAL CARE! * SIDING * BASEMENTS * ROOFING * DORMERS * WINDOWS * DECKS * EXTENSIONS * ADDITIONS * REMODELING * CUSTOM ALTERATIONS & MORE! Free Estimates - Licensed - Fully Insured Over 18 years experience!! Now Serving Monmouth & Middlesex Counties (908) 294-8615 No movable parts No batteries to wear out No periodic check-ups Low energy consumption High energy yield Inflation-proof No monthly payments No insurance requirements Theft-proof Non-taxable Non-polluting And, of course, fully returnable Hugging is healthy It relieves tension Combats depression Reduces stress Improves blood circulation It's invigorating It's rejuvenating It elevates self-esteem It generates goodwill It has no unpleasant side effects It is nothing less than a miracle drug. SERVICE NAUTICAL GIFTS, CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES 15 years experience Hugging POWER OF THE PRESS Readers Hungry For Information Reading the newspaper, it seems is a great way to whet your appetite. More than three-fourths of shoppers surveyed recently said they would be buying at least some groceries because of ads for a particular store in the newspaper. 721-1368 (Ss&ential Bands, DJs, Karaoke & All Types of Entertainment THE HEALTH AND BEAUTY PIACE Accent Cn Entertainment Foot Reflexology Massage Therapy Aromatherapy BodyWork &ienee.4, QBttcAoltz (908) 727-2409 Old Bridge, NJ graduation Qift. Certificates Stf-vailable (908)727-9010 DANNY B. South Amboy-Sayreville Times May 27, 1995 11 Happy Ads Nancy: Congratulations for being on the Junior Honor Society, National Honor Society & graduating in the top 10 of your class. We are all very proud of you! Mom, Tom, Grandma, Grandpa & Andrew Happy 15th Anniversary on June 28th to Tom & Mary Theresa Boychuk of South Amboy! Love, Mom & Family Congratulations to Leah Mamrak on her selection for academic achievement as a United State National Honor Roll winner! Love, Grandmom & Grandpop Friberg College! Love, Your Family For As Little As $3.00 A Month You Can Wish Your Family and Friends a Happy Anniversary or Birthday, announce A Birth or Special Event or extend A Thank You. 4 Lines - 1 Month - $3.00 PREPAID ONLY .75 each additional line. Cash payments by mail are unacceptable. USE A PHOTO! For just $10.00 extra, we will publish a photo with your message to that special someone in your life. To place your happy ad, call 727-0398 or write to HAPPY ADS S. AMBOY-SAYREVILLE TIMES P.O. Box 3027. S. Amboy, NJ 08879 Congratulations to Heather Muller on your graduation from Bishop Ahr and best of luck in your studies at Douglass College! Love, Uncle Tom Adopted Grandparents Picnic Congratulations to Kindergarten Student of the Month Christopher "C.J."Schaaf! Love, Your Family Jennifer: Congratulations on your graduation from Middlesex County THE PLACE: Cityof South Amboy THE TIME: 1927 Entries from the Official South Amboy Police Blotter by Sgt. Jerry Pizzillo Sept. 5, 1927: Received a call at 9:50 p.m. from Miss Nelson, 254 Henry St.. a strange man peeping in windows detailed Officer Quinlan. - Sgt. Quinlan Sept. 7,1927: Fire alarm turned in from box 36 at 3:40 a.m. by Officer O'Leary and Stanton at 120 Broadway. Officers got the family out safe. Alarm ran out at 4:25 a.m. Building considered unsafe. - Sgt. Quinlan Sept. 12,1927: Arrested by Roundsmen McCormack a local boy for throwing stones at church. Brought before Judge Van Cleef, boy was reprimanded and case dismissed. Sgt. Ryan Oct. 21,1927: Officer Bloodgood shot a dog for Jan Van Clief. - Chief Gleason Oct. 25, 1927: Received a call at 5:30 p.m. that a man was dead in the field below the railroad near Rea's Coal yard. I went down with Officer Coughlin and found the Capt. from Barge #2 lying down DEAD DRUNK. Brought him to headquarters and locked him up. Discharged no complaints. - Sgt. Quinlan To Sheila Gonzalez, daughter of Jorge & Rosario; owners of Mid Jersey Resp. Medical Supplies. South Amboy, NJ, and sister of Jorge Jr. Sheila turns seven this July and completes First Grade at St. Mary's School in South Amboy. Congratulations on your Jazz Performance at Dance Stop. We are very proud of you! Mary Lou Kosmoski received her Master's Degree in Education at Georgian Court College. Employed as a Special Education Teacher at South Amboy Elementary School, she is the daughter of Frances Kosmoski and the late Benjamin Kosmoski. Congratulations, Mary Lou! Congratulations to our darling daughter, Deidre Lynn Kolarick, SWMHS Graduate, Class of 1995, on being the Salutatorian of your graduating class and all your other achievements. We're so proud of you there aren't enough words to express it! Go get'em at Princeton!! We know you'll accomplish all you set out to do. We love you more than words can say. All our love and pride, Mom & Dad & all your family ~i r Animal Rescue Force On Friday, June 9th a picnic barbecue was held in honor of the intergenerational members of the South Amboy Adopted Grandparents Program. The program is a joint venture between the Preventive Aging Center, Inc. at Carriage House Manor Nursing Home, and the South Amboy Headstart Program in St. Mary's Annex. The celebration, held on the grounds of the Carriage House Manor, marked the final visit of the current school year for the two groups. The residents presented the children with a picture album of the various activities both groups participated in over the past year. The Headstart presented each of the Carriage House residents and Activities staff with a certificate in honor of their participation ami support to the Headstart Program. Entertainment was provided by director of Nursing Toni Swick & Nursing Supervisor David Jones on guitar. Marie Fortenbacher, Area Supervisor for the Headstart and Dave Bridge, Program Coordinator for Preventive Aging thanked all those who helped make the program so successful For more information on the Adopted Grandparents Program, call Dave Bridge, Program Coordinator for Preventive Aging at (908) 727-4900. BUDDIES TAVERN Catering for all i Occasions Book Your Party by Aug. 1,1995 & Save 10%on Your Bill Specializing in buffets Friday Lunch Specials $400 (Eat In Only) Looking for a pet? TRY OUR FRIDAY FISH FRY Looking for a home for your pet? BROILED OR FRIED 11 A.M. • 7 P.M. Rt. 1 & Rt. 18 Flea Markets Sat. & Sun. 11 AM - 5 PM L infor 257-7559 OPEN 7 DAYS 277 Johnson Lane, Parlin bizzling bummer bpecial 3 ROOMS FOR (up to 40 yds.) •Select Carpet on Sale from Famous Name Mills •Sale on Custom Installation only $1.50 yd. with special •Standard pad "FREE" with purchase of carpet (908) 525-0705 SEE OUR SALES STAFF GAIL COHEN, LARAINE LITMAN 721-1952 ( ° f f Washington Rd.) J 132 So. Pine Ave. So. Amboy, N.J. T & J Carpets VISIT OUR SHOWROOM 149 NO. BROADWAY, SO. AMBOY, NJ Trip to Atlantic City July 25th Call 721-1952 for information (908) 525-9262 OPEN 7 DAYS COO and more NEW STORE HOURS lam-9pm Sun.-Thurs 11am- 10pm Fri. & Sat. Who's "Thin Crust" Pizza Subs,Deli Sandwiches Sloppy Who's Real Homemade Salads Who Caters All Parties Daily Luncheon Specials Speed Who along by Calling Ahead Who Tries to Accomodate All Special Requests Price Subject to change Without Notice 12 May 27, 1995 South Amboy- Sayreville Times K of C Installs Officers South Amboy Elks News On Thursday, June 16th, the S. Amboy K of C Council 426 installed their new oficers for 1995-96. George Kardos is the new Grand Knight, Marly Lampart - Deputy Grand Knight, Tony Kubala - Chancellor, Leo DiGuilio - Lecturer, Ed Pierwola Warden, Recorder - Steve Schmid. New Grand Knight Kardos said that he's looking forward to another good year of activities and services. The Knights will meet only the 3rd Thursday in July and August for the summer schedule. by Joe Damion I am happy to report that the South Amboy Elks Lodge has had their charter reinstated. We would like to thank the community for their support and we look forward to serving you with the same dedication and loyalty as we have in the past. Although our charter was pulled, we still lived up to our obligations to the community. On Sunday, May 7th, we attended the dedication of the Vietnam veteran's memorial in Holmdel. The New Jersey State Elks Association donated over $200,000 towards it,which we are very proud of. On Saturday, May 20th the South Amboy Elks and Mayor John T. O'Leary awarded two students from Hoffman High School a Proclamation for Peer Leadership. In May we also attended a Girl Scout recognition dinner where we presented a plaque and an American Flag to Desiree Bumm; Jennifer Camaster; Victoria Gerak and Theresa Lucadano for receiving their Silver Award. We would like to extend our congratulations to them. On June 1st to the 3rd the lodge headed to Wildwood for the JIMWOJCIK PHONE: 908-238-3170 FAX:908-238-3415 495 RARITAN ST SAYREVILLE, N.J. 08872 Vince's SCARPA'S . -ffa/n Street (fte/i/al'&• Jcr/e,r 3/u\ AUTO & TRUCK CENTER INC. (908) 525-9509 Tools, Equipment & Supplies Fax 525-5820 242 Main Street Sayreville, N.J. 08872 PROPANE -LAWN& GARDEN EQUIPMENT WHY LIVE WITH PAIN!!! Open 7 Days • Workmans Compensation • Personal Injury (Auto Insurance) • Most Health Insurance Accepted • VISA, MasterCard. Discover Accepted 7A.M.-10P.M. (Blto Zohm 5cli 8c liquors • Quality Cold Cuts • Catering for all Occasions • Fine Wine & Spirits KF.IJV Dr. Kevin J.Kelly 1 Parkview Blvd., Parlin 138 So. Broadway So. Amboy, N.J. 08879 201-727-0404 721-1116 . ^. ZHarrigan & Ca Jnc. Realtors • Appraisers • Insurers Bus: 721 -7500 Evenings: (908) 721 -6743 PATRICK J. ROCK, JR. Real Estate Sales Representative Rodd Plumbing & Heating Co. • • • • • - Hot Water Heaters ~ Sinks • Boilers • Circulating Pumps Faucets Water Filters • All Gas Piping Sump Pumps • Outside Hose Bibs Garbage Disposals • All Repairs Evening & Weekend Hours Available 1250 ROUTE 9, SAYREVILLE (908) 257-6502 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 37, South Amboy, N.J. 08879 State Plumbing License #6371 The Gallagher Agency INSURANCE 499 Washington Road CENTRAL JERSEY STARTER and ALTERNATOR, INC. NEW or REBUILT UNITS Auto - Homeowners Business - Life (908) 727-0321 1-800-675-3128 Evening & Weekend Appts. (908) 254-<i6CM Parlin. NJ 08859 1809 ROUTE 35 MORGAN, NEW JERSEY 08879 (906) 727-4486 (908) 738-6622 State Convention. It was a very good turn out and South Amboy received many compliments. On a sad note, Wildwood Crest police officer Eugene Miglio, 42, died after subduing a violent suspect during a traffic stop. The South Amboy Elks raised approximately $300 to give to the family of the slain officer. Flag day services were held at the Lodge on June 11th. Assemblyman Stephen A. Mikulak was present, as well as South Amboy Boy Scout Troop #90 and veterans from Menlo Park Soldiers Home. The service held many points of interest and was enjoyed by all. After the service, everyone was welcome to stay for hot dogs and refreshments. In closing, I would like to say thank you again for all the support and kindness the community has given the Lodge. VFW Officers Chosen Veterans of Foreign Wars Post No. 4699 has announced its officers for 199596, James J. Mulvey is the new post commander; Raymond Garnett, senior vice commander; James Phillips, junior vice commander; Richard Litz, quartermaster, Steve Sebastian, chaplain; and Frank Giglio, Henry Rossi and William Braitsch, trustees. Ladies Auxiliary officers are: Lucy Rossi, president; Virginia Patterson, senior vice president; Gail Smalley, junior vice president; Ann Marie Kriczar, secretary; Ella Nicola, treasurer; Ruth Raymond, chaplain; and Mary Rosinski, Irene Semasko and Irislea Koval, trustees. Legion Selects Officers On Friday, May 5, 1995, American Legion Lenape Post No. 211 held its Installation of Officers at the Post Home. The installing officer was County Commander Kenneth Murray. The newly-elected officers are as follows: Commander: Edward T. Strek; First Vice Commander: Richard J. Kosmoski; Second Vice Commander: Robert J. Vermeal; Third Vice Commander: Roy A. Place; Finance Officer: James N. Foss; Chaplain: John H. Merritt; Service Officer: Thomas A. Maag; Historian: Rudolph Unkel; Judge Advocate: Joseph E. Rudy; Sergeant-At-Arms: Hector A. Sola; Adjutant: Francis B. Sullivan. Knights Trip to Monmouth Park a Success Hazy skies greeted a crowd of about 90 people who enjoyed the South Amboy Knights of Columbus' Monmouth Park outingSundayJune 11. The crowd boarded the NJ Transit "Pony Express" which went right to the racetrack gates. Trip organizer Bill McAndrew was very happy with the turnout and enthusiasm and promised a return for 1996. Leo Di Giulio and Ray Wesley led the way in the barbecue area cooking up delicious hot dogs, hamburgers, and chicken. Everyone had a great time and headed home happy, although the winners were undoubtedly a little happier. A-1 Service Company CONGRATULATES THE CLASS OF 95 Especially Our Son Robert Servicing All Major Home Appliances WASHERS - DRYERS - DISHWASHERS REFRIGERATORS, AIR CONDITIONERS NEW & RECONDITIONED APPLIANCE SALES ALL WORK AND SALES GUARANTEED 1830 Route 35 LES KOVACS. PROP. South Ambov. NJ (Morgan) WEBER'S GARAGE TUNE-UP - CARBURATION SPECIALISTS 1809 ROUTE 35 MORGAN, NEW JERSEY 08879 (906)721-1280 Obituaries Brocato, Shirley Walter 67, of Parlin died June 15. Buskey. William J ,Sr.,92, ofSouth Amboy died June 16. Jaje, Loretta Lewandowski, 78. of S. Amboy died June 1 3. McKeon, Edward I-.. 55,of Morgan died June 12. South Amboy-Sayreville Times June 24, 1995 13 School Sports by Tom Burkard Bombers Superb in Golf Coach Larry Helwig's Sayreville golf squad turned in yet another stellar season. finishing at a lofty 15-6. Rob Markovitch, w as the Bombers top golfer with an avg. of 41.5 for 9 holes. Karl Sadowski was close behind with a42.5. Paul Thurston followed with a 43.5. Chris Morgan 44, and Paul Sauer44.5. Markovitch and Sadowski were all-county 2nd team selections in the TNT. Reserves, expected to help the "96 edition are John Toth, Jay Fulton, and Jason DiPaula. Hoffman's Cheryl Christensen entered the school record books by tying Cris Zampella's career mark of 91 stolen bases. Way to go, Cheryl! Bombers Set Track Record The Sayreville boys track team set a new school record in the shuttle hurdles at the East Coast Relays. The shuttle squad composed of Adam Devlin, Andre Adams, Patrick Ojong, and Adrian Murray, won first place, and set a school record in 0:59.45, shattering the previous mark of 1:00.2, which was set in 1977, by a team which featured Devlin's uncle Bob, running leg. Saints Ousted by Gloucester Catholic St. Mary's Lady Eagles softball squad, missing 5 starters who were on a class trip, were blasted from Parochial B state tourney play, by old nemesis, Gloucester Catholic, 19-2. Tracy McCurdy blasted a triple for Coach Garnett's girls, who finished 9-10 on the year. Eagles Win 2nd in Tennis The Blue & Gold of August St., won their second tennis match of the season, nipping St. Peter's, 3-2. Singles winners were Ken Diaz, and Mike Dunn. Victorious in doubles were Mark Szuba & Bryan Meszaros. Sayreville Falls in Semis The Lady Bombers of Sayreville were eliminated by Edison, 3-0 in the CJ Group IV semis. Janet Ryan's club managed only 5 hits off the Eagles, with Stephanie Allocco stroking 2 singles. Tracey Thomsen took the tough defeat in her final high school game, but finished with an outstanding 145 mark for '95. The Sayreville contingent finished 15-5. Hoffman Falls in State Play Coach Rich Klein's Lady Guvs had their dreams of bringing home a state CJ Group 1 crown shattered by a talented Middlesex, 13-0. Don't let the score deceive you. Ace pitcher, Jamie Keeter, who pitched every game for the John St. Brigade, and had all 19 wins and 1 defeat, could not suit up for the contest, because she had found out earlier in the day that she had a stress fracture of the left foot, and torn ligaments and bone spurs in her throwing hand - all injuries were sustained in the previous week's win over St. Mary's. Without a backup pitcher in the wings, Klein's courageous crusaders were no match for the psyched-up Middlesex club. Overall, it was a great season, and a 19-2 record is something to be proud of! Devlin Wins Crown Adam Devlin of Sayreville won theCJ Group IV Hurdles championship in 14.3. Teammate Adrian Murray finished 3rd in 14.7. Congratulations boys! Glory Days in Local Sports by Tom Burkard 1933-34: South Amboy High's basketball team's final point totals were: Frank Morgan 114, Meinzer 88, Norm Morgan 74, Primpka 48, Hoffman 46, Grembowicz 25, Prasnal 22, F. Conroy 19, Opiola 15. Pavich 15, Lagoda 8, Newmark 6 . . . 1946: St. Mary's hoopsters copped their 15th straight win of the year by nipping Carteret, 32-28. Reggie Carney popped in 12 . . . 1955: Metuchen belted Sayreville, 8-3 in diamond play. Ed Prysak, Al Delikat, and Ron Kuran each stroked 2 hits for the Bombers... 1961: The Hoffman 5 opened their season with a 95-40 romp over Rutgers Prep. Manny Formoso fired in 28, John "Red" Lange 26, and Bob Poetsch 20 . . . 1974: In S. Amboy Slow Pitch, Budweiser A.C. finished 10-7. Team leaders were: Joe Zailski-13 runs, 3 doubles; Don Walczak 20 hits, .435; Tim Farrell-2 home runs; Ebinger-5 pitching victories . . . 1978: Beth Callahan was 13-1, and Nancy Burbank 11-1 for Sayreville's 26-2 county softball champions . . . .1982: Dottie Frisch paced the Hoffman girls softball team with a .486 avg., 40 runs, 34 hits, 35 rbi's, and 11 doubles. Sharon Christensen was tops with 29 steals... T.H.E. GAME by Tom Burkard Year: 1964 Sport: Baseball Teams: St. Mary's (4-6-1) vs. Sayreville (5-3-1) Recap: Winning pitcher, Denny Dzergoski held the Saints to 2 infield singles, as he notched his 5th straight win without a loss. John Karlowitz and Paul Slovik each ripped a single and a double. Eagles Tom Trenta had his 4 game winning streak snapped. Player of the Game: Sayreville ace pitcher, Denny Dzergoski 6-Year-Old Wins Black Belt SMAA Promotes the Youngest Black Belt in the Country . . . At first glance, Cody Smith, (at three feet. S inches tall and 38 pounds!) appears to be just another six year old that has yet to hit average height. But though closer examina- tion, Cody Smith has something that the tallest child in the first grade can only dream about - a Black Belt in Karate. On March 23, Cody, along with several other members of the Sayreville Martial Arts Academy, tested for his 1st Degree Black Belt Recommended. The following week, after deliberations among the Certified Instructors at SMAA, he was awarded his Black Belt with honors, and is now among the youngest Black Belts in the country, at six years and two months. Cody Smith joined the Sayreville Martial Arts Academy at age four with a green belt as a transfer from another Karate school. During that time, according to Chief Instructor Master Jack Skutnik, "Cody has come a long way since he joined. He proved to all of us that he has what it takes to hold such a rank, despite his young age and size." Master Skutnik went on to say that he tries to stress to his students that a Black Belt is only the beginning, and is no longer the ultimate goal to strive for, but merely a stepping stone to start learning advanced techniques. The Chief Assistant Instructor at SMAA, Joe Brignoli, agreed. "These are unusual circumstances. Normally, it would have taken much longer and Cody would have started at an older age, but he showed us the dedication and the desire to learn, so we made an exception in his case." Cody was influenced to join mainly by his cousins and uncle, who also have taken Karate and Kung Fu classes at SMAA for several years. In addition to attending Martial Arts classes three times per week, Cody plays baseball and roller hockey in his spare time. Despite all this, he still maintains an outstanding 1 st grade reports card, consist- ing ot'O's and G's at Eisenhower Elementary School. Cody is now working hard towards his First Degree Black Belt Decided, which is halfway between 1st and 2nd Degree. He wants to eventually compete in the State Championship Tournament Circuit, and win the coveted title of N.J. State Champion in his age group, "in 1994. Sayreville Martial Arts won the title in 7 out of S divisions. It would be an honor for Cody to win the smallest division for 1995," said Master Skutnik. Out of the 68 Black Belts that SMAA currently trains, Cody is the smallest. This is sometimes an opportunity for larger kids and bullies to pick on him, but according to Cody, "I always walk away, just like my instructors tell me to." We expect great things from young Cody Smith in the future, so keep an eye out for him! Gary Read, a seventh grade student at Sacred Heart School in South Amboy, has accomplished a great feat this year. He has scored over 1,000 points in his basketball career at Sacred Heart. Gary is a member of the Varsity Basketball team and has been playing since he was in the fourth grade. His parents are Gary and Chris Read. NOTICE SOUTH AMBOY RESIDENTS Beginning June 1,1995, the summergarbage collection schedule will begin. The twice a week garbage collection schedule, which is outlined below, for your information, it will begin June 1, 1995, and end August 31, 1995. I I AREA MONDAY & THURSDAY 12, AREA TUESDAY & FRIDAY |_Jj AREA WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY 14 June 24, 1995 South Amboy-Sayreville Times Fishing Flashes FLAGS & by Teo "Weebles" Weber I OH THOSE FLAG-WAVING HOLIDAYS OF SIMMER U.S. Flags Decorative House & Flag Kits Fireman Flags Banners P O W Fla 8 - All Sizes S & Hardware Banners for Your Organization or Team RARITAN 109 No. Feltus St. South Amboy, NJ 08879 PRINTING PLUS FLAGS • BANNERS S. 721-2121 We print everything but U.S. Currency! (908) CRAB ATLANTIC NUNZIO'S 36 RT. 35 N • MORGAN RESTAURANT AND PIZZERIA REX GENE SHOPPING CTR. SAYREVILLE, NJ 2 LARGE PIES 1 721-7817 727-1060 OPEN 7 days MARYLAND CRABS ARE HERE! COME AND GET THEM! SUN.-THUR11AM-11PM FRI&SAT11AM-12MID "I $1 OFF $11.95 Ii ANY (Regularly $14) LARGE PIE ' WITH THIS COUPON I WITH THIS COUPON I Expires 7/25/95 Expires 7/25/95 WE HONOR OTHER PIZZA COUPONS Call Ahead for Your Party & Pickup Orders * Seafood Take Out * Sandwiches & Platters $1 OFFA DOZEN CRABS EXPIRES JULY 1, 1995 BEEPER (908) 724-5083 HOME (908) 525-3145 $ Blow Drys $1 200 AUGIE'S EXTERIOR WOODWORK INTERIOR RESIDENTIAL 106 N. Broadway South Amboy, NJ 727-2828 SUMMER HOURS WEDNESDAY THRU SATURDAY w E E Cuts $ 1 o oo WILLIAM A. WALCZAK Congratulations Dads & Grads! Neumann Construction * Custom Homes * Additions * Alterations * Sun Decks * Roofing & Siding *Ceramic Tiling * FREE ESTIMATES Randy Neumann 429 David Street, South Amboy, NJ 08879 908-525-9395 With The Experts. For Less • Freqowt Cfufsw dstourts Wcrth lop Oust Ins • Air/Seo PaiogB • Meting S Camnfcn Ptxtoges • Hmeytnoon I ftomne PodiagK • Graduate S Reuraon Podoges • Gal SVaaifcff Mage • (nine Ftom 3toys!o 3 Week c> \XJalczak Educational Enter-prises 230 SOUTH FELTUS STREET SOUTH AMBOY, NJ 08879 (908) 721-9091 * Word Processing * Resumes * Business Plans Fret Servkt Major CradH Card] Homed 525-9199 Mm Dm (m DENISE LYKOSH, Travel Consultant The world's # / Cruise Agency Network Make us your source for Home Health Care! On Wednesday we offer 10%«off cash purchase and Blood Pressure Screenings to Senior Citizens. Open Mon.-Fri. 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Sat. 9:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m. Mid-Jersey Respiratory Associates 721-0028 (24 Hr. emergency calls) Salt Water Hit and Miss at the S. Amboy Beach for Bluefish with early morning and top of the high tides best on cut bait. I saw a 2 pound plus Fluke caught from the beach here. Fluke fishing is very good in the entire bay, but a good number of the Fluke are shorts. Ocean Bluefishing is very good in the Mud Hole and 17 Fathoms with 6-12 pound fish. A 20 pound striper was recently caught here on a bunker back. I also saw a Mako Shark caught in the Mud Hole, and weighed in at 180 pounds at Atlantic Highlands. Ling, Seabass, and large Blackfish round out a very good bottom fishing picture. Some Kingfish are reported in the Long Branch surf, and all coastal rivers and bays have Blowfish. Expect first Bonito any day now. QUALITY PAINTING & UP Wash & Set $looo Fresh Water I tried Trout and Shad in the Pequest area, and caught 1 average Trout and I small Shad, which fought hard, the week before Memorial Day. I also wound up hooking myself in the face with a plug, up in Sussex County making a trip to the Newton Hospital Emergency room necessary, as they removed the hook. I only caught 1 Trout on Memorial Day Weekend, and missed a few more at the Paulinskill near Marksboro. Locally Farrington Lake is producing Pike and some Bass. Trout stocking is over, but there are some left. Shad fishing is now confined to the upper Delaware above Walpack Bend in their spawning areas - you can still catch them here. MEDICAL SUPPLIES & Clinical Services We Accept MC, Visa, Amex, Medicare. Medicald & Others 1061/2 NORTH BROADWAY SOUTH AMBOY Fax:721-0008 24 Enter Times Hall of Fame The South Amboy-Sayreville Times Sports Hall of Fame recently welcomed 23 new members. Among the group included 4 former minor league baseball players, who were brought to our attention by some local sports historians. The latest addition of Times Hall of Famers: Chris Began, Allison Carew, Adam Devlin, Dana Feltz, Michael Foye, Larry Helwig, Karen Hill, Jeanne Holt, Mary Huguenin, Jim Hyson, Andy Kane, Jamie Keeter, Lou Lagoda, Mitch Moudatsos, Adrian Murray, Melanie Newcomb, Kristy Parfianowicz, Jason Procaro, Jessica Roneree, Tracey Thomsen, Don Unkel, Pat Walsh, Ed "Lefty" Zebro, Laura Zemsky. New inductees may pick their official Hall of Fame Programs, and Elite Membership Discount Card at Amboy Ports of Call, 117 So. Pine Ave., S. Amboy, Mon.-Fri. between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Proper identification must be presented. In the event of a deceased member, a close family relative may stop in. The membership cards offer some excellent discounts at local participating businesses, and may be used by the member's family. Congratulations Hall of Famers on your outstanding achievements in sports! 60 Years Ago . . . 1935: The Sacred Heart Musicians basketball club finished with a perfect 26-0 record. Coach Joe Lagoda's team took on all challengers, and destroyed other athletic clubs, churches, and fire department basketball squads. Roman Ziobro was the team scoring champ, nipping Edmund Lagoda 186-185. Point totals for the other classic team members were: Ed Grembowicz 170, Anthony Opiola 148, Ignatius Zrebiec 117, Louis Komosinski 42, Walter Jankowski 33, Ploskonka 31, Vince Wisniewski 29. Top notch reserves were John Szarejko and Stanley Kolo. Coach Lagoda was truly a court genius, as his Sacred Heart team amassed 98 wins and only 8 losses from 1931 -35 . . . South Amboy-Sayreville Times Coach ofthe Year - Interview: Melanie Newcomb by Tom Burkard Melanie Newcomb was born and raised in South Amboy, attended St. Mary's schools all the way through, and graduated in 1970. I had the good fortune of growing up with her in the Mechanicsville section of South Amboy, and I can tell you that she was always a highly-competitive, and extremely talented athlete. Melanie has been teaching for 14 years at Spotswood, and has coached various athletic teams on different levels from junior high to varsity, where she has been the Head Coach of Boys Tennis for the past 4 years. 1995 has been the type of season for her that most coaches can only dream of. Not only did she announce that she would be retiring from coaching after this season, but her team turned in one of the finest records in the county, 17-2, and she was selected by both The Home News and News Tribune as Coach of the Year, forheroutstanding coaching ability. The honors she has garnered are a fitting swan song, so to speak, for such a terrific person! This local girl really made good, and I couldn't be more proud of her! The Interview TB: What do the Coach of the Year honors mean to you? MN: It's overwhelming! It's amazing for a Blue Division Coach to get this type of recognition, especially from 2 different publications. I'm very proud of it. TB: When and where did you develop your interest in sports? MN: Growing up in Mechanicsville in a neighborhood with boys. I originally was a steady catcher, but Joe Jaskowiak forced the other guys into accepting me as an athlete, by telling them to let me bat, and play the field. TB: How did girls basketball differ back in the '60's, when you starred for St. Mary's, compared to today? MN: There were 6 girls on the court, and only 2 people got to play both offense and defense. I was strictly a forward - 1 just shot. I was the shooter. (As a frosh she was billed as a phenom, and lived up to it by averaging 14 points per game, by far tops on the Eaglettes). TB: Where did you attend college? Did you play sports? MN: I went to Sacred Heart in North Carolina for my first 2 years, but they had no women's sports, so I transferred to Kean College. As a junior, I was the right fielder, and led the team with a .441 avg. I didn't play as a senior, because of student teaching. TB: How do you think you would fare against today's female athletes? MN: I'd be all right. If I was growing up now, and Reggie Carney was coaching, I would love to go to Hoffman and play for him. TB: What other teams have you coached? MN: I started as an assistant track coach, coached boys junior high basketball for 2 years, junior high cheerleaders for 4 years, was Spotswood girls varsity softball coach for 1 season, and we finished 14-7, and made it to the states. I've also started a girls basketball program, and was a high school basketball referee for 2 years. TB: What will you miss about coaching? MN: The closeness with the kids. It's extra special. You are their teacher, coach, counselor, and mother. TB: Do you have any hobbies? MN: Tennis. In the summer, I play everyday for at least 2 hours. TB: What is in your future? MN: I'd like to take a year off. and privately coach my niece, and help her achieve her goal of making the St. Rose varsity tennis team. I'd also like to work with my nephew Drew, who wants to learn tennis. I want to be with my family. TB: Who were your favorite athletes as a kid, and now? MN: Duke Snider. Today, Don Mattingly, Rickey Henderson, and Todd Martin (tennis). TB: How are kids attitudes different today towards sports than when you played? MN: They're not much different. If they are interested and committed, then they will be successful. My kids at Spotswood were truly committed, and gave 100%, even though they had other things going on. They really believed in themselves. We had fun. TB: What is your coaching philosophy? MN: Commit yourself, put in time, and learn as much as you possibly can. Have fun, believe in yourself, and do it! TB: What is your fondest memory of St. Mary's High? MN: Playing basketball at St. Mary's, and guys betting on how many points I'd get in a game. TB: What was your greatest moment in sports. MN: Winning 2 Division championships in 4 years in tennis. It's miraculous! I'm really proud of this. TB: You are 5 feet tall, about the same height as N.J.'s all time leading scorer, Kristen Somogyi. If you were in your prime, and played her head to head, how would you do? MN: Bring her on! She's not much taller or quicker. I would have beaten her in my prime. Prayer to the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit, you who solve all problems, light all roads so that 1 can achieve my goal. You who give me the divine gift to forgive and to forget all evil against me and that in all instances of my life are with me. I want this short prayer to thank you for all things and to confirm once again that 1 neve want to be separated from you even in spite of all material illusions. I wish to be with you in eternal joy and thank you for the mercy toward me and mine. The person must say this prayer for 3 consecutive days, after 3 days the favor requested will be granted even if it seems difficult. The prayer must be published immediately afterthe favor is granted without mention of the favor, only your initials appear at bottom. A.S. 15 South Amboy Elementary School Scholastic Honor Roll 1994-95 School Year All Four Quarters Presidential Outstanding Academic Excellence 2/103: Meaghan Campbell, Liz (Elizabeth) Gray, Gina Montefusco. 2/104: Sarah Bublinec, Daniel De Joy, Kyle De Lucca, Cory Hammond, Megan O'Connell, Matthew Paullus, Richard Steele, Amanda Richmond, Michelle Tomaszewski, Jessie Winkler, Katie Ziola. 2/202: Ashely Constantino, Terri Fisher, Brianne Gonsalves, Doughlas Rand, Adam Sorrentino. 2/207: Can Morse, Jessica Nadalin, Frank Redding, Jennifer Riehl. 3/208: Stephanie Bellanich, Colleen Cyriax, Michael Devine, Kaileen Hess, May Kwok, Gregory Patulo, Keryn Rosenberger, Matthew Stratton. Tracie Szatkowski. 3/210: Christopher Coleman, Susan Dula, Ronald Frisch, Patricia Hartigan, Daniel Nagle, Victoria Walczak, Sean Wilday, Kriston Wolfe. 3/119: Karen Colburn, Brian De Joy, Kelly Dingman, Dale Kaboski, Kristi Kulesar, Alison Lampart, Jilyne Laratta, Joanna Lenis, Christina Morse, Jessica Ruskuski, Megan Switzer. 3/121: Stephanie Clark, Maria Golden, Andrew Lieberman, Kari Nilsen, Jessica Polak, Timothy Rager, Cynthia Vargas. 4/116: Marisa Carney, Stephanie Kasics, David McNamara, Michelle Patullo, Kristi Ruskuski, William Seres. 4/117: David Abadie, Neil Abadie, Margaret Barwikowski, Erin Campbell, Todd Christensen, Amy Haug, George Kern, Kiersten McCarthy, Robert Seickendick, Michael Toris, Jessica Walsh. 4/118: Brandon Tarr, Stephanie Woods, Terry Niestempski, Debbie Hessner, Beth Kubinak 4/124: Justine Arvelo, Jon Bouchard, Patrick Buczynski, Christopher De Lucca, Kiera Dorrick, Nickilee Fiorello, David Fisher, Jared Gonsalves, Kacper Pierwola, Kathleen Schulz, Lisa Smith. Int/209: Mandie Kotula, Jessica Pansini, Daniel Plewa, Kyle Wright. Settlement with Delilah's Den South Amboy City Law Director John Lanza announced that as a result of the City's successful legal action against Delilah's Den on May 3,1995 enjoining the owners from opening a nightclub with live adult entertainment, a settlement has been reached with Delilah's Den stipulating the following conditions: 1. The owners of Delilah's Den are enjoined from having or permitting any gogo dancing type entertainment or nude dancing type entertainment and any other use not practiced by the previous owner/occupant. 2. The City acknowledges a pre-existing non-conforming commercial use at the premises which include the following: a. Music and customer dancing, music by a disc jockey or a live band. b. Hosting of private parties such as banquels. Bar and Bat Mitzvahs, weddings St. Jude May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us. St. Jude, worker of Miracles, pray for us. St. Jude helper of the hopeless, pray for us. Say this prayer nine times a day. It has never been known to fail. Publication must be promised. Thank you St. Jude. A.S. Prayer to the Blessed Virgin (Never known to fail) Oh, most beautiful flower of Mt. Carmel, Fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. Oh Star of the Sea. help me and show me, herein you are my mother. Oh, Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queenof Heaven and Earth! I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor me in this necessity. There are none that can withstand your power. Oh, show me herein you are my mother. Oh Mary, conceived without sin, prayfor us who have recourse to thee (3 times). Holy Mother, I place this cause in your hands (3 times). Must be said 3 times for 3 consecutive days and published immediately after favor is granted. Thank you. R.D. Prayer to the Blessed Virgin (Never known to fail) Oh, most beautiful flower of Mt. Carmel, Fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. Oh Star of the Sea, help me and show me, herein you are my mother. Oh, Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queenof Heaven and Earth! I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor me in this necessity. There are none that can withstand your power. Oh. show me herein you are my mother. Oh Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee (3 times). Holy Mother, I place this cause in your hands (3 times). Must be said 3 times (or 3 consecutive days and published immediately after favor is granted. Thank you. R.D. June 24, 1995 ST. JUDE NOVENA May the sacred heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Sacred heart of Jesus pray for us. St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude. help of the hopeless, pray for us. Say this prayer nine times a day. By the eighth day you rprayer will be answered. Say it for nine days. It has never been known to fail. Publication must be promised. Thank you St. Jude. R.D. and other similar functions. c. On occasion special event promotions, and entertainment of the same nature and frequency as the prior owner/occupant. d. Business hours will be 11:30 a.m. to 2 a.m. Monday thru Saturday; 4:00 p.m. to 2 a.m. on Sunday. This settlement requires the owners of Delilah's Den to successfully transfer the liquor license from the previous owner, comply with all City Ordinances, and obtain all required City approvals prior to opening for business, under the above stated limitations. In addition, all lawsuits filed by the owners of Delilah's Den against the City of Soulh Amboy and its officials have been dismissed as part of the settlement. Bus Trip to Atlantic City Caesar's Casino is the destination on Friday, July 7, 1995 for a trip to Atlantic City. Bus leaves South Amboy at 2 p.m. Call E. Munck for information and reservations, 721-1789. Prayer to the Blessed Virgin (Never known to fail) Oh. most beautiful flower of Mt. Carmel, Fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God. Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. Oh Star of the Sea, help me and show mt\ herein you are my mother. Oh, Holy Mary, Mother of God. Queen of Heaven and r-larth! 1 humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor me in this necessity (Make request) There are none thai can withstand you power. Oh Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee (3 times). Holy Mother, I place this cause in your hands (3 limes). Say this prayer for 3 consecutive days. You must publish ii ami it will be granted to you. Thank you. A.S. Prayer to the Blessed Virgin (Never known to fail) Oh, mosl beautiful flower of Ml. Carmel, Fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God. Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. Oh Star of the Sea. help me and show me. herein you are my mother. Oh, Holy Mary. Molher of Ood, Queen of Heaven and Earth! 1 humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succorme in this necessity (Make request) There arc none that can w rthstand you power. Oh Mary, conceived without sin, pra\ lor us who have recourse to Thee (3 times). Holy Mother, I place this cause in your hands (3 times). Say this prayer toi 3 consecutive days. You must publish it and it will be granted to you. Thank you. A.S. 16 June 24, 1995 South Amboy-Sayreville Times HOURS MONDAY-FRIDAY Lunch 11-2:30 • Dinner 4-10 SATURDAY Lunch 12-2:30 • Dinner 4-10:30 SUNDAY DINNER 3-10 7 CECELIA STREET SAYREVILLE 257-4110 TUESDAY THURSDAY FRI. & SAT. MBAKE LOBSTER FANTASY SEAFOOD $ 13 FEAST 16 featuring e lobster, shrimp, snow crab legs, ciams, corn on the cob & potato CHICKEN & RIBS 11 PRIME RIB $4495 MONDAY SUNDAY English Cut 10 TEXAS Monday Madness BARBEQUE $Q95 With BBQ Chicken, Grilled Kielbasa, Steak Kabob, BBQ Pork Chop FREE WEDNESDAY CLAM BAKE SHRIMP APPETIZER Roast Beef or Roast Turkey all you can eat $Q95 LOBSTER FANTASY LUNCH BUFFET all you can eat Includes VA ib. lobster split with your choice of 4 stuffings 5 $1 Hot Crabs & Cold Beer All You Can Eat MARYLAND STYLE 1-800-675-4373 COUPON BUY 1 LUNCH I & RECEIVE 2ND LUNCH CRABS Salad Bar AT % PRICE }SA OR STARTING JULY 5 DAILY LUNCH SPECIALS LUNCHBUFFET all you can eat Choice of 3 Entrees. Soup. Sajad Bar, Dessert & Coffee Tuesdays • Wednesdays • Thursdays All You Can Eat HAPPY HOUR DELUXE CRAB PLATTER Monday thru Friday • MD. Style Crabs • Dungeness Crabs • Snowcrabs • Steamed Shrimp • Cajun Popcorn Shrimp X , » Corn, on the Cob • Choice of Potato 1 Salad Bar $0195 MONDAY THRU FRIDAY I Not valid on advertised | specials. 1 per table, a Not valid on holtdays. "l Not to be combined c with a»y other offers $Q95 5 3 '95 ' Catering For AH Occasions Call Includes 1/2 Stuffed Lobster, Stuffed Flounder, Shrimp & Scallop Scampi. Stuffed Shrimp & Fried Ciams All You Can Eat FRIED FLOUNDER FRIED SHRIMP with all Dinner Entrees $ Charcoal FRIDAYS $41195 $-|095 all you can eat 21 STARTING JULY 5 4-6PM RAW BAR at HAPPY HOUR PRICES Bar Only
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