animal mania flyer 2016


animal mania flyer 2016
St. Clair County
Lori Warchuck’s Desk
As we find ourselves starting the New Year, let’s take one last look back at
2015. Did we accomplish the goals we set for the year with our projects or in our
clubs? Did we treat people in our 4-H family with respect and understanding?
Let’s start our 4-H work, whether it’s in our clubs, serving on a committee, or
working with our projects, with the idea that we are all on the same 4-H team.
Even if we don't quite agree on how things should be done, we should express our
difference with respect, kindness and positive energy so that we can continue to
“Make the Best Better”.
As we move forward into the New Year it is important that 4-H families keep
in contact with their club and leaders as we approach important deadlines, events
and opportunities regarding both 4-H and Fair. You can get the latest information
from both the MSUE and Fair web pages.
Let’s have another successful 4-H year!
4-H Council Auction—Saturday, February 27, 2016
Come get out of the cold winter weather, and participate in the
annual 4-H Council Auction. There is something for everyone. Come out, bid
often, and have a great time. All proceeds go directly back into the St. Clair
County 4-H Program. Dollars are used for 4-H scholarships to leader
training, Exploration Days and supporting local 4-H workshops.
Looking for a way for your club to earn dollars? Help procure items to
be auctioned. Ten percent of the auction price of the items goes back to
your club. Items need to be new or can be services. Handmade items or
baked goods sell very well. All auction items should be brought to the
Community building at Goodells on Friday, February 26 between noon until
8 pm. All club forms needed are on the MSUE web page at
For more information contact Lori Warchuck (810) 989-6935 or If you have donated items that need to be
included in the sale bill please let us know by Tuesday, January 15, 2016
Michigan State University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. Michigan State University Extension programs and materials are open to all without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, religion, age,
height, weight, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital status, family status or veteran status. Issued in furtherance of MSU Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Ray Hammerschmidt, Interim Director, MSU Extension, East Lansing, MI 48824. This information is for educational purposes only. Reference to commercial products or trade names does not imply endorsement by MSU Extension or bias
against those not mentioned. The 4-H Name and Emblem have special protections from Congress, protected by code 18 USC
Contact Us
Lori Warchuck,
Program Coordinator
lwarchuck@stclaircounty. org
MSU Extension
200 Grand River Ave #102
Port Huron MI 48060
Web Site:
Fair Office Contact Info
Linea Burch, Office Manager
Fair Office Located at
1328 Michigan
Marysville, MI 48040
P O Box 325,
Marysville MI 48040
Council Auction is
4-H Workshops and Events
Jan 10 Animal Mania Committee mtg., Fair Office, Marysville at 1 pm
Jan 11 Fair Board mtg., Goodells at 7 pm
Jan 16 Winter Achievement, North Street Methodist Church, North Street
Jan 16 4-H Livestock Judging meeting, 3 pm at Goodells Co. Park Community Building (see info below)
Jan 18 4-H Council mtg., Goodells at 7 pm
Jan 21 Horse Leaders mtg., Goodells at 7 pm
Feb 1 Winter Horse Prj., Equine Nutrition and Poisonous Plants, 6:30-8 pm Goodells, Community Bldg.
Feb 1 4-H State Awards applications and essays due
Feb 19 National Bee Keeping Essay contest entries due, contact Lori W for more information.
Feb 27 4-H Council Auction, ALL MEMBERS/CLUBS expected to participate
Mar 5 From the Forrest to the Table, Jeddo
Mar 5 Project Linus, at Goodells; help make blankets to donate to youth in hospital
Mar 7 Winter Horse Prj., Learning Games, 6:30-8 pm Goodells, Community Bldg.
Mar 12 Animal Mania, noon to 4 pm at McMorran Arena, Port Huron
Apr 4 Winter Horse Prj., Grooming Demo., 6:30-8 pm Goodells, Community Bldg.
Apr 15-17 4-H Thumb Area Camp teen counselor training at Camp Cavell
May TBA 4-H Thumb Area Camp final training for Teen counselors
June 1 4-H Exploration Days Orientations
June 18 County Shooting Sports Tournament – Blue Water Sportsman’s Club
June 19 County Archery Tournament – Goodells
June 22-24 4-H Exploration Days
June 25 4-H Warm Up Horse Show at Goodells County Park
June 26 4-H State Qualify Horse Show, at Goodells County Park
July 6-8 Thumb Area 4-H Camp – Camp Cavell Lexington MI
July 16-23 St. Clair County 4-H and Youth Fair, sponsored by the St. Clair County Agricultural Society
4-H Winter Achievement is right around the corner, Saturday, January 16, 2016. Do you have your
projects ready? All the project requirements, event catalog and other information is on our website at Please encourage your club members to participate in this 4‐H Council
sponsored event.
NEW 4-H Livestock Judging Program St. Clair County 4-H Program is excited to offer a new
LIVESTOCK JUDGING opportunity. Livestock judging involves evaluating classes (4 animals per class)
of beef, sheep and swine species (market and breeding) and giving oral reasons for your placing. Oral
reasons consists of explaining to the contest official why a class was placed. This is also an excellent way
to improve selection skills for livestock projects.
No experience is needed, interested youth are welcome to come and hear about the program.
Youth do not have to show livestock to participate in livestock judging. You do not need to bring
anything special to the informational meeting held on Saturday, January 16, 2016 at 3 pm at the Goodells
County Park Community Building. Future practices will be hands-on at various farm locations.
Please RSVP if you plan to attend with name, age, and club name to Jeannine Schweihofer, via
email at or call/text 989-996-0684. Please let us know if you have any questions as
Winter Horse Project, Leaders Marianne Moskal (810) 305-9834, Lucy Brown (586) 855-3215; and Heather Mudge (810) 434-4359 or have volunteered their
time to bring many topics to their monthly meetings from October through April.
4-H members in Macomb and St. Clair Counties, you have the unique opportunity to spend the
cold, dark months that will soon be here learning about your favorite things in the world (horses of
course) and have a great time doing so. We will be meeting the first Monday of every month, October
through April, from 6:30 to 8:00 pm in the Community Building at Goodells County Park. Some of you
may choose to compete in our various contest areas, some may simply want to learn. Maybe you've been
riding and showing at high levels for 10 years, maybe you don't even ride but just love horses. Regardless
of your background or experience, if you want to learn, we want you to join us!
4-H Animal Mania will take place on Saturday, March 12, 2016 from noon to 4 pm at McMorran Place
Pavilion, Port Huron, $1 admission or $5 per family.
This annual event welcomes all science and animal lovers to come and explore through interactive
exhibits and demonstrations. Your club is needed. We are looking for youth and adults to help run the
event, and present exhibits and educational displays.
Here are a few booths for your club to consider:
Meat Cuts: We would like a booth that explains where each cut of meat comes from on that animal
(Goat, Sheep, Veal, Beef, Swine, Poultry, Rabbits etc.)
Animal Products: What other things are made from animal bi‐products
Cost of owning (fill in the blank)____________: Choose an animal and break down the LIFE LONG cost of
owning that animal (Training, Food, Treats, vet care, etc.)
What does it take to make a gallon of milk? We would like to see how much water and food a cow needs
per day to produce X amount of milk.
Balloon Arch: We are going to need a large balloon arch to go over where the Teddy Bear clinic is.
Canine Breed ID / Know your breed: We would like a booth or multiple booths that describe what
different breeds where bred to do, and a get to know the breed. We would like to see a poster board for
each breed! As many breeds represented as possible. (Need youth to prepare a display board with the
following K9 breeds Elk Hound, German Shepard; your displays can be exhibited at Winter Achievement
and used for Animal Mania.)
Euthanasia booth: this booth will be dedicated to helping pet owners understand when its time.
Exotics: exotics pets and their care
X‐Ray/What not to eat: Large projector under an ez up (will train you for this booth).
Livestock booths: More info on showing and raising the animals
Rabbits: Mock Show with judging?
Roping: we have the calf heads and hula hoops, just need someone to run the booth
Face painting: will supply all needed supplies
(Animal Mania Continued)
Some of the displays we have everything you need. You can add your own touch and come spend the day with us.
Your club can come up with its own fabulous ideas too.
Other items needed:
Gently used or new stuffed animals: Youth attending Animal Mania have the opportunity to adopt a stuffed
animal. Adopted stuffed animals are then “health checked” at the Teddy Bear Clinic for the all clear to go home
with their new family. Animals can be dropped off at the MSUE office in Port Huron or River View Veterinarian
Center in St Clair.
Donation containers: We need large clear containers! Large pretzel or cheese ball containers like the ones from
Sam’s Club.
Sponsors: We need more sponsors to keep Animal Mania going. Prize awarded to the club that solicits the most
sponsor money. Donation letter and forms are available at
For more information contact Lori Warchuck at (810) 989‐6935.
St. Clair County 4-H Robotics Club Update
On December 5th, our FTC Team (Middle
School) competed in their First FTC
competition. The kids had to prepare an
engineering book and build a robot to compete
against other teams.
Their engineering book consisted of a
biography of each team member, sponsorships
they acquired, inventory and cost of putting the
project together, and design phases of their robot.
For the Robot build we were able to partner with
the Marysville Middle School teams. This
allowed us access to veteran team members for
mentoring and also gave us access to the
Marysville game field to test our robot. Our FTC
team was awarded the Inspire Award. This gave them the opportunity to compete at the state level.
On December 19th the team competed at the state level and
was awarded the Dream Team Award.
This is the first year for this team and we are very proud of the
awesome season that they had.
We are looking forward to seeing their future
accomplishments. Awesome Job Gang!
Back 40 Trailblazers 4-H Club participated in the Christmas
Angel Tree at the Birchwood Mall. Pictured here from left to
right is Zachery Fahley, Ethyn Hammer, Jared Fahley, Owen
Ypma and Aiden Kalmus.
Congratulations Michael Dupuie for being voted the Youth Mentor of the Year
for FTC in the State of Michigan. Michael is currently the President of the St.
Clair County 4-H Robotics Club and along with mentoring our FTC and FLL
teams he is also mentoring five other teams in the county. We are very proud
of Michael and his accomplishments and are glad to have him as part of the
Robotics initiative for 4-H. Great Job Michael!
Whispering Pines 4-H Club helped ring in the Christmas
Season by ringing the bell for the Salvation Army. We talked
to a lot of people and had a great time. Thanks gang for
taking time out of your busy schedule and giving back to a
community that supports 4-H.
Pictured: Tiffany Jackson, Jessica Jackson, William Jackson,
AmandaLynn Falk, and Michelle Nowicki
Missing: Amy DeFrain, Kloe DeFrain, and Trish DeFrain
On December 14th the Anchor Bay
Achievers 4-H Club went caroling at The
New Baltimore Place assisted living
facility. The kids and the residents had a
great evening. After caroling 4-H
members enjoyed cookies with the
residents. It was truly a night filled with
holiday joy.
At the Rustic Ramblers 4-H club November meeting we elected new officers. Congratulations to:
Ben Reis, president
Hope Baker, vice-president
Lily Nelson, secretary
Sam Walker, treasurer
Jadin Boska, historian and reporter
Daisy Jones, historian and reporter
Jeffery Baker, historian and reporter
Jediah Baker, reporter
Thank you and great job to those that served our club this past
Katie Reis, president
Ben Reis, vice president
Sammy Enright, secretary
Amy Racz, treasurer
Historians: Amy Racz, Jeffrey Baker, Nathan Perkins
Reporters: Michelle Sanda, Sammy Enright, Breanna Jamison
The Fall 2015 Tractor Supply 4-H Paper Clover Fundraiser results are in! Almost $894,000 was raised
for 4-H nationally from Oct. 7-18, 2015. Michigan raised a total of $31,935 to support 4-H which ranked
fifth in the nation! Of the total$20,758 will be distributed to counties, $1,597 for state 4-H support and
$9,581 to National 4-H Council for underwriting the campaign.
Fall 2015 TSC 4-H Paper Clover Highlights
The top 5 Michigan TSC stores were:
The top 5 Michigan counties were:
Sturgis (St. Joseph County)
St. Joseph County
Howell (Livingston County)
Livingston County
Coldwater (Branch County)
Lapeer County
Imlay City (Lapeer County)
Genesee County
Marysville (St. Clair County)
Saint Clair County
TRACTOR SUPLY STORES—The St Clair County 4-H Program would like to thank you and your store
employees for supporting 4-H during the Paper Clover promotion which raised $603 from the Marysville
TSC and $240 from the Port Huron TSC for a grand total of $843 for our St Clair County 4-H Program.
The money raised during the Fall Paper Clover promotion will help support 4-Hers as they participate in
local workshop and project areas such as robotics, horses, shooting sports and photography to name just a
Partners like you help make a difference in our 4-H members lives. We look forward to working with
you and your store again in future events and promotions! Again, thank you for your support with the
Paper Clover promotion.
Also a big thank you for the 4-H’ers, their leaders and parents for committing their time to promote the
paper clover campaign. Sincerely, Lori Warchuck, 4-H Program Coordinator
4-H Workshops
January 9-10, 2016: Michigan 4-H Horse Judges & Show Superintendents Conference
Kettunen Center, Tustin
January 13: Michigan 4-H Embryology Program Coordinator and Volunteer Training
Michigan State University Federal Credit Union, East Lansing
Learn How to Keep
Your Bird Flock
Healthy and Safe!
To help protect against avian
influenza and other diseases,
( Extension
( will
partner with the U.S.
Department of Agriculture
( to present
free bird
biosecurity trainings in early
Offered at various
locations across the state, the
workshops will provide
Information about avian
influenza, disease
transmission and
prevention, and proven
biosecurity measures that bird
owners can
implement. Poultry
producers, owners of
backyard flocks, 4-H
members and volunteers, as
well as anyone
interested in poultry and
biosecurity, are
encouraged to attend.
Find more information about
training dates and
locations, as well as virtual
connection options, on the web
Preregistration is required.
January 15-18: National Youth Summit on Agri-Science
National 4-H Conference Center, Chevy Chase, Maryland
January 30-31: 4-H Youth Leadership & Global Citizenship Spectacular
Kettunen Center, Tustin
February 5-6: 4-H/MQHA Horse Judging Workshop & Mini Contest
MSU Pavilion, East Lansing
February 6-7: 4-H Winterfest
Kettunen Center, Tustin
February 13-14: Junior Master Gardener Workshop
Contact Dixie Sandborn (
Kettunen Center, Tustin
February 19-20: 4-H Veterinary Science Teen & Adult Leaders Workshop
Kettunen Center, Tustin
Other 4-H Events
January 12, 2016: Student & Counselor Day
The Lansing Center, Lansing
January 16, 2016: 4-H Day at the Breslin
Breslin Center, MSU, East Lansing
January 29-31: Green & White Youth Event & Open Hog Show
MSU Pavilion, East Lansing
January 30: 4-H Rabbit & Cavy Show
MSU Pavilion, East Lansing
For the most up-to-date events listing, go to
The Who, What, When, Where, How and Why of Fairs
Fairs are an important part of life for many 4-H’ers, but how did fairs begin? Who had
the idea for a show of such sweeping proportions? Where, when and why did they
According to the International Association of Fairs and Expositions’ (IAFE) (
web article, History of Fairs (International Association, 2015), these
events may have been held as early as 500 BC in the eastern
Mediterranean. The IAFE bases this notion on the following
quotation from Ezekiel 27:12: "Tarshish was thy merchant by reason
of the multitude of the kinds of riches . . . they traded in thy fairs."
These “periodic gatherings” brought together individuals involved
in business, trade and production of commodities. As time marched
on, such events spread into western Europe. Finally,
entertainment was added to these get-togethers.
In the U.S., fairs grew from one man’s entrepreneurial idea. In 1784, a wealthy 26-year-old New York
businessman, agriculturalist and banker, Elkanah Watson, purchased two merino
sheep. As a farsighted entrepreneur, Watson saw the potential in breeding sheep
whose wool was of a higher quality than that which could be obtained locally.
This was especially true since the Revolutionary War had ended a year earlier
and, at that time, “. . . many people in the United States were trying to rely less on
England and English goods . . . .” (Michigan State 4-H Rabbit Fitting and Showing
Curriculum Subcommittee, 2009, p. 17).
First, however, Watson had to excite his neighbors’ interest in his sheep. To do
so, in 1807, he invited his neighbors to “meet him and the sheep” at Park Square in
Pittsfield, Massachusetts, where he tied the sheep to a tree and gave a
presentation (Oliver, 2011). Watson and his sheep received the enthusiastic
reception for which he had hoped. In 1810 and 1811, this led Watson to (1) create
an event, the Berkshire Cattle Show, at which animals were exhibited and prizes
were paid for the best animals exhibited, and (2) organize the Berkshire
Agricultural Society (, 2011). Watson continued helping
communities organize their own agricultural societies and shows, thus
earning himself the title, “Father of US agricultural fairs” (International
Association, 2015).
Further, by the end of the nineteenth century, almost every state had one
or more fairs or exhibitions. The “History of Fairs declares that the “core
elements of those agricultural society events of the early 1800s – those
early fairs – are at the heart” of today’s agricultural fairs, which now
number more than 3,200 annually.
More information is available from:
 International Association of Fairs and Expositions. (2015). History of Fairs. Retrieved from
 Michigan State 4-H Rabbit Fitting and Showing Curriculum Subcommittee. (2009). From the
past to the present: History of early fairs in the United States. In Rabbit Fitting and Showing (p. 17).
East Lansing: Michigan State University Extension.
 Oliver, N. (2011, November 3). First agricultural fair revisited. Berkshire Eagle. Retrieved from
 (2011). American education: Berkshire Agricultural Society. Retrieved from
 Wikipedia. (2015). Elkanah Watson. Retrieved from
You’re Invited to
the 11th Annual
4-H Day at the
Breslin Center
Join thousands of
Michigan 4-H Youth
families, volunteers and
staff members, on
January 16, to cheer on
the Spartan Women’s
Basketball team
as it battles the Iowa
Hawkeyes. This fun family
event celebrates the 4-H
and MSU Extension
Tickets are free for 4-H
youth and their families,
4-H volunteers, and MSU
Extension staff members
and their families.
Contact your local
Extension office
( no
later than January 11 to
reserve your free tickets.
More event information
(for example, transportation, parking, attire and
other activities ) is
available on the 4-H web
site (
Saturday, March 12, 2016
Donations of $1 per person or $5 per
Noon to 4:00 p.m.
For children and Adults of all ages
McMorran Place Pavilion
Modeled after Michigan State University’s
“Vet-a-Visit” program. Come explore the world of
animals through interactive exhibits and demonstrations.
Due to the nature of this
event no animals other than
those connected to the
event allowed.
• Stuffed animal clinic—bring or adopt a sick or injured stuffed
animal to the clinic for suturing or diagnosis
• Microscope research
• Wool spinning
• Hatching chicks
• Large livestock (where does food come from) and pet animals
• Animal rescue groups.
• Exotics—and much, much more
Contact: Lori Warchuck
St. Clair County MSU Extension
(810) 989-6935
200 Grand River Ave. Ste. 102
Port Huron MI 48060 OR
Dr. Robyn Limberg-Child at or
Wendy Mollan (810) 984-2624
Bring your donations to be distributed among rescue groups, items
needed: new collars (buckle and training or slip), leashes, can food
lids, bandanas, toys, treats, laundry soap, bleach, dish soap,
disinfectant cleaner, towels also office supplies like postage supplies
etc. Food donations need to be unopened.
Sponsored by: St. Clair County 4-H Council
and Riverview Veterinary Center
Presented by: Vet Quest 4-H Club and
4-H Program Staff and Volunteers
MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer. Michigan State University Extension programs and materials are open to all
without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, religion, age, height, weight, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital status, family status or veteran status. Accommodations for persons with disabilities may be requested three days before
the event by calling to make the arrangements, requests received after three days will be met when possible.
Michigan 4-H
State Awards
ON &
Personal Development Opportunity
for Michigan 4-H Members
The Michigan 4-H State Awards Program is an opportunity for 4-H members ages 11-19 to receive
recognition for their engagement in rich learning
experiences that result in outstanding knowledge and life-skill development. After participating in the State 4-H Awards Program youth will:
 Learn to better communicate and represent their accomplishments
on professional applications such as scholarships, collegeentrance applications, résumés and cover letters for employment.
 Have more experience and be better able to
communicate during job interviews
 Build long-lasting friendships and establish
connections with industry and academic leaders
 Be encouraged to set new goals, continue building skills and assets, and broaden interests
Age Categories
 Mark of Excellence Essay Contest~
11-12 year old 4-H members
 Junior State Award~
13-15 year old 4-H members
 Senior State Award~
16-19 year old 4-H members
 Group Award~
13-19 year old 4-H members
MEET NEW PEOPLE The application process and selection for the Michigan 4-H
State Awards program is determined by the age of the 4-H
member. Recognition may include certificates, plaques, and cash prizes for junior and senior award
winners. Get more information at the link below.
All applications are due February 1st. Each county may select up to two
Mark of Excellence Essay winners to be recognized. Up to 12 youth
across the state in both the junior and senior level in
each project recognition area may be selected to
participate in the State Awards program during 4-H
Exploration Days in June where final selection and
announcement of winners will take place.
Applications due February 1st
Recognition Areas
 Beef Science
 Biological Science
 Birds and Poultry Science
 Civic Engagement
 Communications and Expressive Arts
 Companion Animal Science
 Consumer and Family Science
 Dairy Science
 Environmental and Earth Science
 Equine Science
 Goat Science
 Healthy Lifestyles
 Leadership and Personal Development
 Plant Science
 Rabbit and Cavy Science
 Sheep Science
 Swine Science
 Technology and Engineering
 Group Award
& OR
4-H members will learn to communicate their experiences into a professional application that includes documenting how 4-H has helped them
 Learn and apply life skills
 Practice leadership and service
 Tell their 4-H Story
Contact your local MSU Extension office for additional information.