2016 Conf brochure Final Jenny.pub


2016 Conf brochure Final Jenny.pub
Maine Nurse Practitioner Association
2016 Spring Conference
Featuring National Key Note Speaker
Jerry Bridge
“If Healthcare Is About Being Well,
Why Am I So Stressed Out?”
April 27-29, 2016
Point Lookout Conference Center
Lincolnville, Maine
…….A Message and Invitaon from the President
The Maine Nurse Practitioner Association cordially invites you to attend the 21th
Annual Spring conference for Nurse Practitioners at Point Lookout in Lincolnville,
Maine April 27 to 29, 2016.
Please join me in thanking our volunteer Professional Development Committee, led
by Bethany Jarvis and Amy Langley for bringing the conference to us this year.
Bethany, Amy and their committee and our Executive Director Pam Cahill have
gathered an expert and inspirational group of speakers to offer you practice
changing information, education, networking and fun.
On Wednesday evening the new Executive Director of the Maine State Board of
Nursing, Kim Esquibel, MSN PhD, will open the conference and talk about what
constitutes unprofessional conduct in healthcare settings. Our keynote speaker,
Jerry Bridge, comes to us with high marks for turning complex issues into fun,
engaging, thought provoking programs. The conference continues through Friday
afternoon. Early registration will be available on Wednesday from 6:30 - 7:00 pm.
Dessert and coffee will be served Wednesday evening, breakfast and lunch for both
Thursday and Friday is included in your registration fee.
2015 - 2016
Board of Directors
Evelyn Kieltyka President
Rhonda Selvin
Immediate Past President
Anne Perry President-Elect
Stephanie Small, Secretary
Sherryl Kempton, Treasurer
Terri Taylor, Member-at-Large
Meneah Haworth
Public Rela#ons Co-Chair
Tom Bartol
Public Rela#ons Co-Chair
Bethany Jarvis
On Thursday night, we will hold our live and silent auction, which funds
conference scholarships for both NP students and NPs. Last year, your donations
helped MNPA raise funds to provide 30 scholarships. If you know of someone who
may need a scholarship, please ask them to visit our website at www.mnpa.us to
download an application.
Your donations of items and services and your participation in the auction allow us
to provide these scholarships. Original artwork, handmade sweaters and jewelry,
spa services, tickets to sporting/cultural events, gift certificates to boutiques,
LL Bean and restaurants are always popular items. To donate an item, please
contact the auction coordinator and Member-At-Large, Terri Taylor at
MNPA also continues to offer a leadership scholarship for one or more of our
members who choose to participate in leadership education and professional
development. Please visit our website for more information.
Suggestions or ideas on how MNPA can better serve NP’s in Maine are always
welcomed; please feel free to contact any of our board members, email addresses
are listed in the brochure and on our website.
See you in Lincolnville!
Best wishes for a year of health and happiness to you and your patients,
Evelyn Kieltyka,
MNPA President
Professional Development Co-Chair
Amy Langley
Professional Development Co-Chair
Patricia Philbrook
Legisla#ve Commi*ee Co-Chair
Stephen Brewer
Legisla#ve Commi*ee Co-Chair
Pamela Cahill
Execu#ve Director
Contact INFO:
11 Columbia Street
Augusta, Maine
Phone: 207.621.0313
Fax: 207.622.4437
E-mail: pam@mnpa.us
Registration Forms
Are Available in
Format or Online
Conference and Events
Speaker: Jerry Bridge is a professional speaker, humorist and
workshop leader. Jerry is well known for turning complex
issues into fun, engaging thought provoking programs. Over
the past 25 years he has presented inspiring keynotes and
content rich workshops for thousands of business executives,
mangers and administrative staff. Jerry is gifted speaker well
known for his ability to help people reduce stress, build
teamwork and improve performance. Jerry’s passion is to,
motivating programs to empower people and having lots of
fun in the process.
If Healthcare is About Well Being, Why am I so
Stressed Out?
The purpose of healthcare is to alleviate suffering and increase well being. And yet, vast numbers of clincians, administrators
and medical staff are feeling over stressed, overwhelmed, over red and burned out.
Sick, distressed employees are prone to poor diet, lack of exercise, low energy and depression.
Quesons and key points:
1. Facing the challenge: explora0on of the individual and collec0ve sources of stress and nega0vity.
2. Assessment: what are your challenges and where do you need support?
3. Inspira0on, encouragement, 0ps and tools for prac0cing ‘self care’- sharing ideas for exchanging anxiety and stress for relaxa0on, focus and greater well being!
TAKE AWAY MESSAGE – Learning how to be ‘selfishly healthy’ - without sacrifice or guilt - will help you to be more relaxed, focused and effecve in caring for others
“Jerry spoke at the HPMSNJ annual meeting and the feedback from the group was great. He was able to engage the audience in a lively discussion...and provided them with many helpful hints for how to reduce the
stress in their lives. It didn’t hurt that he did all this with a good dose of humor, which we all needed! I would
highly recommend Jerry as a motivational speaker.
— Eileen Horton, Vice President, Healthcare Planning &
Marketing Society of New Jersey
2016 Spring Conference Agenda
This program is pending approval by the American Association of Nurse Practitioners.
Evening Presentation
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
6:30 PM – 7:00PM
Early Conference Registration
7:00PM – 8:30PM Special Evening Presentation
“Unprofessional Conduct” Kim Esquibel, PhD,MSN
Day Two
Friday, April 29, 2016
6:30 to 7:30 AM Early Morning Session – “Yoga for the Nurse
Practitioner: A Gentle Practice with Techniques
for Clinical Practice” Tom Bartol, NP
Executive Director, Maine State Board of Nursing
7:15 – 7:45
Registration, Continental Breakfast
Day One
Thursday, April 28, 2016
7:45 – 8:00
Welcome - Day Two
8:00 – 9:00
6. General Session – “Diabetes Update”
Sheryl Sparlin, FNP
7:15 – 7:45
Continental Breakfast
7:45 – 8:00
Welcome - Day One
Evelyn Kieltyka, President, MNPA
Bethany Jarvis, Amy Langley Professional
Development Co-chairs
9:00 – 10:00
7. General Session – “Improving the Management
of Depression in Primary Care: Insights into
Diagnosis and Treatment” Susie Adams, PhD,
8:00 - 9:30
1. Keynote Address - “If Health Care Is About
Well Being , Why Am I So Stressed Out?” Jerry Bridge Healthcare Speaker
10:00 – 10:30
Break, Exhibits
10:30 – 11:30
8. General Session – “Highlights of Cardiology”
Janet Thompson, BSPA,MSEd,MSN, ARNP-C
11:30 – 12:30
9. General Session – “The Impact of Intimate
Partner Violence on Women’s Health”
Kini Tinkham, RN
12:30 – 1:30
Lunch and Annual Awards Presentations
1:30 – 2:30
10a. Breakout Session - “Proactive and Effective
Approaches for Healthcare Needs of Individuals with
IDD” Dorris Babbidge, RN, CDDN, LNHA
1:30 – 2:30
10b. Breakout Session - “Antibiotic Stewardship”
Elisabeth Mock, MD, MPH,FAAFP
1:30 – 2:30
10c. Breakout Session – “Foundations of
Transgender Hormonal Treatment Health &
Prevention” - Allison Bates, WHNP,
9:30 – 10:00
Break and Exhibits
10:00 – 11:00
2. General Session – “Care Givers, Take Care!
Jerry Bridge Healthcare Speaker
11:00 – 12:00
3. General Session – “Behavioral Health
Integrations: An Opportunity for Leadership &
Collaboration” Jesse Higgins, PMH-NP
12:00 – 2:00
Maine Nurse Practitioner Association
Lunch, Exhibits, 2015 Annual Meeting
2:15 – 3:15
4a. Cancelled Breakout Session–“PMPUpdate”
John Lipovsky, MPPM,AREM, PMM
2:15 – 3:15
4b. Breakout Session – “Male Hypogonadism”
Mark Henderson, MD
2:15 – 3:15
4c. Breakout Session – “Pediatric Potpourri”
Donna Cotton, FNP
1:30 – 2:30
10d. Breakout Session - “Reiki”
Pat Philbrook, RNC, NP
2:15 – 3:15
4d.. Breakout Session – “Patient Privacy and
Coordination” Lori Dwyer, Esq
2:30 – 3:30
3:15 – 4:15
5a. Breakout Session – “Primary Care of the
Future Rhonda Selvin, MSN, NP
11a. Breakout Session –“Benefits & Indications
for MRI & CT IV Contrast” Brain Livingston,
2:30 – 3:30
3:15 – 4:15
5b. Breakout Session – “Diagnosis Management of Seizures in the Primary Care Setting”
Karen Secore, MS,APRN,CNRN
11b. Breakout Session – “Contraceptive Update”
Christina Theriault, MSN
2:30 – 3:30
11c. Breakout Session - “What Healthy Kids Can
Teach Us About Wellness and Chronic Disease
Prevention ” Kathryn Landon-Malone, PhD, MSN
2:30 - 3:30
11d. Breakout Session -“Differential Diagnosis
of Benign Paroxysmal Vertigo”-Tim Wakeland,
3:15 – 4:15
5c. Breakout Session – “Diagnosis of Pediatric
Mood Disorders” Rory Fowlie, PMH-NP
3:15 – 4:15
5d. Breakout Session – “Holistic Cancer Care”
Colleen Tetzlaff, DNP,FNP-C,AOCNP
4:30 – 5:30
Reception & Annual Scholarship Auction
Dinner on Your Own
Call for the 2016 Annual Meeting
April 28, 2016 - 12:00 to 2:00 PM
Point Lookout Conference Center - Lincolnville, Maine
The annual meeting of the Maine Nurse Practitioner Association will take place on April 28, 2016 at Point Lookout Conference Center in
Lincolnville, Maine at 1 PM.
A list of vacancies for various MNPA Board of Director positions along with any suggested bylaw changes will be provided prior to the
meeting. Ballots will be distributed and elections will occur at the annual meeting. Please note that nominations may also be taken from
the floor during the annual meeting. If you have questions regarding these nominations, or wish to nominate yourself or another NP for a
Board position please contact Pam Cahill at pam@mnpa.us or at 207-621-0313.
An agenda will be distributed prior to the meeting. If you have specific agenda items you wish to have discussed at the annual meeting,
please contact Pam Cahill who will present these items to the MNPA Board for consideration
This year’s conference is designed to give you as much free time as scheduling permits to network with NPs and visit conference
exhibitors. Please make time to visit with the exhibitors who generously support this conference.
We encourage everyone, including exhibitors, to participate in the Thursday reception and scholarship auction. The reception will be
held earlier in the day (4:30 to 5:30) in hopes people will attend, leaving plenty of time to have dinner with friends and associates.
You may also register and make payment online by going to www.mnpa.us and following the prompts to the Spring Conference.
Remember that the accommodations at Point Lookout are one, two and three-bedrooms cabins and are equipped with kitchenettes for
your convenience. So feel free to bring your own food and beverages. Dessert and coffee will be provided on Wednesday evening. If
you require special dietary needs beyond gluten free and vegetarian meals, please provide your own food.
Additional overnight accommodations are available at the Ducktrap Motel, one mile south of Point Lookout by calling (207) 789-5400
2016 Conference Faculty
Keynote Speakers
Kim Esquibel, PhD, MSN, MPA
Jerry Bridge, Health Care speaker
Reservation Information
Guest Reservations at Point Lookout should be made in
advance by calling 1-800-515-3611 or (207) 789-2000
When making your reservation, please refer to
The Maine Nurse Practitioner Association
Cabins will be available on a first-come-first-serve basis.
Additional Accommodations are available at the
Ducktrap Motel
one mile south of Point Lookout.
Make reservations by calling
(207) 789-5400
Directions to Point Lookout
From Portland to PL: 1 hour 58 minutes, 88.46 miles
1. Start out going NORTHEAST on CUMBERLAND AVE toward FRANKLIN ARTERIAL/US-1A S. 0.0 mi
2. Turn LEFT onto US-1A N/FRANKLIN ARTERIAL. 0.4 mi
3. Merge onto I-295 N toward FALMOUTH. 22.3 mi
1.3 mi
1.2 mi
6. Turn LEFT onto MILL ST/US-1/BLUE STAR MEMORIAL HWY. Continue to follow US-1 N. 42.8 mi
7. Turn LEFT onto CAMDEN RD/ME-90. Continue to follow ME-90. 10.8
8. Turn LEFT onto COMMERCIAL ST/US-1. Continue to follow US-1. 2.0
9. US-1 becomes US-1. 7.7 mi
10. 67 ATLANTIC HWY is on the LEFT
From Bangor to PL: 1 hour 13 minutes, 47.35 miles
1. Start out going EAST on HAMMOND ST/US-2/US-2A/ME-100 toward
UNION ST/ME-222. 0.0 mi
2. Turn SLIGHT RIGHT onto UNION ST. 0.3 mi
3. Turn RIGHT onto MAIN ST/US-202/ME-9. 0.9 mi
4. Merge onto I-395 W/US-202 W/ME-15 N. 0.4 mi
5. Merge onto US-202 W via EXIT 2 toward HAMPDEN. 4.5 mi
6. Turn LEFT onto US-202/ME-9/WESTERN AVE. Continue to follow ME9/WESTERN AVE. 0.4 mi
7. Turn RIGHT onto MAIN RD N/US-1A. Continue to follow US-1A S. 19.2
8. Turn SLIGHT RIGHT onto US-1 W/ME-3 W. Continue to follow US-1 W.
21.5 mi
9. 67 ATLANTIC HWY is on the RIGHT.
Doris Babbidge, RN, CDDN, LNHA
Tom Bartol, NP
Alison Bates, WHNP, APRN
Donna Cotton, FNP
Lori Dwyer, Esq
Raymond Fowlie, PMHNP
Mark Henderson, MD
Jesse Higgins, PMHNP
John Lipovsky, MPPM, AREM, PMM
Kathryn Landon-Malone, PhD, MSN
Brian Livingston, MD
Elisabeth Mock, MD, MPH, FAAFP
Patricia Philbrook, RNC, NP
Karen Secore, MS, APRN
Rhonda Selvin, FNP
Sheryl Sparlin, NP
Colleen Tetzlaff, BSN, MSN, DNP
Christina Theriault, MSN
Janet Thompson, RN, BSPA, MSEd, MSN,
Kini-Ana Tinkham, RN
Tim Wakeland, PT, DPT, ATC
For more information about Point Lookout go
For information about the Lincolnville, Camden, Rockport area visit this website:
21st Annual Spring Conference for Nurse Practitioners April 27-29, 2016 - Registration Form
Name & Credentials:_______________________________________________________________________________________________
Please print all information, including email address clearly.
Mailing Address:__________________________________________City:_________________________________________State:_______
Zip:__________ Phone:________________________________ E-mail:_______________________________________________________
Wednesday Evening Only:
Thursday & Friday
MNPA Member
Thursday Only:
MNPA Member
Friday Only:
MNPA Member
By 4/4/16
No fee
After 4/4/16
No fee
Day of Conference
No fee
___Yes No___
Make checks payable to: Maine Nurse Practitioner Association
Return registration and payment to MNPA, 11 Columbia Street, Augusta, Maine 04330
Or register and pay on-line at www.MNPA.US
__ Check ___ Visa __MC ___Amex
Please check here if you
_____Vegetarian meals
_____ Gluten free meals
For other dietary restrictions,
please provide your own
card# ________________________________________Exp. Date__________
credit card’s 3 or 4 digit security code __________
[ ] (7:00 - 8:30 PM) Evening Presentation - “Unprofessional Conduct & Other Misconduct: Righting a Wrong” Kim Esquibel, PhD, MSN,
MPA, Maine State Board of Nursing Director
[ ] (8:00 - 9:30) Keynote Session 1: If Healthcare is About Well
Being, Why am I So Stressed Out? Jerry Bridge, Healthcare Speaker
Dessert & coffee on
Wednesday evening, all
breakfast, lunch, and snacks
and the scholarship reception
are included in your
registration fee.
] (10:00 - 11:00 ) General Session 2: Caregivers, Take Care
Jerry Bridge, Healthcare Speaker
[ ] (11:00 - 12:00) General Session 3: Behavioral Health Integration:
An Opportunity for Leadership & Collaboration Jesse Higgins, PMH-NP
DAY 2: FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 2016
[ ] (6:30 to 7:30) Early Morning Session: Yoga for the NP: A Gentle
Practice with Techniques for Clinical Practice Tom Bartol, NP
] (8:00 - 9:00) General Session 6: Diabetic Update Sheryl Sparlin, FNP
] (9:00 - 10:00) General Session 7: Improving the Management of
Depression in Primary Care: Insights into Diagnosis and Treatment
Susie Adams, PhD, RN, PMHNP, FAANP, FAAN
] (10:30 - 11:30) General Session 8: Highlights of Cardiology:
Janet Thompson, RN, BSPA, MSEd, MSN, ARNP-C
] (11:30 - 12:30) General Session 9: The Impact of Intimate Partner
Violence on Women’s Health Kini Tinkham, RN
4a: (2:15 - 3:15) Cancelled Using PMP to Improve Patient Care
John Lipovsky, MPPM, AREM, PMM
] 4b: (2:15 - 3:15) Male Hypogonadism
Mark Henderson, MD
] 4c: (2:15 - 3:15) Pediatric Wellness Update
Donna Cotton FNP
] 4d: (2:15 - 3:15) Patient Privacy and Care Coordination
Lori Dwyer, Esq.
] 5a: (3:15 – 4:15) Primary Care of the Future: Dollars &
Delivery Rhonda Selvin, MSN,NP
] 5b: (3:15 -4:15) Diagnosis & Management of Seizures in the Primary
Care Setting: a Case Study Karen Secore, MS, APRN, CNRN
] 5c: (3:15 – 4:15) Diagnosis of Pediatric Mood Disorders
Raymond Fowlie, PMHNP
] 5d: (3:15 - 4:15) Holistic Cancer Care: An Integrative
Approach Collen Tetzlaff, DNP, FNP-C, AOCNP
] Yes, I Plan on attending the auction and reception on Thursday
] 10a: (1:30 - 2:30) Proactive and Effective Approaches in Meeting
Healthcare Needs of Individuals with IDD
Doris Babbidge, RN, CDDN, LNHA
] 10b: (1:30 - 2:30) Antibiotic Stewardship
Elisabeth Fowlie Mock, MD, MPH, FAAFP
[ ] 10c: (1:30 - 2:30) Gender Affirmative Healthcare: Foundations of
Transgender Hormonal Treatment
Alison Bates, WHNP, APRN
[ ] 10d: (1:30 - 2:30) Healing the Provider Through Reiki
Patricia Philbrook, RNC, NP
] 11a: (2:30 - 3:30) Benefits and Indications for MRI and CT IV
Contract Administration Brian Livingston, MD
] 11b: (2:30 - 3:30) What’s New in Contraceptive & STD Services
Christina Theriault, MSN
] 11c. (2:30 - 3:30) What Healthy Kids Can Teach Us About Wellness &
Chronic Disease Prevention
Kathryn Landon-Malone, PhD, MSN
] 11d: (2:30 - 3:30) Differential Diagnosis of Benign Paroxysmal
Positional Vertigo Tim Wakeland, PT, DPT, ATC
11 Columbia Street
Augusta, Maine 04330