Wax additives for water based printing inks and OPV`s
Wax additives for water based printing inks and OPV`s
Wax additives for water based printing inks and OPV‘s Wachsadditive für wässrige Druckfarben und Überdrucklacke Cires en phase aqueuse pour encres et vernis 2012 keim additec surface GmbH Hugo-Wagener-Str. 9 55481 Kirchberg/Hunsrück Germany Phone + 49 (0) 67 63/93 33 - 0 Fax + 49 (0) 67 63/ 93 33 - 30 information@keim-additec.de www.keim-additec.de About keim additec surface GmbH Das Unternehmen keim additec surface GmbH La société keim additec surface GmbH The company, founded in 1988 and located in Kirchberg/ Germany since 1996, has specialized very early in the development and production of water based ULTRALUBE® wax additives in order to achieve an improvement or modification of surface properties of aqueous coating formulations like printing inks, overprint varnishes, lacquers, wood stains, adhesives and polishes. The R&D-center opened in 2009 enables on 1200 m2 a detailed characterisation of the ULTRALUBE® wax additives itself as well as a determination of the surface properties of a coating influenced by their usage. The following equipment and methods are at the laboratories disposal: Das im Jahr 1988 gegründete und seit 1996 in Kirchberg im Hunsrück ansässige Unternehmen hat sich bereits frühzeitig auf die Entwicklung und Produktion wasserbasierter ULTRALUBE® Wachsadditive spezialisiert, mit deren Hilfe eine Verbesserung bzw. Modifizierung der Oberflächeneigenschaften von wässrigen Beschichtungssystemen wie Druckfarben, Lacken, Lasuren, Klebstoffen und Pflegemitteln erzielt wird. Das im Jahr 2009 eröffnete und mit modernsten Mess- und Prüfmitteln ausgestattete F&E-Zentrum ermöglicht auf einer Grundfläche von 1.200 m2 eine eingehende Charakterisierung der ULTRALUBE®Wachsadditive sowie eine Bestimmung der durch den Einsatz dieser Wachsadditive modifizierten Oberflächeneigenschaften. Hierzu verfügt das Labor über folgende Geräte und Methoden: La société fondée en 1988 et situé à Kirchberg en Allemagne depuis 1996. Cette société s’est spécialisé très tôt dans le développement et la production des additifs en phase aqueuse à base de cires, ULTRALUBE®, utilisés dans le but de conférer une amélioration ou une modification des propriétés de surface dans les formulation aqueuses de revêtements tels que les encres d’imprimerie, les vernis de surimpression, les peintures, les teintes pour bois, les adhésifs ou les produits d’entretiens. Le nouveau centre de R&D de 1200 m² ouvert en 2009 permet de caractériser les cires ULTRALUBE® tout en déterminant l’incidence de leur utilisation sur les propriétés de surface d’un revêtement. Les équipements et méthodes suivants sont disponibles au sein du laboratoire : 5 scanning electron microscope bubble pressure tensiometer abrasion resistance measurement contact angle measurement dyn./static coefficient of friction determination differential scanning calorimetry orimetry particle sizer (3 nm-6 µm) m) photometer Brookfield viscometer UV-curing unit flexo printing machine IR-spectrometer Rasterelektronenmikroskop op Blasendrucktensiometer Messung der Abriebfestigkeit (Quartant, Sutherland, Taber) Bestimmung stat./dyn. Reibungskoeffizient Partikelgrößenmessgerät (3 nm-6 µm) Thermoanalyse (DSC) Kontaktwinkelmessgerät rät ä Photometer Brookfield-Viskosimeter te ter UV-Trocknungsgerät Flexodruckmaschine IR-Spektrometer Microscope électronique à balayage Tensiomètre à pression de bulles Abrasimètre Mesures de l’angle de contact Détermination des coeff. de friction dynamique et statique Calorimètrie à balayage différentiel Granulométrie laser (3nm-6µm) Photomètre Viscomètre Brookfield Équipement séchage de revêtements UV Imprimeuse flexographique Spectromètre IR Functional properties Funktionale Eigenschaften Propriétés fonctionelles ULTRALUBE® type wax type solids content melting range pH-value ionic character FDA ULTRALUBE® Typ Wachstyp Feststoffgehalt Schmelzbereich pH-Wert Ionogenität FDA ULTRALUBE® type Nature de la cire Extrait sec Point de fusion Valeur pH Caractère ionique FDA + E-340 FM paraffin 50% 56-58 °C 9.5 A E-359 mod. paraffin 25% 56-85 °C 9.0 A – E-389 PE/paraffin 30% 118 °C 9.0 N/A + E-522/20 mod. HDPE 20% 138 °C 9.0 N + – E-530 V HDPE/copolymer 30% 127/220 °C 9.5 N mod. PE 35% 118-137 °C 8.5 N/A – E-668 H PP 35% 154 °C 9.0 N/A + E-7015 carnauba 32% 85 °C 2.5 N/A – E-623 E-7090 Emulsion carnauba 25% 84 °C 10.0 A + E-7090 Y8 compound 30% 84 °C 4.0 N – E-7920/40 carnauba 40% 84 °C 5.0 N – HDPE/PTFE 46% 125/326 °C 7.0 N – E-801 E-8046 S mod. HDPE/polym. silicone 42% 134 °C 6.5 N – E-810 HDPE 35% 137 °C 9.0 N + E-842 N HDPE 42% 125 °C 6.5 N + E-846 HDPE 40% 138 °C 6.0 N – MD Dispersion E-846-11-S HDPE/silicone 40% 134 °C 7.0 N – E-848 PE 40% 125 °C 6.5 N + E-850 HDPE 35% 130-145 °C 8.0 N + E-854 HDPE 30% 135 °C 8.5 N/A + E-912 HDPE 35% 146 °C 9.5 N + D-280 HDPE/PUD 60% >127 °C 9.0 N – D-803 HDPE 60% 125-137 °C 9.0 A + D-806 HDPE 60% 128 °C 9.0 N + D-806/1 HDPE 60% 128 °C 9.5 N + D-808 HDPE 65% 128 °C 9.0 N + D-816 HDPE 65% 128 °C 8.5 N + D-835 mod. HDPE 60% 128 °C 9.0 N – D-838 HDPE/PTFE 60% 125/326 °C 8.5 N – D-860 PE/ester 60% 102-132 °C 6.0 N – MD-2000 HDPE 50% 128 °C 9.0 N + MD-2011 HDPE 40% 128 °C 3.5 N + MD-2030 mod. HDPE 50% 127 °C 8.5 N – MD-2100 HDPE 50% 137 °C 9.0 N + MD-2300/50 HDPE 50% 125-137 °C 9.5 A + + = yes / ja / oui – = on request / auf Anfrage / à la demande 2 Recommended fields of application Empfohlene Anwendungsbereiche Champs d’application recommandés abrasion resistance Abriebbeständigkeit Résistance à l’abrasion excellent suited hervorragend geeignet excellent approprié 3 slip anti slip Slip Antislip Glissant Antiglissant especially suited gut geeignet spécialement approprié mar and scuff resistance Kratzfestigkeit Résistance à la rayure et à l‘éraflure suitable geeignet approprié anti blocking Blockfestigkeit Antibloquant partially recommended bedingt empfohlen partiellement recommandé water repellency wet rub resistance Hydrophobierung Naßabriebbeständigkeit Effet repelant Résistance aux et perlant frottements humides not recommended nicht empfohlen non recommandé matting gloss Mattierung Glanz Matage Brillant coated papers Gestrichene Papiere Papiers couchés uncoated/ folding boxes paper napkins wall covering recycl. papers and tissue Ungestr. Papiere/ Faltschachteln Tissue/Papier- Papier-/FlachRecycling Papiere Servietten vinyltapeten Papiers non Boîtes Serviettes en Papiers couchés/recyclés archives papier et tissus muraux metal foils films metallic inks MetallFolien Films, plaques métalliques KunststoffFolien Films MetallicFarben Encres métalliques overprint varn. ULTRALUBE® type (lacquers) Überdrucklacke ULTRALUBE® Typ Vernis de surimpression ULTRALUBE® type E-340 FM E-359 E-389 E-522/20 E-530 V E-623 E-668 H E-7015 E-7090 E-7090 Y8 E-7920/40 E-801 E-8046 S E-810 E-842 N E-846 E-846-11-S E-848 E-850 E-854 E-912 D-280 D-803 D-806 D-806/1 D-808 D-816 D-835 D-838 D-860 MD-2000 MD-2011 MD-2030 MD-2100 MD-2300/50 4 Int. distributors Int. Vertretungen Distribution internationale Europe Middle East Region Asia Austria Grolman Chemikalien Handelsgesellschaft mbH Lasserstr. 2a, A-5020 Salzburg Phone +43-662-872562, Fax +43-662-872561 E-mail: info.at@grolman-group.com Belgium, Luxemburg Druckfarben/Printing inks: Lapasse Additives Chemicals, 17, rue Salvador Allende, F-95210 Saint-Gratien Phone +33 1 39 89 58 40, Fax +33 1 39 34 02 31 E-mail: information@lapasse-additives.fr Lacke/Lacquers: Grolman BeNeLux, Cobrugge 14, NL-7471 TD Goor Phone +31 547 26 39 45, Fax +31 547 26 37 29 E-mail: info.nl@grolman-group.com Bosnia-Herzegowina, Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary keim additec surface GmbH, Hugo-Wagener-Straße 9, 55481 Kirchberg/Hunsrück, Germany Phone + 49 67 63/93 33 - 0, Fax + 49 67 63/93 33 - 30 E-mail: information@keim-additec.de Bulgaria, Romania SC EUROCHIM IMPEX SRL, 6 Octavian Goga Av., Bl. M25, Sc III, Et. 4, Ap. 66-67, Sector 3 RO-030982 Bucharest, Romania Phone/Fax +40 21 327 65 51 +52 +53 E-mail: office@eurochim.ro Denmark PORATEK I/S, Hyrdhoj 4, DK-2680 Solrod Strand Phone +45 70 26 51 99, Fax +45 70 26 50 34 E-mail: poratek@poratek.dk Finland, Norway, Sweden Grolman Nordic AS, Lilleakerveien 2E, N-0283 Oslo, Phone +47 22 51 1000, Fax +47 22 51 0990 E-mail: info.no@grolman-group.com France Lapasse Additives Chemicals 17, rue Salvador Allende, F-95210 Saint-Gratien Phone +33 1 39 89 58 40, Fax +33 1 39 34 02 31 E-mail: information@lapasse-additives.fr Germany Gustav Grolman GmbH & Co. KG Fuggerstr. 1, D-41468 Neuss Phone +49 2131 9368 01, Fax +49 2131 9368 264 E-mail: info.de@grolman-group.com Greece, Cyprus, Albania, Serbia, F.Y.R.O. Macedonia Polymers & Colors S.A., P. O. Box 394, GR-194 00 Koropi Phone +30-210-66 20 445, Fax +30-210-66 20 447 E-mail: info@polymer.gr Italy EIGENMANN & VERONELLI S.p.A., Via della Mosa, 6, I-20017 RHO / Milano Phone +39-02-93 53 91, Fax +39-02-93 53 93 00 E-mail: cbestetti@eigver.it, fdclassen@eigver.it Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithunia PROCIMA Sp.zo.o., ul. Narbutta 39 m. 3, PL-02-536 Warszawa Phone +48-22-6467022, Fax +48-22-6464183 E-mail: procima@procima.pl Russia Bioline Ltd., pr. Dobrolubova, 21A-27, 197198, St.Petersburg Phone +7-812-233 16 71, Fax +7-812-233 31 25 E-mail: info@biolane.ru Spain, Portugal SINEX S.L., C/Nervión, 4 (Ionja), E-48001 Bilbao Phone +34 94 4 23 26 93, Fax +34 94 4 23 07 61 E-mail: comercial@sinexsl.com Switzerland Grolman AG Neubadstr. 7, Postfach, CH-4015 Basel Phone +41 61 28 28 270, Fax +41 61 28 28 279 E-mail: info.ch@grolman-group.com The Netherlands Grolman BeNeLux, Cobrugge 14, NL-7471 TD Goor Phone +31 547 26 39 45, Fax +31 547 26 37 29 E-mail: info.nl@grolman-group.com Turkey PROSIM Kimya, Kaleagasi Sok No 5B, Rumeli Hisari, 34470 Istanbul/Turkiye Phone +90-212-263 78 21, Fax +90-212-263 78 25 E-mail: semih.iscimenler@prosim.com.tr Ukraine PROCIMA Ukraina LTD, Ul. Vokzalna 21, 47002 Kremenets, Ukraina Phone +380 3546 25187 E-Mail: procima.u.a.@gmail.com United Kingdom, Ireland Crestchem Ltd. 10 Hill Avenue, Amersham, Bucks HP6 5BW, England Phone +44 1494 434 660, Fax +44 1494 434 990 Mobile +44 7765 232 731 E-Mail: adam@crestchem.co.uk Iran Arya Chemie Poushesh Co. No. 2485 Vali-E-Asr Ave., Negar Tower, 9th Floor, Unit #4 Tehran, Iran 1969833111 Phone +98 21 22585454, 88641782-4 Fax +98 21 22576022, Mobile +98 912 111 8026 E-mail: info@aryachem.com Israel DORMECO Ltd, 4a Hazoran st. (POB 8605), Netanya 42504, Israel Phone +972-9-950 0040, Fax +972-9-956 9912 Mobil: (Udi) +972-522-243906, (Amir) +972-527-35646 E-mail: udi@ormeca.co.il, amir@ormeca.co.il Kuwait, United Arab Emirates Al Shihab Al Thahabi Tr. LLC. P. O. Box 30681, Sharjah, U.A.E. Phone +971 6 5568301, Fax +971 6 5568302 E-mail: ahsan@thahabi.ae Saudi Arabia M.A. Alazzaz Est, P.O. Box 3454, Al-Khobar 31952, 13th Floor Kashoggi (Habitat) Building, Dahran Street Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia Phone +966-3-8992048, Fax +966-3-8983492 E-mail: rashid@alazzaz.com Syria, Lebanon Chemical Plus sal Philippe Andraos Bldg., Dekwaneh, Mar Roukouz Str., Beirut -Lebanon Phone +961 1 680112, +961 1 691629 Fax +961 1 689938, Mobile +961 3 897521 E-mail: chemicalplus@chemicalplus.com China H.J. UNKEL (Shanghai) International Trading Co. Ltd., Unit 2201, Block 2, Xi‘an Zone 20 Middle Xuhong Road, Shanghai, 200235, China Phone +86-21-5169-1088, Fax +86-21-5282-9830 E-mail: shchemical@hjunkel.net.cn H.J. UNKEL (Foshan) Ltd., Room 2204, D Building, Tongji Plaza, 66 Tongji Road Foshan, 528000 P.R. China, Phone +86-757-8333-1488, Fax +86-757-8335-9715 E-mail: foshan@hjunkel.com H.J. UNKEL (Beijing) Office, Rm. 1807, No. 7 Building, Qian He Jia Yuan, No. 108 Bei Si Huan East Road Chaoyang District (zc:100029) Beijing, P.R. China Phone +86-10-6440-5853, 6440-5863, 6440-5218 Fax +86-10-64405901, E-mail: beijing@hjunkel.com H.J.Unkel (Chongqing) Office 6-4, Block 2, 288 New Stentor Nan Road, Nanan District, Chongqing, China, Zip Code 400060 Phone +86-23-86364773, 86364667, Fax +86-23-86364746 E-mail: chongqing@hjunkel.com Hong Kong H.J. UNKEL Ltd., 62 Hoi Yuen Road, 3/F., Phase 1, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong, (G.P.O. Box 1082, Hong Kong) Phone +852-27630308, 27630310, Fax +852-2341-7242 E-mail: hjunkel@incnets.com India Krishna Enterprise, 27 Latif House, 250 Sant Tukaram Road, Masjid Bunder E., Mumbai-400009, Maharashtra, India Mobile +91 9819036601 E-mail: gaurang@krishnaenterprise.org Indonesia PT. GALIC BINA MADA, Desa Sukadanau, Cikarang Barat, Bekasi 17520, Indonesia Phone +62-21-8900 850, Fax +62-21-8900 849, E-mail: coating@galicbinamada.com Japan SUMI-EAGLE CORPORATION Sakura Horidome Bldg. 3F, 1-8-12, Nihombashi-Horidomecho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 103-0012, Japan Phone +813-5614-4610, Fax: +813-5614-4631 E-mail: t-nakadai@sumi-eagle.co.jp Korea ADAMS Specialties, Room 801, Mok-Hwa Office, 725-1 Suseo-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea (ROK) 135-889 Phone +82-2-3413 1606, Fax +82-2-6008 3708, E-mail: adamskorea@yahoo.com Malaysia, Singapore H.J. UNKEL Chemicals Sdn. Bhd., 35, Jalan Salung, 33/26, Shah Alam Technology Park 40400 Shah Alam Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia, Phone +60-3-51 24 69 69, Fax +60-3-51 24 69 30 E-mail: YeowHeng.Tan@hjunkel.com.my, bobby@hjunkel.com.my Pakistan DS ENTERPRISES Hajvery Arcade, 2nd Floor, Office # 5, Near Bank Road, Main Bund Road, Lahore, Pakistan Phone +92-42-37146688 + 36110089 Mobile +92-333-4394551 E-mail: ds.chemicals@gmail.com Philippines H.J. UNKEL (Phil.) Inc., 2nd Floor, 1404 Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz Metro Manila Phone +632-711-7371, -6894, Fax +632-711-68 67 E-mail: cougar.resources@gmail.com Taiwan Ever Finde Products Corporation, 4F, No. 238, Ming-An West Rd. Hsing-Chuang City, 24264 Taipei-Hsien, Taiwan, ROC, Phone +886-2-2203-8889 ext. 57, Fax +886-2-2204 2477 E-mail: info@everfinde.com.tw Thailand H.J. Unkel Chemical (Thailand) Limited 434 Soi Chokchaichongchamroen, Rama 3 Rd., Bangpongpang, Yannawa, Bangkok 10120 Phone +66 2 294-8642-5, Fax +66 2 294-8646 E-mail: hjunkel@cscoms.com Africa Egypt International Traders, El-Sayadla Towers, Building No. 10, Appt. 604, Smouha, Alexandria, Egypt Mobile +2-012-2131688, Fax +2-03-4240924 E-mail: sherif@internationaltradersegypt.com Morocco K&S Chemicals 494, Lotissement Alaimoun, 20300 Lissasfa/Casablanca Phone +212 5 22 908867, Fax +212 5 22 908867 Mobile +212 6 60 248 578, +212 6 664 822 773 E-mail: kettanij@hotmail.com South-Africa CJP Chemicals (Pty) Ltd. P.O. Box 1353, Cresta 2118, Johannesburg, South Africa Phone +27 11 494-6700, Fax +27 11 494-6701 Mobile +27 83 308 8989 E-mail: waynew@cjpchemicals.co.za North-/South America Canada, U.S.A. Keim Additec Surface USA, LLC, 1200 Central Avenue Suite 306, Wilmette, Illinois 60091 Phone +1-847-920-1676, Fax +1-847-920-1681 E-mail: kalmikoff@keim-additec.de Mexico SPECIALPY CHEMICALS S.A. DE C.V. Nueva Escocia #9, Fracc. Las Americas, Naucalpan, Estado de Mexico Phone +52 55 53 73 76 25, Nextel +52*977886*2 E-mail: ernesto_garciarm@specialpychemicals.com.mx Argentina, Uruguay Tecmos S.A. Pedro Conde 1013, C1426 AYU Buenos Aires, Argentina Phone +54 11 5294-5304, -5306, Fax +54 11 4555-3260 Mobile +54 911 5010-5788 E-Mail: info@tecmos.com Brazil For graphic arts applications/Graphic arts Anwendungen: Verlap Quimica Ltda., Alameda Piratinins, 19 06540-035 Alphaville Sao Paulo, Brazil Phone +55 11 41565669, Mobile +55 11 70221705 For all other applications/Alle anderen Anwendungen: GraunaGroup - Divisão Especialidades Químicas, Av Netuno 29, Sala 10, Alphaville, Santana de Parnaíba/SP/Brazil Phone/Fax +55 11 4153 9283, Mobile +55 11 9658 4183 E-mail: sergio@graunagroup.com Australia/New Zealand AXIS CHEMICALS P/L, PO Box 745, Double Bay NSW 1369, Australia Phone +61-2-9360 6771, 9358 6606 E-mail: nikolaus.scheiff@axischemicals.com.au Vietnam Nguyen Ouynh Anh Equipment and Chemicals Co. Ltd. 32/7 Ly Thuong Kiet Street, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Phone: +84 8 38 62 15 67, 63 64 88 Fax: +84 8 38 62 16 78 E-mail: industriallab@ngaco.com, nguyenhuynh@hcmc.netnam.vn
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