2014 annual report
2014 annual report
Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 2014 ANNUAL REPORT 1 2 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Our Vision Our Mission Our Values To help build individual and commercial financial plans that will catalyze Turkey’s success To forge a lifelong partnership with all our stakeholders by understanding their needs, finding the right solutions and aiming for maximum customer satisfaction Respect and Commitment Being “Us” Innovation Leadership Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Contents Section 1- Introduction 02 Vision, Mission and Values 04 Message from the Chairman 06 Message from the General Manager 08 Financial Highlights and Ownership Structure 09 Annual Report Compliance Opinion Section 2 – 2014 Activities 10 Retail Banking 11 Private Banking and High Income Segment 12 SME and Agricultural Banking 14 Corporate and Commercial Banking 16Enpara.com 17 Payment Systems 18 Information Technology (IB Tech), Operations, Channels and Business Development 20Credits 21Treasury 22 International Banking 23 Human Resources 25 Call Center and Telemarketing 25 Legal Counseling 26Subsidiaries Section 3 –Management and Corporate Governance 28 30 34 35 Board of Directors Senior Management Executive Committees under the Board of Directors Other Executive Committees 36 Information regarding Attendance of Members of the Board of Directors and Committees to Meetings 37 Summary Board Report Submitted to the General Assembly 38 Related Party Risks 39 Information on Outsourced Services and the Individuals / Organizations Supplying Outsourced Services 40 Corporate Governance Principles Compliance Report Section 4 –Financial İnformation and Risk Management 47 Distribution of Profit 48 Amendments to the Articles of Association 52 Risk Management 55 Evaluations of the Audit Committee on the Activities of Internal Control, Internal Audit and Risk Management Systems and Information about Their Activities in the Accounting Period 57 Assessment of the Bank’s Financial Position, Profitability and Solvency 58 Additional Information on the Activities of the Bank 59 International Credit Ratings 60 Statement of Responsibility 61 Independent Auditor’s Reports 3 4 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Message from the Chairman We successfully ended a formidable year thanks to steps we have taken since mid2012, our customer focused strategy, and expert “Finansçı” employees dedicated to our values. Dear Shareholders, The year 2014, quite eventful and challenging, is behind us. The tender and volatile nature of the acceleration of global economic growth caused drastic falls in commodity prices and international freight index. The decrease in oil prices was unprecedented and is still influential. The negative impact of economic fluctuation and regional tensions continued to lead to social unrest. Particularly in southwestern neighbors of Turkey, political instability and nonstate formations gained in strength. In such a harsh international environment, two elections were held in Turkey in one year. Added to the economic hardship, the drought led to an increase in food prices and inflationist pressure. A significant fall in current account deficit came about at the end of the year due to decreasing oil prices among other reasons. However, GDP growth was somehow lower than projected. Turkey will end the year with a 3% growth rate. The vigorous fluctuation in the financial market during the end of 2013 and first weeks of 2014 led to a negative start for the financial sector. The sizeable interest rate hike the Central Bank resorted to in order to stop TL depreciation, slowed loan growth with a negative impact on the profitability of the sector. Thanks also to the improvement of the global outlook in the remainder of the year, a more positive course, with the interest rate cuts, replaced the initial negative picture. Another significant theme for the financial sector, besides interest rate movements, regulatory changes, which went into effect partially in mid-2013 and beginning of 2014. The changes were aimed at achieving balance in the current account deficit by supporting exports while curbing imports. Measures were taken to promote growth in SME and corporate/commercial loans while curbing consumer loans and credit card expansion. Targeted ends were substantially met. In 2014, the financial sector was focused on responding to such changes while maintaining rates of profitability. There arose novelties in competition areas due to the new regulations. Under these circumstances, Finansbank was once again able to present its power for strategic positioning and making dynamic projections. We successfully ended a formidable year thanks to steps we have taken since mid-2012, our customer focused strategy, and expert “Finansçı” employees dedicated to our values. In addition to robust growth in SME, corporate and commercial banking segments, we realized successfully the targets planned in line with our retail banking strategy. Finansbank 2014 Annual Report We increased incessantly our earnings every quarter. Finansbank displayed a stronger growth than the sector in loans and deposits. We ended 2014 with a TL 877 million net profit in addition to a high degree of liquidity and a robust 17% capital adequacy ratio. Global economic and geopolitical trends will continue to be unstable in 2015. Beginning mid-2015, the US Central Bank is expected to begin to raise interest rates while the European Central Bank is anticipated to be involved in more expansionist fiscal policies. Slowing of global growth will be detrimental to Turkey as well as other developing markets, but low commodity prices will be to their benefit. Above all, the determining economic factor in 2015 shall be how balance shall play out. Under these circumstances, rigid policies aimed at decreasing current account deficit and the inflation will continue to be pursued in the Turkish economy. According to estimates announced in October, the economy is expected to grow 4% in 2015 and 5% each in 2016 and 2017. In other respects, rigidity in regulations will continue to be influential. Such economic outlook and regulations lay even more emphasis on the importance of a strategic approach in banking. We will continue to grow in 2015 and beyond as a business partner reducing costs and risks of our clients and as Turkey’s «Finansçı» by providing an experience well beyond the conventional understanding and products of banking. Our strength lies in our prestige we built by the steps we have taken so far as well as the drive and morals of our employees. This prestige is a common value for our clients, business partners, shareholders and all stakeholders as well as us «Finansçı»s. We will continue to boost this value and contribute to the economic development of our country. On behalf of the Board, Shareholders of Finansbank and myself, I would like to thank once again all our employees, business partners and customers for their trust in us. Ömer A. Aras Chairman and Group CEO 5 6 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Message from the General Manager Despite all negative conditions, Finansbank’s net profit for 2014 is TL 877 million, up by 20%. Dear Shareholders and the Members of the Board, 2014 has been a year when economic and social environment was shaped, in Turkey as well as in the world as a whole, by uncertainty and limited growth. We met the year aware of the difficulties we would face and with the confidence of our prowess to overcome such hardship. We proved right with our ability to evaluate macroeconomic and sectoral dynamics correctly and assume necessary strategic positions, and thus to be the player who manages change. We are one step closer to our target of being among the first three players in fields of our choice by the year 2020. Our balance sheet results are sound proof to that effect. Our assets reached TL 75 billion, up 14% from 2013 yearend values. We achieved a 46% growth in corporate loans. Because of practicing our selective strategy in retail loans, our loan growth realized at 17%, higher than the sector average. Thanks to the trust of our clients in our Bank, customer deposits increased 10%, again above the sector average, and reached TL 41 billion. Shareholder›s equity was TL 8.6 billion, up by 12%. Our net interest income was TL 3.1 billion, and our net fees and commissions equaled TL 1.3 billion. Despite all the negative conditions in 2014, our net profit increased 20% and reached TL 877 million. 2014 has been a year of another significant future attainment for Finansbank. Finansbank›s highest syndicated loan so far, in the amount of USD 845 million, with the participation of 26 banks from 15 countries, emphasizes international credibility and prestige of our Bank, and our success and prowess in the services we provide, as well as the accomplished performance of Turkey. We maintain our robust growth in small and medium-sized enterprises. We are proud to be supporting the economy of our country by financial and advisory contribution we provide to the SMEs, Turkey’s most significant powerhouses. While sustaining significant advantages to SMEs, we moved our project, «Bosses of the Future» that we initiated last year, to a higher level. In 2014, we put many innovative implementations into practice. We offered our clients the opportunity for low-cost loan applications without the need to go to a branch, on Enpara.com, the pioneering Internet bank of the sector. Besides, through our subsidiary eFinans, we are able to provide the first e-invoice service in the sector in addition to such cloud based services such as integration, service provision, archiving and e-book. Finansbank’s achievements continue to be appreciated in the international arena. “Basemap” project, within our strategies for 2015 and beyond, geared towards raising operational strength and service quality of our field personnel and managers, who will hold wide-ranging authority and responsibilities, was awarded second place in Sales Productivity Innovation category of European Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Finance Management Association (EFMA), the most prestigious innovation competition in the financial sector worldwide. world and the banking sector are shaped by monetary and fiscal policies focused on balance of payments equilibrium. In Corporate Internet Banking, “Instant Loan” (Anında Kredi) and “Turkcell Talk Loan” (Turkcell Konuşturan Kredi), both first-time products in the sector, were hits at the International Stevie Business Awards. As Financiers of Turkey, we act with the sense of responsibility of contributing to economic growth and put into practice necessary strategies. We constantly renew our ways in order to meet customer expectations in the best manner possible. We project that the Turkish economy will gain momentum in 2015 and grow around 4%. Within this outlook, we anticipate the continuation in 2015, albeit to a more limited manner, of the trend in loan growth composition witnessed in 2014. Turkey, whose need for financial solutions has increased and became more sophisticated in the face of a growing economy, is going through a period when strategies in the business We provide safe and innovative products to deposit holders for their savings. We convert such savings and foreign resources that are signs of trust in our Bank, into commercial loans geared towards production and employment, and into retail banking products such as home and consumer loans for realizing consumers’ dreams. In 2015 and the years to come, we will continue to beat the fierce competition by providing the best customer experience at the preferred time and channel of our customers at the most favorable cost structure and increase the value we create for our country and our stakeholders. We are willing and able to move forward in the road to success where we have taken energetic steps, backed by our vision as architect of every retail and commercial financial plan to carry Turkey to success and our distinguishing identity as Financier of Turkey. I offer my gratitude to all our employees, shareholders and business partners who have accompanied us in our endeavors. Respectfully Temel Güzeloğlu General Manager 7 8 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Financial Highlights and Ownership Structure Revenues ( TL million) 2010 2011 20122013 2014 Net Interest Income 2,254 2,225 2,877 3,163 3,088 Net Fee and Commision Income 594 801 1,029 1,032 1,334 Other Operating Expenses (-) 1,376 1,574 1,796 2,294 2,334 Operating Profit before Tax 1,134 1,120 1,170 938 1,142 Income Tax Provision (-) 219 272 266 203 265 Net Profit 915 848 904 734 877 Balance Sheet (TL million) 2010 2011 20122013 2014 Total Loans 25,836 30,838 36,793 50,344 42,910 Marketable Securities 7,504 6,949 7,310 8,731 9,165 Total Assets 38,087 46,199 54,402 66,010 75,206 Customer Deposits 23,552 28,989 31,874 36,980 40,652 Shareholders’ Equity 5,208 5,696 7,290 7,648 8,574 Ownership Structure Paid in Capital (TL thousand) Share National Bank of Greece S.A. 2,331,170 82.23% NBG Finance (Dollar) PLC 274,411 9.68% NBGI Holdings B.V. 223,965 7.90% Publicly Traded 5,454 0.19% Total 2,835,000100.00% Finansbank 2014 Annual Report The Report on Compliance of the Annual Report Güney Bağımsız Denetim ve Serbest Muhasebeci Mali Müşavirlik A.Ş. (Ernst & Young) Eski Büyükdere Caddesi Orjin Maslak No:27 Maslak, Sarıyer 34398 İstanbul, Türkiye Tel: +90 212 315 30 00 Fax: +90 212 230 82 91 www.ey.com To the General Assembly of Shareholders of Finansbank A.Ş.: We have audited the consistency and accuracy of the financial information included in the Annual Report of Finansbank A.Ş. (“The Bank”) and its consolidated subsidiaries as of December 31, 2014 with the audited financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2014. The Annual Report is the responsibility of the Bank’s management. Our responsibility, as independent auditors, is to express an opinion on consistency of the financial information included in the annual report with audited financial statements included in our independent auditors’ report dated February 05, 2015. We have conducted our audit in accordance with principles and procedures on the preparation and issuance of annual report set out by the regulations, Banking Act No.5411, and with the Independent Auditing Standards which is a part of Turkish Auditing Standards promulgated by the Public Oversight Accounting and Auditing Standards Authority (“POA”) and article 397 of Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102. Those regulations require us to plan and conduct the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial information included in the annual report is free from material misstatement. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable and sufficient basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the financial information included in the accompanying Annual Report presents fairly, in all materials respects, the information regarding the financial position of Finansbank A.Ş. as at December 31, 2014 in accordance with the principles and procedures set out by the regulations in conformity with article 40 of the Banking Act No.5411 and includes a summary of the Board of Directors’ report and independent auditor’s report issued by us and is consistent with the audited financial statements. Report on other responsibilities arising from regulatory requirements In accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 402 of the Turkish Commercial Code 6102, within the framework of the Independent Auditing Standards 570 “Going Concern”, no material uncertainty has come to our attention to be disclosed which causes us to believe that Finansbank A.Ş. will not be able to continue as a going concern in the foreseeable future. GÜNEY BAĞIMSIZ DENETİM VE SERBEST MUHASEBECİ MALİ MÜŞAVİRLİK ANONİM ŞİRKETİ A Member Firm Of ERNST & YOUNG GLOBAL LIMITED Hatice Dilek Çilingir Köstem Partner in charge, SMMM March 10, 2015 Istanbul, Turkey 9 10 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Retail Banking As of end of December 2014 market share in consumer loans is 6.4%. In line with its strategy, Finansbank consolidated 17 branches in 2014 and ended the year with 658 branches. Furthermore, 17 existing branches were moved to better locations. Finansbank’s new branch model introduced in 2011 became active in 415 branches by the end of 2014. Retail Loans For retail loans, 2014 was a year when structural improvements were prioritized and new products were launched in order to serve urgent cash needs of customers in a quick and convenient way. Similar to the previous year, Finansbank Retail Banking continued to make attractive credit offers to public employees, nurses and teachers. Finansbank’s market share in consumer loans has reached 6.4% by the end of 2014. Thanks to its pricing strategy, Finansbank maintained its competitive position in the home loans segment and captured a market share of 5.1% by the end of 2014. Proven as an important channel for new customer acquisition, “Real Estate Agency Loyalty Program”, launched in 2008 to secure the loyalty of real estate agencies, continued throughout 2014. Moreover, central management of all operational processes under “Housing Services Office” has minimized the time needed for approving a mortgage loan thus ensuring customer satisfaction. Through this campaign, Finansbank reached 200,000 customers and increased its number of retiree customers approximately by 710% compared to March 2013. Mass Banking A school tuition payment system agreement covering the academic semesters September 2013-June 2017 has been made between Finansbank and Doğa College, the leading private school in Turkey. Our Bank has realized the largest customer acquisition with this project in the field of school tuition payment system and has become one of the leading banks in the sector. Thanks to the recent developments in salary payments and sound synergies established with profit centers, there is a 10% increase in overall count of salary payment customers. A 10% increase was achieved in the number of companies making salary payments compared to 2013, while the total salary amount paid increased 15%. In 2013, Finansbank launched a campaign targeting the retiree segment, thus becoming a pioneer in the banking sector. The campaign, which ended on September 30, 2014, awarded 200 TL cash prize to people who moved their retirement pensions to Finansbank. After the completion of the integration project in 2013 between Finansbank, Sompo Japan A.Ş. and Cigna Finans Pension and Life for credit-linked and noncredit linked products, new products were launched and presented to customers in 2014. Some of these new products include Dental PA, Vision PA and Overdraft Extra Life Insurance. Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Private Banking and High Income Segment In line with the reorganization of the Bank, Private Banking serves customers with a 56 member sales team, 73 Branch Offices and 16 Regional Offices. Deposit and Investment Products, Gold Banking In 2014, Finansbank has continued to offer alternative products to its customers for valorising their savings with bank bonds, exchange market investment funds and stock certificates as well as products with demand and time deposit specifications and standard time deposit account products. 50%. In addition, “FX Savings Account”, which allows for Euro/Dollar savings, reached around 5,000 customers. Finansbank continued to offer “Gold Account” in 2014 for gold trading opportunities. In addition, “Gold Collection Days”, which provide safekeeping of customers’ gold, continues in 19 branches once every 2 weeks. Affluent Segment The retail demand deposit volume of Finansbank recorded 4.4% increase and reached TL 2.6 billion. “Double Yolk Account”, which provides interest income while offering the comfort of a demand deposit account, has posted 35% increase in volume. “Payroll Account”, which provides monthly income bracket to its customers, invests the monthly interest incomes of the customers to their accounts as a second salary. In 2014, Finansbank introduced a new long-term time deposit product called “Attractive Account”, allowing money withdrawal without losing interest on the withdrawn amount. “Attractive Account” reached 7% of the all deposit customers as of the end of the year. In addition to time deposits, new products that provide customers saving opportunity were offered in 2014. The number of “Gold Saving Accounts”, which enable customers to save gold even in small amounts, has increased In 2014, Finansbank gave priority to projects and activities that would strengthen the relationship between the Affluent Segment customers and the bank. The growth in number of customers has accelerated, thanks to projects and campaigns such as “Company Associates Project”, which targets company owners who were turned over to retail profit centers. In addition, “Star Investor” project, targeting portfolio differentiation, continued successfully. Finansbank also gives Affluent Segment customers priviliges outside the banking environment with ClubFinans program. With prestigious services like Primeclass CIP service, private driver service, dry cleaning free of charge, “Motovale” and “ClubFinans Library”, customer loyalty has been boosted in 2014. In the last quarter of 2014, membership criteria increased to TL 100,000 from TL 50,000, in order to allow a more profitable and reliable management of high income customers. Private Banking Private Banking provides a wide range of products to Finansbank retail customers with cash assets in excess of TL 750,000. In line with the reorganization of the Bank, Private Banking serves customers with a 56 member sales team, 73 Branch Offices and 16 Regional Offices. While boosting its brand awareness by sponsoring many cultural, artistic and sporting events and activities that enhance the lives of its customers, Finansbank Private Banking also offers its customers free attendance to many events. In 2014 Finansbank Private Banking, having an understanding of changing the way banking services are perceived, started to present private customers TAV Passport Card, the card of privileges at the airport, as a gift. 11 12 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report SME and Agricultural Banking In 2014, Finansbank’s SME lending (according to BRSA definition) increased 46% reaching TL 18 billion, which carried the market share from 4.4% in 2013 to 5.3% Finansbank SME and Agricultural Banking Department consists of 3 different business lines: Medium Size Enterprises, Small Size Enterprises (Micro) and Agricultural Banking. Companies with annual revenues up to TL 2 million are administered under the Small Size Enterprises Unit, while those between 2 to TL 20 million are under the Medium Size Enterprises’ portfolio. Finansbank SME and Agricultural Banking offers it services through 1,449 personnel, 612 branches and 16 Regional Offices. In 2014, an increase of above market average was achieved in SME loans, expanding Finansbank’s continued support to the sector and the economy in general. In 2014, Finansbank’s SME lending (according to BRSA definition) increased 46% reaching TL 18 billion, which carried the market share from 4.4% in 2013 to 5.3%. SME loans comprise 35% of Finanbank’s total loan portfolio at the end of 2014. SME Banking Finansbank has continued to support the growth of SMEs, while strengthening its position in the banking sector with the aim to contribute to national economy, despite the recession signals in the global economy. Finansbank embraced a concept of solution-oriented service tailored to SMEs, with its wide product array ranging from foreign trade services to loans, deposits and cash flow products. The Bank served its customers depending on their loan repayment ability with a rich range of products from short-term loans with installments that can foster the enterprises’ need for working capital, to long-term commercial loans in large quantities, which are utilized for largescale investments. In addition, as the first Turkish bank authorized to use the European Investment Fund (EIF) guarantee and offer collateral security to SMEs, Finansbank provides long-term financing to all types of small enterprises, including start-ups as well as expanding existing businesses. This source of funding, with its tailored repayment schedules and appealing interest rates allows Finansbank a competitive advantage. In addition, Finansbank offers advantageous funding opportunities to companies with turnover of up to TL 20 millon, through the collateral of Credit Guarantee Fund (CGF). Enterprises and Medium Enterprises; Continuing to improve its infrastructure for easing the way customers make their transactions, Finansbank introduced “SME Cloud”, the first SME call center. Small size enterprises can call 0850 222 1 900 to reach this service, and bypass the need to go to the branch to apply for loans and observe their POS and business card transactions as well as checks. Finansbank products and services that provide a competitive edge are summarized below: Aware of the fact that supporting SMEs means supporting the national economy, Finansbank will continue to focus on SMEs and provide them with transparent, trustworthy and fast services, and will continue to be an important player in the toughening competition. Looking at Finansbank’s 2014 SME Banking numbers separately as Small SME Banking Small Enterprises cash loans reached TL 7.2 billion, growing 34%. Total demand deposits reached TL 1 billion and continued to bolster the Bank’s deposit base. SME Banking Medium Enterprises cash loans reached TL 7.6 billion, growing 44%. The total amount of demand deposits reached TL 756 million. In 2014, Finansbank’s premium production rose to TL 103.5 million as a resut of special insurance products and insurance solutions to corporate banking customers. The 30% annual increase is owed to the efficient premium management of the SME Banking Insurance Management Unit. • SME customers can apply for a commercial loan through “SME Internet Banking” quickly and easily with a single click, of up to a credit line of TL 150,000. • “SME Money-in-the-Pocket” service enables small business ownesr to apply for a loan of up to TL 50,000 via SMS messages and learn the outcome on the same day. • “KOBİ Plus” offers an extension of the maturity of customers’ installment loan, while the monthly payments remain unchanged. Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 35% of total loans is allocated to SMEs at Finansbank. • “Dynamic Loan” allows the customer to set their own limits on their collateralized checks, cash or POS receivables, in less than an hour. • “SME Cash Account” allows the customer to withdraw cash from all Finansbank branches and Finansbank or Single Point ATMs, while also enabling the payment of bills, checks, taxes, social security, loan and credit card balances, even in the absence of sufficient funds in the customer’s account. • “Salary Loan” allows SMEs to make salary payments in the absence of sufficient funds in their accounts. Taking an important step in support of entrepreneurs with “Bosses of the Future” competition, Finansbank has been bringing angel investors and entrepreneurs together in a highly specialized training platform since 2013, in addition to featured products and services offered to SMEs. The competition, which was organized for the second time in 2014, aims to deepen the investment pool and bring together the business world with new skills and ideas. Another area Finansbank entered into in 2014 is the funding of individuals and/ or companies for “Urban Transformation Projects” in specific regions in Istanbul. In order to meet the financial needs of these project-based construction firms with an accurate model and a rapid process, Finansbank headquarters and branch staff have been woring around the clock. “KOBİ Center”, a website with more than 10,000 subscribers, has been an important communication channel offering remarkable opportunities to bank customers offering a medium for establishing strategic partnerships. Through “KOBİ Center”, SMEs can promote their products on the Internet, find strategic partners to expand their businesses and get consulting services. aimed at supporting working capital and mechanization needs of agro-businesses. Agricultural Banking Finansbank Agricultural Banking division also supports certified agricultural production, which provides consumers quality food. In this context, organic farming activities are supported with favorable credit rates and payment periods. Finansbank, believing in the strategic importance of the agricultural sector, completed its Agricultural Banking restructuring process in 2013 and now serving its agricultural customers with 141 branches and 168 customer representatives, most of whom are agricultural engineers. Agricultural Banking, while diversifying its services by product and region, serves with a wide variety of products. As a result, Finansbank was able to increase the amount of its agricultural loans over TL 1 billion at the end of 2014, posting a 100% growth annually. Aimed at supporting the modernization of agricultural equipment and the optimization of the existing models of operation with the aim of reaching economies of scale, Finansbank offers favorable payment terms on investment loans and maturity option possibilities of up to 10 years. Finansbank also mediates international development project funds of IPARD, while leveraging European Investment Bank sources, Aiming at creating long-term relationships with its customers, the Bank provides flexibility to agricultural customers with the innovative “Farmer’s Cash”, in order to pay their bills and make Bağkur payments immediately, and to let them determine the dates of their own loan installments. In 2015, Finansbank will continue to provide unique products and services, to contribute to the development of this strategic sector, to grow in line with its targets and channel resources. 13 14 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Corporate and Commercial Banking Corporate and Commercial Banking grew twice as fast as the sector by increasing its cash loans by 53% and total loans by 40% in 2014. Finansbank Corporate Banking serves leading domestic conglomerates, holding companies and multinational companies operating in Turkey through a network of 4 corporate branches located in İstanbul and Ankara as well as regional representative offices in Bursa, İzmir, Antalya and Adana. Finansbank Commercial Banking serves commercial firms through its 16 Regional Directorates and 61 branches including 250 account officers. Corporate and Commercial Banking aims to be the primary bank of clients through its customer-oriented approach, tailor-made solutions, and long-lasting collaboration strategy. In accordance with Finansbank’s strategy of growing in the non-retail segment and its vision to help build individual and commercial financial plans that will catalyze Turkey’s success, Corporate and Commercial Banking grew twice as fast as the sector by increasing its cash loans by 53% and total loans by 40% in 2014. Corporate and Commercial Banking meets the banking needs other than loans of clients rapidly via its strong technological infrastructure, wide range of products, effective operations and qualified human resources. In addition, it creates value added for clients’ supply chain servicing to partners, employees, branches and suppliers of customers by collaborating closely with the Bank’s other business lines. Project and Structured Finance In 2014, Finansbank Project and Structured Finance Unit financed projects that contribute to the development of the Turkish economy. In addition, thanks to its extensive knowledge and experience in the sector and its current relationships, the Unit continued to take part in financing large-scale projects as the Lead Arranger in various Club and Syndication Loans with participation of local and international financial institutions. Finansbank financed highvolume projects in some of the most prominent sectors such as infrastructure, energy and real estate, and played an active role in the financing of Integrated Healthcare Campus Projects carried out under the Public-Private Partnership Model. Finansbank Project and Structured Finance Unit provides support to investors by its extensive technical and feasibility analysis, for completion of contracts and documentation of local/international transactions with international standards, and providing consultancy in the coordination of the funding for major projects. Finansbank Project and Structured Finance Unit differentiates itself by its specialized team who continuously follows the dynamics and needs of various sectors, its experience based on technical, financial and legal analysis and the support, solutions and consultancy services it provides both during and after investment. In 2014, Finansbank Commercial and Corporate Banking granted USD 2.1 billion of loans for 33 projects, particularly in real estate, energy, infrastructure and Public-Private Partnership sectors. With the expansion of its professional staff in 2013, the Project and Structured Finance Unit started to provide services in three sub-groups in 2014; “Real Estate, Infrastructure, M&A Finance”, “Energy, PPP, Privatization Finance” and “Commercial Banking Project Finance”. The Project Finance Unit alone underwrote 18 projects with a total commitment of approximately USD 0.5 billion. Energy Projects: In 2014, by participating in base load power plant investments and renewable energy projects, Finansbank has continued to play an active role in supporting the energy sector, a key sector for sustainable economic improvement. In this context, the Bank transferred EURO 50 million under the MidSEFF program from EIB (European Investment Bank) for the financing of ecofriendly wind and hydroelectric energy projects. Finansbank’s position was underlined further by its committment of more than USD 850 million of loans for the energy sector within one year. Infrastructure Projects: Infrastructure projects continued to be of significance in 2014. The same consortium completed the second phase of Gebzeİzmir Motorway Project in 2014, which started to be financed in 2013. Acting as Mandated Lead Arranger in both phases, Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Project Finance Unit underwrote 18 projects with a total commitment of approximately USD 0.5 billion. Finansbank’s participation in the project has reached USD 250 million. Gebze-İzmir Motorway has been awarded the “Best Transport Infrastructure Deal in Central and Eastern Europe” in 2014 by the leading finance magazine EMEA Finance. Public-Private Partnership Projects: Since the beginning of the tender process, Finansbank worked closely with both public representatives and private clients in PPP Projects that bring a new dimension to the healthcare sector, and played an active role in the structuring and documentation of these investments. Moreover, Finansbank acted as Coordinator Bank, Facility and Security Agent in the Kayseri Integrated Health Campus Project, which has a bed capacity of 1,583 with an investment amount of approximately EUR 415 million. Finansbank, in line with the development project targets of the Turkish economy, will continue to follow closely the infrastructure, construction, real estate and energy sectors, including the ones to be carried out under the PPP model. Finansbank aims to provide timely, effective and sophisticated solutions to its customers and to become the most preferred Bank in Turkey in Project Finance. Cash Management and Trade Finance Finansbank Cash Management and Trade Finance Unit continues to operate as one of the strongest players in the field by creating solutions to meet all types of payment and collection needs of customers, with strong technological infrastructure and expert staff. The number of dealers using the Direct Debit System (DBS) increased 72%, while cheque volumes rose by 37% on the collection side with the market share reaching 4.8%. The volume of payment cheques has grown by 29% with market share increasing to 7.2%. Within the scope of bill collection and legal payments, services are provided through branches and alternative distribution channels in all provinces across Turkey. Corporate system integration and reconciliation processes have been achieved in a fast and accurate way, enabling Finansbank to work with close to 500 institutions via online and offline systems. One of the key areas where significant progress was made in 2014 is trade finance, which will also be a point of focus in 2015. Finansbank recorded a noteworthy achievement, especially in the export operations and increased its export volume by 48%, while the amount of trade volume grew 28%. The Department of Cash Management and Trade Finance has identified its main strategy as offering faster, high quality and efficient services to the customers by developing integrated solutions with e-invoice service provided by our subsidiary, eFinans, established in 2013. In this context, Finansbank has added e-invoice guaranteed loans to its product line and became the first in the market by providing easy financing to the e-invoice obliged firms. “Finans Star”, formed as web-based platform in 2014, enables firms to send payment requests to Finansbank and to integrate the outcome easily to their own systems. With the integration of e-invoice, a complete cash flow portal was presented for use of customers. Cash Management and Trade Finance, with the target of becoming customers’ main bank through standard solutions and customer specific projects, will continue fund commercial activities with high value-added products and services in 2015. 15 16 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Enpara.com Enpara.com reached almost TL 250 million loan volume in just 4 months, while its deposits exceeded TL 3.7 billion. Launched by Finansbank in October 2012 as the first direct-only banking model in Turkey, Enpara.com offers retail banking services through digital channels only (Internet, mobile, call center and ATMs), without utilizing physical bank branches as a service channel. In 2014, Enpara.com continued its fast growth and innovation leadership while strengthening its position in the minds of target consumers as the top “branchless/digital bank” brand. Enpara.com has an attactive and sustainable business model where the cost advantages of being branchless is shared with customers through good rates and feeless banking. By effectively addressing the growing demand in the market for low-cost digital banking, Enpara.com has reached more than 230,000 customers by the end of 2014. Maintaining the high-quality service with increased number of customers, Enpara. com customer satisfaction levels soared to 99.7%. With its field team visiting firsttime customers all around Turkey, contact center team answering calls in less than 30 seconds, relentless focus on flawless user experience and customer friendly practices, Enpara.com received numerous “thank you” notes from its customers and continued to raise the bar for customer service of the entire industry. Its innovative general purpose loan product launched in September 2014 was a “first” in the market. By offering its customers a fully online consumer loan within minutes, and without having to visit a physical branch, Enpara.com has reached almost TL 250 million loan volume in just 4 months, while its deposits exceeded TL 3.7 billion by yearend 2014. Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Payment Systems CardFinans ranked among the top five brands in the Turkish credit card market with more than 5 million cards issued and a total turnover of around TL 40 billion. CardFinans CardFinans ranked among the top five brands in the Turkish credit card market in 2014. With more than 5 million cards issued, total turnover reached around TL 40 billion. In terms of credit card receivables, CardFinans market share was at 10.1% with a loan balance of TL 8.4 billion. S-posta service, launched in 2013, enabling cardholders to reach their statement details over the phone, reached over 200,000 customers at the end of 2014. Gift Money The program, which was launched in June 2014, enables CardFinans credit card holders to make free purchases in member stores from TL 150 up to TL 1,500. With the spending commitment made by cardholers in exchange for the amount of Gift Money used, customers are secured to use CardFinans in their purchases for a 12 to 18 month timeframe. İncluding leading brands in various sectors and makes unprecedented offers, it has been adopted and appreciated by CardFinans users in a short period. Fix Card Fix Card, which combines credit card, debit card and contactless payment capabilities in a single card, continued growing significantly in 2014. Fix Card is one of the first examples in the Turkish market of a card without an annual fee. CardFinans Retiree Customers whose retirement payroll accounts are in Finansbank, are offered a new credit card product in 2014, which offers them discounts and advantages in drug and food stores. This new product, which offers various specialized advantages to retired customers, has become highly favored in this segment, with a fast growing portfolio. CardFinans Cash offers cardholders many opportunities and benefits such as installment payments (a first in the sector), MoneyPoints, PosPara and e-commerce shopping. First Card Program ClubFinans & ClubFinans Xclusive In 2014, ClubFinans continued to offer exclusive services and privileges to credit card owners. Among these privileges there are, ClubFinans Library, Asistance, Car Valet, Dry Cleaning, Chauffeur Service, Car Rental, Installments for Shopping Abroad and Duty Free Purchases and discounts on safe deposits. ClubFinans Doctors and ClubFinans Xclusive Doctors Thanks to Finansbank’s initiative to embrace the healthcare sector, ClubFinans Doctors card, which provides privileged services to doctors, penetrated 50% of the sector. Nurse Card Finansbank launched Nurse Card in March 2013, which is offered to nurses, midwives and medical assistants, as a first in Turkey. Nurse Card combines credit card, debit card and paypass features in one card, offering ease of payment. Nurse Card, which provides privileged services to nurses, penetrated 25% of the sector at yearend 2014. CardFinans Cash CardFinans Cash ranked ninth in the Turkish debit card market in 2014, capturing a 5.4% market share in terms of turnover with 4.9 million cards issued. First Card program (İlk Kartım), which was launched in October 2013, advises and educates first time credit card owners to be conscious credit card users. Product and spending limits are imposed on cards of owners within the program. This card program offers many options according to customers’ needs via SMS, e-mail and other communication channels. Limits on card of owners are lifted upon active use of the card and timely paymet of debts. POS In line with growth strategy, the number of POS machines used in our merchant network increased to 241,556 by the end of 2014. POS acquisition market share reached 6% with 192,981 Finansbank merchants. CardFinans Commercial Cards CardFinans commercial credit card, designed for enhancing business life and supporting cash management of business owners, is ranked second commercial card brands in the market in 2014, with 489,182 cards issued. CardFinans VadeKart introduced to the Turkish commercial card market for the first time features such as Payment postponement, after sales installment, statement postponement and instant loan, offering the possibility of earning while buying. 17 18 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Information Technology (IB Tech), Operations, Channels and Business Development Finansbank Information Technology completed 266 IT related projects requested by Finansbank and its subsidiaries. Information Technology In 2014, new functions were added to Finansbank’s core banking system’s (CORE Finans) branch front-end, credit cards backbone and alternative delivery channel applications for more user friendly and efficient functioning. Information Technology Department completed 266 IT related projects requested by Finansbank and its subsidiaries. IT spent 71,753 person-days on these projects with an average effort per project exceeding 270 person-days. IT also responded to 3,534 small scale inquiries regarding software updates, with an effort of less than 40 man-days per project. Projects have been implemented due to the regulation changes in 2014. Projects related to the new legislation for the account, loan, credit card charges/ commissions and pricing management were completed. New projects were undertaken for efficiency and process improvement. In this context, improvements have been made regarding document circulation; Incoming fax documents can be processed in the Erzurum Operations Center or bank branches, which resulted in significant labor saving. Potential customers, activities, amenities, customer interview notes, branch visit screens and promotion features were launched in the new in-house CRM application “Pusula” (Compass). In addition, new projects were devepoled in order to achieve process diversity in Alternative Distribution Channels. A new CORE Finans application was developed for Windows 8-based tablets. Other projects include “Gift Money” for Finansbank credit card holders (depending on the amount of their spendings), installment loans to retail customers through Enpara.com, mobile banking web application other than the apps for iPhone and Adroid phones, consumer loan application via alternative distribution channels, sale of credit through dealers’ channels and visual and functional improvements on the mobile banking application’s main page used on iOS and Android platforms. Another improvement involved the enabling of login with a Turkish ID number (TCKN) or credit card number. Recycle type ATMs are installed in order to reduce money loading cost (Recycle type ATM enables the customer to withdraw using cash of a recent deposit). The telephone banking application technology was renewed with a customer, sales and efficiency oriented telephone-banking model. Direct Banking/Internet Banking Finansbank continued to commit its energy to Direct Banking in 2014, in order to increase customer satisfaction, ease the workload in branches, and decrease service costs. Accordingly, Direct Banking Portfolio Management Team continued to conduct campaingns and marketing activities in order to bring Finansbank customers to channels such as ATM, online branch, mobile branch, and “My Card Transactions”; and improved the services provided through these channels. Direct Banking Strategy and Product Development Unit continued its work under Business Development and Strategy Office Alternative Distribution Channels Department, to improve the Direct Banking channels with new investments, aiming to respond to changing customer needs and expectations rapidly. Android and IOS applications for mobile banking were renewed to offer customers more availability for banking transactions. Blackberry & Windows Phone Applications were launched and mobile version of “My Card Transactions” was integrated in all existing Applications. These new applications offer new features on top of the existing ones. In parallel with the increasing usage of mobile devices, mobile advertisements were intensified in 2014 and mobile website projects were launched for Finansbank’s existing corporate websites. SME and Corporate Internet Banking sites were consolidated under the name of SME Internet Banking and revised to include new features for easier and enhanced digital banking experience for customers. In order to facilitate customers’ signin experience, sign-in with Turkish ID number, instead of customer number, was enabled for Internet and mobile Finansbank 2014 Annual Report The Bank’s ATM network totaled 2,955, of which 1,608 are at non-branch locations. channels. Finansbank.com.tr front page was completely, and Clubfinans.com.tr, cardfinans.com.tr and cardfinansticari. com.tr websites were partially renewed to facilitate better user experience. More application forms were added to increase the frequency of online product and campaign applications. The Bank’s ATM network totaled 2,955, of which 1,608 are at non-branch locations. The transaction volume is increased while ATM inventory expanded by 10%. As a result of the Recycling ATMs Project, 25% of non-branch ATMs are replaced by Recycling ones, resulting in operational cost-cutting. Digital media was used frequently to raise awareness about the Bank’s products and services, and to maximize participation in periodical campaigns. More number of products and services were advertised on Google, ensuring the continuity of cost-reducing optimization efforts. It was ensured that commercials on the YouTube channel would reach a wider audience, encouraging them to apply for products and services. Social media channels are used for performance. Furtermore, with increasing intensity of content management, these channels are used further for brand communication efforts in 2014. In addition, complaints and suggestions sent via Facebook and Twitter were followed around the clock and were responded to instantly for ensuring customer satisfaction. 19 20 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Credits Credit underwritings and monitoring activities are carried out in close cooperation with the field staff, Head Office and 16 separate credit-underwriting regions in line with the Bank’s principle of decentralization in management. Retail and Corporate Credit Department aims to manage the credit portfolio quality by expert teams in compliance with credits policies set by the Bank while increasing credit decision quality in every stage of credit processes with developed models, systems and designed workflows. Experienced teams carry out Credits Department operations in all stages beginning with loan application and underwriting to close monitoring and legal proceedings. This structure is also supported by strong analytical and portfolio management organization. Credit underwritings and monitoring activities are carried out, in close cooperation with the field staff, by Head Office and 16 separate credit-underwriting regions in line with the Bank’s principle of decentralization in management. Credit policies, written credit applications, and credit rule sets enable the Bank both to make efficient risk management and to preserve all credit applications and processes written in the corporate memory” of the Bank. Retail Credit (Consumer and Small Business Segments) Credit policies and strategies are determined according to rationalist and analysis-driven methods. Credit evaluation and intelligence processes are resolved using high technology in an efficient and highly automatede mannerto ensure customer satisfaction. To reach targeted portfolio quality, Efficient portfolio management is implemented for reaching the targeted quality by using discriminating application and behavioural scorecards. The Bank aims to provide appropriate limits to right customers using information resources obtained from the Credit Bureau, the Risk Centre integrated in the Bank’s Retail Credit Assessment System, and other public authorities. Collection processes are managed quickly and efficiently with different strategies and sources (internal-external agent calls, sending letters, IVN, SMS, etc.) aimed at various customer segments. Experienced law firms located countrywide follow collection of loans transferred to prosecution. Analytical methods are used to determine and monitor targets and realizations of early delay and collections of legal prosecution. Corporate Credit Corporate Credit Management is carried out in line with the segment division (Corporate, Commercial, and Medium Size Enterprises, and project and syndication) by underwriting, monitoring, and legal prosecution teams who are experts in their respective fields. In order to support credit assessment process, in-house credit rating model for medium size enterprises and the Moody’s risk assessment model, differentiated for five different sectors, for corporate and commercial segment are used. All customers in corporate segments are monitored closely through central information sources such as Risk Centre and Credit Bureau, early warning systems and behavioural scoring models. All early warning signals are evaluated on time and necessary actions are taken accordingly. In a similar way, the credit decision framework supported by up-todate financials sustains underwriting and monitoring functions in an appropriate manner. Teams with expertise in their respective fields evaluate project financing and syndication loan proposals. These teams determine specific requirements of each project, develop the most appropriate financing model, and monitor these projects. In this context, Finansbank is involved in many projects in our country. Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Treasury The Treasury Sales Desk, with its tailor-made approach to customers’ diverse requirements, targets continuous increase in customer base and deal volume, while contributing to Finansbank’s leading position in the capital markets. Liquidity Management Desk is responsible for managing the liquidity of the Bank while fulfilling the responsibilities of the Bank to its customers, the CBRT and the BRSA. The desk aims to maintain the optimal liquidity composition in line with the Balance Sheet evolution, growth expectations and business strategies. The Desk targets to fulfill the reserve requirement obligation and monitors the liquidity ratios enforced by the BRSA. The desk performs transactions in Money, Swap and Repo markets and is actively involved in deposit pricing processes. The Balance Sheet Management Desk manages the Bank’s balance sheet and executes transfer pricing. This Desk monitors the balance sheet items that have the potential to be exposed to risks, evaluates various developments in terms of risks, and executes the Bank’s risk management strategy determined by the Asset and Liability Committee (ALCO). The Desk uses hedging instruments such as interest rate swaps and cross-currency swaps for the purpose of risk aversion. The Trading Desk carries out fixed income securities, foreign exchange and derivative trading related transactions. Trading limits, limit usage and profitability is closely monitored. The Trading Desk successfully managed the turmoil in the FX and bond markets in 2014 by analyzing the market risks to take actions that profit the Bank. The Derivatives Desk provides competitive pricing to corporate and private clients who are interested in derivative products. The Desk performs pricing of all kinds of derivative products and trading of forwards, futures, options and other derivatives. The Derivatives Desk prices currency, interest rate and equity index based derivatives in both international and domestic markets within closely monitored limits in line with pre-defined risk parameters. The Treasury Sales Desk, with its tailormade approach to customers’ diverse requirements, targets continuous increase in customer base, deal volume, while contributing to Finansbank’s leading position in the capital markets. The Treasury Sales Desk targets to provide its customers with innovative derivative products as diverse from conventional products, ranging from risk management ideas to investment products including capital protected investment alternatives. The Treasury Department plays an active role in providing liquidity, creationredemption processes and underlying asset pricing for fiveexchange traded funds (ETFs) listed on the the İstanbul Stock Exchange. 21 22 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report International Banking In 2014, Finansbank significantly increased the amount of its previous syndication by obtaining a one-year term syndicated loan from international financial markets at an amount of USD 397 million and EUR 356 million with the participation of 26 correspondent banks. Correspondent Banking and Structured Finance By maintaining its wide network of correspondent banks, Correspondent Banking and Structured Finance Unit continued to improve the Bank’s position in relation to foreign trade operations, funding, international payments and treasury operations. The amount of funding sourced from international markets totaled over USD 2 billion in 2014. Finansbank established its first Medium Term Note (MTN) program in February 2014. Under the program, which has a borrowing limit of USD 1.5 billion, 7 bonds with a total amount of USD 86 millon have been issued during 2014. A USD 500 million Eurobond with 5-year maturity was issued in April. The facilitators of this Eurobond, 3rd of its kind, were Citigroup, HSBC, Morgan Stanley and Standard Chartered. Finansbank received its first funding of EUR 25 million from The European Fund for Southeast Europe S.A. SICAV-SIF (EFSE) in December 2014. Half of this 5-year non-collateralized loan will be utilized to finance the capex requirements of SMEs located in priority regions for development. It marks the first cooperative effort between Finansbank and EFSE. Again, in December 2014, a EUR 50 million facility was obtained from European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) for the purpose of supporting women entrepreneurs in Turkey. The 5-year facility will be allocated to SMEs that are managed by women. Finansbank continued to offer funding to SMEs and micro businesses through its facilities provided by European Investment Bank (EIB) and European Investment Fund (EIF). In 2014, Finansbank significantly increased the amount of its previous syndication by obtaining a one-year term syndicated loan from international financial markets at an amount of USD 397 million and EUR 356 million with the participation of 26 correspondent banks. The facility, which will be used to finance the foreign trade operations of the Bank’s clients, has an all-in cost of Libor/Euribor plus 1%. Financial Institutions Credit Management The Financial Institutions Credit Management Unit assesses the risks of all domestic and international banks and allocates limits in line with the Bank’s credit and risk policies. The Unit allocates limits in compliance with Finansbank’s internal rating system while making sure that limits are in proper ratio with registered capital ceilings and are in line with the related country limits. International Business Development The International Business Development Unit contributed to the Bank’s performance by supporting relationships with existing customers and exploring business opportunities with Turkish subsidiaries and associated firms of companies operating in the countries where NBG Group companies are located. Investor Relations The Investor Relations Unit represented the Bank in 2 investor conferences and at 64 meetings with research analysts, investors and rating agencies in 2014. Investor Relations met 211 investors during these meetings and responded to about 300 inquiries coming from shareholders in an accurate and timely manner. Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Human Resources While Finansbank ranked 8th with a preferability rate of 4.8% among banks in 2009, it ranked third among banks and 13th among all companies with a rate of 17.9% in 2014. Human Resources Policies Aware of the fact that its most valuable asset is the human resource, Finansbank positioned its human resources policy in such a way as to increase bank’s performance; thus, it is possible to contribute to the Bank’s sustainable development by ensuring the acquisition of, developing and retaining new talents. Within this scope, four different fields of Human Resources policies are as follows: • Human resources planning and recruitment: Attracting new talents to become an employer of choice and placing them in right positions in accordance with the bank’s needs, • Performance management: Managing employee performances by ensuring compliance between targets of employees and the bank, • Talent and development management: Improving employee’s technical and managerial knowledge and skills, retaining employees with potential and contributing to the development of all employees, • Engagement and rewarding: Setting policies to raise employee engagement and thus increase their involvement in the target achievement efforts of the bank. Accordingly, Finansbank human resources practices concentrate on the below. Talent Acquisition and Recruitment Finansbank Human Resources researches career choices of university students, since more than 90% of its new employees consist of new graduates. University and social media activities are organized according to the results of such research. According to the research carried out by Realta Danışmanlık in 2014 concerning the university students; Finans Up Career Club, which is the mostwidely known career activity in Turkey, helps young people shape their career. The results are shared with “Finansçı”s transparently and individual performance is evaluated with concrete and measurable criteria, in order to increase employee loyalty through an equitable and transparent system. Employee Loyalty Contribution of talent acquisition activities to the brand image is measured in the most favorite companies research made by Realta Company. While Finansbank ranked eighth with a preferability rate of 4.8% among banks in 2009, it ranked third among banks and 13th among all companies with a rate of 17.9% in 2014. Performance Management Finansbank performance management process is a management tool that encourages development with a continuous feedback culture and that aims at guiding “Finansçı”s in their development, in order to make them deliver high and sustainable performance, develop themselves personally and increase corporate performance. With the semi-annual performance measurements; • potentials that affect outstanding performance and the bank’s performance, and contribute/can contribute to target achievement, are identified, • development points are identified and a road map is created in order to determine and follow up the actions. The employee engagement survey is conducted every year since 2007, in order to make a net analysis for Finansbank and evaluate effects of the satisfaction factors shaping employee engagement. With the participation of senior management, survey results are examined based on the division, relevant analysis is conducted and actions to be taken in each division are identified individually. Career and Talent Management Finansbank aims at training managers internally and each Finansçı makes his/ her own career way; “Career Architecture” and “Career Bulletin” give employees this chance and with “Career Consulting”, oneto-one interviews take place concerning career objectives of employees. Within the scope of Development Architecture aiming at selecting Branch Managers internally, measurement-evaluation center application and personal development applications are utilized. 360 degrees Feedback and Development Inventory is applied in order to focus on strengths and development opportunities of the employees and thus to increase their personal awareness. 23 24 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Finansbank ended 2014 with 12.830 employees. The Coaching and Mentorship process is applied in order to strengthen managerial and leadership skills of the management team, sustain development and guide employees in their actions towards their strengths and development opportunities. Within this scope, it is necessary to support competency development of the employees in the Manager Candidate Pool through coaching and mentorship processes. Training and Development Management At the initial stage, Finansbank includes employees in the development process lying ahead of during their career journey. “Finansçı”s who are new in the Bank or who have just been reassigned, attend the “Certificate Programs” that are integrated with career management and performance management systems. Apart from the certificate programs, employees can benefit from different development tools in the training portal. The focus of 2014 were the “Leadership Development Programs”, organized for the managers, in order to create a manager profile that understands the Y generation,is in tune with the changing business world and has a good command of different dynamics of performance management. . Reflections of investment activities toward development in the business results (Return on Investment) were followed closely. The average training hours were 39.2 hours per employee in 2014 and training activities utilization rate of employees was 91% . Remuneration Management The objective of remuneration management in Finansbank is to gain new talents and increase employee loyalty, satisfaction, motivation and synergy. Accordingly, a fair and transparent compensation methodology that is in compliance with the bank’s ethical values and internal balances is implemented, rewarding that prevents excessive risk taking in the ratio of the value added created and that focuses on individual and holistic target-performance is encouraged, and in this way strategic targets of the bank are supported and productivity is increased. Within the scope of the Bank’s premium and bonus models, each employee was paid an amount equal to approximately two months’ salary in 2014, based on performance. Employees have many benefits in various fields like health, leave of absence, transportation, meal, communication and technological opportunities, aid packages and employee support services. “+1” appreciation and recognition program, created to appreciate the employees who act in compliance with the values of the Bank and to encourage such acts, continued. Internal Communications Management In 2014, 36,128 Finansbankers came together in 342 activities organized in different provinces by Internal Communications Management that helps “Finansçı”s to get a good balance between work and life, contributes to employee engagement and satisfaction and makes them enjoy the privilege of being Finansbankers. According to the results of Internal Communications Inventory taken every year that helps shape activities of Internal Communications, in 2014, 72% of employees stated their satisfaction with the internal communication activities. Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Call Center and Telemarketing Expansion of Finansbank Call Center in Erzurum accelerated in 2014, with the number of customer service representatives reaching 499. In 2014, Finansbank Call Center responded to 46.5 million calls, of which 66% ended up at the IVR (Interactive Voice Response) system or were terminated. Expansion of Finansbank Call Center in Erzurum accelerated in 2014, with the number of customer service representatives reaching 499. The Call Center also continued to provide the Bank with well-qualified human resources during the year. 48 customer service representatives were transferred from the Call Center to the branches and other departments. Finansbank’s call center and telesales teams completed 258,000 CardFinans and 496,000 automatic payment order sales from both internal and external sources in 2014. Outbound calls by the call center, telesales and Outsource teams reached 13 million customers. Legal Counseling In 2014, Legal Counseling responded to more than 80,000 legal inquiries received via the “Legal Inquiry Application” system, folowing due examination within the frmawork of relevant legislation and precedent decisions. In order to comply with the decrees of the consumer protection law entered into force on 28.05.2014, Finansbank initiated an integration and training program with the participation of all related business units and revised all relevant procedures and instructions for a timely and seamless application. Secondary legislation regarding the mentioned law are being integrated to the existing regulations. Also, integration of the new Capital Markets Law that was drafted and entered into force in 2014 continues with the supervision of the Legal. Following the legislation of law regarding the regulation of online trade, efforts regarding expediting the process for obtaining necessary permissions in order to send marketing material to clients, has been supported. In 2014, Legal Counseling responded to more than 80,000 legal inquiries received via the “Legal Inquiry Application” system, after due examination within the frmawork of relevant legislation and precedent decisions. In addition, legal training on latest laws and regulations was provided to the head office business units. 25 26 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Subsidiaries In 2014, while the Life and Personal Accident market shrank by 4% among Life and Pension Companies, Cigna Finans achieved a 4% growth. Cigna Finans Pension and Life (Cigna Finans Emeklilik A.Ş.) Cigna Finans Pension and Life, operates as a pension and life insurance company, has been established in 2007 as a subsidiary of Finansbank A.Ş. with 99,9% participation under the title Finans Emeklilik ve Hayat A.Ş. In 2012, Cigna, one of the world’s biggest health and life insurance companies, entered into a partnership agreement with Finansbank A.Ş. in order to grow its operations in Turkey and became official in November 9th, 2012 acquiring a 51% stake in Finans Pension and Life Proceeding on its path by growing stronger as a result of the merger of Cigna, one of the global leaders, and Finansbank, one of the biggest banks of Turkey, Cigna Finans Emeklilik offers its customers rich insurance solutions with respect to their savings and protection needs. These services are also in line with its core strategies of a customercentric approach, channel and product development, excellence in IT and operational processes and the philosophy of investing in human beings. While the Life and Personal Accident market shrank by 4% within Life and Pension Companies, according to Insurance Association of Turkey (TSB) data, Cigna Finans is ranked 7th based on life insurance premium production by achieving 5.9% market share with TL 170,762,638 premium production in life insurances branch. Cigna Finans ranks 5th in Personal Accident Insurance by achieving 8.1% market share with TL 18,918,591 premium production. We have achieved 27% annual growth in the funds amount of the participants in pension branch and ranked 13th in the sector with a fund size of TL 421,172,656 in pension branch based on official data of Pension Monitoring Center (EGM) released on December 26, 2014. Finans Leasing (Finans Finansal Kiralama A.Ş.) Finans Leasing is one of the very first companies established in the sector. Since its establishment in 1990, Finans Leasing has been playing an active role in financing investments. As one of the leading compaines in the sector, its strategy has always been implementing a customer-oriented approach and offering tailor-made models designed especially to suit customerneeds. It also is one of the leading companies in terms of its branch network in Anatolia, which reached 13 (1 in Free Trade Zone) in 2014. Finans Leasing managed to increase its business volume by 32%, while growing its market share to 6.2% from 5.1% in 2013. As of yearend, leasing receivables reached TL 1,535 million. In line with the current strategy, Finans Leasing focused on SMEs and commercial segment clients and boosted the number of active customers by 18%. Main areas that were funded were construction, textile and manufacturing. In line with the sector, Finans Leasing focused on sale and leaseback transactions, thereby increasing the share of real estate in its portfolio. Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Finans Leasing managed to increase its business volume by 32%, while growing its market share to 6.2% from 5.1% in 2013. As of yearend leasing receivables reached TL 1,535 million. Finans Factoring (Finans Faktoring A.Ş.) Finans Faktoring A.Ş. has been operating since 01.10.2009, with a Head Office in İstanbul and 8 branches, which are located in Ankara, Antalya, İzmir, Adana, Gebze, Merter, DES and Kıraç. As of 2014, FinansInvest is ranked ninth among the brokerage houses in Turkey in terms of equity transaction volume, with a market share of 3.6%. Finansbank A.Ş. is the main shareholder with 100% stake. The transaction volume reached TL 1.7 billion, while factoring receivables reached TL 447 million at the end of 2014. Founded on 08.09.2000, main shareholder of the Finans Asset Management is FinansInvest (100%). Finans Asset Management plays a leading role in the sector by managing 8 Exchange Traded Funds (ETF), 15 Mutual Funds, 9 Pension Funds, 1 Hedge Fund and private portfolios of high-income individuals and companies. Finans Asset Management holds the biggest market share in the ETF market. In line with the new strategy, the share of small and medium-sized companies in the portfolio increased in 2014,and the number of customers increased by 30% to 1,352. In 2015, Finans Factoring targets being among the top 10 companies in the sector. FinansInvest (Finans Yatırım Menkul Değerler A.Ş.) FinansInvest was established in 1996 and its current paid-up capital is TL 50 million. Its main shareholder is Finansbank A.Ş, which owns 99.6% of the company shares. Through its 6 branch offices and Finansbank branches, FinansInvest offers services such as equity trading, portfolio management, corporate finance, margin trading, short selling, share loans, investment consultancy, custodian service, derivative trading, leveraged trading and international investments. Furthermore, FinansInvest customers can perform all brokerage operations over finansonline.com in a fast and secure manner. Finans Asset Management (Finans Portföy Yönetimi A.Ş.) With a paid-in capital of TL 5 million, Finans Asset Management held a market share of 1.4% and its assets under Management reached TL 1.2 billion by the end of 2014. eFinans (eFinans Elektronik Ticaret ve Bilişim Hizmetleri A.Ş.) eFinans Elektronik Ticaret ve Bilişim Hizmetleri A.Ş. (eFinans) was established in 10.09.2013 with Finansbank as the majority shareholder. Its success is evident by the operational profit in its first full financial year financials. In just 15 months of operation, it has acquired 3 licenses for e-Invoicing, e-Bookkeeping and e-Archive products and will add a fourth new product to its line with the addition of Registered e-Mail (KEP) services within the first month of 2015. eFinans has also achieved the status of the first and only Turkish service provider to be accepted a member of the prestigious European E-invoice Service Providers Association (EESPA). With the KEP license eFinans shall become the single e-invoice service provider in its field that is able to offer four e-government applications to businesses seeking services in this newly forming market. At yearend, eFinans has achieved 12% market share in the e-invoice market comprising approximately 20,000 obligatory system users, estimated to grow 100% in the coming two years. eFinans continuously increases its market share with its ERP-independent structure and its connector solutions able to integrate online with 60 different ERP systems. eFinans has emerged repeatedly as the market leader in numerous market surveys . It has become a choice brand in the field favored by taxpayers, especially thanks to the Finansbank’s status as shareholder. With Finansbank’s infrastructure integrated to eFinans services, the first-ever e-invoice loan facility in Turkey is being offered by Finansbank. With its structure collateralized by e-invoices the facility is also seen as a first in worldwide e-invoice funding operations. The “Finans Star” cloud application owned by Finansbank which caters to taxpayers payment operations can also be integrated to eFinans infrastructure to offer Direct Debit System transactions and is able to offer the Bank’s clients limitless ease in cash management. 27 28 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Board of Directors Dr. Ömer A. Aras Sinan Şahinbaş Chairman of the Board of Directors and Group CEO Dr. Aras earned a bachelor’s degree in Economics from the Economic and Commercial Sciences Academy in 1975; he then received an MBA in 1978 and a PhD in 1981 from Syracuse University. Subsequently and until 1984, Dr. Aras served as a faculty member in the Business Administration Department at Ohio State University. Between 1984 and 1987, he worked as Credit Marketing Manager and Credit Committee Member at Citibank. Dr. Aras participated in the founding of Finansbank in 1987, and served as Executive Vice President for two years and as General Manager for six years. From 1989 to 2006, he served as Vice Chairman of Fiba Holding. Between 2003 and 2007, he was a Board Member of the Turkish Industry and Business Association (TUSIAD). From November 2006 until April 2010, Dr. Aras served as the Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of Finansbank and Group CEO of Finansbank. Since April 2010, Dr. Aras serves as the Chairman and Group CEO. Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors Mr. Şahinbaş earned a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Engineering in 1988. Mr. Şahinbaş received master’s degrees in International Relations from Istanbul University and in Finance from Yeditepe University. He started his professional career at Finansbank in 1990 and served in different positions in various departments of the Bank. He worked in the establishment of the representative offices of Finansbank (Suisse) SA and Finansbank (Netherlands) NV in Turkey. In 1997, he was appointed Executive Vice President of Garanti Bank (Netherlands) NV. A year later, Mr. Şahinbaş moved back to Finansbank (Netherlands) NV and served as the General Manager between 1999 and 2001. He became Senior Executive Vice President at Finansbank in 2001 and served as General Manager from 2003 to 2010. Mr. Şahinbaş was appointed Vice Chairman in April 2010. Ali Teoman Kerman Paul Mylonas Member of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Audit Committee Mr. Kerman received his undergraduate degree in Economics from Hacettepe University in 1980 and obtained his masters degree in Project Planning and National Development from University of Bradford in 1982. He began his career at the Turkish Treasury where he held several positions, including Deputy UnderSecretary responsible from Regulation of Banking, Non-banking sector, Foreign Exchange, Insurance and Department of Administration. In 2000, he was appointed the Vice President responsible from Regulation, Enforcement and Licensing of the newly establised Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (BRSA). He also served as a Board Member of Savings Deposit Insurance Fund (SDIF) for three years and Chairman of the Board in Generali, EGE and Toprak Insurance Companies. Mr. Kerman retired in April 2005 and set up KDM Financial Consultancy. In April 2013, Mr. Kerman was appointed Member of the Board of Directors of Finansbank. Member of the Board of Directors and Audit Committee Member Mr. Mylonas holds a BSc degree in Applied Mathematics from Brown University, and MA and PhD degrees in Economics from Princeton University. Mr. Mylonas served as Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics at Boston University between the years of 1985 and 1987. From 1987 to 1995, he worked for IMF’s Europe Desk as a Senior Economist in charge of Poland. Having also worked in the IMF Policy Development and Review Department from 1995 to 2000, he held the position of Senior Economist in charge of Greece and Spain in the Budget and Finance Division of Economics Department of the OECD. He also served as the OECD representative on the G-10 Secretariat during 1999 and 2000. Having joined the NBG Group in2010, Mr. Mylonas currently holds NBG’s Chief Economist and Chief of Strategy positions; he also serves as the Secretary of the NBG Executive Committee and Member of the ALCO Committee. Mr. Mylonas was appointed Member of the Board of Directors of Finansbank in April 2010. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aysan Member of the Board of Directors After receiving his bachelor’s degree from Istanbul University, Faculty of Economics, Prof. Aysan earned a master’s degree from Harvard University in 1959 and a PhD degree in 1974. Between 1968 and 2000, he taught at various universities in Turkey and abroad. Prof. Aysan served as the Head of the Committee for the Restructuring of State Economic Enterprises from 1964 to 1968, as the Head of the Budget Committee of Turkish Republic Advisory Council in 1981 and as the Minister of Transportation from 1982 until 1983. Prof. Aysan resigned from his position as Head of the Audit Committee at Finansbank effective as of April 24, 2014 and is currently a Member of the Board of Directors. Stefanos Pantzopoulos Member of the Board of Directors Mr. Pantzopoulos graduated from Istanbul University with a bachelor’s degree in Economics and Commercial Sciences. After working for Chapman&Newberry as a Chartered Accountant for five years, Mr. Pantzopoulos worked with Arthur Andersen in Athens for 33 years; he served for 23 years as as the Company’s Chairman and Managing Partner in Greece until 1998. Subsequently, Mr. Pantzopoulos served as a top-level partner at auditing firm KPMG between 1999 and 2004, and Member of the Board of Directors for the two largest subsidiaries of Alpha Bank, namely Don & Low and Hilton Hotel &Real Estate Co. Mr. Pantzopoulos joined NBG in 2004 as Member of the Board of Directors. Until the end of 2009, he served as Assistant Head of the Audit Committee and SEC Financial Expert responsible for the implementation of Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) regulations. Mr. Pantzopoulos, as Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of Directors, resumed overseeing the activities of the Audit Committee during 2010 and 2011. He was appointed Member of the Board of Directors of Finansbank in October 2012. Kurulu Üyesi olarak atanmıştır. Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Ioannis Vagionitis Christos Alexis Komninos Member of the Board of Directors and Audit Committee Member Mr. Vagionitis graduated from Athens College and then received bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Manchester Institute of Science & Technology and an MBA from Manchester Business School. He began his career in the securities field before joining HSBC’s Athens operations, where he held various positions from 1992 to 2003. In 2004, he joined Bank of Cyprus’ Athens office, and then joined NBG in December 2004 as a Credit Risk Manager. After serving in this position for two years, Mr. Vagionitis became the Head of Corporate Credit, Greece, and in 2008 became Head of Corporate Credit, Greece and South Eastern Europe. In 2010, Mr. Vagionitis became the Head of Corporate Banking at NBG. He was appointed a Member of the Board of Directors of Finansbank in 2013 and as a Member of the Audit Committee in 2014. Member of the Board of Directors After graduating from the Chemical Engineering Department from Istanbul Technical University in 1971, Mr. Komninos worked for Coca-Cola Greece as General Manager between 1972 and 1987. He moved to Coca-Cola Ireland as CEO in 1987. He returned to Greece in 1990, and served as CEO of Coca-Cola Greece until 2000. Mr. Komninos served as CEO and Chairman of Papastratos Cigarette Manufacturer between 2000 and 2004 and CEO of Shelman SA between 2005 and 2010. Mr. Komninos has served as a Member of the Board of Directors at various companies since 2010 and joined Finansbank in the same capacity in February 2011. Temel Güzeloğlu Member of the Board of Directors and General Manager Mr. Güzeloğlu has bachelor’s degrees in Electrical and Electronic Engineering and in Physics from Bosphorus University, a master’s degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Northeastern University (Boston, Massachusetts), and an MBA from Bilgi University. Mr. Güzeloğlu worked as the Executive Vice President of Finansbank in charge of Retail Banking until August 2008 and afterwards served as Executive Vice President in charge of Retail Banking and member of the Management Committee. He was appointed General Manager of Finansbank in April 2010. Paula Hadjisotiriou Member of the Board of Directors Ms. Hadjisotiriou started her career at Howard, Wade and Jacop as a chartered accountant in 1976, before moving to Price Waterhouse & Co as a senior auditor in 1980. After holding several positions at John S. Latsis Group of Companies between 1982 and 1993, she was appointed Head of Internal Audit and Finance. In 1995, Ms. Hadjisotiriou started serving at Eurobank as CFO and became the General Manager of Finance & Strategy, member of the Executive Committee and the Board Secretary until 2013. She was appointed the Group CFO of NBG in 2013 and as a Board member of Finansbank in October 2013. Mustafa Hamdi Gürtin Member of the Board of Directors After receiving bachelor’s degrees in Statistics and Economics at Middle East Technical University, Mr. Gürtin earned a master’s degree in Economics from Vanderbilt University. Between 1975 and 1994, Mr. Gürtin worked for the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey. Later he participated in the establishment of Garanti Securities and assumed the General Manager position. Subsequently, he served as the General Manager of Türk Ticaret Bankası, Member of the Board of Directors of Dışbank in charge of Risk and the General Manager and Chairman of the Black Sea Trade and Development Bank in Greece. He has been a Member of the Board of Directors at Finansbank since April 2010. Georgios Koutsoudakis Member of the Board of Directors Mr. Koutsoudakis graduated from University of London Queen Mary College in Economics with honors degree and started his career at Alpha Finance S.A as an analyst. From 1992 to 1993 for 7 months he was a special advisor to the Deputy Minister of Finance, responsible for various privatization projects. From 1994 to 1997, he was responsible for various M&A advisory projects at Alpha Bank Group. In 1997, he moved to National Bank of Greece Group as a Senior Management Advisor and he was mainly in charge of M&A advisory activities. From 2002 to 2007, he started working for Geniki Bank, as a Deputy General Manager for 2 years and as a General Manager, head of Corporate&Investment Banking for 3 years. Between 2007-2013 he moved to Emporiki Bank ; during the last 3 years he served as the general manager and responsible for enterprises, investment and private banking. Since the beginning of the 2014, Mr. Koutsoudakis has been the assistant General Manager of Corporate Banking at NBG and he was appointed as a Finansbank board member in March 2014. 29 30 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Senior Management Adnan Menderes Yayla Executive Vice President Mr. Yayla earned a bachelor’s degree in Economics from Ankara University, Faculty of Political Sciences in 1985 and an MBA degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1994. He worked as an Assistant Auditor and Auditor for the Ministry of Finance from 1985 to 1995; as Project Valuation Division Head for Privatization Administration from 1995 to 1996; Managing Director, Senior Managing Director and Partner of Pricewaterhouse Coopers offices in Istanbul and London from 1996 to 2000 and Executive Vice President in charge of Financial Control and Risk Management for Türk Dış Ticaret Bankası (Fortis) from 2000 to 2008. Having joined Finansbank in May 2008, Mr. Yayla has been serving as Group Chief Financial Officer since. Ahmet Erzengin Head of Internal Control and Compliance After graduating from Middle East Technical University, Department of Public Administration, Mr. Erzengin worked at Pamukbank from 1988 to 1993. He joined Finansbank in 1993 as Banking Regulations Manager. In 1996, Mr. Erzengin was appointed Head of Operations overseeing the operations of the branches and headquarters. With the establishment of the Head of Operations Center in 2001, he served as Operations Center until 2005. At the beginning of 2006, Mr. Erzengin assisted in the establishment of the Compliance Department and was appointed Head of Compliance. In September 2012, Mr. Erzengin was appointed Head of Internal Control and Compliance. Bülent Yurdalan Head of Internal Systems Having graduated from the Faculty of Management Sciences of Eskişehir Economic and Commercial Sciences Academy in 1980, Mr. Yurdalan started his banking career at Pamukbank in 1982 and subsequently moved to Citibank. He joined Finansbank in early 1988, and assumed positions in the Branch Operations, Internal Audit, Treasury Operations and Accounting departments of Finansbank and senior positions in some Fiba Group banks. Mr. Yurdalan was appointed the Head of Internal Audit Division in 2003 and subsequently served as the Executive Vice President in charge of Retail Credits. In August 2013, he was assigned as the Head of Internal Systems. Emine Özlem Cinemre Executive Vice President Mrs. Cinemre graduated from Bosphorus University, Department of Business Administration in 1988. She started her career in the same year within the International Banking Division of Finansbank. Between 1988 and 1997, Mrs. Cinemre assumed various responsibilities at Finansbank. In 1997, she was appointed Executive Vice President responsible for Financial Institutions. Currently, Mrs. Cinemre serves as Executive Vice President in charge of International Relations including Correspondent Banking and Structured Funding, International Business Development, Investor Relations and Financial Institutions Credit Management. Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Erkin Aydın Executive Vice President Mr. Aydın earned a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering at Bosphorus University, Faculty of Engineering in 1997 and an MBA at the University of Michigan, School of Business in 2003. Mr. Aydın started his career as a Business Development and Project Engineer at Guy F. Atkinson Construction in the USA in 1998. Later, he worked as a Project Manager for Clark Construction Group. In 2002, Mr. Aydın joined McKinsey & Company in Istanbul and worked respectively as Consultant, Project Manager and Associate Partner. He started to work for Finansbank in 2008 as Head of Housing and Consumer Loans. As of February 2010, Mr. Aydın was appointed Retail Marketing Coordinator. In May 2011, he was appointed Executive Vice President in charge of Retail Banking and Executive Vice President in charge of Retail Banking and Payment Systems in October 2013. Ersin Emir Head of Internal Audit Mr. Emir graduated from Middle East Technical University in 1994 with a bachelor’s degree in Business; he earned a master’s degree in Organizational Psychology from the University of London in 2010. He started his banking career in 1995 as Assistant Auditor in İşbank. Mr. Emir started working at the Internal Audit Department of Finansbank as Auditor in 1998. He was appointed Vice President of Internal Audit in 2004 and assumed responsibilities of the Head Office and Subsidiary Audits in the last two years in this capacity. Mr. Emir was appointed Head of Internal Audit in March 2011. Filiz Sonat Executive Vice President Ms. Sonat received bachelor’s degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Istanbul Technical University and in Business Administration from Anadolu University. After working as a Mechanical Engineer at a private construction company between 1982 and 1986, she started her banking career at İktisat Bank in 1987 and served as Executive Vice President at Sümerbank in 1998. Ms. Sonat joined Finansbank in 1999 and served as Coordinator in charge of Credits until 2007. She worked as Executive Vice President in charge of Corporate and Commercial Credits from 2007 until October 2013, when she became the Executive Vice President responsible for Corporate Credits. Hakan Alp Executive Vice President Mr. Alp graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Political Sciences, with a bachelor’s degree in International Relations in 1989. He worked for the Internal Audit Department at Garanti Bank between 1991 and 1997 where he also served as Senior Vice President in charge of Training from 1997 until 1999. He then started working for Humanitas Doğuş Human Resources Management and served as Executive Vice President in charge of Training, Executive Development, Finance and Administration and Operations from 2000 to 2003. He held the position of Executive Vice President in charge of Human Resources from 2003 until 2005 at Tansaş and from 2005 to 2006 at Sütaş. In 2007, he became Senior Vice President in charge of Human Resources at Finansbank. Mr. Alp was appointed Executive Vice President in charge of Human Resources as of July 2010. 31 32 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Halim Ersun Bilgici Executive Vice President After receiving a bachelor’s degree in Law from Ankara University in 1991, Mr. Bilgici received a master’s degree in Economics from Yeditepe University in 2008. He started his banking career at İktisat Bank in 1992. In 2002, he started working as the Coordinator of Retail Marketing at Şekerbank. Mr. Bilgici began working at Finansbank’s Credits Department in 2003. He was appointed Coordinator of Retail Credits in 2012. As of October 2013, he has beenserving as the Executive Vice President responsible for Retail and Commercial Credits. Hasan Murat Şakar Executive Vice President Mr. Şakar holds a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering from İstanbul Technical University. He worked as Business Unit Manager at Rehau Polimeri Kimya Sanayi from 2002 to 2005 and as Purchasing Manager at Arçelik between 1992 and 2002. Mr. Şakar served as the Coordinator of Purchasing and Technical Services at Finansbank from March 2005 until August 2008. He was appointed Executive Vice President in charge of Purchasing and Support Services at Finansbank in August 2008. Köksal Çoban Executive Vice President Mr. Çoban graduated from Middle East Technical University with a degree in Business Administration and earned a master’s degree in Finance from City University. He worked for the Turkish Eximbank and Demirbank between 1995 and 1997. Mr. Çoban joined Finansbank Treasury in 1997 as International Markets Manager and served as Director of International Markets from 1998 to 2000. Beginning in 2000, he assumed various managerial positions within the Treasury Department. Mr. Çoban was appointed Executive Vice President in charge of Treasury in August 2008. Mehmet Kürşad Demirkol Executive Vice President Mr. Demirkol graduated from the Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Bilkent University in 1995 and subsequently earned MSc and PhD degrees from Stanford University. He worked as an Application Engineer at Oracle-Redwood between 1996 and 1997 and as a Research Assistant at Stanford University from 1997 to 1999. He served as Senior Associate at the Atlanta and Istanbul offices of McKinsey & Company from 1999 until 2003. Mr. Demirkol worked as the Group Head of Business Development and Strategy Department at Finansbank in 2004 and as Vice President of Information Technology and Card Operations at Finansbank Russia in 2005. He then served as Business Development and Marketing Director at Memorial Healthcare Group from 2005 to 2007. He worked as Chief Information Officer of Vakıfbank in 2007 before undertaking the post of Chief Operating Officer in charge of Operations and Alternative Distribution Channels in 2008. Since October 2010, Mr. Demirkol has been working at Finansbank as Executive Vice President in charge of Information Technologies, ADC and Business Development. Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Metin Karabiber Executive Vice President Mr. Karabiber graduated from Çukurova University, Industrial Engineering Department. He began his banking career as a Marketing Specialist at Interbank in 1985. He then worked as a Branch Manager at İktisat Bankası from 1990 to 1995, at Demirbank between 1995 and 1997 and at Finansbank from 1997 until 1998. Mr. Karabiber served as Executive Vice President at Sümerbank during 1998 and 1999. Subsequently, he worked as Regional Manager at Fortis Bank between 1999 and 2003, and as Executive Vice President responsible for Retail Banking and Sales from 2003 to 2010. As of October 2010, Mr. Karabiber joined Finansbank as Executive Vice President in charge of Commercial Banking. As of October 2013, he became the Executive Vice President responsible for Medium and Micro Sized Enterprises and Agricultural Banking. Osman Ömür Tan Executive Vice President Mr. Tan earned a bachelor’s degree in Statistics from Hacettepe University. He began working at Yapı Kredi Bankası as a Management Trainee in 1995 and joined Finansbank in 1998. At Finansbank, he has served respectively as Corporate Branch Customer Relationship Manager, Corporate Branch Manager, Group Manager in charge of Head Office Key Accounts and Group Manager in charge of Corporate Banking. Mr. Tan was appointed Executive Vice President in charge of Corporate Banking, in October 2011. Since October 2013, he has been serving as the Executive Vice President responsible for Corporate and Commercial Banking. Şebnem Karaduman Executive Vice President Mrs. Karaduman received a bachelor’s degree in Law from Istanbul University. She started her career as a Lawyer in the Legal Department at Finansbank in 1998. Mrs. Karaduman was appointed Legal Advisor to Fiba Bank in 2002 and worked in various positions within Finansbank’s Legal Department between 2003 and 2010. Mrs. Karaduman was assigned the Legal Advisor of Finansbank in 2010 and appointed Executive Vice President in charge of Legal in 2012. Zeynep Aydın Demirkıran Head of Risk Management Mrs. Demirkıran has a bachelor’s degree in Economics from Bilkent University and master’s degree in Economics from Georgetown University in Washington DC. She taught at Georgetown University until December 1998. Mrs. Demirkıran then worked as a Specialist within the Risk Management Department of Türkiye İş Bankası between 1999 and 2002. She joined Finansbank in 2002 and assumed the responsibilities of Senior Risk Manager and Basel II Program Coordinator. In September 2011, Mrs. Demirkıran was appointed Head of Risk Management. 33 34 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Executive Committees under the Board of Directors Audit Committee On behalf of the Board of Directors, Audit Committee is responsible for monitoring the effectiveness, efficiency and adequacy of the internal systems of the Bank; functioning of these systems together with accounting and reporting systems in accordance with Laws and applicable regulations and the integrity and reliability of information generated by these systems; making necessary preliminary evaluations required for the selection of the independent auditors and rating, valuation and support service institutions by the Board of Directors; regularly monitoring the activities of the institutions selected and contracted; and ensuring that the internal audit activities of subsidiaries subject to consolidation are carried out on a consolidated basis and in coordination with internal audit activities of the Bank. Members of the Audit Committee are as follows: • A. Teoman Kerman: Member of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Audit Committee • Paul Mylonas: Member of the Board of Directors • Ioannis Vagionitis: Member of the Board of Directors Board Risk Committee The Risk Committee is responsible for defining the Bank’s risk management policies and strategies, reviewing all types of risks that the Bank is exposed to, monitoring the implementation of risk management strategies and bringing important risk-related issues to the attention of the Board. Members of the Risk Committee are as follows: • Dr. Ömer A. Aras: Chairman of the Board of Directors • Sinan Şahinbaş: Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors • Ioannis Vagionitis: Member of the Board of Directors and Audit Committee • Paul Mylonas: Member of the Board of Directors and Audit Committee Corporate Governance Committee Corporate Governance Committee is responsible for strengthening the Bank’s corporate governance policies, its level of adherence to corporate governance principles and to submit related proposals to the Board of Directors. Members of the Corporate Governance Committee are as follows: • Sinan Şahinbaş: Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors • A. Teoman Kerman: Member of the Board and Chairman of the Audit Committee • Prof. Dr. Mustafa A. Aysan: Member of the Board of Directors • Christos Alexis Komninos: Member of the Board of Directors • Mustafa Hamdi Gürtin: Member of the Board of Directors • Fikret Şehsuvar Aladağ: Division Manager, Investor Relations Credit Committee The Credit Committee examines, evaluates and approves the loan limits falling under the authority of the Board of Directors in accordance with the Bank’s loan strategies and the relevant legislation. The Credit Committee also monitors the quality of the Bank’s loan portfolio, takes part in, and manages the approval process for loans. Members of the Credit Committee are as follows: • Dr. Ömer A. Aras: Chairman of the Board of Directors • Sinan Şahinbaş: Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors • Ioannis Vagionitis: Member of the Board of Directors and Audit Committee • Temel Güzeloğlu: General Manager and Member of the Board of Directors Remuneration Committee The Remuneration Committee defines the remuneration and incentive policies for Board Members and senior managers, and advises the Board of Directors on such matters in order to ensure the compliance of such policies with the Bank’s ethical values, strategy implementation and targets. Members of the Remuneration Committee are as follows: • Sinan Şahinbaş: Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors • Paul Mylonas: Member of the Board of Directors and Audit Committee Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Other Executive Committees Corporate Credit Policies Committee The Corporate Credit Policies Committee is responsible for defining corporate credit policies, strategies and procedures while determining risk limits in line with the Bank’s risk appetite and approving changes in these limits. Its resposibilities also include monitoring the performance of the Bank’s corporate, commercial risks and ensuring that the Bank’s corporate and commercial loan practices comply with legal regulations, and the principles of the NBG Group fall under the jurisdiction of the Committee. Members of the Corporate Credit Policies Committee are as follows: • Sinan Şahinbaş: Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors • Ioannis Vagionitis: Member of the Board of Directors and Audit Committee • Temel Güzeloğlu: General Manager and Member of the Board of Directors • Filiz Sonat: Executive Vice President, Corporate Credit • Halim Bilgici: Executive Vice President, Retail and Commercial Credit • Ömür Tan: Executive Vice President, Corporate and Commercial Banking Retail Credit Policies Committee The Retail Credit Policies Committee is responsible for defining policies and strategies regarding the Bank’s retail loan portfolio and approving amendments to these strategies. It is resposible for measuring, evaluating and monitoring the performance of all retail credit risks and ensuring that the Bank’s retail loan practices comply with legal regulations and the principles of the NBG Group. Members of the Retail Credit Policies Committee are as follows: • Ioannis Vagionitis: Member of the Board of Directors and Audit Committee • Temel Güzeloğlu: General Manager and Member of the Board of Directors • Erkin Aydın: Executive Vice President, Retail Banking and Payment Systems • Metin Karabiber: Executive Vice President, SME and Agricultural Banking • Halim Bilgici: Executive Vice President, Retail and Commercial Credit Operational Risk Management Committee The Operational Risk Management Committee is responsible for determining operational risk policies, reviewing and discussing operational risk issues of the Bank and ensuring to minimize them by action planning. Members of the Operational Risk Management Committee are as follows: • Zeynep Aydın Demirkıran: Head of Risk Management, • Ahmet Erzengin: Head of Internal Control and Compliance, • Mehmet Kürşad Demirkol: Executive Vice President, IT, Operations, Channels and Business Development • Erkin Aydın: Executive Vice President, Retail Banking and Payment Systems • Metin Karabiber: Executive Vice President, SME and Agricultural Banking Argun Derviş: IBTECH Board Member/CISO İsmail Akın: Division Manager, Operational Risk and Business Continuity Asset and Liability Committee The primary purpose of Asset and Liability Committee is to monitor and manage the balance sheet structure and structural asset liability mismatch of the Bank, as well as to monitor, control and manage the liquidity risk within the limits set by Board of Directors. The Committee evaluates biweekly reports submitted by Risk Management and determines critical issues regarding risk. Members of the Asset and Liability Committee are as follows: • Dr. Ömer A. Aras: Chairman of the Board of Directors • Sinan Şahinbaş: Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors • Temel Güzeloğlu: General Manager and Member of the Board of Directors • Adnan M. Yayla: Executive Vice President, Financial Control and Planning • Köksal Çoban: Executive Vice President, Treasury • İlker Kayseri: Director of Asset and Liability Management 35 36 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Information regarding Attendance of Members of the Board of Directors and Committees to Meetings In 2014 the Board of Directors, in line with quorum stated in relevant legislation and Finansbank Articles of Association, held 27 meetings and other than in exceptional circumstances all members were present at all meetings. In 2014, Audit Committee held 12 meetings and other than in exceptional circumstances all members were present at all meetings. In 2014, Corporate Governance Committee held 9 meetings and other than in exceptional circumstances all members were present at all meetings. In 2014, Credit Committee held meetings every Thursday and other than in exceptional circumstances all members were present at all meetings. In 2014, Remuneration Committee held 3 meetings and other than in exceptional circumstances all members were present at all meetings. Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Summary Board Report Submitted to the General Assembly Dear Shareholders, Welcome to the 2014 Ordinary General Assembly Meeting of Finansbank. While presenting for your examination and approval the Board Report, Auditors Report and Profit and Loss Statement for fiscal year 2014, we respectfully welcome our shareholders, their representatives and our guests who have honored this meeting with their presence. 2014, quite eventful and challenging, is behind us. The tender and volatile nature of the acceleration of global economic growth caused drastic falls in commodity prices and international freight index. The decrease in oil prices was unprecedented and is still influential. The negative impact of economic fluctuation and regional tensions continued to lead to social unrest. Particularly in southwestern neighbors of Turkey, political instability and non-state formations gained in strength. In such a harsh international environment, two elections were held in Turkey in one year. Added to the economic hardship, the drought led to an increase in food prices and a inflationist pressure. The vigorous fluctuation in the financial market during the end of 2013 and first weeks of 2014 led to a negative start for the financial sector. The sizeable interest rate hike the Central Bank resorted to in order to stop exchange mobility, slowed loan growth with a negative impact on the profitability of the sector. Thanks also to the improvement of the global outlook in the remainder of the year, a more positive course, with the interest rate cuts, replaced the initial negative picture. Under these circumstances, upon examining 2014 financial results of Turkish banking sector; it can be seen that total assets increased 15.1% compared to the previous year, and reached TL 1,994.2 billion as of December 2014. Total loans rose 18.5% and amounted to TL 1,240.7 billion, up TL 193.3 billion. As of December 2014, the sector’s capital adequacy ratio stood at 16.3%. Shareholders’ equity increased 19.8% and totaled TL 232.1 billion. Profitability of the sector in 2014 amounted to TL 24.7 billion. In light of all these developments, Finansbank’s total loans portfolio increased 17.3% to TL 50.3 billion, total assets rose 13.9% and amounted to TL 75.2 billion. Customer deposits totaled TL 40.7 billion, with a 9.9% increase, and shareholder’s equity amounted to TL 8.6 billion, showing a rise of 12.1%. The Bank’s capital adequacy ratio was 17.0% and net profit equaled TL 877 million. Finansbank served its customers with 658 branches and approximately 13 thousand employees in 2014. Dear Shareholders, In our Annual Report displaying our performance during 2014, we have presented the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Statement for your examination and approval. We express our gratitude to our customers who have not wavered in their confidence and State authorities for their continuous support. We thank our employees, whose superior and selfless contributions we value greatly; we salute with respect once again our esteemed shareholders and their representatives who have honored our Generel Assembly. Finansbank A.Ş. Board of Directors 37 38 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Related Party Risks Regardless of the nature of transactions, relations with companies in the risk group of/and controlled by the Bank are conducted in the scope of an ordinary bank-client relationship and in compliance with the Banking Law and prevailing market conditions. Concentration, type and amount of the transactions as well as pricing and other terms in the transactions with the risk group companies are set on an armslength basis and based on prevailing market conditions. As of December 31, 2041, cash loans granted to risk group composed 0.3% of the Bank’s total loans, deposits obtained from risk group composed 0.9% of the Bank’s total deposits and derivatives transactions executed with the risk group composed 0.2% of the Bank’s total derivatives transactions volume. (Finans Portföy Yönetimi A.Ş.) from time to time. Transactions involving the purchase and sale of real-estate and other assets and services, agency contracts, leasing contracts, transfer of data obtained from research and development activities, license contracts, financing (including loans and cash or in-kind capital contributions), guarantees and collaterals, management contracts, and the like are underwritten between the Bank and Finans Leasing (Finans Finansal Kiralama A.Ş.). Net leasing payables incurred from these contracts amounted to TL 2.5 million as of December 31, 2014. The Bank entered into a contract with IBTech Uluslararası Bilişim ve İletişim Teknolojileri Araştırma, Geliştirme, Danışmanlık, Destek Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. for research, development, and consultancy services. The Bank directs a certain amount of funds to Finans Asset Management The Bank receives cash transfer services from its 33.3% subsidiary Bantaş Nakit ve Kıymetli Mal Taşıma ve Güvenlik Hizmetleri A.Ş. The Bank provides agency services to Cigna Finans Pension (Cigna Finans Emeklilik ve Hayat A.Ş.), which is a joint venture of the Bank with a 49% stake. Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 39 Information on Outsourced Services and the Individuals / Organizations Supplying Outsourced Services The following services are outsourced pursuant to the provisions in the sixth paragraph of Article 5; in Articles 10 and 11; and in the first paragraph of Article 12 of the “Regulation on the Services Banks May Outsource and the Authorization of the Suppliers.” Supplier 3-D Bilişim Teknolojileri Danışmanlık Ve Teknik Servis Ltd.Şti. Adecco Hizmet Ve Danışmanlık A.Ş. Akbasım Matbaacılık Ve Tic.Ltd.Şti. Aktif İleti Ve Kurye Hiz. A.Ş. Asseco See Teknoloji A.Ş. Atos Origin Bilişim Danışmanlık Ve Müşteri Hizmetleri San. Tic. A.Ş. Banksoft Bilişim Bilgisayar Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti. Bantaş Nakit Ve Kıymetli Mal Taşıma Ve Güvenlik Hizmetleri A.Ş BGA Bilgi Güvenliği Eğitim Ve Danışmanlık Ltd. Şti C/S Enformasyon Teknolojileri Ltd. Şti. Cigna Finans Emeklilik Ve Hayat A.Ş. CMC İletişim Bilgisayar Reklam Ve Danışmanlık Hizmetleri San. Tic. A.Ş. Collection Platform Yazılım Ve Danışmanlık A.Ş. eFinans Elektronik Ticaret ve Bilişim Hizmetleri A.Ş. E-Kart Elektronik Kart Sistemleri San.Ve T.A.Ş Etcbase Yazılım Ve Bil. Teknolojileri Anonim Şirketi Fonoklik İletişim Hizmetleri Ve Ticaret A.Ş. Fu Gayrimenkul Yatırım Danışmanlık A.Ş. GGsoft Yazılım Hizmetleri Tic.Ltd.Şti. Girişim Alacak Yönetim Hizmetleri Ve Yazılım Servisleri A.Ş Hobim Bilgi İşlem Hizmetleri A.Ş Ibtech Uluslararası Bilişim Ve İletişim Tekn.Ar-Ge Danışmanlık Destek San. Ve Tic.A.Ş. Ingenico Ödeme Sistem Çözümleri A.Ş. Kartek Kart Ve Bilişim Teknolojileri Ltd. Şti. Konut Kredisi Com Tr Danışmanlık A.Ş. Kurye Net Motorlu Kuryecilik Ve Dağitım Hiz. A.Ş Matriks Bilgi Dağıtım Hizmetleri A.Ş. MGS Merkezi Güvenlik Sistemleri San.Tic. A.Ş. MTM Holografi Güvenlikli Basım Ve Bilişim Teknolojileri San. Ve Tic. A.Ş. Plastkart Plastik Kart Akıllı Kart İletişim Sistemleri San. Ve Tic. A.Ş. Provus Bilişim Hizmetleri A.Ş. Reklam Pazarlama Telekominikasyon Ve İletişim Hiz. Ltd. Şti. RGN Çağrı Merkezi Müşteri Ve İletişim Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti. RM Arşiv Yönetim Hizmetleri A.Ş. (ilave hizmet alımı bir yıllığına) RM Arşiv Yönetim Hizmetleri Ticaret A.Ş. Securverdi Güvenlik Hizmetleri A.Ş. Turkcell İletişim Hizmetleri A.Ş Uzman Bilişim Danışmanlık A.Ş.(Experteam) Vega Bilgisayar Hizmetleri Ltd.Şti. Verifone Elektronik Ve Danışmanlık Ltd. Şti Service Outsourced Voice recording equipment operating system HR outsource staff payrolling Cheque printing Courier Virtual POS application, maintenance and technical support Call center Card payment systems software and application services Transportation and safekeeping of cash and valuable goods IT security testing services Software development Private pension and insurance Call center Credit card and consumer loan collection Electronic invoice services Plain card procurement and customization Legal proceeding system software development and maintenance Loan/credit card application software, license and maintenance Operational support for real estate mortgages Data entry and form scanning Credit card and consumer loan collection Archive services for loans extended via Turkcell IT POS application development, update and technical support services Software development, integration and maintenance service for instant card printing and card printing center Housing and consumer loans promotion and marketing Courier FX Blotter software maintenance and support Alarm systems and monitoring services Cheque printing and customization Plain card procurement and customization Card support services Services for MoneyPoints topping up + statement balance inquiry via SMS Credit card and consumer loan collection Scanning of agreements in customer files at branches, indexing and archiving thereof Archive services Security services Operational support for extending consumer loans Oracle e-business applications Customer loan information, legal reporting software and software maintenance POS application development, update and technical support services 40 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Corporate Governance Principles Compliance Report Part I. Statement of Compliance with Corporate Governance Principles a) As detailed below, Finansbank has complied with the imperative principles of the Corporate Governance Principles in set out in of the Corporate Governance Communiqué no. II - 17.1, published by the Capital Markets Board (CMB), throughout the financial reporting year of 01.01.201331.12.2013. b) Finansbank does not implement principles no. 1.5.2 – 1.7.1 - 2.1.2 – 2.1.3 – 2.2.2 (Most of the information herein is stated in the annual report.) – 3.1 – 3.2 - 4.3.9 – 4.5.5. Nevertheless, Finansbank has set up a Corporate Governance Committee responsible for monitoring whether the Corporate Governance Principles are complied with, describing the problems that may arise due to noncompliance and offering corrective actions to the Board of Directors. The Committee consists of Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın Aysan (Chairmain), Mustafa Hamdi Gürtin, Christos Alexis Komninos and Ali Teoman Kerman. In meetig held in the year 2014, work was done for improvement of the corporate governance practices in Finansbank. The Corporate Governance Committee shall consider the said principles in its activities in 2015 and work towards the improvement of corporate governance practices. The Committee also coordinates the operations of the Investor Relations Division. PART Il - SHAREHOLDERS 2.1. Investor Relations Unit Finansbank established an Investor Relations Division, for the purposes of protecting the rights of shareholders and ensuring effective communication between the Board of Directors and shareholders, in line with Article 1.1.2 of Part I of the Corporate Governance Principles published by the Capital Markets Board in July 2003. The Investor Relations Division, reporting to the Corporate Governance Committee, is managed by Mr. Fikret Şehsuvar Aladağ. He holds a CMB Advanced Level Certificate and Corporate Governance Rating Certificate. The contact details for the Investor Relations Division are as follows: investor.relations@finansbank.com.tr Telephone: +90 212 318 52 07 Investor Relations Department received 291 inquiries and attended 64 meetings during the financial reporting year concerned. 2.2. Shareholders’ Right to Access Information Within the scope of the Informational Policy of Finansbank as approved at the General Assembly on March 27, 2014, all information in relation to shareholders’ rights, such as capital increases, are sent to Borsa İstanbul (İstanbul Stock Exchange) and published in print and on the Public Disclosure Platform (www.kap.gov.tr) in Material Event Disclosure format. Shareholders are informed through emails, meetings and telephone calls, and through the Bank’s website, regarding material financial and/ or operational information that may affect the exercise of the rights of shareholders. Appointment of a special auditor is not regulated by the Articles of Association of the Bank. The Bank is audited both by the auditors appointed by the Bank’s General Assembly and by the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (“BRSA”) in accordance with the Banking Act. At the Ordinary General Assembly commenced on 27.03.2014, no requests regarding the appointment of a special auditor was made. 2.3. General Assemblies The Annual General Assembly was held on 27.03.2014 with a meeting quorum of 95%. Shareholders were duly provided with the date, agenda and information form regarding the agenda of the Meeting through the website of the Bank, the Public Disclosure Platform as well as the electronic General Assembly System. The Board of Directors invitation for the Assembly, the agenda and a sample power of attorney letter were published in the Turkish Trade Registry Gazette and two daily newspapers. Shareholders were requested to receive their admission cards, which were issued according to the amount of registered Finansbank 2014 Annual Report shares in the share registry, from the Bank’s Head Office at least one week before the date of the Meeting. Shareholders are entitled to ask questions and receive answers during the General Assembly. Finansbank shareholder Ms. Sevda Alkan posed, prior to the 2014 General Assembly, the following question: “As per CMB Corporate Governance Principles, will you set a target for female board members? What is the minimum number you are targeting? I request information regarding non-appointment of a femaleBoard member.” In response, President of the Board of Directors, Mr. Ömer A. Aras stated that a female member had been appointed to the Board in 2013 and he had a wish to that effect. The said question and response are included in the General Assembly minutes. An Extraodinary General Assembly Meeting was held on 04.12.2014 regarding the removal from the current possessor, National Bank of Greece and destruction of 100 jouissance shares issued as per Finansbank Articles of Association Art. 10; amendment to that effect of Finansbank Articles of Association Articles 10 and 26; increasing the upper limit of registered capital of the Bank from TL to TL by addition of TL; and amendment to that effect of per Finansbank Articles of Association Art. 7. The Board of Directors invitation for the Assembly was published in the Turkish Trade Registry Gazette, and two daily newspapers, namely, Güneş and Hürses. Shareholders were provided with the date and the agenda of the Meeting through the website of the Bank, the Public Disclosure Platform as well as the electronic General Assembly System. There was a meeting quorum of 99.8%, and the question posed by shareholder Mr. Mintaz Derdiyok during the meeting was reviewed by the Investor Relations Department and Legal Consultancy department and responded to following the meeting. Minutes of the of the Meeting are available to our shareholders on the website of the Bank, the electronic General Assembly System and on the e-Company information portal which, as per the relevant provisions of the Turkish Commercial Code, is allocated to information society services and can be accessed via our website, and the infrastructure of which is provided by the Central Registry Agency. In the 2014 General Assembly no transactions requiring the affirmative votes of the majority of the independent members of the Board for a Board resultion, were on the agenda. In the 2014 General Assembly, there was a distinct agenda item regarding contributions. Within the scope of this item, shareholders were provided information regarding the total amount of contributions in 2013. Moreover, shareholders’ approval was requested on the amount of upper limit of contributions to be made in 2014. In addition, pursuant to Art. 1.3.6 of the Corporate Governance Communiqué no. II - 17.1, information was provided regarding transactions conducted in 2013. The General Assembly was informed that other than transactions conducted in 2013 within the limits allowed by the Banking Law and relevant legislation, no significant transactions of the nature to cause a conflict of interest with the Bank or its affiliated companies were carried out by shareholders in charge of management, members of the Board, members of upper management, and their spouses and kin of second degree by blood and marriage; that they did not conduct, in their own account or on behalf of third parties, any transactions of the type falling under the field of operation of the Bank or its affiliated companies; and that they did not join as a partner with unlimited liability another company carrying out similar commercial transactions. The invitation and relevant information of the Annual General Assembly to be held in 2015 will be published in the Turkish Trade Registry Gazette, two daily newspapers, on the Bank’s website and other media as required by the relevant legislation. The minutes of the General Assembly Meeting, list of attendees, agenda and related announcements will be made available to shareholders on the Bank’s corporate website following the Assembly. 2.4. Voting Rights and Minority Rights No voting privilege is granted and no cumulative voting procedure is adopted by the Bank’s Articles of Association. 41 42 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 2.5. Dividend Distribution Policy and Dividend Distribution Period Dividend distribution policy of the Bank is approved in the General Assembly dated 27.03.2014. The dividend is calculated under the provisions of the applicable regulations and provisions of the Bank’s Articles of Association. Accordingly, after deducting the legal and financial liabilities of the Bank, 5% of remaining profit is allocated to the statutory reserve fund and an amount corresponding to 5% of paid in capital is allocated, regardless of the date of equity payment as first dividend to shareholders. After allocation of these amounts, 10% of the remaining profit may be allocated to founding shareholders. After deducting the amounts stated in the provisions above, a maximum of 5% of the remaining amount may be allocated by the General Assembly to the Board Members and Managing Directors, including the ordinary member General Manager. Out of the annual profit remaining after the amounts set aside and allocated as described in the foregoing provisions, an amount designated by the General Assembly, may be set aside for the shareholders as Second Dividend, regardless of the payment dates of the capital. One tenth of the Dividends decided to be distributed as per paragraphs “c”, and “d” of this article shall be added to general legal reserve funds pursuant to the Turkish Commercial Code. General Assembly is entitled to transfer to the subsequent year or set aside as extraordinary reserve funds, all or a part of the net profit remaining after setting aside and distributing the reserve funds in paragraph “a” and dividends in paragraph “b” of this article. If it deems necessary, Board of Directors may make suggestions to the General Assembly to such extent. The manner of distributing the dividend allocated to the Board Members and Executive Directors, including the ordinary member General Manager, as per paragraph “c” of this article, to the relevant parties shall be determined by the Board of Directors. Dividends shall only be paid out of annual profit. No dividend can be distributed unless the reserve funds mentioned in paragraph “a” of this article are set aside. Unless and until reserve funds, which should be set aside as per law and dividends specified for the shareholders under the Articles of Association, are not set aside, no resolution in regard to setting aside other reserve funds, transferring profit to the subsequent year and distributing dividends to jouissance shareholders, members of Board of Directors and employees of the Bank shall be adopted. Besides, no dividends shall be distributed to such persons unless and until specified amount is set aside. The General Assembly shall determine the payment date of the dividends to be distributed as per the provisions of this article. Provisions of paragraphs “d” and “e” hereof shall also apply to dividends that have been resolved by a General Assembly Resolution to be distributed to the shareholders out of extraordinary reserve funds. The profit distributed in accordance with the provisions of these Articles of Association cannot be taken back. Relevant provisions of the Turkish Commercial Code are without prejudice. Moreover, at the General Assembly dated 27.03.2014, shareholders were informed that following the General Assembly, the Board of Directors was to resolve to increase capital, by issuing bonus shares within the limits of registered capital and taking into account the mandatory distribution of 5% profits as a first dividend to the shareholders by the Articles of Association, and information to this regard was provided. 2.6. Transfer of Shares Finansbank’s Articles of Association do not restrict shareholders from transferring their shares. However, share transfer is subject to BRSA approval pursuant to the Banking Law. PART III - DISCLOSURE AND TRANSPARENCY 3.1. Corporate Web Site and Its Content Finansbank’s corporate web page, www. finansbank.com.tr, contains information both in Turkish and English, on the Bank’s current shareholder and management structure; Articles of Association; annual reports; periodical financial statements and reports; material events regarding the Bank; agendas, minutes and list of attendees of General Assembly Meetings; a sample power of attorney letter; and inquiries and answers provided under the FAQ section. Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 3.2. Annual Report The Bank’s Annual Report, prepared in accordance with relevant regulations, includes issues on corporate governance principles. The details are given in the “Corporate Governance Principles Compliance Report” section of the Annual Report. PART IV STAKEHOLDERS 4.1. Informing Stakeholders Bank employees are informed about the Bank’s operations when deemed necessary via internal communicationstools. In addition, managers at the Headquarters and branches are informed about developments via regularly held meetings. 4.2. Participation of Stakeholders in Management The Bank does not have a model to ensure stakeholders’ involvement in management. 4.3. Human Resources Policy Finansbank recognizes that the most valuable capital is its human resources. With this in mind, the Bank’s Human Resources Policy, directed towards increasing the Bank’s performance, is based onattracting, developing and retaining new talent, and hence realizing sustainable development of the Bank’s human resources. The Bank’s Human Resources Policy has four components: • Human Resources Planning and Recruitment: Attracting talented employees to the Bank and placing them in the most suitable positions in line with Bank’s staffing requirements. • Performance Management: Managing staff performance by harmonizing goals of employees with the goals of the Bank. • Talent and Development Management: Developing the technical and managerial skills of employees, retaining promising employees in the Bank and focusing on their development. • Loyalty and Rewards: Developing policies for increasing employee loyalty to the Bank and increasing their involvement in Bank’s growth. Finansbank’s number of personnel reached 12.830 by the end of 2014. Performance management in Finansbank encourages career development with a continuous feedback culture and establishes long-term talent strategies in order to support employee potential. Performance evaluation is made biannually. Through the evaluation, • Probable potential with a differential performance influencing the perfomance of the Bank and contributing and/or will contribute to the Bank reaching its targets, is determined; • Points of improvement are defined and actions are determined and a road map is defined for monitoring. Results are shared with the employees transparently. Performance evaluation process aims to foster loyalty through a fair and transparent system, which assesses the performance of the personnel on concrete and measurable criteria. The purpose of remuneration management in Finansbank is to attract new talents and increase employee loyalty, satisfaction, motivation and synergy. Accordingly, a fair and transparent pricing methodology that complies with the bank’s ethical values and internal regulations is implemented. Moreover, incentive programs that are focused on individual and institutional targets without taking excessive risk are created and are encouraged. In 2014, The Bank’s personnel received a cash bonus of around 2 salaries per employee as part of the premium and bonus schemes. Various benefits that improve living standards and increase productivity of the employees, such as health insurance, annual leave, transportation, food, telecommunication aid and other employee support services are provided with consideration of market conditions. Remuneration Management has continued to function within the scope of the Remuneration Committee, established in 2013, in compliance with the regulation of the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency on Corporate Management Principles of Banks. No discrimination complaints from the Bank’s employees were received. 43 44 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 4.4. Social Responsibility and Code of Ethics Finansbank believes in the importance of securing the future of a healthy and sound environment. The concept of sustainable banking is applied in every environmental, economic and social policy/process of the Bank. The Bank’s business strategy and decision-making mechanism supports its goal to leave a livable world for future generations. With every transaction and funding decision, the Bank strives to promote a sustainable development mindset. To this end, the Bank has set up a Social Responsibility Committee. In parallel with the research and studies of this Committee, the Internal Audit and Compliance Department carries out activities in terms of compliance with national and international legislation. The Bank has also established a Social and Environmental Management System (SEMS) policy. The Bank conducted investment projects and funding operations in line with Environment, Occupational Health and Safety Guidelines of the Bank’s former shareholder, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) (pursuant to the put option agreement National Bank of Greece S.A. (“NBG”), the majority shareholder of Finansbank A.Ş., signed a with IFC on March 29, 2007, NBG bought 1,417,499,43.73 shares representing 5% of the equity, from IFC on September 26, 2014). Lenders were required to submit an Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) Report along with other required permissions and documents. Finansbank will resolutely continue its sensitive approach to the environment within its Social and Environmental Management System policy, following the above stated share purchase. The Bank has issued an EIE Report for nine investment projects in 2014 within this context andprovided comments and assessments for one project without the need for an EIE Report. Dr. Ömer A. Aras, Chairman Sinan Şahinbaş, Vice Chairman Prof. Dr. Mustafa A. Aysan, Board Member and Head of Corporate Governance Committee Temel Güzeloğlu, Board Member and General Manager Ioannis Vagionitis, Board Member and Member of Audit Committee Georgios Koutsoudakis, Board Member Social responsibility is and always will be of particular concern to Finansbank. This is reflected in the Bank’s sponsorship of several foundations and organizations, especially in the field of education and health care. In 2014, the Bank donated a total amount of TL 673,303.32 to various foundations, associations and educational institutions. Ali Teoman Kerman, Board Member and Chairman of Audit Committee Finansbank has adopted a code of ethics as specified under the Banking Law. The Finansbank Employee Code of Conduct and Finansbank Code of Ethics for Financial Professionals have been approved by Board of Directors and communicated to Bank staff as a booklet and online. Paula Hadjisotiriou, Board Member PART V- BOARD OF DIRECTORS 5.1. Structure and Formation of the Board of Directors As of 31.12.2014, the structure of Finansbank’s Board of Directors is as follows: Stefanos Pantzopoulos, Board Member Dr. Paul Mylonas, Board Member and Member of Audit Committee Christos Alexis Komninos, Board Member Mustafa Hamdi Gürtin, Board Member The biographies of Board members are provided in the Annual Report. In the General Assembly Meeting on 27.03.2014, it was decided that Mustafa Hamdi Gürtin shall be appointed as the independent member of the Board, and the members of the Audit Committee shall also be designated as the independent Board Members in compliance with the relevant provisions of Corporate Governance Comminique (II – 17.1) published by the Capital Markets Board on . Finansbank 2014 Annual Report It is acknowledged that, within the restrictions stated in the Banking Law, the members of the Board may also hold professional positions outside the Bank provided that no such position prevents them from fulfilling their respective responsibilities in the Bank and does not cause any conflict of interest. 5.2. Principles Related to the Activities of the Board of Directors 27 Board of Directors Meetings were held in 2014, in compliance with relevant laws and the Bank’s Articles of Association, with the attendance of all members except when prevented due to reasonable excuses. Finansbank’s Board of Directors holds regular meetings on a monthly basis, a minimum of 12 times a year. The Board also holds extraordinary meetings if needed. Board Members ares provided with documents that include the agenda for each meeting, prior to the meeting. No dissenting opinion was voiced during the Board meetings. The agenda of each Board meeting is determined based on input and recommendations from Board Members and the General Directorate. Discussions on risk and monthly reports, assessment and approval/rejection of applications for loans, and loan amounts that exceed the authority limits of the Credit Committee and therefore require the approval of the Board, are included in the agendas of all Board meetings. The Board of Directors has a secretariat in charge of informing and communicating with Board members and ensuring compliance of meetings and resolutions with applicable laws and regulations. No Board member has preferential voting rights. 5.3. Number, Structure and Independence of Committees under the Board of Directors There are five committees under the authority of the Board of Directors, which are Corporate Governance Committee, Audit Committee, Risk Management Committee, Credit Committee and Remuneration Committee. As of 31.12.2014; The members of the Corporate Governance Committee are Prof. Dr. Mustafa A. Aysan (Chairman), Christos Alexis Komninos, Mustafa Hamdi Gürtin, Ali Teoman Kerman, Sinan Şahinbaş and Fikret Şehsuvar Aladağ. The members of the Audit Committee are Ali Teoman Kerman (Chairman) Ioannis Vagionitis and Paul Mylonas. The members of the Risk Management Committee are Dr. Ömer A. Aras, Sinan Şahinbaş, Antonios Grammatikopoulos and Paul Mylonas. The members of the Credit Committee are Dr. Ömer A. Aras, Sinan Şahinbaş, Temel Güzeloğlu, Ioannis Vagionitis, Mustafa Aysan (Reserve Member) and Stefanos Pantzopoulos The members of the Remuneration Committee are Sinan Şahinbaş and Paul Mylonas. The Credit Committee meets weekly, the Risk Management Committee meets monthly, the Audit Committee and Corporate Governance Committee meet on a quarterly basis at least four times a year, andthe Remuneration Committee meets at least three times a year. 5.4. Risk Management and Internal Control In accordance with the Regulation on Internal Control Systems in Banks, the Bank’s Board of Directors set up an Audit Committee, the current members of which are Ali Teoman Kerman(Chairman), Ioannis Vagionitis and Paul Mylonas. Internal Audit and Compliance Department and the Internal Control Directorate report to the Audit Committee. Risk Management Department was set up at the end of 2001 as an entity independent from all other executive departments. The Risk Management Department is responsible for measuring possible banking risks, formulating risk management policies, and ensuring that the Bank is run in a manner so that the risks taken remain within the limits of the risks the Bank may wish to take in line with its strategic goals. The Bank aims to reconcile its Risk Management operations to Basel III standards and applicable legal requirements in force in Turkey. The Risk Management Department reports to the Risk Management Committee, which was established in 2007. Dr. Ömer A. Aras, Sinan Şahinbaş, Ioannis Vagionitis and Paul Mylonas are members of the Committee. 45 46 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 5.5. Strategic Goals Our Vision: To help build individual and commercial financial plans, that will catalyze Turkey’success. annual budget is decided in consort with the Board of Directors. After the approval of the business plan and the budget, the Board of Directors monitors and discusses the Bank’s rate of attainment of the objectives, activities and performance at its monthly meetings. Our Mission: To forge a lifelong partnership with all our stakeholders, by understanding their needs, finding the right solutions and aiming for maximum customer satisfaction Upper management approves the strategic goals set by management and monitors the Bank’s progress, operations and performance toward these goals. Finansbank’s vision and mission are disclosed publicly on the Bank’s corporate website. During the General Assembly Meeting held on 27.03.2014, it was decided that each member of the Board of Directors should be paid a net honorarium amount of TL 3,500 per month. In 2014, a gross total of TL 515,261 was paid to Board members as honorarium. The Bank prepares five-year business plans that are to be discussed by the Board of Directors. In addition to the business plans, the Bank’s detailed 5.6. Remuneration In addition, a gross amount of TL 33,239,819 was paid to the personnel, who hold a position of manager and above, as part of the existing performance based premium and bonus structure. Loans extended to Board members and managers are limited in Article 50 of the Banking Law. No loans are granted to Board members and managers above these limits. At the Annual General Assembly Meeting held on 27.03.2014, Board members were given permission for conducting transactions pursuant to Art. 395 (“Transactions with the Company, Ban on Debt to the Company”) and Art. 396 (“Noncompetition”). The honorariums to be paid to the Board members are determined by the General Assembly. Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Distribution of Profit The meeting of Board of Directors was held under the presidency of Mr. Aras, the Chairman of the Board. The following resolution was taken unanimously by the attendees; To propose the below-mentioned issues to the General Assembly; At our General Assembly Meeting of Shareholders to be held on 31 March 2015; to reserve 43.871.396.- TL of the net profit of TL 877.427.922. -, which was calculated o the basis of the Bank’s 2014 financial statements by deducting the taxes payable, as General Statutory Reserve; and to deliberate the amount of the first dividend to be distributed to shareholders in the form of no par shares, in accordance with Article 26 of Articles of Association of the Bank, at the Extraordinary General Assembly to be held until the last business day of the fifth month following the end of accounting period as per the Article 16/6 of the Communiqué on Shares (VII-128.1) 47 48 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Amendments to the Articles of Association FORMER VERSION NEW VERSION ARTICLE 7 SHARE CAPITAL ARTICLE 7 SHARE CAPITAL a. The Bank has adopted the registered capital system as per the provisions of the Capital Markets Law numbered 2499 and this matter has been approved by the permission dated October 14, 1993 and numbered 743 of the Capital Markets Board. a. The Bank has adopted the registered capital system as per the provisions of the Capital Markets Law numbered 2499 and this matter has been approved by the permission dated October 14, 1993 and numbered 743 of the Capital Markets Board. b. The Bank’s registered share capital is TL 6,000,000,000.(Six Billion Turkish Lira), represented by 60,000,000,000 (Sixty Billion) registered shares each with a nominal value of 10 Kuruş. When it deems necessary, Board of Directors is entitled to increase the Bank’s issued capital by issuing new shares up to the said limit, in accordance with the provisions of the relevant legislations. b. The Bank’s registered share capital is TL 12,000,000,000.(Twelve Billion Turkish Lira), represented by 120,000,000,000 (One Hundred and Twenty Billion) registered shares each with a nominal value of 10 Kuruş. When it deems necessary, Board of Directors is entitled to increase the Bank’s issued capital by issuing new shares up to the said limit, in accordance with the provisions of the relevant legislations. c. Board of Directors is entitled to directly offer to public, all of the shares representing the increased capital, by limiting the preemption rights upon satisfying the conditions set out in the relevant legislations. d. The Bank’s issued capital is divided into 28,350,000,000.(Twenty Eight Billion ThreeHundredFifty Million) registered shares with a totally paid-in nominal value of TL 2,835,000,000- (TwoBillion EightHundredThirtyFive Million Turkish Lira). Nominal value of the share certificates have been changed from TL 100,00.- to Kr 10.-within the scope of the law no. 5374 concerning the amendment of the TCC. As a result of such change, the total number of shares has remained unchanged and in consideration of 9,500,000,000 shares each with a nominal value of TL 100,000.-, 9,500,000,000 shares with a value of Kr 10.will be given. Rights of the shareholders relating to such change are preserved. e. Registered capital permission granted by the Capital Markets Board is valid between 2014 - 2018 (for 5 years). Even if the permitted registered capital ceiling is not reached by the end of 2018, in order for the Board of Directors to resolve to increase the capital after 2018; it must be authorized by the general assembly upon obtaining the permission of the Capital Markets Board, for the previously permitted ceiling or a new ceiling amount. c. Board of Directors is entitled to directly offer to public, all of the shares representing the increased capital, by limiting the preemption rights upon satisfying the conditions set out in the relevant legislations. d. The Bank’s issued capital is divided into 28,350,000,000.(Twenty Eight Billion ThreeHundredFifty Million) registered shares with a totally paid-in nominal value of TL 2,835,000,000- (TwoBillion EightHundredThirtyFive Million Turkish Lira). Nominal value of the share certificates have been changed from TL 100,00.- to Kr 10.-within the scope of the law no. 5374 concerning the amendment of the TCC. As a result of such change, the total number of shares has remained unchanged and in consideration of 9,500,000,000 shares each with a nominal value of TL 100,000.-, 9,500,000,000 shares with a value of Kr 10.will be given. Rights of the shareholders relating to such change are preserved. e. Registered capital permission granted by the Capital Markets Board is valid between 2014 - 2018 (for 5 years). Even if the permitted registered capital ceiling is not reached by the end of 2018, in order for the Board of Directors to resolve to increase the capital after 2018; it must be authorized by the general assembly upon obtaining the permission of the Capital Markets Board, for the previously permitted ceiling or a new ceiling amount. Finansbank 2014 Annual Report When it deems necessary, between 2014-2018, the Board of Directors is authorized increase the issued capital by issuing shares up to the registered capital ceiling and also resolve on issues such as restricting the rights of privileged shareholders, restriction of rights of shareholders to purchase the newly issued shares (other then Founders’ Jouissance shares) and issuing shares above the nominal value or without voting rights in compliance with the provisions of the Capital Markets Law. The authority to restrict the preemptive rights shall not be exercised in a manner leading to in equality among shareholders. Shares representing the share capital shall be monitored in accordance with principles of dematerialization. ARTICLE 10 FOUNDERS’ JOUISSANCE (USUFRUCT) CERTIFICATES When it deems necessary, between 2014-2018, the Board of Directors is authorized increase the issued capital by issuing shares up to the registered capital ceiling and also resolve on issues such as restricting the rights of privileged shareholders, restriction of rights of shareholders to purchase the newly issued shares and issuing shares above the nominal value or without voting rights in compliance with the provisions of the Capital Markets Law. The authority to restrict the preemptive rights shall not be exercised in a manner leading to in equality among shareholders. Shares representing the share capital shall be monitored in accordance with principles of dematerialization. ARTICLE 10 This Article has been removed from the Articles of Association. a) At the time incorporation of the Bank, (100) registered founders’ jouissance (usufruct) certificates have been created and delivered. b) Holders of the founders’ jouissance (usufruct) certificates shall benefit from the Bank’s annual profit in a ratio designated under the relevant article of the Articles of Association; and if the Bank is decided to be liquidated, they shall obtain a share according to such principles and ratios as set out in the relevant article of the articles of association, from the net profit occurring in the liquidation balance sheet, upon the payment of the prices of the share certificates to the shareholders. c) General Assembly may create (Jouissance Shares) by amending the Articles of Association, upon the proposal of the Board of Directors. Holders of the Jouissance Shares shall be given the right to receive dividends in the ratio set out in the article concerning the allocation and distribution of the annual profit of the Articles of Association. d) The Bank may, at its discretion, purchase the founders’ shares offered to sale, for destruction. e) Dividend coupons of the founders’ jouissance (usufruct) shares are bearer coupons; dividends are paid to those who present the coupon. 49 50 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report ARTICLE 26 ALLOTMENT AND DISTRIBUTION OF ANNUAL PROFIT ARTICLE 26 ALLOTMENT AND DISTRIBUTION OF ANNUAL PROFIT The Bank’s annual profit is allotted and distributed as described below within the scope of relevant legislative obligations; The Bank’s annual profit is allotted and distributed as described below within the scope of relevant legislative obligations; a) 5% of the annual profit is set aside as general legal reserve funds, a) 5% of the annual profit is set aside as general legal reserve funds, b) A sum equal to 5% of the Bank’s paid-in capital is set aside for the shareholders as First Dividend, regardless of the payment dates of the capital, b) A sum equal to 5% of the Bank’s paid-in capital is set aside for the shareholders as First Dividend, regardless of the payment dates of the capital, c) 10% of the amount remaining after setting aside the amounts in paragraphs “a” and “b” is set aside to be paid to the holders of founders’ (jouissance) certificates, d) Maximum of 5% of the amount remaining after the amounts set aside as per the foregoing provisions, may be allocated by the General Assembly to the Board Members and Managing Directors, including the ordinary member General Manager, c) Maximum of 5% of the amount remaining after the amounts set aside as per the foregoing provisions, may be allocated by the General Assembly to the Board Members and Managing Directors, including the ordinary member General Manager, d) Out of the annual profit remaining after the amounts set aside and allocated as described in the foregoing paragraphs, an amount designated by the General Assembly, may be set aside for the shareholders as Second Dividend, regardless of the payment dates of the capital, e) One tenth of the Dividends decided to be distributed as per paragraphs “c” and “d” of this article shall be added to general legal reserve funds pursuant to the Turkish Commercial Code. f) General Assembly is entitled to transfer to the subsequent year or set aside as extraordinary reserve funds, all or a part of the net profit remaining after setting aside and distributing the reserve funds in paragraph “a” and dividends in paragraph “b” of this article. If it deems necessary, Board of Directors may make suggestions to the General Assembly to such extent. g) The manner of distributing the dividend allocated to the Board Members and Executive Directors, including the ordinary member General Manager, as per paragraph “c” of this article, to the relevant parties shall be determined by the Board of Directors. e) Out of the annual profit remaining after the amounts set aside and allocated as described in the foregoing paragraphs, an amount designated by the General Assembly, may be set aside for the shareholders as Second Dividend, regardless of the payment dates of the capital, f) One tenth of the Dividends decided to be distributed as per paragraphs “c”, “d” and “e” of this article shall be added to general legal reserve funds pursuant to the Turkish Commercial Code. g) General Assembly is entitled to transfer to the subsequent year or set aside as extraordinary reserve funds, all or a part of the net profit remaining after setting aside and distributing the reserve funds in paragraph “a” and dividends in paragraphs “b” and “c” of this article. If it deems necessary, Board of Directors may make suggestions to the General Assembly to such extent. h) The manner of distributing the dividend allocated to the Board Members and Executive Directors, including the ordinary member General Manager, as per paragraph “d” of this article, to the relevant parties shall be determined by the Board of Directors. h) Dividends shall only be paid out of annual profit. No dividend can be distributed unless the reserve funds mentioned in paragraph “a” of this article are set aside. Finansbank 2014 Annual Report i) Dividends shall only be paid out of annual profit. No dividend can be distributed unless the reserve funds mentioned in paragraph “a” of this article are set aside. j) Unless and until reserve funds which should be set aside as per law and dividends specified for the shareholders under the Articles of Association are not set aside, no resolution in regard to setting aside other reserve funds, transfering profit to subsequent year and distributing dividends to usufruct share holders, members of Board of Directors and employees of the Bank shall be adopted. No dividends shall be distributed to such persons unless and until specified dividend is fully paid. k) General Assembly shall determine the payment date of the dividends, to be distributed as per the provisions of this article. l) Provisions of paragraphs “e” and “f” hereof shall also apply to dividends that have been resolved by a General Assembly Resolution to be distributed to the shareholders out of extraordinary reserve funds. m) The profit distributed in accordance with the provisions of these Articles of Association cannot be taken back. Relevant provisions of the Turkish Commercial Code are preserved. i) Unless and until reserve funds which should be set aside as per law and dividends specified for the shareholders under the Articles of Association are not set aside, no resolution in regard to setting aside other reserve funds, transfering profit to subsequent year and distributing dividends to members of Board of Directors and employees of the Bank shall be adopted. No dividends shall be distributed to such persons unless and until specified dividend is fully paid. j) General Assembly shall determine the payment date of the dividends, to be distributed as per the provisions of this article. k) Provisions of paragraphs “d” and “e” hereof shall also apply to dividends that have been resolved by a General Assembly Resolution to be distributed to the shareholders out of extraordinary reserve funds. 1) The profit distributed in accordance with the provisions of these Articles of Association cannot be taken back. Relevant provisions of the Turkish Commercial Code are preserved. 51 52 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Risk Management Risk Management is responsible for monitoring and managing all potential risks for the Bank in a centralized and efficiently coordinated manner. The primary goal of Risk Management is to provide business lines appropriate capital allocation (economic capital) for risks they are exposed to and increase value-added by maximizing risk adjusted return on capital Organizational Structure Risk management governance at the Bank starts with the Board of Directors. The Board’s Risk Committee, Asset/ Liability Committee (ALCO), Corporate and Retail Credit Policy Committees (CPC), Operational Risk Management Committee (ORMC) and the Risk Management Department are important bodies of the risk management structure at Finansbank. The Board of Directors determines the general risk policy and the risk appetite of the Bank. The Risk Committee defines risk policies and strategies, reviews all types of risks the Bank is exposed to in its monthly meetings, monitors the implementation of risk management strategies and brings the important risk issues to the attention of the Board. The ALCO, meeting monthly, monitors and manages the structural asset liability mismatch of the Bank; it also monitors and controls liquidity risk and foreign currency exchange risk. The CPC meets monthly and is responsible for monitoring and evaluating the Bank’s lending portfolio and determining principles and policies related to credit risk management processes, such as loan approval, limit setting, rating, monitoring and problem management. The ORMC, also meeting quarterly, reviews the operational risk issues of the Bank and defines the necessary actions to be taken to minimize these risks. rates (including interest rates, equity and bond prices and foreign exchange rates), and their levels of volatility. Finansbank seeks to identify, estimate, monitor and manage these risks effectively through a framework of principles, measurement processes and a valid set of limits that apply to all of Finansbank’s transactions. Finansbank Risk Management Department, working independently from executive management and reporting directly to the Board of Directors, is responsible for monitoring and managing all potential risks for the Bank in a centralized and efficiently coordinated manner. The primary goal of the Risk Management Department is to provide the business lines with appropriate capital allocation (economic capital) for risks they are exposed to and to increase valueadded by maximizing risk adjusted return on capital. A set of market risk limits are defined, based on Value at Risk (VaR), nominal position, present value basis point and option greeks, in order to manage market risk efficiently and to keep market risk within desired limits,. In addition to these limits, the Bank defines warning levels for certain limit types, to allow a process of review, analysis, and consultation in order to take preventive actions, prevent limit breaches and limit possible losses. The limits are monitored on a daily basis by Risk Management Department. VaR results are supported by regular stress testing and scenario analyses. Market Risk Management Market Risk arises due to the positions in the trading book, which includes trading securities, open currency position and all derivatives excluding transactions done for hedging purposes, taken by the Bank with the intention of benefiting in the short term from actual and/or expected differences between their buying and selling prices or interest rate variations,. Alternatively, it alsoarises from mark to market practice. Market risk stems from the uncertainty concerning changes in market prices and Finansbank calculates the regulatory capital requirement for market risk using the standardized method within the framework of BRSA guidelines on a monthly basis. The methodology used for the calculation of capital requirements for general market risk and specific risk is determined by the BRSA. In addition, parallel to best global practices, VaR is measured daily. VaR, which is a measure of the maximum potential loss on the trading portfolio, is calculated using the historical simulation method with a 99%-confidence level and one-day holding period. Finansbank 2014 Annual Report While the value-at-risk approach provides a forecast for possible losses under “normal” market conditions, it cannot predict contingent losses under extreme conditions. Hence, the VaR approach is complemented by stress testing in order to incorporate possible extreme market movements. Stress tests are intended to simulate the impacts of crises, extreme market conditions and major changes in correlations and volatilities. The Bank uses back testing to verify the predictive power of the value-at-risk calculations. In back testing, theoretical gains/losses calculated by VAR on positions at the close of each business day is compared with the actual gains/ losses arising on these positions on the next business day. The assumption of the VaR model is reviewed and revised if such a need occurs as a result of the back testing procedure. Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book The Bank is exposed to structural interest rate risk resulting from differences in the timing of rate changes and the timing of cash flows that occur in the pricing and maturity of a bank’s assets and liabilities. Bank defines Policy for the Management of Interest Rate Risk of Banking Book (IRRBB). According to the policy, interest rate risk is calculated for the banking book, which includes all portfolios excluding trading book and positions has to be in line with the pre-defined limits. Even though the Bank is exposed to structural interest rate risk on its balance sheet due to the nature of its existing activities, the policy is ensured that all position is monitored effectively and the risk stays within the pre-defined limits. The Asset Liability Committee (ALCO) aims to protect the economic value of equity while sustaining a stable earnings profile. Duration/GAP analyses, which rely on calculations of net discounted future cash flows of interest rate sensitive balance sheet items, are conducted to manage this risk. Moreover, the Bank runs net economic value sensitivity scenarios with changes in interest rates and interest rate margins, to calculate their impact on net economic value. The Bank utilized scenario analysis in order to evaluate brunt of interest rate change on net economic value. In addition to the Basel standard interest rate shock scenario, the 2001 crisis, May 2004 and June 2006 and 2008 scenarios are also simulated. Liquidity Risk Liquidity risk is defined as the current or prospective risk to earnings and capital arising from the Bank’s inability to meet its liabilities -because of its balance sheet structure or market movements- when they are due. Finansbank aims to control its ‘cash and available funding sources/ deposits’ ratio within limits. In addition to early warning indicators, stress levels and actions planned under different stress levels are defined in the Bank’s “Contingency Plan”. Within the scope of the Basel III accord, the “short-term liquidity coverage ratio” and the “net stable funding ratio,” to measure long-term liquidity, are calculated. Liquidity coverage ratio and net stable funding ratio are monitored on a daily basis and on a monthly basis respectively. Credit Risk and Capital Management Credit risk is defined as the current or prospective risk to earnings and capital arising from an obligor’s failure to meet the terms of any contract with the institution or otherwise fail to perform as agreed. The aim of credit risk management is to maximize the Bank’s risk-adjusted rate of return by maintaining the credit risk exposure within acceptable limits defined by the Risk Strategy document. Credit Risk Management is embedded into the cradle-to-grave credit processes of the Bank. While the underwriting units are responsible for day-to-day management of the credit risk, The Board of Directors controls the complete lending process by approving the lending criteria, credit risk policies and delegating authorities depending on the type of the product through Credit Policy Committees. The responsibility of the Credit Risk and Capital Management Division is the establishment of effective and efficient internal policy, procedure and methodologies for definition, quantification, measurement, control and reporting of the credit risks. 53 54 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report The Credit Risk and Capital Management Group perform the internal and external reporting of credit risk in an appropriate way for different audiences. The Bank’s Board Risk Committee monitors a comprehensive list of credit risk metrics and the risk-based performance measures of the credit portfolios on a monthly basis. In case of any mismatch between the risk profile and the risk appetite of the Bank, the necessary measures are taken immediately to make sure that the portfolio credit quality of the Bank complies with the defined risk appetite. Credit Risk and Capital Management Division is also responsible for the capital management process, which includes compliance with the regulatory capital requirements and the establishment of the Bank’s policies, processes, methods and systems relating to the Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process (ICAAP). This process involves calculation, projection and analysis of legal and economic capital requirements necessiated by yearly and long-term business plans of the Bank. The Bank has traditionally put great emphasis on the strength of its capital base to maintain investor, creditor and market confidence and to sustain future business development. By this point of view, ICAAP framework is designed to ensure that the Bank has sufficient capital resources to meet the regulatory capital requirements, and that it has available capital in line with its own risk appetite and internal guidelines. Operational Risk and Business Continuity Management Operational risk is defined as the risk of direct or indirect loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems or from external events. The Operational Risk and Business Continuity Management Group is responsible for identifying, measuring, monitoring and managing all risks under the scope of operational risk as well as Business Continuity Management. Activity-process based operational risks are identified through Risk Control Self Assessment and classified by cause, event and effect categories as proposed by Basel II and actions are taken for severe risks.Operational loss data collection, which began at the Bank in January 2005, continues to enable Finansbank to be compliant with Basel II Advanced Approaches. While loss data is accumulated to provide meaningful statistical data, business processes, where improvements are required, are defined based on the results and all necessary improvement actions are taken. Also, structured scenario analyses are conducted every year for all business activities. Key Risk Indicators are defined and monitored regularly for severe risks. A robust software platform is used for all operational risk management processes. The Bank has also prepared and implemented a Business Continuity Management Plan, in order to minimize losses due to business disruption. In addition, the Bank performs the comprehensive annual test of the Disaster Recovery Center with the participation of business units and the IT Department. Model Validation Unit Finansbank’s Model Validation Unit is responsible for the assessment of predictive ability of risk parameter estimates as well as ensuring that the design of Bank’s internal rating system is compatible with the best practices and the minimum requirements of the Basel II framework. The Unit conducts performance and stability tests regarding validity of models and manages the database infrastructure allowing such practices. Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Evaluations of the Audit Committee on the Activities of Internal Control, Internal Audit and Risk Management Systems and Information about Their Activities in the Accounting Period The Audit Committee is established pursuant to the provisions of Banking Law No. 5411 (Law) and Regulation on Internal Systems of Banks (Regulation). Internal Audit and Internal Control and Compliance Departments of the internal functions report to the Audit Committee. Audit Committee Office is established to assist the Committee with its duties and responsibilities. Risk Management Department is also included in the internal systems but reports to the Risk Management Committee established within the Board of Directors. On behalf of the Board of Directors, the Audit Committee has the authority and responsibility to: • supervise the effectiveness, efficiency and adequacy of the Bank’s internal systems and their compliance to the Law, applicable Regulation and the Bank’s internal policies, • determine if the methods, instruments and procedures required for identifying, measuring, monitoring and controlling the risks of the Bank are adequate and operative, • supervise the operation of accounting and reporting systems and the integrity of the information generated by these systems, • carry out the necessary preliminary assessment for the selection of independent audit institutions and rating, valuation and support service institutions by the Board of Directors, • monitor regularly the activities of the institutions selected and contracted, • ensure that the internal audit activities of subsidiaries subject to consolidation in accordance with regulations introduced under the Law are carried out on a consolidated basis and in coordination with the internal audit activities of the Bank. The Audit Committee convened 12 times in 2014. Based on its observations and evaluations, and concluded that the internal systems of the Bank were efficient and functioning as planned and the internal controls on financial reporting system were effective. Moreover, the Audit Committee reviewed all support services procured by the Bank, ensured that necessary actions were taken to effectively manage the risks exposed by these services and the Bank complied with the Regulation on Banks’ Procurement of Support Services. A summary of the activities performed by the units reporting to the Audit Committee is given below. Internal Audit Department Internal Audit Department reports to the Board of Directors. According to the results of the Quality Assessment Review carried out by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) in 2013, Internal Audit Department conducts its activities in accordance with the International Internal Audit Standards. In order to provide continuous monitoring in the areas, which have been certified for 5 years, Internal Quality Assessment review is performed every year. The Internal Audit Department fulfills its responsibilities objectively and independently with 104 personnel and reportsto the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors. The Department strongly encourages its auditors to acquire professional certifications available in their field, which are prerequisites for promotion. The internal audit reports prepared as a result of the audit engagements carried out by the Internal Audit Department are submitted to the Senior Management and the Board through the Audit Committee. The actions taken in this regard are followed up by the Internal Audit Department throughout the year. Finansbank Board of Directors also follows up the activities of the Department on a continuous basis over the quarterly activity reports submitted through the Audit Committee. Bank’s all risk exposures in line with the risk assessment results were taken into consideration in 2014 activities of Internal Audit Department. The regulatory compliance risks were taken into consideration and covered in all audit engagements. In addition to the planned audit regarding Head Office units, branches, subsidiaries, information technologies process audits, 2014 activities also covered incidentbased investigations, inspections, and participation in various projects and 55 56 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report consultancy services. Besides, Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process (ICAAP) audit has been conducted in accordance with related legislation and Bank’s procedures. Following the activities completed in 2014, Internal Audit Department accomplished its responsibilities by providing independent and objective assurance and consultancy services, as in the previous years, for improvement and benefit to the Bank’s activities. frequencies on subjects identified mainly on legal, operational and financial risks. In addition, information technology activities are controlled periodically and annual walkthroughs and tests for controls in scope of SOX were completed. Control and audit activities with respect to the preparation of Management Statement were carried out. Moreover, on-site controls were performed at least once in all branches and subsidiaries during the year. Internal Control and Compliance Department Compliance Reporting to the Audit Committee, the Internal Control and Compliance Department performed control activities for minimizing the Bank’s exposure to operational, regulatory and financial risks. The total number of personnel is 93. Internal Control The number of personnel in Internal Control has reached 72, by the addition of 12 personnel compared to last year. The two divisions stated below perform control activities: • Branch and Subsidiary Controls Division • Head Office, IT and SOX Controls Division The Internal Control performs its activities to cover Head Office departments, branches and subsidiaries subject to consolidation. Head office activities are controlled either on-site or centralized with different Compliance determines and manages the risks related to financial losses as a result of the Bank’s loss of reputation caused by non-compliance with the laws, regulations, Bank’s processes and instructions. As of yearend 2014, 18 personnel are employed at Compliance . Compliance closely follows regulatory changes and ensures that the Bank’s practices are updated accordingly. Compliance responds to the questions posed by the branches and Head Office units related to regulatory issues, and plays an active role by providing opinions and recommendations in the process of developing banking products to be offered to the customers. Compliance also coordinates the regulatory compliance engagements of the financial subsidiaries of the Bank. Additionally, it monitors and notifies the Financial Crimes Investigation Board on suspicious transactions by establishing necessary systems pursuant to regulations related to antimoney laundering and counter-terrorism financing. Furthermore, Compliance consults with regulatory and supervisory bodies, and works to establish social and environmental standards in the loan granting processes. Within the resolution process of the Board of Directors to launch new products/services, the opinions and evaluations of Compliance are required concerning the issue in terms of compliance to applicable regulations. The activities of Compliance in 2014 were performed within this broad area of responsibility. Audit Committee Office Established in 2011, the Audit Committee Office is comprised of 2 persons as of 31.12.2014 and provides the services required for the effective working of the Committee. The Office is responsible for reviewing and presenting to the Committee members the reports concerning the Committee, monitoring Committee meetings, archiving all documents regarding the works carried out, preparing evaluation reports for the support services, following up the implementation of the Committee decisions, reporting the Committee activities to the Board of Directors and performing other duties assigned by the Committee. Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Assessment of the Bank’s Financial Position, Profitability and Solvency Finansbank’s strong growth in recent years continued to accelerate in 2014. In line with the Bank’s strategic plans, the total credit portfolio increased to TL 50.3 billion with a steady growth of its customer base. The number of branches was 658 by the end of 2014. Assets: With the help of its customer-oriented approach, Finansbank maintained its growth in SME and commercial loans. Total loans amounted to TL 50,344 million, indicating a 17% increase while total assets reached TL 75,206 million by the end of 2014, up 14% from the previous year. At yearend, the Bank’s strategically prioritized market segments of business loans (SME, commercial and corporate) soared 46% in total. Liabilities: In parallel with the growth in assets, Finansbank’s total deposits continued to increase in a balanced manner. Customer deposits reached TL 40,652 million, marking a 10% rise, while shareholders’ equity increased 12% to TL 8,574 million. The Bank issued local and foreign currency bonds in Turkey and abroad, therefore increasing its funding diversification. Profitability: The Bank’s net interest income was recorded at TL 3,088 million in 2014, while net fee and commission income totaled TL 1,334 million, indicating an increase of 29%. The net profit was realized at TL 877 million in 2014. The Bank’s bank-only capital adequacy ratio at the end of 2014 stood at 17%. Solvency: Finansbank has a solid financial structure backed by a strong capital structure and a high return on equity. Finansbank uses its equity capital in banking activities effectively while also sustaining profitability. Finansbank funds its loans with long-term borrowings in addition to its robust funding structure and wide deposit base,. By using a variety of funding sources, the Bank not only decreases the cost of funding but also minimizes the risks that arise due to differences in maturity. With a solid position in Turkey’s financial markets, Finansbank’s strong financial structure has also been recognized by independent rating agencies. 57 58 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Additional Information on the Activities of the Bank The Bank does not have any treasury shares bought on the market. The Bank receives a partial audit quarterly and a full audit at yearend from an independent audit firm. Moreover, the Bank is subject to constant surveillance under the scope of banking regulation and is subject to supervision of the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency. There is no lawsuit against the Bank and its activities that is likely to affect the financial position of the Bank. The investigation initiated by the Competition Board on some banks including Finansbank on November 2, 2011, was completed on March 11, 2013 and various sanctions for these banks were decided. According to the decision of the Competition Board; Finansbank paid TL 40,516,057.50. Finansbank appealed the aforementioned decision on September 16, 2013 at Ankara 16th administrative court. The court case is still pending. details are given in the Loyalty Reports, to the best of our knowledge at the time of the transactions. Each legal transaction is provided with appropriate performance. As per all transactions with the National Bank of Greece SA, the major controlling shareholder of the Bank, and with its affiliated companies, there is no precaution taken in favor of the Bank or in avoidance of favor of the Bank. In all legal transactions, agreements are subject to the same principles, procedures and conditions as if with a person/organization outside of the Group companies. No measure was taken to the detriment of the Bank for the interest of or as a favor to the controlling company or its subsidiaries. Regarding legal transactions with the controlling company and other related companies, There is not a measure that is to be taken or avoided to be taken; and within this framework, there is no loss that the Bank incurred. As a result of examination of financial transactions carried out by the Bank with the controlling company and/ or affiliates of the controlling company according to TCC Article 199, it is understood that all transactions carried by the Bank were entirely in line with current market conditions prevailing at the time of the transactions and on arm’s length basis as conducted with 3rd parties. Finansbank 2014 Annual Report International Credit Ratings FITCHRATINGS Long Term Foreign Currency IDR BBB- Long Term Domestic Currency IDR BBB- Short Term Foreign Currency IDR F3 Short Term Domestic Currency IDR F3 Viability Rating bbb- Support Rating 3 MOODY’S Long Term Foreign Currency DR Ba2 Long Term Domestic Currency DR Ba2 Short Term Foreign Currency NP Short Term Domestic Currency DR NP Bank Financial Strength Rating E+ CAPITAL INTELLIGENCE Long Term Foreign Currency Rating BB+ Short Term Foreign Currency Rating B Long Term Local Currency Rating BB+ Short Term Local Currency Rating B Bank Financial Strength Rating BBB+ Support Rating 3 59 60 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Statement of Responsibility Finansbank’s annual report is prepared in accordance with the principles and regulations stated in the “Regulation on the Preparation and Publication of Annual Report for Banks”, as appeared in the Official Gazette on November 1, 2006, with number 226333 Ömer A. Aras Chairman of the Board of Directors Ioannis Vagionitis Member of the Board of Directors and of the Audit Committee Ali Teoman Kerman Member of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Audit Committee Temel Güzeloğlu General Manager and Member of the Board of Directors Paul Mylonas Board Member and Audit Committee Member Adnan Menderes Yayla Executive Vice President Responsible of Financial Control and Planning Finansbank 2014 Annual Report FİNANSBANK ANONİM ŞİRKETİ INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S AUDIT REPORT, UNCONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND NOTES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2014 61 62 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Güney Bağımsız Denetim ve Serbest Muhasebeci Mali Müşavirlik A.Ş. (Ernst & Young) Eski Büyükdere Caddesi Orjin Maslak No:27 Maslak, Sarıyer 34398 İstanbul, Türkiye Tel: +90 212 315 30 00 Fax: +90 212 230 82 91 www.ey.com Finansbank Anonim Şirketi Yönetim Kurulu’na İstanbul INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S AUDIT REPORT, UNCONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND NOTES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2014 We have audited the unconsolidated balance sheet of Finansbank Anonim Şirketi (“the Bank”) at December 31, 2014 and the related unconsolidated income statement, unconsolidated statement of income and expense items under shareholders’ equity, unconsolidated statement of cash flows and unconsolidated statement of changes in shareholders’ equity for the year then ended and the summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes. Disclosure for the responsibility of the Bank’s Board of Directors The Board of Directors of the Bank is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the unconsolidated financial statements in accordance with the “Regulation on the Principles and Procedures Regarding Banks’ Accounting Applications and Safeguarding of Documents” published in the Official Gazette dated November 1, 2006 and numbered 26333 and Turkish Accounting Standards, Turkish Financial Reporting Standards and other regulations, circulars, communiqués and pronouncements in respect of accounting and financial reporting made by the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency. This responsibility includes: designing, implementing and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error and selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies. Disclosure for the Responsibility of the Authorized Audit Firm Our responsibility, as independent auditors, is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. Our audit has been performed in accordance with “Regulation on Authorisation and Activities of Institutions to Conduct Independent Audit in Banks” published on the Official Gazette No.26333 dated November 1, 2006 and with the Independent Auditing Standards which is a part of Turkish Auditing Standards promulgated by the Public Oversight Accounting and Auditing Standards Authority (“POA”). We planned and conducted our audit to obtain reasonable assurance as to whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the consideration of the effectiveness of internal control and appropriateness of accounting policies applied relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion stated below. Basis for Qualified Opinion As of December 31, 2014, the accompanying unconsolidated financial statements include a general reserve for possible risks amounting to TL 82.000 thousands which is provided by the Bank management for the possible results of the circumstances which may arise from any changes in the economy and market conditions. Independent Auditors’ Opinion In our opinion, except for the effect of the matter referred in the preceding paragraph on the unconsolidated financial statements, the accompanying unconsolidated financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Finansbank Anonim Şirketi at December 31, 2014 and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with the prevailing accounting principles and standards set out as per Article 37 of the Banking Act No: 5411, and other regulations, communiqués, circulars and ronouncements made by the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency in respect of accounting and financial reporting. Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Report on other responsibilities arising from regulatory requirements 1) In accordance with Article 402 paragraph 4 of the Turkish Commercial Code (“TCC”) no 6102; no significant matter has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the Bank’s bookkeeping activities for the period January 1 – December 31, 2014 are not in compliance with the code and provisions of the Bank’s articles of association in relation to financial reporting. 2) In accordance with Article 402 paragraph 4 of the TCC; the Board of Directors submitted to us the necessary explanations and provided required documents within the context of audit. Other matters The unconsolidated financial statements of the Bank as of and for the year ended December 31, 2013 prepared in accordance with the accounting principles and standards set out by regulations in conformity with Article No:37 of the Banking Act No. 5411 were audited by another independent audit firm, who in their report dated February 27, 2014 expressed an unqualified opinion on the unconsolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2013, results of operations and cash flows in accordance with accounting principles and standards set out by regulations in conformity with Article No:37 of the Banking Act No: 5411 and other regulations, interpretations and circulars published by the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency on accounting and financial reporting principles. Additional paragraph for English translation As explained in detail in Note I. of Section Three, the effects of differences between accounting principles and standards set out by regulations in conformity with Article 37 of the Banking Act No. 5411, accounting principles generally accepted in countries in which the accompanying unconsolidated financial statements are to be distributed and International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) have not been quantified in the accompanying unconsolidated financial statements. Accordingly, the accompanying unconsolidated financial statements are not intended to present the financial position, results of operations and changes in financial position and cash flows in accordance with the accounting principles generally accepted in such countries and IFRS. Istanbul, February 5, 2015 GÜNEY BAĞIMSIZ DENETİM VE SERBEST MUHASEBECİ MALİ MÜŞAVİRLİK ANONİM ŞİRKETİ A Member Firm Of ERNST & YOUNG GLOBAL LIMITED Hatice Dilek Çilingir Köstem, Partner in Charge, SMMM 63 64 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report THE UNCONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL REPORT OF FINANSBANK A.Ş. FOR THE YEAR-END PERIOD ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2014 The Bank’s; Address of the head office : Büyükdere Cad. No: 129, 34394 Mecidiyeköy / İSTANBUL Phone number : (0 212) 318 50 00 Facsimile number : (0 212) 318 58 50 Web page: www.finansbank.com.tr E-mail address : name.surname@finansbank.com.tr The unconsolidated financial report for the year-end period ended December 31, 2014, designed by the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency in line with Communiqué on Financial Statements to be Publicly Announced and the Related Policies and Disclosures consists of the sections below: • GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE BANK • UNCONSOLIDATED INTERIM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE BANK • EXPLANATIONS ON THE UNCONSOLIDATED INTERIM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE BANK • INFORMATION ON FINANCIAL STRUCTURE OF THE BANK • FOOTNOTES AND EXPLANATIONS ON UNCONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS • OTHER EXPLANATIONS • INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT The unconsolidated financial statements and related disclosures and footnotes for the year-end period ended December 31, 2014, are prepared in accordance with the Regulation on Principles Related to Banks’ Accounting Applications and Preserving the Documents, Turkish Accounting Standards, Turkish Financial Reporting Standards and the related statements and guidance and in compliance with the financial records of our Bank. Unless stated otherwise, the accompanying unconsolidated financial statements are presented in thousands of Turkish Lira (TL). Ömer A. Aras Chairman of the Board of Directors Ali Teoman Kerman Member of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Audit Committee Temel Güzeloğlu General Manager and Member of the Board of Directors Adnan Menderes Yayla Executive Vice President Responsible of Financial Control and Planning Ioannis Vagionitis Member of the Board of Directors and of the Audit Committee Ercan Sakarya Division Manager of Financial, Statutory Reporting and Treasury Control Information related to the responsible personnel to whom the questions about the financial report can be communicated: Name-Surname/Title Phone Number Facsimile Number : Ercan Sakarya / Division Manager of Financial, Statutory Reporting and Treasury Control : (0 212) 318 52 92 : (0 212) 318 55 78 INDEX Finansbank 2014 Annual Report SECTION ONE General Informatıon I. Explanatory note on the establishment date, nature of activities and history of the Bank II. Information about the Bank’s shareholding structure, shareholders who individually or jointly have power to control the management and audit directly or indirectly, changes regarding these subjects during the year if any, and information about the controlling group of the Bank III.Information about the chairman and members of board of directors, members of audit committee, managing directors and executive vice presidents; any changes, and the information about the Bank shares they hold and their responsibilities IV. .Information about the persons and institutions that have qualified shares V. .Explanations on the Bank’s services and activities VI. .A short explanation on the differences between the Regulation on Preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements of Banks and the consolidation procedures required by Turkish Accounting Standards and about institutions that are subject to full consolidation, proportional consolidation, by way of deduction from capital or those that are subject to none VII. .The existing or potential, actual or legal obstacles to immediate transfer of shareholders’ equity between the Parent Bank and its subsidiaries and repayment of debts 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 SECTION TWO Unconsolidated Financial Statements I. Balance sheet (statement of financial position) II. Statements of off-balance sheet commitments and contingencies III. Income statement (statement of income / loss) IV. Statement of profit and loss accounted for under equity (statement of other comprehensive income / loss) V. Statement of changes in shareholders’ equity VI. Statement of cash flows VI. Unconsolidated Profit Appropriation Statement 4-5 6 7 8 9-10 11 12 SECTION THREE Accounting Policies I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. XVIII. XIX. XX. XXI. XXII. XXIII. XXIV. XXV. Basis of presentation Strategy for the use of financial instruments and foreign currency transactions Information on associates and subsidiaries Explanations on forwards, option contracts and derivative instruments Explanations on Interest income and expenses Explanations on Fees and commission income and expenses Explanation on financial assets Explanations on Impairment of financial assets Explanations on Netting of financial instruments and derecognition of financial assets Explanations on Sales and repurchase agreements and lending of securities Explanations on Assets held for sale and discontinued operations Explanations on Goodwill and other intangible assets Explanations on Tangible assets Explanations on Leasing transactions Explanations on Provisions and contingent liabilities Explanations on Obligations of the Bank concerning employee benefits Explanations on Taxation Explanations on Additional explanations on borrowings Explanations on Share issues Explanations on Confirmed bills of exchange and acceptances Explanations on Government incentives Explanations on Segment reporting Explanations on Profit reserves and profit distribution Profit per share Explanations on other matters 13 14 15 15 16 16 17 19 19 19 20 20 20 21 21 21 22 23 23 23 23 23-24 25 25 25 SECTION FOUR Information On Financial Structure I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. Explanations related to capital adequacy ratio Explanations related to credit risk Information on market risk Explanations related to operational risk Explanations related to foreign currency exchange rate risk Explanations related to interest rate risk Position Risk of Equity Securities in Banking Book Explanations related to liquidity risk Explanations related to securitization positions Explanations related to credit risk mitigation techniques Explanations related to risk management objectives and policies Explanations related to presentation of financial assets and liabilities at their fair value Explanations related to transactions carried out on behalf of customers, items held in trust 26 33 42 44 44 47 51 52 55 55 55 56 57 SECTION FIVE Explanations And Disclosures On Unconsolidated Financial Statements I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. Explanations and disclosures related to assets Explanations and disclosures related to liabilities Explanations and disclosures related to off-balance sheet items Explanations and disclosures related to the income statement Explanations and disclosures related to statement of changes in shareholder’s equity Explanations and disclosures related to cash flows statement Explanations and disclosures related to the Bank’s risk group Explanations on the Bank’s domestic, foreign and off- shore banking branches and foreign representatives 58 76 85 91 97 98 100 102 SECTION SIX Other Explanations And Disclosures I. Other explanations related to the Bank’s operations 103 SECTION SEVEN Independent Audit Report I. II. Explanations on the independent audit report Explanations on the notes prepared by independent auditors 104 104 65 66 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report SECTION ONE GENERAL INFORMATION I. Explanatory note on the establishment date, nature of activities and history of the Bank Finansbank Anonim Şirketi (“the Bank”) was incorporated in Istanbul on September 23, 1987. The Bank’s shares have been listed on the Borsa Istanbul (“BIST”) (formerly known as Istanbul Stock Exchange (“ISE”)) since 1990. II. Information about the Bank’s shareholding structure, shareholders who individually or jointly have power to control the management and audit directly or indirectly, changes regarding these subjects during the year, if any, and information about the controlling group of the Bank As of December 31, 2014, 82.23% of the Bank’s shares are owned by National Bank of Greece S.A. (“NBG”), 9.68% by NBG Finance (Dollar) PLC, 7.90% by NBGI Holdings B.V. The Bank is a National Bank of Greece S.A (NBG) Group entity. NBG was founded in 1841 and its shares have been traded on Athens Stock Exchange since 1880 and traded on the New York Stock Exchange since 1999. NBG offers financial services to its customers such as retail banking, assets management, intermediary services and investment banking. III. Information about the chairman and members of board of directors, members of audit committee, managing directors and executive vice presidents; any changes, and the information about the Bank shares they hold and their responsibilities Name Dr. Ömer A. Aras Sinan Şahinbaş Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın Aysan(*) Stefanos Pantzopoulos Dr. Paul Mylonas (**) Ioannis Vagionitis (***) Christos Alexis Komninos Temel Güzeloğlu Mustafa Hamdi Gürtin Ali Teoman Kerman (****) Paula Hadjisotiriou Georgios Koutsoudakis(*****) Adnan Menderes Yayla Metin Karabiber Murat Şakar Köksal Çoban Dr. Mehmet Kürşad Demirkol Özlem Cinemre Hakan Alp Filiz Sonat Erkin Aydın Ömür Tan Şebnem Seniye Karaduman Halim Ersun Bilgici Title Chairman and Executive Member Deputy Chairman and Executive Member Board Member Board Member Board Member and Audit Committee Member Board Member and Audit Committee Member Board Member Board Member and Managing Director Board Member Board Member and Head of Audit Committee Board Member Board Member Assistant Managing Director Assistant Managing Director Assistant Managing Director Assistant Managing Director Assistant Managing Director Assistant Managing Director Assistant Managing Director Assistant Managing Director Assistant Managing Director Assistant Managing Director Assistant Managing Director Assistant Managing Director Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın Aysan resigned from Audit Committee as of April 24, 2014. Dr. Paul Mylonas has been appointed as a member to the Audit Committee as of January 17, 2014. Ioannis Vagionitis has been appointed to the Audit Committee as of January 17, 2014. (****) Ali Teoman Kerman has been appointed as the Head of Audit Committee as of April 24, 2014. (*****) Georgios Koutsoudakis has been appointed as the Board Member as of July 23, 2014. (*) (**) (***) The top level management listed above possesses immaterial number of shares of the Bank. Date of Appointment April 16, 2010 April 16, 2010 March 9, 1993 October 16, 2012 February 23, 2010 January 6, 2014 February 16, 2011 April 16, 2010 April 16, 2010 April 16, 2013 December 16, 2013 July 23, 2014 May 20, 2008 October 8, 2010 August 1, 2008 August 19, 2008 October 8, 2010 July 9, 1997 July 7, 2010 September 19,2007 May 16, 2011 October 28, 2011 January 9, 2012 March 15, 2013 Education Phd Masters Phd Graduate Phd Masters Graduate Masters Masters Masters Masters Graduate Masters Graduate Graduate Masters Phd Graduate Graduate Graduate Masters Graduate Graduate Masters Finansbank 2014 Annual Report IV. Information about the persons and institutions that have qualified shares Name Surname/Trade Name Amount of Shares Percentage of Shares Paid-up Shares Unpaid Shares National Bank of Greece S.A. NBG Finance (Dollar) PLC NBGI Holdings B.V. 2.331.170 274.411 223.965 82,23% 9,68% 7,90% 2.331.170 274.411 223.965 - According to the Board of Directors decision dated September 16, 2014, it has been decided that 100 founder shares issued to National Bank of Greece in accordance with the 10th close of the Bank’s Articles of Associates will be canceled at no cost. Subject decision has been approved during the General Council Meeeting dated December 4, 2014. The profit distribution is performed according to the prevailing regulations and the Articles of Association. Accordingly, 5% of the distributable profit is appropriated as legal reserves, 5% of the paid up capital is paid out as first dividend. (*) According to a put option agreement between NBG and International Finance Corporation (“IFC”) dated March 29, 2007, 5% of the Bank’s shares have been bought from IFC by the Bank, NBG, on 26 September 2014 and following the subject purchase NBG’s share in the Bank’s capital has reached to 99.81% as of December 31, 2014. V. Explanations on the Bank’s services and activities The Bank’s activities include trade finance and corporate banking, fund management, retail banking and credit card operations. In addition, the Bank carries out insurance agency activities on behalf of insurance companies through its branches. As of December 31, 2014, the Bank operates through 656 domestic (December 31, 2013 - 672), 1 off-shore banking (December 31, 2013 - 1) and 1 Atatürk Airport Free Trade Zone (December 31, 2013 - 1) branches. VI. A short explanation on the differences between the Regulation on Preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements of Banks and the consolidation procedures required by Turkish Accounting Standards and about institutions that are subject to full consolidation, proportional consolidation, by way of deduction from capital or those that are subject to none The Bank’s joint venture Cigna Finans Emeklilik and Hayat Anonim Şirketi is consolidated using equity method as per the Regulation on Preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements of Banks and Turkish Accounting Standards. Ibtech A.Ş and E-finans Elektronik Ticaret ve Bilişim Hizmetleri A.Ş. included in investments in associates and Bantaş Nakit ve Kıymetli Mal Taşıma ve Güvenlik Hizmetleri A.Ş. included in entities under common control are not consolidated to consolidated financial statements as per the Regulation on Preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements of Banks since they are nonfinancial investments. Bankalararası Kart Merkezi included in subsidiaries is carried at cost and not consolidated since the Bank does not have material control and presence over it. All other subsidiaries are fully consolidated. VII. The existing or potential, actual or legal obstacles to immediate transfer of shareholders’ equity between the Parent Bank and its subsidiaries and repayment of debts None. 67 68 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report SECTION TWO UNCONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. Balance Sheet (Statement of Financial Position) Statement of Off-Balance Sheet Commitments and Contingencies Income Statement (Statement of Income / Loss) Statement of Profit and Loss Accounted for Under Equity (Statement of Other Comprehensive Income and Loss) Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity Statement of Cash Flow Unconsolidated Profit Appropriation Statement Finansbank 2014 Annual Report FİNANSBANK ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Unconsolidated balance sheet as of december 31, 2014 (statement of financial position) (Amounts expressed in Thousands of Turkish Lira (TL) unless otherwise stated.) I. UNCONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET – ASSETS Section 5 Part I I. II. 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 III. IV. 4.1 4.2 4.3 V. 5.1 5.2 5.3 VI. 6.1 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.2 6.3 VII. VIII. 8.1 8.2 IX. 9.1 9.2 9.2.1 9.2.2 X. 10.1 10.2 XI. 11.1 11.2 11.2.1 11.2.2 XII. 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 XIII. 13.1 13.2 13.3 XIV. XV. 15.1 15.2 XVI. XVII. 17.1 17.2 XVIII. 18.1 18.2 XIX. CASH AND BALANCES WITH THE CENTRAL BANK FINANCIAL ASSETS AT FAIR VALUE THROUGH PROFIT AND LOSS (Net) Financial assets held for trading Public sector debt securities Equity securities Assets on trading derivatives Other securities Financial assets at fair value through profit and loss Public sector debt securities Equity securities Loans Other securities BANKS MONEY MARKET PLACEMENTS Interbank money market placements Istanbul Stock Exchange money market placements Receivables from reverse repurchase agreements INVESTMENT SECURITIES AVAILABLE-FOR-SALE (Net) Equity securities Public sector debt securities Other securities LOANS AND RECEIVABLES Loans and receivables Loans to risk group of the Bank Public sector debt securities Other Non-performing loans Specific provisions (-) FACTORING RECEIVABLES INVESTMENT SECURITIES HELD TO MATURITY (Net) Public sector debt securities Other securities INVESTMENT IN ASSOCIATES (Net) Equity method associates Unconsolidated Financial Investments Non-financial Investments INVESTMENT IN SUBSIDIARIES (Net) Unconsolidated financial investments Unconsolidated non-financial investments ENTITIES UNDER COMMON CONTROL (JOINT VENTURES) (Net) Equity method entities under common control Unconsolidated Financial investments Non-financial Investments LEASE RECEIVABLES (Net) Financial lease receivables Operational lease receivables Others Unearned income (-) DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL ASSETS HEDGING PURPOSES Fair value hedge Cash flow hedge Hedging of a net investment in foreign subsidiaries TANGIBLE ASSETS (Net) INTANGIBLE ASSETS (Net) Goodwill Others INVESTMENT PROPERTIES (Net) TAX ASSETS Current tax assets Deferred tax assets ASSETS HELD FOR SALE AND DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS (Net) Held for sale Discontinued operations OTHER ASSETS TOTAL ASSETS The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) Audited 31.12.2014 TL FC Audited 31.12.2013 Total TL 1.503.207 7.160.628 8.663.835 887.711 1.203.668 152.639 1.356.307 1.376.071 1.105.525 152.639 1.258.164 1.190.997 2.520 2.299 4.819 161.041 1.103.005 150.340 1.253.345 1.029.956 98.143 98.143 185.074 98.143 98.143 185.074 19.390 224.302 243.692 5.037 200.062 200.062 200.062 200.062 3.956.061 1.477.171 5.433.232 4.668.879 3.924.071 1.444.438 5.368.509 4.633.866 31.990 32.733 64.723 35.013 42.874.766 7.371.360 50.246.126 38.105.480 42.306.593 7.371.360 49.677.953 37.596.755 119.800 39.473 159.273 110.670 42.186.793 7.331.887 49.518.680 37.486.085 2.731.499 2.731.499 2.965.853 2.163.326 2.163.326 2.457.128 3.052.566 674.657 3.727.223 2.446.859 3.052.566 90.418 3.142.984 2.446.859 584.239 584.239 3.766 3.766 3.766 3.766 3.766 3.766 3.766 3.766 3.766 444.859 444.859 423.216 426.813 426.813 405.170 18.046 18.046 18.046 186.217 186.217 197.716 186.217 186.217 197.716 183.417 183.417 194.916 2.800 2.800 2.800 1.965.902 22.844 1.988.746 1.866.369 1.459.151 22.844 1.481.995 1.487.743 506.751 506.751 378.626 1.470.096 10 1.470.106 520.776 223.847 223.847 198.204 223.847 223.847 198.204 50.050 50.050 78.670 50.050 50.050 78.670 51.265 51.265 51.265 51.265 817.623 99.398 917.021 770.972 FC Total 7.320.682 8.208.393 253.498 1.629.569 253.498 1.444.495 1.973 163.014 251.525 1.281.481 185.074 185.074 301.088 306.125 1.073.809 5.742.688 1.059.507 5.693.373 14.302 49.315 4.618.996 42.724.476 4.618.996 42.215.751 110.670 4.618.996 42.105.081 - 2.965.853 2.457.128 378.920 2.825.779 20.820 2.467.679 358.100 358.100 3.766 3.766 3.766 423.216 405.170 18.046 197.716 197.716 194.916 2.800 61.426 1.927.795 61.426 1.549.169 378.626 63 520.839 198.204 198.204 78.670 78.670 451.559 1.222.531 58.023.345 17.183.009 75.206.354 51.549.726 14.460.041 66.009.767 69 70 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report FİNANSBANK ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Unconsolidated balance sheet as of december 31, 2014 (statement of financial position) (Amounts expressed in Thousands of Turkish Lira (TL) unless otherwise stated.) I. UNCONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET – LIABILITIES AND EQUITY I. 1.1 1.2 II. III. IV. 4.1 4.2 4.3 V. 5.1 5.2 5.3 VI. 6.1 6.2 VII. VIII. IX. X. 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 XI. 11.1 11.2 11.3 XII. 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 XIII. 13.1 13.2 XIV. 14.1 14.2 XV. XVI. 16.1 16.2 16.2.1 16.2.2 16.2.3 16.2.4 16.2.5 16.2.6 16.2.7 16.2.8 16.2.9 16.2.10 16.3 16.3.1 16.3.2 16.3.3 16.3.4 16.4 16.4.1 16.4.2 16.5 Audited 31.12.2014 Audited 31.12.2013 Section 5 Part II TL FC Total TL FC Total DEPOSITS (1) 27.240.961 14.833.593 42.074.554 26.382.066 11.939.592 38.321.658 Deposits from risk group of the Bank 284.836 132.296 417.132 230.450 164.811 395.261 Other 26.956.125 14.701.297 41.657.422 26.151.616 11.774.781 37.926.397 DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL LIABILITIES HELD FOR TRADING (2) 1.092.806 160.505 1.253.311 1.112.851 189.708 1.302.559 FUNDS BORROWED (3) 115.661 4.782.482 4.898.143 111.366 3.239.684 3.351.050 MONEY MARKET BORROWINGS 2.716.251 1.431.183 4.147.434 2.561.162 1.141.561 3.702.723 Interbank money markets takings 50.000 50.000 Istanbul Stock Exchange money markets takings Funds provided under repurchase agreements (4) 2.716.251 1.431.183 4.147.434 2.511.162 1.141.561 3.652.723 SECURITIES ISSUED (Net) (5) 2.218.569 3.154.880 5.373.449 2.161.609 1.793.767 3.955.376 Bills 1.971.791 262.040 2.233.831 2.057.875 - 2.057.875 Asset backed securities Bonds 246.778 2.892.840 3.139.618 103.734 1.793.767 1.897.501 FUNDS Borrower funds Other SUNDRY CREDITORS 1.629.052 2.133.518 3.762.570 1.401.157 1.984.147 3.385.304 OTHER LIABILITIES (6) 916.276 120.953 1.037.229 857.438 68.974 926.412 FACTORING PAYABLES LEASE PAYABLES (Net) (7) 1.311 1.235 2.546 1.542 1.373 2.915 Financial lease payables 1.563 1.368 2.931 2.002 1.534 3.536 Operational lease payables Others Deferred financial lease expenses ( - ) 252 133 385 460 161 621 DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL LIABILITIES FOR HEDGING PURPOSES (8) 202.104 149.976 352.080 7.648 75.101 82.749 Fair value hedge 70.738 149.976 220.714 75.101 75.101 Cash flow hedge 131.366 131.366 7.648 7.648 Hedge of net investments in foreign subsidiaries PROVISIONS (9) 1.438.400 - 1.438.400 1.193.795 84.572 1.278.367 General provisions 942.661 942.661 731.719 84.572 816.291 Restructuring provisions Reserve for employee benefits 200.134 200.134 208.904 208.904 Insurance technical provisions (Net) Other provisions 295.605 295.605 253.172 253.172 TAX LIABILITY (10) 170.778 170.778 101.457 101.457 Current tax liability 170.778 170.778 101.457 101.457 Deferred tax liability PAYABLES RELATED TO ASSETS HELD FOR SALE AND DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS (NET) (11) Held for sale Discontinued operations SUBORDINATED LOANS (12) 2.121.712 2.121.712 - 1.950.719 1.950.719 SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY 8.630.767 (56.619) 8.574.148 7.785.046 (136.568) 7.648.478 Paid-in capital (13) 2.835.000 - 2.835.000 2.700.000 - 2.700.000 Capital reserves 316.472 (56.619) 259.853 348.179 (136.568) 211.611 Share Premium (14) 714 714 714 714 Share cancellation profits Securities value increase fund (15) 401.689 (56.619) 345.070 281.454 (136.568) 144.886 Revaluation fund on tangible asset Revaluation fund on intangible asset Investment property revaluation differences Bonus shares obtained from associates, subsidiaries and entities under common control (joint ventures) 2.689 2.689 2.689 2.689 Hedging funds (effective portion) (40.479) (40.479) 95.987 95.987 Accumulated valuation differences from assets held for sale and discontinued operations Other capital reserves (48.141) (48.141) (32.665) (32.665) Profit reserves 4.601.867 - 4.601.867 4.002.628 - 4.002.628 Legal reserves 365.367 365.367 328.655 328.655 Status reserves Extraordinary reserves 4.236.500 - 4.236.500 3.673.973 - 3.673.973 Other profit reserves Profit or loss 877.428 877.428 734.239 734.239 Prior years’ income/ (losses) Current period income/ (loss) 877.428 877.428 734.239 734.239 Minority shares TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 46.372.936 28.833.418 75.206.354 43.677.137 22.332.630 66.009.767 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report FİNANSBANK ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Unconsolidated income statement for the period ended december 31, 2014 (Amounts expressed in Thousands of Turkish Lira (TL) unless otherwise stated.) II. UNCONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF OFF BALANCE SHEET COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES Audited 31.12.2014 A. I. 1.1. 1.1.1. 1.1.2. 1.1.3. 1.2. 1.2.1. 1.2.2. 1.3. 1.3.1. 1.3.2. 1.4. 1.5. 1.5.1. 1.5.2. 1.6. 1.7. 1.8. 1.9. II. 2.1. 2.1.1. 2.1.2. 2.1.3. 2.1.4. 2.1.5. 2.1.6. 2.1.7. 2.1.8. 2.1.9. 2.1.10. 2.1.11. 2.1.12. 2.1.13. 2.2. 2.2.1. 2.2.2. III. 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.2.5 3.2.6 B. IV. 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 4.5. 4.6. 4.7. 4.8. V. 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. 5.4. 5.5. 5.6. 5.7. VI. OFF BALANCE SHEET CONTINGENCIES AND COMMITMENTS (I+II+III) GUARANTEES Letters of guarantee Guarantees subject to State Tender Law Guarantees given for foreign trade operations Other letters of guarantee Bank loans Import letter of acceptance Other bank acceptances Letters of credit Documentary letters of credit Other letters of credit Prefinancing given as guarantee Endorsements Endorsements to the Central Bank of Turkey Other endorsements Securities issue purchase guarantees Factoring guarantees Other guarantees Other collaterals COMMITMENTS Irrevocable commitments Forward asset purchase commitments Forward deposit purchase and sales commitments Share capital commitment to associates and subsidiaries Loan granting commitments Securities underwriting commitments Commitments for reserve deposit requirements Payment commitment for checks Tax and fund liabilities from export commitments Commitments for credit card expenditure limits Commitments for promotions related with credit cards and banking activities Receivables from short sale commitments Payables for short sale commitments Other irrevocable commitments Revocable commitments Revocable loan granting commitments Other revocable commitments DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS Derivative financial instruments for hedging purposes Fair value hedge Cash flow hedge Hedge of net investment in foreign operations Held for trading transactions Forward foreign currency buy/sell transactions Forward foreign currency transactions-buy Forward foreign currency transactions-sell Swap transactions related to foreign currency and interest rates Foreign currency swap-buy Foreign currency swap-sell Interest rate swaps-buy Interest rate swaps-sell Foreign currency, interest rate and securities options Foreign currency options-buy Foreign currency options-sell Interest rate options-buy Interest rate options-sell Securities options-buy Securities options-sell Foreign currency futures Foreign currency futures-buy Foreign currency futures-sell Interest rate futures Interest rate futures-buy Interest rate futures-sell Other CUSTODY AND PLEDGED ITEMS (IV+V+VI) ITEMS HELD IN CUSTODY Assets under management Investment securities held in custody Checks received for collection Commercial notes received for collection Other assets received for collection Assets received for public offering Other items under custody Custodians PLEDGED ITEMS Marketable securities Guarantee notes Commodity Warranty Properties Other pledged items Pledged items-depository ACCEPTED INDEPENDENT GUARANTEES AND WARRANTIES TOTAL OFF BALANCE SHEET ACCOUNTS (A+B) Section 5 Part III (1), (2), (3), (4) (5) Audited 31.12.2013 TL FC TOTAL TL FC TOTAL 88.912.523 5.214.732 5.205.798 238.293 2.895.013 2.072.492 8.934 8.934 29.112.513 29.008.708 688.063 8.536.833 2.420.299 7.626 16.812.040 22.604 521.243 103.805 103.805 54.585.278 13.357.379 6.870.913 6.486.466 41.227.899 2.329.798 1.305.411 1.024.387 35.786.236 19.144.314 15.712.662 464.630 464.630 3.110.969 1.502.096 1.608.873 896 448 448 398.851.830 7.076.630 3.128.580 1.232.314 2.054.477 661.253 6 234.715.130 620.378 181.761 41.344 57.209.764 176.661.883 157.060.070 487.764.353 81.029.264 3.945.677 2.208.929 28.417 2.180.512 903.353 903.353 812.318 614.869 197.449 21.077 2.365.704 1.907.143 1.862.257 232 44.654 458.561 458.561 74.717.883 16.633.829 12.335.168 4.298.661 58.084.054 2.771.354 1.244.832 1.526.522 47.901.622 17.935.272 21.352.952 4.306.699 4.306.699 6.955.232 3.520.388 3.434.844 38.444 19.222 19.222 417.402 69.067.178 1.530.536 757.722 258.410 138.426 375.978 31.709.225 2.260.821 52.651 11.327.616 18.068.137 35.827.417 150.096.442 169.941.787 9.160.409 7.414.727 266.710 5.075.525 2.072.492 912.287 912.287 812.318 614.869 197.449 21.077 31.478.217 30.915.851 2.550.320 8.537.065 2.420.299 7.626 16.812.040 22.604 565.897 562.366 562.366 129.303.161 29.991.208 19.206.081 10.785.127 99.311.953 5.101.152 2.550.243 2.550.909 83.687.858 37.079.586 37.065.614 4.771.329 4.771.329 10.066.201 5.022.484 5.043.717 39.340 19.670 19.670 417.402 467.919.008 8.607.166 3.128.580 1.990.036 2.312.887 799.679 375.984 266.424.355 2.881.199 234.412 41.344 68.537.380 194.730.020 192.887.487 637.860.795 70.402.203 4.169.967 4.162.296 173.860 2.619.423 1.369.013 7.668 7.668 3 3 25.084.936 24.976.518 327.259 5.424.542 2.060.004 6.988 17.067.174 38.002 52.549 108.418 108.418 41.147.300 10.309.736 6.675.930 3.633.806 30.837.564 3.023.815 1.406.707 1.617.108 21.556.188 12.502.291 7.761.087 646.405 646.405 6.257.051 3.031.745 3.225.306 510 255 255 312.753.176 7.254.675 3.209.849 2.005.410 1.527.663 511.706 44 3 176.310.170 502.407 142.011 27.266 46.396.463 129.242.023 129.188.331 383.155.379 62.614.020 2.947.967 1.777.802 24.805 1.752.997 602.163 602.163 548.603 531.441 17.162 19.399 1.696.831 751.500 749.594 213 1.693 945.331 351.395 593.936 57.969.222 13.695.907 10.559.020 3.136.887 44.273.315 3.576.802 1.895.433 1.681.369 30.695.134 9.313.810 14.308.290 3.536.517 3.536.517 9.617.419 4.927.476 4.689.943 42.472 21.236 21.236 341.488 66.309.725 1.085.363 337.766 203.698 91.359 452.540 24.357.446 643.935 38.261 7.993.070 15.682.180 40.866.916 128.923.745 133.016.223 7.117.934 5.940.098 198.665 4.372.420 1.369.013 609.831 609.831 548.606 531.444 17.162 19.399 26.781.767 25.728.018 1.076.853 5.424.755 2.060.004 6.988 17.067.174 38.002 54.242 1.053.749 459.813 593.936 99.116.522 24.005.643 17.234.950 6.770.693 75.110.879 6.600.617 3.302.140 3.298.477 52.251.322 21.816.101 22.069.377 4.182.922 4.182.922 15.874.470 7.959.221 7.915.249 42.982 21.491 21.491 341.488 379.062.901 8.340.038 3.209.849 2.343.176 1.731.361 603.065 452.584 3 200.667.616 1.146.342 180.272 27.266 54.389.533 144.924.203 170.055.247 512.079.124 71 72 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report FİNANSBANK ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Unconsolidated income statement for the period ended december 31, 2014 (statement of income/loss) (Amounts expressed in Thousands of Turkish Lira (TL) unless otherwise stated.) III. UNCONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT I. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.5.3 1.5.4 1.6 1.7 II. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 III. IV. 4.1 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 V. VI. 6.1 6.2 6.3 VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. 16.1 16.2 XVII. XVIII. 18.1 18.2 18.3 XIX. 19.1 19.2 19.3 XX. XXI. 21.1 21.2 XXII. XXIII. 23.1 23.2 INTEREST INCOME Interest on loans Interest received from reserve deposits Interest received from banks Interest received from money market placements Interest received from marketable securities portfolio Held-for-trading financial assets Financial assets at fair value through profit and loss Available-for-sale financial assets Investments held-to-maturity Finance lease income Other interest income INTEREST EXPENSE Interest on deposits Interest on funds borrowed Interest on money market borrowings Interest on securities issued Other interest expense NET INTEREST INCOME (I - II) NET FEES AND COMMISSIONS INCOME Fees and commissions received Non-cash loans Other Fees and commissions paid Non-cash loans Other DIVIDEND INCOME NET TRADING INCOME Securities trading gains/ (losses) Gains / (losses) from financial derivatives transactions Foreign exchange gains/ (losses) OTHER OPERATING INCOME NET OPERATING INCOME (III+IV+V+VI+VII) PROVISION FOR LOAN LOSSES AND OTHER RECEIVABLES (-) OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES (-) NET OPERATING INCOME/(LOSS) (VIII-IX-X) AMOUNT IN EXCESS RECORDED AS GAIN AFTER MERGER GAIN / (LOSS) ON EQUITY METHOD GAIN / (LOSS) ON NET MONETARY POSITION PROFIT/(LOSS) FROM CONTINUED OPERATIONS BEFORE TAXES (XI+…+XIV) TAX CHARGE FOR CONTINUED OPERATIONS (±) Current income tax charge Deferred tax charge / benefit NET PROFIT/(LOSS) FROM CONTINUED OPERATIONS (XV±XVI) INCOME ON DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS Income on assets held for sale Income on sale of associates, subsidiaries and entities under common control Income on other discontinued operations LOSS FROM DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS (-) Loss from assets held for sale Loss on sale of associates, subsidiaries and entities under common control Loss from other discontinued operations PROFIT / (LOSS) ON DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS BEFORE TAXES (XVIII-XIX) TAX CHARGE FOR DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS (±) Current income tax charge Deferred tax charge / benefit NET PROFIT/LOSS FROM DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS (XX±XXI) NET PROFIT/LOSS (XVII+XXII) Group’s profit/loss Minority shares (-) Earnings per share Section 5 Part IV (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (8) (9) (10) (11) Audited 01.01 - 31.12.2014 6.495.966 5.599.532 538 1.874 42.861 848.606 5.902 17.380 474.174 351.150 2.555 3.407.655 2.663.559 201.815 220.027 317.396 4.858 3.088.311 1.333.530 1.556.480 50.706 1.505.774 222.950 1.106 221.844 9.042 (262.777) 18.555 (319.470) 38.138 383.383 4.551.489 1.075.543 2.333.737 1.142.209 1.142.209 (264.781) (221.066) (43.715) 877.428 877.428 877.428 0,03095 Audited 01.01 - 31.12.2013 5.669.783 5.125.414 949 8.183 533.457 11.392 31.370 407.110 83.585 1.780 2.506.637 1.985.976 152.878 99.973 252.784 15.026 3.163.146 1.031.522 1.171.653 42.684 1.128.969 140.131 671 139.460 12.152 (215.005) 162.526 (274.909) (102.622) 320.749 4.312.564 1.080.751 2.294.219 937.594 937.594 (203.355) (229.625) 26.270 734.239 734.239 734.239 0,0259 73 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report FİNANSBANK ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Unconsolidated statement of profit and loss accounted for under shareholders’ equity for the period ended december 31, 2014 (Statement of other comprehensive income / loss) (Amounts expressed in Thousands of Turkish Lira (TL) unless otherwise stated.) IV. UNCONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNTED FOR UNDER EQUITY II. ADDITIONS TO MARKETABLE SECURITIES REVALUATION DIFFERENCES FOR AVAILABLE FOR SALE FINANCIAL ASSETS TANGIBLE ASSETS REVALUATION DIFFERENCES III. INTANGIBLE ASSETS REVALUATION DIFFERENCES I. IV. FOREIGN EXCHANGE DIFFERENCES FOR FOREIGN CURRENCY TRANSACTIONS PROFIT/LOSS FROM DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS FOR CASH FLOW HEDGE PURPOSES V. (Effective Portion of Fair Value Differences) PROFIT/LOSS FROM DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS FOR HEDGE OF NET INVESTMENT IN VI. FOREIGN OPERATIONS (Effective Portion of Fair Value Differences) VII. THE EFFECT OF CORRECTIONS OF ERRORS AND CHANGES IN ACCOUNTING POLICIES OTHER PROFIT LOSS ITEMS ACCOUNTED FOR UNDER EQUITY AS PER TURKISH ACCOUNTING VIII. STANDARDS IX. DEFERRED TAX OF VALUATION DIFFERENCES Audited 01.01 - 31.12.2014 Audited 01.01 – 31.12.2013 256.594 (514.066) - - - - - - (172.981) 127.832 - - - - (19.345) 5.313 15.095 80.769 (300.152) X. TOTAL NET PROFIT/LOSS ACCOUNTED FOR UNDER EQUITY (I+II+…+IX) 79.363 XI. PROFIT/LOSS (31.121) (75.709) 11.1 (33.520) (80.393) 2.399 4.684 11.3 Change in fair value of marketable securities (Transfer to Profit/Loss) Reclassification and transfer of derivatives accounted for cash flow hedge purposes recycled to Income Statement Transfer of hedge of net investments in foreign operations recycled to Income Statement - - 11.4 Other XII. TOTAL PROFIT/LOSS ACCOUNTED FOR IN THE PERIOD (X±XI) 11.2 - - 48.242 (375.861) V. Prior period – 01.01 – 31.12.2013 Beginning balance Changes in period Increase/decrease related to merger Marketable securities valuation differences Hedging funds (effective portion) Cash-flow hedge Hedge of net investment in foreign operations Tangible assets revaluation differences Intangible assets revaluation differences Bonus shares obtained from associates, subsidiaries and entities under common control Foreign exchange differences The disposal of assets The reclassification of assets The effect of change in associates’ equity Capital increase Cash Internal sources Share issue Share cancellation profits Inflation adjustment to paid-in capital Other Period net income/(loss) Profit distribution Dividends distributed Transfers to reserves Other Closing balance (III+IV+V+...........+ XVIII+XIX+XX) Audited - - 2.700.000 (3) - - - 135.000 135.000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2.565.000 - - (5) (2) (1) Section 5 Note II.13 Effect of inflation Accounting onCapital and Paid-in Other Capital Capital Reserves 714 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 714 - - 328.655 45.117 45.117 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 283.538 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3.673.973 858.805 858.805 - - - (135.000) (135.000) - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2.950.168 - (32.665) 4.250 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (36.915) - 734.239 734.239 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (903.922) (903.922) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 903.922 - Share Current Prior Certificate PeriodNet Period Net Share Cancellation Legal Statutory Extraordinary Other Income/ Income/ Premium Profits Reserves Reserves Reserves Reserves (Loss) (Loss) UNCONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY - 144.886 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (486.124) - 631.010 - 2.689 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 95.987 - - - - - - - - - - - - 106.013 106.013 - - 2.689 (10.026) - Total Equity - 4.250 734.239 - - - - - - - - - - - - 106.013 106.013 - 7.648.478 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (486.124) - - 7.290.100 - Tangible and Acc. Val. Diff. Intangible from Assets Assets Bonus Shares Held for Sale MarketableSecuritiesValue Revaluation Obtained from Hedging and Assets Increase Fund Differences Associates Funds from Disc.Op. Unconsolidated statement of changes in shareholders’ equity For the period ended december 31, 2014 (Amounts expressed in Thousands of Turkish Lira (TL) unless otherwise stated.) FİNANSBANK ANONİM ŞİRKETİ 74 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report V. XVIII. 18.1 18.2 18.3 XVII. XVI. XV. XIV. XII. 12.1 12.2 XIII. XI. X. IX. VIII. VII. VI. V. 4.2 4.1 IV. III. II. I. Current period – 01.01 – 31.12.2014 Beginning Balance Changes in period Increase/decrease related to merger Marketable securities valuation differences Hedging funds (effective portion) Cash-flow hedge Hedge of net investment in foreign operations Tangible assets revaluation differences Intangible assets revaluation differences Bonus shares obtained from associates, subsidiaries and entities under common control Foreign exchange differences The disposal of asset The reclassification of asset The effect of change in associates’ equity Capital increase Cash Internal sources Share Premium Share cancellation profits Inflation adjustment to paid-in capital Other Period net income/ (loss) Profit distribution Dividends distributed Transfers to reserves Other Closing balance (I+II+III+….. +XVI+XVII+XVIII) Auidted - - 2.835.000 - - - - - - - 135.000 135.000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2.700.000 - (3) (5) (2) (1) Section 5 Note II.13 714 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 714 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 365.367 36.712 36.712 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 328.655 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4.236.500 697.527 697.527 - - - - - (135.000) (135.000) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3.673.973 (48.141) - - (15.476) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (32.665) - 877.428 877.428 - - (734.239) - (734.239) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 734.239 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 345.070 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 200.184 - - 144.886 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 95.987 - 2.689 - - - - - - - - - - - - (40.479) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (136.466) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8.574.148 - 877.428 (15.476) - - - - - - - - - - - (136.466) (136.466) 200.184 - - 7.648.478 Acc. Val. Diff. from Assets Held for Sale Hedging and Assets Funds from Disc. Op. Total Equity - (136.466) - - - 2.689 Effect of inflation Marketable Tangible and Accounting Share Current Prior Securities Intangible on Capital and Certificate Period Net Period Net Value Assets Bonus Shares Paid-in Other Capital Share Cancellation Legal Statutory Extraordinary Other Income/ Income/ Increase Revaluation Obtained from Capital Reserves Premium Profits Reserves Reserves Reserves Reserves (Loss) (Loss) Fund Differences Associates UNCONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY Unconsolidated statement of changes in shareholders’ equity For the period ended december 31, 2014 (Amounts expressed in Thousands of Turkish Lira (TL) unless otherwise stated.) FİNANSBANK ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 75 76 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report FİNANSBANK ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Unconsolidated cash flow statement for the period ended december 31, 2014 (Amounts expressed in Thousands of Turkish Lira (TL) unless otherwise stated.) VI. UNCONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT A. 1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 1.1.5 1.1.6 1.1.7 1.1.8 1.1.9 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 1.2.5 1.2.6 1.2.7 1.2.8 1.2.9 1.2.10 I. B. II. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 C. III. 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 IV. V. VI. VII. CASH FLOWS FROM / (TO) BANKING OPERATIONS Operating profit before changes in operating assets and liabilities (+) Interest received (+) Interest paid (-) Dividend received (+) Fees and commissions received (+) Other income (+) Collections from previously written off loans (+) Payments to personnel and service suppliers (-) Taxes paid (-) Others (+/-) Changes in operating assets and liabilities Net (increase) decrease in financial assets held for trading (+/-) Net (increase) decrease in financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (+/-) Net (increase) decrease in due from banks (+/-) Net (increase) decrease in loans (+/-) Net (increase) decrease in other assets (+/-) Net increase (decrease) in bank deposits (+/-) Net increase (decrease) in other deposits (+/-) Net increase (decrease) in funds borrowed (+/-) Net increase (decrease) in matured payables (+/-) Net increase (decrease) in other liabilities (+/-) Net cash provided from / (used in) banking operations (+/-) CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Net cash provided from / (used in) investing activities (+/-) Cash paid for purchase of entities under common control, associates and subsidiaries (-) Cash obtained from sale of entities under common control, associates and subsidiaries (+) Fixed assets purchases (-) Fixed assets sales (+) Cash paid for purchase of financial assets available for sale (-) Cash obtained from sale of financial assets available for sale (+) Cash paid for purchase of investment securities (-) Cash obtained from sale of investment securities (+) Others (+/-) CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Net cash provided from / (used in) financing activities (+/-) Cash obtained from funds borrowed and securities issued (+) Cash used for repayment of funds borrowed and securities issued (-) Capital increase (+) Dividends paid (-) Payments for finance leases (-) Other (+/-) Effect of change in foreign exchange rate on cash and cash equivalents (+/-) Net increase / (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (I+II+III+IV) Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the period (+) Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period (V+VI) The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. Section 5 Audited Part V. 01.01 - 31.12.2014 Audited 01.01 – 31.12.2013 1.900.490 6.003.909 (3.520.654) 9.042 1.557.034 333.095 638.806 (1.789.390) (200.251) (1.131.101) (1.986.014) 158.193 211.138 177.321 (8.521.945) 29.943 72.015 3.622.557 1.413.947 850.817 (85.524) 1.953.981 5.620.645 (2.280.854) 12.152 1.172.668 306.429 398.991 (1.700.991) (360.943) (1.214.116) (691.698) (91.110) (75.218) (2.705.483) (6.945.910) (49.928) 248.657 4.502.493 247.372 4.177.429 1.262.283 (1.235.372) (762.433) 35.033 (3.873.595) 4.101.719 (631.486) (104.610) (2.257.806) (3.060) 1.476 (198.914) 394 (12.392.552) 11.945.092 (1.222.906) (387.336) 1.867.047 6.881.054 (5.013.019) (988) 223.291 769.442 2.098.546 2.867.988 (763.239) 4.614.780 (5.375.227) (2.792) 342.651 (1.416.111) 3.514.657 2.098.546 (1) (1) (1) (2) (3) 77 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report FİNANSBANK ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Notes to the unconsolidated financial statements For the period ended december 31, 2014 (Amounts expressed in Thousands of Turkish Lira (TL) unless otherwise stated.) VII. UNCONSOLIDATED PROFIT APPROPRIATION STATEMENT I. 1.1 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 A. 1.3 1.4 1.5 B. 1.6 1.6.1 1.6.2 1.6.3 1.6.4 1.6.5 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.9.1 1.9.2 1.9.3 1.9.4 1.9.5 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 II. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4 2.3.5 2.4 2.5 III. 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 IV. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 DISTRIBUTION OF CURRENT YEAR INCOME CURRENT YEAR INCOME TAXES AND DUTIES PAYABLE (-) CORPORATE TAX (INCOME TAX) INCOME WITHHOLDING TAX OTHER TAXES AND DUTIES NET INCOME FOR THE YEAR (1.1-1.2) PRIOR YEAR LOSSES(-) FIRST LEGAL RESERVES(-) OTHER STATUTORY RESERVES (-) NET INCOME AVAILABLE FOR DISTRIBUTION [(A-(1.3+1.4+1.5)] FIRST DIVIDEND TO SHAREHOLDERS(-) TO OWNERS OF ORDINARY SHARES TO OWNERS OF PRIVILEGED SHARES TO OWENERS OF PREFERRED SHARES TO PROFIT SHARING BONDS TO HOLDERS OF PROFIT AND (LOSS) SHARING CERTIFICATES DIVIDENDS TO PERSONNEL (-) DIVIDENDS TO BOARD OF DIRECTORS (-) SECOND DIVIDEND TO SHAREHOLDERS(-) TO OWNERS OF ORDINARY SHARES TO OWNERS OF PRIVILEGED SHARES TO OWENERS OF PREFERRED SHARES TO PROFIT SHARING BONDS TO HOLDERS OF PROFIT AND (LOSS) SHARING CERTIFICATES SECOND LEGAL RESERVES (-) STATUTORY RESERVES(-) EXTRAORDINARY RESERVES OTHER RESERVES SPECIAL FUNDS DISTRIBUTION OF RESERVES APPROPRIATED RESERVES SECOND LEGAL RESERVES (-) DIVIDENDS TO SHAREHOLDERS(-) TO OWNERS OF ORDINARY SHARES TO OWNERS OF PRIVILEGED SHARES TO OWENERS OF PREFERRED SHARES TO PROFIT SHARING BONDS TO HOLDERS OF PROFIT AND (LOSS) SHARING CERTIFICATES DIVIDENDS TO PERSONNEL(-) DIVIDENDS TO BOARD OF DIRECTORS(-) EARNINGS PER SHARE TO OWNERS OF ORDINARY SHARES TO OWNERS OF ORDINARY SHARES( % ) TO OWNERS OF PRIVILEGED SHARES TO OWNERS OF PRIVILEGED SHARES ( % ) DIVIDEND PER SHARE TO OWNERS OF ORDINARY SHARES TO OWNERS OF ORDINARY SHARES( % ) TO OWNERS OF PRIVILEGED SHARES TO OWNERS OF PRIVILEGED SHARES ( % ) The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. AUDITED CURRENT YEAR 31.12.2014(*) AUDITED PRIOR YEAR 31.12.2013 1.142.209 264.781 221.066 43.715 877.428 877.428 - 937.594 203.355 229.625 (26.270) 734.239 36.712 697.527 135.000 135.000(**) 562.527 - - - 0,03095 %3,09 - 0,02719 %2,72 - 78 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report SECTION THREE ACCOUNTING POLICIES I. Basis of Presentation The Turkish Banking Law No: 5411 is published in the Official Gazette No: 25983 dated November 1, 2005. The Bank prepared the accompanying unconsolidated financial statements as of December 31, 2014 and the related disclosures and footnotes in accordance with accounting and valuation standards as described in the “Regulation on Principles Related to Banks’ Accounting Applications and Maintaining the Documents”, dated November 1, 2006 which is published in the Official Gazette No: 26333, which refers to “Turkish Accounting Standards” (“TAS”), put into effect by Public Oversight Accounting and Auditing Standarts Authority (“KGK”), and “Turkish Financial Reporting Standards” (“TFRS”) issued by the “Turkish Accounting Standards Board” (“TASB”) and additional explanations and notes related to them and other decrees, notes and explanations related to accounting and financial reporting principles (all “Turkish Accounting Standards” or “TAS”) published by the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (“BRSA”). The format and detail of the publicly announced unconsolidated financial statements and notes to these statements have been prepared in accordance with the “Communiqué on Publicly Announced Financial Statements, Explanations and Notes to These Financial Statements”, published in Official Gazette no. 28337, dated 28 June 2012, and amendments to this Communiqué. Financial statements and the related disclosures and footnotes have been presented in thousands of Turkish Lira unless otherwise specified. Preparation of the Financial statements and the accompanying footnotes in accordance with Turkish Accounting Standards and Regulation on Principles Related to Banks’ Accounting Applications and Maintaining the Documents 1. Explanation for Convenience Translation to English The differences between accounting principles, as described in these preceding paragraphs and accounting principles generally accepted in countries in which consolidated financial statements are to be distributed and International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) have not been quantified in these consolidated financial statements. Accordingly, these consolidated financial statements are not intended to present the financial position, results of operations and changes in financial position and cash flows in accordance with the accounting principles generally accepted in such countries and IFRS. 2. Reclassifications None. 3. Accounting policies and valuation principles used in the preparation of the financial statements Accounting policies and valuation principles used in the preparation of the financial statements are determined and applied in accordance with the requirements of TAS and are consistent with the accounting policies applied in the annual financial statements of the year ended December 31, 2013. The amendments of TAS and TFRS, effective as of January 1, 2014, have no material impact on the the Bank’s accounting policies, financial position and performance. The aforementioned accounting policies and valuation principles are explained in Notes II to XXV below. The financial statements have been prepared in TL, under the historical cost convention except for the financial assets and liabilities carried at fair value, which are financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss, available for sale financial asssets, subsidiaries, joint ventures, trading derivative financial assets, and hedging derivative financial assets and liabilities. In addition, carrying value of assets subject to fair value hedge but are carried at historical cost is adjusted to reflect fair value changes related to risks being hedged. I. Basis of Presentation (continued) The preparation of unconsolidated financial statements in conformity with TAS requires the use of certain critical accounting estimates by the Bank management to exercise its judgment on the assets and liabilities of the balance sheet and contingent matters as of the balance sheet date. These estimates, which include the fair value calculations of financial instruments and impairments of financial assets are being reviewed regularly and, when necessary, suitable corrections are made and the effects of these corrections are Finansbank 2014 Annual Report reflected to the income statement. Assumptions and estimates that are used in the preparation of the accompanying financial statements are explained in the following related disclosures. The amendments of TAS and TFRS, except TFRS 9 Financial Instruments, which have been published as of reporting date but have not been effective yet, have no impact on the accounting policies, financial condition and performance of the Bank. Aforementioned standard will mainly effect Bank’s classification and valuation of financial assets. Since its impact will change based on financial asset management model used and assets held as of transition date, it has not yet been detected. The Bank is still assessing the impact of TFRS 9 Financial Instruments standard. II. Strategy for the Use of Financial Instruments and the Foreign Currency Transactions 1. Strategy for the use of financial instruments The major funding sources of the Bank are customer deposits, bond issues and funds borrowed from international markets. The customer deposits bear fixed interest rate and have an average maturity of 1-3 months in line with the sector. Domestic bond issues are realized within the maturity of 6 months and foreign bond issues are based on long maturities with fixed interests. Funds borrowed from abroad mostly bear floating rates and are reprised at an average period of 3-6 months. The Bank diverts its placements to assets with high return and sufficient collaterals. The Bank manages the liquidity structure to meet its liabilities when due by diversifying the funding sources and keeping sufficient cash and cash equivalents. The maturity of fund sources and maturity and yield of placements are considered to the extent possible within the current market conditions and higher return on long-term placements is aimed. Besides customer deposits, the Bank funds its long term fixed interest rate TL loan portfolio with long term (up to 10 years) floating interest rate foreign currency funds obtained from international markets. The Bank converts the foreign currency liquidity obtained from the international markets to TL liquidity using long term swap transactions (fixed TL interest rate and floating FC interest rate). Thus, the Bank generates TL denominated resources for funding long term loans with fixed interest rates. The Bank has determined securities portfolio limits based on the market risk limitations for money, capital and commodity markets. Products included in the securities portfolio are subject to position and risk limits. Position limits restrict the maximum nominal position based on the product. Risk limits are expressed in terms of “Value at Risk (VAR)” by taking the risk tolerance as a cap. The maximum VAR amounts are determined for the three main risk factors, which affect the securities portfolio that is subject to market risk, as well as determining the risk tolerance based on the total value at risk. The above mentioned limits are revised annually. The strategies for hedging exchange rate risk generated from the Bank’s foreign currency available-for- sale debt securities are explained in foreign currency risk section and the applications regarding the cash flow hedging of interest rate cash flow risk generated from deposits are explained in the Interest Rate Risk section in detail. Hedging strategies for foreign exchange risk resulting from other foreign currency transactions are explained in the foreign currency risk section. 2. Foreign currency transactions 2.1. Foreign currency exchange rates used in converting transactions denominated in foreign currencies and presentation of them in the financial statements The Bank accounts for the transactions denominated in foreign currencies in accordance with TAS 21 “The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates”. Foreign exchange gains and losses arising from transactions that are completed as of December 31, 2014 are converted to TL by using historical foreign currency exchange rates. Balances of the foreign currency denominated assets and liabilities except for non-monetary amounts are converted into TL by using foreign currency exchange rates of the Bank for the period end and the resulting exchange differences are recorded as foreign exchange gains and losses. Foreign currency nonmonetary items measured at fair value are converted with currency exchange rates at the time of fair value measurement. The Bank’s foreign currency exchange rates for the related period ends are as follows US Dollar Euro December 31, 2014 December 31, 2013 2,3189 TL 2,8207 TL 2,1343 TL 2,9365 TL 79 80 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 2.2. Total foreign exchange rate differences that are included in net profit or loss for the year As of December 31, 2014, net foreign exchange gain included in net profit for the period is TL 38.138 (31 December 2013 – TL 102.622 net foreign exchange loss). III. Information on Associates and Subsidiaries and Entities Under Common Control Subsidiaries and entities under common control are accounted for in accordance with the principles in TAS 39 “Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement”, whereas subsidiaries are accounted under cost principle in the unconsolidated accompanying financial statements. IV. Explanations on Forwards, Option Contracts and Derivative Instruments The Bank enters into forward currency purchase/sale agreements and swap transactions to reduce the foreign currency risk and interest rate risk and manage foreign currency liquidity risk. The Bank also carries out currency and interest options, station, and credit default swap and futures agreements. Besides customer deposits, the Bank funds its long term fixed interest rate TL loan portfolio with long term (up to 10 years) floating interest rate foreign currency funds obtained from international markets. The Bank changes the foreign currency liquidity obtained from the international markets to TL liquidity with long term swap transactions (fixed TL interest rate and floating FC interest rate). Therefore, the Bank not only funds its long term fixed interest rate loans with TL but also hedges itself against interest rate risk. In accordance with TAS 39 “Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement”, derivative instruments are categorized as “hedging purpose” or “trading purpose” transactions. Derivatives are initially recognized at fair value and subsequently measured at fair value. Also, the liabilities and receivables arising from the derivative transactions are recorded as off-balance sheet items at their contractual values. The derivative transactions are accounted for at fair value subsequent to initial recognition and are presented in the “Assets on Trading Derivatives” and “Liabilities on Trading Derivatives” or “Assets on Hedging Purpose Derivatives” and “Liabilities on Hedging Purpose Derivatives” items of the balance sheet depending on the resulting positive or negative amounts of the computed value. These amounts presented on the balance sheet, represent the fair value differences based on the valuation. Fair values of forward foreign currency purchase and sales contracts, currency and interest rate swap transactions are calculated by using internal pricing models based on market data. Fair values of option contracts are calculated with option pricing models and the resulting unrealized gains and losses are reflected in the current period income statement. Futures transactions are accounted for at settlement prices obtained as of the balance sheet date. Fair value of credit default swaps is calculated using internal pricing models based on market data. Upon valuation of derivative instruments that are not subject to hedge accounting, differences in fair value, except for currency revaluation differences, are recorded in the income statement on Gains/Losses from Derivative transactions. These foreign currency valuation differences are accounted for under “Foreign Exchange Gains/Losses” account. In cash flow hedge accounting The Bank applies cash flow hedge accounting using interest swaps to hedge its TL and FC customer deposits with an average maturity of 1 month against interest rate fluctuations. The Bank implements effectiveness tests at the balance sheet dates for hedge accounting; the effective parts are accounted as defined in TAS 39, in financial statements under equity “Hedging Funds”, whereas the amount concerning ineffective parts is associated with income statement. In cash flow hedge accounting, when the hedging instrument expires, is executed or sold and when the hedge relationship becomes ineffective or is discontinued as a result of the hedge relationship being revoked; the hedging gains and losses that were previously recognized under equity are transferred to profit or loss when the cash flows of the hedged item are realized. Finansbank 2014 Annual Report In fair value hedge accounting The Bank applies fair value hedge accounting within the framework of TAS 39 using swaps to hedge a portion of its long term, fixed rate mortgage and project finance loans against possible fair value change due to market interest rate fluctuations. The Bank applies fair value hedge accounting using fx swaps to hedge long term, fixed rate, foreign currency eurobonds in its portfolio against interest rate fluctuations. Information on Eurobond and loan portfolio, recognized as fair value hedged items, is presented in Section 3, Footnote VII, 2 and 4. The Bank applies fair value hedge accounting to hedge itself against the changes in the interest rates related to the long term government bonds with fixed coupon held by the Bank using swaps as hedging instruments. The Bank performs hedge effectiveness tests at each balance sheet date. The Bank applies fair value hedge accounting to hedge itself against the changes in the interest rates related to the foreign currency bonds issued by the Bank using interest rate swaps as hedging instruments. The Bank performs hedge effectiveness tests at each balance sheet date. At each balance sheet date the Parent Bank applies effectiveness tests for fair value hedge accounting. When the hedging instrument expires, is executed or sold and when the hedge relationship becomes ineffective or is discontinued as a result of the hedge relationship being revoked, adjustments made to the carrying amount of the hedged item are transferred to profit and loss with straight line method for portfolio hedges or with effective interest rate method for micro hedges. In case the hedged item is derecognized, hedge accounting is discontinued and within context of fair value hedge accounting, adjustments made to the value of the hedged item are accounted in income statement. V. Explanations on Interest Income and Expenses Interest income and expenses are recognized in the income statement for all interest bearing instruments on an accrual basis using the effective interest rate method. In accordance with the related regulation, the interest receivables and accruals of non-performing loans are cancelled and not recorded as interest income until collected. VI. Explanations on Fees and Commission Income and Expenses Fees and commission income and expenses are accounted for on an accrual basis or on effective interest rate method, except for the certain banking transactions that income is recognized immediately. Income generated through agreements or through the sale and purchases of assets on behalf of third parties, is recorded as income when collected. VII. Explanations on Financial Assets Financial assets comprise cash and cash equivalents and the contractual right to obtain cash or another financial asset from counterparty or to exchange financial assets with counterparty or the equity instrument transactions of the counterparty. Financial assets are classified in four categories; as “Financial Assets at Fair Value through Profit or Loss”, “Investment Securities AvailableFor-Sale”, “Investment Securities Held-To-Maturity”, and “Loans And Other Receivables”. The classification of the financial assets is determined at the initial inception of the related financial assets. 1. Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 1.1. Trading securities The Bank accounts for its trading securities at fair value. The interest income that is from trading securities is presented as interest income in the income statement, while the difference between the cost and the fair value of trading securities and the gain or loss resulting from the sale of these financial assets before their maturity are realized under securities trading gains / losses. 1.2. Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss The Bank has classified its mortgage loans that were initiated between January 1, 2006 – December 31, 2007, as financial assets at fair value through profit or loss in compliance with TAS 39. These loans are presented under “Financial Assets at Fair Value through Profit or Loss” as loan and fair value differences are presented as “Securities Trading Gains (Losses)” in order to be in compliance with the balance sheet presentation. 81 82 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss are initially recorded at cost and are measured at fair value in the following periods. The fair value of loans presented under “Financial Assets at Fair Value through Profit or Loss” are determined under current market conditions, taking into consideration the estimated price of a transaction at the measurement date depending on sale of an asset or transfer of a liability between market participants (in other words, exit price at measurement date from the perspective of an owner of an asset or from a debtor’s). 2. Investment securities available for sale Available for sale assets represent financial assets other than financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, loans and other receivables and investment securities held to maturity. Premiums and discounts on investments securities available-for-sale are considered during the computation of the internal rate of return and are included in interest income in the income statement. Accrued interest income on investment securities available for sale is recognized in the income statement whereas gains and losses arising from the change in the fair values of such securities are reflected in equity under “Securities value increase fund” (Unrealized Gains/Losses on Securities). When investment securities available for sale are sold, collected or otherwise disposed of, the cumulative fair value adjustments under equity are transferred to the income statement.The Bank has inflation indexed (CPI) government bonds in its available for sale and held-to-maturity portfolios. CPI government bonds that are constant throughout their lives and their real principal amounts are preserved from inflation. These marketable securities are valued and accounted by using effective interest rate method by considering the real coupon rates and reference inflation index at the issue date together with the index calculated by considering the estimated inflation rate as disclosed by the Turkish Treasury. As disclosed in ‘Inflation Indexed Bonds Manual’ published by Turkish Treasury, reference index used for the real payments is determined based on the inflation rates of two months before. The estimated inflation rate used is updated during the year when necessary. Some portion of the Eurobond portfolio which has been recognized as available for sale securities are designated as fair value hedged items, hedged against interest rate fluctuations, starting from March and April 2009. Those securities are disclosed under Investment Securities Available for Sale in order to be in line with balance sheet presentation. The fair value differences of hedged items are accounted for under “Securities Trading Gains/ Losses” in the income statement. In cases where fair value hedge operations cannot be effectively performed as described in TAS 39, fair value hedge accounting is ceased. The fair value differences reflected to income statement prior to discontinuation of hedge accounting are amortized through equity until the maturity of related hedged securities. The fair value differences of related portfolio securities sold prior to maturity are immediately realized in the income statement. 3. Investment securities held to maturity Investments held to maturity include securities with fixed or determinable payments and fixed maturity where there is an intention of holding until maturity and the relevant conditions for fulfillment of such intention, including the funding ability and excluding loans and receivables. The Bank has reclassified debt securities with fair value amounting to TL 1.601.660 from available-for-sale portfolio to held-to-maturity portfolio due to change in the intention of holding such securities as of June 21, 2013. Fair value differences accounted under the equity until the transfer date, is amortised from equity using the effective interest rate method until the maturity of the securities. Detailed information regarding the classification is provided in section five I/7.e. 4. Loans and specific provisions Loans and receivables are carried initially by adding transaction cost to its purchase cost reflecting the fair value; except for the loans that are recorded with fair value through profit or loss and loans subject to fair value hedge. In the following periods, these loans are carried at amortized cost by using the effective interest rate method. The Bank as explained in part IV, “Explanations on Forwards, Option Contracts and Derivative Instruments”, enters into fx swap transactions against TL in order to hedge the possible losses which might arise due to the changes in the fair value of a certain portion of its long-term loans and applies fair value hedge accounting as per TAS 39. The Bank accounts for the hedged loan portfolio at fair value related to hedged risk, the swap transactions used as the hedging instrument at fair value and reflects the related net gain or loss to respective period’s income statement. Finansbank 2014 Annual Report When the fair value hedge accounting cannot be effectively continued as stated in TAS 39, the fair value hedge accounting is ceased. The fair value differences of the hedged loans are amortized through income statement until the maturity of the hedged loans. Provision is set for the loans that maybe doubtful and amount is charged in the current period income statement. In the case where there is an evidence for the possibility of uncollectibility of loans, the Bank classifies related loans and receivables in non-performing loans and provides specific provision in accordance with the Communiqué dated November 1, 2006, published on the Official Gazette No: 26333 “Communiqué Related to Principles and Procedures on Determining the Qualifications of Banks’ Loans and Other Receivables and the Provision for These Loans and Other Receivables”. The Bank provides specific provision for the loans under follow-up regarding credit risk and other factors, in accordance with the aforementioned regulation. Additionally, the Bank provides general provisions in accordance with the Communiqué dated November 1, 2006, published on the Official Gazette No: 28789 “Communiqué Related to Principles and Procedures on Determining the Qualifications of Banks’ Loans and Other Receivables and the Provision for These Loans and Other Receivables” and accounts such provision at the liability side of the balance sheet under general loan loss provision. The Bank also provides provision for the closely monitored loans as a result of risk assessment. These provisions are accounted for at the liability side of the balance sheet under general provisions. The general, specific and other provisions reserved for closely monitored loans are accounted for under “Provision for Loan Losses and Other Receivables” in the income statement. The collections made in relation to amounts that provision provided in the current period and the principle collections from the loans previously provisioned in the prior periods are offset against the “Provision for Loan and Other Receivables” in the income statement. The principal collections made related to the loans that were written-off are recorded under “Other Operating Income” and interest collections are recorded under the “Interest on Loans” account. VIII. Explanations on Impairment of Financial Assets It is assessed whether there is objective evidence for a financial asset or group of financial assets is impaired at each balance sheet date. Provision for impairment is provided when there is an objective evidence of impairment. A financial asset or a group of financial assets can be impaired and impairment loss will occur only if there is objective evidence that one or more events (“loss/profit events”) have occurred after the initial recording of subject asset and that subject loss event/s have an impairment effect on future, approximate cash flows which can accurately be guessed. Future events that are expected to occur are not accounted, no matter how probable. Impairment for held-to-maturity financial assets carried at amortized cost is calculated as the difference between the present value of the expected future cash flows discounted based on the “Effective interest rate method” and its carrying value. Regarding available-forsale financial assets, impairment loss is reclassified from equity to profit or loss and is the difference between acquisition cost (less all principal repayments and amortization) and fair value, after impairment losses previously accounted for under profit or loss have been deducted. An explanation about the impairment of loans and receivables is given in Note VII-4 of Section Four. IX. Explanations on Netting of Financial Instruments Financial assets and liabilities are offset and the net amount is reported on the balance sheet when the Bank has a legally enforceable right to offset the recognized amounts, and the intention of collecting or paying the net amount of related assets and liabilities or to realize the asset and settle the liability simultaneously. X. Explanations on Sales and Repurchase Agreements and Lending of Securities Securities sold under repurchase agreements are recorded on the balance in accordance with Uniform Chart of Accounts. Accordingly, government bonds and treasury bills sold to customers under repurchase agreements are classified as “Investments Subject to Repurchase Agreements” and valued based on the Bank management’s future intentions, either at market prices or using discounting method with internal rate of return. 83 84 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Funds lended against securities purchased under agreements to resell (“Reverse repos”) are accounted under “Receivables from reverse repurchase agreements” on the balance sheet. The difference between the purchase and resell price determined by these repurchase agreements is accrued over the life of repurchase agreements using the “Effective interest method”. Securities that are subject to repurchase agreements as at the balance sheet date amounted to TL 4.409.923 (December 31, 2013 – TL 3.815.605). Securities that are subject to lending transactions as at the balance sheet date amounted to TL 1.345 (December 31, 2013 – TL 6.791). Securities purchased with a commitment to resell (reverse repurchase agreements) are recorded in a separate account under “Money Market Placements” in the balance sheet. The difference resulting from purchase and resale prices is treated as interest income and accrued over the life of the agreement. XI. Explanations on Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations In accordance with IFRS 5 (“Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations”), assets classified as held for sale are measured at lower of carrying value or fair value less costs to sell. Amortisation on subject asset is ended and these assets are presented separately on financial statements. An asset (or a disposal group) is regarded as “asset held for sale” only when the sale is highly probable and the asset (disposal group) is available for immediate sale in its present condition. For a highly probable sale, there must be a valid plan prepared by the management for the sale of asset including identification of possible buyers and completion of sale process. Furthermore, the asset (or a disposal group) should be actively marketed at a price consistent with its fair value. Various events and conditions may prolong the sale procedures for more than one year. In case subject delay is caused by the events and conditions beyond the entity’s control and there is enough evidence that plans to sell subject asset (or a disposal group) continue subject assets contine to be classified as assets held for sale. The Bank has re-classified its real estate property with a net book value of TL 51.265 from Tangible Assets to Assets held for Sale as of December 31, 2014. A discontinued operation is a part of the Bank’s business classified as disposed or held-for-sale. The operating results of the discontinued operations are disclosed separately in the income statement. The Bank classifies tangible assets that were acquired due to non-performing receivables, and that do not comply with TFRS 5 criteria, in accordance with the “Communiqué Regarding the Principles and Procedures for the Disposals of Immovables and Commodities Acquired due to Receivables and for Trading of Precious Metal” published in the Official Gazette dated 1 November 2006, no.26333 as other assets and accounts for these tangible assets according to the aforementioned Communiqué. XII. Explanations on Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets The Bank’s intangible assets consist of softwares and intangible rights. The intangible assets are recorded at their historical cost less accumulated amortization and provision for impairment, if any. Amortization is calculated on a straight-line basis. Softwares have been classified as other intangible fixed assets. The useful life of softwares is determined as 3 years. If there is objective evidence of impairment, the asset’s recoverable amount is estimated in accordance with the Turkish Accounting Standard on Impairment of Assets (TAS 36) and if the recoverable amount is less than the carrying value of the related asset, a provision for impairment loss is made. There is no goodwill regarding the associates and subsidiaries in the accompanying unconsolidated financial statements. XIII. Explanations on Tangible Assets The tangible assets are recorded at their historical cost less accumulated depreciation and provision for impairment, if any. Depreciation is calculated on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful life of tangible assets. The annual amortization rates used are as follows Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Property Movables purchased and acquired under finance lease contracts 2% 7% - 25% The depreciation of leasehold improvements acquired before December 2009, under operating lease agreements, is calculated according to their useful lives. Depreciation of leasehold improvements acquired after this date is calculated over the lease period not exceeding 5 years where the lease duration is certain; or 5 years where the lease period is not certain in accordance with “Communiqué on the Amendment of Communiqué on Uniform Chart of Accounts and Explanatory Notes” dated January 10, 2011. Depreciation is calculated on a pro-rata basis for the assets that have been placed in use for less than a year as of the balance sheet date. Net book value of the property and leased assets under financial lease contracts are compared with the fair values determined by independent appraisers as of the year end and provision for impairment is recognized in “Other Operating Expenses” in the related period income statement when the fair value is below the net book value in accordance with “Turkish Accounting Standard on Impairment of Assets” (TAS 36). Gains or losses resulting from disposals of the tangible assets are recorded in the income statement as the difference between the net proceeds and net book value of the asset. Expenses for repairs are capitalized if the expenditure increases economic life of the asset; otherwise they are expensed. There are no changes in the accounting estimates in regards to amortization duration, that could have a significant impact on the current and future financial statements. There are no pledges, mortgages or other restrictions on the tangible assets. The Bank has purchased a building amounting to TL 931.008 on March 11, 2014 to be used as its Headquarters. XIV. Explanations on Leasing Transactions Fixed assets acquired under finance lease contracts are presented under “Tangible Fixed Assets” on the asset side and under “Financial Lease Payables” on the liability side at the initial date of the lease. The basis for the determination of related balance sheet amounts is the lower of fair value of the leased asset and the present value of the lease payments. The direct costs incurred for a finance lease transaction are capitalized as additions to the cost of the leased asset. Lease payments include the financing costs incurred due to the leasing transaction and the principal amount of the leased asset for the current period. Depreciation is calculated on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful life of the leased assets at the rate of 20% except for the buildings which are depreciated at the rate of 2%. Total payments made under operating leases are charged to income statement on a straight-line basis over the period of the lease. The Bank has no leasing transactions as lessor. XV. Explanations on Provisions and Contingent Liabilities Provisions, other than specific and general provisions for loans and other receivables, and contingent liabilities are provided for in accordance with TAS 37 “Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets”. Provisions are accounted for immediately when obligations arise as a result of past events and a reliable estimate of the obligation is made by the Bank. Whenever the amount of such obligations cannot be measured, they are regarded as “contingent”. If the possibility of an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits becomes probable and the amount of the obligation can reliably be measured, a provision is provided. Provisions provided during the period other than specific and general provisions for loans and other receivables are recorded under “Other Operating Expenses”; provisions provided in the prior periods but reversed in the current year are accounted for under “Other Operating Income”. XVI. Explanations on Obligations of the Bank Concerning Employee Benefits Provision for employee severance benefits has been accounted for in accordance with TAS 19 “Employee Benefits”. 85 86 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report In accordance with the existing social legislation in Turkey, the Bank is required to make lump-sum termination indemnities including retirement and notice payments to each employee whose employment is terminated due to resignation or for reasons other than misconduct. The retirement pay is calculated for every working year within the Bank over salary for 30 days or the official ceiling amount per year of employment and the notice pay is calculated for the relevant notice period time as determined based on the number of years worked for the Bank. The Bank has reflected the retirement pay liability amount, which was calculated by an independent actuary, in the accompanying financial statements. According to IAS 19, The Bank recognizes all actuarial gains and losses immediately through other comprehensive income. The Bank does not have any employees who work under limited period contracts with remaining terms longer than 12 months after the balance sheet date. Provision for the employees’ unused vacations has been booked in accordance with IAS 19 and reflected to the financial statements. There are no foundations, pension funds or similar associations of which the employees are members. XVII. Explanations on Taxation 1. Corporate Tax In accordance with the Corporate Tax Law No. 5520 published in the Official Gazette No: 26205 dated June 21, 2006, statutory income is subject to corporate tax at 20%. Advance corporate taxes paid are followed under “Current Tax Liability” or “Current Tax Asset” account and are deducted from the corporate taxes of the current year. 75% of gains on subsidiary shares and profits from real estate sales held in Bank assets for more than two years are exempt from tax according to Corporate Tax Law in condition with adding them into equity or allocating into a specific fund account in Bank’s liabilities for five years. Companies file their tax returns between the 1st and the 25th day of the fourth month following the closing of the fiscal year to which they relate and the payments are made until the end of that month. Losses occurred due to prior year’s financial statements can be deducted from corporate income under condition that each year amounts are shown separately on Corporate Tax declaration and are not carried more than five years. Taxes that are not been levied or notified to tax payer in five years, starting from the beginning of the year following the calendar year that the tax asset emerged are prescribed. Therefore, the tax authority can perform tax audit up to five years backwards. Besides, in case of benefiting from the decision of the document that is subject to stamp duty, yet the tax and the penalty is prescribed, after period of limitation is expired, tax asset of aforementioned document is emerged again. The provision for corporate and income taxes for the period is recognized as “Current Tax Charge” in the income statement and current tax effect related to transactions directly recognized in equity are reflected to equity. Undistributed profit for the period is not subject to withholding tax if it is added to capital or it is distributed to full-fledged taxpayer corporations. However, with the Council of Ministers’ decisions numbered 2009/14593 and 2009/14594; published in the Official Gazette No: 27130 dated February 3, 2009 and based on Corporate Tax Law No: 5520, 15th and 30th Articles, profit distribution for the period is subject to withholding tax by 15%, for full-fledged real person taxpayers, for those who are not responsible for corporate tax and income tax, for those exempt from corporate and income tax (except for those taxed through their businesses or permanent representatives in Turkey) and for foreign based real person taxpayers. 2. Deferred Taxes In accordance with Turkish Accounting Standard on Income Taxes (TAS 12), the Bank accounts for deferred taxes based on the tax effect of temporary differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for financial reporting purposes and the amounts used for taxation purposes. In calculating deferred tax, legalized tax rates effective as of balance sheet date are used as per tax legislation. Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Deferred tax liabilities are recognized for all temporary differences whereas deferred tax assets calculated from deductible temporary differences are only recognized if it’s highly probable that these will in the future create taxable profit. Deferred tax asset is not provided over general reserve for possible risk and general loan loss provisions according to the circular of BRSA numbered BRSA.DZM.2/13/1-a-3 and dated 8 December 2004. Deferred tax effect in regards to transactions directly accounted for in equity, is also reflected to equity. XVIII. Explanations on Additional Explanations on Borrowings The Bank generates funds from domestically and internationally resident people and institutions by using debt instruments such as syndication, securitization, collateralized debt and bond issuance. Aforementioned transactions are initially recorded at transaction cost plus acquisition cost, reflective of their fair value, and are subsequently measured at amortized cost by using effective interest rate method. XIX. Explanations on Share Issues During the current period the Bank’s paid in capital has been increased by TL 135.000, paid from first dividend with bonus shares (January 1 – December 31, 2013 - The Bank issued TL 135.000 of bonus shares; where TL 128.250 was from first dividends, TL 6.750 were from share holding disposal funds). XX. Explanations on Confirmed Bills of Exchange and Acceptances Confirmed bills of exchange and acceptances are realized simultaneously with the customer payments and recorded in off-balance sheet accounts as possible debt and commitment, if any. There are no acceptances and confirmed bills of exchange presented as liabilities against any assets. XXI. Explanations on Government Incentives As of December 31, 2014, the Bank does not have any government incentives or grants. XXII. Explanations on Segment Reporting In addition to corporate banking, retail banking and commercial banking services, the Bank also provides private banking, SME banking, treasury operations and credit card services through branches and alternative channels. The Bank serves its retail banking clients with time and demand deposits, also overdraft services, automatic account services, consumer loans, vehicle loans, housing loans and investment fund services. The Bank provides services including deposit and loans, foreign trade financing, forward and option agreements to its corporate clients. The Bank also serves in trading financial instruments and treasury operations. The calculations based on the income statement for retail banking (consumer banking and plastic cards), corporate and commercial banking have operational units designated as the main profit centers, have been made according to the product and customer types. During the profitability calculations, the pricing of transfers among these units and treasury unit are made by using cost/return ratios that are determined by the Bank’s senior management and which are updated periodically. In this pricing method, general market conditions and the Bank’s internal policies are considered. The Corporate Marketing Unit provides services to firms that are institutional, big size, that have annual revenues of TL 100.000 and higher and multi-national firms operating in Turkey. The firms that have annual revenues between TL 2.000 and TL 100.000 are considered as “Commercial Enterprise”. The Bank gives importance to the commercial segmentation in order to hedge risk and decrease the concentration of income. Moreover; The Bank also offers sectoral solution packages to these small and medium-size firms. The Consumer Banking meets the needs and expectations of the retail banking customers. The Private Banking Unit has formed and started to operate to serve customers with high level income, in a more effective way. The installments, discounts and bonus advantages are provided to the users of Card Finans in the plastic cards line. The main function of Treasury Segment is managing the liquidity of the Bank and interest and foreign currency risks resulting from market conditions. This segment is in close relation with corporate, commercial, retail and private banking units in order to increase the number of customers and the volume of transactions in treasury products of the Bank. 87 88 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Current Period (January 1 – December 31, 2014) Net Interest Income Net Fees and Commissions Income Other Operating Income and Net Trading Income Dividend Income Operating Income Other Operating Expenses Provision for Loan Losses and Other Receivables Profit Before Taxes Provision for Tax Net Profit/Loss Total Assets Segment Assets Associates, Subsidiaries and Entities Under Common Control (Joint Ventures) Undistributed Assets Total Liabilities Segment Liabilities Undistributed Liabilities Equity Other Segment Accounts Capital Expenditures Depreciation and Amortization Value Decrease/ (Increase) Prior Period (January 1 – December 31, 2013) Net Interest Income Net Fees and Commissions Income Other Operating Income and Net Trading Income Dividend Income Operating Income Other Operating Expenses Provision for Loan Losses and Other Receivables(-) Profit Before Taxes Provision for Tax Net Profit/Loss Total Assets Segment Assets Associates and Subsidiaries and Entities Undistributed Assets Total Liabilities Segment Liabilities Undistributed Liabilities Equity Other Segment Accounts Capital Expenditures Depreciation and Amortization Value Decrease/ (Increase) Corporate and Retail Banking Commercial Banking 1.232.083 1.044.033 1.067.346 285.566 330.629 60.926 2.630.058 1.390.525 1.457.569 751.905 623.561 371.157 548.928 267.463 37.337.428 12.627.104 37.337.428 12.627.104 29.485.415 29.485.415 256.310 130.476 125.834 - 11.084.903 11.084.903 132.220 67.307 64.913 - Corporate and Retail Banking Commercial Banking 1.584.181 884.561 899.937 142.817 280.217 62.186 2.764.335 1.089.564 1.431.893 691.365 823.328 495.006 509.114 (96.807) 34.123.577 8.142.183 34.123.577 8.142.183 25.886.321 10.839.785 25.886.321 10.839.785 292.823 151.056 186.517 96.217 106.306 54.839 - Treasury and Head Total Operations of Office the Bank 812.195 3.088.311 (19.382) 1.333.530 (270.949) 120.606 9.042 9.042 530.906 4.551.489 124.263 2.333.737 80.825 1.075.543 325.818 1.142.209 (264.781) 877.428 20.675.451 75.206.354 20.675.451 70.639.983 19.650.365 19.650.365 1.018.955 993.539 25.416 - 634.842 3.931.529 75.206.354 60.220.683 6.411.523 8.574.148 1.407.568 1.191.322 216.163 83 Treasury and Head Total Operations of Office the Bank 694.404 3.163.146 (11.232) 1.031.522 (236.659) 105.744 12.152 12.152 458.665 4.312.564 170.961 2.294.219 (237.583) 1.080.751 525.287 937.594 (203.355) 734.239 19.407.527 66.009.767 19.407.527 61.673.287 624.698 3.711.782 15.761.644 66.009.767 15.761.644 52.487.750 5.873.539 7.648.478 25.736 471.368 16.888 299.622 8.848 169.993 1.753 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report XXIII. Explanations on Profit Reserves and Profit Distribution At the General Assembly dated March 27, 2014 it has been decided to distribute the 2013 profit as follows: 2013 profit distribution table: Current Profit for the period A – I. Legal Reserve (Turkish Commercial Code 519/A) at 5% B – The First Dividend for Shareholders (*) D – Extraordinary Reserv es 734.239 (36.712) (135.000) (562.527) (*) It was decided to distribute the shares issued by adding first dividend to shareholders amounting to TL 135.000 to the capital. XXIV. Profit Per Share Profit per share listed on income statement is calculated by dividing net profit to weighted average amount of shares issued within respective year. Current Period Net Profit for the Period Weighted Average Amount of Shares Issued (Thousands) Profit Per Share Prior Period 877.428 734.239 28.350.000 28.350.000 0,03095 0,02590 In Turkey, companies can increase capital through “bonus share” distributed from previous year earnings to current shareholders. Such “bonus share” distributions are accounted as issued shares while calculating profit per share. Accordingly, weighted average amount of shares issued used in these calculations is found through taking into consideration retroactive effects of subject share distributions. In case, amount of shares issued increases after the balance sheet date but before the date of financial statement preparation due to distribution of “bonus share”, profit per share is calculated taking into consideration the new amount of shares. Amount of issued bonus shared in 2014 is 1.350.000 (December 31, 2013: 1.350.000). XXV. Explanations on Other Matters None. 89 90 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report SECTION FOUR INFORMATION ON FINANCIAL STRUCTURE I. Explanations Related to Capital Adequacy Ratio As of December 31, 2014, the Bank’s unconsolidated capital adequacy ratio is 16,98%. (December 31, 2013 – 16,95%). Capital adequacy ratio is calculated within the scope of the “Regulation on Measurement and Assessment of Capital Adequacy Ratios of Banks (the “Regulation”)”, “Communiqué on Credit Risk Mitigation Techniques” and “Communiqué on Calculation of Risk Weighted Amounts for Securitizations” published in the Official Gazette No: 28337 dated June 28, 2012 and the “Communiqué on Equities of Banks” published in the Official Gazette No: 26333 dated November 1, 2006. The Bank designates balance sheet items and non-balance sheet items as “trading book” and “banking book” according to capital adequacy account. Calculation of the risk weighted assets is made on related assets by net basis after items deducted from capital base and depreciation and provisions are reduced. The items classified as trading book are not included in the calculation of the credit risk. However, counterparty credit risk for all transactions stated in the Article 21 of the Regulation, are made as per the rates stated in the Appendix-2 of the Regulation. Balance sheet items and the rates stated in the Article 5 of the Regulation, and non-balance sheet items whose credit equivalent risk amount are calculated, are included in the relevant exposure category defined in the Article 6 of the Regulation and weighted as per Appendix-1 of the Regulation. The disclosures of credit risk mitigation techniques used under “Regulation on Credit Risk Mitigation Techniques” are presented in Section 4, Note X. under “Explanations related to Credit Risk Mitigation Techniques”. Capital requirement for the market risk is calculated by using the standard method. Market risk for the options is calculated within the scope of the regulation “Capital Requirement for Market Risk of Options - Standard Method” published in the Official Gazette No: 28337 dated June 28, 2012 by using Delta Factor Weighted Method. Capital requirement for the operational risk is calculated within the scope of the “Regulation on Measurement and Assessment of Capital Adequacy Ratios of Banks (the Regulation)” published in the Official Gazette No: 28337 dated June 28, 2012 by using Basic Indicator Approach. 91 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Unconsolidated capital adequacy ratio Risk Weightings Current Period 0% 10% 20% 50% 75% 100% 150% 200% Value at Credit Risk - 245.829 9.465.302 15.417.255 20.617.801 2.513.757 7.994.862 Exposure Categories: 15.690.061 - 1.229.146 18.930.604 20.556.340 20.617.801 1.675.838 3.997.431 Conditional and unconditional receivables from central governments or central banks 14.850.852 1.697.937 Conditional and unconditional receivables from regional or local governments 4.048 Conditional and unconditional receivables from administrative units and non-commercial enterprises 316 Conditional and unconditional receivables from multilateral development banks Conditional and unconditional receivables from international organizations Conditional and unconditional receivables from banks and brokerage houses - 1.224.868 2.181.022 29.459 Conditional and unconditional receivables from corporates - 15.318.399 Conditional and unconditional retail receivables - 20.556.340 1.825.386 Conditional and unconditional receivables secured by mortgages - 15.051.645 Past due receivables 541.919 Receivables defined in high risk category by BRSA - 1.675.838 3.997.431 Securities collateralized by mortgages Securitization positions Short-term receivables from banks, brokerage houses and corporates Investments similar to collective investment funds 26.414 Other receivables 839.209 230 - 2.875.908 - Prior Period 0% Value at Credit Risk Exposure Categories: 15.315.268 Conditional and unconditional receivables from central governments or central banks 14.268.181 Conditional and unconditional receivables from regional or local governments Conditional and unconditional receivables from administrative units and non-commercial enterprises Conditional and unconditional receivables from multilateral development banks Conditional and unconditional receivables from international organizations Conditional and unconditional receivables from banks and brokerage houses Conditional and unconditional receivables from corporates Conditional and unconditional retail receivables Conditional and unconditional receivables secured by mortgages Past due receivables Receivables defined in high risk category by BRSA Securities collateralized by mortgages Securitization positions Short-term receivables from banks, brokerage houses and corporates Investments similar to collective investment funds Other receivables 1.047.087 10% - 20% 50% 179.588 7.476.755 897.940 14.953.510 250% 676.638 270.655 270.655 - Risk Weightings 75% 100% 150% 200% 250% 11.903.243 18.675.739 1.992.405 8.987.942 1.356.358 15.870.990 18.675.739 1.328.270 4.493.971 542.543 - - 1.333.821 - - - - - - 2.452 - - - - - - - - - - 1.023 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 895.415 1.608.741 - 27.180 - - - - - 16.039 - 15.870.990 12.719.917 3.261.960 - - - - - 11.952.456 42.453 - - 454.259 - 1.328.270 - 4.493.971 - 542.543 - - 73 - - 23.640 2.187.760 - - - 92 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Summary information related to unconsolidated capital adequacy ratio Capital Requirement for Credit Risk (Value at Credit Risk * 0,08) (CRCR) Capital Requirement for Market Risk (MRCR) Capital Requirement for Operational Risk (ORCR) Shareholders’ Equity Shareholders’ Equity/(CRCR+MRCR+ORCR) * 12,5 * 100 Additional Tier I Capital/((CRCR+CRMR+CROR)*12,5*100) Common Equity/((CRCR+CRMR+CROR)*12,5*100) CRCR MRCR ORCR Current Period(*) 4.554.516 98.679 503.912 10.946.807 16,98% 12,97% 13,24% Prior Period 4.045.762 80.017 425.090 9.642.750 16,95% - : Capital Requirement for Credit Risk : Capital Requirement for Market Risk : Capital Requirement for Operational Risk (*) As of January 1, 2014 the Bank is calculating its equity according to “Communique on Banks’ Equity” published on September 5, 2013 in the Official Gazzette no 28756 and calculated Capital Adequacy Standard Ratio accordingly. Information on Equity Accounts COMMON EQUITY Paid-in Capital following all debts in terms of claim in liquidation of the Bank’s Share premium Share cancellation profits Reserves Gains recognized in equity as per TAS Profit Current Period Profit Prior Period Profit Provisions for Possible Risks Bonus Shares from Investments in Associates, Subsidiaries and Joint Ventures that are not recognized in Profit Common Equity Before Deductions Deductions from Common Equity Portion of the current and prior periods’ losses which cannot be covered through reserves and losses reflected in equity in accordance with TAS (-). Leasehold improvements (-) Goodwill or other intangible assets and deferred tax liability related to these items (-) Net deferred tax asset/liability (-) Shares obtained contrary to the 4th clause of the 56th Article of the Law (-) Direct and indirect investments of the Bank in its own common equity (-) Portion of the total of net long positions of investments made in equity items of banks and financial institutions outside the scope of consolidation where the Bank owns 10% or less of the issued common share capital exceeding 10% of Common Equity of the Bank (-). Portion of the total of net long positions of investments made in equity items of banks and financial institutions outside the scope of consolidation where the Bank owns 10% or more of the issued common share capital exceeding 10% of Common Equity of the Bank (-). Portion of mortgage servicing rights exceeding 10% of the common equity (-). Portion of deferred tax assets based on temporary differences exceeding 10% of the common equity (-). Amount exceeding 15% of the common equity as per the 2nd clause of the Provisional Article 2 of the Regulation on the Equity of Banks (-) Excess amount arising from the net long positions of investments in common equity items of banks and financial institutions outside the scope of consolidation where the Bank owns 10% or more of the issued common share capital (-) Excess amount arising from mortgage servicing rights (-). Excess amount arising from deferred tax assets based on temporary differences (-). Other items to be defined by the BRSA (-) Deductions to be made from common equity in the case that adequate Additional Tier I Capital or Tier II Capital is not available (-) Total Deductions From Common Equity Total Common Equity Current Period December 31, 2014 2.835.000 714 4.553.726 397.191 877.428 877.428 82.000 2.689 8.748.748 52.121 114.052 44.806 210.979 8.537.769 93 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report ADDITIONAL TIER I CAPITAL Capital amount and related premiums corresponding to preference shares that are not included in common equity Debt instruments and premiums deemed suitable by BRSA (issued/obtained after 1.1.2014) Debt instruments and premiums deemed suitable by BRSA (issued before 1.1.2014) Additional Tier I Capital before Deductions Deductions from Additional Tier I Capital Direct and indirect investments of the Bank in its own Additional Tier I Capital (-) Portion of the total of net long positions of investments made in equity items of banks and financial institutions outside the scope of consolidation where the Bank owns 10% or less of the issued common share capital exceeding 10% of Common Equity of the Bank (-) Portion of the total of net long positions of investments made in Additional Tier I Capital and Tier II Capital items of banks and financial institutions outside the scope of consolidation where the Bank owns 10% or more of the issued common share capital exceeding 10% of Common Equity of the Bank (-) Other items to be defined by the BRSA (-) Deductions to be made from common equity in the case that adequate Additional Tier I Capital or Tier II Capital is not available (-) Total Deductions From Additional Tier I Capital Total Additional Tier I Capital DEDUCTIONS FROM TIER I CAPITAL Portion of goodwill and other intangible assets and the related deferred tax liabilities which not deducted from the Common Equity as per the 1st clause of Provisional Article 2 of the Regulation on the Equity of Banks (-) Portion of net deferred tax assets/liabilities which is not deducted from the common equity pursuant to Paragraph 1 Provisional Article 2 of the Regulation on the Equity of Banks (-) Total Tier I Capital TIER II CAPITAL Debt instruments and premiums deemed suitable by the BRSA (issued/obtained after 1.1.2014) Debt instruments and premiums deemed suitable by the BRSA (issued/obtained before 1.1.2014) Sources pledged to the Bank by shareholders to be used in capital increases of the Bank General Loan Loss Provisions Tier II Capital Before Deductions Direct and indirect investments of the Bank in its own Tier II Capital (-) Portion of the total of net long positions of investments made in Common Equity items of banks and financial institutions outside the scope of consolidation where the Bank owns 10% or less of the issued common share capital exceeding 10% of Common Equity of the Bank (-). Portion of the total of net long positions of investments made in Additional Tier I and Tier II Capital items of banks and financial institutions outside the scope of consolidation where the Bank owns 10% or more of the issued common share capital exceeding 10% of Common Equity of the Bank (-). Other items to be defined by the BRSA (-) Total Deductions from Tier II Capital Total Tier II Capital CAPITAL BEFORE DEDUCTIONS Loans granted contrary to the 50th and 51th Article of the Law (-) Net book value of amounts exceeding the limit mentioned in the 1st Paragraph of Article 57 of the Law and assets acquired against overdue receivables which could not be disposed of even though five years have passed since their acquisition date (-) Loans granted to banks and financial institutions, including those established abroad, and to eligible shareholders of the Bank and investments made in the borrowing instruments issued by them (-). Amounts to be deducted from equity as per the 2nd Clause of Article 20 of the Regulation on Measurement and Evaluation of Capital Adequacy of Banks (-). Other items to be defined by the BRSA (-) Portion of the total of net long positions of investments made in Common Equity items of banks and financial institutions outside the scope of consolidation where the Bank owns 10% or less of the issued common share capital exceeding 10% of Common Equity of the Bank not to be deducted from the Common Equity, Additional Tier I Capital, Tier II Capital as per the 1st clause of the Provisional Article 2 of the Regulation on the Equity of Banks. (-) Portion of the total of net long positions of direct or indirect investments made in Additional Tier I and Tier II Capital items of banks and financial institutions outside the scope of consolidation where the Bank owns 10% or more of the issued common share capital exceeding 10% of Common Equity of the Bank not to be deducted from the Additional Tier I Capital and Tier II Capital as per the 1st clause of the Provisional Article 2 of the Regulation on the Equity of Banks. (-) Portion of the total of net long positions of investments made in Common Equity items of banks and financial institutions outside the scope of consolidation where the Bank owns 10% or more of the issued common share capital, deferred tax assets based on temporary differences and mortgage servicing rights not deducted from Common Equity as per the 1st and 2nd Paragraph of the 2nd clause of the Provisional Article 2 of the Regulation on the Equity of Banks (-) TOTAL CAPITAL Amounts below the Excess Limits as per the Deduction Principles Amounts arising from the net long positions of investments made in Total Capital items of banks and financial institutions where the Bank owns 10% or less of the issued common share capital Amounts arising from the net long positions of investments made in Tier I Capital items of banks and financial institutions where the Bank owns 10% or more of the issued common share capital Amounts arising from mortgage servicing rights Amounts arising from deferred tax assets based on temporary differences December 31, 2014 179.223 179.223 8.358.546 1.940.559 711.643 2.652.202 2.652.202 11.010.748 1.856 11.289 50.796 - - 10.946.807 - 94 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Components of shareholders’ equity items CORE CAPITAL Paid-in Capital Nominal Capital Capital Commitments (-) Inflation Adjustments to Paid-in Capital Share Premium Share Cancellation Profits Reserves Inflation Adjustments to Reserves Profit Current Period’s Profit Prior Periods’ Profit Provision for Possible Losses (up to 25% of Core Capital) Income on Sale of Equity Shares and Real Estates Primary Subordinated Debts Loss (in excess of Reserves) (-) Current Period’s Losses Prior Periods’ Losses Leasehold Improvements on Operational Leases (-) Intangible Assets (-) Deferred Tax Asset in Excess of 10% of Core Capital (-) Limit excesses as per the 3rd Paragraph of the Article 56 of the Banking Law (-) Total Core Capital SUPPLEMENTARY CAPITAL General Provisions 45% of Revaluation Surplus on Movables 45% of Revaluation Surplus on Immovable Bonus Shares from Associates, Subsidiaries and Joint-Ventures not Accounted in Current Period’s Profit Primary Subordinated Debts excluding the Portion included in Core Capital Secondary Subordinated Debts 45% of Securities Value Increase Fund Inflation Adjustments to Other Capital and Profit Reserves and Prior Periods’ Profit/Loss Total Supplementary Capital CAPITAL DEDUCTIONS FROM CAPITAL Unconsolidated Investments in Entities (Domestic/Foreign) Operating in Banking and Financial Sectors at 10% or more Investments in Entities (Domestic/Foreign) Operating in Banking and Financial Sectors at Less than 10% Exceeding 10% or more of the Total Core and Supplementary Capitals Loans to Banks, Financial Institutions (domestic/foreign) or Qualified Shareholders in the form of Secondary Subordinated Debts and Debt Instruments Purchased from Such Parties Qualified as Primary or Secondary Subordinated Debts Loan Granted to Customer against the Articles 50 and 51 of the Banking Law Net Book Values of Properties exceeding 50% of the Capital and of Assets Acquired against Overdue Receivables and Held for Sale as per the Article 57 of the Banking Law but Retained more than Five Years Securitization Positions to be Deducted from Equity Other TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY December 31, 2013 2.700.000 2.700.000 714 3.327.412 734.239 734.239 102.025 642.551 138.965 198.204 7.169.772 711.073 2.689 1.831.098 (57.011) 2.487.849 9.657.621 14.871 2.015 12.855 1 9.642.750 Components of items of shareholders’ equity subject to temporary applications Minority Interest in Tier I Capital Shares of Third Parties in Additional Core Capital Shares of Third Parties in Tier II Capital Debt Instruments and the Related Issuance Premiums Defined by the BRSA (Issued before 1.1.2014) Bank Amount Included in Equity Calculation 1.940.559 Total Amount 1.940.559 1 2 584 754 Yes Yes 6 months LIBOR + %4,34 - 6 months Floating LIBOR + %4,50 - Subsequent call dates, if applicable Coupons / dividends Fixed or floating dividend/coupon Coupon rate and any related index Existence of a dividend stopper Fully discretionary, partially discretionary or mandatory - Floating - - Optional call date, contingent call dates and redemption amount - 12 years 12 years Dated Oct-6-09 Original maturity date Apr-24-08 Dated Issuer call subject to prior BRSA approval 4 - 290 290 Loan Stand alone -Consolitaded Yes Supplementary Capital BRSA - 603 603 Loan Stand alone -Consolitaded Yes Supplementary Capital BRSA - - LIBOR + %4,34 Floating 6 months - - Yes 12 years Dated Dec-28-09 - - LIBOR + %4,50 Floating 6 months - - Yes 10 years Dated Dec-20-11 Liability – Subordinated Loans- Liability – Subordinated Loans- Liability – Subordinated Loans- Liability – Subordinated Loansamortised cost amortised cost amortised cost amortised cost Perpetual or dated Original date of issuance Accounting classification 464 464 Loan Loan Instrument type (types to be specified by each jurisdiction) Amount recognised in regulatory capital (Currency in million, as of most recent reporting date) Yes Supplementary Capital Yes Supplementary Capital BRSA BRSA Stand alone -Consolitaded Par value of instrument (Currency in million) 3 NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE S.A. NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE S.A. NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE S.A. NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE S.A. Stand alone -Consolitaded Eligible at stand-alone / concolidated Transitional Basel III rules Regulatory treatment Governing law(s) of the instrument Unique identifier (eg CUSIP, ISIN or Bloomberg identifier for private placement) Issuer Information on debt instruments included in the calculation of equity Notes to unconsolidated financial statements for the period ended december 31, 2014 (Amounts expressed in Thousands of Turkish Lira (TL) unless otherwise stated.) FİNANSBANK ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 95 - If convertible, conversion rate If convertible, mandatory or optional conversion If convertible, specify instrument type convertible into If convertible, specify issuer of instrument it converts into 8-2-ğ 8-2-ğ After the senior creditors, before the TIER 1 subdebt, same with TIER 2 Yes - If write-down, permanent or temporary - - None - - - - - - None Noncumulative - 2 After the senior creditors, before the TIER 1 subdebt, same with TIER 2 Yes - If write-down, full or partial If temporary write-down, description of write-up mechanism Position in subordination hierarchy in liquidation (specify instrument type immediately senior to instrument) Incompliance with article number 7 and 8 of “Own fund regulation” Details of incompliances with article number 7 and 8 of “Own fund regulation” - If write-down, write-down trigger(s) None - If convertible, fully or partially Write-down feature - None Convertible or non-convertible If convertible, conversion trigger (s) Noncumulative - Noncumulative or cumulative 1 Existence of step up or other incentive to redeem Notes to unconsolidated financial statements For the period ended december 31, 2014 (Amounts expressed in Thousands of Turkish Lira (TL) unless otherwise stated.) FİNANSBANK ANONİM ŞİRKETİ 8-2-ğ After the senior creditors, before the TIER 1 subdebt, same with TIER 2 Yes - - - None - - - - - - None Noncumulative - 3 8-2-ğ After the senior creditors, before the TIER 1 subdebt, same with TIER 2 Yes - - - None - - - - - - None Noncumulative - 4 96 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Finansbank 2014 Annual Report II. Explanations Related to Credit Risk Credit risk represents the risk arising due to the counter party’s not fulfilling its responsibilities stated in the agreement either partially or totally. Loan strategies and policies are determined by the Policy Committees. These policies and strategies are constituted in line with the applications of the Parent, and credit risk is managed according to these policies and strategies. The quality of loan portfolio is monitored regularly with the help of metrics which are in line with the Bank’s risk appetite, as specified in Risk Management Strategies. Credit Risk Management takes place in every step of the Bank’s credit process from the beginning. Loan applications are evaluated by non-profit oriented independent loan granting departments. Loan limits are determined on a product basis and in the aggregate for every individual, corporate customer and risk group. Furthermore, concentration on product, industry, region, are monitored within the frame of loan limits in line with the regulation. The credibility of the debtors is monitored periodically in accordance with the related regulation. The statements presenting the financial position of the borrowers are obtained in accordance with the related regulation. Loan limits of the loan customers are revised periodically in line with the Bank’s loan limit revision procedures. The Bank analyses the credibility of the loans within the framework of its loan policies and obtains collaterals for loans. The Bank has control limits over the positions of forward transactions, options and other similar agreements. The credit risk arising from these instruments are managed together with the risks resulting from market fluctuations. The Bank monitors risks of forward transactions, options and other similar agreements and reduces the risk if necessary. Indemnified non-cash loans are weighted in the same risk group with the past due but not impaired loans. The restructured and rescheduled loans are monitored by the Bank in line with Bank’s credit risk management procedures. The debtor’s financial position and commercial activities are continuously analyzed and the principal and interest payments of rescheduled loans are monitored by the related departments. The restructured and rescheduled loans are evaluated in the Bank’s current internal rating system besides the follow up method determined in the related regulation. The risk of banking operations abroad and credit transactions is acceptable and there is no significant credit risk density in the international banking market. Based on “Regulation on Procedures and Principles for Determination of Qualifications of Loans and Other Receivables by Banks and Provisions to be set aside”, the Bank considers second group loans whose principal or interest payments are not collected at the determined dates as overdue loans. Loans whose principal or interest payments are delayed for more than 90 days and loans of borrowers which the Bank believes that the borrower lost their creditworthiness are considered as impaired loans. The Bank calculates general loan provision for overdue loans and specific loan provision for impaired loans based on “Regulation on Procedures and Principles for Determination of Qualifications of Loans and Other Receivables by Banks and Provisions to be set aside”. The receivables of the Bank from its top 100 cash loan customers are 12% in the total cash loans (December 31, 2013 – 10%). The receivables of the Bank from its top 200 cash loan customers are 15% in the total cash loans. (December 31, 2013 - 12%) The receivables of the Bank from its top 100 non-cash loan customers are 43% in the total non-cash loans (December 31, 2013 – 45%). The receivables of the Bank from its top 200 non-cash loan customers are 52% in the total non-cash loans. (December 31, 2013 – 54%) The share of cash and non-cash receivables of the Bank from its top 100 loan customers in total cash and non -cash loans is 14% (December 31, 2013 – 13%). The share of cash and non-cash receivables of the Bank from its top 200 loan customers in total cash and non -cash loans is 18%. (December 31, 2013 – 16%) The general loan loss provision related with the credit risk taken by the Bank is TL 942.661 (December 31, 2013 – TL 816.291). Provision for probable risks in the Bank’s loan portfolio amounted to TL 106.334 (December 31, 2013 – TL 102.025). 97 98 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Conditional and unconditional receivables from central governments and Central Banks Conditional and unconditional receivables from regional or local governments Conditional and unconditional receivables from administrative bodies and noncommercial enterprises Conditional and unconditional receivables from multilateral development banks Conditional and unconditional receivables from international organizations Conditional and unconditional receivables from banks and brokerage houses Conditional and unconditional receivables from corporates Current Period Risk Amount(**) Average Risk Amount Prior Period Risk Amount(**) Average Risk Amount (*) 18.832.057 16.508.359 15.602.002 13.919.385 4.069 5.549 2.475 3.309 316 890 1.040 57.757 - - - - - - - - 6.687.803 4.165.627 4.042.213 2.258.271 15.874.036 15.788.277 13.177.326 11.512.492 Conditional and unconditional receivables from retail portfolios 22.637.293 20.607.213 19.333.625 18.854.642 Conditional and unconditional receivables secured by mortgages 15.051.645 13.435.895 11.952.456 11.395.086 541.973 514.427 496.776 460.705 6.018.347 6.094.494 6.421.821 6.115.978 Past due receivables Receivables defined under high risk category by BRSA Securities collateralized by mortgages - - - - Securitization positions Short-term receivables from banks, brokerage houses and corporates Investments similar to collective investment funds - - - - Other receivables - - - - 26.414 29.133 23.640 73.594 3.715.347 3.762.626 3.234.920 2.641.786 (*)The average risk amount was calculated by taking the arithmetic average of the risk amount after the conversion for the December 2013, December 2014 periods. (**)The risk amounts are given after the loan conversion rate, and before Loan Risk Reduction. Credit rating system The Bank uses internal credit rating system effectively in order to track the quality of credit portfolio and determine the actions required, based on customer groups and types of loans. The Bank uses the behavioral rating systems in order to measure the probability of default of the current customers in a determined period of time and to perform limit management. These rating systems are monitored regularly in line with generally accepted applications and methods. The table below indicates the ratings of the corporate / commercial and enterprise banking cash loans: Debtor has a very strong financial structure Current Period (%) Prior Period (%) 11 10 Debtor has a good financial structure 42 60 Debtor has a medium financial structure 28 19 Debtor has a financial structure which needs attention in medium term 17 8 Not graded 2 3 100 100 Total 1 15.602.002 15.602.002 Prior Period 1. Domestic 2. European Union Countries 3. OECD Countires (**) 4. Offshore Banking Regions 5. USA, Canada 6. Other Countries 7. Associates, Subsidiaries and Joint –Ventures 8. Unallocated Assets/Liabilities (***) Total 2 2.475 2.475 2 4.069 4.069 3 1.040 1.040 3 316 316 4 - 4 - 5 6 - 893.567 - 2.775.100 47.892 812 - 293.097 31.745 - 4.042.213 5 6 - 2.168.735 - 4.180.758 18.445 28.138 - 260.240 31.487 - 6.687.803 Exposure Categories (*) 7 8 9 10 11 12.909.896 19.333.154 11.949.007 496.776 6.421.480 211.294 152 3.155 145 207 38.075 16.773 9 1.288 103 294 196 13.177.326 19.333.625 11.952.456 496.776 6.421.821 Exposure Categories(*) 7 8 9 10 11 15.652.731 22.633.723 15.048.975 541.973 6.018.071 187.341 286 2.508 107 4 4.578 11 2 155 18.396 4 10.990 3.265 160 14 15.874.036 22.637.293 15.051.645 541.973 6.018.347 1- Conditional and unconditional exposures to central governments or central banks 2- Conditional and unconditional exposures to regional governments or local authorities 3- Conditional and unconditional exposures to administrative bodies and non-commercial undertakings 4- Conditional and unconditional exposures to multilateral development banks 5- Conditional and unconditional exposures to international organizations 6- Conditional and unconditional exposures to banks and brokerage houses 7- Conditional and unconditional exposures to corporates 8- Conditional and unconditional retail exposures 9- Conditional and unconditional exposures secured by real estate property 10- Past due items 11- Items in regulatory high-risk categories 12- Exposures in the form of bonds secured by mortgages 13- Securitization positions 14- Short-term exposures to banks, brokerage houses and corporates 15- Exposures in the form of collective investment undertakings 16- Other items (*) Exposure categories based on “Regulation on Measurement and Assessment of Capital Adequacy Ratios of Banks” (**) Includes OECD countries other than EU countries, USA and Canada (***) Includes assets and liability items that can not be allocated on a consistent basis. 18.832.057 18.832.057 1 Current Period 1. Domestic 2. European Union Countries 3. OECD Countires (**) 4. Offshore Banking Regions 5. USA, Canada 6. Other Countries 7. Associates, Subsidiaries and Joint –Ventures 8. Unallocated Assets/Liabilities (***) Total Profile of significant exposures in major regions Notes to unconsolidated financial statements for the period ended december 31, 2014 (Amounts expressed in Thousands of Turkish Lira (TL) unless otherwise stated.) FİNANSBANK ANONİM ŞİRKETİ 12 - 12 - 13 - 13 - 14 15 16 - 23.640 2.610.222 - 624.698 - 23.640 3.234.920 14 15 16 - 26.414 3.080.504 - 634.843 - 26.414 3.715.347 Total 70.243.259 2.989.846 48.099 38.887 309.879 33.626 624.698 74.288.294 Total 84.007.568 4.371.000 18.449 32.884 278.640 45.916 634.843 89.389.300 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 99 - 7 276 3 30 316 22 - 5 17 4.069 - - - - 4 - 3 286 - 2 4.025 4.025 27 - - 214.312 448.944 496.927 903.513 7 570.204 559.202 398 10.604 5.451.314 99.693 4.238.985 1.112.636 1.780.099 6.758.895 3.999.573 362.750 152.627 27.535 61.919 400.155 8 129.182 116.520 3.150 9.512 1.966.997 31.083 1.924.480 11.434 820.127 4.724.976 3.865.466 61.390 169.379 19.196 1.233.083 213.830 2.138 451 2.942 8.145 Exposure Categories(*) 9 10 412.726 6.765 400.103 6.567 3.039 69 9.584 129 1.609.454 43.129 46.323 971 1.543.738 42.129 19.393 29 1.715.896 22.731 4.997.238 133.289 2.493.479 115.780 639.106 1.495 19 4 10 58 11 30 29 1 244 1 243 37 803 681 4 45.728 36.733 66.254 477 12 287.148 119.151 162.911 1.861 15 - 444.016 1.313.524 14.996.011 6.316.331 336.059 6.017.233 - 6.687.803 15.874.036 22.637.293 15.051.645 541.973 6.018.347 - - 6.243.787 - - 5 6 - 6.243.787 - 1- Conditional and unconditional exposures to central governments or central banks 2- Conditional and unconditional exposures to regional governments or local authorities 3- Conditional and unconditional exposures to administrative bodies and non-commercial undertakings 4- Conditional and unconditional exposures to multilateral development banks 5- Conditional and unconditional exposures to international organizations 6- Conditional and unconditional exposures to banks and brokerage houses 7- Conditional and unconditional exposures to corporates 8- Conditional and unconditional retail exposures 9- Conditional and unconditional exposures secured by real estate property 10- Past due items 11- Items in regulatory high-risk categories 12- Exposures in the form of bonds secured by mortgages 13- Securitization positions 14- Short-term exposures to banks, brokerage houses and corporates 15- Exposures in the form of collective investment undertakings 16- Other items (*)Includes risk amounts before the effect of credit risk mitigation but after the credit conversions. Current Period 1 Agriculture Farming and Livestock Forestation Fishing Industry Industrial Mning and Quarrying Manufacturing Industry Electricity, Gas, Water Construction Servies 10.157.483 Wholesale and Retail Trade Hotels and Restaurants Transportation and Communications Financial Institutions 10.157.483 Real Estate and Rent Services Independent Business Services Education Services Health and Social Services Other 8.674.574 Total 18.832.057 Risk profile by sectors or counterparties: Notes to unconsolidated financial statements For the period ended december 31, 2014 (Amounts expressed in Thousands of Turkish Lira (TL) unless otherwise stated.) FİNANSBANK ANONİM ŞİRKETİ - - - - 12 - - - - - 13 - - - - 15 - - - - 16 - 365.996 13.482.699 191.435 885.858 TP 1.054.213 1.031.091 6.656 16.466 4.312.363 103.572 4.011.276 197.515 3.012.947 24.051.108 8.254.348 243.130 172.486 3.414.723 1.603.446 639.843 YP 64.694 51.330 13.364 4.762.800 74.499 3.738.299 950.002 1.325.943 8.965.676 2.220.631 821.615 538.482 16.897.422 1.794.881 1.525.701 Total 1.118.907 1.082.421 6.656 29.830 9.075.163 178.071 7.749.575 1.147.517 4.338.890 33.016.784 10.474.979 1.064.745 149.475 5 149.480 478.167 92.927 571.094 - 26.414 3.715.347 39.332.669 2.506.887 41.839.556 - 26.414 3.715.347 71.763.300 17.626.000 89.389.300 - - - 14 - 100 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 29.255 28.774 32.112 270.939 91.913 137.458 158.418 2.220.541 14.019.451 6.918.937 - 4.042.213 13.177.326 19.333.625 11.952.456 338.612 158.447 175.527 15.630 50.062 1- Conditional and unconditional exposures to central governments or central banks 2- Conditional and unconditional exposures to regional governments or local authorities 3- Conditional and unconditional exposures to administrative bodies and non-commercial undertakings 4- Conditional and unconditional exposures to multilateral development banks 5- Conditional and unconditional exposures to international organizations 6- Conditional and unconditional exposures to banks and brokerage houses 7- Conditional and unconditional exposures to corporates 8- Conditional and unconditional retail exposures 9- Conditional and unconditional exposures secured by real estate property 10- Past due items 11- Items in regulatory high-risk categories 12- Exposures in the form of bonds secured by mortgages 13- Securitization positions 14- Short-term exposures to banks, brokerage houses and corporates 15- Exposures in the form of collective investment undertakings 16- Other items - 24.171 41.505 197.493 - 325.994 404.825 367.745 - 3.883.795 - 807.259 - - - - - 19 7 15 81 11 12 11 1 257 2 255 50 854 701 7 552 9 812 15 313.083 6.420.648 496.776 6.421.821 1.930 217 1.542 21.342 Exposure Categories (*) 8 9 10 92.757 214.096 3.070 83.909 204.219 2.984 3.627 3.270 31 5.221 6.607 55 1.319.408 1.051.402 46.930 24.400 23.576 924 1.288.093 1.019.375 45.943 6.915 8.451 63 523.786 1.074.050 26.128 3.378.223 2.693.971 107.565 2.632.911 1.725.391 80.604 32.757 360.298 566 5 6 7 324.150 313.815 254 10.081 - 4.050.589 68.899 - 3.158.952 822.738 - 1.405.989 - 3.883.795 5.176.057 - 2.837.800 161.373 4 - (*)Includes risk amounts before the effect of credit risk mitigation but after the credit conversions. Prior Period 1 2 3 Agriculture Farming and Livestock Forestation Fishing Industry Industrial Mning and Quarrying Manufacturing Industry Electricity, Gas, Water Construction Servies 7.160.645 - 1.040 Wholesale and Retail Trade Hotels and Restaurants Transportation and Communications Financial Institutions 7.160.645 Real Estate and Rent Services Independent Business Services Education Services - 1.040 Health and Social Services Other 8.441.357 2.475 Total 15.602.002 2.475 1.040 - - - - 12 - Notes to unconsolidated financial statements for the period ended december 31, 2014 (Amounts expressed in Thousands of Turkish Lira (TL) unless otherwise stated.) FİNANSBANK ANONİM ŞİRKETİ - - - - 13 - - - - - 14 - - - - 16 - 23.640 3.234.920 23.640 3.234.920 - - - 15 - 283.489 1.536.464 388.433 604.396 YP 38.790 30.862 0 7.928 3.431.283 46.423 2.725.170 659.690 1.094.965 4.801.576 1.466.937 436.858 674.535 11.410.459 497.949 1.393.920 Total 634.085 604.938 7.183 21.964 6.468.586 117.801 5.512.618 838.167 3.030.003 22.402.150 7.277.407 555.001 83.056 8.686 91.742 424.824 76.313 501.137 40.135.021 1.618.449 41.753.470 63.303.231 10.985.063 74.288.294 391.046 9.873.995 109.516 789.524 TP 595.295 574.076 7.183 14.036 3.037.303 71.378 2.787.448 178.477 1.935.038 17.600.574 5.810.470 118.143 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 101 102 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Analysis of maturity-bearing exposures according to remaining maturities (*) Current Period Exposure Categories Conditional and unconditional receivables from central governments and Central Banks Conditional and unconditional receivables from regional or local governments Conditional and unconditional receivables from administrative bodies and noncommercial enterprises Conditional and unconditional receivables from multilateral development banks Conditional and unconditional receivables from international organizations Conditional and unconditional receivables from banks and brokerage houses Conditional and unconditional receivables from corporates Conditional and unconditional receivables from retail portfolios Conditional and unconditional receivables secured by mortgages Past due receivables Receivables defined under high risk category by BRSA Securities collateralized by mortgages Securitization positions Short-term receivables from banks, brokerage houses and corporates Investments similar to collective investment funds Other receivables Total Up to 1 month 2.333.512 172 1.944.361 1.834.152 2.755.615 161.150 9.028.962 Term to Maturity 1-3 months 3-6 months 6-12 months 211.601 591.042 122.460 537 1.074.681 1.579.089 1.162.531 342.799 4.370.701 5 302.957 1.990.886 3.345.410 850.245 7.081.082 Over 1 year 7.749.110 3.510 147.509 3.001.722 2.096.633 1.126.930 354.542 6.849.796 673.517 6.201.454 2.515.798 12.362.311 5.653.834 131 35.159.665 Term to Maturity 1-3 months 3-6 months 6-12 months 173.747 482.125 121.119 1.177 Over 1 year 7.664.366 1.296 (*)Includes risk amounts before the effect of credit risk mitigation but after the credit conversions. Prior Period Exposure Categories Conditional and unconditional receivables from central governments and Central Banks Conditional and unconditional receivables from regional or local governments Conditional and unconditional receivables from administrative bodies and noncommercial enterprises Conditional and unconditional receivables from multilateral development banks Conditional and unconditional receivables from international organizations Conditional and unconditional receivables from banks and brokerage houses Conditional and unconditional receivables from corporates Conditional and unconditional receivables from retail portfolios Conditional and unconditional receivables secured by mortgages Past due receivables Receivables defined under high risk category by BRSA Securities collateralized by mortgages Securitization positions Short-term receivables from banks, brokerage houses and corporates Investments similar to collective investment funds Other receivables Total (*)Includes risk amounts before the effect of credit risk mitigation but after the credit conversions. Up to 1 month 84 311.079 1.853.913 300.820 118.742 587 2.585.225 104.980 1.074.351 661.277 251.074 2.265.429 850 215.972 1.649.851 1.135.426 559.418 4.043.642 30.891 1.505.469 1.467.888 690.428 3.816.972 61 2.962.415 5.615.111 2.612.683 10.199.626 4.582.316 214 33.638.088 103 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Explanations on exposure categories Within the scope of “Regulation on Measurement and Assessment of Capital Adequacy Ratios of Banks”, public ratings appointed to exposures to central governments of banks and exposures to foreign banks and corporations by Fitch Ratings International Rating Institution are used. Exposures and asset groups to counterparties without public ratings appointed by the mentioned institution or other rating institutions are also weighted as per Appendix-1 of the Regulation. The below mapping between the ratings appointed by Fitch Ratings International Rating Institution and credit quality levels as per Appendix-1 of the Regulation is used. Credit Quality Grade Risk Rating Exposures to Central Governments or Central Banks Exposure Categories Exposures to Banks and Brokerage Houses Exposures to Administrative Bodies and Non-Commercial Exposures with Remaining Undertakings Maturities Less than 3 Months Exposures to Banks and Brokerage Houses Corporate Exposures with Remaining Receivables Maturities More Than 3 Months AAA 1 AA+ AA 0% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 50% 20% 50% 50% 50% 100% 20% 50% 100% 100% 100% 50% 100% 100% 100% 100% 50% 100% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% AA2 3 4 5 6 A+ A ABBB+ BBB BBBBB+ BB BBB+ B BCCC+ CCC CCCCC C D Exposures by risk weights Current Period Risk Weight %0 %10 %20 Deductions from Equity 6.214.724 30.466.072 26.570.972 1.704.518 4.043.174 270.655 %50 %75 1. Exposures Before Credit Risk Mitigation 17.973.329 - 2.145.856 2. Exposures After Credit Risk Mitigation 15.690.061 - 1.229.146 18.930.604 20.556.340 Prior Period Risk Weight 1. Exposures Before Credit Risk Mitigation %0 %10 15.315.268 - %20 901.460 2. Exposures After Credit Risk Mitigation 15.315.268 897.940 - %100 150% %200 %250 20.617.801 1.675.838 3.997.431 270.655 - Deductions %50 %75 %100 150% %200 %250 from Equity 4.465.981 25.207.895 21.975.869 1.350.578 4.528.700 542.543 352.039 14.953.510 15.870.990 18.675.739 1.328.270 4.493.971 542.543 352.039 104 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Information by major sectors and type of counterparties Information about impaired credits and past due credits and value adjustments and provisioning methods are described in Part IV Footnote 2. Current Period Major Sectors / Counterparties 1. Agriculture 1.1. Farming and Livestock 1.2. Forestation 1.3. Fishing 2. Industrial 2.1. Mining and Quarrying 2.2. Manufacturing Industry 2.3. Electricity, Gas, Water 3. Construction 4. Services 4.1. Wholesale and Retail Commerce 4.2. Hotel and Restaurant Services 4.3. Transportation and Communication 4.4. Financial Corporations 4.5. Real Estate and Loan Services 4.6. Independent Business Services 4.7. Education Services 4.8. Health and Social Services 5. Other 6. Total Impaired Loans 20.693 19.570 323 800 222.204 5.964 215.975 265 105.615 605.842 425.370 102.738 39.007 11.139 4.962 8.924 1.874 11.828 1.777.145 2.731.499 Credit Risks(*) Past Due Loans 12.879 12.632 18 229 96.111 2.222 93.730 159 55.545 259.272 172.726 31.620 26.727 4.179 1.986 8.663 2.879 10.492 1.188.886 1.612.693 Value Adjustments 852 794 1 57 9.330 126 9.192 12 6.232 23.721 16.752 2.588 2.047 354 189 806 267 718 86.468 126.603 Provisions 13.772 12.881 242 649 174.997 4.961 169.866 170 81.838 442.625 295.210 88.170 29.566 9.357 2.882 6.422 1.308 9.710 1.450.094 2.163.326 Impaired Loans 23.371 22.371 375 625 232.446 5.440 226.829 177 141.532 564.974 357.294 100.426 79.581 9.103 1.577 8.230 1.516 7.247 2.003.530 2.965.853 Credit Risks (*) Past Due Loans 8.128 7.854 59 215 68.863 840 67.774 249 38.739 224.326 141.546 24.740 26.388 2.868 9.427 7.308 2.164 9.885 1.122.964 1.463.020 Value Adjustments 768 743 7 18 5.452 63 5.365 24 2.982 20.220 13.977 1.986 2.150 315 323 721 264 484 74.855 104.277 Provisions 20.162 19.279 320 563 173.964 4.502 169.364 98 114.446 438.101 266.826 92.109 57.285 7.548 1.156 6.071 877 6.229 1.710.455 2.457.128 (*) Represents the distribution of cash loans. Prior Period Major Sectors / Counterparties 1. Agriculture 1.1. Farming and Livestock 1.2. Forestation 1.3. Fishing 2. Industrial 2.1. Mining and Quarrying 2.2. Manufacturing Industry 2.3. Electricity, Gas, Water 3. Construction 4. Services 4.1. Wholesale and Retail Commerce 4.2. Hotel and Restaurant Services 4.3. Transportation and Communication 4.4. Financial Corporations 4.5. Real Estate and Loan Services 4.6. Independent Business Services 4.7. Education Services 4.8. Health and Social Services 5. Other 6. Total (*) Represents the distribution of cash loans. 105 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Movements in value adjustments and provisions Current Period Opening Balance Provision for Period Provision Reversals Other Adjustments(*) 1. Specific Provisions 2.457.128 1.657.744 (789.396) (1.162.150) 2.163.326 2. General Provisions 816.291 126.370 - - 942.661 Prior Period Opening Balance Provision for Period Provision Reversals Other Adjustments(*) Closing Balance 1. Specific Provisions 2.135.194 1.259.820 (386.043) (551.843) 2.457.128 2. General Provisions 617.684 198.607 - - 816.291 Closing Balance (*) Represents the provision of loans written-off. (*) Represents the provision of loans written-off. III. Information on Market Risk The Bank has established market risk operations and has taken the necessary measures in order to hedge market risk within its financial risk management purposes, in accordance with the regulation on “Banks’ Internal Control and Risk Management Systems” and the “Regulation on Measurement and Assessment of Capital Adequacy Ratios of Banks”. Based on the proposal of High Level Risk Committee, the Board of Directors of the Bank determines risk management strategies and policies for managing market risk and ensures periodic monitoring of the application of strategies. The Board of Directors of the Bank determines the risk limits by considering the primary risk factors and those limits are revised as seen necessary. Additionally, the Board of Directors of the Bank requires risk management group and the top management of the Bank to take necessary actions in order to identify, measure, control and manage the risks that the Bank is exposed to. The market risk is measured by using an internal model developed with Value-at-Risk (VaR) methodology. VaR is calculated daily with historical simulation and parametric methods, whereas historical simulation is used for internal risk tracking and limit identification. Parametric VaR calculations are performed for comparison and tracking. ‘Bank Risk Tolerance’ is determined in order to manage the market risk efficiently and keep the market risk within the desirable limits. Risk Management Group monitors the VaR balances daily for compliance with the Bank Risk Tolerance. Periodic stress tests and scenario analysis are used to support results of VAR. Furthermore, conventional risk measurement methods such as cash flow projection, duration and variation analysis are also used. The capital required for General Market Risk and Specific Risk is calculated and reported monthly in accordance with the Standard Method defined in the “Regulation on Measurement and Assessment of Capital Adequacy Ratios of Banks”. 1. Information on market risk Current Period Amount Prior Period Amount (I) Capital Requirement against General Market Risk - Standard Method (II) Capital Requirement against Specific Risks – Standard Method Capital Requirement against Specific Risks of Securitization Positions– Standard Method (III) Capital Requirement against Currency Risk – Standard Method (IV) Capital Requirement against Commodity Risks - Standard Method (V) Capital Requirement against Settlement Risks - Standard Method 25.987 24.255 6.749 5.510 - - 45.766 24.440 320 908 - - (VI) Capital Requirement against Market Risks of Options - Standard Method 2.692 1.762 (VII) Capital Requirement against Counterparty Credit Risk - Standard Method 17.165 23.142 (VIII) Capital Requirement against Market Risks of Banks applying Risk Measurement Models (IX) Total Capital Obligations against Market Risk (I+II+III+IV+V+VI+VII) (X)Value-At-Market Risk (12,5 x VIII) or (12,5 x IX) - - 98.679 80.017 1.233.488 1.000.213 106 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 2. Average market risk table calculated at the end of the months during the period Average 35.279 62 26.979 506 1.627 23.171 Current Period Maximum 42.916 72 45.972 1.375 2.975 30.732 Minimum 31.278 22 7.333 46 426 17.041 Average 34.450 305 18.632 1.811 771 18.176 Prior Period Maximum 48.925 838 24.982 4.012 1.762 24.402 Minimum 27.362 40 9.472 94 249 12.177 87.624 124.042 56.146 74.145 104.921 49.394 Interest Rate Risk Stock Risk Exchange Rate Risk Commodity Risk Swap Risk Options Risk Counter Party Loan Risk Total Value at Risk(*) (*)Since Total Value at Risk is the total of the risk values, it isn’t equal to the highest and lowest values in the related period. The highest and lowest values in year 2014 are 102.092 and 64.456. The highest and lowest Value at Risk in 2013 are 100.539 and 62.408. 3. Quantitative information on counterparty risk(*) Prior Period Amount Current Period Amount 8.381.763 121.193.637 1.604.506 895 417.402 1.305.369 782.379 522.990 177.661 345.329 Interest Rate Contracts Foreign-Exchange-Rate Contracts Commodity Contracts Equity-Shares Related Contracts Other Gross Positive Fair Values Netting Benefits Net Current Exposure Amount Collaterals Received Net Derivative Position 3.536.949 99.979.562 948.684 510 385.188 1.187.949 762.885 425.064 153.107 271.957 (*) Includes only the counterparty risks arising from trading book and derivative instruments. For derivative transactions, repurchase agreements’ security and commodity lending, counterparty credit risk is calculated using the fair value methodology described in the Appendix-2, Section 3 of the “Regulation on Measurement and Assessment of Capital Adequacy Ratios of Banks”. According to this methodology, counterparty credit risk is calculated by adding potential credit risk amounts calculated by multiplying the contract amounts with the credit conversion factors set in the appendix of the regulation, to replacement costs calculated using the fair value amounts of contracts. IV. Explanations Related to the Operational Risk Value at operational risk is calculated with basic indicator method by using the gross profits for the last three years’ (2013, 2012 and 2011) as per the “Calculation of Value at Operational Risk” of the article (3) of “Regulation on Measurement and Assessment of Capital Adequacy Ratios of Banks” which was published in the Official Gazette No: 28337 dated June 28, 2012. As of December 31, 2014, the value at operational risk is amounting to TL 6.298.900 (December 31, 2013 - TL 5.313.625). Basic Indicator Method Gross Income Value at operational risk (Total*12,5) Prior Year Basic Indicator Method Gross Income Value at operational risk (Total*12,5) 2 PP Amount 2.764.673 1 PP Amount 3.487.483 CP Amount Total / No. of Years of Positive Gross 3.826.093 3.359.416 Rate (%) 15 Total 503.912 2 PP Amount 1 PP Amount CP Amount Total / No. of Years of Positive Gross Rate (%) Total 2.249.651 2.764.673 15 425.090 6.298.900 3.487.483 2.833.936 5.313.625 The annual gross income is composed of net interest income and net non-interest income after deducting realized gains/losses from the disposal of securities available-for-sale and held-to-maturity, extraordinary income and income derived from insurance claims at year-end. Finansbank 2014 Annual Report V. Explanations Related to Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Risk 1. Whether the Bank is exposed to foreign exchange risk, whether the effects of this situation are estimated, and whether the Board of Directors of the Bank sets limits for positions that are monitored daily As of December 31, 2014, the net foreign currency exposure of the Bank is TL 1.267.808 short position (December 31, 2013–TL 125.851 short) resulting from on balance sheet short position amounting to TL 8.838.502 (December 31, 2013–TL 5.830.998 short) and off balance sheet long position amounting to TL 7.570.694 (December 31, 2013–TL 5.705.147 long). The long off balance sheet position amounting to TL 8.119.363 (December 31, 2013– TL 5.242.313) is related with the FC/TL swap transactions entered into with banks and customers. The Bank used these transactions to manage foreign currency liquidity risk and to hedge itself from interest rate risk. The Bank enters into foreign currency forward transactions to decrease foreign currency position risk. The Bank also engages in foreign currency and Eurobond buy-sell option transactions. Board of Directors determine the limits considering the consistency with the “Foreign Currency Net General Position.” Positions are being followed daily and limits are reviewed at least once a year depending on economic conditions and Group strategy and updated as deemed necessary. Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Risk is monitored along with potential evaluation differences in foreign currency translations in accordance with “Regulations on Bank’s Internal Control and Risk Management Systems”. Standard method is used in measuring foreign currency exchange rate risk on a weekly basis. 2. The magnitude of hedging foreign currency debt instruments and net foreign currency investments by using derivatives The Group hedges foreign currency borrowings with derivative instruments. The Group does not hedge net foreign currency investments with derivative instruments. 3. Bank’s spot foreign exchange bid rates of the Bank as of the balance sheet date and for each of the five days prior to that date US Dollar purchase rate at the date of the balance sheet 2,3189 TL Euro purchase rate at the date of the balance sheet 2,207 TL Date December 31, 2014 December 30, 2014 December 29, 2014 December 26, 2014 December 25, 2014 December 24, 2014 4. US Dollar 2,3189 2,3235 2,3182 2,3177 2,3209 2,3165 Euro 2,8207 2,8339 2,8255 2,8368 2,8312 2,8317 The basic arithmetical average of the Bank’s foreign exchange bid rate for the last thirty days The arithmetical average of the Bank’s US Dollar and Euro purchase rates for December 2014 are TL 2,877 and TL 2,217; respectively. 107 108 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 5. Information on the foreign currency exchange rate risk of the bank Current Period EUR USD Other FC Total 1.088.220 4.312.401 1.760.007 7.160.628 46.840 161.198 16.264 224.302 32.787 86.194 15.192 134.173 - - - - 276.578 1.200.593 - 1.477.171 4.046.158 6.176.789 24.659 10.247.606 Assets Cash (Cash in Vault, Foreign Currency Cash, Money in Transit, Cheques Purchased, Precious Metal) and Balances with the T.R. Central Bank (1) Due From Banks Financial Assets at Fair Value through Profit/Loss (2) Money Market Placements Investment Securities Available-for-Sale Loans and Receivables (3) Investments in Assoc., Subsidiaries and Entities under Common Control (Joint Vent.) Investment Securities Held-to-Maturity - - - - 12.571 662.086 - 674.657 Derivative Financial Assets Hedging Purposes - 22.844 - 22.844 Tangible Assets - - 10 10 Intangible Assets - - - - 13.610 81.298 16 94.924 5.516.764 12.703.403 1.816.148 20.036.315 Other Assets (4) Total Assets Liabilities Bank Deposits Foreign Currency Deposits(5) Money Market Borrowings 250.292 815.596 53.447 1.119.335 4.071.776 8.835.612 806.870 13.714.258 227.390 1.203.793 - 1.431.183 1.628.201 5.047.300 228.693 6.904.194 Securities Issued - 3.136.821 18.059 3.154.880 Sundry Creditors 1.459.279 672.771 1.468 2.133.518 Derivative Fin. Liabilities for Hedging Purposes 41.898 108.078 - 149.976 Other Liabilities (6) 50.502 205.771 11.200 267.473 7.729.338 20.025.742 1.119.737 28.874.817 (2.212.574) (7.322.339) 696.411 (8.838.502) 1.510.261 6.691.465 (631.032) 7.570.694 3.787.761 36.916.265 1.162.690 41.866.716 Financial Derivative Liabilities 2.277.500 30.224.800 1.793.722 34.296.022 Non-Cash Loans (7) 1.093.104 2.718.582 133.991 3.945.677 16.552.383 Funds Provided from Other Financial Institutions Total Liabilities Net Balance Sheet Position Net Off-Balance Sheet Position Financial Derivative Assets Prior Period Total Assets 6.068.468 8.637.550 1.846.365 Total Liabilities 6.500.839 14.956.957 925.585 22.383.381 Net Balance Sheet Position (432.371) (6.319.407) 920.780 (5.830.998) Net Off-Balance Sheet Position Financial Derivative Assets Financial Derivative Liabilities Non-Cash Loans (7) 691.367 5.894.711 (880.931) 5.705.147 4.514.153 27.344.817 182.269 32.041.239 3.822.786 21.450.106 1.063.200 26.336.092 839.099 1.940.762 168.106 2.947.967 (1) Cash and Balances with TR Central; Other FC include TL 1.747.613 (December 31, 2013 – TL 1.691.019) precious metal deposit account. (2) Does not include TL 18.466 (December 31, 2013 – 4.133 TL) of currency income accruals arising from derivative transactions. (3) Includes TL 2.876.246 TL (December 31, 2013 – TL 2.098.813 TL) FC indexed loans. (4) Does not include FC prepaid expenses amounting to TL 4.474 (December 31, 2013 – TL 2.338) as per BRSA’s Communique published in Official Gazzette no 26085 on 19 February 2006. (5) Other foreign currency includes TL 634.454 (December 31, 2013 – TL 777.077) of precious metal deposit account. (6) Does not include currency expense accruals of derivative financial instruments kept in FC accounts amounting to TL 15.220 (December 31, 2013 – TL 1.245) (7) Does not have an effect on Net Off-Balance Sheet Position. Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 6. Foreign currency sensitivity The Bank is mainly exposed to EUR and USD currencies. The following table details the Bank’s sensitivity to a 10% increase and decrease in USD and EUR. Other variables are assumed to be unchanged. Change in Currency rate in % USD Doları EURO %10 increase %10 decrease %10 increase %10 decrease Net Effect on Profit or Loss (After Tax) Current Period (58.152) 58.152 (43.436) 43.436 Net Effect on Equity (*) Current Period (4.576) 4.576 46 (46) Net Effect on Profit or Loss (After Tax) Prior Period (10.039) 10.039 (6.911) 6.911 Net Effect on Equity (*) Prior Period (20.676) 20.676 (7.198) 7.198 (*) Effect on Shareholders Equity include the effect of the change of exchange rates on the income statement. VI. Explanations Related to Interest Rate Risk Interest rate risk that would arise from the changes in interest rates depending on the Bank’s position is managed by the Asset/Liability Committee of the Bank. Interest rate sensitivity of assets, liabilities and off balance sheet items is analyzed by top management in the Asset/Liability Committee meetings held every month by taking the market developments into consideration. The management of the Bank follows the interest rates in the market on a daily basis and revises interest rates of the Bank when necessary. Besides customer deposits, the Bank funds its long term fixed interest rate TL loan portfolio with long term (up to 10 years) floating interest rate foreign currency funds obtained from international markets. The Bank changes the foreign currency liquidity obtained from the international markets to TL liquidity with long term swap transactions (fixed TL interest rate and floating FC interest rate). Therefore, the Bank not only funds its long term fixed interest rate loans with TL but also hedges itself from interest rate and maturity risk. Information related to the interest rate sensitivity of assets, liabilities and off-balance sheet items (Based on repricing dates) Current Period 1-5 Years 5 Years and Over Non-Interest Bearing(*) Total 10.000 7.568 9.942 1.454.350 195.492 14.874.731 13.324.249 1.759.766 684.905 18.106.415 14.214.588 82.786 1.508.473 4.661.639 256.315 6.509.213 7.751.185 225.692 3.242.258 249.634 1.502.061 55.722 3.347.131 16.373.683 8.663.835 243.692 3.345.053 200.062 5.433.232 50.246.126 3.727.223 3.347.131 75.206.354 40.184 2.199.172 102.961 1.061.031 2.848.641 5.462.014 64.379 765 1.551 8.763.166 3.017.532 9.343.249 11.197.056 (390.290) (8.285.438) 8.952.959 2.911.618 6.509.213 (1.858.489) 4.650.724 20.614 6.034.042 3.610 1.629.052 54.745 38.503 12.825.946 20.606.512 (4.232.829) (4.232.829) 1.423.002 40.651.552 4.147.434 3.762.570 5.373.449 7.019.855 12.828.492 75.206.354 27.049.518 (27.049.518) 10.891.137 (10.534.217) 356.920 Up to 1 Month 1-3 Months 3-12 Months Assets Cash (Cash in Vault, Foreign Currency Cash, Money in Transit, Cheques Purchased, Precious Metal) and Balances with the T.R. Central Bank 912.650 Due from Banks 2.000 6.000 122 2.377 Financial Assets at Fair Value Through Profit/Loss (**) Money Market Placements 200.062 Inv. Securities Available for Sale 1.347.692 677.591 Loans and Receivables 10.819.801 5.063.645 Inv. Securities Held to Maturity 158.930 811.585 Other Assets Total Assets 13.441.257 6.561.198 Liabilities Bank Deposits 1.103.611 258.593 Other Deposits 24.547.984 7.767.393 Money Market Borrowings 3.412.859 730.965 Sundry Creditors 2.133.518 Securities Issued 241.279 1.167.753 Funds Borrowed 252.470 1.202.489 76 154 Other Liabilities (***) Total Liabilities 31.691.797 11.127.347 On Balance Sheet Long Position On Balance Sheet Short Position (18.250.540) (4.566.149) Off-Balance Sheet Long Position 4.644.902 6.246.235 Off-Balance Sheet Short Position Total Position (13.605.638) 1.680.086 (*) Non Interest Bearing column includes accruals and derivative financial instruments’ fair value valuation difference. (**) Financial Assets at Fair Value Through Profit/Loss include TL 1.988.746 derivative financial assets used for hedging purposes. (***) Other Liabilities include derivative financial liabilities used for hedging purposes amounting to TL 352.080. 109 110 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Prior Period Assets Cash (Cash in Vault, Foreign Currency Cash, Money in Transit, Cheques Purchased,Precious Metal) and Balances with the T.R. Central Bank Due from Banks Financial Assets at Fair Value Through Profit/Loss (**) Money Market Placements Inv. Securities Available for Sale Loans and Receivables Inv. Securities Held to Maturity Other Assets Total Assets Liabilities Bank Deposits Other Deposits Money Market Borrowings Sundry Creditors Securities Issued Funds Borrowed Other Liabilities (***) Total Liabilities On Balance Sheet Long Position On Balance Sheet Short Position Off-Balance Sheet Long Position Off-Balance Sheet Short Position Total Position Up to 1 Month 1-3 Months 3-12 Months - - 430 1.100.345 9.527.458 10.628.233 1-5 Years 5 Years and Over Non-Interest Bearing(*) 4.144 8.208.393 301.981 Total - - 8.208.393 306.125 143.371 1.990.745 4.610.988 726.128 7.471.232 35.457 20.092 752.897 616.251 12.621.186 11.295.599 1.461.877 426.414 14.875.561 12.358.356 148.678 1.343.457 3.353.664 183.148 5.028.947 3.209.336 3.557.364 (61.007) 5.742.688 1.315.581 42.724.476 28.212 2.825.779 2.644.942 2.644.942 15.647.438 66.009.767 891.681 407.569 18.716.336 10.291.432 94.004 963.089 3.314.571 385.695 711.087 370.997 1.984.147 25.711.826 12.418.782 (15.083.593) (4.947.550) 3.427.681 9.295.931 - - (11.655.912) 4.348.381 16.286 2.083.492 12.200 4.082.219 127.570 --1.054.971 1.752.159 652 2.263 7.237.620 1.894.192 7.637.941 10.464.164 (2.125.543) (8.548.548) 5.512.398 1.915.616 373 11.466 11.839 5.017.108 (1.831.338) 3.185.770 25.957 1.341.493 5.876.332 36.980.165 23.421 5.301.769 2.457 3.702.723 66.162 3.955.376 1.401.157 3.385.304 11.340.022 11.342.937 18.735.508 66.009.767 23.119.213 (3.088.070) (23.119.213) 12.723.612 - (12.505.429) (3.088.070) 218.183 (*) Non Interest Bearing column includes accruals and derivative financial instruments’ fair value valuation difference. (**) Financial Assets at Fair Value Through Profit/Loss include TL 1.927.795 derivative financial assets used for hedging purposes. (***) Other Liabilities include derivative financial liabilities used for hedging purposes amounting to TL 82.749. Average interest rates applied to monetary financial instruments Current Period Assets Cash (Cash in Vault, Foreign Currency Cash, Money in Transit, Cheques Purchased) and Balances with the T.R. Central Bank Due from Banks Financial Assets at Fair Value Through Profit/Loss Money Market Placements Investment Securities Available for Sale Loans and Receivables Investment Securities Held to Maturity Liabilities Bank Deposits Other Deposits Money Market Borrowings Sundry Creditors Securities Issued Funds Borrowed EURO % USD % JPY % TL % 0,10 3,50 3,79 4,88 2,96 0,63 4,65 5,40 4,47 5,27 4,37 - 11,19 8,81 11,24 9,78 13,65 11,38 0,51 2,00 0,67 0,03 1,42 0,90 2,30 0,66 0,11 5,40 2,91 0,25 - 10,60 9,89 8,86 8,79 8,40 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Prior Period Assets Cash (Cash in Vault, Foreign Currency Cash, Money in Transit, Cheques Purchased) and Balances with the T.R. Central Bank Due from Banks Financial Assets at Fair Value Through Profit/Loss Money Market Placements Investment Securities Available for Sale Loans and Receivables Investment Securities Held to Maturity Liabilities Bank Deposits Other Deposits Money Market Borrowings Sundry Creditors Securities Issued Funds Borrowed EURO% % USD% % JPY% % TL% % 3,34 4,81 5,59 - 4,49 5,20 4,64 5,61 5,18 - 8,13 9,08 7,93 14,33 7,71 2,14 2,96 0,85 0,12 1,55 2,29 3,05 0,77 0,08 5,36 3,1 2,09 - 8,37 8,91 7,23 9,00 8,40 Interest rate risk on banking book The interest rate risk resulting from banking book comprises of maturity mismatch risk, yield-curve risk, base risk and option risk. Within the scope of the interest rate risk, the Bank analyzes all these risks periodically, and considering market conditions, manages all aspects of interest rate risk on banking book effectively in accordance with the bank strategy. In order to this, within the scope of “Asset Liability Management Policy” risks are measured, monitored and limited on a regular basis. In the calculation of the interest rate risk on banking book, income approach and the economic value approach are applied. The analysis of economic value, duration and gap analysis are calculated on a weekly basis, analysis of the standard economic value approach is supported by different scenarios. In addition, the sensitivity of the net interest income is monitored, the prepayment rates of loans are considered managing the interest rate risk. In customer deposits, core deposits analyses are performed regularly on profit center base and the rate of core deposits in demand deposits are considered in economic value, gap and duration analyses. The interest rate risk of uncertain due credits is determined considering the nature of the credit and added to calculations. All these analyses are reported to Asset and Liability Committee and Risk Committee and by considering market conditions and the bank strategy, the interest rate risk on banking book is managed within specified limits parallel to the Bank’s appetite of risk. Available for sale securities included in banking book are daily monitored by being added to the scope of market risk. In this context, the risk level of this portfolio is managed considering the sensitivity of nominal, interest rate and VAR limits. The interest rate risk on banking book is measured legally as per the “Regulation on Measurement and Evaluation of Interest Rate Risk Resulted from Banking Book as per Standard Shock Method” published in the Official Gazette No: 28034 dated August 23, 2011, and the legal limit as per this measurement is monitored and reported monthly to the Assets and Liability Committee, the Risk Committee and the Board of Directors. Type of Currency 1. TL 2. EUR 3. USD Total (of negative shocks) Total (of positive shocks) Shocks Applied (+/- x basis points) (+) 500 (-) 400 (+) 200 (-) 200 (+) 200 (-) 200 Gains/Losses (890.295) 859.299 (23.023) 37.940 (91.694) 100.196 997.435 (1.005.012) Gains/Equity-Losses/Equity %(8,13) %7,85 %(0,21) %0,35 %(0,84) %0,92 %9,12 %(9,18) 111 112 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report VII. Position Risk of Equity Securities in Banking Book Equity Securities (shares) Comparison Fair Value 335.592 Carrying Value 14.512 14.512 260.128 260.128 360.205(*) 1. Investment in Shares- grade A Quoted Securities 2. Investment in Shares- grade B Quoted Securities 3. Investment in Shares- grade C Quoted Securities 4. Investment in Shares- grade Other (*) Market Value 14.512 14.512 260.128 260.128 - (*) Includes associates, subsidiaries and entities under common control not quoted to ISE and not classified as investment in shares by CMB. Portfolio 1. Private Equity Investments 2. Quoted Shares 3. Other Shares 4. Total Gains/Losses in Current Period 1.306 1.306 Revaluation Surpluses Amount under Total Supplementary Capital 396.9266 396.926 396.926 396.926 Total 796 796 Unrealized Gains and Losses Amount under Core Amount under Capital Supplementary Capital 358 358 VIII. Explanations Related to Liquidity Risk 1. The sources of the current liquidity risk of the Bank; whether the necessary precautions have been taken, whether the Board of Directors sets limits on the funds available to meet the urgent liquidity requirements and to be able to pay borrowings when they become due Liquidity risk represents risk insufficient cash or cash inflows to meet the cash outflows completely and on time, as a result of instable cash flows. Liquidity risk may also result from inability to penetrate to market and to close open positions quickly at suitable prices and with sufficient amounts due to market disruptions or barriers. To mitigate liquidity risk, the Bank diversifies funding sources as customer deposits and funds borrowed from abroad and keep certain level of assets as cash and cash equivalents. In order to overcome the liquidity risk, the Bank diversifies its funding sources. Besides, in order to secure short term liquidity requirements, Bank heads for bond issuances and long term foreign borrowings. The Bank evaluates its liquidity position on a daily basis. Liquidity reports, cash flow projections and scenarios are analyzed by the top management at Asset/Liability Committee meetings which are held monthly. Besides legal reports of liquidity adequacy, short-term liquidity position is monitored using the liquidity ratio, calculated daily by the Market Risk Committee. Liquidity reports in the context of Basel III are monitored monthly. Simulations for probable scenarios during crises are performed by calculating the liquidity life span according to various scenarios. List of available limits, instruments and securities which can be used as collateral to create liquidity in the event of a possible liquidity crisis is updated weekly. Alternative funding strategies to be followed in case of a liquidity problem are evaluated within the current limits and positions to be taken are determined. Moreover, in terms of “Liquidity Emergency Action Plan” early warning signals, stress levels correlated with the level of liquidity risk and actions to be taken at each stress level are defined. 2. Whether the payments, assets and liabilities match with the interest rates, and whether the effect of mismatch on profitability is measured, if any Bank’s payments, assets and liabilities match with the interest rates. 3. Internal and external sources to meet the short and long-term liquidity needs, significant sources of liquidity that are not utilized In order to meet urgent liquidity needs 12% (December 31, 2013 – 12%) of the balance sheet is allocated as cash and cash equivalents. 4. Evaluation of the Bank’s cash flows and their resources Cash flows of the Bank are mainly denominated in Turkish Lira, US Dollar and Euro. 113 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 5. Presentation of assets and liabilities according to their remaining maturities Current Period Assets Cash (Cash in Vault, Foreign Currency Cash, Money in Transit, Cheques Purchased, Precious Metal) and Balances with the T.R Central Bank Due from Banks Financial Assets at Fair Value Through Profit/Loss (**) Money Markets Placements Investment Securities Available for Sale Loans and Receivables Investment Securities Held to Maturity Other Assets Total Assets Demand Up to 1 Month 1-3 Months 3-12 Months 1-5 Years 5 Years and More Unallocated (*) Total 2.441.169 6.222.666 - - - - - 8.663.835 224.664 2.047 6.612 10.369 - - - 243.692 - 204.824 329.622 934.957 1.671.315 204.335 - 3.345.053 - 200.062 - - - - - 200.062 31.990 360 137.423 288.236 1.574.007 3.401.216 - 5.433.232 - 11.756.915 5.065.546 14.874.339 13.319.950 4.661.202 568.174 50.246.126 3.727.223 - - 74.178 427.861 881.895 2.343.289 - - 778.862 - - 138.126 - 2.430.143 3.347.131 2.697.823 19.165.736 5.613.381 16.535.762 17.585.293 10.610.042 2.998.317 75.206.354 Bank Deposits 17.791 1.105.752 259.084 40.375 - - - 1.423.002 Other Deposits 5.847.883 24.654.628 7.791.767 2.251.330 105.944 - - 40.651.552 - 7.019.855 - 5.373.449 Funds Borrowed - 165.901 528.218 3.459.251 612.517 2.253.968 Money Market Borrowings - 3.415.814 731.620 - - - Securities Issued - 7.011 725.866 1.748.860 2.891.712 - Sundry Creditors - 3.762.570 - - - - - 3.762.570 Other Liabilities (***) - 1.274.319 473.606 761.497 92.936 213.586 10.012.548 12.828.492 34.385.995 10.510.161 8.261.313 Total Liabilities Liquidity Gap 5.865.674 (3.167.851) (15.220.259) (4.896.780) 4.147.434 3.703.109 2.467.554 10.012.548 75.206.354 8.274.449 13.882.184 8.142.488 (7.014.231) - Prior Period Total Assets 2.137.549 17.281.265 4.825.032 13.758.627 17.727.073 8.349.037 1.931.184 66.009.767 Total Liabilities 5.718.769 28.400.501 12.261.606 5.730.524 3.483.345 1.570.799 8.844.223 66.009.767 (3.581.220) (11.119.236) (7.436.574) 8.028.103 14.243.728 6.778.238 (6.913.039) - Net Liquidity Gap (*) The assets which are necessary to provide banking services and could not be liquidated in the short-term, such as fixed assets, investments in subsidiaries and associates, common shares unquoted on stock exchange, office stationery, and prepaid expenses are classified under this column. Unallocated other liabilities include shareholders’ equity amounting to TL 8.574.148 , unallocated provisions amounting to TL 1.430.400. (**) Financial Assets at Fair Value Through Profit/Loss include derivative financial assets held for hedging purposes amounting to TL 1.988.746 (***) Other Liabilities also include derivative financial liabilities held for hedging purposes amounting to TL 352.080 . 114 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 6. Analysis of financial liabilities by remaining contractual maturities The table below shows the Bank’s maturity distribution of certain financial liabilities other than derivatives. The tables below are prepared by considering the future cash flows expected on the earliest cash flow dates. The total interest that will be paid for these liabilities is included in the table below. Current Period Bank Deposits Other Deposits Payables to Money Market Funds from other Financial Institutions Securities Issued Noncash Loans(*) Demand Up to 1 Month 1-3 Months 3-12 Months 19.173 1.106.943 279.100 41.426 5.847.883 24.724.422 7.966.411 2.286.766 3.417.466 732.214 - 1-5 Years Over 5 Years 111.046 - Total 1.446.642 40.936.528 4.149.680 Carrying Amount 1.423.002 40.651.552 4.147.434 - 175.678 535.637 3.590.088 1.022.653 2.404.062 7.728.118 7.019.855 3.281.374 7.014 636.342 731.953 900.716 1.796.341 2.893.493 3.357.024 1.398.108 29.299 5.892.332 9.139.332 5.373.449 9.139.332 Demand Up to 1 Month 1-3 Months 3-12 Months 21.521 893.593 413.105 16.891 5.697.248 18.867.905 10.483.143 2.126.588 3.317.341 386.550 - 1-5 Years Over 5 Years 2.900 - Total 1.345.110 37.177.784 3.703.891 Carrying Amount 1.341.493 36.980.165 3.702.723 3.064.305 1.439.872 1.959.070 776.362 5.894.444 4.290.925 7.098.535 5.301.769 3.955.376 7.098.535 1-5 Years 98.925 97.530 19.539.488 19.802.513 200.256 211.551 417.402 40.367.665 5 Years and Longer 3.104.000 3.190.582 6.294.582 Total 3.824.273 3.827.199 56.993.739 56.685.327 19.670 19.670 5.022.484 5.043.717 417.402 131.853.481 1-5 Years 100.451 97.417 16.088.058 16.133.460 341.488 32.760.874 5 years and Longer 2.785.258 2.877.061 - Total 3.840.435 3.837.035 38.135.016 38.121.949 21.491 21.491 7.959.221 7.915.249 341.488 100.193.375 (* ) “Other Guarantees” with the amount 21.077 TL does not include the foreign currency account. Prior Period Bank Deposits Other Deposits Payables to Money Market Funds from other Financial Institutions Securities Issued Noncash Loans(*) 95.141 728.985 328.402 595.586 381.751 587.544 2.231.072 1.221.119 2.166.381 1.532.773 175.541 (* ) “Other Guarantees” with the amount 19.399 TL does not include the foreign currency account. The table below shows the remaining maturities of derivative financial assets and liabilities Current Period Forward Contracts Buy (**) Forward Contracts Sell (**) Swap Contracts Buy (*) Swap Contracts Sell(*) Futures Buy Futures Sell Options Buy Options Sel Other Total Up to 1 Month 1.850.523 1.856.558 11.506.843 11.438.303 14.514 14.514 780.633 785.687 28.247.575 1-3 Months 974.118 976.448 9.743.059 9.647.248 2.933 2.933 2.555.631 2.550.382 26.452.752 3-12 Months 900.707 896.663 13.100.349 12.606.681 2.223 2.223 1.485.964 1.496.097 30.490.907 (*) This line also includes hedging purpose derivatives. (**) This line also includes Forward Asset Purchase Commitments accounted for under Commitments. Prior Period Forward Contracts Buy (**) Forward Contracts Sell (**) Swap Contracts Buy (*) Swap Contracts Sell(*) Futures Buy Futures Sell Options Buy Options Sel Other Total Up to 1 Month 1.620.526 1.622.199 7.269.352 7.430.478 255 255 2.266.981 2.266.008 1-3 Months 745.984 749.966 2.932.703 2.938.724 17.832 17.832 1.282.435 1.292.245 3-12 Months 1.373.474 1.367.453 9.059.645 8.742.226 3.404 3.404 4.409.805 4.356.996 22.476.054 9.977.721 29.316.407 (*) This line also includes hedging purpose derivatives. (**) This line also includes Forward Asset Purchase Commitments accounted for under Commitments. 5.662.319 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report IX. Explanations Related to Securitization Positions As of December 31, 2014, the Bank has no securitization positions. (December 31, 2013- None). X. Explanations Related to Credit Risk Mitigation Techniques The Bank applies Comprehensive Financial Collateral Method with Standard Volatility Adjustment Approach in compliance with the Article 34 and 37 of the “Regulation on Credit Risk Mitigation Techniques”. In this method, the volatility adjustments regarding the exposures and collaterals are made as per the standard deduction ratio that attached to the Regulation. For mitigating the credit risk, cash and cash equivalents and high-credit-quality debt instruments are used. Financial Other/Physical Guarantees and Exposure Categories (**) Amount(*) Collaterals Collaterals Credit Derivatives Conditional and unconditional receivables from central governments or central banks 18.832.057 2.283.268 Conditional and unconditional receivables from regional or local governments 4.185 43 Conditional and unconditional receivables from administrative units and non-commercial enterprises 868 Conditional and unconditional receivables from multilateral development banks Conditional and unconditional receivables from international organizations Conditional and unconditional receivables from banks and brokerage houses 6.935.152 3.253.423 Conditional and unconditional receivables from corporates 21.452.943 611.326 Conditional and unconditional retail receivables 43.162.626 324.244 Conditional and unconditional receivables secured by mortgages 15.640.025 Past due receivables 541.973 54 Receivables defined in high risk category by BRSA 6.018.659 74.423 Securities collateralized by mortgages Securitization positions Short-term receivables from banks, brokerage houses and corporates Investments similar to collective investment funds 26.414 Other receivables 3.715.347 Total 116.330.249 6.546.781 (*) Includes total risk amounts before credit risk mitigation. (**) The mortgages used for the determination of the risk categories as per the article 6 of the “Regulation on Measurement and Assessment of Capital Adequacy Ratios of Banks” are excluded. XI. Explanations Related to Risk Management Objectives and Policies The Bank’s risk strategy is approved by the Board of Directors and implementation of this strategy is under the responsibility of the Bank’s Risk Committee and senior management. Besides the Bank’s risk principles and targets, the aim of the risk strategy is to describe the Bank’s current and targeted risk profile and appetite, risk management and organization and the Bank’s general approach as defined by principal risk management capacities. The scope of the risk strategy includes the Bank and all of its subsidiaries in the financial sector. The Risk Management’s mission is to optimize the relationship between risk and returns, by taking into account the interests of customers and employees, creating value for shareholders in line with the Bank’s business strategy, consistent with both the best practices and the Bank’s risk strategy in accordance with legal obligations. The general objectives of the Bank’s Risk Management: • In accordance with the Bank’s risk management policies, in order to maximize the potential benefits and acquire the opportunities that creates value addition for shareholders, comprise the basic standards for bank-wide risk management, • In order to maintain the stability of the yields against unpredictable losses, to support Bank’s business strategy in the manner that control the risk by carrying out the business objectives, • To improve the use and distribution of the capital and to increase the risk adjusted returns by adding risk to the measurement of the business performance, • To support decision making process by providing the essential risk-related perspective, • To comply with legal, qualitative and quantitative requirements and consistency with the best practices, • Contribute to the continued position of ethics standards and strong corporate governance of the Bank, which is one of the leading and reputable financial institutions in Turkey, • To promote risk awareness and risk management culture throughout the Bank. 115 116 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report XII. Explanations related to presentation of financial assets and liabilities at their fair value The fair value of the loans is determined based on discounted cash flows using the current market interest rates. The estimated fair value of the demand deposits is the amount payable on demand. The fair values of the floating rate placements and overnight deposits are considered to approximate the carrying values due to short maturities. The estimated fair value of the deposits with fixed rates is determined by calculating discounted cash flows by using the market interest rates used for other liabilities with similar quality and maturities. The fair value of funds provided from other financial institutions, is determined based on discounted cash flows using the current market interest rates. In the table below; the fair values and the carrying values of some of the financial assets and liabilities are presented. Carrying Value Fair Value Current Period Prior Period Current Period Prior Period 59.850.335 51.599.068 59.780.610 50.856.544 Money Market Placements 200.062 - 200.062 - Due from Banks 243.692 306.125 243.692 306.125 Loans and Receivables 50.246.126 42.724.476 50.023.248 42.043.256 Available for Sale Financial Assets 5.433.232 5.742.688 5.433.232 5.742.688 Securities Held to Maturity 3.727.223 2.825.779 3.880.376 2.764.475 62.377.862 54.666.830 62.235.063 54.171.273 Financial Assets Financial Liabilities Bank Deposits 1.423.002 1.341.493 1.423.558 1.341.742 Other Deposits 40.651.552 36.980.165 40.635.934 36.999.147 Funds from Other Financial Institutions 7.019.855 5.301.769 6.830.279 4.822.893 Payables to Money Market 4.147.434 3.702.723 4.147.434 3.702.723 Securities Issued 5.373.449 3.955.376 5.435.289 3.919.464 Other Debts 3.762.570 3.385.304 3.762.569 3.385.304 TFRS 7 sets classification of valuation techniques according to the inputs used in valuation techniques based on fair value calculations which are whether observable or not. The classification of fair value calculation is as follows: a) Level 1: Quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities (market value); b) Level 2: Inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly (as prices) or indirectly (derived from prices); c) Level 3: Inputs that are not observable for the asset and liability (Fair value calculations which are not observable). In the table below, the fair value classification of the financial instruments that are recorded at fair value at the financial statements is presented: Current Period Financial Assets Financal Assets whose Fair Value is reflected on Gain/Loss Derivative Financial Assets for Purchasing and Selling Available for Sale Financial Assets Loans and Receivables(*) Subsidiaries, Affiliates and Entities Under Common Control Derivative Financial Assets Held for Cash Flow Hedges Financial Liabilities Derivative Financial Assets for Purchasing and Selling Derivative Financial Liabilites Held for Cash Flow Hedges (*) Loans and Receivables are presented in “Financial Assets at Fair Value through Profit/Loss”. Level 1 5.706.197 4.819 126 5.426.615 274.637 Level 2 3.248.582 1.253.219 6.617 - Level 3 433.736 98.143 335.593 Total 9.388.515 4.819 1.253.345 5.433.232 98.143 610.230 47 47 - 1.988.746 1.605.344 1.253.264 352.080 - 1.988.746 1.605.391 1.253.311 352.080 117 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Confirmation for fair value of financial assets under Level 3 is as below: Current Period Prior Period Opening Balance (*) 482.711 649.933 Change in total gain/loss 38.820 (19.163) 864 (19.163) 37.956 - Purchases - - Disposals - - (87.795) (148.059) Accounted in income statement Accounted in other comprehensive income Matured Loans(*) Sales from Level 3 Closing Balance - - 433.736 482.711 (*) Includes loans that are closed before maturity. Prior Period Financial Assets Financal Assets whose Fair Value through Profit/Loss Assets on Trading Derivatives Investment Securities Available for Sale Loans and Receivables(*) Subsidiaries Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total 6.194.334 3.223.092 482.711 9.900.137 163.014 - - 163.014 486 1.280.995 - 1.281.481 5.728.386 14.302 - 5.742.688 - - 185.074 185.074 302.448 - 297.637 600.085 - 1.927.795 - 1.927.795 Financial Liabilities 168 1.385.140 - 1.385.308 Liabilities on Trading Derivatives 168 1.302.391 - 1.302.559 - 82.749 - 82.749 Derivative Financial Assets Hedging Purposes Derivative Financial Liabilites for Hedging Purposes (*) Loans and Receivables are presented in “Financial Assets at Fair Value through Profit/Loss”. XIII. Explanations Related to Transactions Carried on Behalf of Others and Fiduciary Transactions The Bank provides buying, selling and custody services and management and financial advisory services in the name of the third parties. The Bank does not involve in fiduciary activities. 118 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report SECTION FIVE EXPLANATIONS AND DISCLOSURES ON UNCONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS I. EXPLANATIONS AND DISCLOSURES RELATED TO ASSETS 1. a)Cash and balances with the Central Bank of Turkey Current Period TL FC Cash in TL/Foreign Currency 590.424 T.R. Central Bank Prior Period 248.652 TL 633.496 FC 413.140 6.906.881 912.650 6.911.681 253.764 Other 133 295 451 661 Total 1.503.207 7.160.628 887.711 7.320.682 b) Balances with the Central Bank of Turkey Current Period Unrestricted Demand Deposits Restricted Time Deposits Total Prior Period TL FC TL FC 912.650 689.015 253.764 499.042 - 6.222.666 - 6.407.839 912.650 6.911.681 253.764 6.906.881 As of December 31, 2014, the compulsory rates for the reserve deposits at the Central Bank of Turkey for Turkish Lira are implemented within an interval from 5% to 11.5% depending on the maturity of deposits (December 31, 2013 – 5% to 11.5%) and the compulsory rates for the foreign currency liabilities are within an interval from 6% to 13% depending on the maturity of deposits (December 31, 2013 – 6% to 13%). According to T. C. Central Bank press release No. 2014-72 dated October 21, 2014, interest payments on TL portion of Reserve Requirements have been started to be paid as of November 2014.. In accordance with the declaration by the T.C. Central Bank on January 2015 with the number 2015-1, beginning from the liability table of February 13, 2015 the Banks will begin to maintain reserve for their fc denominated deposits varying between at 6% and 18% as to the maturities of such deposits. 2. Further information on financial assets at fair value through profit/loss a)Trading securities given as collateral or blocked None (December 31, 2013 – None). b)Trading securities subject to repurchase agreements None (December 31, 2013 – TL 126.355). c)Assets on trading derivatives Forward Transactions Swap Transactions Current Period Prior Period TL FC TL 43.664 - 107.327 FC - 1.059.341 84.274 922.629 61.661 Futures Transactions - 126 - 486 Options - 65.940 - 189.378 Other - - - - Total 1.103.005 150.340 1.029.956 251.525 119 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 3. a) Information on banks Current Period TL Prior Period FC TL FC 19.266 68 5.036 70 124 224.234 1 301.018 Banks Domestic Foreign Foreign Head Offices and Branches - - - - 19.390 224.302 5.037 301.088 Unrestricted Amount Current Period Prior Period 53.136 44.855 158.377 233.566 2.935 17.136 4.437 2.204 218.885 297.761 Current Period 1.550 3.923 5.473 Restricted Amount (**) Prior Period 1.730 1.528 3.258 Total b) Information on foreign bank accounts EU Countries USA and Canada OECD Countries (*) Off-shore Banking Regions Other Total (*) Includes OECD countries other than the EU countries, USA and Canada. (** )Includes blocked placements at foreign banks amounting to TL 5.473 (December 31, 2013 - TL 3.258) for the syndication and securitization loans received. 4. Information on receivables from reverse repurchase agreements Current Period Prior Period TL FC TL FC 200.062 - - - - - - - 200.062 - - - Intermediary Institutions - - - - Other Financial Institutions and Organizations - - - - Other Institutions and Organization - - - - Real Persons - - - - Foreign Transactions - - - - Central Banks - - - - Banks - - - - Intermediary Institutions - - - - Other Financial Institutions and Organizations - - - - Other Institutions and Organizations - - - - Real Persons - - - - 200.062 - - - Domestic Transactions T.R Central Bank Banks Total 120 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 5. Information on investment securities available for sale a) Investment securities available-for-sale given as collateral or blocked Current Period Prior Period TL FC TL FC - - - - 413.810 284.954 393.114 - Other - - - - Total 413.810 284.954 393.114 - Share Certificates Bond, Treasury Bill and Similar Marketable Securities b) Investment securities available for sale subject to repurchase agreements Current Period Prior Period TL FC TL FC 1.744.037 1.111.796 1.290.612 973.547 Treasury Bills - - - - Other Debt Securities - - - - Bonds Issued or Guaranteed by Banks - - - - Asset Backed Securities - - - - Other - - - - Total 1.744.037 1.111.796 1.290.612 973.547 Government Bonds c) Investment securities available for sale Current Period Prior wwPeriod Debt securities 5.416.289 5.444.796 Quoted on a stock exchange (*) 5.409.632 5.429.359 Unquoted on a stock exchange 6.657 15.437 Share certificates 32.137 512.433 Quoted on a stock exchange (**) 27.912 512.433 Unquoted on a stock exchange 4.225 - (15.194) (214.541) 5.433.232 5.742.688 Impairment provision(-) Total (*) The Eurobond Portfolio amounting to TL 1.199.653 (December 31, 2013 – TL 851.341) which is accounted for as investment securities available for sale was hedged under fair value hedge accounting starting from March and April 2009 and the government bonds portfolio amounting to TL 106.392 (December 31, 2013 – TL 102.502) which is accounted for as investment securities available for sale was hedged under fair value hedge accounting starting from August 2011. The mentioned financial assets are accounted for as Investment Securities Available for Sale in order to be in line with balance sheet presentation. (**) Share certificates that are quoted on a stock exchange include “exchange traded mutual funds” amounting to TL 27.757 (December 31, 2013 – TL 30.913). 121 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 6. Information related to loans a) Information on all types of loans and advances given to shareholders and employees of the Bank Current Period Non-Cash Cash Non-Cash Direct Loans Granted to Shareholders 1.715 34.288 - 32.895 Corporate Shareholders 1.715 34.288 - 32.895 Individual Shareholders - - - - Indirect Loans Granted to Shareholders - - - - Loans Granted to Employees(*) 66.957 - 71.031 - Total 68.672 34.288 71.031 32.895 (*) Prior Period Cash Includes the advances given to the bank personnel. b) Information on the first and second group loans and other receivables including rescheduled or restructured loans Loans and Other Receivables (Total) Cash Loans(*) Non-specialized Loans Performing Loans and Other Loans and Other Receivables Under Close Receivables Monitoring Loans and Loans Loans and Receivables with and Other Receivables with Revised Contract Receivables Revised Contract Terms (Total) Terms Extension of Extension of Repayment Plan Other Repayment Plan Other 47.033.475 558.858 - 2.742.621 704.540 - 712.283 - - 7.812 - - Export Loans 1.332.172 - - 165.147 - - Import Loans 6.660 - - - - - 1.051.386 - - - - - Retail Loans 12.882.158 7.312 - 975.437 19.661 - Credit Cards 8.004.085 428.900 - 591.545 337.312 - Other 23.044.731 122.646 - 1.002.680 347.567 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 47.033.475 558.858 - 2.742.621 704.540 - Discount Notes Loans Given to Financial Sector Specialized Loans Other Receivables Total (*) The loans amounting to TL 98.143 (December 31, 2013 – TL 185.074) are classified under “Loans at Fair Value Through Profit/Loss’’ in the financial statements. Times Payment Plan has been restructured Performing Loans and Other Receivables Loans and Other Receivables under Follow-up 521.096 704.492 37.762 48 - - 0 - 6 months 57.112 78.254 6 -12 months 39.914 43.675 1 - 2 years 211.054 182.621 2 - 5 years 236.032 330.100 1 or 2 times 3, 4 or 5 times Over 5 times Extension Periods 5 years and over Total 14.746 69.890 558.858 704.540 122 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report c) Loans according to their maturity structure Cash Loans (*) Short-term Loans Non-specialized Loans Specialized Loans Other Receivables Medium and Long-term Loans Non-specialized Loans Specialized Loans Other Receivables Total Performing Loans and Other Receivables Loans and Other Receivables Under Close Monitoring Loans and Other Loans and Receivables with Loans and Other Loans and Receivables with Receivables Revised Contract Terms Receivables Revised Contract Terms 22.314.585 428.900 591.545 337.312 22.314.585 428.900 591.545 337.312 24.718.890 129.958 2.151.076 367.228 24.718.890 129.958 2.151.076 367.228 47.033.475 558.858 2.742.621 704.540 (*) The loans amounting to TL 98.143 (December 31, 2013 – TL 185.074) are classified under “Loans at Fair Value Through Profit/Loss” in the financial statements. d) Information on consumer loans, individual credit cards, personnel loans and personnel credit cards Consumer Loans-TL Housing Loans Automobile Loans Personal Need Loans Other Consumer Loans-FC Indexed Housing Loans Automobile Loans Personal Need Loans Other Consumer Loans-FC Housing Loans Automobile Loans Personal Need Loans Other Individual Credit Cards-TL Installment Non- Installment Individual Credit Cards-FC Installment Non- Installment Personnel Loans-TL Housing Loans Automobile Loans Personal Need Loans Other Personnel Loans-FC Indexed Housing Loans Automobile Loans Personal Need Loans Other Personnel Loans-FC Housing Loans Automobile Loans Personal Need Loans Other Personnel Credit Cards-TL Installment Non-Installment Personnel Credit Cards-FC Installment Non-Installment Overdraft Accounts-TL (Real Persons) Overdraft Accounts-FC (Real Persons) Total Short Term 210.055 1.164 434 208.457 7.127.401 2.648.565 4.478.836 3.047 3.047 5.030 5.030 24.493 9.542 14.951 74 74 1.609.143 8.979.243 Medium and Long Term 11.621.817 5.697.708 49.453 5.874.656 22.050 21.172 878 325.411 325.411 35.000 155 58 34.787 12.004.278 Total 11.831.872 5.698.872 49.887 6.083.113 22.050 21.172 878 7.452.812 2.973.976 4.478.836 3.047 3.047 40.030 155 58 39.817 24.493 9.542 14.951 74 74 1.609.143 20.983.521 Interest and Income Accruals 234.135 172.759 447 60.929 15.481 14.751 730 83.790 33.433 50.357 22 22 218 1 217 104.666 438.312 123 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report e) Information on commercial loans with installments and corporate credit cards Short Term Medium and Long Term Commercial Loans with Installment Facility – TL Total Interest and Income Accruals 756.180 7.963.839 8.720.019 Real Estate Loans 1.130 196.154 197.284 3.718 Automobile Loans 6.224 329.069 335.293 4.549 748.826 7.438.616 8.187.442 117.907 - - - - 60.102 1.175.299 1.235.401 111.002 Real Estate Loans - 30.265 30.265 5.422 Automobile Loans 255 71.570 71.825 5.725 59.847 1.073.464 1.133.311 99.855 Personal Need Loans Other Commercial Loans with Installment Facility - FC Indexed Personal Need Loans 126.174 Other - - - - Commercial Loans with Installment Facility – FC - - - - Real Estate Loans - - - - Automobile Loans - - - - Personal Need Loans - - - - Other - - - - 1.018.246 1.431 1.019.677 11.426 Corporate Credit Cards –TL Installment 271.301 1.431 272.732 3.056 746.945 - 746.945 8.370 287 - 287 2 - - - - 287 - 287 2 Overdraft Accounts-TL (Legal Entities) 803.803 - 803.803 1.444 Overdraft Accounts-FC (Legal Entities) - - - - 2.638.618 9.140.569 11.779.187 250.048 Non-Installment Corporate Credit Cards –FC Installment Non-Installment Total f) Loans according to borrowers (*) Current Period Public Private Total (*) Prior Period 163.249 150.108 49.612.847 42.250.717 49.776.096 42.400.825 The loans amounting to TL 98.143 (December 31, 2013 – TL 185.074) are classified under “Loans at Fair Value Through Profit/Loss” in the financial statements. g) Domestic and foreign loans (*) Domestic Loans Foreign Loans Total Current Period Prior Period 49.569.219 42.209.080 206.877 191.745 49.776.096 42.400.825 (*) The loans amounting to TL 98.143 (December 31, 2013 – TL 185.074) are classified under “Loans at Fair Value Through Profit/Loss in the financial statements. h) Loans granted to subsidiaries and associates Direct Loans Granted to Subsidiaries and Associates Indirect Loans Granted to Subsidiaries and Associates Total Current Period Prior Period 157.557 110.670 - - 157.557 110.670 124 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report i) Specific provisions for loans Current Period Prior Period Specific Provisions Loans and Receivables with Limited Collectability Doubtful Loans and Other Receivables 84.959 167.353 439.784 483.952 Uncollectible Loans and Receivables 1.638.583 1.805.823 Total 2.163.326 2.457.128 j) Non-performing loans (NPLs) (Net) j.1) Non-performing loans and other receivables restructured or rescheduled III. Group IV. Group Loans and receivables with Loans and receivables with limited collectability doubtful collectability V. Group Uncollectible loans and receivables Current Period (Gross Amounts Before the Specific Provisions) Restructured Loans and Other Receivables 133 - 4.457 - 78.247 - Rescheduled Loans and Other Receivables 133 4.457 78.247 221 - 1.700 - 159.808 - 221 1.700 159.808 III. Group IV. Group Loans and receivables with Loans and receivables with limited collectability doubtful collectability V. Group Uncollectible loans and receivables Prior Period (Gross Amounts Before the Specific Provisions) Restructured Loans and Other Receivables Rescheduled Loans and Other Receivables j.2) Movement of non-performing loans (*) Prior Period End Balance 419.095 740.935 Additions (+) 1.342.701 100.285 121.880 - 1.217.475 1.208.850 1.217.475 1.208.850 - 123.310 170.148 345.348 1.152.622 Transfers from Other Categories of Non-Performing Loans (+) Transfers to Other Categories of Non-Performing Loans (-) Collections (-) 1.805.823 Write-offs (-)(**) 71 7.721 Corporate and Commercial Loans 64 7.456 286.160 265 - 338.639 Credit Cards 7 - Others - - - 420.940 671.976 1.638.583 84.959 439.784 1.638.583 335.981 232.192 - Consumer Loans Current Period End Balance Specific Provision (-) Net Balances on Balance Sheet 527.823 (*) Based on the “Regulation on Procedures and Principles for Determination of Qualifications of Loans and Other Receivables by Banks and Provisions to be set aside”, the Bank provided specific provisions for its 3rd group commercial loans with 100% provision rate in the prior period, whereas in the current period the Bank provided provision by using minimum provision ratios. After the stated change, the Bank has provided TL 79.169 less provision in the current period as compared to the provisioning method used in the prior period. (**) In current period, legally nonperforming loan receivables amounting to TL 571.958 have been sold for TL 127.600 whereas loan receivables amounting to TL 254.341 have been sold for TL 8.550 cash and share from future collections. Loan receivables that amount to 326.412 TL, have been sold for 64.000 TL. j.3) Information on foreign currency non-performing loans and other receivables None (December 31, 2013 - None). 125 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report j.4) Information regarding gross and net amounts of non-performing loans with respect to user groups III. Group IV. Group V. Group Loans and receivables with Loans and receivables with Uncollectible loans limited collectability doubtful collectability and receivables Current Period (Net) 335.981 232.192 - Loans to Real Persons and Legal Entities (Gross) 420.940 671.976 1.627.696 Specific provision (-) (84.959) (439.784) 335.981 - 232.192 - (1.627.696) - Specific provision (-) - - Banks (Net) - - - Other Loans and Receivables (Gross) - - 10.887 Specific provision (-) - - (10.887) Other Loans and Receivables (Net) - - Prior Period (Net) 251.742 256.983 - Loans to Real Persons and Legal Entities (Gross) 419.095 740.935 1.804.591 (167.353) (483.952) (1.804.591) 251.742 - 256.983 - - Specific provision (-) - - - Banks (Net) - - - Other Loans and Receivables (Gross) - - 1.232 Specific provision (-) - - (1.232) Other Loans and Receivables (Net) - - - Loans to Real Persons and Legal Entities (Net) Banks (Gross) Specific provision (-) Loans to Real Persons and Legal Entities (Net) Banks (Gross) - k) Liquidation policies for uncollectible loans and other receivables: For the unrecoverable non-performing loans under legal follow-up, the loan quality, collateral quality, bona fide of the debtor and assessment of the emergency of legal follow-up are considered, before applying the best practice for unrecoverable non-performing loans under legal follow up. The bank prefers to liquidate the risk through negotiations with the debtors. If this cannot be possible, then the Bank starts the legal procedures for the liquidation of the risk. Ongoing legal follow-up procedures do not prevent negotiations with the debtors. An agreement is made with the debtor at all stage of the negotiations for the liquidation of the risk. l) Write-off policy: Unrecoverable non-performing loans under legal follow-up, for which 100% provision is provided in compliance with the “Provisioning Decree” and with no collateral that are deemed as uncollectible are written off by the Board of Directors’ decision7. 7. Information on investment securities held-to-maturity a)Information on financial assets held as collateral/blocked held-to-maturity Share Certificates Bond, Treasury Bill and Similar Marketable Securities Other Toplam Current Period TL FC - - 398.384 - - - 398.384 Prior Period TL - FC - - - 126.049 - 126 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report b) Information on financial assets held-to-maturity subject to repurchase agreements Held-to-maturity financial assets subject to repurchase agreements amount to TL 1.554.090 (December 31, 2013- TL 1.425.091) as of balance sheet date. c) Information on financial government debt securities held-to-maturity Current Period Government Bond Treasury Bill FC TL FC 3.003.772 90.418 2.446.859 20.820 48.794 - - - - - - - 3.052.566 90.418 2.446.859 20.820 Other Debt Securities Total Prior Period TL d) Information on investment securities held-to-maturity Current Period Prior Period TL FC TL FC Debt Securities 3.052.566 674.657 2.446.859 378.920 Publicly-traded 378.920 3.052.566 674.657 2.446.859 Non-publicly traded - - - - Provision for losses (-) - - - - 3.052.566 674.657 2.446.859 378.920 Total e) Movement of held-to-maturity investments Current Period Value at the beginning of the period Exchange differences on monetary assets Acquisitions during the year (*) Prior Period 2.825.779 - 32.352 29.197 631.486 2.768.370(*) Disposals through sales and redemptions - - Provision for losses (-) - - Valuation effect The sum of end of the period 237.606 28.212 3.727.223 2.825.779 (*) Debt securities with the nominal value of TL 1.601.660 reclassified to held-to-maturity investments from available for sale financial assets on June 21, 2013 are classified under acquisitions during the year. 8. Investments in associates (Net): 8.1. Investments in associates: a) Information on the unconsolidated subsidiaries Title Address (City/ Country) Bank’s Share-If Different, Voting Rights (%) Bank’s Risk Group Share (%) Bankalararası Kart Merkezi (BKM) (*) Total Assets 58.827 Istanbul/Turkey 9,23% 9,23% Income on Current Period Prior Period Shareholder’s Equity Total Fixed Assets Interest Income Securities Portfolio Profit/Loss Profit/Loss Company’s Fair Value 25.294 34.275 962 2.912 2.644 - (*) Current period information is obtained from financial statements as of December 31, 2014 while prior period profit and loss information is obtained from financial statements as of December 31, 2013. b) Information on the consolidated subsidiaries: None. 127 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 8.2. Movements of investments in associates Current Period Balance at the Beginning of Period Prior Period 3.766 7.977 Movements During the Period - (4.211) Purchases - - Bonus Shares Received - - Dividends From Current Year Profit - - Sales - - Reclassifications - (4.211) (*) Increase/Decrease in Market Values - - Currency Differences on Foreign Associates - - Impairment Losses (-) - - 3.766 3.766 Balance at the End of the Period Capital Commitments Share Percentage at the End of the Period (%) (*) Represents classification of TL 4.211 share of Kredi Garanti Fonu A.Ş. to available for sale assets. 8.3. Sectoral distribution of associates Current Period Prior Period Banks - - Insurance Companies - - Factoring Companies - - Leasing Companies - - Finance Companies 8.4. - - Other Associates 3.766 3.766 Total 3.766 3.766 Current Period Prior Period Quoted Associates None (December 31, 2013 - None). 8.5. Valuation methods of investments in associates Valued at Cost - - Valued at Equity Method - - 3.766 3.766 Investments in associates sold during the current period None. (December 31, 2013 - None). 8.7. 3.766 Valued at Fair Value Total 8.6. 3.766 Investments in associates acquired during the current period None. (December 31, 2013 - None). 128 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 9. Investments in subsidiaries (Net) a) Information on the unconsolidated subsidiaries Title Address (City/Country) Bank’s Share-If different, Voting Rights (%) Ibtech Uluslararası Bilişim ve İletişim Teknolojileri İstanbul/Turkey Araştırma, Geliştirme, Danışmanlık, Destek San. ve Tic. A.Ş. EFINANS Elektronik Ticaret ve Bilişim Hizmetleri A.Ş. İstanbul/Turkey 1. 2.(*) Total Assets Shareholders’ Equity Total Fixed Asset Interest Income Securities Income (**) 1. 2. (*) 46.521 8.173 22.106 6.397 17.153 4.927 209 - Bank’ Risk Group Share (%) %99,91 %99,99 %51,00 %51,00 Current Period Profit/Loss 6.989 397 Prior Period Profit/Loss 3.782 - Company’s Fair Value - (*) Represents the investment for the foundation of EFINANS Elektronik Ticaret ve Bilişim Hizmetleri A.Ş. amounting to TL 3.060. In the Board of Directors meeting on August 22, 2013, it has been decided that the Bank shall participate with 51% share and TL 3.060 capital in the foundation of EFINANS Elektronik Ticaret ve Bilişim Hizmetleri Anonim Şirketi which is located in Istanbul and is founded with a total of TL 6.000 capital. The foundation of the Company has been announced in Commercial Registry Gazette, dated September 16, 2013 and numbered 8405. (**)Current period information is obtained from financial statements as of December 31, 2014, prior period profit and loss information is obtained from financial statements as of December 31, 2014. b) Information on the consolidated subsidiaries: b.1) Information on the consolidated subsidiaries Subsidiary 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Address (City/Country) Finans Yatırım Menkul Değerler A.Ş. Finans Finansal Kiralama A.Ş. Finans Yatırım Ortaklığı A.Ş. Under Liquidation (**) Finans Portföy Yönetimi A.Ş. Finans Faktoring Hizmetleri A.Ş. Istanbul/Turkey Istanbul/Turkey Istanbul/Turkey Istanbul/Turkey Istanbul/Turkey Bank’s Share – If Different, Bank’s Risk Group Share (%) Voting Rights (%) 99,60 99,74 51,06 69,00 76,13 76,06(*) 0,01 99,72 99,99 100,00 (*) The share of the Bank is 10,01%, the remaining 66,05% shareholding represents the purchases of publicly traded shares on the Istanbul Stock Exchange. (**) As per Board of Directors meeting dated May 21, 2014, it has been decided for the liquidation of Finans Investment Trust. Liquidation decision will be presented for the approval of the shareholders at the General Board Meeting and those who vote unfavorably and oppose will be granted the right to resign from the Company. The Exraordinary General Meeting is done in October 20, 2014. The decisions of The Extraordinary General Meeting have been registered as of November 7, 2014. The shares of Finans Yatırım Ortaklığı A.Ş. have been unquoted from the exchange list and markets of Istanbul Stock exchange and banned for trade as of November 10, 2014. Finans Yatırım Ortaklığı A.Ş. is referred to as “ Finans Yatırım Ortaklığı A.Ş. Under Liqudiation” since November 7, 2014. Information on subsidiaries in the order presented in the table above 1. (*) 2. (*) 3. (*) 4. (*) 5 (*) Total Assets 270.385 1.765.458 21.267 11.240 458.119 Shareholders’ Equity 152.640 557.552 21.141 10.261 32.577 Total Fixed Assets 3.119 2.853 1 544 1.056 Interest Income on Income Securities Portfolio 16.130 3.727 146.746 1.241 715 1.144 4 53.522 - Current Period Profit/Loss 1.841 48.029 1.498 540 4.192 Prior Period Profit/Loss 1.570 41.496 (2.101) 991 1.612 Company’s Fair Value (**) 112.610 260.125(**) 14.513(**) (***) 39.565 (*) Current period information represents December31, 2014 figures, and prior period profit/loss amounts represent December 31, 2013 figures as per the financial statements prepared in accordance with BRSA regulations. (**) Fair values of publicly traded subsidiaries reflect their Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE) values as of balance sheet date. (***) Represents the stock market value of Finans Yatırım Ortaklığı A.Ş. as of November 7, 2014 b.2) Movement of investments in subsidiaries Balance at the Beginning of the Period Movements during the period Purchases Bonus Shares Received Dividends from Current Year Profit Disposals Changes Due to Reclassification Revaluation Increase Impairment Provision Balance at the End of the Period Capital Commitments Share Percentage at the end of the Period (%) Current Period 405.170 21.643 21.643 426.813 - Prior Period 476.617 (71.447) (1.069) (70.378) 405.170 - 129 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report b.3) Sectoral distribution of subsidiaries Current Period Prior Period Banks - - Insurance Companies - - Factoring Companies 39.565 20.000 Leasing Companies 260.125 284.787 Finance Companies - - 127.123 100.383 426.813 405.170 Current Period Prior Period 274.637 302.448 Other Subsidiaries Total b.4) Quoted subsidiaries within the context of consolidation Quoted on Domestic Stock Exchanges Quoted on International Stock Exchanges Total b.5) Explanation to capital adequacy of the significant subsidiaries The Bank does not have any significant subsidiaries. 10. Investments in entities under common control: The Bank’s Share Cigna Finans Emeklilik ve Hayat A.Ş(*) Bantaş Nakit ve Kıymetli Mal Taşıma ve Güvenlik (**) ((**)Hizmetleri A.Ş. (*) The Group’s Current Assets Share - - 274.637 302.448 Fixed Assets Long Term Debt Current Period Profit/Loss Prior Period Profit/Loss 49,00% 49,00% 237.682 444.852 506.277 20.855 8.403 33,33% 33,33% 12.990 9.233 - 2.767 2.145 (*) Current period information represents September 30, 2014 figures, prior period profit and loss figures are obtained from the financial statements from September 30, 2013. (**) Current period information represents December 31, 2014 figures, prior period profit and loss figures are obtained from the financial statements from December 31, 2013. 11. Information on leasing receivables (Net) None (December 31, 2013 - None). 12. Information on hedging purpose derivatives Current Period Prior Period TL FC TL FC Fair Value Hedge (*) 1.459.151 22.844 1.487.743 61.426 Cash Flow Hedge 506.751 - 378.626 - - - - - 1.965.902 22.844 1.866.369 61.426 Hedge of Net Investment in Foreign Operations Total (*) Derivative financial instruments designated for the fair value hedge purposes comprise of swaps. As of December 31, 2014, TL 36.343 (December 31, 2013 - TL 84.918) represents the fair value of derivatives which are designated as hedging instruments to hedge the fair value changes in securities and TL 1.425.482 (December 31, 2013 – TL 1.464.251) represents the fair value of derivatives which are designated as hedging instruments to hedge the fair value changes in loans and TL 20.170 (December 31, 2013 – TL 56.290) ) represents the fair value of derivatives which are designated as hedging instruments to hedge the fair value changes in debt securities issued. 130 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 13. Explanations on tangible assets Prior Period End Cost Accumulated Depreciation(-) Net Book Value Current Period End Cost at the Beginning of the Period Additions (*) Disposals (-) Diposals (-) Impairment (-) / (increase) Current Period Cost Accumulated Depreciation at the Beginning of Disposals (-) Transfer (-) Depreciation Amount Current Period Accumulated Depreciation (-) Net Book Value-end of the Period Land and Buildings the Period 67.779 8.584 59.195 Fixed Assets Under Finance Lease 315.330 241.119 74.211 Vehicles 1.813 1.316 497 Other Tangible Fixed Assets 923.926 536.990 386.936 Total 1.308.848 788.009 520.839 67.779 1.044.799 6.794 (453) 1.106.237 8.584 427 16.099 24.256 1.081.981 315.330 619 55.342 260.607 241.119 11.697 3.856 233.278 27.329 1.813 1.813 1.316 203 1.519 294 923.926 87.973 2.814 77 1.009.008 536.990 55 1.561 113.132 648.506 360.502 1.308.848 1.133.391 64.950 77 (453) 2.377.665 788.009 55 13.685 133.290 907.559 1.470.106 (*)As mentioned in Section 3 footnote 5.1.d, the fair value currency difference income of 60.269 TL that belongs to the real estate, subject to the accounting of protection from the fair value risk by the Bank, is shown in the “Entries” line of the Financial Fixed Assets movement table. a) If impairment on individual asset recorded or reversed in the current period is material for the overall financial statements: Events and conditions for recording or reversing impairment and amount of recorded or reversed impairment in the financial statements: The fair values of the buildings are determined by the licensed expertise companies and as a result of the changes in the fair value of these buildings, the impairment loss of TL 453 has been booked (December 31, 2013 - TL 706 impairment loss). b) The impairment provision set or cancelled in the current period according to the asset groups not materially effecting the overall financial statements, and the reason and conditions for this: individually significant but None (December 31, 2013- None) c) Pledges, mortgages and other restrictions (if any) on the tangible fixed assets, expenses arising from the construction for tangible fixed assets, commitments given for the purchases of tangible fixed assets: None (December 31, 2013- None) 14. Explanations on intangible assets Prior Period End Cost Accumulated Amortization (-) Net Book Value Current Period End Cost at the Beginning of the Period Additions Disposals(-) Current Period Cost Accumulated Amortization at the Beginning of the Period Disposals(-) Amortization Charge (-) Current Period Accumulated Amortization (-) Net Book Value-End of the Period Rights 465.485 267.281 198.204 Goodwill - Total 465.485 267.281 198.204 465.485 104.610 570.095 267.281 78.967 346.248 223.847 - 465.485 104.610 570.095 267.281 78.967 346.248 223.847 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report a) Disclosures for book value, description and remaining life to be amortized for a specific intangible fixed asset that is material to the financial statements: None (December 31, 2013 - None). b) Disclosure for intangible fixed assets acquired through government grants and accounted for at fair value at initial recognition: None (December 31, 2013) c) The method of subsequent measurement for intangible fixed assets that are acquired through government incentives and recorded at fair value at the initial recognition: None (December 31, 2013 - None). d) The book value of intangible fixed assets that are pledged or restricted for use: None (December 31, 2013 - None). e) Amount of purchase commitments for intangible fixed assets: None (December 31, 2013 - None) f) Information on revalued intangible assets according to their types: None (December 31, 2013 – None) g) Amount of total research and development expenses recorded in income statement within the period if any: Amount of total research expenses recorded in income statement within the period is TL 3.087 (December 31, 2013 – TL 4.525). h) Positive or negative consolidation goodwill on entity basis: None (December 31, 2013-None). i) Information on goodwill: None (December 31, 2013-None). j) Movements on goodwill in the current period: None (December 31, 2013- None) 15. Explanations regarding the investment properties: None (December 31, 2013- None). 16. Information on tax asset As of December 31, 2014, the Bank has calculated deferred tax asset amounting to TL 50.050. (December 31, 2013 - TL 78.670 deferred tax liability). According to the TAS 12, the deferred tax assets and liabilities are netted off in the accompanying financial statements. As of December 31, 2014 the Bank has presented the net amount of deferred tax asset of TL 198.406 (December 31, 2013 –TL 184.270) and deferred tax liability of TL 148.356 (December 31, 2013 –TL 105.600) in the accompanying financial statements on all taxable temporary differences arising between the carrying amounts and the taxable amounts of assets and liabilities on the financial statements that will be considered in the calculation of taxable earnings in the future periods. In cases whereby deferred tax differences arising from the differences between the carrying amounts and the taxable amounts of the assets subjected to deferred tax that are related with certain items under the shareholders’ equity accounts, the deferred tax benefits/ charges are netted under these accounts. The deferred tax asset amounting to TL 35.494 (December 31, 2013 –TL 20.399 deferred tax liability) is netted in the equity. 131 132 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Accumulated Temporary Differences Provision for Employee Rights Difference Between the Book Value of Financial Assets and Tax Base Other Deferred Tax Assets Difference Between the Book Value Financial Fixed Assets and Tax Base Difference Between the Book Value of Financial Assets and Tax Base 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 200.134 208.904 40.027 41.781 641.365 346.088 128.273 69.218 150.530 366.360 30.106 73.271 198.406 184.270 (144.634) (51.432) (28.927) (257.159) değeri arasındaki farklar (300.415) (167.560) (60.083) (33.512) Other Deferred Tax Liabilities (184.205) (215.808) (36.841) (43.161) (148.356) (105.600) Deferred Tax Assets/(Liabilities), Net Deffered Tax as of January 1 Active/ (Passive) - Net Deferred Tax (Loss) / Gain Deferred Tax that is Realized Under Shareholder’s Equity December 31 Deferred Tax Active/ (Passive) - Net 17. Deferred Tax Assets/(Liabilities) 31.12.2014 50.050 78.670 Current Period 01.01-31.12.2014 Prior Period 01.01-31.12.2013 78.670 (28.369) (43.715) 26.270 15.095 80.769 50.050 78.670 Information on assets held for sale and discontinued operations As of December 31, 2014, The Bank has re-classified its real estate property with a net book value of TL 51.265 from Tangible Assets to Assets held for Sale. The auction regarding the sale of the Bank’s Gayrettepe Headquarter Building on Istanbul, Şişli, Mecidiyeköy, map section 307, Isle 1997, Parcel 41 has been approved by the Board of Directors and a “Real Estate Sale Contract” has been signed by both parties. The deed transfer will take place no later than March 25, 2015 after the conditions on the contract are fulfilled. The auction regarding the sale of the Bank’s Gayrettepe Headquarter Building on Istanbul, Şişli, Mecidiyeköy, map section 307, Isle 1997, Parcel 29 has been approved by the Board of Directors. It is decided to be sold for USD 28.000.000. 18. Information on other assets 18 .1. Information on prepaid expense, tax and similar items Current Period Prior Period Cheques Receivables from Other Banks 254.690 307.868 Other Prepaid Expenses 305.057 284.026 Assets Held for Sale (Net) 138.126 188.161 Collateral Given for Derivative Transactions 73.722 161.832 Miscellaneous Receivables 64.730 109.161 Prepaid Rent Expenses 31.657 82.739 Advances Given 9.640 30.339 Prepaid Agency Commissions 6.564 3.643 Other 32.835 54.762 Total 917.021 1.222.531 133 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 18.2. If other assets exceed 10% of total assets excluding the off-balance sheet items, the name and the amount of the subaccounts which create at least 20% of them are: Details of the other assets are described above in the 18.1 section of explanations and disclosures related to assets. 19. Accrued interest and income The details of accrued interest and income allocated to the related items on the assets side of the balance sheet are as follows: Current Period TL FC Prior Period TL FC Derivative Financial Instruments Held for Hedging Purposes 1.965.902 22.844 1.866.369 61.426 Assets on Trading Derivatives 1.103.005 150.340 1.029.956 251.525 Loans and Receivables 670.666 119.800 632.960 73.137 Investments Securities Available for Sale 132.088 100.324 95.011 11.539 48.794 6.928 23.336 4.876 997 31 143 - 50 117 133 37 Investments Held-to-Maturity Banks Trading Securities Other Accruals Total 125 - 206 - 3.921.627 400.384 3.648.114 402.540 134 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report SECTION FIVE II. EXPLANATIONS AND DISCLOSURES RELATED TO LIABILITIES 1. Information on maturity structure of deposits Current Period 7 Days Demand Notice Up to 1 Month 1-3 Months 3-6 Months 6-12 Months 1 Year Accumulated and Over Deposit Accounts Total Saving Deposits 1.478.602 - 2.302.799 11.989.509 479.169 287.251 1.491.669 3.859 Foreign Currency Deposits 1.842.949 - 1.523.086 8.626.554 441.796 159.241 482.581 3.521 13.079.728 1.783.331 - 1.504.174 8.445.573 417.655 141.878 456.424 3.521 12.752.556 59.618 - 18.912 180.981 24.141 17.363 26.157 - 327.172 329.657 - 7.469 44.378 506 281 - - 382.291 1.587.845 - 1.436.648 4.160.402 139.228 121.681 89.369 - 7.535.173 26.723 - 67.314 556.455 42.042 117.491 176.947 - 986.972 582.107 - - 3.920 42.910 5.586 7 - 634.530 1.423.002 Residents in Turkey Residents Abroad Public Sector Deposits Commercial Deposits Other Ins. Deposits Precious Metal Deposits Bank Deposits 18.032.858 17.791 - 1.105.752 259.084 34.475 5.900 - - T.R Central Bank - - - - - - - - - Domestic Banks 2.259 - - 14.220 - 4.081 - - 20.560 15.299 - 1.105.752 244.864 34.475 1.819 - - 1.402.209 233 - - - - - - - 233 Other - - - - - - - - - Total 5.865.674 - 6.443.068 25.640.302 1.180.126 697.431 2.240.573 7.380 42.074.554 Foreign Banks Participation Banks Prior Period 7 Days Demand Notice Up to 1 Month 1-3 Months 3-6 Months 6-12 Months Saving Deposits 1.633.745 - 1.986.642 10.796.200 979.428 436.045 Foreign Currency Deposits 1.538.744 - 853.894 6.321.244 644.676 Residents in Turkey 1.490.688 - 841.434 6.220.353 597.287 48.056 - 12.460 100.891 304.915 - 607 Residents Abroad Public Sector Deposits Commercial Deposits 1 Year and Accumulated Over Deposit Accounts Total 312.848 5.859 16.150.767 461.652 351.038 5.695 10.176.943 441.805 283.983 5.695 47.389 19.847 67.055 - 295.698 49.520 254 1.352.508 - - 1.707.804 9.881.245 1.462.761 - 1.760.050 3.724.540 209.984 123.627 52.502 - 7.333.464 Other Ins. Deposits 22.666 - 149.047 511.418 104.932 45.464 613 - 834.140 Precious Metal Deposits 734.417 - 24.330 11.191 6.948 161 - - 777.047 21.521 - 893.646 409.845 11.499 4.982 - - 1.341.493 Bank Deposits T.R Central Bank - - - - - - - - - Domestic Banks 2.101 - - 48.672 4.103 2.045 - - 56.921 1.284.571 Foreign Banks 19.419 - 893.646 361.173 7.396 2.937 - - Participation Banks 1 - - - - - - - 1 Other - - - - - - - - - Total 5.718.769 - 5.668.216 21.823.958 1.957.721 2.424.439 717.001 11.554 38.321.658 135 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 1.1. Information on savings deposits insured by Saving Deposit Insurance Fund and the total amount of insurance coverage limit the deposits exceeding the Covered by Exceeding the Deposit Insurance Fund Deposit Insurance Limit Current Period Prior Period Current Period Prior Period 9.502.043 7.860.834 8.529.289 8.280.585 1.833.144 1.653.084 5.793.036 5.382.496 Other Saving Deposits - - - - Foreign Branches’ Deposits Under Foreign Insurance Coverage - - - - Off-Shore Deposits Under Foreign Insurance Coverage - - - - 11.335.187 9.513.918 14.322.325 13.663.081 Saving Deposits Foreign Currency Savings Deposits Toplam 1.2. Savings deposits in Turkey are not covered under insurance in another country since the headquarter of the Bank is not located abroad. 1.3. Savings deposits that are not covered under the guarantee of deposit insurance fund Current Period Deposits and accounts in branches abroad - Deposits of ultimate shareholders and their close family members - Deposits of chairman and members of the Board of Directors and their close family members Deposits obtained through illegal acts defined in the 282nd Article of the 5237 numbered Turkish Criminal Code dated September 26, 2004 Saving deposits in banks established in Turkey exclusively for off-shore banking activities Total 2. Information on trading purpose derivatives a) Negative value of trading purpose derivatives Forwards Swaps Futures Prior Period 38.539 32.736 2.632 32.652 41.171 65.388 - Current Period Prior Period TL FC TL FC 51.369 - 1.004.649 54.068 1.041.437 110.167 108.202 - - 47 - 168 135.472 Options - 50.291 - Other - - - - Total 1.092.806 160.505 1.112.851 189.708 136 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 3. Information on funds borrowed a) Information on banks T.R. Central Bank Loans Domestic Bank and Institutions Foreign Bank, Institutions and Funds Total TL Current Period FC 107.020 4.675.462 4.782.482 TL 111.366 111.366 Prior Period FC 119.170 3.120.514 3.239.684 115.661 115.661 TL 115.661 115.661 Current Period FC 3.875.625 906.857 4.782.482 TL 111.366 111.366 Prior Period FC 2.510.248 729.436 3.239.684 b) Maturity information on funds borrowed Short-Term Medium and Long-Term Total In accordance with the diversified payment rights programme, the Bank obtained securitization loans amounting to USD 75 million and EUR 10 million with five years maturity and amounting to EUR 50 million with twelve years maturity on December 20, 2012. According to the Board of Directors’ decision No: 221 dated October 23, 2014, as of November 26, 2014, the Bank obtained securitization loan amounting to USD 397 million and as of November 27, 2014, EUR 365 million with one year maturity. c) Additional information on concentrations of the Bank’s liabilities As of December 31, 2014, the Bank’s liabilities comprise; 56% deposits (December 31, 2013 – 58%), 7% funds borrowed (December 31, 2013 – 5%), 7% issued bonds (December 31, 2013 – 6%) and 6% funds provided under repurchase agreements (December 31, 2013 – 6%). 4. Information on funds provided under repurchase agreements From domestic transactions Financial institutions and organizations Other institutions and organizations Real persons From foreign transactions Financial institutions and organizations Other institutions and organizations Real persons Total 5. Current Period TL FC Prior Period TL FC 2.706.350 2.674.209 12.101 20.040 9.901 9.901 2.716.251 1.431.183 1.431.183 1.431.183 2.502.997 2.460.644 32.319 10.034 8.165 8.165 2.511.162 1.141.561 1.141.561 1.141.561 TL 1.971.791 246.778 2.218.569 Current Period FC 262.040 2.892.840 3.154.880 TL 2.057.875 103.734 2.161.609 Prior Period FC 1.793.767 1.793.767 Information on securities issued (Net) Bank Bonds Bills Total The Bank has governtment bond issue program (Global Medium Term Note Programme) amounting to USD 1,5 Billion. 6. If other liabilities account exceeds 10% of total liabilities excluding the off-balance sheet items, information given about components of other liabilities account that exceeds 20% of the individual liability item in the unconsolidated balance sheet Other liabilities do not exceed 10% of total liabilities excluding the off-balance sheet items. (December 31, 2013 - None). 137 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 7. Criteria used in the determination of lease installments in the financial lease contracts, renewal and purchase options, restrictions, and significant burdens imposed on the bank on such contracts Interest rate and cash flow of the Bank are the main criteria which are taken into consideration determination of payment plans in the leasing contracts. 7.1. Changes in agreements and further commitments arising No changes have been made to the leasing agreements in the current period (December 31, 2013- None). 7.2. Financial Lease Payables Current Period Prior Period Gross Net Gross Net Less than 1 year 1.146 996 791 652 Between 1 - 4 years 1.785 1.550 2.738 2.257 - - 7 6 2.931 2.546 3.536 2.915 More than 4 years Total 7.3. Information on operational lease Operational lease payments are recognized as an expense in the income statement on a straight-line basis over the lease terms. The Bank arranges operating lease arrangements for some of its ATM and branches. The lease contract is done on a yearly basis and the payment is made upfront each year and realized as an expense under the “Other Assets” account. 7.4. Information on “Sale -and- lease back” agreements The Bank does not have any sale-and-lease back transactions in the current period (December 31, 2013-None). 8. Information on liabilities arising from hedging purpose derivatives Current Period Prior Period TL FC TL FC Fair Value Hedge (*) 70.738 149.976 - 75.101 Cash Flow Hedge (**) 131.366 - 7.648 - - - - - 202.104 149.976 7.648 75.101 Net Investment Hedge Total (*) Derivative financial instruments for hedging purposes include swaps. As of December 31, 2014, TL 98.050 (December 31, 2013 – TL 20.901) represents the fair value of derivatives which are the hedging instruments of hedged loan portfolio. TL 122.664 (December 31, 2014 – 54.200) represents the fair value of derivatives which are the hedging instruments of hedged investment securities available for sale portfolio. (**) Represents the fair values of derivatives which are the hedging instruments of deposits’ cash flow risk. 9. Information on provisions 9.1. Information on general provisions Provisions for Loans and Receivables in Group I -Additional Provision for Loans and Receivables with Extended Maturities Provisions for Loans and Receivables in Group II Current Period Prior Period 680.928 608.997 55.947 56.116 125.096 88.573 -Additional Provision for Loans and Receivables with Extended Maturities 36.679 30.920 Provisions for Non - Cash Loans 75.473 63.599 Other 61.164 55.122 Total 942.661 816.291 138 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 9.2. Provision for currency exchange gain/loss on foreign currency indexed loans Foreign Exchange Provision for Foreign Currency Indexed Loans (*) Current Period Prior Period 21.043 146 (*) The foreign exchange provision for foreign currency indexed loans netted against “Loans and Receivables” in asset. 9.3. Specific provisions for non-cash loans that are not indemnified and converted into cash The specific provision for non-cash loans which are related with the non-performing cash loans in arrears or the loans which were written off from balance sheet is TL 47.736 (December 31, 2013 - TL 53.760). 9.4. Information on employee termination benefits and unused vacation accrual The Bank has calculated reserve for employee termination benefits by using actuarial valuations as set out in TAS 19 and reflected these accompanying financial statements. As of December 31, 2014, TL 116.324 (December 31, 2013 - TL 86.693) reserve for employee termination benefits was provided in the accompanying financial statements. As of December 31, 2014, the Bank accrued TL 30.279 (December 31, 2013 – TL 27.628) for the unused vacations under reserve for employee benefits account in the accompanying financial statements. As of December 31, 2014, TL 53.531 (December 31, 2013- TL 94.583) bonus and premium provisions have been provided under reserve for employee benefits account in the accompanying financial statements. 9.4.1. Movement of employee termination benefits As of January 1 Service Cost 9.5. Current Period 01.01-31.12.2014 Prior Period 01.01-31.12.2013 86.693 14.092 81.685 8.288 6.032 13.322 Interest Cost Settlement / curtailment / termination loss 10.344 5.479 Actuarial Difference 19.345 (5.313) Paid during the period (22.438) (14.512) Total 116.324 86.693 Information on other provisions 9.5.1. Information on special provisions for possible risks: Apart from the information provided in 9.3, the other provisions are given below as follows Current Period Prior Period Other provisions made for close monitoring loans portfolio 106.334 102.025 General reserves for possible risks 82.000 - Provision for Promotion Expenses of Credit Cards 12.495 20.138 Other Provisions Total 47.040 77.249 247.869 199.412 As of December 31, 2014, The Bank has made a provision of 106.334 TL (December 31, 2013- 102.025 TL) for the possible risks in its loan portfolio by taking the collection rate of its watchlist into account. 139 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 10.Taxation 10.1. Current taxes 10.1.1. Current tax liability As of December 31, 2014, the Bank have TL 228.268 current tax liability (December 31, 2013 - TL 298.168) and TL 57.490 advance taxes (December 31, 2013 - TL 196.711). The Bank presents net of current tax liability and prepaid tax amount in unconsolidated financial statements. 10.1.2. Information on taxes payable Current Period Prior Period Corporate taxes payable 170.778 101.457 Banking and Insurance Transaction Tax (BITT) 40.495 33.619 Taxation on Securities Income Taxation on Real Estates Income 1.893 1.803 38.497 31.734 Other 17.664 17.159 Total 269.327 185.772 The “Corporate Taxes Payable” balance is presented in the “Current Tax Liability” account and other taxes are presented in the “Other Liabilities” account in the accompanying unconsolidated financial statements. 10.1.3. Information on premiums Current Period Prior Period Social Security Premiums - Employee Share 6.693 7.015 Social Security Premiums - Employer Share 7.268 7.511 Unemployment Insurance - Employee Share 470 494 Unemployment Insurance - Employer Share 942 987 15.373 16.007 Total 11. Information on payables related to assets held for sale None (December 31, 2013 – None). 12. Information on subordinated loans TL Current Period FC TL Prior Period FC - From Domestic Banks - - - From Other Domestic Institutions - - - - From Foreign Banks - 2.121.712 - 1.950.719 From Other Foreign Institutions - - - - 2.121.712 - 1.950.719 The Bank received USD 650 million of subordinated loans during 2008 and USD 325 million of subordinated loans during 2009 from its main shareholder, National Bank of Greece S.A. The loan amounting to USD 325 million which was received in 2008 is closed in 2010 to be used in capital increase. In addition, the Bank received USD 260 million subordinated loan in 2011 from National Bank of Greece S.A. Aforementioned loans are subject to interest payment every 6 months and principal payment at maturity. USD 585 million of existing subordinate loans will mature in 2021, USD 325 million will mature in 2020. 140 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 13. Information on shareholder’s equity 13.1. Paid-in capital 13.2. Current Period Prior Period Common Stock 2.835.000 2.700.000 Preferred Stock - - Paid-in capital amount, explanation as to whether the registered share capital system is applicable at bank; if so the amount of registered share capital Capital System Paid-in Capital Ceiling(*) 2.835.000 12.000.000 Registered Capital System (*) According to the Board of Directors decision dated September 16, 2014, the Bank has decided to increase the registered capital ceiling from TL 6.000.000 to TL 12.000.000 and subject decision has been approved by the General Assembly of December 4, 2014. 13.3. Information on share capital increases and their sources; other information on any increase in capital shares during the current period Increase Date 24 June 2014 13.4. Increase Amount Cash Profit Reserves held subject to the Increase Capital Reserves held subject to the Increase - 135.000 - 135.000 Information on share capital increases from revaluation funds None (December 31, 2013 – None). 13.5. Capital commitments in the last fiscal year and at the end of the following period, the general purpose of these commitments and projected resources required to meet these commitments The Bank does not have any capital commitments, all of the capital is fully paid-in. 13.6. Prior periods’ indicators related with the Bank’s income, profit and liquidity and the possible effects of the uncertainties in these indicators on the Bank’s equity None (December 31, 2013 – None). 13.7. Information on the privileges given to stocks representing the capital According to the Board of Directors decision dated September 16, 2014, it has been decided that 100 founder shares issued to National Bank of Greece in accordance with the Bank’s Articles of Association will be canceled at no cost. Subject decision has been approved in the General Council meeting on December 4, 2014. The profit distribution is performed according to the prevailing regulations and the Articles of Association. Accordingly, 5% of the distributable profit is appropriated as legal reserves, 5% of the paid up capital is paid out as first dividend. 14. Common stock issue premiums, shares and equity instruments Current Period Prior Period 28.350.000 27.000.000 Number of Stocks (Thousands) Preferred Capital Stock - - Common Stock Issue Premiums (*) 714 714 Common Stock Withdrawal Profits - - Other Capital Instruments - - (*) Due to the Bank’s capital increase at the prior periods, common stock issue premiums accounted amounting to TL 714. 141 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 15. Securities value increase fund Prior Period FC TL FC Associates, Subsidiaries and Entities under Common Control 396.926 - 367.086 - Valuation Difference 396.926 - 367.086 - - - - - Securities Available-for-Sale 4.763 (56.619) (85.632) (136.568) Valuation Difference 4.763 (56.619) (85.632) (136.568) Foreign Exchange Rate Difference Foreign Exchange Rate Difference Total 16. Current Period TL 401.689 (56.619) - - 281.454 (136.568) Accrued interest and expenses The details of accrued interest and expenses allocated to the related items on the liability side of the balance sheet are as follows: Current Period Deposits Derivative Financial Liabilities Held for Trading Prior Period TL FC TL FC 169.770 19.211 157.980 25.541 1.092.806 160.505 1.112.851 189.708 Funds Borrowed 2.038 28.886 1.700 21.721 Money Market Borrowings 2.227 1.382 821 1.660 202.104 149.976 7.648 75.101 Derivative Financial Liabilities Held for Hedging Purposes Other Accruals Total 41.340 44.237 27.734 41.583 1.510.285 404.197 1.308.734 355.314 142 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report SECTION FIVE III. EXPLANATIONS AND DISCLOSURES RELATED TO OFF-BALANCE SHEET ITEMS 1. Information related to off-balance sheet contingencies 1.1. Type and amount of irrevocable commitments Current Period 16.812.040 17.067.174 Commitment For Use Guaranteed Credit Allocation 8.537.065 5.424.755 Forward Asset Purchase Commitments 2.550.320 1.076.853 Payment Commitments for Cheques 2.420.299 2.060.004 Other Irrevocable Commitments Credit Cards and Promotions in regards to Banking Services Uyg. Taah.İliş Prom. Uyg. Taah Tax and Fund Liabilities due to Export Commitments Total 1.2. Prior Period Credit Cards Limit Commitments 565.897 54.242 22.604 38.002 7.626 6.988 30.915.851 25.728.018 Type and amount of possible losses from off-balance sheet items Specific provision is provided for the non-cash loans amounting to TL 47.736 (December 31, 2013 - TL 53.760) followed in the off-balance sheet accounts that are not indemnified and liquidated yet. 1.3 Final guarantees, provisional guarantees, sureties and similar transactions Current Period 912.287 609.831 Letters of Credit 812.318 548.606 Other Guarantees Total 1.4. 21.077 19.399 1.745.682 1.177.836 Current Period Prior Period Final guarantees, provisional guarantees, sureties and similar transactions Provisional Letters of Guarantee Final Letters of Guarantee 2. Prior Period Bank Loans 412.514 290.037 4.054.914 3.640.553 Advance Letters of Guarantee 201.394 191.920 Letters of Guarantee Given to Customs Offices 266.710 198.665 Other Letters of Guarantee 2.479.195 1.618.923 Total 7.414.727 5.940.098 Total amount of non-cash loans Current Period Prior Period Non-Cash Loans granted for Obtaining Cash Loans 477.125 317.326 Less Than or Equal to One Year with Original Maturity 63.872 14.451 413.253 302.875 Other Non-Cash Loans 8.683.284 6.800.608 Total 9.160.409 7.117.934 More Than One Year with Original Maturity 143 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 3. Information on risk concentration in sector terms in non-cash loans Current Period Agricultural % FC % TL % FC % 38.340 0,73 10.157 0,26 16.207 0,39 2.362 0,08 0,07 Farming and Raising Livestock 35.181 0,67 8.106 0,21 13.627 0,33 2.033 Forestry 746 0,01 - - 1.440 0,03 - - Fishing 2.413 0,05 2.051 0,05 1.140 0,03 329 0,01 977.016 18,74 1.987.079 50,63 882.213 21,15 1.523.356 52,02 27.120 0,52 - - 25.599 0,61 771 0,03 692.665 13,28 1.557.967 39,70 554.277 13,29 1.213.207 41,43 10,56 Manufacturing Mining and Quarrying Production Electricity, gas and water Construction Services Wholesale and Retail Trade Hotel, Food and Beverage Services Transportation&Communication Financial Institutions 257.231 4,93 429.112 10,93 302.337 7,25 309.378 1.274.329 24,44 550.172 14,02 932.925 22,37 369.150 12,61 2.838.584 54,43 1.364.461 34,77 2.256.615 54,1 1.016.629 34,72 1.663.568 31,90 699.396 17,82 1.289.108 30,91 504.487 17,23 54.015 1,04 60.312 1,54 36.356 0,87 13.353 0,46 109.173 2,09 47.105 1,20 94.292 2,26 97.140 3,32 602.922 11,56 402.638 10,26 491.441 11,78 301.735 10,3 2.517 0,05 2.158 0,05 2.684 0,06 1.868 0,06 173.592 3,33 30.618 0,78 155.682 3,73 84.051 2,87 5.087 0,10 10 0,00 4.044 0,10 9 - 227.710 4,37 122.224 3,11 183.008 4,39 13.986 0,48 Real Estate and Renting Services Self Employment Services Educational Services Health and Social Services Other (*) Total (*) 4. Prior Period TL 86.463 1,66 12.731 0,32 82.007 1,99 17.071 0,57 5.214.732 100,00 3.924.600 100,00 4.169.967 100,00 2.928.568 100,00 Does not include foreign currency balance of “Other Guarantees” amounting to TL 21.077 (December 31, 2013 - TL 19.399). Information on non-cash loans classified in first and second groups (*) TL I. Group FC TL II. Group FC 5.059.147 2.145.703 119.260 42.881 8.934 891.831 - 11.522 Letters of Credit - 811.958 - 360 Endorsements - - - - Purchase Guarantees for Securities Issued - - - - Factoring Related Guarantees - - - - Other Collaterals and Sureties - 21.077 - - 5.068.081 3.870.569 119.260 54.763 Letters of Guarantee Bills of Exchange and Acceptances Non-cash Loans (*) Does not include non-cash loans amounting to TL 47.736 , for which provision is provided, but which are not indemnified and not liquidated yet. 144 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 5. Information on derivative financial instruments Current Period Prior Period 91.902.213 7.651.472 67.480.400 Forward transactions(*) Swap transactions 74.145.200 43.885.478 Types of trading transactions Foreign Currency Related Derivative Transactions (I) 7.677.470 39.340 42.982 Option transactions 10.066.201 15.874.470 Interest Related Derivative Transactions (II) 9.542.658 8.365.844 Futures transactions Forward rate transactions - - 9.542.658 8.365.844 Interest option transactions - - Futures interest transactions - - Security option transactions - - 417.402 341.488 101.862.273 76.187.732 Fair value hedges 19.206.081 17.234.950 Cash flow hedges 10.785.127 6.770.693 Interest rate swap transactions Other trading derivative transactions (III) A.Total Trading Derivative Transactions (I+II+III) Types of hedging transactions Net investment hedges - - B.Total Hedging Related Derivatives 29.991.208 24.005.643 Total Derivative Transactions (A+B) 131.853.481 100.193.375 (*) This line also includes Forward Asset Purchase Commitments accounted for under Commitments. As of December 31, 2014, breakdown of the Bank’s foreign currency forward and swap and interest rate swap transactions based on currencies are disclosed below in their TL equivalents: Forward Buy(**) Forward Sell(**) Swap Buy(*) Swap Sell (*) Option Buy Option Sell Future Buy Futures Sell Other Current Period TL 1.824.574 1.193.287 20.666.332 28.477.283 1.502.096 1.608.873 448 448 - USD 1.158.737 2.152.924 33.503.776 25.832.069 2.234.524 2.220.577 19.222 19.222 417.402 EURO 505.723 379.428 2.682.753 1.241.365 599.284 656.707 - - - Other 335.237 101.562 140.878 1.134.610 686.580 557.560 - - - Total 3.824.271 Forward Buy(**) 3.827.201 Forward Sell (**) 56.993.739 Swap Buy (*) 56.685.327 Swap Sell (*) 5.022.484 Option Buy 5.043.717 Option Sell 19.670 Future Buy 19.670 Futures Sell 417.402 Other Prior Period 1.564.585 1.786.489 13.318.339 18.547.585 3.031.745 3.225.306 255 255 - USD TL 1.379.951 1.493.252 23.467.275 16.973.894 2.476.355 2.961.723 21.236 21.236 341.488 EURO 852.426 533.866 1.326.918 1.594.862 2.334.809 1.694.057 - - - Other 43.473 23.428 22.484 1.005.608 116.312 34.163 - - - Total 3.840.435 3.837.035 38.135.016 38.121.949 7.959.221 7.915.249 21.491 21.491 341.488 (*) This column also includes hedging purpose derivatives. (**)This column also includes Forward Asset Purchase Commitments and accounted for under Commitments. As of December 31, 2014, the Bank has no derivative transactions for hedge of net investment. Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 5.1 Fair value hedge accounting a) Loans The Bank enters into swap transactions in order to hedge itself from the changes in the fair value due to the changes in market interest rates of a certain portion of its long-term loans and applies fair value hedge accounting as per TAS 39. As of balance sheet date; the mortgage loans amounting to TL 5.529.871 (December 31, 2013 – TL 5.098.190) were subject to hedge accounting by swaps with a nominal of TL 5.683.996 (December 31, 2013 – TL 6.557.217). On December 31, 2014 the net market valuation difference gain amounting to TL 33.986 due to the gains amounting to TL 199.124 (December 31, 2013 – TL 523.221 loss) and losses from swaps amounting to TL 165.139 (December 31, 2013 – TL 536.942 gain) is accounted for under “gains / (losses) from financial derivatives transactions” line in the accompanying financial statements. The net gain from market valuation difference of 33.986 TL, has been realized in the financial statements attached under the account “Gain/Loss from Derivative Financial Transactions”. As at balance sheet date, project finance loans amounting to TL 148.712 (December 31, 2013 – TL 164.290) were subject to hedge accounting by swaps with a nominal of TL 144.000 (December 31, 2013 – TL 159.732). In 2014 the net market valuation difference gain amounting to TL 1.504 due to the losses amounting to TL 6.583 (December 31, 2013 – TL 16.536 loss) from swaps and gains from loans amounting to TL 8.087 (December 31, 2013 – TL 17.493 gain), is accounted for under “gains / (losses) from financial derivatives transactions” line in the accompanying financial statements. When the fair value hedge accounting cannot be effectively continued as stated in TAS 39, the fair value hedge accounting is ceased. The fair value differences of the hedged loans are amortized through income statement until the maturity of the hedged loans. The Bank has booked the valuation effect amounting to TL 31.322 (December 31, 2013 – TL 52.638) related to the loans that are ineffective for hedge accounting under “gains / (losses) from financial derivatives transactions” as loss during the current period. b) Investment securities available for sale The Bank applies fair value hedge accounting to hedge itself against the changes in the interest rates related to long term foreign currency Eurobonds with fixed coupon held by the Bank using swaps as hedging instruments. As at the balance sheet date; Eurobonds with a nominal of USD 301 million and EUR 70.8 million (December 31, 2013 – USD 333 million and EUR 26 million) were subject to hedge accounting by interest rate swaps with the same nominal value. On December 31, 2014, the net market valuation difference loss amounting to TL 68 due to income from Eurobonds amounting to TL 97.880 (December 31, 2013 – TL 100.381 loss) and loss from swaps amounting to TL 97.948 (December 31, 2013 – TL 100.155 gain) is accounted for under “gains / (losses) from financial derivatives transactions” line in the accompanying financial statements. The Bank applies fair value hedge accounting to hedge itself against the changes in the interest rates related to long term TL government bonds with fixed coupon held by the Bank using swaps as hedging instruments. As at the balance sheet date; government bonds with a nominal of TL 102.030 (December 31, 2013 – TL 198.305) were subject to hedge accounting by swaps with the same nominal value. On December 31, 2014, the net market valuation difference gain amounting to TL 84 due to losses from government bonds amounting to TL 934 (December 31, 2013 – TL 12.760 loss) and gains from swaps amounting to TL 1.019 (December 31, 2013 – TL 14.013 gain) is accounted for under “gains / (losses) from financial derivatives transactions” line in the accompanying financial statements. c) Bonds issued The Bank applies fair value hedge accounting to hedge against the changes in the interest rates related to the foreign currency bonds issued using interest rate swaps as hedging instruments. As of the balance sheet date, bonds with nominal amount of USD 650 million (December 31, 2013 – USD 367 Million) have been subject to hedge accounting with the same nominal amount of swaps. As of December 31, 2014, TL 61 net fair valuation difference loss, net of TL 10.377 (December 31, 2013 – TL 7.034 gain) income from issued bonds and TL 10.438 (December 31, 2013 – TL 7.044 losses) expense from swaps, has been recorded under “Gains / (losses) from financial derivatives transactions” on accompanying financial statements. d) Tangible Assets Until December 31, 2014, the Parent Bank has designated fair value hedge accounting through foreign currency fundings to be hedged from fair value changes resulting from currency changes in real estate property which has been bought in foreign currency and has a market value denominated in foreign currency. As of December 31, 2014, aforementioned hedge has been ceased and TL 60.269 fair value foreign currency gain will be amortised through the economic life of the real estate. As of December 31, 2014, the effectiveness tests of abovementioned hedge relationships have been found to be effective. 145 146 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 5.2 Cash flow hedge accounting a) Deposit The Bank applies cash flow hedge accounting using interest rate swaps in order to hedge itself from the interest rate changes of deposits that have an average maturity until 3 month, the Bank implements cash flow hedge accounting with interest rate swaps. The Bank implements efficiency tests at the balance sheet dates for hedging purposes; the effective portions are accounted for under equity “Hedging Funds”, whereas the ineffective portions are accounted for at income statement as defined in TAS 39. As at the balance sheet date, swaps amounting to TL 1.057.388 are subject to hedge accounting as hedging instruments (December 31, 2013 – TL 169.643). As a result of the mentioned hedge accounting, fair value gains before taxes amounting to TL 20.178 are accounted for under equity during the current period (December 31, 2013 – 15.383 TL gain)The ineffective portion of loss amounting to TL 127 (December 31, 2013 – TL 5 gain) is accounted for at the income statement. As at the balance sheet date, swaps amounting to USD 1.854 million are subject to hedge accounting as hedging instruments (December 31, 2013 – USD 1.470 million). As a result of the mentioned hedge accounting, fair value losses before taxes amounting to TL 140.268 are accounted for under equity during the current period (December 31, 2013 – TL 112.448 gain). The losses amounting to TL 245 (December 31, 2013 – TL 164 gain) concerning for the ineffective portions are accounted for at the income statement. When the fair value hedge accounting cannot be effectively continued as stated in TAS 39, the fair value hedge accounting is ceased. Effective parts classified under equity due to hedge accounting are amortized through income statement until the maturity of swaps in case of ineffectiveness. In the current period TL 2.399 loss (December 31, 2013 – TL 4.684 loss) has been transferred from equity to income statement due to ineffectiveness or matured swaps. As of December 31, 2014, the effectiveness tests of abovementioned hedge relationships have been found to be effective. b) Tangible Assets The Bank applies cash flow hedge accounting to hedge its foreign currency assets held for sale from foreign currency risk through foreign currency liabilities. As at balance sheet date foreign exchange losses amounting to TL 10.136 (December 31, 2013 – None) have been accounted under other comprehensive income. 6. Credit derivatives and risk exposures on credit derivatives As of December 31, 2014, in the Bank’s “other irrevocable commitments”, there are commitments for “credit linked notes” with a nominal of USD 9.089.264 (December 31, 2013: USD 9.089.264). As of December 31, 2014, “Credit Default Swaps” with nominal amount of USD 180.000.000 (December 31, 2013: USD 160.000.000) are included in Bank’s “Swap Interest Sell Transactions.” In aforementioned transaction, the Bank is the seller of the protection. 7. Information on contingent liabilities and assets None. (December 31, 2013 – None) 8. Information on the services in the name and account of third parties The Bank acts as an investment agent for banking transactions on behalf of its customers and provides custody services. Such transactions are followed under off-balance sheet accounts. 9. Information on the Bank’s rating by international rating institutions MOODY’S December 2013 Long-Term Deposit Rating (FC) Long-Term Deposit Rating (TL) Short-Term Deposit Rating (YP) Short-Term Deposit Rating (TL) Financial Strength Appearance Ba2 Ba2 NP NP E+ (b1) Stable FITCH April 2014 Long -Term Foreign Curr. Short-Term Foreign Curr. Long-Term TL Short-Term TL Long-Term National Appearance Support Individual BBBF3 BBBF3 AA+(tur) Stable 3 bbb- CI February 2013 Long-Term Foreign Curr. Short-Term Foreign Curr. BB+ B Foreign Currency Rating TL Rating Long Term (TL) Short Term (TL) Financial Strength Rating Financial Strength Apperance Support Stable Stable BB+ B BBB+ Stable 3 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report SECTION FIVE IV. EXPLANATIONS AND DISCLOSURES RELATED TO THE INCOME STATEMENT 1. a)Information on interest income received from loans Interest on loans Short-Term Loans Medium and Long-Term Loans Non-Performing Loans Resource Utilization Support Fund Premiums Total b) TL 2.550.276 2.640.404 113.761 5.304.441 Current Period FC 56.914 238.177 295.091 TL 1.549 232 1.781 Current Period FC 7 86 93 TL 5.669 16.499 405.407 325.193 752.768 Current Period FC 233 881 68.767 25.957 95.838 Prior Period FC 38.922 164.626 203.548 TL - Prior Period FC - 464 304 - 3 178 - 768 181 TL 11.217 30.174 343.729 76.789 461.909 Prior Period FC 175 1.196 63.381 6.796 71.548 Information on interest income from banks T.R. Central Bank Domestic Banks Foreign Banks Foreign Headquarters and Branches Total c) TL 2.487.150 2.325.773 108.943 4.921.866 Information on interest income from securities portfolio Held-for-Trading Financial Assets Financial Assets at FVTPL Investment Securities Available for Sale Investment Securities Held to Maturity Total As stated in Section Three disclosure VII, the Bank has inflation indexed (CPI) government bonds in its available for sale and heldto-maturity portfolios. As disclosed in ‘Inflation Indexed Bonds Manual’ published by Turkish Treasury, reference index used for the actual payments is determined based on inflation rates of two months before. The Bank determines the estimated inflation rates in line with this. Estimated inflation rate used is updated throughout the year as found necessary. In this context, as of December 31, 2014, estimated inflation rate used in valuation of such assets has been updated according to actual annual inflation rate of 8,96%. Had the above mentioned change in estimate related to those CPI linked securities had not been made, interest income would decrease by TL 68.778 and security value increase fund under equity would increase by TL 14.855 after tax effect. d) Information on interest income received from associates and subsidiaries Interest Received from Associates and Subsidiaries 2. Current Period Prior Period 2.626 3.511 a) Information on interest expense related to funds borrowed Banks T.R. Central Bank Domestic Banks Foreign Banks Foreign Head Offices and Branches Other Institutions Total TL Current Period FC TL Prior Period FC 6.652 57 7.425 14.134 3.393 184.288 187.681 5.934 25 5.959 3.161 143.758 146.919 147 148 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report b) Information on interest expense paid to associates and subsidiaries Interest Paid to Associates and Subsidiaries Current Period Prior Period 27.937 24.950 c)Information on interest expense paid to securities issued As of December 31, 2014 interest paid to securities issued is TL 317.396 (December 31, 2013 – TL 252.784). d) Information on maturity structure of interest expenses on deposits Current Period Demand Deposits Account Time Deposits Up to Up to Up to 1 Month 3 Months 6 Months Up to 1 Year Over Accumulated 1 Year Deposit Account Total Turkish Lira Bank Deposits - 12.951 6.318 1.623 288 - - 21.180 Saving Deposits 3 154.378 1.120.822 91.882 38.827 112.144 - 1.518.056 Public Sector Deposits - 639 3.408 51 102.588 - - 106.686 Commercial Deposits - 155.720 422.401 31.933 17.600 6.518 - 634.172 Other Deposits - 3.357 73.089 13.891 53.878 3.720 - 147.935 7 Days Call Accounts - - - - - - - - Total 3 327.045 1.626.038 139.380 213.181 122.382 Foreign Currency - 23.841 158.417 10.483 6.488 12.669 Deposits - 2.428.029 - 211.898 23.148 29 19.267 3.566 248 38 - - 7 Days Call Accounts - - - - - - - - Precious Metal Deposits - 484 - - - - - 484 Total 29 43.592 161.983 10.731 6.526 12.669 - 235.530 Grand Total 32 370.637 1.788.021 150.111 219.707 135.051 Bank Deposits - 2.663.559 Information on maturity structure of interest expense on deposits Prior Period Account Demand Deposits Up to 1 Month Time Deposits Up to 3 Up to 6 Months Months Up to 1 Year Over 1 Accumulated Year Deposit Account Total Turkish Lira Bank Deposits - 2.057 13.445 7.028 269 269 - 23.068 Saving Deposits 9 142.805 692.559 133.170 94.624 7.930 149 1.071.246 Public Sector Deposits - 128 2.598 93 45.904 3 - 48.726 Commercial Deposits - 131.471 259.797 48.066 11.808 2.215 - 453.357 113.907 Other Deposits - 3.458 36.581 21.315 52.512 41 - 7 Days Call Accounts - - - - - - - - Total 9 279.919 1.004.980 209.672 205.117 10.458 149 1.710.304 Foreign Currency Deposits - 31.222 171.242 31.844 15.605 7.193 117 257.223 27 904 16.076 919 92 44 - 18.062 7 Days Call Accounts - - - - - - - - Precious Metal Deposits - 212 153 18 4 - - 387 117 275.672 Bank Deposits Total 27 32.338 187.471 32.781 15.701 7.237 Grand Total 36 312.257 1.192.451 242.453 220.818 17.695 266 1.985.976 149 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report e) Information on interest expense on repurchase agreements Current Period Interest Expense on Repurchase Agreements (*) Prior Period TL FC TL FC 211.828 7.448 93.100 6.498 (*) Disclosed in “Interest on Money Market Transactions”. f) Information on finance lease expenses Finance Lease Expenses Current Period Prior Period 330 314 Current Period Prior Period 83 - g)Information on interest expense on factoring payables None (December 31, 2013 – None) 3. Information on dividend income From Trading Securities 4. From Financial assets at fair value through profit and loss - - From Available for Sale Financial Assets - 7 Other 8.959 12.145 Total 9.042 12.152 Current Period Prior Period 10.933.857 8.573.835 Information on trading income/loss Trading Income Gains on Capital Market Operations Derivative Financial Instruments Foreign Exchange Gains Trading Loss (-) Losses on Capital Market Operations 223.815 3.496.133 2.577.006 7.355.940 5.773.014 11.196.634 8.788.840 63.229 61.289 3.815.603 2.851.915 Foreign Exchange Losses 7.317.802 5.875.636 Net Trading Income/Loss (262.777) (215.005) Derivative Financial Instruments 5. 81.784 Information on other operating income The Bank recorded the current year collections from loans written off in the previous period, portfolio management fees and commissions and expense accruals in “Other Operating Income” account. In current period, the Parent Bank has recorded a sales profit of TL 196.377 from the sale of its legally nonperforming loan receivables and the amount was recorded under “Other Operating Income.” 150 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 6. Provision for losses on loans and other receivables Current Period Specific Provisions For Loans and Other Receivables 868.348 873.777 Loans and Receivables in Group III 164.709 (49.797) Loans and Receivables in Group IV 322.682 143.573 Loans and Receivables in Group V 380.957 780.001 Doubtful Fee, Commission and Other Receivables - - General Provisions 126.370 198.607 General Reserves for Possible Risks 82.000 - 4.310 2.277 Impairment Losses on Securities - 103 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - - Investment securities available for sale Impairment Losses on Associates, Subsidiaries and Investment Securities Held-to-Maturity - 103 - - Associates - - Subsidiaries - - Provision Expenses for Possible Losses 7. Prior Period Entities under common control - - Investment securities held-to-maturity - - Other (5.485) 5.987 Total 1.075.543 1.080.751 Current Period Prior Period 941.283 904.751 10.286 10.321 Information on other operating expenses Personnel costs Reserve for employee termination benefits Provision for pension fund deficits - - Impairment losses on tangible assets - 705 Depreciation charge of tangible assets 133.290 102.658 Impairment losses on intangible assets - - Impairment losses on goodwill - - Amortization charge of intangible assets Impairment losses on investments under equity method of accounting Impairment losses on assets to be disposed of 78.967 61.865 - - 83 1.048 Depreciation on assets to be disposed Impairment charge of assets held for sale and discontinued operations Other operating expenses 3.906 5.470 - - 809.706 807.323 Operational lease related expenses 206.867 174.458 Repair and maintenance expenses 77.327 62.480 Advertisement expenses 69.291 103.776 456.221 466.609 Other expenses Losses on sales of assets 640 334 Other 355.576 399.744 Total 2.333.737 2.294.219 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 8. Information on profit/loss from continued and discontinued operations before taxes For the period ended December 31, 2014, net interest income in regards to continued operations of TL 3.088.311 (December 31, 2013 – 3.163.146), net fees and commission income of TL 1.333.530 (December 31, 2013 – TL 1.031.522) and other operating income of TL 383.383 (December 31, 2013 – TL 320.749) constitute an important part of the income. 9. Explanations on tax provision for continued and discontinued operations 9.1. Current period taxation benefit or charge and deferred tax benefit or charge As of December 31, 2014, the Bank has recorded tax charge TL 221.066 (December 31, 2013 – TL 229.625) and a deferred tax charge of TL 43.715 (December 31, 2013 – TL 26.270 deferred tax gain) from its continuing operations. 9.2. Explanations on operating profit/loss after taxes None (December 31, 2013 – None). 10. Explanations on net profit/(loss) from continued and discontinued operations Net profit of the Bank from continued operations is TL 877.428 (December 31, 2013 – TL 734.239). 11. Explanations on net income/loss for the period 11.1. The nature and amount of certain income and expense items from ordinary operations is disclosed if the disclosure for nature, amount and repetition rate of such items is required for a complete understanding of the Bank’s performance for the period None (December 31, 2013 – None). 11.2. Effect of changes in accounting estimates on income statement for the current and for subsequent periods. Please refer to Section V. No I.6.j.2 11.3. There is no profit or loss attributable to minority shares. 11.4. There are no changes in the nature and amount of accounting estimates, which have a material effect on current period or expected to have a material effect on subsequent periods. 12. Information on the components of other items in the income statement exceeding 10% of the total, or items that comprise at least 20% of the income statement Fees and commissions from credit cards, transfers and insurance intermediaries are recorded in the “Others” line under “Fees and Commissions Received” account, while fees and commissions given to credit cards are recorded in the “Others” line under “Fees and Commissions Paid” account by the Bank. 151 152 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report SECTION FIVE V. EXPLANATIONS AND DISCLOSURES RELATED TO STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY 1. Changes resulting from valuation of available for sale securities Net increase of TL 170.344 (December 31, 2013 – TL 486.124 net decrease) after tax effect resulting from valuation of available for sale securities at fair values is included in “Securities Value Increase Fund” account under shareholders’ equity. 2. Explanations on foreign exchange differences None. 3. Explanations on dividend 3.1. Dividends declared subsequent to the balance sheet date, but before the announcement of the financial statements There is no announcement of dividend distribution before the release of the accompanying financial Assembly dated March 27, 2014, it was decided to distribute the 2013 profit as follow: statements. At the General 2013 profit distribution table: 734.239 Current Year Profit (36.712) A - I. Legal Reserve (Turkish Commercial Code 466/1) at 5% (135.000) B - The First Dividend for Shareholders(*) C – Profit from Disposal of Associates - D- II. Legal Reserves - E- Gains on Real estate Sales Fund (562.527) F - Extraordinary Reserves ( (*) Bedelsiz hisse senedi olarak dağıtılmıştır. 3.2. Dividends per share proposed subsequent to the balance sheet date No decision is taken concerning the profit distribution by the General Assembly as of the balance sheet date (December 31, 2012- Profit distribution for 2012 is detailed in footnote 3.1). 3.3. Transfers to legal reserves Amount Transferred to Reserved from Retained Earnings Current Period Prior Period 36.712 45.117 4. Information on issuance of share certificates 5.1. The rights, priorities and restrictions regarding the share capital including distribution of income and repayment of the capital None (December 31, 2013- None). 6. Information on the other capital increase items in the statement of changes in shareholders’ equity Capital increase amounting to TL 135.000 presented in the Statement of Changes in Shareholder’s Equity in 2013 is entirely provided from extraordinary reserves. 153 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report SECTION FIVE VI. EXPLANATIONS AND DISCLOSURES RELATED TO CASH FLOWS STATEMENT 1. The effects of the other items stated in the cash flow statement and the changes in foreign currency exchange rates on cash and cash equivalents “Other items” amounting to TL 1.131.101 (December 31, 2013 – TL 1.214.116) in “Operating profit before changes in operating assets and liabilities” consist of commissions paid amounting to TL 222.950 (December 31, 2013 – TL 140.131), net trading income/loss by TL 657.404 (December 31, 2013 – TL 1.043.417 net trading income/loss) and other operating expenses amounting to TL 250.747 (December 31, 2013 – TL 30.568). “Other items” in changes in operating assets amounting to TL 29.943 (December 31, 2013- TL 49.928) consist of the decrease in collaterals given by TL 88.110 (December 31, 2013- TL 109.161 decrease) and the increase in other assets by TL 58.167 (December 31, 2013 - TL 59.233 decrease). “Other items” in changes in operating liabilities amounting to TL 850.817 (December 31, 2013- TL 4.117.429) consist of the increase in money market borrowings by TL 444.711 (December 31, 2013- TL 1.975.516 increase) and the increase in sundry debtors and other liabilities by TL 406.106 (December 31, 2013- TL 2.201.913 increase). “Other items” in changes in net cash provided from banking operations amounting to TL 104.610 (December 31, 2013 – TL 387.336) does not include the increase in intangible assets by TL 25.643 (December 31, 2013 – TL 90.749) and TL advances given (December 31, 2013 - TL 296.587). Information regarding the balances of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period Cash Cash in TL Cash in Foreign Currencies Other Current Period Prior Period January 1, 2014 January 1, 2013 1.047.161 653.019 633.496 439.754 413.140 212.803 525 462 1.051.385 2.861.638 Balances with the T.R. Central Bank 752.806 965.102 Banks 302.866 110.816 - 1.785.748 (4.144) (28) Cash Equivalents Money Market Placements Less: Placements with Banks with Maturities Longer than 3 Months Less: Accruals Cash and Cash Equivalents (143) - 2.098.546 3.514.657 154 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 3. Information regarding the balances of cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period Current Period Prior Period December 31, 2014 December 31, 2013 Cash 839.439 1.047.161 Cash in TL 590.424 633.496 Cash in Foreign Currencies 248.652 413.140 Other Cash Equivalents Balances with the T.R. Central Bank 525 2.028.549 1.051.385 1.601.665 752.806 Banks 238.219 302.866 Money Market Placements 200.062 - Less: Placements with Banks with Maturities Longer than 3 Months (10.369) (4.144) Less: Accruals Cash and Cash Equivalents 4. 363 (1.028) (143) 2.867.988 2.098.546 Restricted cash and cash equivalents due to legal requirements or other reasons A portion of foreign bank accounts amounting to TL 5.473 (December 31, 2013- TL 3.258) includes blocked cash for foreign money and capital market transactions and for borrowings from foreign markets. 5. Additional information 5.1. Restrictions on the Bank’s potential borrowings that can be used for ordinary operations or capital commitment None. 155 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report SECTION FIVE VII. EXPLANATIONS AND DISCLOSURES RELATED TO THE BANK’S RISK GROUP 1. Information on the volume of transactions with the Bank’s risk group, lending and deposits outstanding at period end and income and expenses in the current period 1.1. As of December 31, 2014, the Bank’s risk group has deposits, cash and non-cash loans at the Bank amounting to TL 417.132 (December 31, 2013 - TL 395.261) deposit, TL 159.272 (December 31, 2013 – TL 110.670) cash loan and TL 54.733 (December 31, 2013 - TL 58.604) non-cash loans respectively. Current Period Bank’s Direct and Indirect Shareholders Bank’s Risk Group (*) Cash Other Legal and Real Persons in Risk Group(**) Non-Cash Cash Non-Cash Cash Loans and Other Receivables Non-Cash Balance at the Beginning of the Period 110.670 25.402 - 32.895 - 307 Balance at the End of the Period 157.557 19.742 1.716 34.288 - 702 2.626 84 6 75 - 5 Interest and Commission Income Prior Period Bank’s Risk Group (*) Associates and Subsidiaries Bank’s Direct and Indirect Shareholders Other Legal and Real Persons in Risk Group(**) Cash Non-Cash Cash Non-Cash Cash Non-Cash Balance at the Beginning of the Period 65.220 13.023 - 29.498 - - Balance at the End of the Period Interest and Commission Income (***) 110.670 3.511 25.402 47 1 32.895 - - 307 - Loans and Other Receivables (*) As described in the Article 49 of Banking Law No 5411. (**) Includes the loans given to the Bank’s indirect subsidiaries. (***) Represents December 31, 2013 balance. 1.2. Information on deposits held by the Bank’s risk group Associates and Subsidiaries Bank’s Risk Group (*) Current Period Prior Period Bank’s Direct and Indirect Shareholders Other Legal and Real Persons in Risk Group(**) Current Period Prior Period Current Period Prior Period Deposits Balance at the Beginning of the Period 359.891 403.106 18.776 18.692 16.594 8.107 Balance at the End of the Period 380.996 359.891 17.036 18.776 19.100 16.594 27.937 24.950 - - 841 395 Interest on deposits(***) (*) As described in the Article 49 of Banking Law No 5411. (**) Includes the deposits taken to the Bank’s indirect subsidiaries. (***) Prior Period represents December 31, 2013 balance. 156 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 1.3. Information on forward and option agreements and similar agreements made with the Bank’s risk group Bank’s Risk Group (*) Associates and Subsidiaries Current Period Prior Period Transactions for Trading Purposes Beginning of the Period End of the Period Total Income/Loss(***) Transactions for Hedging Purposes Beginning of the Period End of the Period Total Income/Loss(***) Bank’s Direct and Indirect Other Legal and Real Persons in Risk Shareholders Group (**) Current Period Prior Period Current Period Prior Period 140.998 (1.357) 25.869 544 130.397 134.496 (5.336) 393.221 130.397 22.706 177.748 102.824 1.070 4.711 177.748 1.367 - - - - - - (*) As described in the Article 49 of Banking Law No 5411. (**) Includes the derivative transactions between the Bank’s indirect subsidiaries. (***) Represents December 31, 2013 balance. 1.4. As of December 31, 2014, the total amount of remuneration and bonuses paid to top management of the Bank is TL 41.320 (December 31, 2013- TL 40.522). 2. Disclosures of transactions with the Bank’s risk group 2.1. Relations with entities in the risk group of / or controlled by the Bank regardless of the nature of relationship among the parties Transactions with the risk group are made on an arms-length basis; terms are set according to the market conditions and in compliance with the Banking Law. 2.2 In addition to the structure of the relationship, type of transaction, amount, and share in total transaction volume, amount of significant items, and share in all items, pricing policy and other As of December 31, 2014, cash loans of the risk group represented 0,3% of the Bank’s total cash loans (December 31, 2013 – 0,3%), the deposits represented 0,9% of the Bank’s total deposits (December 31, 2013 – 1,0%) and derivative transactions represented 0,2% of the Bank’s total derivative transactions (December 31, 2013 – 0,3%). 2.3. Explanations on purchase and sale of real estate and other assets, sales and purchases of services, agent contracts, financial lease agreements, transfer of data obtained from research and development, licensing agreements, financing (including loans and cash and in-kind capital support), guarantees and promissory notes, and management contracts The Bank enters into finance lease agreements with Finans Finansal Kiralama A.Ş. As of December 31, 2014, the Bank has net finance lease payables to Finans Finansal Kiralama A.Ş. amounting to TL 2.546 (December 31, 2013 - TL 2.915) relating with finance lease agreements. Total of investment 20 funds established by the Bank are all managed by Finans Portföy Yönetimi A.Ş. The Bank has signed an agreement with Ibtech Uluslararası Bilişim ve İletişim Teknolojileri Araştırma, Geliştirme, Danışmanlık, Destek Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. regarding research, development, advisory and improvement services. Bantaş Nakit ve Kıymetli Mal Taşıma ve Güvenlik Hizmetleri A.Ş., in which the Bank participated 33,33% shareholding, provides cash transfer services to the Bank. Information about the Bank’s subordinated loans obtained from National Bank of Greece is explained under Section 5, Part II. footnote 12. The Bank provides agency services to Cigna Finans Emeklilik ve Hayat A.Ş., which is a jointly controlled entity with 49% shares held by the Bank. VIII. EXPLANATIONS ON THE BANK’S DOMESTIC, FOREIGN AND OFF-SHORE BANKING BRANCHES AND FOREIGN REPRESENTATIVES 1. Information relating to the bank’s domestic and foreign branch and representatives Number 657 Employees 12.823 Foreign Representation - - Country - Foreign Branch Off-shore Banking and Region Branches 1 7 1- Bahrain Domestic Branch Total Assets 8.956.315 Capital - Finansbank 2014 Annual Report SECTION SIX OTHER EXPLANATIONS AND DISCLOSURES I. Other explanations related to the Bank’s operations 1. Disclosure related to subsequent events and transactions that have not been finalized yet, and their impact on the financial statements The Parent Bank has issued, on January 14, 2015, bonds with a nominal amount of TL 5.200 with 9,00% interest rate and 177 days maturity. In addition, the Parent Bank has issued, on January 22, 2015, bonds with a nominal amount of USD 15 million with 2,05% interest rate and 366 days maturity. 2. Information about effects of significant changes in foreign exchange rates after balance sheet date that would affect decision making process of users and foreign operations of the bank There are no significant fluctuations in the currency exchange rates after the balance sheet date that would affect the analysis and decision making process of the readers of the financial statements. 3. Other matters The Bank’s Board of Directors has decided to apply to Capital Markets Board (“CMB”) along with the first draft of prospectus prepared for secondary public offering and within this framework has decided to increase the Bank’s capital by TL 715.000 to TL 3.550.000 from TL 2.835.000 through right issues and for the increased amount to be received in cash, to restrict stock carrying rights of all existing shareholders of the secondary public offering in accordance with Turkish Commercial Code (“TCC”) and CMB regulations and for the issued capital to be issued through public offering in accordance with CMB regulations; for the issued rights to be distributed to right owners as reserved rights in accordance with CMB’s and Central Registry Agency (“MKK”) regulations for reserved rights. Finans Yatırım Menkul Değerler A.Ş. has been appointed to carry out the public offering process. It has been decided to make necessary applications to BRSA and CMB and for the pricing to be determined by the Board of Directors separately. In accordance with subject Board of Directors decision application has been made to CMB on October 23, 2014. 157 158 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report SECTION SEVEN INDEPENDENT AUDIT REPORT I. Explanations on the Independent Audit Report The unconsolidated financial statements for the period ended December 31, 2014 have been audited by GüneyBağımsız Denetim ve Serbest Muhasebeci Mali Müşavirlik A.Ş. (a member firm of Ernst&Young Global Limited). The auditor’s report dated February 5, 2015 is presented preceding the unconsolidated financial statements. II. Explanations on the notes prepared by Independent Auditors None (December 31, 2013 – None). Finansbank 2014 Annual Report FİNANSBANK ANONİM ŞİRKETİ INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S AUDIT REPORT, CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND NOTES FOR THE PERIOD ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2014 159 160 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Güney Bağımsız Denetim ve Serbest Muhasebeci Mali Müşavirlik A.Ş. (Ernst & Young) Eski Büyükdere Caddesi Orjin Maslak No:27 Maslak, Sarıyer 34398 İstanbul, Türkiye Tel: +90 212 315 30 00 Fax: +90 212 230 82 91 www.ey.com To the Board of Directors of Finansbank Anonim Şirketi We have audited the consolidated balance sheet of Finansbank Anonim Şirketi (“the Bank”) and its consolidated subsidiaries (“the Group”) at December 31, 2014 and the related consolidated income statement, consolidated statement of income and expense items accounted under shareholders’ equity, consolidated statement of cash flows, consolidated statement of changes in shareholders’ equity for the period then ended and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes. Disclosure for the responsibility of the Bank’s board of directors: The Board of Directors of the Bank is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the consolidated financial statements in accordance with the “Regulation on the Principles and Procedures Regarding Banks’ Accounting Applications and Safeguarding of Documents’’ published in the Official Gazette dated November 1, 2006 and numbered 26333 and Turkish Accounting Standards, Turkish Financial Reporting Standards and other regulations, circulars, communiqués and pronouncements in respect of accounting and financial reporting made by the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency. This responsibility includes: designing, implementing and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error and selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies. Disclosure for the Responsibility of the Authorized Audit Firm: Our responsibility, as independent auditors, is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements based on our audit. Our audit has been performed in accordance with “Regulation on Authorisation and Activities of Institutions to Conduct Independent Audit in Banks” published on the Official Gazette No.26333 dated November 1, 2006 and with the Independent Auditing Standards which is a part of Turkish Auditing Standards promulgated by the Public Oversight Accounting and Auditing Standards Authority (“POA”). We planned and conducted our audit to obtain reasonable assurance as to whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the consideration of the effectiveness of internal control and appropriateness of accounting policies applied relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion stated below. Basis for Qualified Opinion As of December 31, 2014, the accompanying consolidated financial statements include a general reserve for possible risks amounting to TL 82.000 thousands which is provided by the Bank management for the possible results of the circumstances which may arise from any changes in the economy and market conditions. Independent Auditors’ Opinion In our opinion, except for the effect of the matter referred in the preceding paragraph on the consolidated financial statements, the accompanying consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Finansbank Anonim Şirketi at December 31, 2014 and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with the prevailing accounting principles and standards set out as per Article 37 and 38 of the Banking Act No: 5411, and other regulations, communiqués, circulars and ronouncements made by the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency in respect of accounting and financial reporting. Report on other responsibilities arising from regulatory requirements 1) In accordance with Article 402 paragraph 4 of the Turkish Commercial Code (“TCC”) no 6102; no significant matter has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the Bank’s bookkeeping activities for the period January 1 – December 31, 2014 are not in compliance with the code and provisions of the Bank’s articles of association in relation to financial reporting. Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 2) In accordance with Article 402 paragraph 4 of the TCC; the Board of Directors submitted to us the necessary explanations and provided required documents within the context of audit. Other matters The consolidated financial statements of the Bank as of and for the year ended December 31, 2013 prepared in accordance with the accounting principles and standards set out by regulations in conformity with Article No:37 and 38 of the Banking Act No. 5411 were audited by another independent audit firm, who in their report dated February 27, 2014 expressed an unqualified opinion on the consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2013, results of operations and cash flows in accordance with accounting principles and standards set out by regulations in conformity with Article No:37 and 38 of the Banking Act No: 5411 and other regulations, interpretations and circulars published by the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency on accounting and financial reporting principles. Additional paragraph for English translation: As explained in detail in Note I. of Section Three, the effects of differences between accounting principles and standards set out by regulations in conformity with Articles 37 and 38 of the Banking Act No. 5411, accounting principles generally accepted in countries in which the accompanying consolidated financial statements are to be distributed and International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) have not been quantified in the accompanying consolidated financial statements. Accordingly, the accompanying consolidated financial statements are not intended to present the financial position, results of operations and changes in financial position and cash flows in accordance with the accounting principles generally accepted in such countries and IFRS. Istanbul, February 5, 2015 GÜNEY BAĞIMSIZ DENETİM VE SERBEST MUHASEBECİ MALİ MÜŞAVİRLİK ANONİM ŞİRKETİ A Member Firm Of ERNST & YOUNG GLOBAL LIMITED Hatice Dilek Çilingir Köstem, Partner in Charge, SMMM 161 162 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL REPORT OF FINANSBANK A.Ş. FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2014 The Bank’s; Address of the head office : Büyükdere Cad. No: 129, 34394 Mecidiyeköy / İSTANBUL Phone number : (0 212) 318 50 00 Facsimile number : (0 212) 318 58 50 Web page: www.finansbank.com.tr E-mail address : name.surname@finansbank.com.tr The consolidated financial report for the year ended December 31, 2014, designed by the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency in line with Communiqué on Financial Statements to be Publicly Announced and the Related Policies and Disclosures consists of the sections listed below: • GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE PARENT BANK • CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE PARENT BANK • EXPLANATIONS ON THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE PARENT BANK • INFORMATİON ON CONSOLİDATED FİNANCİAL STRUCTURE OF THE GROUP • FOOTNOTES AND EXPLANATIONS ON CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS • OTHER EXPLANATIONS • INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S AUDIT REPORT Within the context of this financial report for the year ended, the consolidated subsidiaries, entities under common control and structured entities are as follows. There are no associates included in the consolidation. Subsidiaries 1. Finans Finansal Kiralama Anonim Şirketi 2.Finans Yatırım Menkul Değerler Anonim Şirketi 3.Finans Yatırım Ortaklığı Anonim Şirketi 4.Finans Portföy Yönetimi Anonim Şirketi 5.Finans Faktoring Hizmetleri Anonim Şirketi Entities Under Common Control (Joint Ventures) 1. Cigna Finans Emeklilik ve Hayat Anonim Şirketi Structured Entity 1. Bosphorus Financial Services Limited 2. Istanbul Bond Company S.A. The consolidated financial statements and related disclosures and footnotes for the year ended December 31, 2014, are prepared in accordance with the Regulation on Principles Related to Banks’ Accounting Applications and Preserving the Documents, Turkish Accounting Standards, Turkish Financial Reporting Standards and the related statements and guidance and in compliance with the financial records of our Bank. Unless stated otherwise, the accompanying consolidated financial statements are presented in thousands of Turkish Lira (TL). Ömer A. Aras Chairman of the Board of Directors Ali Teoman Kerman Member of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Audit Committee Temel Güzeloğlu General Manager and Member of the Board of Directors Adnan Menderes Yayla Executive Vice President Responsible of Financial Control and Planning Ioannis Vagionitis Member of the Board of Directors and of the Audit Committee Ercan Sakarya Division Manager of Financial, Statutory Reporting and Treasury Control Information related to the responsible personnel to whom the questions about the financial report can be communicated: Name-Surname/Title Phone Number Facsimile Number : Ercan Sakarya / Division Manager of Financial, Statutory Reporting and Treasury Control : (0 212) 318 52 92 : (0 212) 318 55 78 INDEX SECTION ONE GENERAL INFORMATION I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. Explanatory note on the establishment date, nature of activities and history of the Parent Bank Information about the Parent Bank’s shareholding structure, shareholders who individually or jointly have power to control the management and audit directly or indirectly, changes regarding these subjects during the year if any, and information about the controlling group of the Parent Bank Information about the chairman and members of board of directors, members of audit committee, managing director and executive vice presidents; any changes, and the information about the Parent Bank shares they hold and their responsibilities Information about the persons and institutions that have qualified shares on the Parent Bank Explanations on the Parent Bank’s services and activities Information on application differences between consolidation practices as per the Regulation on Preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements of Banks and the Turkish Accounting Standards, and entities subject to full or proportional consolidation or deducted from equity or not subject to any of these three methods Current or likely actual or legal barriers to immediate transfer of equity or repayment of debts between parent bank and its subsidiaries SECTION TWO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. Consolidated balance sheet (statement of financial position) Consolidated statements of off-balance sheet commitments and contingencies Consolidated income statement (statement of income / loss) Consolidated statement of profit and loss accounted for under equity (statement of other comprehensive income / loss) Consolidated statement of changes in shareholders’ equity Consolidated cash flows statement Consolidated Distribution of Income SECTION THREE ACCOUNTING POLICIES I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. XVIII. XIX. XX. XXI. XXII. XXIII. XXIV. XXV. XXVI. Basis of presentation Strategy for use of financial instruments and foreign currency transactions Information on associates, subsidiaries and entities under common control Explanations on forwards, option contracts and derivative instruments Explanations on interest income and expenses Explanations on fees and commission income and expenses Explanations and disclosures on financial assets Explanations on impairrment of financial assets Explanations on netting of financial instruments and derecognition of financial assets Explanations on sales and repurchase agreements and lending of securities Explanations on assets held for sale and discontinued operations Explanations on goodwill and other intangible assets Explanations on tangible assets Explanations on leasing transactions Explanations on factoring receivables Explanations on provisions and contingent liabilities Explanations on obligations of the Group concerning employee benefits Explanations on taxation Additional explanations on borrowings Explanation on share issues Explanation on confirmed bills of exchange and acceptances Explanations on government incentives Explanations on reporting according to segmentation Profit reserves and profit distribution Earning per share Explanations on other matters SECTION FOUR INFORMATION ON GROUP’S FINANCIAL STRUCTURE Explanations related to consolidated capital adequacy ratio Explanations related to consolidated credit risk Information on consolidated market risk Explanations related to operational risk Explanations related to consolidated foreign exchange risk Explanations related to consolidated interest rate risk Position Risk of Equity Securities in Banking Book Explanations related to consolidated liquidity risk Explanations related to securitization positions Explanations related to consolidated credit risk mitigation techniques Explanations related to risk management objectives and policies Explanations related to presentation of financial assets and liabilities at their fair value Explanations related to transactions carried out on behalf of the customers, items held in trust I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XII. SECTION FIVE EXPLANATIONS AND DISCLOSURES ON CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VII Explanations and disclosures related to consolidated assets Explanations and disclosures related to consolidated liabilities Explanations and disclosures related to consolidated off-balance sheet items Explanations and disclosures related to consolidated income statement Explanations and disclosures related to statement of changes in shareholder’s equity Explanations and disclosures related to consolidated cash flows statement Explanations and disclosures related to the Parent Bank’s risk group Explanations on the parent bank’s domestic, foreign and off-shore banking branches and foreign representatives of the group SECTION SIX OTHER EXPLANATIONS AND DISCLOSURES I. Other explanations related to the Group’s operations SECTION SEVEN INDEPENDENT LIMITED AUDIT REPORT Explanations on the independent limited audit report Explanations on the notes prepared by independent auditors I. II. Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 4-5 6 7 8 9-10 11 13 14 15 16 18 18 18 20 20 21 21 21 22 22 23 23 23 23 24 24 25 25 25-26 27 27 27 28 37 46 48 48 52 55 56 58 59 59 60 61 62 83 92 98 103 104 106 108 109 110 110 163 164 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report SECTION ONE GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE GROUP I. Explanatory Note on the Establishment Date, Nature of Activities and History of the Parent Bank Finansbank Anonim Şirketi (the Bank and/or the Parent Bank) was incorporated in Istanbul on September 23, 1987. The Parent Bank’s shares have been listed on the Borsa Istanbul (“BIST”) (formerly known as Istanbul Stock Exchange (“ISE”)) since the first public offering on February 3, 1990. II. Information About the Parent Bank’s Shareholding Structure, Shareholders Who Individually or Jointly Have the Power to Control the Management and Audit Directly or Indirectly, Changes Regarding These Subjects During the Year, If Any, and Information About the Controlling Group of the Parent Bank As of December 31, 2014, 82,23% of the Parent Bank’s shares are owned by National Bank of Greece S.A. (“NBG”), 9,68% by NBG Finance (Dollar) PLC., 7,90% by NBGI Holdings B.V. The Parent Bank is a National Bank of Greece S.A (“NBG”) Group entity. NBG was founded in 1841 and its shares have been traded on Athens Stock Exchange since 1880 and traded on the New York Stock Exchange since 1999. NBG offers financial services to its customers such as retail and commercial banking, assets management, intermediary services and investment banking. III. Information About the Chairman and Members of Board of Directors, Members of Audit Committee, Managing Director and Executive Vice Presidents; Any Changes, and the Information About the Parent Bank Shares They Hold and Their Responsibilities Name Title Dr. Ömer A. Aras Sinan Şahinbaş Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın Aysan(*) Stefanos Pantzopoulos Dr. Paul Mylonas (**) Ioannis Vagionitis (***) Christos Alexis Komninos Temel Güzeloğlu Mustafa Hamdi Gürtin Ali Teoman Kerman (****) Paula Hadjisotiriou Georgios Koutsoudakis(*****) Adnan Menderes Yayla Metin Karabiber Murat Şakar Köksal Çoban Dr. Mehmet Kürşad Demirkol Özlem Cinemre Hakan Alp Filiz Sonat Erkin Aydın Ömür Tan Şebnem Seniye Karaduman Halim Ersun Bilgici Chairman Deputy Chairman Board Member Board Member Board Member and Audit Committee Member Board Member and Audit Committee Member Board Member Board Member and Managing Director Board Member Board Member and Head of Audit Committee Board Member Board Member Assistant Managing Director Assistant Managing Director Assistant Managing Director Assistant Managing Director Assistant Managing Director Assistant Managing Director Assistant Managing Director Assistant Managing Director Assistant Managing Director Assistant Managing Director Assistant Managing Director Assistant Managing Director Date of Appointment Education April 16, 2010 April 16, 2010 March 9, 1993 October 16, 2012 February 23, 2010 January 6, 2014 February 16, 2011 April 16, 2010 April 16, 2010 April 16, 2013 December 16, 2013 July 23, 2014 May 20, 2008 October 8, 2010 August 18, 2008 August 19, 2008 October 8, 2010 July 9, 1997 July 7, 2010 September 19,2007 May 16, 2011 October 28, 2011 January 9, 2012 March 15, 2013 (*) Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın Aysan resigned from Audit Committee as of April 24, 2014. (**) Dr. Paul Mylonas has been appointed as member to the Audit Committee as of January 17, 2014. (***) Ioannis Vagionitis has been appointed to the Audit Committee as of January 17, 2014. (****) Ali Teoman Kerman has been appointed as the Head of Audit Committee as of April 24, 2014. (*****) Georgios Koutsoudakis has been appointed as the Board Member as of July 23, 2014. The top level management listed above possesses immaterial number of shares of the Parent Bank. Phd Masters Phd Graduate Phd Masters Graduate Masters Masters Masters Masters Graduate Masters Graduate Graduate Masters Phd Graduate Graduate Graduate Masters Graduate Graduate Masters Finansbank 2014 Annual Report IV. Information About the Persons and Institutions That Have Qualified Shares on the Parent Bank Name Surname/Trade Name Amount of Shares Percentage of Shares Paid-up Shares Unpaid Shares National Bank of Greece S.A. NBG Finance (Dollar) PLC NBGI Holdings B.V. 2.331.170 274.411 223.965 82,23% 9,68% 7,90% 2.331.170 274.411 223.965 - According to the Board of Directors decision dated September 16, 2014, it has been decided that 100 founder shares issued to National Bank of Greece in accordance with the Bank’s Article of associates will be cancelled at no cost. Subject decision has been approved in the General Council meeting dated December 4, 2014. The profit distribution is performed according to the prevailing regulations and the Articles of Association. Accordingly, 5% of the distributable profit is appropriated as legal reserves, 5% of the paid up capital is paid out. According to a put option agreement between NBG and International Finance Corporation (“IFC”) dated March 29, 2007, 5% of the Parent Bank’s shares have been bought from IFC by the main shareholder of the Parent Bank, NBG, on September 26, 2014 and following the subject purchase as of December 31, 2014, NBG’s share in the Parent Bank’s capital has reached to 99,81%. (*) V. Explanations on the Parent Bank’s Services and Activities The Parent Bank’s activities include trade finance and corporate banking, treasury, retail banking and credit card operations. In addition, the Parent Bank carries out insurance agency activities on behalf of insurance companies through its branches. As of December 31, 2014, the Parent Bank operates through 656 domestic (December 31, 2013 - 672), 1 off-shore banking (December 31, 2013 - 1) and 1 Atatürk Airport Free Trade Zone (December 31, 2013 - 1) branches. VI. Information on Application Differences Between Consolidation Practices as per the Regulation on Preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements of Banks and the Turkish Accounting Standards, and Entities Subject to Full or Proportional Consolidation or Deducted from Equity or not Subject to any of These Three Methods Parent Bank’s joint venture Cigna Finans Emeklilik and Hayat Anonim Şirketi is consolidated using equity method as per the Regulation on Preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements of Banks and Turkish Accounting Standards. Ibtech A.Ş and E-finans Elektronik Ticaret ve Bilişim Hizmetleri A.Ş. included in investments in associates and Bantaş Nakit ve Kıymetli Mal Taşıma ve Güvenlik Hizmetleri A.Ş. included in joint ventures are not consolidated to accompanying financial statements as per the Regulation on Preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements of Banks since they are nonfinancial investments. Bankalararası Kart Merkezi included in subsidiaries is carried at cost and not consolidated since the Parent Bank does not have material control and presence over it. All other subsidiaries are fully consolidated. VII. Current or Likely Actual or Legal Barriers to Immediate Transfer of Shareholders’ Equity or Repayment of Debts Between Parent the Parent Bank and Its Subsidiaries None. 165 166 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report SECTION TWO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. Consolidated Balance Sheet (Statement of Financial Position) Consolidated Statement of Off-Balance Sheet Commitments and Contingencies Consolidated Income Statement (Statement of Income / Loss) Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss Accounted for Under Equity (Statement of Other Comprehensive Income and Loss) Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity Consolidated Cash Flows Statement Consolidated Profit Appropriation Statement Finansbank 2014 Annual Report I. CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET – ASSETS Audited 31.12.2014 I. II. 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 III. IV. 4.1 4.2 4.3 V. 5.1 5.2 5.3 VI. 6.1 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.2 6.3 VII. VIII. 8.1 8.2 IX. 9.1 9.2 9.2.1 9.2.2 X. 10.1 10.2 XI. 11.1 11.2 11.2.1 11.2.2 XII. 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 XIII. 13.1 13.2 13.3 XIV. XV. 15.1 15.2 XVI. XVII. 17.1 17.2 XVIII. 18.1 18.2 XIX. CASH AND BALANCES WITH THE CENTRAL BANK FINANCIAL ASSETS AT FAIR VALUE THROUGH PROFIT AND LOSS (Net) Financial assets held for trading Public sector debt securities Equity securities Assets on trading derivatives Other securities Financial assets at fair value through profit and loss Public sector debt securities Equity securities Loans Other securities BANKS MONEY MARKET PLACEMENTS Interbank money market placements Istanbul Stock Exchange money market placements Receivables from reverse repurchase agreements INVESTMENT SECURITIES AVAILABLE-FOR-SALE (Net) Equity securities Public sector debt securities Other securities LOANS AND RECEIVABLES Loans and receivables Loans to risk group of the Bank Public sector debt securities Other Non-performing loans Specific provisions (-) FACTORING RECEIVABLES INVESTMENT SECURITIES HELD TO MATURITY (Net) Public sector debt securities Other securities INVESTMENT IN ASSOCIATES (Net) Equity method associates Unconsolidated Financial Investments Non-financial Investments INVESTMENT IN SUBSIDIARIES (Net) Unconsolidated financial investments Unconsolidated non-financial investments ENTITIES UNDER COMMON CONTROL ( JOINT VENTURES) (Net) Equity method entities under common control Unconsolidated Financial investments Non-financial Investments LEASE RECEIVABLES (Net) Financial lease receivables Operational lease receivables Others Unearned income (-) DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL ASSETS HEDGING PURPOSES Fair value hedge Cash flow hedge Hedging of a net investment in foreign subsidiaries TANGIBLE ASSETS (Net) INTANGIBLE ASSETS (Net) Goodwill Others INVESTMENT PROPERTIES (Net) TAX ASSETS Current tax assets Deferred tax assets ASSETS HELD FOR SALE AND DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS (Net) Held for sale Discontinued operations OTHER ASSETS TOTAL ASSETS Section 5 Part I (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) TL FC Audited 31.12.2013 Total TL FC Total 1.503.288 7.160.632 8.663.920 887.790 7.320.692 8.208.482 1.247.255 151.764 1.399.019 1.423.069 253.498 1.676.567 1.149.112 151.764 1.300.876 1.237.995 253.498 1.491.493 38.671 2.299 40.970 198.580 1.973 200.553 1.103.005 149.465 1.252.470 1.029.956 251.525 1.281.481 7.436 7.436 9.459 9.459 98.143 98.143 185.074 185.074 98.143 98.143 185.074 185.074 39.783 260.651 300.434 5.987 470.167 476.154 244.425 244.425 3.433 3.433 44.363 44.363 200.062 200.062 3.433 3.433 3.956.342 1.477.171 5.433.513 4.669.176 1.073.809 5.742.985 3.924.071 1.444.438 5.368.509 4.633.866 1.059.507 5.693.373 32.271 32.733 65.004 35.310 14.302 49.612 42.749.678 7.333.602 50.083.280 38.052.309 4.618.996 42.671.305 42.178.321 7.333.602 49.511.923 37.543.584 4.618.996 42.162.580 1.715 1.715 42.178.321 7.331.887 49.510.208 37.543.584 4.618.996 42.162.580 2.739.971 2.739.971 2.965.853 - 2.965.853 2.168.614 2.168.614 2.457.128 2.457.128 433.642 9.570 443.212 512.851 7.806 520.657 3.052.566 674.657 3.727.223 2.446.859 378.920 2.825.779 3.052.566 90.418 3.142.984 2.446.859 20.820 2.467.679 584.239 584.239 358.100 358.100 3.766 3.766 3.766 3.766 3.766 3.766 3.766 3.766 3.766 3.766 3.766 3.766 18.054 18.054 18.048 18.048 18.054 18.054 18.048 18.048 168.047 168.047 177.608 177.608 165.247 165.247 174.808 174.808 2.800 2.800 2.800 2.800 2.800 2.800 2.800 2.800 617.794 912.498 1.530.292 468.975 833.813 1.302.788 1.482.734 752.996 1.013.007 1.766.003 561.460 921.274 135.202 100.509 235.711 92.485 87.461 179.946 1.965.902 22.844 1.988.746 1.866.369 61.426 1.927.795 1.459.151 22.844 1.481.995 1.487.743 61.426 1.549.169 506.751 506.751 378.626 378.626 1.472.085 10 1.472.095 533.983 63 534.046 235.294 235.294 209.767 209.767 8.969 8.969 8.969 8.969 226.325 226.325 200.798 200.798 62.448 62.448 107.583 107.583 269 269 62.179 62.179 107.583 107.583 63.090 63.090 63.090 63.090 893.032 105.235 998.267 800.887 458.068 1.258.955 58.726.491 18.108.634 76.835.125 52.188.460 15.477.258 67.665.718 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements. 167 168 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report I. CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET – LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Audited 31.12.2014 I. 1.1 1.2 II. III. IV. 4.1 4.2 4.3 V. 5.1 5.2 5.3 VI. 6.1 6.2 VII. VIII. IX. X. 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 XI. 11.1 11.2 11.3 XII. 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 XIII. 13.1 13.2 XIV. 14.1 14.2 XV. XVI. 16.1 16.2 16.2.1 16.2.2 16.2.3 16.2.4 16.2.5 16.2.6 16.2.7 16.2.8 16.2.9 16.2.10 16.3 16.3.1 16.3.2 16.3.3 16.3.4 16.4 16.4.1 16.4.2 16.5 Audited 31.12.2013 SeCtion TL FC Total TL FC Total 5 Part II DEPOSITS (1) 27.172.782 14.722.952 41.895.734 26.304.628 11.802.374 38.107.002 Deposits from risk group of the Bank 216.657 21.655 238.312 153.012 27.593 180.605 Other 26.956.125 14.701.297 41.657.422 26.151.616 11.774.781 37.926.397 DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL LIABILITIES HELD FOR TRADING (2) 1.092.817 159.483 1.252.300 1.112.851 198.046 1.310.897 FUNDS BORROWED (3) 498.271 5.354.813 5.853.084 542.041 4.278.910 4.820.951 MONEY MARKET BORROWINGS 2.784.569 1.431.183 4.215.752 2.638.931 1.141.561 3.780.492 Interbank money markets takings 50.000 50.000 Istanbul Stock Exchange money markets takings 59.332 59.332 62.210 62.210 Funds provided under repurchase agreements (4) 2.725.237 1.431.183 4.156.420 2.526.721 1.141.561 3.668.282 SECURITIES ISSUED (Net) (5) 2.325.486 3.500.012 5.825.498 2.160.812 1.793.767 3.954.579 Bills 2.000.828 262.040 2.262.868 2.057.078 - 2.057.078 Asset backed securities Bonds 324.658 3.237.972 3.562.630 103.734 1.793.767 1.897.501 FUNDS Borrower funds Other SUNDRY CREDITORS 1.647.221 2.178.437 3.825.658 1.417.764 2.031.963 3.449.727 OTHER LIABILITIES (6) 935.304 131.185 1.066.489 867.142 76.561 943.703 FACTORING PAYABLES LEASE PAYABLES (Net) (7) Financial lease payables Operational lease payables Others Deferred financial lease expenses ( - ) DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL LIABILITIES FOR HEDGING PURPOSES (8) 202.104 149.976 352.080 7.648 75.101 82.749 Fair value hedge 70.738 149.976 220.714 75.101 75.101 Cash flow hedge 131.366 131.366 7.648 7.648 Hedge of net investments in foreign subsidiaries PROVISIONS (9) 1.451.752 - 1.451.752 1.207.228 84.572 1.291.800 General provisions 942.661 942.661 731.719 84.572 816.291 Restructuring provisions Reserve for employee benefits 211.867 211.867 220.328 220.328 Insurance technical provisions (Net) Other provisions 297.224 297.224 255.181 255.181 TAX LIABILITY (10) 177.452 177.452 109.638 109.638 Current tax liability 175.964 175.964 108.308 108.308 Deferred tax liability 1.488 1.488 1.330 1.330 PAYABLES RELATED TO ASSETS HELD FOR SALE AND (11) DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS (NET) Held for sale Discontinued operations SUBORDINATED LOANS (12) 2.121.712 2.121.712 - 1.950.719 1.950.719 SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY 8.854.233 (56.619) 8.797.614 8.000.029 (136.568) 7.863.461 Paid-in capital (13) 2.835.000 - 2.835.000 2.700.000 - 2.700.000 Capital reserves (84.398) (56.619) (141.017) (22.675) (136.568) (159.243) Share premium (14) 714 714 714 714 Share cancellation profits Securities value increase fund (15) 4.763 (56.619) (51.856) (85.632) (136.568) (222.200) Revaluation fund on tangible assets Revaluation fund on intangible assets Investment property revaluation differences Bonus shares obtained from associates, subsidiaries and entities under common control (joint ventures) Hedging funds (effective portion) (40.479) (40.479) 95.987 95.987 Accumulated valuation differences from assets held for sale and discontinued operations Other capital reserves (49.396) (49.396) (33.744) (33.744) Profit reserves 4.853.036 - 4.853.036 4.210.843 - 4.210.843 Legal reserves 402.779 402.779 363.631 363.631 Status reserves Extraordinary reserves 4.450.257 - 4.450.257 3.847.212 - 3.847.212 Other profit reserves Profit or loss 1.072.420 - 1.072.420 948.925 948.925 Prior years’ income/ (losses) 171.732 171.732 202.774 202.774 Current period income/ (loss) 900.688 900.688 746.151 746.151 Minority shares 178.175 178.175 162.936 162.936 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDER’S EQUITY 47.141.991 29.693.134 76.835.125 44.368.712 23.297.006 67.665.718 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report II. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF OFF BALANCE SHEET COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES Section 5 Part III A. I. 1.1. 1.1.1. 1.1.2. 1.1.3. 1.2. 1.2.1. 1.2.2. 1.3. 1.3.1. 1.3.2. 1.4. 1.5. 1.5.1. 1.5.2. 1.6. 1.7. 1.8. 1.9. II. 2.1. 2.1.1. 2.1.2. 2.1.3. 2.1.4. 2.1.5. 2.1.6. 2.1.7. 2.1.8. 2.1.9. 2.1.10. 2.1.11. 2.1.12. 2.1.13. 2.2. 2.2.1. 2.2.2. III. 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.2.5 3.2.6 B. IV. 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 4.5. 4.6. 4.7. 4.8. V. 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. 5.4. 5.5. 5.6. 5.7. VI. OFF BALANCE SHEET CONTINGENCIES AND COMMITMENTS (I+II+III) GUARANTEES Letters of guarantee Guarantees subject to State Tender Law Guarantees given for foreign trade operations Other letters of guarantee Bank loans Import letter of acceptance Other bank acceptances Letters of credit Documentary letters of credit Other letters of credit Prefinancing given as guarantee Endorsements Endorsements to the Central Bank of Turkey Other endorsements Securities issue purchase guarantees Factoring guarantees Other guarantees Other collaterals COMMITMENTS Irrevocable commitments Forward asset purchase commitments Forward deposit purchase and sales commitments Share capital commitment to associates and subsidiaries Loan granting commitments Securities underwriting commitments Commitments for reserve deposit requirements Payment commitment for checks Tax and fund liabilities from export commitments Commitments for credit card expenditure limits Commitments for promotions related with credit cards and banking activities Receivables from short sale commitments Payables for short sale commitments Other irrevocable commitments Revocable commitments Revocable loan granting commitments Other revocable commitments DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS Derivative financial instruments for hedging purposes Fair value hedge Cash flow hedge Hedge of net investment in foreign operations Held for trading transactions Forward foreign currency buy/sell transactions Forward foreign currency transactions-buy Forward foreign currency transactions-sell Swap transactions related to foreign currency and interest rates Foreign currency swap-buy Foreign currency swap-sell Interest rate swaps-buy Interest rate swaps-sell Foreign currency, interest rate and securities options Foreign currency options-buy Foreign currency options-sell Interest rate options-buy Interest rate options-sell Securities options-buy Securities options-sell Foreign currency futures Foreign currency futures-buy Foreign currency futures-sell Interest rate futures Interest rate futures-buy Interest rate futures-sell Other CUSTODY AND PLEDGED ITEMS (IV+V+VI) ITEMS HELD IN CUSTODY Assets under management Investment securities held in custody Checks received for collection Commercial notes received for collection Other assets received for collection Assets received for public offering Other items under custody Custodians PLEDGED ITEMS Marketable securities Guarantee notes Commodity Warranty Properties Other pledged items Pledged items-depository ACCEPTED INDEPENDENT GUARANTEES AND WARRANTIES TOTAL OFF BALANCE SHEET ACCOUNTS (A+B) (1), (2), (3),(4) (5) Audited 31.12.2014 Audited 31.12.2013 TL FC TOTAL TL FC TOTAL 88.950.232 81.070.293 170.020.525 70.483.727 62.693.666 133.177.393 5.214.732 3.945.677 9.160.409 4.170.445 2.947.967 7.118.412 5.205.798 2.208.929 7.414.727 4.162.774 1.777.802 5.940.576 238.293 28.417 266.710 173.860 24.805 198.665 2.895.013 2.180.512 5.075.525 2.619.423 1.752.997 4.372.420 2.072.492 2.072.492 1.369.491 1.369.491 8.934 903.353 912.287 7.668 602.163 609.831 8.934 903.353 912.287 7.668 602.163 609.831 812.318 812.318 3 548.603 548.606 614.869 614.869 3 531.441 531.444 197.449 197.449 17.162 17.162 21.077 21.077 19.399 19.399 29.112.513 2.365.704 31.478.217 25.084.936 1.696.831 26.781.767 29.008.708 1.907.143 30.915.851 24.976.518 751.500 25.728.018 688.063 1.862.257 2.550.320 327.259 749.594 1.076.853 8.536.833 232 8.537.065 5.424.542 213 5.424.755 2.420.299 2.420.299 2.060.004 2.060.004 7.626 7.626 6.988 6.988 16.812.040 16.812.040 17.067.174 17.067.174 22.604 22.604 38.002 38.002 521.243 44.654 565.897 52.549 1.693 54.242 103.805 458.561 562.366 108.418 945.331 1.053.749 103.805 458.561 562.366 108.418 351.395 459.813 593.936 593.936 54.622.987 74.758.912 129.381.899 41.228.346 58.048.868 99.277.214 13.357.379 16.633.829 29.991.208 10.309.736 13.695.907 24.005.643 6.870.913 12.335.168 19.206.081 6.675.930 10.559.020 17.234.950 6.486.466 4.298.661 10.785.127 3.633.806 3.136.887 6.770.693 41.265.608 58.125.083 99.390.691 30.918.610 44.352.961 75.271.571 2.329.798 2.771.354 5.101.152 3.023.815 3.576.802 6.600.617 1.305.411 1.244.832 2.550.243 1.406.707 1.895.433 3.302.140 1.024.387 1.526.522 2.550.909 1.617.108 1.681.369 3.298.477 35.823.945 47.942.651 83.766.596 21.637.234 30.774.780 52.412.014 19.228.003 17.891.715 37.119.718 12.583.337 9.313.810 21.897.147 15.666.682 21.437.538 37.104.220 7.761.087 14.046.448 21.807.535 464.630 4.306.699 4.771.329 646.405 3.536.517 4.182.922 464.630 4.306.699 4.771.329 646.405 3.878.005 4.524.410 3.110.969 6.955.232 10.066.201 6.257.051 9.617.419 15.874.470 1.502.096 3.520.388 5.022.484 3.031.745 4.927.476 7.959.221 1.608.873 3.434.844 5.043.717 3.225.306 4.689.943 7.915.249 896 38.444 39.340 510 42.472 42.982 448 19.222 19.670 255 21.236 21.491 448 19.222 19.670 255 21.236 21.491 417.402 417.402 341.488 341.488 407.530.063 69.547.687 477.077.750 315.542.822 66.407.768 381.950.590 15.754.863 2.011.045 17.765.908 10.043.403 1.183.406 11.226.809 4.064.430 1.590 4.066.020 3.513.680 6.252 3.519.932 1.232.314 757.722 1.990.036 2.005.410 337.766 2.343.176 2.310.295 309.252 2.619.547 1.756.326 231.738 1.988.064 663.699 142.261 805.960 521.071 93.224 614.295 7.484.125 800.220 8.284.345 2.246.913 514.426 2.761.339 3 3 234.715.130 31.709.225 266.424.355 176.311.088 24.357.446 200.668.534 620.378 2.260.821 2.881.199 503.325 643.935 1.147.260 181.761 52.651 234.412 142.011 38.261 180.272 41.344 41.344 27.266 27.266 57.209.764 11.327.616 68.537.380 46.396.463 7.993.070 54.389.533 176.661.883 18.068.137 194.730.020 129.242.023 15.682.180 144.924.203 157.060.070 35.827.417 192.887.487 129.188.331 40.866.916 170.055.247 496.480.295 150.617.980 647.098.275 386.026.549 129.101.434 515.127.983 169 170 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report III. CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT I. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.5.3 1.5.4 1.6 1.7 II. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 III. IV. 4.1 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 V. VI. 6.1 6.2 6.3 VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. 16.1 16.2 XVII. XVIII. 18.1 INTEREST INCOME Interest on loans Interest received from reserve deposits Interest received from banks Interest received from money market placements Interest received from marketable securities portfolio Held-for-trading financial assets Financial assets at fair value through profit and loss Available-for-sale financial assets Investments held-to-maturity Finance lease income Other interest income INTEREST EXPENSE Interest on deposits Interest on funds borrowed Interest on money market borrowings Interest on securities issued Other interest expense NET INTEREST INCOME (I - II) NET FEES AND COMMISSIONS INCOME Fees and commissions received Non-cash loans Other Fees and commissions paid Non-cash loans Other DIVIDEND INCOME NET TRADING INCOME Securities trading gains/ (losses) Gains / (losses)Financial derivative transactions Foreign exchange gains/ (losses) OTHER OPERATING INCOME NET OPERATING INCOME (III+IV+V+VI+VII) PROVISION FOR LOAN LOSSES AND OTHER RECEIVABLES (-) OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES (-) NET OPERATING INCOME/(LOSS) (VIII-IX-X) AMOUNT IN EXCESS RECORDED AS GAIN AFTER MERGER GAIN / (LOSS) ON EQUITY METHOD GAIN / (LOSS) ON NET MONETARY POSITION PROFIT/(LOSS) FROM CONTINUED OPERATIONS BEFORE TAXES (XI+…+XIV) TAX CHARGE FOR CONTINUED OPERATIONS (±) Current income tax charge Deferred tax charge / benefit NET PROFIT/(LOSS) FROM CONTINUED OPERATIONS (XV±XVI) INCOME ON DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS Income on assets held for sale Income on sale of associates, subsidiaries and entities under common 18.2 control 18.3 Income on other discontinued operations XIX. LOSS FROM DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS (-) 19.1 Loss from assets held for sale Loss on sale of associates, subsidiaries and entities under common 19.2 control 19.3 Loss from other discontinued operations XX. PROFIT / (LOSS) ON DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS BEFORE TAXES (XVIII-XIX) XXI. TAX CHARGE FOR DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS (±) 21.1 Current income tax charge 21.2 Deferred tax charge / benefit XXII. NET PROFIT/LOSS FROM DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS (XX±XXI) XXIII. NET PROFIT/LOSS (XVII+XXII) 23.1 Group’s profit/loss 23.2 Minority shares Earnings per share Section 5 Part IV. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (8) (9) (10) (11) Audited 01.01 - 31.12.2014 Audited 01.01 - 31.12.2013 6.700.863 5.596.739 538 6.507 45.136 853.052 10.344 17.384 474.174 351.150 132.799 66.092 3.496.338 2.652.784 282.935 226.551 328.255 5.813 3.204.525 1.396.983 1.616.280 50.706 1.565.574 219.297 1.576 217.721 263 (251.727) 20.270 (307.721) 35.724 385.552 4.735.596 1.100.491 2.443.011 1.192.094 (601) 1.191.493 (275.554) (235.839) (39.715) 915.939 - 5.818.835 5.128.313 4.474 8.291 534.363 13.341 31.379 406.058 83.585 102.774 40.620 2.549.868 1.972.161 206.385 103.651 252.784 14.887 3.268.967 1.086.758 1.231.675 42.670 1.189.005 144.917 1.088 143.829 147 (205.454) 162.360 (270.990) (96.824) 321.674 4.472.092 1.103.391 2.382.845 985.856 (11.338) 974.518 (216.428) (250.376) 33.948 758.090 - - - 915.939 900.688 15.251 0,03177 758.090 746.151 11.939 0,02632 171 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report IV. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNTED FOR UNDER EQUITY Audited 01 .01 – 31.12.2014 Audited 01. 01 – 31.12.2013 I. ADDITIONS TO MARKETABLE SECURITIES REVALUATION DIFFERENCES FOR AVAILABLE FOR SALE FINANCIAL ASSETS II. TANGIBLE ASSETS REVALUATION DIFFERENCES 247.740 (443.111) III. INTANGIBLE ASSETS REVALUATION DIFFERENCES - - IV. FOREIGN EXCHANGE DIFFERENCES FOR FOREIGN CURRENCY TRANSACTIONS PROFIT/LOSS FROM DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS FOR CASH FLOW HEDGE PURPOSES (EFFECTIVE PORTION OF FAIR VALUE DIFFERENCES) PROFIT/LOSS FROM DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS FOR HEDGE OF NET INVESTMENT IN FOREIGN OPERATIONS (EFFECTIVE PORTION OF FAIR VALUE DIFFERENCES) THE EFFECT OF CORRECTIONS OF ERRORS AND CHANGES IN ACCOUNTING POLICIES - - - - (172.981) 127.832 - - V. VI. VII. VIII. OTHER PROFIT LOSS ITEMS ACCOUNTED FOR UNDER EQUITY AS PER TURKISH ACCOUNTING STANDARDS IX. DEFERRED TAX OF VALUATION DIFFERENCES X. TOTAL NET PROFIT/LOSS ACCOUNTED UNDER EQUITY (I+II+…+IX) (5.847) 77.157 XI. PROFIT/LOSS 49.347 (232.679) 11.1 Change in fair value of marketable securities (Transfer to Profit/Loss) Reclassification and transfer of derivatives accounted for cash flow hedge purposes recycled to Income Statement (31.121) (75.709) 11.2 (33.520) (80.393) 11.3 Transfer of hedge of net investments in foreign operations recycled to Income Statement 2.399 4.684 11.4 Other XII. TOTAL PROFIT/LOSS ACCOUNTED FOR IN THE PERIOD (X±XI) - - (19.565) 5.443 - - 18.226 (308.388) V. XVII. (3) - 2.700.000 - - - - - - - - - 714 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 714 - 49.380 49.380 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 314.251 - 363.631 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4.354 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3.847.212 (33.744) 901.303 901.303 - - 240(*) - - (135.000) (135.000) - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3.080.669 (38.098) (*) Includes the effect of change in ownership of Finans Yatırım Ortaklığı A.Ş Under Liquidation. from 82,2 % to 85,07 % in the prior year. XVIII. 18.1 18.2 18.3 Period net income/ (loss) Profit distribution Dividends distributed Transfers to reserves Other Closing balance (I+II+III+….. +XVI+XVII+XVIII) XVI. Other (*) XV. XIV. XII. 12.1 12.2 XIII. XI. X. IX. VIII. VII. VI. V. 4.2 4.1 IV. III. II. I. Section Audited 2 Part V Prior period – Beginning Balance 2.565.000 Changes in period Increase/decrease related to merger Marketable securities (1) valuation differences Hedging funds (effective portion) Cash-flow hedge Hedge of net investment in foreign operations Tangible assets revaluation differences Intangible assets revaluation differences Bonus shares obtained from associates, subsidiaries and entities under common control Foreign exchange (2) differences Disposal of assets Reclassification of assets Effect of change in associates’ equity Capital increase (5) 135.000 Cash Internal sources 135.000 Share premium Share cancellation profits Inflation adjustment to paid-in capital - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 746.151 202.774 - (950.683) - (950.683) - 746.151 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (222.200) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (418.755) - 196.555 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 95.987 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 106.013 106.013 - - - (10.026) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7.863.461 - 758.090 5.829 1.235 (*) 11.939 - - - - - - - - - - - 106.013 106.013 (418.755) - 7.412.284 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7.700.525 162.936 - 746.151 4.594 - - - - - - - - - - - 106.013 106.013 (418.755) - 7.262.522 149.762 Acc. Val. Diff. Prior Marketable Tangible and Bonus from Assets Period Securities Intangible Shares Held for Sale Total Equity Net Value Assets Obtained and Assets Attributable Total Income/ Increase Revaluation from Hedging from Disc. to the Parent Minority Shareholders’ (Loss) Fund Differences Associates Funds Op. Shareholders Shares Equity - 1.153.457 Effect of inflation Current Accounting Share Period on Capital and Certificate Net Paid-in Other Capital Share Cancellation Legal Statutory Extraordinary Other Income/ Capital Reserves Premium Profits Reserves Reserves Reserves Reserves (Loss) CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY Consolidated statement of changes in shareholders’ equity for the period ended december 31, 2014 (Amounts expressed in Thousands of Turkish Lira (TL) unless otherwise stated.) FİNANSBANK ANONİM ŞİRKETİ 172 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report V. Closing balance (I+II+III+….. +XVI+XVII+XVIII) (3) (5) (2) (1) Section 5 Part II.13 2.835.000 - - - - - 135.000 135.000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2.700.000 - - - - - - 714 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 714 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 39.148 39.148 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 402.779 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 363.631 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 171.732 - (777.193) - (777.193) - - 900.688 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 948.925 - 4.450.257 (49.396) 900.688 738.045 738.045 - - - (15.652)- - - (135.000) (135.000) - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3.847.212 (33.744) - (*) Includes the effect of change in ownership of Finans Yatırım Ortaklığı A.Ş. Under Liquidation from 76.10 % to 76.13 % in the current year. XVIII. 18.1 18.2 18.3 XVII. XVI. XV. XIV. XII. 12.1 12.2 XIII. XI. X. IX. VIII. VII. VI. V. 4.2 4.1 IV. III. II. I. Current period – Beginning Balance Changes in period Increase/decrease related to merger Marketable securities valuation differences Hedging funds (effective portion) Cash-flow hedge Hedge of net investment in foreign operations Tangible assets revaluation differences Intangible assets revaluation differences Bonus shares obtained from associates, subsidiaries and entities under common control Foreign exchange differences Disposal of assets Reclassification of assets Effect of change in associates’ equity Capital increase Cash Internal sources Share premium Share cancellation profits Inflation adjustment to paid-in capital Other Period net income/ (loss) Profit distribution Dividends distributed Transfers to reserves Other Audited (51.856) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 170.344 - (222.200) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 95.987 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (40.479) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (136.466) - (136.466) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8.619.439 - 900.688 (15.652) - - - - - - - - - - - (136.466) (136.466) 170.344 - 7.700.525 - 178.175 - 15.251 (12)(*) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 162.936 - 8.797.614 - 915.939 (15.664) - - - - - - - - - - - (136.466) (136.466) 170.344 - 7.863.461 - Effect of Acc. Val. Diff. inflation Current Prior Marketable Tangible and Bonus Share from Assets Accounting Period Period Securities Intangible Shares Total Equity NonTotal Paid-in Share Certificate Legal Statutory Extraordinary Other Hedging Held for Sale on Capital Net Net Value Assets Obtained Attributable controlling Shareholders’ Capital Premium Cancellation Reserves Reserves Reserves Reserves Funds and Assets and Other Income/ Income/ Increase Revaluation from to the Parent interest Equity Profits from Disc. Capital (Loss) (Loss) Fund Differences Associates Shareholders Op. Reserves CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY Consolidated statement of changes in shareholders’ equity for the period ended december 31, 2014 (Amounts expressed in Thousands of Turkish Lira (TL) unless otherwise stated.) FİNANSBANK ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 173 174 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report VI. CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT Section 5 Part VI Audited 01.0131.12.2014 Audited 01.01 – 31.12.2013 A. CASH FLOWS FROM / (TO) BANKING OPERATIONS 1.1 Operating profit before changes in operating assets and liabilities (+) 2.387.723 1.1.1 Interest received (+) 6.392.148 5.765.623 1.1.2 Interest paid (-) (3.662.657) (2.314.638) 1.1.3 Dividend received (+) 263 147 1.1.4 Fees and commissions received (+) 1.616.834 1.232.690 1.1.5 Other income (+) 335.263 307.354 1.1.6 Collections from previously written off loans (+) 645.732 410.479 1.1.7 Payments to personnel and service suppliers (-) (1.891.296) (1.787.004) 1.1.8 Taxes paid (-) (203.668) (386.800) 1.1.9 Other (+/-) (1) (844.896) (1.324.942) 1.2 Changes in operating assets and liabilities (3.043.443) (492.204) 1.2.1 Net (increase) decrease in financial assets held for trading (+/-) 163.516 (80.881) 1.2.2 Net (increase) decrease in financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (+/-) 211.138 (75.218) 1.2.3 Net (increase) decrease in due from banks (+/-) 177.320 (2.705.482) 1.2.4 Net (increase) decrease in loans (+/-) (8.660.029) (6.924.139) 1.2.5 Net (increase) decrease in other assets (+/-) (224.162) (323.001) 1.2.6 Net increase (decrease) in bank deposits (+/-) 72.016 248.659 1.2.7 Net increase (decrease) in other deposits (+/-) 3.655.617 4.507.911 1.2.8 Net increase (decrease) in funds borrowed (+/-) 862.121 607.526 1.2.9 Net increase (decrease) in matured payables (+/-) 1.2.10 Net increase (decrease) in other liabilities (+/-) I. Net cash provided from / (used in) banking operations (+/-) B. CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES II. 2.1 (1) (1) 1.902.909 - - 699.020 (655.720) 4.252.421 1.410.705 Net cash provided from / (used in) investing activities (+/-) (1.192.174) (2.334.555) Cash paid for purchase of entities under common control, associates and subsidiaries (-) (4.523) (3.060) 2.2 Cash obtained from sale of entities under common control, associates and subsidiaries (+) - 1.476 2.3 Fixed assets purchases (-) (716.545) (203.041) 2.4 Fixed assets sales (+) 49.087 439 2.5 Cash paid for purchase of financial assets available for sale (-) (3.885.078) (12.464.123) 2.6 Cash obtained from sale of financial assets available for sale (+) 4.101.719 11.945.092 2.7 Cash paid for purchase of investment securities (-) (631.485) (1.222.906) 2.8 Cash obtained from sale of investment securities (+) 2.9 Other (+/-) C. CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES III. Net cash provided from / (used in) financing activities (+/-) 2.320.881 (761.244) 3.1 Cash obtained from funds borrowed and securities issued (+) 7.333.900 4.613.983 3.2 Cash used for repayment of funds borrowed and securities issued (-) Capital increase (+) (5.013.019) - (5.375.227) 3.3 3.4 Dividends paid (-) - - 3.5 Payments for finance leases (-) - - 3.6 Other (+/-) IV. Effect of change in foreign exchange rate on cash and cash equivalents (+/-) V. Net increase / (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (I+II+III+IV) VI. Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period (+) (2) 2.272.098 3.608.818 VII. Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period (V+VI) (3) 2.969.178 2.272.098 - - (105.349) (388.432) - - - 224.093 348.374 697.080 (1.336.720) Finansbank 2014 Annual Report VII. CONSOLIDATED PROFIT APPROPRIATION STATEMENT I. 1.1 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 A. 1.3 1.4 1.5 B. 1.6 1.6.1 1.6.2 1.6.3 1.6.4 1.6.5 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.9.1 1.9.2 1.9.3 1.9.4 1.9.5 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 II. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4 2.3.5 2.4 2.5 III. 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 IV. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 DISTRIBUTION OF CURRENT YEAR INCOME CURRENT YEAR INCOME TAXES AND DUTIES PAYABLE CORPORATE TAX (INCOME TAX) INCOME WITHHOLDING TAX OTHER TAXES AND DUTIES NET INCOME FOR THE YEAR (1.1-1.2) PRIOR YEAR LOSSES(-) FIRST LEGAL RESERVES(-) OTHER STATUTORY RESERVES (-) NET INCOME AVAILABLE FOR DISTRIBUTION [(A-(1.3+1.4+1.5)] FIRST DIVIDEND TO SHAREHOLDERS(-) TO OWNERS OF ORDINARY SHARES TO OWNERS OF PRIVILEGED SHARES TO OWENERS OF PREFERRED SHARES TO PROFIT SHARING BONDS TO HOLDERS OF PROFIT AND (LOSS) SHARING CERTIFICATES DIVIDENDS TO PERSONNEL (-) DIVIDENDS TO BOARD OF DIRECTORS (-) SECOND DIVIDEND TO SHAREHOLDERS(-) TO OWNERS OF ORDINARY SHARES TO OWNERS OF PRIVILEGED SHARES TO OWENERS OF PREFERRED SHARES TO PROFIT SHARING BONDS TO HOLDERS OF PROFIT AND (LOSS) SHARING CERTIFICATES SECOND LEGAL RESERVES (-) STATUTORY RESERVES(-) EXTRAORDINARY RESERVES OTHER RESERVES SPECIAL FUNDS DISTRIBUTION OF RESERVES APPROPRIATED RESERVES SECOND LEGAL RESERVES (-) DIVIDENDS TO SHAREHOLDERS(-) TO OWNERS OF ORDINARY SHARES TO OWNERS OF PRIVILEGED SHARES TO OWENERS OF PREFERRED SHARES TO PROFIT SHARING BONDS TO HOLDERS OF PROFIT AND (LOSS) SHARING CERTIFICATES DIVIDENDS TO PERSONNEL(-) DIVIDENDS TO BOARD OF DIRECTORS(-) EARNINGS PER SHARE TO OWNERS OF ORDINARY SHARES TO OWNERS OF ORDINARY SHARES( % ) TO OWNERS OF PRIVILEGED SHARES TO OWNERS OF PRIVILEGED SHARES ( % ) DIVIDEND PER SHARE TO OWNERS OF ORDINARY SHARES TO OWNERS OF ORDINARY SHARES( % ) TO OWNERS OF PRIVILEGED SHARES TO OWNERS OF PRIVILEGED SHARES ( % ) Audited Current Year 31.12.2014(**) Audited Prior Period 31.12.2013 1.142.209 264.781 221.066 43.715 877.428 877.428 - 937.594 203.355 229.625 (26.270) 734.239 36.712 697.527 135.000 135.000(***) 562.527 - - - 0,03095 %3,09 - 0,02719 %2,72 - (*) According to the legislation, companies do not distribute consolidated income. In accordance with this, the distribution of income shown above belongs to the Parent Bank. (**) The decision regarding the distribution of income for 2014 will be made in the General Commitee. (***) Bonus share distribution to Shareholders. 175 176 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report SECTION THREE ACCOUNTING POLICIES I. Basis of Presentation 1. Preparation of the consolidated financial statements and the accompanying footnotes in accordance with Turkish Accounting Standards and Regulation on Principles Related to Banks’ Accounting Applications and Maintaining the Documents The Turkish Banking Law No: 5411 is published in the Official Gazette No: 25983 dated November 1, 2005. The Parent Bank and its financial subsidiaries (“The Group”) prepared the accompanying financial statements as of December 31, 2014 and the related disclosures and footnotes in accordance with accounting and valuation standards as described in the “Regulation on Principles Related to Banks’ Accounting Applications and Maintaining the Documents”, dated November 1, 2006 which is published in the Official Gazette No: 26333, which refers to “Turkish Accounting Standards” (“TAS”), put into effect by Public Oversight Accounting and Auditing Standarts Authority (“KGK”), and “Turkish Financial Reporting Standards” (“TFRS”) issued by the “Turkish Accounting Standards Board” (“TASB”) and additional explanations and notes related to them and other decrees, notes and explanations related to accounting and financial reporting principles (all “Turkish Accounting Standards” or “TAS”) published by the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (“BRSA”). The format and detail of the publicly announced consolidated financial statements and notes to these statements have been prepared in accordance with the “Communiqué on Publicly Announced Financial Statements, Explanations and Notes to These Financial Statements”, published in Official Gazette no. 28337, dated June 28, 2012, and amendments to this Communiqué. Consolidated financial statements and the related disclosures and footnotes have been presented in thousands of Turkish Lira unless otherwise specified. Explanation for Convenience Translation to English The differences between accounting principles, as described in these preceding paragraphs and accounting principles generally accepted in countries in which consolidated financial statements are to be distributed and International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) have not been quantified in these consolidated financial statements. Accordingly, these consolidated financial statements are not intended to present the financial position, results of operations and changes in financial position and cash flows in accordance with the accounting principles generally accepted in such countries and IFRS. 2. Accounting policies and valuation principles used in the preparation of the financial statements Accounting policies and valuation principles used in the preparation of the financial statements are determined and applied in accordance with the requirements of TAS and are consistent with the accounting policies applied in the annual financial statements of the year ended December 31, 2014. The amendments of TAS and TFRS, effective as of January 1, 2014, have no material impact on the the Group’s accounting policies, financial position and performance. The aforementioned accounting policies and valuation principles are explained in Notes II to XXVI below. The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in TL, under the historical cost convention except for the financial assets and liabilities carried at fair value, which are financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss, available for sale financial asssets, subsidiaries, joint ventures, trading derivative financial assets, and hedging derivative financial assets and liabilities. In addition, carrying value of assets subject to fair value hedge but are carried at historical cost is adjusted to reflect fair value changes related to risks being hedged. The preparation of consolidated financial statements in conformity with TAS requires the use of certain critical accounting estimates by the Bank management to exercise its judgment on the assets and liabilities of the balance sheet and contingent matters as of the balance sheet date. These estimates, which include the fair value calculations of financial instruments and impairments of financial assets are being reviewed regularly and, when necessary, suitable corrections are made and the effects of these corrections are reflected to the income statement. Assumptions and estimates that are used in the preparation of the accompanying financial statements are explained in the following related disclosures. The amendments of TAS and TFRS, except TFRS 9 Financial Instruments, which have been published as of reporting date but have not been effective yet, have no impact on the accounting policies, financial condition and performance of the Bank. Aforementioned standard will mainly effect Bank’s classification and valuation of financial assets. Since its impact will change based on financial asset management model used and assets held as of transition date, it has not yet been detected. The Bank is still assessing the impact of TFRS 9 Financial Instruments standard. Finansbank 2014 Annual Report II. Strategy for the Use of Financial Instruments and the Foreign Currency Transactions 1. Strategy for the use of financial instruments The major funding sources of the Parent Bank are customer deposits, bond issues and funds borrowed from international markets. The customer deposits bear fixed interest rate and have an average maturity of 1-3 months in accordance with their sector. Domestic bond issues are realized within the maturity of 6 months and foreign bond issues are based on long maturities with fixed interests. Funds borrowed from abroad mostly bear floating rates and are repriced at an average period of 3-6 months. The Parent Bank diverts its placements to assets with high return, sufficient collaterals. The Parent Bank manages the liquidity structure to meet its liabilities when due by diversifying the funding sources and keeping sufficient cash and cash equivalents. The maturity of fund sources and maturity and yield of placements are considered to the extent possible within the current market conditions and higher return on long-term placements is aimed. Besides customer deposits, the Parent Bank funds its long term fixed interest rate TL loan portfolio with long term (up to 10 years) floating interest rate foreign currency funds obtained from international markets. The Parent Bank converts the foreign currency liquidity obtained from the international markets to TL liquidity using long term swap transactions (fixed TL interest rate and floating FC interest rate). Thus, the Parent Bank generates TL denominated resources for funding long term loans with fixed interest rates. The Parent Bank has determined securities portfolio limits based on the market risk limitations for money, capital and commodity markets. Products included in the securities portfolio are subject to position and risk limits. Position limits restrict the maximum nominal position based on the product. Risk limits are expressed in terms of “Value at Risk (VAR)” by taking the risk tolerance as a cap. The maximum VAR amounts are determined for the three main risk factors, which affect the securities portfolio that is subject to market risk, as well as determining the risk tolerance based on the total value at risk. The above mentioned limits are revised annually. The strategies for hedging exchange rate risk resulting from the Group’s foreign currency available-for-sale debt securities are explained in foreign currency risk section and the applications regarding the hedging of interest rate cash flow risk resulting from deposits are explained in the Interest Rate Risk section in detail. Hedging strategies for foreign exchange risk resulting from other foreign currency transactions are explained in the foreign currency risk section. 2. Foreign currency transactions 2.1. Foreign currency exchange rates used in converting transactions denominated in foreign currencies and presentation of them in the financial statements The Group accounts for the transactions denominated in foreign currencies in accordance with TAS 21 “The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates”. Foreign exchange gains and losses arising from transactions that are completed as of December 31, 2014 are translated to TL by using historical foreign currency exchange rates. Balances of the foreign currency denominated assets and liabilities except for non-monetary items are converted into TL by using foreign currency exchange rates of the Parent Bank for the period end and the resulting exchange differences are recorded as foreign exchange gains and losses. Foreign currency nonmonetary items measured at fair value are converted with currency exchange rates at the time of fair value measurement. The Bank’s foreign currency exchange rates for the related period ends are as follows US Dollar Euro December 31, 2014 December 31, 2013 2,3189 TL 2,8207 TL 2,1343 TL 2,9365 TL 2.2. Total exchange rate differences that are included in net profit or loss for the year The net exchange gain for the period that ended at December 31, 2014 is TL 35.724 TL (December 31, 2013- 96.824 TL net exchange loss). 2.3. Foreign Associates The parent Bank does not have any foreign associates as of December 31, 2014 and December 31, 2013. 177 178 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report III. Information on Associates, Subsidiaries and Entities Under Common Control The accompanying consolidated financial statements are prepared in accordance with TFRS 10 “Turkish Financial Reporting Standard in regards to Consolidated Financial Statements” and BRSA’s “Regulation on Preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements of Banks” published on the Official Gazette numbered 26340 and dated November 8, 2006. The corporations included in consolidation and their places of incorporation, nature of activities and shareholding percentages are as follows: Finans Yatırım Menkul Değerler A.Ş. 1. (Finans Yatırım) Finans Portföy Yönetimi A.Ş. 2. (Finans Portföy) Finans Yatırım Ortaklığı A.Ş. 3. (Finans Yatırım Ortaklığı) Finans Finansal Kiralama A.Ş. 4. (Finans Leasing) Finans Faktoring Hizmetleri A.Ş. 5. (Finans Faktoring) Cigna Finans Emeklilik ve Hayat A.Ş. 6. (Cigna Finans Emeklilik) Consolidation Method Place of Establishment Full consolidation Turkey Full consolidation Turkey Portfolio Management 99,72 99,71 Full consolidation Turkey Mutual Fund 76,13 76,10 Full consolidation Turkey Financial Leasing 69,00 69,01 Full consolidation Turkey Factoring Services 100,00 100,00 Turkey Private Pension and Insurance 49,00 49,00 Equity Method Subject of Operations Effective Share of the Group (%) December 31, 2014 December 31, 2013 Securities Intermediary 99,74 99,74 Services Subsidiaries maintain their books of accounts and prepare their financial statements in accordance with the regulations on accounting and reporting framework and accounting standards which are determined by the accounting standards promulgated by the Turkish Commercial Code, Financial Leasing Law and Turkish Capital Markets Board (“CMB”) regulations. Certain adjustments and reclassifications were made on the financial statements of the subsidiaries for the purpose of fair presentation in accordance with the prevailing regulations and accounting standards according to the Articles 37 and 38 of the Turkish Banking Law No: 5411 and other regulations, circulars, communiqués and pronouncements in respect of accounting and financial reporting issued by the BRSA. Differences between the accounting policies of subsidiaries and entities under common control and those of the Parent Bank are adjusted, if material. The financial statements of the subsidiaries and entities under common control are prepared as of December 31, 2014. 1.Subsidiaries Subsidiaries are the entities controlled directly or indirectly by the Parent Bank. Control is defined as the power over the investee, exposure or rights to variable returns from its involvement with the investee and the ability to use its power over the investee to affect the amount of the Bank’s returns. Subsidiaries are consolidated using the full consolidation method based on the size of their asset equity, and result of operations. Financial statements of related subsidiaries are consolidated from the date when the control is transferred to the Bank and are put out of consolidation’s scope as soon as control is removed. Acccounting policies applied by subsidiaries that are included in consolidated financial statements are not different from Parent Bank’s accounting policies. According to full consolidation method, 100% of subsidiaries’ asset, liability, income, expense and off balance sheet items are consolidated with the Parent Bank’s asset, liability, income, expense and off balance sheet items. Book value of the Group’s investment in each subsidiary is netted off with Group’s equity shares. Unrealized gains and losses and balances that arise due to transactions between subsidiaries within consolidation scope, have been net off. Non-controlling interests are shown separately from earnings per share on consolidated balance sheet and income statement. 2. Associates and entities under common control The Parent Bank does not have any financial associates that are consolidated in the accompanying financial statements. The joint venture is established locally, has its primary operations in private pension and insurace, is controlled jointly with another group with a partnership agreement, and is included in Parent Bank’s capital. Subject joint venture is included in consolidated financial statements by using equity method. Equity method is a method of accounting whereby the book value of the investor’s share capital in the subsidiary or the joint venture is either added to or subtracted in proportion with investor’s share from the change in the subsidiary’s or joint venture’s equity within the period. The method also foresees that profit will be deducted from the subsidiary’s or joint venture’s accordingly recalculated value. Finansbank 2014 Annual Report IV. Explanations on Forwards, Option Contracts and Derivative Instruments The Group enters into forward currency purchase/sale agreements and swap transactions to reduce the foreign currency risk and interest rate risk and manage foreign currency liquidity risk. The Group also carries out currency and interest options, swaption, credit default swap and futures agreements. Besides customer deposits, the Parent Bank funds its long term fixed interest rate TL loan portfolio with long term (up to 10 years) floating interest rate foreign currency funds obtained from international markets. The Parent Bank converts the foreign currency liquidity obtained from the international markets to TL liquidity with long term swap transactions (fixed TL interest rate and floating FC interest rate). Therefore, the Bank not only funds its long term fixed interest rate loans with TL but also hedges itself against interest rate risk. In accordance with TAS 39 “Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement”, derivative instruments are categorized as “hedging purpose” or “trading purpose” transactions. Derivatives are initially recognized at fair value and subsequently measured at fair value. Also, the liabilities and receivables arising from the derivative transactions are recorded as off-balance sheet items at their contractual values. The derivative transactions are accounted for at fair value subsequent to initial recognition and are presented in the “Assets on Trading Derivatives”, “Liabilities on Trading Derivatives” or “Assets on Hedging Purpose Derivatives” and “Liabilities on Hedging Purpose Derivatives” items of the balance sheet depending on the resulting positive or negative amounts of the computed value. These amounts presented on the balance sheet, represent the fair value differences based on the valuation. Fair values of forward foreign currency purchase and sales contracts, currency and interest rate swap transactions are calculated by using internal pricing models based on market data. Unrealized gains and losses are reflected in the income statement in the current period. Fair values of option contracts are calculated with option pricing models and the resulting unrealized gains and losses are reflected in the current period income statement. Futures transactions are accounted for at settlement prices as of the balance sheet date and related unrealized gains and losses are presented in the current period income statement. Fair value of credit default swaps is calculated using internal pricing models based on market data and related unrealized gains and losses are reflected in the current period income statement. Upon valuation of derivative instruments that are not subject to hedge accounting, differences in fair value, except for currency revolution differences, are recorded in the income statement on Gains/Losses from Derivative transactions. These foreign currency valuation differences are accounted for under “Foreign Exchange Gains/Losses” account. In cash flow hedge accounting: The Bank applies cash flow hedge accounting using interest swaps to hedge its TL and FC customer deposits with an average maturity of 1 month against interest rate fluctuations. The Bank implements effectiveness tests at the balance sheet dates for hedge accounting; the effective parts are accounted as defined in TAS 39, in financial statements under equity “Hedging Funds”, whereas the amount concerning ineffective parts is associated with income statement. In cash flow hedge accounting, when the hedging instrument expires, is executed or sold and when the hedge relationship becomes ineffective or is discontinued as a result of the hedge relationship being revoked; the hedging gains and losses that were previously recognized under equity are transferred to profit or loss when the cash flows of the hedged item are realized. In fair value hedge accounting: The Parent Bank applies fair value hedge accounting within the framework of TAS 39 using swaps to hedge a portion of its long term, fixed rate mortgage and project finance loans against possible fair value change due to market interest rate fluctuations. The Parent Bank applies fair value hedge accounting using fx swaps to hedge long term, fixed rate, foreign currency eurobonds in its portfolio against interest rate fluctuations. Information on Eurobond and loan portfolio, recognized as fair value hedged items, is presented in Section 3, Footnote VII, 2 and 4. The Parent Bank applies fair value hedge accounting to hedge itself against the changes in the interest rates related to long term TL government bonds with fixed coupon payment using swaps as hedging instruments. 179 180 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report The Parent Bank applies fair value hedge accounting to hedge itself against the changes in the interest rates related to the foreign currency bonds issued using interest rate swaps as hedging instruments. At each balance sheet date the Parent Bank applies effectiveness tests for fair value hedge accounting. When the hedging instrument expires, is executed or sold and when the hedge relationship becomes ineffective or is discontinued as a result of the hedge relationship being revoked, adjustments made to the carrying amount of the hedged item are transferred to profit and loss with straight line method for portfolio hedges or with effective interest rate method for micro hedges. In case the hedged item is derecognized, hedge accounting is discontinued and within context of fair value hedge accounting, adjustments made to the value of the hedged item are accounted in income statement. V. Explanations on Interest Income and Expenses Interest income and expenses are recognized in the income statement for all interest bearing instruments on an accrual basis using the effective interest rate method. In accordance with the related regulation, the interest accruals of non-performing loans are cancelled and not recorded as interest income until collected. VI. Explanations on Fees and Commission Income and Expenses Fee and commission income and expenses are accounted for on an accrual basis or on effective interest rate method except for the certain banking transactions that income is recognized immediately. Income generated through agreements or through the sale and purchases of assets on behalf of third parties, is recorded as income when collected. VII. Explanations and Disclosures on Financial Assets Financial assets comprise cash and cash equivalents and the contractual right to obtain cash or another financial asset from counterparty or to exchange financial assets with counterparty or the equity instrument transactions of the counterparty. Financial assets are classified in four categories; as “Financial Assets at Fair Value through Profit or Loss”, “Investment Securities AvailableFor-Sale”, “Investment Securities Held-To-Maturity”, and “Loans And Other Receivables”. The classification of the financial assets is determined at the initial inception of the related financial assets. 1. Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 1.1. Trading securities The Group accounts for its trading securities at fair value. The interest income that is from trading securities is presented as interest income in the income statement, while the difference between the cost and the fair value of trading securities and the gain or loss resulting from the sale of these financial assets before their maturity are realized under securities trading gains / losses. 1.2. Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss The Parent Bank has classified its mortgage loans that were initiated between January 1, 2006 – December 31, 2007, as financial assets at fair value through profit or loss in compliance with TAS 39. These loans are presented under “Financial Assets at Fair Value through Profit or Loss” as loan, and fair value differences are presented as “Securities Trading Gains (Losses) in order to be in compliance with the balance sheet presentation. Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss are initially recorded at cost and are measured at fair value in the following periods. The fair value of loans presented under “Financial Assets at Fair Value through Profit or Loss” are determined under current market conditions, taking into consideration the estimated price of a transaction at the measurement date depending on sale of an asset or transfer of a liability between market participants (in other words, exit price at measurement date from the perspective of an owner of an asset or from a debtor’s). 2. Investment securities available for sale Available for sale assets represent financial assets other than financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, loans and other receivables and investment securities held to maturity. Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Premiums and discounts on investment securities available-for-sale are considered during the computation of the internal rate of return and are included in interest income in the income statement. Accrued interest income on investment securities available for sale is recognized in the income statement whereas gains and losses arising from the change in the fair values of such securities are reflected in equity under “Securities value increase fund” (Unrealized Gains/Losses on Securities). When investment securities available for sale are sold, collected or otherwise disposed of, the cumulative fair value adjustments under equity are transferred to the income statement. The Bank has inflation indexed (CPI) government bonds in its available for sale and held-to-maturity portfolios. CPI government bonds that are constant throughout their lives and their real principal amounts are preserved from inflation. These marketable securities are valued and accounted by using effective interest rate method by considering the real coupon rates and reference inflation index at the issue date together with the index calculated by considering the estimated inflation rate as disclosed by the Turkish Treasury. As disclosed in ‘Inflation Indexed Bonds Manual’ published by Turkish Treasury, reference index used for the real payments is determined based on the inflation rates of two months before. The estimated inflation rate used is updated during the year when necessary. Some portion of the Eurobond portfolio which has been recognized as available for sale securities are designated as fair value hedged items, hedged against interest rate fluctuations, starting from March and April 2009. Those securities are disclosed under Investment Securities Available for Sale in order to be in line with balance sheet presentation. The fair value differences of hedged items are accounted for under “Securities Trading Gains/ Losses” in the income statement. In cases where fair value hedge operations cannot be effectively performed as described in TAS 39, fair value hedge accounting is ceased. After fair value accounting is ceased, fair value differences, previously reflected to the income statement, are amortized through the equity until the maturity of related hedged securities. The fair value differences of related portfolio securities sold prior to maturity are immediately recognized in the income statement. 3. Investments securities held to maturity Investments held to maturity include securities with fixed or determinable payments and fixed maturity where there is an intention of holding until maturity and the relevant conditions for fulfillment of such intention, including the funding ability and excluding loans and receivables. The Bank classified debt securities nominal amounted to TL 1.601.660 as investment securities held-to-maturity which is previously accounted under investment securities available-for-sale in the financial statements as due to the change in the intention of holding as of June 21, 2013. Fair value differences accounted under the equity until the transfer date, will be amortised through the equity until the maturity of the securities. Detailed information regarding the classification given in Section Five I/8.e 4. Loans and specific provisions Loans and receivables are carried initially by adding transaction cost to its purchase cost reflecting the fair value; except for the loans that are recorded with fair value through profit or loss and loans subject to fair value hedge. In the following periods, these loans are carried at amortized cost by using the effective interest rate method. As mentioned in note “IV. Explanations on Forward, Option Contracts and Derivative Instruments”, the Group enters into fx swap transactions against TL in order to hedge the possible losses which might arise due to the changes in the fair value of a certain portion of its long-term loans and applies fair value hedge accounting as per TAS 39. The Parent Bank accounted for the hedged part of the loan portfolio at fair value, together with the swap transactions used as the hedging instrument and the related net gain or loss was included in the income statement. When the fair value hedge accounting cannot be effectively continued as stated in TAS 39, the fair value hedge accounting is ceased. The fair value differences of the hedged loans are amortized through income statement until the maturity of the hedged loans. Provision is set for the loans that might be doubtful and amount is charged in the current period income statement. In the case where there is an evidence for the possibility of uncollectibility of loans, the Parent Bank classifies related loans and receivables in non-performing loans and provides specific provision in accordance with the Communiqué dated November 1, 2006, published on the Official Gazette No 26333 “Methods and Principles for the Determination of Loans and Other Receivables to be Reserved 181 182 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report for and Allocation of Reserves”. The Bank provides specific provision for the loans under follow-up regarding credit risk and other factors, in accordance with the aforementioned regulation. Additionally, the Parent Bank provides general provisions in accordance with the Communiqué dated November 1, 2006, published on the Official Gazette No: 28789 “Methods and Principles for the Determination of Loans and Other Receivables to be Reserved for and Allocation of Reserves” and accounts such provision at the liability side of the balance sheet under general loan loss provision. The Parent Bank also provides specific provisions for the closely monitored loans as a result of risk assessment. These provisions accounted for in liabilities under other provisions. The general provisions and special provisions provided for loans and other provisions provided for closely monitored loans are accounted for under “Provision for Loan Losses and Other Receivables” in the statement of income. The collections made in relation to amounts that provision provided in the current period and the principle collections from the loans previously provisioned in the prior periods are offset against the “Provision for Loan and Other Receivables” in the income statement. The principal collections made related to the loans that were written-off and standard and closely monitored loans are recorded under “Other Operating Income” and interest collections are recorded under the “Interest on Loans” account. VIII. Explanations on Impairment of Financial Assets It is assessed whether there is objective evidence for a financial asset or group of financial assets is impaired at each balance sheet date. Provision for impairment is provided when there is an objective evidence of impairment. A financial asset or a group of financial assets can be impaired and impairment loss will occur only if there is objective evidence that one or more events (“loss/profit events”) have occurred after the initial recording of subject asset and that subject loss event/s have an impairment effect on future, approximate cash flows which can accurately be guessed. Future events that are expected to occur are not accounted, no matter how probable. Impairment for held-to-maturity financial assets carried at amortized cost is calculated as the difference between the present value of the expected future cash flows discounted based on the “Effective interest rate method” and its carrying value. Regarding available-forsale financial assets, impairment loss is reclassified from equity to profit or loss and is the difference between acquisition cost (less all principal repayments and amortization) and fair value, after impairment losses previously accounted for under profit or loss have been deducted. An explanation about the impairment of loans and receivables is given in Note VII of Section Four. IX. Explanations on Netting of Financial Instruments and Derecognition of Financial Assets Financial assets and liabilities are offset and the net amount is reported on the balance sheet when the Group has a legally enforceable right to offset the recognized amounts and there is an intention to collect/pay the related financial assets and liabilities on a net basis, or to realize the asset and settle the liability simultaneously. X. Explanations on Sales and Repurchase Agreements and Lending of Securities Securities sold under repurchase agreements are recorded on the balance sheet in accordance with Uniform Chart of Accounts. Accordingly, government bonds and treasury bills sold to customers under repurchase agreements are classified as “Investments Subject to Repurchase Agreements” and valued based on the Group Management’s future intentions, either at market prices or using discounting method with internal rate of return. Funds lended against securities purchased under agreements to resell (“Reverse repos”) are accounted under “Receivables from reverse repurchase agreements” on the balance sheet. The difference between the purchase and resell price determined by these repurchase agreements is accrued over the life of repurchase agreements using the “Effective interest method”. Securities that are subject to repurchase agreements as at the balance sheet date amounted to TL 4.420.738 (December 31, 2013 - TL 3.834.984). Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Securities of the Parent Bank that are subject to lending transactions as at the balance sheet date amounted to TL 1.345 (December 31, 2013 – TL 6.791). Securities purchased with a commitment to resell (reverse repurchase agreements) are recorded in a separate account under “Money Market Placements” in the balance sheet. The difference resulting from purchase and resale prices is treated as interest income and accrued over the life of the agreement. XI. Explanations on Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations In accordance with IFRS 5 (“Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations”), assets classified as held for sale are measured at lower of carrying value or fair value less costs to sell. Amortisation on subject asset is ended and these assets are presented separately on financial statements. An asset (or a disposal group) is regarded as “asset held for sale” only when the sale is highly probable and the asset (disposal group) is available for immediate sale in its present condition. For a highly probable sale, there must be a valid plan prepared by the management for the sale of asset including identification of possible buyers and completion of sale process. Furthermore, the asset (or a disposal group) should be actively marketed at a price consistent with its fair value. Various events and conditions may prolong the sale procedures for more than one year. In case subject delay is caused by the events and conditions beyond the entity’s control and there is enough evidence that plans to sell subject asset (or a disposal group) continue subject assets contine to be classified as assets held for sale. The Bank has re-classified its real estate property with a net book value of TL 63.090 from “Tangible Assets” to “Assets held for Sale” as of December 31, 2014. A discontinued operation is a part of the Bank’s business classified as disposed or held-for-sale. The operating results of the discontinued operations are disclosed separately in the income statement. The Parent Bank classifies tangible assets that were acquired due to non-performing receivables, and that do not comply with TFRS 5 criteria, in accordance with the “Communiqué Regarding the Principles and Procedures for the Disposals of Immovables and Commodities Acquired due to Receivables and for Trading of Precious Metal” published in the Official Gazette dated November 1, 2006, no.26333 as other assets and accounts for these tangible assets according to the aforementioned Communiqué. XII. Explanations on Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets The Group’s intangible assets consist of software, intangible rights and goodwill. The intangible assets are recorded at their historical cost less accumulated amortization and provision for impairment, if any. Amortization is calculated on a straight-line basis. Softwares have been classified as other intangible fixed assets. The useful life of softwares is determined as 3 years. If there is objective evidence of impairment, the asset’s recoverable amount is estimated in accordance with the Turkish Accounting Standard on Impairment of Assets (TAS 36) and if the recoverable amount is less than the carrying value of the related asset, a provision for impairment loss is made. XIII. Explanations on Tangible Assets Tangible assets are recorded at their historical cost less accumulated depreciation and provision for impairment, if any. Depreciation is calculated on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful life of tangible assets. The annual amortization rates used are as follows: Property Movables purchased and acquired under finance lease contracts The depreciation of leasehold improvements acquired before December 2009, under operating lease agreements, is calculated according to their useful lives. Depreciation of the leasehold improvements acquired after this date is calculated over the lease period not exceeding 5 years where the lease duration is certain; or 5 years where the lease period is not certain in accordance with “Communiqué on the Amendment of Communiqué on Uniform Chart of Accounts and Explanatory Notes” dated January 10, 2011. Depreciation is calculated on a pro-rata basis for the assets that have been placed in use for less than a year as of the balance sheet date. 2% 7% - 25% 183 184 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report XIII. Explanations on Tangible Assets Net book value of the property and leased assets under financial lease contracts are compared with the fair values determined by independent appraisers as of the year end and provision for impairment is recognized in “Other Operating Expenses” in the related period income statement when the fair value is below the net book value in accordance with “Turkish Accounting Standard on Impairment of Assets” (TAS 36). Gains or losses resulting from disposals of the tangible assets are recorded in the income statement as the difference between the net proceeds and net book value of the asset. Expenses for repairs are capitalized if the expenditure increases economic life of the asset; otherwise, they are expensed. There are no changes in the accounting estimates in regards to amortization duration, which could have a significant impact on the current and future financial statements. There are no pledges, mortgages or other restrictions on the tangible assets. There is no purchase commitments related to the fixed assets. The Parent Bank has purchased a building amounting to TL 931.008 on March 11, 2014 to be used as its Headquarters. XIV. Explanations on Leasing Transactions Fixed assets acquired under finance lease contracts are presented under “Tangible Fixed Assets” on the asset side and under “Financial Lease Payables” on the liability side at the initial date of the lease. The basis for the determination of related balance sheet amounts is the lower of fair value of the leased asset and the present value of the lease payments. The direct costs incurred for a finance lease transaction are capitalized as additions to the cost of the leased asset. Lease payments include the financing costs incurred due to the leasing transaction and the principal amount of the leased asset for the current period. Depreciation is calculated on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful life of the leased assets at the rate of 20% except for the buildings which are depreciated at the rate of 2%. Total payments made under operating leases are charged to income statement on a straight-line basis over the period of the lease. The gross lease receivables including interest and principal amounts regarding the Group’s financial leasing activities as “Lessor” are stated under the “Finance Lease Receivables”. The difference between the total of rental payments and the cost of the related fixed assets is reflected to the “unearned income” account. The interest income is recognized based on a pattern reflecting a constant periodic rate of return on the net investment outstanding. The provisions for lease receivables are set as per BRSA communiqué numbered 28861 and dated December 24, 2013 “Communique on Accounting Principles and Financial Statements of Leasing, Factoring and Financing Companies”. Those provisions are accounted under “Lease Receivables” at the accompanying financial statements. XV. Explanations on Factoring Receivables Factoring receivables are carried at amortized cost by using the effective interest rate method after unearned interest income is deducted and specific provisions for impairments are provided, if any. These provisions are accounted for under “Factoring Receivables” at the accompanying financial statements. The provisions for lease receivables are set as per BRSA communiqué numbered 28861 and dated December 24, 2013 “Communique on Accounting Principles and Financial Statements of Leasing, Factoring and Financing Companies”. Those provisions are accounted for under “Factoring Receivables” at the accompanying financial statements. XVI. Explanations on Provisions and Contingent Liabilities Provisions, other than specific and general provisions for loans and other receivables, and contingent liabilities are provided for in accordance with TAS 37 “Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets”. Provisions are accounted for immediately when obligations arise as a result of past events and a reliable estimate of the obligation is made by the Bank. Whenever the amount of such obligations cannot be measured, they are regarded as “contingent”. If the possibility of an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits becomes probable and the amount of the obligation can reliably be measured, a provision is provided. Provisions provided during the period other than specific and general provisions for loans and other receivables are recorded under “Other Operating Expenses”; provisions provided in the prior periods but reversed in the current year are accounted for under “Other Operating Income”. Finansbank 2014 Annual Report XVII. Explanations on Obligations of the Group for Employees Benefits Provision for employee severance benefits of the Group has been accounted for in accordance with TAS 19 “Employee Benefits”. In accordance with the existing social legislation in Turkey, the Group is required to make lump-sum termination indemnities including retirement and notice payments to each employee whose employment is terminated due to resignation or for reasons other than misconduct. The retirement pay is calculated for every working year within the Group over salary for 30 days or the official ceiling amount per year of employment and the notice pay is calculated for the relevant notice period time as determined based on the number of years worked for the Group. The Group has reflected the retirement pay liability amount, which was calculated by an independent actuary, in the accompanying financial statements. According to IAS 19, the Group recognizes all actuarial gains and losses immediately through other comprehensive income. The Group does not have any employees who work under limited period contracts with remaining terms longer than 12 months after the balance sheet date. Provision for the employees’ unused vacations has been booked in accordance with IAS 19 and reflected to the financial statements. There are no foundations, pension trusts or similar associations of which the Group employees are members. XVIII. Explanations on Taxation 1. Corporate Tax Turkish Tax Legislation does not allow the Parent Company to prepare tax declaration from the financial statements which subsidiaries and investment associates are consolidated into. Therefore, tax provision in accompanying consolidated financial statements is determined by calculating tax provision for each corporation in consolidation scope separately. In accordance with the Corporate Tax Law No: 5520 published in the Official Gazette No: 26205 dated June 21, 2006, statutory income is subject to corporate tax at 20%. Advance corporate taxes paid are deducted from the corporate taxes of the current year and shown in current tax asset and current tax liabilities. 75% of gains on disposal of subsidiary shares and real estates held in Parent Bank assets for more than two years are excepted from tax, according to Corporate Tax Law under the condition with adding these gains into equity or allocating into a specific fund account as liability for five years. Companies file their tax returns between the 1st and the 25th day of the fourth month following the closing of the fiscal year to which they relate and the payments are made until the end of that month. Losses occurred due to prior year’s financial statements can be deducted from corporate income under condition that each year amounts are shown separately on Corporate Tax declaration and are not carried more than five years. Taxes that are not been levied or notified to tax payer in five years, starting from the beginning of the year following the calendar year that the tax asset emerged are prescribed. Therefore, the tax authority can perform tax audit up to five years backwards. Besides, in case of benefiting from the decision of the document that is subject to stamp duty, yet the tax and the penalty is prescribed, after period of limitation is expired, tax asset of aforementioned document is emerged again. The provision for corporate and income taxes for the period is recognized as “Current Tax Charge” in the income statement and current tax effect related to transactions directly recognized in equity are reflected to equity. Undistributed profit for the period is not subject to withholding tax if it is added to capital or it is distributed to full-fledged taxpayer corporations. However, with the Council of Ministers’ decisions numbered 2009/14593 and 2009/14594; published in the Official Gazette No: 27130 dated February 3, 2009 and based on Corporate Tax Law No: 5520, 15th and 30th Articles, profit distribution for the period is subject to withholding tax by 15%, for full-fledged real person taxpayers, for those who are not responsible for corporate tax and income tax, for those exempt from corporate and income tax (except for those taxed through their businesses or permanent representatives in Turkey) and for foreign based real person taxpayers. 185 186 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 2. Deferred Taxes In accordance with Turkish Accounting Standard on Income Taxes (TAS 12), the Bank accounts for deferred taxes based on the tax effect of temporary differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for financial reporting purposes and the amounts used for taxation purposes. In calculating deferred tax, legalized tax rates effective as of balance sheet date are used as per tax legislations. Deferred tax liabilities are recognized for all temporary differences whereas deferred tax assets calculated from deductible temporary differences are only recognized if it’s highly probable that these will in the future create taxable profit would be available against which the deferred tax assets can be utilized. Deferred tax asset is not provided over general reserve for possible risks and general loan loss provisions according to the circular of BRSA numbered BRSA.DZM.2/13/1-a-3 and dated December 8, 2004. According to TAS 12, deferred taxes and liabilities resulting from different subsidiaries subject to consolidation are not presented as net; rather they are presented separately as assets and liabilities in the financial statements. XIX. Additional Explanations on Borrowings The Parent Bank and consolidated Group companies generate funds from domestically and internationally resident people and institutions by using debt instruments such as syndication, securitization, collateralized debt and bond issuance. Aforementioned transactions are initially recorded at transaction cost plus acquisition cost, reflective of their fair value, and are subsequently measured at amortized cost by using effective interest rate method. XX. Explanation on Share Issues During the current period the Bank’s paid in capital has been increased by TL 135.000, paid from first dividend as “bonus share”. (January 1 – December 31, 2013 - The Bank issued TL 135.000 of bonus shares; where TL 128.250 was from first dividends, TL 6.750 were from share holding disposal funds). XXI. Explanations on Confirmed Bills of Exchange and Acceptances Confirmed bills of exchange and acceptances are realized simultaneously with the customer payments and recorded in off-balance sheet accounts as possible debt and commitment, if any. There are no acceptances and confirmed bills of exchange presented as liabilities against any assets. XXII. Explanations on Government Incentives As of December 31, 2014, the Group does not have any unused investment incentives. XXIII. Explanation on Reporting According to Segmentation In addition to corporate banking, retail banking and commercial banking services, the Group also provides private banking, SME banking, treasury operations and credit card services through branches and alternative channels. The Group serves its retail banking clients with time, demand deposits, also overdraft services, automatic account services, consumer loans, vehicle loans, housing loans and investment fund services. The Group provides services including deposit and loans, foreign trade financing, forward and option agreements to its corporate clients. Other than those mentioned above, the Group also serves in trading financial instruments, treasury operations, and performs insurance, factoring, and domestic and abroad finance lease operations. The calculations based on the income statement for retail banking (consumer banking and plastic cards), corporate and commercial banking that have operational units designated as the main profit centers, have been made according to the product and customer types. During the profitability calculations, the pricing of transfers among these units and treasury unit are made by using cost/return ratios that are determined by the Parent Bank’s senior management and which are updated periodically. In this pricing method, general market conditions and the Parent Bank’s internal policies are considered. The Corporate Marketing Unit provides services to firms that are institutional, big size, that have annual revenues of TL 100.000 and higher and multi-national firms operating in Turkey. The firms that have annual revenues between TL 2.000 and TL 100.000 are considered as “Commercial Enterprise”. The Bank gives importance to the commercial segmentation in order to hedge risk and decrease the concentration of income. Moreover; The Bank also offers sectoral solution packages to these small and medium-size firms. Finansbank 2014 Annual Report The Consumer Banking meets the needs and expectations of the retail banking customers. The Private Banking Unit has formed and started to operate to serve customers with high level income, in a more effective way. The installments, discounts and bonus advantages are provided to the users of Card Finans in the plastic cards line. The main function of Treasury Segment is managing the liquidity of the Parent Bank and interest and foreign currency risks resulting from market conditions. This segment is in close relation with corporate, commercial, retail, SME and private banking units in order to increase the number of customers and the volume of transactions in treasury products of the Parent Bank. Current Period (January 1 – December 31, 2014) Net Interest Income Net Fees and Commissions Income Other Operating Income and Net Trading Income Dividend Income Operating Income Other Operating Expenses Provision for Loan Losses and Other Receivables Gain / Loss on joint venture accounted for at equity method Profit Before Taxes Provision for Tax Net Profit/Loss Total Assets Segment Assets Associates, Subsidiaries and Entities Under Common Control (Joint Ventures) Undistributed Assets Total Liabilities Segment Liabilities Undistributed Liabilities Equity Other Segment Accounts Capital Expenditures Depreciation and Amortization Value Decrease/ (Increase) Prior Period (January 1 - December 31, 2013) Net Interest Income Net Fees and Commissions Income Other Operating Income and Net Trading Income Dividend Income Operating Income Other Operating Expenses Provision for Loan Losses and Other Receivables Profit Before Taxes Gain / Loss on joint venture accounted for at equity method Provision for Tax Net Profit/Loss Total Assets Segment Assets Associates, Subsidiaries and Entities Under Common Control (Joint Ventures) Undistributed Assets Total Liabilities Segment Liabilities Undistributed Liabilities Equity Other Segment Accounts Capital Expenditures Depreciation and Amortization Value Decrease/ (Increase) Retail Banking 1.232.083 1.067.346 330.629 2.630.058 1.457.569 623.561 548.928 37.337.427 37.337.427 Corporate and Commercial Banking 1.151.654 294.426 74.381 1.520.461 799.335 396.105 325.021 14.437.762 14.437.762 Treasury and Head Office 820.788 35.211 (271.185) 263 585.077 186.107 80.825 (601) 317.544 20.819.549 20.819.549 Total Operations of the Group 3.204.525 1.396.983 133.825 263 4.735.596 2.443.011 1.100.491 (601) 1.191.493 (275.554) 915.939 76.835.125 72.594.738 29.485.416 29.485.416 254.433 126.959 127.474 - 10.906.083 10.906.083 135.384 69.625 65.759 - 21.124.661 21.124.661 1.024.332 998.625 25.707 - 189.867 4.050.520 76.835.125 61.516.160 6.521.351 8.797.614 1.414.149 1.195.209 218.940 - Retail Banking 1.584.181 899.240 280.217 2.763.638 1.431.893 823.328 508.417 34.123.577 34.123.577 Corporate and Commercial Banking 983.372 150.043 75.951 1.209.366 731.191 517.646 (39.471) 9.912.457 9.912.457 Treasury and Head Office 701.414 37.475 (239.948) 147 499.088 219.761 (237.583) 516.910 (11.338) 19.618.825 19.618.825 Total Operations of the Group 3.268.967 1.086.758 116.220 147 4.472.092 2.382.845 1.103.391 985.856 (11.338) (216.428) 758.090 67.665.718 63.654.859 25.886.321 25.886.321 292.823 186.517 106.306 - 10.625.129 10.625.129 151.056 96.217 54.839 - 17.316.855 17.316.855 28.676 16.888 11.788 - 199.422 3.811.437 67.665.718 67.665.718 5.973.952 7.863.461 474.308 299.622 172.933 1.753 187 188 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report XXIV. Profit Reserves and profit distribution At the General Assembly dated March 27, 2014, the profit distribution of the Parent Bank for the year 2013 is decided as follows: 2013 profit distribution table: Current period income / (loss) A – First Legal Reserves (Turkish Commercial Code 519/A) 5% B – First Dividend to Shareholders(*) D – Extraordinary Reserves 734.239 (36.712) (135.000) (562.527) (*)It was decided to distribute the shares issued by adding first dividend to shareholders amounting to TL 135.000 to the share capital. XXV. Profit Per Share Profit per share listed on income statement is calculated by dividing net profit to weighted average amount of shares issued within respective year. Current Period Group’s Net Profit for the Period Weighted Average Amount of Shares Issued (Thousands) Earnings per Share Prior Period 900.688 746.151 28.350.000 28.350.000 0,03177 0,02632 In Turkey, companies can increase capital through “bonus share” distributed from previous year earnings to current shareholders. Such “bonus share” distributions are accounted as issued shares while calculating profit per share. Accordingly, weighted average amount of shares issued used in these calculations is found through taking into consideration retroactive effects of subject share distributions. In case amount of shares issued increases after the balance sheet date but before the date of financial statement preparation due to distribution of “bonus share”, profit per share is calculated taking into consideration new amount of shares. XXVI. Explanations on Other Matters None Finansbank 2014 Annual Report SECTION FOUR INFORMATION ON GROUP’S FINANCIAL STRUCTURE I. Explanations Related to Consolidated Capital Adequacy Ratio As of December 31, 2014, the Parent Bank’s consolidated capital adequacy ratio is 16,90%.(December 31, 2013 – 17,16%) Capital adequacy ratio is calculated within the scope of the “Regulation on Measurement and Assessment of Capital Adequacy Ratios of Banks (the “Regulation”)”, “Regulation on Credit Risk Mitigation Techniques” and “Regulation on Calculation of Risk Weighted Amounts for Securitizations” published in the Official Gazette No.28337 dated June 28, 2012 and the “Regulation on Equities of Banks” published in the Official Gazette No.26333 dated November 1, 2006. The Group designates balance sheet items and non-balance sheet items as “trading book” and “banking book” according to capital adequacy account. Calculation of the risk weighted assets is made on related assets by net basis after items deducted from capital base and depreciation and provisions are reduced. The items classified as trading book are not included in the calculation of the credit risk. However, counterparty credit risk for all transactions stated in the Article 21 of the Regulation, are made as per the rates stated in the Appendix-2 of the Regulation. Balance sheet items and the rates stated in the Article 5 of the Regulation, and non-balance sheet items whose credit equivalent risk amount are calculated, are included in the relevant exposure category defined in the Article 6 of the Regulation and weighted as per Appendix-1 of the Regulation. The disclosures of credit risk mitigation techniques used under “Regulation on Credit Risk Mitigation Techniques” are presented in Section 4, Part X. under “Explanations related to Credit Risk Mitigation Techniques”. Capital requirement for the market risk is calculated by using the standard method. Market risk for the options is calculated within the scope of the regulation “Capital Requirement for Market Risk of Options - Standard Method” published in the Official Gazette No:28337 dated June 28, 2012. Capital requirement for the operational risk is calculated within the scope of the “Regulation on Measurement and Assessment of Capital Adequacy Ratios of Banks (the Regulation)” published in the Official Gazette No:28337 dated June 28, 2012 by using Basic Indicator Approach. 189 190 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Consolidated and unconsolidated capital adequacy ratio Current Period Value at Credit Risk Exposure Categories: Conditional and unconditional receivables from central governments or central banks Conditional and unconditional receivables from regional or local governments Conditional and unconditional receivables from administrative units and non-commercial enterprises Conditional and unconditional receivables from multilateral development banks Conditional and unconditional receivables from international organizations Conditional and unconditional receivables from banks and brokerage houses Conditional and unconditional receivables from corporates Conditional and unconditional retail receivables Conditional and unconditional receivables secured by mortgages Past due receivables Receivables defined in high risk category by BRSA Securities collateralized by mortgages Securitization positions Short-term receivables from banks, brokerage houses and corporates Investments similar to collective investment funds Other receivables Current Period Value at Credit Risk Exposure Categories: Conditional and unconditional receivables from central governments or central banks Conditional and unconditional receivables from regional or local governments Conditional and unconditional receivables from administrative units and non-commercial enterprises Conditional and unconditional receivables from multilateral development banks Conditional and unconditional receivables from international organizations Conditional and unconditional receivables from banks and brokerage houses Conditional and unconditional receivables from corporates Conditional and unconditional retail receivables Conditional and unconditional receivables secured by mortgages Past due receivables Receivables defined in high risk category by BRSA Securities collateralized by mortgages Securitization positions Short-term receivables from banks, brokerage houses and corporates Investments similar to collective investment funds Other receivables Parent Bank Risk Weightings 0% 10% 20% 50% 75% 100% - 245.829 9.465.302 15.417.255 20.617.801 15.690.061 - 1.229.146 18.930.604 20.556.340 20.617.801 14.850.852 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 839.209 - 0% 10% 15.690.064 - 150% 2.513.757 1.675.838 200% 7.994.862 3.997.431 250% 676.638 270.655 Consolidated Risk Weightings 20% 50% 75% 100% 150% 223.770 9.449.523 15.493.670 22.857.676 2.548.004 1.118.848 18.899.046 20.658.226 22.857.676 1.698.669 200% 7.994.862 3.997.431 250% 676.638 270.655 14.850.852 - - 1.697.937 - - - - - - - 4.048 - - - - - - - - - - - 316 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1.114.570 2.136.621 - 29.459 - - - - - - - - 17.459.834 20.658.226 1.825.385 - - - - - - 15.064.488 - 839.212 - 230 - - 575.708 - 1.698.669 - 3.997.431 - 270.655 - - 26.414 2.940.560 - - - 191 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Prior Period Value at Credit Risk Exposure Categories: Conditional and unconditional receivables from central governments or central banks Conditional and unconditional receivables from regional or local governments Conditional and unconditional receivables from administrative units and non-commercial enterprises Conditional and unconditional receivables from multilateral development banks Conditional and unconditional receivables from international organizations Conditional and unconditional receivables from banks and brokerage houses Conditional and unconditional receivables from corporates Conditional and unconditional retail receivables Conditional and unconditional receivables secured by mortgages Past due receivables Receivables defined in high risk category by BRSA Securities collateralized by mortgages Securitization positions Short-term receivables from banks, brokerage houses and corporates Investments similar to collective investment funds Other receivables Prior Period Value at Credit Risk Exposure Categories: Conditional and unconditional receivables from central governments or central banks Conditional and unconditional receivables from regional or local governments Conditional and unconditional receivables from administrative units and non-commercial enterprises Conditional and unconditional receivables from multilateral development banks Conditional and unconditional receivables from international organizations Conditional and unconditional receivables from banks and brokerage houses Conditional and unconditional receivables from corporates Conditional and unconditional retail receivables Conditional and unconditional receivables secured by mortgages Past due receivables Receivables defined in high risk category by BRSA Securities collateralized by mortgages Securitization positions Short-term receivables from banks, brokerage houses and corporates Investments similar to collective investment funds Other receivables 0% 10% 15.315.268 - Parent Bank Risk Weightings 20% 50% 75% 100% 179.588 7.476.755 11.903.243 18.675.739 897.940 14.953.510 15.870.990 18.675.739 150% 1.992.405 1.328.270 200% 250% 8.987.942 1.356.358 4.493.971 542.543 14.268.181 - - 1.333.821 - - - - - - - 2.452 - - - - - - - - - - - 1.023 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 895.415 1.608.741 - 27.180 - - - - - - 16.039 - 15.870.990 12.719.917 3.261.960 - - - - - - 11.952.456 42.453 - - 454.259 - 1.328.270 - 4.493.971 - 542.543 - 1.047.087 - 73 - - 23.640 2.187.760 - - - Consolidated Risk Weightings 20% 50% 75% 100% 158.471 7.561.842 12.328.796 20.062.864 792.355 15.123.683 16.438.394 20.062.864 150% 2.044.314 1.362.876 0% 10% 15.315.351 - 200% 250% 8.987.942 1.356.358 4.493.971 542.543 14.268.181 - - 1.333.821 - - - - - - - 2.452 - - - - - - - - - - - 1.023 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 789.829 1.717.364 - 27.181 - - - - - - 16.039 - 16.438.394 13.945.683 3.261.959 - - - - - - 12.012.528 43.931 - - 486.837 - 1.362.876 - 4.493.971 - 542.543 - 1.047.170 - 74 - - 23.640 2.316.541 - - - 192 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Summary information related to consolidated and unconsolidated capital adequacy ratio: Parent Bank Current Period(*) Consolidated Current Period(*) Parent Bank Prior Period Consolidated Prior Period 4.554.516 98.679 503.912 10.946.807 %16,98 %12,97 %13,24 4.739.531 98.483 532.294 11.346.649 %16,90 %12,77 %13,05 4.045.762 80.017 425.090 9.642.750 %16,95 - 4.200.047 94.166 454.568 10.188.321 %17,16 - Capital Requirement for Credit Risk (Value at Credit Risk * 0,08) (CRCR) Capital Requirement for Market Risk (MRCR) Capital Requirement for Operational Risk (ORCR) Shareholders’ Equity Shareholders’ Equity/(CRCR+MRCR+ORCR) * 12,5 * 100 Additional Tier I Capital/((CRCR+CRMR+CROR)*12,5*100) Common Equity/((CRCR+CRMR+CROR)*12,5*100) CRCR : Capital Requirement for Credit Risk MRCR : Capital Requirement for Market Risk ORCR : Capital Requirement for Operational Risk (*) As of January 1, 2014 the Bank is calculating its equity according to “Communique on Banks’ Equity” published on September 5, 2013 in the Official Gazzette no 28756 and calculated Capital Adequacy Standard Ratio accordingly. Components of consolidated shareholders’ equity items: Current Period December 31, 2014 COMMON EQUITY Paid-in capital following all debts in terms of claim in liquidation of the Bank’s Share premium Share cancellation profits Reserves Gains recognized in equity as per TAS Profit Current Period Profit Prior Period Profit Provisions for Possible Risks Bonus Shares from Investments in Associates, Subsidiaries and Joint Ventures that are not recognized in Profit Minority shares Common Equity Before Deductions Deductions from Common Equity Portion of the current and prior periods’ losses which cannot be covered through reserves and losses reflected in equity in accordance with TAS (-). Leasehold improvements (-) Goodwill or other intangible assets and deferred tax liability related to these items (-) Net deferred tax asset/liability (-) Shares obtained contrary to the 4th clause of the 56th Article of the Law (-) Direct and indirect investments of the Bank in its own common equity (-) Portion of the total of net long positions of investments made in equity items of banks and financial institutions outside the scope of consolidation where the Bank owns 10% or less of the issued common share capital exceeding 10% of Common Equity of the Bank (-). Portion of the total of net long positions of investments made in equity items of banks and financial institutions outside the scope of consolidation where the Bank owns 10% or more of the issued common share capital exceeding 10% of Common Equity of the Bank (-). Portion of mortgage servicing rights exceeding 10% of the common equity (-). Portion of deferred tax assets based on temporary differences exceeding 10% of the common equity (-). Amount exceeding 15% of the common equity as per the 2nd clause of the Provisional Article 2 of the Regulation on the Equity of Banks (-) Excess amount arising from the net long positions of investments in common equity items of banks and financial institutions outside the scope of consolidation where the Bank owns 10% or more of the issued common share capital (-) Excess amount arising from mortgage servicing rights (-). Excess amount arising from deferred tax assets based on temporary differences (-). Other items to be defined by the BRSA (-) Deductions to be made from common equity in the case that adequate Additional Tier I Capital or Tier II Capital is not available (-) Total Deductions From Common Equity Total Common Equity 2.835.000 714 4.803.640 266 1.072.420 900.688 171.732 82.000 2.689 178.175 8.974.904 52.122 114.885 47.095 214.102 8.760.802 193 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report December 31, 2014 ADDITIONAL TIER I CAPITAL Capital amount and related premiums corresponding to preference shares that are not included in common equity Debt instruments and premiums deemed suitable by BRSA (issued/obtained after 1.1.2014) Debt instruments and premiums deemed suitable by BRSA (issued before 1.1.2014) Additional Tier I Capital before Deductions Deductions from Additional Tier I Capital Direct and indirect investments of the Bank in its own Additional Tier I Capital (-) Portion of the total of net long positions of investments made in equity items of banks and financial institutions outside the scope of consolidation where the Bank owns 10% or less of the issued common share capital exceeding 10% of Common Equity of the Bank (-) Portion of the total of net long positions of investments made in Additional Tier I Capital and Tier II Capital items of banks and financial institutions outside the scope of consolidation where the Bank owns 10% or more of the issued common share capital exceeding 10% of Common Equity of the Bank (-) Other items to be defined by the BRSA (-) Deductions to be made from common equity in the case that adequate Additional Tier I Capital or Tier II Capital is not available (-) Total Deductions From Additional Tier I Capital Total Additional Tier I Capital DEDUCTIONS FROM TIER I CAPITAL Portion of goodwill and other intangible assets and the related deferred tax liabilities which not deducted from the Common Equity as per the 1st clause of Provisional Article 2 of the Regulation on the Equity of Banks (-) Portion of net deferred tax assets/liabilities which is not deducted from the common equity pursuant to Paragraph 1 Provisional Article 2 of the Regulation on the Equity of Banks (-) Total Tier I Capital TIER II CAPITAL Debt instruments and premiums deemed suitable by the BRSA (issued/obtained after 1.1.2014) Debt instruments and premiums deemed suitable by the BRSA (issued/obtained before 1.1.2014) Sources pledged to the Bank by shareholders to be used in capital increases of the Bank General Loan Loss Provisions Share of 3rd parties in Tier II Capital Tier II Capital Before Deductions DEDUCTIONS FROM TIER II CAPITAL Direct and indirect investments of the Bank in its own Tier II Capital (-) Portion of the total of net long positions of investments made in Common Equity items of banks and financial institutions outside the scope of consolidation where the Bank owns 10% or less of the issued common share capital exceeding 10% of Common Equity of the Bank (-). Portion of the total of net long positions of investments made in Additional Tier I and Tier II Capital items of banks and financial institutions outside the scope of consolidation where the Bank owns 10% or more of the issued common share capital exceeding 10% of Common Equity of the Bank (-). Other items to be defined by the BRSA (-) Total Deductions from Tier II Capital Total Tier II Capital CAPITAL BEFORE DEDUCTIONS Loans granted contrary to the 50th and 51th Article of the Law (-) Net book value of amounts exceeding the limit mentioned in the 1st Paragraph of Article 57 of the Law and assets acquired against overdue receivables which could not be disposed of even though five years have passed since their acquisition date (-) Loans granted to banks and financial institutions, including those established abroad, and to eligible shareholders of the Bank and investments made in the borrowing instruments issued by them (-). Amounts to be deducted from equity as per the 2nd Clause of Article 20 of the Regulation on Measurement and Evaluation of Capital Adequacy of Banks (-). Other items to be defined by the BRSA (-) Portion of the total of net long positions of investments made in Common Equity items of banks and financial institutions outside the scope of consolidation where the Bank owns 10% or less of the issued common share capital exceeding 10% of Common Equity of the Bank not to be deducted from the Common Equity, Additional Tier I Capital, Tier II Capital as per the 1st clause of the Provisional Article 2 of the Regulation on the Equity of Banks. (-) Portion of the total of net long positions of direct or indirect investments made in Additional Tier I and Tier II Capital items of banks and financial institutions outside the scope of consolidation where the Bank owns 10% or more of the issued common share capital exceeding 10% of Common Equity of the Bank not to be deducted from the Additional Tier I Capital and Tier II Capital as per the 1st clause of the Provisional Article 2 of the Regulation on the Equity of Banks. (-) Portion of the total of net long positions of investments made in Common Equity items of banks and financial institutions outside the scope of consolidation where the Bank owns 10% or more of the issued common share capital, deferred tax assets based on temporary differences and mortgage servicing rights not deducted from Common Equity as per the 1st and 2nd Paragraph of the 2nd clause of the Provisional Article 2 of the Regulation on the Equity of Banks (-) TOTAL CAPITAL Amounts below the Excess Limits as per the Deduction Principles Amounts arising from the net long positions of investments made in Total Capital items of banks and financial institutions where the Bank owns 10% or less of the issued common share capital Amounts arising from the net long positions of investments made in Tier I Capital items of banks and financial institutions where the Bank owns 10% or more of the issued common share capital Amounts arising from mortgage servicing rights Amounts arising from deferred tax assets based on temporary differences 188.381 188.381 8.572.421 2.097.617 740.552 2.838.169 2.838.169 11.410.590 1.856 11.289 50.796 - - 11.346.649 - 194 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report December 31, 2013 CORE CAPITAL Paid-in Capital Nominal Capital Capital Commitments (-) Inflation Adjustments to Paid-in Capital Share Premium Share Cancellation Profits Reserves Inflation Adjustments to Reserves Profit Current Period’s Profit Prior Periods’ Profit Provision for Possible Losses (up to 25% of Core Capital) Income on Sale of Equity Shares and Real Estates Primary Subordinated Debts Minority Interest Loss (in excess of Reserves) (-) Current Period’s Losses Prior Periods’ Losses Leasehold Improvements on Operational Leases (-) Intangible Assets (-) Deferred Tax Asset in Excess of 10% of Core Capital (-) Limit excesses as per the 3rd Paragraph of the Article 56 of the Banking Law (-) Goodwill (Net) (-) Total Core Capital SUPPLEMENTARY CAPITAL General Provisions 45% of Revaluation Surplus on Movables 45% of Revaluation Surplus on Immovables Bonus Shares from Associates, Subsidiaries and Joint-Ventures not Accounted in Current Period’s Profit Primary Subordinated Debts excluding the Portion included in Core Capital Secondary Subordinated Debts 45% of Securities Value Increase Fund Inflation Adjustments to Other Capital and Profit Reserves and Prior Periods’ Profit/Loss Minority Interest Total Supplementary Capital CAPITAL DEDUCTIONS FROM CAPITAL Unconsolidated Investments in Entities (Domestic/Foreign) Operating in Banking and Financial Sectors at 10% or more Investments in Entities (Domestic/Foreign) Operating in Banking and Financial Sectors at Less than 10% Exceeding 10% or more of the Total Core and Supplementary Capitals Loans to Banks, Financial Institutions (domestic/foreign) or Qualified Shareholders in the form of Secondary Subordinated Debts and Debt Instruments Purchased from Such Parties Qualified as Primary or Secondary Subordinated Debts Loan Granted to Customer against the Articles 50 and 51 of the Banking Law Net Book Values of Properties exceeding 50% of the Capital and of Assets Acquired against Overdue Receivables and Held for Sale as per the Article 57 of the Banking Law but Retained more than Five Years Securitization Positions to be Deducted from Equity Other TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY 2.700.000 2.700.000 714 3.534.548 948.925 746.151 202.774 102.025 642.551 162.936 140.275 200.798 8.969 7.741.657 741.997 1.941.738 (222.200) 2.461.535 10.203.192 14.871 - 2.015 12.855 1 10.188.321 Components of items of shareholders’ equity subject to temporary applications: Minority Interest in Tier I Capital Shares of Third Parties in Additional Core Capital Shares of Third Parties in Tier II Capital Debt Instruments and the Related Issuance Premiums Defined by the BRSA (Issued before 1.1.2014) Parent Bank Amount Included in Equity Calculation 1.940.559 Total Amount 1.940.559 Consolidated Amount Included in Equity Calculation 2.097.617 Total Amount 2.097.617 6 months LIBOR + %4,34 - 6 months Floating LIBOR + %4,50 - Subsequent call dates, if applicable Coupons / dividends Fixed or floating dividend/coupon Coupon rate and any related index Existence of a dividend stopper Fully discretionary, partially discretionary or mandatory - Floating - - - Yes Yes Issuer call subject to prior BRSA approval Optional call date, contingent call dates and redemption amount Dated 12 years Dated 12 years Original maturity date Original date of issuance Liability – Subordinated Loansamortised cost October 06, 2009 Perpetual or dated Liability – Subordinated Loans amortised cost April 24, 2008 741 754 Accounting classification Loan Loan Instrument type (types to be specified by each jurisdiction) Amount recognised in regulatory capital (Currency in million, as of most recent reporting date) Par value of instrument (Currency in million) 464 464 Stand alone -Consolitaded Yes Supplementary Capital Supplementary Capital Yes BRSA BRSA 2 NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE S.A. 1 NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE S.A. Stand alone -Consolitaded Eligible at stand-alone / concolidated Transitional Basel III rules Regulatory treatment Governing law(s) of the instrument Unique identifier (eg CUSIP, ISIN or Bloomberg identifier for private placement) Issuer Information on debt instruments included in the calculation of equity: Notes to the consolidated financial statements for the period ended december 31, 2014 (Amounts expressed in Thousands of Turkish Lira (TL) unless otherwise stated.) FİNANSBANK ANONİM ŞİRKETİ 3 - - LIBOR + %4,34 Floating 6 months - - Yes 12 years Dated Liability – Subordinated Loansamortised cost December 28, 2009 290 290 Loan Stand alone -Consolitaded Yes Supplementary Capital BRSA NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE S.A. 4 - - LIBOR + %4,50 Floating 6 months - - Yes 10 years Dated Liability – Subordinated Loansamortised cost December 20, 2011 603 603 Loan Stand alone -Consolitaded Yes Supplementary Capital BRSA NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE S.A. Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 195 None - None - If convertible, conversion rate If convertible, mandatory or optional conversion If convertible, specify instrument type convertible into If convertible, specify issuer of instrument it converts into If write-down, write-down trigger(s) If write-down, full or partial If write-down, permanent or temporary If temporary write-down, description of write-up mechanism Position in subordination hierarchy in liquidation (specify i nstrument type immediately senior to instrument) Incompliance with article number 7 and 8 of “Own fund regulation” Details of incompliances with article number 7 and 8 of “Own fund regulation” - - - - None - - - - - - Noncumulative None - 3 - - - - None - - - - - - Noncumulative None - 4 8-2-ğ 8-2-ğ 8-2-ğ 8-2-ğ After the senior creditors, before the After the senior creditors, before the After the senior creditors, before the After the senior creditors, before the TIER 1 subdebt, same with TIER 2 TIER 1 subdebt, same with TIER 2 TIER 1 subdebt, same with TIER 2 TIER 1 subdebt, same with TIER 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes - - Write-down feature - - Noncumulative None - 2 If convertible, fully or partially None Noncumulative 1 If convertible, conversion trigger (s) Convertible or non-convertible Noncumulative or cumulative Existence of step up or other incentive to redeem Notes to the consolidated financial statements for the period ended december 31, 2014 (Amounts expressed in Thousands of Turkish Lira (TL) unless otherwise stated.) FİNANSBANK ANONİM ŞİRKETİ 196 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Finansbank 2014 Annual Report II. Explanations Related to Consolidated Credit Risk Credit risk represents the risk arising due to the counter party’s not fulfilling its responsibilities stated in the agreement either partially or totally. Credit Risk Management Committee and Credit Department is responsible for managing credit risk. Loan strategies and policies are determined by the Policy Committees. These policies and strategies are constituted in line with the applications of the Parent, and credit risk is managed according to these policies and strategies. The quality of loan portfolio is monitored regularly with the help of metrics which are in line with the Bank’s risk appetite, as specified in Risk Management Strategies. Credit Risk Management takes place in every steps of the Parent Bank’s credit process from the beginning. Loan applications are evaluated by non-profit oriented independent loan granting departments. Loan Limits are determined on a product basis and in the aggregate for every individual, corporate customer and risk group. Furthermore, concentration on product, industry, region, are monitored within the frame of loan limits in line with the regulation. The credibility of the debtors is monitored periodically in accordance with the related regulation. The statements presenting the financial position of the borrowers are obtained in accordance with the related regulation. Loan limits of the loan customers are revised periodically in line with the Group’s loan limit revision procedures. The Parent Bank analyses the credibility of the loans within the framework of its loan policies and obtains collaterals for loans. The Parent Bank has control limits over the positions of forward transactions, options and other similar agreements. The credit risk arising from these instruments are managed together with the risks resulting from market fluctuations. The Parent Bank monitors risks of forward transactions, options and other similar agreements and reduces the risk if necessary. Indemnified non-cash loans are weighted in the same risk group with the past due but not impaired loans. The restructured and rescheduled loans are monitored by the Parent Bank in line with the Parent Bank’s credit risk management procedures. The debtor’s financial position and commercial activities are continuously analyzed and the principal and interest payments of rescheduled loans are monitored by the related departments. The restructured and rescheduled loans are evaluated in the Parent Bank’s current internal rating system besides the follow up method determined in the related regulation. The risk of banking operation abroad and credit transactions is acceptable and there is no significant credit risk density in international banking market. Based on “Regulation on Procedures and Principles for Determination of Qualifications of Loans and Other Receivables by Banks and Provisions to be set aside”, the Parent Bank considers Second Group loans whose principal or interest payments are not collected at the determined dates as overdue loans. Loans whose principal or interest payments are delayed for more than 90 days and loans of borrowers which the Parent Bank believes that the borrower lost his creditworthiness are considered as impaired loans. The Parent Bank calculates general loan provision for overdue loans and specific loan provision for impaired loans based on “Regulation on Procedures and Principles for Determination of Qualifications of Loans and Other Receivables by Banks and Provisions to be set aside”. The receivables of the Group from its top 100 cash loan customers are 12% in the total cash loans (December 31, 2013 - 10%). The receivables of the Group from its top 200 cash loan customers are 15% in the total cash loans (December 31, 2013-12%). The receivables of the Group from its top 100 non-cash loan customers are 43% in the total non-cash loans (December 31, 2013- 45%). The receivables of the Group from its top 200 non-cash loan customers are 52% in the total non-cash loans (December 31, 2013- 54%). The share of cash and non-cash receivables of the Group from its top 100 loan customers in total cash and non-cash loans is 14% (December 31, 2013 13%) The share of cash and non-cash receivables of the Group from its top 200 loan customers in total cash and non-cash loans is 18% (December 31, 2013 16%) The general loan loss provision related with the credit risk taken by the Group is TL 942.661 (December 31, 2013- TL 816.291) Provision for probable risks in the Group’s loan portfolio amounted to TL 106.334 (December 31, 2013- TL 102.025) 197 198 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Exposure Categories Current Period Risk Amount(**) Average Risk Amount Prior Period Risk Amount(**) Average Risk Amount(*) 18.832.057 16.508.359 15.602.002 12.973.783 4.069 5.549 2.473 3.665 316 890 1.040 880 - - - - - - - - 6.533.104 4.152.477 4.045.252 2.002.151 18.021.495 17.665.279 14.406.938 12.107.421 22.740.090 20.756.673 19.902.934 19.782.744 15.064.488 13.464.104 12.012.527 10.742.185 575.762 545.972 530.867 475.415 Conditional and unconditional receivables from central governments and Central Banks Conditional and unconditional receivables from regional or local governments Conditional and unconditional receivables from administrative bodies and noncommercial enterprises Conditional and unconditional receivables from multilateral development banks Conditional and unconditional receivables from international organizations Conditional and unconditional receivables from banks and brokerage houses Conditional and unconditional receivables from corporates Conditional and unconditional receivables from retail portfolios Conditional and unconditional receivables secured by mortgages Past due receivables Receivables defined in high risk category by BRSA 6.041.178 6.126.531 6.456.484 5.948.744 Securities collateralized by mortgages - - - - Securitization positions Short-term receivables from banks, brokerage houses and corporates Investments similar to collective investment Funds - - - - - - - 99.232 Other receivables 26.414 29.133 23.640 78.577 3.780.002 3.810.316 3.363.786 2.694.659 (*)The average risk amount was calculated by taking the arithmetic average of the risk amount after the conversion for the December 2013, December 2014 periods. (**)Includes total risk amounts before the effect of credit risk mitigation but after credit conversions. Credit rating system The Parent Bank uses internal credit rating system effectively in order to track the quality of credit portfolio and determine the actions required, based on customer groups and types of loans. The parent Bank uses the behavioral rating systems in order to measure the probability of default of the current customers in a determined period of time and to perform limit management. These rating systems are monitored regularly in line with generally accepted applications and methods. The table below indicates the ratings of the corporate / commercial and enterprise banking cash loans: Debtor has a very strong financial structure Current Period (%) Prior Period (%) 11 10 Debtor has a good financial structure 42 60 Debtor has a moderate financial structure 28 19 Debtor has a financial structure which needs attention in medium term 17 8 Not Rated 2 3 100 100 Total 317 18.832.056 4.070 15.602.002 2.473 1.040 1 15.602.002 - 317 - 18.832.056 4.070 - - - - 4 6 - 2.014.035 - 4.180.758 18.445 28.138 260.240 31.487 5 10 11 15.061.819 575.762 6.040.902 2.508 107 2 155 160 14 Exposure Categories(*) 8 9 17.799.688 22.736.521 187.341 286 4 4.578 11 18.396 4 11.491 3.265 7 - 12 - 13 - 14 16 Total 26.414 3.590.150 86.681.734 - 4.371.000 18.449 32.884 278.640 46.417 15 - 4.045.252 14.406.938 19.902.934 12.012.527 530.867 6.456.484 1- Conditional and unconditional receivables from central governments and Central Banks 2- Conditional and unconditional receivables from regional or local governments 3- Conditional and unconditional receivables from administrative bodies and noncommercial enterprises 4- Conditional and unconditional receivables from multilateral development banks 5- Conditional and unconditional receivables from international organizations 6- Conditional and unconditional receivables from banks and brokerage houses 7- Conditional and unconditional receivables from corporates 8- Conditional and unconditional receivables from retail portfolios 9- Conditional and unconditional receivables secured by mortgages 10- Past due receivables 11- Receivables defined under high risk category by BRSA 12- Securities collateralized by mortgages 13- Securitization positions 14-Short-term receivables from banks, brokerage houses and corporates 15- Investments similar to collective investment Funds 16- Other receivables - - 199.581 199.581 - 23.640 3.363.786 76.347.943 189.851 189.851 - 6.533.103 18.021.494 22.740.091 15.064.489 575.762 6.041.178 - 26.414 3.780.001 91.618.975 Exposure Categories(*) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Total 2.473 1.040 - 896.606 14.135.816 19.898.563 12.009.077 530.867 6.456.078 - 23.640 3.164.205 72.720.367 - 2.775.100 211.294 152 3.155 146 - 2.989.847 47.892 207 48.099 813 38.075 38.888 293.097 16.773 9 309.879 31.744 4.980 4.003 295 260 41.282 3 2 1 (*) Exposure categories based on “Regulation on Measurement and Assessment of Capital Adequacy Ratios of Banks”. (**) Includes OECD countries other than EU countries, USA and Canada. (***) Includes assets and liability items that cannot be allocated on a consistent basis Current Period 1. Domestic 2. European Union Countries 3. OECD Countires (**) 4. Offshore Banking Areas 5. USA, Canada 6. Other Countries 7. Associates, Subsidiaries and Joint –Ventures 8. Unallocated Assets/Liabilities (***) Total Prior Period 1. Domestic 2. European Union Countries 3. OECD Countires (**) 4. Offshore Banking Areas 5. USA, Canada 6. Other Countries 7. Associates, Subsidiaries and Joint –Ventures 8. Unallocated Assets/Liabilities (***) Total Profile of significant exposures in major regions Notes to the consolidated financial statements for the period ended december 31, 2014 (Amounts expressed in Thousands of Turkish Lira (TL) unless otherwise stated.) FİNANSBANK ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 199 1- Conditional and unconditional receivables from central governments and Central Banks 2- Conditional and unconditional receivables from regional or local governments 3- Conditional and unconditional receivables from administrative bodies and noncommercial enterprises 4- Conditional and unconditional receivables from multilateral development banks 5- Conditional and unconditional receivables from international organizations 6- Conditional and unconditional receivables from banks and brokerage houses 7- Conditional and unconditional receivables from corporates 8- Conditional and unconditional receivables from retail portfolios 9- Conditional and unconditional receivables secured by mortgages 10- Past due receivables 11- Receivables defined under high risk category by BRSA 12- Securities collateralized by mortgages 13- Securitization positions 14-Short-term receivables from banks, brokerage houses and corporates 15- Investments similar to collective investment Funds 16- Other receivables (*)Includes risk amounts before the effect of credit risk mitigation but after the credit conversions. Current Period Exposure Categories(*) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 TL FC Total Agriculture 570.204 129.182 412.726 6.765 30 1.054.213 64.694 1.118.907 Farming and Raising Livestock 559.202 116.520 400.103 6.567 29 1.031.091 51.330 1.082.421 Forestry 398 3.150 3.039 69 6.656 6.656 Fishing 10.604 9.512 9.584 129 1 16.466 13.364 29.830 Industrial - 4.025 - 5.451.314 1.966.997 1.609.454 43.129 244 - 4.312.363 4.762.800 9.075.163 Mning and Quarrying 99.693 31.083 46.323 971 1 103.572 74.499 178.071 Prooduction - 4.238.985 1.924.480 1.543.738 42.129 243 4.011.276 3.738.299 7.749.575 Electricity, Gas, Water - 4.025 1.112.636 11.434 19.393 29 197.515 950.002 1.147.517 Construction - 1.780.099 820.127 1.715.896 22.731 37 3.012.947 1.325.943 4.338.890 Servies 10.157.483 27 286 - 6.089.088 6.749.616 4.724.976 4.997.238 133.289 803 - 23.928.338 8.924.468 32.852.806 Wholesale and Retail Trade - 3.999.573 3.865.466 2.493.479 115.780 681 8.254.348 2.220.631 10.474.979 Hotel, Food and Beverage 362.750 61.390 639.106 1.495 4 243.130 821.615 1.064.745 Transportation and Communication 903.513 400.155 213.830 8.145 58 885.858 639.843 1.525.701 Financial Institutions 10.157.483 22 - 6.089.088 439.665 27.535 19.196 451 4 - 13.359.929 3.373.515 16.733.444 Real Estate and Rent Services 496.927 61.919 1.233.083 2.942 10 191.435 1.603.446 1.794.881 Self-Emplyment Services 7 214.312 152.627 169.379 2.138 19 365.996 172.486 538.482 Educational Services - 276 45.728 36.733 66.254 477 12 149.475 5 149.480 Health and Social Services 5 3 287.148 119.151 162.911 1.861 15 478.167 92.927 571.094 Other 8.674.573 18 31 - 444.015 3.470.261 15.098.809 6.329.175 369.848 6.040.064 - 26.414 3.780.001 40.593.085 3.640.124 44.233.209 Total 18.832.056 4.070 317 - 6.533.103 18.021.494 22.740.091 15.064.489 575.762 6.041.178 - 26.414 3.780.001 72.900.946 18.718.029 91.618.975 Risk Profile regarding Sectors or Counter Parties : Notes to the consolidated financial statements for the period ended december 31, 2014 (Amounts expressed in Thousands of Turkish Lira (TL) unless otherwise stated.) FİNANSBANK ANONİM ŞİRKETİ 200 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report - - - - - - - Fishing Industrial Mning and Quarrying Prooduction Electricity, Gas, Water Construction - - Educational Services Health and Social Services - 15.602.002 2.473 1.040 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 10.081 254 313.815 - - - - 280.661 - - - - 3.764.591 - - - 91.913 28.774 158.447 41.504 24.171 367.745 32.757 2.632.911 3.378.222 523.786 6.915 1.288.093 24.400 1.319.408 5.221 3.627 83.910 3.451.719 14.588.760 270.940 29.254 338.612 404.825 324.428 807.259 161.373 2.837.800 5.174.491 1.405.988 822.738 3.158.953 68.899 8 92.758 10 26.128 63 45.943 924 46.930 55 31 2.984 3.070 812 552 1.930 1.542 217 21.342 566 80.604 11 15 9 19 15 7 81 7 701 854 50 - 255 2 257 - 1 11 12 6.979.008 347.174 6.455.311 137.458 32.113 175.527 50.062 15.630 197.492 360.298 1.725.391 2.693.971 107.565 1.074.050 8.452 1.019.375 23.576 1.051.403 6.607 3.269 204.219 214.095 9 Exposure Categories(*) - 4.045.252 14.406.938 19.902.934 12.012.527 530.867 6.456.484 - - - - - - - - - 7 324.150 - 4.050.590 - - - - 6 - 3.764.591 - - - - - - - - - 5 1- Conditional and unconditional receivables from central governments and Central Banks 2- Conditional and unconditional receivables from regional or local governments 3- Conditional and unconditional receivables from administrative bodies and noncommercial enterprises 4- Conditional and unconditional receivables from multilateral development banks 5- Conditional and unconditional receivables from international organizations 6- Conditional and unconditional receivables from banks and brokerage houses 7- Conditional and unconditional receivables from corporates 8- Conditional and unconditional receivables from retail portfolios 9- Conditional and unconditional receivables secured by mortgages 10-Past due receivables 11- Receivables defined under high risk category by BRSA 12-Securities collateralized by mortgages 13-Securitization positions 14-Short-term receivables from banks, brokerage houses and corporates 15-Investments similar to collective investment Funds 16-Other receivables (*)Includes risk amounts before the effect of credit risk mitigation but after the credit conversions. Total - - - - - - - 1.040 - - 8.441.357 2.473 - Self-Emplyment Services Other - Real Estate and Rent Services - - - 7.160.645 - - Hotel, Food and Beverage Transportation and Communication - - Financial Institutions - - - - - - - - - 3 - 1.040 - - - - Wholesale and Retail Trade 7.160.645 - - Forestry Servies - - Farming and Raising Livestock - - Agriculture 2 1 Prior Period - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12 - 23.640 3.363.786 TL FC 7.928 - 30.862 38.790 659.690 2.725.170 46.423 41.148.414 424.825 83.056 391.046 109.515 9.761.860 789.523 118.143 5.810.470 17.488.438 501.138 91.742 674.535 497.948 11.289.689 1.393.919 555.001 7.277.407 22.281.379 3.030.002 838.168 5.512.619 117.801 6.468.588 21.964 7.182 604.939 634.085 Total 76.347.943 2.785.475 43.933.889 76.313 8.686 283.489 388.433 1.527.829 604.396 436.858 1.466.937 4.792.941 1.935.037 1.094.965 178.478 2.787.449 71.378 3.037.305 3.431.283 14.036 7.182 574.077 595.295 - 23.640 3.363.786 64.204.489 12.143.454 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13 Notes to the consolidated financial statements for the period ended december 31, 2014 (Amounts expressed in Thousands of Turkish Lira (TL) unless otherwise stated.) FİNANSBANK ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 201 202 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Analysis of maturity-bearing exposures according to remaining maturities Current Period Exposure Categories Conditional and unconditional receivables from central governments and Central Banks Conditional and unconditional receivables from regional or local governments Conditional and unconditional receivables from administrative bodies and noncommercial enterprises Conditional and unconditional receivables from multilateral development banks Conditional and unconditional receivables from international organizations Conditional and unconditional receivables from banks and brokerage houses Conditional and unconditional receivables from corporates Conditional and unconditional receivables from retail portfolios Conditional and unconditional receivables secured by mortgages Past due receivables Receivables defined under high risk category by BRSA Securities collateralized by mortgages Securitization positions Short-term receivables from banks, brokerage houses and corporates Investments similar to collective investment funds Other receivables General Total : (*) Up to 1 month 1-3 month Term To Maturity 3-6 months 6-12 months Over 1 year 2.333.512 211.601 591.042 122.460 7.749.110 - - 537 - 3.510 172 - 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1.834.065 1.074.212 288.150 120.002 671.919 2.077.192 1.752.803 2.256.118 3.062.911 7.605.678 2.013.425 1.212.584 3.375.816 2.102.200 2.517.245 160.754 - 347.576 - 855.910 - 1.127.452 354.542 - 12.362.864 5.653.834 - 8.419.120 4.598.776 7.367.578 6.889.567 131 36.564.291 Up to 1 month 1-3 month Term To Maturity 3-6 months 6-12 months Over 1 year - 173.747 482.125 121.119 7.664.366 - - - 1.177 1.296 84 - 850 - 61 - - - - - - - - - - 342.190 104.980 503.955 30.891 2.966.041 2.224.875 1.249.108 1.818.472 1.533.218 6.225.592 340.287 662.363 1.141.575 1.485.038 3.017.380 119.130 - 251.095 - 560.335 - 691.675 - 10.357.885 4.582.316 - 109.602 3.136.168 2.441.293 4.507.312 3.863.118 214 34.815.151 (*)Risk amounts prior to Loan Reduction, After the Loan conversion rates are given. Prior Period Risk Classification Conditional and unconditional receivables from central governments and Central Banks Conditional and unconditional receivables from regional or local governments Conditional and unconditional receivables from administrative bodies and noncommercial enterprises Conditional and unconditional receivables from multilateral development banks Conditional and unconditional receivables from international organizations Conditional and unconditional receivables from banks and brokerage houses Conditional and unconditional receivables from corporates Conditional and unconditional receivables from retail portfolios Conditional and unconditional receivables secured by mortgages Past due receivables Receivables defined under high risk category by BRSA Securities collateralized by mortgages Securitization positions Short-term receivables from banks, brokerage houses and corporates Investments similar to collective investment funds Other receivables General Total (*)Risk amounts prior to Loan Reduction, After the Loan conversion rates are given. Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Information Regarding Risk Classifications In accordance with the Legislation of the Calculation and Valuation of Banks’ Capital Adequacy, rating notes that are open to public by Fitch Ratings International Rating Corporation are used for receivables from regional or local governments and receivables from multilateral development banks. Other receivables or receivables or assets that have no public rating note are subject to risk weight in accordance with the legislations Appendix-1 ordinance. The correlation between the rating notes that are provided by Fitch Ratings International Rating Corporation and loan quality levels that can be found in the Appendix-1 of the Legislation is shown in the table below. Credit Quality Grade Fitch Risk Rating 1 2 3 4 5 6 Exposure Categories and Brokerage Houses Exposures with Exposures with Remaining Remaining Maturities Less Maturities More Than 3 Months Than 3 Months Exposures to Central Governments or Central Banks Exposures to Administrative Bodies and NonCommercial Undertakings %0 %20 %20 %20 %20 %20 %50 %20 %50 %50 %50 %100 %20 %50 %100 %100 %100 %50 %100 %100 %100 %100 %50 %100 %150 %150 %150 %150 %150 %150 AAA AA+ AA AAA+ A ABBB+ BBB BBBBB+ BB BBB+ B BCCC+ CCC CCCCC C D Exposures to Corporates Exposures by risk weights: Current Period Risk Weight %0 %10 %20 %50 6.170.322 1. Exposures Before Credit Risk Mitigation 17.973.332 - 2.035.559 2. Exposures After Credit Risk Mitigation 15.690.064 - %75 %100 150% %200 %250 30.574.817 28.823.767 1.727.349 4.043.174 270.655 1.118.848 18.899.046 20.658.226 22.857.676 1.698.669 3.997.431 270.655 Deductions from Equity Prior Period Risk Weight %0 %10 %20 %50 %75 %100 150% %200 %250 Deductions from Equity 1. Exposures Before Credit Risk Mitigation 15.315.351 - 795.876 4.574.603 25.803.952 23.401.676 1.385.242 4.528.700 542.543 355.944 2. Exposures After Credit Risk Mitigation 15.315.351 - 792.355 15.123.683 16.438.394 20.062.864 1.362.876 355.944 4.493.971 542.543 203 204 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Information by major sectors and type of counterparties: Information about impaired credits and past due credits and value adjustments and provisioning methods are described in Part IV Footnote 2. Current Period Important Sectors /Other Parties Credit Risks(*) Impaired Loans Past Due Loans Value Adjustments Provisions 1. Agriculture 40.172 12.879 852 29.417 1.1. Farming and Raising Livestock 37.850 12.632 794 27.918 1.2. Forestry 1.522 18 1 850 1.3. Fishing 800 229 57 649 251.686 96.111 9.330 196.980 2. Industrial 2.1. Mining and Quarrying 2.2. Production 2.3. Electricity, Gas, Water 3. Construction 4. Services 12.532 2.222 126 9.013 238.417 93.730 9.192 187.371 737 159 12 596 161.621 55.545 6.232 110.282 645.433 259.272 23.721 475.747 4.1. Wholesale and Retail Trade 431.842 172.726 16.752 299.825 4.2. Hotel, Food and Beverage Services 103.208 31.620 2.588 88.376 4.3. Transportation and Communication 45.604 26.727 2.047 33.262 4.4. Financial Institutions 11.189 4.179 354 9.407 4.5. Real Estate and Renting Services 5.042 1.986 189 2.942 4.6. Self-Employment Services 8.940 8.663 806 6.425 4.7. Educational Services 2.413 2.879 267 1.824 37.195 10.492 718 33.686 5. Other 1.801.999 1.188.886 86.468 1.465.973 6. Total 2.900.911 1.612.693 126.603 2.278.399 Past Due 8.128 7.854 59 215 68.863 840 67.774 249 38.739 224.326 141.546 24.740 26.388 2.868 9.427 7.308 2.164 9.885 1.122.964 1.463.020 Value 768 743 7 18 5.452 63 5.365 24 2.982 20.220 13.977 1.986 2.150 315 323 721 264 484 74.855 104.277 Provisions 34.714 33.419 732 563 191.733 7.831 183.523 379 131.504 465.904 268.663 92.230 60.132 7.598 1.176 6.071 1.384 28.650 1.723.399 2.547.254 4.8. Health and Social Services (*)Represents the distribution of cash loans. Important Sectors/Other Parties Prior Period 1. Agriculture 1.1. Farming and Raising Livestock 1.2. Forestry 1.3. Fishing 2. Industrial 2.1. Mining and Quarrying 2.2. Production 2.3. Electricity, Gas, Water 3. Construction 4. Services 4.1. Wholesale and Retail Trade 4.2. Hotel, Food and Beverage Services 4.3. Transportation and Communication 4.4. Financial Institutions 4.5. Real Estate and Renting Services 4.6. Self-Employment Services 4.7. Educational Services 4.8. Health and Social Services 5. Other 6. Total (*)Represents the distribution of cash loans. Credit Risks(*) Impaired 43.810 42.398 787 625 257.131 10.812 245.818 501 179.070 599.049 359.671 100.783 84.699 9.153 1.665 8.230 2.058 32.790 2.030.962 3.110.022 205 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Movements in value adjustments and provisions Current Period Opening Balance Provisions for Period Provision Reversals Other Adjustments(*) Closing Balance 1. Specific Provisions 2.457.128 1.772.817 (789.396) (1.162.150) 2.278.399 2. General Provisions 816.291 126.370 - - 942.661 Opening Balance Provisions for Period Provision Reversals Other Adjustments(*) Closing Balance 1. Specific Provisions 2.135.194 1.349.946 (386.043) (551.843) 2.547.254 2. General Provisions 617.684 198.607 - - 816.291 (*)Represents the provision of loans written-off. Prior Period (*)Represents the provision of loans written-off. III. Information on Consolidated Market Risk Based on the proposal of High Level Risk Committee, the Board of Directors of the Parent Bank determines risk management strategies and policies for managing market risk and ensures periodic monitoring of the application of strategies. The Board of Directors of the Parent Bank determines the risk limits by considering the primary risk factors and those limits are revised as seen necessary. Additionally, the Board of Directors of the Parent Bank requires risk management group and the top management of the Group to take necessary actions in order to identify, measure, control and manage the risks that the Group is exposed to. The market risk is measured by using an internal model developed with Value-at-Risk (VaR) methodology. VaR is calculated daily with historical simulation and parametric methods, whereas historical simulation is used for internal risk tracking and limit identification. Parametric VaR calculations are performed for comparison and tracking. ‘Bank Risk Tolerance’ is determined in order to manage the market risk efficiently and keep the market risk within the desirable limits. Risk Management Group monitors the VaR balances daily for compliance with the Bank Risk Tolerance. Periodic stress tests and scenario analysis are used to support results of VAR. Furthermore, conventional risk measurement methods such as cash flow projection, duration and variation analysis are also used. The capital required for General Market Risk and Specific Risk is calculated and reported monthly in accordance with the Standard Method defined in the “Regulation on Measurement and Assessment of Capital Adequacy Ratios of Banks”. 1. Information on consolidated market risk The Group has established market risk operations and has taken the necessary measures in order to hedge market risk within its financial risk management purposes, in accordance with the regulation on “Banks’ Internal Control and Risk Management Systems” and the “Regulation on Measurement and Assessment of Capital Adequacy Ratios of Banks”. (I) Capital Requirement against General Market Risk - Standard Method (II) Capital Requirement against Specific Risks – Standard Method Capital Requirement against Specific Risks of Securitization Positions– Standard Method (III) Capital Requirement against Currency Risk – Standard Method (IV) Capital Requirement against Commodity Risks - Standard Method (V) Capital Requirement against Settlement Risks - Standard Method Current Period Amount Prior Period Amount 25.698 27.165 7.499 6.593 - - 44.929 34.596 320 908 - - (VI) Capital Requirement against Market Risks of Options - Standard Method 2.692 1.762 (VII) Capital Requirement against Counterparty Credit Risk - Standard Method 17.345 23.142 (VIII) Capital Requirement against Market Risks of Banks applying Risk Measurement Models (IX) Total Capital Obligations against Market Risk (I+II+III+IV+V+VI+VII+VIII) (X) Value-At-Market Risk (12,5 x VIII) or (12,5 x IX) - - 98.483 94.166 1.231.038 1.177.075 206 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 2. Average market risk table regarding the market risk calculation at the end of every month Current Period Average Interest Rate Risk Prior Period Maximum Minimum Average Maximum Minimum 36.832 55.724 31.372 38.164 49.714 2.937 6.372 962 2.616 3.290 1.366 29.148 45.445 7.171 19.888 34.596 11.700 Commodity Risk 506 1.375 46 1.464 3.947 94 Settlement Risk - - - - - - 1.627 2.975 426 1.024 1.762 631 Common Share Risk Currency Risk Option Risk 30.207 Counterparty Credit Risk 23.202 30.658 17.345 18.454 23.142 12.151 Total Value at Risk(*) 94.252 142.549 57.322 81.610 116.451 56.149 (*) Total VaR is the sum of risk values, therefore total VaR values are not the maximum or minimum values of the relevant period. The maximum and minimum values of VaR for 2014 are 108.859 and 71.685 respectively. The maximum and minimum values of VaR for 2013 were 94.166 and 66.311. 3. Quantitative information on counterparty risk.(*) Current Period Interest Rate Contracts Foreign-Exchange-Rate Contracts Commodity Contracts Equity-Shares Related Contracts Other Gross Positive Fair Values Prior Period Amount Amount 8.381.763 3.536.949 121.196.364 99.983.614 1.604.506 948.684 895 510 417.402 385.188 1.305.369 1.187.949 Netting Benefits 782.379 762.885 Net Current Exposure Amount 522.990 425.064 Collaterals Received Net Derivative Position 177.661 153.107 345.329 271.957 (*)Includes only the counterparty risks arising from trading book and derivative instruments. For derivative transactions, repurchase agreements’ security and commodity lending, counterparty credit risk is calculated using the fair value methodology described in the Appendix-2, Section 3 of the “Regulation on Measurement and Assessment of Capital Adequacy Ratios of Banks”. According to this methodology, counterparty credit risk is calculated by adding potential credit risk amounts calculated by multiplying the contract amounts with the credit conversion factors set in the appendix of the regulation, to replacement costs calculated using the fair value amounts of contracts. IV. Explanations Related to the Operational Risk Value at operational risk is calculated with basic indicator method by using the gross profits for the last three years’ (2013, 2012 and 2011) as per the “Calculation of Value at Operational Risk” of the article (3) of “Regulation on Measurement and Assessment of Capital Adequacy Ratios of Banks” which was published in the Official Gazette No: 28337 dated June 28, 2012. As of December 31, 2014, the value at operational risk is amounting to TL 6.653.675 (December 31, 2013 - TL 5.682.100). Current Period Basic Indicator Method Gross Income Value at operational risk (Total*12,5) Prior Period Basic Indicator Method Gross Income Value at operational risk (Total*12,5) 2 PP Amount 1 PP Amount CP Amount Total / No. of Years of Positive Gross 2.963.312 3.686.775 3.995.793 3.548.627 2 PP Amount 1 PP Amount CP Amount Total / No. of Years of Positive Gross Rate (%) Total 2.441.279 2.963.312 3.686.775 3.030.455 15 454.568 Rate (%) 15 Total 532.294 6.653.675 5.682.100 The annual gross income is composed of net interest income and net non-interest income after deducting realized gains/losses from the disposal of securities available-for-sale and held-to-maturity, extraordinary income and income derived from insurance claims at year-end. Finansbank 2014 Annual Report V. Explanations Related to Consolidated Foreign Exchange Risk 1. Whether the Group is exposed to foreign exchange risk, whether the effects of this situation are estimated, and whether the Board of Directors of the Parent Bank sets limits for positions that are monitored daily As of December 31, 2014, the net foreign currency exposure of the Group is TL 1.218.736 short position (December 31, 2013 – TL – 119.111 short) resulting from on balance sheet short position amounting to TL 8.707.667(December 31, 2013 – TL 5.744.613 short) and long off balance sheet position amounting to TL 7.488.931 (December 31, 2013 – TL 5.625.502 long). The long off balance sheet position amounting to TL 7.991.220 (December 31, 2013 – TL 5.074.126) is related with the FC/TL swap transactions performed with banks and customers. The Group used these transactions to manage the foreign currency liquidity risk and to hedge itself from interest rate risk. The Group enters into foreign currency forward transactions to decrease foreign currency position risk. The Group also engages in foreign currency and Eurobond buy-sell option transactions. Board of Directors have determined the limits considering the consistency with the “Foreign Currency Net General Position.” Positions are being followed daily and limits are reviewed at least once a year depending on economic conditions and Group strategy and updated as deemed necessary. Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Risk is monitored along with potential evaluation differences in foreign currency translations in accordance with “Regulations on Bank’s Internal Control and Risk Management Systems”. Standard method is used in measuring foreign currency exchange rate risk on a weekly basis. 2. The magnitude of hedging foreign currency debt instruments and net foreign currency investments by using derivatives 3. The spot foreign exchange bid rates of the Parent Bank as of the balance sheet date and for each of the five days prior to that date US Dollars purchase rate in the balance sheet date Euro purchase rate in the balance sheet date The Group hedges foreign currency borrowings with derivative instruments. The Group does not hedge net foreign currency investments with derivative instruments. Date December 31, 2014 December 30, 2014 December 27, 2014 December 26, 2014 December 25, 2014 December 25, 2014 2,3189 TL 2,8207 TL US Dollar Euro 2,3189 2,3235 2,3182 2,3177 2,3209 2,3165 2,8207 2,8339 2,8255 2,8368 2,8312 2,8317 4. The basic arithmetical average of the Parent Bank’s foreign exchange bid rate for the last thirty days The arithmetical average of the Bank’s US Dollar and Euro purchase rates for December 2014 are TL 2,2877 and TL 2,8217; respectively. 207 208 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 5. Information on the consolidated foreign exchange risk of the Group (Thousands of TL) Current Period Assets Cash (Cash in Vault, Foreign Currency Cash, Money in Transit, Cheques Purchased, Precious Metal) and Balances with the T.R.Central Bank(1) Due From Banks Financial Assets at Fair Value through Profit/Loss (2) Money Market Placements Investment Securities Available-for-Sale Loans and Receivables (3) Investments in Assoc., Subsidiaries and Entities under Common Control Investment Securities Held-to-Maturity EUR USD Other FC Total 1.088.222 4.312.403 1.760.007 7.160.632 47.549 196.647 16.455 260.651 32.888 85.218 15.192 133.298 - - - - 276.578 1.200.593 - 1.477.171 4.008.400 6.176.789 24.659 10.209.848 - - - - 12.571 662.086 - 674.657 Derivative Financial Assets Hedging Purposes - 22.844 - 22.844 Tangible Assets - - 10 10 Intangible Assets - - - - 602.105 478.304 7.346 1.087.755 6.068.313 13.134.884 1.823.669 21.026.866 Other Assets (4) Total Assets Liabilities Bank Deposits Foreign Currency Deposits(5) Money Market Borrowings 250.292 815.596 53.447 1.119.335 3.990.907 8.805.842 806.868 13.603.617 227.390 1.203.793 - 1.431.183 1.991.728 5.256.104 228.693 7.476.525 Securities Issued 170.124 3.311.829 18.059 3.500.012 Sundry Creditors 1.487.904 682.550 7.983 2.178.437 Derivative Fin. Liabilities Hedging Purposes 41.898 108.078 - 149.976 Other Liabilities (7) 57.081 207.164 11.203 275.448 Funds Provided from Other Financial Institutions(6) Total Liabilities 8.217.324 20.390.956 1.126.253 29.734.533 (2.149.011) (7.256.072) 697.416 (8.707.667) Net Off-Balance Sheet Position 1.456.668 6.663.293 (631.030) 7.488.931 Financial Derivative Assets 3.790.582 36.916.265 1.162.692 41.869.539 Financial Derivative Liabilities 2.333.914 30.252.972 1.793.722 34.380.608 Non-Cash Loans (8) 1.093.104 2.718.582 133.991 3.945.677 Net Balance Sheet Position Prior Period Total Assets 6.814.625 8.939.954 1.848.565 17.603.144 Total Liabilities 7.190.776 15.230.825 926.156 23.347.757 (5.744.613) Net Balance Sheet Position (376.151) (6.290.871) 922.409 Net Off-Balance Sheet Position 632.637 5.873.795 (880.930) 5.625.502 Financial Derivative Assets 4.514.153 27.344.817 182.268 32.041.238 Financial Derivative Liabilities 3.881.516 21.471.022 1.063.198 26.415.736 Non-Cash Loans (8) 839.099 1.940.762 168.107 2.947.968 (1) Cash and Balances with TR Central; Other FC include TL 1.747.613 (December 31, 2013 – 1.691.019 TL) precious metal deposit account. (2)Does not include TL 18.466 (December 31, 2013 – 4.133 TL) of currency income accruals arising from derivative transactions. (3)Includes TL 2.876.246 TL (December 31, 2013 – TL 2.098.813 TL) FC indexed loans. (4) Does not include FC prepaid expenses amounting to TL 4.474(December 31, 2013 – TL 2.338) as per BRSA’s Communique published in Official Gazzette no 26085 on February 19, 2006. Does not include repealed financial leasing receivables amounting to TL 1.187 (December 31, 2013 – TL 1.402) accounted as FC in balance sheet. Includes FC indexed factoring receivables amounting to TL 66.113 (December 31, 2013 – TL 34.945) accounted as TL in balance sheet. (5)Other foreign currency includes TL 634.454 (December 31, 2013 – TL 777.077) of precious metal deposit account. (6)Does not include currency expense accruals of derivative financial instruments kept in FC accounts amounting to TL 15.220 (December 31, 2013 – TL 1.245) (7) Does not have an effect on Net Off-Balance Sheet Position. Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 6. Sensitivity to the Exchange Rate The Bank is subjet to exchange rate risk mainly from Euro and USD. The table below shows the Bank’s sensitivity to a 10% change in Euro and USD currencies. It is assumed that all other variables are constant. % change in the Foreign currency USD EURO %10 gain %10 loss %10 gain %10 loss Effect on Gain/Loss (After Net Effect on Shareholders Tax) Equity (*) Current Period Current Period (55.104) (59.680) 55.104 59.680) (42.638) (42.592) 42.638 42.592 Effect on Gain/Loss Net Effect on Shareholders (After Tax) Equity (*) Prior Period Prior Period 18.804 8.167 (18.804) (8.167) 20.847 (21.134) (20.847) 21.134 (*)Effect on Shareholders Equity include the effect of the change of exchange rates on the income statement. VI. Explanations Related to Consolidated Interest Rate Risk Interest rate risk that would arise from the changes in interest rates depending on the Parent Bank’s position is managed by the Asset/ Liability Committee of the Parent Bank. Interest rate sensitivity of assets, liabilities and off balance sheet items is analyzed by top management in the Asset/Liability Committee meetings held every two weeks by taking the market developments into consideration. The management of the Parent Bank follows the interest rates in the market on a daily basis and revises interest rates of the Parent Bank when necessary. Parent Bank’s asset and liabilities carry positive interest rate income and are repriced every nine months. Therefore the Bank holds limited amount of interest rate risk. Besides customer deposits, the Parent Bank funds its long term fixed interest rate TL loan portfolio with long term (up to 10 years) floating interest rate foreign currency funds obtained from international markets. The Parent Bank changes the foreign currency liquidity obtained from the international markets to TL liquidity with long term swap transactions (fixed TL interest rate and floating FC interest rate). Therefore, the Parent Bank not only funds its long term fixed interest rate loans with TL but also hedges itself from interest rate and maturity risk. Information related to the interest rate sensitivity of assets, liabilities and off-balance sheet items (Based on repricing dates) Up to 1 5 Years and Current Period Month 1-3 Months 3-12 Months 1-5 Years Over Assets Cash (Cash in Vault, Foreign Currency Cash, Money in Transit, Cheques Purchased, Precious Metal) and Balances with the T.R. Central Bank 912.654 Due from Banks 57.989 6.000 10.000 (**) 7.630 6.560 35.955 12.576 82.786 Financial Assets at Fair Value Through Profit/Loss Money Market Placements 244.425 Inv. Securities Available for Sale 1.347.973 677.591 1.454.350 195.492 1.508.473 Loans and Receivables 10.696.734 5.063.645 14.834.952 13.324.249 4.661.639 Inv. Securities Held to Maturity 158.930 811.585 1.759.766 684.905 256.315 Other Assets 388.039 202.054 464.215 830.031 26.133 Total Assets 13.814.374 6.767.435 18.559.238 15.047.253 6.535.346 Liabilities Bank Deposits 1.103.611 258.593 40.184 Other Deposits 24.402.663 7.764.205 2.199.172 102.961 Money Market Borrowings 3.481.177 730.965 Sundry Creditors 2.133.518 Securities Issued 241.279 1.588.783 1.090.068 2.848.641 Funds Borrowed 576.218 1.018.251 6.069.164 271.075 3.567 87 154 3.345 1.551 Other Liabilities (***) Total Liabilities 31.938.553 11.360.951 9.401.933 3.224.228 3.567 On Balance Sheet Long Position 9.157.305 11.823.025 6.531.779 On Balance Sheet Short Position (18.124.179) (4.593.516) Off-Balance Sheet Long Position 4.644.902 6.246.235 Off-Balance Sheet Short Position (390.290) (8.283.929) (1.858.489) Total Position (13.479.277) 1.652.719 8.767.015 3.539.096 4.673.290 (*) Non Interest Bearing column includes accruals and derivative financial instruments’ fair value valuation difference. (**) Financial Assets at Fair Value Through Profit/Loss include TL 1.988.746 derivative financial assets used for hedging purposes. (***)Other Liabilities include derivative financial liabilities used for hedging purposes amounting to TL 352.080. Non Interest Bearing (*) Total 7.751.266 226.445 3.242.258 249.634 1.502.061 55.722 3.084.093 16.111.479 8.663.920 300.434 3.387.765 244.425 5.433.513 50.083.280 3.727.223 4.994.565 76.835.125 20.614 6.003.731 3.610 1.692.140 56.727 36.521 13.092.550 20.905.893 (4.794.414) (4.794.414) 1.423.00 40.472.732 4.215.752 3.825.658 5.825.498 7.974.796 13.097.687 76.835.125 27.512.109 (27.512.109) 10.891.137 (10.532.708) 358.429 209 210 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Prior Period Up to 1 Month 1-3 Months Assets Cash (Cash in Vault, Foreign Currency Cash, Money in Transit, Cheques Purchased, Precious Metal) and Balances with the T.R. Central Bank 3-12 Months 1-5 Years 5 Years and Over Non Interest Bearing (*) Total 13 - - - - 8.208.469 8.208.482 90.812 77.697 4.144 - - 303.501 476.154 2.965 153.499 47.243 29.547 151.514 3.219.594 3.604.362 3.433 - - - - - 3.433 Inv. Securities Available for Sale 1.100.642 1.990.745 752.897 616.251 1.343.457 (61.007) 5.742.985 Loans and Receivables 9.474.287 4.610.988 12.621.186 11.295.599 3.353.664 1.315.581 42.671.305 - 726.128 1.461.877 426.414 183.148 28.212 2.825.779 Other Assets 352.283 255.471 454.554 686.507 12.142 2.372.261 4.133.218 Total Assets 11.024.435 7.814.528 15.341.901 13.054.318 5.043.925 15.386.611 67.665.718 Due from Banks Financial Assets at Fair Value Through Profit/ Loss (**) Money Market Placements Inv. Securities Held to Maturity Liabilities Bank Deposits 891.681 407.569 16.286 - - 25.957 1.341.493 Other Deposits 18.515.174 10.291.432 2.083.492 12.200 373 5.862.838 36.765.509 Money Market Borrowings 3.780.492 3.392.340 385.695 - - - 2.457 Sundry Creditors 1.984.510 - - - - 1.465.217 3.449.727 Securities Issued 710.291 370.997 1.054.971 1.752.158 - 66.162 3.954.579 Funds Borrowed 723.982 997.749 4.489.359 519.124 18.035 23.421 6.771.670 - - 652 10.601 - 11.590.995 11.602.248 Other Liabilities (***) Total Liabilities 26.217.978 12.453.442 7.644.760 2.294.083 18.408 19.037.047 67.665.718 On Balance Sheet Long Position - - 7.697.141 10.760.235 5.025.517 - 23.482.893 On Balance Sheet Short Position (15.193.543) (4.638.914) - - - Off-Balance Sheet Long Position 3.427.681 9.295.931 - - - - 12.723.612 Off-Balance Sheet Short Position - - (2.125.543) (8.387.856) (1.831.338) - (12.344.737) (11.765.862) 4.657.017 5.571.598 2.372.379 3.194.179 (3.650.436) 378.875 Total Position (3.650.436) (23.482.893) (*) Non Interest Bearing column includes accruals and derivative financial instruments’ fair value valuation difference. (**) Financial Assets at Fair Value Through Profit/Loss include TL 1.927.795 derivative financial assets used for hedging purposes. (***)Other Liabilities include derivative financial liabilities used for hedging purposes amounting to TL 82.749. Average interest rates applied to monetary financial instruments Current Period Assets Cash (Cash in Vault, Foreign Currency Cash, Money in Transit, Cheques Purchased) and Balances with the T.R. Central Bank EUR % USD % JPY % TL% - - - 10,66 Due from Banks 0,10 1,48 - Financial Assets at Fair Value Through Profit/Loss 3,50 4,65 - 7,33 - - - 11,04 Investment Securities Available for Sale 3,79 5,40 - 9,78 Loans and Receivables 4,88 4,47 4,37 13,65 Investment Securities Held for Trading 2,96 5,27 - 11,38 - - - - Bank Deposits 0,51 0,90 - 10,60 Other Deposits 2,00 2,30 0,25 9,89 Money Market Borrowings 0,67 0,66 - 9,53 Sundry Creditors 2,00 1,97 - 5,67 Securities Issued Funds Borrowed - 5,40 - 8,79 3,40 3,68 - 10,10 Money Market Placements Liabilities Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Average interest rates applied to monetary financial instruments Prior Period Assets Cash (Cash in Vault, Foreign Currency Cash, Money in Transit, Cheques Purchased) and Balances with the T.R. Central Bank Due from Banks Financial Assets at Fair Value Through Profit/Loss Money Market Placements Investment Securities Available for Sale Loans and Receivables Investment Securities Held to Maturity Liabilities Bank Deposits Other Deposits Money Market Borrowings Sundry Creditors Securities Issued Funds Borrowed EUR % USD % JPY % TL % 1,46 3,33 4,81 5,54 - 0,21 4,15 5,19 4,58 5,79 5,26 - 8,73 8,35 7,07 7,02 14,90 7,24 2,14 2,96 0,85 0,12 1,16 2,29 3,05 0,77 0,08 5,36 2,89 2,09 - 8,37 8,91 7,27 8,24 8,40 Interest rate risk on banking book The interest rate risk resulting from banking book comprises of maturity mismatch risk, yield-curve risk, base risk and option risk. Within the scope of the interest rate risk, the Group analyzes all these risks periodically, and considering market conditions, manages all aspects of interest rate risk on banking book effectively in accordance with the bank strategy. In order to this, within the scope of “Asset Liability Management Policy” risks are measured, monitored and limited on a regular basis. In the calculation of the interest rate risk on banking book, income approach and the economic value approach are applied. The analysis of economic value, duration and gap analysis are calculated on a weekly basis, analysis of the standard economic value approach is supported by different scenarios. In addition, sensitivity of net interest income is monitored and the prepayment rates of loans is considered managing the interest rate risk. In customer deposits, core deposits analyses are performed regularly on profit center base and the rate of core deposits in demand deposits are considered in economic value, gap and duration analyses. The interest rate risk of uncertain due credits is determined considering the nature of the credit and added to calculations. All these analyses are reported to Asset and Liability Committee and Risk Committee and by considering market conditions and the bank strategy, the interest rate risk on banking book is managed within specified limits parallel to the Bank’s appetite of risk. Available for sale securities included in banking book are daily monitored by being added to the scope of market risk. In this context, the risk level of this portfolio is managed considering the sensitivity of nominal, interest rate and VaR limits. The interest rate risk on banking book is measured legally as per the “Regulation on Measurement and Evaluation of Interest Rate Risk Resulted from Banking Book as per Standard Shock Method” published in the Official Gazette No.28034 dated August 23, 2011, and the legal limit as per this measurement is monitored and reported monthly to the Assets and Liability Committee, the Risk Committee and the Board of Directors. Type of Currency 1. TL 2. EURO 3. USD Total (of negative shocks) Total (of positive shocks) Shocks Applied (+/- x basis points) (+) 500 (-) 400 (+) 200 (-) 200 (+) 200 (-) 200 Gains/Losses (890.295) 859.299 (23.023) 37.940 (91.694) 100.196 997.435 (1.005.012) Gains/Equity- Losses/Equity %(8,13) %7,85 %(0,21) %0,35 %(0,84) %0,92 %9,12 %(9,18) 211 212 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report VII. Position Risk of Equity Securities in Banking Book Comparison Equity Securities (shares) 1. Equity Investments Group A Quoted Securities 2. Equity Investments Group B Quoted Securities 3. Equity Investments Group C Quoted Securities 4. Equity Investments Group Other(*) Carrying Value 5.561 5.561 3 3 189.708 (*) Fair Value 183.417 (**) Market Value 5.561 5.561 3 3 - (*) Associates and subsidiaries not quoted to BIST and not classified as investment in shares by CMB. (**) Refers to entity under common control accounted at fair value but not traded at the quoted markets. Portfolio 1. Private Equity Investments 2. Quoted Shares 3. Other Shares 4. Total Gains/Losses in Current Period 2.251 2.251 Revaluation Surpluses Amount under Core Total Capital - Unrealized Gains and Losses Amount Amount under under Core Supplementary Total Capital Capital 687 309 687 309 VIII. Explanations Related to Consolidated Liquidity Risk 1. The sources of the current liquidity risk of the Group; whether the necessary precautions have been taken, whether the Board of Directors of the Parent Bank sets limits on the funds available to meet the urgent liquidity requirements and to be able to pay borrowings when they become due Liquidity risk represents risk insufficient cash or cash inflows to meet the cash outflows completely and on time, as a result of instable cash flows. Liquidity risk may also result from inability to penetrate to market and to close open positions quickly at suitable prices and with sufficient amounts due to market disruptions or barriers. To mitigate liquidity risk, the Group diversifies funding sources as customer deposits and funds borrowed from abroad and keep certain level of assets as cash and cash equivalents. In order to overcome the liquidity risk, the Parent Bank diversifies its funding sources. Besides, in order to secure short term liquidity requirements, the Parent Bank heads for bond issuances and long term foreign borrowings. The Parent Bank evaluates its liquidity position on a daily basis. Liquidity reports, cash flow projections and scenarios are analyzed by the top management at Asset/Liability Committee meetings which are held monthly. Besides legal reports of liquidity adequacy, shortterm liquidity position is monitored using the liquidity ratio, calculated daily by the Market Risk Committee. Liquidity reports in the context of Basel III are monitored monthly. Simulations for probable scenarios during crises are performed by calculating the liquidity life span according to various scenarios. List of available limits, instruments and securities which can be used as collateral to create liquidity in the event of a possible liquidity crisis is updated weekly. Alternative funding strategies to be followed in case of a liquidity problem are evaluated within the current limits and positions to be taken are determined. Moreover, in terms of “Liquidity Emergency Action Plan” early warning signals, stress levels correlated with the level of liquidity risk and actions to be taken at each stress level are defined. 2. Whether the payments, assets and liabilities match with the interest rates, and whether the effect of mismatch on profitability is measured, if any Group’s payments, assets and liabilities match with the interest rates. 3. Internal and external sources to meet the short and long-term liquidity needs, significant sources of liquidity that are not utilized In order to meet urgent liquidity needs 11% (December 31, 2013 – 12%) of the balance sheet is allocated as cash and equivalents. 4. Evaluation of the Group’s cash flows and their resources Cash flows of the Group are mainly denominated in Turkish Lira, US Dollars and Euro. Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 5. Presentation of assets and liabilities according to their remaining maturities 5 Years Current Period Demand Up to 1 Month 1-3 Months 3-12 Months 1-5 Years and Over Un-Allocated(*) Total Assets Cash (Cash in Vault, Foreign Currency Cash, Money in Transit, Cheques Purchased, Precious Metal) and Balances with the T.R. Central Bank 2.441.254 6.222.666 - 8.663.920 Due from Banks 225.417 58.036 6.612 10.369 300.434 Financial Assets at Fair Value Through (**) 212.332 328.815 968.297 1.673.986 204.335 - 3.387.765 Profit/Loss Money Market Placements 244.425 244.425 Investment Securities Available for Sale 31.990 641 137.423 288.236 1.574.007 3.401.216 - 5.433.513 Loans and Receivables 11.633.848 5.065.546 14.834.560 13.319.950 4.661.202 568.174 50.083.280 Investment Securities Held to Maturity 74.178 427.861 881.895 2.343.289 - 3.727.223 Other Assets 24.471 1.014.253 248.712 533.220 987.122 26.143 2.160.644 4.994.565 Total Assets 2.723.132 19.386.201 5.861.286 17.062.543 18.436.960 10.636.185 2.728.818 76.835.125 Liabilities Bank Deposits 17.791 1.105.752 259.084 40.375 - 1.423.002 Other Deposits 5.817.572 24.509.307 7.788.579 2.251.330 105.944 - 40.472.732 Funds Borrowed 224 352.775 711.738 3.968.904 815.772 2.125.383 7.974.796 Money Market Borrowings 3.484.132 731.620 4.215.752 Securities Issued 7.011 803.746 1.777.897 3.095.075 141.769 - 5.825.498 Sundry Creditors 3.785.762 1.455 38.441 - 3.825.658 (***) 6.856 1.292.520 473.662 767.206 93.003 213.586 10.250.854 13.097.687 Other Liabilities Total Liabilities 5.842.443 34.537.259 10.769.884 8.805.712 4.109.166 2.519.179 10.250.854 76.835.125 Liquidity Gap (3.119.311) (15.151.058) (4.908.598) 8.256.831 14.327.166 8.117.006 (7.522.036) Prior Period Total Assets 2.156.311 17.631.803 5.145.605 14.234.719 18.442.561 8.364.040 1.690.679 67.665.718 Total Liabilities 5.718.911 28.648.859 12.290.769 6.092.770 4.240.779 1.618.909 9.054.721 67.665.718 Net Liquidity Gap (3.562.600) (11.017.056) (7.145.164) 8.141.949 14.201.782 6.745.131 (7.364.042) (*) The assets which are necessary to provide banking services and could not be liquidated in the short-term, such as fixed assets, investments in subsidiaries and associates, common shares unquoted on stock exchange, office stationery, and prepaid expenses are classified under this column. Unallocated other liabilities include shareholders’ equity amounting to TL 8.797.614, unallocated provisions amounting to TL 1.451.752 and tax liability amounting to TL 177.452. (**) Financial Assets at Fair Value Through Profit/Loss include derivative financial assets held for hedging purposes amounting to TL 1.988.746 (***) Other Liabilities also include derivative financial liabilities held for hedging purposes amounting to TL 352.080. 5. Financial Liabilities according to the remaining maturities on the contract The table below shows the maturity breakdown of the Bank’s financial liabilities that are not classified as derivatives. These tables were prepared by taking the closest dates that the Bank will recognize its future cash flows. The interest payable through the said assets and liabilities are included in the tables below. Current Period Bank Deposits Other Deposits Payables to Money Market Funds from other Financial Institutions Securities Issued Noncash Loans(*) Undated 19.173 5.817.572 3.281.374 Up to 1 Month 1-3 Months 3-12 Months 1.106.943 24.733.409 3.485.794 459.726 10.194 636.342 279.100 7.966.411 732.214 587.017 735.019 900.716 41.426 2.286.766 4.120.340 1.837.449 2.893.493 1-5 Years 111.046 1.200.593 3.401.198 1.398.108 5 Years Total and longer - 1.446.642 - 40.915.204 - 4.218.008 2.417.527 8.785.203 109.483 6.093.343 29.299 9.139.332 Balance Sheet Value 1.423.002 40.472.732 4.215.752 7.974.796 5.825.498 9.139.332 5 Years and Longer 1.544.425 175.541 Balance Sheet Value 1.341.493 36.765.509 3.780.492 6.771.670 3.954.579 7.099.013 (* ) “Other Guarantees” with the amount 21.077 TL does not include the foreign currency account. Prior Period Bank Deposits Other Deposits Payables to Money Market Funds from other Financial Institutions Securities Issued Noncash Loans(*) Undated 21.521 5.683.752 3.064.783 Up to 1 Month 1-3 Months 3-12 Months 893.593 18.883.466 3.395.138 435.568 728.985 328.402 413.105 10.483.143 386.550 613.100 381.751 587.544 (* ) “Other Guarantees” with the amount 19.399 TL does not include the foreign currency account. 16.891 2.125.988 2.609.713 1.221.119 2.166.381 1-5 Years 3.500 2.227.996 1.959.070 776.362 Total 1.345.110 37.179.849 3.781.688 7.430.802 4.290.925 7.099.013 213 214 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report The table below shows the remaining maturity breakdown of the Bank’s derivative assets and liabilities. Current Period Forward contracts buying Forward contracts selling (**) Swap contracts buying (*) Swap contracts selling(*) Futures buying Futures selling Options buying Options selling Other Total (**) Up to 1 Month 1-3 Months 3-12 Months 1-5 Years 5 Years and Longer Total 1.850.523 1.856.558 11.512.307 11.443.750 14.514 14.514 780.633 785.687 28.258.486 974.118 976.448 9.777.727 9.680.407 2.933 2.933 2.555.631 2.550.382 26.520.579 900.707 896.663 13.100.349 12.606.681 2.223 2.223 1.485.964 1.496.097 30.490.907 98.925 97.530 19.539.488 19.802.513 200.256 211.551 417.402 40.367.665 3.104.000 3.190.582 6.294.582 3.824.273 3.827.199 57.033.871 56.723.933 19.670 19.670 5.022.484 5.043.717 417.402 131.932.219 5 years and Longer 2.785.259 2.877.062 5.662.321 Total (*) Derivative financial assets held for cash flow hedges are included . (**)İncludes the Dated, Asset Value Buying and Selling obligations that are in Obligations. Prior Period Forward contracts buying Forward contracts selling (**) Swap contracts buying (*) Swap contracts selling(*) Futures buying Futures selling Options buying Options selling Other Total (**) Up to 1 Month 1-3 Months 3-12 Months 1-5 Years 1.620.526 1.622.199 7.269.352 7.430.478 255 255 2.266.981 2.266.008 22.476.054 745.984 749.966 2.932.703 2.938.724 17.832 17.832 1.282.435 1.292.245 9.977.721 1.373.474 1.367.453 9.059.645 8.742.226 3.404 3.404 4.409.805 4.356.996 29.316.407 100.451 97.417 16.169.103 16.213.105 341.488 32.921.564 3.840.435 3.837.035 38.216.062 38.201.595 21.491 21.491 7.959.221 7.915.249 341.488 100.354.067 (*) Derivative financial assets held for cash flow hedges are included . (**)İncludes the Dated, Asset Value Buying and Selling obligations that are in Obligations. IX. Explanations Related to Securitization Positions As of December 31, 2014 the Group has no securitization positions. X. Explanations Related to Credit Risk Mitigation Techniques The Group applies Comprehensive Financial Collateral Method with Standard Volatility Adjustment Approach in compliance with the Article 34 and 37 of the “Regulation on Credit Risk Mitigation Techniques”. In this method, the volatility adjustments regarding the exposures and collaterals are made as per the standard deduction ratio that attached to the Regulation. For mitigating the credit risk, cash and cash equivalents and high-credit-quality debt instruments are used. Exposure Categories (**) Conditional and unconditional receivables from central governments or central banks Conditional and unconditional receivables from regional or local governments Conditional and unconditional receivables from administrative units and non-commercial enterprises Conditional and unconditional receivables from multilateral development banks Conditional and unconditional receivables from international organizations Conditional and unconditional receivables from banks and brokerage houses Conditional and unconditional receivables from corporates Conditional and unconditional retail receivables Conditional and unconditional receivables secured by mortgages Past due receivables Receivables defined in high risk category by BRSA Securities collateralized by mortgages Securitization positions Short-term receivables from banks, brokerage houses and corporates Investments similar to collective investment funds Other receivables Total Financial Other/Physical Guarantees and Amount(*) Collaterals Collaterals Credit Derivatives 18.832.057 2.283.268 4.185 43 868 - - - 6.768.070 23.598.488 44.023.027 15.654.502 575.768 6.041.475 26.414 3.780.002 119.304.856 3.253.423 617.351 325.169 54 74.423 6.553.731 - - (*) Includes total risk amounts before credit risk mitigation and liquidity conversions. (**) The mortgages used for the determination of the risk categories as per the article 6 of the “Regulation on Measurement and Assessment of Capital Adequacy Ratios of Banks”, are excluded. Finansbank 2014 Annual Report XI. Explanations Related to Risk Management Objectives and Policies The Group’s risk strategy is approved by the Board of Directors and implementation of this strategy is under the responsibility of the Bank’s Risk Committee and senior management. Besides the Group’s risk principles and targets, the aim of the risk strategy is to describe the Group’s current and targeted risk profile and appetite, risk management and organization and the Group’s general approach as defined by principle risk management capacities. The scope of the risk strategy includes the Parent Bank and all of its subsidiaries in the financial sector. The Risk Management’s mission is to optimize the relationship between risk and returns, by taking into account the interests of customers and employees, creating value for shareholders in line with the Parent Bank’s business strategy, consistent with both the best practices and the Bank’s risk strategy in accordance with legal obligations. The general objectives of the Group’s Risk Management: • In accordance with the Group’s risk management policies, in order to maximize the potential benefits and acquire the opportunities that creates value addition for shareholders, comprise the basic standards for bank-wide risk management, • In order to maintain the stability of yield against unpredictable losses, to support Bank’s business strategy in the manner that control the risk by carrying out the business objectives, • To improve the use and distribution of the capital and to increase the risk adjusted returns by adding risk to the measurement of business performance, • To support decision making process by providing the essential risk-related perspective, • To comply with legal, qualitative and quantitative requirements and consistency with the best practices, • Contribute to the continued position of ethics standards and strong corporate governance of the Group, which is one of the leading and reputable financial institutions in Turkey, • To promote risk awareness and management culture throughout the Group. XII. Explanations Related to Presentation of Financial Assets and Liabilities at Their Fair Value The fair value of the loans and lease receivables is determined based on discounted cash flows using the current market interest rates. The estimated fair value of the demand deposits is the amount payable on demand. The fair values of the floating rate placements and overnight deposits are considered to approximate the carrying values due to short maturities. The estimated fair value of the deposits with fixed rates is determined by calculating discounted cash flows by using the market interest rates used for other liabilities with similar quality and maturities. The fair value of funds provided from other financial institutions, is determined based on discounted cash flows using current market interest rates. The table below shows the fair value and book value of the Group’s financial assets and liabilities. Financial Assets Banks Receivables from Money Market Loans and Receivables Faktoring Receivables Leasing Receivables Available for Sale Financial Assets Securities Held to Maturity Financial Liabilities Bank Deposits Other Deposits Funds from Other Financial Institutions Payables to Money Market Securities Issued Other Debts Book Value Prior Period Current Period 61.762.379 44.974.337 300.434 476.154 244.425 3.433 50.083.280 42.671.305 443.212 520.657 1.530.292 1.302.788 5.433.513 5,742,985 3.727.223 2,825,779 63.737.438 56.063.470 1.423.002 1.341.493 40.472.732 36.765.509 7.974.796 6.771.670 4.215.752 3.780.492 5.825.498 3.954.579 3.825.658 3.449.727 Fair Value Prior Period Current Period 61.746.530 44.320.456 300.434 476.154 244.425 3.433 49.860.402 41.990.085 443.212 520.657 1.584.168 1.330.127 5.433.513 5,742,985 3.880.376 2,764,475 63.589.146 55.554.406 1.423.558 1.341.742 40.457.114 36.784.491 7.779.726 6.279.287 4.215.752 3.780.492 5.887.338 3.918.667 3.825.658 3.449.727 215 216 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report TFRS 7 sets classification of valuation techniques according to the inputs used in valuation techniques based on fair value calculations which are whether observable or not. The classification of fair value calculation is as follows: a) Level 1: Quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities (market value); b) Level 2: Inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly (as prices) or indirectly (derived from prices); c) Level 3: Inputs that are not observable for the asset and liability (Fair value calculations which are not observable). Aşağıdaki tabloda, finansal tablolarda gerçeğe uygun değerleriyle taşınan finansal araçların gerçeğe uygun değer sınıflaması yer almaktadır: In the table below the fair value classification of the financial instruments that are recorded at fair value at the financial statements is presented: Current Period Financial Assets Financial Assets at Fair Value through Profit/Loss Assets on Trading Derivatives Investment Securities Available for Sale Loans and Receivables(*) Subsidiaries, Associates and Entities Under Common Control Derivative Fiancial Assets hedging Purposes Financial Liabilities Liabilities on Trading Derivatives Derivative Financial Liabilities for Hedging Purposes (*)Loans and Receivables are presented in “Financial Assets at Fair Value through Profit/Loss”. Confirmation for fair value of financial assets under Level 3 is as below: Level 1 5.475.428 48.406 126 5.426.896 47 47 - Level 3 98.143 98.143 - Current Period 185.074 864 864 (87.795) 98.143 Opening Balance Change in total gain/loss Accunted in income statement Accounted in other comprehensive income Purchases Disposals Matured Loans(*) Sales from Level 3 Closing Balance Level 2 3.247.707 1.252.344 6.617 1.988.746 1.604.333 1.252.253 352.080 Total 8.821.278 48.406 1.252.470 5.433.513 98.143 1.988.746 1.604.380 1.252.300 352.080 Prior Period 352.296 (19.163) (19.163) (148.059) 185.074 (*) Includes loans that are repaid before their maturity. Prior Period Financial Assets Financial Assets at Fair Value through Profit/Loss Assets on Trading Derivatives Investment Securities Available for Sale Loans and Receivables(*) Subsidiaries, Associates and Entities Under Common Control Derivative Fiancial Assets hedging Purposes Financial Liabilities Liabilities on Trading Derivatives Derivative Financial Liabilities for Hedging Purposes Level 1 5.939.184 210.012 489 5.728.683 168 168 - Level 2 3.223.089 1.280.992 14.302 1.927.795 1.393.478 1.310.729 82.749 Level 3 185.074 185.074 - Total 9.347.347 210.012 1.281.481 5.742.985 185.074 1.927.795 1.393.646 1.310.897 82.749 (*)Loans and Receivables are presented in “Financial Assets at Fair Value through Profit/Loss”. XIII. Explanations Related to Transactions Carried Out on Behalf of Customers, Items Held in Trust The Group acts as an investment agent for banking transactions on behalf of its customers and provides custody services. Such transactions are followed under off-balance sheet accounts. 217 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report SECTION FIVE EXPLANATIONS AND DISCLOSURES ON CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS I. EXPLANATIONS AND DISCLOSURES RELATED TO CONSOLIDATED ASSETS 1. a) Cash and balances with the Central Bank of Turkey Current Period TL FC Cash in TL/Foreign Currency FC 248.656 633.575 413.150 T.R. Central Bank 912.650 6.911.681 253.764 6.906.881 133 295 451 661 1.503.288 7.160.632 887.790 7.320.692 Others Total b) Balances with the Central Bank of Turkey Current Period Unrestricted Demand Deposits Restricted Time Deposits Total Prior Period TL FC TL FC 912.650 689.015 253.764 499.042 - 6.222.666 - 6.407.839 912.650 6.911.681 253.764 6.906.881 As of December 31, 2014, the compulsory rates for the reserve deposits at the Central Bank of Turkey for Turkish Lira are implemented within an interval from 5% to 11,5% depending on the maturity of deposits (December 31, 2013 – 5% to 11,5%) and the compulsory rates for the foreign currency liabilities are within an interval from 6% to 13% depending on the maturity of deposits (December 31, 2013 – 6% and 13%). According to T. C. Central Bank press release No. 2014-72 dated October 21, 2014, interest payments on TL portion of Reserve Requirements have been started to be paid as of November 2014.. In accordance with the declaration by the T.C. Central Bank on January 2015 with the number 2015-1, beginning from the liability table of February 13, 2015 the Banks will begin to maintain reserve for their fc denominated deposits varying between at 6% and 18% as to the maturities of such deposits. 3. Further information on financial assets at fair value through profit/loss (net amounts are expressed) a) Trading securities given as collateral or blocked TL - Current Period FC - TL - Prior Period FC - 25.285 25.285 - 103 103 - Current Period FC - TL 140.916 4.818 145.734 Prior Period FC - Share Certificates Bonds, Treasury Bills and Similar Marketable Securities (*) Other Total (*) Government bonds given as collateral are classified under Held-for-Trading Financial Assets in the financial statements. b) Trading securities subject to repurchase agreements Government Bonds (*) Treasury Bills (*) Other Debt Securities Bonds Issued and Guaranteed by Banks Asset Backed Securities Other Total Prior Period TL 590.505 TL 4.902 4.952 961 10.815 (*) Government bonds, bank bills and bank guaranteed bills subject to repurchase agreements presented above are classified under Held-for-Trading Financial Assets in the financial statements. 218 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report c) Positive differences on trading derivative instruments Current Period Forward Transactions Swap Transactions 3. Prior Period TL FC TL 43.664 - 107.327 FC - 1.059.341 83.399 922.629 61.661 Futures - 126 - 486 Options - 65.940 - 189.378 Other - - - - Total 1.103.005 149.465 1.029.956 251.525 a) Information on banks Current Period TL Prior Period FC TL FC Banks Domestic 19.605 773 5.985 2.301 Foreign 20.178 259.878 2 302.327 Foreign Head Offices and Branches Total - - - 165.539 39.783 260.651 5.987 470.167 b) Information on foreign bank accounts Unrestricted Amount EU Countries USA and Canada OECD Countries (*) Off-shore Banking Regions Current Period Restricted Amount (**) Prior Period Current Period Prior Period 53.161 44.881 1.550 1.730 158.377 233.566 3.923 1.528 2.946 17.147 - - 54.881 165.538 - - Other 5.218 3.478 - - Total 274.583 464.610 5.473 3.258 (*) Include OECD countries other than the EU countries, USA and Canada. (**)Includes blocked placements at foreign banks amounting to TL 5.473 (December 31, 2013 - TL 3.258). 4. Information on receivables from reverse repurchase agreements Current Period Prior Period TL FC TL FC 200.062 - 3.433 - - - - - 200.062 - - - Intermediary Institutions - - 3.433 - Other Financial Institutions - - - - Other Institutions - - - - Real Persons - - - - Foreign Transactions - - - - Central Banks - - - - Banks - - - - Intermediary Institutions - - - - Other Financial Institutions - - - - Other Institutions - - - - Real Persons - - - - 200.062 - 3.433 - Domestic Transactions T.R. Central Bank Banks Total 219 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 5. Information on investment securities available for sale a) Investment securities available-for-sale given as collateral or blocked Current Period Prior Period TL Share certificates Bond, Treasury bill and similar marketable securities Other Total TL FC FC - - - - 443.810 284.954 393.114 - - - - - 443.810 284.954 393.114 - b) Investment securities available for sale subject to repurchase agreements Current Period FC TL FC 1.744.037 1.111.796 1.290.612 973.547 Treasury bills - - - - Other debt securities - - - - Bonds issued or bank guaranteed by banks - - - - Asset backed securities - - - - Other - - - - Total 1.744.037 1.111.796 1.290.612 973.547 Government bonds c)Investment securities available for sale Current Period Prior Period Debt securities 5.416.289 5.444.796 Quoted on a stock exchange (*) 5.409.632 5.429.359 Unquoted on a stock exchange 6.657 15.437 32.418 512.730 Quoted on a stock exchange (**) 27.912 512.570 Unquoted on a stock exchange 4.506 160 (15.194) (214.541) 5.433.513 5.742.985 Share certificates Impairment provision (-) Total Prior Period TL (*) The Eurobond Portfolio amounting to TL 1.199.653 (December 31, 2013 - TL 851.341) which is accounted for as investment securities available for sale was hedged under fair value hedge accounting starting from March and April 2009 and the Government Bonds Portfolio amounting to TL 106.392 (December 31, 2013- TL 102.502)which is accounted for as investment securities available for sale was hedged under fair value hedge accounting starting from August 2011. The mentioned financial assets are accounted for as Investment Securities Available for Sale in order to be in line with balance sheet presentation. (**) Share certificates that are quoted on a stock exchange include “exchange traded mutual funds” amounting to TL 27.757 (December 31, 2013 – TL 30.913). 6. Information related to loans a) Information on all types of loans and advances given to shareholders and employees of the Parent Bank Current Period Prior Period Cash Non-Cash Cash Direct Loans Granted to Shareholders 1.715 34.288 - 32.895 Corporate Shareholders 1.715 34.288 - 32.895 Individual Shareholders - - - - Indirect Loans Granted to Shareholders - - - - Loans Granted to Employees (*) 66.957 - 71.031 - Total 68.672 34.288 71.031 32.895 (*) Include the advances given to the bank personnel. Non-Cash 220 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report b)Information on the first and second group loans and other receivables including rescheduled or restructured loans Cash Loans (*) Non-specialized Loans Performing Loans and Other Receivables Loans and Other Receivables Under Close Monitoring Loans and Other Loans and Receivables with Loans and Other Loans and Receivables with Receivables Revised Contract Terms Receivables Revised Contract Terms Extension of Extension of Repayment Plan Other Repayment Plan Other 46.867.445 558.858 - 2.742.621 704.540 - 858.128 - - 7.812 - - Export Loans 1.332.172 - - 165.147 - - Import Loans 6.660 - - - - - 1.051.386 - - - - - Retail Loans 12.882.158 7.312 - 975.437 19.661 - Credit Cards 8.004.085 428.900 - 591.545 337.312 - 22.732.856 122.646 - 1.002.680 347.567 - Specialized Loans - - - - - - Other Receivables - - - - - - 46.867.445 558.858 - 2.742.621 704.540 - Discount Notes Loans Given to Financial Sector Other Total (*) The loans and other receivables amounting to 98.143 (December 31, 2013 – TL 185.074) are classified under “Loans at Fair Value Through Profit/Loss” in the financial statements. No. of Extensions 1 or 2 times Performing Loans and Other Receivables 521.096 Loans and Other Receivables under Follow-up 704.492 37.762 48 3, 4 or 5 times Over 5 times - - 558.858 704.540 Performing Loans and Other Receivables 57.112 Loans and Other Receivables under Follow-up 78.254 Total Extension Periods 0 - 6 months 6 -12 months 39.914 43.675 1 - 2 years 211.054 182.621 2 - 5 years 236.032 330.100 5 years and over Total 69.890 558.858 704.540 c) Loans according to their maturity structure Cash Loans (*) Performing Loans and Other Receivables Loans and Other Loans and Receivables with Receivables Revised Contract Terms Loans and Other Receivables Under Close Monitoring Loans and Other Loans and Receivables with Receivables Revised Contract Terms Short-term Loans 22.148.555 428.900 591.545 337.312 Non-specialized Loans 22.148.555 428.900 591.545 337.312 Specialized Loans - - - - Other Receivables - - - - Medium and Long-term Loans 24.718.890 129.958 2.151.076 367.228 Non-specialized Loans 24.718.890 129.958 2.151.076 367.228 Specialized Loans - - - - Other Receivables 46.867.445 - - - 558.858 2.742.621 704.540 Total 14.746 (*) The loans and other receivables amounting to TL 98.143 (December 31, 2013 – TL 185.074) are classified under “Loans at Fair Value Through Profit/Loss” in the financial statements. 221 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report d) Information on consumer loans, individual credit cards, personnel loans and personnel credit cards Short Term Medium and Long Term 210.055 11.621.817 11.831.872 234.135 Housing Loans 1.164 5.697.708 5.698.872 172.759 Automobile Loans 434 49.453 49.887 447 208.457 5.874.656 6.083.113 60.929 Consumer Loans-TL Personal Need Loans Total Interest and Income Accruals Other - - - - Consumer Loans-FC Indexed - 22.050 22.050 15.481 Housing Loans - 21.172 21.172 14.751 Automobile Loans - - - - Personal Need Loans - 878 878 730 Other - - - - Consumer Loans-FC - - - - Housing Loans - - - - Automobile Loans - - - - Personal Need Loans - - - - Other - - - - 7.127.401 325.411 7.452.812 83.790 Installment 2.648.565 325.411 2.973.976 33.433 Non- Installment 4.478.836 - 4.478.836 50.357 3.047 - 3.047 22 - - - - Non- Installment 3.047 - 3.047 22 Personnel Loans-TL 218 Individual Credit Cards-TL Individual Credit Cards-FC Installment 5.030 35.000 40.030 Housing Loans - 155 155 1 Automobile Loans - 58 58 217 Personal Need Loans 5.030 34.787 39.817 Other - - - - Personnel Loans-FC Indexed - - - - Housing Loans - - - - Automobile Loans - - - - Personal Need Loans - - - - Other - - - - Personnel Loans-FC - - - - Housing Loans - - - - Automobile Loans - - - - Personal Need Loans - - - - Other - - - - 24.493 - 24.493 - Installment 9.542 - 9.542 - Non-Installment 14.951 - 14.951 - 74 - 74 - Personnel Credit Cards-TL Personnel Credit Cards-FC Installment Non-Installment Overdraft Accounts-TL (Real Persons) Overdraft Accounts-FC (Real Persons) Total - - - 74 - 74 - 1.609.143 - 1.609.143 104.666 - - - - 8.979.243 12.004.278 20.983.521 438.312 222 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report e) Information on commercial loans with installments and corporate credit cards Commercial Loans with Installment Facility – TL Real Estate Loans Automobile Loans Personal Need Loans Other Commercial Loans with Installment Facility - FC Indexed Real Estate Loans Automobile Loans Personal Need Loans Other Commercial Loans with Installment Facility - FC Real Estate Loans Automobile Loans Personal Need Loans Other Corporate Credit Cards –TL Installment Non-Installment Corporate Credit Cards –FC Installment Non-Installment Overdraft Accounts-TL (Legal Entities) Overdraft Accounts-FC (Legal Entities) Total Short Term 747.708 1.130 6.224 740.354 60.102 255 59.847 1.018.246 271.301 746.945 287 287 803.803 2.630.146 Medium and Long Term 7.963.839 196.154 329.069 7.438.616 1.175.299 30.265 71.570 1.073.464 1.431 1.431 9.140.569 Total 8.711.547 197.284 335.293 8.178.970 1.235.401 30.265 71.825 1.133.311 1.019.677 272.732 746.945 287 287 803.803 11.770.715 Interest and Income Accruals 126.174 3.718 4.549 117.907 111.002 5.422 5.725 99.855 11.426 3.056 8.370 2 2 1.444 250.048 f) Loans according to borrowers (*) Public Private Total Current Period 163.249 49.446.817 49.610.066 Prior Period 150.108 42.197.546 42.347.654 (*) The loans and other receivables amounting to TL 98.143 (December 31, 2013 – TL 185.074) are classified under “Loans at Fair Value Through Profit/Loss” in the financial statements. g) Domestic and foreign loans (*) Domestic Loans Foreign Loans Total Current Period 49.403.189 206.877 49.610.066 Prior Period 42.155.909 191.745 42.347.654 (*) The loans and other receivables amounting to TL 98.143 (December 31, 2013 – TL 185.074) are classified under “Loans at Fair Value Through Profit/Loss” in the financial statements. h) Loans granted to subsidiaries and associates There are no loans granted to subsidiaries and associates i) Specific provisions for loans Specific Provisions Loans and Receivables with Limited Collectability Loans and Receivables with Doubtful Collectability Uncollectible Loans and Receivables Total Current Period 85.654 440.187 1.642.773 2.168.614 Prior Period 167.353 483.952 1.805.823 2.457.128 223 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report j) Non-performing loans (NPLs) (Net) j.1) Non-performing loans and other receivables restructured or rescheduled III. Group IV. Group V. Group Loans and receivables Loans and receivables Uncollectible loans and with limited collectability with doubtful collectability receivables Current Period (Gross Amounts Before the Specific Provisions) 133 4.457 Restructured Loans and Other Receivables - - 78.247 - Rescheduled Loans and Other Receivables 133 4.457 78.247 Restructured Loans and Other Receivables 221 - 1.700 - 159.808 - Rescheduled Loans and Other Receivables 221 1.700 159.808 Prior Period (Gross Amounts Before the Specific Provisions) j.2) Movement of non-performing loans(*): III. Group IV. Group V. Group Loans and receivables Loans and receivables Uncollectible loans and with limited collectability with doubtful collectability receivables Prior Period End Balance 419.095 740.935 Additions (+) 1.346.176 101.092 126.070 - 1.217.475 1.208.850 1.217.475 1.208.850 - 123.310 170.148 345.348 1.152.622 Transfers from Other Categories of Non-Performing Loans (+) Transfers to Other Categories of Non-Performing Loans (-) Collections (-) 1.805.823 Write-offs (-) (**) 71 7.721 Corporate and Commercial Loans 64 7.456 286.160 7 265 338.639 527.823 Consumer Loans Credit Cards - - Others - - - 424.415 672.783 1.642.773 85.654 440.187 1.642.773 338.761 232.596 - Current Period End Balance Specific Provision (-) Net Balances on Balance Sheet (*) Based on the “Regulation on Procedures and Principles for Determination of Qualifications of Loans and Other Receivables by Banks and Provisions to be set aside”, the Parent Bank provided specific provisions for its 3rd group commercial loans with 100% provision rate in the prior period, whereas in the current period the Parent Bank provided provision by using minimum provision ratios. After the stated change, the Bank has provided TL 79.169 less provision in the current period as compared to the provisioning method used in the prior period. (**)In current period, legally nonperforming loan receivables amounting to TL 571.958 have been sold for TL 127.600 whereas loan receivables amounting to TL 254.341 have been sold for TL 8.550 cash and share from future collections. Loan receivables that amount to 326.412 TL, have been sold for 64.000 TL. j.3) Information on foreign currency of non-performing loans and other receivables None (December 31, 2013 – None). 224 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report j.4) Information regarding gross and net amounts of non-performing loans with respect to user groups Current Period (Net) Loans to Real Persons and Legal Entities (Gross) Specific provision (-) Loans to Real Persons and Legal Entities (Net) Banks (Gross) Specific provision (-) Banks (Net) Other Loans and Receivables (Gross) Specific provision (-) Other Loans and Receivables (Net) Prior Period (Net) Loans to Real Persons and Legal Entities (Gross) Specific provision (-) Loans to Real Persons and Legal Entities (Net) Banks (Gross) Specific provision (-) Banks (Net) Other Loans and Receivables (Gross) Specific provision (-) Other Loans and Receivables (Net) III. Group IV. Group Loans and receivables Loans and receivables with with limited collectability doubtful collectability 338.761 232.596 424.415 672.783 (85.654) (440.187) 338.761 232.596 251.742 256.983 419.095 740.935 (167.353) (483.952) 251.742 256.983 - V. Group Uncollectible loans and receivables 1.631.886 (1.631.886) 10.887 10.887 1.804.591 (1.804.591) 1.232 (1.232) - k) Liquidation policies for uncollectible loans and other receivables For the unrecoverable non-performing loans under legal follow up, the loan quality, collateral quality, bona fide of the debtor and assessment of the emergency of legal follow up are considered, before applying the best practice for unrecoverable non-performing loans under legal follow up. The Parent Bank prefers to liquidate the risk through negotiations with the debtors. If this cannot be possible, then the Parent Bank starts the legal procedures for the liquidation of the risk. Ongoing legal follow up procedures do not prevent negotiations with the debtors. An agreement is made with the debtor at all stage of the negotiations for the liquidation of the risk. l) Explanations on write-off policy Unrecoverable non-performing loans in legal follow-up, for which 100% provision is provided in compliance with the “Provisioning Decree” and with no collateral that are deemed as uncollectible are written off by the Board of Directors’ decision, in accordance with the laws and regulations. 7.Information on factoring receivables Current Period Short Term Medium and Long Term Total Prior Period TL FC TL FC 432.339 9.570 512.851 7.806 1.303 - - - 433.642 9.570 512.851 7.806 As of December 31, 2014 and December 31, 2013, changes in provision for non-performing factoring receivables are as follows: Current Period Prior Period Prior Period End Balance 7.120 2.936 Provided Provision / (reversal), Net 6.424 4.924 Collections (128) (740) Written off - - 13.416 7.120 Current Period End Balance 225 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 8. Information on investment securities held-to-maturity a) Information on held-to-maturity financial assets held as collateral/blocked Current Period TP Share certificates Bond, Treasury bill and similar marketable securities Other Toplam YP 398.384 398.384 - Prior Period TP YP 126.049 126.049 - b) Information on held-to-maturity financial assets subject to repurchase agreements Held-to-maturity financial assets subject to repurchase agreements amount to TL 1.554.090 TL (31December 2013: TL 1.425.091) as of balance sheet date. c) Information on financial government debt securities held-to-maturity Current Period Government Bond Treasury Bill Other Public Sector Debt Securities Total TL FC TL Prior Period FC 3.003.772 48.794 3.052.566 90.418 90.418 2.446.859 2.446.859 20.820 20.820 d) Information on investment securities held-to-maturity Current Period Debt Securities Publicly-traded Non-publicly traded Provision for losses (-) Total e) TL FC TL Prior Period FC 3.052.566 3.052.566 3.052.566 674.657 674.657 674.657 2.446.859 2.446.859 2.446.859 378.920 378.920 378.920 Movement of held-to-maturity investments Current Period Value at the beginning of the period Exchange differences on monetary assets Acquisitions during the year (*) Disposals through sales and redemptions Provision for losses (-) Prior Period 29.197 2.768.370(*) 28.212 2.825.779 2.825.779 32.352 631.486 237.606 3.727.223 Valuation Effect The sum of end of the period (*) Debt securities with the nominal value of TL 1.601.660 reclassified to held-to-maturity investments from available for sale financial assets on June 21, 2013 are classified under acquisitions during the year. 9. Investments in associates (Net) 9.1. Investments in associates Description Bankalararası Kart Merkezi (BKM) (*) Total Assets 54.167 Address (City/ Country) Bank’s Share-If Different, Voting Rights (%) Bank’s Risk Group Share (%) Istanbul/Turkey 9,23% 9,23% Shareholder’s Equity Total Fixed Assets 31.256 33.312 Interest Income 639 Income on Securities Portfolio - Current Period Profit/Loss 8.874 Prior Period Profit/Loss 4.171 Company’s Fair Value - (*) Current period information is obtained from financial statements as of December 31, 2014, prior period profit and loss information is obtained from financial statements as of December 31, 2013. 226 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 9.2. Movements of investments in associates Current Period Balance at the Beginning of Period Movements During the Period Prior Period 3.766 7.977 - (4.211) Acquisitions - - Bonus Shares Received - - Dividends From Current Year Profiy - - Sales - - Reclassifications - (4.211)(*) Increase/Decrease in Market Values - - Currency Differences on Foreign Associates - - Impairment Losses (-) Balance at the End of the Period - - 3.766 3.766 Capital Commitments - Share Percentage at the end of the Period - (*) Represents classification of TL 4.211 share of Kredi Garanti Fonu A.Ş. to available for sale assets. 9.3. Sectoral distribution and the related carrying amounts on associates Current Period Prior Period Banks - - Insurance Companies - - Factoring Companies - - Leasing Companies - - Finance Companies - - Other Associates 3.766 3.766 Total 3.766 3.766 Current Period Prior Period 3.766 3.766 Valued at Fair Value - - Valued at Equity Method - - 3.766 3.766 9.4. Quoted Associates None (December 31, 2013 - None). 9.5. Valuation of investments in associates Valued at Cost Total 9.6. Investments in associates sold during the current period 9.7. None (December 31, 2013 - None). Investments in associates acquired during the current period None (December 31, 2013 - None). 227 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 10. Investments in subsidiaries (Net) a) Information on the Parent Bank’s unconsolidated subsidiaries: Subsidiaries below have not been consolidated since they are non financial investments, they are instead valued by cost method. 1. 2. Address (City/Country) Title Ibtech Uluslararası Bilişim ve İletişim Teknolojileri Araştırma, Geliştirme, Danışmanlık, Destek San. Ve Tic. A.Ş. EFINANS Elektronik Ticaret ve Bilişim Hizmetleri A.Ş. (*) Total Assets Shareholder’s Equity 1. 46.521 22.106 2.(**) 8.173 Total Fixed Assets 17.153 6.397 4.927 Bank’s Share – If Different, Voting Rights (%) Bank’s Risk Group Share (%) Istanbul/Turkey %99,91 %99,99 Istanbul/Turkey %51,00 %51,00 Interest Income on Securities Income Portfolio 209 Current Period Profit/Loss 6.989 - Prior Period Profit/ Company’s Fair Loss Value 3.782 - 397 - - (*) Current period information is obtained from financial statements as of December 31, 2014, prior period profit and loss information is obtained from financial statements as of December 31, 2013. (**) Represents the investment for the foundation of EFINANS Elektronik Ticaret ve Bilişim Hizmetleri A.Ş. amounting to TL 3.060. In the Board of Directors meeting on August 22, 2013, it has been decided that the Bank shall participate with 51% share and TL 3.060 capital in the foundation of EFINANS Elektronik Ticaret ve Bilişim Hizmetleri Anonim Şirketi which is located in Istanbul and is founded with a total of TL 6.000 capital. The foundation of the Company has been announced in Commercial Registry Gazette, dated September 16, 2013 and numbered 8405. b) Information on the consolidated subsidiaries b.1) Information on the consolidated subsidiaries Address (City/Country) İstanbul/Turkey İstanbul/Turkey İstanbul/Turkey İstanbul/Turkey İstanbul/Turkey Subsidiary Finans Yatırım Menkul Değerler A.Ş. Finans Finansal Kiralama A.Ş. Finans Yatırım Ortaklığı A.Ş. (**) Finans Portföy Yönetimi A.Ş. Finans Faktoring Hizmetleri A.Ş. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Bank’s Share – If Different, Voting Rights (%) 99,60 51,06 76,06(*) 0,01 99,99 Bank’s Risk Group Share (%) 99,74 69,00 76,13 99,72 100,00 (*) The share of the Parent Bank is 10.01 %, the remaining 66.05% shareholding represents the purchases of publicly traded shares on the Borsa Istanbul (BIST). (**) As per Board of Directors meeting dated 21 May 2014, it has been decided for the liquidation of Finans Investment Trust. Liquidation decision will be presented for the approval of the shareholders at the General Board Meeting and those who vote and oppose will be granted the right to resign from the Company. The Exraordinary General Meeting is done in October 20, 2014. The decisions of The Extraordinary General Meeting have been registered as of November 7, 2014. The shares of Finans Yatırım Ortaklığı A.Ş. have been unquoted from the exchange list and markets of Istanbul Stock exchange and banned for trade as of November 10, 2014. Finans Yatırım Ortaklığı A.Ş. Under Liquidation is referred to as “ Finans Yatırım Ortaklığı A.Ş. Under Liqudiation” since November 7, 2014. Information on subsidiaries in the order as presented in the table above: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) Total Assets Shareholder’s Equity 270.385 152.640 1.765.458 557.552 21.267 21.141 11.240 10.261 458.119 32.577 Total Fixed Assets 3.119 2.853 1 544 1.056 Interest Income on Income Securities Portfolio 16.130 3.727 146.746 1.241 715 1.144 4 53.522 - Current Period Profit/Loss 1.841 48.029 1.498 540 4.192 Prior Period Profit/Loss 1.570 41.496 (2.101) 991 1.612 Company’s Fair Value (**) 112.610 260.125(**) 14.513(**)(***) 39.565 (*) Current period information represents December 31, 2014 figures, and prior period profit/loss amounts represent December 31, 2013 figures as per the financial statements prepared in accordance with the BRSA regulations. (**) Fair values of publicly traded subsidiaries reflect their Borsa Istanbul (BIST) values as of the balance sheet date. (***) Shows the stock market value of Finans Yatırım Ortaklığı A.Ş. as of November 7, 2014 b.2) Movement of investments in subsidiaries Balance at the Beginning of the Period Movements during the Period Purchases Bonus Shares Received Dividends from Current Year Profit Sales Changes Due to Reclassification Revaluation Difference Impairment Provision Balance at the End of the Period Capital Commitments Share Percentage at the end of the Period (%) Current Period 405.170 21.148 21.148 426.318 - Prior Period 476.617 (71.447) (1.069) (70.378) 405.170 - 228 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report b.3) Sectoral distribution of the consolidated subsidiaries Current Period Prior Period Banks - - Insurance Companies - - Factoring Companies 39.213 20.000 Leasing Companies 260.125 284.787 Finance Companies - - Other Subsidiaries 126.980 100.383 Total 426.318 405.170 The balances of the subsidiaries have been eliminated as part of the consolidation principles. b.4) Quoted subsidiaries within the context of consolidation Quoted on Domestic Stock Exchanges Current Period Prior Period 274.637 302.448 Quoted on International Stock Exchanges Total - - 274.637 302.448 b.5) Explanation to capital adequacy of the significant subsidiaries None. 11. Investments in entities under common control Cigna Finans Emeklilik ve Hayat A.Ş. (*) Bantaş Nakit ve Kıymetli Mal Taşıma ve Güvenlik Hizmetleri A.Ş. (*) The Parent The Group’s Bank’s Share Share Current Assets Fixed Assets Long Term Debt Current Period Profit/Loss Prior Year Profit/Loss 49,00% 49,00% 237.682 444.852 506.277 20.855 8.403 33,33% 33,33% 11.990 10.436 720 3.052 2.712 (*) Current period information represents December 31, 2014 figures, and prior period profit/loss amounts represent December 31, 2013 figures. 12. Information on finance lease receivables (Net) 12.1. Maturity analysis of financial lease receivables Current Period Prior Period Gross Net Gross Net Less than 1 year 726.887 616.586 629.447 543.853 Between 1-4 years 942.507 824.705 797.021 706.442 96.609 89.001 56.266 52.493 1.766.003 1.530.292 1.482.734 1.302.788 Over 4 years Total Finance lease receivables include non-performing finance lease receivables amounting to TL 143.995 (December 31, 2013 – TL 133.665) and specific provisions amounting to TL 96.339 (December 31, 2013 – TL 83.006). Changes in non-performing finance lease receivables provision as of December 31, 2014 and December 31, 2013, are as follows: End of prior period Current Period Prior Period 83.006 64.549 Provided provision / (reversal), Net 20.131 23.831 Collections 6.798 (5.374) 96.339 83.006 Provision at the end of the period 229 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 12.2. Information on net investment on leases Current Period Prior Period 1.766.003 1.482.734 (235.711) (179.946) Gross Finance Lease Investments Unearned Finance Income (-) Cancelled Leasing Agreements (-) Net Investment on Leases 12.3. 13. - 1.530.292 1.302.788 Information of finance lease contracts of the Parent Bank The leasing balances between the Parent Bank and the subsidiaries have been eliminated as part of the Information on hedging purpose derivatives: consolidation principles. Current Period Prior Period TL FC TL FC Fair Value Hedge (*) 1.459.151 22.844 1.487.743 61.426 Cash Flow Hedge 506.751 - 378.626 - - - - - 1.965.902 22.844 1.866.369 61.426 Net Investment Hedge Total 14. - (*) Derivative financial instruments designated for the fair value hedge purposes comprise of swaps. As of December 31, 2014, TL 36.343 (December 31, 2013 - TL 84.918) represents the fair value of derivatives which are designated as hedging instruments to hedge the fair value changes in debt securities issued, TL 20.170 (December 31, 2013– TL 56.290) worth of securities issued, and TL 1.425.482 (December 31, 2013 – TL 1.464.251) represents the fair value of derivatives which are designated as hedging instruments to hedge the fair value changes in loans. Explanations on tangible assets Land and Buildings Fixed Assets under Finance Lease Vehicles Other Fixed Assets Total 1.353.114 Prior Period End Cost 67.779 330.471 2.247 952.617 Accumulated Depreciation(-) 8.584 249.380 1.598 559.506 819.068 59.195 81.091 649 393.111 534.046 Net Book Value Current Period End Cost at the Beginnin of the Period Additions (*) Transfer(-) Disposals (-) Impairment (-)/ (increase) Current Period Cost Accumulated Depreciation at the Beginning of the Period Disposals (-) Transfer (-) Depreciation amount Accumulated Depreciation at the End of the Period (-) Net Book Value at the End of the Period 67.779 330.471 2.247 952.617 1.353.114 1.046.654 619 - 89.266 1.136.539 6.794 65.626 - 10.746 83.166 - - 185 3.607 3.792 (453) - - - (453) 1.108.092 265.464 2.062 1.027.530 2.403.148 8.584 249.380 1.598 559.506 819.068 - - 115 3.036 3.151 427 14.969 - 4.680 20.076 16.118 3.856 234 115.004 135.212 24.275 238.267 1.717 666.794 931.053 1.083.817 27.197 345 360.736 1.472.095 (*)As mentioned in Section 3 footnote 5.1.d, the fair value currency difference income of 60.269 TL that belongs to the real estate, subject to the accounting of protection from the fair value risk by the Bank, is shown in the “Entries” line of the Financial Fixed Assets movement table. a) If impairment on individual asset recorded or reversed in the current period is material for the overall financial statements: Events and conditions for recording or reversing impairment and amount of recorded or reversed statements: impairment in the financial The fair values of the buildings are determined by the licensed expertise companies and as a result of the changes in the fair value of these buildings, the impairment loss of TL 453 has been booked. (December 31, 2013 - TL 705 impairment loss has been reversed). 230 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report b) The impairment provision set or cancelled in the current period according to the asset groups not individually significant but materially effecting the overall financial statements, and the reason and conditions for this: None (December 31, 2013- None) c) Pledges, mortgages and other restrictions (if any) on the tangible fixed assets, expenses arising from the construction for tangible fixed assets, commitments given for the purchases of tangible fixed assets: None (December 31, 2013- None). 15. Explanations on Intangible Assets Rights Goodwill Total Cost 473.341 19.209 492.550 Accumulated Amortization(-) 272.554 10.229 282.783 Net Book Value 200.787 8.980 209.767 Cost at the Beginning of the Period 473.341 19.209 492.550 Entries 105.349 - 105.349 2 - 2 Current Period Cost 578.688 19.209 597.897 Acc. Amort. At the Beginning of the Period 272.554 10.229 282.783 2 - 2 79.822 - 79.822 Current Period Accumulated Amortization(-) 352.374 10.229 362.603 Net Book Value-End of the Period 226.314 8.980 235.294 Prior Period End Current Period End Disposals (-) Disposals(-) Amortization charge a) Disclosures for book value, description and remaining life to be amortized for a specific intangible fixed asset that is material to the financial statements: None (December 31, 2013- None). b) Disclosure for intangible fixed assets acquired through government grants and accounted for at fair value at initial recognition: None (December 31, 2013- None). c) The method of subsequent measurement for intangible fixed assets that are acquired through government incentives and recorded at fair value at the initial recognition: None (December 31, 2013- None). d) The book value of intangible fixed assets that are pledged or restricted for use: None (December 31, 2013- None). e) Amount of purchase commitments for intangible fixed assets: None (December 31, 2013- None). f) Information on revalued intangible assets according to their types: None (31 Aralık 2013- None). g) Amount of total research and development expenses recorded in income statement within the period if any: Amount of total research expenses recorded in income statement within the period is TL 3.807 (December 31, 2013 – TL 4.525) . Finansbank 2014 Annual Report h) Positive or negative consolidation goodwill on entity basis: The goodwill amounting to TL 8.969 recorded to the accompanying consolidated financial statements for the Parent Bank purchasing its subsidiary Finans Finansal Kiralama A.Ş. (December 31, 2013 – TL 8.969). i) Information on book value of goodwill at the beginning of the period, end of the period and movement for the period: The details have been disclosed at explanations and disclosures related to asset section, at disclosure 15. 16. Explanations on investment property None (December 31, 2013- None ). 17. Information on tax asset According to TAS 12, the deferred tax assets and liabilities of the consolidated subsidiaries are netted off separately in their financial statements. Deferred tax asset is TL 62.179 (December 31, 2013 – TL 107.583) and deferred tax liability is TL 1.488 (December 31, 2013- TL 1.330) after deferred tax asset and liability balances in the financial statements of the consolidated subsidiaries are netted off separately. In cases whereby such differences are related with certain items under the shareholders’ equity accounts, the deferred tax benefits/ charges are netted under these accounts. The deferred tax assets amounting to TL 34.544 are netted under equity. (December 31, 2012 – TL 28.697 deferred tax liability). Accumulated Temporary Differences Deferred Tax Assets/(Liabilities) 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 211.867 220.328 42.373 44.066 698.434 457.250 139.687 91.450 191.234 392.946 38.247 78.590 (257.159) (144.882) Difference Between the Book Value of Financial Assets and Tax Base (289.395) (145.362) (57.879) (29.072) Other (251.523) (249.018) (50.305) (49.805) (159.616) (107.853) 60.691 106.253 Provision for Employee Rights Difference Between the Book Value of Financial Assets and Tax Base Other Deferred Tax Assets Difference Between the Book Value Financial Fixed Assets and Tax Base Deferred Tax Liabilities Deferred Tax Assets/(Liabilities), Net 220.307 214.106 (51.432) (28.976) Current Period Prior Period Deffered Tax as of January 1 Active/ (Passive) - Net 106.253 (4.852) Deferred Tax (Loss) / Gain (39.715) 33.948 Deferred Tax that is Realized Under Shareholder’s Equity December 31 Deferred Tax Active/ (Passive) - Net 5.847 77.157 60.691 106.253 18. Information on assets held for sale and discontinued operations As of December 31, 2014, The Bank has re-classified its real estate property with a net book value of TL 63.090 from Tangible Assets to Assets held for Sale. The auction regarding the sale of the Bank’s Gayrettepe Headquarter Building on Istanbul, Şişli, Mecidiyeköy, map section 307, Isle 1997, Parcel 41 has been approved by the Board of Directors and a “Real Estate Sale Contract” has been signed by both parties. The building in question will be sold for USD 65.250.000. The deed transfer will take place no later than March 25, 2015 after the conditions on the contract are fulfilled. Also, as a result of the auction regarding the sale of the floors in Akmerkez, the Group will receive an amount of USD 19.670.000. The auction regarding the sale of the Bank’s Gayrettepe Headquarter Building on Istanbul, Şişli, Mecidiyeköy, map section 307, Isle 1997, Parcel 29 has been approved by the Board of Directors. It is decided to be sold for USD 28.000.000. In addition it has been decided that floors owned by the Group in Akmerkez will be sold for USD 19.670.000. 231 232 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 19. Information on other assets: 19.1. Information on prepaid expense, tax and similar items Current Period Prior Period Other Prepaid Expenses 325.068 299.361 Cheques Receivables from Other Banks 254.690 188.161 138.126 159.080 Assets Held for Resale (net) 73.789 109.767 Prepaid rent expenses 66.453 83.362 Miscellaneous Receivables Collateral Given for Derivative Transactions Advances Given 19.2 31.765 30.352 9.670 307.905 Prepaid Agency Commissions 6.564 3.643 Other Total 92.142 77.324 998.267 1.258.955 If other assets exceed 10% of total assets, excluding off balance sheet commitments, the names and the balances of these accounts, the name and the amount of the subaccounts which create at least 20% of them are: Details of the other assets are described in note 16.1 section of disclosure. 20. Accrued interest and income The details of accrued interest and income allocated to the related items on the assets side of the balance sheet are as follows: Current Period Prior Period TL FC TL FC Assets on Trading Derivatives 1.965.902 22.844 1.866.369 61.426 Derivative Financial Instruments Held for Hedging 1.103.007 149.465 1.029.956 251.525 Loans 670.666 119.800 632.960 73.137 Investment Securities Available for Sale 132.088 100.324 95.011 11.539 Investment securities held to maturity 48.794 6.927 23.336 4.876 5.461 7.455 4.135 6.869 Lease Receivables Banks and Other Financial Institutions 997 31 143 - Trading Securities 664 116 (1.164) 37 Other Accruals Total 4.954 173 1.418 105 3.932.533 407.135 3.652.164 409.514 233 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report SECTION FIVE II. EXPLANATIONS AND DISCLOSURES RELATED TO CONSOLIDATED LIABILITIES 1. Information on maturity structure of deposits Current Period Saving Deposits Foreign Currency Deposits Residents in Turkey Residents Abroad Public Sector Deposits Commercial Deposits Other Ins. Deposits Precious Metal Deposits Bank Deposits 7 Days Up to 1 1 Year and Accumulated 1-3 Months 3-6 Months 6-12 Months Notice Month Over Deposit Accounts 1.478.602 - 2.302.799 11.989.509 479.169 287.251 1.491.669 3.859 18.032.858 1.839.631 Demand Total - 1.415.763 8.626.554 441.796 159.241 482.581 3.521 12.969.087 1.780.013 - 1.396.851 8.445.573 417.655 141.878 456.424 3.521 12.641.915 59.618 - 18.912 180.981 24.141 17.363 26.157 - 327.172 329.657 - 7.469 44.378 506 281 - - 382.291 - 1.398.650 7.466.994 1.560.852 4.157.214 139.228 121.681 89.369 - 26.723 - 67.314 556.455 42.042 117.491 176.947 - 986.972 582.107 - - 3.920 42.910 5.586 7 - 634.530 1.423.002 17.791 - 1.105.752 259.084 34.475 5.900 - - T.R. Central Bank - - - - - - - - - Domestic Banks 2.259 - - 14.220 - 4.081 - - 20.560 15.299 - 1.105.752 244.864 34.475 1.819 - - 1.402.209 233 - - - - - - - 233 Other - - - - - - - - - Total 5.835.363 - 6.297.747 25.637.114 1.180.126 697.431 2.240.573 7.380 41.895.734 Up to 1 1 Year and Accumulated Month 1-3 Months 3-6 Months 6-12 Months Over Deposit Accounts Total Foreign Banks Participation Banks Prior Period Saving Deposits Foreign Currency Deposits Residents in Turkey Residents Abroad Public Sector Deposits Commercial Deposits 7 Days Demand Notice 1.633.745 - 1.986.642 10.796.200 979.428 436.045 312.848 5.859 16.150.767 1.531.397 - 781.342 6.221.329 644.676 1.483.341 - 768.882 6.120.438 597.287 461.652 351.038 5.695 9.997.129 441.805 283.983 5.695 48.056 - 12.460 100.891 9.701.431 47.389 19.847 67.055 - 304.915 - 607 295.698 49.520 254 1.352.508 - - 1.707.804 1.457.168 - 1.748.841 3.706.500 209.984 123.627 52.502 - 7.298.622 Other Ins. Deposits 22.666 - 149.047 511.418 104.932 45.464 613 - 834.140 Precious Metal Deposits 734.417 - 24.330 11.191 6.948 161 - - 777.047 21.521 - 893.646 409.845 11.499 4.982 - - 1.341.493 Bank Deposits T.R. Central Bank - - - - - - - - - Domestic Banks 2.101 - - 48.672 4.103 2.045 - - 56.921 1.284.571 19.419 - 893.646 361.173 7.396 2.937 - - Participation Banks Foreign Banks 1 - - - - - - - 1 Other - - - - - - - - - Total 5.705.829 - 5.584.455 21.706.003 1.957.721 2.424.439 717.001 11.554 38.107.002 234 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 1.1. Information on savings deposits insured by Saving Deposit Insurance Fund and the total amount of the deposits exceeding the insurance coverage limit Saving Deposits Foreign Currency Savings Deposits Other Saving Deposits Foreign Branches’ Deposits Under Foreign Insurance Coverage Off-Shore Deposits Under Foreign Insurance Coverage Total Covered by Deposit Insurance Fund Current Period Prior Period 9.502.043 7.860.834 1.833.144 1.653.084 11.335.187 9.513.918 Current Period 8.529.289 5.793.036 14.322.325 Exceeding the Deposit Insurance Limit Prior Period 8.280.585 5.382.496 13.663.081 1.2. Savings deposits in Turkey are not covered under insurance in another country since the headquarter of the Group is not located abroad. 1.3. Savings deposits that are not covered under the guarantee of deposit insurance fund Deposits and accounts in branches abroad Deposits of ultimate shareholders and their close family members Deposits of chairman and members of the Board of Directors and their close family members Deposits obtained through illegal acts defined in the 282nd Article of the 5237 numbered Turkish Criminal Code dated September 26, 2004. Saving deposits in banks established in Turkey exclusively for off-shore banking activities Total 2. Current Period 38.539 Prior Period 32.736 - - 2.632 41.171 32.652 65.388 Information on trading purpose derivatives a) Negative value of trading purpose derivatives Forwards Swaps Futures Options Other Total 3. TL 108.202 1.004.649 1.112.851 Prior Period FC 62.406 168 135.472 198.046 TL 437.490 60.781 498.271 Current Period FC 384.554 4.970.259 5.354.813 TL 391.541 150.500 542.041 Prior Period FC 313.408 3.965.502 4.278.910 TL 329.764 168.507 498.271 Current Period FC 3.914.272 1.440.541 5.354.813 TL 461.350 80.691 542.041 Prior Period FC 2.553.062 1.725.848 4.278.910 b) Maturity information on funds borrowed Short-Term Medium and Long-Term Total Current Period FC 109.145 47 50.291 159.483 a) Information on banks and other financial institutions T.R. Central Bank Loans Domestic Banks and Institutions Foreign Banks, Institutions and Funds Total TL 51.369 1.041.448 1.092.817 The Bank obtained securitization loan amounting to USD 397 in November 26, 2014 and EUR 356 million in November 27, 2013 with one year maturity according to the Board of Directors’ decision No: 221 October 23, 2014. 235 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report c) Additional information on concentrations of the Group’s liabilities As of December 31, 2014, the Group’s liabilities comprise; 55% deposits (December 31, 2013 – 56%), 8% funds borrowed (December 31, 2013 – 7%), 8% issued bonds (December 31, 2013 – 6%) and 5% funds provided under repurchase agreements (December 31, 2013 – 5%). 4. Information on funds provided under repurchase agreements Current Period FC TL FC From domestic transactions 2.715.336 - 2.518.556 - Financial institutions and organizations 2.679.239 - 2.470.009 - 12.101 - 32.319 - 23.996 - 16.228 - 9.901 1.431.183 8.165 1.141.561 1.141.561 Other institutions and organizations Real persons From foreign transactions Financial institutions and organizations Other institutions and organizations Real persons Total 5. Prior Period TL - 1.431.183 - 9.901 - 8.165 - - - - - 2.725.237 1.431.183 2.526.721 1.141.561 Information on securities issued (Net) Current Period Bank Bonds Bills Total Prior Period TL FC TL 2.000.828 262.040 2.057.078 FC - 324.658 3.237.972 103.734 1.793.767 2.325.486 3.500.012 2.160.812 1.793.767 The Parent Bank has governtment bond issue program (Global Medium Term Note Programme) amounting to USD 1,5 Billion. 6. If other liabilities account exceeds 10% of total liabilities excluding the off-balance sheet items, information given about components of other liabilities account that exceed 20% of the individual liability item in the consolidated balance sheet Other liabilities does not exceed 10% of total liabilities excluding the off-balance sheet items (December 31, 2013 – Does not exceed 10%). 7. Criteria used in the determination of lease installments in the financial lease contracts, renewal and purchase options, restrictions, and significant burdens imposed on the bank on such contracts Interest rate and cash flows of the Group are the main criteria which are taken into consideration for the determination of payment plans in the leasing contracts. 7.1. Changes in agreements and further commitments arising No changes have been made to the leasing agreements in the current period (December 31, 2013 – None). 7.2. Financial lease payables The leasing balances between the Parent Bank and the subsidiaries have been eliminated as part of the consolidation principles. 7.3. Information on operational lease Operational lease payments are recognized as an expense in the income statement on a straight-line basis over the lease terms. The Bank arranges operating lease arrangements for some of its ATM and branches. The lease contract is done on a yearly basis and the payment is made upfront each year and realized as an expense under the “Other Assets” account. 7.4. Information on “Sale -and- lease back” agreements The Group does not have any sale-and-lease back transactions in the current period (December 31, 2013 – None). 236 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 8. Information on liabilities arising from hedging purpose derivatives Fair Value Hedge (*) Cash Flow Hedge (**) Net Investment Hedge Total TL Current Period FC TL Prior Period FC 70.738 131.366 202.104 149.976 149.976 7.648 7.648 75.101 75.101 (*) Derivative financial instruments for hedging purposes include swaps. As of December 31, 2014, TL 98.050 (December 31, 2013 – TL 20.901) represents the fair value of derivatives which are the hedging instruments of hedged loan portfolio, TL 122.664 (December 31, 2013 –TL 54.200) represents the fair value of derivatives which are the hedging instruments of hedged investment securities available for sale portfolio. (**) Represents the fair values of derivatives which are the hedging instruments of deposits’ cash flow risk. 9. Information on provisions 9.1. Information on general provisions Provisions for Loans and Receivables in Group I -Additional Provision for Loans and Receivables with Extended Maturities Provisions for Loans and Receivables in Group II -Additional Provision for Loans and Receivables with Extended Maturities Provisions for Non - Cash Loans Other Total 9.2. Current Period 680.928 55.947 125.096 36.679 75.473 61.164 942.661 Prior Period 608.997 56.116 88.573 30.920 63.599 55.122 816.291 Current Period 21.043 Prior Period 146 Provision for currency exchange gain/loss on foreign currency indexed loans Foreign Exchange Provision for Foreign Currency Indexed Loans (*) (*) The foreign exchange provision for foreign currency indexed loans netted against “Loans and Receivables” in asset. 9.3. Specific provisions for non cash loans that are not indemnified and converted into cash The specific provision for non cash loans which are related with the non-performing cash loans in arrears or the loans which were written off from balance sheet is TL 47.736 (December 31,2013 - TL 53.760). 9.4 Information on employee termination benefits and unused vacation accrual The Group has calculated reserve for employee termination benefits by using actuarial valuations as set out in TAS 19 and reflected these accompanying financial statements. As of December 31, 2014, TL 120.546 (December 31, 2013 - TL 90.390) reserve for employee termination benefits was provided in the accompanying financial statements. As of December 31, 2014, the Group accrued TL 33.190 (December 31, 2013 - TL 30.354) for the unused vacations under reserve for employee benefits account in the accompanying financial statements. As of December 31, 2014, TL 58.131 (December 31, 2013 – TL 99.584) bonus and premium provisions have been provided under reserve for employee benefits account in the accompanying financial statements. 9.4.1 Movement of employee termination benefits As of January 1 Service cost Interest Cost Settlement / curtailment / termination loss Actuarial Difference Paid during the period Total Current Period 01.01-31.12.2014 90.395 14.640 8.635 10.474 19.565 (23.163) 120.546 Prior Period 01.01-31.12.2013 85.243 13.845 6.298 5.558 (5.443) (15.111) 90.390 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 9.5. Information on other provisions 9.5.1. Information on provisions for possible risks Apart from the information provided in 9.3, the other provisions are given below as follows: Provision for Closely Monitored Loans General Reserves for Possible Risks Provision for Promotion Expenses of Credit Cards Other Provisions Total Current Period 106.334 82.000 12.495 48.659 249.488 Prior Period 102.025 20.138 79.258 201.421 10.Taxation 10.1. Current taxes 10.1.1. Current tax liability As of December 31, 2014, the Group has current tax liability of TL 240.905(December 31, 2013 - TL 319.023) and advance taxes of TL 64.941 (December 31, 2013 - TL 210.715). The current tax liability and the advance taxes of the consolidated subsidiaries have been offset seperately in their financial statements. As of December 31, 2014, after the offsetting, the current tax liability amounting TL 175.964 (December 31, 2013 – TL 108.308) is disclosed. 10.1.2. Information on taxes payable Corporate taxes payable Banking and Insurance Transaction Tax (BITT) Taxation on Securities Income Taxation on Real Estates Income VAT Payable Other Total Current Period 175.964 39.417 41.034 1.893 1.879 19.157 279.344 Prior Period 108.308 32.349 33.750 1.803 2.080 18.403 196.693 The Group presents The “Corporate Taxes Payable” balance in the “Current Tax Liability” account and other taxes are presented in the “Other Liabilities” account in the accompanying consolidated financial statements. 10.1.3 Information on premiums Social Security Premiums - Employee Share Social Security Premiums - Employer Share Pension Fund Fee and Provisions – Employee Share Pension Fund Fee and Provisions – Employer Share Unemployment Insurance - Employee Share Unemployment Insurance - Employer Share Other Total Current Period 7.054 7.687 4 12 495 992 12 16.256 Prior Period 7.336 7.881 517 1.032 11 16.777 10.2. Information on deferred tax liabilities According to TAS 12, the deferred tax assets and liabilities are netted off in the accompanying financial statements. Deferred tax asset is TL 62.179(December 31, 2013 – TL 107.583) and deferred tax liability is TL 1.488 (December 31, 2013 – 1.330) after deferred tax asset and liability balances in the financial statements of consolidated subsidiaries are netted off separately. In cases whereby such differences are related with certain items under the shareholders’ equity accounts, the deferred tax benefits/ charges are netted under these accounts. The deferred tax liability amounting to TL 34.544 is netted under equity (December 31, 2013 –TL 28.697 deferred tax liability). 237 238 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Reserve for employee benefits The differences between carrying and taxable amounts of financial assets Unused investment incentive certificates Other Deferred Tax Asset The differences between carrying and taxable amounts of tangible assets The differences between carrying and taxable amounts of financial assets Other Deferred Tax Liability Deferred Tax Asset / (Liability), Net Temporary Differences Deferred Tax Asset / (Liability) December 31, 2014 December 31, 2013 December 31, 2014 December 31, 2013 211.867 220.328 42.373 44.066 698.434 191.234 457.250 392.946 139.687 38.247 220.307 91.450 78.590 214.106 (257.159) (144.882) (51.432) (28.976) (289.395) (251.523) (145.362) (249.018) (57.879) (50.305) (159.616) 60.691 (29.072) (49.805) (107.853) 106.253 Current Period 01.01-31.12.2014 Prior Period 01.01-31.12.2013 106.253 (39.715) (5.847) 60.691 (4.852) 33.948 77.157 106.253 Deferred Tax Asset / (Liability) as of January 1 (Net) Deferred Tax (Charge) / Benefit Deferred Tax Items Accounted for under the Equity Deferred Tax Asset/ (Liability) as of December 31 (Net) 11. Information on payables related to assets held for sale None. (December 31, 2013- None) 12. Information on subordinated loans From Domestic Banks From Other Domestic Institutions From Foreign Banks From Other Foreign Institutions Total TL - Current Period FC 2.121.712 2.121.712 TL - Prior Period FC 1.950.719 1.950.719 The Parent Bank received USD 650 million of subordinated loans during 2008 and USD 325 million of subordinated loans during 2009 from its main shareholder, National Bank of Greece S.A. The loan amounting to USD 325 million which was received in 2008 was paid back in 2010 to be used in capital increase. In addition, the Parent Bank received USD 260 million of subordinated loans in 2011 from National Bank of Greece S.A. Aforementioned loans are subject to interest payment every 6 months and principal payment at maturity. USD 585 million of existing subordinate loans will mature in 2021, USD 325 million will mature in 2020. 13. Information on shareholder’s equity 13.1. Paid-in capital Common Stock Preferred Stock 13.2. Current Period 2.835.000 - Prior Period 2.700.000 - Paid-in capital amount, explanation as to whether the registered share capital system is applicable at bank; if so the amount of registered share capital Capital System Registered Capital System Paid-in Capital 2.835.000 Ceiling(*) 12.000.000 (*) According to the Board of Directors decision dated September 16, 2014, the Bank has decided to increase the registered capital ceiling from TL 6.000.000 to TL 12.000.000 and subject decision has been approved in the Extraordinary General Assembly for approval. Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 13.3. Information on share capital increases and their sources; other information on any increase in capital shares during the current period. Increase Date June 24, 2014 Increase Amount 135.000 Cash Profit Reserves held subject to the Increase Capital Reserves held subject to the Increase 135.000 - 13.4. Information on share capital increases from revaluation funds None (December 31, 2013 - None). 13.5. Capital commitments in the last fiscal year and at the end of the following period, the general purpose of these commitments and projected resources required to meet these commitments The Group does not have any capital commitments, all of the capital is fully paid-in. 13.6. Prior periods’ indicators related with the Parent Bank’s income, profit and liquidity and the possible effects of the uncertainties in these indicators on the Parent Bank’s equity None (December 31, 2013 - None). 13.7. Information on the privileges given to stocks representing the capital According to the Board of Directors decision dated September 16, 2014, it has been founder that 100 dividend shares issued to National Bank of Greece in accordance with the Bank’s Articles of Association will be cancelled at no cost. Subject decision has been approved in the General Assembly meeting in December 4, 2014. The profit distribution is performed according to the prevailing regulations and the Articles of Association. Accordingly, 5% of the distributable profit is appropriated as legal reserves, 5% of the paid up capital is paid out as first dividend. 14. Common stock issue premiums, shares and equity instruments Current Period 28.350.000 714 - Number of Stocks (Thousands) Preferred Capital Stock Common Stock Issue Premiums (*) Common Stock Withdrawal Profits Prior Period 27.000.000 714 - (*) Due to the Parent Bank’s capital increase at the prior periods, common stock issue premiums accounted amounting to TL 714. 15. Marketable securities value increase fund Associates, Subsidiaries and Entities under Common Control Valuation Differences Foreign Exchange Rate Differences Securities Available-for-Sale Valuation Differences Foreign Exchange Rate Differences Total 16. TL 4.763 4.763 4.763 Current Period FC (56.619) (56.619) (56.619) TL (85.632) (85.632) (85.632) Prior Period FC (136.568) (136.568) (136.568) Accrued interest and expenses The details of accrued interest and expenses allocated to the related items on the liabilities side of the balance sheet are as follows: Deposits Derivative Financial Liabilities Held for Trading Funds Borrowed Money Market Borrowings Derivative Financial Liabilities Held for Hedging Other Accruals Total TL 169.606 1.092.817 25.513 2.227 202.104 44.220 1.536.487 Current Period FC 19.121 159.483 38.708 1.382 149.976 44.237 412.907 TL 157.980 1.112.851 6.281 821 7.648 27.734 1.313.315 Prior Period FC 25.541 198.046 31.700 1.660 75.101 41.583 373.631 239 240 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report SECTION FIVE III. EXPLANATIONS AND DISCLOSURES RELATED TO CONSOLIDATED OFF-BALANCE SHEET ITEMS 1. Information related to consolidated off-balance sheet contingencies 1.1. Type and amount of irrevocable commitments Current Period Prior Period Credit Cards Limit Commitments 16.812.040 17.067.174 Commitment For Use Guaranteed Credit Allocation 8.537.065 5.424.755 Forward Asset Purchase Commitments 2.550.320 1.076.853 Payment Commitments for Cheques 2.420.299 2.060.004 565.897 54.242 22.604 38.002 Other Irrevocable Commitments Credit Cards and Promosions in regards to Banking Services Uyg. Taah.İliş Prom. Uyg. Taah Tax and Fund Liabilities due to Export Commitments Total 7.626 6.988 30.915.851 25.728.018 1.2. Type and amount of possible losses from off-balance sheet items Specific provision is provided for the non-cash loans amounting to TL 47.736 (December 31, 2013 – TL 53.760) followed in the off-balance sheet accounts that are not indemnified and not liquidated yet. Tax and Fund Liabilities due to Export Commitments 1.3. Final guarantees, provisional guarantees, sureties and similar transactions Current Period 912.287 609.831 Letters of Credit 812.318 548.606 Other Guarantees Total 1.4. 21.077 19.399 1.745.682 1.177.836 Current Period Prior Period Final guarantees, provisional guarantees, sureties and similar transactions Provisional Letters of Guarantee Final Letters of Guarantee 2. Prior Period Bank Loans 412.514 290.037 4.054.914 3.640.553 Advance Letters of Guarantee 201.394 191.920 Letters of Guarantee Given to Customs Offices 266.710 198.665 Other Letters of Guarantee 2.479.195 1.619.401 Total 7.414.727 5.940.576 Total amount of non-cash loans Current Period Prior Period Non-Cash Loans granted for Obtaining Cash Loans 477.125 317.804 Less Than or Equal to One Year with Original Maturity 63.872 14.451 413.253 303.353 Other Non-Cash Loans 8.683.284 6.800.608 Total 9.160.409 7.118.412 More Than One Year with Original Maturity 241 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 3. Information on risk concentration in sector terms in non-cash loans Agricultural Farming and Raising Livestock Current Period Prior Period TL % FC % TL % FC % 38.340 0,73 10.157 0,26 16.207 0,39 2.362 0,08 0,07 35.181 0,67 8.106 0,21 13.627 0,33 2.033 Forestry 746 0,01 - - 1.440 0,03 - - Fishing 2.413 0,05 2.051 0,05 1.140 0,03 329 0,01 977.016 18,74 1.987.079 50,63 882.213 21,15 1.523.356 52,02 0,61 771 0,03 13,29 1.213.207 41,43 10,56 Manufacturing Mining and Quarrying Production Electricity, gas and water Construction Services Wholesale and Retail Trade 27.120 0,52 - - 25.599 692.665 13,28 1.557.967 39,70 554.277 257.231 4,93 429.112 10,93 302.337 7,25 309.378 1.274.329 24,44 550.172 14,02 932.925 22,37 369.150 12,61 2.838.584 54,43 1.364.461 34,77 2.256.615 54,1 1.016.629 34,72 1.663.568 31,90 699.396 17,82 1.289.108 30,91 504.487 17,23 0,87 13.353 0,46 3,32 Hotel, Food and Beverage Services 54.015 1,04 60.312 1,54 36.356 Transportation&Communication 109.173 2,09 47.105 1,20 94.292 2,26 97.140 602.922 11,56 402.638 10,26 491.441 11,78 301.735 10,3 2.517 0,05 2.158 0,05 2.684 0,06 1.868 0,06 173.592 3,33 30.618 0,78 155.682 3,73 84.051 2,87 5.087 0,10 10 0,00 4.044 0,10 9 - 183.008 4,39 13.986 0,48 Financial Institutions Real Estate and Renting Services Self Employment Services Educational Services Health and Social Services 227.710 4,37 122.224 3,11 Other (*) 86.463 1,66 12.731 0,32 82.007 1,99 17.071 0,57 5.214.732 100,00 3.924.600 100,00 4.169.967 100,00 2.928.568 100,00 Total (*) Does not include foreign currency balance of “Other Guarantees” amounting to TL 21.077 (December 31, 2013 - TL 19.399). 4. Information on non-cash loans classified in first and second groups (*) I. Group Letters of Guarantee Bill of Exchange and Acceptances II. Group TL FC TL FC 5.059.147 2.145.703 119.260 42.881 8.934 891.831 - 11.522 Letters of Credit - 811.958 - 360 Endorsements - - - - Purchase Guarantees for Securities Issued - - - - Factoring Related Guarantees - - - - Other Collaterals and Sureties - 21.077 - - 5.068.081 3.870.569 119.260 54.763 Non-cash Loans (*) Does not include non-cash loans amounting to TL 47.736, for which provision is provided, but which are not indemnified and not liquidated yet. 242 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 5. Information related to derivative financial instruments Current Period Prior Period 91.980.951 67.299.604 Types of trading transactions Foreign Currency Related Derivative Transactions (I) Forward transactions (*) Swap transactions Futures transactions 7.651.472 7.677.470 74.223.938 43.704.682 39.340 42.982 Option transactions 10.066.201 15.874.470 Interest Related Derivative Transactions (II) 9.542.658 8.707.332 - - 9.542.658 8.707.332 Interest option transactions - - Futures interest transactions - - Security option transactions - - 417.402 341.488 Forward rate transactions Interest rate swap transactions Other trading derivative transactions (III) A. Total Trading Derivative Transactions (I+II+III) 101.941.011 76.348.424 Types of hedging transactions 29.991.208 24.005.643 Fair value hedges 19.206.081 17.234.950 Cash flow hedges 10.785.127 6.770.693 Net investment hedges - - B. Total Hedging Related Derivatives 29.991.208 24.005.643 Total Derivative Transactions (A+B) 131.932.219 100.354.067 (*) This line also includes Forward Asset Purchase Commitments accounted for under Commitments. As of December 31, 2014, breakdown of the Bank’s foreign currency forward and swap and interest rate swap transactions based on currencies are disclosed below in their TL equivalents: Forward Buy(**) Forward Sell(**) Swap Buy(*) Swap Sell(*) Option Buy Option Sell Futures Buy Futures Sell Other Current Period TL 1.824.574 1.193.287 20.750.021 28.431.303 1.502.096 1.608.873 448 448 - USD 1.158.737 2.152.924 33.457.398 25.860.241 2.234.524 2.220.577 19.222 19.222 417.402 Euro 505.723 379.428 2.685.574 1.297.779 599.284 656.707 - - - Other 335.237 101.562 140.878 1.134.610 686.580 557.560 - - - Total 3.824.271 3.827.201 57.033.871 56.723.933 5.022.484 5.043.717 19.670 19.670 417.402 Option Buy Option Sell Futures Buy Futures Sell Other (*) This column also includes hedging purpose derivatives. (**)This column also includes Forward Asset Purchase Commitments and accounted for under Commitments. Forward Buy (**) Forward Sell(**) Swap Buy(*) Swap Sell(*) Prior Period 1.564.585 1.786.489 13.399.385 18.547.585 3.031.745 3.225.306 255 255 - USD TL 1.379.951 1.493.252 23.467.275 16.994.810 2.476.355 2.961.723 21.236 21.236 341.488 Euro 852.426 533.866 1.326.918 1.653.592 2.334.809 1.694.057 - - - Other 43.473 23.428 22.484 1.005.608 116.312 34.163 - - - Total 3.840.435 3.837.035 38.216.062 38.201.595 7.959.221 7.915.249 21.491 21.491 341.488 (*) This column also includes hedging purpose derivatives. (**)This column also includes Forward Asset Purchase Commitments and accounted for under Commitments. As of December 31, 2014, the Bank has no derivative transactions for hedge of net investment. Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 5.1 Fair value hedge accounting a) Loans The Parent Bank enters into swap transactions in order to hedge itself from the changes in the fair value due to the changes in market interest rates of a certain portion of its long-term loans and applies fair value hedge accounting as per TAS 39. As of balance sheet date; the mortgage loans amounting to TL 5.529.871 (December 31, 2013 – TL 5.098.190) were subject to hedge accounting by swaps with a nominal of TL 5.683.996(December 31, 2013 – TL 6.557.217). On December 31, 2014 the net market valuation difference loss amounting to TL 33.986 due to the gains from the loans amounting to TL 199.124 (December 31, 2013 – TL 523.221 loss) and loss from swaps amounting to TL 165.139 (December 31, 2013 – TL 536.942 income) is accounted for under “gains / (losses) from financial derivatives transactions” line in the accompanying financial statements. As of balance sheet date project finance loans amounting to TL 148.712 (December 31, 2013 – TL 164.290) have been subject to hedge accounting with swaps with a nominal amount of TL 144.000 (December 31, 2013 – TL 159.732). In 2014 TL 1.504 net fair valuation difference income, net of TL 8.087 (December 31, 2013 – TL 17.493 income) income from loans and TL 6.583 (December 31, 2013 – TL 16.536 loss) expense from swaps has been recorded under “Gains / (losses) from financial derivatives transactions” on accompanying financial statements. When the fair value hedge accounting cannot be effectively continued as stated in TAS 39, the fair value hedge accounting is ceased. The fair value differences of the hedged loans are amortized through income statement until the maturity of the hedged loans. The Parent Bank has booked the valuation effect amounting to TL 31.322 (December 31, 2013 – TL 52.638) related to the loans that are ineffective for hedge accounting under “gains / (losses) from financial derivatives transactions” as loss during the current period. b) Investment securities available for sale The Parent Bank applies fair value hedge accounting to hedge itself against the changes in the interest rates related to long term foreign currency Eurobonds with fixed coupon held by the Bank using swaps as hedging instruments. As at the balance sheet date; Eurobonds with a nominal of USD 301 million and EUR 70.8 million (December 31, 2013 – USD 333 million and EUR 26 million) were subject to hedge accounting by interest rate swaps with the same nominal value. On December 31, 2014, the net market valuation difference loss due to income from Eurobonds amounting to TL 97.880 (December 31, 2013 – TL 100.381 loss) and loss from swaps amounting to TL 97.948 (December 31, 2013 – TL 100.155 gain) is accounted as TL 68 (losses) from financial derivatives transactions” line in the accompanying financial statements. The Parent Bank applies fair value hedge accounting to hedge itself against the changes in the interest rates related to long term TL government bonds with fixed coupon held by the Bank using swaps as hedging instruments. As at the balance sheet date; government bonds with a nominal of TL 102.030 (December 31, 2013 – TL 198.305) were subject to hedge accounting by swaps with the same nominal value. On December 31, 2014, the net market valuation difference gain amounting to TL 84 due to gain from government bonds amounting to TL 934 loss (December 31, 2013 – TL 12.760 loss) and gains from swaps amounting to TL 1.019 (December 31, 2013 – 14.013 gain) is accounted for under “gains / (losses) from financial derivatives transactions” line in the accompanying financial statements. c) Bonds issued The Parent Bank applies fair value hedge accounting to hedge itself against the changes in the interest rates related to the foreign currency bonds issued using interest rate swaps as hedging instruments. As of the balance sheet date, bonds with nominal amount of USD 650 million (December 31, 2013 – USD 367 Million) have been subject to hedge accounting with the same nominal amount of swaps. As of December 31, 2014, TL 61 net fair valuation difference loss, net of TL 10.377 (December 31, 2013 – TL 7.034 gain) income from issued bonds and TL 10.438 (December 31, 2013 – TL 7.044 loss) expense from swaps, has been recorded under “Gains / (losses) from financial derivatives transactions” on accompanying financial statements. d) Tangible Assets Until December 31, 2014, the Parent Bank has designated fair value hedge accounting through foreign currency fundings to be hedged from fair value changes resulting from currency changes in real estate property which has been bought in foreign currency and has a market value denominated in foreign currency. As of December 31, 2014, aforementioned hedge has been ceased and TL 60.269 fair value foreign currency gain will be amortised through the economic life of the real estate. As of December 31, 2014, the effectiveness tests of abovementioned hedge relationships have been found to be effective. 243 244 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 5.2 Cash flow hedge accounting a) Deposit The Parent Bank applies cash flow hedge accounting using interest rate swaps in order to hedge itself from the interest rate changes of deposits that have an average maturity of 3 months, the Bank implements cash flow hedge accounting with interest rate swaps. The Parent Bank implements efficiency tests at the balance sheet dates for hedging purposes; the effective portions are accounted for under equity “Hedging Funds”, whereas the ineffective portions are accounted for at income statement as defined in TAS 39. As at the balance sheet date, swaps amounting to TL 1.057.388 are subject to hedge accounting as hedging instruments (December 31, 2013 – TL 169.643). As a result of the mentioned hedge accounting, fair value loss before taxes amounting to TL 20.178 are accounted for under equity during the current period (December 31, 2013 – TL 15.383 gain). The ineffective portion of gain amounting to TL 127 (December 31, 2013 – TL 5 gain) is accounted for at the income statement. As at the balance sheet date, swaps amounting to USD 1.854 million are subject to hedge accounting as hedging instruments (December 31, 2013 – USD 1.470 million). As a result of the mentioned hedge accounting, fair value loss before taxes amounting to TL 140.268 are accounted for under equity during the current period (December 31, 2013 – TL 112.448 gain). The loss amounting to TL 245 (December 31, 2013 – TL 164 gain) concerning for the ineffective portions are accounted for at the income statement. When the fair value hedge accounting cannot be effectively continued as stated in TAS 39, the fair value hedge accounting is ceased. Effective parts classified under equity due to hedge accounting are amortized through income statement until the maturity of swaps in case of ineffectiveness at periods when the expected cash flows subject to hedge accounting affect profit or loss (as in periods when interest income or expense is recognized). In the current period the transferred amount from equity to income statementis a TL 2.399 loss. (December 31, 2013 – TL 4.684 loss). The measurements as of December 31, 2014, hedge of cash flow transactions stated above are determined as effective. b) Tangible Assets The Parent Bank applies cash flow hedge accounting to hedge its foreign currency assets held for sale from foreign currency risk through foreign currency liabilities. As at balance sheet date foreign exchange losses amounting to TL 10.136 (December 31, 2013 – None) have been accounted under other comprehensive income. 6. Credit derivatives and risk exposures on credit derivatives As of December 31, 2014, in the Bank’s “other irrevocable commitments”, there are commitments for “credit linked notes” with a nominal of USD 9.089.264 (December 31, 2013- USD 9.089.264). As of December 31, 2014, “Derivative Financial Instruments” with nominal amount of USD 180.000.000 (December 31, 2013- USD 160.000.000) are included in Parent Bank’s “Swap Interest Sell Transactions.” In aforementioned transaction, Bank is the seller of the protection. 7. Information on contingent liabilities and assets None (December 31, 2013 – None). 8. Information on the services in the name and account of third parties The Parent Bank acts as an investment agent for banking transactions on behalf of its customers and provides custody services. Such transactions are followed under off-balance sheet accounts. 9. Information on the Parent Bank’s rating by international rating institutions MOODY’S December 2013 Long-Term Deposit Rating (FC) Long-Term Deposit Rating (TL) Short-Term Deposit Rating (YP) Short-Term Deposit Rating (TL) Financial Strength Appearance Ba2 Ba2 NP NP E+ (b1) Stable FITCH April 2014 Long -Term Foreign Curr. Short-Term Foreign Curr. Long-Term TL Short-Term TL Long-Term National Appearance Support Individual BBBF3 BBBF3 AA+(tur) Stable 3 bbb- CI February 2013 Long-Term Foreign Curr. Short-Term Foreign Curr. BB+ B Foreign Currency Rating TL Rating Long Term (TL) Short Term (TL) Financial Strength Rating Financial Strength Apperance Support Stable Stable BB+ B BBB+ Stable 3 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report SECTION FIVE IV. EXPLANATIONS ON DISCLOSURES RELATED TO CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT 1. a) Information on interest income received from loans Interest on loans Short-Term Loans Medium and Long-Term Loans Non-Performing Loans Resource Utilization Support Fund Premiums Total TL 2.550.276 2.640.378 113.761 5.304.415 Current Period FC 56.914 235.410 292.324 TL 2.493.761 2.325.747 108.943 - Prior Period FC 38.922 160.940 - 4.928.451 199.862 b) Information on interest income from banks T.R. Central Bank Domestic Banks Foreign Banks Foreign Headquarters and Branches Total TL 1.972 435 2.407 Current Period FC 9 4.091 4.100 TL - Prior Period FC - 525 2.144 2.669 8 1.797 1.805 TL 10.111 17.384 405.407 325.193 758.095 Current Period FC 233 68.767 25.957 94.957 TL 13.166 30.183 343.729 76.789 463.867 Prior Period FC 175 1.196 62.329 6.796 70.496 c) Information on interest income from securities portfolio Held-for-Trading Financial Assets Financial Assets at FVTPL Investment Securities Available for Sale Investment Securities Held to Maturity Total As stated in Section Three disclosure VII, the Parent Bank has inflation indexed (CPI) government bonds in its available for sale and held-to-maturity portfolios. As disclosed in ‘Inflation Indexed Bonds Manual’ published by Turkish Treasury, reference index used for the actual payments is determined based on inflation rates of two months before. The Parent Bank determines the estimated inflation rates in line with this. Estimated inflation rate used is updated throughout the year as found necessary. In this context, as of December 31, 2014, estimated inflation rate used in valuation of such assets has been updated according to actual annual inflation rate of 8,96%. Had the above mentioned change in estimate related to those CPI linked securities had not been made, interest income would decrease by TL 68.778 and security value increase fund under equity would increase by TL 14.855 after tax effect. d) Information on interest income received from associates and subsidiaries 2. None (December 31, 2013 – None) a) Information on interest expense related to funds borrowed TL Current Period FC TL 35.737 12.746 7.425 55.908 10.968 216.059 227.027 19.073 9.989 29.062 Prior Period FC Banks T.R. Central Bank Domestic Banks Foreign Banks Foreign Headquarters and Branches Other Institutions Total 8.509 168.814 177.323 245 246 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report b) Information on interest expense paid to associates and subsidiaries Current Period Prior Period - 229 Interest Paid to Associates and Subsidiaries c) Information on interest expense paid to securities issued As of December 31, 2014 the interest amount paid to securities issued is TL 328.255 (December 31, 2013 – TL 252.784) d) Information on maturity structure of interest expenses on deposits Current Period Account Name Turkish Lira Bank Deposits Saving Deposits Public Sector Deposits Commercial Deposits Other Deposits 7 Days Call Accounts Total Demand Deposits Up to 1 Month Up to 3 Months Total 12.951 154.378 639 149.225 3.357 320.550 6.318 1.120.822 3.408 422.401 73.089 1.626.038 1.623 91.882 51 31.933 13.891 139.380 288 38.827 102.588 17.600 53.878 213.181 112.144 6.518 3.720 122.382 21.180 - 1.518.056 106.686 627.677 147.935 - 2.421.534 29 29 32 19.561 19.267 484 39.312 359.862 158.417 3.566 161.983 1.788.021 10.483 248 10.731 150.111 6.488 38 6.526 219.707 12.669 12.669 135.051 207.618 23.148 484 231.250 - 2.652.784 Demand Deposits Up to 1 Month Up to 3 Months Time Deposits Up to 6 Months Up to 1 Year Over 1 Year Prior Period Accumulated Deposit Account 3 3 Foreign Currency Deposits Bank Deposits 7 Days Call Accounts Precious Metal Deposits Total Grand Total Account Name Turkish Lira Bank Deposits Saving Deposits Public Sector Deposits Commercial Deposits Other Deposits 7 Days Call Accounts Total Foreign Currency Deposits Bank Deposits 7 Days Call Accounts Precious Metal Deposits Total Grand Total Time Deposits Up to 6 Months Up to 1 Year Over 1 Year Accumulated Deposit Account Total 9 9 2.057 142.805 129 125.494 3.457 273.942 13.445 692.559 2.598 259.797 36.581 1.004.980 7.028 133.170 93 48.066 21.315 209.672 269 94.624 45.904 11.808 52.512 205.117 269 7.930 3 2.215 41 10.458 23.068 149 1.071.246 48.727 447.380 113.906 149 1.704.327 27 27 36 23.384 904 212 24.500 298.442 171.242 16.076 153 187.471 1.192.451 31.844 919 18 32.781 242.453 15.605 92 4 15.701 220.818 7.193 44 7.237 17.695 117 117 266 249.385 18.062 387 267.834 1.972.161 e) Information on interest expenses on repurchase agreements Interest Expenses on Repurchase Agreements (*) (*) Disclosed in “Interest on Money Market Transactions”. f) Information on finance lease expenses None (December 31, 2013 – None). TL 213.296 Current Period FC 7.448 TL 93.486 Prior Period FC 6.498 247 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report g) Information on interest expenses on factoring payables None (December 31, 2013 – None). 3. Information on dividend income Financial Assets Held for Trading Financial Assets at Fair Value Through Profit or Loss Financial Assets Available for Sale 4. Current Period Prior Period 263 - 140 - 7 - Other - - Total 263 147 Current Period Prior Period 11.409.533 8.941.514 Information on trading income/loss Trading Gain Gains on Capital Market Operations Derivative Financial Instruments Foreign Exchange Gains Trading Loss (-) Losses on Capital Market Operations 125.539 275.775 3.508.198 2.582.412 7.775.796 6.083.327 11.661.260 (9.146.968) 105.269 113.415 Derivative Financial Instruments 3.815.919 2.853.402 Foreign Exchange Losses 7.740.072 6.180.151 Net Trading Income/Loss (251.727) (205.454) 5. Information on other operating income The Group recorded the current year collections from loans written off in the previous periods, portfolio management fees and commissions and expense accruals in “Other Operating Income” account. In current period, the Parent Bank has recorded a sales profit of TL 196.377 from the sale of its legally nonperforming loan receivables and the amount was recorded under “Other Operating Income.” 6. Provision for losses on loans and other receivables Current Period Prior Period Specific Provisions For Loans and Other Receivables 875.804 873.777 Loans and Receivables in Group III 166.066 (49.797) Loans and Receivables in Group IV 323.677 143.573 Loans and Receivables in Group V 386.061 780.001 Doubtful Fee, Commission and Other Receivables - - General Provisions 126.370 198.607 General reserves for possible risks 82.000 - 4.310 2.278 Impairment Losses on Securities - 103 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - - Investment Securities available for sale Impairment Losses on Associates, Subsidiaries and Investment Securities Held-to-Maturity - 103 - - Associates - - Subsidiaries - - Entities under common control - - Investment securities held-to-maturity - - Other 12.007 28.626 Total 1.100.491 1.103.391 Provision for Free Reserves on Possible Losses 248 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 7. Information on other operating expenses Personnel costs Current Period Prior Period 1.004.628 959.234 10.586 10.590 Reserve for employee termination benefits Provision for pension fund deficits - Impairment losses on tangible assets - 705 Depreciation charge of tangible assets 135.212 Impairment losses on intangible assets - 104.429 - Impairment losses on goodwill Amortization charge of intangible assets Impairment losses on investments under equity method of accounting Impairment losses on assets to be disposed of Depreciation on assets to be disposed Impairment charge of assets held for sale and discontinued operations - - 79.822 63.034 - - 83 1.048 3.906 5.470 - - Other operating expenses 848.051 838.870 Operational lease related expenses 209.921 175.785 Repair and maintenance expenses 78.772 63.714 Advertisement expenses 70.761 105.271 488.597 494.100 Other expenses Losses on sales of assets 640 334 Other 360.083 399.131 Total 2.443.011 2.382.845 8. Information on profit/loss from continued and discontinued operations before taxes For the period ended December 31, 2014, net interest income of TL 3.204.525 (December 31, 2013 - TL 3.268.967), net fees and commission income of TL 1.396.983 (December 31, 2013 – TL 1.086.758) and other operating income of TL 385.552 (December 31, 2013 – TL 321.674) constitute an important part of the period income. 9. Explanations on tax provision for continued and discontinued operations 9.1. Current period taxation benefit or charge and deferred tax benefit or charge As of December 31, 2014, the Group recorded current tax charge of TL 235.839 (December 31, 2013 - TL 250.376) and a deferred tax charge of TL 39.715 (December 31, 2013 – TL 33.948 deferred tax loss). Current Tax Provision Current Period Prior Period (235.839) (250.376) Correction in regards to Corporate Tax from Prior Period - - (39.715) 33.948 (275.554) (216.428) Deferred Tax Income/Expense Total 9.2. Explanations on operating profit/loss after taxes None (December 31, 2013 – None). 10. Explanations on net profit/ (loss) from continued and discontinued operations: Net profit of the Group from continued operations is TL 915.939 (December 31, 2013 – TL 758.090). Finansbank 2014 Annual Report 11. Explanations on net income/loss for the period 11.1. The nature and amount of certain income and expense items from ordinary operations is disclosed if the disclosure for nature, amount and repetition rate of such items is required for a complete understanding of the Group’s performance for the period None (December 31, 2013 – None). 11.2. There is no material effect of changes in accounting estimates by the Group on income statement for the current and, for subsequent periods. Please refer to Section IV. Footnote 1.c. 11.3. Profit or loss attributable to minority shares Profit / Loss Attributable to Minority Shares Current Period Prior Period 15.251 11.939 11.4. There is no change in the accounting estimates, which have a material effect on current period or expected to have a material effect on subsequent periods. 12. Information on the components of other items in the income statement exceeding 10% of the total or items that comprise at least 20% of the income statement Fees and commissions from credit cards, transfers and insurance intermediaries are recorded in the “Others” line under “Fees and Commissions Received” account, while fees and commissions given to credit cards are recorded in the “Others” line under “Fees and Commissions Paid” account by the Parent Bank. 249 250 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report SECTION FIVE V. EXPLANATIONS AND DISCLOSURES RELATED TO STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY 1. Changes resulting from valuation of available for sale securities Net increase of TL 170.344 (December 31, 2013 – TL 418.755 net decrease) after tax effect resulting from valuation of available for sale securities at fair values is included in “Securities Value Increase Fund” account under shareholders’ equity. 2. Explanations on foreign exchange differences None 3. Explanations on dividends 3.1 Dividends declared subsequent to the balance sheet date, but before the announcement of the There is no announcement of dividend distribution before the release of the accompanying financial Assembly dated March 27, 2014, it was decided to distribute the 2013 profit as follow: 2013 profit distribution table: financial statements statements. At the General Current Year Profit A - I. Legal Reserve (Turkish Commercial Code 466/1) at 5% B - The First Dividend for Shareholders(*) C – Profit from Disposal of Associates D- II. Legal Reserves E- Gains on Real estate Sales Fund F - Extraordinary Reserves ( (*) Has been distributed as Bonus Shares 734.239 (36.712) (135.000) (562.527) 3.2.. Dividends per share proposed subsequent to the balance sheet date No decision is taken concerning the profit distribution by the General Assembly as of the balance sheet date (December 31, 2013- Profit distribution for 2013 is detailed in footnote 3.1). 3.3 Transfers to legal reserves Amount Transferred to Reserved from Retained Earnings Current Period Prior Period 39.148 49.380 4. Information on issuance of share certificates 4.1 The rights, priorities and restrictions regarding the share capital including distribution of income and repayment of the capital None (December 31, 2013- None). 5. Information on the other capital increase items in the statement of changes in shareholders’ equity Capital increase amounting to TL 135.000 presented in the Statement of Changes in Shareholder’s Equity in from extraordinary reserves. VI. EXPLANATIONS AND DISCLOSURES RELATED TO CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOWS STATEMENT 1. The effects of the other items stated in the cash flow statement and the changes in foreign currency exchange rates on cash and cash equivalents “Other items” amounting to TL 844.896 (December 31, 2013 – TL 1.324.942) in “Operating profit before changes in operating assets and liabilities” consist of commissions paid amounting to TL 210.918 (December 31, 2013 – TL 140.131), net trading income/loss amounting to TL 385.954 (December 31, 2013 – TL 1.043.417 net trading income/loss) and other operating expenses amounting to TL 248.024 (December 31, 2012 – TL 141.394). 2013 is entirely provided Finansbank 2014 Annual Report “Other items” in changes in operating assets amounting to TL 224.162 (December 31, 2013 – TL 323.001) consist of the decrease in collaterals given amounting to TL 35.978 (December 31, 2013 - TL 139.851 decrease), the decrease in lease receivables amounting to TL 251.335 (December 31, 2013 – TL 3.798 increase), the increase in factoring receivables amounting to TL 77.445 (December 31, 2013 – TL 2.614 increase) and the decrease in other assets amounting to TL 14.294 (December 31, 2013 - TL 189.562 decrease). “Other items” in changes in operating liabilities amounting to TL 699.020 (December 31, 2013 - TL 4.252.421) consist of the increase in money market borrowings by TL 434.132 (December 31, 2013 - TL 1.991.618 increase) and the increase in sundry debtors and other liabilities by TL 264.888 (December 31, 2013 - TL 2.260.803 increase). “Other items” in changes in net cash provided from banking operations amounting to TL 105.349 (December 31, 2013 – TL 388.432) consists of the decrease in intangible assets by TL 105.349 (December 31, 2013- TL 91.780) and no advances given (December 31, 2013 – TL 296.652). 2. Information regarding the balances of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period Current Period January 1, 2014 1.047.250 633.575 413.150 525 1.224.848 752.806 472.895 3.433 (4.143) (143) 2.272.098 Prior Period January 1, 2013 653.081 439.800 212.819 462 2.955.737 965.102 205.237 1.786.785 (1.387) 3.608.818 Current Period December 31, 2014 839.524 590.505 248.656 363 2.129.654 1.601.665 294.961 244.425 (10.369) (1.028) 2.969.178 Prior Period December 31, 2013 1.047.250 633.575 413.150 525 1.224.848 752.806 472.895 3.433 (4.143) (143) 2.272.098 Cash Cash in TL Cash in Foreign Currencies Other Cash Equivalents Balances with the T.R. Central Bank Banks and Other Financial Institutions Money Market Placements Less: Placements with Banks with Maturities Longer than 3 Months Less: Accruals Cash and Cash Equivalents 3. Information regarding the balances of cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period Cash Cash in TL Cash in Foreign Currencies Other Cash Equivalents Balances with the T.R. Central Bank Banks and Other Financial Institutions Money Market Placements Less: Placements with Banks with Maturities Longer than 3 Months Less: Accruals Cash and Cash Equivalents 4. Restricted cash and cash equivalents due to legal requirements or other reasons A portion of foreign bank accounts amounting to TL 5.473 (December 31, 2013- TL 3.258) includes blocked cash for foreign money and capital market transactions and for borrowings from foreign markets. 5. Additional information 5.1. Restrictions on the Parent Bank’s potential borrowings that can be used for ordinary operations or capital commitment None. VII. EXPLANATIONS AND DISCLOSURES RELATED TO THE PARENT BANK’S RISK GROUP 1. Information on the volume of transactions with the Parent Bank’s risk group, lending and deposits outstanding at period end and income and expenses in the current period 1.1. As of December 31, 2014, the Parent Bank’s risk group has deposits amounting to TL 238.312 (December 31, 2013 – TL 180.605), non cash loans amounting to TL 34.991 (December 31, 2013 – TL 32.895). There cash loans granted to the risk group amount to 1.715 (31 Aralık 2013- None). 251 252 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Current Period Associates and Subsidiaries Non-Cash Parent Bank’s Risk Group (*) Cash Loans and Other Receivables Balance at the Beginning of the Period Balance at the End of the Period Interest and Commission Income - - - Associates and Subsidiaries Non-Cash - Cash Loans and Other Receivables Balance at the Beginning of the Period Balance at the End of the Period Interest and Commission Income (**) (*) As described in the Article 49 of Banking Law No 5411. (**) Represents December 31, 2013 balance. 1.2. Information on deposits held by the Parent Bank’s risk group Associates and Subsidiaries Parent Bank’s Risk Group (*) Deposits Balance at the Beginning of the Period Balance at the End of the Period Interest on deposits (**) 6 32.895 34.288 75 1.715 - Current Period Prior Period 145.235 202.176 - 186.538 145.235 229 Bank’s Direct and Indirect Other Legal and Real Persons in Shareholders Risk Group Cash Non-Cash Cash Non-Cash 29.498 32.895 1 - Bank’s Direct and Indirect Other Legal and Real Persons in Shareholders Risk Group Current Prior Period Prior Period Current Period Period 18.776 17.036 3 18.692 18.776 - 16.594 19.100 838 (*) As described in the Article 49 of Banking Law No 5411. (**) Prior Period represents December 31, 2013 balance. 1.3. Information on forward and option agreements and similar agreements made with the Parent Bank’s risk group Parent Bank’s Risk Group (*) Transactions for Trading Purposes Beginning of the Period End of the Period Total Income/Loss (**) Transactions for Hedging Purposes Beginning of the Period End of the Period Total Income/Loss(**) 702 5 Prior Period Parent Bank’s Risk Group (*) Bank’s Direct and Indirect Other Legal and Real Persons in Shareholders Risk Group Cash Non-Cash Cash Non-Cash Associates and Bank’s Direct and Indirect Subsidiaries Shareholders Current Period Prior Period Current Period Prior Period 8.186 16.594 395 Other Legal and Real Persons in Risk Group Current Period Prior Period - - 130.397 132.176 - 393.221 130.397 22.706 177.748 103.093 - 4.711 177.748 1.367 - - - - - - (*) As described in the Article 49 of Banking Law No 5411. (**) Prior Period represents December 31, 2013 balance. 1.4. As of December 31, 2014, the total amount of remuneration and bonuses paid to top management of the Group is TL 50.484 (December 31, 2013- TL 47.104). 2. Disclosures of transactions with the Parent Bank’s risk group 2.1. Relations with entities in the risk group of / or controlled by the Parent Bank regardless of the nature of relationship among the parties Transactions with the risk group are made on an arms-length basis; terms are set according to the market conditions and in compliance with the Banking Law. 2.2. In addition to the structure of the relationship, type of transaction, amount, and share in total transaction volume, amount of significant items, and share in all items, pricing policy and other matters 253 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report As of December 31, 2014, the rate of cash loans of the risk group divided by to total loans is 0,003%.(December 31, 2013 – None) the deposits represented 0,5% (December 31, 2013 – 0,5%) of the Parent Bank’s total deposits and the derivative transactions represented 0,2% (December 31, 2013 – 0,3%) of the total derivative transactions. 2.3. Explanations on purchase and sale of real estate and other assets, sales and purchases of services, agent contracts, financial lease agreements, transfer of data obtained from research and development, licensing agreements, financing (including loans and cash and in-kind capital support), guarantees and promissory notes, and management contracts The Parent Bank enters into finance lease agreements with Finans Finansal Kiralama A.Ş. Total of investment 20 funds established by The Parent Bank are all managed by Finans Portföy Yönetimi A.Ş. The Parent Bank has signed an agreement with Ibtech Uluslararası Bilişim ve İletişim Teknolojileri Araştırma, Geliştirme, Danışmanlık, Destek Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. regarding research, development, advisory and improvement services. Bantaş Nakit ve Kıymetli Mal Taşıma ve Güvenlik Hizmetleri A.Ş., in which the Parent Bank participated with 33,33% shareholding, provides cash transfer services to the Parent Bank. Information in regards to subordinate loans the Bank received from National Bank of Greece S.A. is explained in Section 5 Note II. 12. The Parent Bank offers agency services to Cigna Finans Emeklilik and Hayat A.Ş. that is 49,00% jointly controlled for its insurance services. VIII. EXPLANATIONS ON THE PARENT BANK’S DOMESTIC, FOREIGN AND OFF-SHORE BANKING BRANCHES AND FOREIGN REPRESENTATIVES OF THE GROUP 1. Information relating to the Parent Bank’s domestic and foreign branch and representatives Domestic Branch Number 657 Employees 12.823 Country Foreign Representation - - - Foreign Branch Off-shore Banking and Region Branches 1 7 1- Bahrain Total Assets 8.956.315 Capital - 254 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report SECTION SIX I. Other explanations related to the Group’s operations 1. Disclosure related to subsequent events and transactions that have not been finalized yet, and their impact on the financial statements The Parent Bank has issued, on January 14, 2015, bonds with a nominal amount of TL 5.200 with 9,00% interest rate and 177 days maturity. In addition, the Parent Bank has issued, on January 22, 2015, bonds with a nominal amount of USD 15 million with 2,05% interest rate and 366 days maturity. 2. Information about effects of significant changes in foreign exchange rates after balance sheet date that would effect decision making process of users and foreign operations of the bank There are no significant fluctuations in the currency exchange rates after the balance sheet date that would affect the analysis and decision making process of the readers of the financial statements. 3. OTHER EXPLANATIONS AND DISCLOSURES Other matters The Bank’s Board of Directors has decided to apply to Capital Markets Board (“CMB”) along with the first draft of prospectus prepared for secondary public offering and within this framework has decided to increase the Bank’s capital by TL 715.000 to TL 3.550.000 from TL 2.835.000 through right issues and for the increased amount to be received in cash, to restrict stock carrying rights of all existing shareholders of the secondary public offering in accordance with Turkish Commercial Code (“TCC”) and CMB regulations and for the issued capital to be issued through public offering in accordance with CMB regulations; for the issued rights to be distributed to right owners as reserved rights in accordance with CMB’s and Central Registry Agency (“MKK”) regulations for reserved rights. Finans Yatırım Menkul Değerler A.Ş. has been appointed to carry out the public offering process. It has been decided to make necessary applications to BRSA and CMB and for the pricing to be determined by the Board of Directors separately. In accordance with subject Board of Directors decision application has been made to CMB on October 23, 2014. Finansbank 2014 Annual Report SECTION SEVEN INDEPENDENT AUDIT REPORT I. Explanations on Independent Limited Audit Report II. Explanations on the notes prepared by Independent Auditors None (December 31, 2013 – None). The consolidated financial statements for the period ended December 31, 2014 have been audited by Güney Bağımsız Denetim ve Serbest Muhasebeci Mali Müşavirlik A.Ş. (a member firm of Ernst&Young Global Limited). The auditor’s report dated Febuary 5, 2015 is presented preceding the consolidated financial statements. 255 256 Finansbank 2014 Annual Report Trade registration number: 237525 Mersis no: 0388-0023-3340-0576 Tradename: Finansbank A.Ş. Central address: Büyükdere Cad. No: 129, 34394 Mecidiyeköy / İSTANBUL Website: www.finansbank.com.tr