19 trends of science, research and university edu
19 trends of science, research and university edu
Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín Izhevsk State Technical University Publishing House: Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín (the international scientific journal founded by two universities from Slovak Republic and Russian Federation.) This Journal originated with kindly support of Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic. Editorial Office Študentská 1, 911 50 Trenčín, Tel.: 032/7 400 279, 032/7 400 277 dubovska@tnuni.sk, wagnerova@tnuni.sk Honorary Editors Wagner Juraj, Dr.h.c., Assoc.prof., Ing., PhD., rector, Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín, Slovak Republic Abramov Ivan Vasiľjevič, Dr.h.c. prof. Ing., DrSc., rector, Izhevsk State Technical University, Russian Federation Editor-in-Chief Wagner Juraj, Dr.h.c., Assoc.prof., Ing., PhD., Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín Science Editor Dubovská Rozmarína, prof. Ing., DrSc., Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín Members Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín Slovak Republic Alexy Július, prof. Ing., PhD. Gulášová Ivica, Assoc.prof., PhDr., PhD. Jóna Eugen, prof. Ing., DrSc. Letko Ivan, prof. Ing., PhD. Maňas Pavel, Assoc.prof., Ing., PhD. Mečár Miroslav, Assoc.prof., Ing., PhD. Melník Milan, prof. Ing., DrSc. Obmaščík Michal, Prof. Ing., PhD. Zgodavová Kristína, prof. Ing., PhD. Izhevsk State Technical University Russian Federation Jakimovič Boris Anatoľjevič, prof., DrSc. Alijev Ali Vejsovič - prof., DrSc. Turygin Jurij Vasiľjevič - prof., DrSc. Ščenjatskij Aleksej Valerjevič - prof., DrSc. Kuznecov Andrej Leonidovič - prof., DrSc. Fiľkin Nikolaj Michajlovič - prof., DrSc. Sivcev Nikolaj Sergejevič - prof., DrSc. Senilov Michail Andrejevič - prof., DrSc. Klekovki Viktor Sergejevič - prof., DrSc. Trubačev Jevgenij Semenovič - prof., DrSc. Redaction Wagnerová Ružena, Ing. Publishing House Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín, Študentská 2, 911 50 Trenčín Graphic Design 3z SOLUTIONS - Zuzana Slezáková, www.3zs.sk Technical Information © 2007 All rights reserved. Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín, Slovak Republic University Review No. 1 Trenčín: Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín 2007, 56 p. ISSN 1337-6047 contents 2 Contributors 3 Editor’s Preface 5 Rector´s Preface 7 Ten Years of Science and Research at Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín Dr.h.c., Assoc.prof., Ing. Juraj Wagner, PhD. Prof. RNDr. Juraj Slabeycius, PhD. 14 Faculty of Mechatronics and Its Role in Recent Research and Science 19 Trends of Science, Research and University Education Development at the Faculty of Industrial Technologies in Púchov Assoc.prof. Ing. Dušan Maga, PhD. Prof. RNDr. Pavel Koštial, PhD. 23 31 Faculty of Social and Economic Relations Assoc.prof. Ing. Miroslav Mečár, PhD. Condition And Development of Science and Research at the Faculty of Special Technology Prof. Ing. Bohumil Bátora, PhD. 35 Scientific and Research Profile Faculty of Nursing 45 Institute of Natural and Human Sciences and His Scientific Results 55 Instructions For Contributors Assoc.prof. MUDr. Ján Bielik, PhD. Prof. Ing. Ján Garaj, DrSc. Contributors Dr.h.c. Assoc.prof. Ing. Juraj Wagner, PhD. rector of Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín e-mail: wagner@tnuni.sk Prof. RNDr. Juraj Slabeycius, PhD. vice–rector for Science, Research and International Relations Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín e-mail: slabeycius@tnuni.sk Assoc.prof. Ing. Dušan Maga, PhD. dean of Faculty of Mechatronics Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín e-mail: maga@tnuni.sk prof. RNDr. Pavel Koštial, PhD. dean of Faculty of Industrial Technologies Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín e-mail: kostial@fpt.tnuni.sk Assoc.prof. Ing. Miroslav Mečár, PhD. dean of Faculty of Social and Economic Relations Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín e-mail: mecar@tnuni.sk prof. Ing. Bohumil Bátora, PhD. dean of Faculty of Special Technology Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín e-mail: batora@tnuni.sk Assoc.prof. MUDr. Ján Bielik, PhD. dean of Faculty of Nursing Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín e-mail: bielik@tnuni.sk prof. Ing. Ján Garaj, DrSc. director of Institute of Natural Sciences and Humanities Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín e-mail: garaj@tnuni.sk Editor´s Preface M y words are meant to address those scientists, researchers and academicians who are touched by the quote from Thomas Alva Edison who exerted much effort to bring natural forces under control in order to employ them in a practical manner in favor of the mankind. „I live only when I create. When I don’t, I only am surviving.“ The idea to start publishing the University scientific journal was conceived by the Rector of the Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín, Associated Professor Juraj Wagner, Dr.h.c., PhD. and the Rector of the Izhevsk State Technical University, Professor Ivan Vasiljevic Abramov, DrSc. The first and second issues of the journal will be published with the financial support of the Slovak Ministry of Education on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín. The main objective of the editorial board is to provide the readers with original theoretical, empirical, practical, applicable articles that contribute to the progress of natural and technical sciences, social and economic sciences as well as humanities. Reviewed scientific papers by renowned academics and co-workers of the Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín and Izhevsk State Technical University of Izhevsk will be published in the up-to-date scientific journal. The faculties of both universities will guarantee the content focus of every single issue that will appear quarterly. Each issue will be monothematic in content, depending on the primary research and scientific specialization of the respective faculty. In addition to scientific papers, there will also be reviews of scientific publications, the important events and anniversaries of both universities and significant scientific work of academics. The journal will cover information on the awards granted to distinguished scholars, the latest printed publications, information on the upcoming scientific symposiums, conferences and workshops. The first issue titled Science and Research Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín is guaranteed by the Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín. In the issue, the scientific and research specializations of the Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín and its Faculties (Faculty of Mechatronics, Faculty of Industrial Technologies, Faculty of Social – Economic Relations, Faculty of Nursing and the Institute of Natural Sciences and Humanities) are introduced. There is a list of the publications by the Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín published in the first half of the year 2007 as well as the list of the scientific conferences. The upcoming issue titled Mechatronics and Quality of Production is guaranteed by the Faculty of Mechatronics of the Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín. The issue contains scientific papers provided by the Izhevsk State Technical University of Izhevsk academics that accumulate the results of their long-time research work in the scientific discipline of mechatronics. It will be published in the last quarter of 2007. In the issue, the editorial board will announce the content focus for the issues to be published in 2008. To conclude, I would like to express my gratitude to all who significantly contributed to the publishing of this scientific journal. This journal will be a constant reminder of the jubilant year 2007 - the 10th anniversary of the Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín. I am convinced that a new forum is now being established that will represent the latest scientific and research results achieved by not only the scholars of both universities mentioned but also the academics of other eminent Slovak and foreign universities wishing to cooperate. In the name of the editorial board of the scientific University Journal, I would like to express my thanks to the Faculty deans, director of the Institute and all the colleagues who participated in the preparatory works of the first University Journal issue. I wish all the academics who are concerned with the quality of the journal every success in their scientific endeavors. Prof. Ing. Rozmarína DUBOVSKÁ, M.Eng., DrSc. Science Editor rector´s preface Dr.h.c. Assoc.prof. Ing. Juraj Wagner, PhD. D ear Friends, our University began its life at a time of great change–the turn of one century into another when each exchanges its mission toward civilization. The idea to establish our University was not without opposition but we prevailed and over the years we have established ourselves as a reputable educational establishment. I am most pleased that after many years the idea behind the University became a reality. The evidence will be manifested on September 13, 2007 when Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín commemorates its tenth anniversary. Over our decade of existence we have grown from only an idea into a mid-range sized educational organization, starting in 1997 on a green meadow with 720 students to an educational institution with about 7 000 students. Let me elaborate on some of our outstanding achievements: we established three technical faculties – the Faculty of Special Technology, the Faculty of Mechatronics, and the Faculty of Industrial Technologies. In addition, we created the Faculty of Social Economic Relations, the Faculty of Health Care, the Institute of Natural Sciences and Humanities. Over ten years we have granted 972 bachelor degrees, 2,887 master degrees and have bestowed the doctoral degree to 22 candidates. We opened the „University of Third Generation“, a program for adults over 40 who want to access and enroll in university classes. Over the years 111 students have gone through this special educational program. I am pleased to add that we hear from the entrepreneurial sector of the business world about the quality of our students and their respective degrees. If our students are an integral part of the practice of the real work world in society, then we are part of the future in a real way. In 1997 we started our programs without accreditation; however, today there are 50! At that time, there were no doctoral studies nor did we have the authority to appoint the academic rank of associate professor or professor. Today we can authorize academic rank to faculty and promote them accordingly. There are more than 310 university teachers, 50 of whom are professors and distinguished professors, there are 50 associate professors, 58 hold the PhD. degree as well as possess the Slovak terminal degree of PhD. Our University has been successful in receiving grants from national and international funding agencies and sources which has placed our school among the ranks of the top ten Slovak universities. Our budget exceeds a quarter of a billion Slovak crowns and the property we own is assessed at 343 million Slovak crowns. We have developed advanced IT systems, a modern university library, computer laboratories, and Internet labs. In addition to these advancements, we utilize e-learning technologies, students’ access nobilities and we host international students. I am especially proud of the fact that over the past five years we have established a campus at the Faculty of Industrial Technologies and at the Faculty of Mechatronics. Furthermore, at the Faculty of Special Technology we have developed some heavy metallurgy laboratories. Moreover, the Faculty of Social Economic Relations has moved to a newly reconstructed facility. Given our role in the region and our goals as an educational institution, it is important to know the directions in which we need to go to get to 2013 to become a prestigious European University. To accomplish this level of educational quality and distinction, we must look to the automotive industry, to modern materials and technologies, process simulations and modeling as well as to the development of human resources and the issue of public administration. I’m wishing our new scientific journal success on its voyage. We have the foremost distinction of being one of the Slovak Universities that signed the Magna Carta Universitatum at our friendship and partnership educational institution, the University of Bologna. Because they have supported and assisted us over the last ten years since our establishment, we are ever grateful. Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín has become a member of the European Universities Association and is a member of the Danube Rectors Conference. Our future is bright but not without challenges. For example, we must forge ahead to establish our university as an integrated scientific and educational institution with strong research centers connected to industries and rational control systems. We have already developed a prototype of a modern research center at our University–Vitrum Laugaricio Center of Glass Competence. This research center collaborates with the Slovak Academy of Science and the Slovak company RONA in Lednicke Rovne. We are also in the process of establishing a center of electronic beam utilization. Ten Years of Science and Research at Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín Prof. Juraj Slabeycius, PhD. Abstract The paper gives a brief review of history and basic information on scientific and research activities at Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín. B esides for teaching and training, scientific and research activities belong to the main objectives and mission of universities. Due to this fact shortly afterwards when the ADUT was established (till the year 2002 the university existed under the name the University of Trenčín), the University Management started to develop the conception of scientific and research activities of the university for the period from the beginning till the year 2002. The Document was approved by the Scientific Board of ADUT in the year 1999. The members of the Board accepted the necessity of the University-wide and integrated conception of the scientific and research activities of the university and from this point of view they supported the idea of developing university workplaces like the Chemical Laboratory for Glass Research joining activities of the Slovak Academy Institute UACH SAV and the university. Later on the joint-stock company RONA a.s. in Lednicke Rovne joined this activity and the laboratory was re-named VILA. Successful university education in all study programmes strongly depends on by the development and promotion of scientific and research activities of the university. ADUT has promoted its study programmes and strengthened its research programme. The base of science and research at ADUT is the ”Long-term plan for the years 2007-2013” approved by the Scientific Board at ADUT in 2006 and other documents of policy on science, technology and especially the “National Strategic Reference Frame of the Slovak Republic for the years 2007-2013” and its operational programmes. The Scientific Board of ADUT has approved as the research priority the applied research for automotive industry. From this point of view the University shall establish a Centre of research comprising four scientific-research divisions focusing on: research in the field of ferrous and non-ferrous materials research in the field of mechatronic systems, design and simulations innovation, quality, standardization and certification personnel management, career advising and human resources. Based on this programme, faculties at ADUT have specified their priorities of science and research. Research programmes at the Faculty of Industrial Technologies (FIT) in Puchov are focusing on basic and applied research mainly in the field of ferrous and non-ferrous materials used in the automotive industry. The research activities are carried out by the Institute of material and technological research founded at the Faculty in 2006. The Institute in Puchov shall enhance and promote the knowledge gained in the field of research of physical and technological properties of glass and ceramic materials, polymeric materials and rubber, textile fibres and materials, composite materials, ferrous and nonferrous metals and alloys, coating paints and polish. Acoustic, optical and thermal methods of non-destructive material and products control shall be developed. In the forthcoming years the managerial activities in the field of science at the faculty FIT in Puchov shall be directed towards getting grants mainly from European funds. The number of research workers, students and doctoral students involved in the exchange programme shall increase. The research programme involves: research in properties of new polymeric materials and rubber including the preparation technology; examination of properties and exploitation of metal alloys used in automotive industry; diagnostics and non-destructive quality control of materials and parts; optimizing the tyre properties from the point of view of their lifetime and reliability, energy consumption and environmental protection during the production process; use of technical textile materials and fibres in the automotive industry; ceramic materials and composites used in the automotive industry; computer aided industrial design in automotive industry and the use of SW; technical coating paints and polish and paints used for cars; computer aided simulation of dynamic and static processes; social and economic aspects of material engineering; systemization of synergic processes in the manufacture. The main goal of the faculty FIT, of the joint-stock company Matador a.s. Púchov and of some other Slovak companies is to transform the existing Institute into a top research institute operating in the material and technological research that can gain the reputation for excellence. The Slovak Academy of Sciences plans join this project. The academic staff at the Faculty of Special Technology is involved in activities on basic and applied research and experimental development at local, regional and national levels. Close relations between the teaching staff and the field of science, research and development are very important especially at the second and third levels of university study programmes. Benefits and profit made in the field of research shall be used in co-funding the faculty. At present research activities of the Faculty focus on: research and development of ferrous materials for automotive industry; research within the manufacture of cast made of light alloys used in automotive industry; research in technological heritage of treated surfaces; research in thin walled rings and their application in antifriction bearings for automotive industry, large-sized bearings, harmonic gear etc. research in tribology of technological processes; research in life time and reliability of manufacturing technology; CAD and CAM focused on designing and the technology RAPID PROTOTYPING; Research in non-traditional technologies employed in automotive industry; Research in secondary reinforcing highly tough materials; Research in reinforcing steel plates; Research in re-crystallisation of α brass. The Faculty of Social and Economic Relations focuses its research activities into sustainable development in the Slovak Republic during the process of globalization. The following topics are involved: world-wide economy and international relations – the relations of Slovakia and Russian Federation, raw materials policy and trade with the Russian Federation, economy and trade policy within the EU, public liability of companies; integrated regional development – examination of processes in the economic, social and political systems, technical and social infrastructure in regions, regional strategy of innovation, municipality as social-economic system, transformation system and structural changes in regions, environmental pillar of sustainable development and its integration in sustainable development; identification, system analysis of ecosystems in municipal, rural areas, developing information systems applied in sustainable development, modelling a totally human ecosystem, information system development; monitoring, developing indicators of the environmental pillar, a perspective development of integrated models in sustainable development for the local Agenda, development and management of information systems; human resources development – career counselling for secondary upper and elementary school students in the Trenčín region, for ADUT students, research in demand at the market in the Trenčín region, employers´ requirements versus students´ preferences, development of human resources and of personnel management in the automotive industry, career counselling, qualification structure of people employed in public administration and local and regional governments in the Trenčín region; standard equipment in health-care bodies in the Trenčín region, suggestions for public administration and local governments; optimization of area and administration division , transformation of public administration, community reform, a model of an active community reform; The Institute of Natural Science and Humanities – its research activities are directed towards the glass research that is carried out in the laboratory of VILA and they are comprising following fields: relations between the composition, structure and properties of glass, especially oxide or siliceous glass; thermo dynamic and molecule dynamic modelling the structure and properties of glass and glass forming melts; research in kinetics by means of liquid media measuring electric and impedance glass characteristics and glass forming melts at high temperatures; direct observing processes in glass forming melts especially processes of glass stem melting; high-temperature UV-VIS spectroscopy of glass and glass forming melts; observing relations between compounds, structure and properties of amorphe phases in the limits of grain in polycrystall ceramic materials and their influence on microstructure and properties (mechanic, electric, etc.); examining the influence of ingredients on developing microstructure in semi-crystal oxide ceramics (especially Al2O3) while applying methods of high temperature impendence spectroscopy combined with methods of electron microscopy; influence of residual fluctuating micro voltage on mechanic properties of ceramic materials while employing methodology of photo illumiscent spectroscopy ; corrosion resistance of ceramic materials; flame synthesis of glass micro balls of specific composition preparation of ceramic nanocomposites; development of new materials for electronic industry, examining their physical properties including electric and magnetic ones; developing structures of sensors of high magnetic resistance (GMR) on the base of multi layers (ML) with antiferromagnetic composition; preparation of model structures while employing lithography, wet and dry etching; examining the layout of a magnetic field in multi-layer GMR structures and their influence on sensor signalling; research in sports activities in the Slovak population especially in ADUT students and employees; IT involvement in the teaching process, IT in language and Mathematics teaching. The Faculty of Mechatronics while developing its own strategies of development, science and research, has directed its priority towards the chief pillars in the field of mechatronics – production quality and metrology, mechanics, electronics and informatics. The main areas of the faculty research cover: properties of kinetic and drive structures of mobile robotic systems – driving and walking ones; properties of moving structures - systems of a snake-like movement properties of controlling structures in mobile robotic systems especially from the point of view of movement trajectory optimization and avoiding errors; energy transformation and utilization – employing renewable resources; properties of electric-mechanic articles for mechatronics, while employing the principle of magnetic levitation; methods of designing, modelling and controlling mechatronic systems – especially machines employed in industrial production; 10 electro-magnetic fields in cars from the point of view of EMC; numeric analysis of properties of microactuators and their kinematic structures; sensors based on interactions in the electric-magnetic field and magnetic strictional effects; wireless sensor system and sensor network; connecting computer network and parallel computer systems; research in the field of complex quality management, reliability and safety of technical systems, environmental management, kcomplex metrology, modelling and stimulating innovation processes and quality identification by means of digital technologies. The strategy of developing scientific and research activities of the faculty is based on real situation the faulty has. The situation and possibilities of the faculty are limited by the technical and laboratory equipment and by the number of laboratories, by the personnel and their knowledge and experience in the field of study. International contacts and access to the literature that the personnel have plays a very important role in this issue. Taking into account the requirements of the Trenčín region industries and the development of the automotive industry in the region, the Faculty of Mechatronics at ADUT is focusing on the applied research for the automotive industry. The faculty management intends to establish a centre of university research in this field. Within last ten years some Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín teachers have achieved outstanding success ap- 11 preciated by the scientific national and international community. The most successful is the chemical laboratory VILA achievement. The results of this laboratory have been published in many scientific journals and present remarkable achievement in the field of applied research. The VILA team developed a new type of crystal glass that does not contain the toxic barium oxide that was replaced by a mixture of other oxides of high refractive index. The result of the VILA research is protected by the industrial sample. Another important research workplace is the Faculty of Industrial Technologies focusing its applied research on non-ferrous materials. Upon the request of the company Matador Puchov they have developed the CTPA 05 – Complex ThermalPressure Analyser. The analyser can test parts of tyres while being mounted on the car and it is measuring the inner temperature and pressure in a usual or sports tyre simultaneously. At the same time all four tyres can be tested in real time. The system of sensors are made by well-known producers. Besides the measuring system CTPA 05 can measure the temperature outside the tyre on the front driven tyres in three points appointed by the person responsible for the experiment. Establishment of this testing laboratory has brought an award for the research team headed by Professor Mr. Koštial granted by the Slovak Ministry of Education. In 2001 Professor Vendelin Macho was honoured by title “Scientist of the year 2000”. Mr. Macho got his title for his scientific and technical work in the field of chemistry and chemical technologies. He is a proud owner of more than 400 patents, author of certificates and industrial patterns. The development and enhancing our research activities can be proved by the fact, that in the year 1998 we had one national project, in 2002 the university was involved in 11 national and 9 international projects and in 2006 the ADUT teachers participated in 41 national and 9 international projects. To summarize, in the last ten years our university was involved in more than 80 projects. The research funds increased from two millions SKK in 1998 to more than 13 millions in 2006. At this point we must admit that we are still behind the Slovak average in the total share of grants. In the year 2006 our university pedagogic output was 2.3 per cent , the share of the research was 1.9 per cent in national grants and 3.06 per cent in international grants. Our University also participated in projects supported by the agency APVV. Within last two years we had been employed in following projects: 1. Research in ceramic materials used in highly corrosive environment; Assoc. prof. Galusek, Institute of Natural Sciences and Humanities 2. Optimization of melting glass EUTAL; professor Liska, Institute of Natural Sciences and Humanities 3. Nanocomposite hybrid dispersion: preparation and common properties; Researcher: professor Capek, FIT 1. Making science and research more popular – Summer Course of Mehatronics and Mechatronic Clubs activities offered for elementary and secondary school pupils and students; Assoc. professor Maga, FM Another issue that can support and prove the activities on research and science are papers published in various scientific journals and conference. The graph depicts the number of scientific monographs, university course books that were published by ADUT teachers. We strongly believe that science and research at ADUT will be keeping on its course and be flourishing in the forth- 12 coming decade. Research results at the university will promote the university competitiveness and the competitiveness of Slovak industries. At the same time it can promote the education of young scientists who can successfully find their jobs in Slovak industries. And what direction shall the university research take at Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín? First of all it must be directed towards international collaboration and joining power in large research centres. Only a strong research centre equipped by latest technology and achieving good research results can be competitive in a tough international competitive environment. And this is the path our university should go. 13 Faculty of Mechatronics and its Role in Recent Research and Science Assoc. prof. Ing. Dušan Maga, PhD., prof. Ing. Ivan Kneppo, DrSc., Ing. Ján Žabka INTRODUCTION Presumption of successful and high quality university education is a development of research and development activities in all areas covered by study programmes of the faculty. According to this request, the orientation of research and development activities of Faculty of Mechatronics (FM) Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín (ADUT) is defined by realized study programmes, together with activities of professors and associated professors. These are pointed to development of knowledge within the scientific areas covered both by faculty study programmes and by their relationships to other areas of science. The factor of interdisciplinary is very important especially in a case of mechatronics – a science discipline consisting of conjunction of at least other three main disciplines. The priorities of research and science development at FM ADUT oriented on essential disciplines of mechatronics, as mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and electronics, computer technologies and control systems. Main research and development activities The main research and development activities, supported by 5 departments (dept. of Mechatronic Systems, dept. of Cybernetics, dept. of Electrical Engineering, dept. of Computer technologies in- cluding the division of Applied Mathematics and dept. of Metrology and Quality Management) are focused on: research and development of kinematical an driving structures of mobile robotic systems, rolling and stepping as well, research and development of unconventional dynamic structures as systems with creeping and caterpillar movement, research of robots control systems, especially from the viewpoint of optimal motion trajectory and avoiding the barriers, research of structures for transformation and efficient use of renewable energy sources, research and development of electromechanical actuators based on principles of electromagnetic levitation, development of new methods of modeling and control of mechatronic systems, especially industrial manufacturing lines and appliances, research of electromagnetic fields in automobiles from viewpoint of EMC, numerical analysis of microactuators properties and theirs kinematic structures, research of sensors and sensoric structures, especially those based on interactions in electromagnetic field and magnetostriction effects, research of wireless sensoric systems and sensoric networks, research of parallel computer systems and switching of computer networks. 14 The strategy of development in science and research on FM ADUT is based on real possibilities of faculty, limited by equipment of laboratories, laboratory rooms, human sources and requirements of welldeveloped industrial partners, located mostly in region of Trenčín. Considering the actual needs of industry in region as well as (but not only) in western part of Slovak Republic, one of the most important activity in applied research is focused on automobile industry. This activity is also based on research and development activities of Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín, where a R&D centre focused on mechatronics in automobile industry is going to be built and operated. One of the most important limits in scientific activities of FM was the problems with insufficient quality and quantity of educated human sources – especially post-graduated students. This has been changed in school year 2006/2007, when the post-graduated study in study programme Mechatronics has been accredited at FM ADUT. Fig. 1 – View on laboratory of hydraulic systems Science and research projects The research activities of FM ADUT are mostly financed by domestic or EU grant institutions, especially supported by international grant institutions and organizations, domestic grant institutions, supported by institutional (university) grant agency, supported by R&D grant houses, supported by industrial partners of faculty. Recently (2007) the faculty is participating on 9 project supported by international grant institutions or foreign organizations. The most important of them are eg Leonardo da Vinci (two pilot projects, one mobility project), European Social Fund projects, 6FP project. 15 In the same time, the faculty is a main leader of 13 projects financed by domestic grant houses as KEGA, VEGA, APVV, Ministry of Education of SR, etc. The contents of these projects correspond to declared orientation of faculty and are oriented at: analysis of possibilities of e-learning in education processes and distribution of knowledge of parallel research, research and realization of parallel computer systems, useful in solution and simulation of extreme difficult tasks of science and technology, projects typical for mechatronic approach – research and development of systems fir cutting of materials, manipulating with semi-finished industrial products in automobile tire industry, research and development of industrial manipulators, application of modern computer based technologies into process of knowledge transfer into education processes. The aim of these technology is to allow the students to access the latest knowledge from theoretical bases of mechatronics, establishment of experimental base for investigation of progressive miniature electromechanical components and systems for mechatronic applications. Fig.2 – Lucas-Nülle mechatronic actuator and power electronics stage Projects supported by industrial partners The faculty cooperates and leads more than 10 applied projects supported by industrial partners of the faculty. The most important partners are EVPÚ, a. s. Nová Dubnica, PSL, a. s. Považská Bystrica, NES, a. s. Nová Dubnica, RMC, s. r. o. Nová Dubnica, VRM Trenčín, Konštrukta Industry Trenčín, VIPO Partizánske, Siemens Bratislava (especially division Automation and Drives), Volkswagen Bratislava. Fig.3 – One stand in Siemens control systems laboratory Expert’s reports The specialists of FM ADUT are continuously working on expert’s reports for domestic and foreign institutions. Usu- 16 ally, the order parties are grant agencies (entrance, running or final reports), universities (opponencies for post graduated studies, habilitation and inauguration procedures), industrial partners (opponencies for industrial products) or state supported authorities (eg. Accreditation Committee of Slovak Government, Ministry of Education). International cooperation Fig. 5 – The cross-section of “Megatorque” step motor Publication activities The most important foreign partners of FM ADUT are (according to international projects) Technical University of Delft, The Netherlands, University of Defence Brno, Czech Republic, European Polytechnical Institute Kunovice, Czech Republic, Faculty of Mechatronics and Interdisciplinary Studies Liberec, Czech Republic, State Technical University of Izhevsk, Russian Federation. As the financial support received from government is more and more depended on quantitative output indicators, as eg. quantity and quality of publication activities, the internal rules of faculty are systematically supporting these factors. The faculty, together with University of Defence, Faculty of Military Technologies, Brno, is organizing the international conference Advances in Mechatronics. Other important conference, International conference “Mechatronika”, is organized every year together with STU Bratislava in Trenčianske Teplice, a small and beautiful spa town near by Trenčín. The publications are mostly papers in European and world congress and conference proceedings, papers in domestic and international journals, scientific monografies and schoolbooks. Fig. 4 – View on linear machinery in electromechanical actuators laboratory 17 The quantity of publication (source: www.kniznica.tnuni.sk) activities in last few years can be seen in following table (table 1). Fig. 6 – Construction of intelligent railway system (53 m2) Table 1 – Number of publication outputs. Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007* Nr. of outputs: 115 87 92 184 101 * Until July 2007 Main outputs of R&D activities The basic outputs of research, science and development activities are as follows: establishment of web laboratory of electromechanical actuators, development of bearingless high speed electromechanical actuator, optimization of low speed high torque step motor, design, optimization and realization the electrical equipment of dieselelectrical traction, increase of availability, quality and extension of information from the viewpoint of making the technical study more attractive for potentional students, intensification and higher efficiency of new skills and knowledge from scope of computer and communication technologies. Future plans search and development of science of faculty itself, as well as on Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín. The bases of conceptional development focused on bases of mechatronics, are mechanics, electrical engineering and electronics and computer technologies. The basic tasks for the future are as follows: to continue in evaluation procedures of university researchers and research teams, systematical increase in activities pointed to obtaining the grant supports, especially from international (EU) funds, innovation of experimental base of faculty, with special attention to close specification of faculty, development to close and informal cooperation with other subjects, common applying for projects and grant supports, motivation of post-graduate students to fast and efficient study, establishment of research center focused on Mechatronics. The future plans of FM ADUT within the area of science and development are based on long-time conception of re- References 1. Report on state of Scientific research. Internal material of Scientific Council of FM ADUT 2. Long-time plan of development of ADUT 3. Long-time plan of development of FM ADUT 4. Accreditation files of FM ADUT 18 Trends of science, research and university education development at the Faculty of Industrial Technologies in Púchov Prof. RNDr. Pavol Koštial, PhD. E stablishing the Faculty of Industrial Technologies in Púchov has stemmed from the growing demand for qualified experts with wider profiles for the dynamically developing rubber, textile and glass industries. Matador a. s. Púchov and other companies of the region, which have successfully entered markets abroad, lack experts able to solve ecological aspects of production, reduction of raw materials and energies consumptions, using domestic raw materials, improving the quality of products. The basic impulse for establishing the Faculty has its origin in the expected economic development of Slovakia in the third millenium, as well as in the development of the world economy. To keep this trend, one needs to plan, do projects, implement, manage integrated production and logistics systems, and make all of these highly reliable. The systems are to integrate people, information, technological equipment and processes, materials and energy in the whole life-cycle of a product. Engineers are required to have good knowledge of the individual subsystems´ functions of a production company, and to be able to organize and manage projects. This trend is not being an end in itself, it is a life necessity conditionned on one hand by the educational activities in the area being damped down in our country 19 in the past, on the other hand there are growing demands of industries for ´more universal´ engineers, able to adapt better to the changing conditions. Not only are the engineers supposed to have acquired theoretical apparatus of better quality, but also the latest knowledge of planning and operation of industrial enterprises. The above indicated trend has clearly shown that Slovak enterprises, too, if they want to compete permanently on the advanced western markets, they will have to apply modern technological approaches, motivate their staff efficiently, mimimalize all sorts of losses, organize production, logistics, marketigh, ecologization and other enterprise activities better. The first immediate impuls to establish the Facutly of Industrial Technologies came after the Czechoslovak Federation had split, when there was a vacuum in preparing experts for rubber, textile and glass industries. The university-educated experts for the problematics were then being prepared at the Technological Faculty in Zlín, at VUT Brno, the Engineering and Textile College in Liberec. In spite of a 20-year close cooperation between Matador a. s. Púchov, STU CHTF Bratislava (the STU Detached worksite for daily studies) and EU Bratislava (the Consultation Centre for correspondence studies), there still remains an absence of highly qualified workforce in the field of rubber, textile and glass technologies, as well as the development of research and management of the production processes. The top management of Matador a. s. Púchov, namely its President, Ing. Štefan Rosina, have clearly declared its interest in establishing a faculty with the above orientations. Approximately in 1995, a detached worksite of the Engineering Faculty of VŠDS in Žilina (current University of Žilina) started being prepared in an intensive way. In 1996 the organizational works focused on establishing the new faculty. The Faculty of Industrial Technologies (FIT) was established on September 10 1996 by Rector of VŠDS in Žilina, on the basis of the decision of the Academic Senate of VŠDS in Žilina. At its beginnings, the Educational Institute at Matador a. s. Púchov and the management of the EU Bratislava Detached worksite, based in Púchov, both contributed remarkably to the operation of the FIT. The town and regional authorities of Púchov have been supporting the FIT since its very beginnings, too. The Faculty started its activities in a decent area. Its reconstruction and equipment in the value of over 100 million SKK were fully financed by Matador a. s. Púchov. By the decision of the AS of University of Žilina in Žilina, the Faculty was cancelled on July 1, 1997, and at the same time it was delimitated under University of Trenčín in Trenčín. Since December 1, 1997 the Detached worksite in Ružomberok, focusing on educating experts in the area of textile at the level of baccalaureate studies, has been part of the FIT. With its orientation, the Faculty has complemented the profile of University of Trenčín in Trenčín, which focuses on the development of interdiscipline technical studies. The Faculty has been broadening its profile especially in the area of non-metal materials technologies. Great emphasis has been put also on teaching information technologies and quality language preparation of the graduates. Without the knowledge, they would not be able to make themselves successful on the labour market in future. In relation to the existing research and pedagogical capacities of Slovak technical university institutions, the Faculty has not been competitive and vice versa, it is expected there will be development of departments and branches focusing mainly on the technologies of non-metal materials. Research activities of the Faculty´s pedagogs and researchers, diploma and doctoral papers, have been and will be, except the basic research, concentrating mainly on solving particular problems connected with the production and research of Matador a. s. Púchov and other companies of the region.This approach will contribute to shortening the time of transferring the latest scientific and technical knowledge into practice. At the same time graduates will be able to adapt much faster after they have taken up a job. Last but not least, the Faculty, with regards to its dislocation in the complex of Matador a. s. Púchov, and interconnection of research and pedagogical activities, will become compatible with the 20 education models of western Europe universities, where the interconnection between especially technical universities and industries has been very common. After its 10-year existence, the Faculty of Industrial Technologies belongs to middle-sized faculties in Slovakia. We have more than 700 students. We prepare young experts in the study branch of materials at all of the three levels of universtiy education. In this field, we also have been accredited to the baccalaureate study program textile technology and design, which are carried out by our worksite in Ružomberok – the Department of Industrial Design. In two other fields – anorganic technology and materials and technology of macromolecular substances – we have been accredited doctoral study programs. In the field of materials we are qualified to carry out also second doctorate dealings, and to appoint professors. An important step towards the needs of practice is also accrediting the study branch of applied mechanics, which is to provide preparation of technicians of good quality. These are supposed not only to have mastered the rubber and plastic production technologies but, more importantly, also to be able to develop and construct independently products of the production program automotive, as well as tyres for the highest speeds, tyres for special purposes, provide their production and diagnoze construction sub-sets and sets. This study program are again required by industrial practice, especially in accordance with the development of car industry. By the study programs listed above we offer the university study candidates a wide area of education, which will enable them to apply in real life. To make the young 21 engineers meet the practice demands, we have been cooperating very closely on designing the study programs with several enterprises – namely Matador a. s. Púchov, Makyta in Púchov, RONA-Krystal in Lednické Rovne, Texcom in Ružomberok. Under the iniciative of the Matador enterprise´s management, the educational EDUCATION Project emerged. Its goal is to shorten the adapting process of our graduates – future employees of the enterprises, by which they will be able to join the production and management processes in practice more quickly. Although we keep emphasising the connection to the production practice, it is necessary to point out the importance of research and development activities of the Faculty employees. Every year these result in a number of projects within the framework of the grant system of the Ministry of Education of the SR, the EU educational programs, but mainly successful solving of the research and development tasks appointed by the enterprises. This reflects in rich publishing activities – technical articles published not only in local but also foreign periodicals – and in active participation at conferences; we actually have hundreds of records of these a year. These activities are tied up with the pedagogical process because also the students in the course of their studies, as well as by their diploma and dissertation papers participate in projects, therefore the participate in research activities. The third level of university education – doctoral studies – is, from the point of view of the Faculty´s size and lenght of existence, important, because 69 students (8 of them have successfully presented their dissertation papers this year, 3 others are to do so in short time) do require being managed proficiently in all ways. This study level is also one of the essential parts of the scientific activities of the Faculty. Here the research-pedagogical staff concentrate on solving tasks in: the area of anorganic materials: reseraching the relations between the qualities of anorganic materials, and their structure (chemical resistance, optical qualities, redox state ...) developing new kinds of glass according to the demands of practice research in the area of sol-gel methods (layers, composites, katalysis...) application of anorganic materials the area of macromolecular materials: developing rubber mixtures according to the requirements of practice (forming and modifying rubber mixtures, applying active fillings, new vulcanizing systems,...) developing new procedures of preparing polymers, fluid india-rubbers and elastomers on a non-traditional material basis, and applying these in practice developing chemical and physical modifications of nature and synthetic macromolecular materials (especially fibre-creating polymers) the area of material engineering: studying the applications of wavemethods when evaluating the qualities of metal and non-metal materials and the products made of them (applying the methods using ultrasound and holographic methods) studying and evaluating mechanical qualities of rubber mixtures (flexibility moduls, thermic and electrical conductivity,...) developing methods to evaluate selected fatigue qualities of non-metal materials (as a priority the questions of initiation and growth of fatigue cracks in rubber mixtures for tyre production, and questions of the external factors influencing the process) applying the final elements methods to solve tension-deforming states of real matters, to evaluate temperature fields, to define the matters´ durability evaluating macro- and microstructure of representative materials of composite character (with focus on elastomers with metal cord) evaluating mechanical qualities and material characteristics of materials (with the main focus on rubber, glass, textile but also steel, Cu alloys and other materials) As we can see, it is a wide material area of research which requires both – scientific knowledge of people (which the Faculty has at disposal), as well as perfect material and apparatus equipment (which are being built gradually). We are aware of the fact that success is possible to achieve only in cooperation with other faculties and universities. That is why we started, in the course of our existence, cooperation with several material-oriented faculties in Slovakia, and with more than 15 faculties abroad. Thus also foreing experts are getting to know us. The above brief introduction of the Faculty of Industrial Technologies ADUT based in Púchov has an ambition of providing a picture, so to speak, of it, and concluding that the successes the Faculty has achieved so far in the area of education and scientific research have put this scientific and educational institution into an important position within the academic public of Slovakia. For more details please visit the webpage www.fpt.tnuni.sk (see Faculty of Industrial Technologies. 22 Faculty of Social and Economic Relations Assoc.prof. Ing. Miroslav Mečár, PhD. F aculty of Social and Economic Relations at the Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín is one of the faculties having been established by the set up of the University of Trenčín. It was established according to the law - the Act of 155/19997 of May the 15, 1997. The Faculty’s origin was wedded to growing need of education development in the social, economic and personnel fields in terms of dynamic changes going on in the social and transformational processes. From the year of 1997 the Faculty has been developed gradually and has become the major faculty of the University of Trenčín. During the 10 years Faculty of Social and Economic Relations existence the Faculty’s door have left 596 students with Bachelor (Bc.) and 1394 students with Master degrees (Ing.). In the school year of 2006/2007 2943 students (1526 in the present and 1417 in the distance form of study) studied at the Faculty that made 46 % share of overall number of students of the Alexander Dubček University in Trenčín. (Source: The Annual Report of ADUT of 2006) Within the new trends in the university education the Faculty of Social and Economic Relations highlights the connection of science-research and education-pedagogical activities mainly focused on the knowledge economics. In the education process the subjects creating the graduate profile are being implemented. The matter of great concern of the Faculty is the professional language preparation of the students and university teachers. 23 It has become a routine practise to give lectures in English, German and Russian languages. Within the Trenčín region the Faculty of Social and Economic Relations has become an important stakeholder in terms of developing and stimulating the educational potential in the region. In addition it is the relevant science-research and education-pedagogical partner for domestic and foreign institutions. The part of the Faculty of Social and Economic Relations forming process was the gradual creation of professional departments (graph no.1). The Faculty consists of departments such as: Dept.of Public administration, Dept. of Human development and personnel management, Dept of Micro/Macro-economics, and Dept of Management. On the coordinated basis the particular departments are in charge of the pedagogical process and by means of wide publication and science-research activities are the core to supply the university teaching of the accredited study programs – Public administration and Human resources and personnel management. In the school year of 2006/2007 the 12 professors, 10 associated professors, 17 lecturers with PhD. degree, 26 lecturers (21 are PhD. post gradual students at distance form) and 1 instructor. The Dept. of Public Administration is the supporting department at the Faculty of Social and Economic Relations. Within the lectures of prominent professionals such as prof. J. Benčo, PhD., Assoc.prof. J. Kútik. PhD., academician A. Blažej, DrSc., prof. H. Hilbert, PhD. and other members and allows the students to acquire and deepen the knowledge and abilities of economic, social and humanistic sciences as a complex. By means of obtained knowledge it helps analyze and synthesize the ongoing social processes in terms of state and public administration at governmental and regional levels focusing on the economy and environment of the regions and municipalities. It allows the students to acquire the complex knowledge within the public administration process as well as the ongoing processes in education, health care, culture, social insurance and physical culture. The issue is a complex and yet not having been explored sector in the economics and social life still more and more important and distinctive in terms of deepening the democracy in society. It is becoming the economic base of plurality democracy. The departments’ workers are involved in the various international and domestic research activities focused on ecology and their linking to the forming of the society development in the Slovak Republic. The work at the Dept. of Human Development and Personnel Management is focused on theoretical and practical skills of management and human resources development, personnel processes and activities. The core of the research and pedagogical activities leading by professionals such as Assoc.prof. S. Vojtovič, DrSc, Dr. E. Živčicová and others is the widening and deepening of theoretical and practical knowledge from the field of human resources and personnel management and their application into the particular education process. that during the study student will acquire the qualification as manager in the field of human resources development and other personnel activities. The tool to follow this department’s goal is the set of logically forming study subjects, lectures, seminars, workshops, examinations and the timing schedule of their execution. The departments’ workers are involved in great deal of international and domestic research activities. The profile of the Dept of Micro/ Macro-Economics has been developed to undertake the teaching of basic economic leading subjects. The delineation is the macroeconomic issues presented by subjects as follows: economic theories, macroeconomics, economy policy, taxing, public finance, assurance policy, social 24 and economic strategy and development, macroeconomic analysis, decision making processes and EU economy policy. Microeconomic issues are presented in subjects such as microeconomics, corporate finances, economics of small and medium sized enterprises, business projecting management and business venture. The third pillar consists of subjects such as statistics, economic statistics and demography. There are solved many research activities leading by professionals such as prof. M. Baránik, PhD., ing. J. Habánik, PhD. Ing. D. Bánoci, PhD. and others. By Ing. K. Adámkova’s leading the department along with others departments is undertaking the annual contest of Students’ professional activities – this year the 8th round along with its 5th international round took place. The Department of Management is in charge of management and economic subjects mainly at the Faculty of Social and Economic Relations as well as other University faculties. The pedagogical process conducted by the professionals such as prof. J. Alexy, PhD., Assoc.prof. I. Prno, PhD., Assoc.prof. M. Mečár, PhD., ing. N. Baculíková, CSc and so on, is focused on training of management workers in the field of public administration, human resources and personnel management. By means of modeling and simulation of practical problems along with the use of up-to-date information technology the graduate will acquire the ability to solve not only the theoretic but also practical problems of economy practise. The research tasks on the field of industry policy and social corporate responsibility issues are solved at the department. The main task of the Faculty and teaching staff is to execute the educational activity process for the students and give 25 them the latest knowledge. As a first and the one and only Faculty in the Slovak Republic it started executing the study programs in the specialization of Human Resources and Personnel Management. The study program Human Resources and Personnel Management is determined for the first and second level of the university study in the specialization of Human Resources and Personnel Management and its duration takes 10 semesters. It includes theoretical knowledge of economic, law, social and humanistic studies in terms of reproduction regularities and human potential development, particular human being, his/her creativity and abilities. The main highlight is the scientific approach towards the human resources development coming out of knowledge of organization behavior and particular management having inter-disciplinary character. The Human resources management deals with human potential forming by the creation and development of personal activity as a system including preparation, recruitment, selection, exploiting, motivation, qualification promotion, dismissing of employees. It provides practical guide how to manage people; it means how to manage teams, groups of people and individuals. The study program profile includes theoretical knowledge of psychology, sociology of behavioral studies in social groups, working groups, economic, state, municipal, administration and nongovernmental organizations, knowledge from the area of personal/labor studies, legal knowledge, economic sociology, psychology and management sociology, followed by personal psychology, social psychology, informatics, and basic principals of theory of organization. The human resources management is understood as a valuable source of investment in order to achieve higher economic effects. The issue is to form the knowledge oriented economy along with the sophisticated effect enforcing. The Public administration study program is aimed at the first bachelor level of the university study in the study specialization of the Public administration and regional development. At the first level of the university bachelor study the duration is the 6 semesters (3 years). The study in the “Public Administration” field of study makes possible to acquire and develop the knowledge and abilities of economic, social and humanistic studies as a complex allowing to analyze, synthesize and manage social processes taking place in the public administration field focusing on the economy of rural and urban environment and self-government regions. The economic base of these processes consist of public economics, economy of nonprofit sector, management and economics of public administration and processes in public finance. The important part of the public administration are processes in education, helth care, culture, social security and physical culture. The issue is a complex and yet not having been explored sector in the economics and social life still more and more important and disinctive in terms of deepening the democracy in society. It is becoming the economic base of plurality democracy. At present time the educational proces at the Faculty of Social and Economic Relations is executed in present and distance forms (types) of study in both study programes. For distance forms of study there are open subsidiaries in Nove Zámky, Nova Bana a Prievidza. Faculty of Social and Economic Relations conducts the law, social, environmental disciplines and sustainable development at the university level. The lectures of particular disciplines are conducted by professors, associated professors (PhD. lecturers preparing for the ass. prof. degree are exceptions). The Faculty of Social and Economic Relations teaching staff is involved in the teaching process at the “University of the Third Age”. The e-learning education programs for application of distance and individual study forms are being developed. Instead of traditional workshops the trainings are taking place in PC laboratories more often and the practical trainings in companies and public administration are being implemented. The Faculty of Social and Economic Relations meets the requirements that will help establish the Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín as a university aimed at the sector of science and research. The scientific and research activity makes an important part of professional profile of scientific and pedagogic staff of the Faculty. The stage of development of scientific and research activity at the Faculty of Social and Economic Relations mainly reflects the situation in the area of gaining the domestic and international projects (see chart 1). They are the significant source of financial sources aimed at the faculty development and improvement of teaching and pedagogic activities. According to the flow and number of assigned and solved scientific and research tasks in the last few years, it can be stayed that not only their number has been increased but also their qualitative structure has been changed. Each year the faculty has been assigned by bigger number of scientific and research projects based on the principles of ideas competitions and developing the creativity of Faculty peda- 26 Chart. 1. Science and research tasks and developing projects in particular years No.: Tasks and Projects/Years 2003 2004 2005 2006 1 International / foreign 2 2 2 3* 3» 2 Domestic (VEGA, KEGA, APVV, etc.) 2 3 11 13 1* 1» 3 CUGA (university) 2 5 1 1 4 Developing (from the EU funds) - 2 4 4 3» 5 Sum 6 12 18 18 4 7» * Tasks of which solving is in the process or starts in 2007. » Task in the process of consideration and agreement. gogic staff and directly affect the quality of pedagogic process. In the year of 2006 Departments of the Faculty arranged 6 professional international conferences making up at the same time the publications and presentations of scientific and research tasks outputs (317 articles published in domestic and international publications) by staff of each particular department. In 2006 the members of the Faculty teaching staff issued 28 textbooks that significantly helped to cover the particular subjects by their own literature. Good language knowledge of FSER students and exemplary attention of young lectures such as Ing. N. Štefkováj, Ing. M. Kordoš, PhD., Ing. P. Otrubčák a Ing. K. Krajčo, has allowed the FSER students within the international nobilities programs study at the foreign universities in Italy, Spain, Poland, Great Britain and Germany. 11 foreign students from Lithuania, Poland, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria studied at the Faculty of Social and Economic Relations in the school year of 2006/2007. From two students from the Russian Fed- 27 eration the one has accomplished her studies at the FSER and will continue as a PhD. student at the University of Economics in Bratislava. The position and successful performance of the Faculty of Social and Economic Relations in the regional, national as well as international scale is impossible without effective support and cooperation with the partners from the area of business practise. The Faculty successfully cooperates in the area of scientific and research, pedagogic and development projects with major Slovak business stakeholders such as KIA Slovakia, Konštrukta Industry, Inc. Trenčín etc. The important part of the scientific and research activities linking to practise is the collaboration with representatives of municipal and regional authorities. The important part of the Faculty of Social and Economic Relations are The Center of Complementary Education leading by ing. K. Adámková and Project and Information Center leading by Ing. T. Hanulík. The Center of Complementary Education is focused on managing of preparatory and intensive courses for entrance tests, 0. grade teaching process and courses for public – Personnel management, and courses for Tourism guides. Important activity of the Center of Complementary Education was the formulation of the MBA Study program Teaching document for the Accreditation committee and at the present time the Center is in charge of the MBA Study program. The Project and Information Center has been created gradually from the start of the projects executions funding from the EU Structural funds. The Center was united by project teams members consisted of UAD full-time workers as well as part-time workers. Progressively the organization structure of the Center has been developed and in November 2006 the Center was institutionalized and it has been added to the FESR organization structure as a single working unit. The Project and Information Center is managed by the director appointed by the Dean of FSER. The Center consists of three departments: “The Center of Carrier Consulting by the FSER AUD” focused on the projects in terms of carrier and job consulting, “The Implementing Center of Information and Communication Technologies by the FSER AUD” focused on the information and communication technologies, personal computers and programs of PC education – ECDL, “Administrative and Financial Team” being in charge of administrative and financial support and coordination of all activities. The Faculty of Social and Economic Relations by means of the active assistance of the Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín management make an effort to improve the room, material and technical equipment. The improving conditions have a positive affect on science and education activities of the Faculty staff and students. It is the case of PC equipment, data projectors, overhead projectors, laptops, copy machines, printers. By the moving a part of the Faculty to the separate building C that was under reconstruction in 2007, the conditions for teaching staff, students and the Faculty management have been improved a lot. Recently the auditorium with the capacity of 220 seats has been put at the Faculty of Social and Economic Relations disposal. Currently in the building C the Faculty of Social and Economic Relations takes advantage of 12 seminar rooms with capacity of 30 or 20 seats and one seminar room with capacity of 60 seats. Within the seminar rooms there have been set up up-to-date classroom of communication skills and elocution with the capacity of 20 seats equipped with laptop for lecturer and 20 standard laptops, data projector, audio technique, printer, video camera and E-beam board. In the B building two PC laboratories equipped with standard stuff are in use. On the building’s corridors are installed the PC internet points and the whole building is covered by the WIFI signal. From the project of Social fund the classroom has been furnished used for the prequalification of unemployed people in the field of reconstruction of sights of historical interest. Program is leading by Ing. arch. Betáková, PhD. 28 29 Graph 1 Organization Structure of the Faculty of Social and Economic Relations (FSER) ADU In the 10 years existence the Faculty of Social and Economic Relations has been integrated into the stable scientific and education institutes acting at the Alexander Dubček University in Trenčín. By the outputs of scientific and education activities the Faculty of Social and Economic Relations at the Alexander Dubček University in Trenčín has been incorporated into the prime and perspective workplaces within the universities in the Slovak Republic. 30 condition and development of science and research at the faculty of special technology prof. Ing. Bohumil Bátora, PhD. I n accordance with the primary purpose of Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín (ADUT) in Trenčín to become scientific and research university as well as still increasing importance of science and research as the financial resource, scientific and research work has met the concrete needs of research required by the Long-Term Plan of Faculty of Special Technology. Nowadays, the faculty focuses on design and technological preparation of production, repair service systems for military technology, complex maintenance of vehicles used in the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic, light industry, especially designing offices as well as on the field of production and efficient utilization of equipment and machines in production plants. Although current orientation to the fields mentioned above is significant it seems to be necessary to upgrade to another fields. While improving present fields the faculty should take into account current state of art, perspective needs and trends in the field of engineering and related fields such as special engineering technology, production engineering in light industry and production engineering in automotive industry. Scientific and research work at the Faculty of Special Technology (FST) can be divided to the following fields: 31 solution of research grants VEGA, KEGA, projects of applied research (AR), national projects solved by FST and foreign research grants, publishing the results of scientific and research work by the staff of FST, expert’s reports and reviews, 6th Framework Programme and 7th Framework Programme, organization of scientific meetings and events, scientific education in PhD. study programmes. While solving grants, different projects and another international projects dealing with research or taking part in various scientific committees during habilitations, inaugurations and academic dissertations, FST still cooperates with another universities within Slovak Republic and abroad, above all Czech Republic. Scientific and research projects solved by FST According to analysis of the financial support of the scientific and research work at the FST disadvantageous trend was carried out that means 90 % of used scientific and research capacity was spent to grants solution. No wage funds were allocated to those grants and due to valid procedure it was impossible to count in depreciation to these costs. Due to essential funding needed in the future more resources from solved projects could be spend for the faculty as well as ADUT. For that reason the next projects of higher financial support (from 2 to 4 millions Sk) coming from agencies including the mentioned items to the costs should be chosen. The list of national research grants solved by the FST is shown in Table 1. Table 1: List of national research grants solved by the FST No. Title Project Reg. No. Responsible for the grant Workplace 1. Research of thin-walled bearing rings VEGA 1/2115/05 Prof. Obmaščík DTME 2. Theory and procedures to prognosticate reliability of sewing machines due to their functional parts of improved lifetime according to material composition of sewn parts VEGA 1/2093/05 Assoc. Prof. Barborák DSPTMT 3. Operation conditions and lifetime of machine parts and advanced designed parts of machines and equipments VEGA 1/2094/05 Assoc. Prof. Chovanec DSPTMT 4. Study of advanced technological fields and possibilities of application in fine art KEGA 3/2353/04 Assoc. Prof. Mäsiar KSTM 5. Research of the bullet and special protective textile interaction CUGA 11/05 Assoc. Prof. Barborák DSPTMT 6. Simulation of deformation characteristics of dynamic resistance of armour plates CUGA 10/2006 Ing. Jurenová DTME 7. Research of temporary moulds possible production on the base of organic bond systems when using CNC milling machine CUGA 15/2006 Ing. Lysák DTME 8. Research of high-lift truck of improved terrain clearness APVT 20-034604 Ing. Lahučký DTMMP Explanation: DTME - Department of Technologies and Materials in Engineering, DSPTMT - Department of Special Production Technology and Mobile Technology DTMMP - Department of Technical Mechanics and Machine Parts Project “Research of High-lift Truck of Improved Terrain Clearness” with project No. APVV 20-034604 was solved in collaboration with Slovak Research and Development Agency. One of responsible organizations participating in the project was ZTS - VÝSKUM A VÝVOJ, a.s., Dubnica nad Váhom. The project started in January 2005 with financial support 11,7 million Sk, from that 5,62 million Sk as a contribution of Slovak Research and Development Agency. The project was fin- ished in June 2007. Functional prototype was made. The laboratory tests and tests of cabin before finishing of supplementary tests in State Transport and Construction Equipment Testing Institute in Žilina have been already checked. The final report, financial settlement, allowances in kind and fulfilment of obligations was written to meet the deadline of the project. Internal opponent’s reports and the final negotiations of opponents held on July 3 2007. The final report was sent on 30 July 32 2007. The result of the project was a new product high-lift truck of improved terrain clearness of engine power 56 kW and loading capacity 2,600 kilograms which is able to reach the height of 4 meters. Possible producer in the future will be ZTS – VÝSKUM A VÝVOJ, a.s. Dubnica nad Váhom as a participant on the project and consumer - trade network of engine supplier company Caterpillar. The list of approved projects in 2006 is given in Table 2. Table 2. List of approved projects in 2006 No. Title Project Reg. No. Responsible for the grant Workplace 1. Research of recrystallization properties of alpha brass VEGA 1/4120/07 Assoc. Prof. Mäsiar DTME 2. Research of technological possibilities of armour plates hardening in critical zones VEGA 1/4118/07 Assoc. Prof. Híreš DTME 3. New conceptions of spatial converters of improved technological parameters on the base of ecological liquid VEGA 1/4152/07 Assoc. Prof. Turza DTMMP Table 3. List of foreign research grants at FST No. 1. Title FAST CAST Project 6th Framework Programme of EU FP 6-2002-SME1-507 729 Important outputs of scientific and research work New knowledge focused on a specific target or task to tackle a problem from practice developed to next applicable functional form consist from: Application of FAST CAST method with forming mixtures on the base of synthetic and idealized opening materials of type CERABEAD Application of blades in screw propellers cooling during solidification Improvement of paternless forming for complex shaped castings New software for transformation of coordinates in screw propellers geometry Innovation of moulds production for centrifugal casting of plastics - realized in foundry MAUS GmbH Karlsruhe Germany. 33 Reg. No. Responsible for the grant Workplace Assoc. Prof. Mäsiar DTME Collaboration with practice Another way of collaboration in research is contract between two contractors with concrete order as the subject of a contract and a workplace responsible for the solution of the project. FST intensively takes part in science and research and provides high level of PhD. study, sustainable improvement in qualification skills of the staff and equipment of laboratories and also enables educational process of the university study on required level. Table 5 List of projects solved for industry No. Title Submitter Responsible for the project Department 1. Design of placement and fixation of final drive in chassis PVS and PC VOP 027 a.s. Trenčín Assoc. Prof. Barborák DSPTMT 2. Solution the way of mixing material for fibres production when manufacturing textile ropes GLEISTEIN SLOVAKIA, s.r.o. Trenčín Assoc. Prof. Barborák DSPTMT 3. Solution of textile ropes navigation into fixing machine GLEISTEIN SLOVAKIA, s.r.o. Trenčín Assoc. Prof. Barborák DSPTMT 4. Solution of winding textile ropes of greater diameters when machine Herzog 65829 is employed GLEISTEIN SLOVAKIA, s.r.o. Trenčín Assoc. Prof. Barborák DSPTMT 5. Solution of networks fixing when twisting ČOUMOT, s.r.o. Assoc. Prof. Barborák DSPTMT 6. Elaboration of changes in drawing documentation RTK – 4 Konštrukta – Industry, a.s. Trenčín Ing. Kacko DTMMP 7. Constitution of the company BOST – TnU, s.r.o. for research, development and education in the field of CNC technologies BOST SK a.s. Trenčín Ing. Lacho FST 8. Noise damping of axial piston pump PV 075 POCLAIN HYDRAULICS Slovakia, s.r.o. Assoc. Prof. Turza DTMMP 9. Testing of suitable drilling tools when drilling abrasive resistant high strength steels M&V Slovakia, s.r.o. Púchov Assoc. Prof. Híreš DTME 10. Analysis of strength properties of bayonet joint CP ZTS-LR NaJUS Assoc. Prof. Turza DTMMP 11. Solution of tools renovation used for automated workplace for cutting textiles EYBL Slovakia, s.r.o. Assoc. Prof. Barborák DSPTMT 12. Cooler of rubber semiproducts KonštruktaIndustry, a.s. Assoc. Prof. Turza DTMMP 13. Increase in lifetime of cutters for tyre cord rubber semiproducts KonštruktaIndustry, a.s. Assoc. Prof. Híreš DTME 14. Analysis of cutting tools for tyre cord cutting KonštruktaIndustry, a.s. Assoc. Prof. Híreš DTME 15. Material analyses for spectrometers in certified laboratory BOST, a.s. Trenčín Ing. Barényi DTME 34 Scientific and research profile of the Faculty of Nursing Assoc. prof. MUDr. Ján Bielik, PhD. Faculty of Nursing was established in 2004. Its main role is education of qulified nurses nad laboratory medicine assistants. Although the education is dominant the Faculty has many activities in science and research, too. We can show some of them to ilustrate the basis of scientific and research profile of our Faculty. Research projects Ministry of Health Prevention of Nosocomial Infection in Health Care, PNI The main objective is to reduce the incidence of nosocomial infections in health care by improving quality of nurses´ hand hygiene. Health care workers´ hand hygiene is the basic indicator of quality of provinding health care in reducing nosocomial infections. We want to point out that nurses´ hand hygiene has an important consequence in prevention of nosocomial infection in health care. We want to find what knowledge, attitudes and habits in hand hygiene nurses have. Outcome of this research period will be the presentation of finding results at conference. Then the specific hand hygiene education for nurses will be realized which would support the permanent change in nurses´ knowledge, attitudes and practices in hand hygiene. This education is the specific intervention of improving of health care quality in prevention of nosocomial infections. Finding research results will be implemented in undergraduate and postgraduate nursing education. 35 Principal investigator: Bielik Ján, MD, PhD., assof. prof. List of scientific co-workers: Gulášová Ivica, Červenanová Eva, Mgr., Gerlichová Katarína, Mgr., Grabczak Pavol, PhDr., PhD., Jurdíková Kamila, PhDr., Kašcák Marián, MUDr., Kvasnicová Zuzana, Mgr., Matišáková Iveta, PhDr., Mišinová Mariana, Mgr., Šimovcová Darina, Mgr. Project proposal was sent to the Ministry of Education of Slovak Republic on the July 2, 2007. Educational projects Ministry of Health Preparation for Mentorship The Faculty of Health of Alexander Dubček University in Trenčín has applied the Ministry of Health for accreditation of lifelong education course ´Preparation for Mentorship´. The course will be suitable for health care professionals – nurses. At the time when we are experiencing dynamic increase of nursing student in bachelor daily study programme, our faculty needs mentors. Nursing study is accomplished not only at university, but also in health care facilities.The object of course is to prepare qualified nurses for supervising and teaching the students in naturaly setting of health care facilities and facilitate the student’s development of knowledge and understanding of nursing practice skills. Project proposal was sent to the Ministry of Health on the July 18, 2007. Research projects Ministry of Education VEGA (Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education of Slovak Republic and the Academy of Sciences) Improving the Quality of Nurses´ Hand Hygiene in Prevention of Hospital Infections in Hospital Health Care The main goal of project is to find nurses´ knowledge, attitudes and habits of hand hygiene practices, which is significant part of barrier nursing technique. Hands are the riskiest and the most spreading way of infection transmission. Hand hygiene of hospital workers is the main indicator of hospital health care quality. The outcome of the project will be to underline the importance of prevention of hospital infections in hospital health care. We will realize education of nurses about hand hygiene. The other outcome will be presentation of research results at conferenc- es. We would like to implement acquired research knowledge into undergraduate education of nurses and write ´Handbook of Hand Hygiene for Nurses´. Principal investigator: MD,PhD., assoc. prof. Bielik Ján, List of scientific co-workers: Gulášová Ivica, Červenanová Eva, Gerlichová Katarína, Jurdíková Kamila, Kašcák Marián, Kvasnicová Zuzana, Matišáková Iveta, Mišinová Mariana, Šimovcová Darina. Project proposal was sent to the Ministry of Education of Slovak Republic on the March 29, 2007. 36 Scientific and research profile in papers Economical effectiveness of chronic hepatitis C by peginterferon alfa-2b and ribavirin – slovak pharmacoeconomical study countries with more advanced economies. The treatment of chronic hepatitis C with peginterferon alfa-2b and ribavirin in Slovakia is cost-effective based on pharmacoeconomic calculations. Igor Hužička, MD., Ján Bielik, MD, PhD., Assoc.prof.. Key words: chronic hepatitis C, peginterferon alfa-2b, pharmacoeconomics, cost of disease, cost-effectiveness of therapy. Goal: To investigate the cost-effectiveness of therapy of chronic hepatitis C with peginterferon alfa-2b and ribavirin in the context of the Slovak healthcare system. Published: Čes. a Slov. Gastroenterol. A Hepatol., 60,2006,2,p.83-89. Methods: We retrospectively obtained clinical data on the cost of treatment in 140 patients with chronic hepatitis C or advanced chronic liver disease of other etiology. Life-time cost of untreated and treated chronic hepatitis C was calculated using the Markov model and cost-effectiveness of antiviral therapy was evaluated by cost per life-year saved (LYS) analysis. Results: The average medical cost per patient-year in case of chronic hepatitis C not treated with antiviral drugs, compensated cirrhosis, complicated cirrhosis, and after liver transplantation was 19,361 Sk (Slovak crowns), 31, 019 Sk, 187,252 Sk, and 327,530 Sk, respectively. The cost per life-year saved using 3 % discounting was 105,740 Sk in the average group of patients and 191,310 Sk in patients with genotype 1. In patients with genotype 2 and 3 antiviral treatment would result in a life-time cost saving of 16,490 Sk per patient. Conclusion: The cost of treatment of chronic hepatitis C and other chronic liver diseases in Slovakia is comparable with 37 Costs of pen (Novopen® 3 ) versus syringe in the treatment of diabetes mellitus type 2. A pharmacoeconomic study from the Slovak Republic Ján Bielik, Noman Ehsan, Jozef Lacka, Pavol Ondrejka, Miroslav Pastucha Objectives: There is 5.3 % prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) in Slovakia. The treatment ratio is: 47.6 % of patients are in a diet group, 30.8 % in PAD group and 21.6 % in an insulin group. The average drug costs were estimated about 232 Euro per 1 patient per 1 year in 2005. The cost proportion of PAD was estimated on 60% of total direct costs, hospital care- 7 %, out-patient care- 7 %, laboratory tests12 % and SMBG (self-monitoring of blood glucose) - 14 %. Methods. Direct medical costs and non direct costs were evaluated in retrospective randomized study in a group of patients with DM type 2. 48 patients were treated with intensive insulin therapy (IIT) by insulin pen (NovoPen® 3) in comparison with 28 patients treated with conventional therapy (CT) e.g. not more than twice a day. The study evaluated: A, General parameters: - gender, - weight, - BMI, - work ability, - level of education, - physical activity, B, Specific parameters: - duration of DM, - hypoglycemia, - retinopathy, - nephropathy, - cerebrovascular disease, - peripheral artery disease, - hypertension and dyslipidemia, and C, Economic parameters: in out-patient general and special care, - hospital care, - drugs, - laboratory exams. Results: The significant differences (p<0,05,s) was occurred in age: 53,19 in IIT group vs 55,11 in CT group and in the level of cholesterol: 6,14 vs 6,65. IIT had lower HbA1C: 7,77 % vs 8,0%, but without statistical difference (ns). Duration of DM was 113.51 months in IIT and 147.67 months in CT (s). The IIT group had lower number of out-patient visits – 26,06 vs 30,25 (ns), but more frequently visited diabetologists- 6,82 vs 5,43 (s) and nephrologists- 6,5 vs 3,22 (s) and less frequently angiologists- 1,0 vs 3,75 (s). The hospital costs were higher in IIT- 568 Euro vs 511 Euro (ns). The laboratory costs were lower in IIT – 133 Euro vs 167 Euro (ns). IIT had higher costs for reimbursed drugs, glucometers and insulin pens by Health Insurance Companies1065 Euro vs 1024 Euro (ns). No statistical difference was occurred in patients´ copayments- 99 Euro vs 100 Euro. The other patients´ costs; like travel, other drugs, medical devices were 124 Euro vs 125 Euro (ns). Indirect patients´ costs based on time loss were 185 Euro vs 227 Euro (s). The total costs per 1 patient per 1 year were 1972 Euro in IIT vs 1964 Euro in CT. The difference was only 9 Euro (ns). Conclusions: The treatment of DM type 2 with insulin pen NovoPen® 3 is clinically and economically effective in comparison to the treatment with syringe. The estimated costs of LYS are 4759 Euro in men and 6519 Euro in women per patient with DM in Slovakia. Published: Pharmacoeconomics and Drug Policy, 3, 2007, 2. Chronic fatigue syndrome and chronic fatigue Bielik J., Durdíková Z., Durdíková Z. ml., Mateička F. The group of 21 patients with chronic fatique dominant symtpomatology was analysed. There were 6 men in average age of 34,2 years and 15 women in average age of 39,0. The duration of symptomatology was in average 3,7 years. 15 pacients suffered with mild fatique, 5 patients suffered with moderate fatique and 1 patient had severe fatique. The others mostly frequent symptoms were: pain of knuckles- 10 times, mild temperature8, haedache- 7, dyspepsia- 5, sleep disturbances- 4, diarrhea- 4, sweatness- 3, dysuria- 3. The accompanying diagnoses from other medical discipines were: neurology- 20 times, psychiatry- 15, otorhinolaryngology- 11, gastroenterology- 11, alergology- 9, gynecology- 8, endocrinology- 7, carfdiology- 5. We supposed, the psychiatric diagnosis was the main cause of fatique in 8 patients, the combination of diagnoses was the cause in 9 patients, and idiopathic fatique e.g. chronic fatique syndrome had 4 patients. Chronic fatique syndrome seems to be the complex nosologic unit. It is characterised by prolonged durationand it is occured mostly in young 38 and middle-aged people. The optimal way for diagnostic process is short stay in hospital, on internal department, in collaboration with qualified and engaged experts from others medical disciplines. Key words: Chronic fatigue – Chronic fatigue syndrome Published: Interná med., 5,2005,5,3006309 Genetic polymorphisms in ctla-4, ace and vntr polymorphism of il-1ra genes in the inflammatory bowel disease gene does seem to be a suceptibility confering gene. Allele and genotype frequencies of IL – 1 RA gene were significantly different in IBD patients, but in this case for valid results a larger cohort is needed (3rd Middle European Gastroenterology Meeting, Bad Aussee,Austria, July 2,2004). This invited lecture contents 6 references. Maintaining remission of ulcerative colitis with the probiotic Escherichia coli nissle 1917 is as effective as with standard mesalazine Kascak M., Jesenska L, Pullmann R.Jr., Skerenova M., Hybenova J.,, Bezayova K., Horakova M., Lukac L., Katuscak I., Hyrdel R., Rusnak I., Duris I., Pullmann R. W Kruis, P Frič, J Pokrotnieks, M Lukáš, B Fixa, M Kaščák, M A Kamm, J Weismueller, C Beglinger, M Stolte, C Wolff, J. Schulze The genetic polymorphism of the receptor of activated T cells (CTLA-4), an angiotensin-I converting enzyme (ACE) and the interleukin 1 gene family (IL-1 RA) genes were tested in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). These genes are possibly involved in dysfunctional/ autoimmune response to environmental agents. Evidence exists for the pathogenic role of the enteric flora in inflammatory bowel disease. Probiotics contain living microorganisms which exert health effects on the host. We compared the efficacy in maintaining remission of the probiotic preparation Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 and established therapy with mesalazine in patients with ulcerative colitis. Sixty four patients (38 with Crohn´s diseases and 26 with ulcerative colitis) were tested. In total, 327 patients were recruited and assigned to a double blind, double dummy trial to receive either the probiotic drug 200 mg once daily (n = 162) or mesalazine 500 mg three times daily (n = 165). The study lasted for 12 months and patients were assessed by clinical and endoscopic activity indicies (Rachmilewitz) as well as by histology. The primary aim of the study was to confirm equivalent efficacy of the two drugs in the prevention of relapses. Any significant correlation of studied poymorphisms and disease severity, activity, relapsing tendency, abdominal surgery and extraintestinal manifestation was found. No differences in either genotype or allele distribution of ACE gene was nofirmed. More frequent G allele of CTLA – 4 gene (p=0,02) and more homozygous IBD patients (p=0,04) were observed. This 39 The per protocol analysis revealed relapses in 40/110 (36,4%) patients in the E coli Nissle 1917 group and 38/112 (33,9%) in the mesalazine group (significant equivalence p = 0,003) Soubgrup analyses showed no differences between the treatment groups in terms of duration and localisation of disease or pretrial treatment. Safety profile and tolerability were very good for both groups and were not different. The probiotic drug E coli Nissle 1917 shows efficacy and safety in maintaining remission equivalent to the gold standard mesalazine in patients with ulcerative colitis. The effectiveness of probiotic treatment futher underlines the pathogenetic significance of the enteric flora (Gut 2004; 53:1617-1623). This article contents 43 references. HJV gene mutations in European patients with juvenile hemochromatosis SG Gehrke, A Pietrangelo, M Kaščák, A Braner, m Eisold, H Kulaksiz, T Herrmann, U Hebling, K Bents, R Gugler, W Stremmel A large variety of mutations within the genes encoding hepcidin (HAMP) and hemojuvelin (HJV) have been identified in patients with the severe iron overload disorder juvenile hemochromatosis (JH). The aim of the study was to evaluate the molecular background of JH in patients from central parts of Europe. Sequence analyses of HAMP and HJV were performed in seven JH patients from six families from Germany, Slovakia and Croatia. For detection of the G320V mutation in HJV, a rapid polymerase chain reactionbased assay was developed. No mutations were found within the HAMP gene. Six of seven (86%) JH patients carried at least one copy of the G320V mutation within the HJV gene. Four of these were homozygous for the G320V mutation. In addition, two novel HJV mutations were identified (C 119F and S328fsX337). Taken together, the present study demonstrates that molecular analysis of the HJV gene is a powerful tool for an early and reliable diagnosis of JH. As in affected patients from Greece, the G320V mutation seems to be widely distributed among JH patients from central parts of Europe. Therefore, detection of the G320V mutation could identify the majority of JH cases from these regions non-invasively (Clinical Genetics;67,May 2005, 5:425-428). This article contents 19 references. Exploration of information of lay public about the legal and ethical aspects of kidney transplantation. Ivica Gulášová , Ján Breza jr, Ján Breza, sr. The authors present the results of their exploration concentrated on finding of the information of the wide unprofessional public about the legal and ethical aspects of the kidney – transplantation. They called their attention on finding of the level of the explored fields of the given problem: the understanding of the notion of transplantation at the wide unprofessional public, the legal system at taking of the organs in the Slovac Republic, the consent with taking of kidney, 40 brain – death, the present situation in the field of kidney donation, in the categories of consent: opting – in, opting – out, required request, routine salvaging, attitude of the Church on taking of kidney. They further found out the level of confidence at the wide unprofesional public in relation to the paramedical workers – doctors with regard to fixing the clinical death, keeping the legal and ethical norms and in this relation to the health – service at creating and agreeing of the given norms. They called their attention also to psycho – social aspects of kidney was takwn from the dead giver, from the relatives, or on the contrary if they werw in the case of need ready to give the kidney to their relative. The exploration was realized in four towns in Slovakia : Bratislava, Trnava, Trenčín, Liptovský Mikuláš. The basic collection was created by 500 respondents. The main method of exploration was the questionaire - method. The answers of respondents werw examined by the content – analysis, the results of which are presented in lucid tables. In the end of the contribution the authors evaluate the work – hypotheses and present recommendation for the clinical practice in the field of the health education, reffering to the reserves in the field of mass – media – policy in the given problems. Key words: Transplantation, donation, legal aspects, basic ethical principles, informed approach, brain – death, attitude of church Publisher: Urologie pro praxi.roč.8, č.5/2007, str. 164-168, ISSN 1213-1768 41 Ethical aspects at providing of Quick Health Service Ivica Gulášová, Pavol Beňo Specific aspects emphasize great requirements on ethics of a physician and a nurse who decided to work in this field when extending urgent medicine especially prior to hospital phase. Sanitary operator is required to have special knowledges, abilities and experience as well as a will to provide help to a person afflicted by acute affection or injured by any means necessary no matter how demanding the circumstances are. A loose approach may involve a setback complications with permanent effect, eventually a death of the stricken person. when rendering health services to the person in an acute status or in the status endangering his very being. On the other hand, an approach with maximum aim at interventing may signify an overall rejuvenation and preservation of one´s life. Responsibility, a will (manfullness) to act in unpredictable situations, and the capability of making a precise decision are the features expected from the sanitary operator. A vital obligation of the physician as to provide the subject, if conscious, and his kin with necessary information regarding his well-being. After containing the state of endangering the subject´s life a proper formulated statement, and a sympathy with the subject, and his close relatives is sured to place a lojality in fortunate course of the recovery. According to our legislation, rendering health services is prior to subject´s approval, however, there are certain situations, where the patient must subordinate to the treatment. A Patient is taken into hospital approval in these occasions: when the affection is made by an indi- vidual prescription and a necessary treatment is urgent, - when the patient shows restiges of sanity, and pose a threat to himself and his neighbourhood, - there is no way of requesting the approval due to the state of health, and a urgent decision must be taken in order to save the subject´s life and well being. The patient has a right to refuse the proposed health service, particular intervention and to be taken to hospital, and his disapproval must be respected. A physician is obliged to request a written affirmation, the so-called negative letter (reverz). Such letter has a great relevance to a physician. A physician is requested to do everything he can in order to save a person´s life, but he is limited by just the disagreement of the person. When the patient rejects approval as well as signing the negative letter, it is essential that this situation will be noted down in the documentation and the signature of the subject will be substituted by a signature of the witness. Upright attributes of a physician has a great relevance in taking part in making decisions when subserving urgent assignment. It is a vital that the physician and the Emergency squad will uphold the obligatory taciturnity. Working in the area of urgent medicine is very challenging for the physician and the Emergence squad because of the requested expertness as well as his moral attributes. Accomplishment achieved by making a correct resolution in individual cases and by containing the mass occurence of injured will give the physician and the Emergence squad the rightful satisfaction from successful salvation of human lives. Key words: injured, legislation, Quick Health Service, ethics problems, legal problems Published in: Zdravotníctvo a sociálna práca. Roč.1, č.3, str. 42-43, ISSN 13369326 The difficulty of consolation in the Agency of the home nursing care Ivica Gulášová, Pavol Beňo Home nursing care is defined as a care which is provided to the person, whose health status does not require continuous providing of healthcare that is longer than 24 hours. Home nursing care is provided by nurse with applicable special education (competence) in home evirons or other familiar environs. Therefore, this type of nursing care is believed to be important and eminent element of humanization opf healthcare by rights. On the other hand it also represents self-realization for those nurses providing it. The main course of the nurses working in the Home Nursing Care Agency is to return patients (clients) with corrupted health into natural environs of his family, not the separation from home unless if it is not necessary. And the endeavour to remedy in home setting with the help of health workers, social workers spiritual workers and the family. Historically, home nursing care is the oldest form of providing a care and in chronological expression it takes the first place. Appart from the education, satisfaction from a debt of the patient in home environs in a maximum standard is the component of these healthcare. The component of immediate (direct) nursing care is immediate contact between nurse and patient (client) when the nurse makes nursing diagnosis on the basis of anamnesis which emanate from actually or potential requirements of patients. 42 In case of homenursing, when paliative nursing care is provided by a nurse, the important moment is also moribund family care . The disability to sacrifice with the loss of beloved person evokes irrational reactions, shock or aggressiveness. Suitable intervention in this case is tranquillisation and explanation. After the dying the nurse let the family small take leave and terminates (finish) the care at dead body of patient. According to our experiences the home nursing care is effective, needed and requisites. These care considers all aspects of nursing care, respects the individuallity of patient/client, his requisites, enables claiming the rights of patient/client. These care provides very and high-human nursing care in which the basis principles of nursin care are projected, filled and on-line realized. Key words: individual nursing care, home nursing care, communication, quality of nursing care, humanity care Published in: Zdravotníctvo a sociálna práca. Roč.1, č.3, str. 43-44, ISSN 13369326 Conflict situation in community nursing Ivica Gulášová, Pavol Beňo In order to understand conflict situations originating within the area of community nursing, we must at first say, what role the community nursing represents in nursing. The community nursing is focused on primary, secondary and consecutive care on individuals, families and groups in the community. The role of community nursing is prevention, consolidation, health restoration in individuals, families and groups in the community. Commu- 43 nity nursing interferes with all areas of human life from birth to death. Because of the various groups and individuals, it is natural, that conflict situations originate also in healthcare service. In some cases, i tis very difficult to prevent those conflict situations. The Conflict is an usualevent, normal component of our daily life. I tis clear, that no every conflict has not every conflict will have pathogen effect to patient/client. It depends on personal development of nurse, from her psycho-social maturity. It is possible, that the patient is less mature than the nurse, eventually the patient had be acting immature in the light of consequences of the disease. In this case, the interaction with the patients can be difficult, hindered and uncertain. Social mature affects the behavior of individuals in various situations. The nurse should be aware of her behaviour being an image of her personality showed to community, to the patients and their families in the first place. The conflicts can be originate when the individual wants something else than the other members of group (nurse, physician, phamily). The conflict can be originate also between nurse and patient, but also between one another nursing sister (when opposite sights, e.g. on healthcare exists). And there is a place for nurse personality, her ability to accept and transfer the informations on wide basis in a various modes (verbal, nonverbal, immediate, etc.) to the individual or complete groups in the community. Some experts indicates the bilateral relationship between nurse and patient as interpersonal relation, other as therapeutic relation or help relation. The helping is a process by which one person helps the another person to solve his problems and meet the crisis situations on the life´s career. The persons participating on this relation are designated as persons providing or persons receiving the help. The nurse is a person providing the help (health service) and the patient is a person receiving the help. There are situations, which can be only hard change by a nurse sister. It is needed, these ineligible situations originating in interaction between the nurse and patient to change or influence by desirable mode. Contemporary nursing practice unambigously requires counterweighted and harmonic relationship between the nurse and patient. This relationship must be based on bilateral understanding and complementation. The goal of good relationship is movement to patient, his needments, to participate on his benefit. Key words: conflict situations, community nursing, primary nursing care, secondary nursing care,interpersonal relations Published in: Zdravotníctvo a sociálna práca. Roč.1, č.3, str. 44-45, ISSN 13369326 Ethical aspects of caring for patients treated by chemotherapy Zuzana Kvasnicová In the article the author concentrates on the ethical aspects of nursing care for patients treated by chemotherapy. She lists four basic ethical principles that should be adhered to by a nurse in providing nursing care of patients undergoing chemotherapy. At the same time she interlinks them with currently valid legislation in Slovakia. The purpose of the contribution is to draw attention to the fact that the patients is a suffering human being whose authonomy and right should be greatly respected with a good intention not to make his/her any harm. Published in: Ošetrovateľský obzor, vol. IV, No 1-2, 2007, p. 19 ISSN 1336-5606 Senior´s Nutritional Problems Iveta Matišáková, Katarína Gerlichová, Mariana Mišinová The nutrition of elderly people is a complex problem. We can´t limit this problem only to food – intake. It is needed to judge functional capabilities of older patients to solve own nutritional problem themselves. We have to assess their particulary or total dependence in instrumental daily life activities. In many cases special nutritional care is provided within nursing care. Many physiological changes that are part of the normal aging process happen in gastrointestinal system. The age-related changes of gastrointestinal system can affect senior´s food – intake. A nurse, who takes care of elderly people, would know these changes and related nutritional problems to provide quality nursing care. Published in: Sestra, vol. 5., No 11-12, 2006, p. 40 ISSN 1335-9444 44 Institute of natural and human sciences and his scientific results prof. Ing. Ján Garaj, DrSc. I nstitute of natural and human science content 8 departments, namely: Department of mathematic Department of physics Department of chemistry and biochemistry Department of political and social sciences Department of languages Department of pedagogy Department of physical and sport The Joint Glass Centre Research activity of the Institute has 2 main goals: research activity is confused on the teaching as well as oriented on the acceleration of the respective research. Our attention in this paper is focused on the following five subjects. 1. The Joint Glass Centre of the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín, and RONA j.s.c. exists under the direction of prof. Marek Liška and assoc. prof. Dušan Galusek since 2001. At that time, after many transformation, the centre known also as Vitrum Laugaricio (or VILA), became an example of cooperation between Academy, a University and the industrial sphere, by entry of the third partner, Glassworks RONA j.s.c. Each partner in the Centre plays an irreplaceable role: Institute of Inorganic Chemistry (and Slovak Academy of Sciences) represent fundamental research, and provides a significant part of its potential for the tasks of applied research for industrial part- 45 ners, and for education of highly qualified scholars in the field of ceramic materials and glass. The main task of the University is defined by its position as the institution of high education and in the centre represents especially the education of experts in the field of glass and oxide ceramics. The employees of VILA regularly provide their expertise as supervisors of diploma and PhD theses. The Centre has accredited the study programme Chemistry and chemical technology of production of glass and advanced ceramic materials within the study area 5.2.18 Chemical technologies. The Centre also participates at the PhD. study programme Inorganic technologies and non-metallic materials within the study area 5.2.19 Inorganic technologies and materials. The corresponding level of education in both programmes is guaranteed by prof. Marek Liška. Accreditation of both these programmes was prerequisite for approval of the right to appoint professors in the study area 5.2.19 Inorganic technologies and materials. This right was granted to the Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín in January 2007. The industrial partner RONA j.s.c. Lednické Rovne supports the Centre financially, provides research tasks and problems from glass technology, and mediates the contacts with other glassworks both in Slovakia and abroad. Important is also its contribution to educational process, especially providing the student the opportunity to carry out practical training, supervising diploma works, and also by direct participation of its employees in teaching. Up to date experimental equipment in the Centre is, together with good qualification and age structure of its employees, and excellent starting point for solving various task of applied and fundamental research. From among the projects solved in the Centre we can mention development and optimisation of phosphate glasses used for landmine detector, in the frame of the 5FP, participation at the NATO SfP project focused on development of ceramic cutting tools for machining of ultra hard alloys, or coordination of the NATO SfP project dealing with development of glasses and transparent ceramics for ballistic applications. The centre is also proud of successful development of a new crystal glass for the RONA glassworks, which contains no toxic barium. The project was funded by APVV, and the new glass is patent protected. Important financial contribution reflected in significant modernisation and development of experimental basis of the Centre represented the project focused on investigation of chemical durability of glass fibers used as thermal insulation in nuclear power plants. The project was funded by the French institute for radiation protection and nuclear safety IRSN Paris, France. At present the Centre participates in three APVV projects, which are focused on optimisation of EUTAL glass melting for the glassworks Johns Manville in Trnava, Slovakia, development of advanced ceramics for highly corrosive environments, and development of alumina ceramic electrodes for generation of co-planar diffusive plasma discharge in cooperation with the Faculty mathematics, physics and informatics of the Comenius University in Bratislava. The project of applied research funded by the Slovak ministry of education focused on determination and relaxation of stresses in glass products is a joint effort of all three partners in the Centre. For a Centre, which employs only 9 scientists it is vital to maintain close contacts and cooperation with partner institutions both in Slovakia and abroad. In this context we can mention especially well established cooperation with partners in Czech Republic (VŠChT Praha, University of Pardubice, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences), in Germany (TU Darmstadt, TU Karlsruhe, Otto Schott Institute FSU Jena), in UK (University of Leeds, Imperial College London), in France (IRSN Paris), in Russia (Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute St. Petersburg), and in Ukraine (Institute for Single Crystal, Kharkov). As to the future, the Centre plans further expansion in terms of scientific personnel, number of laboratories, and teaching and research activities. The future research activities will be determined by the needs of industry, but also by novel trends in the research of non-metallic inorganic materials, especially oxide glasses and advanced ceramics. 2. The research program of the Department chemistry and biochemistry is oriented to the copper and its compounds. Copper is widely distributed in Nature in native deports and as salts. The Roman empire obtained its copper requirements from Ascyrium. An island now know as Cyprus, and this gave rise to both the name and symbol for copper (Cu). The chemistry of copper compounds has been extensively investigated and the relationship between structure and reactivity ranging from industrial catal ysis to biomedical activity, is of major importance. Although copper in oxiation 46 state +2 is the most common by far (also in bio-systems), other known oxidation states observed +1, +3 and +4, and of these copper(I) is the most common. The overwhelming majority of X-ray studies of transition metal compounds are of copper compounds. Over ten thousand structural studies of copper compounds have been carried out. We classified and analyzed structural parameters of these copper complexes. We found several cooperative effects and relationship between the CuL, Cu-Cu bond distances, L-Cu-L and CuL-Cu bond angles, stereochemistry, geometry oxidation state of copper, donor atom(s) of a ligand(s), etc. On the basis of observated data we made some general conclusions which improved knowledge of copper complexes for both chemistry and biology. For example, stereochemistry about cooper is „ sensitive“ on the oxidation state of copper as central atom. Copper(I) complexes exist with coordination number range from 1 to 5, from wich 3 and 4 are most common. In the series of copper(II) complexes the coordination number range from 3 to 8, from which 4, 5 and 6 by far prevail. Coordination about copper(III) is much narrow, 4 and 5, with the former most common. Stereochemical configuration about copper is also „ sensitive“ on the oxidation state of the copper. In the series of four– coordinated species: Cu(I) are tetrahedral, Cu(II) tetrahedral and square- planar and Cu(III) square – planar. Colouration of copp per complexes come be darkness with an increases of the oxidation state: Cu(I) are mostly colourless, Cu(II) blue or green, and Cu(III) black. Distortion isomers, differing only by degree of distortion in Cu – L bond distances and L – Cu – L bond angles, are the most numerous. Cis-trans 47 isomers exist only with the heterobidentate chelate ligands and are very seldom. Copper organometallics are rarity. Copper is the third most abundant metallic element in the body, following iron and zinc. All other animals, as well as man, possesses homeostatic mechanism, for absorption, transport, utilization and excretion of copper and in man at least two lethal, hereditary disorders of copper metabolism, Wilson`s disease and menkes kinky hair syndrome are known. Copper and some of its compounds play a vital role in a number of quite differential processes. For example, copper sulphate (blue vitriol) is often added to water to stop algae on fungal growth and other copper preparations are used to spray on dust plants to protect them from lower organisms and insectes. Copper compounds are not generally toxic to human beings, except in massive quantities. Our daily diet normally includes from 2 to 5 mg of copper. Its metabolism is altered in acute on chromic degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis and rheumatiod arthritis in parallel with an increased plasma copper level in patients. Moreover, these inflammatory diseases and also physiological stresses are associated in inflamed tissues with an increase of superoxide dismutase concentration. This enzyme catalyzes the disproponation of the toxic superoxide anion O2− into mo lecular dioxygen and hydrogen peroxide H2O2 and may play a role in disease remission. The interaction of the copper ions with drugs administered for therapeutic reasons is of our considerable interest. Namely we used salycilates, fenamates, propionates and their derivates. Mostly are a nonster- oidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) that exhibit anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic properties but they have the undesirable side effects of inducing gastrointestinal exceleration and hemorhages. Numerous studies have been undertaken in order to reduce the side effects has been the use of d-block metal complexes of the NSAIDs as therapeutic agents. It is well known the d-block metal ion copper(II) can act as anti-inflammatory agent in its own right. tures, in which copper(II) atoms are five – and six – coordinated. The structures are complex and were analysed and classified. In spite of the fact, that coordination number five in the chemistry of copper is less common than numbers four and six, is still very important. There are two types of geometries. In one case the ligand atoms lie at the vertices of a trigonal bipyramide (3 + 2) and in the other at the vertices of a square pyramide (4 + 1). The latter is more common than the former. We prepared over 300 of newer copper(II) complexes with the NSAIDs of the general formula CuX2L and CuX2L2 where X is NSAID and L is water, dimethylformamide, dimethysulphoxide, ronicol, nicotineamide and its derivates, etc. All these copper(II) complexes were characterised by elemental analyses, spectral (electronic, infrared, electron-paramagnetic resonance), thermal and magnetic methods. Over one hundred of the complexes were studied also by X-ray crystallography. The crystal structures of CuX2L complexes are dimeric and polymeric. The former which is by far prevails exhibit a dimeric paddal-wheel structures containing either a CuO4O or CuO4N chromophore, gave the following results. All the distorted square pyramidal coordination spheres contain a copper(II) atom displaced 0.165 – 0.225 and 0.184 – 0.322 Å from the basal O4 plane in CuO4O and CuO4N chromophores, respectively. The Cu – Cu distances were in the range 2.579 – 2.702 and 2.603 – 2.886 Å for the CuO4O and CuO4N chromophores, respectively. There were found several relationships between the structural parameters and physical properties of the dimeric Cu(II) complexes, which were analysed and discussed. The latter are polymeric struc- In the series of Cu(II) derivatives with a square pyramidal configuration, deviation of Cu(II) from the basal plane toward on apical donor atom range from 0.08 to 0.406 Å. Most common an apical donor atom ligand is oxygen. In the series of six – coordination about Cu(II) atoms is tetragonal – bipyramidal geometry (4 + 2) most common, again mostly with O-donor atoms in an axial positions. The crystal structures of CuX2L2 complexes are monomeric and polymeric. The former structures which by far prevail, contain a copper(II) atoms in a tetragonal – bipyramidal environment. Spectral and magnetic properties correspond well with the structures. The polymeric structures are complex, derive from the plasticity of an „ electronic shell“ of Cu (II) atom. A key step in understanding the biological function of these complexes was to established their structures and to investigated the relative stabilities of the monomeric, dimeric and polymeric arrangements as well as the physical properties. The antimicrobial effects of the complexes have been tested on various strains of bacteria, yeasts and filamentous fungi. The sensitivity of gram positive bacteria S. Aureus to the tested compounds was 48 two times higher than that of gram negative bacteria E. coli. Copper(II) complexes vary greatly in their antifungal activity. For example, C. parapsilosis was greatly inhibited by some monomeric copper(II) complexes. Some dimeric copper(II) complexes influenced the colony morphology of A. alternata. Changes of colony colour were probably caused by defects in biosynthesis of melanin. Ramification effect: on growing hyphal tips of B. cinerea was observed for some monomeric and dimeric copper(II) complexes, the fungies most sensitive to tested compounds was M. Gypseum. It was found that the copper(II) NSAID complexes have a higher bio-activity than NSAID itself and have improved physicochemical characteristics. On the other hand, they exhibit a lower toxicity than inorganic forms of copper. It is known, that NSAID´s inhibit the biosynthesis of prostaglandin and has an inhibitory action of prostaglandin receptors. There is correlation between the volume of prostaglandin and pain, higher volume more pain in the process of reumatoid diseases. Our own interest in the near future centers on certain copper(II) NSAID complexes that have been identified as possessing significant bio-activity. We will focussed our atention on biosynthesis of prostaglandin on the altered copper(II) metabolism in carcinogenesis and in a variety of neoplastics diseases measurement of Cu – Zn SOD activity in tumour cells. To investigate the cytotoxic and cytostatic activity of representative complexes in vitro and in vivo. To single out the complex species responsible for the observed activity (if any) to find out (if possible) structure – activity correlations. 49 3. Department of political and social sciences shares in creating a political nation. Political sciences education have been spread in Slovakia since 1990. It´s usefulness was multiplied when the Slovak Republic has become a member of the EU. In the past, political sciences were not taught, and that fact created a serious handicap. The ability to fill the demand for clerks for EU offices in Brussels is limited because of unpreparedness of applicants. Applicants may be able to meet language requirements, but their professional skills are not that good. In Slovakia, teaching of political sciences has started a century later compared to Western Europe and the U.S.A, and consequences of such time lag have appeared there. We, at Trenčín University, want to combine quality and quantity in preparation of politically educated young people. It is not just a requirement of the EU to have enough resources educated in political sciences. It is also a question of stability and development of democracy. Transformation of an ethnic nation into the political one requires citizens to have higher-level abilities to participate in political processes, to understand politics, and to influence political development. The Department of Political and Social Sciences, where future experts are being prepared, has developed an educational program compatible with European ones. That program has been accepted by several universities across the EU. Entering into cooperation with universities in the EU with the aim of the common educational program is an important step towards improving and maintaining high-level educational process. This way, political sciences graduates from our University can obtain multiple diplomas, and they can have an opportunity to complete few semesters at foreign universities. The system of „joint degree“ enables permanent cooperation of universities, and it makes study programs more attractive. One part of this process is also transformation of the whole study program of political sciences at our university into world languages, primarily into the English. That way, our educational process can become more compatible with cooperative universities in other countries of the EU. At this stage of the start, our lecturers are well prepared to enter that ambitious process, and their skills and abilities will improve based on the level of cooperation with other universities and especially with those in foreign countries. In research activities the Department of political and social sciences is participles in solving 2 projects: Ethics in Society and Sociology of Politic. 4. The Department of Languages belonging to the Institute of Natural Sciences and Humanities of Alexander Dubček University of Trenčin is involved in the research of field-specific language competences. The research areas are academia, management, business and engineering. Four European universities are involved in the international research project: the University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia, Alexander Dubcek University of Trencin, Slovakia, the University of Tubingen, Germany and the University of Navarra in Pamplona, Spain. At the Lisbon European Summit in March 2000, the European Union set itself the goal “...to become the most competitive and dynamic knowledgebased economy in the world, capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion…” (Lisbon European Council 2000: 2) by 2010. Making a reality of this commitment includes a raft of initiatives to encourage people to move around the European Union in order to maximise their studying, working and lifestyle opportunities. Competitiveness can be reached only by putting skilled people where the jobs are. Since free movement of persons is one of the fundamental freedoms guaranteed by Community laws, every citizen of the European Union has a right to live and every citizen will have a right to work in another Member State without being discriminated. It is true to say that whatever one’s experience and skills are, the knowledge of foreign languages is the most important requirement to find a good job throughout the European Union. Speaking other European languages is the key to real mobility because “The Union needs a mobile workforce.”(Promoting Language Learning and Linguistic Diversity 2002: 6). Of course, benefits of language learning do not lie exclusively in employability. Everybody should be encouraged to carry on learning foreign languages for pleasure, personal development, for travel abroad and way of making new friends, or simply as a way of keeping the brain active. After all, language learning can be fun and it can be an ideal approach to learning about other cultures. Finally, it is generally true that competence in foreign languages is an indicator of social status throughout the European Union. The higher a person’s level of education, the more likely one speaks one or more foreign languages. 50 The main objective of language policy of the European Union lies in language learning and linguistic diversity and was promoted mainly the Action Plan 20042006: Promoting Language Learning and Linguistic Diversity: an Action Plan 2004 – 2006 launched by European Commission in July 2003. The message of the Action Plan resulted from the Barcelona European Council in March 2002: “...to improve the mastery of basic skills, in particular by teaching at least two foreign languages from a very early age...” (Barcelona European Council 2002: 19). It means that learning two foreign languages in addition to mother tongue is taken for optimum and the younger one starts, the better. In the context of language learning promotion, the heads of States and Governments in Barcelona in March 2002 noted the lack of data evaluating citizens’ actual language skills and demanded the establishment of a European indicator of language competence. Such an indicator was intended to provide valuable information for decision-makers in the education as well as training systems. There is a great variety of tests and certificates of language skills throughout Europe constructed in different ways. These differences make the comparison of language skills between individuals difficult and do not enable to determine the objective level of proficiency. For that reason, it is hard for employers to assess the language skills of the applicants for a particular position, for schools and universities to decide on mobility participants etc. This naturally leads to reduction of credibility and portability of language examination results that may hinder the free movement of workers and students between Member 51 States. Since one of the aims of the European Commission is to increase mobility of working force and thus contribute to creation of the most competitive knowledge-based economy in the world. The endeavour to standardise language competences, two significant documents published by the Council of Europe contributed to standardised assessment of language skills: Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (A-C levels of language command) and the European Language Portfolio. While A and B levels are permanently completed by new analyses, C levels analyses relatively fall behind with the detailed descriptors of language competences. The above information provides a necessary insight into the issue of language competences. When referring to HEI level and employability, it is obviously C level of CEFR we talk about. In addition, mastering 2+ languages at “working” level (i.e. for purposes of studies and employment) requires the language learning and teaching to be systematic, structured and efficient to allow for quick and focused acquisition of the needed language competences. And thus, all involved parties – learners, language programmes deliverers, in-class language teachers, language policy makers as well employers must understand what language competences should and can be acquired in a time period. Not only standardisation of language competences is crucial in this respect then, but also the transparency of the descriptors and indicators of the competences in question must be secured. The last, but not least, aspect to the acquisition of language competences lies in benchmarking. How can language pro- grammes be improved? Sound competition, learning from best practices embodies the only way of achieving progress. Without standardisation (to know what we compare) and transparency (to understand what we compare) no development can be achieved. The international research project TALC (Transparency in the Acquired Language Competences, SK/05/B/F/LA-177427; for more information on research teams see www.euba.sk/talc) within Leonardo da Vinci scheme is aimed not only at identification of language competences, but also at publicizing the findings to ensure their transparency. The research focuses on language competences of the students in management, business and engineering at C1 CEFR level. The resulting lists of competences will be described in manuals for students, teachers/language programmes deliverers and employers to ensure that each of the involved parties understands the needed competences as identified within the research and enhances their acquisition. 4.1. Methodology Linguistic audit is used to identify the language competences in both the academic and professional spheres in the above mention fields of studies. However, the novelty of the TALC approach lies in its 2-faceted character. Based on the experience of their own, the research team decided for primary needs analysis. Interviews with open-ended questions were used in the first phase. The respondents were field-lecturers, course coordinators and student exchange coordinators as well as to-be employers. Based on the analyses of the responses, two questionnaires (one for academic and one for professional spheres) were drawn up to gain wider number of responses. Here, the analyses of the questionnaires are expected to prove or modify the results of the interviews. In addition, ranking of individual competences is also envisaged. To make the survey respondent-friendly, the genre approach (genre in this context is viewed as a type of text) is used in the research, i.e. the respondents refer to individual genres and describe individual competences within the genres. The analysis of the responses results in two thesauri of language competences in the above mentioned fields, one for academic sphere (i.e. for academic purposes), one for professional sphere (i.e. for working environment). 4.2. Preliminary results The preliminary results show that wider variety of genres is used in the professional sphere than in the academic one. While 12 genres (plus various genres within arrangements of mobility) with 62 descriptors of language competences (can do statements) were identified for the academic sphere, there were 22 genres (plus miscellaneous arrangements, such as arranging for stays abroad, visits from abroad etc.) with 93 descriptors of language competences for the professional sphere. When applying the genre approach, language competence descriptors may appear identical or similar in individual genres. In reality, however, they represent different competences. Elementary example might instantiate the difference: to be able to take notes while listening to 52 a theoretical lecture embodies a competence (conceptual level of processing information), taking notes while listening to a short practical presentation of a product (practical assessment of applicability in wider context) embodies another competence and requires a different quality of the language skill in question. First of all, the preliminary results show the complexity of the C1 level language competences identification. Without systematic needs analyses, however, the language learning and teaching of the nations’ elite will never improve. Leaving language competences development with the students and employees is unconceptual, unsystematic approach and, what is clear, pure waste of their potential and capacity. Thus, move from theoretising on language competences importance to systematic identification of standards, introduction of transparency and thus pressure on language programmes quality, change of in-class language teacher profile based on the identified needs (the teacher must be capable to teach what practice needs) and realistic expectations of the employers related to the applicants and recruits’ language competences becomes the obvious next step. TALC approach is the right answer to the next phase of the European Union language policy. 5. Research activities in Department of Physics is devoted to the micro modelling and computer simulations of materials and structures. The aim this project is oriented to the research of modelling methods for materials and their structures with accent towards the current applications in production and design processes. The objects of the modelling and micro- 53 modelling are combined magnetic, mechanical, electrical and thermodynamic physical effects. The works of project are motivated by current real requirements of other projects and by practice for utilization of materials in applications based on interactions with electromagnetic waves. Dominant research ideas are the static and dynamic thermo-mechanical effects of monocrystalic materials in combination with x-ray radiation. The content of the project is in continuity to previous scientific activities of investigator’s team and its international cooperation in frame of COST actions (COST P7 and COST MP0601) and VEGA grants. The investigations are motivated by works on research for optimization of xray optics of collaborative partners as are Synchrotron Soleil (France), Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences and Institute of Electrical Engineering of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. The used scientific methods are specific in dependence of the process appearance and nature and on expected results exploitation. The goals of project proposal are in modelling of physical effects in materials (mainly in monocrystals) and structures of various materials. The specific methods are used for implementation of physical laws to the computing algorithms of two or three dimensional models. Basic computer simulation method is the Finite elements method (FEM) applied in generally on a nonlinear ambient. The natural phenomena are always nonlinear and subject of modelling is inexhaustible. The significant results in modelling and computer simulations of x-ray interactions are: modelling and computer simulations of static thermomechanical effects on monocrystalic Silicon target for x-ray optics for monochromators. modelling and computer simulations of dynamic thermomechanical effects on silicon target with respect to pulse x-ray power absorption and its influence to x-ray diffraction. Recent investigations are oriented to the study of hysteresis in GMR structures with connection to their electrical and mechanical properties. Practical output is the analysis of mechanical straining on magnetoresistance characteristics of various GMR layer structures and utilization of observations in new type of sensors. Research of GMR layer structures is a second research programme. Physical research of giant magnetoresistance (GMR) layer structures was started in year 2000 in collaboration with Institute of Physics of Slovak Academy of Sciences in frame of VEGA grants. The aim of work is investigation of a physical phenomena connected to the internal functions of the structures and their exploitation to the new type of sensors. The significant contributions are expected in investigations of combined magnetic, mechanical and electrical properties of GMR structures. The research methods are based on practical verification of theoretical models by measurement of real structures. The works are concentrated on study of magnetic field effects in GMR nanolayers and analysis of inherent physical phenomena on external electrical properties of the structure. The hysteresis of magnetoresistance is studied by models based on Preisach hysteresis model adapted to the peculiarity of GMR layer structures. The obtained results are useful for understanding of connections between magnetic and electrical properties of the structures in dependence of their geometrical arrangement and production technology. 54 instructions for Contributors The journal publishes articles in English that describe or synthesise both theoretical and empirical research in the natural, humanitarian, social, economic and technical sciences. The articles may be of two types: papers – formal presentations of significant research results, correspondence – general comments, brief description of latest results, letters to the Editor. Apart from the main articles, each issue may also contain essays, reviews of books and international conferences held in the Slovak Republic and Russian Federation, together with a section on research reports focusing on recently completed empirical work. 1. Contributors should submit two copies of each manuscript to be considered for publication. In addition, the author should keep an exact copy so the editors can refer to specific pages and lines if question arises. The manuscript should be double-spaced with wide margins. Manuscript will not be returned except for editorial reasons. 2. The following information should be provided on the first page: the title, the author’s name and full address, an abstract - about 100 words. It should precede the text and include brief statements on the problem, method, data, and conclusions. In the case of a manuscript commenting on an article previously published in the journal, the abstract should state the topics covered and central thesis. Below an abstract the key words should be written. 3. If any of the findings reported in this manuscript have been published elsewhere, or if there are plans to use any or all of the findings in other manuscript for publication, the author(’s) should explain the intent and the circumstances at the time of first submission. 4. Reproductions of figures (graphs and charts) may be submitted for journal purposes, but figures must be supplied in their original source files if the manuscript is accepted for publication. Tables, graphs and figures should be placed on individual pages. 5. Avoid explanatory notes whenever possible by incorporating their content in the text. For essential notes, identify them by with consecutive superscripts and list them in a section titled Notes at the end of the text. 6. Principles of citation in the text. The name of the author, the year of publication and the pages in parentheses. References should be placed in the end of the article in the alphabetical order. 55 7. All manuscripts are blind reviewed. Accepted manuscripts are normally published within 6 months of the acceptance. Each author receives one complimentary copy of the issue in which his or her article appears and permission to reproduce additional copies of the article. 8. Accepted manuscript must be submitted electronically as Word file minimal formatting in Times New Roman. Do not use word-processing styles, forced section or page breaks, or automatic footnotes. E-mail tables in one separate file and figures in another separate file. Send a hard-copy version of text, tables and figures as back up. 56