The Reconnection - Spirit of Ma`at


The Reconnection - Spirit of Ma`at
The Reconnection
About the Seminars
December 5 - 6
December 7 - 8
Level I/II Seminar
Reconnective Healing
Semi-Private Level III Seminar
The Reconnection
taught by Doug De Vito
taught by The Reconnection Teaching Team
Radisson Poco Diablo Resort
Reconnective Healing
Level I: Unique in its content, this seminar is essential for both the novice as well as
the advanced practitioner. As a newcomer, you will discover how to immediately
access these new frequencies of healing. As an advanced healer, you will find that
“elusive jump” that will make all the difference in your work. Your hands will be
attuned to accept these new frequencies of healing. You will make the shift to carry
and accommodate this all-inclusive spectrum of energy, light and information. And you
will work with these highly palpable energies under direct guidance of Eric and or The
Reconnection Teaching Team. And people will respond to them, physically – and visibly
– starting on your very first day as you guide them into healing realms beyond those
previously accessible by anyone, anywhere. This is different than Reiki, Johrei, Qi Gong...
or any healing technique you’ve ever encountered. This is beyond technique!
Reconnective Kids!
Antwerp, Belgium
Level II: During this seminar, you will permanently establish a powerful connection with
the source of these healings. Subtle energy becomes obvious, easily accessible –
anything but subtle. Eric and or The Reconnection Teaching Team will work with you to
bring forth these newly cultivated energies and focus them to heal others.You will also
review self-healing, distance healing, and some elective hands-on positioning.
The Reconnection
Level III: Originally the meridian lines (sometimes called acupuncture lines) on our
bodies were connected to the grid lines that encircle the planet and intersect at
acknowledged power places such as Machu Picchu and Sedona. These lines continued
out and connected us to a vastly larger grid, tying us to the entire universe.
Each of our bodies contains its own set of energetic lines and points. Although only
remnants of what they once were, these lines and points continue to serve as our
interface with the universe: a channel that facilitates our communication of energy, light
and information between large and small, macrocosm and microcosm, the universe and
humankind. At one point in time, we became disconnected from these lines and we lost
the fullness of our inherent connection to the universe, distancing us from our
previously rapid and expansive rate of evolution. The Reconnection brings in “new”
axiatonal lines that reconnect us on a more powerful and evolved level than ever
before. These lines are part of a timeless network of intelligence, a parallel-dimensional
system that draws the basic energy for the renewal functions of the human body.
Los Angeles, CA
This course will teach you how to bring in and activate these new lines, allowing for the
exchange – beyond energy – of light and information, the reconnection of DNA strands
and the reintegration of “strings” (simultaneous – or parallel – planes of existence).
The Reconnection 2009 Seminar and Event Schedule can be viewed at:
For More Information and to Register: •
Inside the US 1 888 ERIC PEARL (1 888 374 2732) • Outside the US +1 323 960 0012