Catálogo general - Euroveterinaria
Catálogo general - Euroveterinaria
21/01/2008 10:21 PÆgina 1 Catálogo general CATALOGO.qxd Diagnóstico Laboratorial CATALOGO.qxd 21/01/2008 10:21 PÆgina 2 Enfermedades infecciosas y parasitarias Conjugados FITC para IFI Otras pruebas serológicas. Endocrinología Bioquímica húmeda Varios / Miscelánea Anticuerpos monoclonales y policlonales 3-16 16-17 17-18 18 19 20 Ácidos biliares 18 Coxiella burnetii 7 Neorickettsia risticii 8 Adenovirus canino 3 Criptococcus neoformans 8 Neospora caninum 13 Adenovirus porcino 3 Cryptosporidium 8 Newcastle, enfermedad de 13 Alergia 18 Dirofilaria inmitis 8 Panleucopenia felina 13 Aleutiana, enfermedad del visón 3 Escherichia coli enterotoxigénica 8 Parainfluenza 14 Alfa-1 glicoproteína felina 15 Echinococcus granulosus 8 Parvovirus 14 ALV (Leucosis aviar) 3 Ehrlichia canis 8 Pasteurella multocida 14 Anaplasma marginale 3 Ehrlichia risticii 8 Peritonitis infecciosa felina 15 Anaplasma phagocitophyla/Ehrlichia equi 3 Elastasa canina 17 PMSG 17 Anemia infecciosa equina 3 Encephalitozoon cuniculi 8 Progesterona 17 Anticuerpos antinucleares 17 Entamoeba histolytica 9 Prolactina 17 Arteritis-encefalitis caprina 3 Erysipelotrhrix rhusiopathieae 9 Proteína C reactiva 18 Aspergillus fumigatus 3 Factor reumatoide 17 Proteínas de fase aguda 18 Aujeszky 3 FeLV 9 Rabia 15 Babesia bigemina 4 Fiebre clásica porcina 9 Relaxina 17 Babesia bovis 4 FIP 15 Reovirus 15 Babesia canis 4 FIV 9 Rickettsia sp. 15 Babesia equi 4 Fructosamina 19 Rinotraqueitis infecciosa bovina 9 Babesia gibsoni 4 Giardia lamblia 9 Salmonella sp. 15 Babesia microti 4 Gumboro, enfermedad de 9 Septicemia hemorrágica 15 Bartonella henselae 4 Haptoglobina 18 Sexaje aves 19 BLV 11 Hemoglobina aves 19 Sorbitol deshidrogenasa 19 Border, enfermedad de 5 Herpesvirus 9 SRID Tests 15 Borrelia burgdorferi (Lyme) 4 Influenza aviar 10 T4 canina y felina 17 Bromuro 18 Inmunoglobinas en suero 18 Test de Coombs 19 BRSV 5 Leishmania infantum 10 Theileria caballi 16 Brucella abortus & melitensis 5 Lengua azul, enfermedad de 11 Theileria sp. 16 Brucella canis 5 Leptospira sp. 11 Tinciones / Citologías 19 BVDV 5 Lipasa 19 Tiras reactivas urinarias 19 Calicivirus felino 6 Listeria monocitogenes 11 Tiroglobulina (anticuerpos) 17 Candida albicans 6 Maedi-Visna 11 Toxina tetánica 18 Chlamydia psittaci 6 Mastitis 19 Toxoplasma gondii 16 Circovirus porcino 6 Medios selectivos dermatofitos 19 Transferencia pasiva anticuerpos 18 Clostridium sp. 7 Microalbuminuria 19 TSH 17 Concentradores de parásitos 19 Moquillo 11 Tuberculosis 12 Mycobacterium sp. 12 West Nile Virus 16 Conjugados FITC para IFI 16, 17 Coronavirus 7 Mycoplasma sp. 12 Anticuerpos 20 Cortisol 17 Necrosis pancreática infecciosa 13 Varios / Miscelánea 19 CATALOGO.qxd 21/01/2008 10:21 PÆgina 3 DIAGNÓSTICO DE ENFERMEDADES INFECCIOSAS Y PARASITARIAS Nota: todos los anticuerpos anti-especie conjugados FITC para Inmunofluorescencia Indirecta se encuentran al final de esta sección Anaplasma marginale (anaplasmosis bovina) ELISA VMRD 192 Tests 480 Tests 192 Tests Svanova Ref. 282-2 Ref. 282-5 Ref. 10-296002 Adenovirus canino (CAV) Anaplasma phagocitophyla / Ehrlichia equi INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA INDIRECTA MegaCor CAV1 porta12 pocillos Kit 120 Tests VMRD CAV2 porta 10 pocillos Controles para IFI MegaCor positivo 0,5ml negativo INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA INDIRECTA MegaCor porta12 pocillos perros Kit 120 Tests caballos Kit 120 Tests gatos Kit 120 Tests Controles para IFI MegaCor positivo 0,5 ml negativo Ref. C+7251 Ref. C-7251 Prueba rápida INMUNOCROMATOGRAFÍA MegaCor 10 Tests caballos Ref. FB900 PCR Genekam Ref. K097 INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA DIRECTA Conjugado directo VMRD 1 ml 10 ml Porta control VMRD 2 pocillos: + y ELISA EVL Ref. FB8171 Ref. FB817 Ref. 210-88-10-CAV Ref. C+8171 Ref. C-8171 Ref. 210-34-CAV Ref. 210-35-CAV Ref. 210-88-2-CAV 100 reacciones Anemia infecciosa equina (EIAV) perros Todas especies 96 pocillos (Ab) 96 pocillos (Ag) Dot-ELISA IMMUNOCOMB Biogal Vaccicheck 12 Tests IgG (CAV,CDV,CPV) 120 Tests CAV Especificidad 97% - Sensibilidad 98% CPV Especificidad 100% - Sensibilidad 97% CDV Especificidad 100% - Sensibilidad 95% Ref. D1003-AB01 Ref. AS1002-AG01 Ref. 50CVV101 Ref. 50CVV110 INMUNOFLURESCENCIA DIRECTA Conjugado VMRD 1 ml 10 ml ELISA EVL Todas especies 96 pocillos (Ag) ELISA VMRD 96 Tests 480 Tests Sensibilidad 100% - Especificidad 100% AGID / Test de Coggins - Inmunodifusión en gel de agar VMRD 200 Tests Ref. 400-200 ELISA BLK Ref. 210-43-PAV Ref. 210-44-PAV Ref. AS1002-AG01 96 Tests IgA/IgG/IgM PCR Genekam 100 reacciones Multiplex con Candida albicans Multiplex con Candida y Fusarium Aleutiana, enfermedad del visón Arteritis-encefalitis caprina (CAEV) PRUEBA RÁPIDA INMUNOCROMATOGRAFÍA MegaCor 10 Tests en tira Ref. FB920 5 Tests ParvoCard Ref. FB926 Ag en heces 15 Tests ParvoCard Ref. FB925 Parvovirus, todos los tipos. Sensibilidad 96,7% - Especificidad 99,9% ELISA de competición VMRD PCR Sacace 50 reacciones Ref.VET019 ALV (Leucosis aviar) Huevo, suero Telf. 918841374 - Fax: 918875465 - Telf. Portugal 914106227 Ref. C1001-AG01 192 Tests 480 Tests AGID / Inmunodifusión en gel de agar VLA Capriclear 30 Tests CAE – MAEDI VISNA 300 Tests Ref. BLK1-0900 Ref. K072 Ref. K108 Ref. K106 Ref. 289-2 Ref. 289-5 Ref. PA0269 Ref. PA0270 Aujeszky (PRV) ELISA EVL 96 Tests Ag p27 Ref. 290-1 Ref. 290-5 Aspergillus fumigatus Adenovirus porcino (PAV) ELISA EVL Ref. FB7251 Ref. FB725D Ref. FB725H Ref. FB725K Svanova vacunados 192 Tests 480 Tests 192 Tests gB Ref. P1001-AB01 Ref. P1001-AB01/05 Ref. 10-716202 - 3 CATALOGO.qxd 21/01/2008 10:22 PÆgina 4 Controles para IFI MegaCor positivo 0,5 ml negativo Ref. C+8251 Ref. C-8251 Babesia gibsoni diagnóstico vacunados Synbiotics 960 Tests 192 Tests 960 Tests 384 Tests gB gB gB gI Ref. 10-716110 Ref. 10-716202 Ref. 10-716210 Ref. ASPRV1 Babesia bigemina INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA INDIRECTA VMRD porta12 pocillos Fuller porta 12 pocillos Kit 120 Tests Controles para IFI Fuller positivo 0,5ml negativo PCR Genekam 100 reacciones Ref. 210-88-12-BBI Ref. BIG12 Ref. BIG120 Ref. C+BIG Ref. C- BIG Ref. K715 100 reacciones Ref. 210-88-12-BB0 Ref. BVG12 Ref. BVG120 Ref. FB834 Ref. K078 Babesia caballi INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA INDIRECTA Fuller porta 12 pocillos Kit 120 Tests MegaCor porta 12 pocillos Kit 120 Tests Controles para IFI Fuller positivo 0,5ml negativo MegaCor positivo 0,5ml negativo PCR Genekam negativo Ref. C-8291 100 reacciones Ref. K022 Babesia microti INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA INDIRECTA MegaCor porta12 pocillos Kit 120 Tests Controles para IFI MegaCor positivo 0,5ml negativo Ref. FB8271 Ref. FB827 Ref. C+8271 Ref. C-8271 Ref. BK12 Ref. BK120 Ref. FB8241 Ref. FB824 Ref. C+BK Ref. C-BK Ref. C+8241 Ref. C-8241 Competición192 Tests Ref. 273-2 Sensibilidad 100% - Especificidad 100% sin C+,100 reacciones Ref. K719 INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA INDIRECTA MegaCor porta12 pocillos Kit 120 Tests Telf. 918841374 - Fax: 918875465 - Telf. Portugal 914106227 INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA INDIRECTA VMRD porta110 pocillos MegaCor porta 12 pocillos Kit 120 Tests Controles para IFI VMRD positivo 1ml IgG positivo 1ml IgM MegaCor positivo 0,5ml negativo Ref. 210-88-10-BH Ref. FB6901 Ref. FB690 Ref. 211-P-BH-G Ref. 211-P-BH-M Ref. C+6901 Ref. C-6901 Borrelia burgdorferi (Enfermedad de Lyme) Babesia canis 4 Ref. C+8291 Ref. FB8291 Ref. FB829 Bartonella henselae INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA INDIRECTA VMRD porta12 pocillos porta 12 pocillos Kit 120 Tests MegaCor Kit 120 Tests ELISA VMRD Controles para IFI MegaCor positivo 0,5ml PCR Genekam Babesia bovis PCR Genekam INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA INDIRECTA MegaCor perros porta12 pocillos Kit 120 Tests Ref. FB8221 Ref. FB822 INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA INDIRECTA Fuller porta12 pocillos perros Kit 120 Tests caballos Kit 120 Tests MegaCor porta10 pocillos perros Kit 100 Tests porta 10 pocillos caballos Kit 100 Tests VMRD porta 12 pocillos Ref. BB12 Ref. BB120 Ref. BBE120 Ref. FB7121 Ref. FB712 Ref. FB7221 Ref. FB722 Ref. 210-88-12-LD Controles para IFI Fuller MegaCor VMRD positivo, negativo 0,5 ml Ref. C+BB / C-BB positivo, negativo 0,5 ml Ref. C+8121 / C-8121 positivo, negativo 1 ml Ref. 211-P-LD / 211-N-LD PCR Genekam 100 reacciones Ref. K018 y Ref. K740 PCR en tiempo real Genekam 100 reacciones Ref. FR010 - CATALOGO.qxd 21/01/2008 10:22 PÆgina 5 Border, enfermedad de ELISA Svanova ovejas ANTISUEROS MONOESPECIFICOS VLA B.abortus, B. bovis, B.melitensis, B. ovis 96 pocillos Ref. 10-8100-02 BRSV (Virus Respiratorio Sincitial Bovino) INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA INDIRECTA VMRD Porta 10 pocillos Controles para IFI VMRD positivo 1 ml negativo INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA DIRECTA Conjugado VMRD 1 ml 10 ml ELISA Cypress 5 x 32 Tests Svanova 96 Tests Dot-ELISA IMMUNOCOMB Biogal 30 Tests 300 Tests Ref. 210-88-10-BRSV Ref. 211-P-BRSV Ref. 211-N-BRSV Synbiotics VLA Indirecto Competición “ Suero Leche Suero bovino 960 Tests suero, leche 192 Tests “ “ 960Tests “ “ 384 poc. individuales 384 poc. Individuales 160 Tests B.abortus 400 Tests B. abortus Leche bovino 160 Tests “ “ Suero ovino 160 Tests B. melitensis 400 Tests “ “ Dot-ELISA IMMUNOCOMB Biogal bovino 30 Tests IgG B. abortus & melitensis 300 Tests ovino30 Tests IgG B. melitensis 300 Tests Ref.VB021 Ref. 10-2500-02 Ref. 50BRT103 Ref. 50BRT130 Ref. 10-2700-10 Ref. 10-2701-02 Ref. 10-2701-10 Ref. ASBRU3 Ref. ALBRU3 Ref. PA0990 Ref. PA0705 Ref. PA0991 Ref. PA2017 Ref. PA2018 Ref. 50BBR103 Ref. 50BBR130 Ref. 50OBR103 Ref. 55OBR130 AGLUTINACIÓN RÁPIDA EN PLACA / Rosa de Bengala Bovino: VLA B.abortus Ag. inactivado Ref. PA0060 Synbiotics Brucella kit 300 reacciones Ref. ABGT Control positivo Synbiotics suero control + Ref.ASPB Ovino y caprino: VLA B.melitensis Ag inactivado Ref. PA2016 Bovino, caprino, ovino, porcino: SPINCREACT 50 Tests Ref. 1200901 El kit contiene el reactivo, palillos, placa y controles AGLUTINACIÓN LENTA EN TUBO / Test Wright Synbiotics bovino 100ml, 400 reacciones Ref.ASAW Telf. 918841374 - Fax: 918875465 - Telf. Portugal 914106227 FIJACIÓN DE COMPLEMENTO Synbiotics bovino 20ml, 2500 reacciones Control positivo Synbiotics suero control + Ref. AATI Ref. ASPB TEST DEL CIRCULO EN LECHE VLA B.abortus Ag inactivado Ref. PA0048 PCR Genekam B. abortus Ref. K063 100 reacciones Brucella canis Ref. 210-62-BRSV Ref. 210-63-BRSV Brucella abortus & Brucella melitensis ELISA Svanova Consultar INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA INDIRECTA Fuller porta 12 pocillos Kit 120 Tests MegaCor porta12 pocillos Kit 120 Tests VMRD porta 12 pocillos Controles para IFI Fuller positivo 0,5 ml negativo MegaCor positivo 0,5 ml negativo VMRD positivo 1 ml negativo Ref. BCG12 Ref. BCG120 Ref. FB7301 Ref. FB730 Ref. 210-88-12-CB Ref. C+FC Ref. C-FC Ref. C+7301 Ref. C-7301 Ref. 211-P-CB Ref. 211-N-CB Dot-ELISA IMMUNOCOMB Biogal 12 Tests IgG Ref. 50CBC101 120 Tests Ref. 50CBC110 Sensibilidad 98% - Especificidad 98% PRUEBA RÁPIDA INMUNOCROMATOGRAFÍA MegaCor 10 Tests Ref. FB800 BVDV (Diarrea vírica bovina) INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA INDIRECTA VMRD porta 10 pocillos Controles para IFI VMRD positivo 1 ml negativo INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA DIRECTA Conjugado VMRD 1 ml 10 ml Porta control VMRD 2 pocillos. + y ELISA Svanova suero, leche Synbiotics Ab PCR Genekam Ref. 210-88-10-CAV Ref. 211-P-BVD Ref. 211-N-BVD Ref. 210-60-BVD Ref. 210-61-BVD Ref. 210-88-2-BVD 96 Tests 480 Tests 10 x 96 Tests screen 384 poc. individuales Ag 192 Tests Ref. 10-2200-02 Ref. 10-2200-10 Ref. 10-2200-50 Ref.ASBVD1 Ref.ASBVD6 100 reacciones Ref. K059 - 5 CATALOGO.qxd 21/01/2008 10:22 PÆgina 6 Calicivirus felino Chlamydia psittaci (aviar, bovino, canino, ovino) INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA INDIRECTA Fuller porta 12 pocillos Kit 120 Tests MegaCor porta12 pocillos Kit 120 Tests VMRD porta 10 pocillos Controles para IFI Fuller positivo 0,5ml negativo MegaCor positivo 0,5ml negativo VMRD positivo 1ml negativo ELISA EVL 96 Tests Dot-ELISA IMMUNOCOMB Biogal Vaccicheck 12 Tests IgG (FCV-FHV-FPLV) 120 Tests FCV Especificidad 75% - Sensibilidad 67% FHV Especificidad 76% - Sensibilidad 84% FPLV Especificidad 85% - Sensibilidad 98% Ref. FC12 Ref. FC120 Ref. FB8161 Ref. FB816 Ref. 210-88-10-FCV Ref. C+FC Ref. C-FC Ref. C+8161 Ref. C-8161 Ref. 211-P-FCV Ref. 211-N-FCV Ref. F1008-AB02 Ref. 50CVV101 Ref. 50CVV110 Candida albicans INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA INDIRECTA MegaCor porta 12 pocillos Kit 120 Tests ELISA BLK 96 Tests Ref. BLK1-0831 PCR Genekam Ref. K043 100 reacciones INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA INDIRECTA MegaCor Porta 12 pocillos Kit 120 Tets Controles para IFI MegaCor positivo 0,5 ml negativo INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA DIRECTA CeLLabs Kit 50 Tests ELISA EVL perros aves Ref. FB7161spp Ref. FB716spp Ref. C+7161 Ref. C-7161 Ref. KC2 32 Tests visual 32 Tests visual Dot-ELISA IMMUNOCOMB Biogal bovino 30 Tests (Chlamydia psittaci) 300 Tests ovino 30 Tests (Chlamydia & Toxo) 300 Tests aves 30 Tests (Chlamydia psittaci) 300 Tests Sensibilidad 95% - Especificidad 85% psitácidas 12 Tests (Chlamydia psittaci) 120 Tests Sensibilidad 95% - Especificidad 85% PRUEBA RÁPIDA INMUNOCROMATOGRAFÍA BVT todas especies 8 Tests Ag Ref. D3211-AB01 Ref. A3201-AB01 Ref. 50BCP103 Ref. 50BCP130 Ref. 50OTC103 Ref. 50OTC130 Ref. 50PCP103 Ref. 50PCP130 Ref. 50ACP201 Ref. 50ACP210 Ref. SPC8 Ref. FB510 Ref. FB5101 Chlamydia felis / Chlamydia psittaci (felina) INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA INDIRECTA VMRD porta12 pocillos MegaCor Porta 12 pocillos Kit 120 Tests Controles para IFI MegaCor positivo 0,5ml negativo ELISA EVL 96 Tests 32 Tests visual Ref. 210-88-12-FC Ref. FB7161 Ref. FB716 Ref. C+7161 Ref. C-7161 Ref. F1009-AB01 Ref. F3209-AB01 Dot-ELISA IMMUNOCOMB Biogal 12 Tests Ref. 50FTC201 (Toxo & Chlamydia) 120 Tests Ref. 50FTC210 Sensibilidad 94,7% - Especificidad 100% 6 PRUEBA RÁPIDA INMUNOCROMATOGRAFÍA BVT todas especies 8 Tests Ag.conjuntiva Ref. SPC8 PCR Genekam Ref. K013 100 reacciones Telf. 918841374 - Fax: 918875465 - Telf. Portugal 914106227 PCR Genekam 100 reacciones Ref. K013 (sangre, tejidos, escobillón conjuntival, otros fluidos corporales) Circovirus porcino INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA INDIRECTA VMRD porta 10 pocillos Controles para IFI VMRD positivo 1ml negativo Ref. 211-P-PCRV Ref. 211-N-PCRV INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA DIRECTA Conjugado VMRD 1ml 10ml Ref. 210-26-PCRV Ref. 210-29-PCRV Ref. SLD-IFA-PCV2 - CATALOGO.qxd 21/01/2008 ELISA Synbiotics Ab Ag PCR Genekam 10:22 PÆgina 7 Coronavirus bovino (BCV) 384 poc. individuales 384 poc. individuales Ref. ASCIRCO1 Ref. ASCIRCO6 100 reacciones, PCV-2 Ref. K711 Clostridium chauvoei INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA INDIRECTA VMRD porta 12 pocillos 4 llaves porta 12 pocillos INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA DIRECTA Conjugado VMRD 1 ml Varias especies 10 ml Ref. 210-88-12-CC Ref. 210-88-12C4* INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA DIRECTA Conjugado VMRD 1 ml Varias especies 10 ml Ref. 210-64-BCV Ref. 210-65-BCV Ref. 10-240002 Coronavirus canino (CCV) INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA INDIRECTA VMRD porta 10 pocillos Ref. 210-14-CC Ref. 210-15-CC Clostridium novyi INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA INDIRECTA VMRD porta 12 pocillos 4 llaves porta 12 pocillos INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA DIRECTA Conjugado VMRD 1 ml 10 ml ELISA Svanova 192 Tests Ref. 210-88-12-CN Ref. 210-88-12C4* Ref. 210-16-CN Ref. 210-17-CN INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA DIRECTA Conjugado VMRD 1 ml 10 ml Porta control VMRD 2 pocillos: + y ELISA EVL 96 Tests IgG 96 Tests IgM Ref. 210-88-10-CCV Ref. 210-20-CCV Ref. 210-21-CAV Ref. 210-88-2-CCV Ref. D1005-AB01 Ref. D1005-AB02 PRUEBA RÁPIDA INMUNOCROMATOGRAFÍA MegaCor 10 Tests Ref. FB810 Clostridium perfringens Coronavirus porcino, Gastroenteritis transmisible (PCrV-TGEV) SERONEUTRALIZACIÓN VLA Ab anti-Toxina ε Ref. PA0234 Medición de anticuerpos neutralizantes en respuesta vacunal Cypress Toxina α 96 Tests Ref.VB040 Toxina β 96 Tests Ref.VB041 Toxina ε 96 Tests Ref.VB042 Cl. perfringens Ref.VB043 INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA INDIRECTA VMRD porta 10 pocillos Controles para IFI VMRD positivo 1ml negativo Clostridium septicum INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA INDIRECTA VMRD porta12 pocillos Ref. 210-88-12-CSO 4 llaves porta 12 pocillos Ref. 210-88-12C4* INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA DIRECTA Conjugado VMRD 1 ml Varias especies 10 ml INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA INDIRECTA VMRD porta 12 pocillos 4 llaves porta 12 pocillos INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA DIRECTA Conjugado VMRD 1 ml Varias especies 10 ml * 4 llaves: chauvoei/novyi/septicum/sordelli Telf. 918841374 - Fax: 918875465 - Telf. Portugal 914106227 Ref. 210-50-TGE Ref. 210-55-TGE ELISA Svanova 192 Tests Diferenciación coronavirus respiratorios porcinos Ref. 10-750002 Coxiella burnetii (Fiebre Q) Ref. 210-88-12-CSO Ref. 210-88-12C4* INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA INDIRECTA Fuller porta12 pocillos Controles para IFI MegaCor positivo perro 0,5 ml negativo perro 0,5ml Ref. 210-18-CSO Ref. 210-19-CSO Ref. 211-P-TGE Ref. 211-N-TGE INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA DIRECTA Conjugado VMRD 1 ml 10 ml Porta control positivo VMRD 2 pocillos: + y - Ref. 210-24-CS Ref. 210-25-CS Clostridium sordelli Ref. SLD-IFA-TGE Dot-ELISA IMMUNOCOMB Biogal ovino 30 Tests IgG 300 Tests PCR Genekam 100 reacciones Ref. SLD-FAC-TGE Ref. QD12 Ref. C+CoxB Ref. C -CoxB Ref. 50OQF103 Ref. 50OQF130 Ref. K047 - 7 CATALOGO.qxd 21/01/2008 10:22 PÆgina 8 PCR en tiempo real Humanos, rumiantes 100 reacciones Ehrlichia canis Ref. FR002 Criptococcus neoformans AGLUTINACION EN LATEX Immy 50 Tests Ag en heces Ref. CR1003 Cryptosporidium sp. INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA DIRECTA CeLLabs 50 Tests Ag en agua Cryptos&Giardia 50 Tests Ag en agua Ref. KR1 Ref. KR2 ELISA BLK Ref. BLK1-0170-0 INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA INDIRECTA Ag Fuller porta 12 pocillos Ref. EC12 Kit 120 Tests IgG Ref. ECD120 MegaCor porta12 pocillos Ref. 7151 Kit 120 Tests IgG Ref. 715 VMRD porta12 pocillos Ref. 210-88-12-EC Synbiotics Ag Ehrlichia 1ml para tapizar Ref.AEHRAG Controles para IFI Fuller MegaCor 96 Tests Ag en heces VMRD PRUEBA RÁPIDA INMUNOCROMATOGRAFÍA MegaCor C. parvum 10 Tests Ag en heces Ref. FB870 PCR Genekam 100 reacciones Ref. K726 96Tests Ag (adulto) visual 32 Tests visual 48 a 140 (Ag) Ref. D1009-AG01 Ref. D3213-AG01 Ref.AUDIR 1N positivo 0,5ml negativo positivo 0,5ml negativo positivo 1 ml negativo Ref. C+EC Ref. C-CE Ref. C+7151 Ref. C-7151 Ref. 211-P-EC Ref. 211-N-EC Dirofilaria inmitis ELISA EVL Synbiotics PRUEBA RÁPIDA INMUNOCROMATOGRAFÍA MegaCor 10 Tests Ag Perros, gatos 25 Tests Sensibilidad 98,6% - Especificidad 99,1% Ref. FB980 Ref. FB985 Echinococcus granulosus PCR Genekam 100 reacciones 24Tests AGLUTINACIÓN EN LÁTEX VMRD bovino 10 Tests,T=10’ 25 Tests VLA K99 60 a 90 Tests F41 60 a 90 Tests K88 60 a 90 Tests 987P 60 a 90 Tests PRUEBA RÁPIDA INMUNOCROMATOGRAFÍA MegaCor bovino 10 Tests Sensibilidad 96% - Especificidad 97% PCR Genekam 8 100 reacciones Telf. 918841374 - Fax: 918875465 - Telf. Portugal 914106227 Ref. 50CEH201 Ref. 50CEH210 PRUEBA RÁPIDA INMUNOCROMATOGRAFÍA MegaCor 10 Tests Sensibilidad 94.3% - Especificidad 93.3% Ref. FB910 Ref. K065 Ehrlichia risticii / Neorickettsia risticii E. coli enterotoxigénica K99 ELISA Cypress Dot-ELISA IMMUNOCOMB Biogal 12 Tests 120 Tests Sensibilidad 100% - Especificidad 94,1% Ref.VB044 Ref. 299-10 Ref. 299-25 Ref. PA0261 Ref. PA0262 Ref. PA0263 Ref. PA0264 Ref. FB840 Ref. K792 INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA INDIRECTA Fuller porta 12 pocillos Kit 120 Tests IgG Controles para IFI Fuller positivo 0,5ml negativo Ref. ER12 Ref. ERR120 Ref. C+ER Ref. C-ER Encephalitozoon cuniculi INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA INDIRECTA MegaCor porta 10 pocillos Kit 100 Tests IgG Controles para IFI MegaCor positivo 0,5 ml negativo Ref. C+8251 Ref. C-8251 ELISA MedicaGo Ref. 18-9001 2 placas, fila C- Ref. 8251 Ref. 825 - CATALOGO.qxd 21/01/2008 10:22 PÆgina 9 CARBÓN INMUNO ANÁLISIS (CIA test) MedicaGo 66-200 Tests Ref. 18-2001 (0,1ml controles,1ml suspensión carbón,1ml antígeno) FIV (Inmunodeficiencia felina) ELISA EVL p24-p27 Ab, Entamoeba histolytica ELISA BLK Ag en heces IgG Ref. BLK1-0130-0 Ref. BLK-0131 96 Tests 32 Tests visual Ref. F1002-AB01 Ref. F3202-AB01 PRUEBA RÁPIDA INMUNOCROMATOGRAFÍA MegaCor 10 Tests Ref. FB960 25 Tests Ref. FB965 Sensibilidad 97,10% - Especificidad 99,8% Erysipelothrix rhusiopathieae Giardia lamblia ELISA CYPRESS 480 Tests Ref.VS004 PORCINO Estomatitis vesicular (VSV) ELISA EVL porcino equino 96 Tests 5 placas divisibles Ref. P1002-AB01 Ref. E1004-Ab01 FeLV (Leucemia felina) INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA INDIRECTA EVL Porta 21 pocillos Ref. FELV-21 (Presentación y precio sujetos a variaciones. Sin protocolo disponible) INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA DIRECTA Conjugado VMRD Ab primario 10ml Ab secundario 10ml set primario+secundario2x10ml Porta control VMRD ELISA EVL antígeno gp70 anticuerpos p27 antígeno Ref. 210-46-FELV1 Ref. 210-47-FELV2 Ref. 210-48-FELV 2 pocillos: + y frotis sangre negativo frotis sangre positivo Ref. 210-88-2-FELV Ref. 214-N-FELV Ref. 214-P-FELV 96 Tests Ref. F1001-AG01 Ref. F1006-AB01 Ref. F3201-AG01 32 Tests visual PRUEBA RÁPIDA INMUNOCROMATOGRAFÍA MegaCor 10 Tests 25 Tests Sensibilidad 87,9% - Especificidad 98% Ref. FB950 Ref. FB955 96 Tests 96 Tests, con C+ Ref. KG1 Ref. KR2 PRUEBA RÁPIDA INMUNOCROMATOGRAFÍA MegaCor Ag en heces 10 Tests Ref. FB850 PCR Genekam Ref. K725 100 reacciones Gumboro (IBD), enfermedad de Dot-ELISA IMMUNOCOMB Biogal 30 Tests IgG (IBD&Newcasttle&IBV) 300 Tests IgG PCR Genekam 100 reacciones Ref. 50PTV203 Ref. 50PTV230 Ref. K121 Herpesvirus bovino tipo I / Rinotraqueitis infecciosa bovina INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA INDIRECTA VMRD porta 10 pocillos Controles para IFI VMRD positivo 1 ml negativo INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA DIRECTA Conjugado VMRD 1ml 10ml Porta control VMRD 2 pocillos: + y - Ref. 210-88-10-IBR Ref. 211-P-IBR Ref. 211-N-IBR Ref. 210-68-IBR Ref. 210-69-IBR Ref. 210-88-2-IBR ELISA Svanova Fasciola hepática ELISA BLK Cypress ganado IMMUNOFLUORESCENCIA DIRECTA CeLLabs 50 Tests Ag en agua Giardia&Cryptos 50 Tests Ag en agua Ref. BLK1-4324 Ref. CDVB015 192 Tests Ref. 10-210002 480 Tests Ref. 10-210010 960 Tests screen Ref. 10-210050 Synbiotics (Ab) 384 poc. individuales Ref. ASIBR3 Diagnóstico serológico de IBR y Vulvovaginitis pustular infecciosa Ab Anti-gB 384 poc. individuales Ref. ASIBR1BN Detección en suero o plasma, individual o pools Fiebre clásica porcina / Cólera ELISA Synbiotics 192 Tests (Ag) 384 Tests (Ab) Telf. 918841374 - Fax: 918875465 - Telf. Portugal 914106227 Ref.ASHCV6 Ref.ASHCV1 Dot-ELISA IMMUNOCOMB Biogal 30 Tests 300 Tests PCR Genekam 100 reacciones Ref. 50BRT103 Ref. 50BRT130 Ref. K114 - 9 CATALOGO.qxd 21/01/2008 10:22 PÆgina 10 Herpesvirus canino / Rinotraqueitis infecciosa MegaCor EHV1+4 INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA INDIRECTA MegaCor porta10 pocillos Kit 100 Tests VMRD porta 10 pocillos Controles para IFI MegaCor positivo 0,5 ml negativo VMRD positivo1 ml Controles para IFI VMRD INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA DIRECTA Conjugado VMRD 1ml 10ml ELISA EVL Ag PCR Genekam Ref. FB8141 Ref. FB8134 Ref. 210-88-10-CHV Ref. C+8141 Ref. C-8121 Ref. 211-P-CHV ELISA Svanova 96 Tests Ref. D1004-AB01 PCR Genekam 100 reacciones Ref. K093 postivo1 ml, caballos positivo1 ml, llamas Ref. 211-P-ERV-EQ Ref. 211-P-ERV-LL 192 Tests (EHV1-4) sin C+EHV-4 Ref. 210-22-ERV Ref. 210-23-ERV Ref. 210-88-2-ERV Ref. 10-310002 100 reacciones (EHV1-4) Ref. K092 Influenza aviar (AIV) INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA INDIRECTA Fuller porta 12 pocillos Kit 120 Tests MegaCor porta12 pocillos Kit 120 Tests VMRD porta 10 pocillos Controles para IFI Fuller positivo 0,5 ml negativo MegaCor positivo 0,5 ml negativo VMRD positivo1 ml INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA DIRECTA Conjugado VMRD 1ml 10ml Porta control VMRD 2 pocillos: + y - 96 Tests (Ag) Dot-ELISA IMMUNOCOMB Biogal Vaccicheck 12 Tests IgG (FPV, FCV & FHV) 120 Tests FCV Especificidad 75% - Sensibilidad 67% FHV Especificidad 76% - Sensibilidad 84% FPLV Especificidad 85% - Sensibilidad 98% PCR Genekam 100 reacciones Ref. FH12 Ref. FH120 Ref. FB8121 Ref. FB812 Ref. 210-88-10-FVR INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA INDIRECTA VMRD porta 10 pocillos Telf. 918841374 - Fax: 918875465 - Telf. Portugal 914106227 ELISA EVL aves spp. salvo avestruz 96 Tests (Ab) 480 Tests (Ab) 96Tests (Ag) Ref. C1002-AB01 Ref. C1006-AB01/5 Ref.AS1006-AG01 PRUEBA RÁPIDA INMUNOCROMATOGRAFÍA MegaCor aves 20 Tests (Ag) gatos 10 Tests (Ag) EVL aves 24 Tests (Ag) Ref. 790 Ref. 780 Ref. A1013-AG01 PCR Genekam H5, H9, N1 H5N1, H9 + 2 secuenciaciones libres H5, N9, N1+15 secuenciaciones libres H3N2 H7 Ref. K122a Ref. K122b Ref. K122c Ref. K122d Ref. K333b Ref. 210-41-FVR Ref. 210-49-FVR PCR en tiempo real Genekam H5N1 H7 Ref. FR006 Ref. FR022 Ref. 210-88-2-FVR Leishmania infantum Ref. C+FH Ref. C-FH Ref. C+8121 Ref. C-8121 Ref. 211-P-FHV Ref. F1007-AB01 Ref. 50FVV101 Ref. 50FVV110 100 reacciones 100 reacciones INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA INDIRECTA MegaCor Porta 10 pocillos Kit 100 Tests IgG VMRD Porta 12 pocillos Synbiotics Ag Leishmania 1ml para tapizar Controles para IFI MegaCor positivo 0,5ml negativo VMRD positivo 1ml negativo Ref. 7131 Ref. 713 Ref. 210-88-12-LSH Ref.ALEIAG Ref. C+713 Ref. C-7131 Ref. 211-P-LSH Ref. 211-N-LSH Ref. K096 ELISA CeLLabs Herpesvirus equino tipo I (EHV) 10 Ref. FB813 Ref. FB8131 INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA DIRECTA Conjugado VMRD 1ml 10ml Porta control VMRD 2 pocillos: + y - Ref. 210-12-CHV Ref. 210-13-CHV Herpesvirus felino (FHV) / Rinotraqueitis infecciosa ELISA EVL porta 12 pocillos Kit 120 Tests EVL Ref. 210-88-10-ERV 96 Tests Ref. KL4 (fabricado con Exo-Ag; impide reacción cruzada) 96 Tests Ref. D1008-AB01 32 Tests visual Ref. D3214-AB01 - CATALOGO.qxd 21/01/2008 10:22 PÆgina 11 PCR en tiempo real Genekam Leptospira patógena 100 reacciones 25 reacciones Ref. FR001 Ref. MKFR001 Leptospira interrogans hardjo (bovina) PRUEBA RÁPIDA INMUNOCROMATOGRAFÍA MegaCor 10 Tests Sensibilidad 98% - Especificidad 97% PCR Genekam L. donovani 100 reacciones ELISA Biogal 192 Tests Ref. B1003-AB01 reacción cruzada con L.pomona y algunas del grupo icterohemorhagiae Ref. FB970 Ref. K021 Lengua azul (BTV), enfermedad de la ELISA DE COMPETICIÓN VMRD rumiantes 2 placas, 148 Tests 5 placas, 460 Tests Sensibilidad 100% - Especificidad 99% PCR Genekam PCR en tiempo real Genekam Ref. 287-2 Ref. 287-5 Ref. K111 100 reacciones Ref. FR037 Ref. 288-100 Ref. 50BLH103 Ref. 50BLH130 Leucosis enzoótica bovina (BLV) ELISA EVL 100 reacciones AGID / INMUNODIFUSIÓN EN GEL DE AGAR VMRD rumiantes 100Tests,T=30’ Sensibilidad 100% - Especificidad 99% Dot-ELISA IMMUNOCOMB Biogal L. hardjo 30 Tests IgG 300 Tests IgG p24/gp51 Suero 192 Tests (Ab) p24/gp51Leche 192 Tests (Ab) p24 Blocking 192 Tests (Ab kit de estabilización de leche y tubos Svanova gp51 2 placas, 96 Tests (Ab) 10 placas, 480 Tests screening 960 Tests VMRD gp51 1 placa, 91 Tests (Ab) 5 placas, 455 Tests Sensibilidad 98% - Especificidad 100% Synbiotics gp51 384 Tests(Ab) monopocillo 384 Tests (Ab) bipocillo 192 Tests (Ab) suero individual o pools de hasta 10 muestras Ab en leche 384 Tests bipocillo 192 Tests leche individual o pools de hasta 50 muestras AGID Synbiotics suero individual 400 Tests (BLV) Ref. B-1001-AB01 Ref. B-1001-AB02 Ref. B1111-AB01 Ref. BA100 Ref. 10-235102 Ref. 10-235110 Ref. 10-235150 Ref. 284-2 Ref. 284-5 Ref. ASBLV1 Ref.ASBLV3 Ref.ASBLV2 Ref.ALBLV3 Ref.ALBLV2 Ref.AKLBA Listeria monocytogenes INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA INDIRECTA MegaCor Porta 12 pocillos Kit 120 Tests IgG Leptospira interrogans spp. (canina) INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA INDIRECTA Fuller Porta 12 pocillos Kit 120 Tests IgG Controles para IFI Fuller postivo 0,5ml negativo Maedi-Visna Ref. LE12 Ref. LED120 Ref. C+LD Ref. C-LD Dot-ELISA IMMUNOCOMB Biogal serovarmix 12 Tests IgG Ref. 50CLC201 120 Tests IgG Ref. 50CLC210 (L. interrogans canicola, icterohemorrhagiae & sejroe) PCR Genekam 100 reacciones (también L. biflexa, apatógena) 100 reacciones (sólo Leptospira patógena) Telf. 918841374 - Fax: 918875465 - Telf. Portugal 914106227 Ref. FB7001 Ref. FB700 Ref. K017 Ref. K017a AGID / INMUNODIFUSIÓN EN GEL DE AGAR VLA Maeditec 100 tests 1000 tests Capriclear 30 Tests Cae y Maedi Visna 300 Tests Ref. PA0259 Ref. PA0260 Ref. PA0269 Ref. PA0270 Moquillo (CDV) INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA INDIRECTA Fuller Porta 12 pocillos Kit 120 Tests IgG Kit 120 Tests IgM MegaCor Porta 12 pocillos Kit 120 Tests IgG VMRD Porta 12 pocillos Ref. CD12 Ref. CDV120 Ref. CDM120 Ref. 8151 Ref. 815 Ref. 210-88-10CDV - 11 CATALOGO.qxd 21/01/2008 10:22 PÆgina 12 PCR Genekam 100 reacciones Ref. K031 Mycobacterium avium sub. Paratuberculosis CULTIVO CELULAR Synbiotics ELISA Svanova Controles para IFI Fuller MegaCor VMRD positivo, negativo 0,5ml positivo, negativo 0,5ml positivo 1 ml negativo 1 ml positivo 1 ml IgM INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA DIRECTA Conjugado VMRD 1 ml policlonal 10 ml 1 ml monoclonal 10 ml Porta control VMRD 2 pocillos: + y 1 pocillo control frotis sangre positivo 1 pocillo control frotis sangre negativo ELISA EVL 96 Tests IgG 96 Tests IgM Dot-ELISA IMMUNOCOMB Biogal 12 Tests IgG 120 Tests IgG Sensibilidad 95% - Especificidad 100% 12 Tests IgM 120 Tests IgM Sensibilidad 93,1% - Especificidad 95,5% CDV & CPV 12 Tests IgG 120 Tests IgG Sensibilidad 95% - Especificidad 100% CDV & CPV 12 Tests IgM 120 Tests IgM Sensibilidad 93,1% - especificidad 95,5% Vaccicheck 12 Tests IgG (CAV,CDV,CPV) 120 Tests CAV Especificidad 97% - Sensibilidad 98% CPV Especificidad 100% - Sensibilidad 97% CDV Especificidad 100% - Sensibilidad 95% Ref. C+CD / C-CD Ref. C+8151 / C-8151 Ref. 211-P-CDV Ref. 211-N-CDV Ref. 211-P-CDV-M Telf. 918841374 - Fax: 918875465 - Telf. Portugal 914106227 192 Tests Ab 960 Tests Ab PCR Genekam + 4 secuenciaciones libres PCR en tiempo real Genekam Ref. 10-290002 Ref. 10-290010 100 reacciones Ref. K731 100 reacciones Ref. K032 DOUBLE CHECK M.bovis, avium & paratuberculosis 100 reacciones 25 reacciones Ref. FR014a Ref. MKFR014a Mycobacterium bovis & tuberculosis Ref. 210-01-CDV Ref. 210-02-CDV Ref. 210-05-CDV Ref. 210-06-CDV TEST DE TUBERCULINA Reacción intradérmica retardada Synbiotics Bovino 180 Tests Ref.ABRPCE 50 Tests Ref.ABRPFLE Rumiantes y primates 100 Tests Ref.AUTUBOT Ref. 210-88-2-CDV Ref. 214-P-CDV PCR Genekam Myc. bovis Myc. tuberculosis 100 reacciones 100 reacciones Ref. K033 Ref. K071 192 Tests Ab Ref.V008 Ref. 214-N-CDV Mycoplasma agalactiae Ref. D1002-AB01 Ref. D1002-AB02 ELISA Cypress Ovino Ref. 50CDS201 Ref. 50CDS210 PCR Genekam Ref. 55CDS201 Ref. 55CDS210 Mycoplasma felis Ref. 50CPD201 Ref. 50CPD210 PCR Genekam Ref. 55CPD201 Ref. 55CPD210 Mycoplasma gallisepticum Ref. 50CVV101 Ref. 50CVV110 PRUEBA RÁPIDA INMUNOCROMATOGRAFÍA MegaCor 10 Tests Ag Ref. FB830 Exudado naso-lagrimal Sensibilidad 93,2% - Especificidad 90,5% Titercheck 10 Tests Ab Ref. 820 BVT 5 Tests Ag Ref. 780 Exudado naso-lagrimal, conjuntiva, sangre, suero o plasma Sensibilidad 94,1% – Especificidad 89,3% 12 Factor crecimiento, 2mg Ref.AMCE ELISA Svanova 100 reacciones Ref. K008 Ovino, caprino. Leche, sangre, tejidos, fluidos corporales 100 reacciones 2 placas (Ab) Ref. K041 Ref. 10-130002 Dot-ELISA IMMUNOCOMB Biogal aves corral 30 Tests IgG Ref. 50PMB203 300 Tests IgG Ref. 50PMB230 (Mycoplasma gallisepticum & Mycoplasma sinoviae) pavos 30 Tests IgG Ref. 50PMT103 300 Tests IgG Ref. 50PMT130 (gallisepticum, sinoviae & meleagridis) Sensibilidad 97.5% - Especificidad 100% PCR Genekam 100reacciones Ref. K006 - CATALOGO.qxd 21/01/2008 10:22 PÆgina 13 Mycoplasma meleagridis Dot-ELISA IMMUNOCOMB Biogal pavos 30 Tests IgG Ref. 50PMT103 300 Tests IgG Ref. 50PMT130 (sinoviae, gallisepticum & meleagridis) Sensibilidad 97.5% - Especificidad 100% PCR Genekam 100reacciones Ref. K005 (aves corral, pavos, loros, halcones, otras aves. Fluido nasal, vacuna, cultivo celular, tejidos) VMRD perros bovino ELISA VMRD 1ml negativo 1ml negative Ref. 211-P-NC-CAN Ref. 211-N-NC-CAN Ref. 211-P-NC-BOV Ref. 211-N-NC-BOV bovino 2 placas, 184 Tests 5 placas, 460 Tests Sensibilidad 96% -Especificidad 99% Svanova bovino 2 placas, 192 tests Ref. 280-2 Ref. 280-5 Ref. 10-295002 Mycoplasma sinoviae ELISA Svanova 2 placas (Ab) Ref. 10-140002 Dot-ELISA IMMUNOCOMB Biogal aves corral 30 Tests IgG Ref. 50PMB203 300 Tests IgG Ref. 50PMB230 (Mycoplasma sinoviae & Mycoplasma gallisepticum) pavos 30 Tests IgG Ref. 50PMT103 300 Tests IgG Ref. 50PMT130 (sinoviae, gallisepticum & meleagridis) Sensibilidad 99,5% - Especificidad 100% PCR Genekam 100 reacciones Ref. K007 Necrosis pancreática infecciosa de los peces (IPN) INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA DIRECTA Cypress 48 Tests Ag. en cultivo ELISA Cypress Dot-ELISA IMMUNOCOMB Biogal bovino 30 Tests IgG 300 Tests Sensibilidad 92.9% - Especificidad 98,2% PCR Genekam 100 reacciones Ref. K116 Newcastle, enfermedad de ELISA Svanova 192 Tests (Ab) Dot-ELISA IMMUNOCOMB Biogal psitácidas 30 Tests IgG 100 Tests IgG PCR Genekam 100 reacciones Aves de corral. Síntesis cDNA + PCR Ref. 10-150002 Ref. 50AND103 Ref. 50AND110 Ref. K049 Ref. CDVF028 PCR en tiempo real Genekam 48 Tests Ag. en cultivo Ref. 50BNC103 Ref. 50BNC130 100 reacciones Ref. FR032 Ref. CDVF029 Panleucopenia felina (FPLV) Neospora caninum INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA INDIRECTA Fuller perros porta 12 pocillos Kit 120 Tests Megacor porta 10 pocillos perros Kit 100 Tests bovinoKit 100 Tests VMRD varias sp. porta 12 pocillos Controles para IFI Fuller perros Megacor perros positivo 0,5ml negativo positivo 0,5ml negativo Telf. 918841374 - Fax: 918875465 - Telf. Portugal 914106227 Ref. NC12 Ref. NC120 Ref. 8201 Ref. 820D canino Ref. 820C bovino Ref. 210-88-12-NC Ref. C+NC Ref. C-NC Ref. C+8201 Ref. C-8201 INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA INDIRECTA Fuller porta 12 pocillos Kit 120 Tests VMRD porta 10 pocillos Controles para IFI Fuller positivo 0,5 ml negativo INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA DIRECTA Conjugado VMRD 1ml 10ml Porta control VMRD 2 pocillos: + y - Ref. FPV12 Ref. FPV120 Ref. 210-88-10-FPL Ref. C+FPV Ref. C-FC Ref. 210-40-FPL Ref. 210-45-FPL Ref. 210-88-2-FPL - 13 CATALOGO.qxd 21/01/2008 10:22 PÆgina 14 ELISA EVL 96 Tests (Ag) 96 Tests (Ab) Dot-ELISA IMMUNOCOMB Biogal Vaccicheck 12 Tests IgG (FPV, FCV & FHV) 120 Tests FCV Especificidad 75% - Sensibilidad 67% FHV Especificidad 76% - Sensibilidad 84% FPLV Especificidad 85% - Sensibilidad 98% Ref. F1003-AG01 Ref. F1004-AB01 Ref. 50FVV101 Ref. 50FVV110 Ref. 210-88-10-PI3 ELISA EVL Ref. 211-P-PI3 Ref. 211-N-PI3 Ag en heces INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA DIRECTA Conjugado VMRD 1ml origen caprino 10ml Porta control VMRD 2 pocillos: + y ELISA Cypress Synbiotics Ref. 210-52-PI Ref. 210-53-PI3 Ref. 210-88-2-PI3 32x5Tests Ref.VB021BOVINO screening respiratorio (PI3, IBR, BVDV, BRSV,Adenovirus 3) Dot-ELISA IMMUNOCOMB Biogal 30 Tests IgG (PI3, IBR & BRSV) 300 Tests Sensibilidad 87.5% - Especificidad 100% Ref. 50BRT103 Ref. 50BRT130 Parainfluenza canina INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA INDIRECTA VMRD (CPI2) porta 10 pocillos Controles para IFI VMRD positivo1ml negativo INMUNOFLUORESCENCENCIA DIRECTA Conjugado VMRD 1ml origen porcino 10ml Porta control VMRD 2 pocillos: + y - Ref. 210-88-10-CPI Ref. 211-P-CPI Ref. 211-N-CPI Ref. 210-32-CPI2 Ref. 210-33-CPI2 Ref. 210-88-2-CPI Ref. 210-66-BPV Ref. 210-67-BPV Parvovirus canino (CPV) INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA INDIRECTA Fuller porta 12 pocillos Kit 120 Tests IgG 14 Telf. 918841374 - Fax: 918875465 - Telf. Portugal 914106227 Ref. 210-88-10-CPV 0,5ml IgG 1ml IgG 1ml IgM Ref. C+CP Ref. 211-P-CPV-G Ref. 211-P-CPV-M 96 Tests IgG 96 teste IgM 96 Tests (Ag) 32 Tests visual 10-25 Tests visual Dot-ELISA IMMUNOCOMB CDV & CPV 12 Tests IgG 120 Tests IgG Sensibilidad 95% - Especificidad 100% CDV & CPV 12 Tests IgM 120 Tests IgM Sensibilidad 91,40 % - Especificidad 90,80% Vaccicheck 12 Tests IgG (CAV,CDV,CPV) 120 Tests CAV Especificidad 97% - Sensibilidad 98% CPV Especificidad 100% - Sensibilidad 97% CDV Especificidad 100% - Sensibilidad 95% Ref. 210-10-CPV Ref. 210-11-CPV Ref. 210-88-2-CPV Ref. D1001-AB01 Ref. D1001-AB02 Ref. D1001-AG01 Ref. D3201-AG01 Ref.AUPAR2C Ref. 50CPD201 Ref. 50CPD210 Ref. 55CPD201 Ref. 55CPD210 Ref. 50CVV101 Ref. 50CVV110 PRUEBA RÁPIDA INMUNOCROMATOGRAFÍA MegaCor Ab en sangre 10 Tests IgG Ref. FB 820 Ag en heces 15 Tests (cassette) Ref. FB 925 5 tests (cassette) Ref. FB926 10 Tests (tiras) Ref. FB920 perro, gato, visón Sensibilidad 96,7% - Especificidad 99,9% Parvovirus porcino (PPV) INMUNOFLURESCENCIA INDIRECTA VMRD porta 10 pocillos Parvovirus bovino (BPV) INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA DIRECTA Conjugado VMRD 1ml origen caprino 10ml porta 10 pocillos INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA DIRECTA Conjugado VMRD 1ml origen murino 10 ml Porta control VMRD 2 pocillos: + y - Parainfluenza bovina tipo3 (PI3) INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA INDIRECTA VMRD porta 10 pocillos Controles para IFI VMRD positivo1ml negativo VMRD Control positivo Fuller VMRD INMUNOFLURESCENCIA DIRECTA Conjugado VMRD 1 ml 10ml Porta control VMRD 2 pocillos: + y ELISA Svanova IgG1 192 Tests (Ab) Sensibilidad 96.6% - Especificidad 100% Ref. 210-88-10-PPV Ref. 210-51-PPV Ref. 210-59-PPV Ref. 210-88-2-PPV Ref. 10-740002 Pasteurella multocida Ref. CP12 Ref. CPV120 PCR Genekam 100 reacciones Ref. K751 y K752 - CATALOGO.qxd 21/01/2008 10:22 PÆgina 15 Porta control VMRD ELISA EVL PCR Sacace Peritonitis infecciosa felina (FcoV) INMUNOFLURESCENCIA INDIRECTA Fuller porta 12 pocillos Kit 120 Tests IgG MegaCor porta 10 pocillos Kit 120 Tests VMRD FIP-1 porta 10 pocillos FIP-2 porta 10 pocillos Controles para IFI Fuller positivo, negativo 0,5 ml MegaCor positivo, negativo 0,5 ml VMRD positivo FIP-1 1 ml positivo FIP-2 1 ml negativo FIP-1 1 ml negativo FIP-2 1 ml INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA DIRECTA Conjugado VMRD 1 ml 10ml Porta control VMRD 2 pocillos: + y - FIP FIP-1 FIP-2 ELISA EVL anticuerpo 96 Tests (Ab) anticuerpo 32 Tests (Ab) visual Ref. F1P12 Ref. FIP120 Ref. 8211 Ref. 821 Ref. 210-88-10-FIP1 Ref. 210-88-10-FIP2 Ref. C+FIP / C-FIP Ref. C+8211 / C-8211 Ref. 211-P-FIP1 Ref. 211-P-FIP2 Ref. 211-N-FIP1 Ref. 211-N-FIP2 Ref. 210-30-FIP Ref. 210-31-FIP Ref. 210-88-2-FIP Ref. 210-88-2-FIP1 Ref. 210-88-2-FIP2 Ref. F1005-AB02 Ref. F3205-AB02 Prueba rápida INMUNOCROMATOGRAFÍA MegaCor 10 Tests Ref. FB990 25 Tests Ref. FB995 Sensibilidad 97.4 % - Especificidad 94,6% SRID PROTEÍNAS DE FASE AGUDA / α1-ácido glicoproteína felina Tridelta 10 placas SRID x 10 Tests Ref.TP805F 100 reacciones Ref. K030 Rabia INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA DIRECTA Conjugado VMRD 1ml 10ml Telf. 918841374 - Fax: 918875465 - Telf. Portugal 914106227 Ref. 210-88-2-RAB 96 Test (IgG) 96 Tests (IgM) 96 Tests (Ag) 96 Tests (Ab) Ref. D1006-AB03 Ref. D1006-AB04 Ref. D1006-AG01 Ref. D1006-AG02 55 reacciones Ref.VET15 Rickettsia conorii Dot-ELISA IMMUNOCOMB Biogal 12 Tests IgG Ref. 50FFP201 120 Tests IgG Ref. 50FFP210 Sensibilidad 76% - Especificidad 100% PCR Genekam virus virus glicoproteína nucleoproteína 2 pocillos: + y - Ref. 210-27-RAB Ref. 210-28-RAB INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA INDIRECTA MegaCor porta12 pocillos Kit 120 Tests IgG Controles para IFI MegaCor ELISA Fuller Ref. FB8111 Ref. FB811 positivo 0,5 ml negativo Ref. C+8111 Ref. C-81111 96 Tests Ref. RCD96K Rickettsia rickettsii INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA INDIRECTA Fuller porta12 pocillos Kit 120 Tests IgG VMRD porta 12 pocillos Controles para IFI Fuller VMRD PCR Genekam Ref. RR12 Ref. RR120 Ref. 210-88-12-RMSF positivo 0,5 ml negativo positivo1ml negativo Ref. C+RR Ref. C-RR Ref. 211-P-RMSF Ref. 211-N-RMSF 100 reacciones Ref. K713 Reovirus INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA DIRECTA Conjugado VMRD 1ml 10ml Ref. 210-03-REO Ref. 210-04-REO Salmonella sp. PCR Genekam 100 reacciones Ref. K732a Septicemia hemorrágica de los peces (VHS) INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA DIRECTA Cypress 48 Tests Ref.V H S–FLUO-CD ELISA Cypress Ref. CDVF025 48 Tests Ag.cultivo - 15 CATALOGO.qxd 21/01/2008 10:23 PÆgina 16 Toxo & Chlamydia PCR Genekam bovino, humano 300 Tests Ref. 50OTC130 100 reacciones Ref. K023 (sangre, leche, tejidos, fluidos corporales) West Nile Virus Dot-ELISA IMMUNOCOMB Biogal equino 10 Tests 100 Tests PCR Genekam 100 reacciones Theileria (bovino) ELISA Svanova T.annulata 2 placas, 192 Tests T. parva 2 placas PCR Genekam T .annulata 100 reacciones T. genus 100 reacciones No incluyen control positivo. Ref. 10-2990-02 Ref. K750 Ref. K735 PCR Genekam Conjugado FITC anti-bovinoIgG 1,2 Fuller VMRD 2 ml 1ml 10 ml Ref. BG20 Ref. 020-1 Ref. 020-10 Conjugado FITC anti-cabra IgG Ref. BE12 Ref. BE120 Ref. FB8231 Ref. FB823 Ref. C+BE Ref. C-BE Ref. C+8231 Ref. C-8231 VMRD 1 ml 10 ml Ref. 075-1 Ref. 075-10 Conjugado FITC anti-canino IgG Fuller Megacor VMRD Ref. 274-2 2,5ml 10 ml 3 ml 1 ml 10 ml Ref. CG+25 Ref. CG+100 Ref. +GCD Ref. 035-1 Ref. 035-10 Conjugado FITC anti-canino IgM sin C+,100 reacciones Ref. K720 Toxoplasma gondii INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA INDIRECTA MegaCor porta10 pocillos Kit 10 Tests IgG Kit 10 Tests IgG VMRD porta 12 pocillos Controles para IFI MegaCor positivo 0,5 ml negativo VMRD positivo IgG 1ml negativo positivo IgM1ml ELISA EVL 96 Tests 32 Tests ELISA visual Dot-ELISA IMMUNOCOMB Biogal felino 12 Tests Toxo & Chlamydia 120 Tests Sensibilidad 92,3% - Especificidad 100% ovino 30 Tests 16 Ref. K410a *CONJUGADOS FITC PARA INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA INDIRECTA Theileria equi INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA INDIRECTA Fuller porta12 pocillos Kit 120 Tests MegaCor porta 12 pocillos Kit 120 Tests Controles para IFI Fuller positivo negativo MegaCor positivo negativo ELISA de Competición VMRD 192 Tests Ref. 50EWN101 Ref. 50EWN110 Telf. 918841374 - Fax: 918875465 - Telf. Portugal 914106227 Fuller Megacor VMRD Ref. FB8261 Ref. FB826C felino Ref. FB826D canino Ref. 210-88-12-TOXO Ref. C+8261 Ref. C-8261 Ref. 211-P-TOXO-FEL Ref. 211-N-TOXO Ref. 211-P-TOXO-FEL-M Ref. F1011-AB01 Ref. F3211-AB01 Ref. 50FTC201 Ref. 50FTC210 Ref. 50OTC103 2,5 ml 10 ml 3 ml 1 ml 10 ml Ref. CM+25 Ref. CM+100 Ref. +MCC Ref. 036-1 Ref. 036-10 Conjugado FITC anti-conejo IgG Megacor 3 ml Ref.+GCR Conjugado FITC anti-conejo IgM Megacor 3 ml Ref.+MGR Conjugado FITC anti-equino IgG Fuller Megacor VMRD Purificado por afinidad Purificado por afinidad 2,5 ml 10 ml 3 ml 1 ml 10 ml 1 ml 10 ml Ref. EG+25 Ref. EG+100 Ref. +GCE Ref. 043-1 Ref. 043-10 Ref. 043-AP-1 Ref. 043-AP-10 - CATALOGO.qxd 21/01/2008 10:23 PÆgina 17 FACTOR REUMATOIDE Conjugado FITC anti-equino IgM Fuller 2,5 ml 10 ml 3 ml Megacor Ref. EM+25 Ref. EM+100 Ref. +MCE Conjugado FITC anti-felino IgG Fuller 2,5 ml 10 ml 3 ml 1 ml 10 ml Megacor VMRD Ref. FG+25 Ref. FG+100 Ref. +GCC Ref. 055-1 Ref. 055-10 PRUEBA RÁPIDA INMUNOCROMATOGRAFÍA EVL 6 Tests Ref. D1010-AB01 AGLUTINACIÓN EN LÁTEX Synbiotics 10 Tests Ref.AUCRF9J HORMONAS Cortisol canino, felino ELISA Milenia 96 Tests Ref. BLK-K12CIE 96 Tests Ref. E9 Elastasa canina Conjugado FITC anti-felino IgM Fuller Megacor VMRD afinidad 2,5 ml 10 ml 3 ml 1 ml 10 ml ELISA Schebo Ref. FM+25 Ref. FM+100 Ref. +MCC Ref. 056-1 Ref. 056-10 PMSG PRUEBA RÁPIDA INMUNOCROMATOGRAFÍA EVL 6 Tests ELISA EVL Conjugado FITC anti-llama IgG VMRD por afinidad Bethyl sin conjugar 1 ml 10 ml 1 mg Ref. E1002-AB01 Progesterona 96 Tests 32 Tests visual Ref.AS1004-ST01 Ref. D3208-HR01 96 Tests Ref. MKVCP1 16-40 Tests Ref.ACREL7 Ref. 066-1 Ref. 066-10 Ref.A160-100-F Conjugado FITC anti-ovino IgG Megacor 3 ml Ref. +GCS Conjugado FITC anti-ovino IgM Megacor 3 ml Ref. +MCS Prolactina ELISA Milenia canino Relaxina ELISA Synbiotics canino PRUEBA RÁPIDA INMUNOCROMATOGRAFÍA MegaCor perro, gato 5 Tests Ref. FB860 Tiroglobulina (anticuerpos anti-Tiroglobulina) ELISA EVL canino 32 Tests visual Ref. D3212-HR01 96 Tests Ref. MKVCT1 96 Tests 96 Tests Ref. BLK K214CIE Ref. BLK K214CIE 96 Tests 32 Tests visual 32 Tests visual solución de parada Ref. D1010-HR01 Ref. D3210-HR01 Ref. F3212-HR01 Ref. STOP-S TSH OTRAS PRUEBAS SEROLÓGICAS. ENDOCRINOLOGÍA ELISA Milenia T4 libre ELISA BLK ANTICUERPOS ANTINUCLEARES INMUNOFLUORESCENCIA INDIRECTA MegaCor porta12 pocillos Kit 120 pocillos control positivo 0,5 ml Telf. 918841374 - Fax: 918875465 - Telf. Portugal 914106227 canino canino felino T4 total ELISA EVL Ref. FB6801 Ref. FB680 Ref. C+81801 canino canino felino - 17 CATALOGO.qxd 21/01/2008 10:23 PÆgina 18 INMUNOGLOBULINAS EN SUERO INMUNODIFUSIÓN RADIAL SIMPLE (SRID) IMMUNOCHECK (VMRD). Determinación cuantitativa Bovino IgG 30 Tests 60 Tests Bovino IgG (1) 30 Tests 60 Tests Bovino IgG (2) 30 Tests 60 Tests Bovino IgA 30 Tests 60 Tests Bovino IgM 30 Tests 60 Tests Canino IgG 30 Tests 60 Tests Canino IgA 30 Tests 60 Tests Canino IgM 30 Tests 60 Tests Equino IgG 30 Tests 60 Tests Equino IgA 30 Tests 60 Tests Equino IgM 30 Tests Felino IgG 30 Tests 60 Tests Porcino IgG (T) 30 Tests 60 Tests Ref. 240-30 Ref. 240-60 Ref. 241-30 Ref. 241-60 Ref. 242-30 Ref. 242-60 Ref. 243-30 Ref. 243-60 Ref. 246-30 Ref. 246-60 Ref. 344-30 Ref. 344-60 Ref. 342-30 Ref. 342-60 Ref. 346-30 Ref. 346-60 Ref. 444-30 Ref. 444-60 Ref. 442-30 Ref. 442-60 Ref. 446-30 Ref. 544-30 Ref. 544-60 Ref. 744-30 Ref. 744-60 VMRD (EQUI-Z) 5 Tests 10 Tests 24 Tests Ref. 470-5 Ref. 470-10 Ref. 470-24 Ig (BOVINA) PRUEBA RÁPIDA INMUNOCROMATOGRAFÍA EVL 6 Tests VMRD (BOVA-S) 10 Tests 24 Tests Ref. B1005-AB01 Ref. 267-10 Ref. 267-24 ALERGIA PRUEBA RÁPIDA INMUNOBLOT (Cuantitativa) MegaCor perro 12 Tests (IgE suero) Ref. FB210 caballos 12 Tests Ref. FB220 Equipo lector Ref. Rapid reader PROTEÍNAS DE FASE AGUDA Alpha-1 ácido proteína SRID Tridelta perros gatos 10 placas x 10 Tests Ref.TP-805C Ref.TP-805F Perfil serológico en el perro de la respuesta de Inmunoglobulinas E frente a 17 alergenos ambientales corrientes (5 ácaros del polvo presentes en espacios domésticos y almacenes, pulga, pólenes, cereales y levaduras). Volumen de muestra necesario: 250µL de suero Amiloide A sérico BIOQUÍMICA- Colorimetría Tridelta Todas especies 96 Tests Ref.TP-802 BIOQUÍMICA HÚMEDA Haptoglobina BIOQUÍMICA- Colorimetría Tridelta Todas especies 100 reacciones Set Control Set Calibrador Ref.TP 801 Ref.TP-801CON Ref.TP-801CAL ÁCIDOS BILIARES DCL Proteína C reactiva PRUEBA RÁPIDA INMUNOCROMATOGRAFÍA EVL 6 Tests Ref. D1011-PR01 Standard Reactivo R1 Reactivo R2 TOXINA TETÁNICA ELISA BLK 96 Tests Ref. BLK7-0431 TRANSFERENCIA PASIVA ANTICUERPOS Ig (EQUINA) PRUEBA RÁPIDA INMUNOCROMATOGRAFÍA EVL 6 Tests 18 Kit Kit Set Control Telf. 918841374 - Fax: 918875465 - Telf. Portugal 914106227 Ref. 702-13 Ref. 702-30 Ref. SM702 Ref. 702-50S Ref. 702-50A Ref. 702-50B BROMURO Catachem Ref. E1001-AB01 45 Tests 220 Tests Nivel bajo 3 x 5 ml Nivel alto 3 x 5 ml 5 ml 250 ml 100 ml Kit 120 Tests Ref. C424-01/02 (Diluyente 1 x 30 ml + Reactivo color 1 x 15 ml) Calibrador 1,00mg/ml 1 ml Ref. C424-20 Control I 0,50mg/ml 1 ml Ref. C424-21 Control II 1,50mg/ml 1 ml Ref. C424-22 - CATALOGO.qxd 21/01/2008 10:23 PÆgina 19 FRUCTOSAMINA Catachem kit 300 Tests Ref. C412-0B Diluyente 3 x 5 ml + Reactivo color 3 x 20 ml Calibrador 6 x 1 ml Ref. C414-30 Control I 6 x 1 ml Ref. C414-31 Control II 6 x 1 ml Ref. C414-32 DIFFVET Tinción May Grünwald-giemsa modificado. Tinción frotis sanguíneos e hisopados ganglionares Kit completo 3x100 ml Recambio fijador 100 ml Diffvet Fijador 1000 ml Diffvet Eosina 1000 ml Diffvet Azul de metileno 1000 Ref. DIFFV Ref. DIFF1 Ref. DIFF1000 Ref. DIFF2000 Ref. DIFF3000 JIMÉNEZ Tinción para visualización de Chlamydias Ref. 92PX105 NATT&HERRICKS Recuento de hematíes en aves y reptiles Ref. 92PX082 SEDISTÁN Sedimento urinario. Fondo oscuro. Ref. PV060 TEST DE COOMBS (VMRD) Anti-SRBC’s CANINO (control positivo) Coombs CANINO 20 Tests 50 Tests Coombs FELINO 20 Tests Coombs EQUINO 20 Tests Ref. 372-2 Ref. 392-2 Ref. 392-5 Ref. 592-2 Ref. 492-2 HEMOGLOBINA AVES Materlab aves amonio 0,04% 4 x 250cc Ref. 92PX125 LIPASA DCL Kit Control 1 Control nivel 2 Standard 500 Tests 750 Tests 10 x 5 ml 10 x 5 ml 4 x3 ml Ref. 702-50 Ref. 300-53 Ref. SM-052 Ref. SM-056 Ref. SM050 SORBITOL DESHIDROGENASA DCL Kit Control 1 Control nivel 2 200 Tests 400 Tests 10 x 2 ml 10 x 2 ml Ref. 740-25 Ref. 740-10 Ref. SM-740 Ref. SM-741 TIRAS REACTIVAS URINARIAS (Cybow) 10 parámetros: Densidad, pH, Leucocitos, Nitritos, Proteínas, Glucosa, Cetonas, Urobilinógeno, Bilirrubina, Sangre 100 tiras Ref.TRCY0100 MICROALBUMINURIA (Heska) Determinación de albúmina en la orina con sensibilidad 30 veces superior a las de las tiras reactivas urinarias convencionales.Alerta del daño renal en fases muy iniciales. Heska perros 10 Tests Ref. 902401 gatos 10 Tests Ref. 902405 Kit recogida 100 unidades Ref. 902500 SEXAJE DE AVES (Genekam) Genekam Kit PCR 100 reacciones Kit extracción DNA 250 extracciones Ref. K020 Ref. SB071 VARIOS / MISCELÁNEA CONCENTRADORES DE PARÁSITOS Análisis coprológicos BIOSEPAR Ref. 848 20 tubos con filtro adaptables a centrífuga y soluciones MASTITIS Test de California en leche de bovino LEUCOCYTEST (Synbiotics) Diagnóstico de mastitis subclínicas 1L, 500 reacciones placa MEDIOS SELECTIVOS DERMATOFITOS MYKODERMOASSAY (MegaCor) 12 Tests PRUEBAS TINCIÓN RAPIDA DIAGNOESTRUS Tinción de Schorr.Tinción frotis vaginal. Caja A coloración Caja B lavado Telf. 918841374 - Fax: 918875465 - Telf. Portugal 914106227 C/Cuesta del Rey, 17 - 28814 Daganzo (Madrid) Tels.: 918841374/810579537 Fax: 918875465 Ref.ALEUST Ref.ALEUPL General: Dpto. Técnico: Dpto. Pedidos: Ref. FB716 Comercio en Portugal: Tel.: 914106227 Ref. 363240 Ref. 363250 - 19 20 CACT101A CACT63A CACT77A CACT26A CACT65A 15D2 O50A2 RACT21A RACT14A E18A CADO34A RT19A BB6-10A10 MRB143A RACT30A BAS9A LCT30A LCTB16A BAQ44A BAQ155A CH127A GC65A F72A 14.29 RACT20A MRB120A GM-CSF 17.2 GM-CSF 20.1 B8.10 B24.3 H2 D9E7 F2 G2 1B8-F11 L6G BIg501E BIG312D3 BIg715A BIg73A IL-1 8.1 IL-1 9.3 IL-2 19.2 IL-2 14.1 BLV1 BLV2 BLV3 2A2 1B6 SS1.1 348 157 B Lymphocytes (B-B5) B Lymphocytes (B-B6) B Lymphocytes, Monocytes, Granulocytes and Platelets Babesia bigemina merozoites Babesia bigemina merozoites Babesia bigemina merozoites Basophils, CD4 + T Lymphocyte subpopulation Basophils, Granulocytes, Monocytes Bovine Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor Bovine Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor Bovine Growth Hormone Telf. 918841374 - Fax: 918875465 - Telf. Portugal 914106227 Bovine Growth Hormone Bovine Herpesvirus Type 1 Bovine Herpesvirus Type 1 Bovine Herpesvirus Type 1 Bovine Herpesvirus Type 1 Bovine Herpesvirus Type 1 Bovine Herpesvirus Type 5 Bovine Ig Lambda Light Chain Bovine IgA Bovine IgG1 Bovine IgM Bovine Interleukin-1 beta Bovine Interleukin-1 beta Bovine Interleukin-2 Bovine Interleukin-2 Bovine Leukemia Virus Bovine Leukemia Virus Bovine Leukemia Virus Bovine Parainfluenza Virus Type 3 Bovine Parainfluenza Virus Type 3 Bovine Somatostatin Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus Types 1 and 2 Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus Type 1 mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse IgG2a IgG2a IgG2a NT IgG2b IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgM IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG2b IgG2b IgM IgG2b ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites Formato Presentación 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Aplicación GMCSF GMCSF CD4 B-B5 B-B6 B-B1 B-B11 B-B14 B-B2 B-B4 ACT1 ACT2 ACT2 ACT2 ACT8 Otros nombres BHV, BHV-1, BHV1, Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis Virus, IBR ELISA, neutralization, Page marker. BHV, BHV-1, BHV1, Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis Virus, IBR ELISA, immunoprecipitation, immunoperoxidase, neutralization, PAGE marker. BHV, BHV-1, BHV1, Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis Virus, IBR ELISA, neutralization. BHV, BHV-1, BHV1, Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis Virus, IBR ELISA, immunoblot. BHV, BHV-1, BHV1, Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis Virus, IBR ELISA,indirect immunofluorescence and immunoprecipitation assays,Western blot. BHV, BHV-5 Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function assays. Flow cytometry, indirect immunofluorescence and immunohistochemistry, lymphocyte function. Flow cytometry. Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. ELISA,Western blot. IL-1β ELISA,Western blot. IL-1β Western blot. IL-2 Western blot. IL-2 Radioimmunoprecipitation, flow cytometry, antigen capture, BLV ELISA, immunoaffinity chromatography. Radioimmunoprecipitation,Western blot, flow cytometry, BLV antigen capture, immunoaffinity chromatography. Radioimmunoprecipitation,Western blot, antigen capture, BLV ELISA, immunoaffinity chromatography. Virus neutralization, hemagglutination inhibition. PI3, PI-3 Virus neutralization, hemagglutination inhibition. PI3, PI-3 ELISA. Can be used as a reagent to detect both BVDV1 and BVDV2 using indirect BVD, BVDV, BVDV1, BVDV2 immunofluorescence, indirect immunoperoxidase reactions.This monoclonal antibody has also been used in virus neutralization assays. Can be used as a typing reagent for BVDV1 using indirect BVD, BVDV, BVDV1 immunofluorescence, indirect immunoperoxidase reactions.This monoclonal antibody has also been used in virus neutralization assays. Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. Flow cytometry, cell function. Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. Immunoprecipitation, western blot, immunofluorescence. Immunoprecipitation, immunofluorescence. Flow cytometry, cell function. Flow cytometry, cell function. Flow cytometry, cell function. Flow cytometry, cell function. Flow cytometry, cell function. Flow cytometry, immunoprecipitation, cell function. Flow cytometry, cell function. Flow cytometry, cell function. Flow cytometry, immunochemistry, cell function. Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. Flow cytometry, indirect immunofluorescence and immunohistochemistry, lymphocyte function. Flow cytometry, cell function. Flow cytometry, cell function. "Flow cytometry, cell function; untested in immunohistochemistry." Immunoprecipitation, immunofluorescence. Immunoprecipitation, western blot, immunofluorescence. Immunoprecipitation. Flow cytometry, cell function. Flow cytometry, cell function. ELISA, immunohistochemistry. ELISA,Western blot. "ELISA; for detection of protein in solution.Works well in Western blot (no background; detects 0.5 micrograms; best unreduced, but also works on reduced bovine growth hormone)." "ELISA;for detection of protein in solution.Does not work in Western blot." ELISA, neutralization, precipitation ANTIBODIES 2008 Referencia 157 2A2 1B6 SS1.1 348 BLV3 BLV2 BIg715A BIg73A IL-1 8.1 IL-1 9.3 IL-2 19.2 IL-2 14.1 BLV1 L6G BIg501E BIG312D3 1B8-F11 G2 F2 D9E7 B24.3 H2 CH127A GC65A F72A 14.29 RACT20A MRB120A GM-CSF 17.2 GM-CSF 20.1 B8.10 CACT101A CACT63A CACT77A CACT26A CACT65A 15D2 O50A2 RACT21A RACT14A E18A CADO34A RT19A BB6-10A10 MRB143A RACT30A BAS9A LCT30A LCTB16A BAQ44A BAQ155A 10:23 IgM IgM IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgM IgG1 IgM IgG1 IgM IgG3 IgG1 IgM IgM IgG2a IgM IgM IgM IgM IgM IgM IgG1 IgG1 IgM IgG1 Isotipo 21/01/2008 mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse CLONE/Polyclonal Especie Activation Molecule 1 cluster Activation Molecule 2 Activation Molecule 2 Activation Molecule 2 Activation Molecule 8 Anaplasma marginale Antigen MSP1 Anaplasma marginale Antigen MSP2 B + T Lymphocyte subpopulations B + T Lymphocyte subpopulations B Lymphocyte subpopulation B Lymphocyte subpopulation B Lymphocyte subpopulation B Lymphocyte subpopulation B Lymphocytes B Lymphocytes B Lymphocytes (B-B1) B Lymphocytes (B-B11) B Lymphocytes (B-B14) B Lymphocytes (B-B2) B Lymphocytes (B-B4) Especificidad CATALOGO.qxd PÆgina 20 - BA-26(a) BA-29 D89 2E10-H2 4H1-A7 1C42H11 CDV-NP CPI-A-CA A3B10 CAEP5A1 CAEP10A1 CAEP8B1 CAEP13B1 CAEP12A1 76-7-4 F10-150 MUC76A MM10A MM12A BAQ147A RT18A BAQ153A RT3A 25-2B MM61A CAM36A 74-22-15 74-22-15A DH59B BAT75A H20A BAQ30A TH97A 8-1E3 16-1E10 36F-18 HB88A MSA4 B26A4 BAQ95A CH128A PG168A MUC2A BAQ15A BB6-11C9 GB25A F46A Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus Type 2 Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus Canine Adenovirus Type 1 Canine Adenovirus Type 2 Canine Distemper Virus Canine Distemper Virus Nucleoprotein Canine Parainfluenza Virus Type 2 Canine Parvovirus Caprine Arthritis-Encephalitis Virus Telf. 918841374 - Fax: 918875465 - Telf. Portugal 914106227 Caprine Arthritis-Encephalitis Virus Caprine Arthritis-Encephalitis Virus Caprine Arthritis-Encephalitis Virus Caprine Arthritis-Encephalitis Virus CD1 CD11a CD11a CD11b CD11b CD11b CD11b CD11c CD11c CD13-like (Monocytes/Neutrophils) CD14 (M-M8) CD14 (M-M9) CD172a (SWC3) CD172a (SWC3) CD172a (SWC3) CD18 CD18 CD18 CD1b CD2 CD2 CD2 CD2 CD2 CD2 CD2 CD2 CD2 CD2 (sheep red blood cell receptor) CD21 CD21 CD21-like (B-B7) CD21-like (Cr-B1) mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG2a IgG1 IgG2a IgG2a IgG1 IgG2a IgM IgG1 IgG1 IgG3 IgG2a IgM IgG1 IgG1 Presentación Aplicación ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites Otros nombres 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml "Flow cytometry, indirect immunofluorescence and immunochemistry, lymphocyte function. Works in formalin-fixed tissues (not paraffin-embedded); see Herrmann <i>et al.</i> (2003)." 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, immunochemistry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, immunochemistry, lymphocyte function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, immunoprecipitation, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml "Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function.Works in formalin-fixed tissues (not paraffin-embedded); see Herrmann <i>et al.</i> (2003)." 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. Does not work in paraffin-fixed sections. Immunoprecipitation, immunofluorescence. Immunoprecipitation, immunofluorescence. Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. Flow cytometry, cell function. Flow cytometry, cell function. Flow cytometry, cell function. Flow cytometry, cell function. Flow cytometry, cell function. Flow cytometry, cell function. Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function assays. Flow cytometry, cell function. Immunofluorescence, flow cytometry. Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. Flow cytometry, indirect immunofluorescence and immunohistochemistry, lymphocyte function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Immunoprecipitation, immunofluorescence. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Immunoprecipitation, immunofluorescence. CD21, Cr-B1 CD21, B-B7 CD2, SRBC CD1 CD172, CD172a, SWC3 CD172, CD172a, SWC3 CD172, CD172a, SWC3 CD11 CD11 CD11 CD11 CD11 CD11 CD11 CD11 CD13 CD14, M-M8 CD14, M-M9 CPV, CPV-2A, CPV-2B CAE, CAEV, CAEV-63, CAEV-Co,Visna Virus,VV,Ovine Progressive Pneumonia,OPPV CAE, CAEV, CAEV-63, CAEV-Co,Visna Virus,VV CAE, CAEV, CAEV-63, CAEV-Co,Visna Virus,VV CAE, CAEV, CAEV-63, CAEV-Co CAE, CAEV, CAEV-63 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Can be used as a typing reagent for BVDV2 using indirect immunofluorescence, BVD, BVDV, BVDV2 indirect immunoperoxidase reactions.This monoclonal antibody has also been reported to be reactive in western blots. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Can be used as a reagent to detect both BVDV1 and BVDV2 BVD, BVDV, BVDV1, BVDV2 using indirect immunofluorescence, indirect immunoperoxidase reactions. Does not worked with formalin-fixed tissues. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Can be used as a typing reagent for BVDV2 using indirect BVD, BVDV, BVDV2 immunofluorescence, indirect immunoperoxidase reactions. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Indirect fluorescent antibody, virus neutralization. BVD, BVDV 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Virus neutralization. CAV, CAV-1, CAV1 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Virus neutralization. CAV, CAV-2, CAV2 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Immunofluorescence of infected cells and neutralization of virus. CDV 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml "Immunofluorescence,Western blot, immunohistochemistry, capture ELISA. CDV By immunofluorescence staining is cytoplasmic only (no nuclear staining) and is intense; inclusion bodies are stained most intensely. Using ultracentrifuge-precipitated CDV in reducing gels, it Western blots giving major bands at 76, 68, 54 and 32 kD. Immunohistochemistry has been performed using paraffin-embedded tissues to detect CDV." 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Immunofluorescence, ELISA CPI, CPI-2, CPI2 cell culture supernatant ascites 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml ascites 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Immunoprecipitation, immunofluorescence. ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites IgG1 ascites IgG2b (switch ascites variant of 74-22-15) IgG1 ascites IgG1 IgG1 IgG2a IgG1 IgG2a IgG2b IgG1 IgM IgM IgM IgM IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1/IgG2b, kappa light chain IgG2a IgG1 Formato ascites Referencia F46A BAT75A H20A BAQ30A TH97A 8-1E3 16-1E10 36F-18 HB88A MSA4 B26A4 BAQ95A CH128A PG168A MUC2A BAQ15A BB6-11C9 GB25A DH59B 74-22-15 74-22-15A CAEP13B1 CAEP12A1 76-7-4 F10-150 MUC76A MM10A MM12A BAQ147A RT18A BAQ153A RT3A 25-2B MM61A CAM36A CAEP8B1 CAEP10A1 A3B10 CAEP5A1 CPI-A-CA D89 2E10-H2 4H1-A7 1C42H11 CDV-NP BA-29 BA-26(a) BA-2 10:23 mouse mouse Isotipo IgG2a IgG1 IgG2a IgG1 IgG2b, kappa light chain IgG2a IgG1 IgG2a 21/01/2008 mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse CLONE/Polyclonal Especie BA-2 Especificidad Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus Type 2 CATALOGO.qxd PÆgina 21 - 21 22 CACT108A PGBL25A CACT114A FW4-101 2B3C 8E6 8C8 MM1A 17D1 HB61A IL-A11 GC50A1 74-12-4 DH29A CACT83B CACT138A PT90A GC1A CAT30A RTH1A RACT19A CL2A CAPP2A PORC24A BAG40A BAT31A 74-9-3A1 ISC18A ISC39A ISC76A BAGB20A CACTB51A CADO18A CADO19A LCT2A LCT27A GS5A GC6A GC44A GC42A1 IL-A116 PG96A PG97A PGB78A PG167A 73B1 DH16A TH17A FW3-218 9G12 GR60A HB19A HT23A BAGB145A DH13A DH3B DH14A CACT105A PG114A B29A RTH33A CD25 (Bovine Interleukin-2 receptor alpha) IL-2α CD25 (Porcine Interleukin-2 receptor) IL-2α CD26 CD29 CD3 CD3 CD3 CD3 CD4 CD4 CD4 CD4 CD4 CD4 CD4 CD4 CD4 CD4 CD4 CD4 CD4 and CD8 subpopulations (CD28-like) CD41 CD41 platelets CD44 CD44 + Endothelium CD44 + Endothelium CD45 CD45 CD45 CD45 CD45 CD45 CD45-like CD45-like CD45R CD45R CD45R CD45R CD45R0 CD45R0 CD45R0 CD45RA CD45RA CD45RA CD45RA CD45RA CD45RB CD47 CD49d CD5 CD5 CD5 CD5 CD5 CD5 CD5 CD5 CD5 CD5 "CD5 in cattle; B cells only in horses" CD58 Telf. 918841374 - Fax: 918875465 - Telf. Portugal 914106227 mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse IgG1 IgG1 IgG2a IgG1 IgM IgM IgG1 IgM IgG1 IgG1 IgG2a IgG1 Isotipo Formato ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites Presentación Aplicación 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Indirect immunofluorescence, immunohistochemistry, lymphocyte function, flow cytometry. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, indirect immunofluorescence and immunochemistry, lymphocyte function, flow cytometry. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function assays. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, immunoprecipitation, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, lymphocyte function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, indirect immunofluorescence, immunohistochemistry, lymphocyte function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml "Flow cytometry, cell function; untested in immunohistochemistry." 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, functional studies. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml "Flow cytometry, cell function; untested in immunohistochemistry." 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function assays. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, immunochemistry, lymphocyte function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, indirect immunofluorescence and immunochemistry, lymphocyte function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. Otros nombres CD5, B cells CD49 CD45 CD45 CD45 CD45 CD45 CD45 CD45 CD45 CD45 CD45 CD45 CD45 CD45 CD45 CD45 CD44 CD44 CD28, CD4, CD8 CD41, CD61 CD41, CD61, Platelets CD25, IL-2 CD25, IL-2R, IL-2RA CD24 CD25, IL-2R, IL-2RA CD25, IL-2R, IL-2RA Referencia 9G12 GR60A HB19A HT23A BAGB145A DH13A DH3B DH14A CACT105A PG114A B29A RTH33A PT90A GC1A CAT30A RTH1A RACT19A CL2A CAPP2A PORC24A BAG40A BAT31A 74-9-3A1 ISC18A ISC39A ISC76A BAGB20A CACTB51A CADO18A CADO19A LCT2A LCT27A GS5A GC6A GC44A GC42A1 IL-A116 PG96A PG97A PGB78A PG167A 73B1 DH16A TH17A FW3-218 PGBL25A CACT114A FW4-101 2B3C 8E6 8C8 MM1A 17D1 HB61A IL-A11 GC50A1 74-12-4 DH29A CACT83B CACT138A CACT108A MUC106A LCTB2A CACT116A 10:23 IgG2a IgG2a IgG1 IgG1 IgM IgG1 IgG1 IgG2a IgG3 IgG1 IgM IgG2a IgG1 IgM IgG1 IgG2a IgG1 IgG1 IgG2a IgG1 IgG1 IgM IgG3 IgG1 IgG3 IgG1 IgM IgG2a IgG1 IgG1 IgM IgM IgG2b IgG1 IgG2b IgG1 IgG2b IgG1 IgG2a IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG2a IgM IgG2b IgM IgM IgG1 IgG2a IgM IgG3 IgG1 21/01/2008 mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse CLONE/Polyclonal Especie MUC106A LCTB2A CACT116A Especificidad CD24-like (Granulocytes + B Lymphocytes) CD25 (Bovine Interleukin-2 receptor alpha) IL-2α CD25 (Bovine Interleukin-2 receptor alpha) IL-2α CATALOGO.qxd PÆgina 22 - DU1-29 25-1B 25-2A ISC27A ISC29E ISC38A HT14A ISC16A CADO46A 73/6.9.1 76-2-11 BAQ111A CACT80C PT81B PT36B PG164A BAT82A DH2A DH24A 16.87.16 1.9/3.2 EIAP6A1 PG94A E48C PGBL18A PGBL1A CAT36A CL35A PG68A RACT43A MM20A CH138A GS23C F90 C6 F152 C11 F70 C24 F22 C6 F70 C14 F48 C6 DH52A 15-A-AC N10-A 36-A N55-A B5C H17A H58A PT85A CF298A MSA3 EqT2 TH16B CAT82A TH21A H42A BAQ150A TH81A5 CD62L (L Selectin) CD8 CD8 CD8 CD8 CD8 CD8 CD8 CD8 CD8 alpha CD8 alpha CD8 alpha CD8 alpha CD8 alpha CD8 alpha CD8 beta CD8 beta CD90 (Thy-1) CD90 (Thy-1) Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts Equine IgM Equine Infectious Anemia Virus Gamma-delta T Lymphocyte subpopulation Granulocyte + Lymphocyte subpopulation Granulocyte, Monocyte, Lymphocyte subpopulation Granulocyte, Monocyte, Lymphocyte subpopulation Granulocyte, Monocyte, Lymphocyte subpopulation Granulocytes Granulocytes Granulocytes Granulocytes (G1 cluster) + Endothelium Granulocytes (G1) + Endothelium Granulocytes + Endothelium Leptospira interrogans serovar australis Leptospira interrogans serovar canicola Leptospira interrogans serovar copenhageni Leptospira interrogans serovar hardjo Leptospira interrogans serovar icterohaemorrhagiae Leptospira interrogans serovar pomona Lymphocyte subpopulation Malignant Catarrhal Fever Virus Malignant Catarrhal Fever Virus Malignant Catarrhal Fever Virus Malignant Catarrhal Fever Virus MHC I MHC I MHC I Telf. 918841374 - Fax: 918875465 - Telf. Portugal 914106227 MHC I MHC I MHC II MHC II MHC II MHC II MHC II MHC II (HLA-DP) MHC II (HLA-DQ) MHC II (HLA-DQ) mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse IgG2a IgG1 IgG2b IgG2a IgG3 IgG2a IgG1 IgG2a IgG1 IgG2a IgG3 IgM IgG1 IgG1 IgG3 IgM IgM IgG2b IgG2a IgG1 IgM IgG2b IgG2a/2b IgG2a Isotipo Formato ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites Presentación 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Aplicación Otros nombres Flow cytometry, cell function. Flow cytometry and lymphocyte function. Flow cytometry, cell function. Flow cytometry and lymphocyte function. Flow cytometry, indirect immunofluorescence and CD62 immunochemistry, lymphocyte function. Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. CD62, L selectin Flow cytometry, cell function assays. Flow cytometry, cell function. Flow cytometry, cell function. Flow cytometry, cell function. Flow cytometry, cell function. Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. Flow cytometry, cell function. Flow cytometry, cell function. Flow cytometry, cell function. CD8 Flow cytometry, cell function. CD8 Flow cytometry, cell function. CD8 Flow cytometry, cell function, immunohistochemistry. CD8 Flow cytometry, cell function. CD8 Flow cytometry, cell function. CD8 Flow cytometry, cell function. CD8 Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. CD8 Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. CD90,Thy-1 Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. CD90,Thy-1 For indirect immunofluorescent detection of Cryptosporidium parvum Cryptosporidium oocysts.A secondary anti-mouse IgM FITC-labeled conjugate is required. Flow cytometry, immunofluorescence, rocket electrophoresis, immunodiffusion. Immunoblot. EIA, EIAV Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. Flow cytometry, cell function. Flow cytometry, cell function. Flow cytometry, cell function. Flow cytometry, cell function. Flow cytometry, cell function. Flow cytometry, cell function. Flow cytometry, cell function. Flow cytometry, cell function. G1 Flow cytometry, cell function. G1 Flow cytometry, indirect immunofluorescence and immunochemistry, granulocyte function. Microagglutination Leptospira Microagglutination Leptospira Microagglutination Leptospira Microagglutination Leptospira Microagglutination Leptospira Microagglutination Leptospira Flow cytometry, cell function. CI-ELISA MCF, MCFV, Malignant Catarrhal Fever Immunoprecipitation and immunoblot. No significant neutralization. MCF, MCFV, Malignant Catarrhal Fever Immunoblot. No significant neutralization. MCF, MCFV, Malignant Catarrhal Fever Immunoblot. No significant neutralization. Reactivity: 1:50,000 in Western blot. MCF, MCFV, Malignant Catarrhal Fever Flow cytometry, cytotoxicity, cell function. Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. Flow cytometry, indirect immunofluorescence, immunohistochemistry (frozen sections), immunoprecipitation lymphocyte function. Flow cytometry, indirect immunofluorescence and immunochemistry, lymphocyte function. Does not work on paraffin-embedded tissues. Flow cytometry, cell function. Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, lymphocyte function. Indirect immunofluorescence and immunochemistry, lymphocyte function, flow cytometry. Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. Flow cytometry, cell function. Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. Flow cytometry, cell function, immunohistochemistry. MHC II, HLA-DP, HLADP Flow cytometry, cell function. MHC II, HLA-DQ, HLADQ Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. MHC II, HLA-DQ, HLADQ Referencia TH16B CAT82A TH21A H42A BAQ150A TH81A5 CF298A MSA3 EqT2 PT85A F90 C6 F152 C11 F70 C24 F22 C6 F70 C14 F48 C6 DH52A 15-A-AC N10-A 36-A N55-A B5C H17A H58A 1.9/3.2 EIAP6A1 PG94A E48C PGBL18A PGBL1A CAT36A CL35A PG68A RACT43A MM20A CH138A GS23C DU1-29 25-1B 25-2A ISC27A ISC29E ISC38A HT14A ISC16A CADO46A 73/6.9.1 76-2-11 BAQ111A CACT80C PT81B PT36B PG164A BAT82A DH2A DH24A 16.87.16 RTH32A BAQ82A PG90A BAQ91A BAQ92A 10:23 IgG1 IgG1 IgM IgM IgM IgM IgM IgG1 IgG1 IgM IgG1 IgM IgG3 IgG1 IgG2a IgG1 IgG2a IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgM IgG1 IgG3 IgG2a IgM IgG1 IgG2b IgG1 IgG2a IgG1 IgM IgM IgM IgM IgM IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 21/01/2008 mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse CLONE/Polyclonal Especie RTH32A BAQ82A PG90A BAQ91A BAQ92A Especificidad CD58 CD6 CD6 CD6 CD62L CATALOGO.qxd PÆgina 23 - 23 24 H34A PG130A CH137A MM29A BAQ151A 5B6 CADO48A MRB29A RACT38A CF4A CF11A RT23A 25-2C PG106A RTH186A MRB102A PG89A 25-1A 25-2I GB20A PS8.3 PG145A PIG45A 3C9D11H11 F89/160.1.5 F99/97.6.1 EqT12 2D6 3G9F3 6D8-MB4 74-11-10 PG92A CAT54A HB72A E38A E47B CF26A CF7A ISC24A ISC4A PG74C1 CF54A RTH230A RTH2A CF255A CF74A RT22A RTH21A RTH65A RTH26A MRB61A PT79A CACT61A CACT148A MHC II (HLA-DR) Monocytes (M-M1) Monocytes (M-M2) Monocytes (M-M3) Monocytes (M-M7) Neospora caninum Neutrophils Pan B Lymphocytes Pan Leukocytes Pan Leukocytes Pan Leukocytes Pan Leukocytes "Pan Leukocytes (CD45-like);non-reactive with platelets" Pan Lymphocytes Pan Lymphocytes Pan Lymphocytes Pan Lymphocytes Pan T Lymphocytes Pan T Lymphocytes Platelets (85 kD) Porcine Growth Hormone Porcine IgM Porcine IgM Porcine Parvovirus Telf. 918841374 - Fax: 918875465 - Telf. Portugal 914106227 Prion Protein (conserved epitope IHFG) Prion Protein (conserved epitope QYQRES) Prothymocytes Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus Pseudorabies Virus Pseudorabies Virus SLA Class I (Porcine MHC Class I) SWC5 (gamma-delta T Lymphocyte subpopulation) T + B Lymphocyte subpopulations T + B Lymphocyte subpopulations, Granulocytes T + B Lymphocyte subpopulations, Granulocytes T + B Lymphocytes T + B Lymphocytes, Monocytes T Lymphocyte subpopulation T Lymphocyte subpopulation, Granulocytes T Lymphocyte subpopulation, Granulocytes T Lymphocytes (gamma-delta), CD4+CD8 subpopulations T Lymphocytes (Pan T1) T Lymphocytes (Pan T1) T Lymphocytes (Pan T1) T Lymphocytes (Pan T2) T Lymphocytes (Pan T2) T Lymphocytes (Pan T2) T Lymphocytes (Pan T2) T Lymphocytes (Pan T4) T Lymphocytes (Pan T4) T Lymphocytes + Basophils (Pan T3) TcR1-N1 subpopulation TcR1-N12 (delta chain) TcR1-N21 (delta chain) mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse IgG2b IgG2b IgG2b IgM IgM IgG2a IgG1 IgM IgG1 IgG1 IgM IgG3 IgM IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgM IgG1 IgM IgG2a IgG1 IgG2a IgM IgM IgG2b IgM IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 Isotipo Formato ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites Presentación Aplicación Otros nombres 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry,indirect immunofluorescence and immunochemistry,cell function. MHC II, HLA-DQ, HLADQ 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. MHC II, HLA-DR, HLA-DRA, HLADR, HLADRA 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. MHC II, HLA-DR, HLADR 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. M-M1 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. M-M2 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. M-M3 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. M-M7 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml ELISA, postmortem immunohistochemical analysis 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. Does not work in immunohistochemistry on paraffin-embedded tissues. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Immunofluorescence, flow cytometry. CD45 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml "ELISA; for detection of protein in solution." 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, indirect immunofluorescence and immunohistochemistry, lymphocyte function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Virus neutralization, indirect fluorescent antibody, PPV hemagglutination inhibition, and radioimmune assays. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Detection of TSEs in ruminant species.Techniques include immunoassays TSE, BSE, CWD, Scrapie of formalin-fixed tissues,Western immunoblot, immunohistochemistry (except in cervid lymphoid tissue--use F99/97.6.1), ELISA. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Detecting agents of TSEs in ruminant species.Techniques include TSE, BSE, CWD, Scrapie immunoassays of fresh and formalin-fixed tissues, including Western immunoblot (performs better than F89/160.1.5.), immunohistochemistry, ELISA, and fluorescence flow cytometry. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Indirect immunofluorescence and immunochemistry, lymphocyte function, flow cytometry. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Immunoperoxidase, indirect immunofluorescence and PRRS, PRRSV immunoprecipitation assays. Reactive to PRRSV antigen in formalin-fixed tissue. Not suitable for virus neutralization or Western blot. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Immunoprecipitation and fluorescent antibody assays. PRV 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Immunoprecipitation and fluorescent antibody assays. PRV 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry,cell function assays.Does not work on paraffin-embedded tissues. SLA I, MHC I 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. SWC5 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. CD45, CD45R, CD45R0 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. CD8 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml "Flow cytometry, cell function; untested in immunohistochemistry." T1 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. T1 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. T1 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. T2 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. T2 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. T2 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. T2 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. T4 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. T4 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, cell function. T3 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. TcR1,TcR1-N1, N1 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. TcR1,TcR1-N12, N12 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. TcR1,TcR1-N21, N21 Referencia 3G9F3 6D8-MB4 74-11-10 PG92A CAT54A HB72A E38A E47B CF26A CF7A ISC24A ISC4A PG74C1 CF54A RTH230A RTH2A CF255A CF74A RT22A RTH21A RTH65A RTH26A MRB61A PT79A CACT61A CACT148A 2D6 EqT12 F99/97.6.1 F89/160.1.5 3C9D11H11 MRB29A RACT38A CF4A CF11A RT23A 25-2C PG106A RTH186A MRB102A PG89A 25-1A 25-2I GB20A PS8.3 PG145A PIG45A H34A PG130A CH137A MM29A BAQ151A 5B6 CADO48A TH22A5 TH14B 10:23 mouse IgM IgG1 IgG3 IgM IgM IgM IgM IgG1 IgM IgG1 IgM IgG1 IgG1 IgG2a IgM IgG2b IgG2b IgM IgM IgM IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG2a IgG2a 21/01/2008 mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse CLONE/Polyclonal Especie TH22A5 TH14B Especificidad MHC II (HLA-DQ) MHC II (HLA-DR alpha) CATALOGO.qxd PÆgina 24 - Telf. 918841374 - Fax: 918875465 - Telf. Portugal 914106227 polyclonal polyclonal polyclonal polyclonal polyclonal polyclonal polyclonal polyclonal polyclonal polyclonal polyclonal polyclonal polyclonal polyclonal polyclonal polyclonal polyclonal polyclonal polyclonal Bovine Herpesvirus Type 1 Bovine Leukemia Virus Bovine Parainfluenza Virus Type 3 Bovine Parvovirus Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus Canine Coronavirus Canine Distemper Virus Canine Parainfluenza Virus Equine Herpesvirus Type 1 Feline Infectious Peritonitis Virus Type 1 Feline Infectious Peritonitis Virus Type 2 Feline Panleukopenia Virus Neospora caninum Porcine Circovirus Porcine Parvovirus Toxoplasma gondii Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus porcine polyclonal caprine caprine feline caprine porcine porcine canine feline feline caprine porcine caprine feline caprine caprine caprine caprine bovine caprine IgM IgG1 IgG1 IgM IgG1 IgG3 IgG1 IgG2b IgG2a IgG1 IgG1 IgM IgM IgG1 IgG1 IgM IgG3 Isotipo Formato ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites ascites Presentación 1 ml 2 ml 1 ml 2 ml 1 ml 2 ml 2 ml 1 ml 1 ml 2 ml 1 ml 2 ml 2 ml 2 ml 2 ml 2 ml 2 ml 2 ml 2 ml 2 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml 0.1 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml Aplicación IFA. Not suitable for cell culture serum neutralization because it contains sodium azide. IFA. Not suitable for cell culture serum neutralization because it contains sodium azide. IFA. Not suitable for cell culture serum neutralization because it contains sodium azide. IFA. Not suitable for cell culture serum neutralization because it contains sodium azide. IFA. Not suitable for cell culture serum neutralization because it contains sodium azide. IFA. Not suitable for cell culture serum neutralization because it contains sodium azide. IFA. Not suitable for cell culture serum neutralization because it contains sodium azide. IFA. Not suitable for cell culture serum neutralization because it contains sodium azide. IFA. Not suitable for cell culture serum neutralization because it contains sodium azide. IFA. Not suitable for cell culture serum neutralization because it contains sodium azide. IFA. Not suitable for cell culture serum neutralization because it contains sodium azide. IFA. Not suitable for cell culture serum neutralization because it contains sodium azide. IFA. Not suitable for cell culture serum neutralization because it contains sodium azide. IFA. Not suitable for cell culture serum neutralization because it contains sodium azide. IFA. Not suitable for cell culture serum neutralization because it contains sodium azide. Immunohistochemistry, IFA IFA IFA. Not suitable for cell culture serum neutralization because it contains sodium azide. Immunohistochemistry IFA. Not suitable for cell culture serum neutralization because it contains sodium azide. Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. Flow cytometry, immunofluorescence. Flow cytometry, immunofluorescence. Flow cytometry, immunofluorescence. Indirect immunofluorescence and immunochemistry, lymphocyte function, flow cytometry. Indirect immunofluorescence and immunochemistry, lymphocyte function, flow cytometry. Flow cytometry, cell function. Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. Flow cytometry, hemagglutination. Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry. Flow cytometry, cell function. Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry. Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. Flow cytometry. Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry. Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. Flow cytometry, cell function. Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cell function. Otros nombres Referencia 210-70-PPV 210-70-TOXO 210-70-TGE TGE,TGEV,Transmissible Gastroenteritis 210-70-NC 210-70-PCRV 210-70-FPL 210-70-FIP2 210-70-FIP1 210-70-ERV 210-70-CPI 210-70-CDV 210-70-CCV 210-70-BVD 210-70-BRSV 210-70-BPV 210-70-PI3 210-70-BLV 210-70-IBR 210-70-BAV3 210-70-BTV 2B11 IL-A29 ANA8A B7A1 BAQ167A BAQ90A BAQ4A CACTB31A GB54A GB45A CACTB32A BAQ72A BAG25A BAQ159A BAQ89A BAQ136A TH18A EqT7 GB21A PGBL22A CACTB6A CACTB14A CACTB81A 86D 25-2E 25-2F 25-2G EqT6 PPV PCV, PCV-2, PCV2 FPL, FPLV, Feline Panleukopenia FIP, FIP-2, FIP2, Feline Coronavirus, FCV Equine Herpesvirus, EHV, EHV-1, EHV1, Equine Rhinopneumonitis, ERV FIP, FIP-1, FIP1, Feline Coronavirus, FCV CPI, CPI-2, CPI2 CDV BVD, BVDV, BVDV1, BVDV2, BVDV-1, BVDV-2 CCV BRSV BPV PI3, PI-3 BHV, BHV-1, BHV1, IBR, Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis BLV BT, Bluetongue, BTV, EHD, EHDV, Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease Virus BAV, BAV-3, BAV3 WC1 WC15, RBC, red blood cells WC1-N1,WC1, N1 WC1-N11,WC1, N11 WC1-N11,WC1, N11 WC1-N2,WC1, N2 WC1-N22,WC1, N22 WC1-N25,WC1, N25 WC1-N26,WC1, N26 WC1-N3,WC1, N3 WC1-N3,WC1, N3 WC1-N4,WC1, N4 WC1-N4,WC1, N4 WC1-N4,WC1, N4 WC1-N5,WC1, N5 WC7-N1,WC7, N1 TcR1,TcR1-N24, N24 TcR1,TcR1-N4, N4 TcR1,TcR1-N6, N6 TcR1,TcR1-N6, N6 TcR1,TcR1-N7, N7 TcR1,TcR1-N7, N7 10:23 Bovine Adenovirus Type 3 mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse 2B11 IL-A29 ANA8A B7A1 BAQ167A BAQ90A BAQ4A CACTB31A GB54A GB45A CACTB32A BAQ72A BAG25A BAQ159A BAQ89A BAQ136A TH18A Thymocytes + (alpha-beta + gamma-delta) T subpopulations WC1 (gamma-delta Thymocytes) WC15 (red blood cells) WC1-N1 (gamma-delta Thymocytes) WC1-N11 Leukocyte cluster WC1-N11 gamma-delta Thymocyte subpopulation WC1-N2 (gamma-delta T Lymphocytes Leukocytes) WC1-N22 Pan Leukocytes WC1-N25 (gamma-delta T Lymphocyte subpopulation) WC1-N26 (gamma-delta T Lymphocyte subpopulation) WC1-N3 (gamma-delta T Lymphocyte subpopulation) WC1-N3 cluster WC1-N4 cluster WC1-N4 cluster WC1-N4 (gamma-delta T Lymphocyte subpopulation) WC1-N5 Lymphocyte subpopulation WC7-N1 (alpha-beta + gamma-delta T and B Lymphocytes) Bluetongue Virus IgG1 IgG2b IgG1 IgM IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgM IgM IgM IgG3 21/01/2008 mouse EqT7 Thymocytes mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse CLONE/Polyclonal Especie GB21A PGBL22A CACTB6A CACTB14A CACTB81A 86D 25-2E 25-2F 25-2G EqT6 Especificidad TcR1-N24 (delta chain) TcR1-N4 (delta chain) TcR1-N6 (gamma-delta T Lymphocyte subpopulation) TcR1-N6 cluster (gamma chain) TcR1-N7 (gamma-delta chain) TcR1-N7 cluster (gamma chain subpopulation) Thymocyte subpopulation Thymocyte subpopulation Thymocyte subpopulation Thymocytes CATALOGO.qxd PÆgina 25 - 25
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