AGENDA July 7, 2015 LAKE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS COMMISSIONERS' CHAMBERS LAKE COUNTY COURTHOUSE 1:00 p.m. Convene Agenda Meeting Clerk’s Correspondence Public Comments 1:05 p.m. Land Commissioner Nate Eide 1:35 p.m. County Administrator Matthew Huddleston 2:05 p.m. Recess 2:15 p.m. Commissioners’ Correspondence 2:45 p.m. Adjourn COMMISSIONERS’ CORRESPONDENCE July 7, 2015 # Name of Department, Entity, or Individual Type and Date Subject Category (Informational or Request for Board Action?) On Action Items List? 1. Lake County Information Systems Department Memo dated June 23, 2015 Request for Payment Approval: GIS Consulting – Lake Connections Request for Board Action Yes 2. Lake County Information Systems Department Memo dated June 23, 2015 Request for Payment Approval: Revize – Web Content Management System (CMS) Annual Support Request for Board Action Yes 3. Lake County Veterans Service Office / Motor Pool Memo dated June 19, 2015 Recommendation, Vehicle Purchase Request for Board Action Yes 4. Lake County Sheriff’s Office Email dated June 25, 2015 Lake View Memorial Hospital Invoice Request for Board Action Yes 5. Lake County Human Resources Department Memo dated June 25, 2015 Request for Board Action on July 14, 2015 Request for Board Action Yes 6. Lake County Emergency Management Memo dated June 29, 2015 Approval of FEMA FireResistant Roofing Grant 3A agreement Request for Board Action Yes 7. Lake County Emergency Management Memo dated June 29, 2015 Approval Historic Review agreement Request for Board Action Yes 8. Lake County Sheriff’s Office Memo dated June 25, 2015 Vehicle Quotes/ Bids Request for Board Action Yes 9. Lake County Highway Department Memo dated June 11, 2015 7/14/15 Road & Bridge Action Requests Request for Board Action Yes 10. Lake County Planning Commission Date of Mailing: June 30, 2015 Public Hearing for C-15-009: July 20, 2015, at 6:00 p.m. in the Law Enforcement Center, Two Harbors, Minnesota Informational No 11. Lake County Planning Commission Date of Mailing: June 30, 2015 Public Hearing for I-15-002: July 20, 2015, at 6:30 p.m. in the Law Enforcement Center, Two Harbors, Minnesota Informational No 12. Danny’s Auto Shop, Inc. Letter dated July 1, 2015 Parking Lot use for the Heritage Days Car Show Request # Name of Department, Entity, or Individual Type and Date Subject Category (Informational or Request for Board Action?) On Action Items List? 13. United States Department of the Interior Letter dated June 24, 2015 Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) program Informational No 14. Friends of the Finland Community Letter dated June 30, 2015 Playground area at the Clair Nelson Center in Finland, Minnesota Request 15. Lake County Highway Department Press Release dated July 2, 2015 Beaver Bay Trailhead Grand Opening Informational No 16. Lake County Forestry Department Request received July 1, 2015 Culvert Payment Request for Board Action Yes 17. Lake County Forestry Department Request received July 7, 2015 CLP utility easement to Verizon Wireless Tower (cell tower on Blueberry Hill) Request for Board Action Yes 18. Lake County Forestry Department Request received July 7, 2015 Road Project Bid Award Request for Board Action Yes 19. Lake County Forestry Department Request received July 1, 2015 Approval of basic sale prices and authorization of public sale of tax-forfeited land listed on 2015-01 Land Sale List on October 2, 2015 Request for Board Action Yes Information Systems Department Angie Dickison, Director 601 3rd Avenue Two Harbors, MN 55616 218.834.8392- 218.834.8479 Memorandum To: Commissioners and Administrator Copy: Jeff Reiland Date: June 23, 2015 From: Angie Dickison Re: Request for Payment Approval: GIS Consulting - Lake Connections Board Action Request to: Approve payment of Invoice No. 779 to North Point Geographic Solutions in the amount of $5,613.50 for GIS consulting services. Explanation of expense: GIS consulting services for fiber network mapping. Budget Implications: 01-070-6841: $5,613.50 Invoice N ~GRAPHIC SOLUTIONS Date Invoice# 6/12/2015 779 w.ffi.'NoRTH POINT ' S North Point Geographic Solutions 394 Lake Ave South, Suite 400 Duluth, MN 55802 Bill To Lake Connections/Lake County 601 3rd Avenue Two Harbors, MN 55616 Quantity (hrs) 4 4.5 2.75 I 0.5 I. 75 0.75 3 2 6 7 3 5 5 7 8 3 4.5 5 3 3 Description Due Date Terms 7/12/2015 Net30 Date Amount Rate GIS data management- Redlines Project Cartography- Redlines Project Cartography- Redlines Project Cartography - Redlines Project Cartography- Redlines Project Cartography- Red lines Ad-hoc Request Cartography- Redlines Ad-hoc Request GIS data management- Redlines Address Support GIS data management- Redlines Address Support GIS data management- Redlines Project GIS data management- Redlines Project Cartography- Redlines Project GIS data management- Redlines Project GIS data management- Redlines Project GIS data management- Redlines Ad-hoc Request GIS data management- Redlines Ad-hoc Request GIS data management - Redlines Ad-hoc Request Cartography- Redlines Ad-hoc Request Cartography - Redlines Ad-hoc Request Cartography- Red lines Project Project planning, coordinating and reporting- Redlines Project MN! Duluth Sales Tax 74.00 62.00 62.00 62.00 62.00 62.00 62.00 74.00 74.00 74.00 74.00 62.00 74.00 74.00 74.00 74.00 74.00 62.00 62.00 62.00 85.00 7.875% 5/112015 5/1/2015 5/4/2015 5/5/2015 5/6/2015 511112015 5/12/2015 5113/2015 5/14/2015 5/18/2015 5119/2015 5/19/2015 5/21/2015 5/22/2015 5/26/2015 5/27/2015 5/28/2015 5/28/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 296.00 279.00 170.50 62.00 31.00 108.50 46.50 222.00 148.00 444.00 518.00 186.00 370.00 370.00 518.00 592.00 222.00 279.00 310.00 186.00 255.00 0.00 Thank you for your business! Please call or e-mail ifthere are questions. Total Phone # (218) 720-6747 I I E-mail I I Web Site $5,613.50 I I Disclaimer: If we do not receive payment within (30) days of the mailing of this invoice, and we do not have an alternate agreement, interest calculated at the rate of six percent (6%) per year will be added to the unpaid balance due to this office each month. Should legal action become necessary to recover payments due under this invoice, we will seek recovery of all court and attorney fees incurred therein. Information Systems Department Angie Dickison, Director 601 3rd Avenue Two Harbors, MN 55616 218.834.8392- 218.834.8479 Memorandum To: Commissioners and Administrator Date: June 23, 2015 From: Angie Dickison Re: Request for Payment Approval: Revize -Web CMS Annual Support Board Action Request to: Approve payment of Invoice No. 3866 to Revize LLC in the amount of $3,900 for annual support and maintenance of county's web content management system. Explanation of expense: Annual expense for support and maintenance of county's web content management system (CMS). Budget Implications: This expense was planned for in the I.S. Department's 2015 budget. 01-070-6380: $3,900.00 Revize LLC Revize LLC 1890 Crooks Rd,Suite# 340 Troy, MI 48084 Invoice (248) 269-9263 www Due on receipt 06/18/2015 Bill To. Angie Dickison Palmer Lake County,MN 601 3rd Avenue Two Harbors, MN 55616 ,.. Arriouritoue / 1·•.•.. • •EnClosed ·• $3,900.00 . _ __ _ _ _ _ _ ______ X _Please detach lOJl portion and_ relnrn \Vith your paytnenL __ -X • Website and CMS Annual tech support Unlimited CMS Software and Module updates (1st July 2015 to 30th June 2016) Credit Cards accepted(3% handling fees extra) For questions, call or write to our Accounts Receivable Department RevizeLLC. 1890 Crooks Rd,Suite# 340,Troy, MI- 48084 Ph: 248-327-3615 Fax:(866) 346-8880 Email: VETERANS SERVICE OFFICE Lake Coun , Minnesota i, J_,~• LAKE COUNTY Minnesota · VETERANS SERVICE OFFICE Two Harbors I Silver Bay Main Office: 616 3rd Avenue, Two Harbors, MN 55616 Phone: (218) 834-8326 Fax: (218) 834-8369 .\.1 ~-·"~~~""-~:· Two Harbors I Silver Bay 0611912015 SUBJECT: Recommendation, Vehicle Purchase Lake County Board of Commissioners Attn: Richard Sve, Board Chair I Matthew Huddleston, Administrator Lake County Courthouse 601 Third A venue Two Harbors, MN 55616 Dear Gentlemen of the Board and Administrator Huddleston, I solicited bids from vehicle vendors in late May- early June for the purchase of a van for Human Services. To date, I have received the following solid bids: Nelson Auto Center- Fergus Falls, MN: $21,987.22, 2015 Dodge Grand Caravan minivan. Sonju- Two Harbors: $20,858.55, 2015 Dodge Grand Caravan minivan. Clearly, the local bid is $1,128.67 is lower. It is my request that the Board consider approving the purchase of the 2015 Dodge Grand Caravan from Sonju as the lower bid. The vehicle will be assigned to Human Services, and will replace the current Motor Pool (MP) # 1, 2002 Green Ford Windstar van, mileage 124,921, which will be traded in. Operational and safety issues have become concerns with MP #1 due to recent repairs and due to the transport of juveniles and family members that are either in the custody of, or supervised by, Lake County employees. Funding for this vehicle is slated to be drawn from an estimated $26,980.10 remaining Capital Outlay Vehicles funds after the purchase of the new Chevrolet Impala from Polar Chevrolet in White Bear Lake. It is projected that $15K will be used from Capital Outlay - Vehicles, and $6K from Human Services funds. Remaining Capital Outlay- Vehicles funds are estimated to be about $5K. Updating our Motor Pool fleet and phasing out our current high mileage vehicles improves not only the safety of our vehicle operator's and passengers, reduces maintenance costs, and improves the overall appearance of the fleet. Please approve I authorize this action and advise as necessary. R~spec~lly,fl ~~ N. V. (Vince) Sando Lake CVSO I Motor Pool Cc: File, Lake CVSO ACCREDITED REPRESENTATIVE National Associatiou ofColl/1(1' Vetemns Sen•ice Officers I Miuuesota Department of Veterans Affairs I Vetemns of Foreign Wars American Legiou I Disabled Americau Vetemns I Vietuam Vetemns ofAmerica I Militmy Order of tile PIII]Jie Heart I Tile Retired Eulisted Associatiou Laurel Buchanan From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Sharon Lind Thursday, June 25,2015 10:03 AM Laurel Buchanan Steve Vankekerix; Chrissy Libal LVMH invoice LMVH inmate treatment 5-11-15.pdf Laurel, Can you put this on for approval at the next Board meeting? The language to use is: "Authorize payment in the amount of $3,950.56 to Lake View Memorial Hospital for medical services provided to a Lake County Jail inmate." Thanks, 8h.a'r.on Office Assistant Lake County Sheriff's Office 613 3rd Avenue Two Harbors, MN 55616 (218) 834-8440 This e-mail message is intended only for the addressee(s) and contains information that may be confidential and/or legally protected. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and immediately delete this e-mail. Use, disclosure or reproduction of this e-mail by anyone other than the intended recipient(s) is strictly prohibited. No representation is made that this e-mail or any attachments are free of viruses. Virus scanning is recommended and is the responsibility of the recipient. For persons with disabilities this information is available in other formats by contacting us at (218) 834-8385. 1 Venders Number 534 ----------------------- Warrant Number Total$ Amount ------------------ Date Paid LAKE COUNTY, MINNESOTA Courthouse, 601 Third Avenue, Two Harbors, MN 55616 Claimant's Name LAKE VIEW MEMORIAL HOSPITAL --------------~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~----------------------------- Address 325 11TH AVENUE City TWO HARBORS, MN 55616 Date of Delivery Itemize Fully 5/11/2015 $Amount inmate medical treatment $3,950.56 I declare under penalties of perjury that I am (insert title of office and name of firm, if claim is by a firm) the claimant making the within claim; that I have examined said claim and the same is just and true; that the money therein charged was actually paid for the purposes therein stated; that the property therein charged was actually delivered or used for the purposes therein stated, the value therein charged; that the services therein charged were actually rendered and were of the value therein charged; that the fees therein charged are offical and such as are allowed by law; that no part of said claim has been paid; and said claim against LAKE COUNTY is for $ _D_ac:...te_________________________ Signature of claimant FUND DEPARTMENT PROGRAM 202 1 SERVICE OBJECT 6381 ~~~in/k:;k $AMOUNT $3,950.56 CJ6- ?5 -}5 Approved by: Date: this claim has been examined and the\doods or s ~fvic~s therein referred to, have been delivered or rendered, and the amount claimed is correct. This claim has been found to correct and ordered paid by Resoluntion of the County Board ~e committee on claims and accounts Chairman, Lake County Board of Commissioners !\TTN SHARON LIND 513 3RD AVENUE rwo HARBORS MN 55616 051115 051115 )271 )272 051115 051115 1300 1300 1300 1320 1320 1450 1450 1636 1636 1636 684 730 981 0360 1010 xu CODE CODE CODE 1500 9291 25 250 010 030 AKE COUNTY SHERIFF 051115 005 xu 1500 25 23 3:5 252 9;o 127 3;3 1 160 6;3 116 1;9 1 1 2 1 1 051115 10 2 1 1 1 1 051115 1 051115 051115 LEVEL IV 981 051115 051115 051115 051115 051115 051115 40 9;5 1 9 1 051115 051115 207 o:o 318 o:o 668 o;o 1500 9;6 31 5~2 68 7;8 52 {2 1442 o:o 148 o:o 677 7:4 1448 Human Resources Department Cammie B. Young Human Resources Administrator 601 Third Avenue Two Harbors, MN 55616 Phone: (218) 834-8394 ~ Fax: (218) 834-8482 Website: Therese Lorntson, Administrative Assistant DATE: TO: FROM: RE: June 25, 2015 Lake County Board of Commissioners Cammie Young Request for Board Action on July 14, 2015 The Department of Human Resources requests consideration for board action on the following: 1. Approve the proposal from MN Life for a three-year rate guarantee on group life insurance effective January 1, 2016. 2. Approve the resignation of Jerri Swardstrom, Deputy Auditor, effective July 23, 2015. An equal opportunity employer. Emergency Management DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJ ECT: June 29, 2015 Lake County Board of Commissioners BJ Kohlstedt, Emergency Management Director Approval of FEMA Fire-Resistant Roofing Grant 3A agreement Please consider approval of the following recommendation: "Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Agreement for a FEMA Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grant (DR-4131 .13-R) for Fire-resistant Metal Roofing #3, Phase 1." · Comments: The purpose of the project is to protect 58 residential and commercial structures from wildfire by creating defensible space and installing fire resistant roofing materials. The Lake County Board approved this third metal roofing grant application on Dec. 23, 2014 (Item 2). The FEMA award letter was received on June 26, 2015, and the grant agreement can be signed as soon as it is received (expected before the July 14 Board action meeting). The Award letter is attached. This is Phase 1 of a two phased grant award. Because the majority of structures on this list are over 50 years old, they must first undergo an historic review to determine their eligibility for metal (vs. historic asphalt shingle) roofs. Therefore this Phase 1 contract is for $15,802 for the historic review of structures previous to approval of roofing replacement. The total project amount for both phases is $493,341. Lake County's matching commitment of funds equals $123,335 (25% of total), which will be provided by individual homeowners for their share of roofing installation and associated fees. COMMISSIONERS OFFICE LAKE COUNTY COURT HOUSE U.S. Department of Homeland Security Region V 536 South Clark Street, Floor 6 Chicago, IL 60605 ., JUN 2 2 2015 Mr. Joe Kelly, Director Mitmesota Homeland Security and Emergency Management Minnesota Department of Public Safety 445 Minnesota Street, Suite 223 St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-6223 ..... --.. Attn: Ms. Jennifer Nelson, State Hazard Mitigation Officer Re: Approval FEMA-4131 -DR-MN Dear Mr. Kelly: The Phase I hist01ic review assessment of your application for the installation of fifty-eight fire resistant metal roofs on structures in Lake County has been approved. The Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) funds under the disaster declaration DR-4131-MN have been obligated for the following project: Project# Activity Sub-grantee Federal Share 4131.13-R Fire Resistant Roofing Phase 1 Approval - Historic Review Lake County $15,803.00 The Phase I pm1ion has been cleared under the National Environmental Policy Act and determined to be categorically excluded in accordance with 44 CFR Pat1 10.8(d)(2)(ii,iii). The Categorical Exclusion applies only to the historic review phase of the project. Once the hist01ic review assessment is complete and submitted to FEMA, the review for Phase II will be initiated and will include a final benefit cost analysis (BCA) and final enviromnental and historic preservation (EHP) review. No installation of fire resistant metal roof activities are included in this approval. If installation commences prior to the BCA and EHP final review and approval, Phase II activities will not be eligible for funding. Phase II approval is contingent on the project meeting all eligibility requirements as required by 44 CFR Part 206.434 (c). The NEMIS Proj ect Management Report indi cates the amount of funds designated for HMGP Phase I proj ect costs. You may onl y draw clown th ose funds you will dishurse within three rl ::t ys of the draw down date. Mr. Joe Kelly, Director Page2 Should you need any assistance or have questions, please have your staff contact Girale Takahashi at (312)-408-5260 or Sincerely, .~~·~ ~ndrew Velasquez III Regional Administrator Enclosures FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY 06/22/2015 HMGP-AP-01 HAZARD MITIGATION GRANT PROGRAM 8:41AM Project Management Report Disas ter Numher Amendment Nuro1bPr FEMA Project Number 4131 13 -R 0 App 10 State 15 MN Grantee ;; ;n~evv id e Su!Jgrantee· Lake {Cu unty) FIP S Code : 075-99075 Project Title: Lah~; Cuunty Fire Resistant Meta; r. o" ii,.\J f' rouram - - -- - - - ·- - - - - -- - - - - -- -- - -- - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - -- tJ" sc rillJ . ~n Mitig ati on Project Am en dme nt Statu s : Approvc:d Approv al Status: /l;< i•rovucl Grantee : Statewide Subgrantee : L:J hP (Co unty) Gra ntee \.our1:; Nan .• · · ; 2ke Subgr<J ntee County Gra ntee Plac" ~::1:11 e . I . · ~1) \Vork C l n ~. e m n ,..__ (County) Gron tc c Place Cod : 0 Proj ect C o,: r~: Subgrantee Place C"CI' . !10075 Da !r: : 00/00/0l!OC' Sch e dut~ ta tu s OUI. [ .. 1;.· Time Frame f'P. 'o'IS Cd Da te Completion ClaJ.£! 00100/0000 0 C 'O~l/~!' .. ''' 00/00/0000 0 . l n s ta ll ~uo n of rot is 22 Mont•• < :)Q/ ('•! .. . 1':<_' 0 00/00/0000 ,,oJOr,ir•o·JCt 0 : Project Closeout ?. Months OL1.. .,:._I)Cf; C•O '~ 0 /0000 00/00/()():J(J 00/00/0000 00! 00/[)·~ ': '1 :10/00/000J r. 'To tal App rov ~.;d 1\rn o: •nts Total Approved I let Eligible l__ Feel eraI , ·J !. . : 1\r pro vcd ... ,~~a.c P e:-cent Federal Share /\:noun t Nor. -f'ed .::ral Share Percent 75. 0()0 . 00000 S2 1,070 _ f 25.00000000 Total /\pproved Non-Fed Sl1are Amount $1 23,048 Allocations !-llloc:1tion IFMIS 1-J umber S!rttUS 12 /I IFMI S Date r, r,: 1!'"t': :: ~ ul •I ni ~~s ior 1 FY ES Supporl ReqiD ;'01S :? 47776:1 Date j ~"", 06/12/20 15 ES Amend Proj Alloc Amount ~ r a n tee t.J.rmue: /,drninllmoun t Fo::cl Share 10 Tot,.l . $15,1\03 !i>C1 $15,803 SO. Subgrantet: Ad min Amount Tota l N lor Arnount $0 [ $15, 303 Obligati on s / -: !;(' [) IFMIS N: Status A IF MIS D<!le OG.' 1 ~/20 1 5 :d. ·:"~ " s i , ·.n l.J CJ ;L 06/19/201 5 r\' 2 i~ ES Sup:,t•r: i- ~ /\:ncnt! Suppl Project Oblig ..ll'l• ! Req ID Nun.ue:r Nr Amt- Fed Share 13 13 $15. 803 To tal $15,80 :5 Gr;1ntee 1\dmin / ,m :IIJilt Subgr.. n!L 2 Adm in Am w• .1 Tot al Obligated /\ <l i Ol!nt $0 '·~ $15,803 Emergency Management DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: June 29, 2015 Lake County Board of Commissioners BJ Kohlstedt, Emergency Management Director Approval Historic Review agreement Please consider approval of the following recommendation: "Approve and authorize the chair to sign the Historic Reviewer Service Agreement with Debra Kellner, for up to $16,000 from July 1, 2015 through October 31, 2015." Comments: This Agreement is to provide the historic review of up to 80 structures listed as participating in the FEMA Metal Roofs 3 grant which was awarded on June 25, 2015. A Request for Proposals for this service was placed in the North Shore Journal on May 2, 2015, and also sent to potential reviewers listed on the MN State Historic Preservation Office's Historic Preservation Consultant's List or recommended by others. Ms. Kellner's was the only Proposal received, but she comes highly recommended by two other area historians. Ms. Kellner specializes in the preparation of National Register nominations and Determination of Eligibility reports, intensive and reconnaissance level surveys. Her qualifications meet requirements of the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for work in history, and set forth in the Code of Federal Regulations, 36 CFR Part 61. She has researched and documented properties in both Minnesota and Wisconsin, working with the State Historic Preservation Offices (SHPO) in each state, and has served as President of the Duluth Heritage Preservation Commission, and the Duluth Preservation Alliance. The Service Agreement will be funded by the FEMA Metal Roof 3, Phase 1 grant, with the required 25% match being provided by participating homeowners. Emergency Management BJ Kohlstedt, Director 99 Edison Boulevard Silver Bay, MN 55614 Office: 218.226.4444 Cell: 218.220.7811 Fax: 218.226.3916 LAKE COUNTY METAL ROOFING PROJECT HISTORIC REVIEWER SERVICE AGREEMENT This Service Agreement, between Lake County ("the County") and Debra Kellner ("the Providen, is entered into by the Lake County Emergency Management Department for the period of July 15, 2015 through October 31, 2015, and becomes valid only upon Execution of Contract between HSEM and Lake County. Background The goal of Lake County's Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Fire-Resistant Roofing Grant is to reduce the risk of wildfire damage to structures in Lake County through creation of defensible space and installation of metal (or alternative fire-resistant) roofing. Approximately 80 structures in this application were built before 1968, or have unknown build dates, or are located in the potentially historic District of White Iron Lake. These will undergo a phased approval process, starting with an historic review, to be submitted to FEMA for approval. This will determine which structures may be re-roofed with Class A metal roofing, and which must be re-roofed with "alternative fire-rated materials that preserve the historic integrity, including fire-rated asphalt, asphalt/fiberglass, or treated cedar shingles that match as closely as possible the extant roofing materials in terms of color, material and form." This historic review will assess the integrity of up to 80 potentially historic private dwellings or commercial buildings to determine whether or not they are eligible for listing on the National Register, or serve as contributing resources in a potential Historic District (ie. White Iron Lake District). The County and Provider agree as follows: I. Description of Services ("Services") by the Provider: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Perform background research to identify historic properties and obtain information required for the Section 106 consultation letter (ie. a search of SHPO's records and a map review, and searching local, county and state repositories regarding history of Lake County. Determine which properties are within the boundaries of a potential Historic District (ie. White Iron Lake potential Historic District), and evaluate any cluster of buildings over 50 years old for the potential of a historic district. Review listed structures located within these potential Historic Districts under 36 CFR 800 for "sufficient integrity of design, setting, materials and workmanship to serve as contributing resources in a potential historic district." Review and assess the integrity of those buildings not located in a potentially historic district to determine "whether their exterior exhibits sufficient integrity of design, materials and workmanship. Further research to determine whether any of these properties would be individually eligible for listing on the National Register is outside the scope of this project," based upon page 8 of the "FEMA Record of Environmental Consideration (REG) for DR-1982. 7." (See Attachment A). Conduct fieldwork as required (or otherwise arrange) for photographic and mapping documentation, including photos of each facade of structures, plus two photos of the surrounding environment (yard). Maps will include Lat/Long location in DD.ddddd format, and an outline of the Area of Potential Effect (APE) set for visual effects as the parcel boundary, and for direct effects as the building and 30 foot buffer of defensible space. Mapping and photography of the structures will be completed in accordance with any additional guidelines set forth by SHPO. 1 6. Prepare a report similar to the Apri117, 2014 "FEMA Project Summary for Lake County FireResistant Roofing Project, DR 1982. 7-R, SHPO # 2013-1517" (See Attachment 8 for this list of properties), in compliance with the Minnesota State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) guidelines, to be submitted to FEMA. This report shall include individual inventory forms for each property giving a brief description and evaluation of each potentially historic property, a recommendation on whether it "retains significant historic integrity" or "contributes to a potential historic district," and a finding on the potential effect of the proposed project on these properties. 7. Communicate and work closely with HSEM I SHPO I FEMA and Lake County to assure the report is in compliance with their requirements. 8. Report and submit FEMA required documentation. 9. Document hours and actions in monthly Progress Reports to Lake County Emergency Management Director. 10. Deliverables will include: • Summary Report, as described above, including photos and final determination of all properties reviewed. This will be submitted in primary electronic format (ie. Microsoft Word vs. PDF) as well as hard copy, to Lake County Emergency Management Director. 1 • Monthly written progress reports submitted to the County by the 15 h day of the following month. • Invoice submitted upon completion of the project. II. Compensation: 1. For the services performed under Section I, including site visit, research design, field survey, photography/mapping, inventory form creation and preparation of final report, the County shall pay the Provider up to $200.00 per reviewed structure for services provided, with a total not to exceed sixteen thousand dollars and no cents ($16,000.00). It is understood that in-kind work contributed by the County (ie. site visits and gathering of photos and data) is encouraged by the Provider, and will reduce the cost per structure appropriately. Work must be completed and submitted to the County on or before October 31, 2015. 2. Lake County Emergency Management will provide limited shared office space, office supplies and internet access as available. 3. The Provider agrees to furnish the County the Services described above. Provider is responsible for any and all transportation required to provide Services described above. The County shall not be responsible to provide transportation or to reimburse transportation costs to Provider. 4. Compensation shall be paid upon satisfactory completion of the project, and receipt of invoice .. Ill. Term The term of this Agreement shall expire on October 31, 2015 unless terminated earlier as provided in Section VIII. IV. Independent Contractor Status: It is agreed that for all purposes hereunder, the Provider is an independent contractor, not an employee of Lake County, and is neither subject to the employment policies and procedures of Lake County, nor entitled to any of the rights, privileges or benefits of county employees except as otherwise stated herein. V. Legal Requirements: The Provider agrees to comply with all federal, state, county and local laws, regulations, ordinances, rules and certifications pertaining to the facilities, programs and staff for which the Provider is responsible during the term of this Agreement. These include, but are not limited to, the Clean Air Act, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Minnesota Human Rights Act, and all applicable federal and state laws, rules, regulations and orders prohibiting discrimination in employment, facilities and services on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, public assistance status, disability, sexual orientation or age. 2 VI. Limitation of Liability: In no event shall either party's liability for breach of this Agreement include damages for work stoppage, lost data, lost profit or damages of any kind to exceed the amount equal to the monetary compensation agreed to within this Agreement. VII. Indemnification 1. Each party shall be responsible for its own acts and omissions and the results thereof, and shall not be responsible for the acts of the other party or results thereof. 2. The Provider agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend Lake County, its commissioners, officers, agents, employees and volunteers against any and all claims, costs, liabilities, or lawsuits for any loss, damage, injury or loss of life, which may arise out of the use of Lake County property, products, materials or information by the Provider or any party acting on behalf or under authorization of the Provider, which the Provider may sustain, incur or be required to pay, other than that attributable to willful, wanton or intentional acts or omissions by the County. VIII. Termination of Agreement: 1. This Agreement may be terminated by either party if the other party fails to perform any material obligation under this Agreement and does not correct such failure within seven (7) days after receiving written notice of such failure. IX. General Provisions 1. The laws of the state of Minnesota shall govern the validity, construction and enforceability of this Agreement. Any suits, actions or claims related to this Agreement shall be brought first in the courts of Lake County, Minnesota. 2. Any alterations, modifications or waivers of provisions of this Agreement shall only be valid when written, duly signed, and attached to the original of this document. No claim for services furnished by the Provider, but not provided for by the terms of this Agreement or duly authorized modifications, will be honored by Lake County. 3. In addition, either party may terminate the Agreement for its convenience at any time, with or without cause, upon 30 days written notice to the other party. 4. Neither party shall be held responsible for delay or failure to perform during an events caused by force majeure including but not limited to catastrophic events of nature, war, governmental actions, or other causes beyond the control of the parties. In this case, duties and obligations of the parties shall be suspended. 5. All notices and other communications regarding this Agreement shall be delivered in writing to Lake County through the following contact: Fax: 218-226-3916 Email: .us BJ Kohlstedt, Director Lake County Emergency Management 99 Edison Blvd Silver Bay, MN 55614 IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties have entered into this Agreement as of the dates indicated below. Each individual signing below represents that they have the authority to bind the party on whose behalf they are signing. Provider: Lake County: Signature Signature Name Name Title Title Date Date 3 Lake County Sheriffs Office Memo To: Board of Commissioners From: Carey Johnson, Sheriff CC: Matt Huddleston Date: June 25, 2015 Re: Vehicle Quotes/Bids Commissioners, Attached are the vehicle installation and equipment quotes which were received by our office for the 2015 patrol vehicles. We have only received the one quote from DSC (Duluth Superior Communications). This quote has fair and comparable prices to the past amounts when others vendors have quoted. We have worked with Duluth Superior Communications for several years and have been satisfied with their work. The quote came back for installation of equipment for the four patrol vehicles in the amount of $39,495.00, basically less than $10,000 for each patrol vehicle. As per our agreement with DSC we will make a 50% down payment in order for them to order and purchase equipment needed for installations and they will be paid in full upon completion of the work. I will need the Board to act on this request at your earliest convenience so that the Auditor can make payment in the amount of $19,747.50 as soon as possible. Thank you, Carey G. Johnson • Page 1 Carey Johnson From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Nathan Stadler Friday, June 12, 20151:48 PM Carey Johnson Steve Vankekerix · DSC Squad Quotes Q # 052815-02 Updated 061215 Lake County Sheriff (2015 Chevy Tahoe 601).pdf; Q # 052815-03 .Updated 061215 Lake County Sheriff (2015 Chevy Tahoe 607).pdf; Q # 052815-04 Updated 061215 Lake County Sheriff (2015 Chevy Tahoe 611).pdf; Q # 052815-05 Updated 061215 Lake County Sheriff (2015 Chevy Tahoe 615).pdf Follow up Flagged I've attached the 4 quotes from DSC. The totals are as follows. 601-$10,745.00 607- $10,005.00 611- $10,005.00 615-$8,740.00 Grand Total: 39,495.00 601 is higher because of the upgrades to the Whelen alley and take down lights and the new lenses. 607 and 611 are using their existing Sound Off Pinnacle LED light bars which do not have replaceable lenses. 615 is the least because we are able to transfer part of his cage and his center console. Just wanted to get the final OK from you before I sign the agreements with DSC. Erik was wondering if you want all four quotes listed separately on one invoice for the 50% down or each squad invoiced separately. let me know. Thanks, Nathan Stadler Sergeant Lake County Sheriffs Office 613 3rd Avenue Two Harbors, MN 55616 (218 }834-8385 1 INVOICE Payment Terms NET 10 Days Monday, June 15, 2015 Invoice: 2152508 Customer No: 711 Hammond Ave. Superior, WI 54880 Telephone: (715) 392-2911 PO Number: LAKE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE 613 3RDAVE TWO HARBORS ~.-1S;::_Q=U.:....;A=D....:6:..:0:...:.1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---' LAKE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE 613 3RD AVE TWO HARBORS MN 55616 MN 55616 Item ID Description *DWNPYMT DOWNPAYMENT Qty 1.0 Deliver To: LKCOSH Serial# Price 5372.50 SubTotal Sales Tax TOTAL Payment Amount 5372.50 5372.50 0.00 5372.50 0.00 Received: - - - - - - - - - - - Please remit -Invoice Total Service Detail Service For: Model # - Unit#- Serial#- Description - Details: 50% DOWNPAYMENT FOR SQUAD BUILD TOTAL OF $10,745.00 Visit Our New Website At WWW.DSCCOMMUNICATIONS.COM 5372.50 INVOICE Payment Terms NET 10 Days Monday, June 15, 2015 Invoice: 2152509 Customer No: LKCOSH 711 Hammond Ave. Superior, WI 54880 Telephone: (715) 392-2911 PO Number: LAKE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE 613 3RD AVE TWO HARBORS 1.0 Deliver To: S-=-Q=U'-'A=D.....:6:;..;:0...:.7_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____, L...l LAKE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE 613 3RDAVE TWO HARBORS MN 55616 MN 55616 Item ID Description Serial# *DWNPYMT DOWNPAYMENT Price 5002.50 Amount 5002.50 SubTotal Sales Tax 5002.50 0.00 TOTAL Payment 5002.50 0.00 Received: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Please remit~ Invoice Total I Service Detail Service For: Model#- Unit#- Serial#- Description - Details: 50% DOWNPAYMENT FOR SQUAD BUILD TOTAL OF $10,005.00 Visit Our New Website At WWW.DSCCOMMUNJCATIONS.COM 5002.50 INVOICE Payment Terms NET 10 Days Monday, June 15, 2015 Invoice: 2152510 Customer No: 711 Hammond Ave. Superior, WI 54880 Telephone: (715) 392·2911 PO Number: LAKE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE 613 3RDAVE TWO HARBORS Deliver To: LKCOSH S: :. Q=UAc. !.D=:. . : :6~1.!. . 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ll LAKE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE 613 3RD AVE TWO HARBORS MN 55616 MN 55616 I oty Item ID Description 1.0 *DWNPYMT DOWNPAYMENT Serial# Price 5002.50 Amount 5002.50 SubTotal Sales Tax 5002.50 0.00 TOTAL Payment 5002.50 0.00 Received: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Please remit· Invoice Total I Service Detail Service For: Model#· Unit#· Serial#· Description • Details: 50% DOWNPAYMENT FOR SQUAD BUILD TOTAL OF $10,005.00 Visit Our New Website At WWW.DSCCOMMUNICATJONS.COM 5002.50 _J INVOICE Payment Terms NET 10 Days Monday, June 15, 2015 Invoice: 2152511 Customer No: LKCOSH 711 Hammond Ave. Superior, WI 54880 Telephone: (715) 392·2911 PO Number: LAKE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE 613 3RDAVE TWO HARBORS LAKE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE 613 3RDAVE TWO HARBORS MN 55616 MN 55616 Serial# Item ID Description *DWNPYMT DOWNPAYMENT Qty 1.0 Deliver To: S:::...Q"""U""A:....:.D:::....:::6..:..15:::..__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____J L-1 Price 4370.00 SubTotal Sales Tax TOTAL Payment Amount 4370.00 4370.00 0.00 4370.00 0.00 Received: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Please remit- Invoice Total I Service Detail Service For: Model#- Unit#- Serial#- Description - Details: 50% DOWNPAYMENT FOR SQUAD BUILD TOTAL OF $8,740.00 Visit Our New Website At WWW.DSCCOMMUNJCATIONS.COM 4370.00 , ke County MINNESOTA ~· , " LAKE COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT 1513 Hwy 2 Two Harbors Minnesota 55616 (218) 834-8380 FAX (218) 834-8384 .J,t.. > ~ INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: LAKE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FROM: KRYSTEN FOSTER, HIGHWAY ENGINEER SUBJECT: DATE: CC: JUNE 11, 2015 7/14/15 ROAD & BRIDGE ACTION REQUESTS MATTHEW HUDDLESTON, COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR Dear Mr. Chair and Board Members: Herein please find supporting details in regards to the Highway Department's current action requests. Municipal Maintenance Distributions: These distributions are consistent with prior years and within budget (in Account 20-31 0-000-0000-6347) for pothole patching and snowplowing services along county roads and county state aid highways in municipalities. On a related note, the Minnesota State Legislature enacted a one-time distribution to boost small cities' (including Silver Bay, Two Harbors, and Beaver Bay) road budgets this past session. Lawson Shop Supplies: These stock parts are within budget (Account 20-330-000-0000-6509 SuppliesMaintenance). Crack Sealing: Bids came in less than estimated and within budget (Account 20-320-000-0000-6320 County Road Construction Contracts). This does not increase the amount previously approved as this estimate was included within the packet contents of April14, 2015. MnDOT Bill: Although each of these authorizations was less than $2,500, the bill exceeds this amount due to coincidentally occurring during the same month. Snooper truck rental is necessary every 12 to 24 months to stay in compliance with statutory bridge inspection requirements. The materials testing portion of the bill is a typical expenditure for state/federal aid construction projects for laboratory testing of blacktop materials by their Duluth lab. Stewart River Stream Monitoring: This device will enable SWCD to monitor the impacts of their Stewart River stream restoration effort, and this permit is revocable should this right-of-way be necessary for future replacement of our nearby bridge. Culverts: The Highway Department did not restock culverts in 2014 (upon my recommendation to help stabilize the Road & Bridge budget). The budgeted estimate was $30,000 (Account 20-310-000-00006501 Supplies- Culverts), and Lake County's requested share of this order is $30,897.92. On a related note, completion of the 2015-2016 culvert inventory effort will enable us to better forecast future culvert replacement needs in lieu of purchasing stock culverts. The Heck Epic: This is a new event, and this event requires neither Highway Department overtime assistance nor road closures. This action request authorizes road use only along specified county roads and county state aid highways between Two Harbors and Ely. Thank you for your consideration. I'd be glad to answer any questions that may arise. Respectfully, LAKE COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT 1513 Hwy 2 Two Harbors Minnesota 55616 (218) 834-8380 FAX (218) 834-8384 Road and Bridge Agenda July 14, 2015 1. Authorize Highway Department payment of 2015 municipal distribution to the City of Silver Bay in the amount of $2,500.00 per mile for a total of $13,700.00. 2. Authorize Highway Department payment of 2015 municipal distribution to the City of Two Harbors in the amount of $2,500.00 per mile for a total of $11,000.00. 3. Authorize Highway Department payment to Lawson Products (invoice 9303348053} in the amount of $3,002.42 for shop supplies. 4. Amend County Board Minutes from April14, 2015, Motion 02, Item 20, as follows: Approve and authorize Board Chair to sign cooperative agreement CP 0000-235367 (2015 crack sealing} with St. Louis County in an amount up to $55,225.00. 5. Authorize Highway Department payment to Minnesota Department of Transportation (invoice P00004500} in the amount of $2,942.64 for SAP 038-618-021 materials testing and May 2015 bridge snooper truck rental. 6. Approve Lake County Soil and Water Conservation District utility permit for flow gage within County Road 122 (Waldo Rd.} right-of-way at Stewart River. 7. Authorize Highway Department purchase of up to $32,078.00 stock culverts from Contech through State of Minnesota Cooperative Purchasing Venture contract including $1,180.08 billable to Fall Lake Township and Beaver Bay Township. 8. Authorize Highway Engineer to sign August 22-23, 2015 event permit for The Heck Epic. LAKE COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT 1513 Hwy 2 Two Harbors Minnesota 55616 (218) 834-8380 FAX (218) 834-8384 July 15, 2015 Linda Libal, Lake County Auditor/Treasurer Lake County Courthouse Two Harbors, MN 55616 Subj: Ammal Disbursements to Municipalities Dear Linda: Please remit the following amounts for municipal maintenance services rendered along county and county state aid routes. Two Harbors: $2500.00@ 1.95 CSAHMiles ..................... $4,875.00 $2500.00@ 2.45 County Aid Miles ............. $6,125.00 TOTAL TWO HARBORS Silver Bay: $2500.00@ 2.68 CSAH Miles ................................. $6,700.00 $2500.00@ 2.8 County Aid Miles ........................... $7,000.00 TOTAL SILVER BAY Please contact me with any questions. Thank you. Sincerely, Krysten Foster Lake County Highway Engineer cc: $11,000.00 City of Silver Bay, c/o Lana Fralich, Administrator City of Two Harbors, c/o Daniel Walker, Administrator Matthew Huddleston, Lake County Administrator Valerie Nicolaison, Lake County Highway Accountant $13,700.00 -~ Lawson Products, Inc. 8770 West Bryn Mawr Ave., Suite 900, Chicago, IL 60631-3515 866-LAWSON4U (866-529-7664) LAWSON Products FederaiiD 800496603 DUNS No. 00-543-8890 LAKE COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPT 1513 HIGHWAY 2 TWO HARBORS MN 55616-4035 Invoice Invoice No. 9303348053 Invoice Date 06/13/2015 Sales Order No. 2824608 AOS Order No. DLU294 Customer No. 10075936 PO No. LAKE COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPT 1513 HIGHWAY 2 TWO HARBORS MN 55616-4035 PLEASE RETURN REMITTANCE STUB WITH YOUR PAYMENT P.O.BOX 809401 Chicago IL 60680-9401 Line 240 Item No. 81644 Currency USD Sales Rep. WILLIAM SCHAUB Buyer George Cash Discount 30.01· lncoterm FOB Free on board 10 days 1% Discount, Net 30 Term of Payment Up to 06/23/2015 you receive 1.000 %discount Up to 07/13/2015 without deduction Price Per Unit Qty.Shipped Description Price Per Amount 518 Mid-Link Chain $74.15 1 EA $74.1500 4 $296.60 $58.93 1 EA $58.9300 2 $117.86 $141.08 1 EA $141.0800 4 $564.32 $16.22 1 EA $16.2200 4 $64.88 $36.94 1 EA $36.9400 2 $73.88 $29.17 1 EA $29.1700 2 $58.34 $17.14 100 EA $0.1714 50 $8.57 $0.98 1 EA $0.9800 25 $24.50 $6.95 1 EA $6.9500 6 $41.70 $7.53 1 EA $7.5300 6 $45.18 $17.73 1 EA $17.7300 4 $70.92 $38.32 1 EA $38.3200 2 $76.64 $20.85 1 EA $20.8500 6 $125.10 Connector 230 1412572 SLING WEB TE E&E 2"X6' 1P FL 220 85552 5/8 Eye Sling Hook w/ Safety Latch 210 29016 Replacement Safety Latch Kit 180 26813 SLING WR EE 1/4"X 6' 6X19 DOM 170 26812 SLING WR EE 1/4"X 4' 6X19 DOM 160 1109 5/8 Steel Internal Tooth Lock Washer Zin 150 80933 5/8-11 Top Lock Nut Grade C Cadmium 140 84731M06 Regency Jobber Drill Bit, 7/32" 6 PK 130 84733M06 Regency Jobber Drill Bit, 1/4" 6 PK 120 57501 1/2 Psh Connct Brass Union 110 57453 1/2X 1/2 T ru-Fiate Coupler 100 84742M06 Regency Jobber Drill Bit, 25/64" 6 PK Page 1 of 2 T e Lawson Products, Inc. 8770 West Bryn Mawr Ave., Suite 900, Chicago, IL 60631-3515 866-LAWSON4U (866-529-7664l LAWSON Products Invoice PLEASE RETURN REMITTANCE STUB WITH YOUR PAYMENT P.O.BOX 809401 Chicago IL 60680-9401 Line 90 Item No. 84746M06 Sales Order No. 2824608 Invoice No. 9303348053 Price Per Unit Qty;Shlpped Description Price Per Regency Jobber Drill $27.86 1 EA $27.8600 $708.29 1 EA $708.2900 $23.62 1 EA $23.6200 6 $141.72 $12.81 1 EA $12.8100 6 $76.86 $14.96 1 EA $14.9600 5 $74.80 $13.10 1 EA $13.1000 5 $65.50 $21.65 1 EA $21.6500 2 $43.30 6 Amount T $167.16 Bit, 29/64" 6 PK 80 63488 Regency Gold Tap and $708.29 Die Set, 25 Pc. 70 84744M06 Regency Jobber Drill Bit, 27/64" 6 PK 60 84736M06 Regency Jobber Drill Bit, 19/64" 6 PK 50 57500 3/8 Psh Connct Brass Union 40 57499 1/4 Psh Connct Brass Union 30 1-8 X 7 Tru-Torq Hex A21133 Cap Screw 20 11915 1/4 Air Nipple $3.75 1 EA $3.7500 10 $37.50 10 SF11304 Clear 12 Pk $1.79 1 EA $1.7900 12 $21.48 Checklite Sfty Glasses Total Before Tax and Freight $2,905.10 Total Freight $97.32 Total Tax Total $3,002.42 1' Detach and Return Lower Portion'!' Bill To Customer No Invoice No. Total Amount Due LAKE COUNTY 10075936 9303348053 3 002.42 USD AMOUNT PAID: To ensure proper service, please return this portion with your payment Remit To: P.O.BOX 809401 Chicago IL 60680-9401 Page 2 of 2 9303348053100003002420 \liSA · To pay by credit card, call866-529-7664. THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS Saint Louis County Public Works Department- Accounts Receivable Invoice Date: 5/26/15 Description: SAP 69-030-036 CP 235367 2015 Cracksealing - Lake County Pay Request 1 95% of share & admin fee Invoice# 124182 Lake County Highway Dept 1513 Highway 2 Two Harbors, MN 55616 SLC Use Only Agency Object .;;;;D..;;;e;;;;s.;;.cr;..;i.a;;p.;;.;ti:.;;;o~n:...-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,_ _;Q:~;.; 220351 551508 SAP 69-030-036 CP 235367 2015 Cracksealing - Lake County Pay Request 1 95% of share per bid ............................................................................. SAP 69-030-036 CP 235367 2015 Cracksealing - Lake County Pay Request 1 Admin Fee per Agreement 44,576.22 --205003 ..... --------- .................. _ 551508 ............ Unit Cost _ _..,:.T.::a.:.:x _ _ _ u_n;.;;;e-.;C:;.;o;.;;s;.;;t $1.00 $0.00 $44,576.22 ----""'·--·---------------..... --- ...... ------ ...... ------ ...................... --- . . 225.00 $1.00 $0.00 $225.00 --------- ............. ---------------------------------- ........................... _______________ ------- ..... ---- .... ------ ....... --- ................ -TOTAL BALANCE DUE $44,801.22 Please make check payable to: St. Louis County Auditor Send to: St. Louis County Public Works Department Attention: Mark Florence 4787 Midway Rd Duluth, MN 55811 PAYMENT DUE 30 DAYS FROM INVOICE DATE 5/26/15 3:12PM 1 /1 Project: SAP 069~30~36 Material Funding Report: Estimated Quantities using Awarded Prices By Funding Source Unit Contract 203355 Biw203355 Chis • 203355 Fldwd • 203355 Grand 203355 LakeC • 203355 RiceL 203355 SLCPW. 210057 UT • 220351 S.J Description Price Totals Local by Municipality Local by Municipality Local by Municipality Local by Municipality Local by County Local by Municipality Local SLC PW Unorganized Twp. Funds Regular [CS CITY OF BIWABIK 2021.501 0.0054 LUMP SUM 0.0054 LUMP SUM $45,000.00 MOBILIZATION $243.00 $243.00 2331.608 1750 POUND 1750 POUND $2.14 ROUT & SEAL BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT CRACKS $3,745.00 $3,745.00 2563.601 0.0054 LUMP SUM 0.0054 LUMP SUM $60,000.00 TRAFFIC CONTROL $324.00 $324.00 Totals For CITY OF BIWABIK $4,312.00 $4,312.00 CITY OF CHISHOLM 2021.501 0.0123 LUMP SUM 0.0123 LUMP SUM $45,000.00 MOBILIZATION $553.50 $553.50 2331.608 4000 POUND 4000 POUND $2.14 ROUT & SEAL BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT CRACKS $8,560.00 $8,560.00 2563.601 0.0123 LUMP SUM 0.0123 LUMP SUM $60,000.00 'TRAFFIC CONTROL $738.00 $738.00 Totals For CITY OF CHISHOLM $9,851.50 $9,851.50 CITY OF FLOODWOOD 2021.501 0.0055 LUMP SUM 0.0055 LUMP SUM $45,000.00 MOBILIZATION $247.50 $247.50 1800 POUND 1800 POUND 2331.608 $2.14 $3,852.00 ROUT & SEAL BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT CRACKS $3,852.00 2563.601 0.0055 LUMP SUM 0.0055 LUMP SUM $60,000.00 TRAFFIC CONTROL $330.00 $330.00 Totals For CITY OF FLOODWOOD $4,429.50 $4,429.50 GP..AND LAKE TOWNSHIP 0.0017 LUMP SUM 0.0017 LUMP SUM $45,000.00 $76.50 $76.50 560 POUND 560 POUND $2.14 $1,198.40 $1,198.40 BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT CRACKS 0.0017 LUMP SUM 0.0017 LUMP SUM 2563.601 $60,000.00 $102.00 $102.00 TRAFFIC CONTROL $1,376.90 Totals For GRAND LAKE TOWNSHIP $"1,376.90 ~O~~j~~~TJON ~~;i;~SEAL LAKE COUNTY 0.0585 LUMP SUM 2021.501 $45,000.00 $2,632.50 MOBILIZATION 19056 POUND 2331.608 $2.14 $40,779.84 ROUT & SEAL BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT CRACKS 0.0585 LUMP SUM ~63.601 $60,000.00 $3,510.00 frRAFFlC CONTROL $46,922.34 Totals For LAKE COUNTY ST. LOUIS COUNTY 0.0809 LUMP SUM 2021.501 $45,000.00 $3,840.50 MOBILIZATION 2173POUND 2331.608 $2.30 $4,997.90 CRACK REPAIR SPECIAL 23934POUND 2331.608 $2.14 $51,218.76 ROUT & SEAL BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT CRACKS 0.0809 LUMP SUM 2563.601 $60,000.00 $4,854.00 TRAFFIC CONTROL $64,711.16 Totals For ST. LOUIS COUNTY 0.0585 LUMP SUM $2,632.50 19056 POUND $40,779.84 0.0585 LUMP SUM $3,510.00 $46,922.34 0.0809 LUMP SUM $3,640.50 2173 POUND $4,997.90 23934POUND $51,218.76 0.0809 LUMP SUM $4,854.00 $64,711.16 ST. LOUIS COUNTY • UT 0.0903 LUMP SUM $4,063.50 10476POUND 2331.608 $2.30 $24,094.80 CRACK REPAIR SPECIAL 17862POUND 2331.608 $2.14 $38,224.68 ROUT & SEAL BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT CRACKS 0.0903 LUMP SUM 2563.601 $60,000.00 $5,418.00 TRAFFIC CONTROL $71,800.98 Totals For ST. LOUIS COUNTY· UT STATE AID 0.7429 LUMP SUM $45,000.00 $33,430.50 )2331.608 34453POUND $2.30 CRACK REPAIR SPECIAL $79,241.90 ~~~jf~~TION ~~~j~~TION $45,000.00 0.0903 LUMP SUM $4,063.50 10476POUND $24,094.80 17862 POUND $38,224.68 0.0903 LUMP SUM $5,418.00 $71,800.98 p.7429LUMP $33,4: 34453 PO $79.2• 203899 POUND 2331.608 $2.14 $436,343.86 ROUT & SEAL BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT CRACKS 0.7429 LUMP SUM 2563.601 $60,000.00 $44,574.00 TRAFFIC CONTROL $593,590.26 Totals For STATE AID TOWN OF RICE LAKE 0.0025 LUMP SUM 2021.501 $45,000.00 $112.50 MOBILIZATION 800 POUND 2331.608 $2.14 $1,712.00 ROUT & SEAL BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT CRACKS 0.0025 LUMP SUM 2563.601 $60,000.00 $150.00 TRAFFIC CONTROL $1,974.50 Totals For TOWN OF RICE LAKE $798,969.14 Total 203899 P< $436,:: 10.7429LUMP $44,5 $593,5 -· $4,312.00 $9,851,50 $4,429.50 $1,376.90 $46,922.34 0.0025 LUMP SUM $112.50 800 POUND $1,712.00 0.0025 LUMP SUM $150.00 $1,974.50 $1,974.50 x \Sro ---- ----------., ~~~;5l6JZ-~ $64,711.16 ··---· $71,800.98 $593,5 tll~~ ~ ~0 ~OFTRP..~q; Customer #: State of Minnesota Department of Transportation INVOICE 0000001390 Please write Invoice# on front of check or money order. DO NOT MAIL CASH. LAKE COUNTY ENGINEER 1513 HWY2 TWO HARBORS, MN 55616 D Invoice#: P00004500 Amount Due: $2,942.64 Amount Enclosed: Invoice Date: 6/9/2015 Date Due: 7/9/2015 Remit to: MN Dept of Transportation Commissioner of Transp Cash Accounting- MS 215 395 John Ireland Blvd St. Paul, MN 55155 Check if address has changed. Write correct address on this stub and enclose with payment. Please detach the above stub and return with your remittance payable to: Commissioner of Transportation Customer#: 0000001390 CudomerName: LAKECOUNTY State of Minnesota Department of Transportation INVOICE Trans Date Description Invoice#: P00004500 Invoice Date: 6/9/2015 Date Due: 7/9/2015 Qty Cost Total Cost MATERIAL TESTING & INSPECTION 1732 1 5/29/2015 Job Cost Transfers 1.0 $59.75 1.0 $59.60 01-BA15-0033,1014,038-618-021 2 5/29/2015 Job Cost Transfers 01-BA15-0033,1016,038-618-021 3 5/29/2015 Job Cost Transfers 01-BA15-0033,1017,038-618-021 1.0 $133.22 4 5/29/2015 Job Cost Transfers 1.0 $42.77 01-BA15-0033,1018,038-618-021 5 5/29/2015 Job Cost Transfers 01-BA15-0033,1026,03.8-618-021 1.0 $13~.90 6 5/29/2015 Job Cost Transfers 1.0 $16.17 1.0 $48.23 1.0 $53.53 01-BA15-0033,1029,038-618-021 7 5/29/2015 Job Cost Transfers 01-BA15-0052,1014,038-618-021 8 5/29/2015 Job Cost Transfers 01-BA15-0052,1016,038-618-021 If you have any questions, please call Moua, (651) 366-4885 Page 1 6 fJ ):> ~ l~~ 0 ~ State of Minnesota Department of Transportation Invoice#: P00004500 Invoice Date: 6/9/2015 Date Due: 7/9/2015 ,..:; § ~ ~~ e;,« 0FTR.f>.~ INVOICE Trans Date 1732 Description Qty Cost MATERIAL TESTING & INSPECTION 9 5/29/2015 Job Cost Transfers 01-BA15-0053,1014,038-618-021 1.0 $48.23 10 5/29/2015 Job Cost Transfers 01-BA15-0053,1016,038-618-021 1.0 $53.53 11 5/29/2015 Job Cost Transfers 01-BA15-0053,1017,038-618-021 1.0 $118.00 12 5/29/2015 Job Cost Transfers 01-BA15-0053,1029,038-618-021 1.0 $15.57 13 5/29/2015 Job Cost Transfers 01-BA15-0054,1014,038-618-021 1.0 $48.23 14 5/29/2015 Job Cost Transfers 01-BA15-0054, 1016,038-618-021 1.0 $53.53 15 5/29/2015 Job Cost Transfers 01-BA15-0054 ,1017,038-618-021 1.0 $118.00 16 5/29/2015 Job Cost Transfers 01-BA15-0054,1029,038-618-021 1.0 $15.57 17 5/29/2015 Job Cost Transfers 01-BR15-0014,1101,038-618-021 1.0 $58.08 18 5/29/2015 Job Cost Transfers 01-BR15-0014,1114,038-618-021 1.0 $53.40 19 5/29/2015 Job Cost Transfers 01-BR15-0014,1135,038-618-021 1.0 $90.69 1732 Total: 2822 Total Cost $1,225.00 MISC BRIDGE MAINTENANCE 20 5/19/2015 Payroll BR7065,38505,38520,38503 3.5 $189.28 21 5/19/2015 Equipment Usage BR 7065, 38505, 38520, 38503 140.0 $1,528.36 2822 Total: Invoice Total: If you have any questions, please call Moua, (651} 366-4885 $1,717.64 $2,942.64 Page 2 '3). ~~~¥""\:I L LgKt.. 13 t,_.t' COUNTY OF DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Page 1 APPLICATION FOR UTILITY PERMIT on COUNTY HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY Board of County Commissioners - - - - - - - - - • Minnesota Attn: County High way Engineer oo ____________________________ ~L-------------------------------------- - - - - feet from center line on the east, west, north or south) side of the county highway in accordance with the sketch shown on the inside hereof, or attached thereto. I. AERIAL CONSTRUCTION 0 Single pole H·Frame 0 Single pole and H-Frame 0 Steel rower ~1 ~ Other '£&14 g 0..0 C 0 0 0 0 D ±i: I VQLTAtlE NUMBER OF CONDUCTORS: IJ. t. at crossing over highway t. along highway Minimum height of conductor: EJCTENT Open wire Cable Vertical Cross-arm Vertical and cross-arm ANa LOCATION oF rFieli TRIMMJNG ANOtOR cLililue: UNDERGROUND CONSTRUCTION CONDUIT 0 Sectional concrete 0 Steel pipe 0 Multiple tile 0 Transite 0 Other 0 Clay tile CASING 0 Steel pipe 0 &ctional concrete 0 Other SIZE NUMilEA OF CONDUCTORS VOLTAGE SIZE OF CONDUCTORS METHOD OF INSTALLING UNDER ROADBEDS (if open trench, explain why necessary) 0 Open~nch--~----------~----------------------------------0 Jacking 0 Boring 0 Pneuma Gopher EXTENT ANO LOCATION OF TREE CLEARING• IV. The applicant in carrying on any and all of the work herein above mentioned or referred to in its application and in the Permit issued herefore, shall strictly conform to the terms of such Permit, and the regulations of the Board of County Commissioners, as set forth herein together with the Special Provisions, all of which are made a part hereof. The applicant specifically agrees to be bound hereby. The applicantehall also comply with the regulations of all other governmental agencies for the protection of the public. The work shall he accomplished in a manner that will not be detrimental to the highway and that will safeguard the public. Dated this \b~ t day ofl'n!Aryb ~ / Year ZD\5 Signature~: ~~:=~~~ Address -':.\k> _ _ Av£, • M L~ eruntxV s,~\arJ \~it<: i$£1xrhOn ·=.lli1Ch')("S By ifarna ol'Comp<IIIY maldnt apJTrCO!Uon A!Jil :fl10rYlft%"J tAN 5€6/6 _. '1'1\le Page 2 Rules and Regulations of Board of County Commissioners 1or Utlfltles on County Highways. DEFINITIONS Utility. Under this order "utility" shall mean and include all privately, publicly or coo(lperatively owned communication lines and facilities, any systems, linea and facilities for the distribution and transmission of electical energy, oil, gas, water, sewer, steam and other pipe Unee, railways, ditches, flumeo or other struct11roa which under the laws of this Stat& or the ordinance of any town or city may beconstructed, placed ol' maintained acrose, along or on county highway right of way. Dependent upon themeaningintendedin the context, ''Utility" shall also me11n the utility company, inclusive of anY wholly owned subaidary. GENERAL I. Except as otherwise permitted, utility construction and relocntion on county highway right of way shall not be commenced ~)\til an application for a Pmnit has been made and eu<ih Permit gtanted. The Permit sketch shall show the location of the proposed utility with reference to county highway center line. A copy of the sketch shall be provided fo-r each copy of such Pennit. n. Buming or dlsking operations nnd/or the usc of chemicals to control or kill tr<let1, brush and other vegetation is prohibited without prior approval from the County Highway Engineer. lli. All waterways and linoa of drainage shall remain operative. • • IV. Wherever topsoil and sod are diaturbed they shall be. replaced and maintoined satisfactorily until the turf ie established. V. Theutilityfacilityandinstallationahallnotinterferewith any e, utility facilities on the county highway right of way. VI. When necessary, barricades, warning devices and flagmen shall be provided by the Utility during all phasea of their construction and maintenance operations on county highway right of way. VII. Atthe time of construction of the utility and at tho times of subsequent maintenance, prior approval shall be obtained from the County Highway Engineer for the cutting and trimming of treea within the county highway right of way. Wherever lrees are cut the t"'!!lulting stumps shall be removed unl4i!SB othel'Wise provided in the Special Provieions of the Permit. Any holes caused by stumpremovolehall be backfilled, the area leveled and all materials asaociated therewith disposed of outside the county high way right ofwa.y. The utility ahall advise tho County Highway Enginoor at!eaet 48 hours in advance ofite Intent to start clearing and grubbing operations so that proper supervieion can be provided. ' VIII. Tho Utility shall notify tho County Highway Engineer of its intent to perform service and maintenance operations which will interfere with the flow of traffic on county highways, and shall obtain his approval prior to port'orming such operations. However, tho Company may penonn service and maintenaneo o(Xn'ations on county highways including opening and disturbing the surface of the right of way without prior approval in those instances where an emergency existe that ie dangurous to the life or safety of the public and which requires immediate repair. The Utility shaU take all nece811ary and reasonable oafety meaeures to protect the traveling public and &hall notify the County Highway Engineer at the eaxliest possible moment. X. The Utlllty shall assume all liability for, and save the County, Its agents and employees, harmless from, any and all claims for damages, actions or causes of action arising out ot the work to be'done herein and the continuing uses by the Utility, Including but not limited to the placing, constructing, reconetructing, maintlllning and ueing of said utility under this application and Permit. XI. The Board of County Commissioners may require the Utility, or Its contmctor, to furnish a deposit ln the form of a eerlified chook, a surety bond or corporate undmtaking, in favo~of the Board of County Commissioners of ~ kt:. County, for any expense incurred by the County in the repairing of damage to any portion of the county highway right of way caused by work Pllrformed undet' a Pennit, including sny Ol\t of the ordinary engineering auperviuion and inspection expense provided by the county. In those instances wherein a deposit is required, the amount of the deposit shall be specified in the Special Provisions or the Penn it. If a check is furnished, any monies remaining over and above such expense shall be retumed to the applicant. XU. The Pennit as issued does not in any way imply an easement on private property. Xlll. The installations shall be made in conformity with all applicable laws, regulations and codes covering said lnato.llatibmJ: All inetallations shall be made ih confonnity with regulations of governmental agenciesfortheprotection of the public. XIV. Upon completion of an installation, the Utility shall restore the county highway right of way to its original condition. The Utility shall then notify the office of the County Highway Engineer of the completion of the work so that inspection can be made to determine ite acceptability. AERIAL I. There ahall be only a single pole line on the county highway right of way on either side of the center line thereof. II. Longitudinal lnsttlllntiono on county highways shall normally be located in tho outer five feet of the right of way, At el'OG&ing o£ the county highway, poles shall oo placed at a minimum of thirty fest from the shoulder lines of the through roadbeds unless right 9f way widths are prohibitive to such location. In. The location of all brace poles, anchors and anchor pole a within the limits of the county highway right of way shall be approved by the County Highway Engineer. IV. In those instances In which a Utility is issued a Permit or Permits for construction on both sides of the county highway right of way in a given area, auch Permit is conditioned upon the Utility oubsequently providing joint use to other Utilities upon reasonable terms mutually agreeable to the Utilities. UNDERGROUND r. All crossings of the roadbeds of the county highways ahall be made by boring inside a casing or carrier pipe, or by jacking, unless this procedure is modified in the Special Provisions of the Pennit. The auger ehall not lead the casing or carrier pipe by mote than one inch. Open trenching shall be restricted to the Rt'ea t'rom 6 feet beyond the shoulder to the rigl1 t of way line except a.s modified in the Special Provisions of the Permit. lX. II at any time Uih& County, &cling through Ita Boatd of County CommiBSionera, shall deem U nl!llleHalY to make any improvements or cb&~~ps on all or uyputoltherigbtofwayo{theCQuntyhighwaywhichaft'ect a utility loca~ on coun~y highway right of way, then lllld in eucb even~. the owner of the utility ahall within 16 daye after mitten notice from the Board of County Cornmimoll8rll, or ita authorized ogeat, proceed io alter, change, ve.cate or remove llllid ~ty from the county highway right af way so aa to ccmtorm to said county highway chllllgea and as clheated by the Boam of County Commimdonont.Such work shall be done without aDY COit whatsoever to ~1\u County and aball be completed within the date specified in said mitten notice. ~ UtiUty shall aseume all liability and aave ~~~~ , County harmless from any and an elaima of damage of any nature whateoever occrurioned b)' rear1011 of not having removed said utlliiy within the time apecified in said no&e. Page 3 II. When pipes with bells or flanges are installed, the crossings of the roadbeds oft he county highway shall be made by boring inside a conduit as provided in paragraph I crf this section or jacking a conduit of sufficient diameter to permit threading the cmrler pipe through it. m. All voi<ls caused by jacking or boring shall be filled by pressure grouting. The grout materlalahall consist of a sand· C6111ent slurry of at leasttwo sacks of cement per cubic yard and a minumum of water to uaure satisfactory placemont. IV. The underground utiliteashall beso installed as virtually to preclude any necessity for dietrttbing the roadbeds to pertonn ma.iDtenance operations. V. Underground installatioi!B shall be accomplished without damaging or destroying the principal root atrucnzre o1 epecimen trees. LOCATION SKETCH Show location of proposed facility in relation to the center line of the county highway and other pertinent features web as right of way line, shoulder line, curb line and edge of surfacing. The facility should also be referenced to adjacent land lines. Page4 ---------------·COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Utility Perm it Reference: Project~ ~~Je,( C.S.A.H. C.R. \U In accordance with o.oJ. Wrl« (jprf.e.\lld;\lt.x> 1 IJ,Ai dD tbe~tWPlioation herein, a Utility Permit is granted to Laiu.~ ·~•'u+ to place, construct and thereafter maintain F\au> ~ Wd Cmntft Sxl ?l'&fk 9. C:'bw - - - - - - - - - - - on or acrose, or under the right of way of County Highway N'o. \ f.l? in the location shown on the sketch which is a part ohaid application, orin such location as may be specified by the Department of Highways in the Special Provisions hereof. SPECIAL PROVISIONS: . ' Approved------""'r&""U.,....,-----Board of County Commiesioners - - - - - - - - - - - - - • Minnesota COPIES: PermitNo.Certified Check No. - - - - - - - - - Surety Bond N o . - - - - - - - - - - Date of S. Bond or C. Check Bank or Bonding Co. - - - - - - - - Deposit Made by LAKt: l,;UUN I Y t11llt1VVA Y Ul:t"'At( IIVIt:N I 1513 Hwy 2 Two Harbors Minnesota 55616 (218) 834-8380 FAX (218) 834~8384 Lake Superior lnternatlan•l Hlghwav Quantity Size I Length Total Feet @ I Price I /;?. ~ 3::2. &;t.j 7, L/(} L./7;;,. &C> /:J. ~ 3&../ ~s 7· L/-s- so c.,. ~n /5" Lj CJL/ 9~ /5 Lj ~g /I:J /5 L/ 3~ / /-:y Lj '3'/ /3 g. 9'/u f!S5'. ;;Jrj )/.7Lj /06/. ,;; 8' . '7'--/ //.i/L/. _?2. g.c;~ /,:~ ~~-- ;9</ -"' li ~ _, /8 L./o ;;< .. I'.), /./? /8 /3 ;;:; L./ ;:Jo L/O ::J'-/ 9(p 1/·17 I% L/ 88 II~ 1/·17 I~ L/ 3;) I ;;t?J L/ 3'/ /.3G II ·17 I I./ 71 /f II I dt.f ~'I d'-/ OJ'-/ I I £/'-/~. )O //./7 /() 7~ ~ 1 3'2 J;J51· ot( JL/019. 7(p /5"/'J'. I~ I II d Lj '36 ~0 3.;). I~~ 1'1· 3 3'/ I o :;J. l'f·l') I ILIY3· 36 d 80 ~{) AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER IL/. /'J !:) /L/I'S I ; ; L. I tj , r W"l II J~JJ. ;)6 5"?~.00 LJo\f'\.[:: vVUI'1 I I n1unYVI"'\ I Ll&;;;r.I"'\1"\.IIYI~I"t I 1513 Hwy 2 Two Harbors Minnesota 55616 (218) 834-8380 FAX (218) 834-8384 COUtnfiY North Shor• Sc•nlc Drlv• U.k• Sup•rlar tnt.,n•tlon•l Hlghw•v Size Quantity Length Total Feet @ Price 3tf_ /(p. 72 5t;.S.tf3 IZ2Lj~ t:. <g 9'. 393.:28 IJ5/07'1 J 3t/ 1/CJI /;:; ;;; 013 5~ at/~ I .~;;;; 3_;;). /2.2CJ dl/15' .;) 3¥ ~cg I Z. 2_7 ~5- 72 cJt/;~ d 3~ ?'d. /2·21 g-g t/. 8~ /7 /;3 OJ. 3;;J. ~'-I 9• ':27. IZ /7/13 ;;1 3'-/ (p&' /zo I . JJ'f /5 g /I' ~ cJcf '( 3t, d-- . ~ :;1 Ol'/ 3-::l II 'l'f ,, ,, do/ ~L~ I/ AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 0 I I 0 v ? ...7 ;J 'I /• 0-' ....... t:,~&.'/'1 5 . .::sc. ¢?7.7~ 17· /~3.04 ~.3!/_ /3¥. ocf d 8. 30 //3.~c 53. (od I tJ 7 . ;;-;t( LAf\t: I,.,UUI'I I T ntunYYJ-\ I LJC.rJ-\1"'\ I IYU:N I 1513 Hwy 2 Two Harbors Minnesota 55616 (218) 834-8380 FAX (218) 834-8384 Lake Superior lnttHnallonal Highway - /.::::> 18 .;Jtj Length uanf Size /J /;). It @ Total Feet I '- I I 7'8.oeg /.d7 ./? ~~ It I I ~~~I s~i /1 ?G,. 7(.,. /S;J~. 189. 'ill I I Price I I o5/' /13'ii. ~" . .;;?:5 .£/;7'9. ~0 (/) 7:4-x I 1 _L I AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 7 I tf I I I I LAKE t;UUN I Y Hll:iHVVA Y Ut:f"'~At< I MI:.N I 1513 Hwy 2 Two Harbors Minnesota 55616 (218) 834-8380 FAX (218) 834-8384 COUNTRY Not1h Shore Scenic Drive Lake S"perlor lnt.rn'ltlonal Highway Siz~Quant ~- /S I /5' I Length l ~ II ~d.. I I Total Feet . /C9ll_ 3L/ c;oc.j @ Price ¥.9£/ ?'- 'JL/ //~r. ;z /? ;?? . 7(a /3' .L/ 17 It?. Jr IY # 3( G:; tJ II· 17 ~ /G:, 3~ II· t7 357 t.j( 07'/ ;;; 3~ /~·/) 5""o7.£/o /tf -~() tj, ;;! t../ _LI. 17 Su.. A I I 751· 6G I lP' 53 9~. (/) /4_'y' I ~· / I -zc> A:...L AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 7 ~ 1..1-\f'\.t: v V V I'C I I n IU I IWW 1"'\ I II.Jb. r 1"'\f'\. I IYI t;;. I'C I 1513 Hwy 2 Two Harbors Minnesota 55616 (218) 834~8380 FAX (218) 834~8384 ~k• Superior lntwnatlon•l Hlghw•ll Sizo ·- Ely n••antity Length 3 LS l Total Feet 3'1 I @ I ?J, 7t./ /0,;1 9//. g;;r @ JLMt I ~, -rz --.LJ ·vt II I I I I I. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER I I I I I I I Price I I I I I I LAt\1:. vUUN IT MI~MVVA T Ut:t"A~ IIVII:.N I 1513 Hwy 2 Two Harbors Minnesota 55616 (218) 834-8380 FAX (218) 834-8384 Lake Superior lntetnatlonal 8'!'Ave v i5.A y Hlahwa~ Size Quantity /5 ;;). Length 3o /o-u;IJS[. f @ Total ~- 9 ~(J Price tf ~C:><i· dJ ~ /~.>< I l;li~l' I I I I. I I I I I AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER I I ao LAKE COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Dlake County MINNESOTA l. 1, 1 1513 Hwy 2 Two Harbors Minnesota 55616 (218) 834-8380 FAX (218) 834-8384 I' .. " SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT APPLICATION Please sign this permit application and return to the Lake County Highway Department for approval. Failure to return this Permit Application (signed) to this office prior to the event is in violation of Minnesota State Statutes 169.04. That Statute states in part that any parade, race or assemblage on any Highway requires the consent of the road authority. Therefore, a concurrence signature is required to validate this Permit (Consent). .'Jhe. '§d1<-.' _l?J2 i~ Mailing Address: 'f~'l'~ ~S~'~@:,._%_._'__"t~ ;:. .!:-v~- - ~=- Location of Event: /wo Jkw~, rYIJ-1. LJe.t C..U.~ CJ!J , tz4llE Event: -'--.----- 7 Starting Point: /:re. Event Date: ';),/. 1 1-}~) WI~. B;J Z2 zol5 EventTime: 1 Sponsoring Organization: 06-t!b H4h6 tf.e f.kth 'J?r,t~,ud:t#'?S )<{~ sl'l#'~ t-V?airz!) Sf) 2i3 Contact:d.Yre 'ZJ ~W I concur with the conditions stated on back side of application: 4./l/hVA.{~ ~ Date: b ·tit;· )'f) (Signature) [~~- D~~IO~OWTIUSLINl< =~-~ ~ Event Permit Authorization Performance Requirement In accordance with this application, an Event Permit is granted to the applicant to hold said event on the right of way of said County highway(s) in the location stated above and in the manner specified in the following stated requirements (see back side of application). Approved------------------Lake County Highway Engineer Copies Applicant Sheriff's Office File $35.00 fee Check# 30'-t~ Date Receipt# The Lake County Highway Department hereby acknowledges that we have received a request to allow County Highway use for the previously referenced event. The following conditions must be met by the applying organization: 1. Participants and event officials will obey all Minnesota Laws pertaining to the use of Highway The applicant shall comply with all applicable laws and ordinances, codes and regulations. All detours and/or lane closures shall conform to the provisions of the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, including all appendices. The event shall be in no way detrimental to the highway or the safety of the public. Rights~of-Way. 2. If traffic restrictions will occur, the event officials will notify the Lake County Sign Technician, 218834-8380 ext. 230 of the proposed event. The event officials will provide trained volunteers to control and/or detour highway traffic affected by the event. The County recommends the applicant prepare a 1 Tram·c Coniro1' (,:,'a~ \conformJ tig tu jJar;;graph 11 §p€:::,i~i!: fnr th::~t 0}<ftn.t:. Jf ~he Hlghwa_v De.partment prepares a Traffic Control Plan at the request of the applicant the applicant acknowledges the plan Is taken from a regulatory source established for work zone safety and as such may not fully encapsulate all the safety needs of the event, and all provisions of paragraph 3 will be adhered to. 3. The applicant agrees to assume entire responsibility and liability for all damages or injury to all persons, whether employees or otherwise and to all property, arising out of, resulting from or in any manner connected with the operation of the event. The applicant agrees to indemnify the County (including county agents and employees) from all such claims including (without limiting the generality for the foregoing claims for which Lake County may be claimed to be liable) legal fees and disbursements paid or incurred to enforce the provisions of this paragraph. The applicant shall be responsible for any damage done to the highway property as a result of the special event, damages payable upon receipt of the invoice. The applicant further agrees to obtain, maintain and pay for such general liability coverage as will ensure the provisions of this paragraph. Contact numbers: John Schlangen, Highway Sign Technician Krysten Foster, Lake County Highway Engineer Lake County Sheriff's Office 218-834-8380 ext. 230 218-834-8380 ext. 224 218-834-8440 LAKE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION rthouse, 601 Third Avenue, Two Harbors, MN 55616-1517 (218)834-8325 FAX 834-8365 COMMISSIOI\lERS OFFICE Ulf<E COUNTY COURT I-lOUSE , PUBLIC HEARINGS FOR LAND USE ISSUES This notice is being sent to you because the County land ownership records show you as the owner of record of property near the proposed activity. Hearings are conducted by the Planning Commission to acquire information which might assist them in making land use decisions as provided by State Statute. If you have information which will aid them in the decision making process, you may attend the meeting, write a letter, or send a fax. Telephone calls cannot be accepted as there is no way to make them part of the record. The Commission is a decision making body and appeals to their decisions may be taken to District Court. It is their job to receive input, review the tests required by the Ordinance, and render a decision. The purpose of the public meeting is not to determine popular vote, but to acquire information which must be evaluated within the framework of official controls. DATE OF MAILING: TO: RE: Submitted by: June 30, 2015 Adjoining Property Owner(s) and Parties in Interest Conditional Use Application (C-15-009) (Parcel #25-5311-15010) North State Environmental, Inc. 2889 Lowery St., Winston Salem, NC 27101 Property Address: 2057 Big Rock Road, Two Harbors, MN 55616 The above party has applied for a Conditional Use permit, C-15-009, for property described as follows: NE Y4 of NE Y4 E. of DM&IR RR Co. ROW less N. 624' of E. 416', Section 15, Township 53, Range 11, 30 acres, zoned R-1/Residential ten acre minimum, Unorganized Territory #2. This request, if approved, would allow: North State Environmental, Inc. to temporarily setup four campers on the property for use as accommodations for the Stewart River Stabilization Project. Their long term plans will be to use the property as their Minnesota home base for future projects. As an owner of property within 1/4 mile of the affected area or as a party in interest, you and the public are invited to attend the public hearing for this case scheduled for July 20, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. in the Law Enforcement Center of the Lake County Courthouse, 601 Third Avenue, Two Harbors, MN 55616. Written comments will be accepted until July 16, 2015 in the Planning & Zoning Office, 601 Third Avenue, Two Harbors, MN 55616. If you know of any interested property owner who, for any reason, has not received a copy of this notice, it would be greatly appreciated if you would inform them of the time and place of the hearing. Statute requires we notify the affected Town Board and any city within two (2) miles of this action. For further information contact Lake County Planning & Zoning, Lake County Courthouse, 601 Third Avenue, Two Harbors, MN 55616, Telephone (218)834-8325 Fax: 834-8365. D. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION The purpose of the sketch is to graphically illustrate the infonnation included in your application. Please include the dimensions of all structures, present and proposed, wells, septic systems, and distances_to property lines, roadways, lakes, rivers and streams. The following items must be included and listed in the boxes below: Distance to Location of Location of 9 road centerline 9 abutting propetiy owners 9 wetlands 9 shoreline or rear yard 9 adjacent roads 9 driveway 9 side property lines 9 access road (labeled) 9 well, septic & drain fields 9 all other structures / / ../ /~~~~ / C.'~-- ! ,_,~l_j ·~~~-=~-~-~~-~~""""' :0 oco::,.. -?4"-7 ·31 •q -= = '" "'•==-""""~ <:.> ----------------·-· ·---=-f?,:X)!_ ="'= ,,,_~,...,oo=-"~== t===---""-'.L=' =~:>-.....::'"=--,-~ ·~"-=-=---=~"'"· .,_;.;.v.-_..-~ I certify that the separation distances on this sketch plan are to the best of my lmowledge true and correct. 'f>rP.>\01W1 s.,,,. it, H· Owner or Agent name (print) \::-- ··,,.j< / t( ,2/, '·,~ , ;; Signature"of ~er o1· Agent (......__..~-- J·t.'\1 .!1 ·J ') ,) n')01~ f~ " COMMISSIONERS OFFICE LAf<E COUNTY COURT HOUSE LAKE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION rthouse, 601 Third Avenue, Two Harbors, MN 55616-1517 (218)834-8325 FAX 834-8365 PUBLIC HEARINGS FOR LAND USE ISSUES This notice is being sent to you because the County land ownership records show you as the owner of record of property near the proposed activity. Hearings are conducted by the Planning Commission to acquire information which might assist them in making land use decisions as provided by State Statute. If you have information which will aid them in the decision making process, you may attend the meeting, write a letter, or send a fax. Telephone calls cannot be accepted as there is no way to make them part of the record. The Commission is a decision making body and appeals to their decisions may be taken to District Court. It is their job to receive input, review the tests required by the Ordinance, and render a decision. The purpose of the public meeting is not to determine popular vote, but to acquire information which must be evaluated within the framework of official controls. DATE OF MAILING: TO: RE: Submitted by: Property Address: June 30, 2015 Adjoining Property Owner(s) and Parties in Interest Interim Use Application (1-15-002) (Parcel #28-6383-0301 0, 03020, 03030, 03040, 03050, 03060, 03070, 03080) Mark & Wendy Kuzma 16120 Royal Rd. NW, Ramsey, MN 55303 13461 Pinehurst Drive, Ely, MN 55731 The above parties have applied for an Interim use permit, 1-15-002, for property described as follows: Lots 1-8 in the Silver City Plat, Section 28, Township 63, Range 11, approximately 3.25 acres, zoned RR/Residential Recreational one acre minimum, Fall Lake Township. This request, if approved, would allow: a short term (less than 30 days) "Vacation Rental Home" at 13461 Pinehurst Drive, Ely, MN 55731. As an owner of property within 1/4 mile of the affected area or as a party in interest, you and the public are invited to attend the public hearing for this case scheduled for July 20, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. in the Law Enforcement Center of the Lake County Courthouse, 601 Third Avenue, Two Harbors, MN 55616. Written comments will be accepted until July 16, 2015 in the Planning & Zoning Office, 601 Third Avenue, Two Harbors, MN 55616. If you know of any interested property owner who, for any reason, has not received a copy of this notice, it would be greatly appreciated if you would inform them of the time and place of the hearing. Statute requires we notify the affected Town Board and any city within two (2) miles of this action. The following officials of the Town of Fall Lake have been sent a copy of this notice: Supervisor: Supervisor: Supervisor: Clerk: Rod Gruba, 13460 N. Pine Road, Ely, MN 55731 Mary Tome, 686 Point Drive, Ely, MN 55731 James A. Takvam, 13439 Black Bear Trail, Ely, M N 55731 Marlene E. Skube, 13550 Thirteen Corners, Ely, MN 55731 For further information contact Lake County Planning & Zoning, Lake County Courthouse, 601 Third Avenue, Two Harbors, MN 55616, Telephone (218)834-8325 Fax: 834-8365. U) -o White Iron Lake ·g. a: I- Farm Lake Kawlshiwi River Q) 0) Q)"O > ·== (f) CO !.-. 6oo· ot sharer me 4. I I I I I I 1 I I 11 0' 80' I I I 3 bedroom ~ 4 .dl.g__--»~ house .......-----~-r ~ .,. t 60' 15' \ Mound " ", L-----' ....,bra,... .... -,. . 38' 190' ~------------------ 48' Pinehurst Drive ----------- ... Well Danny's Auto Shop, Inc. 625 Jrd Ave Two Harbors, Mn 55616 218-834-4524 TO: Lake County Board FROM: Dan Cavallin July 1st, 2015 This letter is requesting permission to use the Lake County parking lot located on the lower side of 4th A venue, on the six hundred block, for the Heritage Days Car Show, on July 11th. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me. Thank You, &~ Dan Cavallin Danny's Auto Shop, Inc. COMMISSIONERS OFFICE LAKE COUNTY COURT HOUSE United States Depann1ent of the Interior orFICE CW THE SFC:RETAHY \\lashington, DC 2021JO June 24,2015 Lake, County Of Lake County Commissioners Office 601 3RdAve Two Harbors, MN 55616-1517 Dear County Official: I am pleased to notify you that on June 24, 2015, the Department of the Interior issued payments to eligible local governments under the Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) program. The PILT program compensates local jurisdictions for Federal lands administered by agencies within the Department and on behalf of the U.S. Forest Service and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The PILT payments may be used for any governmental purpose, including important community services such as emergency response, public schools, and roads. Since counties and other local jurisdictions are prohibited from taxing Federal lands, annual PILT payments help to defray costs associated with maintaining services that support these lands within their boundaries. ' The Payments in Lieu of Taxes Act, 31 U.S.C. 6901-6907, as amended, authorized the program. The PILT Act prescribes the formula used to compute the annual payments based on per acre and population variables, which are annually adjusted for inflation and census data. Prior year Federal payments under certain revenue sharing programs are deducted in formulating the payment amounts. These amounts are reported by your State through an annual reporting process. A provision in the PILT Act provides that temporaty payments be made to compensate for recent additions to the National Park System and National Forest Wilderness areas. Congress appropriated funding for the 2015 program through two legislative vehicles. On December 16, 2014, the President signed the Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2015 (Public Law 113-235). In addition, on December 19, 2014, the President signed the Carl Levin and Howard P. "Buck" McKeon National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015 (Public Law 113-291). Approximately 1,900 local jurisdictions received a total of $404.6 million in PILT payments this year. For 2015, your county is entitled to a PILT payment of $240,146.00. If you provided cmTent bank routing and account numbers for your county to our Interior Business Center office or to SAM (System of Awards Management), an electronic funds transfer was posted to your account on or about June 24, 2015. If this information was not available, a check was mailed to your county's address ofrecord from the U.S. Treasury. Should you require further information, points of contact are provided in the list of Frequently Asked Questions at The website also includes information on how to register in SAM to expedite receipt of future PILT payments. Please contact the PILT Program Manager, Dionna Kiernan, at (202) 513-7783, if you have any questions. J~JI~ 3 0 2015 n J. Sarri ipal Deputy Assistant Secretary ol cy, Management and Budget t COMMISSIONERS OFFICE LAKE COUNTY COURT HOUSE Lake County Board of Commissioners Lake County Court House 60 1 Third Ave, Two Harbors, MN 55616 June 30, 2015 Dear Commissioners, In partnership with Crystal Bay Township, Friends of the Finland Community is currently fundraising and working on outdoor improvements, particularly to the playground area at the Clair Nelson Center here in Finland. Something we need is approximately 85 yards of sand to make a nice spot for our digging toys and safe landing areas at the base of swings, slides, etc. and to level out rough spots on the playground. Would the County be willing to donate sand or sell it at a reduced cost in order to help us make these improvements? We greatly appreciate the County's help with so many of these kinds of things in the past, as well as funding support for maintaining the Clair Nelson Center through the Lake County Recreation Board. You guys are awesome! Sincerely, Honor Schauland Director Clair Nelson Center Friends of the Finland Community Natural Resources, Economic Initiatives, Community Space~ LAKE COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT 1513 Hwy 2 Two Harbors Minnesota 55616 (218) 834-8380 FAX (218) 834-8384 Contacts: lrv Hudyma, City of Beaver Bay Clerk/Treasurer (218)-226-3251 Krysten Foster, Lake County Highway Engineer (218)-834-8380 July 2, 2015 Beaver Bay Trailhead Grand Opening (Beaver Bay, MN) City of Beaver Bay and Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) representatives will commemorate the opening of one of the North Shore's newest waysides on Saturday, July 11 1h at 9:00a.m. at the site, which is located at the intersection of Highway 61 and County Highway 4 (Lax Lake Rd.). This gathering marks the culmination of years of coordinated stakeholder efforts by local groups and agencies including the North Shore Scenic Drive Council, City of Beaver Bay, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Lake County and Bay Area Historical Societies, and Arrowhead Regional Development Commission (ARDC). The Beaver Bay Trailhead, which connects the Beaver Bay and Silver Bay trail segments, will serve Gitchi-Gami State Trail and Superior Hiking Trail users; Scenic Highway 61 travelers; and the community of Beaver Bay. The site features seasonal restrooms, paved pathways and picnic tables, parking, and interpretive kiosks. Construction of this project made possible in part by a federal Transportation Enhancement grant, DNR Parks and Trails Legacy Grant Program, Minnesota's Lake Superior Coastal Program, Minnesota Historical Society, Superior Hiking Trail Association, and Lake County. ## Forestry Department AKE ,t UNT't OREJIRY. Nathan D. Eide, Land Commissioner 601 3rd Avenue Two Harbors, MN 55616 PH:218.834.8340 ~ FX: 218.834.8346 Website: LAKE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR COUNTY BOARD ACTION ON Tuesday, July 14, 2015 Subject: Culvert Payment Background: Culverts are purchased off the state bid list. These culverts will be used for this year's road project as well keeping a few spares on hand. Culverts will be paid for out of State Road Grant (from un-refunded gas tax) Resolution: Approve payment to Contech Engineered Solutions, LLC of $7,258.18 for culverts. ~~~~~t~Ye,~~~c~~~~,~~e~ 11 601 3rd Avenue Two Harbors, MN 55616 PH:218 .834.8340 ~ FX: 218.834.8346 nate .eide@co Website: LAKE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR COUNTY BOARD ACTION ON Tuesday, July 14, 2015 Subject: CLP utility easement to Verizon Wireless Tower Background: CLP easement to cell tower on Blueberry Hill Approve Lake County Board of Commissioners Chair to Sign Right-of-Way easement to Cooperative Light and Power for utilities to Verizon Wireless tower crossing South Section 14. Yz of NE }4 of Township 54, Range 9, :.~~~~t~!.~~~c:~~r::,~~e~ 1<A 4\KE . 601 3rd Avenue Two Harbors, MN 55616 PH :218 .834.8340 ~ FX: 218.834.8346 Website: .lake NT~ OREJIRY. · LAKE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR COUNTY BOARD ACTION ON Tuesday, July 14, 2015 /A:',, : :l: ~:j: t Bid Award Road bids were opened 7/1/2015 by a sealed bid proc~ss ./ Projects will ·b.e 'paid for with State Road :· . ;/ ··.. :· Grant money ( un-re f un d e d gas t ax ) ·.·.'•\ .·· ··· .•. ·.=:··· ·.::/'/ Tristate~a ri'dscaping Phil Hegf?Jrs & sons (Phil ./':~:Hegfors) ·-::..,..,.··>·... . (Richard Ho.eft:) .., ··:\{ ··... .·; ·::····:·::-~: $3,327.84 ·. ·.•. '\~:-·.· .··.·· $4,997.75 $4,730.11 Project Number/Name ' 2015-01 Westover Road 2015-01 N Spur Spooner Road :~ 2015-01 Dina Road Resolution. ';: . ???$6 860. • 00 •, '. • . I ~ ..;:-. ' .. ???i'·-:.:> •·.. • • '•, : ··-:::. ·:·.. • ' ~ $8,291.50 Forestry Department Nathan D. Eide, Land Commissioner 601 3rd Avenue Two Harbors, MN 55616 PH:218 .834.8340 ~ FX: 218.834.8346 Website: .us LAKE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR COUNTY BOARD ACTION ON Tuesday, July 14, 2015 Subject: /~;):~:>· Approval of basic sale prices and authorization of public sale o.HaK~forfeited land listed on attached / .. .-:{:>··::·: :;:\.. 2015-01 Land Sale list on October 2nd 2015 ::k:~o;:::Provides for the clas ific~tio apprais r:· k~~:~: la:::::~i~·gthe property of the a · ,..,• *·· n, · ... ·.-. ·~ State of Minnesota for nonpayment of real properfy.taxe.s. The pa_r;.cels listed ori'-401,?-01 Land Sale list '~· ... ·-: .:·.; ... /. ~: ~ \, have forfeited to the State for nonpaym.~ nt taxes. All patcel ~ 'J.Y~·r~_feleased by the'·c i~i~s.. and townships for public sale. ~}{}\:..·. ··-:::::::~.r~:.:· . ·· ::::::. Notice of sale will be published once a ~~ik:f6~:twQ consecu.iftl;w~eks, with the last publication not \.; . ·. ·: .. :: ·~: -~::. :\ ~.,. ·,::~:~ less than 10 days before the sale of tax-fo rf~ it~d lan q.'P:Y.- ~ ublic aut.!}g!J: In addition, notice of sale will be ·.. -~ ·····:·.· •.···.·. ·. .··:-.. mailed to all owners of lan,Q 9 ~jo !.!1ing each p~n;~ l to be sold :..& ppraisa{s.w~re made by the Spruce ...... ·~ ··:·:·:· ,•: . .~, . . .::..:~:=: :,.:·· . ·-~·. .•·:,:.-:..... . ... :-:-:-:->:·:-:-.... ··,·:·:•.~.·) County Assessor's Depar:t'inent:·=:·AII .parcels liste'(f on the :20i5 ~0 i-'Land Sale list are non-waterfront land . \ ··:.. :., . .~.· ··:·:}' . ·:::·::~ ,:: ,•"•.. or have speciallegisla'tio,n.t o sell w a'tef.front land \r~·€Cs.afe is sch'iM~]e'd for October 2nd, 2015 at 10:00 ••••• ·.·, " • . AM. The sale will be held':af the o,;. •.· ~.·.· Lake 1C:o~unty Court ho\Jse, 601 3rd Ave, Two Harbors, MN 55616. Resoru~~,ft1l%lt\} :~;~ftltw~h'~~J BE IT RE?O t VED, that all l> ~ rc~ ls of tax~f!'lrfeited la n'cl:ljst ed on 2015-01 Land Sale List of Tax-Forfeited ·. ·.;.· •·. .. ··'·•. ·.· •·. Land havi ng)~en classified a·s:·n.0 9_-cons.e l)i~_tion; that the basic sale price of each parcel on 2015-01 ~0:•, M•••, ..., •• :-.·· · .·:·:·: '' Land Sale List Qf { (lx-Forfeited Um <;!~, be ap p rov.~ d and authorization for a public sale of this land be i . ·~- ..... ······ -.:...• granted, pursua'nt:.:t o M.S. 282.01;'that the sale will be held October 2nd, 2015 at 10:00 AM by the Lake ...;:~:::~:~·.·. . } ·-:: County Auditor at the.;t.:ake County.q:J:urthouse, for not less than the basic sale price; and that all sales . . 4~:<::~~~--- ~"""':~:~.:=i shall be full payment or'Cin·the te'rrhs' set forth in 2015-01 Land Sale List ofTax-Forfeited Land. ~:::~:1~~~1~;~~>;::> List of Tax-Forfeited land #2015-01 for Public Sale LAKE COUNTY, MN [DATE AND TIME] Law Enforcement Center, Two Harbors RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES RADON WARNING STATEMENT The Minnesota Department of Health strongly recommends that ALL ho.ri\~~·u·~ ers have an indoor radon test performed prior to purchase or taking occupancy and recommends ~ av;!.n~~ e radon levels mitigated if elevated radon concentrations are found. Elevated radon concentrations can ~!35ilyJ)e,reduced by a qualified, certified, or licensed, if applicable, radon mitigator. ./ .~·-~. )'' ·-:...:_ ~\:-- ../ . ,, ' .. . ' " Every buyer of an interest in residential real property is ~-citifie·8· that the property m §y·~resent exposure to dangerous levels of indoor radon gas that may place the·occi.JP..~nts at risk _of developil']~ r~ on - induced lung cancer. Radon, a Class A human carcinogen, is the leading cause of lung c.ancer Jn."no,nsmokers a'n ~ .the second leading cause overalL The seller of any interest in residentia!.. r~al property is r~quir~d to;provide the buye r. ~ith any information on radon test results of the dwelling. ( · ·::· ' . · j./ .·.·/ ....., :-,... ~ RADON MUNICIPALITY/PARCEL NAME Has radon testing occurred on the property? Lake County is not aware of any radon testing conducted on this property. Radon records available? No. Radon concentration levels: Unknown Is a radon mitigation system in place on the property? No NON-RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES MUNICIPALITY/PARCEL NAME PID / DESCRIPTION/ ADDRESS TIMBER VALUE PARCEL VALUE ASSESSMENTS BEFORE FORFEITURE 23-7600-06325 610 4th St, Two Harbors MN 55616 $ $32,500 0 $ $45,000 0 $28,000 0 City of Two Harbors Commercial Lot UNORGANIZED TERRITORY #1 24-5806-02860 SW X of SE X Less SW X of Section 2, Caribou River Township 58 North, Range 6 West Approxo 30 Acres /,.<'31 UNORGANIZED TERRITORY #2 25-5511-24910 SEX ofSE X Hwy 2 North /< :: ·.:- (:&< ;o;ooo 0~·-0:::· 0 o' 0;> 1·\0::::. ·.·. '$'7 ~_6 '<: of Section 24, Township 55 North, Range } l···w est Approx o40 A(;.re{ ' BEAVER BAY TOWNSHIP 26-5607-02490 ofSW 1/4 NfX w~: '\:ij~w 0 CRYSTAL BAY TOWNSHIP ,, ·-:~.*-» 1:;;·· ·-:\: ;: :.; 0 of Siection 2 '"<:0:;:: : "(~··} ""· ..;.-..' ·-{:;; ·~::::·~ $ Township 56 ~ortli;" RC\n'ge 7 West ··:o: -~;: ···. 000 Appr~x=;--~o Acres o>:,_ '• ··:::.:o'':o.. -~- Dina Bluff 0:::.: 0 · -: 0 ° ·._.~ . ·..:. •. ·... -~-· --~·- ·~ ,· $70,000 0 $92,000 0 $7,353 $116,000 0 $ $60,000 0 $ $40,000 ·..• !'J<f rth :.0 ~~:;:... o' :· · Gbvernmet:~t oo' Lot 2 Except . }, the 0000 00 0 o,o .:: 400' thereof, .00 ~ •"o 'o ... o' Homestead Lake B $5,377 ~ · o~- ~ection,~3~) Township ~0 ~orth, · ..0,, _ 0o000 Range 7 West -:.. \ ·-,:.~ .. ~--·· . . :- .... ,• . .·., 00 ,,:::~~:· ·\ AppYox~o 27 092 Acres ,,.. , ....:.•;.;o::~;o;o " •,o ' , 'Gqvernme[it.Lot 3 ExcepJ th~ E; ly 570' (:·~:~_.;i: ..... l ·'::lyi~g North ~f.tne Southerly.oi076o44' -~~ 0 ···."%t:- . -'" :-_"t.:,."-~- ..•.·:· :::.. Homesteaci\~ ke·-:·oc .. :_._ ·:•.- ·...of said Gqvernment Lot 3, ·.:· ·t~i s~ttion 36, Town~hip 60 North, "· -·~- .• \ 0/ \ Range 7 West i.ARproxo 36086 Acres FALL LAKE TOWNSHIP o,o:;;:~~~::.~too::o·o•' Fernberg B 28-6311-21010 NE X of NE X of Section 21, Township 63 North, Range 11 West Approxo40 acres 28-6311-21070 c That part of NW X of NE X lying North Fernberg C of Fern berg RD ROW of Section 21 Township 63 North, Range 11 West Approxo 21 acres Fernberg D Fernberg E 28-6311-21070 D That part of NW }~.;of NE }~.; lying North of Fern berg RD ROW of Section 21 Township 63 North, Range 11 West rox . 19 acres 28-6311-21270 E ~ of NE }!,; of NW 1/4 of Section 21, Township 63 North, Range 11 West $ $40,000 $ $30,000 ••• Castle Danger East r hil.' 1).1 r1,j ·'l W ' ,r ·ll rtii 29-5310-0 SE1/4 OF N 1/4.'.· of Section 1, ::>.. . .... : ··~ Township 53 North, Range W'V'(est ,... 40 Acres $ TERMS OF SALE 2014-1 Public Sales: Basic Sale Price All parcels are offered at public auction and sold to the highest bidder. The minimum bid acceptable is the basic sale price which is shown on the list of tax-forfeited land. The basic sale price is equal to the appraised value or the appraised value plus any extra charges for special assessments levied after forfeiture or for hazardous waste control. Bidding will be in increments as determined by Auditor and not less than $100. .. ·:·:~~~:>: Extra Fees and Costs: In Addition to the Basic Sale Price A 3% surcharge of the selling price for the state assurance account will be at the time of the sale. The . collected ,.:-, following extra fees will be collected when the basic sale price is paid ill ·f ull: a--·s.tate deed fee of $25, a deed filing fee of . ·i'· at least $46.00, and a state deed tax of 0.33% (0.0033) of the ~ale ~'ri ce. .. . .. ;:::::-=::1-:"·· '·..:; ··:,., ···..-:i).-.=-. . ...... /. ~ ~~== v:· ,• Payment Terms: Cash or Contract .. ·. • . '·.~ ~~:-... ·~ .. -::.·;.. -.;:::· ·.•;·:-_ . ':-, ·· ...· \.. ' 20% of the basic sale price at the time of sale with the balance du~ and payaqle in four e·q\,.lah;mnual installments with fa~ i ~ .full. af'th·t;!··fime of sale. Arm i~i~ed value of any timber .. ;Y ' •' interest. Parcels that sell for $1,000.00 or less r:nust be paid ·:. ·=·· must be paid in full at the time of sale. Specia f.'assessments must be in full at time of sale. Contract Sales: Installments and ln~er~st \;~~::~·-, ~~.. Installments and interest on a119.efer~~~ . p·ay~ents are -~u:~ on .. ·.. 0,e an.!l ive c~ary date ofthe purchase. The entire unpaid balance of the basic sale price:/&'n.d..the a ~crued _i nterest 'ma'y..b{ paid a·riy ti me· t?efore the final installment becomes due. ·.. . .. . · : .: ., ·;,.,· . ' --.=:.·· The annual interest rate is comp!Jt~d per M.S: 279.03, Sub'd ..1a: {10% for 2014 but subject to change annually). ', .. ···:. . ).'' :;:! - ' ·:\. ··. ·, ':':;::f::.. Special Assessments:-levied Before and After Forfeiture . • •• ... :::( . '•' ,• :... ,. :1 ' The balance of..any special ass'essments whi~~·were levied.qefor.e 'forfeiture and canceled at forfeiture and which exceed io: • ~:~' "'" ·••.••: '··.. ··:::":.... • .:·...... ·· qe rea·ssess. ~d by the municipality. .... ·::. ··: ...... the amount of the .b.~,sic sale price ini;ly These special assessments are shown on the list of tax-forfeited land under the colunin:entitled ~~Assessments Before Forfeiture." Any special assessments which --~: . .. : \ . ···:... ... were levied after forfeityre and certified ~6 tpe county auditor have been added to the appraised value and must be paid by the purchaser as .part: of the basic land with a special line s~ l ~ price . These special assessments are shown on the list of tax-forfeited entiti~d-';Sp.ecials .4fi~.~ Forfeiture ." ···<. ·.'·:·.. ···:<-. :'> ····-.~~1>/ Conditions: Restrictions on the Use of the Properties Sales are subject to the following restrictions on the use of the properties: 1. existing leases, 2. easements obtained by a governmental subdivision or state agency for a public purpose, 3. building codes and zoning laws, 4. all sales are final with no refunds or exchanges allowed, and 5. the appraised value does not represent a basis for future taxes. Private Sales: Parcels Not Sold at Public Auction Any parcel not sold at a public sale may be purchased after the public sale by paying the basic sale price . The basic sale price cannot be changed until the parcel is reappraised, and again offered at a later public sale. By resolution of the County Board, unsold parcels will be available for 180 days (April 15th, 2015} after a land sale and then withdrawn automatically. Title: Proof of Ownership The buyer will receive a receipt at the time of the sale. The Minnesota Department of Revenue will issue a state deed after full payment is made. An abstract will not be provided. .··;-... Prohibited Purchasers ... ·:<·::·:::~~~:~:t· A county auditor, county treasurer, county attorney, court administrator of..the district court, county assessor, .. ·~. ' . . ...... ·. ·~ supervisor of assessments, deputy or clerk or an employee of sudi 9rfiC'er, a.yOIJ]missioner for tax-forfeited lands or an ...• .·:-:.. . ··:. . assistant to such commissioner, must not become a purchaser, either personally .or as an agent or attorney for another person, of the properties offered for sale under the provisio'n? :~ {this chapter in t tle .county for which the person performs duties. A person prohibited from purchasing another person purchase it on behalf of the prohibited pfo pe.~ty under this section ~·u st;· not directly or indirectly have pur~A··~ i~·r..for the.prdhibited pu ~2hc;~~er's benefit or gain . ' · -: ~.,.: . <:: ·:·:·: Other •, • ·:..,.;.;:. .:.:·' . .-::~:~ • ··:._ • c, ··::::~:;::~> · <:{~ 1.~j ; ; ; ~. :. Lake County is not responsible for location or dete(mi.ning pr'op~rty lines.-Of..l?_q undaries. It is Lake County's policy, and in the public interest, to reserve a publi c: _easement purposes. Such easements, .·;· ....:;:· ·.-. ·•• ifthey.:~ ppJy, . shc;~ll acfb~:s· lands th.~f'pre sold··g~::~xc,hanged for land :. ··:·:... be desC"ribed "~' ~·: .•:·:>- ' prior .ta·:~ale : ·.. :. '::~;~> <~:~:t'· ···- ~:· ... ... •':· management ·-::.:.::.: +i\,, Information regarding ~h.e p,urchase· fcfrfe jted l;.md can be b btained at the Lake County Forestry Department in .' ..... :; .,· . ·. ·:: ..... . ·...... ~'t~'~ ai iJ rig {~18} . 834-83'40 ?:. ((::·· :;_ ' ·. ··:;.· Two Harbors, or . . ':.::;:=:lt'. ··~····.~· ··::·:~/·. ··:z~~t?1~·., ~:t~t~\.>. -+~rtw / ..... •. •. . ·:· ·:·... · ··· · · "· ···.::- ·:::::.·:··.