BikeOne Automatyczna Wypożyczalnia Rowerów
BikeOne Automatyczna Wypożyczalnia Rowerów
BikeOne. Krakow Brno, 2009-11-05 1 Schedule o Key features o Description of the BikeOne system 2008-2010 o How to use o Rental charges o Advertising area o Bike/Station o Requires o Exemplary offer 2 The key features The key features of the BikeOne solution: o Lack of any wire connections allows no permanent fixing to the ground o Offline battery power system; solar batteries o Mobility and modularity of the system, allowing the change of location and easy adjusting to a location o Durability – the system is resistant to vandalism and the atmospheric conditions o Payment security due to direct payment (proximity cards) o The flexibility and versatility of the system due to the variety of rental charges o The functionality and aesthetics of the system due to the individual graphic design and construction of the bikes and stations 3 BikeOne Krakow. Description of the 2008 project o The first (and only) project of this kind in Poland o 100 bikes o 12 docking stations in the centre of Kraków o 800 registered users o 100 borrowings daily (and still growing) 4 BikeOne Krakow. Description of the 2009 project o The only project of this kind in Poland o 120 bikes o 16 docking stations in the centre of Krakow (additionally 1 from the city and 3 from the sponsor) o 4000 registered users o 250-300 borrowings daily (and growing) 5 BikeOne Krakow. The 2010 expansion plans o New stations (4 to 8, both by the city and the sponsor) o Increased availability to tourists (credit card and proximity card readers – in the stations; the owner’s – i.e. City of Krakow’s – consent required) o Assumed borrowings increase – min. 200 % 6 BikeOne. How to use How to use the bike rental system 1. Registration in 2. Start fee (e-transfer, credit card) - Deposit (zł 120) - Rental charge (7 days for zł 12; a month for zł 25; 3 months for zł 50; a season for zł 100) - Advance payment (min. zł 5) 3. Bike rental through entering the user’s PIN in the bike dispenser at any station 4. The return of the bike at any station 7 BikeOne. Rental Charges Rental charges: o The first 20 minutes for free o The first hour for zł 1.20 o The second hour for zł 1.8 o Every next hour for zł 4 From 2010 on, we are planning to enable users to rent bikes through direct payment by credit card without prior registration 8 Advertising areas At present the BikeOne system is supported by financial means obtained from a sponsor, offering in return advertisement: o on bikes (hubcaps, advertising boards, baskets) o on stations (information boards) o on service car o on website o on presence at numerous city events 9 Bike spec The bikes: Have a solid construction designed to suit their usage (different types for city and out-of-city bikes): o a 3-gear propulsion, o heavy-duty tyres adjusted to the city (broad and smooth), o permanent lighting during riding; the rear lamp remains switched on for five minutes after the termination of the ride, o a big basket in the front, o ad fields on the rear wheel and the rack. 10 Docking Station The stations o Have a classic shape and modern design o Have no permanent fixing to the ground, allowing the relocation of modules o Contain 5 docking places; contain more where modules are linked o Contain bike dispensers, information boards, masts and solar batteries o Can be additionally equipped with modern pylons, serving as elements of visual advertising 11 Requires The installation of the system requires: o Permits required by law o The lease or rent of the grounds to locate stations on o A contract with mobile phone operators and payment services o The creation of bike service and customer service 12 Exemplary offer We made estimation based on assumption: - 5 stations (5x10 slots rack) - 50 bikes (h-d, rfid equipment) Calculation covers: o hardware (station + bikes) o electronic/rfid equipment o billing & station software licenses 13 Exemplary offer Calculation do not cover: o localization (changes to be made to www site, admin module), maps o gsm / payments integration o local installation o translation/lawyers services o any fixed/variable costs related to maintenance (bike service, contact center, office..) The approximate cost is 460 000,00 PLN + VAT (110,000 EURO + VAT) 14 Kontakt BikeOne sp. z o.o. Kraków 30 - 836 ul. Jerzmanowskiego 40/12; Rafal Malinowski tel. +48 695 213 089 15