Abelina`s Mexican Grill - Austin County Buy And Sell
Abelina`s Mexican Grill - Austin County Buy And Sell
Abelina's Mexican Grill 2272 Hwy 36 North Sealy, Texas 77474 Tel: 979.627.7163 Sunday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 9:00 pm Friday & Saturday: 8:00 am -10:00 pm BREAKFAST BwInroaalaMexicaIul - ------- --------- ---.. - ----------------------------------- $699 Scrambled eggs mixed withPico de Gallo and a side of refried beans t:NIlaQ\ll1leS ------------ -------------.. -------------- ------------- --------~- ---- $6.99 led eggs with cut com tortillas, opped with salsa and a side of retried beans S HuevosconCllor1z.o -- - - - - -- ---------- -------------------------------------- $1;99 Scrambled eggs mixed with chorizot served with a SIde ofrefrted beans $649 Two eggs topped with salsa, served wz~ a side ofref:ried beans H - ----------- ----------- -------- -- ----- --------------- - -- $6.99 Scrambled eggs mixed with potat~ served with a side ofrefried beans ~ -- ----------- ------------------ ------------------- -----------$799 Scrambled eggs mixed with ham. se'hted With a Side Of retried beanS 1iIn~~~ ------------ ------------------ -- ----------------------- -------- ----$7~ Made with 3 eggs, onion, tomato, bell pepper, and e1ieddar cheese; SerVed with a Side of-refrled beans PLATES Fajita (3) ------- --------------------------------Jumbo shrimp. beef,. and chIcken fajita -- ---- ----- --- ---- $1499 -- ------------ --- - - - - - --------------------- --- --------- ----- $12.99 Beefartd chicken fajita - --- ------- - --- --- - -------- -- -- ---- - --- $1099 Sl\tjlM»"t'a . . -------- 0urtai'JWUS grilled shrirrlp ----------------------- --- - --- ------- - ----- - ----------------------------------- - ----------- Stuffedppblano pepper fill~ with mozzarella cheese Wictt ~ beef - - - --- ~I:I- --- -- - - ---------$14~ - $899 -- ------------------------------- - --------.--- --------------- -------------- --------- - - .. - - - - - ------. $999 $1049 ~~~~. - - ---- - ---------- ------- ----------------$tL99 Grll1ed~meatOJ1 a bed ofgtilled onions and bell pepper; served With ~ C1'Iarro ~ lettiJ~ guacamole salael and chile toreados IUDIUIII~.,JI~~ ---- - ---------------------------- ------------- -- - ------ ---$10.99 BeefgUisada meatserwdwith refrted ~ n~ and guacamole salad ~~de,J~~ --------------------------------- ---------------------- -- $8~9 Grilledpork chops topped wtth gn1led bell pepper and onions, served with nee and beans - --------------------------- -------- - ---Pori< ctaC1cliilg$ sotterted with a Chile sauce, served. 'with rice and beans ---.- - -~99 Nopales Guisados - -- --- - - -- - --- -- -- -- --------- - - - - - - ----- --- ---- - - - - ------- - - - - ---- - $7.99 Cactus served with rice and retried beans Chicken Aloha --- -- ------- -- --- - - -- ----- -- -- - - - - - --- -- ------- -- -- -- - - -- - -- - -- ----- - $10.49 Grilled chicken topped with pineapple on a bed of white rice and a side of french tries Pollo Asado -- - -- ---- ------ -- -- - ------ -- ---- ---- - -- ---- --------- ---- -- - - - - ----- --- -- $9.99 Gn7led chicken breast served with rice and a side salad with guacamole Crispy Tacos [ 3] - -- -- - - --------- ---------- -- -- ------- -- -- - - -- -- - - - - - -- -- -- - -- - -- -- -- $8.99 Hard or soft tacos served with ground beef, lettuce, tomato, guacamole, sour cream and served with rice and beans Vaquero Tacos [3] - - ----- - -------------- ------ - -- - --- -- -- ----------- - ------ - - ----- - $10.99 Shrimp, beef, and chicken fajita topped with lettuce, tomato, cheddar cheese and served on soft tortilla Camarones ala Diabla ----- ---- ---- -- ----- -- ---- --- - -- -- --- - - - - ---- -- --- -- ------ ---- $13.99 Spicy shn'mp sauteed in a delicious sauce; served with rice, french tries and guacamole Coctel de Camaron/Shrimp Cocktail Small / Pequeno - -- ---- - -- -- -- -- -- - - --- -- - - - - -- -- ------- -- -- -- ---- --- -- --- - -- -- -- - -- - $5.99 Large / Grande -- ---- -- - ---- -- -- -- -- -- ----- -- -- -- - - - -- - - --- - -- -- -- --- - - -- -- -- ---- --- - $799 QuesadiUas Served with pica de galla inside and a side of rice, salad, and sour cream Mozzarella cheese - - - - - -- - -- -- - - -- -- -- ----- -- -- -- -- --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - - -- -- - - -- - -- - $9.49 Chicken or beef fajita - -- -- - - - -- -- - - - - --- -- -- -- -- -- - -- - - - --- --- - -- --- -- -- ---- -- --- -- - - $10.99 Shrimp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------$1199 Enchiladas [ 3 ] Served with rice and beans Ground beef, shredded chicken or cheese ----- -- ---- ---------- -- -- ----- -------- -- -- ---- $8.99 Beef or chicken fajita --- -- - - ------- - -- --- -- -- -- ------ ---- - - - - --- -- -- -- -- -- --- -- - ----- - $9.99 Shnmp --- - - --- --- - - -- -------- -- --------- -- ---- --- ------ -- -- - --- - --- - ---- -- --- -- - - - $1149 Chalupas [3] - -------- -- -- -- ------ - - -- --- - - - ----- - -- --- -- ------- -------- --- - - --- - --- $8.99 Topped with beans, ground beef, lettuce, tomato, guacamole, sour cream and cheddar cheese Flautas [ 4] --------- - - -- -- -- -- - - -- -- --- - - -- -- ----- ----- -- ----- -- - - - - -- ------ -- --- - - - $8.99 Deep fried taquitos made with shredded chicken, topped with lettuce, guacamole, sour cream and served withasideofn'ce El Tejano Burger -- - - - - - - - - -- -- -- -- -- ----- ---- -- -- - - - - -- -- ----- -- -- -- -- -- - - -- - ---- -- - $6.99 Our delicious hamburger topped with lettuce, tomato, onions, pickles and jalapenos Served with mayonnaise and mustard on the side with a side of french fries. #1 Grilled cheese with french fries ---- ---------------------#2 Cheese enchilada [ 1 ] with rice and beans - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- #3 Soft or crispy taco [1] with rice and beans -------- -------#4 Hamburger with french fries ---------------------------#S Cheese quesadiUa [ 1 ] with rice and beans - - - - - - --- - - -- - - #6 Chicken strips served with french fries - -- - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - $4.49 $4.99 $499 $5.39 $5.29 $5.59 Gracias .. .
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