Study on Virtual Control of a Robotic Arm via a Myo Armband for the
Study on Virtual Control of a Robotic Arm via a Myo Armband for the
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 11, Number 2 (2016) pp 775-782 © Research India Publications. Study on Virtual Control of a Robotic Arm via a Myo Armband for the SelfManipulation of a Hand Amputee Asilbek Ganiev, Associate Professor, Department of Digital Media, Soongsil University, Seoul, Republic of Korea. E-mail: Ho-Sun Shin, Department of Cultural Contents, Soongsil University, Seoul, Republic of Korea. E-mail: Kang-Hee Lee, Department of Digital Media, Soongsil University, Seoul, Republic of Korea. E-mail: fabricated and describes the specifications of hand amputees and forearm muscles. Section 'Architecture design' shows the architectural design and Section 'Experimental results' discusses the experiment results obtained from virtual robotic arms. From these procedures, the design for a virtual robotic arm is proposed and experiments are carried out to demonstrate its features. In Section 'Conclusion,' we compare two different virtual robotic arms and determine which one is suitable for the hand amputee. Abstract This paper proposes a Myo device that has electromyography (EMG) sensors for detecting electrical activities from different parts of the forearm muscles; it also has a gyroscope and an accelerometer. EMG sensors detect and provide very clear and important data from muscles compared with other types of sensors. The Myo armband sends data from EMG, gyroscope, and accelerometer sensors to a computer via Bluetooth and uses these data to control a virtual robotic arm which was built in Unity 3D. Virtual robotic arms based on EMG, gyroscope, and accelerometer sensors have different features. A robotic arm based on EMG is controlled by using the tension and relaxation of muscles. Consequently, a virtual robotic arm based on EMG is preferred for a hand amputee to a virtual robotic arm based on a gyroscope and an accelerometer Motivation and Related Research Data was obtained from EMG, the gyroscope, and the accelerometer and then analyzed to understand which parts of the forearm muscles electro activated in each wrist gestures. The data obtained from the Myo armband sensors are used to control the robotic arm, which was built in Unity 3D. The robotic arm can move by using five distinct motions, including making a fist, spreading fingers, waving left, waving right, and double tapping fingers (to burst balloons the). The gyroscope data and accelerometer data are also used for moving the robotic arm in the X, Y, and Z directions. Keywords: Myo armband, Electromyography, Controlling robotic arm, Hand amputee, Unity 3D Introduction The Myo armband detects electrical activity in forearm muscles. The human forearm has different types of muscles, each of which has a different arrangement, and these muscles control the movements of the wrist, such as moving fingers, making a fist, turning left or right, etc. The Myo armband has eight parts, each of which can detect these electrical activities in each part of the forearm. The Myo armband has many advantages compared with other types of sensors, because it can be worn on the hand without cables, it connects with other devices or a computer via Bluetooth, and is very comfortable. In addition, the electromyography (EMG) sensor of the Myo armband has a gyroscope sensor and an accelerometer [1]. Another advantage of this device is that, although the human hand size differs and human hand poses vary, we can adapt the Myo armband to anyone’s hand. The remaining structure of this paper is outlined as follows. Section 'Motivation and Related Research' briefly introduces how virtual robotic arms (Myo armband and Unity 3D) are EMG and MYO sensor Most gesture-control systems still use cameras to detect movements, which can be incorrect due to poor lighting conditions, distance, and simple obstructions. By obtaining gesture information directly from the arm muscles rather than from a camera, the Myo circumvents these problems and works with devices that do not have a camera [2]. EMG is an electro-diagnostic technique for evaluating and recording the electrical activity produced by human skeletal muscles. EMG detects the electrical potential generated by muscle cells when these cells are electrically or neurologically activated. The signals can be analyzed to detect medical abnormalities, activation level, or recruitment order or to analyze the biomechanics of human movement [3]. EMG testing has a variety of clinical and biomedical applications. EMG is used as a diagnostics tool for identifying neuromuscular diseases, or as a research tool for studying 775 Internationnal Journal off Applied Enggineering Reseearch ISSN 09 973-4562 Voluume 11, Numbber 2 (2016) pp p 775-782 © Researcch India Publiccations. http:/// relaax their muscles wearing EM MG sensors su uch as those on o the MY YO armband. It is possible to control an n object using their EM MG in virtual space through the virtual rob botic arm baseed on EM MG. kinesiology and disorders d of motor m control. EMG signalss are someetimes used too guide botuliinum toxin or phenol injecttions into muscles. EMG G signals are also used as control c signals for prostthetic devicess such as prossthetic hands,, arms, and loower limbbs [4]. Fiigure 1: Usingg Myo armbannd Figure 4: H Hand amputee Figuure 1 shows thhe Myo armbaand and controolling applicattions suchh as a shot gunn game, an ocuulus game, controlling a rem mote contrrol (RC) car, and a drones. ty 3D Unity Unitty 3D provides rendering off 3D objects, animations ettc. in real time and haas relatively easy-scriptinng, including the comppatibility of various v platfoorms. It is verry popular foor its intuiitive interface application as a shown in figures 2 and 3 [5]. It iss also a gam me engine, similar s to Unreal U or Juppiter. How wever, Myo is the preferrred device foor interaction and visuaalizing using the virtual robbotic arm. Thherefore, Unityy 3D is ussed to createe virtual spacce and visualize experimeental resullts. 5 Device for aamputee in practical life Figure 5: Figure 2: Inteerface of F Unity 3D D Forrearm musclees Thee forearm referrs to the regioon of the lower limb betweeen the elbo ow and the wrrist. The term ‘forearm’ is used u in anatom my to disttinguish it from the arm, a word which is most often used to describe d the enntire appendagge of the uppeer and lower limbs, but which in anaatomy, techniccally, means only the region of the upper arm, whereas w the low wer "arm" is called c the foreearm. It iss homologouss with the reggion of the leg g that lies bettween the knee and thee ankle joint, the crus. Thee forearm conntains two o long boness, the radiuss and the ulna, u formingg the radiioulnar joint. The interosseous membraane connects these bon nes. Ultimatelyy, the forearm m is covered by y skin, the annterior surfface usually being less hairyy than the possterior surface [9]. Figure 3: Unity 3D m platforrms providing multiple Han nd amputee A haand amputee is a person whose hand or arm has been b severed, specificcally the uppper parts. Today, T numeerous assisstance devicess are availablee to help the movements m off the handd amputee in practical lifee as shown inn figures 4 annd 5 [6][77], (e.g. synchhronizing the amputated paart with a robbotic arm to insert a smart s chip inn the body [88]). However,, the ware or virtuaal devices avvailable for haand amputeess are softw insuffficient. The virtual v roboticc arm is intennded for the hand h ampuutee. If their arm a muscles are a alive, the virtual v robotic arm helps them. This means they can use EMG G to contract and 776 Internationnal Journal off Applied Enggineering Reseearch ISSN 09 973-4562 Voluume 11, Numbber 2 (2016) pp p 775-782 © Researcch India Publiccations. http:/// F Figure 6: Forrearm muscless The forearm iss divided into two compartments c (a ventrromedial or flexor compaartment and a dorsolateraal or extennsor comparttment), as caan be seen in i figure 6. The musccles of thee forearm are segregaated into these t comppartments, coonsisting of ann anterior grouup (the flexorrs of the wrist w and finggers and the prronators) and a posterior grroup (the extensors of the t wrist and fingers f and thee supinator). Fiigure 8: Archhitecture of thee design for viirtual robotic arm a Architecture Deesign A virrtual robotic arm a is compossed of an EMG G and robotic arm in viirtual space. EMG E is used for f measurem ments made forr the Myoo armband, while w the robbotic arm in virtual spacce is prodduced by Unityy 3D. They arre connected to Bluetooth. The Myoo armband hass eight differennt parts, each of which conttains a meedical-grade EMG E sensor. The armbandd also has a thhreeaxis gyroscope and three-axxis accelerom meter. The Myo M armbband and the numbers of thhe sensors aree shown in fiigure 7. These T numbers are used inn experimentaal results andd are show wn in figure 244. Figure 9: Five hand gestures and theeir functions Thee mapping ressult is shown in figure 9. ‘Up’ is assignned to ‘Fisst’, which haas distinctly different activating rates than ‘Fin ngers spread’.. Obviously, ‘Down’ is assigned to ‘Fingers spreead’. These arre the results ffrom the activ vating rates off each EM MG sensor partt. Also, the m mapped result can c be changeed by userrs. After thesse steps, the user can acctually controol the virtu ual robotic arm m. Exp perimental results r Figure 7: Myyo armband and a numbers of o the sensors This section doccuments the eexperimental results. Figurre 10 pressents the resullts from eight EMG sensorss in each gestuure. It can be seen that in each gestuure, different EMG E sensors have diffferent results. Subsection A shows the results from eight EM MG sensors inn five differeent gestures. In subsectioon B, grap phs show datta from the “W Wave Right” gesture and show thatt part, of the eight e parts off the forearm, that is electriically actiivated; the eleectrode voltagge is shown in n microvolts (μ V), whiich was obtained using the Myo data d capture tool. Sub bsection E shoows the EMG G sensor conttrolling the virtual v robo otic arm. Desiign for virtuall robotic arm This section introoduces the dessign for the virtual robotic arm [10].. Figure 8 shhows the enttire process of o controllingg the virtuual robotic arrm in Unity 3D. The firrst step invoolves creatting space with w targets annd the virtuaal robotic arm m in Unitty 3D. The neext step involvves mapping the five functtions of thhe robotic arm a in virtuaal space to the t five gesttures meassured by the Myo M armband.. 777 Internationnal Journal off Applied Enggineering Reseearch ISSN 09 973-4562 Voluume 11, Numbber 2 (2016) pp p 775-782 © Researcch India Publiccations. http:/// Figure 15: Double tap Fiigure 10: Datta from eight EMG E sensors in each gesturre Datta from EMG G sensors Sub bsection A ouutlines the EM MG for each motion. m The EMG E senssor is compossed of eight parts with diffe ferent data forr each senssor as can bee seen in figuures 16-23. Su ubsection B shows s grap phs to check the t activationn rates for each h part of the EMG E senssor when maaking gesturess such as ‘W Wave Right’. As a resu ult, parts 3, 4,, and 5 are eleectrically activ vating and paarts 1, 2, 6, 6 7, and 8 are inactive. In thhis case, five gestures g were used: wave leeft for turningg left robootic arm, wave right for tuurning right, fingers f spreadd for raisinng up, fist placed p down, and double tap with finngers autom matically find balloons and a burst theem. Subsectioon F show ws the gyroscoope and acceleerometer conttrolling the virrtual robootic arm. In thhis case, the roobotic arm moves m in the X, X Y, and Z directions. Dataa from EMG sensors s in eacch motion In thhis section, thhe results from m each EMG sensor in the five gestuures are show wn. Figures 111-15 show daata from the EMG E sensoors and it caan be seen that t in differrent motions, the sensoors are either active or nott active [11].T The Pod0 signnal is matcched with the Myo armbandd part number 1 in figure 7. Fiigure 11: Wave in (left) Figure 12: Wave W out (rigght) Figure 133: Fist Figure 14:: Fingers spreaad Figu ure 16: Data ffrom EMG seensor1 Figu ure 17: Data ffrom EMG seensor2 Figu ure 18: Data ffrom EMG seensor3 778 Internationnal Journal off Applied Enggineering Reseearch ISSN 09 973-4562 Voluume 11, Numbber 2 (2016) pp p 775-782 © Researcch India Publiccations. http:/// Figu ure 19: Data frrom EMG sennsor4 Figu ure 20: Data frrom EMG sennsor5 Figu ure 23: Data ffrom EMG seensor8 Acttive sensors in n each gesturee Thee eight sensorr parts are coomposed of EMG sensorss and each h part has a different pposition, wheereby each sensor meaasures the EM MG in each pposition. The EMG sensor can thuss check whicch parts are aactive and in nactive. The EMG E senssor can perceive each gestture and transmit informatiion to the virtual robootic arm. T The virtual robotic r arm then imp plements the previously assigned functtion, as show wn in figu ure 24, indicating the ‘Wavve left’ and ‘W Wave right’ of o the fivee gestures. When W performiing these gesttures, each paart of the EMG sensor assumes a diffferent aspectt. Parts 1, 6, 7, 7 and 8 arre active in ‘W Wave left’, whhile parts 3, 4, and 5 are actiive in ‘Waave right’. Figu ure 21: Data frrom EMG sennsor6 Figu ure 22: Data frrom EMG sennsor7 Figure F 24: Doominance tablle showing wh hich of the eigght sennsors are activve in each mo otion In [12], results were w shown off the distinction of using muuscles wheen making geestures, such as the brach hioradialis muscle m whiich affects thee bending of tthe elbow, thee pronator which is used d to turn the wrist w left and down, and th he flexor digittorum superficialis whicch turns the w wrist right and up. In the t case of ‘W Wave left’, thhe pronator teeres is more active a than n the flexor digitorum d supperficialis. The pronator terres is locaated in a relaatively inner pposition. Therrefore, the seensors locaated inside succh as 1, 6, 7, aand 8 show seensitive reactioon. In the case of ‘Waave right’, thee reaction off sensors distiinctly chan nges as show wn in figure 224. As shown n in figure 255, the high hlighted musccles are activaated and the co orresponding EMG E senssors show osccillations. 779 Internationnal Journal off Applied Enggineering Reseearch ISSN 09 973-4562 Voluume 11, Numbber 2 (2016) pp p 775-782 © Researcch India Publiccations. http:/// ntrolling virtu ual robotic arm m based on EMG E Con This section show ws the results of controlling g the virtual roobotic arm m using the EM MG sensor, aas shown in figures f 28-32. Five gesttures are usedd as follows: w wave left for turning t roboticc arm left,, wave right for fo turning righht, fingers sprread for raisinng up, fist facing down,, and double tap of fingerss for automatiically find ding balloons and bursting tthem. Figuree 25: Muscle activities a in geestures Dataa from accelerrometer and gyroscope g In ouur experimentts, we used ann accelerometter and gyrosccope to coontrol the robootic arm, and figures f 26 andd 27 illustrate data from m the acceleroometer and gyroscope g in the X, Y, annd Z direcctions. Figure 288: Wave Righht-turns robotiic arm right Figgure 26: Dataa from acceleroometer in randdom movemennts Figure 29: Wave Lefft-turns robotiic arm left F Figure 27: Daata from gyrosscope in randoom movementts The results from the accelerom meter and gyrroscope show wn in figurres 26 and 277 were obtaineed from randoom movementts of the hand h in the X, Y, and Z direections. a rises up Figure 300: Fingers Spread –robotic arm 780 Internationnal Journal off Applied Enggineering Reseearch ISSN 09 973-4562 Voluume 11, Numbber 2 (2016) pp p 775-782 © Researcch India Publiccations. http:/// Fig gure 33: Putting arm down Figure 34 4: Raising arm m up Figure 31: 3 Fist –robottic arm is placced down Figure F 35: Turrning Right F Figure 32: Douuble tap – robbotic arm automatically findds balloons andd bursts them Figure 36: 3 Turning Leeft Witthout the neeed for the sstep of mapp ping gesturess and funcctions, the virrtual robotic aarm controlled d by the gyrosscope and d accelerometeer makes it ppossible to co oincide movem ments with h the real arm m. This is a sstrong advanttage of the roobotic arm m based on thee gyroscope annd acceleromeeter. Howeverr, it is con nsidered inapppropriate for tthe case of haand amputee users because hand amputees a findd it difficultt to perform m the namic actions shown in figuures 33-36. Ho owever, the virtual v dyn robo otic arm baseed on EMG ccan be simply y controlled by b the tenssion and relaxxation of musccles. This is th he most signifficant adv vantage of the virtual robotic arm based on EMG andd why the virtual robottic arm basedd on EMG is recommendeed for han nd amputees rather than an arm based on n a gyroscopee and acceelerometer. Conttrolling virttual robotic arm by gyroscope and acceelerometers daata in X, Y an nd Z directionss This virtual robottic arm is conntrolled by a gyroscope g annd an accelerometer. A gyroscope iss inserted intoo the Myo deevice and can detect chhanges in orieentation; this axis a is unaffeected by tilting t or rottation of the mounting, according to the consservation of angular moomentum. Because B of this, gyrooscopes are useful for measuring or maintaiining orienntation. Also, an accelerom meter device is inserted inn the Myoo device and it measures proper p accelerration ("g-forcce"). Propper acceleratioon is not the same s as coorddinate acceleraation (ratee of change off velocity) [13]]. Figuures 33-36 shoow the virtuaal robotic arm m being controolled by using u the gyrooscope and accelerometer. In this case,, the robootic arm moves in the X, Y, and Z directioons. Con nclusion In this t paper, we w showed hhow a virtuall robotic arm m, the prottotype of which was builtt in Unity 3D D, is controlleed by usin ng EMG, gyrooscope, and aaccelerometerr sensors. Thee best way y to detect eleectro activities in muscles is to use the EMG E senssor. The EMG G sensor allow wed us to obttain very cleaar and imp portant data frrom forearm m muscles and we w used the daata to con ntrol a virtual robotic r arm. T To verify the virtual v roboticc arm baseed on EMG, we comparedd it with anotther virtual roobotic arm m we made, which w was ccontrolled by a gyroscopee and acceelerometer. Usin ng the gyrosccope and acceelerometer to control the roobotic arm m showed thatt the dynamic movement of o the entire arm a is 781 International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 11, Number 2 (2016) pp 775-782 © Research India Publications. [10] needed. On the other hand, the virtual robotic arm based on EMG needs specific muscle activities. We view the work described in this paper as only the beginning of a large project. We intend to carry out the complete implementation of an EMG sensor and our aim is to use our knowledge and experimental results to make a bionic wrist for disabled people. 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