Read our - Ascension Lutheran Church
Read our - Ascension Lutheran Church
THE ANNOUNCER Ascension Lutheran Church of Shelby April 2015 Our Vision is to be an extension of the hands of Christ: Our hands extend to a ministry pointing to Jesus, a ministry of prayer, a ministry of outreach, a ministry of affirmation and a ministry of calling others to service. From the Pastor April 5 Resurrection of Our Lord 6:30 Sunrise Service 7:30 Easter Breakfast 11:00 Festival Worship with Holy Communion April 12 Easter 2B 9:45 Faith Formation Activities 11:00 Worship Relay for Life Jean Sunday April 19 Easter 3B 9:45 Faith Formation Activities 11:00 Worship with Holy Communion Council Coffee after Worship Relay for Life Jean Sunday April 26 Easter 4B World Malaria Day VBS Kickoff 9:45 Faith Formation Activities 11:00 Worship Relay for Life Jean Sunday After our procession with the palms on March 29 we enter Holy Week where we will remember Jesus’ life and persecution through Maundy Thursday and Good Friday as we await our Easter morning celebration on Sunday, April 5. These are the holiest days of our Christian calendar as we remember Jesus’ suffering on the cross and confront the grim reality that we often live in a Good Friday world where we encounter sin and brokenness in our daily life. Thankfully, God is here with us, and we have God’s promise that death is not the last word. On Easter morning, we will celebrate our baptismal identity as God’s children as we hear again that the tomb is empty and Jesus lives. Please invite your friends, family and neighbors to celebrate Easter at Ascension! The Easter season stretches fifty days. I will be preaching from the second readings during the Easter season. These readings are all from 1 John, one of three letters that appears to address Christians living around 100 CE. For its author, there is no more important expression of faith and belief in Jesus than Christians’ love for other believers. While 1 John 3 also reminds us that, no matter where we are in our lives, we are “children of God,” on Sunday, April 26, teens, youth and children will be helping me lead worship as we recognize World Malaria Day and kickoff “Catch the Buzz,” our 2015 Vacation Bible School theme. VBS will happen in the fellowship hall on evenings from Sunday, June 21 through June 25. VBS is offered free of charge, and children in preschool through middle school are welcome. Please invite children you know to participate in VBS, and join us on our last night at Shelby Alive! In uptown on Thursday, June 25 from 6-9:00 p.m. The Breakfast Club Band (early 80's music) will be playing. (We will begin more detailed planning for VBS at the April youth ministry meeting. Please join us at 7 pm on Wednesday, April 8 in the conference room for that meeting.) Our recognition of World Malaria Day also offers us an opportunity to do something significant for the ELCA Malaria Campaign which began five years ago with a goal to raise $15 million by 2015 for programs to fight malaria. The ELCA Malaria Campaign is currently at work with Lutheran companion churches and partners in 13 African countries and has already raised more than 90 percent of the original goal. A special offering will be collected during VBS that will go to the ELCA Malaria campaign. Please join us throughout Holy Week and the Easter season in our worship and ministries. +Pastor Christina Phone-704-487-5679 LEADERSHIP HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHURCH OFFICERS & CONTACT Carol Berger 4/4 Ann Sipe 4/4 Bruce Long 4/12 Emma Blalock 4/13 Bob Jones 4/14 Dave Lambert 4/18 Parker Hart 4/22 Landon Hendrick 4/23 Lyn Paul 4/24 Lee Barry 4/26 Rick Jackson 4/27 President : Daryl Cook Vice-president/Music & Worship: Otto Olsen Secretary/Music & Worship: Carol Berger HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Treasurer/Finance: Greg Blalock Mr. & Mrs. Dean Davis 4/9 Mr. & Mrs. Charles McCall 4/17 Property: J. L. Setzer Education: Mark Costner FLOWERS If you would like to put flowers on the altar please call the office 704-487-5679 Fellowship/Outreach: Kelly Smolzer Stewardship: Lyle Sturgis PRAYER REQUEST FORMS ARE AVAILABLE IN THE NARTHEX. Just drop your prayer request in the offering plate. Ludy Wilkie Youth: Bob Bryant STAFF: Rev. Christina Auch, Pastor Renee Kimray, Secretary: 704-600-6349 Stephen White, Lead Organist Cathy Hubbard, Organist PRAYER REQUESTS Rod Houser (friend of the Schiavos), Roland Rohrer (friend of Renee Kimray), Hezekiah Lubas (friend of Renee Kimray), David Ware (friend of DP & Lin Washburn), Robert Morin, Wanda Fitzsimons (friend of Priscilla Williams), Emma Davenport (friend of Priscilla Williams), Pastor Gary Weant, Mack & Susan Jenkins (friends of the Williams), Lynda Morrow (daughter of Dot Paul), Gerald & Elvira Washburn (brother & sister in law of DP Washburn), Ruth Zulka (mother of Gail McKillop), Deborah Powell (friend of Sandra Waldrop), Lizzie Swafford (aunt of Sandra Waldrop), Ralph Schmitt (cousin of Karen Long), Lisa Bradley (friend of Allen Philbeck) Gary Simpson (friend of the Auchs), Susan Melvin, Howard Wilkinson (father-in-law of Bobbi Jones), Gilda Hulsey (friend of the Jones’), Margie Tyner (aunt of Jean Sturgis), Jo Scruggs (friend of the Lamberts), Jeff McGraw (friend of Donald Kimray), Dr. Gary Frenette (friend of Cindy Bryant) Members: Bruce Long, Dale Guffey Home Bound: Max Moser, Fred & Drucilla Morgan EDUCATION MINISTRY WELCOME TO GOD’S HOUSE “Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has welcomed you, for the Glory of God.” HOLY WEEK AND EASTER WORSHIP AND FELLOWSHIP Thursday, April 2 Maundy Thursday Romans 15:7 Stripping of the Altar 7:30 p.m. ADULT BIBLE STUDY Friday, April 3 The adult Bible study discussion meets each Sunday in the Mattie Blanton room in the Fellowship Building. “We meet at 9:45am God’s time, 10:00am our time” as our own Lyle Sturgis says. Discussion is led by Lyle Sturgis. Good Friday CROSS + GEN FAITH FORMATION (Sundays at 9:45 in the fellowship hall) is based on Faith 5, a pattern for practicing faith that encourages us to gather together, share our highs and lows, listen to God's Word, pray together, and send each other out with a blessing before worship. How many generations will you will learn and pray with? Join us on Sunday morning and find out. GODSPEED FOR BISHOP LEONARD BOLICK SATURDAY, APRIL 25 AT 2 P.M. ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH, SALISBURY On Saturday, April 25, congregations across the North Carolina synod will gather at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Salisbury for a Godspeed service and reception for Bishop Leonard Bolick. Bishop Bolick is retiring this year, after 18 years of faithful service as bishop of our synod. Prior to his installation as bishop, Bishop Bolick served on the bishop’s staff for 11 years. A new bishop will be elected at the synod assembly in Greensboro at the end of May and the installation of the new bishop will take place on September 12 at Christ Lutheran Church in Charlotte. Tenebrae Worship 7:30 p.m. Sunday, April 5 Easter Sunrise Service with Holy Communion 6:30 a.m. in the columbarium Breakfast at 7:30 a. m. in the Fellowship Hall Festival Worship with Holy Communion 11 a. m. CONSTITUTION UPDATE Since late last year, members of the Ascension Constitution Committee have been working to update our congregation’s guiding document. It has been 12 years since the constitution was last updated, and much of the committee’s work has been to bring Ascension’s constitution in line with the current model constitution for congregations of the ELCA. Other proposed changes reflect the current organizational structure of our congregation and lanIf you would like to carpool to Salisbury on April 25, please notify guage that allows for flexibility with a changing congregation. Pastor Christina and meet at the church at noon. CHURCH ASSESSMENT TOOL UPDATE Thank you to everyone who participated in the church assessment tool (CAT). Your participation and input strengthened the foundation on which the congregation council will make plans for the future. The congregation council will be meeting with David Misenheimer from Kairos Consulting on April 19 after the council coffee fellowship to interpret the results of our assessment and move forward together. When the committee’s work is finished, the new, proposed constitution will be presented to our church council for comment and review. With any changes and final approval by the council, the constitution will be sent to the N.C. Synod where another review will take place. The document then will go to members of our congregation for comment and final approval. YOUTH Generally, on the fourth Sunday of the month, children and youth will have afternoon activities after worship. Save the date for these activities and watch for more details: April 26 June 21-25 Youth led worship; “Catch the Buzz” VBS Kick off (ELCA Malaria Campaign) VBS Meeting at 7 p.m. in the conference room for planning on April 8 and May 6. SHHH! PLACE YOUR SILENT BID FOR YOUTH ART WORKS! Our children and youth have created sixteen unique pieces of ceramic plates and mugs. The artists are anonymous, so pick your favorite piece, and bid to take it home. There are numbered tickets that you can use to keep your silent bid anonymous, too. All proceeds will go to the youth ministry to support their fellowship activities. The pieces are on display in the fellowship hall through Sunday, April 19. A bid sheet is next to each item. Contact Lyn Paul with any questions. JENNA LEE WASHBURN NAMED TO PRESIDENT’S LIST AT CLEMSON Students who had outstanding academic accomplishments during the fall semester of 2014 earned inclusion on the President’s List at Clemson University. To be named to the President’s List, a student must achieve a 4.0 grade point average. Jenna is studying animal and veterinary science. WHY “CATCH THE BUZZ”? MALARIA: A word that raises concern from millions of parents and children around the world. 200 million people contract malaria every year and as many as 600,000 people die. The widespread effects challenge communities and devastate economies. In the face of such tragedy, it is easy to feel overwhelmed. But the good news, the amazing news, is that malaria is entirely preventable and treatable. Since 2009, the ELCA has been actively involved in this battle. Already more than $11 million has been raised, and through partnerships with our colleagues on the ground in malaria-ravaged areas, countless lives have been saved and changed. Through our hands, God is working to bring resurrection in the midst of death caused by malaria. Our 2015 VBS theme, “Catch the Buzz!” invites children to add their hands, their voices, their minds and their hearts to being part of God’s work in the world. Through Bible stories, games, crafts, snacks and songs, we will learn about malaria and how it is affecting children around the world. We will have the opportunity to join the fight to end malaria. But, most importantly, children will learn how much God loves them and all God’s children. © ELCA BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Celebrated the founding of Scouts this year on Sunday, February 8, 2015. Scouts all over the country attended church services in uniform. The young men in the photos belong to Boy Scout Troop 101 of First Baptist Church in Shelby, NC, Scoutmaster Al Hansen. Troop 101 is a part of the Battleground District of the Piedmont Council, BSA. These young men earned their God and Life Award this year, spending seven weeks studying the life of the Apostle Paul as recorded in Acts 9:1-31, and exploring their own call to a life of discipleship. The God and Life Award is part of a program offered by P.R.A.Y. (Programs of Religious Activities with Youth). Counselors were Libby Stone, Teresa Walker and Sandra Yarbro, Asccension youth Parker Hart and Jacob Stone are in the troop. Our Relay Team had to pick a cancer to support this year. So it was decided to support Childhood Cancer. Here are a few reason why...... MEN'S SHELTER The men's shelter on Washington Street is still in operation and we await their being situated in their new facility on Buffalo Street. Until that happens, we will continue to serve them a healthy meal on the first Wednesday of the month. In March we served a fresh salad, baked potatoes, taco topping, all the trimmings and a dessert. We used the potatoes purchased for the Shrove Tuesday meal and added a wholesome protein. Thanks to everyone who supported our "Souper Bowl Sunday" collection. Your generosity means we will be able to continue feeding the men until they make the move to their new facility. Clarann and the Lacys RELAY FOR LIFE EVENTS Beginning April 1st we will be selling AutoBell Car Wash tickets. They will be $16.00. See a Relay member to purchase one. We will be setting up a tent on April 15th downtown Shelby during the "Paint the Town Purple" event. Please let Lisa Philbeck know if you will be able to help. We will be having a Spaghetti Supper and Back Sale for Relay on April 18th. Please let Lisa Philbeck know if you want tickets ($8.00), would like to help, or are willing to donate any items. We will also be making 2 Bath Baskets (1 male & 1 female) for the raffle event the night of Relay (May 15th). Let Lisa Philbeck know if you have any items you would like to donate. Relay for Life event will be May 15th at the Cleveland County Fair More children die from cancer in the U.S. than any other disease -in fact, more than many other childhood disease combined. Before they turn 20, about 1 in 285 children in the U.S. will have cancer. In the 1950s almost all kids diagnosed with cancer died. Because of research, today about 90% of kids with the most common types of cancer will live. But for many other types, progress has been limited, and for some kids there is still little hope for a cure. The cancer that strike kids are different than adult cancers. Childhood cancers are not related to lifestyle factors, and little can be done to prevent them. Some cancers almost never strike after the age of 5. A child's cancer must be treated differently. Children are not simply smaller adults. But even for kids who survive, the battle is not over. Because of the treatment they received more than 95% of survivors will have a chronic health problem and 80% will have severe or life threatening conditions. The results from surgeries, radiation and chemotherapies given while young bodies and brains are developing causes lifelong damage. Also, the financial and emotional toll on parents must be remembered. Imagine this, standing at the door watching the kids at the end of the road getting on their bikes and starting up the road, and as they come by your house, in the middle of the pack, you see her. She has no hair and she is flying by you on her bike with the biggest smile on her face you have ever seen. THAT IS WORTH FIGHTING FOR !!!! If you have never been a part of a team, never been at the fairgrounds on Relay night, then you are truly missing out on a wonderful experience that will touch your very soul for the rest of your life. And, yes you will see children with survivor tee shirts on walking the survivor lap, yes you will see the smiles on their faces because no child fights this battle alone. Together in our Faith and Trust in God, Together as a community fighting for one common goal, we can and we will make a difference in these children's lives. That is an awesome and powerful thing. Don't miss it, join us....... WANT TO VOLUNTEER? Volunteers are asked to visit at least once a month and to commit for at least four to six months. In addition, volunteers are frequently needed for administrative office work as well as fundDYING MATTERS (#dyingmatters) raising and special events. Right now, one of their patients would like to play bridge so the patient volunteer coordinator is looking One of the lessons I learned in fundraising and gift planning was for a card shark! Please consider whether this is a ministry where how many people die without expressing their end-of-life wishes you are being called, ask me about my experience or call and with family, and how many people die without making a will. speak directly with the patient volunteer coordinator, Krista Those lessons, paired with my own experiences of shepherding Haynes. She can be reached at 704-487-4677. families in times of death and grief, are the foundation of my own interest in end-of-life care and matters of death and dying. In March, I took the opportunity to train as a hospice volunteer with Hospice Cleveland County. Our congregation already supports hospice through their Watchmen program and through our volunteer activities and offerings. Jennie Lambert also serves on their board. This training was twelve hours of instruction about hospice philosophy, discovering the different levels of cares patients can receive, and learning how volunteers are paired with patients and families. +Pastor Christina MAKE YOUR OWN PLANS SAVE THE DATES Two Hospice Cleveland County events will be happening in the next few weeks. On Sunday, April 19 at 2 p.m., there will be a memorial service at First Baptist Church for hospice patients who died between September 1, 2014 and February 28, 2015. On Tuesday, May 5, there will be two memory bear workshops (morning and evening) where families can make a bear from the clothing of their loved one. Volunteers are available to help cut patterns and sew the bears together. Contact Hospice Cleveland County at 704-487-4677 and speak to one of the grief counselors to reserve your space. Your loved one did not have to be a hospice patient for you to participate. Have you made plans for your own end-of-life care? Take this quick inventory to think more about your own end of life plans, and shape the conversations you may want to have with family members, medical professionals and financial or legal advisors. At what age do you consider death to be no longer premature? Why? Are your parents living? If not, write down when they died, their age at that time, and the cause of death. What life-threatening or life-endangering behaviors do you engage in? Who died in your most recent death experience? When was that and what were the circumstances? At what age do you anticipate your own death might occur? If you could choose it, where and how would you prefer your death occur? What are your questions about death, dying and grief? If you had only six months to live, what would you like to do? WHAT IS THE MUTUAL MINISTRY COMMITTEE? Judy Bridges, Allen Philbeck and Alex Seagle are the first members of Ascension’s new mutual ministry committee. The Congregation Council encouraged members of Pastor Christina’s call committee to participate in the committee’s work at its formation. Members will serve three year term and rotate off in succession. Other members of the call committee, as well as congregation members, will be invited to serve in the future. The mutual ministry committee offers these benefits to the congregation: 1) developing open communication about the expectations, attitudes, and concerns within the congregation, the community, and the staff; These are difficult conversations to have, but they are also really 2) identifying early warning signs of misunderstandings; important and courageous conversations to have. Please sit 3) becoming a “Listening Post” for pastor and people; down with the people in your life who need to know your wishes 4) serving as a group where the pastor and staff could test and talk with them. If you’d like to talk to me about any of your new ideas; and questions or wishes, I would welcome your phone call, email or 5) acting as a “sounding board” in time of personal, profesvisit, too. sional stress. It is important to note that the committee is not a ‘filter’ for +Pastor Christina complaints from the congregation. Pastor Christina welcomes direct communication with her, and encourages you to speak with her openly about your concerns. A motion was made and unanimously approved to have our Lenten Coin Offering go toward the Columbarium. Council approved our first Noisy Offering on March 29th should go into the Pastor's Discretionary Fund. TEMPLE TALK The meeting opened at 7:00 p.m. with Kelly Smolzer giving the Devotion and Opening Prayer. Treasurer's Report: Greg Blalock noted that in February we paid $750.00 for the first quarter of Benevolence to Synod and paid $500.00 to Heritage Oaks Assisted Living for their fundraiser. Receipts in 2015 are starting out a little slow, about $1700.00 behind this time in 2014. Our current deficit is $4500.00, which includes a $1200.00 donation to Opportunity House in January and the $500 donation to Heritage Oaks in February. Stewardship: Ludy Wilkie has asked Renee, our Church Secretary, to get a quote on the cost of new pledge envelopes designed in the form of a weekly ledger, which may prove easier to use if they are cost effective. Pastor Christina will check an on-line program for paying pledges as well. Council has agreed to participate in a Church Assessment Tool per Pastor Christina's suggestion which includes a congregational survey to run through March 31st. The survey will be made available to all Ascension members and will collect info on the direction church members would like Ascension to move over the next few years. STEWARDSHIP TREASURER’S REPORT Actual Ascension Unified Fund vs. 2015 Actual Budget Budget Unified receipts through 2/28/2015 $20,389 $24,531 $(4,142) Unified disbursements $(24,885) $(24,531) $(354) through 2/28/2015 Surplus or (deficit) year-to -date $(4,496) $(4,496) Transfers from Emergency Action Items: Council voted unanimously to participate in Luther Reserve Seminary's Bible Initiative Pass It On Program. Our congregation will be gifted with approximately 80 Bibles free of cost, which $(207) may be used by our members and taken home if they do not Designated items - net have a Bible of their own. We are required to replace these Bibles at our own cost as part of a ministry which allows us to $(4,703) Year-to-date change place scripture in the hands of those who need it. - Council approved a vacation request by Pastor Christina for April 7-8. Beginning cash balance $52,722 1/1/2015 - Council unanimously voted to move the April Council Meeting to Tuesday, April 14, 2015. Ending cash balance 2/28/2015 $48,019 - A motion was made and unanimously approved to accept CALLING ALL THRIVENT MEMBERS… Alex Seagle, Allen Philbeck and Judy Bridges as members of the Mutual Ministry Committee. They will meet with Pastor ChristiThanks to Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Ascension has rena on March 4th and work with her throughout the year offering ceived thousands of dollars over the last few years. Thanks to guidance in the direction Ascension wishes to move and accord- those faithful members who have designated Ascension as ing to Mutual Ministry procedures. their CHOICE, for their CHOICE DOLLARS program. Please check periodically to make sure YOUR share is still being alloThe Property Committee has obtained several quotes to replace cated to Ascension. the church office heating system. They range in price from If you would like more information about Thrivent Financial $4,813 to $7,000. The committee will meet soon to discuss please talk to Kelly Smolzer or Willi Lacy and they can point you in the right direction. these quotes and to make sure they meet our requirements. Easter Sunday April 5, 2015 Youth Sunday April 12, 2015 April 19, 2015 April 26, 2015 TABULATORS Daryl Cook Daryl Cook Daryl Cook Daryl Cook Kelly Smolzer Kelly Smolzer Kelly Smolzer Kelly Smolzer Assist. Mark Costner Bob Bryant N/A Minister Sandra Waldrop Reader USHERS ACOLYTE Ray Lacy Robert Buchanan Larry Wilson Jake Smolzer Allen Philbeck Ludy Wilkie Toni Gunderson Rainey Wallen Zack Jackson GREETERS Chase Buchanan Zach Jackson Devyn Paul Max Smolzer Zach Smolzer CRUCIFER Jacob Stone Torch Zack Jackson Bearers Chase Buchanan Max Smolzer Parker Hart Logan Lacy B B B ALTAR GUILD COMMUNION B Lyle & Jean Carol Berger Sturgis Becky Stillwell ASSISTANTS Carol Berger Elizabeth Hoffman April 2015 Sun Mon 5 6 Sunrise Worship Breakfast Worship Communion Office closed 12 13 Adult Bible Study Cross + Gen Formation Worship 19 Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 Tickets for Autobell car wash go on sale Maundy Thursday Good Friday Adventurers’ Group 8 9 10 11 Youth Meeting Council reports due 14 15 16 17 18 Council Meeting Paint the Town Purple Article deadline 7 Spaghetti Supper Bake Sale 20 21 22 Adult Bible Study Cross + Gen Formation Worship Communion Council meeting 26 Adult Bible Study Cross + Gen Formation Worship Lutheran Men (Fayetteville) 23 Newsletter Released 27 28 29 Council reports due 30 24 25 Godspeed for Bishop Bolick (Salisbury) April 1– Tickets for Autobell Car Wash go on sale $16.00. See a Relay member. April 2, Maundy Thursday - Worship with Holy Communion and Stripping of the Altar 7:30 p.m. April 3, Good Friday - Worship (Tenebrae or Service of Shadows) 7:30 p.m. April 4– Adventurers’ group meet at Denny’s at 9 a.m. April 5, Resurrection of our Lord - Sunrise Worship with Holy Communion 6:30 a.m.; Breakfast at 7:30 a. m.; Festival Worship with Holy Communion 11 a.m. April 6 - Church Office Closed April 8 - Youth Committee Meeting 7 p.m. (VBS planning) April 9– Council reports due April 12 - Adult Bible Study and Cross + Gen Faith Formation 9:45 a.m.; Worship 11 a.m.; Confirmation 12:30 p.m.; Jeans for a Torch April 14 - Congregation Council Meeting at 7 p. m. April 15– Paint the Town Purple; see Lisa if you can help April 16– Deadline for newsletter articles April 18 - NC Lutheran Men in Mission Annual Gathering (St. James, Fayetteville); Spaghetti Supper & Bake sale for Relay, tickets are $8.00. See Lisa if you can help or donate items April 19 - Adult Bible Study and Cross + Gen Faith Formation 9:45 a.m.; Worship with Holy Communion 11 a.m.; Jeans & green Earth Day; special meeting of the congregation council from 1 - 2:30 p.m. April 23– Newsletter released April 25– Godspeed for Bishop Bolick, 2pm @ St. John’s in Salisbury. Reception follows. April 26 - Youth Sunday; Adult Bible Study and Cross + Gen Faith Formation 9:45 a.m.; Worship 11 a.m.; No Confirmation; Jeans & Relay for Life T-shirt April 29– Council reports due