The Story - Melt Bar and Grilled


The Story - Melt Bar and Grilled
The Story
ince September 2006, Cleveland’s Melt Bar and Grilled
has offered gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches and a
plethora of beers to please any palate—150 at any given
time, plus 20 or so on tap—in a relaxed, comfortable and often
full-to-capacity atmosphere. Melt puts a new spin on the sameold bar food and the often predictable selection of brews, and it
does so in a setting that provides something for everyone.
Don’t believe it? Well, the menu ranges
before opening the first Melt location, that
encompasses “me, the staff, the customers
from simple – the plain grilled cheese sand-
concept was mostly finalized, right down to
... we’re all part of Melt.” From the close
wich called the “Kindergarten,” which can
Melt’s menu.
interaction Melt maintains on its web site,
be dressed up with almost anything you can
The deeper layers to the Melt story are
on Facebook (with over 40,000 fans) and
think of, to the Reuben, a gyro and the im-
almost as simple as that basic grilled cheese
Twitter (with over 5,000 followers) to the
mensely popular Parmageddon, which adds
sandwich itself. He had worked closely
“Big Cheese Club” monthly e-mails, the
pierogies and fresh Napa vodka kraut to
with owners of restaurants and loved the
Melt Challenge and Melt tattoos, the res-
the basic grilled cheese. Menu staples are
feel of a small, family-like staff. Creating
taurant epitomizes the word “engaging. “
constantly complemented by innovative
that same environment at Melt was right
“Have fun, be friendly and work hard.”
monthly specials that instantly become fa-
up there with creating awesome food and
That’s the motto for the Melt staff, so it
giving people a truly memorable eating ex-
should come as no surprise that Melt reg-
ulars are numerous and visit frequently.
As for the atmosphere, Melt boasts an
incredible array of Cleveland photography,
Following culinary school, Fish was in
From locals who might stop in twice a week
sports memorabilia, local art and videos
no hurry to establish his longtime goal—
to the monthly patrons who drive from as far
ranging from sporting events to musical
especially as a few more important compo-
as an hour away, it’s this last detail that re-
performances and cartoons. Maybe that’s
nents had to be assembled. He knew doing
ally crystallizes the Melt experience. “I want
why owner Matt Fish describes eating at
it right would take time, and the last thing
the customers to meet ‘The Real Person,’
Melt “truly an experience,” rather than just
he wanted was to rush into a plan of action
not ‘The Restaurant,’” Fish says. So far, it’s
another restaurant.
that didn’t match up with his vision and
worked. Melt’s original “West Side” location
Fish, who’s been a chef for 17 years in area
dream. For one, Fish wanted his restaurant
has more than doubled in size in five years,
establishments like Johnny Mango and Fat
to be an active contributor to the local com-
and two more locations have been added:
Fish Blue, opened Melt to specialize in what
munity, not just a place that slaps down a
“East Side” in Cleveland Heights and “South
he terms “comfort food dressed up.” The
no-frills grilled cheese sandwich and run-
Side” in Independence, Ohio, slated to open
idea evolved from his lifelong appreciation
of-the-mill beer in front of its customers.
October 7, 2011.
for the grilled cheese sandwich. “It’s simple,
He wanted his guests to feel like just that—
Now serving an average of 500 grilled
it’s good, it’s filling,” he says, “and it’s easy to
guests. Furthermore, having fresh, top-
cheese sandwiches every day—along with
keep bread and cheese around.”
quality, local ingredients was important,
all of the other menu options from burgers
His concept evolved over the years—from
too. Melt’s suppliers include Cleveland-area
and salads to starters and desserts, and of
learning the ropes of restaurant manage-
butchers, produce suppliers and beverage
course, beers—Fish still manages to meet
ment in the classroom and in the kitchen.
distributors. And Melt also takes part in a
his goal: to have fun. And others are spread-
Fish coupled his ideas with the many ex-
number of local festivals, charitable events
ing the word about Melt, which has become
periences with food he encountered while
and community-building functions.
nationally known through media and word
touring as a musician on the road. “I just
All of those components make up the
let it grow organically,” he says. “There was
“Melt family.” But the most important part
So what more is in store for Melt? Who’s
no scientific method to it.” About four years
is the people. As Fish describes it, that idea
knows? But Matt Fish can’t wait to find out.
14718 Detroit Ave., Lakewood OH 44107
13463 Cedar Road, Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44118
of mouth.
© Melt Bar & Grilled
The Restaurant
Melt Bar & Grilled, Lakewood Ohio. Dining area and bar.
Melt Bar & Grilled, Lakewood Ohio. Patio.
Melt Bar & Grilled, Lakewood Ohio. Kitchen.
for additional press quality images, please contact
14718 Detroit Ave., Lakewood OH 44107
13463 Cedar Road, Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44118
© Melt Bar & Grilled
The food
Melt Bar & Grilled, The Monte Cristo.
Melt Bar & Grilled, Southwest Salad.
Melt Bar & Grilled, Peanut Butter Banana Gourmet Waffles.
for additional press quality images, please contact
14718 Detroit Ave., Lakewood OH 44107
13463 Cedar Road, Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44118
© Melt Bar & Grilled
for additional press quality images, please contact
14718 Detroit Ave., Lakewood OH 44107
13463 Cedar Road, Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44118
© Melt Bar & Grilled