eSCRIBE Agenda Package - City of Kawartha Lakes
eSCRIBE Agenda Package - City of Kawartha Lakes
The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes AGENDA PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING PC2016-05 Wednesday, May 11, 2016 1:00 P.M. Council Chambers City Hall 26 Francis Street, Lindsay, Ontario K9V 5R8 MEMBERS: Mayor Andy Letham Councillor Isaac Breadner Councillor Brian S. Junkin Councillor Gord Miller Councillor Patrick O'Reilly Councillor Heather Stauble Councillor Emmett Yeo Accessible formats and communication supports are available upon request. Pages 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ADOPTION OF AGENDA 2. DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 3. PUBLIC MEETING 3.1 PLAN2016-031 4 - 17 Sherry L. Rea, Planning Coordinator Application for Zoning By-law Amendment to permit the temporary use of a portion of the property for the staging of outdoor role playing games for commercial purposes on property described as Part Lot 26, Concession 6, geographic Township of Verulam and being vacant land on Walker's Road (Ashby/McGale) 3.2 PLAN2016-033 18 - 26 Richard Holy, Manager of Policy Planning Zoning By-law Amendment (D06-16-015) to Expand the Food Store Related (FSR) Merchandise Area in a Department Store from 1,300 sq.m. to 3,716 sq.m. North-east Corner of Highway 35 and Colborne Street West, Lindsay, Mason Homes Limited 3.3 PLAN2016-034 27 - 35 Ian Walker, Planner II An application to amend the Town of Lindsay Zoning By-law 2000-75 to add a heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) sales with accessory storage use to the permitted retail uses, and to amend the parking requirements for this additional use at 36 Wellington Street, Lindsay (Reymas Property Inc. - Planning Application D06-16-013) 4. BUSINESS ARISING FROM PUBLIC MEETING 5. DEPUTATIONS 5.1 PC2016-05.5.1 Kent Randall, Intermediate Planner, EvoVue Consulting Services Inc. Deborah Kiezebrink Applications for Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments for the "Country Inn" on Ski Hill Road (Sobrian/Kiezebrink) Report PLAN2016-032, Item 7.1 on the Agenda 2 5.2 PC2016-05.5.2 36 - 79 Jeffery Farquhar Application for Site Plan Approval (D19-15-007) of a proposed selfstorage facility on a vacant industrial lot at 76 Walsh Road Report PLAN2016-036, Item 7.2 on the Agenda 6. CORRESPONDENCE 7. CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES REPORTS 7.1 PLAN2016-032 80 - 127 Sherry L. Rea, Planning Coordinator Applications for Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment to permit a 2 phased "Country Inn" development on a portion of the property described as Part Lots 4 and 5, Concession 2, geographic Township of Emily, Ski Hill Road. (Sobrian/Kiezebrink) 7.2 PLAN2016-036 128 - 137 Mark LaHay, Planner II An application for Site Plan Approval (D19-15-007) of a proposed selfstorage facility on a vacant industrial lot at 76 Walsh Road (Michael and Jeffery Farquhar) 8. ADJOURNMENT 3 The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes Planning Report Report Number PLAN2016-031 Date: May 11, 2016 Time: 1:00 p.m. Place: Council Chamber Ward Community Identifier: Ward 7 Subject: Application for Zoning By-law Amendment to permit the temporary use of a portion of the property for the staging of outdoor role playing games for commercial purposes on property described as Part Lot 26, Concession 6, geographic Township ofVerulam and being vacant land on Walker's Road. (ASHBY/McGALE) Author/Title: Sherry L. Rea, Planning Coordinator Signature: Recommendation: RESOLVED THAT Report PLAN2016-031 , respecting Part Lot 26, Concession 6, geographic Township of Verulam, and being vacant land on Walker's Road, Application No. 006-16-016, be received; THAT Zoning By-law Amendment Application 006-16-016 respecting Part Lot 26, Concession 6, geographic Township ofVerulam, now City of Kawartha Lakes, substantially in the form attached as Appendix "0" to Report PLAN2016016, be approved and adopted by Council; and THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute any documents and agreements required by the approval of this application. Department Head: Corporate Services Director I Other: Chief Administrative Officer: .;z:;;;?___ ~c 4 Report PLAN2016-031 Ashby/McGaie -LJ06-16-016 Page 2 of7 Background: The application proposes the temporary use of a portion of the property for the staging of outdoor role playing games as an outdoor corporate games retreat including the hosting of "live action role playing" (LARP) games for commercial purposes. No permanent buildings or structures are proposed. The applicant is requesting the temporary use for a period of three (3) years to determine if the business is economically feasible. See Appendix 11A11 and "B" attached. Owner: William Ashby and Joseph McGale Applicant: Kent Randall, MCIP, RPP of EcoVue Consulting Services Inc. Legal Description: Part Lot 26, Concession 6, geographic Township ofVerulam, now City of Kawartha Lakes. Official Plan: Designated Rural and Environmental Protection on Schedule "A511 and "significant woodlands" on Schedule 118-5" of the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan. Zone: General Rural (A1) and Open Space (OS) on Schedule "A11 of the Town ship of Verulam Zoning By-Jaw No. 6-87 Total Area: 40 ha. Site Servicing: Portable toilets secured from a qualified firm and under maintenance contract. Existing Use: Vacant land. Adjacent Uses: North, South, East and West: Large rural lots including agricultural operations and rural residential uses. Rationale: The subject property is vacant land on the east side of Walker's Road, immediately north of Cedar Tree Road and is comprised of 40 ha. One of the owners, Mr. Ashby operates Underworld LARP, a company that organizes and administers live action role playing events around the world. LARP Events involve participants who pay a fee for entry, playing characters in a scripted roleplaying event and immersing themselves in a fictional "universe" (i.e. medievalstyle) that has been created and scripted by the game organizers. Players act according to the parameters that they have been given but have the freedom to make choices that contribute to the outcome of the game. Players dress in clothing and apparel that is in keeping with the description of their character, including armour and/or weapons that are safe for recreational use (softstyrofoam or plastic). No permanent buildings or structures are proposed although temporary tents and huts form part of the activity. It is anticipated that one (1) LARP event will take place during the weekends (Friday to Sunday) between May and October and will involve 100-150 participants per game. Participants stay in character the entire event. It is 5 Report PLAN2016-031 Ashby/McGale- DOS-16-016 Page 3 of 7 proposed that participants will stay overnight on the property and are expected to make their own sleeping arrangements which include campers, small trailers and tents. Portable toilets are proposed. A temporary grassed parking area is proposed in the northwest portion of the property that will accommodate up to 100 vehicles. In support of the application, the applicant has submitted the following: 1. Concept Plan prepared by EcoVue Consulting Services Inc. and dated April 25, 2016. See Appendix "C" attached. 2. Planning Brief to support the proposal prepared by EcoVue Consulting Services Inc. and dated December 3, 2015 together with a Revised Planning Brief prepared by EcoVue Consulting Services Inc. and dated April 28, 2016. These Planning Briefs justify the temporary development proposal under Section 39 of the Planning Act and the municipal planning framework. 3. Traffic Impact Brief prepared by C. C. Tatham & Associates Ltd. and dated February 19, 2016. The study evaluates the potential traffic impacts of the temporary weekend use along with an evaluation of the site entrance requirements. The study concludes that the increase in traffic volumes associated with the proposed outdoor games venue will be readily accommodated and will not have any appreciable impacts on the area road network. No operational issues are expected at the site access; however the existing access point will require structural improvements to ensure that it can accommodate the forecasted traffic volume and appropriate vehicles. The report recommends that the width of the existing driveway be upgraded to 7.5 m., which is also the required driveway width in the Township of Verulam Zoning By-law 6-87. All of the reports submitted have been circulated to the applicable Agencies and/or City Departments for review and comment. As a result of discussions with City Staff, the applicant has revised the concept plan to include the requirements for a gravel driveway to the grassed parking area along with details of the entrance requirements illustrating the 7.5 m. width. Requirements for Temporary Use By-law: Section 39 of the Planning Act permits Council, by a By-law passed under Section 34, of the Planning Act to authorize the temporary use of land, buildings or structures for any proposed use that is otherwise prohibited by the Zoning Bylaw. The Planning Act further states that the use may be authorized for a period of up to three (3) years. The applicant is requesting that Council pass a Temporary Use By-law to permit the outdoor games venue for a period of three (3) years. Staff has reviewed the Planning Briefs prepared by EcoVue Consulting Services Inc. in support of the request for a Temporary Use By-law. These reports provide a review of the proposed temporary use in the context of Section 39 of the 6 Report PLAN2016-031 Ashby/McGale- 006-16-016 Page4 of7 Planning Act and the current municipal planning framework. Staff is accepting of the planning rationale contained in the briefs. Applicable Provincial Policies: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (Growth Plan) and 2014 Provincial Policy Statement (PPS): While Section 39 of Planning Act does not specifically require a Temporary Use By-law to conform to the Growth Plan, Staff confirms that the proposed temporary use does conform to the Growth Plan, as it is a resource-based recreational use that depends on a rural setting. The proposed use is considered a passive recreational use where no permanent buildings or structures are proposed. The PPS provides for appropriate development while protecting resources of provincial interest, public health and safety, and the quality of the natural environment. Section 1.1.4 Rural Areas in Municipalities acknowledges that rural areas are important to the economic success of the Province and quality of life. It is important to leverage rural assets and amenities and protect the environment, as a foundation for a sustainable economy. The application is consistent with the PPS in that it promotes diversification of the economic base and may provide employment opportunities through goods and services, including value-added products and provides opportunities for sustainable and diversified tourism. Section states that, on rural lands located in municipalities, permitted uses include resource-based recreational uses. Recreation, as defined in the PPS includes leisure time activity undertaken in built or natural settings for the purposes of physical activity, health benefits, sport participation and skill development, personal enjoyment, positive social interaction and the achievement of human potential. The proposed temporary outdoor games venue is a resource-based recreational use that takes advantage of the natural features of the area and landscape to offer opportunity for personal enjoyment and positive social interaction. Official Plan Conformity: Section 39 of the Planning Act provides that a Temporary Use By-law must comply with the local Official Plan; however, the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan (OP) is silent on Temporary Use By-laws. Therefore, it should be demonstrated that the use conforms to the policies in the OP. The land is designated "Rural" and "Environmental Protection" on Schedule "A-5" of the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan (OP). The Environmental Protection designation delineates a small portion of the Hawkers Creek Provincially Significant Wetland located in the south east corner of the property which also features "significant woodlands". Permitted uses in the Rural designation include active and passive recreational uses and facilities, golf courses, ski resorts, ecotourism and agri-tourism. An outdoor games venue would be considered an active and/or passive recreation which does not have the land requirement or site alteration of a golf course or ski 7 Report PLAN2016-031 Ashby/McGale- 006-16-016 Page 5 of7 resort. The outdoor games venue will operate, for the most part, outside of the Environmental Protected lands although trail use is permitted in accordance with Section 17. 3 of the OP. KRCA acknowledged that a Seeped Environmental Impact Study would not be required until buildings or structures are proposed through a formal zoning by-law amendment should the activity prove to be commercially viable. Section 34.7 established the entire City of Kawartha Lakes as a Site Plan Control Area applying to all uses except for agricultural, aggregate extraction, forestry, open space and single detached residential uses. Staff is not recommending site plan control at this time; however will request site plan approval under the formal application for rezoning to permit the permanent outdoor games venue use. Zoning By-law Compliance: The land is zoned General Rural (A1) and Open Space (OS) in the Township of Verulam Zoning By-law No. 6-87. The application proposes to rezone a portion of the property to General Rural Exception Eighteen (A1-18) to permit the temporary use on the property for the staging of outdoor role playing games including the hosting of "live action role playing" (LARP) games for commercial uses. No permanent buildings or structures are proposed although temporary tents and huts form part of the activity. As such, Staff proposes that a Schedule B be added to the Temporary Use By-law consisting of the concept plan that illustrates the commitment to entrance improvements, the gravel driveway and the grassed parking area. See Appendix "D" attached. Should Council determine that within the three (3) year timeframe of the Temporary Use By-law the use becomes unacceptable or is no longer required, Council may give Notice of intention to repeal the By-law and repeal the Temporary Use By-law. The owner would have the right to appeal that decision. Development Services- Planning Division Comments: The appropriate background reports have been submitted to support the application for a Temporary Use By-law. Staff is in receipt of comments from applicable plan-review Agencies and City Departments. Staff respectfully recommends that the application be APPROVED. Other Alternatives Considered: No other alternatives were considered at this time. Financial Considerations: There are no financial considerations unless Council's decision to adopt, or its refusal to adopt the requested amendment, is appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board. In the event of an appeal, there would be costs, some of which may be recovered from the applicant. 8 Report PLAN2016-031 Ashby/McGale- 006-16-016 Page 6 of7 Relationship of Recommendations To Strategic Priorities: The City's Strategy Plan Framework outlines Council's Vision of a Community that is naturally beautiful and offering an exceptional lifestyle by pursuing Strategic Goals including a Vibrant and Growing Economy, an Exceptional Quality of Life and a Healthy Environment. This application aligns with the Vibrant and Growing Economy in that residents and visitors to the City will have the opportunity to experience a new tourism event. In addition, new events provide opportunity to develop business partnerships with local area hotels and restaurants. Finally, Council's consideration of a Temporary Use By-law allows a business owner to undertake an exploratory business venture to determine its commercial viability. Review of Accessibility Implications of Any Development or Policy: The accessibility standards established by the Building Code will be shown on the subsequent construction drawings, which must be approved by the City prior to the issuance of a building permit. Servicing Comments: There are no servicing requirements other than portable toilets which will be secured from a responsible firm and under maintenance contract. Consultations: Notice of this application was circulated in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act. As of the writing of this report, the following comments have been received: April 21, 2016- Building Division, request to confirm the nature and size of structures and tents. Tents over 60 sq.m. require building permits. Building Division does not recognize buildings as temporary. April 21, 2016- Rebecca Armstrong & Glenn Round of Hillside Stables, 86 Walker's Road (property immediately north of the subject property); support the application. See Appendix "C" attached. April22, 2016- Community Services; no comments or concerns. April 27, 2016 - Building Division, Part 8 Sewage Systems; requests that the applicants provide a brief description of the means of ensuring an appropriate method of greywater disposal for the participants as well as confirmation that no human waste will be discharged from trailers. The applicant has supplied comments with respect to these issues. April27, 2016- Economic Development, Agricultural Development Officer; is in favour of the temporary use and acknowledges that the owners are following appropriate procedures for their development plans. Advise that the lands are Cll 6, suitable for quality for pasture and potentially hay as forage, outside of the 9 Report PLAN2016-031 Ashby/McGale- 006-16-016 Page 7 of? treed and wetland area. Using grassed parking will preserve their land for future agricultural uses. April28, 2016 - Alderville First Nation, has no concerns with the application and appreciates the fact that the City of Kawartha Lakes recognizes the importance of First Nations consultation. May 2, 2016- Laurie McCarthy, Tourism Development Officer, stated that this activity has the potential to drive increased tourism to the area as it will introduce people to the area who may return for extended stays. Attachments: .,_ Appendix "A" - Location Map Appendix 'A'Location Map. pdf Appendix "B"- Concept Plan -,: Appendix 'B' Concept Plan.pdf .,_ Appendix 'C"- ltr of Support from Rebecca Armstrong & Glenn Round Appendix 'C' Rebecca Arlr6trong 8 .,_ Appendix "D" - Draft Temporary Use Zoning By-law Appendix 'D' - Draft Ter1lJorary Use Zonin Phone: 705-324-9411 ext. 1331 E-Mail: srea@city.kawarthalakes Department Head: Chris Marshall Department File: D06-16-0 16 10 APPENDIX • to REPORT A ~.{)t17.(c,. 031 · Lot28 Concession 6 Lot26 Con. 7 Con. 5 Cedar Tree Rd -- -- Lot24 GEOGRAPHIC TOWNSHIP OF VERULAM 11 • 1. Rural o:. 27 Cor~ 0 dl01m ll~G~Partcing/Wa I_ J (100 "'aces) I ! I G<3'1e! Onvaway ,.....1 .5m Wodo ; ;t il // .1 / -- lExlsting E•lrance soodelail / / / ,../ / / ....--~ \ / I \ \ / /~ ""'"""' "- / I \ , F m z 9 :0 m -o 0 .:0 -f 15 ~ ~ , r=.. -. ~ ~ ~ Property Boundary Rural ~ I ~ - 0 :> KRCA Regulat.d M!a Lot25 "1J Con6 UIKIVaiUII1cd Woila!ld m WoodwdArva -u z 0 x 1'1\0JfCT No: • DATE: • 12 Concept Plan Ashby Games Venue 1\p~IZ$2.016 >tORJZ. SCAlE: 0\) 1il-lil32 1:3000 Part of L.ot 26 Concesslctl26 Geographic Twp ofVerulam C'ny of Kawartha Lakes ' ~tV~ Hillside Stables 1 APPENDIX _•--= C::__ _• to REPORT PtAkiQ01& - Cl3( FILE NO. ~-1~ -ofp April 21, 2016 Planning Committee City of Kawartha Lakes 180 Kent St W Lindsay ON K9V 2Y6 To Whom It May Concern : AE: File No. 006-16-016. Underworld LARP We own the 200 acre farm at 86 Walker's Road, Fenelon Falls. On your zoning map we are considered lot 27, Cone 6, Township of Verulam. 100 acres of our property is on the northern border of t h e Ashby/ McGale {Underworld LARP} property line. Our other 100 acres is on the western border of the subject property We are their closest neighbours and the only ones who share fence lines with them. The other borders of their property are Walkers Rd and Cedar Tree Rd. That said, we feel our input into the re-zoning should be of upmost consideration as we are most affected by what occurs on that land. We have absolutely no problem with what Underworld LARP is doing. NO PROBLEM Underworld LARP moved onto their prop erty one week afte r we moved onto ours in July 2015. We immediately connected as neighbours and they were very forth-coming in their plans for the property They have kept us informed and invited us onto their land to see what they are doing. These are good pP.ople . They are honest, hard-working and civilly minded. Everything th~y do on their land is ecofriendly and sustainable. Wh en they leave after a weekend there is no garbage, no debris, and no destruction. They care for their land as r care for mine. They make no noise and are extremely re.spectful of th eir neighbours. Additionally, the business they bring to The Kawartha Lakes is paramount. On one of their game weekend~ the restaurants and shops of Bobcaygeon and Fenelon Falls could see upwards of 150 ne w customers. We can see n o conceivable reason fo r this re-zoning to be den ied. We see a dozen reasons w hy it should be approved Thank you for taking into consideration our posit ion on this matter. Sincerely, Rebecca Armstrong & Glenn Round Proprietors, Hillside Stables 13 APPENDIX• b THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KAW~'fHA LAKES REPORT PLAAL:bt(a--03 / BY-LAW 2016· A BY-LAW TO AMEND THE TOWNSHIP OF VERULAM ZONftfG'f1:LA.W11fe:-6-8i~ TO PERMIT A TEMPORARY USE WITHIN THE CllY OF KAWARlliA LAKES [File 006·16..016, Report PLAN2016-031 , respecting Part Lot 26, Concession 26, geographic Township of Verulam and being vacant land on Walker's Road - ASHBY & McGALE] Recitals: 1. Section 34 of the Planning Act authorizes Council to determine the appropriate zoning categories and provisions assigned to land. 2. Section 39 of the Planning Act authorizes Council to pennit temporary uses on lands in a By-law that is passed under Section 34. 3. Council has received an appllca1ion to pennit a temporary use relating to a specific parcel of land to pennit the staging of live outdoor role playing (LARP) games for commercial purposes. 3. A public meeting to solicit public input has been held. 4. Council deems It appropriate to permit the temporary use on ttle land for a period of three years. Accordingly, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes enacts this By-law 2016-_. I Section 1:00 Zoning Details 1.01 Property AffKted: The Property affected by this by-law is described as the Part of Lot 26, Concession 6, geographic Township of V&rulam, City of Kawartha Lakes, being vacant land on Walker's Road. 1.02 Textual Amendment: By-law No. 6-87 for the Township of Verulam is further amended to add the following section to Section 19.3: 19.3.18 Notwithstanding the zone requirements for the A 1 Zone, on land zoned A1-18 the following is permitted through a Temporary Use By-law under Section 39 of the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c.P 13, as amended: a) The staging of outdoor role playing games including the hosting of ''live action role playing (LARP)" games for commercial purposes on weekends (Friday to Sunday) between May and October, together with a temporary parking lot with grass surface and a 7.5 m. wide, two-lane entrance with gravel surface as shown on Schedule "B" to this By-law. The use of temporary structures such as tents, and huts not exceeding 10 sq.m. in size Is also permitted provided they are ancillary to the commercial role playing game venue, and are erected on the property in accordance with all other applicable laws. The use of trailers is also permitted but only during gaming events and within the tlmeframe identified above. No other site alterations related to the temporary use are permitted on the property. This By-law Is passed in accordance with Section 39(2) of the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c.P.13 and shall be in effect for a temporary period of time until May .... 2019. 14 I Section 2:00 Effective Dale 2.01 Effective Date: This By-law shall come Into force and take effect on the date it Is finally passed, subject to the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning Act. By-law read a first, second and third time, and finally passed, this •* day of May, 2016. Andy Latham, Mayor Judy Currins, City Clert< 15 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KA WARTH A LAKES THIS IS SCHEDULE 'A' TO BY-LAW - - - - PASSED _ DAY OF - -- - 2016. THIS _ MAYOR _ __ __ _ CITY CLERK- - - -- - Concession 6 A1-18 Lot26 CJ "0 Cedar Tree Rd 0::: Q) ~ 1-L.. Con. 5 ro "'C Q) 0 1 -======1 ~-------------~- GEOGRAPHIC TOWNSHIP OF VERULAM I I 16 I THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES THIS IS SCHEDULE 'B' TO BY-LAW _ _ _ _ PASSED THIS _ _ DAY OF _ _ _ _ _ 2016. MAYOR _ _ _ _ _ _ __ CITY CLERK---- - - - .f'~',, . nI Ii l i ,, r-::__ i! .. ......... ..f-J' i I I \ __l I e ~ ~ 'IS i ~ -''t. - fl i l i iP Iii I II ! ..~ J~~ ;:J i j II: .. ~ t!l 0 "' u u N> 3c ~ <"' 0 l6 ~ '0 &! -. / • ~ I / .:L / r f J i· 1 \ \ \ \ • (p;!" ~1\d) p80 l!l Sla>{ISM '\-· "' 17 The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes Planning Committee Report Report Number PLAN2016-033 Date: May 11,2016 Time: 1:00 p.m. Place: Council Chambers Public Meeting Ward Community Identifier: Subject: Ward 9 - Lindsay Zoning By-Law Amendment (D06-16-015) to Expand the Food Store Related (FSR) Merchandise Area in a Department Store from 1,300 sq.m. to 3,716 sq.m. Northeast Corner of Highway 35 and Colborne Street West, Lindsay, Mason Homes Limited Author/Title: Richard Holy, Manager of Policy Planning Signature: Recommendations: RESOLVED THAT Report PLAN2016-033, respecting land described as Part of Lot 22, Concession 4, former Town of Lindsay, Application 006-16-015, be received; and, THAT the application respecting the proposed Amendment to the Town of Lindsay Zoning By-law, be referred back to staff for further review and until such time as all comments and concerns have been addressed. Department Head: Corporate Services Director I Other: Chief Administrative Officer: 18 Report PLAN2016-033 MASON HOMES LIMITED Page 2of7 Background: The applicant has submitted an application to amend the "General Commercial Special Nine - Holding One(GC-S9 (H1 )) Zone" in order to increase the total Food Store Related (FSR) Merchandise area within a Department Store from 1,300 sq.m. to a maximum of 3,716 sq.m. The maximum store size will not be increased. All other zone provisions remain unchanged. Owner: Mason Homes Limited Applicant: Walker, Nott, Dragecivic- Robert A. Dragecivic Legal Description: Part of Lot 22, Concession 4, former Town of Lindsay Designation: "General Commercial" in the Town of Lindsay Official Plan Zone: "General Commercial Special Exception Nine - Holding One [GC-S9 (H1 )] Zone" in the Town of Lindsay Zoning By-law 2000-75 Lot Area: 15.0 hectares (37.1 acres) for commercial land area Site Servicing: The property will be serviced by municipal sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and water supply. Existing Uses: Vacant land Adjacent Uses: North: East: South: West: Vacant Land Vacant Land Wilson Fields Agricultural and open space Rationale: The Mason Homes Limited commercial lands are located at the northeast corner of Highway 35 and Colborne Street West in Lindsay and have been the proposed location of a Wai-Mart store in this community. The application seeks to have an expanded food/grocery section, but would not expand the size of the building. The applicant has submitted the following reports and plans in support of the application, which have been circulated to various City Departments and commenting agencies for review. 1. Planning Justification Report prepared by WND Associates, dated March 2016. The report discusses and assesses the proposal in context of the 2014 Provincial Policy Statement, the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan, the Council endorsed Lindsay Secondary Plan, the Town of Lindsay Official Plan, and the Town of Lindsay Zoning By-law, as amended. 2. Updated Market Analysis, prepared by urbanMetrics Inc., dated March 3, 2016. The study provides a detailed retail market analysis with 19 Report PLAN2016-033 MASON HOMES LIMITED Page 3 of7 respect to the potential market impacts generated by the proposed increase to the Wai-Mart food store component. 3. Traffic Brief prepared by Tranplan Associates, dated March 2016. The brief summarizes the findings of an assessment to determine the potential for change in the store's trip generation that might result from an expansion of the Food Store Related sales area. Staff has reviewed the background documents in support of this rezoning application. Provincial Policies: 2006 Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe: The 2006 Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (GPGGH) provides that growth should be directed towards settlement areas that offer municipal water and wastewater systems. Section indicates that new population and employment growth be directed to the built-up areas and greenfield areas, encourages cities and towns to develop as complete communities with a diverse mix of land uses, provide easy access to local stores and services, plan and invest for a balance of jobs and housing to reduce the need for long distance commuting, and directing growth to areas that are serviced by municipal water and wastewater systems. The proposed application conforms to the policies of the Growth Plan. 2014 Provincial Policy Statement: The 2014 Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) provides for appropriate development while protecting resources of provincial interest, public health and safety, and the quality of the natural environment. Healthy, liveable and safe communities are sustained by promoting efficient development and land use patterns which sustain the financial well-bring of the Province and municipalities over the long term. Section 1.1 .3.1 states that settlement areas shall be the focus of growth and development, and their vitality and regeneration shall be promoted. This application is consistent with the direction of the 2014 PPS by providing commercial opportunities within the municipality which will support growth. Official Plan Conformity: The proposal is subject to the land uses policies contained in Town of Lindsay Official Plan (TLOP). The property is located within the Jennings Creek Community Development Plan Area, and is designated "General Commercial" on Schedule "JC2" of the TLOP. The OMB approved Official Plan Amendment No. 25 (OPA No. 25), which pennits an unenclosed shopping centre, including a large format home improvement store and a department store together with complementary commercial establishments. The policies limited the maximum floor space of a department store to 12,500 sq.m. of gross floor area, and any 20 Report PLAN2016·033 MASON HOMES LIMITED Page4 of7 expansion of the department store beyond the maximum size shall be processed by way of an official plan amendment. Since no increase in floor space is contemplated, the proposal conforms to these policies. Section of the TLOP provides that prior to a site specific Zoning By-law Amendment. a Retail Market Analysis Study shall be completed. The Market Analysis provided for this application is an update to the original report that supported the approval of OPA No. 25 and ZBA 2006-168. Specifically, the study addresses the market impact of increasing the floor area dedicated for the food component of the store. The study concludes that a larger food component would not result in any critical impacts on existing supermarkets, nor would it result in any store closures. Therefore, this application conforms to the policies of the Town of Lindsay Official Plan. Zoning By-Law Compliance: The land is zoned "General Commercial Special Exception Nine - Holding One fGC-S9(H1)]" in the Town of Lindsay Zoning By-law 2000-75. The GC-S9 zone permits the development of a 27,000 sq.m. unenclosed shopping centre including a large format home improvement centre, a department store, and complimentary commercial establishments. The maximum gross floor area of a Department Store shall be 12,500 sq.m., of which a maximum of 1,300 sq.m. may be used for the sale of Food Store Related (FSR) Merchandise. FSR Merchandise is defined to include a balanced line of grocery-related items such as canned, bottled, packaged and frozen foods, fresh meat, poultry and fish, fresh and preserved fruits and vegetables, prepared food products, baked goods, dairy products, and confections, as well as toiletries, cleaning products, and those complementary items typically found in a traditional supermarket. The proposed zoning amendment will increase the gross floor area dedicated to FSR Merchandise from 1,300 sq.m. to 3,716 sq.m., which reflects the new WaiMart grocery store format. This application would comply with all other relevant provisions of the Zoning Bylaw. Other Alternatives Considered: No other alternatives have been considered. Financial Considerations: There are no financial considerations unless Council's decision is appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board. In the event of an appeal, the costs associated with a hearing would be borne by the applicant. 21 Report PLAN2016-033 MASON HOMES LIMITED Page 5 of7 Relationship of Recommendations To The 2016-2019 Strategic Plan: The Council Adopted Strategic Plan identifies these Strategic Goals: • • • A Vibrant and Growing Economy An Exceptional Quality of Life A Healthy Environment This application aligns with the vibrant and growing economy strategic goal as it promotes and provides for economic development opportunities. Review of Accessibility Implications of Any Development or Policy: There are no accessibility implications for the City. Servicing Comments: This development will be connected to full municipal services within the Northwest Trunk service area. Consultations: Notice of this application was circulated to landowners within 120 metres of the subject land, City Departments, and review agencies which may have an interest in the application. Agency Review Comments: The Engineering and Corporate Assets Department, Building Division, Community Services Department, Ministry of Transportation, and Kawartha Region Conservation Authority have no concerns with the rezoning application provided that the following matters are addressed through site plan approval. 1. The Ops #1 floodplain study needs to be finalized and filling activity needs to be conducted in accordance with these final recommendations. 2. Environmental considerations need to be finalized for the wetland located on the property. 3. The applicant has undertaken a traffic study update in conjunction with MTO and the City. This study will update traffic information and outline the phasing of traffic improvements, such as signalization, road widenings, intersection improvements, etc, to accommodate a phasing of commercial development on this property. 4. All necessary plans for site plan approval must be submitted for review and approval by relevant agencies. 22 Report PLAN2016-033 MASON HOMES LIMITED Page6of7 The Curve Lake First Nation (CLFN) has no concerns with the proposal. In the event that any archaeological remains are found on the property, CLFN must be notified. Public Comments A total of ten area residents indicated their support for the proposal as the community needs the Walmart store. In all cases, residents are forced to shop in nearby communities and would prefer to have this retailer located in our community. One area resident indicated their concern for the expanded food store component indicating that it would have its greatest impact on the downtown core and could force a number of smaller grocery stores to close. The background reports for the proposal were forwarded to representatives of the Kawartha Lakes Shopping Centre (Food Basics & Staples plaza), the Lindsay Square Mall, and Bromont Homes upon request, as well as to J. Stollar Construction Limited. Valiant Property Management, owners of the Kawartha Business Shopping Centre, have submitted a letter of concern, indicating that the proposal may have adverse impacts on the planned function of the area and on other supermarkets in Lindsay. While staff has contacted these groups for further discussion, no comments have been received as of the writing of this report. The lindsay BIA was also circulated the materials as part of the application circulation process. Although preliminary conversations didn't indicate any concerns, no formal comments have been received from the BIA on this proposal. Development Services - Planning Division Comments: The appropriate background studies have been submitted to support this application to amend the Zoning By-law. The following conclusions can be drawn to support the proposal. 1. The application conforms to the 2006 GPGGH and is consistent with the 2014 PPS. Conformity with the TLOP has also been demonstrated. 2. The proposed Wai-Mart store will anchor further commercial development in the western part of Lindsay and strengthen the existing retail commercial node along Kent Street West and Highway 35. The new format will permit Wai-Mart to serve its customer base with an increased selection of goods. 3. A large segment of our community is currently driving to Wai-Mart locations in surrounding communities. The store will also serve as a regional anchor to recapture retail expenditures that are currently leaving the community. 4. The retail market study submitted with the proposal is consistent with WaiMart stores being developed in other communities. The new "Supercentre" format offers a greater food selection. Given that the store size is not being increased, the overall function of the store is consistent with the approvals that were previously granted. The increase in food store space is not anticipated to result in any critical impacts on existing supermarkets. 23 Report PLAN2016-033 MASON HOMES LIMITEDPage 7 of7 5. The proposal is unlikely to have any adverse traffic impacts on the surrounding area. Additional traffic can be accommodated with the necessary upgrades to the adjacent road network. 6. Approval of proposal on the subject lands will result in the development of Wai-Mart on the Northwest Trunk, representing a return on the City's infrastructure investment. Conclusion: The application was circulated in accordance with the Planning Act. The application has been reviewed in consideration of comments from the circulated agencies, relevant provincial policies, the Town of lindsay Official Plan, and the Town of Lindsay Zoning By-law. In consideration of the comments contained in this report, Staff respectfully recommends that the proposed rezoning application be referred back to staff to allow further discussions with all parties having concerns with the proposal. Attachments: Appendix 'A' - Location Map PLAN2016-033 Appendix A. pdf Appendix 'B'- Proposed Site Plan PLAN2016-033Appendix B. pdf Phone: 705-324-9411 ext. 1246 or 1-888-822-2225 ext. 1246 E-Mail: Department Head: Chris Marshall, Director of Development Services Department File: D06-16-015 24 APPENDIX • &- ! to REPORT PLifJ20llr033 FILE NO. P~lt- ((1-QI~ 'LINDSAY' -(/) a. 0 .._ 0 a. ..c (/) c ~ 0 I(.) LO ("') 0 z >- s I ..c a. ro ..... SUBJECT 0') LAND 0 Q) - (!) COLBORNE ST W 'Wilson Fields' " 'Loblaws' ·court House· 'Whitney Town Centre' HARVEST STREET 25 ~- 'c= ~ ; ~n rr-----;it"--,.<"i'l.n-""'..-nn-- ::..____-! ~ L I'CSI.OC_, ........_ ~'="' ···· ·····'-·..···'""··"'··· ..::~..... ......... ., ~i li ' .{I !' . i PARCEl A ,•i I GROS$FLOORM£A= 129,1~ S.F l: ' . I FUTURE DEVELOPMENT I -!MUM BIJL MINIMUM EL.EVATION . 2tiall5m DING OPENING • 2S8 35m ElEVA~ I I I lM!'¥ C. O...,"'IO..~~ f'Ofl'.Q,~...~ . ., ''" i - ............ = l ; .....1,- ~!ND b IWIIM&NO ~l'<frMt'oOU'4 .,. ~JJ:"(U;It'!IIT"M..::oltD ~·! t:· .:. ~.,. ~._,.u,..-. ~ e.oo:tc.oarOORIW SITE STATISTICS PARCELS FUTURE COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT MINIMUM PARKING AREA ElEVATION-. 2tle ()em MINIMUM FfNISHE:O FlOOR AND BUL OING OPEKI:HQ ELEVATION • 268.35m "''O'A..I"'Mt.t.: 'r~H'f't~Wot_!!V~, _.,._ _.. IASACllt£S --· ---9~ "'l.I..~.NI&A ;sil) ·r OTAi. PAAJ<ING COQ CARS i ! ~- - - --------------__) --MINIMUM PARK1NG AAEA ELEVA.nOt./= 268 05m MINIMUM FINISHED FLOOR AND I>UilDI~G OP~NING ElEVAn~ "Oolo5..I:IS•I101.. .lC~SI ll,JII1S,. l1~1- Sfl •:o ~R.S .._, J111 Mf1~..,.;1t~l ·~--. ·...:~ S.lbldta end btndK.ape requirement& bean t•um&d t.'ld will ~lt6 confirmation from the 'l'tunlclpalily • 268.35111 ,.,.,,_ IVI'EA:IM lfVI'lfiOE'JEl.O~'tt£1K) !. U NOSAY COMMEI IMSON110UnJ Tl r m COMMEF , .. 1U"'1S,_ O;MN:lf'SII T~ flf• """" h•s bMn Cl'&ilted baud on oovi'IO•ry lrtrormtWon (M 1~ ~erl'll ol.l• o) PfOl!IOtcS by MMot•I101'11N on fi'Ov 23. 20J2 PARCELC FUTURE COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT PARCEL D FUTURE COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT MINIMUM PARKING AREA ELEVATION • 266.0!1m MINIMUM ANISHEO FLOOR AND BUILDING OPENING ELEVATION • 266 35rr ........ •• ~ J ~~ ~ ---------------------- ------ ---~----~ 26 z 9 & )> :tJ m '"'0 0 :D ~ 0 -u '1J m z 0 >< " The Gorporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes Planning Gommittee Report Report Number PLAN201 6-034 Date: May 1 1,2016 Time: 1:00 p.m. Place: Council Chamber Public Meeting Ward Community ldentifier: Ward 10 - Lindsay Subject: An application to amend the Town of Lindsay Zoning By-law 200075 to add a heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) sales with accessory storage use to the permitted retail uses, and to amend the parking requirements for this additional use at 36 Wellington Street, Lindsay (REYMAS PROPERTY lNC. - Planning Application D06-1 6-01 3) Author/Title: lan Walker, Planner ll S¡ nature: Recommendations: I RESOLVED THAT Report PLAN2016-034, respecting Town Plan Part Lot North of Wellington Street, former Town of Lindsay, identified as 36 Wellington Street, Application D06-16-013, be received; THAT Zoning By-Law Amendment application D06-16-013 identified as 36 Wellington Street, City of Kawartha Lakes, as generally outlined in Appendix "C" to Report PLAN2016-034, be approved and adopted by Council; and THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute any documents required by the approval of this application. Department Head: Corporate Services Director / Other: Ch ief Adm i n istrative Officer: 27 D06-.r 6-0 1 3 r *."'frÅ3"$*åt#S î*t3i Page 2 of 6 Background: The applicant originally submitted an application to amend the "Mixed Residential Commercial SpecialTwelve (MRC-S12)Zone" category to permit a heating, ventilation and air condítioning (HVAC) wholesale business, and the accessory storage of equipment use. Subsequent to the Public Meeting held April 6, 2016, the applicant has amended the application to request the change be to permit the retail sale of HVAC equipment with accessory storage as an additional use, and for special provisions for parking. Owner: Applicant: Legal Descríption - Bill Massey M.V. Wilson Engineering lnc. - Mark Wilson Town Plan Part Lot I North of Wellington Street, former Reymas Property lnc. Town of Lindsay Designation Residential-Commercial, Town of Lindsay Officíal Plan Zone: Mixed Residential Commercial Special Twelve (MRC-S1 2) Zone on Schedule 'A' of the Town of Lindsay Zoning By-law No. 2000-75, as amended Lot Area: 852.2 sq.m. 19,147.6 Site Servicíng: Municipal sanitary sewer, storm sewer and water supply E-¡^+;ñ^ t^^^. r-^rÐur tg IrJÐgÐ. tr^^^^+ ô:r^ l^r:rL rr^--^--:-r -^..,-¡!^ll ottti vcruclllL E triluwl¡t¡trtu vvltlI vulillltgtulat Adjacent Uses: North: East: South: West: sq.ft.- MPACI ñ..:tJ:-E)uilulllg Residential, Bond Street Residential, Commercial, William Street North Wellington Street, Commercial Residential, Cambridge Street North Rationale: The lot is located on the north side of Wellington Street, between Cambridge Street North and William Street North, in Lindsay. The applicant proposes to amend the existing zone category to include a retail establishment HVAC sales outlet use with accessory storage inside the existing building. The existing property is a brownfield (previously developed) site which has been vacant for approximately five (5) years. Previous uses on the property include an automobile equipment outlet and a tow-truck dispatch office. The Official Plan (OP) designatíon of Residential-Commercial applies to properties along collector or arterial roads, and transitioning from residential to non-residential uses. Multiple commercial uses, public garages, and automobile service stations are not permitted ín this designation. The proposed uses will permit re-development of the property to be in closer conformity with the OP. The applicant has submitted a revised Planning Justification Report (PJR), prepared by Clark Consulting Services, dated April 2016. Staff has reviewed the PJR, in support of this application to amend the Zoning By-law. 28 Report PLAN2016-034 D06-16-013 (REYMAS PROPERTY rNC.) Page 3 of 6 Provincial Policies: Growth PIan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2006: The Growth Plan (GP) provides that growth should be directed towards settlement areas. The lot is located within the Lindsay settlement area. This application serves to permit additional uses which attract employment opportunities. Therefore, this application conforms to the policies of the Growth Plan. Provincial Policy Statemenl, 201 4 (PPS): The Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) provides for appropriate development while protecting resources of provincial interest, public health and safety, and the quality of the natural environment. The PPS requires planning authorities identify appropriate locations and promote opportunities for redevelopment taking into account brownfield sites, and the availability of suitable existing or planned infrastructure and pubíc service facilities required to accommodate projected needs. Redevelopment shall be directed in accordance with the policies of Section 2 and 3 of the PPS. The subject lot is not within or adjacent to any natural heritage features or species at risk (SAR) identified in Section 2 of the PPS, and is not located within any natural hazards, as identified in Section 3 of the PPS. Therefore, this application is consistent with the PPS. Official Plan Gonformity: The Town of Lindsay Official Plan (Lindsay OP) designation of ResidentialCommercial applies to this property. The use of land in this designation includes uses such as offices, eating establishments, service and convenience retail and similar types of uses. Section 4.2.4 of the Lindsay OP requires off-street parking be provided on-site. Payment of cash-in-lieu of parking is offered as an alternative if on-site parking is not adequate. The PJR explains that adequate parking can be provided on-site for the proposed use. Planning staff accept the analysis and conclusions of the PJR. Land within the Residential-Commercial designation is subject to site plan control, in accordance with Section 4.2.2 of the Lindsay OP. lf this proposed amendment is approved, the applicant will therefore be required to enter into a Site Plan Agreement with the City for the redevelopment of this lot. Therefore, this application conforms to the policies of the Official Plan. Zoning By-Law Compliance: The lot is zoned Mixed Residential Commercial Special Twelve (MRC-S12) Zone in the Town of Lindsay Zoning By-law 2000-75. The MRC-512 Zone permits the following commercial uses: an art gallery; artist's supply establishment; florist; museum; office; optical establishment; personal service establishment; studio; and retail establishment carrying only handicraft works, antiques or clothing. 29 Do6- 1 6-0 1 3 r* *' î ="'fü3"$*t"t#-?J o otu This application proposes to add an HVAC sales ouflet to the existing permitted retail uses. lirtt#" This application complies with all required provisions of the MRC-S12 Zone. The PJR provides that a maximum of 40% of the existing building will be used as retail space, with the remainder used as accessory storage. As such, the parking requirement is a minimum of eight (8) spaces, on the basis of 1 space per'25 sq. m. for the retail use; and 1 space per 140 sq. m. for the accessory storage. To ' ensure the retail use can comply with the parking requirement, the propõsed Bylaw amendment includes a provision limiting the retail use to a maximu m of 40ó/o of the existing building. Due to the location, size and narrow configuration of this lot, the loading facility cannot comply with the provision relating to location. The loading faciliiy is proposed within the 7 metre wide driveway, in front of three (3) of the eight (B) on-site parking spaces. The PJR notes that the loading facility is not anticipaieO to be occupied frequently, and that most vehicles using this facility will not occupy the entire loading space, due to theír type and size. Planning staff accept this analysis. To permit the loading facility to be located in the driveway, the proposed By-law amendment includes a provision allowing the location of the loading facility in the driveway. This application will comply with all other relevant provisions of the Zoníng Bylaw. Other Alternatives Considered: No other alternatives have been considered. Fi nancial Considerat¡ons: There are no financial considerations unless council's decision to adopt or its refusal to adopt the requested amendment is appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board. ln the event of an appeal, there would be costs, some of which may be recovered from the applicant. Relationship of Recommendations To The 20r6-2019 s trategic Plan: The councilAdopted strategic Plan identifies these strategic Goals: A Víbrant and Growing Economy An Exceptional Quality of Life A Healthy Environment o . o This application aligns with the vibrant and growing economy strategic goal as it promotes and provides for economic development opportunities. 30 D 06- 1 6- 0 1 3, - *'f ü3"5-åt#-"i î-t3i Page 5 of 6 Review of Accessibility lmplications of Any Development or Policy: There are no accessibility implications for the City. Servicing Comments: The lot is connected to full municipal services within the Lindsay municipal service area. Consultations: Notice of this application was circulated to landowners within 120 metres of the subject land, plan-review agencies, and City Departments which may have an interest in the application. To date we have received the following comments: Agency Review Comments: April 21 ,2016 - The Building Division has no concerns. April22,2016 - Hiawatha First Nation advised the rezoning should have little, if any, impact on their traditional territory or treaty rights. Development Services - Planning Division Comments: The appropriate background studies have been submitted to support this application to amend the Zoning By-law. These studies have been circulated to the appropriate plan-review agencies and City Departments for review and comment. The application conforms to the 2006 Grourth Plan and is consistent with the 2014 Provincial Policy Statement. Conformity with the Town of Lindsay Official Plan has also been demonstrated. The rezoning will ensure the subject land complies with the Zoning By-law. All other zoning provisions of the MRCSl2Zone will be complied with. Conclusion: Staff support the application based on the information contained in this report and the comments received as of April 28, 2016. Provided that no additional information is raised at the Public Meeting that would alter the recommendations contained in this report, Staff respectfully recommends that the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment application be referred to Council for APPROVAL. Attachments: Appendix'A' - Location Map El.Þ PLAN2016-034 Appendix A.pdf 31 D Appendix 'B' - Site Plan Drawing - Draft Zoning By-law Amendment - 06- 1 6-0 1 3 r* î-'3 dated November 4,2015 E- .L PLAN2016-034 Appendix B.pdf Appendix 'C' IEI. Þ Pr-AN2016-034 Appendix C.pdf Phone: 705-324-9411 ext 1368 or 1-888-822-2225 ext. 1368 E-Mail: íwa I ker@city. kawa rtha lakes. on. Department Head: Chris Marshall, Director Department File: D06-16-013 32 ca j ="'ñi3"$*t"H-"i1 Page 6 of 6 a PLAUz) 'LINDSAY' -0t NO. BOND ST. SUBJECT LAND ¿ WELLINGTON ST. Ë Ø [T (9 fl z æ. fft l- Ø C) PEEL ST. J J = -] - 33 '¡ ¿ t¡ r - Z -t o z I ii '&.\a 'ffiiJ* -.--*n Trl iA .¡ t ã l1) fr Ðslrar a!ufro ã I of e r, @ ¡ o ,i i-ì r¡, RECE¡VED FEB O 5 zOIE Srydh¡(h bkrs 06ibpñd gvi6 ãeñú9 D¡vlio A SEFW V/ ,ã--fr. @ i n t'4 ür.Y -_::=5 q ---tli-* SYPÉMfi "#,. ) rl I{ SILL MASSEY ¡Ù.¿ú--ôt¡¡e' GÆMqs* SIÎEPl¡N e-süq$¡s!ÞÊc!cG3ä ffi SP t- m z p o :0 { m IJ t() g' F I I w 34 IE tg F o z a x ço THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES APPENDIX to BY.LAW 2A16 - o F KAWARTHA NO. 2000-7s TO n¡F No. LAKES [File D06-16-013, Report PLAN2016-034, respecting Town p]an pañ Lot I North of wellington street, former Town of Lindsay, identified as 36 wellington street REYMAS PROPERTY tNC.l - Recitals: 1. Section 34 of the Planning Act authorizes Council to determine the appropriate zoning categories and provisions assigned to land. 2. council has received an application to amend the categories and provisions relating to a specific parcel of land to permit a retail estãblishmenifor a heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) sales outlet with accessory storage witñin the existing building as an addítional use on the subject land. 3. 4. A public meeting to solicit public input has been held. Council deems it appropriate to rezone the property. Accordingly, the Gouncil of rhe Gorporation of the city of Kawartha Lakes enacts this By-law 2016-_. Section 1:00 Details Prooertv*fücted: The Property affected Part Lot Lakes. 1'o2 I by this by-law is described as Town plan North of wellington street, former Town of Lindsay, city of Kawartha Textu?l AFendqgnt: By-taw No. 2000-7s of the Town of Lindsay ís further amended by deteting section 12.3.12 i) commercial h), and rephèing it with the followíng: h) Retail establishment that canies handicrafi works, antiques or clothing; or a heating, ventilation and. air conditioning (HVAC) sales ouilet with accessory storage within the existing building and Section 12.3.12 ii) is further amended to add the following: g) h) i) For the HVAC use listed in h) above, no more lhan to/o of the existing building may be used for the relall establishrnent use. Not withstanding section s.13 a), the loading facilities may occupy land that is part of a driveway. Not withstanding section s.12 )) vi., no driveway sha[ be closer than 0.57 m. to a side lot line. Section 2:00 Effective Date 2.O1 gnect¡ve gat€: This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the date is finally passed, subject to the provisions of section 34 of the planning Act. By-law read a first, second and third time, and finally passed, this *" day of "**, 2016. Andy Letham, Mayor Ct ¡ REPORT Pt.q¡ærs -933. A BY.LAW TO AMEND TH E TOWN OF LINDSAY ZONING BY.I-AW REZONE I.AND WITHIN THE CITY I Judy Cuníns, City Clerk 35 it e&_oE_ March 29,2016 Dear members of the Planning Committee Please consider this letter as my appeal to this committee under the Site Plan control by-law 2003-21, as amended by Council on March 22,2016 under section 4.04 of the amended by-law of the decisions of approval of the Director of Development Services with regards to my site plan file # D19-15-007. As well as my appeal under the Development Charge By-law 2015-224 This appeal requests the Committee to recommend to Council That: the following Director of Development Services decisions for conditions of site plan approval and site plan agreement be removed from the requirements of site plan file #D19-15-007 for site plan and agreement approval. 1. The requirement for loading and parking under the OPS 93-30 zoning by- 2. 3. 4. 5. law section 2.11 and 2j7.8 The requirement for a minor variance for outdoor storage The requirement for additional landscaping along the frontage of #76 Walsh road, as required under the City's Site Plan Guide. The requirement for a Security Deposit for works on private property. As required under the City's Site Plan Guide. The requirement to pay development charges fees under by-law 2015-224 as part of the site plan agreement approval and that the applicant instead be allowed to pay development charges under the development charge bylaw 2015-224 pursuant to schedule 2for the period of November 25,2015 to December 31,2015. Background ln early July of 2015 I began the process of site plan approval for my property at #76 Walsh roads in order to start a small business being a self -storage facility. A zoning inquiry was made to the City in order to ensure the property had the correct zoning for what was being proposed. City planning staff felt that the site did not have the correct zoning under the OPS 93-30 ZBL even though it was pointed out to staff a self-storage facility already existed on Walsh under with the same zoning under the OPS 93-30 ZBL.ln order to move fonryard with the site plan process City staff 36 required the application to go through the City's pre-consultation process. Going into the pre-consultation meeting the City was requiring that #76 Walsh road be re-zoned under the OPS 93-30 to allow for a self-storage facility. At the pre-consultation meeting staff was provided with public documentation in the form of City Planning reports that were approved by Council (setting the precedent) and former zoning by- laws that had allowed two other self-storage facilities under the OPS 93-30 ZBL zoning of General industrial (M). After the pre-consultation meeting staff then reversed their interpretation of the OPS 93-30 ZBLfor #76 Walsh roads and no longer required a re-zoning prior to proceeding with the Site Plan process. -, rrrD - FcÐ | € I aoù lq r.,r¡) t1l t. ¿ â I flr - iLi lrrrm--, Fl !q qy ffi:f;ï: U , t I , I I @ (above is caption of Schedule A of the OPS 93-30 zoning bylaw, shown in red is #76 Walsh road and in blue is #540 CKL 36) An application was filed in September of 2O15 for site plan approval on #76 Walsh roads for which it has yet to receive site plan approval. Staffs has refused to grant site plan approval until the application conforms to the following Directors or Directors delegates decisions of conditions of approval, as shown on schedule A appended to this letter of appeal. The following rationale is why I feel the Directors or delegates decisions of condition of approval as shown on schedule A should be removed. 37 ) Rational: Parkinq and Loadinq 1. City staff requirements for Parking and Loading as shown on page 4 and 5 of schedule A should be removed as a condition of site plan approval and agreement due to the fact that staff is misinterpreting the OPS 93-30 by-law as they had done in the Pre-consultation process. As well as staff are ignoring the previous 2 City planning reports specific to self-storage under the OPS 93-30 by- law appended to this letter as schedule C which has set the precedent in the past for this interpretation. Based on the City's Staff interpretation of the OPS 93-30 by-law specific to sections 2.11 for loading and section 2.17 .8 for Parking , appended as schedule B the Director of Development Services has required that the site plan have 55 parking spaces and 2loading areas for trucks which are to be 14 m long by 3.5 m wide. The site plan is for a self-storage facility on Walsh road. My argument against this decision for condition of site plan approval and agreement is that staff interpretation is wrong based specifically on in section 2.11.2,2.11.5,2.17 .2 and 2.17.5 of the Ops ZBL where it is the proposed USE of the site which dictates the need for separate Parking and Loading areas. My site plan does require this because based on the site plan and business modelfor self-storage renters of the units pull directly up to the individual units of the building, park and offload their goods into the unit. The area in front of the rentable units of the building should be interpreted as the parking and loading area for the site plan. This precedent was set through the City planning reports which Council approved. These reports are PL2002-057 and PL2001-260 as shown as schedule B. Through these reports and subsequent site plan approvals the City never required the applicants to provide Parking or Loading under the OPS 93-30 by- law because it was either interpreted that it was a USE not needed by the site plan or that it was already included in the business model of self-storage facilities, being the practice of renters to pull up to the unit they are renting at the building park and off load their goods into the unit they had rented. For these reasons is why I feel that the Committee should remove this decision of the Director for a condition of site plan approval and agreement. 38 Outdoor Storaqe 2. The City requirement on schedule A page 5 item 2 for a minor variance for outdoor storage on the site plan is based on the interpretation of the OPS 9330 ZBL (for which they had previously misinterpreted it in the Pre-consultation process) under section 12.2"open storage area" part C that the site plan cannot have open storage in the side yard. It is my argument that staff are miss-interpreting this section. This is based on the fact that the adjoining property owner (#540 CKL 36, as shown on page 2 of this letter as the highlighted blue area) is not a residential lot and is not using it as a residential lot. lt is currently zoned General lndustrial holding M (H). There is no residence abutting my side yard. The closest residence is 600 metres from my side yard. The intent of this by-law was to prevent an eyesore to a residential resident you directly abutted the side yard where outdoor storage was being placed Adiacent to the lot line. With my site plan this is not the case. The outdoor-storage will not be adjacent to the lot line and it will be screened by landscaping along my side yard so that the occupant of the home 600 metres away will not see it. For these reasons I ask the committee to remove this decision as a requirement for site plan approval and agreement The requirement for additiona I Landscapinq alonq the frontaqe of #76 Walsh road 3. The City's requirement shown on item 4 of page 5 of schedule A should be removed as a decision of condition of site plan and agreement approval. Staffs have required that a 3 metre landscaping strip be placed along the frontage of my property at#76 Walsh roads. Staffs has based this requirement not on the zoning of the OPS 93-30 ZBL but under the Site Plan Guide which staff says forms part of the Site Plan Control by-law 2003-21 as amended by Council on March 22,2016. It is my argument that this requirement under the "Guide" is unneeded and an additional cost to his site plan, because in order to accommodate the request the whole site plan would have to change. I have already accommodated part of this request with landscaping on my frontage south of my entrance but cannot accommodate along the 20 metres of frontage north of my entrance because it 39 would substantially change the site plan layout. This has already been explained to staff. As well as No other site plan on Walsh road had this requirement. Why is staff subjecting my site plan to this condition? For these reasons, I ask that the Committee remove this requirement as a Director's decision for condition of site plan and agreement approval. The requirement for Security Deposit for Works on Private property 4. That the requirement for a Security deposit as seen on page 2 of schedule A be removed as a Director's decision of condition of site plan approval and agreement. Once again staffs are using the site plan "Guide" to impose a condition. this guide has not been reviewed or approved by this current Committee or Council. As I had discussed at in my letter and deputation at Council on March 22,2016 this requirement under section 2.10, 2.10.1 and schedule E of the guide hinders small businesses and development by requiring the applicant to put up 50% of the cost of the works on private property as a security deposited. It is my argument that this is an unnecessary and redundant requirement, one that puts additional unneeded burdens on small businesses wishing to start up in the City. As stated in section 2.10.1of the guide, the purpose is to ensure that works conform to the approved site plan not to protect against City liabilities. There are other mechanisms to ensure this through the registered site plan agreement on title and the City's property standards by-law to ensure conformity to the site plan. And as stated in the Guide it is up to the Director to determine the need for it. However Staff requires the security deposit for every site plan applications. lt should be based on the complexity of the site plan services onsite and offsite that determines the need and percentage of a security deposit and not an arbitrary percentage of 50%. My site plan is very simple with no hard services on site or off site to secure for. Essential without the building footprint it is a gravel parking lot. Based on these reasons is why I am asking that the Committee recommend to Council that this decision of the Director for condition of site plan approval and agreement be removed. 40 The requirement to pav development charqes fees under bv-law 2015 -224 as part of the site plan aqreement approval and that the applicant be allowed to pav development charqes under the development charqe bv-law 2015-224 pursuant to schedule 2 for the period of november 25.2015 to december 3l .2015. 5. That the Committee recommend to Council that my site plan be exempted from the requirement of the Directors decision for site plan approval and agreement of paying development charge fees under the development charge by-law of 2015224 . And that this Committee accept this as an appealto be recommended to Council to allow the applicant of site plan application #D 19-15-007 be allowed to prepay development charge fees for all buildings on the site plan as they are constructed under the 2015-224 Development charge by-law fee pursuant to schedule 2 for the period of Nov 25,2015 to Dec 31,2015 for Rural Ops. My argument for this is that City Staff delayed the process by two months by requiring my proposal to go through the Pre-consultation process as stated in the Background section of this appeal letter . This mistake on the part of staff delayed the filing of the site plan application which delays the timing of acquiring a site plan agreement prior to the end of 2015 when the Development charge by-law changed and the cost for fees associated to my site plan for DC's went up 100%. Also the fact that the City was well into the review of my application when it decided to change the Fee schedule of the 2015-224 by-law which caused a 1}0o/o increase. For which letters were sent to the Director of Development Services at the time objecting to the increase. As well as additional delays by staff for approving this site plan as described previously in this letter of appeal and the fact that City injected the Building code review process into the site plan process without the consent of the applícant, imposing additional conditions for site plan approval for which the City had no right to do under section 41 of the Planning act further delay the timing of site plan approval and agreement. That condition was removed by the now Director of Development services in a February meeting. I assumed because it was a condition applied to the site plan outside of section 41 of the Planning act. lwas told by staff it had been placed as a condition because "the City was looking out for my best interests" for which I had never asked for or given consent for the City to do. Based on these delays caused by staff, I am asking for the Committee to recommend to Council to remove this decision of the Director as a condition of site plan approval and agreement as well as recommend to Council that I be 41 allowed to pay the Development Charge fees under the 201 5-224 by-law pursuant to schedule 2 for the period of Nov 25,2015 to Dec 31,2015 for Rural Ops as the buildings are constructed. 42 Conclusion ln summation I would request that this Committee pass a resolution to Council recommending THAT: "The following Director of Development Services decisions for conditions of site plan approval and site plan agreement be removed from the requirements of site plan file #D19-15-007 for site plan and agreement approval". 6. The requirement for loading and parking under the OPS 93-30 zoning bylaw section 2.11 and 2.17.8 7. The requirement for a minor variance for outdoor storage 8. The requirement for additional landscaping along the frontage of #76 Walsh road, as required under the City's Site Plan Guide. The requirement for a Security Deposit for works on private property. As required under the City's Site Plan Guide. 10.The requirement to pay development charges fees under by-law 2015-224 as part of the site plan agreement approval And That the applicant be allowed to pay the fees based on the 2015-224 Development Charge by-law pursuant to schedule2for the period of Nov 25,2015 to Dec 31,2015, L AND THAT: The committee recommend to Council that the applicant be allowed to pay Development Charge fees under the 2015-224 by-law pursuant to schedule 2 for the period of Nov 25,2015 to Dec 31,2015 as the buildings are constructed on the approved site plan. AND THAT The Director of Development Services and delegates be instructed to enter into a site plan agreement with the applicant of site plan file # D-19-007 based on the removed conditions and current submitted site plan by applicant. 43 removed s¡ har Schedules A-Planning conditions and comments B- OPS Zoning By-law 93-30 C- City of Kawartha Lakes Planning reports #PL2OO1-260,#PL2002-057 D- Site Plan E- City of Kawartha Lakes Site Plan Guide. 44 Sel*tg,stta Development Services - Planning Division 2no Floor, 180 Kent St. W. Lindsay ON KgV 2Yo rur't¡ÅHr Tel: (705) 324-9411 Ext.1324 Fax: (705) 3244027 m la hay@city. kawa rtha la kes.o www. city. kawa rth al a kes. o File No.: D19-15-007 A review of the current site plan application has been undertaken and we have received the following comments from the circulated agencies: Engineering Roberta Perdue, 705.324.941 I ext. 1 154 Engineering has reviewed the following documents received on January 4,2016, submitted in support of the above noted site plan application: . o . . . . r Response letter to first submission comments. stormwater Management Report, prepared by Engage Engineering Ltd, dated December 2015; stormwater Management Facility operation & Maintenance Manual, prepared by Engage Engineering, dated December Ig,2015 Site Plan Cost Estimate, undated. Drawing # 15045-SP01, Síte Grading plan, prepared by Engage Engineering Limited, dated December 1A, 2015 Drawing # 15045-sP02, Erosion & sediment control pran, prepared by Engage Engineering Limited, dated December 1A,2015 Drawing # 15045-sP03, Details, prepared by Engage Engineering Limited, dated December 18,2015 45 "pr, ïhe City of Kawartha Lakes Development Services - Page 2 of 6 Planning Division We offer the following comments: ,qEsf EÐt¡mgte!: 1, Please confirm that the information shown on the design is included in the Cost EstÍmate for the project and that appropriate units and quantities are referenced (i.e. straw bale check dams (OPSD 219.180), stormwater drainage swales & rock check dams (OPSD 219-210)). 2, Please confirm the final parking requirements for inclusion in the Cost Estimate (i,e. curb stones). 3. lt is noted that Secflo n 4. Road - External Site WorR was removed from the Cost Estimate. The applicant has indicated that an entrance permit has been granted by the City of Kawartha Lakes Public Works Department. Please confirm that works detailed in the entrance permit correspond with the work noted in the site Grading Plan and provide a copy of the Entrance Permit to Engineering. Lot Gradinq / Storlnwater: 4. Please confirm if a Ministry of the Environment & Climate Change Environmental Compliance Approval is required for the proposed stormwater works. The above comments are based on the most current information received, ln reviewing these documents, every attempt is made to provide a thorough and comprehensive examination. However, Engineering may at any time requesi additional information and/or amend previous comments/requirements based on new information, Emergency Services (Fire & Rescue) Brian McC uaig, 7 05.799.5254 Ïhe following are the City of Kawartha Lakes Fire & Rescue Service comments for the above noted application: . . On site water provisions for fire protection not addressed in submission. Fire route signage required and access routes to be maintained so as to be immediately ready for use at all times by Fire Department vehicres Comments not necessarily relating to the site plan agreement: . . Fire Extinguisher placement must conform to the ontario Fire code. Accessibility through security gate to be established and agreed upon with fire service (installation of Fire Department approved Key Box encouraged. Contact Fire Prevention). 46 The City of Kawartha Lakes Development Services - Planning Divísion Page 3 of 6 Building Division Derryk Wolven, 705. 324.9411, exL.1273 Division comments relative for the We have reviewed the submitted drawings 15045-SPQ1,02,03 and have the following comments: î߀4 3.2.2 3,2.3.1 Qo7u9.4Ø*> o? 9zfc. C lassify building D oes bui ding comply with spatial to property line or to other building(s) if the buildings are grouped. ßùdtrMil-L* Provide adequate water for every building Community Services Craig Shanks 705.324.9411, ext. 1304 The Community Services Department wishes to advise that we have the following comments with respect to this application: L Landscape plan was provided. 2. Landscape components in the area southeast of the entrance drive have been added by incorporating native Evergreen Hedging. No particular species or quantities were indicated. The addition of evergreen hedging will improve curb appeal. l.lytho One Hydro one confirms that it does not have any plant on Part Lot 23, conc. 7, plan 621, Lot 8 Walsh Road, Former Township of Ops. There is what looks to be an old customer owned secondary pole and anchor that is no longer being used. Hydro one has existing o/H plant located on road allowance in front of property. Enbridge Gas Nikki DeGroot, 41 6.7 58.47 54 Enbridge Gas Distribution does not object to the proposed application(s). This response does not constitute a pipe locate or clearance for construction. 47 &#È ïhe Page 4 of 6 City of Kawartha Lakes Development Services - Planning Division The applicant shall contact Enbridge Gas Distribution's Customer Connections department by emailing for service and meter installation details and to ensure all gas piping is installed prior to the commencement of site landscaping (including, but not limited to: tree planting, silva cells, and/or soil trenches) and/or asphalt paving. lf the gas main needs to be relocated as a result of changes in the alignment or grade of the future road allowances or for temporary gas pipe installations pertaining to phase construction, all costs are the responsibility of the applicant. ln the event that easement(s) are required to service this development, the applicant will provide the easement(s) to Enbridge Gas Distribution at no cost. Enbridge Gas Distribution reserves the right to amend or remove development conditions. Planning Division Mark LaHay, 705.324.941 1, ext. 1324 The following revisions are required to bring the site plan into compliance with the Township of Ops Comprehensive Zoning By-law No. 93,30 (ZBL) and the City of Kawartha Lakes Site Plan Guide (SPG). General Comments: 1, The vacant property will be assigned a municipal address by the Planning Division. lt will be #76 Walsh Road and should be reflected on future correspondence. 2. Planning Division requires a cost estimate with the information required by the Engineering Division (see above), ,ZoRing::: The provided Site Statistics Chart references incorrect Yard Setback requirements and corresponding dimensions. ln accordance with Section 12.2 of the zoning by-law, the minímum front yard is 12 m (west lot line part of public road frontage); minimum rear yard is 3 m (east lot line with no abutting residential use); minimum side yard is 4 m (south lot line) and 7.5 m (north lot line containing abutting residential use). This information is required on the Site Grading Plan to demonstrate compliance with the ZBL. , rParking.ánd Loading: 1. The plans will need to demonstrate conformity with loading space requirements in accordance with Section 2.11 of the zoning by-law. lt is understood that the owner/applicant will be seeking relief from this requirement, 48 The City of Kawartha Lakes Development Services - Planning Division .., Page 5 of 6 Sìte,Plan,lssues: 1. The Elevation/Floor Plan provided with the first submission did not illustrate building height, or provide a description of the proposed exterior materials and colours. We typically require this information at the site plan stage for site plan approval purposes as the plans will form part of the Site Plan Agreement. ''2'. lt is understood that in addition to the indoor self storage use, the property is also proposed to be used for outside storage, lt is acknowledged that the owner/applicant intends to seek relief from the Open Storage Area Regulations of Section 12.2 of the zoning by-law, along with relief from the Parking Area Requirements of Section 2.17.8, through a minor variance application, to permit open storage to be located where parking is currently illustrated in the north side yard adjacent to a side lot line which abuts a lot containÍng a Residential use. 3. All existing and proposed trees, hedges and shrubs and proposed sodded and seeded areas need to be indicated. The proposed treatment (i,e. hydro-seeding) of the graded areas and/or disturbed areas was not indicated on the Site Grading Plan as required, 4. A,minimurn 3.0 rn. wide landscaped str.íp is r.equired to be provided along the public road frontage. A'landscaped strip has been ind,icated as illustrated along the south side of the entrance but it does not appear that any.grass, trees or shrubs have been shown on the north side along the public road frontage. This may reguire a minor realignment of the fire route in this location. We anticipate that the above comments will aid in the revision of the plans, Please submit a letter outlining how these comments have been addressed. All revised drawings should be submitted to the Planning Division office at the address above. Please contact me in advance to discuss the number of drawings necessary for resubmission purposes. The City will be in a position to consider approval of the site plan drawings once all outstanding issues have been resolved to the satisfaction of the agencies and/or departments and once the revised drawings have been prepared to the city's satisfaction, The site plan agreement will be finalized when we have received the final version of the plans. For registration of the site plan agreement, the City will require 5 full-size paper copies of each final revised pian, which should be provided only once all agency comments have been satisfactorily addressed. A FinancÍal Security Deposít (a letter of credit, bank draft, money order, or certified cheque) will be required for all works associated with the site's development, as detailed on the site plan drawings. A cost estimates form will be required to verify the amount of the Financial Security. ln addition, the solicitor for the owner is required to complete Schedules A and B of the draft standard site plan agreement 49 Page 6 of 6 The City of Kawartha Lakes Development Services - Planning Division for inclusion into the final agreement to be registered on title. Four original signed copies of Schedules A and B are required. Should there be any encumbrances on the property (í,e. a mortgage) then a postponement agreement will be required prior to executing the site plan agreement. The postponement agreement shall be obtained by the owner and completed prior to the registration on title of the site plan agreement. Please feelfree to contact the undersigned should you require assistance or clarification on the information detailed in this correspondence. Yours truly,, /4,,*rq/ Mark LaHay, MCIP, RPP Planner ll Attach. cc; Engineering Emergency Services Hydro One Building Enbridge Gas Community Services 50 ScueòucF OFFICE CONSOLIDATION JUNE 2014 TOV/NSHIP OF OPS COMPREHENSIVE ZONING BY-LAV/ 93.30 Page7of111 2.10.4 Sales Or Rentals On any lot containing a home occupation, there shall be no goods, wares or merchandise, other than those produced on the premises, offered or exposed for sale or rent on such premises. 2.10.5 Open Storage Area No part of any lot containing a home occupation or home profession shall be used as an open storage area açcessory to that home occupation. Loading Space Regulations Size Q* loading space shall be at least 14 metres long, 3.5 metres wide and have a vertical slearance of at least 4.5 metres. 2.11.2 Location !*e required loading spaces shall be provided on the lot occupied by the building, structure or use for which such loading spaces are required and shall not form a part of any street, lane, parking space or delivery space. No portion ofany loading space shall be located closer to any street line than the minimum front building setback for such building, structure or use in the zone where it is located. 2.11.3 Access Access to loading spaces shall be by means of a driveway at least 3.5 metres wide contained within the lot on which the loading spaces are located and leading to a street or lane located within or adjoining the zone in which the use is located. 2.11.4 Surface The loading spaces and their associated driveways and entrances shall be maintained with a stable surface which is treated so as to prevent the raising ofdust or loose particles. 2.11.s Addition To Or Change Of Existing Use When a building or structure has insufficient loading spaces on the date of passing of this By-law to comply with the requirements herein, this By-law shall not be interpreted to require that the defìciency be made up until an addition or change ofuse is propose& No addition rnay be built and no change of use may occur if the effect of an addition or change ofuse would be to increase such deficiency. 2.11.6 Requirements Loading spaces are required under this By-law in accordance with the following table. 7 51 rr $ /z OFFICE CONSOLIDATION TOWNSHIP OF OPS COMPREHENSIVE ZONING BY-LAW 93-30 JUNE 20I4 Page 8 of111 LOADING SPACE REQUIREMENT TABLE Loading Spaces Required Gross Floor Area of Building 280 square metres or less 1 space Exceeding 280 square metres but not exceeding 2,300 square metres 2 spaces Exceeding 2,300 square metres 3 spaces 2.12 Lots Containing More Than One Use 2.12.1 Lot Area And Lot Frontage Requirements lühere a lot contains more than one use which is not an accessory use, the lot area requirement shall be the sum ofthe requirements for each separate use. The lot frontage requirement shall be the greatest ofthe lot frontage requirements for each separate use in the zone where such lot is located. 2.12.2 Delivery, Loading And Parking Requirements When a building, structure or lot contains more than one use, the delivery space requirement, loading space requirement and parking space requirement for such building, structure or lot shall be the sum ofthe requirements for each separate use. 2.t3 Lots Divided Into More Than One Zone Where a lot is divided into more than one zone, each such portion of the lot shall be used in accordance with the permitted uses of this By-law for the zone where such portion of the lot is located. However, for the purposes of determining zone provisions such as minimum lot area, minimum lot frontage and yard requirements, the entire lot shall be considered. 2,t4 Non-Complying Buildings, Structures And Lots 2.14.1 Alterations To Non-Complying Buildings And Structures: Nothing in this By-law shall prevent the enlargement, reconstruction, renovation or repair of an existing, non-complying building or structure or the enlargement, reconstruction, renovation or repair ofan existing building or struçture on an existing, non-complying lot provided such enlargement, reconstruction, renovation or repair shall not: (a) increase the portion of the lot area covered by buildings if such coverage exceeds the applicable maximum building area permitted herein; (b) reduce the size of any yard adjoining that portion of such building or structure which is less than the applicable minimum building setback required herein; (c) reduce the distance between two buildings if such distance applicable minimum building separation required herein; is less than the 8 52 TOWNSHIP OF OPS COMPREHENSIVE ZONING BY-LAW 93-30 OFFICE CONSOLIDATION JUNE 2014 Pagel0oflll an animal or fish glue manufacturing use; a blood boiling use; a chemical processing use; a noxious use; a tannery. 2.17 Parking Area Regulations 2.17.1 Size Each parking space shall be at least 6 metres long, 2.8 metres wide, have an area of at least 17 square metres and a vertical clearançe ofat least 2 metres. 1 114 Location The required parking area shall not form a part of any street, lane, delivery space or loading space. Unless otherwise specified herein, the required parking area shall be provided on the lot occupied by the building, structure ü,use &r ür¡hich such parking area lr"required. 2.17.3 Access Access to parking spaces shall be by means of a driveway at least 2.8 metres wide contained within the lot on which the parking spaces are located and leading to a street or lane located within or adjoining the zone in which tþ use is located. 2.17.4 Surface The parking spaces and their associated driveways and entrances shall be maintained with a stable surface which is treated so as to prevent the raising ofdust or loose particles. 2.17.5 Addition To Or Change Of Existing Use When a building or struçture has insufficient parking spaces on the date of passing of this By-law to comply with the requirements herein, this By-law shall not be interpreted to require that the deficiency be made up until an addition or change of ms ß proposed. No addition may be built and no change of use may occur if the effect of an addition or change ofuse would be to increase such deficiency. 2.17.6 Restrictions In Residential Zones In a Residential Zone, no person shall park more than one vehicle per dwelling unit which is a commercial motor vehicle having a maximum wheelbase of 5,0 metres as defined in the Highway Traffic Act. School buses are exempted from this requirement. 2.17.7 Restrictions In Other Zones In any Residential zone, no person shall park any automobile or commercial motor vehicle unless such vehicle bears a motor vehicle licence plate or sticker which is currently valid. 2.17.8 Requirements Parking spaces are required under this By-law in accordance with the Parking Space Table. t0 53 TOWNSHIP OF OPS COMPREHENSIVE ZONING BY.LAW 93-30 Page 1l OFFICE CONSOLIDATION JUNE 20I4 oflll PARKING SPACE REQUIREMENT TABLE MINIMUM OFF-STREET PARKING TYPE OR NATURE OF USE REQUIREMENTS I parking space for each four persons that may be legally accommodated at any one Assembly Hall, Auditorium, Auction Barn Arena, Community Centre, Place of Worship, Private Club, Farmers Market or other similar places of assembly not otherwise specified herein. time. Automobile Service Station Commercial Garage or Motor Vehicle Service Station or 10 spaces Gasoline Pump Island Bowling Alley 3 parking spaces for each bowling lane. Business and/or Professional Offi ce, Financial Establishment, 1 Retail Commercial Establishment, Commercial Greenhouse or Nursery, Personal Service Shop including a Home Occupation or Home Industry. Curling Rink parking space for each2ï square metres ofgross floor area ofthe building directly related to the specified permitted use. 4 parking spaces for each curling sheet plus 1 parking space for each 4 persons that may be accommodated at any one time. 11 54 OFFICE CONSOLIDATION JUNE 2014 TOWNSHIP OF OPS COMPREHENSIVE ZONING BY-LAW 93-30 Page12ofl11 MINIMUM OFF-STREET PARKING TYPE OR NATURE OF USE REQUIREMENTS 1 parking space for each 9 square metres or fraction thereof of gross floor area Dry Cleaners Establishment with a minimum requirement offour spaces. Eating Establishment or Tavern I parking space for each 15 square metres or fraction thereof, or I parking space for each 4 persons or fraction thereot or legal capacity, whichever is greater. Eating Establishment, Drive-In I parking space for each 2 square metres or fraction thereof of gross floor area. Farm Implement Sales and Service Motor Vehicle Dealership I parking space for each 5 square metres net floor area. Golf Course 24 parking spaces for each t holes of golfing facilities Home for the Aged, Nursing Home I parking space for each four beds or fraction thereof. Hotel, Motel, Resort, College 1.5 parking spaces or Cabin Establishment, Tourist Establishment or Camping Establishment guest room, cottage, cabin or camp site. Liquor Licensed Premisesn 1 parking space for each 4 persons that may be legally accommodated at any one exclusive ofan eating establishment, but including an entertainment lounge, public house or lounge licensed in accordance with The Liquor Licence Act, as amended, and the Regulations thereunder. for each time. I parking space per 37 square metres ofgross floor Manufacturing, Processing, Assembling or Fabricating Plant, Wholesale Establishment or Warehouse. area or portion thereof. t2 55 TOWNSHIP OF OPS COMPREHENSIVE ZONING BY-LAW 93-30 OFFICE CONSOLIDATION Page 13 iuNE oflll 2014 MINIMUM OFF-STREET PARKING TYPE OR NATURE OF USE REQUIREMENTS Marina 1.5 parking spaces for every 1 boat slip and I parking space for every 8 square metres of gross floor area commercial use, exclusive to devoted of storage area. Medical, Veterinary or Dental Clinic, or Offìces of a Drugless Practitioner space for each examination 5 parking spaces per practitioner, plus I parking room exceeding 5 such rooms per office. I parking space for each 35 square metres ofgross floor aÍea, Post Office, Museum, Art Gallery, Public Library Residential 2 parking spaces per dwelling unit. Schools (i) Elementary The greater of: (a) 1.5 parking spages per classroom; or (b) 1 parking space per 9 square metres of gross floor area in the gymnasium; or (c) I parking space per 9 square metres of gross floor area in the auditorium. (ii) The greater of: Secondary (a) 4 parking spaces per classroom; or (b) I parking space per 9 square metres ofgross floor area in the auditorium 1 parking space for each five seating spaces Undertaking Establishment or fraction thereof with a minimum ten parking spaces. Workshop I of parking space per 35 square metres of gross floor area. I parking space per 35 square metres of gross floor area. Uscs Permitted by this By-law other than those listed in this Table 13 56 OFFICE CONSOLIDATION TOWNSHIP OF OPS COMPREHENSIVE ZONING BY-LAW 93-30 Page51 JUNE 2014 oflll Planting Strip Location A planting strip shall be required along any portion ofa rear lot line and any portion ofa side lot line which abut a Residential zone or which abut a lot containing a Residential use. Planting Strip Width (minimum): 3 metres Gasoline Pump Island Setbacks (minimum) (a) from any street line (b) from any other lot line 4.5 metres 6 metres Open Storage Area Regulations No open storage area shall be located: (a) in a front yard or a exterior yard; or (b) in a rear yard adjacent to a rear lot line of such lot which abuts a Residential zone or abuts a lot containing a Residential use; or (.c)' in a side yard adjacent to a side lot line of such lot which abuts a Residential zone or abuts a lot containing a Residential use; or (d) closer than 6 metres to any lot line if combustible materials are stored there; or (e) closer than 6 metres to any lot line unless it is enclosed by a fence at least 1.8 metres high and of solid masonry, wood or plastic materials; or (Ð closer than 30 metres to any watercourse or water body. General Provisions In addition to the above, the provisions of Section 2 shall apply Setbacks from Residential Uses The following minimum setbacks shall be required between the industrial uses permitted in Section 12.1 and a residential lot. light industries medium industries heavy industries . 60 metres . 90 rnetres .300 metres Existing industrial uses and / or lots and those industries listed as Other Industries in Section 12.l are exempt from this requirement. (B/L 93-42) 12,3 Exceptions 12.3.1 General Industrial Exception One (M-l) Zone Notwithstanding the permitted uses in the General Industrial (M) Zone to the contrary, within the General Industrial Exception One (M-l) Zone,lhe following shall apply: Residential Uses . prohibited Non-Residential Uses aerodrome 5l 57 rq\ta ft 3'. ¡t {t) F Sc/daOu THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER REPORT # PL2001-260 Committee of the Whole Date: October 1,2001 Subject: Request for exemption from Site Plan Control for lands described as Lot 12, Plan 621, Geographic Township of Ops, City of Kawartha Lakes, known as 12 Walsh Road. Author: Caroline Kimble Signature Phone: E-Mail: 324-9411, ext. 330 ckimble@citv. kawarthalakes. on. ca Position: Senior Planner Corporate File# L04-33 Departmental Report # PL2001-260 RECOMMENÐATION{S}: 1.1 THAT Report PL2001-260 be received for information; 1_2 AND THAT Council exempt ihe lands described as Lot 12,P\an621, Geographic Township of Ops, City of Kawartha Lakes, known as 12 Walsh Road from the requirements of By-Law 94-12 and By-Law 87-15 as amended {being Site Plan Control By-Laws} of the former Township of Ops for the purpose of constructing three additional mini storage units and related services thereon. DIRECTOR: \i 'J al( OTHER TREASURER'S APPROVA (if applicable) CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER GOMMENTS: (if applicable) /lc rinr, 58 INISTRATIVE OF C9 -;.tth) Report# PL2AU-260 Exemption from Site PIan Approval Fotmer Township of Ops - Mini Storage - Thorne Page 2 af3 BACKGROUND: Proposal Owner I ïo exempt the proposed development of three mini-storage units from the requirements of Site Plan Control. The lands are located east of County Road 36 (Verulam Rd) and the former Town of Lindsay boundary, in the geographic TownshÌp of Ops. Applicant: Rosemary and William Thorne Legal Description: Lot 12, Plan 621, Geographic Township of Ops, City of Kawartha Lakes. Official Plan Desrgnated lndustrlal on Schedule 'A' of the Township of Ops Official Plan Zoning: General lndustrial (M) Zone Site Size: The lot is approximately 5.7 hectares (14 acres) and has (364.9 ft.) of frontage on Walsh Road. Existing Use: The lands currently support three storage buildings with the balance of the lands being vacant 11 1m Planning Comments: The effect of the exemption of site plan contiol would be limited. The proposed development extends the existing development of three mini siorage units to a iotal of slx units. The past practice of the Township of Ops was that this type of development did not require Site Ptan Approval and no Agreement was required unless specifically identified 'by way of a zoning provision (i.e, (H) holding symbol). The current owners purchased the propeÍy on June 1, 2OA1 and understood that no Site Plan Approval or Agreement would be required to construct the three units currently proposed. Upon confirmation with the Planning Department, the owners were advlsed that Site Plan Approval does apply to the fands within the General lndustrial (M) Zone. Therefore, the solicitor on behalf of the owners has requested that the City of Kawartha Lakes proceed with the past practice of the Township of Ops in refation to the Site Plan Approvan for the three units currently proposed. The solicitor has provided a written request for exemption from the site plan approval process to enable construction within the current building season. A copy of the letter is attached as Appendix " 4" io this report. 59 r,u {ù Repoñ# PL2AU-260 Exemptíon from Site PIan APProval Former Township of Ops - Mini Storage - Thorne Page 3 of3 Due to the past practice of the former Township of Ops, and the understanding that the owners had related to site plan approval, Planning Staff is in a positlon to recommend exemption of the requirement for Site Plan Approval. Staff also note however, that although this report recommends exemption related io the three units currently proposed, this does not exempt the owner from all other applicable law, including zoning provisions and Building Code requirements. The exemption relates to the three units only and does not extend to the additional units proposed in the future where site plan approval may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. A copy of the reduced site pfan as submitted for building permit is attached as Appendix "B" to this report. Circulation Comments None to date Other Comments: Appendices: Appendix A - Letter from Jack Laurion on þehalf of owners, dated Sept. 17, 2001 Appendix B - Reduced Site Plan, submitted for Building Permit Issuance 60 SËP-l?r0i i,. 'Jf] Sû5B4I33BE /'g nntr)rx 'É'' Tb Rernßr TLbPt-'LbÒ(4\ {, t/ L,ruRrûN & -&ssocl-tTnS LAUR]OI{ & |10N 12:Û2 IìSSOCJATTS FA]'( NC, Eorrister's,sÉriìcíturs & Trade MarK Agents September 17,2ü01 DELIVERED BY FAX Mayor Art Truax and Courci! The Corporatior'¡ of the City of Kawartha Lakes Eox 9000 26 Fra$sis Street Lindsay. Ontario KgV 5R8 I)ear Mayor Re: .4.rt Truax anri Council & lVilliam Thorne IZ lYalsh lto¡d' LindsaY RorcmarY I.ûtlã' PIan 621 rililliam acquired the above Thonre, I aln the larvyer for Ms. Thotne, wllo, with her husband, business and has a self-storage as used is being *^ *¿ property ou June 1, 2001. This propelry existencc' in currenily units iftrJ" CI mini storage city of Kawarlha Lakes dated Mey ¿tacha{ for yr.rrr information is a c<rpy of a. letter ræ.ei\¡ed ftom It, ioot" conrrrming that the existing three srorage units were properly approved' 1, 20û1' \tc were advised by the city of Kawarlha ÏYhen my clienr purchased this properþ'on June pt*t for.a- development this size' My clienrs Lakcs thar the Township of Ops rlid not requrt" tlt" units rhar triey woukr be able ro expand the storage thererore purchased ürrïñ.i,y oo irru uaiis provided bv thc cirv witbour thc need fr, -;f,;;i;ug-..nrrnt. i¡rt ir thã infor¡ration wr werr c¡f Kawar¡ha l.akes an M.aY 3ì, ?Û0I' an additionat fhreç f3) storage units' My client r¡ould now liks to invæt in he¡ property and install ro obtain approval. Mr-. Darøiger advi sed that trve have becn in contact with ffi. nicha¡d Darøiger \venowneecitowriteyoutorequesta,.exempto''fromthereqrriremerrtfornsiteplarrâlreement storage units' for the installation of the additional tiucc (3) mini clients as thsir formal request for an exemption Therefore, pleâse âccept this leuer on behalf of my for the installation of tlree (3) additional mir-ri storage the requirement for a site plan agreement units for the above referenced proPeÍy' 41 Wellington gtreet fål3t, Aurorå' OntåriÞ L4G 1H6 TelerJnone {g,J') 841.22?2 Fax (9O5) 84i-3388 61 Êmail laurion,law@svmpatico'ca S[P-l?-01 LAURION & l10N 12:03 i', FAX NC. 9058413388 ASSOTIATTS JUI'¡ The Corporfiiion of The CitY Of Køwørthø Løkes Laurion & Associatcs Jack Lau¡ion 41 tvVeltington Street East Aur{rra, ON L4G tI-I6 Thornep/f Cavaliere l l Wâlsh Road, TownshiP of OPs Lakes now in the citv Re: DEa¡ Sir: "M" permitting âtnoilg other uses a The above notêd¡lïopçrty is zoncd Gçnertl Indrstrial and r" ã U"ifaing ottttt of a building. used for the storage wareho'se which is include or articles and may dist¡ibution of gooAs,-iarer,mcrchandiãq subsmn"cs that they do not c}:ceed lo provided outlc{ Iasilitics fr¡r awholes"r.ï.t*n cor¡mercial Iut strall nof i.nclude ã ruck of transport terminal or ¡"ard' gro* d;dJ f*Jo* per cenf of thc i{buildingpemitwasissucdinlgggfor2oftheunitsa¡rdafurtherpermítrvuqis'suedin 2û00 for ttrç tbi¡d storage unit" I trust this ìs the informatioa you require' SincerelY, *.{-"*"- d'^t'l¡ Porrna'l'amblYn Buitding DePartment (compuier generâted signaturc) Lindsay Branoh ÐcveloPment Sewicçs Ontrrio l'?V 4S5 FO Box 630, 180 Kent Street Wcst, Lindsay' 3t'4"6171cxt 288 far (?05) 3?'41t)51 tete: iros) e'mail: donna.tamblyn@town'lind$ây'on'ca website: ltú'kawarthalakes'on'câ 62 -5 ç May 31,2001 r.i ¿l 20111 ttftr\ stP*l?-Oill0N12:03LAURI0N&AssOclATEsFA}{N0.905B4133B8 i" uiç) Pagc 2 me an5'ttme I thmk you in advance for yorrr considaation of this re4uest. Please feel free to contact should you I ravc iruy qucstions or Youta very if I can be of any assisurice' trul¡ & Associates Enclosure c: Mr. Rich¿rdDanáger Direstor of Slra[egio ând Land Use Pla-rning Ms. Rosemary Thonoe 63 ø B 64 {. q il t t1 Þ s\\ L--* rû- rl thi lst f\ t{t tL &,+." r-* t Þ rl -¡E- I z-.t U, m (} t¡ !0 xm E _íL -t o _ ri_ Itî a, tll o fÌt { CX,€æG ÈlF t, Þ GN fT É}ruÉ¡.¿,é- oå^¡. gt-...- t + Í- r fuafl --J - -'-l * -J - -t --J --'-t ¡ I I I I' ô' lù ô. b lo: t l' 'ö' Ib T. o q :'õ r- I l' !- R** & L_- iH, r-- "4% freæ / cs:3 'I J t th I ìI s\ þ \It \ i*' Lr I k l$ It I b 5 L q I I -t I 6- tt} ; t'J nl stv ì^\ U ^\l 1ù s å ü] X t\\ Þ -11 I I I I I i r g C a \í G (t. ñ õ g I c! ñ 6 N ñ co COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MINUTES cw2001-19 Monday, October 1,2001 Page 12 of '!9 ãûøved by Councillor Rabinson, seconded by Councillor Jack, REGOiiiIEND THAT Report PL2OO1-260 be received for information; and THAT Council exempt the lands described as Lot 12, Plan 621, Geographic Township of Ops, City of Kawartha Lakes, known as 12 Walsh Road from the requirements of By-law 94-12 and By-law 87-15 as amended (being Site Plan Control By-laws) of the former Township of Ops for the purpose of constructing three aCditional mini storage units and related services thereon' .ARRTED cw2001-753 5.12 Robert Griffiths, Senior Planner Aggregate Resources Act Licence for a Pit on Part of Lot 3, Conc. 6, Geographic Township of Emily Applicant: William R. Mahood PL2001-264 Moved by Councillor Robe¡tson, seconded by Councíllor Polito, RECOMMEND THAT Report PL2OO1-264 be received; and THAT a detailed reviet,, cf the pit application by staff be prepared for the Octcber 9th Council meeting. GARRIED eW200í-754 Councillor White left the Council Chambers during discussion of ltem 5.13 due declared pecuniary interest. 5.13 Trevor Lewis, Manager of Engineering Services Reiease of Easement - Manorview Subdivision (Nursing Home) to his EPW2001-119 Moved by Councillor Polito, seconded by CouncÍllor O'Reilly, RECOttIMEND THAT Report EPW2001-119 be received; and THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute a release of Part 2, Plan 57R6668 upon receipt of a deed to a right-of-way to access the municipal land to the east of McLaughlin Road. GARIED CW2001-755 5.i4 John Robíson, Chiei Administrative Offieer Departmental Activity Update UAUZUUl.J.' Moved by Councillor O'Reilly, seconded by Councillor Warren, RECOIñMEND THAT Report CAO2001-33 be received and filed. GARRIED CW2001-756 Maved Þy Councilior Polito, seconded by Couneiííor White, RECOMMENÐ THAT the CAC prepare a draft policy on the 20A2 aperating and capital budget preparation, including how and when these budgets will be presented to Council, for the October 15,2001Committee of the Whole meeting. -757 CARRIED 65 COMM¡TTEE OF THE WHOLE MINUTES cw200l-t9 Monday, October 1,2001 Page 11 of19 Moved by Councillor Luff, seconded by Councillor Jack, RECOMIiIIEND THAT Report PL20O1-252 be received; and THAT the Tourist Commercial Exception Three (C3-3) Zone be replace with the Rural ResidentialType One Exception Two (RR1-2) Zonelor the subject lands described as 2358 County Road 48, NWBR, Part Lot 30, in the geographic Township of Bexley (Kroth). GARR¡ED CW200l-750 5.9 Doug Carroll, Area Planner An application to amend Zoning By-law No. 12-95 to change the zone category from Tourist Commercial (C3) to Rural Residential type Three Exception Sixteen (RR3-16) The subject property is 39 Leslie Frost Lane, Conc. 9., Part Lot 7, Pleasant Point, in the geographic Township of Fenelon (Jeffries) PL200r-253 Moved by Councillor Marsh, seconded by Councillor McOee, RECOltlli,lEND THAT Report PL2OO1-253 be defened pending a report from Director Danziger outlining the concerns identified in the September 2, 2OO1 letter attached to Report PL2001-253' cwzoarTsl 'ARRTED 5.10 Doug Carroll, Area Planner An application to amend Zoning By-law No. 78-45 to change the zone category from General industrial (M2) and Disposal lndustrial Exception One (M4-1) to Rural ResidentialType One (RR1) and Rural General (RG) respectively. The subject property is 3265 County Road 121, Conc. 8, East Part Lot 1, in the geographic Township of Somerville (Kinsman) PL2001-254 Moved by Councillor Huke, seconded by Councillor Ashmore, RECOMIUEND THAT Report PL20O1-254 be received; and THAT the General lndustrial (M2) and lndustrial Disposal (M4-1) Zones be replaced wíth the Rural Residential Type One (RR1) and Rural General (RG) Zones, respectively, for the subject lands described as 3265 County Road 121, Conc,8, East Part Lot 1, in the geographic Township of Somerville (Kinsman). GARRIED CW20AL752 5.1'1 Caroline Kimble, Senior Planner Request for exemption from Site Plan Controlfor lands described as Lot 12, Plan 621, Geographic Township of Ops, City of Kawartha Lakes, known as 12 Walsh Road 66 6¡2001-260 i{ THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER REPORT #.FL2002-O57 Meeting Date: May 28,2402 Council Subject: WARD: ll Application to amend Zoning By-law No. 93-30 to change the zone category from the Agricultural Support {AS) Zone to Agricultural Support Exception Nine (AS-9) for the lands described as Part East Half of Lot 16, Concession 4, geographic Township of Ops, City of Kawartha Lakes. Author: Phone: E-Mail: Position: Caroline Kimble Signature: 324-9411, ext. 330 ckimble@city. kawartha Senior Planner Departmental Report # PL2002-057 Gorporate File # D06-33-036 RECOMMENDATIONS THAT Report PL2002-057 be received; and THAT Council adopt a by{aw to change the zone category from the Agricultural Support (AS) Zone to Agricultural Support Exception Nine (AS-91for the lands described as Part East Half of Lot 16, Goncession 4, geographic Township of Ops, City of Kawartha Lakes to permit the development of a maximum of four dry ministorage units with a minimum 7m setback from the front, rear and interior DIRECTOR: i .-" i \\/¿- OTHER: TREASURER'S APPROVAL: (if applicable) CHIEF AÐMINISTRATIVE OFFICER COMMENTS: (if applicable) CHIEF A 67 TIVE O R t) 1 t[a\ HICKSON - . Reporl#PL20A2-A57 OPS, LITTLE ER|TAIN ROAD * Rezoning D^^^4 ^rn tagçLwtl sideyards, in addition to the uses norrnally permitted in the Agricultural Support iAS)Zone. Backqround Location North side of Little Britain Road, west of the intersection with Highway 7, as Part East Half of Lot 16, Concession 4, geographic Township of Ops, City of Kawartha Lakes. Please refer to Appendix 'A' described Official Plan: Designated Agricultural Suppart on Schedule 'A' of the Township of Ops Official Plan. Zone Zoned Agricultural Support (*ASJ on Schedule'A'to By-law No. 93-30. Lot Size & Servicinq: The subject lands are approximatety 0.33 ha. {0.82 ac.), with 60.96 m. (20û ft,) frontage on Little Britain Road 4. Ðue to the nature of the proposed use, the owner does not propose to service the lands with water or sewer. The stormwater will be managed on site with sheet drainage, ProggsqU To change the Agricultural Support Zone to the Agricultural Support Exception Nine (AS-9) Zone, which would reflect'the minimum lot area of 0.33 ha., and reduced front and rear yard setbacks to 7m respectively. Rationale The Applicant/Owner has requested an amendment to ihe Township of Ops Comprehensive Zoning By-Law #93-30 to permit the development of a maximum of four dry mini-storage units with a minimum 7m setback from the front, rear and interior side yards, in addition to the uses normally permitted in the Agricultural Support (AS) Zone. Due to the size and locaiion of the subject fands, it is not suitable for production and has been identified in the Township of Ops Official Plan as being preserved to protect the agricultural economy from incompatible uses lhat may inhibit production. The application does not contravene the spirit or intent of the Victoria County Official Ptan. The application does not contravene the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS). The proposed Agricultural Support Exception Nine {AS-9) Zone will require a minimum lni arca nf Õ ?? hr /O R) eo. \ a minimum frnnl r¡erl colhank ¡f 7ry','e minirnrrm roarr¡qrrl setback of 7m (22.96 ft.); a minimum landscaped area of 17,3%; and a [ot coverage of 33.0% for the mini storage units. The exceptions to the performance standards for the minimum setbacks, landscaped area and lot coverage is intended to be specific to the mini storage units only. Any devefopment of the lands for uses otherwise permitted in the Agricultural Support (AS) Zone would be subject to ihe performance standards of that Zone. ''-.\-.--s9'/)!il¡'úl¡lll The predominant uses in the Agricultural Support Designation of the lands is for those uses that serve the agriculturaf community, including such uses as farm implement saìes and service equipment, Planning Staff are of the position thai the use of the lands for mini-storage is in keeping with the types of uses identified by lhe Official Plan as examples and that the units could serve the agricultural community while protect¡ng the agricultural economy from incompatible uses which may inhibit production, 68 ? itl) Hi CKSO/V Report ltPL2002-057 ROAD _ RCZON\Ng Page 3 of3 _ APS, LITTLE BRITAIN The Agricultural Support (AS) Zone currently applied to the lands would perm¡t a warehouse for agricultural produce sales, The proposed development of the lands for mini-storage units would be in keeping with the nature of the warehouse use and the lands would function in a similar manner. A Public Meeting was held on October 23,zA01 by the Planning Advisory Committee for ihe City of Kawartha Lakes. There was no objection or concerns identified by the public. Due to some concerns regarding potential contamination of the site, it was recommended by staff that the owner seek confirmation from a qualified professional, that all existing and potential sources of pollution (soil contamination) have been corrected on the subject lands prior to the draft by-law proceeding for consideration in compliance with the policies of the Ops Offìcial Plan, The concerns were based on information regarding the former use of the lands for a petroleum dispensing depot. Council adopted a resolution requiring the testing and correction if necessary. An Environmental Site Remedíation report has been submitted by Grace and Associates on April 23, 2002 on behalf of the owner. The report concludes, among other things that no significant contarnination remains on site and no further clean-up is anticipated. A copy of the Conclusions and Recommendations section of the report is attached as Appendix "B" to this report. A copy of this report was circulated to the Engineering Division of the Engineering and Public Works Department, Chief Building Officiat and Fire Prevention Officer for the City of Kawartha Lakes. No concerns have been expressed by any of the circulated departments. Planning Staff accept the report and are satisfied with the conclusions and therefore, recommend proceeding with the rezoning. Other A lternatives Considered : None to date. Financial Consideratiqns None. Gonsultations: The application has been circulated as per the requirements of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13. Comments were received from Kawartha Conservation advising that they have no objection to the apptication. No further written comments have been received from the circulated agencies/departments and/or the public, Appendicies AppendixA-KeyMap Appendix B - Excerpt from Environmental Site Remediation Report 69 Ap¡røxlk '/]t /t, ?¿..rrrt -lt'Lz.osz'ü51 2.44) Geographic TownshiP of OPs Lot 16 U} 'LAND TO BE ZONED AS-?' a {-, U' o C o a- õ) C .J <L ? Little Britain Rd. ri É. Lot 15 Concess¡on 4 70 E E Appzncüx I z.#ç> Tuza>z-as-Ì 6' Project No. R0l'175 Envíronme nÍal Síte Remedintío n Lot 16' Conc. 4, OPs TownshíP Ivlr. Ca¡I Hickson Aprìl15, 2002 Page II 7.0 .-CONCITUSIONS AN"D REÇOMMENDATTONS west of Highway 7 in Part East Half of The subjectproperty is located on Little Britain Road Lakcs' The site was Lot 1ó, Concession 4, geagraphic Township of ops, city of Kawartha fuel storage fãcility depot and bulk forrnerry occupied by a shell Limired petroläum dispensing which operated Prior to 1978. Carl Hickson to change the This investigation was required in support of an application by Exceprion seven (AS-7) for the zoning from Agricurtural support (AS) io AgricultuiJ support construction of four mini-storage units' and seven soil samples were Six test pits were excavated to assess hydrocarbon contaminatioû, The foliowing conclusions are based on anaiyzed to assess site contamination and remediation. the ðnvironmentå,l investigation described above: 1. clay. lt is overiain by sand and The principal soil type on the site is silty sand with trace below grade at thc lime gravel fill and by topsoil. The water taùle was 1.8 to 2.0 metres of inspection. 2. between 1'5 and 3'5 metres Soils with hydrocarbon staining and odour were encountered the M.O'E.E' clean-up below grade in Test pir-2. A sample of the stained soil exceeded groundwater criteria' No other criteria for total petroleum hydroôarbons under potåble test pirs exhibited signs of hydrocarbon contamination. 3. the site. confirmatory sampling About 560 m3 0f contaminated soil was removed from property meets the clean-up following rernoval of the contaminated soil indicates that the guidelines ibr a potable groundwater condition' 4. Newcastle Recycling Limited supplied clean 5, isolated pockets of soils with No significant coiltamination remains on the site. Although ,- -.r-- -^-L^! nn firrther clean-un :riS --'i::---'-¡'-----' a¡liCifiated' llyu¡uç4tuur¡ ûdûüís iïìa] Íernâlfr, ii'J iu¡l¡:ui L¡*¡: çij 6. with clean Frll' Settlement of filled areâs may occur and should be levelled Gß.,\C E ¡T ¡lSSOCi.{ l"ES 71 fiil for site restoration' Geological & Environ¡nettlal Consubsnls cc2002 - 15 COUNCIL MINUTES TUESDAY, MAY 28,2002 ?age 13 of 24 7.4 Wayne Hancock, Director of Engineering and Public Works George Brown, Manager of Purchasing Tender No.2002-24 For the supply and delivery of Traffic Signs and Miscellaneous Hardware cs2002-50 Moved by Cauncillor Jack, seconded by Councillor Barrett RESOLVED THAT Report CS2002-50 be received; and THAT Tender No. 2002-24 for the supply and delivery of traffic signs and miscellaneous hardware be awarded to Guild Electric Limited, Scarborough, ON at the corrected tendered price of $53,01 1.94, including taxes. cARRtEp CR2002-605 7.5 PL2002-O57 Caroline Kimble, Senior Planner Application to amend Zoning ByJaw NO. 93-30 to change the zone category from the Agricultural Support (AS) Zone to Agricultural Support Exception Nine (AS-9) for the lands described as Part East Half of Lot 16, Concession 4, geographic Township of Ops, City of Kawartha Lakes Moved by Councillor Jack, seconded by Councillor Barrett RESOLVED THAT Report PL20O2-A57 be received; and THAT Council adopt a by-law to change the zone category from the Agricultural Support (AS) Zone to Agricultural Support Exception Nine (AS-9) for the lands described as Part East Half of Lot 16, Concession 4, geographic Township of Ops, City of Kawartha Lakes to permit the development of a maximum of four dry mini-storage units with a minimum 7m setback from the front, rear and interior side yards, in addítion to the uses normally permitted in the Agricultural Support (AS) Zone. GARRIED CR2002-606 7.6 Rosalie Evans, Solicitor/Clerk Request for Temporary Extension of Liquor Licence - Lakeview Banquet Hall cAo20a241 Moved by Councillor Ashmore, seconded by Councillor Luff RESOLVED THAT Report #CAO 200241, "Lakeview Banquet Hall Request for Approval for Music Festival", be received; and THAT the Solicitor/Clerk be authorized to write the letter of approval requested by Mr. Archer, the proprietor of Lakeview Banquet Hall, in the same manner as occurred last year, that is, that the Archers be advised that Council has no objection to the event subject to the temporary liquor licence extension having the following requirements: (a) Appropriate liability insurance being in place; and (b) Event security being provided with a minimum of two paid duty police officers with additional coverage provided as deemed necessary by the Ontario Provincial Police. CARRIED CR2002-607 72 cc2002 - 15 COUNCIL MINUTES TUESÐAY, MAY 28, 2OO2 I A9g 7.7 ll vr 4l Items extracted from 5.3.2 Community and Emergency Services Committee Meeting c&82002-79 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Lufî RESOLVED THAT Report CCS2002-51, "Re-worked Sponsorship and Dedication Policy" be referred back to staff. GARR|ED CR2002-608 c&E2002-81 Moved by Councillor Marsh, seconded by Councillor Luff RESOLVED THAT Staff be directed to prepare, in conjunction with the Health Unit, a City of Kawartha Lakes Tobacco Free By-Law. DEFEATEÐ Mawad hv ênttnoíllar Paha¡íct¡¡¡ coo¡st¡¡la¡l hv l].attnoíIlal, Iaok RESOLVED THAT Report M2002-03, "Tobacco Control By-Lara/' be received; THAT a Task Force entitieci "eity of Kawartha Lakes Tobacco eontroi By-Law Task Force" þe appointed to develop and implement a public consultation process that results in the development of a Tobacco Control By-Law to be recommended to Council; THAT the Task Force consist of three members of Council and members of the public as recommended by the CouncilTask Force members; THAT a Terms of Reference for the Task Force and the complement of members of the public be returned to Council for approval; THAT the consultation process be completed and the By-Law recommendation(s) be submitted to Council by October 22,2002. GARR|ED CR2002-609 c&E2002-83 lilloved by Councillor O'Reilly, seconded by Councillor Teel RESOLVED THAT Report SSHVM20O2-18, "Mandatory Benefits - Medical Transportation", be approved in order to provide medical transportation reimbursements and related expenses to eligible Ontario Works participants. GARRIED CR2002-610 c&E2AO2-84 Moved by Councillor Barrett, Seconded by Councillor Luff RESOLVED TI{AT Report SSHVM20A2-21, "Discretionary Assistance-DentalWork and Dentures", be approved to provide assistance with the cost of emergency dental work and dentures to Ontario Works and Ontario Disability Support Act participants aged 16 years and over. CARRIED GR2OO2-611 c&E2002-85 Moved by Councillor Teel, Seconded by Councillor McGregor RESOLVED THAT Report SSHMV2002-26, "Acquisition of Defibríllators for the City of Kawartha Lakes" be referred back to the Community & Emergency Services Committee 73 E çì J; t,"21 !à;l ,^ 3n ¡Ë : z J ! ! tIJ o o 0 o 4 o z o o ot N J d. t-Ø f o z J d uJ z uJ (t) ts o U) F tU) ul tU) l l1 \ /1 I I i l5 ,lr ,rArr lrn(t?H"S o z u U J I 5 I Él È I z ¡ Í fr I õ 5 I ü 6 p f U 2 á $ 3 E ó 2 sågg'*ååË 39 _,u :å /" ð È 5 ¡l -l ¡l I i I ! I -þ .ì\ 1:, ll llll rl e ; l[,'ir. -!1.: illi lüll,i'' rtli 1¡ .ri\__ ì\ 1..\ È ¡ qb I E ëËE 5 åEå lr. 1:Ìr- l;. \ìr, À_-_ Ir t- o odÈ T. 92 __ 3d Èa Àlr ,_, .:'^- l'ì t .4: :5 9Z itl ' o J // \ lll ,llr 'i,\ 'ì\ t, âq _,é__ ãø t*,I -ð ,,\::ìj_ì .-. "---:/.-..)l' ...t:J=_____7.,t .: .a::: \ læ zo ã= d< od U ts õ È ñÞ :\______- I _ _____. _ .1Ëlt IL J+ qqí\, .d ___ s z É o R É E ,' I l ii; l I i I ",'E ! I i I I qvou HSrvM ,l o å I Ë I d 74 t unoc.rll'V-', * -¡*.t A GUIDE TO THE SITE PLAN APPROVAL PROGESS 75 CITY OF KAT4/ARTHA LAKES .ctrî pr aN GtÌtnp. Note: In cases where the development proposed is quite complex and all necessary information cannot be provided on a single plan, then additional plans such as a grading plan and/or a landscape plan, 2.4 will be required as outlined. Circulation of Plans Upon receipt of plans acceptable for review, the site plan will be circulated to the applicable Departments and agencies as outlined on the attached Appendix "D". Replies containing recommendations and conditions to be imposed on the plans and/or the site plan agreement are to be returned to the Development Services Department within 15 days. If a reply cannot be provided within this time period, the Development Services Department should be notified and an extension requested. If no comments are provided and no extension has been requested, it is assumed that the department or agency has no comments or requirements. 2.5 Approval of Plans comments, a post circulation letter will be prepared by the Development Services Department and sent to the applicant/owner outlining concerns or requirements of the commenting agencies including requests for revisions to the site plan. The applicant/owner is asked to concur in writing with the requirements and revisions that are outlined in the post circulation letter. Once the applicant/owner's concurrence letter is received, a memo is prepared by Planning Division staff for consideration of the Director of Development Services. The memo will give background information on the nature of the application, a description of the proposed development, a synopsis of comments from the various commenting agencies and departments, and recommendations to the Director of Development Services who may: Upon receipt of all a) Approve the proposed development. b) Authorize the applicant/owner to enter into a site plan agreement with the City And c) the applicanlowner to deposit with the City a Letter of Credit for development works proposed to be completed on the subject lands. (See Section &,10.1) ,¿iWhorize For the purposes of preparing the planning memo, the applicant/owner will be required to provide to staff with an 8 ll2" x 1 1" reduction of the proposed site plan for inclusion in the staff report. PAGE-8C:\Users\irogers\Documents\Planning and BuildingUanuary 2016\5ite Plan Guide Process (May 2014).doc 76 CITY OE KAVAßTHA,LAKES <ITF PI /AI 2.6 GT IINF Site Plan Agreement Once the Director's approval of the site plan has been received and the Director of Development Services authorizes the owner of the subject lands to enter into a site plan agreement with the City, the Development Services Department prepares a draft site plan agreement and circulates it to the applicant/owner and the City's solicitor for comments. Should there be any disputes as to the inclusion of ceftain clauses in the agreement by the applicant/owner, the applicant/owner may request that any clause of the agreement be reviewed by Council, through the Development and Public Works Services Committee. Once the site plan agreement has been agreed to by the City and the owner, six copies of the agreement are forwarded to the owner for signature. These copies are returned to the City together with the letter of credit or other guarantees provided for by the agreement. The copies are then signed by the Clerk and the Mayor. Once signing is complete, the City will register the agreement on title. All costs in the preparation, execution and registration must be paid by the applicant/owner. Postponements to any mortgages or charges on title must be obtained by the applicant/owner. The applicanlowner may now receive a building permit provided that all other matters are in order. The application for building permit may be initiated by the applicanlowner concuffently with his or her application for site plan approval or anytime thereafter. However, it should be noted that a final building permit will not be granted until after the site plan agreement has been registered. If an Official Plan amendment, rezoning, Committee of Adjustment, or subdivision of land approval is required or is being applied for simultaneous to the site plan control review, the site plan agreement will not be entered into until such time as all applicable approvals are secured. 2.6.1 Bodies Required to Enter into a Site PIan Agreement persons will be required to enter into a site plan agreement once City approval of a site plan has been received. Only those agencies and departments noted in the City of Kawartha Lakes Site Plan Control By-law 2003-21are exempt from entering into a site plan agreement, as such an agreement would not have any effect in law. All 2.7 Referral to City Council b cases where either the applicanlowner or any commenting agency is not satisfied with the terms or conditions of a proposed site plan agreement or the proposed plan(s), a meeting shall be convened by the Director of Development Services. If a solution cannot be arrived at this level, the applicant/owner, a commenting agency or the Director of Development Services may request that the matter be referred to Council through the Development and Public Works Services Committee. PAGE-9C:\Users\irogers\Documents\Planning and BuildirrgUanuary 2016\3ite Plan Guide Process (May 2014).doc 77 CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES <r1-ri p r ,1 /:l IInF ^l 2.8 Appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board In accordance with Section 41(12) of The Planning Act, where the City fails to approve the development plan(s) within 30 days after they are submitted for approval or where the applicanlowner is not satisfied with the terms of the proposed agreement, the applicant/owner may require that the plan(s) or agreement be referred to the Ontario Municipal Board by written notice to the Secretary of the Board and the Clerk of the City. 2.9 Building Permit For a building permit to be issued the development has to meet applicable policies in the applicable Official Plan and applicable zoning requirements in the applicable Comprehensive Zoning By-law. Once the proposal has met the planning requirements and the requirements of the Ontario Building Code and payment of development charge levies has occurred, a building permit will be issued following the registration of a site plan agreement, if required. 2.10 Enforcement The site plan agreement ensures that the development is completed in accordance with the approved plans and within the time limits set in the agreement. In this regard, no person shall make a material change or cause a material change to be made to a plan, specification, document or other information on the basis of which a site plan agreement was signed without notifying, filing details authorization of the Development Services Department. with and obtaining the If any of the works proposed cannot be built as set out in the approved drawings or if changes to any of the works are contemplated by the owner, revised plans must be submitted to the Development Services Department for review and approval. Depending on the nature of the changes/deviations from the approved site plan and drawings, the plans may have to be re-circulated for comment. If this occurs, the applicanlownerwill be responsible for any additional costs incured by the Development Services Department in the re-circulation of the plans. Furthermore, the site plan agreement may have to be amended and re-registered. Again, the applicanVowner will be responsible for costs ffiiated with re-regisüation. 2.10,1 Letter of Credit The site plan agreement also provides for the continued maintenance of the development. To ensure compliance with the agreement, a cash deposit or Letter of Credit is required to be deposited with the City. In order to obtain a reduction or return of the Letter of Credit, the designer shall provide certification that all work has been completed in PAGE C:\Users\irogers\Documents\Planning - IO - and BuildingUanuary 2016\5ite Plan Guide Process (May 2014).doc 78 cffY or, KAWARTHA LAKES SITE PLAN GUIDE accordance with approved plans and specifications or any changes to them as authorized by the Development Services Department. Once the City is in receipt of the certificate of completion, the deposits shall be retumed in accordance with the provisions of the site plan agreement. ?he purpose of the cash deposit or Letter of Credit is, frrst, to ensure that all site works (i.e. landscaping, lighting) are built as shown on the approved plans and to the standards of this Guide. The second purpose of this cash deposit or Letter of Credit is to ensure the satisfactory performance of all work to bc done on public lands and rights-of-way. The amount of the cash deposit or letter of credit shall be sufficient to cover 50%o of the costs of completing the work that is required by the site plan agreement, except parking works, which shall require a 30Yo cash deposit or letter of credit. An estimate of this amount shall be provided by the applicant/owner for review and approval by the Director of Public Works or his designate. The estimate for site works is to be submitted in the form attached as Appendix o'E". The applicanlowner will then have one year to complete all the works as part of the site plan agreement. h specific cases, the applicanlowner will be required to do some work within shorter periods of time as required by the unique conditions and character of the site and surrounding areas. The Letter of Credit shall be in a form acceptable to the City, as issued by the financial institution. 3.0 3.1 SITE PLAN STANDARDS Condition to the Approval of the Site Plan As provided for in Section alQ)@) of The Planning Act R.S.O. 7990, c. P.13, the City of Kawartha Lakes, as a condition to the approval of the site plan and any additional plan(s), may require that the owner of the land provide to the satisfaction of, and at no expense to, the City any or all of the following: a) Widening of highways that abut on the land. b) Subject to the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, facilities to provide access to and from the land such as access ramps and curbing and traffic direction signs. c) Off-street vehicular loading and parking facilities, either covered or uncovered, access driveways, including driveways for emergency vehicles and the surfacing of such areas and driveways. d) Walkways and walkway ramps, including the surfacing thereof, and all other means ofpedestrian access. PAGE - C:\Users\irogers\Documents\Planning 11- and BuildingVanuary 2016\5ite Plan Guide Process (May 2014).doc 79 The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes Planning Report Report Number PLAN2016-032 Date: May 11, 2016 Time: 1:00 p.m. Place: Council Chamber Ward Community Identifier: Subject: Ward 15 Applications for Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment to ,permit a 2 phased "Country Inn" development on a portion of the property described as Part Lots 4 and 5, Concession 2, geographic Township of Emily, Ski Hill Road. (SOBRIAN/KIEZEBRINK) Author/Title: Sherry L. Rea, Planning Coordinator Signature: 2lttN L~i9 Recommendation: RESOLVED THAT Report PLAN2016-032, respecting Part Lots 4 and 5, Concession 2, geographic Township of Emily, City of Kawartha Lakes and being vacant land on Ski Hill Road, Application Nos. 001-16-002 and 006-16-008, be received; THAT a By-law to adopt Official Plan Amendment Application 001-16-002 respecting Part Lots 4 and 5, Concession 2, geographic Township of Emily, now City of Kawartha Lakes, substantially in the form attached as Appendix "D" to Report PLAN2016-032, be approved and adopted by Council; THAT Zoning By-law Amendment Application 006-16-032 respecting Part Lots 4 and 5, Concession 2, geographic Township of Emily, now City of Kawartha Lakes, substantially in the form attached as Appendix "E" to Report PLAN2016032, be approved and adopted by Council; and THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute any documents and agreements required by the approval of this application. Department Head: Corporate Services Director I Other: Chief Administrative Officer: 80 Report PLAN2016-032 Sobrian/Kiezebrink - 001-16-002 & 006-16-008 Page 2 of7 Background: The required statutory public meeting was held by the Planning Committee on March 9, 2016 and following resolution was passed: Moved By; Mayor Letham Seconded By; Councillor Macklem RECOMMEND THAT Report PLAN2016-014, respecting Part Lots 4 and 5, Concession 2, Geographic Township of Emily, and being vacant land on Ski Hill Road, Application Nos. 001-16-002 and 006-16-008, be received; and THAT the applications respecting the proposed Official Plan Amendment to the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan and the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment to the Township of Emily Zoning By-law, be referred back to staff for further review and until such time as all comments have been received from circulated Agencies and City Departments. CARRIED This report addresses that direction. The proposal is to permit a two (2) phased "Country Inn" development on the property with Phase 1 to include a 929 sq.m. country estate building with 14 guest rooms, a manager's apartment and a 150 person conference/event room along with 3 small two bedroom cottages/chalets. Phase 2 will include a 1,858 sq.m. lodge with 30 guest rooms and 2 additional conference/event rooms and a 2nd manager's apartment. The area of the phased development represents 31 ha. These applications propose to re-designate portions of the land from the "Rural" designation to the "Tourist Commercial" and "Environmental Protection" designations in the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan and to rezone portions of the land from the Agricultural (A 1) Zone to the Recreation Commercial Exception Two (C3-2) and Environmental Protection (EP) Zones. See Appendix "A" and "8" attached. Owner: Jules and Franees Ann Sobrian Applicant: EcoVue Consulting Services Inc. on behalf of Erika Kiezebrink and Erik and Deborah Kiezebrink Legal Description: Part Lots 4 and 5, Concession 2, geographic Township of Emily, now City of Kawartha Lakes. Official Plan: Designated "Rural" and "Environmental Protection" on Schedule "A-3" of the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan. Zone: Agricultural (A 1) and Environmental Protection (EP) on Schedule "A" of the Township of Emily Zoning By-law No. 1996-30. Total Area: 58.7 ha. Total Area of Phased Development: 81 31 ha. Report PLAN2016-032 Sobrian/Kiezebrink - 001-16-002 & DOS-16-008 Page 3 of 7 Site Servicing: Individual well(s) and private sewage disposal system(s) for the phased development which will include approvals from the Health Unit and from the MOECC in the form of an Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA) for systems greater than 10,000 L/day. Existing Use: Vacant land. Adjacent Uses: North, South and East: Large rural parcels of land including agricultural operations and rural residential uses. West: Agricultural use including equestrian farm with training track. Rationale: The subject property is vacant land on the east side of Ski Hill Road, approximately 1.2 km south of Highway 7 and the former Village of Omemee and is comprised of 58.7 ha. of which 31 ha. is the subject of these development applications. The applicants currently operate Nestleton Waters Inn, a 10 suite bed and breakfast that holds summer tented weddings and other events and propose a new larger facility in the City of Kawartha Lakes that is capable of handling larger weddings, events such as private gatherings, business conferences, artistic performances, culinary tourism and charitable fundraisers and can accommodate additional overnight guests. Applicable Provincial Policies: Staff reviewed the Planning Justification Report prepared by EcoVue Consulting Services Inc. in support of the official plan and zoning by-law amendments and accepts the planning rationale with respect to conformity with the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (Growth Plan) and consistency with the 2014 Provincial Policy Statement (PPS). The applications serve to permit a resource based recreational/commercial use that depends on a rural setting. The applicant has submitted the appropriate background information to justify the development. Official Plan Conformity: The land is designated "Rural" and "Environmental Protection" on Schedule "A-3" of the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan (OP). The proposed development is by definition in the OP, a Tourist Resort. A Tourist Resort is defined as accommodation in the form of rental cottages and cabins, motel and/or hotel that is owned and managed as one establishment that also provides recreational facilities on site for guests. A Tourist Resort is not a permitted use in the "Rural" designation therefore the applicant is requesting an amendment to the OP to redesignate a portion of the subject land to the "Tourist Commercial" designation. For further clarity, the applicant is also requesting a Special Policy Area be applied to permit a "Country Inn" facility defined as follows: 82 Report PLAN2016-032 Sobrian/Kiezebrink -001-16-002 & 006-16-008 Page 4 of 7 "COUNTRY INN shall mean a public lodging or housing establishment in a rural setting offering and providing accommodation and such additional services and attention as are necessarily incidental to the use such as a restaurant, bar, banquet hall, meeting and reception rooms, spa and recreational facilities. Country Inns may also be used for social events or gatherings, (such as weddings), and are permitted to obtain liquor licenses." The balance of the subject property will remain "Rural" and through the review of the Scoped EIS prepared in support of the applications and confirmed by KRCA, additional lands will be designated "Environmental Protection" to protect the natural heritage features identified in the EIS. Section 34.7 of the OP established the entire City of Kawartha Lakes as a Site Plan Control Area applying to all uses except for agricultural, aggregate extraction, forestry, open space and single detached residential uses. Staff recommends that only the developable area be subject to site plan approval. Zoning By-law Compliance: The land is zoned Agricultural (A 1) and Environment Protection (EP) in the Township of Emily Zoning By-law No. 1996-30. The application proposes to rezone a portion of the property to Recreation Commercial (C3) to permit the "Country Inn" use. A site specific Recreation Commercial Exception Two (C3-2) Zone will be applied to clarify the proposed "Country Inn" use which is not a defined term in the Zoning By-law. A comprehensive review of the Township of Emily Zoning By-law confirms that the proposed development will comply with the development standards of the C3 Zone, as well as the general provisions of the By-law, including parking provisions. Staff recommends that the developable area be subject to site plan approval to address the details of development such as access/entrance requirements, parking, lighting (including dark sky initiatives), waste management, fire routes and landscaping. Once the site plan agreement has been registered, the owners would apply to remove Holding Zone, pay the prescribed fee and a By-law to remove the (H) symbol would be prepared for Council's consideration. Issues Identified Through the Circulation Process: There were a number of issues identified through the City's circulation process which includes commenting Agencies, City Departments and the public circulation and they are addressed as follows: Environmental Issues Identified By KRCA KRCA has reviewed the Seeped EIS dated July, 2015 together with an Addendum Letter dated April 7, 2016, both prepared by Snider's Ecological Services. KRCA accepts the recommendations contained in the report and addendum letter being: 83 Report PLAN2016-032 Sobrian/Kiezebrink - 001-16-002 & D00-16-008 Page5of7 1. The erosion hazard associated with the steep slope on the property to be zoned as hazardous (EP). 2. A 30m. buffer around the PSW feature located on the property to be zoned for its protection (EP). 3. The 20m. setback from the eastern boundary in the northeastern corner of the property to be zoned for its protection (EP). 4. The wetland on the eastern side of the property, plus a 2m. buffer, to be zoned for its protection (EP). 5. The significant woodlands on the property, plus a 15 m. buffer, to be zoned for its protection (EP). KRCA has confirmed the findings of the Scoped EIS and confirmed that the size of the environmentally protected areas will be increased. The applicant accepts the larger environmentally protected areas and is still able to proceed with the proposed development. The details of the environmentally protected areas adjacent to the proposed development will be illustrated on the plans prepared through the site plan process. Concerns and Comments Raised Through the Public Process Comments and concerns raised through the public process included noise, lights, fire, natural heritage (wildlife), views, the ability to establish a barn on the property to the north, impact to local wells and objectivity of the 'Planning Analysis' provided by the applicant's agent. The applicant has submitted a very comprehensive response to all of the concerns highlighted above, which is attached as Appendix "C". While Staff is supportive of the efforts made by the applicant and the future owners of the property to address operational concerns, Staff continues to recommend that the developable area be subject to site plan approval which requires that the owners enter into a site plan agreement with the City to confirm the details of development and may include some operational issues. Development Services - Planning Division Comments: The applications for Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment conform to the Growth Plan and are consistent with the 2014 Provincial Policy Statement. Conformity with the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan has been demonstrated and Staff recommends that the applications be APPROVED. Other Alternatives Considered: No other alternatives were considered at this time. 84 Report PLAN2016-032 Sobrian/Kiezebrink - 001-16-002 & 006-16-008 Page 6 of 7 Financial Considerations: There are no financial considerations unless Council's decision to adopt, or its refusal to adopt the requested amendments, is appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board. In the event of an appeal, there would be costs, some of which may be recovered from the applicant. Relationship of Recommendation(s) To Strategic Priorities: The City's Strategic Plan Framework outlines Council's Vision of a Community that is naturally beautiful and offering an exception lifestyle by pursuing Strategic Goals including a Vibrant and Growing Economy, an Exceptional Quality of Life and a Healthy Environment. This application aligns with the Vibrant and Growing Economy and a Healthy Environment in that residents and visitors to the City will have the opportunity to visit a new tourism establishment that is capable of hosting events such as weddings, private gatherings, business conferences, artistic performances, culinary tourism and charitable fund raisers and can accommodate additional overnight guests. In addition, the new tourism establishment offers opportunity to develop business partnerships with local area hotels, restaurants, and niche business products and services. Review of Accessibility Implications of Any Development or Policy: The accessibility standards established by the Building Code will be shown on the subsequent construction drawings, which must be approved by the City prior to the issuance of a building permit. Servicing Comments: The Functional Servicing Report and the Hydrogeological and Geotechnical Study were circulated to the City's Engineering and Corporate Assets and Public Works Departments and KRCA for review and comment and both will continue to comment through the City's site plan approval process. Consultations: No further comments were received subsequent to the preparation of the original staff report and the additional comments presented to the Planning Committee at the Public Meeting. Staff has continued to work with interested parties and the applicant. 85 Report PLAN2016-032 Sobrian/Kiezebrink - 001-16-002 & 006-16-008 Page 7 of 7 Attachments: .,_ Appendix "A" - Location Map Appendix 'A'Location Map.pdf .,_ Appendix "B" - Concept Plan Appendix 'B' Concept Plan. pdf .,_ Appendix "C" - EcoVue Response to Public Comments Appendix 'C' EcoVue Response to 1 .,. Appendix "D"- Draft Official Plan Amendment Appendix 'D' - Draft OffiCial Plan Arrendm .,_ Appendix "E" - Draft Zoning By-law Amendment Appendix 'E' - Draft Zoning By-law Arrend Phone: 705-324-9411 ext. 1331 E-Mail: Department Head: Chris Marshall Department File: 001-16-002 and 006-16-008 86 A:....l---_ APPENorx•--....: t: Mill Pond Con 3 __ (unopened) Con 2 Lot 3 / j --- /;( Lot 4 Lot 5 //:/ 1 I / --~ Geographic Township of Emily . ,:.__ /' 87 Lot 6 Property Boundary Rural Phase1 Etdate 929111' 110.000•1n ·14 ~ ROOfl\'i .2 Bedroom OWner/Manager Apt. -Space lor tent ·150 pe1'&CIII c;OI'Ifenoncafevent room Phssa1A Cottages ·3 two bedmon'l ootteges near the estate Phase 2 (approx. 8 Years) ,...., Lodge 1856m' (20,000'ft} • #1 • 15 Guest rooms• & TO l)4ll"iOr1 conl8tenoalevent room • 112 w1ng - 15 Gue-st toem~' & 150 person conferencelevent 100m • 2 bedroom OwnoriManagar Apt. ..c.ntrai.Area (IUII::hen, spa , gym, lounge) •conllngent on number of..-.. in ootiJICjlea. Aining fu 50 gueat mof1'l& tobol to acxommmod1tll conflll'llnce boaldng need8. Zoning Sketch --~B' ' ~~ ~ ) 88 f <: ~ • DJ ~ &~ ~ I>Qf\..l ~ • 31 l GeorgP. St. N. Suite 200 ~eterborough, ON K9J 3H3 705.876.8340 I F 705.142.B:vn www.ccovuecomulting. corn APPENDIX •_ _ (]:::.::::....._ _ April25, 2016 to City of Kawartha Lakes Development Services 160 Kent Street West Lindsay, ON K9V 2Y6 REPORT /3.Aa.T:5i>tfe~ bot- FILE NO. f~~ o:::a, 'Peh- /f.p -CO<;$'",, Attn: Sherry Rea Co-ordinator - Current Planning Re: OPA & ZSA Applications 001-16-002 and D0&-16·008 Part of Los 4 & 5, Concession 7, former Township of Emily EcoVue Reference 14-1438 Dear Sherry, We have had the opportunity to review the comments received at the public meeting and the written objections from two residents. Out of 13 surrounding neighbours. 8 are supportive (one with questions), 3 are neutral (one with questions), and 2 have written in opposition. The diagram to the right (further explained in Appendix A) shows each of the surrounding properties with the names the owners labeled. The names in black are either in support of the applications or neutral. The names in blue are in opposition to the applications. There has been a total of 19 support letters written to the City of Kawartha Lakes trom immediate neighbours, area residents, and tourism operators. Moreover, several businesses have provided the City with written testimonials of their work experience with the applicants. (For details see APPENDIX A: Country Inn Support) While the applicants appreciate the overwhelming support for the applications, it is important to focus on responding to the concerns raised by some 1esidents. We have attempted to summarize and 89 Response to Public Comments Omemse Country Inn April25, 2016 Page2 respond to each of those concerns below: 1. Noise (& Lights) - Two neighbours (and two members of the Planning Committee), expressed concerns regarding possible noise emanating from the proposed Country Inn facility during events and functions (including music, voices, vehicles, etc.) travelling across the landscape and disrupting the rural quality of life (albeit, one of the neighbours expressing concern supports the applications). Response: • Phase II of the Country Inn will be located at an elevation of 910 feet above sea level (a.s.l.). There is a hill that peaks at an elevation of 288 metres {945 feet) a.s.l. between Phase II and the dwelling located 860 metres (2,821 feet) to the south (owned by Mr. Ross). Mr. Ross's dwelling is located at an elevation of 271 metres (890 feet} a.s.l. and is ostensibly "blocked" from the Country Inn facility. There is also a hill that peaks at 299 metres (980 feet) a.s.l. between Phase II and the dwelling owned by Mr. and Mrs. Denton, which is located 876 metres from the closest part of the Inn facmty. Mr. and Mrs. Denton's dwelling is located at 289 metres (947 feet) a.s.l. and is also "blocked" from the Country Inn facility. • In order to provide the perspective of someone living near a wedding venue such as the proposed Country Inn, a letter from Shannon Brown and Steve Kyte has been included in AppendJx A (#22). The letter describes their experience living in close proximity to the Nestleton Waters Inn. Ms. Brown and Mr. Kyte's home Is located 300 metres from the main entrance of the Nestleton Waters Inn comparison, the nearest dwelling (in to the proposed Country Inn is 750 metres). • The applicants have operated 90 Response to Public Comments Omemee Country Inn April 25, 2016 J··t. Page3 Nestleton Waters Inn (NWI) since 2008 and have worked extensively with their neighbours to implement best practices to mitigate sound and light impacts, including: A. Specially engineered sound system- with built in ''limiter" to prevent operators of the Inn's sound system to increase volume beyond acceptable levels B. Any outdoor music can only be low volume and brief - Outdoor music may include, for example, a jazz ensemble playing for a garden party, a harpist for a wedding ceremony, or steel pan island music for a cocktail hour. The music performance has to move indoors for the evening (i.e. by 6:30pm dinner hour), and any amplified louder volume performances must only occur indoors C. Time limits- inside music is then monitored in a controlled sound setting by an NWI trained technician. All events hosted by the Inn must end by midnight at the latest, and staff circulate to monitor and enforce rules of use. These rules are put in agreements and guests are advised of the rules by emcees, and are posted in visible locations. D. Landscaping features- the NWI is located within a forested area, with numerous hedges and shrubs surrounding the primary buildings. The proposed Country Inn will utilize similar landscaping features, including berms, hedgerows, and existing tree lines, in order to provide natural, sound reducing buffers. E. Lights turned off at events' end (i.e. fountains on pond set to a timer and turn off on their own at night, all pathway lamps on a master switch and are turned off at events' end, main floor of inn and event spaces closed and lights turned off at night and guests retire to their suites and private areas only, no vehicles allowed to remain onsite except for overnight guest parking, no fireworks permitted, etc.). • In addition the applicant must adhere to the City's Noise By-law, which specifically prohibits music or loud noises between the hours of 12:00 am and 7:00 am. We believe there is no specific evidence to s uggest that the presence of the Inn will be problematic from a "noise'' perspective. 91 Response to Public Comments Omemee Country Inn April25, 2016 Page 4 • The 40 hectare (1 00 acre) property (see #9 on diagram above) directly east of the subject property is also being purchased by the applicants to ensure a large buffer between the facility and adjacent residents, as well as to provide privacy for guests. 2. Fire -One resident was concerned with fire starting at the site and spreading from the property to other neighbouring properties. Response: • The development will include suitable access for fire trucks and emergency vehicles in case of a fire. The City of Kawartha Lakes Fire Department will comment on the Site Plans to ensure that emergency access meets the proper standards. There are no uses or activities being introduced on the site that are considered a serious or major fire hazard. :3. Natural Heritage - A letter from Randy Chamberlain and Donna Querengesser raised concerns regarding possible impacts to nearby wetlands and the possibility of the property being included as deer wintering habitat. Response: • The proposed development will be taking place no less than 120 metres from the nearest natural heritage feature on, or in the vicinity of the property. Local natural heritage features include the Pigeon Lake No. 23 Provincially Significant Wetland (PSW} and several smaller wetland pockets. An Environmental Impact Study was completed by a qualified biologist (Barry Snider) and was reviewed by the Kawartha Region Conservation Authority {KRCA). The KRCA agreed with the conclusions of the EIS, and have provided the City with a list of recommendations based on the recommendations of the EIS. Furthermore, according to the EIS, the subject lands are not considered part of a deer wintering yard. As noted in the attached letter from Mr. Snider, the presence of deer on one's property during winter does not indicate that the property is a "dee r wintering yard" (a deer wintering yard is identified through a list of characteristics outlined in the MNRF's Selected Wildlife and Habitat Features: Inventory Manual). The KRCA concurs with this assessment. 92 Response to Public Comments Omemee Country Inn April 25, 2016 Page 5 4. Views - Mr. Chamberlain and Ms. Querengesser also expressed concerns about the impacts of the Country Inn on the view from their property. Response: • Views from properties to other properties are not protected by any local or Provincial land use planning policies, with the exception of policies in the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan related to the protection of shoreline landscapes. • The applicants have provided further information regarding the view from Mr. Chamberlain and Ms. Querengesser's property in Appendix B. 5. Establishment of a Barn on the Bent Property - Mr. Tom Bent was concerned that the establishment of the Country Inn would prevent him from constructing a barn for housing cattle on his property, which is immediately north of the subject lands. Response: • With the permission of Mr. and Mrs. Bent, the applicants retained Clark Consulting Services to undertake a Minimum Distance Separation (MDS) II calculation to determine if a barn could be constructed at the Bent's desired location. The letter (See Appendix C: "Bent's Bam") and associated figure from Clark Consulting shows that the proposed Country Inn buildings will not be within the proposed MDS setbacks and will not interfere with the construction of the Bent's barn. This information has been presented personally by the applicants to Mr. and Mrs. Bent. 6. Impact to Local Wells - Mr. Chamberlain and Ms. Querengesser raised concerns with the impact the development may have on their well. The resident asked why his well had not been tested as part of the assessment of impacts. Concern with the use of holding tanks on the property was also a concern. 93 Response to Public Comments Omemee Country Inn April 25, 20"1 6 PageS Response: • As demonstrated in the hydrogeological study and Functional Servicing Report submitted in support of the applications, the proposed water and sewage servicing on the property will not impact wells in the area. The hydrogeology study sums up groundwater interference thusly 0/VSP, 2015): Based on the absence of significant water users in the area, the relatively few wells that are present in the area and their respective offset d;stances, the proximity to the Pigeon River and the variation in soil conditions in the site area, significant interference with existing local groundwater users and resources in the site area is unlikely. Further, recharge at the site due to infiltration is expected to be adequate to prevent long term aquifer depletion. There are no significant water users ln the site area, or reported takings in excess of 50,000 Ljsay. The proposed combined water taking of Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the development will be 32,500 Uday, which will not require a Permit to Talce Water (PTTW). • The hydrogeological study also states that holding tanks would be required in order to provide sufficient water servicing in support of the proposed use. However, this requirement for servicing is predicated on a single well providing water to the entire development. In reality, there will be multiple wells that will provide water to the Country Inn. Since the applicants do not own the property, only one well was drilled in order to ensure the least amount of disturbance on the property. The assessment concluded that at a minimum, one well could provide enough water for the development. 7. "Objectivity" of Planning Analysis - The letter from Mr. Chamberlain and Ms. Querengesser also states that the Planning JlJstification Report does not provide an "objective" review of the proposal as the report's authors, EcoVue Consulting, composed the report "solely for the applicants' benefir. Furthermore, writers of the letter ask that the City and other government agencies "(objectively] review the EcoVue Planning Justification Report assessment of the 94 Response to Public Commenls Omemee Country Inn April 25, 2016 I HI• Page 7 appropriateness of location, scale, size, and density of the proposed development, and the analysis of demand for a tourist commercial developmenr. Response: • Mr. Chamberlain and Ms. Querengresser are correct that EcoVue was retained by the applicants to provide a professional planning opinion with respect to the proposed Country Inn. As stated in the Report, we examined the applicable land use planning policies that affect the subject property in order to determine if the proposed land use is appropriate. We have concluded that this particular use, on this particular property, is appropriate and represents good planning. We stand by this independent assessment, as demonstrated with the signature and seal of the Registered Professional Planner of the undersigned. This seal and signature indicate that the professional planner writing the report is bound by the Code of Practice of the Ontario Professional Planners Institute (OPPI). The OPPI Code of Practice requires that we provide an "independent professional opinion" that is not subject to outside influences, including that of a client. If the Country Inn use on the subject property was not appropriate, we would not have provided the applicants with a positive report. • In addition, our work (and the work of the other sub-consultants) has been reviewed by the City and oltler outside agencies, including KRCA. City staff concur with our assessment of the planning rationale, as outlined in the submitted staff report. Other City departments and circulated agencies have provided independent opinion on the development all have provided "sign-off' on the applications. 95 Response to Public Comments Omemee Country Inn April 25, 2016 Page B We trust that this sufficiently addresses the concerns raised by some residents. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Yours sincerely, ECOVUE CONSULTING SERVICES INC. encl. cc: Erik and Deborah Kiezebrink, Nestleton Waters Inn 96 Response to Public Comments Omemee Country Inn Apr1125, 2016 Page9 Appendix A: Public Comments 97 APPENDIX A Country Inn Support Summary Neighbor Support Diagram: • • • • Names in Black show properties of neighbours who've written letters of support, or who've expressed verbal support. @ means neutral (Kiezebrinks have spoken with neighbours personally and discussed any questions) Names with* expressed support and concerns Names in Blue in opposition. 7.Dzurka (Note: Kiezebrinks visited neigbours on foot, providing personal invitations to Open House, mailed 5000 flyers to community, and held Open House at Omemee Coronation Hall.) Appendix A: Support Letters Summary for Proposed Country Inn (Omemee) 98 1 Support Letters Summary Contents PAGE 2- Immediate Neighbors (Out of 13 possible: 8 Supportive, 3 Neutral, only 2 Remain in Opposition) PAGE 4- Area Residents {8 Support Letters written to COKL) PAGE 8- Tourism Operator&. Business Support (4 Letters) PAGE 9- Kiezebrinks' Closest Neighbor to Nestleton Waters Inn Testimonial TOTAL - 19 Support Letters sent to COKL Support Letters Summary: Immediate Neighbours 1. Karl 8r. Lois Stoldt (Inn Neighbour- 998 Ski Hill Rd) "Att: Sherry Rae: We would like to offer our support for the rezoning of part lots 4@5, concession 2, municipality of former township of Emily. We live at 998 ski hill road, Omemee. It is just a few meters to the south of property in question. We feel the inn will bring many benefits to our area. Sincerely, Kart and Lois Stoldt" (Emailed to Sherry Rea) From: Karl stofdt Date: Feb 24, 2016 2:09PM Also... "Att: Eric Kiezebrink, We are unable too attend the rezoning meeting this evening, but we wanted too offer you our full support. We are looking forward too having the development of your Inn, next door. Sincerely, Karl and Lois Stoldt" (Emaifed Feb 24/16 to Kiezebrinks, forwarded to Sherry Rae) 2. Ryan & Pam McQuaid (Inn Neighbour/Attended Open House- 273 Mt. Nebo Rd, RR#2) "Hi Sherry. We are sending this email to express our support for the proposed Country Inn on Ski Hill Road in Omemee. We had the privilege to attend a wedding at the Nestleton Waters Inn B & B, which is also owned by the Kiezebrink family, and saw first hand the exquisite beauty and charming atmosphere this business has to offer. The event we attended was amazing, from the very professional staff, to the lavish decorations and outstanding dinner. The guest rooms were also so unique and welcoming. My understanding is the new Country Inn is going to operate in a similar manner as the Nestleton Waters Inn. This will mean nothing but spectacular things for the City of Kawartha Lakes in the form of new employment opportunities and a boost to the local economy. We hope this project will be approved as it can only bring amazing opportunities for the community and all of its future guests. Ryan&. Pam McQuaid" (Emailed Sherry Rea) From: McQuaid General Contracting Ltd. Date: Wed, March 02, 2016 10:04 am 3. Shelly DuPuis (Inn Neighbour • 1055 Ski Hill Rd) Erik Kiezebrink stopped by to visit with Shelly and to answer any questions she may have, and to provide a copy of country inn proposal and invitation to open house. She indicated to Erik that she has heard good things about Nestleton Waters Inn. 4. Glen Liston (Inn Neighbour- 1083 Ski Hill Rd) "I am writing in regard to the development of the Country Inn located in Omemee. I am the owner of the property directly west of the proposed site on Ski Hill Road. My wife and I are very pleased to hear of this development and feel it will bring many positive attributes such as jobs and tourists to our community. We give our full support to the Kiezebrink family and look forward to seeing the stages of development. Sincerely, Glen Linton" (Emailed Sherry Rae) From: ca·tter farmer@hotma Date: Sun, 6 Mar 2016 Appendix A: Support Letters Summary for Proposed Country Inn (Omemee) 99 2 5. Erika Smith (Inn NeighborI Attended Public:: Meeting in Support of Inn - 209 Meadowview Rd) "Just a message to let you know that I support the plans for the Country Inn proposal in Omemee. I believe this will help support small businesses in this area which is much needed as well as give some locals a chance for employment. I truly believe that the Kiezebrinks will do everything in their power to work with the locals to make sure their concerns will be addressed. Erika Smith, 209 Meadowview rd., Omemee, Ontario, 705 799-2435" (Emailed Sherry Rae) From: madankesmith@gmail.c:om Date: Thur, 10 Mar 2016 6. David Ross (Inn NeighborI Attended Open House, Voiced Support of Inn at Public:: Meeting- 185 Meadowview Rd, RR#2) *While spoke in support of Country Inn at Public Meeting, David did ask about plans to mitigate possible guest noise and visuals of lights at night. These concerns addressed in EcoVue's Report. (In addition Erik Kiezebrink discussed these concerns in person with David following meeting.) (Contact: 705 799-0956, no email) 7. Mark Dzurko (Inn NeighbourI Attended Open House, Emailed support after hearing about Public:: Meeting from Neighbor Dave Ross who attended - 109 Meadowview Rd) "Good Morning Erik and Deborah, My name is Mark Dzurko and along with my wife Heather and our two young children, Addison (Jyrs) and Byron {lyr), Jive and hobby farm on the 100 acres on the south side of Con. 2 Lot 4. We were unable to attend the council meeting yesterday due to work schedules, but did receive an overview of the proceedings from our neighbor Dave Ross. After hearing what Dave had to say and discussions with my wife this morning, we want to let you know that we do not oppose the development plans that you have for the propetty (and would of stated that if we were in attendance at the council meeting). As a matter of fact, we think this is the best case scenario for the property as sooner or later the property would be sold by either Jules Sobrien or his family. I did attend the town hall meeting, but unfortunately did not meet you folks at that time. You and Kent did a great job providing me with the info that I needed to answer my questions. As ardent environmentalists, we greatly respect and appreciate your desire to keep the pristine nature of the property, yet create an inviting area for guests to attend. I would be lying if I said that I had no concerns. We are aware of discussion topics our neighbors brought to council, but for the most part they do not reflect the opinions of my wife and I. Any of our discussion topics seem to have been addressed by our neighbor Dave so there is no real need to bring those up. We truly do wish you the best of luck in your plans with the property and look forward to what lies ahead. Sincerest Regards, Mark Dzurko" (Emailed to Kiezebrinks and forwarded to Sherry Rae) From: Mark Dzurko Date: Thu, March 10, 2016 8:56am 8. Tom and Marilyn Bent (Inn Neighboring Farm/Attended Open House, Voiced concerns at Public:: Meeting*) *Tom was unsure if the proposed inn would prevent his retiring on the farmland adjacent to the country inn and erecting a home and a cattle barn. He was also concerned that his farming operations might be regarded negatively by inn patrons. The Kiezebrinks spoke to Tom & Marilyn following, contracted a study that confirmed their retirement plans would not be impeded, and then invited the Bents to have coffee and tour the Nestleton Waters Inn 1 gardens and farm, so they could view how the Kiezebrinks operate on a farm property and around neighboring farms. (See Appendix C for a full copy of this report.) Appendix A: Support Letters Summary for Proposed Country Inn (Omemee) 100 3 9. Jules a Frances Sobrian (Sellers of Property for Country Inn, Omemee Residents, Attended Open House, Spoke in Support at Public Meeting) "Dear Ms Rea, We attended the Kiesebrink's open house at Coronation Hall in Omemee last evening and were very pleased and impressed with their plan for our property. We believe their inn will contribute to the prosperity of the village and their presence will enhance the value of the surrounding land. There will be no development done on the wetland on the property and the plan for creating ponds will actually increase the quantity and quality of the wildlife habitat. Thank you for your consideration. Yours very truly, Jules & Frances Sobrian" (Emailed Sherry Rae) From: jsobrian jsobrian Date: Thu, February 25, 2016 1:43pm Erik & Deborah Kiezebrink (Inn Neighbors) The Kiezebrinks have a conditional offer to buy a second piece of property directly behind the proposed Country Inn property, so as to be their own closest neighbours, and to provide a 3/4 of a kilometer buffer from the closest residence in any direction from the proposed Country Inn. This second property is not being rezoned and does not have any buildings on it. It will create a rustic vegetative buffer for both inn guests and area neighbors. These undisturbed views are essential to the appeal of a Country Inn's guests. Note: ironically this property will act as a buffer between the only two residences who have expressed opposition to the proposed Country Inn, both of which are 3f4 of a kilometer away. Support Letters Summary: Area Residents 10. Vic Callan (Omemee Resident/Attended Open House -705-799-2324,404 Rita Court) "I work for the City of Kawartha lakes, plowing, roadwork. I farm beef, 600 acres approximately. I agree with all of this (country inn proposal) as this brings more people to the community and it is a perfect property as its not farm Jand." (Written up by an Omemee Open House volunteer as Vic doesn't have email, given to Deborahjemalled to Sherry Rea) From: Date: Thu, February 25, 2016 6:21pm 11. Elizabeth Peeters (Omemee Resident/ Attended Open House, Spoke in Support at Public Meeting) "Dear Sherry, My husband, Peter and I are writing in support of the proposed Country Inn project off Ski Hill Road. I have known the Kiezebrink family for almost forty years, having grown up in the Blackstock area. They are a honest, hard working family who have built the Nestleton Inn into a very successful wedding venue. The proposed Country Inn project would offer opportunities for many local business vendors. The Kiezebrinks have bolstered local vendors through their Nestleton Inn and the same would be true at the Country Inn. The City of Kawartha Lakes has a shortage of wedding venues where all aspects of the wedding can be held in the same location. This project would offer this opportunity to wedding couples. The Kiezebrinks are community minded citizens and I have no doubt, that if this project is approved, they will be a wonderful asset to the Omemee area and the City of Kawartha Lakes as a whole. Sincerely, Elizabeth Peeters, BA, MDiv, PhD, 541 Emily Park Road, Omemee, ON, KOL 2WO 705-799-7064'' (Emailed Sherry Rae) From: Date: Tue, 1 Mar 2016 12. Claudia Kent (Kiezebrink Inn Local Business Partner Testimonial, Pontypool Resident, Attended Open House & Public Meeting in Support) Appendix A: Suppott Letters Summary for Proposed Country Inn (Omemee) 101 4 "My name is Claudia Kent and I am a 40 year resident of City of Kawartha Lakes and a local small business owner. We raised our three children in Pontypool, in the beauty and serenity of a countryside we have come to love and respect. I sat on the Parent Teacher Association at Grandview Public School and started the Breakfast Club Program there. My husband Ross continues to sit on the School Council at Rolling Hills Public School even though our children are grown. In fact our son Ryan, was the immediate reason an elevator was put in at Rolling Hills. I tell you all of this so you understand the investment and commitment my family has made in Manvers as our lifetime residence. And we gladly give our support of the proposal the Kiezebrinks have made to build a beautiful Country Inn in OMEMEE. I believe a Country Inn will be good for our community for 6 reasons: i. A Country Inn is a feeder for many local businesses (i.e. from: florists, bakers, limos, decor, rentals, shuttle bus, harpists and other musicians, pastors, caterers, RMTs, hair salons, makeup artists, to businesses like: gas stations, grocery stores, coffee shops, restaurants, local attractions, farm fresh foods, chocolatiers, pizza, tree farm favors, landscapers, snow removal, mechanics, the list goes on and on) ii. Local service jobs for our youth in school is critical. Inns hire youth, stay-at-home moms, single parent families and retired seniors for: serving, cleaning, guest check in/care, maintaining grounds, laundry, facebook and social media support, advertising, office work and administration, greeting guests, etc. iii. A Country Inn supports our local tourism. We need places for people to stay when visitors want to ski, enjoy equestrian activities, hike the Victoria Rail Trail, attend our art galleries, studio tour, theatres, shop in our downtown, play golf, attend 4th line Theatre. We also need places for our anniversaries, birthday or holiday parties, graduations, retirements, retreats and get away weekends. A central place to feature local artisan work means they don't need to leave us to find their opportunities. iv. My business, Bridal Path Weddings, has provided wedding coordination services to Nestleton Waters Inn for the past 7 years. I have been able to seasonally hire 7 additional people to assist me, including a local student Helen who now works with me full-time. A second location in OMEMEE will allow even more hires. v. The owner, Deborah gets so many inquiries she refers business out. We've had guests fly in from Korea, South Africa, California, Scotland, Israel, Thailand, UK and many other places to come to this area to get married. (In fact our first wedding couple flew in from China.) See their Trip Advisor reviews for how people feel about their inn! vi. Couples will often revisit the inn and community, after they're married to bring their new baby, celebrate an anniversary or to have a group event for their business etc. and will come back over and over. In conclusion, if we are encouraging any economic growth in our community, a Country Inn makes perfect sense. Are lodgings and gathering places not part of the growth we are hoping for? I could not find one B&B online that's listed for 01'1EMEE! The Kiezebrinks know how to make community family, supporting as many local small business owners with their business as possible. They assist with fundraisers and give to many charities ever year. Harry and Erika are/were retired teaching professionals from Durham District School Board. SA Cawker Public School has chosen to reward one student with the Harry Kiezebrink Humanitarian Award in Harry's honor. Erika is happiest when she is in her kitchen cooking and baking. Erik, their son, is a quiet giant who can do anything, gifted with the most envied talents of design and construction. Deborah is one of the kindest and most brilliant women I have ever met. I see this inn as a fabulous addition to our community with its spa services, extra accommodation and employment. It will one day be the most idyllic retreat for your Appendix A: Support Letters Summary for Proposed Country Inn (Omemee) 102 5 families, friends and colleagues, especially under the guidance and strength of the Kiezebrink family whose focus on the environment, guest safety and perfect harmony with nature is paramount. It will make you, as proud, as we already are. Sincerely, Claudia Kent, W.P.I.C.C. (Owner, Bridal Path Weddings, Pontypool, ON) (Emailed Feb 24/16 to Sherry Rea) C/ 13. Helen Hutcheon (Student from Pontypooi/Participated in Open House, Spoke in Support at Public Meeting) "I'm Helen Hutcheon. I have grown up and gone to school in the Kawartha Lakes and Trillium Lakelands area and have lived here all of my life. I went to school at Grandview, Rolling Hills and IE Weldon Secondary School. This is where my friends and family are. I went to Fleming College in Peterborough because it was close to my family's home in Pontypool but unfortunately my course was cancelled before I received my Event Management diploma so I completed it at Durham College. I have been fortunate to find full time work in the event and hospitality industry but there are very few options for local students to find these types of positions. I worked seasonally for Bridal Path Weddings at Nestleton Waters Inn and love it. Claudia has been a mentor to me and her guidance has helped me. I Jove the positive energy I get from her and the Kiezebrinks as well as taking care of guests, working in the hospitality industry! The success of their B & B has allowed Claudia to hire me fulltime and I wish this opportunity for other students and young people looking for work in our area. My heart lies in this area and I am 110% in favour of the proposed Country Inn in Omemee that the Kiezebrinks wish to build. The area needs it, students need it and our local economy needs it. Thank you for listening. (Emailed Sherry Rae) Date: Tue, 1 March 2016 14. Alex and Janet Klebnikoff (Bethany/Attended Open House in Support- 2192 Hillview Drive) "Hello Sherry, My name is Alex Klebnikoff and I am a resident of Bethany, ON. My wife Janet and I moved into a handsome home just over 3 years ago. At 2192 Hillview drive, overlooking Devil's Elbow ski hill. We have thoroughly enjoyed our new life in the \'Kawarthas" right from day one... And we continue to spend much of our spare time exploring the area's lakes with our kayaks, riding the "rolling hills" on our road bikes, trail Riding on mountain bikes, hiking with our dogs throughout the region, and entertaining friends around the firepit. Our new home in cottage Country has truly become a revelation .... But something that often comes up in conversations, especially when inviting folks up to visit has been "where to stay?" overnight... or is there any nice dining options close-by? ...... Especially at Devil's Elbow, where I am a volunteer member of the Canadian Ski Patrol, and have many interactions with skiers or parents of junior ski racers, who have often travelled from Toronto or well outside of Our area, I constantly get asked about where to stay, or dine , or otherwise be entertained .. ? Typically my wife and I will drive to Peterborough or Lindsay, or Port Perry, all of whom have some enjoyable hospitality, however it is not always convenient to trek that 30-40 min away, or to ask guests To drive away yet again, after travelling a fair distance already to see us ....... So if anything has been lacking from our local experience so far, it has been the absence of Inns or Hotels or fine dining establishments close to Bethany /Millbrook/ Omemee areas ........ As a matter of fact, our son is getting married this fall, and we were scouting for the past several months for a quality venue ...when we came upon a lovely establishment called The Nestleton Waters Inn , and had the great pleasure to meet the owner, Deborah Kiezebrink. Clearly, Deborah and her family & staff have a passion for what they do and have created a hidden treasure in Nestleton ! ..... Ever since discovering their venue, we have repeatedly said it would be wonderful to have an Inn or Lodge of that nature, right here close to the ski hill to Appendix A: Support Letters Summary for Proposed Country Inn (Omemee) 103 6 improve the ambience during the ski season, not to mention having somewhere to encourage people to spend time enjoying the picturesque fall colours, or to set up a base accommodation when touring by bicycle groups or even when planning local adventures by boaters or ATV riders etc .. A fine quality facility for the area to be proud of when time To host a wedding or anniversary or important social or business event is a prime factor in keeping people spending their money in our local Kawartha economy, not to mention a potential multitude. of employment possibilities can be created as a result. Thus, when we learned of the intention of the Kiezebrinks to undertake a project to create a new Country Inn right here near us in Omemee, needless to say we were ecstatic! Janet and I would heartily encourage everyone to support their exciting undertaking with great enthusiasm. From what we have seen at their Nestleton site , Kawartha lakes would indeed be gaining a true gem if they have the chance to act upon their vision of creating elegant hospitality within our beautiful natural setting. Respectfully yours, Alex & Janet Klebnikoff" (Emalled Sherry Rea) From: Janet Hanson theklebnil<offs@ Date: Thu, March 03, 2016 1:16am 15. Mark Ridout (Lindsay Resident, Lindsay BIA Member/Participated in Open House/Kiezebrlnk Inn Local Business Partner) "City of Kawartha Lakes Staff, Planning Committee, Council Members and Mayor: As a business owner, Lindsay BIA Member and citizen of the City of Kawartha Lakes I offer my support for approval of a Country Inn, as per the comprehensive plan amendments and zoning change recommendations put forth by Eco Vue Consulting Services, on behalf of the Kiezebrink family. The immediate and long lasting economic impact of the land sale and redevelopment will be far reaching in the Omemee community, City Of Kawartha Lakes and Northeastern Ontario. The recommendations, when applied, will serve our community well. I thank the council of City Of Kawartha lakes for the considering their application. I have known the Kiezebrink family for over seven years and have photographed many weddings and events at their nearby Nestleton Waters Inn during this time. Given I've also had the opportunity to photograph weddings at venues around the globe including France, England, Brasil, Jamaica, Cuba, Cayman Islands and throughout Canada, I can say from a knowledgeable position that Nestleton Waters Inn is certainly a well managed and preferred facility. The Kiezebrink family, and the team of local businesses who's products and services they package for Nestleton guests to experience, not to mention the care and meticulous approach to detail, is unsurpassed in the industry. They will operate a world class country inn in the city of Kawartha lakes which will strengthen our positioning in the tourism sector and offer a greater choice to those contemplating the area. The spin off not only affects the wedding service providers, but many other types of service providers who will serve the needs of country inn guests whether they are coming for business, special events, sports, or pleasure! All country inn guests will invest in the city and outlying areas before, during and after visits to the inn. Mark Ridout Ridout Photography 48 Cambridg e Street South Llndsay Ontario K9V3B8 (Emailed Sherry Rea) From: Mark Ridout Date: Wed, March 2, 2016 16. Kelly Rakestrow-Grant and Aaron Huizinga (Omemee Cottagers, Peterborough Residents, Attended Open House and Public Meeting in Support) "H ello Ms. Sherry Rea, We would like to tell you that we think a Country Inn in Omemee would be a great addition to the commun ity. We live in Peterborough, and have a cottage at Beaver Narrows Trailer Park and Resort in Omemee, where we spend Appendix A: Support Letters Summary for Proposed Country Inn (Omemee) 104 7 most of the summer with our five children. The trailer park has many events that we invite our family and friends to participate in with us, but they can only come up for the day, as there is nowhere close by for them to stay (with our large family we don't have room for others to spend the night). We would love to have them come to the area for the whole weekend, which would give us more time to browse through the little shops in town. A Country Inn with a restaurant would also address the issue of the area needing a family friendly place to eat. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. Sincerely, Kelly Rakestrow-Grant and Aaron Huizinga 705-243-7869" (Ema;/ed Sherry Rea) From: Kelly Rakestraw Date: Mon, February 29, 2016 3:44pm 17. Laura Hutcheon (Pontypool Resident, Past Manvers Skating Club President) "Dear Sherry, I am writing this note as past President and a long time member of the Manvers Skating Club located at Hwy 7A and Hwy 35. Over the years there has been numerous instances where we were asked by Skate Canada to provide evidence of local accommodations for their members. It was always a source of disappointment and embarrassment for us to have to tell them that nothing existed closer than 30 minutes away. As you can guess, all of our activities occur during the winter months and travel in this area can be, at: best inconvenient and at worst treacherous. I would absolutely support an effort to build an Inn. On a more personal level, we have a huge family and often receive visitors from all over the world. We can accommodate some but not usually all of the people who come to see us. We would just love to be able to have something nice in the area for these people. Finally, as the parent of 4 children, it would certainly enhance employment opportunities for our local youth. Thank you so much for your time. Sincerely Laura Hutcheon 705-277-1285 (Emailed Sherry Rea) From: Laura Hutcheon Date: Mon, March 1, 2016 Support LetferJ Summary: Tourism Operators & Business Support 18. Kim DeTuliis (Tourism Operator- CFO/VP Bridgestone Racing Academy, Resident Pontypool) "Hi Sherry- We own the Bridgestone Racing Academy { www located at Canadian Tire Motorsport Park (formerly Mosport Park). Our racing school has individual public courses averaging about $1000 per day and corporate events from $16690. One of our continued challenges is offering local executive quality lodging accommodation options for our clients and thereby we would highly support the new proposed Inn that will be built in OMEMEE by the Kiezebrinks family. Also being a resident in nearby Pontypool, we also support the job opportunities this would provide both in the building stage and then the operational stage. Thank you! Cheers, Kim -Kim Deluliis, CFO/Vice-President Bridgestone Racing Academy Tel: 905.983.1114 Fax: 905.983.1004 <http :// > (Emailed Mar 8!16 to Sherry Rea) From: Kim Deluliis Date: Tue, March 08, 2016 10:42 am 19. Mike Stiell (Tourism Operator- Ontario Marketing Director, Treetop Trekking Inc:.) "Dear Sherry, Treetop Trekking fully supports the development of new and unique accommodation options in the Kawartha Lakes region. Accommodations are a strong supporting factor in the local tourism industry and greatly benefit attractions like Treetop Trekking Ganaraska by encouraging mulit-day visits to the area." (Emailed Sherry Rea) From: Mike Stie/1- Treetop Trekking Date: Fn~ March 04, 2016 12:54 pm Appendix A: Support letters Summary for Proposed Country Inn (Omemee) 105 8 20. Stephanie Tennant (Kiezebrink Inn Local Business Partner Testimonial) "Hi Sherry, I have worked with Nestleton Waters Inn for a few years now and it has been very evident to me how professional and personable the owners and staff are. We have greatly enjoyed working hand in hand with their business to help brides get the speclal day they have always dreamed of. Working with Nestleton Waters Inn and receiving wedding referrals from them has made our business grow greatly. I support them opening a country inn in Omemee and think it would be great for the city of Kawartha Lakes bringing more customers to local businesses. I am a proud to be working with Nestleton Waters Inn and am looking forward to working with them even more. Stephanie Tennant Owner, Cakes By Stephanie, 88 Water St., Port Perry, ON L9L 1J2 905-982-8881 (Emailed to Sherry Rae) From: Stephanie Tennant tennant s@hotma; Date: Tue, March 08, 2016 12:33 pm 21. Danielle Oliveira (Kiezebrink Inn Local Business Partner Testimonial) "Dear Sherry, I would like to send a Letter of Support for a Country Inn in Omemee. Please accept this testimonial: "I support the Kiezebrink's proposal for a Country Inn in Omemee. I am a small business owner In the Durham Region, and that may seem insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but I am not alone. EVERY vendor that has ever stepped foot on the Klezebrink's property, Nestleton Waters Inn, was locally sourced ....... from local contractors to catering companies to florists to decorators to staff members ....... they feel strongly about supporting local businesses and local communities. If you add all of us together it creates a bigger picture that cannot be denied. This principle will be reflected throughout the building and execution of a Country Inn in Omemee which wilt benefit the community in many ways. The Kiezebrink Family prides themselves on creating roots in the community they work in, and believe strong relationships with local businesses and citizens is the key to a successful business. A Country Inn in Omemee will also benefit the community when its door open by offering services that are currently not available ..... tourism attractions such as a spa, restaurant, trails etc will entice people to visit Omemee and increase Tourism Revenue for many other local businesses. This Country Inn will also be a source of employment for many local residents which will ultimately strengthen the community. The Kiezebrink family will be on site every step of the way to ensure everyone is happy and comfortable during the entire process ..... from guests to vendors to neighbors ..... everyone will be treated with respect and warmth! " Kind Regards, Danlelle Oliveira (Emalled Sherry Rea) From: Oanlel/e Oliveira u_anielleo/ivejra(d) Dale: Tlw, March 03, 2016 12:40 pm Support Letters Summary: Nestleton Waters Inn Neighbour 22 . Shannon Brown 8t Steve Kyte (Immediate Neighbours on 3440 Beacock Roild at Kiezebrinks' Nestleton Waters Inn -Testimonial re: Sound 8t Farms) "We support the Kiezebrinks' for a Country Inn. To whom it may concern: We built our home on Beacock Rd 14 years ago. We were drawn to build here due to t he beautiful scenery and warmth of neighbours. Our Family has been neighbours with the Kiezebrinks for over 30 years. The Kiezebrinks own and operate a 10 room B&B that Erik and his dad built together, and have been open for over (7) years. We enjoy this scenic rura l area to live, and it is perfect for our family for its agricultural value and quietness. Appendix A: Support Letters Summary for Proposed Country Inn (Omemee) 106 9 Our home is only 300 metres from their doorstep, and taking into account how busy they are with weddings, we can attest that the activity has in no way impacted our quality of life, or area farms. In fact the Kiezebrinks own 93 acres most of which is farmed, and its only their house in the bush by the pond that's used for the inn. Their guests are attracted to the farm setting. (Photo 1.: Nestleton Waters Inn hand-built by Erik & Dad Harry. Photo 2: shows property surrounded by trees for privacy). The quality and craftsmanship of the inn is impeccable to none. A Country Inn by its nature appeals to guests who seek solace, quietness, and a change of scenery. Many of their guests have travelled far to stay at this establishment. We have had friends attend the Inn for different functions and have always heard positive comments. The Kiezebrinks work hard to maintain the privacy of the Inn for both their guests and their neighbours. Since the Kiezebrinks love trees, they've planted many including cedar hedging etc. around any storage or parking areas to protect views. We have never had any issues with the guests staying at the Inn, furthermore have never had any issues associated with the inn or how it is run. The inn is well maintained, organized and run. They have their own parking lot for guests, use designated driving services, bus pick up and drop off, portable parking signage for events to direct traffic so they don't drive beyond their place up the road unnecessarily, their events always end at midnight, and music is always kept to a minimum during occasional outdoor tent functions in an effort to not disturb the neighbours. The grounds are kept immaculate, and they assure no ecological disturbances occur. The Kiezebrinks are very conscientious and gracious neighbours. They have an annual party for the residents and friends of Rd. to host and meet and great and address any questions or concerns that residents of Beacock Rd. may have. We are writing in support of the inn and to attest that any functions or activities occurring at the Inn have in no way impacted our quality of life or have caused us any grief. It's actually gratifying to see such success occur to such a hardworking family. Sincerely, Shannon Brown & Steve Kyte, Beacock Road Neighbour, Nestleton, Cell: 905-242-0500 (Emailed to Sherry Rae) Mar 9, 2016 From: Appendix A: Support Letters Summary for Proposed Country Inn (Omemee) 107 10 Response to Public Comments Omemee Country Inn April 25. 2016 Page 10 Appendix B: Views from Chamberlain Property 108 APPENDIX B Clarification of Chamberlain's Views of Inn A) DRONE SHOT FLYING OVER CHAMBERLAIN'S (MT. NEBO): ~ Trailer Site and Proposed Chamberlain Home (on 14 acres) . 75km away Country Inn Estate (Proposed Phase 1) .83km away Country Inn Lodge (Proposed Phase 2) Separate vacant 100 acres Kiezebrinks also buying, as a privacy buffer between inn and an Screen Capture from Aerial Drone Video from Chamberlain's REMAX Real Estate Listing, updated Apri/2016, MLS®# X3452591, 241 Mt. Nebo Rd, Kawartha Lakes, ON, KOL 2WO h tto:// l!tto :llwww,remax.calon/kawodha-fakes·real·eswte/tJi1·241·mt· ·nebo-rd· nq·crea idl67670BS·Istf ( Ground Level Photo) Trees on brow of Mt. Nebo impede Chamberlain's views of lake. (Photo Right) Kiezebrinks can plant trees right up the side of the hill of their buffer property to fill in treeline and mitigate views of proposed inn to west. Appendix B: Clarification of Chamberlain's Views of Proposed Country rnn 109 1 B) DRONE SHOT FLYING OVER NESTLETON WATERS INN: Kiezebrinks planted trees (now mature) which completely obscure three storey inn providing buffer for neighbours and privacy for guests. (See Appendix A Testimonial #22 from closest inn neighbour just .3km from inn.) Kiezebrink's B&B on 93 acres, 66 farmed, 22 untouched bush, and 5 acres for inn. NWI building has 14 bedrooms (10 guest rooms, and 2 separate family apartments with 4 more bedrooms), also spa room, inn office, guest lounge, and boardroom with covered terraces viewing pond. C) GOOGLE EARTH AERIAL VIEW showing Chamberlains in relation to inn • Blue star is Chamberlain's proposed building site. • Blue box outlines extra 100-acre vacant land Kiezebrinks buying as inn buffer • Yellow outline shows property for proposed inn; boxes for inn phases 1 & 2. Appendix B: Clarification of Chamberlain's Views of Proposed Country Inn 110 2 D) CHAMBERLAIN'S CURRENT PROXIMITY: 38 RESIDENCES Chamberlain's current real estate listing for their property (241 Mount Nebo Road) is described as valuable for its "million dollar mountain view", "short hop to golf courses, ski slopes, Trent Severn Waterway, and the quaint charming Village of Omemee". h tto: //ka warth a-wp ter frQnl-collages-homes-amHarJ(I ,_CQ!I!Lwo-con ten t/uploads/soldpress/pdf/X34 52591. pdf All of their stated values would still be intact with the proposed inn. In fact the country inn with it's two phase estate and lodge, would be in the valley at the base of Mount Nebo just like most of the 38 residences which were already within the same circumference of their property at the time they purchased it. Inn Proximity ancl Buffe'* Appendix B: Clarification of Chamberlain's Views of Proposed Country Inn 111 3 Response to Public Comments Omemee Country Inn April 25, 2016 Page 11 Appendix C: Bent's Farm 112 Minimum Distance Separation Report Tom and Marilyn Bent Part of Lot 5, Concession 3, Former Township of Emily City of Kawartha Lakes Prepared for: EcoVue Consulting Prepared by: Clark Consulting Services 52 John Street, Port Hope, Ontario, L 1A 2Z2, Phone: 905.885.8023 113 Tom and Marilyn Bent Part of Lot 5, Concession 3 Former Township of Emily City of Kawartha Lakes (705) 799-7545 March 22, 2016 Re: Minimum Distance Separation II (MOSII) Calculation CCS Project No. 3040 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Bent: Clark Consulting Services (CCS) was retained by EcoVue on behalf of their client to prepare this Minimum Distance Separation II (MOS II) calculation for the above captioned property to determine if a barn could be constructed on your farm after the proposed country inn has been established on the adjacent property. Based upon our knowledge of the property, the proposal and a review of your farm and the potential barn location we have determined that the proposed country inn would not limit the location proposed for the barn. Possible Future Livestock Facility When a farmer wishes to expand or establish a new livestock faciiity a review and establishment of appropriate setbacks based upon MDS II are required. In this case you have indicated you may wish to develop a barn on the property close to Ski Hill Road at an approximate distance of 330 metres from the northern boundary of the country inn property. We understand that you are considering a facility to house 25 beef cattle. MDS directs us to review appropriate setbacks under MDS II using the class and number of animals for the calculation. Tillable land is not a factor in the calculation. In preparing the calculation we are asked to specify if the barn will be used to house shortkeepers, backgrounders or feeders. Since we do not know which class is to be housed we have prepared calculations for each of the three. In preparing this letter, CCS has referred to the MDS Training Manual and the MDS Implementation Guidelines as published by OMAFRA. Site Visit CCS made a site visit to the property during the original review for an agricultural impact assessment. For the purposes of this review no further site visit has been made since it would not add any pertinent information. A concept sketch has been prepared using information from the Zoning Sketch for the country inn proposed. Our sketch shows the 'Proposed Estate" in relation to the northern side lot line, the road 2 114 allowance running east and west and the agricultural property immediately to the north. We have added the calculated MDS II setback distances and the preferred location for a future livestock barn of the size suggested. Type A or Type B MDS Guidelines discusses the differences between Type A and Type B applications. Type A uses are generally those of a lower density human habitation, industrial, agricultural or recreational uses. Type Buses are of a greater density human habitation or activity and generally include institutional and commercial uses. In this case the proposed development includes individual cottages which could be regarded as Type A uses and a main estate with multiple guest rooms. This would be regarded as a Type B use where the density of human activity is higher. MDS II Calculations Beef; Backgrounders; (7-12.5 months); MDS setbacks from a barn with 25 backgrounder cattle is 103 m for a Type A, 206m for a Type B, and 21 m to the nearest road allowance. Beef; Feeders; (7-16 months}; MDS setbacks from a barn with 25 feeder cattle is 103 m for a Type A, 206m for a Type B, and 21 m to the nearest road allowance. Beef; Shortkeepers (12.5-17.5 months) MDS setbacks from a barn with 25 shortkeeper cattle is 112 m for a Type A, 223 m for a Type 8, and 22 m to the nearest road allowance. Applying the Setbacks The positioning of a new barn housing 25 beef cattle should be at least set from existing residential uses a minimum of the distances shown above, at the time of construction. For the purpose of this report that includes the 'Cottages' and 'Proposed Estate' of the Omemee Inn as shown on the M DS II Sketch. The barn should be set a minimum of 21 or 22 metres from the road allowance. Summary In reviewing the suggested future establishment of a beef cattle barn on farmland on your lands we have studied MDS documents and mapping, and prepared calculations to provide appropriate setback distances between the proposed development and a new beef barn. MDS requires setbacks from side lot lines and the road allowance in addition to the setbacks from the proposed inn. These setbacks are shown graphically as arcs on the MDS II Sketch attached to this report. 115 Our MDS calculations have considered three different types of beef cattle and these result in 2 different setbacks. The distances are 103 to 112m for the Type A setbacks and 206 to 223m for the Type B setbacks. Single residential dwellings are Type A uses and the Proposed Estate building is a Type B use. Permanent Manure Storage Permanent manure storages are generally subject to the same setbacks as the associated livestock bams. If you have any comments or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, Bob Clark, P.Eng., P.Ag., MCIP, RPP, OLE Principal Planner Attached: - MDS Sketch - MDS II Calculations cc: EcoVue 4 116 -...........__ ~ / 0 / 1 MOS II Sketch Part Lot S, Concession 3, Former Emily Township Ski Hill Road, Omemee, City of Kawartha Lakes • 1 f#0' roposed Barn Location ,s, ~I =dCou•trvlnto _ Exil!ing Lot §I ~/ E/ .£:/ M[)$'111\'Pe .A Setbacks 103 and 11~: fn ,• ,. / O . :•., .. 0 ·~ /_ ··: ; .. . ~ ··:- aac~qv.,.,ndet'S and Feeder> : · .' . MDS II"'YPe B Setbacks Proposed P<111<ing A Dr )f Sepltc A-ea 117 MDSIFI'~pe & Setbnk.Area.s I l 1 MDS 1.0.2 22-Mar-2016 11 :20 Page 1 Minimum Distance Separation II (MDS II) Report File: MDS.mds Application Date: 22-Mar-2016 File Number: 3040 Preparer Information Hugh Stewart Phone #1: 905.885.8023 Clarl< Consulting Services 52 John Street Port Hope, ON, Canada L1A 2Z2 Email: Fax: 905.885.4785 Backgrounders For possible future development of a Beef barn for 25 cattle Contact Information Tom Bent Emily Omemee, ON, Canada Farm Location City of Kawartha Lakes Geotownship: EMILY Concession: 3 Lot 5 Manure Form Solid Existing Type of livestock/Material Beef: Backgrounders (7 -12.5 months); Yard/Barn Manure/Material Storage Type: Existing NU Total Total Estimated Capacity Capacity NU Bam Area 0 0.0 25 8.3 93 m• V1. Solid, inside, bedded pack Building Base Distance 'F' (A x 8 x C x D): Storage Base Distance ·s·: 103 m (337 ft) 103 m (337 ft) Factor A (Odour Potential): 0.8 Factor B (Nutrient Units}: 161 Factoi C (O;de;ly Expansion): U400 Factor D (Manure/Material Type): 0. 7 Total Nutrient Units: 8 Required Description Multiplier Nearest neighbour's dwelling 1.0 Type A land uses 1.0 Type Bland uses Bam Selback 103m 337ft 103m Actual Bam Selback Required Storage Setback 103m 337ft 337ft 103m 337ft 2.0 206m 675ft 206m 675ft Nearest lot line (side or rear) 0.1 10m 34ft 10m 34ft Nearest road allowance 0.2 21m 21m 67ft 67ft Actual Storage Setback Date: _____________________ Signature of Preparer: Hugh Stewart, Clarl< Consulting Services NOll: TO THE USER· rhe Ontan~ Min•stry at A.orir.l.llure. 1-ood S'ld Rurst Attaus (OMAFRA) has ceveloped tllrs software program 13r di3tnbut•on and uso wfth lhft r.Jrnirtlum Ct3ton~ Separation ("l;tOS) ro·mulae os. a pub•ic serv.ce to u.Jc•stlr.nno:~. oonsuua.-ts and :he gener:JI public. vl'(r:o;iu•• •Jr 1hf': sonware: Ll•~h1n•~t~rtoy OMAFRA Will Je c::~n$rdere1.1 t.., h<l the officiAl vcr~~on for .t1Jl).I<JS03 vr ~IC•JI<f(ifiS~ MOS. Ofi.'A!-=t-U\. rs. no! f$9pl)usibt" fc.r ~rror.s ch,tt to inac.t.ur3te or •ncJr.ect data or lnfonnniKJI\. •r.sra~tes 1n \:~leuiAuon; emu~ au.siuu ou\ ot moclifiC3hon or lhe .\Ciitware. or errors ,jnSing out ot of data All data a'lo c.11cu.alions ~hollld [)e "erifittd l.lefore 3cl·ng on them 118 .(').~-> £-Y Ontario MDS 1.0.2 22-Mar-2016 11:20 Page 2 Minimum Distance Separation II (MDS II) Report File: MDS.mds Feeders For possible future development of a Beef bam for 25 cattle Farm location Contact Information Tom Bent City of Kawartha Lakes Geotownship: EMILY Concession: 3 Emily Lot 5 Manure Form Type of llvestoct</Material Existing Capacity Existing Total Total NU Capacity NU Estimated Bam Area Solid Beef; Feeders (7 • 16 months}; Yard/Barn 0 0.0 25 8.3 105 m• Manure/Material Storage Type: V1. Solid, inside, bedded pack Building Base Distance 'F' (Ax B x C x D): Storage Base Distance'S': 103 m (337 ft) 103 m (337 ft) Required Bam Multiplier Description Factor A (Odour Potential): 0.8 Factor B (Nutrient Units): 161 Factor C (Orderly Expansion) 1.1400 Factor D (Manure/Material Type): 0.7 Total Nutrient Units: 8 Setback 103m Actual Bam Setback Required Actual Storage Storage Setback Setback 337ft 103m 337ft 1.0 103m 337ft 103m 337ft Type B land uses 2.0 206m 675ft 206m 675ft Nearest lot line (side or rear) 0.1 10m 34ft 10m 34ft Nearest road allowance 0.2 21m 67 It 21m 67ft Nearest neighbour's dwelling 1.0 Type A land uses Signature of Preparer: Date: - - - - - - - - Hugh Stewart, Clark Consulting Services NOTE TO THe JSoFI: Thr: Ontano Mini$11}' ot A~ncutturc, F"ooc a(!o Rurol Affatrs (Of\41\FRA) lla& devehtp~Lt nus sofl'.va:re progr.:.m tor :listfib·Jtion and use w·th :ha. MIJ\tmum D•st3nce Separation (M05} Formui#IP. "'"' "p••hlu; ~P.I\Ih:~ ta ~uist fHtmflf"!:., consultanis, and the general plJIJiiC ThiS v~rslon nr tn~ softwart distribut~d by OMAF"RP. wi.l be con.11dered to be the offic1al •..ersion for pui'J)OSe~ of e:.lculaling .'~OS. OMAfqA is n:Jl!e for tno•s due to n:.ftcl.r~tt or 1nconec:t I.Jattt or Jn•o,~uatton rrusl&M:~ in r..slculation; tiler:; a• ising out of modifi<:ation o11tle sottwate, or err:Jrs aostng o•.;t ;)f h\C.:OrT9Cl in~~.~tt1rg ol d!lla, 4JI d~ta and c.llcutations $hocld ba verif•ed before acting on coem. 119 /'),:-. t?ontario MDS 1.0.2 22-Mar-2016 11 :20 Page3 Minimum Distance Separation II (MDS II) Report File: MDS.mds Shortkeepers For possible future development of a Beef barn for 25 cattle Farm location City of Kawartha Lakes Geotownship: EMILY Contact Information Tom Bent Emily Omemee, ON, Canada Concession: 3 Lot: 5 Manure Form Type of Livestock/Material Existing Capacity Existing NU Total Capacity Total NU Estimated Bam Area Solid Beef; Shortkeepers (12.5 - 17.5 months) 0 0.0 25 12.5 151 ml Manure/Material Storage Type: Building Base Distance 'F' (Ax B x Storage Base Distance'S': V1 . S<;>Jid, inside, bedded pack c x D): 112m (367ft) 112m (367ft) Factor A (Odour Potential): 0.8 Factor B (Nutrient Units): 175 Factor C (0rder1y Expansion): 1.1400 Factor D (Manure/Material Type}: 0.7 Total Nutrient Units: 13 Oesaiptlon Required Bam Setback Multiplier Actual Sam Setback Required Adual Storqe Storage Setback SetbaGk 112m Nearest neighbour's dwelling 1.0 112m 367 fl Type A land uses 1.0 1~2 m 367ft Type Bland uses 2.0 223m 733 fl 223m Nearest lot line (side or rear) 0.1 11m 37ft 11m 37ft Nearest road allowance 0.2 22m 73ft 73 fl Signature of Preparer: 367ft 367ft 1~2 m 733ft 22m Date: - - - - -- - -Hugh Stewart, Clark Consulting Services N:) IS TO THE US~R · Tlu~ Ootano ,....,·nistry of ,\gricul• .. rc, F'onrlll!nd R•irel A1fe1rs (OMAFRA) ha.:s lfevelopM tnis :SO"twl' progro9tn fo1 dlsvibution end.•se·•.....tth 11'\e Mi•·•mum Oislanr.e Sepor3fon ·~t./.JS) •ormuldte ;!Sa oubrt: se,v•:.e ~o a.sS1$l ~anners, consol'.3nC.s. and tte peoer~l pu~llc. Th.IS •Jers•on uf lhe s:o(tware ~•stribule<l by- f}MAFRA wi.l l.n~ coostdcrcd lobe the officiaii/Crsio(l for purpo~es of c,atculal•f·O MDS~ OMAF'RA •S not rc!'.p~n!o:ibrc' for error-; due ':<1 1n.acr.ur~te o.• tl1co•recr d&ta or tnronna~iofl. mistakes h r.-.l~lllttl•orr. P.ll\lr~ (fU..;Ifli,l fJU~ uf lfiOdirication nf the software, or errors 81'1$i..,g nLol '31 ioc'3rrecl in~vt1 ng of data Atl da<a Bnd catcvlstio11s ~houl:::l be verified before acun~ ~fl them 120 .r~ t-?ontario APPENDIX"_ to THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF p___ ..._ ~A/::}6/h - 0&;1 KAWRRf~RIAKES - --- ./)01 ~ 10 - (JX) BY-LAW 2016 • F=ILE NO. j){)VJ -/{p -(XJ'8' A BY-LAW TO AMEND THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES OFFICIAL PLAN TO RE· DESIGNATE LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES [File 001-16-002, Reports PLAN2016-014 and PLAN2016-032, respecting Part of Lots 4 and 5, Concession 2. geographic Township of Emily, now City of Kawartha Lakes SOBRIAN/KIEZEBRINK.] Recitals: 1. Sections 17 and 22 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, authorize Council to consider the adoption of an amendment to an Official Plan. 2. Council has received an application to amend the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan to change the designation from the Rural designation to the Tourist Commercial and Environmental Protection designations to permit a two (2) phased "Country Inn" establishment on the land. 3. A public meeting to solicit public input has been held. 4. Council deems it appropriate to adopt Official Plan Amendment Number 21. Accordingly, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes enacts this By-law 2016-**'*. I Article 1:00 1.01 Official Plan Amendment Details Property Affected: The Property affected by this By-law Is Identified as Part of Lots 4 and 5. Concession 2, geographic Township of Emily, now City of Kawartha Lakes. 1.02 Amendment: Amendment No. 21 to the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan, attached hereto as Schedule 'A' and forming a part of this By-law is hereby adopted. IArticle 2:00 2.0 1 Effective Date Force and Effect This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the date it is finally passed, subject to the approval of the City of Kawartha Lakes in accordance with the provisions of Section 17 and 22 of the Planning Act, R. S. 0. 1990, c. P.13. By-law read a first, second and third time. and finally passed, this •• 2016. Judy Cumns, City Clerk Andy Letham, Mayor 121 day of May, Schedule 'A' to By-law No. 2016-*** The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes AMENDMENT NO. 21 TO THE OFFICIAl PLAN FOR THE CITY OF KAWARTHA lAKES PART A- THE PREAMBLE A. PURPOSE The purpose of the Official Plan Amendment Is to change the land use designations on Schedule 'A-3' of the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan on a portion of the property from the Rural designation to the Tourist Commercial and Environmental Protection designations. The land is also subject to an application for Zoning By-law Amendment The effect of the change is to permit a two (2) phased "Country Inn• establishment on the property. B. LOCATION The subject site has an area of approximately 58.7 hectares and is located on the east side of Ski Hill Road, approximately 1.2 km south of Highway 7 and the former VIllage of Omemee, in the geographic Township of Emily, now City of Kawartha Lakes. The subject property is located In a rural area with large rural parcels of land Including agricultural operations and rural residential uses. The property is currently vacant and is within 120 m. of a Provincially Significant Wetland. The land is legaUy described as Part of Lots 4 and 5, Concession 2, geographic Township of Emily, now City of Kawartha Lakes. C. BASIS Council has enacted this official plan amendment In response to an application submitted by EcoVue Consulting Servcles Inc. on behalf of Jules and Frances Sobrian and Erika, Erikf and Deborah Kiezebrink to permit a two (2) phased "Country Inn" establishment on the property. It is Intended that a special policy be incorporated Into the amendment to permit a "Country Inn" facility defined as follows: "COUNTRY INN shall mean a public lodging or housing establishment in a rural setting offering and providing accommodation and such additional services and attention as are necessarily incidental to the use such as a restaurant, bar, banquet hall, meeting and reception rooms, spa and recreational facilities. Country Inns may also be used for social events or gatherings, (such as weddings), and are permitted to obtain liquor licenses." The land Is designated Rural and Environmental Protection on Schedule "A-3" of the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Pian. The land is also subject to an application for Zoning By-law Amendment. The proposed development and amendment to the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan are justified and represent good planning for the following reasons: 1. The proposed development conforms to relevant provincial policy documents being the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe and Is consistent with the 2014 Provincial Policy Statement. 2. The proposed development conforms to the goals and objectives of the Tourist Commercial designation as set out in the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan. 3. The proposed development conforms to the goals and objectives of the Environmental Protection designation as set out in the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan. 122 4. The site concept Is compatible and integrates well with the surTOunding area. 5. The applicant has submitted the selected background reports as set out in the Official Plan to demonstrate the appropriateness of the proposed development with respect to servicing, traffic, agricultural impact and the environment. PART B ·THE AMENDMENT D. INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT All of this part of the document entitled Part B • The Amendment, consisting of the following Map 'A' and text constitutes Amendment No. 21 to the Official Plan for the City of Kawartha Lakes. E. DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT 1. The Official Plan for the City of Kawartha Lakes is amended to add the following subsection. 26.5 SPECIAL PROVISIONS a) On land designated Tourist Commercial and described as Part of Lots 4 and 5, Concession 2, geographic Township of Emily, now City of Kawartha Lakes, a Country Inn facility is permitted. COUNTRY INN shall mean a public lodging or housing establishment In a rural setting offering and providing accommodation and such additional services and attention as are necessarily incidental to the use such as a restaurant, bar, banquet hall, meeting and reception rooms, spa and recreational facilities. Country Inns may also be used for social events or gatherings, (such as weddings), and are permitted to obtain liquor licenses. 2. Schedule 'A-3' of the City of Kawartha lakes Official Plan Is hereby amended by changing the land use designation from the Rural designation to the Tourist Commercial and Environmental Protection designation, as shown on Map 'A' as 'LAND TO BE RE·DESIGNATED TOURIST COMMERCIAL and ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION' . F. IMPLEMENTATION AND INTERPRETATION The implementation and interpretation of this amendment shall be in accordance with the relevant policies of the Official Plan. 123 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES Map 'A' to Amendment No. 21 to the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan 1- 0memee ~ Con3 (\') l;;j Mil/Pond ~ '------~ 0 ~ (unopened) Con2 (unopened) Geographic Township of Emily Lot 4 Lot 3 Lot 5 LAND USE DESIGNATIONS ~ TOURIST COMMERCIAL D ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ~ RURAL 124 Lot 6 - t- APPENDIX·- - -- to PLA"-I.;b1&- 03~ THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KA~~p\~K -...;;,;;E~ S_ __ BY-LAW 2016- FILE NO. Dof- tt,. - ~ OOb - f 0- a::>~ A BY-LAW TO AMEND THE TOWNSHIP OF EMILY ZONING BY-LAW NO. 1996-30 TO REZONE LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES [File 006-16-008, Reports PLAN2016-014 and PLAN2016-032 respecting Part l ots 4 and 5, Concession 2, geographic Township of Emily and being vacant land on Ski Hill Road, SOBRIAN/KIEZEBRINK) Recitals: to determine the appropriate 1. Section 34 of the Planning Act authorizes Council zoning categories and provisions assigned to land. 2. Council has received an application to amend the categories and provisions relating to a specific parcel of land to permit a two (2) phase "Country Inn" on the property. 3. A public meeting to solicit public input has been held. 4. Council deems it appropriate to rezone the Property. Accordingly, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes enacts this By-law 2016-_. l ] iction 1:00 Zonlng _D....:;e-=-= ta'-il.:.. s _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,_ _ _ _ __, 1.01 Property Affected: The Property affected by this by-law is described as the Part Lots 4 and 5, Concession 2 , geographic Township of Emily, City of Kawartha l akes, being vacant land on Ski Hill Road. 1.02 Textual Amendment: By-law No. 1996-30 of the Township of Emily be further amended to add the following section to Section 16.3: 16.3.2 RECREATION COMMERCIAL EXCEPTION 1WO (C3-2) ZONE Notwithstanding the permitted uses in subsection 16.1.1. land zoned "C3-2" shall only be used for a Country Inn as defined herein: "COUNTRY INN means shall mean a public lodging or housing establishment in a rural setting offering and providing accommodation and such additional services and attention as are necessarily Incidental to the use such as a restaurant, bar, banquet hall, meeting and reception rooms, spa and recreational facilities. Country Inns may also be used for social events or gatherings, (such as weddings), and are permitted to obtain liquor licenses." On land zoned C3-2(H), the removal of the (H) shall be in accordance with the following: a. 1.03 The owner shall enter into a site plan agreement with the City tor any development on the land. Schedule Amendment: Schedule 'A' to By-law No. 1996-30 of the Township of Emily is further amended to change the zone category from the Agricultural (A1) Zone to the Recreation Commercial Exception Two Holding (C3-2)(H) and Environmental Protection {EP) Zone for the land referred to as 'C3-2{H1 )', as shown on Schedule 'A' attached to this By-law. 125 I Section 2:00 Effective Date 2.01 Effective Date: This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the date it Is finally passed, subject to the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning Act. By-law read a first, second and third time, and finall y passed, this •• day of May, 2016. Andy Letham, Mayor Judy Cunins, City Clerk 126 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KAWARTH A LAKES THIS IS SCHEDULE 'A' TO BY-LAW - - - - PASSED THIS DAY OF 2016. CITY CLERK - - - - - - MAYOR - - - - - - I- j Omemee Mill Pond Con 3 0 (unopened) (unopened) Con 2 (unopened) Lot 4 Lot 5 Geographic Township of Emily 127 Lot 6 The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes Planning Committee Report Report Number PLAN2016-036 Date: May 11 , 2016 Time: 1:00 p.m. Place: CounGil Chamber Ward Community Identifier: 10 Subject: An application for Site Plan Approval (D19-15-007) of a proposed self-storage facility on a vacant industrial lot at 76 Walsh Road (MICHAEL AND JEFFERY FARQUHAR) Author/Title: Mark LaHay, Planner II Signature: Recommendation: RESOLVED THAT Report PLAN2016-036, respecting Part Lot 23, Concession 7, Registered Plan 621 , Lot 8, geographic Township of Ops, 76 Walsh Road, Application D19-15-007, be received for information. '7 Department Head: Corporate Services Director I Other: Chief Administrative Officer: 128 ~ ')~) Report PL.AN20 16-036 Self-Storage Facility, 76 Walsh Road (Ops) Page 2 of8 Background: Proposal: A site plan application to permit the development of a selfstorage facility comprised of 4 buildings, with an outside storage area. Owners: Michael and Jeffery Farquhar Legal Description: Part Lot 23, Concession 7, Reg istered Plan 621, Lot 8 Geographic Township of Ops Official Plan: "Industrial" in the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan Zoning: "General Industrial (M) Zone" in the Township of Ops Zoning By-law 1993-30, as amended Site Size: 2.23 ha. (5.52 ac.- MPAC) Site Servicing: No municipal services. There is an existing private well but no san itary service. San itary services are not proposed. Existing Uses: Vacant land Adjacent Uses: North: Agricultural with residence East: Agricultural without residence South: Vacant Industrial/Industrial West: Vacant Industrial/Industrial Rationale: The subject property is a vacant 2.23 ha. lot w ith in an industrial subdivision located on the east side of CKL Road 36 (see Appendix 'A'). The respective subdivision agreement is dated November 7, 1988. The Township of Ops Zoning By-law 93-30 was approved on September 20, 1993, which is the current zoning by-law in effect. The proposal is to construct a warehouse and outside storage area on this lot. The owners propose to construct four (4) self-storage buildings. Each storage build ing will be approximately 502 sq. m. (5,400 sq . ft.) (see Appendix 'B'). The north side yard area may also be utilized for outside storage. The property is within the Lindsay Site Plan Control area. The site plan application was received on October 9, 2015 and deemed complete for processing purposes on October 26, 2015. In accordance with Site Plan Control By-law 2016M069, the owner has appealed to the Planning Committee (a copy was distributed with the agenda), to consider the removal of specific decisions of the Director of Development Services that relate to the approval of the subject Site Plan and cond itions imposed as part of that approval. The five (5) items are: 1. The requirement for loading and parking spaces by the Ops Zoning Bytaw 93-30, sections 2.11 and 2.17.8 129 Report PLAN2016-036 Self-Storage Facility, 76 Walsh Road (Ops) Page 3 of8 2. The requirement for a minor variance for outdoor storage 3. The requirement for additional landscaping along the frontage of 76 Walsh Road, as required by the City's Site Plan Guide 4. The requirement for a Security Deposit for works on private property, as required by the City's Site Plan Guide 5. The requirement to pay Development Charge fees established by By~law 2015-224; the applicable fees should be those established by By-law 2014~238. In addition, the owner has requested that Planning Committee recommend to Council that the applicable Development Charge fees under the 2014-238 Bylaw be paid at the time a Building Permit is issued for each building. The five (5) items listed above are discussed in more detail later in this report under the heading "Development Services- Planning Division Comments". Provincial Policies: The application conforms to the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (Growth Plan) and is consistent with the 2014 Provincial Policy Statement. Official Plan Conformity: The land is designated "Industrial" on Schedule 'A-3' of the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan (OP) and is within the Urban Settlement Boundary of the Town of Lindsay. Warehousing and indoor and outdoor storage establishments are permitted. The proposed use conforms to the applicable policies of the OP. Zoning By-law Compliance: The property is zoned "General Industrial (M) Zone" on Schedule "A" to the Township of Ops Zoning By-law #93-30, which permits a range of industrial permitted uses. Staff has determined that the proposed industrial use would be classified as a warehouse, which is permitted in the "M" zone. This zone also permits an equipment storage building, an open storage area accessory to an "M" use, as well as a storage lot for recreational vehicles. The site plan submitted with the application currently complies with the parking requirement but not the loading requirement; however, the owner is seeking to reduce or eliminate parking and loading requirements on site, which will require variances from the Zoning By-law. Also, should the owner want to utilize the north side yard for outdoor storage purposes, this wou ld also require a variance from the zoning by-law. Site Plan Control: The property is within the Lindsay Site Plan Control area and therefore, site plan approval is required prior to the issuance of a Building Permit and development 130 Report PLAN2016-036 Self-Storage Facility, 76 Walsh Road (Ops) Page4 of 8 of the subject land. That approval is contingent on a design that satisfies applicable municipal requirements, including zoning requirements and the requirements of any other authorities having jurisdiction. Other Alternatives Considered: No other alternatives have been taken into consideration. Financial Considerations: There could be financial considerations for the City, if the application and/or the conditions of site plan approval were to be appealed by the owners to the Ontario Municipal Board. In the event of an appeal there could be costs for legal representation and planning staff. Furthermore, should a Letter of Credit or other performance security not be required , there may be financial implications to the City if the owners default on their obligations under the Site Plan Agreement and/or certain approved works and/or services were not completed or do not function as designed and intended . The Chief Building Official has advised that the financial implications of permitting the collection of reduced development charges will impact the development charge reserve fund. All exemptions granted, whether legislated or optional, are still required to be made up by transfer of funds from another account within the City's financial framework. Therefore by granting a reduction to allow the use of the 2015 rate from by-law 2014-238 (coinciding with timing of the submission for building permit), would for the first two buildings alone, amount to a deficit to the development charge reserve fund of $36,722 .61 , to be made up from other sources. Relationship of Recommendation(s) To The 2016·2019 Strategic Plan: The Council Adopted Strategic Plan identifies these Strategic Goals: • • • A Vibrant and Growing Economy An Exceptional Quality of Life A Healthy Environment This application aligns with the vibrant and growing economy as it promotes and provides economic development opportunities. Review of Accessibility Implications of Any Development or Policy: All applicable site and building accessibility matters will be addressed through site plan approval. The Site Plan Agreement will address all external accessibility requirements of the Building Code, if required . The site plan 131 Report PLAN2016-036 Self-Storage Facility, 76 Walsh Road {Ops) Page 5 of8 application has been circulated to the City's Accessibility Advisory Committee for comment. Servicing Comments: There is no municipal water or sanitary sewer servicing the subject land. A private well exists; however, no private wastewater services are proposed at this time. Section 22.3.3 of the City's Official Plan restricts industrial uses on private services to ones that are dry and low water users. The proposed use is considered a low water use. Consultations: Planning staff have circulated the submitted plans, documents and reports to relevant departments and agencies for review and comment. Department and agency staff have completed reviews of two (2) site plan submissions; and comprehensive comments were provided to the owners dated December 2, 2015 and January 22, 2015. To date not all of the outstanding issues that were identified with these comprehensive comments have been satisfactorily addressed. Development Services- Planning Division Comments: The owners have requested that the five (5) items listed below, not be required as part of the City's Site Plan Approval process. Following each item is the response from the appropriate City staff. 1. The requirement for loading and parking spaces by the Ops Zoning Bylaw 93-30, sections 2.11 and 2.17.8. The site plan approval process and associated Agreement cannot be used to exempt a development from complying with the applicable provisions of the Zoning By-law. The Site Plan Agreement, Section 3 sets out an acknowledgment of and purpose for the development, and Section 6 sets out conditions relating to permits and occupancy; all of which must comply with applicable requirements of the Zoning By-law and Building Code. With regard to parking and loading requirements, there is no specific exemption for self-storage units; a use that is not defined in the Zoning Bylaw. Other municipalities have defined commercial self-storage uses and/or established specific zoning requirements for these uses. As noted above, this use is considered a warehouse, is permitted in the General Industrial (M) Zone and there are parking and loading requirements for a warehouse use. Staff acknowledges that the operation and function of self~storage units demand a significantly reduced number of parking spaces than required for a warehouse use. Earlier this year planning staff advised the owner that this deficiency could be addressed by a minor variance application and that staff 132 Report PLAN2016-036 Self-Storage Facility, 76 Walsh Road (Ops) Page 6 of8 would support that application to reduce the number of required parking spaces. 2. The requirement for a minor variance for outdoor storage. The site plan approval process and associated Agreement cannot be used to exempt a development from complying with the applicable provisions of the Zoning By-law. If outdoor storage is contemplated in the north side yard where parking spaces are currently illustrated on the Site Plan, then a variance from Section 12.2 Open Storage Area Regulations of the Zoning By-law is required- to permit open storage use in that location. A side yard is defined as: "A yard located between a side lot line and the nearest part of any excavation or main building on the lot and extending for the full length of such side lot line but excluding any front yard, exterior yard or rear yard." Staff acknowledges that the location of this potential outdoor storage area within the north side yard has a significant separation distance from the residential dwelling on the abutting lot, which together with the required 3.0 m. planting strip buffer provides more than adequate justification for the variance. Earlier this year planning staff advised the owner that this deficiency could be addressed by a minor variance application and that staff would support an application for the multiple variances required, based on the current Site Plan. 3. The requirement for additional landscaping along the frontage of 76 Walsh Road, as required by the City's Site Plan Guide. The intent of the landscaped strip is to enhance the road frontage area and entrances to buildings and site and diminish the impact of the blank walls of buildings and also act as a buffer/screen to lessen the visual impact of the parking area. Staff have previously advised the owner that landscaping will not be required further north; only along the established public road allowance being part of the assumed public street (i.e. Walsh Road) in accordance with the City's Site Plan Guide. The owner has not yet demonstrated that suitable landscaping along the frontage to the north of the entrance cannot be provided at the edge of the proposed 3.2 m strip or within a slightly wider strip to accommodate plantings. Staff has also offered suggestions in terms of how the landscaped strip could be accommodated, without necessitating major changes to the site plan. By-law 2016-069 is the Bylaw to establish Site Plan Control and Procedures in the City of Kawartha Lakes and to delegate site plan control approval to the Director of Development Services. Section 3.01 of this By-law states "that no person shall undertake any development until they have provided the information required by the City of Kawartha Lakes Site Plan Control Guide". 133 Report PLAN2016·036 Self-Storage Facility, 76 Walsh Road (Ops) Page 7 of 8 4. The requirement for a Security Deposit for works on private property, as required by the City's Site Plan Guide. Section 41 (7)(c) of the Planning Act gives Cou neil the authority to require the owner to enter into an Agreement and through the Agreement to provide a financial security to ensure satisfactory provision, timely completion and ma inte na nee of the faci Iities, works or matters listed in Section 41 (7) (a) of the Planning Act. These facilities generally include, but are not limited to, landscaping, driveways, parking facilities , paving and curbing , walkways, lighting facilities, garbage storage facilities, stormwater management facilities, fencing, retaining walls and restoration of disturbed areas on City property and/or other matters identified through the site plan review process. Performance Securities are collected and administered through the Site Plan Agreement. Sections 10 and 11 of the Agreement outline the requirements for financial security and the return of such security upon the satisfactory completion of the approved works. Section 3.02 of the City's Site Plan Control By-law states that as a condition of approval the owner shall enter into an agreement with the City to the satisfaction of and at no expense to the municipality to ensure that a list of items is provided . Section 3.03 of the City's Site Plan Control By-law references that such agreement shall also provide that the various facilities and works referred to within the agreement shall be maintained to the satisfaction of the municipality and at the sole risk and expense of the owner, including the removal of snow from access ramps and driveways, parking and loading areas and walkways. By-law 2016-069 requires the owner to provide the information set out in the Site Plan Guide, which outlines the security deposit requirements. These requirements are outlined in Appendix 'E' of the Guide, which stipulates the percentages of security deposit that the City requires. 5. The requirement to pay Development Charge fees established by By-law 2015-224; the applicable fees should be those established by By-law 2014-238. The Chief Building Official has provided the following information for th is section . The following sections of the Development Charges Act are applicable to this inquiry/request: When development charge is payable: 26. (1) A development charge is payable for a development upon a building permit being issued for the development unless the development charge bylaw provides otherwise under subsection (2). 1997, c. 27, s. 26 (1 ). 134 Report PLAN2016-036 Self-Storage Facility, 76 Walsh Road (Ops) Page 8 of8 Multiple phases: .(.11} If a development consists of two or more phases that will not be constructed concurrently and are anticipated to be completed in different years, each phase of the development is deemed to be a separate development for the purposes of this section. 2015, c. 26, s. 6. As you can see in 26.(1) a DC charge is payable at time of permit issuance and therefore the amount of the charge is the current rate at time of issuance. In this case the permit would be issued in 2016 , or later depending upon timing of approvals. Further, in 26.(1.2) the charge levied for the future buildings within this project are deemed separate development and would be determined based on the date of issuance of those subsequent permits. The 2014·238 By-law was repealed when the 2015·224 By-law was passed by Council November 24, 2015, and therefore no longer holds validity to be applied to any proposed projects. Mr. Farquhar's application for building permit was not submitted until December 14, 2015, after the passing of Bylaw 2015-224. Conclusion: There are established Planning Act and By-law regulations and procedures governing process as articulated in this report. If Council agrees with any of the five requests , Staff requires the appropriate direction on each item from Council. Attachments: Appendix 'A'. pdf Appendix 'B'.pdf Appendix 'A'- Aerial Photo/Location Map Appendix 'B'- Proposed Site Plan Phone: 705-324-9411 ext. 1324 or 1-888-822-2225 ext. 1324 E-Mail: mlahay@city.kawarthalakes.on .ca Department Head: Chris Marshall Department File: 019-15-007 135 ... 6. Lot 8, Plan 621 -Walsh Road (Ops) Roed centretine UpperMIO:ipalities Upper Mlrlic;ipalities Property ROLL# 1..ots and ConC~~SSions KRCA Regulated A1ea5 CKl._~r_8Utt15m .:!! r m z 9 JJ )> "'0 "'0 m ..... 0 0 ::D -i VI ' 8 I WGS_ 1984_W.'o_Mer=or_Auxllary_Sphtwe e cny Ot t<.wantliii.Jok>os This mep is a user generaled stotic culpu1 from en l11lernal m•pping sjte and i& lot reterence orty Otl!a layer. !hat • -• on IIlia ,..P m-y or ~ nol be alOCunrl•, CU1t4llll. 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