August 2016 Sugar Scoop
August 2016 Sugar Scoop
Property Owners Association 5477 Worthington Ct. Gladwin, MI 48624 989/426-4111 August 2016 Volume 54 Issue 5 Partial Index Activity Center Calendar Insert Advertising (POA) Members Page 16 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes No Meeting Financials No Meeting General Manager’s Report Pages 3 - 4 Golf Pages 10 –15 Memorial Report Page 5 SSPOA Directory Page 17 Weekly Events Calendar Insert — Sugar Scoop Newsletter 5477 Worthington Court Gladwin, MI 48624 989.426.4111 SUGAR SCOOP ISSUE DEADLINE DATE Sept / Oct ‘16 September 16, 2016 Nov / Dec ‘16 October 14, 2016 BOARD MEETINGS Meetings are held in the Activity Building August 20, 2016 ~ 10am October 15, 2016 ~ 10am December 10, 2016 ~ 10am 2 General Manager's Report August 2016 It is always amazing to me how quickly time goes by. It seems like yesterday that I was welcoming everyone back for another fun summer season in Sugar Springs and now even though we do not want to think about it, school will be starting again soon. Obviously the lakes have been a major concern this season, particularly with the lack of rain since May. Hopefully next year will be a more normal year with precipitation. The lower lake levels have not taken away from all the fun that happens on the lakes, but it does impact docks and boat lifts. If we don’t receive any more rain than what we have been experiencing and the temperatures remain above normal; you may want to consider removing docks/lifts earlier in the year than usual so that if levels continue to fall, the companies that remove them for you don’t have a problem getting to them. My best advice is just to keep an eye on the levels and make your best decision. We have been busy doing maintenance in Sugar Springs again this year. The new parking lot at the POA office is done and the availability of additional parking spaces for all the members that use it for the Activity Building, tennis courts, bocce ball, and the POA office is working out well. We have more than doubled the number of parking spaces available. The tennis courts were completely resurfaced this summer; repairing a number of large cracks that were affecting play. The golf course has cut more dead ash trees on the golf course, with more to go. Our beach clubs and pavilions have or are all in the process of being repainted with our new lighter color scheme. The new directional signs guiding you around the “Lake Trail” were put in. An area of turf at the Airpark was leveled to accommodate more of the planes that come to the annual fly-in, and the B&G staff brush hogged all the grass 40 feet from the runway. We still have to complete building new stairs for the POA office, purchase a new copy machine for the POA office which is getting tired after printing over 1.4 million copies; install more of our new logoed signs at beach clubs and boat dock areas. We also will rip rap the last of the area of Manchester Beach Club to protect from erosion. All this while doing the things necessary to keep almost 50 year old buildings and their equipment running, which is a big job. A tile is being installed on the kiddy hill at the Chalet. Continued on Page 4 3 GENERAL MANAGER REPORT Continued from Page 2 Last winter water accumulated at the bottom of the hill which then turned to ice. Hopefully this fix will stop that from happening again this winter. We are still waiting for our contractor to do additional work at Camper Storage, and to fix drainage issues and create a gravel walkway at the Old Pavilion area, which is part of the Lake Trail. Last, with Labor Day quickly approaching I want to personally thank all my staff, from the POA office, B&G, Cleaning, the Hearth, the Golf Club and Golf Course Maintenance for another great year. Without them my job would be much more difficult, and all the things you as members take advantage of all year round, would not be as nice. Thank you everyone; each and every one of you has done a great job! I would also like to thank all the members of Sugar Springs who donate their time and energy as volunteers. We are a special place because of you! Enjoy the rest of your summer, Robert Neeb, CMCA, AMS, PCAM General Manager Sugar Springs Property Owners Association 4 Memorial Committee Donations for Memorials can be made at the POA building. Memorial Funds are used in many areas at Sugar Springs. Memorial donations have been received for the following: Hank Colo Sandra Rhadigan Terry Cook A Japanese Maple Tree has been purchased using the Sandra Rhadigan Memorial Funds and it has been planted on the #7 hole of the golf course near the green. Current Memorial suggestion list Sugar Springs Beautification Projects American, Michigan & Sugar Springs flags Sugar Springs Beach Areas Sugar Springs Golf Course Sugar Springs Recreational Areas Sugar Springs Chalet Area Volunteers Needed Our Memorial Committee members are looking for a couple of individuals who would be interested in serving on this committee. We have four meetings during the year (May, July, September & November) where we go over the current and future projects, financials etc. The Sugar Springs Garden Club normally meets on the third Thursday of the month, except for June this year. We meet at 9:30am in the old activity building. Bring a friend and join us. For questions call Elaine Gagnon at 989/246-8686. 5 IT’S TIME FOR APPLAUSE ALL ‘ROUND As most of you know, our Arts & Crafts Show on July 2 was a rousing success, thanks to everyone in the community. I’d like to thank all of our resident volunteers who showed up when called, set up the site, helped direct vendors as well as parking, put up & took down signs, cooked hot dogs, sold raffle tickets, baked &/or sold goodies…… get the idea! Thank you to Jim & Pat Issitt, Kim & Deb Krenz, Judi, David & Steve Sullivan, Jan & Bob Neeb, Lynn Wright, Dave Fink, Tom Hug, Joyce & Joe Remenar, Joyce & Jerry Lewis, Donna & Ernie Fairman, Carol & Bob Higgins, Jeri Webster, Mary & Don DeMatio, Norma & Heinz Becker, Janet & Ali Bilodeau, Sandy & Tim Stegeman, Jeanne Schairer, Jean & Jerry Golda, Maude King, Pat & Weldon Fewell, Jo & Dennis Hagey, Sheri & Mike Visnaw, and Ben Baker. Special thanks to our POA staff; Debbie Mahaffy, Melissa Zelt, Matt Schindler, as well as Scott Schaefer, Ken Klein and the entire Building and Grounds crew!! Lastly, thanks to EVERYONE who attended and supported our fundraising efforts .We are all so fortunate to be part of this great community. THANK YOU! Sue & Scott Jones, Event Coordinators 6 SUGARCISE Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays 9:00am in the Lancer Room of the Activity Center. Join us for an hour of fun and improve your fitness level. Start with a warm up to get those muscle groups ready, then swing into a “FUN” cardio segment. That’s right we said “FUN CARDIO”. Finish with exercises to improve muscle tone in those “areas” we all need to work on. Classes are led by an instructor that will demonstrate low impact moves and lead you through an hour of “fun”. Wear good supporting shoes and clothing that allow you to move. We are going to do some hip shaking. Thanks, Joyce Lewis 812/593-3915 TEAM TRIVIA Join your Sugar Springs neighbors on Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm in the Activity Building Cost is $2/person Cash prizes ~ Snacks Question topics run from Golf to Geography, Science to Sports, Money to Movies, Landmarks to Language, Entertainment to Endangered Species, Food to the Funnies, Drinks to Dogs, TV to Travel, Vegetables to Vegas, and More. Come, be on a team, and have some fun with us. The Sugar Springs Recreation Committee invites you to attend their monthly Birthday Dinners held on the last Monday of the month, at 5:00 pm. Join us at the Hearth Restaurant for dinner and we will provide the dessert. Have fun with friends, or make new ones as we celebrate those who have had their birthdays throughout the month. Attention Mah Jongg Players The game of Mah Jongg will be played on Tuesday evenings at 6pm in the Lancelot Room. If you are interested in playing the game please join us. Enjoy free WI FI access at the the Pro Shop, the Activity Center, the POA Office & at the Campground. Join our exercise group! Stretching and toning your muscles to video instructions, some standing up, some sitting in a chair, no floor exercises. MONDAY - WEDNESDAY - FRIDAY 8:30 to 9:30am in the Lancelot Room of the Activity Center 7 AROUND THE CAMPFIRE Come One, Come All Are you looking for a way to meet some new people in Sugar Springs? Or maybe you just want to enjoy some good food and conversation with people you already know. Either way, stop on by the Berkshire Beach Pavilion on Saturday, August 6th, from Noon to 2pm for the Annual POA Meet and Greet Pot Luck Picnic. The picnic is open to all Sugar Springs property owners. Our volunteer grill masters will be cooking up hamburgers and hot dogs compliments of the POA. If you can, bring a dish to pass. Some of the best conversations and friendships begin when people come together to share a meal. To add to the festivities, there will be a hot air balloon walk during the picnic. That's right! One of the infamous ReMax hot air balloons will be inflated on the ground so people can walk in and experience the massive inflatable structure from the inside. How would that photo look on your Instagram or Facebook wall? Don't miss the fun! Put the date on your calendar! SSPOA Camping Committee 8 Pilot’s Corner Active Runway, Stay Clear Watching airplanes land and take off is something everyone can enjoy at the Airpark Fly-in Breakfast on Saturday, August 27th. It will be the busiest day of the year at the Airpark. Using last year as a baseline, we expect over 60 aircraft to fly in to Sugar Springs that day. While the hustle and bustle can be exciting, there are a few words of caution everyone needs to heed in order to keep things safe; some things I cannot emphasize enough. First, stay off of the runway! Never walk, ride or drive anything on or across the runway and please do not allow children on the runway. Airplanes are not as easy to see in the air as you might think. They tend to blend with the sky. Also, a landing airplane is very quiet because the engine is throttled back and it's basically gliding to a landing. Most small airplanes travel at 70-80 mph on final approach to landing. Imagine walking across a highway with a car traveling in your direction at that speed. It's not a risk worth taking. Next, stay clear of airplane propellers. If you see people climbing into an airplane, chances are they are going to start the engine next. If you hear someone yell "clear" or "clear prop" that's a warning that a pilot is going to start the engine. When the engine cranks, the propeller turns. You don't want to be anywhere near a propeller when it's turning. Think of it as a big lawn mower blade. The Airpark Committee will mark off various areas with caution tape and volunteers will be helping guide airplanes in and out of the parking area; however, we need Fly-in attendees to stay alert and heed our cautions when walking near the active runway and in the aircraft parking areas. A safe and fun event is our primary objective. See you at the Fly-in! Rebecca 9 Congratulations from the Pro Shop to these Members on your exciting golf achievement a “Hole in One” at Sugar Springs in 2016. Ken Meyer #12 Pam Nichols #5 Greg Grossjean #3 Jim Kazanski #5 Bill Hughes #3 10 Mens Mixed 6 Event ~ July 11th, 2016 Gold A 1st Place 60.981 - Moses & Justus 2nd Place 61.545 - Kahn & Ferrari 3rd Place 62.793 - McDowell & Bisogni 4th Place 63.169 - Wheeler & Groff 5th Place 63.981 - Gagnon & Bodenbach Gold B 1st Place 60.496 - Ehle & Payne 2nd Place 62.417 - Berg & Dickenson 3rd Place 64.308 - Merpi & Forbes 4th Place 64.714 - Olschanski & Brown 5th Place 66.011 - Johnstone & Gall Gold C 1st Place 66.744 - Giza & Novak 2nd Place 67.229 - Harris & Strieter 3rd Place 67.635 - Giffin & Knight 4th Place 67.823 - Neubauer & Grosjean 5th Place 68.932 - Holcomb & Legeret 11 Ladies Partner Eclectic ~ June 23rd & 24th, 2016 Green Tees 1st Place 49 - Kathy Kazanski & Cheryl Selwood 2nd Place 54 - Deo Brown & Nancy Lusher 3rd Place 56 - Jackie Vanderhoff & Carol Johnson T4th Place 58 - Pam Nichols & Bev Zuelch Ann Surowiec & Ida Warner Carolyn Pellegrin & Vicki Johnstone Silver Tees 1st Place 50 - Patti Berg & Mary Ellyn Merpi 2nd Place 54 - Carol Fisher & Marion Capell 3rd Place 55 - Donna Makelim & Judy Barrus 4th Place 56 - Debbie Jerome & Lori Robertson Ladies Mixed 6 Event ~ July 11th, 2016 Green Tees 1st Place 69.308 - Freeman & Underwood 2nd Place 70.932 - Johnstone & Kazanski 3rd Place 77.289 - Selwood & Pellegrin 4th Place 78.695 - Johnson & Vanderhoff Silver A 1st Place 64.635 - Maxim & Dunham 2nd Place 69.477 - Salowitz & Droze 3rd Place 71.774 - Makelim & Shevock 4th Place 74.18 - Haus & Kahn Silver B 1st Place 70.21 - Moses & Winkowski 2nd Place 73.616 - Merpi & Forbes 3rd Place 77.913 - Jerome & Magill 4th Place 81.507 - Lane & Piontek 5th Place 85.913 - Gossett & Visnaw Ladies Member Member ~ July 15th, 2016 Green Tees 1st Place 61 - Creech & Warner 2nd Place 64 - Freeman & Underwood 3rd Place 65 - Dunham & Surowiec Silver A 1st Place 58 - Haus & Selwood 2nd Place 59 - Droze & Lane 3rd Place 60 - Kahn & Pollock Silver B 1st Place 58 - Tate & Lusher 2nd Place 59 - Berg & Merpi 3rd Place 60 - Justus & Salowitz Silver C 1st Place 56 - Girvin & Havel 2nd Place 63 - Bascom & Klott 3rd Place 66 - Ariganello & Magill 9 Holers 1st Place 30 - Gagnon & Haight 2nd Place 32 - Pushies & Wallen 12 White A Flight 1st Place - 24.5pts Sam VanCamp & Steve McPhee 2nd Place - 22pts Steve Graham & Steve Pawlak 3rd Place - 20pts Jim Ferrari & Chris Sizick White B Flight 1st Place - 23pts Mike VanCamp & Brian McPhee 2nd Place - 22pts Tom Hug & Jeremy Kranzo 3rd Place - 21pts John Moses & Pat Glowacki White C Flight 1st Place - 24pts Mario Apruzzese & Dennis Gistinger 2nd Place - 23.5pts Mike & Michael Wilamowski 3rd Place - 22.5pts Ernie Mitchell & Mike Mitchell White D Flight 1st Place - 23pts Steve Erickson & Harold Solomon 2nd Place - 21pts Mark Nowak & Mike Nowak White E Flight 1st Place - 22.5pts Paul Jorgenson & Doug Smith 2nd Place - 21.5pts Bill Tynes & Justin MacNeill White/Gold A Flight 1st Place - 23pts Charlie Creed & Pat Conlee 2nd Place - 21.5pts Dave Proper & Steve Proper 3rd Place - 21pts Jerry Roberge & Mark Roberge White/Gold B Flight 1st Place - 25pts Mark Klott & Lee Klott 2nd Place - 22.5pts Bob Jucewicz & William Jucewicz Gold A Flight 1st Place - 25.5pts Nick Vitale & Rick Hall 2nd Place - 18.5pts Gary Watson & Vic Bartfay Gold B Flight 1st Place - 24pts Frank Barrus & Terry O’Hara 2nd Place - 21pts Dick Harris & Dave Harris Final Shootout San VanCamp & Steve McPhee defeated Mark Klott & Lee Klott for the Overall Shootout Championship 13 14 15 VACATION RENTAL The PERFECT “Lakeview Life”! Fully furnished three (3) bedroom and two (2) full bathroom home overlooking Lake Lancelot from sprawling deck. Sleeps 15. Contact Erica for all of the great details at 810/348-2416 or…………..12/16 FOR SALE 2010 Heartland Bighorn 3610RE. Four (4) slide fifth wheel loaded with many options. Call 248/830-9112 for photos or additional information. $31,000…………... 09/16 FOR SALE 1997 Jayco 37ft trailer. 2 bedrooms with queen and twin beds, sleeps 8, 18ft center slide out, air and heat. Well kept. $6,500 or best offer. Call 248/622-7520 …………08/16 FOR SALE 2013 Jayco Park Trailer, 40’, two (2) queen bedrooms, three (3) slide outs, fireplace, large bathroom, ceiling fans, many extras. Excellent condition. $30,000. 1597 Cumberland Circle. Call 517/646-0197....09/16 RENTAL Totally furnished 3 bedroom, 2 bath home on the 8th tee of the golf course. Weekly or monthly. Call or email Jennifer at 248/8052304 or……..….09/16 RENTAL Marco Island, South Seas West. 30 day contract available July—December. $2,500$3,500. Contact Michele @ 989/5063783…………………………………….……..….11/16 FOR SALE 2005 Pilgrim 311BHSS for $12,000. This well maintained travel trailer is perfect for Sugar Springs lot camping. The perfect getaway for 4 people and has enough space for up to 8 people comfortably. Two super slide outs with a bunk room and separate queen size bedroom. Very few road miles since we used it on our lot until we built our home in 2008. Give us a call at 248/474-0158 for further details………………………………….…………...08/16 Sacred Heart Bazaar Sacred Heart Bazaar, Gladwin, November 18 and 19. Looking for quality arts/crafts. Tables $50 one table for 2 days. Call Fran at 989/426-1096 or Kay at 989/4267954……………………………………………...09/16 FOR SALE Five white (5) floatation barrels $75.00. 1 H.P. shallow well pump $90.00. Call Joe at 248/321-2817……………………….…………08/16 FOR SALE 2003 24ft Sweetwater Pontoon, 40hp Yamaha with trailer. Excellent condition. Asking $10,000, located in Sugar Springs. Call 313/590-7356.……………………………...08/16 FOR SALE Two (2) Charlie Electric Mini Mopeds. 13 miles on a charge. $375 each or both for $700. Good batteries, teens or adults. Fold down for camping and hauling. Call 989/426 -9905……………………….…………………….…08/16 16 SUGAR SPRINGS POA DIRECTORY SSPOA OFFICE 989.426.4111 SSPOA OFFICE FAX 989.426.0935 ACTIVITY BUILDING 989.426.0939 RESTAURANT 989.426.9203 ACTIVITY CENTER/ POOL 989.426.0938 989.426.4232 CAMPGROUND RESERVATIONS: WEBSITE SUGAR SPRINGS GOLF COURSE PRO SHOP 989.426.4391 GOLF TEE TIMES 989.426.1162 SSPOA OFFICE HOURS MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 9AM TO 5PM SATURDAY 10AM TO 3PM CLOSED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS Sugar Scoop Email Sugar Scoop Articles and Digital Pictures to the Editor at Please put “Scoop” in subject line! Sugar Springs Campground OPEN YEAR ROUND We are now taking camping reservations for the Campground by telephone at (989) 426-4232. Please let your friends and family know they have this option to ensure that a camping spot will be waiting for them. They can secure their reservation by paying for their entire stay as much as a year in advance. Campfire wood and bags of ice are available for purchase at the Campground. CAMPGROUND FEES Daily Weekly Monthly Group Daily* Members $18.00 $105.00 $350.00 $16.00 Guest $20.00 $118.00 $390.00 $17.00 Public $21.00 $126.00 $465.00 $18.00 Surcharge $11.00 $42.00 $132.00 $11 From Dec. 1st thru Feb. 28th a surcharge will be added to the above fees *Group rates only offered on pre register groups of 4 or more sites 17 Advertising is the most direct way to reach this growing community of Sugar Springs and members across the state of Michigan. All businesses who advertise in our newsletter, the Sugar Scoop will also have their advertisement on our website We have a current circulation of approximately 2,500 copies per issue of the Sugar Scoop. If you are one of those who realize what a captive market you are reaching by advertising in Sugar Springs, I would like to share with you some of our advertising options: Business Card advertising is currently available in the Sugar Scoop. The cost for a single ad is $180 or a double size ad for $340. As requested, we have expanded to allow also quarter page (4.55 x 2.50) for $620, half page (4.45 x 5.0) for $1,200, and full-page (9.15 x 5.0) for $2,000 ads. Quarter page, half page & full page ads may be paid quarterly with a signed Advertising Contract. All business cards ads will displayed both in the Sugar Scoop and on the Sugar Springs website, A full page (8 ½ x 11 – double sided) insert in the Sugar Scoop is $300 per sheet. Please note that you must notify the POA office one month prior to the issue in which you would like your ad to be inserted. Golf Tee Sign allows advertisers to sponsor a tee box sign with their own ad. (A tee box sign includes yardage, handicap, and map of the hole—visible for golfers). Need more information on Business Advertising? Contact us by email at: or call the POA office 989-426-4111 PERSONAL AD - SUGAR SCOOP Date submitted: _____________________ Member # _________________ Name: _____________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________ Phone: ( _____ ) ____________________________________________________ Amount paid: ___________________ Cash or Check (circle one) Place ad in the following issues - $5.00 per Issue Circle Issues: Jan / Feb Mar / Apr May June July Aug Sept / Oct Nov / Dec Mail Form and Payment to: Sugar Scoop Editor 5477 Worthington Ct. Gladwin, MI 48624 Use the space below or attach a separate paper stating exactly how you want your ad to appear using 25 words or less. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 18 Sugar Scoop Advertising Automotive 1435 W. Cedar Ave., Gladwin, MI 48624 (989)426‐9489 WWW.LEEOTTO.COM Building & Remodeling I NTERIOR DESIGN SERVICES e v e r y t h i n g f r o m s i m p l e c o n s u ltat i o n s to a complete design package ■ Residential or Commercial Construction or Remodels ■ Space Planning ■ Finish, Fixture and Furnishing selection with access to trade-only sources ■ Millwork, Cabinetry and Lighting Layout Design ■ Custom Window Treatments ■ Custom Closets ■ New Lindsey Richardson NCIDQ Certified | 989.737.0215 7750 Springwood Lake Rd. Harrison, MI 48625 Phone: 989-539-3757 Cell 989-429-0273 Email: Roofing ● Vinyl Siding ● Remodeling Free Roof Inspection Insurance Work Sugar Scoop Advertising Building & Remodeling Insurance Randy Tarzwell Joe Kreusch Mark Bone 512 W. Buttles Street Midland, MI 48640 Phone (989) 631-3511 Sugar Scoop Advertising Churches Dining & Entertainment FACEBOOK Or use Zip Code 48661 to locate us FAST on Emmanuel Baptist Church 3089 Pratt Lake Rd., Gladwin Rev. Joe Dorais, Pastor 989-426-9861 Vistors Welcome! Come and Worship With Us! Youth, Children’s and Nursery Programs Provided Sunday School 9:30am • Worship Service 11:00am Health We give a HOOT about your hearing! Dr. Jennifer Cross Audiologist Dr. Debra Wall Audiologist Expert help from Doctors of Audiology with over 50 years of combined experience Counseling and Rehabilitation of your hearing loss Are you having trouble with your hearing or hearing aids? Call to schedule your FREE Hearing Screening or FREE Hearing Aid Tune-up. Audio Aid Rx of Midland (989) 835-1219 1504 Harcrest Drive—off Eastman, 1 block south of Wackerly Landscaping & Lawn Care Sugar Scoop Advertising Landscaping & Lawn Care Jennifer’s Lawn Care , Inc. • • • • • • • Lawn Mowing, Etc. Spring / Fall Cleanups Thatching Snowplowing ~ Home Security We Offer: Lawn Sprinkler Service Lawn Fertilization Weed, Grub and Mole Control Landscape Lighting Service Lawn & Tree Insect Control Landscape Bed Maintenance Ornamental Tree and Shrub Pruning Residential & Commercial ~ Fully Insured Wayne & Jennifer Walton 9894261542 KEEP YOUR WEEKENDS FREE Lawn Mowing • Fertilizing • Brush Hogging Roto‐tiling • Grading • Snow Removal •Culverts Trailer Moving • Pontoon Hauling • House Watching 426-3465 • 800-331-1746 Mike Mahaffy Shop 5550 Fife Ct. 4700 N. Hockaday Rd. (989)426‐7055 (989)246‐7055 Marine & Services Sugar Scoop Advertising Marine & Services Reed Marine, Inc. Tahoe Pontoons Yamaha & Mercury Motors MirroCraft Aluminum Boats Parts, Service and Storage Winterizing, Shrink Wrap Marine Accessories 874 E. M-30 (Next to Cimarron City) Gladwin, Michigan (989) 345-3917 Hours - 8:30am-5:00pm Sunday 10:00am– 3:00pm Closed Wednesday Real Estate Bus: 989-426-6060 - Toll Free: 888-523-9525 Cell: 989-709-1600 - Wayne Walts Broker / Owner 1415 Sugar River Rd. / P.O. Box 428 Gladwin, MI 48624 Office: 989-426-9239 Fax: 989-426-9230 Mobile: 989-240-7711 ! RE/MAX!River!Haven! ! Specializing!in! Sugar!Springs! Based and Printed Advertising. RE/MAX Hot Air Balloon Coordinator for Sugar Springs Fly-in Events. 1415 Sugar River Rd, Gladwin, MI 48624 ! ! Direct:!!!989+430+0966!! www.SugarSpringsRealty.com4 Exclusive List or Sell for Sugar! Springs. Virtual Tours, Web Sugar Scoop Advertising Services 11370 N. Isabella Rd. Clare, MI 48617 989-386-9622 1-800-782-0468 A TTENTION TO 989-773-3473 D ETAIL 4:0 W indow & G utter C leaning 1RZDFFHSWLQJ&UHGLW&DUGV ADAM PRINCE 989-329-6950 PO Box 911 West Branch, MI 48661 Ron’s Handyman Service Specializing in: Remodeling, Plumbing, Painting, Winterizing, Windows, Decks, Drywall, Ceramic Tile, Pet Sitting, House Cleaning & Much More Kennedy’s SPACE Center 2461 Lakeshore Drive Gladwin MI 48624 Offering storage units that range from 6 x 10 to 12 x 40 Lease by the month or for a year and receive one month free! Outdoor Storage for only $15 per month! Call Ron at 989-539-7044 24 Hour access 7 days a week Call (248) 444-7023 To secure your SPACE 30 Years! ® ® 989-539-6601 989-426-6616 Sugar Scoop Advertising Services 989/426-1664 LEAGUE OPENINGS Tuesday Morning Men's ▪ Wednesday Evening Mixed ▪ Thursday Morning Ladies ▪ Thursday Evening Friends & Family Church Every Monday at 5:30 Men's Skins $12 plus $5 Skins Pot Every other Friday Couples Alternate Shot ONLY $20 per Couple plus $5 for the Prize Pot 40 years Experience in Building Kitchen, Bath, Remodeling Design Expert Windows, Doors, Siding, Gutters Deck, Roofing (steel or shingle) Additions, New Construction or Remodel Design and Building Guaranteed Construction 989/802-1464 Rick DINKENS EXCAVATING (989) 426‐7446 Backhoe Service • Bulldozing • Driveways & Ditch Enclosures Screened Topsoil • Sand & Gravel • Lot Clearing All Size Stones • Sewer / Septic Systems • Snowplowing Robert L. Dinkens 5431 Round Lake Rd. Gladwin, MI 48624 Family Owned & Operated Since 1968 Sugar Scoop Advertising Services BENEFITS ADVOCACY • CASE MANAGEMENT • CARE COORDINATION AVA Care and Case Management has been serving Michigan residents for almost a decade. It is our single driving mission to identify and assist those individuals who need help most. The AVA Team consists solely of medical professionals who have embraced the need to balance information, justice, access and quality care with cost efficient healthcare delivery strategies. AVA AV does not take sides. We hold the Scales of Justice and the Medical Emblem as our two symbols, symbolizing impartiality, fairness, justice, competent delivery, and equality of healthcare under the laws that govern accident victim healthcare in Michigan. Now serving Midland, Gladwin, Bay City and West Branch IF YOU OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW HAVE BEEN INJURED IN A AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT, CALL AVA! 1-877-3300-AVA(282) You can also reach us online at: WWW.FIRSTCALLAVA.COM 19 31 5477 Worthington Court Gladwin, Michigan 48624 989-426-4111 Sugar Springs Property Owners Association Next Official Meeting Saturday, August 20, 2016 10am in the Activity Building Next Sugar Scoop Deadline: June September 15th, 2016 16, 2016 for the for August the September/October Sugar Scoop Sugar Scoop PAID PRESORTED STANDARD PGI Records Retained at 48858 U.S. Postage