Ballestra Company Outline
Ballestra Company Outline
Ballestra Company Outline “From 1960 at the service of the surfactant, detergent and chemical industry” June 2005 Ballestra presentation 1 Ballestra Headquarters 4000 sqm offices 2000 sqm laboratories & pilot plants Ballestra S.p.A. Via Piero Portaluppi 17 20138 Milano - Italy ph. +39 02 50831 - fax +39 02 58018449 E.mail: 1000 sqm warehouse Ballestra presentation 2 Ballestra Group structure Sagittario Holding Company Ballestra S.p.A. Detergent & Surfactant Chemical plants 100% 27% 50% Desmet S.A. Oils & FAts 20% CORE BUSINESS 21,6% 50% Milindia Ltd New Delhi - India (To be transferred to Mazzoni) DBO S.p.A. Oleochemicals Mazzoni LB S.p.A. Soap and Glycerine plants and machinery 49,7% Mazbra S. Paolo - Brasil Logosystem S.p.A. Computer System integrator 20% MDT S.r.l. Distillation & evaporation technologies 5% Confirmec S.p.A. Project financing 5% Temix Int. Trading company Ballestra presentation 3 Ballestra Core business Who we are: 1. BALLESTRA is the world leader in the design and supply of: Sulphonation / Sulphation plants Detergent Powder plants 2. We have supplied 1500 plants in over 120 countries, more than all our competitors together! 3. BALLESTRA designs and supplies also chemical, oleochemical and petrochemical plants based on proprietary and/or outsourced technologies and has implemented many large projects in this area. 4. Ballestra has developed a successful biodiesel technology and significative presence in this market now transferred to Desmet Ballesta Oleo Ballestra presentation 4 Ballestra World Presence Ballestra 1500 plants in over 120 countries Ballestra presentation 5 Ballestra Personnel Composition •R&D, PILOT PLANT, LABORATORIES 8 •PROPOSALS 5 •PROCESS 12 •BASIC & DETAIL ENGINEERING 30 •TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE 10 •PROJECT MANAGEMENT 6 •MANAGEMENT, ADMIN. & ACCOUNTING, GENERAL SERVICES 25 •SALES 8 •SPARE PART 6 •PROCUREMENT , EXPEDITING & INSPECTION 19 Total Workforce Permanent Staff Consultants (full time) 129 12 Ballestra presentation 6 Ballestra Organization Chart B a llestra S .p .A . O rga niz ation C h art M A N A G ING DIR E C TO R (sim plified sch em atic stru cture ) M . G A LA TER I 2 1/3 /0 5 H U M A N R ES O U R C ES M AR K E TIN G SA FETY & EN VIRO N M E N T G E N E R A L M A N AG ER TEC H N O LO G IE S & P R O JEC TS G .MO RO N I G E N E R A L M A N AG E R P R O D U C TIO N S. FA R N ETTI B U YE R S S ALES O . S AC C H I AD M IN IS TR A TIO N & FIN A N C E G . VIG A NO ’ R &D & PR O PO S ALS I. AD AM I E N G IN E ERING & P R O C E SS F. N A VA IN SP EC TIO N & TES TING A R E A /T E C H N . S A LE S MANAGERS AD M IN . & FIN A N C E R & D , LA B & P ILO T P LAN TS P R O C E SS S H IP PING S PA R E P AR TS EXPO RT C R E D IT S & P R O J E C T F IN . PRO PO SALS AND CO ST E S T IM A T E E N G IN E ERING Q U ALITY A SS U R A N C E CO ST CO NTRO L & BUDG ET PR O JE C TS G . MO R O NI PR O JE C T M A N A G ER S TE C H N IC A L A SS IS TAN C E G ENERAL S ER V IC ES IN FO R M A TIO N TEC H N O LO G Y Ballestra presentation 7 Ballestra Turnover (m. Euro) 55.000 50.000 45.000 40.000 35.000 30.000 60.000 25.000 43.756 46.823 43.911 46.688 46.800 2002 2003 44.000 20.000 15.000 10.000 5.000 0 1999 2000 2001 Ballestra presentation 2004 2005 budget 8 Ballestra Sales Turnover by products and services 2005 2004 16,2% 2,2% 36,3% 10,39% 7,90% 20,29% 13,0% 17,49% 32,4% Sulfonation 43,64% Powder Det. Chemical Plants Ballestra presentation Spare Parts Techn. Ass. 9 Ballestra Sales Turnover by geographical area 2005 2004 4,0% 13,0% 13,3% 4,6% 4,0% 37,1% 32,3% 14,8% 32,2% 13,0% 31,0% Far East Middle East Africa America Ballestra presentation 0,7% Europe CIS 10 Ballestra Budget Turnover 2005 Sulphonation / Sulphation 12.300.000 Powder Detergent 10.600.000 Organic & Inorganic Chemicals 26.450.000 Feasibility Studies 250.000 Spare Parts 6.300.000 Technical Assistance & Site Activity 4.540.000 Total 60.600.000 Ballestra presentation 11 Ballestra Permanent Representatives Offices India - MIL Ltd Mr. Ram Mohan Brazil - MazBra S.A. Mr. Vincent Martorano Egypt - Union Engineers & Contractors Mr. Mohamed Waly Indonesia - Associated Industrial Advisors Mr. Massimo Rinaldi Iran - T.K.S. CO. Ltd Mr. J. Hosseini Ballestra presentation 12 Ballestra Permanent Representatives Offices P.R.C. - Beijing Dossic Technical Co. Ltd Mr. Lian Zhi Jiang Australia - Process Design & Fabrication Pty Ltd - Mr. B. Zugna Mexico - Testelli Ingenieria S.A. de C.V. Mr. Paolo Testelli Poland - Pharmacon Mr. Jacek Ogonowski Russian Conf. - Moscow Office Mrs. Alyona Shipitsyna Ballestra presentation 13 Ballestra Permanent Representatives Offices Philippines - BLB International Inc. Mr. Beltran Benjamin Thailand - Rieckermann Thai Co. Ltd Mr. Markus Roth Portugal - Rodriguez & Belmans Lda Mr. Pedro Rodriguez Responsible also for: Portugal, Angola, Mozambique, Guinea Bissau, Sao Tomé Germany - Peter Mueller Mr. Peter Mueller Korea - Rieckermann Ltd Mr. Y.C. Lee Ballestra presentation 14 Ballestra Technologies Surfactants Detergents Chemicals Oleochemicals Anionics Powder Inorganic (c/o Desmet Ballestra Oleochemicals - DBO) • Sulphonation/Sulphation • Spray DryingTtower process • Sodium Silicate • Vacuum Neutralization • Drying • NTD (non tower/agglomeration) process Non Ionics • Ethoxylation / Propoxylation • Alkanolamides Liquids (batch/continuous) • H2SO4 • Methylesters • Sodium and Potassium Sulphates • Biodiesel • Zeolite • Glycerine • STPP • Fatty Alcohols • Fatty Acids • etc. Organic • LAB Amphoterics • Betaines • Aminoxide • CMC • Ethyl Alcohol • Starch & Yeast • Fatty Amines • Alkylolamines • Ethanolamines Ballestra presentation Ballestra has available also the technologies for the production of several other inorganic and organic chemical products 15 Ballestra Sabiz Plants Ballestra presentation 16 Ballestra Surfactant and Detergent Processes SO3 SULFONATION (SULPHUREX) ETHOXYLATION SPRAY - DRYING (SABIZ) NON - TOWER (NTD) MIXING & HOMOGENIZING (LIDET) Complete CompleteRange Rangeof of ANIONIC ANIONICSURFACTANTS SURFACTANTS Complete CompleteRange Rangeof of NON NONIONIC IONICSURFACTANTS SURFACTANTS Light Light--Medium MediumDensity Density DETERGENT DETERGENTPOWDERS POWDERS High HighDensity Density/ /Compact Compact DETERGENT DETERGENTPOWDERS POWDERS All AllPurposes Purposes LIQUID LIQUIDDETERGENTS DETERGENTS Ballestra presentation 17 Ballestra Sulphonation Plants Ballestra presentation 18 Ballestra Surfactant and Detergent Processes Methylester Methylesterfor forSulphonation Sulphonation ESTERIFICATION Glycerine Glycerine(pharmac. (pharmac.grade) grade) WHITE WHITEOILS OILSfor foragricultural agricultural&& pharmaceutical pharmaceuticalapplication application MINERAL OILS SULPHONATION TRANSFORMER TRANSFORMEROILS OILS Oil-soluble Oil-solubleSULPHONATES SULPHONATESfor for Lubricating LubricatingOils Oilsproduction production HYDROTROPES HYDROTROPES(STS,SXS,SCS) (STS,SXS,SCS) MULTIPURPOSE BATCH - REACTION UNITS ALKANOLAMIDES/BETAINES ALKANOLAMIDES/BETAINES Tanning Tanningand andTextile TextileAuxiliaries Auxiliaries Ballestra presentation 19 Ballestra Ethoxylation Plants Ballestra presentation 20 Ballestra Chemical Plants Ballestra presentation 21 Ballestra Inorganic Chemical Processes RAW MATERIALS FINISHED PRODUCTS SILICA SAND + Sodium SodiumSilicate Silicate42 42- -45 45%% NaOH SODIUM SILICATE + NaOH Zeolite ZeoliteAADetergent DetergentGrade Grade + ALUMINA SULPHUR + Sulphuric SulphuricAcid Acid(H2SO4) (H2SO4) H20 SULPHUR + SO2/SO3 SO2/SO3and andtheir theirderivates derivates(sulphites, (sulphites, metabisulphites etc.) metabisulphites etc.) Air Ballestra presentation 22 Ballestra Inorganic Chemical Processses RAW MATERIALS NaCl or KCl + H2SO4 H2S (Flue gaz from oil refineries) + FINISHED PRODUCTS Sodium SodiumSulphate Sulphate Potassium PotassiumSulphate Sulphate Aluminium AluminiumSulphate Sulphate (also available the processes for the production of the full range of sulphated products) Sodium SodiumSulphide Sulphide(Na2S/NaHs) (Na2S/NaHs) NaOH H3PO4 + STPP STPP NaOH Phosphate - Rocks + H2SO4(or H3PO4) SSP SSP(singlesuperphosphate) (singlesuperphosphate) TSP TSP(triplesuperphosphate) (triplesuperphosphate) (Also available NPK formulation process) Ballestra presentation 23 Ballestra Organic Chemical Processes RAW MATERIALS FINISHED PRODUCTS n - PARAFFINS + BENZENE Linear LinearAlkybenzene Alkybenzene CELLULOSE + ACETIC ACID Carboxy CarboxyMethyl MethylCellulose Cellulose MOLASSES, CEREALS, SUGAR, FRUITS ETC Ethyl EthylAlcohol Alcoholand andBioethanol Bioethanol CORN, WHEAT etc. + H2O Starch Starch&&Yeast Yeastand andGlucose GlucoseDerivatives Derivatives FATTY ACIDS / FATTY ALCOHOL + NH3 Fatty FattyAmines Amines ETHYLENE OXIDE + NH3 Ethanolamines Ethanolamines Ballestra presentation 24 Ballestra Chemical Plant Lab LabPlant Plant Ballestra presentation 25 Ballestra R&D Facilities Ballestra has always been well aware that his growth is strictly connected with his capability to carry on innovative R&D activity. For this reason a permanent staff is dedicated to the study of new processses, to the improvement of the process available and of the relevant equipment design, to the daily operation of pilot plants and laboratories. Overall 20 engineers and technicians are involved in full time R&D activities and several more are assigned to new process and equipment development on project basis. Ballestra presentation 26 Ballestra Ballestra R&D - Pilot Plant Facilities Ballestra has available in its R&D center pilot plants and analitical laboratories equipped with most updated instrumentation. Qualified specialists assisted by the process dept. work full time in the development and inprovement of new technologies and equipment. Ballestra has also supplied several pilot plants and semindustrial plants sulphonation, methilester production, Paraffin sulphate, special drying units, white oils etc.) to its clients with whom joint R&D work is carried out on the basis of specific cooperation agreements to protect the activities performed and results obtained. Ballestra presentation 27 Ballestra After Sales Technical Assistance Troubleshooting. Plant performance (product quality, energy consumption, plant operation reliability) evaluation and optimisation. Evaluation of plant equipment operating conditions for planned maintenance (mechanical, electrical, instrumentation & control). Customer’s personnel training. Advisory services on new technologies, new equipment available on the market, improvements of plant operation, safety, environmental protection etc. Study and proposal for plant revamping and capacity increase. Ballestra presentation 28 Ballestra Services •Research & laboratory analysis, process development •Process & Products testing on Pilot Plants •Custom tailored products formulation •Project feasibility studies •Process development studies •Basic and detail engineering with 3-D design •Equipment fabrication and procurement •Plant skid - mounting •Supervision to plants installation and start up •Turn - key projects •Training of operators •Spare parts supply •After sale technical assistance •Plants revamping / upgrading/capacity increase •Project financing Ballestra presentation 29 On line info on our new Website 600 People operating in 27 languages Ballestra S.p.A. via Piero Portaluppi 17, 20138 Milano - Italy ph. +39 02 50831 - fax +39 02 58018449 - - Ballestra presentation 30
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