GV-04-01-12 new.indd - First Presbyterian Church
GV-04-01-12 new.indd - First Presbyterian Church
Volume 9, No. 14 Ministry News The Academy, Michael Everhart THE ACADEMY MIDDLE SCHOOL SURVEY Continuing our 55-year tradition of educational excellence, the Academy is exploring the possibility of adding a middle school. If you may be interested, please go to our website at TheAcademySC.org and take a quick survey. You could be one of 10 families chosen to receive four free tickets to the Children’s Museum. Activities Ministry, Lindsay Graham TRIP TO GREECE Q&A APRIL 1 “In the Footsteps of Paul” is an 8-day visit to the Mediterranean hosted by Dr. Richard Gibbons and Lindsay Graham. The dates are October 23-30, with 5-star accommodations in the heart of Athens and a 3-day Greek Isles cruise, including a visit to Ephesus, destination of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. Want to know more? Join us Sunday, April 1, at 5:30pm in Fellowship Hall. Children’s Ministry EASTER CROSS APRIL 8 You’re invited to bring flowers and your camera to the Loggia Courtyard on Easter morning for family photos. Christian Education, Tim Leslie NO CLASSES HOLY WEEK Wednesday Advantage classes and Bible studies will not meet during Holy Week, April 2-6. Wednesday classes will resume April 11. NEW SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS The new “First Connections” class now meets each Sunday at 9:40am in Memorial Dining Room. Led by Tom and Joy Boone and Carl and Brenda Evans, this is a place for new members and visitors to meet until they find a permanent Sunday School class. Start here to connect at FPC! College Ministry, Graydon Tomlinson C2 COLLEGE MINISTRY = CULTIVATE x CONNECT If you look at life mathematically, you find stages where you ask yourself, “Where do I fit into the equation?” At First Pres, C2 College Ministry is that missing variable, with a vision to Cultivate and Connect: to cultivate depth in spiritual relationships and to connect by initiating and maintaining relationships with our college-age community. C2 official launches a weekly Sunday School Class this Sunday, April 1, at 11:00am in Room 357 (3rd floor above Fellowship Hall), with incredible teachers and exciting summer ministry opportunities. Find the most current information at facebook.com/FPCsquared. Evangelism and Missions, Brian Stewart CONGO MISSIONARIES On April 11, 6:30–7:30pm in Harper Chapel, Presbyterian missionaries John and Gwenda Fletcher will speak during Wednesday Advantage. John, a general surgeon, works in patient care and teaching at the Good Shepherd Hospital. Gwenda is Education Consultant to the Congo Presbyterian Church. The Fletchers are supported by our church through the Medical Benevolence Foundation and the Outreach Foundation. HOLLIS ACADEMY APRIL ITEM OF THE MONTH For year-end testing, we’re providing the students of Hollis Academy with Ticonderoga pencils. Please place in the Hollis bins around the church. Marriage and Family Ministry, Phil Hargrove WEEKEND TO REMEMBER In Greenville April 20-22 at Weekend to Remember, you will receive marriage-changing principles that you can take home and apply to your daily lives to strengthen your marriage. This is not a large counseling session, and you will not be asked to participate in small groups. The format of the weekend combines general sessions (with messages delivered by a threeperson speaker team) and designated times set aside for projects to complete as a couple. “Date Night” on Saturday gives you and your spouse the opportunity to spend a romantic evening alone. Go online at FamilyLife.com or call 800.358.6329 to register or for more information. CSI:GREENVILLE SINGLES DINNER CSI Singles will gather for dinner at Smoke on the Water, in Greenville’s West End, at 6:00pm on Friday, April 13, followed by a walk downtown to Main Street Jazz. RSVP to Jennifer Paramore, jparamore1991@att. net or 325.8326. LIFE YOUNG ADULT SPRING RETREAT 2012 Save the Date! Mark your calendars now for an awesome weekend, April 27-29! We’ll be gathering at a house on Lake Keowee. Email Phil Hargrove, phargrove@firstpresgreenville.org, for info and to confirm your participation. April 1–7, 2012 LIFE COMMUNITY WEEKLY EVENTS All 20- to 30-somethings are invited to these weekly Life Young Adult Community gatherings: • Life@The Block, Mondays at 6:30pm: Weekly Bible study. • Men’s morning Bible study, Wednesdays 7:007:45am: Chick-fil-A on Haywood Rd. • Female “20-Somethings” Bible Study, Wednesdays at 7:00pm: Diana Orders’ home (109 Holbrook Trail 29605) Visit LifeFPC.org for more details or contact Phil at phargrove@firstpresgreenville.org or 672.1847. Senior Adult Ministry, Pam Cole ELDERBERRIES SENIOR ADULTS APRIL 3 On Tuesday, April 3, at 11:30am in Fellowship Hall, a video by David Barton entitled “A Tour of the U.S. Capitol, America’s Christian Heritage” will be shown. The program is free; lunch is $7.00. Everyone 55 and older is invited to attend. For information, call Pat Browning at 313.8004. Women’s Ministry WOMEN’S MINISTRY DESSERT SOCIAL On Tuesday, April 24, 6:30–8:00pm in Fellowship Hall, our Women’s Dessert Social will feature Lisa Van Riper speaking on “A Vision of Beauty: Redirecting Our Lives Toward the Eternal,” following coffee and desserts from Brick Street Cafe. There is no charge for this event, and no childcare is provided. Reservations are required to Charlotte Joye, cjoye@ firstpresgreenville.org or 672.0309, by April 20. Honors & Memorials CHURCH HONORS AND MEMORIAL FUND In honor of: Tommy Banks on his birthday by the Grady Family. In loving memory of: Betty Ballenger by Mr. and Mrs. Gary King. Billy Wade by Mr. and Mrs. Allen Armstrong. Julian “Hootie” Wade by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Hipp; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Benston; Mr. and Mrs. Don Harrison. TURNER MEMORIAL FUND In loving memory of: Helen Ussery by Mr. and Mrs. Donald Van Riper. Member News CONGRATULATIONS The Pastors and Congregation extend blessings to: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Young IV (Kristy) on the birth of twins, John “Wallace” Young and “Mattie” Mae Young, on March 22. CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY The Pastors and Congregation extend sympathy to: Mr. and Mrs. Clay Brown (Sarah) in the death of her father, Bruce James Hutchinson of Durham, NC, on March 13, and to Adelaide and Hutch Brown in the death of their grandfather. Mrs. Jane Linker in the death of her brother, Dr. Joe Burton Linker III of Athens, GA, on March 22. Mrs. Ruby Estes in the death of her husband, Joe Estes, on March 27. IN MEMORIAM: Joseph O’Bryant Estes January 19, 1927 – March 27, 2012 Announcements ORDER EASTER LILIES BY APRIL 1 To purchase Easter Lilies in honor or memory of loved ones, click the “Easter Lilies” banner on the FirstPresGreenville.org home page, or fill out the Lilies form from the literature racks and return it to the church office, by Sunday, April 1. Questions? Call Barbara Seibel at 235.0496. SANCTUARY FLOWER DATES AVAILABLE To provide Sanctuary flowers in honor or memory of a loved one on June 3 or 10 or July 22 or 29, please call Barbara Seibel (235.0496). Calendar for the Week PALM SUNDAY, APRIL 1 Pastor of the Day: Tim Leslie (423.2063) 8:15am • Worship Service/Rutter Te Deum and Gloria (Sanctuary) 9:20am • Continental Breakfast (Memorial Hall) 9:40am • Ignite Worship (Fellowship Hall) • Sunday School A • First Look Class (Parlor) 11:00am • Worship Service/Rutter Te Deum and Gloria (Sanctuary) • Sunday School B • College Sunday School Class (Room 357) 5:00pm • Support Group: Grief Share (Room 305) • Support Group: Divorce Care (Room 308) • Support Group: Divorce Care for Kids (Rm 307) 5:30pm • Greece Trip Q&A (Fellowship Hall) MONDAY, APRIL 2 Pastor of the Day: Chuck Emory (303.5690) Academy and MMO closed all week – Easter break 5:30pm • Pastoral Visitation Ministry (Parlor) • Missions and Outreach Committee (Room 301) 6:30pm • Life Young Adult Community (The Block) • Healing Prayer Training (Room 305) 7:00pm • Community Bible Study (Rm 303, Harper Chapel) TUESDAY, APRIL 3 Pastor of the Day: Phil Hargrove (423.3455) 9:00am • Women’s Ministry Bible Moderators (Room 316) 10:30am • Women’s Ministry Council (Room 212) 11:30am • Elderberries Senior Adults Luncheon Bible Study (Fellowship Hall) 6:15pm • Raising a Modern-Day Knight (Room 301) 6:30pm • Worship Team Rehearsal (Fellowship Hall) 7:00pm • Healing Prayer (Harper Chapel) • Boy Scout Troop 11 (Scout Hut) WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4 Pastor of the Day: Stan Johnson (423.2067) 7:00am • Life Men’s Bible Study (Off campus) 9:30am • Prayer Committee (Room 310) • The Truth Project (Room 308) 12:00pm • Junior High Lunch (meet at church) 1:30pm • Abiding Prayer Leadership (Room 308) 6:13pm • Men’s Fraternity (Off campus) 6:15pm • Cathedral Ringers Rehearsal (Room 402) 7:00pm • Life 20-somethings Ladies Bible Study (Off Campus) 7:30pm • Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room) MAUNDY THURSDAY, APRIL 5 Pastor of the Day: Tim Leslie (423.2063) 6:30am • Men’s Small Groups (Parlor) 7:00am • Men’s Prayer Breakfast (Memorial Dining Room) 8:00am • Women’s Prayer Group (Room 212) 9:30am • Women’s Study: Thessalonians (Room 316) 11:45am • Congregational Care Leadership (Room 261) 12:00pm • Women’s Study: Faithful, Abundant, True (Rm 308) • Retired Men’s Luncheon (Off campus) 7:30pm • Maundy Thursday Service/Communion (Sanctuary) GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 6 Pastor of the Day: Stan Johnson (423.2067) 10:00am • Bulletin Stuffing (Room 212) SATURDAY, APRIL 7 Pastor of the Day: Stan Johnson (423.2067) 2012 FPC FATHER-CHILD CAMPING TRIP A HIT! On March 16-17, FPC dads and their children took off for an outstanding weekend together in the great outdoors. The wooded hills around Cove Creek in Pisgah National Forest were filled with the happy voices and evening stories and prayers of campers aged 5 to 50! What an awesome time of Christian fellowship, developing new friendships, and strengthening old ones! Be sure to watch for announcements for next year’s trip, and mark your calendars. You don’t want to miss this! A WEEKLY NEWSLETTER OF FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, GREENVILLE, SC Sunday Worship Assignments for April 1st PALM SUNDAY APRIL 1, 2012 8:15am and 11:00am Worship Special Music: Rutter’s Te Deum and Gloria 9:40am Ignite Worship John 12:12-19 Rev. Dr. Richard Gibbons 9:20am – Continental Breakfast (Memorial Hall) 9:40 and 11:00am – Sunday School 8:00 First Welcome Team: Donnie Johnson (DC); Mary Seiley (P); David Yoder (CR); Michael Combs (RW); Mary Gladys Gilstrap (MH); Dave Anderson, Mark Trexler, Denton Burnette, Bayne Brown, Jane Anne Bruch, John Bruch, Donnie Johnson, Van Merchant, Robert Thompson, Steve Thompson (Ushers). 9:20 First Welcome Team: Russell Guest (DC); Jane Anne Bruch, Richard Furman (P); Ryan and Grace Trail (GE); Drew Scott (CY); Billie Skinner (UPL); Brian Cooke (WSL); Mikel Ann Scott (WCFH); Betty Cady (WCN); Don Childers (FH); Don Childers, Brian Cooke, Dave Forry, Russell Guest, Will Sykes (Ushers). 10:40 First Welcome Team: David Koysza (DC); Malcolm Floyd (MH); Glenn Batson (CR); Rob Hassold (RW); Ben Lanz (WCN); Jamie Daniel, Ben Pangle (RSMH); Jay and Sarah-Lauren Orders (P); Bob Shell (F/S); David Koysza, John Alexander (PartTime), Steve Alexander, Boyd Anderson (Part-Time), David Dykes, Bernie Ellis, Walt Fowler, David Gibson, Michael Leverette, Richy Milligan, Caroline Mullen, Wes Plyler, Cathy Tabor, Jimmy Von Hollen (Ushers). Nursery Workers: (9:25) Jane Anne Bruch, Keri Dille, Elizabeth Poteat, Chris and LeAnne Garrett, Elaine Harvey, Robin Stelling; (10:45) Cathy and Bruce Stephens, Danielle Paul, Jamie Bach, Kathy Anne or David Sapp, Dana Martin, Savanna Houston, Jenny Gonzalez Wednesday APRIL 4, 2012 No meals or Wednesday Bible Study Thursday Prayer List Andy Anderson III, David August Julia Moore Bailey, Barney Barnhill Dana Bostian, BJ Chastain Jim Clary, Jay C. Cole Margaret Drake, Rachel Edwards Fred Erp, Ruby Estes, Sara P. Fowler Shirley Fulmer, Terry Gerics Nancy Gilliam, Walt Gilstrap Johnny Hendricks, Ken Holcombe Julie Houston, Myrtle Hutchinson Dolly Keathley, Josh Kozic Martin Lee, Jane Linker Janet MacCallum, Elizabeth Morris Faye Mulligan, Arthur Phillips Floy Rackley, Frances Ramsey Ken Rhoden, Pat Rhoden Rick Rigdon, Marge Robertson Jan Roop, Tatti Samuelson Kay Seymour, Mary B. Simkins Bertha Mae Sims, Barrett Taylor Rush Ulmer, Charlotte Watson Rush Wilson To join the First Welcome Team: Contact Chuck Emory at cemory@firstpresgreenville.org or 672.1753. To join the Nursery Team: Contact Evelyn Penkert at epenkert@firstpresgreenville.org or 672.1843. MAUNDY THURSDAY APRIL 5, 2012 7:30pm Worship and Communion Bold = New Italics = In Hospital PRAYER REQUEST LINES Prayer Requests: 672.1838 Prayer Appointments: 672.1848 Congregational Care Assistant Tammy Burkhalter: 672.0327 April 1-7, 2012 WHAT’S INSIDE: 200 West Washington Street Greenville, SC 29601 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED phone 864.235.0496 fax 864.235.0698 web FirstPresGreenville.org Join us for Holy Week C2 College Ministry Kick-off April 1 Order Easter Lilies by April 1 Trip to Greece Q&A April 1 Broadcasts: Elderberries meet April 3 RADIO First and Foremost Radio Program on Shine 96.7 FM Sundays at 10:30am Weekend to Remember April 20-22 April 1, 2012 TELEVISION First and Foremost Television Program on WHNS-TV FOX Carolina Sundays at 10:30am For more information about the ministry of FPC, visit FirstPresGreenville.org 8:15 and 11:00am in the Sanctuary Gloria and Te Deum, by John Rutter: Sanctuary Choir with brass, percussion, & organ 7:30pm in the Sanctuary Celebration of the Lord’s Supper 8:15 and 11:00am in the Sanctuary Sanctuary Choir with brass, percussion, & organ 9:40am in Fellowship Hall 9:40am Worship in Fellowship Hall Worship JOIN US FOR HOLY WEEK
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