PRINCIPAL`S MESSAGE Mr A.Coleman Relieving Principal TERM 3
PRINCIPAL`S MESSAGE Mr A.Coleman Relieving Principal TERM 3
TERM 3 Issue 1 2013 Ph: 42561 888 Fax: 42571 825 COMING EVENTS PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE Wednesday 24th July Snow Trip Yrs 9, 10 & 11 Zone Athletics Yr 12 HSC Trials Yr 11 Modern History Presentation 24th-26th July Snow Trip Yrs 9, 10 &11 Tuesday 30th July Regional Netball Friday 26th July Yr 11 Photography Excursion Friday 2nd August Regional Athletics Carnival I will be the Relieving Principal for the next four weeks while Mr Spillane takes some well -deserved long service leave. The school term is now well under way and the school has settled into learning thanks to the efforts of our staff. Year 12 students have now completed their trial HSC examinations and have an intense period of several weeks to finish their school studies and prepare for their HSC examinations in October. Those students completing practical tasks in Technology and Applied Studies and Creative Arts will need to work hard in the next few weeks. Year 10 students are currently selecting subjects and patterns of study for Year 11 next year. Students should avail themselves of all sources of advice in making these choices, including their Year Adviser, Ms Skender, the Careers Adviser, Mr Wishart and teachers in subjects of interest. While the school will make every effort to accommodate the choices and needs of all students, there will be some subjects that will not run next year if they attract insufficient numbers. It is important that students choose subjects carefully. It is also important for students to realise that under the School Leaving Age legislation, the completion of Year 10 is mandatory. In this school this can mean that where a student does not satisfactorily complete Year 10, they may be asked to repeat Year 10 before they can commence Year 11 studies. Our school currently has 68 hard working Indigenous students. In order to better engage our school with Aboriginal families, we are looking to appoint an Aboriginal Community Liaison Officer (A.C.L.O.). We are looking for interested parties to apply for this very important position. I have Expression of Interest forms in my office if you are keen to apply. The closing date for applications is the 26/7/2013. I have also included the EOI in this newsletter. Mr A.Coleman Relieving Principal P & C MEETINGS Our P & C Meetings are held on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 7.00 pm in the Common Room, Administration Building. We look forward to seeing you. Mr T.Coleman HOMEWORK CENTRE The Homework Centre is based in the Information CentreRelieving (formerlyPrincipal Library) and is run by several teachers from different Faculty areas. It provides Academic and Study skills support to Secondary School students in a relaxed and supportive environment. Students can receive individual assistance, work independently or in small groups. They are provided with fruit and biscuits for afternoon tea. Students can drop in the Homework Centre on Wednesdays from 2.40pm -4.00pm. For more information about the Homework Centre please phone the School Office on 4256 188 Proudly sponsored by Mr Spudley’s Vege Patch seeing you. Res p ect , Res p o n s ib ilit y , Care - O u r Co r e Va lu e s . P a g e 1 DEPUTIES DIALOGUE The term is now well under way and staff and all students are busy engaging in early semester two work. Students should remem ber that assessment for this semester has already commenced in all subjects and is an ongoing process. By the end of this school term, most assessment processes will be completed in terms of class work leaving just the final examination left to do early in ter m four before semester two reports to be started. So this term is an important term for all years, particularly those students whose half yearly rep ort indicated some areas for improvement. Now is the time to get started on those improvements. Remember, the school subscribes to a study skills site at The login details are: User name: oakflats Password: 147results On this site, students and parents will find a wealth of information on study skills and tips to help prepare for assessments, clarifying and consolidating class work and preparing for exams. Students in Year 12 are currently doing their Trial HSC examinations as they head towards the end of their schooling. This is the last practice run at exam conditions in each subject before the real thing late in October. The Jamberoo Centre is currently organising a food drive to support needy people in our community. Students can drop food it6yems at the Jamberoo staff room and receive a PBS ticket which goes into a prize draw. Parents and carers are asked to please contact their children through the school’s phone system at the front office during school hours, including breaks. Where students are answering phone calls or text messages in class time this can interrupt student learning and lead to the confiscation of the student’s mobile phone. K Fock, L Moulton, J Jacobs Deputy Principals ATTENDANCE: IT’S NOT OK TO BE AWAY! When students miss a class lesson they lose the thread of the subject material. The result is that their ability to logicall y think through issues and processes is seriously impaired. Could you imagine leaving out a chapter here and there. How much sense would the book make? To fill in these gaps, both the teacher and student have to set aside time outside class to work together. Unfortunately, despite the best of intentions, this does not always happen and your child’s learning is negatively affected. So, when there is an opportunity to shop or babysit younger brothers or sisters, say NO to your son / daughter. The CONTINUITY of his / her education class to class is all too important. When you receive your son / daughter’s report and there are areas highlighted in need of improvement, please reflect on how much condoned absences contributed to these situations. Let’s all work together to make a difference to your child’s future. Say NO to absence. Be on Time. Be at School. That’s the Rule! Re s p e c t , Re s p o n s i b i l i t y , Ca r e - O u r Co r e Va l u e s . P a g e 2 HSIE NEWS 8.1 FUNDRAISING EVENT On Wednesday 26th June 8.1 Geography who have been studying global inequalities and the impact of tourism in the South Pacific, dedicated to continue the tradition of last year and hold a cake stall to raise some money to help out some children at Shell Village School in Fiji. The students at this school, near Plantation Island are quite poor and they don’t have many resources at their school, therefore 8.1 decided to donate some items like pencils, dvd’s , books, textas etc to these students and use their cake stall proceeds to pay for the postage of these items to Fiji (The cost of sending goods overseas is very expensive, otherwise people would probably be more willing to help out communities like these) Thanks must be given to all of those students who made cakes, toffees & slices and to those who supported our cause and purchased our yummy delights. Special thanks must also go to our hard working stall holders who gave up both breaks to sell the food, Zarah Lide, Emma O’Hearn, Georgia Nolan, Caitlin O’Neil & Amy Crilly, well done!! To our students surprise and delight we raised over $145.00 and 8.1 are very excited to be able to send our box of goodies to Fiji in the next few weeks. We clearly covered our postage costs so the students have decided to start collecting for another box and another cake stall when the weather warms up next term. It is important for students to learn that donating and philanthropy is an ongoing process and not just a “one off” and as Ca itlin said “It makes you feel good” which it certainly does! Well done 8.1! . Res p ect , Res p o n s ib ilit y , Care - O u r Co r e Va lu e s . P a g e 3 PDHPE NEWS Grade Sport will continue this term. Congratulations to all of the students representing our school in various sports. I have received fantastic feedback from all of the teachers regarding the sportsmanship and behaviour of all our participants. Special me ntion must go to the Senior Girls Netball team as I received an email from a teacher of another school praising the behaviour, attitude and sportsmanship of these girls. Students who engage in recreational sport will continue with their sport this term. Please note Archery is no longer running. Sport changes can only occur on a Monday or Tuesday when a valid note is presented. On Wednesday 24th July, a number of our students will be heading to Croome Road to compete in the Zone Athletics Carnival. We wish our students the best of luck! The Regional Carnival will be held on Friday, 2 nd August in Canberra. Congratulations to Jessica Potter (Year 8) who has been selected in the NSW Hockey team! This is a fantastic achievement and we wish Jessica all the best in her upcoming tournaments! Great work, Jessica! Congratulations to Abby Wallace who competed for the South Coast at the recent CHS Netball tournament. Her talent and sportsm anship on the court was exceptional and she was a credit to Oak Flats High School. Well done, Abby! Miss Randall NAIDOC WEEK Oak Flats High school would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge our Aboriginal community, both in the school and outside. We really value the contributions made by our students and their families and are really proud of every Koori student at our school. NAIDOC week was held in the school holidays and we would like to pay our respects to all Aboriginal families who continue to help us to learn more about the oldest culture in the world. Congratulations to Aunty Bev Armer who gives so much of her time to our local community and works along side our Koori girls. Congratulations also to Uncle Vic Chapman. Both of these amazing people were named Elder of the year for NAIDOC week 2013. L.McKay Aboriginal Team Member Re s p e c t , Re s p o n s i b i l i t y , Ca r e - O u r Co r e Va l u e s Page 4. ENROLLING NOW FOR 2014 Information Evening Tuesday 6th August @ 6pm Study over 4 days (Monday to Thursday) Full-time & part-time study options School Based Traineeships & Apprenticeships available incorporating the Industry Training College, with State -of-theart training facilities HSC & Yr 10 Record of school achievement Military Road, Port Kembla Ph: 4274 0621 Email: Public senior secondary education for all ages RESPECT ASPIRATION RESPONSIBILITY Albion Park Junior Mixed Touch (under 8,10,12,14,& 16) registration to be held on Tuesday 6th and 13th and Thursday 8th and 15th August at Albion Oval 4.30 pm – 5.30 pm. Cost is $60.00 per child. Strictly NO CASH, cheque or money order only. To be played on a Tuesday night during 4th Term at 5.30 and 6.20pm. Competition will run over 4th term only. Down load registration form Become a WEP Exchange Student - It's an adventure! Imagine swapping that boring old muesli bar for a croissant, and your stuffy school bus for a bike ride through the French countryside! As a WEP exchange student you can choose from over 20 countries to live and study for a summer, semester or even a year! Zoe about her semester-long WEP exchange program to the USA: "The best decision I ever made. I had the most incredible time in the US. I made so many amazing friends that I will never forget. I matured more as a person and an individual and feel more prepared for the 'adult world'. I'd recommend this to anyone who has ever wanted to do an exchange. I had the best time of my life." Get started today to plan the experience of your lifetime! Request an information pack, including WEP's FREE application form. Visit: Call: 1300 884 733 (for the cost of a local call) Email: Re s p e c t , Re s p o n s i b i l i t y , Ca r e - O u r Co r e Va l u e s Page 7. Re s p e c t , Re s p o n s i b i l i t y , Ca r e - O u r Co r e Va l u e s Page 6 Vinnie’s food Drive As many of you are aware, St Vincent De Paul run the breakfast club at our school to help our students. The Jamberoo centre thought it would be great for us to help our community as well. We are therefore organising a food drive for St Vincent De Paul, to help peopl e who are struggling to feed their families this winter. All school students are invited to join in helping our community, by bringing non –perishable food items to donate. This means tins and packet food, such as tinned meat, tinned vegetables, pasta and rice. For each food item donated, students will get a PBS tick et, as they are showing care and respect for others. In the coming weeks please think about purchasing an extra tin or packet with your groceries and donating it. You can bring all donations to the Jamberoo staffroom at break times, and collect your PBS ticket. CAFS NEWS Year 11 CAFS EXCURSION to BERRY. On Friday 19th July, Year 11 CAFS students participated in an excursion to Berry where they were set a range of group activities to complete . In the process of completing the tasks, the students were also observing and analysing the dynamics within their group, as they made decisions and interacted with each other. Year 11 were excellent examples of the fine students we have here at Oak Flats Hig h School and should be congratulated on the manner in which they represented this school. Thanks for making i t such an interesting and enjoyable day. Well done, Joshua Berecry, Nicole Browne, Tahlia Carson, Jordyn Doyle, Kate Emmott, Brittney Gray, Taylor Groves, Bronwyn Llo yd, Lauren Mushet, Justin Piccirillo, Madison Ralph, Lucy Reid and Selena Vassiliou. Re s p e c t , Re s p o n s i b i l i t y , Ca r e - O u r Co r e Va l u e s Page 5