Tel: 020 8583 2453 BACKGROUND
Tel: 020 8583 2453 BACKGROUND
Contact: Enid Watts Tel: 020 8583 2453 Email: Community Investment Advisory Panel - 5 February 2007 Community Youth Fund 2006/2007 Report by: Enid Watts The report gives details of applications to the Community Youth Fund 2006/7. 1.0 RECOMMENDATION That the Community Investment Panel recommend the allocation of the Community Youth Fund among the organisations in Appendix 'A' of this report. 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 During the full Council meeting of March 2005, it was agreed that £40k would be added to the existing £11,800 Community Based Youth Project Fund to increase the budget to £51,800. A budget of £52,800 continues in 2006/7. The name of the Fund was amended in 2006/7 to the Community Youth Fund 2.2 The aim of the Fund is to support practical, community run local initiatives for young people in the age groups 8-13 and 13-21. It is expected that young people could lead as well as participate in projects. Funding could contribute toward start-up costs for new groups or support one-off events. Support will also be given to projects that reduce anti-social behaviour in these age groups and actively encourage inclusion. 3.0 QUALIFYING CRITERIA 3.1 Applications will be considered from voluntary and community groups in Hounslow, which fall within the following categories: . . . . . Projects and events for young people between the ages 8-13 and 1321 and their families who are disadvantaged. Projects that address the needs of marginalised or disaffected young people. Activities that encourage young people to take responsibility for their actions and promote positive images and outcomes. Projects that involve young people actively in their communities, including intergenerational work. Activities that have a positive lasting effect on young people and the community, Le. improved aspiration, health and social well being. reph350 - - -- - - - -- - -- - - - - - -- -- - - - n -- -- -- - 3.2 Funding will not be given to . . . Individuals; Non Hounslow based projects or; Duplication of existing voluntary provision or provision made by the Council or other statutory agencies, unless it can be demonstrated that there is a need for a higher level of service 4.0 ASSESSMENT CRITIERA 4.1 Applications to the Community Youth Fund will be judged on merit and must satisfy the following requirements: . . . . Provide quality activities/services that meet community needs. Offer value for money. Delivery of sustainable improvements to the quality of life for Hounslow residents One application per organisation for the financial year 2006/2007. 4.2 All successful organisations will be expected to comply with the Council's Standard Conditions of Grant Aid and monitoring requirements. 5.0 APPLICATIONS TO THE FUND 5.1 The budget for 2006/2007 is £52,800. £16,905 has been allocated in previous rounds, leaving a remaining balance of £35,895. Applications have been received from six organisations. A total of £21,653 has been requested in this third and final round. Details of applications are summarised in Appendix 'A'.. 6.0 EQUALITY IMPLICATIONS 6.1 Voluntary organisations in Hounslow are diverse and range from wellestablished voluntary groups to small community based groups, all offering a range of services to Hounslow residents. Applications have been received from any voluntary or community group in the borough of Hounslow wishing to provide a community youth project/event and all applications have been assessed against the criteria of the Community Youth Fund. 7.0 DIRECTOR OF FINANCE COMMENTS 7.1 The Director of Finance confirms that there is currently remaining available budget of £35,895. Any approved funding will be met from this budget. Contact: Enid Watts Telephone: 020 8583 2453 Background Papers: This report has been or is due to be considered by: Community Based Youth Fund Applications Community Investment Advisory Panel reph350 -- - --- ~------- APPENDIX cA' SUMMARY OF APPLlCATIONS- COMMUNITY YOUTH FUND 2006/2007 CYF Organisation 2006/ 7 3-9 4tnHeston Scout Group Funding Requested QUalifying Criteria Application Assessment £1,200 Projects that promote positive interaction between young people from different backgrounds Projects and events for young people and their families who are disadvantaged. Projects that reduce the likelihood of young people and children becoming involved in anti-social behaviour. Projects that reduce the likelihood of young people and children becoming involved in anti-social behaviour. Projects that reduce the likelihood of young people and children becoming involved in anti-social behaviour. Projects that promote positive interaction between young people from different backQrounds Met 3-10 Ealing Road Baptist Church £2,453. 3-11 Feltham Falcons RFLC/Harlequins Rugby League £2,000 3-12 Intercontinental Charity Organisation £5,000 3-13 Osterley Ospreys RFLC/Harlequins Rugby League £2,000 3-14 Syon Voluntary Community Group £9,000 TOTAL £21,653 Community Based Youth Projects Fund Summaryof Applications Appendix A Part met Met Met Met Met Chair's Recommendation Appendix B COMMUNITYYOUTH FUND 2006/2007 Name of groupl Organisation: 4th Heston Scout Group Address: 3 Alexandra Gardens, Hounslow TW3 4HT Name of Project: Scout Summer Camp Criteria Category: Projects that promote positive interaction between young people from different backgrounds. Current LBH funding: Nil Current Activities: To contribute to the development of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potentials as individuals. Funding requested: £1,200 Purpose of Grant: A contribution towards 12 young people attending a one-week summer camping trip. Some members are from disadvantaged backgrounds. Hounslow Youth Service Comments: This is an active Scout group who have a good reputation for delivering work with the young people of Heston. There is no indication as to where they are going, but I suspect it will be a Scout campsite and these are well managed and run with safety etc. in mind. Would recommend the bid. CYF-3-9 Appendix B COMMUNITYYOUTH FUND 2006/2007 Name of groupl Organisation: Ealing Road Baptist Church Address: 33 Clifden Road Brentford, TW8 OPB Name of Project: Junior Activity Holiday Criteria Category: Projects and events for young people and their families who are disadvantaged. Current LBH funding: Nil Current Activities: A weekly after school club where 40 young people and children aged 5 to 11 take part in a variety of recreational and informal learning activities. Funding requested: £2,453 Purpose of Grant: A contribution towards an activity camping week for young people, some of whom are disadvantaged. To encourage and develop the skills that they have learned and further build their confidence and selfesteem. Hounslow Youth Service Comments: This looks a good bid and any positive activities for young people over the holiday period are a good use of resources. It would be useful to find out where the group are taking the group - it obvious they are experienced and CRB checked etc.. , but it is useful to know due to the nature of the risk assessments needed, and the bid does not note the destination. Would recommend the bid. CYF-3-1O d --- --- -- -- --- -_u-- Appendix B COMMUNITY YOUTH FUND 2006/2007 Name of groupl Organisation: Feltham Falcons RLFC/Harlequins Rugby League Address: c/o Twickenham Stoop, Langhorn Drive Twickenham, TW2 7SX Name of Project: RESPECT Criteria Category: Projects that reduces the likelihood of young people and children becoming involved in anti-social behaviour. Current LBH funding: £1,000 - Community Cohesion Fund 2005/2006 Current Activities: A community based club that offers opportunities for children/young people experiencing rugby league at their school to play regular rugby league with peers in the community outside of school hours. Funding requested: £2,000 Purpose of Grant: To deliver the RFL's RESPECT assembly programme to schools in the borough. Hounslow Youth Service Comments: They do some good work and they are trying more actively to involve a wider community and broaden their appeal outside of the 'usual' clientele of rugby and have put on tasters for us - so would recommend this bid. CYF-3-11 Appendix B COMMUNITY YOUTH FUND 2006/2007 Name of groupl Organisation: Intercontinental Charity Organisation Address: 9 Red Lion Court, Alexandra Road Hounslow, TW3 1JS Name of Project: Educational Assistance Criteria Category: Projects that reduce the likelihood of young people and children becoming involved in anti-social behaviour. Current LBH funding: £15,000 - Community Investment Fund 2006/2007 Current Activities: Funding requested: Purpose of Grant: Hounslow Youth Service Comments: EducationlTraining. General advice/translation. Welfare advice. Health awareness. Workshops. Economic/Community Development/Employment. Drop-in-centre. Youth Projects. £5,000 To fund rent and stationery costs involved in providing weekly supplementary education classes for young people from different ethnic backgrounds. This group is not known to the Youth Service I note the group has had funding from Thames Community Foundation. We would be interested to find out where they deliver their work so that staff can make contact - again for support and training. Inspector Huw Evans and Adult Education Service are aware of this organisation and this is positive. I would like to see the links made not as a condition but as a check and balance on their working practices with young people. CYF-3-12 - -- -- - -- -- - - -- --- - -- --- Appendix B COMMUNITY YOUTH FUND 2006/2007 Name of groupl Organisation: Osterley Ospreys RLFC/Harlequins Rugby League Address: c/o Twickenham Stoop, Langhorn Drive Twickenham, TW2 7SX Name of Project: RESPECT Criteria Category: Projects that reduces the likelihood of young people and children becoming involved in anti-social behaviour. Current LBH funding: £1,000 - Community Cohesion Fund 2005/2006 Current Activities: A community based club that offers opportunities for children/young people experiencing rugby league at their school to play regular rugby league with peers in the community outside of school hours. Funding requested: £2,000 Purpose of Grant: To deliver the RFL's RESPECT assembly programme to schools in the borough. Hounslow Youth Service Comments: They do some good work and they are trying more actively to involve a wider community and broaden their appeal outside of the 'usual' clientele of rugby and have put on tasters for us - so would recommend this bid. CYF-3-13 Appendix B COMMUNITY YOUTH FUND 2006/2007 Name of groupl Organisation: Syon Voluntary Community Group Address: 5 Hawthorn Road Brentford, TW8 8PA Name of Project: Weekly Play Club Criteria Category: Projects that promote positive interaction between young people from different backgrounds. Current LBH funding: £15,000 - Community Investment Fund 2006/2007 Current Activities: Free weekly activities: of art & crafts, cooking, sport, healthy eating. Within a safe and positive environment during term-term for 5-12 year olds. Funding requested: £9,000 Purpose of Grant: To continue the successful running of the weekly play club for 5-12 year olds on the Syon Estate Brentford. Hounslow Youth Service Comments: This is a group that currently runs; the worker we have on Syon has had no contact with them.I feel they should continue to run, therefore recommending the bid, but with a caveat that as they are doing 'junior' youth work they should contact Mandy Smith who is working on the estate with the older young people and they can receive some more support and tap into training and get a flow /transition with the two groups. CYF-3-14 -- -- -- --- --- ------