29 July 2015 13 November, 2013 - Roberts McCubbin Primary School


29 July 2015 13 November, 2013 - Roberts McCubbin Primary School
57 Birdwood Street
Box Hill South 3128
Telephone: 9890 2372
Facsimile: 9899 5490
Following on from our Multiaging Evening last Thursday
evening, I was very interested to read about the report from
the Grattan Institute’s School Education Director by Peter
Goss in the newspaper. The report focuses on the importance
of using effective assessment tools, effective use of the data
from the assessments and targeted teaching to meet the
needs of individual students. The comments and quotes
within the report resonate well in regard to what we as a
Multiage school are working to achieve.
Peter Goss states ‘that if teachers only teach material
targeted at the expected level for their class, only a few
students will receive teaching that is at the right level for
them’. Geoff Masters, Chief Executive of the Australian
Council for Educational Research (ACER) notes that ‘despite
the evidence that students of the same age are at very
different points in their learning, much teaching is focussed on
delivering the same year level curriculum to all students in a
class’ It is also stated that ‘we need to adjust teaching in
support of the spread of achievement levels in a class and
support teachers to accurately identify the range of levels in
each classroom’ The leadership of RMPS works with the staff
to provide them with the knowledge they need to support the
learning of the children based on their educational needs
rather than based on their chronological age.
The report also comments that the approach that some
schools take to stream students in to separate classes by
achievement has minimal impact on student learning and has
a negative influence on equity. This may be a convenient way
to teach but serves no real purpose.
This week we have several Principals from Catholic
Education coming to the school to observe Kelly Vimpani
teach a Japanese class and to meet with Kelly and I to hear
about the considerations that we made in order to establish
and implement a high quality language program in the
curriculum at the school.
This week is also the week of the annual Book Fair. The
library looks fabulous and we have had many visitors come
and select books from the wide range available. Sales of the
books and other items support the purchase of new resources
for our library.
Included within this newsletter is a Parenting Ideas’ article by
Michael Grosse titled ‘Do you let your kids amaze you?’ It
highlights the benefits of giving children opportunities to
develop self-help skills, responsibility and autonomy for them
to make some of their own decisions.
Marg Pickburn - Principal
29th July 2015
We value:
Wednesday, 29 July
 Book Fair Sales 8:30 – 9:00am and 3:30 – 4:30pm
 School Council Meeting in the Staffroom – 7:00pm
Thursday, 30 July
 Book Fair Sales 8:30 – 9:00am and 3:30 – 4:30pm
Friday, 31 July
 FREE DRESS DAY with a touch of Animal – Gold Coin Donation for
Monday, 3 August
 3/4L, 3/4R, 3/4D Excursion to Melbourne Museum 9:00 – 3:30pm
 5/6 Chemical Science incursion 11:30 – 3:30pm
 Junior School Excursion to CERES 8:45am – 3:30pm
Tuesday, 4 August
 Art Show Meeting in the Staffroom – 7:30pm
Wednesday, 5 August
 J1S and J3P Excursion to Gardiner’s Creek – 9:00 – 11:00am
 J8B Excursion to Gardiner’s Creek – 11:30 – 12:30pm
 School Discovery Session 2 – 2:45am – 3:30pm
Thursday, 6 August
 Chemical Science incursion 11:30am – 3:30pm
 Junior Rockers Student Performance in Hall – 5:30 – 7:30pm
Friday, 7 August
 School Tour – meet in the School Foyer 9:30am
Wednesday, 12 August
 3/4W, 3/4O, 3/4N Excursion to Melbourne Museum – 9:00am –
 J9L and J2R Excursion to Gardiner’s Creek 9:00 – 11:00am
Thursday, 13 August
 3/4 Camp Parent Information Evening
 Robotics Dress Rehearsal – Parents and Siblings Welcome – in the
Hall 6:30 – 8:30pm
Tuesday, 18 August
 J5P and J4S Excursion to Gardiner’s Creek – 9:00 – 11:00am
 Robotics Presentation in the Hall – All School to attend
Wednesday, 19 August
 School Discovery Session 3 – 2:45 – 3:30pm
Thursday, 20 August
 Tony Bones Performances – 9:00am – 10:00am (5/6’s) and
10:00am – 11:00am (F – 4)
Friday, 21 August
 School Tour – meet in the School Foyer 9:30am
 Robotics competition (5 teams out all day) – Parents to meet us
Saturday, 22 August
 School Social Night – Mrs Robinson’s Lounge Bar & Koo Koo Ka
Choo in to the night – 7:30pm till late
Monday, 24 August
 Parents & Friends Book Swap Morning Tea in the School Hall
 Kids Book Swap in School Hall – TBC with School Timetable
Notices sent home last week
To: J1S
Head Lice letter dated 27th July 2015
Head Lice letter dated 28th July 2015
Please note – items marked in BOLD require parent response.
For your convenience, this notice can be printed from the school’s
website. Click on Practicalities tab on the Home page, then 2012
Permission Forms and Information Forms.
Free Dress Day with a touch of
Animal (or a Lot)
This Friday, 31st July
Gold Coin Donation for RSPCA
Parent Opinion Survey
The use of opinion data to monitor school performance is a very important step towards making our school the best it
can possibly be. Each year, we conduct an annual and anonymous opinion surveys for staff, children and parents and
use the information gained to support school improvements. On Monday, 71 randomly selected families received a
parent opinion survey and we ask that these families return the completed surveys to school by Friday, 31 July,
Many thanks to the families taking the time to complete the survey.
Marg Pickburn
Email Addresses
So that you receive email alerts through Compass when a news item is lodged and an email generated, it is important
that your email address is correct.
If you have not already done so, please check your email address in Compass and if it is incorrect, enter your new
address. There is provision for two email addresses in Compass so that both parents or carers receive emails. The
school receives an email through Compass of any changes made by parents to an email address, or phone number.
When such an email is received by the school, the changes are also made to the school’s computerised student
Sarah Kelly
Just a reminder that when paying for excursions and incursion through BPay, please make sure you process the payment
through your bank before sending the pink permission form back.
By doing this, the payment and the pink slips will link up correctly.
Sarah Kelly
Asthma Forms
To all Parents / Carers of Children with Asthma
Forms were sent home some time ago for your Child’s Asthma Management Plan for 2015. These forms are to be
reviewed annually, to date, there are still 18 outstanding forms to be completed and returned, would you please follow
this up ASAP. This information is a DET requirement.
Many Thanks
Jen Walker
Shop News
Uniform Shop
Hours are:
Tuesday 3:00
– 4:00pm and
Thursday 8:30
– 9:30am
Sue Truscott
Jo Townsend
Whooping Cough
There has been a
reported case of
Whooping Cough in
the Community.
Whooping cough
begins with
symptoms similar to
those of a cold.
These can rapidly
progress to include:
severe cough –
occurs in bouts
'whooping' sound
on inhalation
vomiting at the
end of a bout of
apnoea – the
child stops
breathing for
periods of time
and may go blue.
These symptoms
may be associated
with poor appetite,
fatigue and
Please consult your
doctor if these
symptoms occur.
Co-Vice Presidents:
Assistant Treasurer:
Matoula Romeo
Robin Fripp & Arash Pouyanfar
Lisa Hanna
Jo Townsend
Ellen Swansson & Andrea Belmonte
Saturday 22nd August
Parents and Friends Social Night Out
“Here’s to you,”
Robbie Mac Parents/Carers and Friends…
Join us at
Mrs Robinson’s Lounge Bar
“Koo-Koo-Ka-Choo” into the Night
7.30 till Late
$35pp incl Canapés for the evening and complimentary drink on arrival
RSVP: 14th August
All Roberts McCubbin parents/carers and friends are invited to join us for a night out at Mrs Robinson in
YES we are organising something a little different for our Social Night this year!
With some NEW fun and games, along with a great atmosphere at Mrs Robinson in Burwood and YOU - we
are sure we will all have a great night out.
Come along to catch up and mingle with other parents and friends our school community and enjoy an
evening without the kids!
We have the lounge area all to ourselves, with delicious finger food/canapés provided and beverages sold
at the bar during the evening.
Bring some gold coins for the Fun and Games and don’t forget to request your favourite tunes for the DJ to
play on your reply slip.
Your invitation will have made its way home to you by now.
Please contact the PFA via email rmps.pfa@gmail for any queries or if you would like to be involved and
help out with this event.
We hope to see many of you there.
“Hey, hey, hey”
Parent Helpers Needed
We have quite a few PFA events coming our way for the rest of the year and we need YOUR HELP to run
them. Check out our up- coming events list below!
A request for helpers form is coming home for parents and carers to fill out and send back to school.
Please take the time to fill it out – even if you are not sure if you think you can – we still would like to hear
from you. You are NOT committed to the event simply filling out the form. We will contact you closer to the
event to check if the time and day suits you!
Earn and Learn is Back!
Wednesday 15th July to Tuesday 8th September,
The time has come again to start collecting stickers from Woolworths that we can redeem
for educational equipment for our school!
You will get one Woolworths Earn & Learn Sticker for every $10 spent (excluding liquor, tobacco and gift
cards). Place the Woolworths Earn & Learn Stickers onto a Woolworths Earn & Learn Sticker Sheet and put
the sticker sheet into the collection box here in the office at the school or at Woolworths stores in:
Forest Hill Chase
Box Hill Centro
Burwood East (Burwood Hwy)
Blackburn South (Canterbury Rd).
Sticker sheets are available in the school office, from your local Woolworths or can be downloaded from
woolworths.com.au/earnandlearn. We appreciate stickers in any format; if you have a partly filled sheet,
stickers not on a sheet at all, or a completed sheet, put them all in the box and we can sort them out. PLUS
we have one in the school foyer too!
Thank you Blair (Ms Warren-Smith) for coordinating this one with the PFA!
If you can help with gathering the completed stickers sheets from our collection boxes at Woolworths
and/or help count them further down the track - please let us know!
Helping Hands
The PFA Helping Hands is a service that provides help in the form of school lunches and
dinners to families who are experiencing difficult circumstances.
Often family and friends help out but sometimes that is not always possible. What many may not realise is
that these difficult circumstances may be that; a family member is in hospital, the family may be coping
with a major illness, a death in the family, or bedbound family member. Even a major change in family
circumstances can be difficult for some families.
Can you Help? WE NEED YOU! If you are willing and able to lend a hand by making dinners or school
lunches for our families in need, please email the PFA your details so we can place you on our helpers list.
We will contact you should the need arise and if you can help out, you will be provided with the necessary
details regarding food allergies etc.
Do you need Help? If you need or know of a family that needs assistance please contact the PFA or
contact the office. We will organise someone to provide a helping hand, these helpers do not know who it
is they are giving a helping hand to. Please do not hesitate to ask - as there is no need for you or other
families at our school to struggle when we have a supportive community of parents willing to lend a hand.
Can you help with making art smocks?
We need someone who put together some art smocks for the uniform shop. We can supply you with
material etc and they can be made in your own time.
Please contact Rachael Hibbins on 0429 409 920 or email rhibbins@icloud.com for more information or if you
can help out.
School Loyalty Programs
Did you know that Forest Hill Toyworld and Wattle Park Amcal Pharmacy
support our school with their school loyalty program?
Toyworld Forest Hill School
When you go shopping at Toyworld Forest Hill - 4% of your total purchase will be donated to our school. All
you need is to have a School Benefits Card from Toyworld and just nominate Roberts McCubbin to receive
the benefit every time you shop there.
PLUS you receive a 10% discount storewide every day, all year excluding sale items once you have spent
over $100 in store. (This does not coincide with other percentage discount offers).
Wattle Park Amcal Pharmacy (1123 Riversdale Rd, Surrey Hills):
Every time you make a purchase at Wattle Park Pharmacy don’t forget to drop in your receipts in the
Roberts McCubbin box. For every $10 spent 1 point goes towards our school rewards program.
Up-coming events
Saturday 22nd August – Parents/Carers Social Night – at Mr Robinson in Burwood
Kids Book Swap
Friday 4th September - Father’s Day Pancake Breakfast
‘Footy Day’- Walkathon
Mango Drive
World Teachers Day Morning Tea
31st October - Family Movie Night
Transition Morning tea
School Disco
Contact the PFA
PFA President – Matoula 0411 089 506
PFA email: rmps.pfa@gmail.com
Thought for the Week
“If you are really thankful, what do you do? You share”- W. Clement Stone
The PFA Team