Becroft Drive, Forrest Hill, North Shore City 0620 Ph 410 7805 Fax


Becroft Drive, Forrest Hill, North Shore City 0620 Ph 410 7805 Fax
Becroft Drive, Forrest Hill, North Shore City 0620 Ph 410 7805 Fax 410 7985
School email: Board email:
ear Parents and Caregivers
Our last newsletter for 2015! I would like to take
this opportunity to thank all of you for the wonderful assistance you have given the school during the last 12
months, in so many different ways. Your help with sports
teams, trips, camps and EOTC activities and a multitude of
other areas, is very much appreciated and is a very important part of how our school is organised. A big thank
you also to all the staff of Wairau Intermediate for all they
do to make our school a wonderful learning environment.
this type of student. Someone firm and with a good sense
of humour. For further information, please contact Kylie
Fullerton, Deputy Principal.
Have a wonderful Christmas and a restful holiday
For the past few years we have had a large number of parents ask for an extra copy of their child’s report, as their
original report had either been lost or misplaced. Please be
aware that if extra copies are needed at a future date, a
charge of $5.00 per copy will be required. However, if parents/ caregivers require an extra copy of a report at the time
that reports are issued, this can easily be arranged by communicating this to either the office staff or your child’s
homegroup teacher.
On Tuesday our High Fliers winners had their
scenic flight over
Auckland. The lucky winners
this year were: Paradise Lesatele, Olivia Knox, James
Russell, Margaret Cudmore,
Kyle Datahan. Accompanying them was Chloe Smith, the
winner of the teachers’ draw.
Congratulations to them all.
A reminder that our end of year assembly will be
held on Friday 11 December beginning at 9.30am.
We ask that parents are seated by 9.15am. This assembly
celebrates the academic success of our students and is an
opportunity to recognise the wonderful achievements of so
many of our students during 2015. School will be dismissed for the year at the conclusion of the assembly at
approximately 11.15am. The school bus will depart at
this time.
The position of Minute Secretary for the Board of
Trustees has become available. This is a paid position and involves attending monthly meetings, taking the
Minutes, then typing and circulating them to Board members prior to the next meeting. If you are interested in this
position, please contact Grant Murray, Principal, on 410
We have a teacher aide position available at Wairau
next year. The position will involve working with a
high needs student (boy). The student is wheelchair confined and the role would include toileting and helping with
his learning needs. Some lifting would be required. We are
looking for someone with some experience in working with
Reports will be issued tomorrow. Please ensure
that you store your child’s report safely at home.
School reports are an important document and one which all
colleges require when Year 8 students are enrolling for their
secondary school education.
On Wednesday 2 December, our Year 8 social was
held and what a great night it was! Live performances by two of our rock bands, The Polyz and The Forgotten was a highlight of the night. What an incredibly talented group of students.
Below is a selection of photos from the evening.
The Auckland Intermediate Schools’ Athletic Championship was held last week. Athletes from Wairau who
had placings at the North Harbour Championships, qualified to
compete in this. The athletes from Wairau were:
Cody Filmore (100m, Long Jump, Year 8 relay)
Clinton Salamonsz (100, 200m)
Etiene Piere (800m)
Crystal Martin (High Jump)
Phoenix Hsu (Relay)
Matthias Wong (Relay)
Iago Do Prago (Relay)
2015 Term Dates:
Term 4
Ends 11 December (at approx. 11.15am)
2016 Term Dates:
Term 1
3 Feb-15 April
Term 2
2 May-8 July
Term 3
25 July-23 Sept
Term 4
10 Oct-15 Dec (Yr 8 students)
10 Oct-16 Dec (Yr 7 students)
We had some fantastic results, with Clinton winning both the
Year 7 100m and the Year 7 200m. Cody finished 4th in the
Year 8 100m, and Etiene 6th in the 800m. Well done to them
Enrolments continue to be accepted for the 2016 school year. If
you are enrolling your child and he/she was not born in New
Zealand and does not have a New Zealand passport, we will
require the following:
 Student’s residence permit/or returning residence visa
 Parent’s work permit and student’s permit/visa
 Student’s New Zealand citizenship certificate
The school tuckshop will reopen on the first day of
term one, Wednesday 3 February 2016.
Grant Murray
Classes will be running throughout the holidays. Phone Hana
on 021 022 12714 for more information.
Where: Quality Hotel Parnell, 1st floor discovery
room, 10-20 Gladstone Road, Parnell
When: 12 Dec from 2.30-4.30pm
For: anyone who is over 7 years old
Cost: free entry but donations welcome
Limited seats so register on 022 328 4709 by text only.
NS YOUTH MUSIC is a community or ganisation which
runs a variety of orchestras and choirs for young people.
Applications are now being accepted for 2016 and auditions
will be held on Wed 16 Dec. See www. for an application form.
Come along to our free 1 hour session on 13 Dec at Marlborough Park Tennis Club, 5 Chartwell Ave, Glenfield. The day
will be filled with lots of ball and racquets skills and heaps of
tennis games
1-2pm : 4-7yr olds
2-3pm : 8-14yr olds
Places are strictly limited so please register online at:
Full size galvanized steel basketball hoop and stand available. $50.00. Phone Suzie Birch on 410 7805 if interested.
Located at Takapuna Normal Intermediate and focuses on
programmes for Year 7 and 8 students. This summer prepare
to get wet, meet new friends and simply have fun!
To view the summer programme visit or
contact Marielle via email on or by
Mobile 021 082 97693. Early bird discounts available so be
in quick to secure your child’s place! MSD OSCAR approved, Work & Income NZ OSCAR subsidies available.
BIRTHDAY GREETINGS to the following students who have birthdays between
10 December and 31 December: J our dy Thor bur n, Kendall Young, Blake
Fernandes, Ofa Kakau, Shea Brand, Jacky Lin, Arivan Hewaiz, Ranen Narsey, Iago Do
Prado, Samara Kattan, Nic Nehring, Tim Nehring, Lucas Wallace, Jared Requieron,
Holly Gill, Alexia Silorio, Danny Gu, Raeesah Surran, Asher Wadsworth