Pastor Larry Cudmore Two important events coming to First


Pastor Larry Cudmore Two important events coming to First
appy New Year First Lutheran Family of Faith,
In the fourth chapter of Ephesians we read, “But
each of us was given grace according to the
measure of Christ’s gift…..the gifts He gave were that
some would be apostles, some prophets, some
evangelists, some pastors and teachers, to equip the
saints for the work ministry, for building up the body of
Christ, until all of us come to the unity of the faith and of
the knowledge of the Son of God, to maturity, to the
measure of the full stature of Christ.”
As your Pastor, I am continually wondering about
my role in equipping you for your life’s ministry whether
that be inside the walls of our church building or outside,
within the walls of your home and family or in the
environment of your workplace with those you rub
elbows with day in and day out. I have continued to pray
the prayer, “Oh Lord, what is your vision for our future?”
and ponder the answer. Each of you who are a believer
in Jesus as your Lord and Savior is called to follow Jesus
as one of His disciples in the specific, intentional life
ministry He has for your life. If you don’t know what that
is, I have become convinced that helping you discover
that for your life and the sake of the world is our Lord’s
vision for our future in this time and place. If you
disagree, I would sure like to enter into conversation with
you for greater clarification in your sense of our Lord’s
vision for us.
At the beginning of this year, in January, we are
going to take our first steps in self-discovery by helping
you come to a place where you can name your God
given gifts, passions and strengths. I want to help you
know what your Gifts, Passions and Strengths (GPS) are
as a disciple of Jesus. I believe this will be helpful for
you in knowing a direction in the life God is leading you
to walk as one who desires to follow Him. As you are
enabled to name your gifts, passions and strengths, it will
help you claim these as God given without you having to
struggle with issues of boasting or pride. It is intended to
lead you to a place of confidence in being able to aim
your life directions in a way that fits with God’s design
and will for your life. It will be an exciting time for you as
you come to greater clarification of your place in the
body of Christ.
The beginning event is called our “CALLED 2 B”
weekend Friday night, Jan. 23 and Saturday, Jan. 24.
You will find information about the details on page 2 of
this newsletter. You do need to sign up for this event
through the office (522-9301) or with Shelley Williams
(520-0969). There will be a limit as to how many can
attend. We are prepared to provide child care as well as
financial assistance for those who request the help. Prior
to January 23, there are three assessments you need to
take and bring the results to the workshop. Again there
is financial help available to help pay the assessment
cost upon request. You can even come to the church to
take your assessments on one of the computers here.
I hope you will seriously consider participating in this
event knowing that it will be a gift you first of all give to
yourself. Whether or not you participate, I am asking you
to keep this event in your prayers for God’s blessing of
all that we need in our faith community.
Sincerely praying God’s blessings upon you
for all that you need that it might be well with you and
those you love.
Pastor Larry Cudmore
Two important events
coming to First Lutheran:
Volume 114
Issue 1
January 2015
Called 2B—January 23 & 24 (see page 2)
Inside this issue:
Called 2B
Worship Asst. Sched.
LCMC Gathering
Youth & Family
LCMC Intermtn. West Gathering
March 20 & 21 (see page 3)
Volume 114, No. 1
Youth & Family, cont.
Worship & Music
Thanks & Prayers
Intergenerational Activities
Faith & Fellowship Photos
January 2015
Called 2B
Discipleship Empowerment Event—January 23-24 at First Lutheran
Friday, January 23
6:00 to 9:00 pm
Saturday, January 24
8:00 am to 4:30 pm
A continental breakfast will be served
at 7:30 am on Saturday as well as lunch.
During this event you will:
Learn more about the mission and vision
of Called 2B
Begin to discover your unique identity and
calling in Christ
Discover your GPS (Gifts, Passions &
Discover how your calling in Christ can connect to what God is doing in and through
your church’s ministry and beyond
Receive 6 weeks of triad coaching as follow
up on how to live out your unique calling in
life more intentionally with Kingdom impact
The cost for the event is $15 per participant to cover food and material and $20 for the cost of the assessments used during the event
($35 total). It is open to those within our ministry at First Lutheran as well as those outside our ministry. You must attend both days.
For more information or to sign up, please contact Shelley Williams at 520-0969 or you can email her at:
We hope to see you there as together we begin the journey to discover who we are created and redeemed to be in Christ!
Please complete the following assessments prior to the event and print the results to bring with you to the workshop.
If you require assistance, please contact Shelley Williams (phone and email above).
 Strength Finder Assessment— (The cost is $9.99 payable online.)
 APEST Assessment—go to Follow the instructions. (The cost is $10 payable online.)
 Values in Action Assessment—go to
Click on “Take the VIA survey”.
Worship Assistant Schedule
+=Cross Bearers
# = Coordinator
Jan. 4
10:15 am
Austin Walsh+
Sydney Walsh,
Bailey Wilmot
Cathi Bean
Greg Katainen#
Kathy Katainen, Paul Worth
Greg & Kathy
Cathi Bean
10:15 am
Megan Hanson+
Caleb Hanson,
Cody Treutel
Damien Hasner+
Chloe Hasner,
Bryson Hayes
Dave Sheldon#
Lisa Swenson, Scott Berger
Marge Dineen
Lisa Swenson
Cathi Bean
Carole Mason
Lew & Yvonne Greg Dornfeld#
Gary Holst, Shawn Cleverly
Richard &
Cathi Bean
Shelley Williams
Justin Shadley+
Katelyn Shadley,
Natalie Anderson
Jodi, Sydnie
& Sammy Jo
Jerry & Anita
Jan. 18
10:15 am
Jan. 25
10:15 am
Volume 114, No. 1
Jim Sahr#
Jeff Shadley, Jerry Litteer
Cathi Bean
January 2015
LCMC Gathering
LCMC Intermountain West
District Gathering
March 20-21, 2015
1st Evangelical Lutheran Church
Idaho Falls, Idaho
Come and see what God is doing
in our midst at the 2nd Annual LCMC Intermountain
West District Gathering
“4 As you come to him, the living Stone-- rejected by men but chosen by
God and precious to him-- 5 you also, like living stones, are being built into
a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices
acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. “
1 Peter 2:4-5.
Join us for a great time of fellowship, worship, prayer,
learning and breaking bread together.
Keynote Speaker
Rev. Dr. Gemechis Buba,
Assistant to the Bishop
for Missions in the North American
Lutheran Church
Volume 114, No. 1
“Transitions: The Mormon Migration from Religion to
Relationship” — Pastor James Wakefield
“Discipleship at Home” — Kelli Kirk
“Autopsy of a Dying Church” — Pastor Rick Ehrheart
January 2015
For the most up-to-date events
please refer to our webpage @
Happy New Year
Office Closed
Office Closed
9:00 AM Adult Bible
Story Hour
9:00 AM GIFT - All ages
10:15 AM Worship with
Holy Communion
11:45 AM 2015 Mission
Trip Planning Meeting/High
School Sunday School Rm
12:00 PM "Team Talk"
4:00 PM Worship at Good
10:00 AM Friends
for Learning - Greek
3:45 PM Kindermusik
6:00 PM Care &
6:00 PM TOPS Weight Loss Group
LCMC Three
Days of Prayer
9:00 AM Happy Stitchers
9:00 AM Preschool
10:00 AM Staff Meeting
10:30 AM FELC @ IF Soup
1:00 PM Preschool
3:45 PM Kindermusik
5:00 PM Kindermusik
7:00 PM Council Meeting/
LCMC Three
Days of Prayer
9:00 AM Preschool
9:30 AM Kindermusik
10:45 AM Kindermusik
1:00 PM Preschool
7:00 PM Confirmation
LCMC Three
Days of Prayer
9:00 AM Preschool
10:00 AM Kaffeeklatsch
1:00 PM Preschool
1:00 PM Women in Prayer
3:45 PM TOPS - Weight
Loss Group
6:45 PM Stephen Ministry
7:00 PM Adult Bible
Story Hour
7:00 PM Stephen Ministry
10:00 AM
1:00 PM Out to Lunch
9:00 AM Baptismal
quilt tying/
Fellowship Hall
till noon
8:45 Choir
9:00 AM Adult Bible
Story Hour
9:00 AM GIFT - All ages
10:15 AM Worship with
Holy Communion
11:30 AM Praise & Potluck
3:30 PM Youth Night
4:00 PM Worship at Good
4:30 PM Youth Night/
4th - 12th grade
10:00 AM Friends for
Learning - Greek
3:45 PM Kindermusik
6:00 PM TOPS Weight Loss Group
9:00 AM Happy Stitchers
9:00 AM Preschool
10:00 AM Staff Meeting
12:00 PM Happy Stitchers
Bible Study
1:00 PM Preschool
3:45 PM Kindermusik
5:00 PM Kindermusik
6:30 PM Property meeting
7:30 PM Finance Meeting
9:00 AM Preschool
9:30 AM Kindermusik
10:45 AM Kindermusik
1:00 PM Preschool
7:00 PM Confirmation
9:00 AM Preschool
10:00 AM Kaffeeklatsch
1:00 PM Preschool
1:00 PM Women in Prayer
3:45 PM TOPS - Weight
Loss Group
6:45 PM Stephen Ministry
7:00 PM Adult Bible
Story Hour
(12 Noon)
10:00 AM
1:00 PM Quilting
Class/Fellowship Hall
till 4:00
7:30 AM Men in
Mission - Breakfast
- Fairwinds
8:45 Choir
9:00 AM Adult Bible
Story Hour
9:00 AM GIFT - All ages
10:15 AM Worship with
Holy Communion
3:00 PM At the Movies at
FELC/All ages "God's not Dead"
& "Prince of Egypt"
4:00 PM Worship at Good
Martin Luther King
Day Office Closed
10:00 AM Friends for
Learning - Greek
6:00 PM TOPS Weight Loss Group
9:00 AM Happy Stitchers
9:00 AM Preschool
10:00 AM Staff Meeting
10:30 AM FELC @ IF Soup
1:00 PM Preschool
3:45 PM Kindermusik
5:00 PM Kindermusik
9:00 AM Preschool
9:30 AM Kindermusik
10:45 AM Kindermusik
1:00 PM Friends for
Learning - Spring
1:00 PM Preschool
7:00 PM Confirmation
9:00 AM Preschool
10:00 AM Kaffeeklatsch
11:30 AM Sunnyside
Saints' Luncheon
1:00 PM Preschool
1:00 PM Women in Prayer
3:45 PM TOPS - Weight
Loss Group
6:45 PM Stephen Ministry
7:00 PM Adult Bible
Story Hour
7:00 PM Stephen Ministry
10:00 AM
6:00 PM "Call to Be"
Workshop till 9:00 pm
8:00 AM "Call to
Be" Workshop till
4:00 pm
8:45 AM Choir
9:00 AM Adult Bible Story
9:00 AM GIFT - All ages
10:15 AM Worship with
Holy Communion
4:00 PM Worship at Good
8:00 AM Newsletter
10:00 AM Friends for
Learning - Greek Class
3:45 PM Kindermusik
6:00 PM TOPS Weight Loss Group
9:00 AM Happy Stitchers
9:00 AM Preschool
10:00 AM Staff Meeting
1:00 PM Preschool
3:45 PM Kindermusik
5:00 PM Kindermusik
6:00 PM Administration
6:00 PM Bell Practice
7:00 PM Council Meeting/
9:00 AM Preschool
9:30 AM Kindermusik
10:45 AM Kindermusik
1:00 PM Preschool
7:00 PM Confirmation
9:00 AM Preschool
10:00 AM Kaffeeklatsch
1:00 PM Preschool
1:00 PM Women in Prayer
3:45 PM TOPS - Weight
Loss Group
6:45 PM Stephen Ministry
7:00 PM Adult Bible Story
10:00 AM
11:30 AM King's Men
1:00 PM Quilting
Class/Fellowship Hall
till 4:00
Volume 114, No. 1
2:00 PM Sledding/
all ages/Fellowship
January 2015
Report from our Missions Committee concerning
Lutheran World Relief at work helping people in need
In Peru LWR is teaching 420 smallholder dairy producers how to
promote their businesses—including a couple making export quality
cheese now being sold 500 miles away in Lima. The results: 68% and
88.5% increase in volume of milk and cheese production respectively.
Concerning famine, drought and food insecurity: LWR is providing
sustainable solutions to help people produce and consume nutritious
foods through their own farms and livelihoods in areas around the World.
In Africa LWR plus their partners work directly with farmer associations
helping people adapt to the changing environment. Better agricultural
practices and proven techniques to improve soil and water resources help
safeguard their production even in times of drought.
In Nicaragua LWR is distributing food to 1,000 families in need plus
working with partners to build crop diversification including expansion of
disease-resistant crops. They also are providing education on the best
growing practices to help farmers maximize their crop yields.
In Gaza LWR is working with church partners to provide emergency
response and long-term livelihood development. They also are providing
funding to help keep Augusta Victoria Hospital in West Bank open; and
they are providing preventive care and baby wellness programs to treat
malnourished and anemic children. Farmers receive training and
resources to increase their food security.
We thank you all for your support!
Missions Committee
More Missions projects: In addition to completing
our budget commitments, Missions provided two
families with gift cards to Winco; purchased presents
for the EIRMC angel tree; and donated to “Coins for Shoes” providing
shoes for school kids. The remainder of our Mission funds of $392.23
was given to Transformation Lutheran, a LCMC start-up church in
Michigan. Thank you First Lutheran for being such a generous
congregation and allowing us to help others when we see a need.
Carole Mason
One of the organizations we contribute to is FISH
or Friends In Service Here. Did you know that this
organization was started by our church along with St. John’s
Episcopal Church back in 1974!!
Their Mission Statement: To render
emergency assistance to individuals or families, not
covered by traditional agencies, thus allowing those in
need to move forward.
In 2014, FISH assisted 225 clients and provided
761 school backpacks to students in our area. In
September, Penny Power helped purchase
supplies for the backpacks.
FISH also provides:
Emergency Gasoline, Clothing and
household items through Deseret
Industries, Hygiene and diapers, Newborn
car seats, Food backpacks to schools,
Education, and Medical and Prescription fees.
FISH is part of Regional Council for Christian
Ministry. Through your generous giving we are able to help
this organization. Thank you!
Helping the poor and needy prolong life,
reduce suffering, be self-reliant,
prepare for emergencies, sustain life,
and promote personal responsibility.
Does this sound like a commitment to improve one’s
community? If you had a chance to contribute to just one of
these goals, would you step up?? One person alone can’t
accomplish much, but together we can work miracles in our
own community.
In February, you will be introduced to just such a
series of opportunities. Stay tuned to find out how you
can make these things happen.
Penny Power
In December Penny
Power bought turkeys for the
Community Christmas Baskets
given to families in need.
In January Penny
Power is again focusing on the
Homeless Stand down. We will
purchase gloves and socks.
These items are always useful
and much appreciated.
Thanks kids for
making a
“Penny Power”
Volume 114, No. 1
January 2015
Youth & Family
Sledding fun! Join the Youth & Family
Ministry team on Saturday, January 17, 2015,
for an afternoon of sledding. Let’s meet at the
church at 2:00 pm. If Mother Nature does not
cooperate and bless us with snow,
we can still enjoy an afternoon of food, fun and
friends in the Fellowship Hall. Don’t forget your
sleds, mittens, hats, gloves, and warm clothes!
For additional information or to help, call Mariah
Williams at 521-9411.
Save the date—
Friday, February 13, 2015
Spaghetti Dinner presented by FELC
youth. This is a fundraiser for the Mission Trip.
Watch for details and seating times.
Mission Trip 2015
Attention Parents and Youth of grades 8th—12th
(and any other interested adults)
If you or your child are interested in going on this
year’s Mission trip, please join members of the Mission
Team for the 2015 Mission Trip meetings. We will meet the
first Sunday of the month (January 4, February 1, March 1,
Saturday, April 4, and May 3) These meetings will be held
after worship in the high school Sunday School room. Come
prepared to learn about expectations, fundraisers, service
events and requirements for the trip. If you have any
questions, please contact Jade Anderson at 589-2378.
Information as to where we’re going and the dates for
our trip will be announced at the January 4 meeting. This
information will also be in the February Crosswalk.
New Changes for Youth Groups starting January 11
7th—12th graders
4th—6th graders
Preschool—3rd grade:
Second Sunday of each month:
Jan. 11, Feb. 8, March 8,
April 12, and May 10
3:30—4:30 pm
Bring your neighborhood
friends and join others at FELC
for a faith-filled afternoon of
games, activities, stories, fun
and snacks. We will use
material called “Play, Pray,
and Hooray” from Concordia
Publishing geared to your age
group. If you are a Grandma
or Grandpa needing an energy
“re-charge”, please consider
chaperoning and helping the
Youth & Family Ministry Team
with this particular age group.
If you are a parent willing to
lend a hand with snacks and/or
an extra pair of eyes, please
contact Kami Shadley at
520-1153 or Heidi Fortson at
Volume 114, No. 1
Second Sunday of each month:
Jan. 11, Feb. 8, March 8,
April 12, and May 10
4:30—6:00 pm
Invite your neighborhood
friends to join you and your
friends from FELC as we work
with material from a book
called “Family Faith Walks”
from Concordia Publishing.
In addition to fellowship, fun,
games and activities together at
church, we will also venture out
into the community and
neighborhoods for enrichment
and service. Please join the
Youth & Family Ministry Team
as we have specifically created
a youth afternoon for your age
group. If you have any
questions or would be willing
to help in any way, please
contact Kami Shadley at
520-1153 or Heidi Fortson at
Second Sunday of each month:
Jan. 11, Feb. 8, March 8, April 12, May 10
4:30—6:00 pm
Are you a follower of Jesus? Don’t answer too
quickly. Some youth don’t know what they’ve
said “Yes” to, and others don’t realize what
they’ve said “No” to. Twenty times in the New
Testament Jesus issues a compelling and
challenging call to Follow Him!. . . Not an
invitation to be a fan of His, but to answer His
We will meet together as we discern that Jesus
asks us to be a follower and “Not a Fan.” The
author of this book, Kyle Idleman, was one of
the speakers at the LCMC National Gathering in
2013. He is the teaching Pastor at SE Christian
Church in Louisville, KY where he preaches to
over 21,000 each Sunday. (check him out at
Invite a friend and join other energetic young
teenagers as we center our afternoon around
faith, fellowship and fun! The Youth & Family
Ministry Team has created an age-appropriate
afternoon geared to the teens. If you have
questions or would like to help in any way,
contact Kami Shadley at 520-1153 or Heidi
Fortson at 403-9310.
January 2015
Youth & Family, continued
Mark your calendars—January 18, 2015
“God’s Not Dead” is a 2014 Christian drama film
directed by Harold Cronk and stars Kevin Sorbo, Shane
Harper, David A.R. White and Dean Cain. The film follows
a Christian college student who finds his faith challenged
by a philosophy professor who believes that God does not
“The Prince of Egypt” is a 1998 American animated
epic musical Biblical film. The film is an adaptation of the
Book of Exodus and follows Moses’ life from being a prince
of Egypt to his ultimate destiny to lead the children of Israel
out of Egypt.
As with any movie viewing adventure, we leave it
up to individual families’ discretion as to who may watch
which movie. For reviews, trailers, and additional movie
information, please reference
An afternoon at the movies at FELC (3:00 pm)
Calling all ages 0—150+
Please join the Youth & Family ministry team as we host
an afternoon at the movies. We will be showing:
“God’s Not Dead”** (rated PG-13)
“Prince of Egypt” (rated PG)
Yummy popcorn, refreshments and treats will be served.
If you have question or would
be willing to help in any way,
please contact Sara Wilmot at
**Following the movie, Pastor Larry will be leading a movie
discussion of God’s Not Dead.
Worship & Music
Thanks from Penny. . .
Choir times for 2015
Adult Choir
My heart is overflowing with gratitude for this year’s
cantata which requires the time and talents of so many
members of our congregation as together we give this gift
of music to our church and our community.
~Penny Dixon
Rehearsals begin Sunday, Jan. 11
8:45 am
“For His Glory” Ringers
Rehearsals begin Tuesday, Jan. 27
6:00 pm
I wish to give my heartfelt thank you to the following:
 All members of the adult, children’s, and bell choirs.
I set the bar-line very high, and I’m so honored by
those of you who worked hard to achieve our best
selves as an offering to “Jesus, Our Peace.”
 Our instrumentalists: Rachel Barnes—piano; Beth
Wright—keyboard; Staci Matheson—violin; Jenny
Korenke-Stanger—violin and guitar; Michelle
Hanson—percussion; children’s choir directors Jodi
Eldridge and Amelia McDaniel, assisted by Annette
Hendrickson, Hannah Lerum, and Sara Wilmot; and
our narrator—Greg Katainen.
 Pastor Larry and the rest of the staff for their help.
 Those who decorated the church, brought food,
helped set up, serve and clean up for our fellowship
times. The brunch and refreshments are such a
wonderful important part of welcoming people to
the cantata.
 Those who coordinated the home-bound soup
luncheon and also for serving every member of the
cantata a delicious lunch.
 The men of the choir who set up the risers.
 All of those who ushered or greeted our guests.
I heard so many comments about how welcomed
people felt.
 Thrivent Financial for the matching funds.
Volume 114, No. 1
King’s Men Choir
Rehearsals begin Friday, Jan. 30
11:30 am
Hymn of the month
for January is
“Yours, Lord, is the Glory”
Join GIFT and Adult Bible Story
as we study God’s Battleground—
Old and New Testament stories of battles in the Bible.
Thursday evening adult group begins
January 2 at 7:00 pm. All GIFT and Adult Sunday groups
start January 4 at 9:00 am.
Come, discover the most powerful, relevant and
life-changing Book of all time—the Word of God!
January 2015
Want to make life a little easier this New Year?
Remember you can
sign up for Simply Giving
and your tithes will be automatically deducted
for you on a schedule of your choosing.
You can contact the office or Barbara Carlson
at 569-8611 for more information.
Forms can be found on the office counter.
From the Memorial Committee. . . .
I am retiring from the Memorial
Committee and would love to pass this on to
someone else. This is not a difficult job, but
you do need to be available during the day to
attend funerals. You will interact with family
members of the loved one and keep a record
of donations made to the church in their loved
one’s memory. This also includes sending out
thank you cards to those who gave donations!
I have loved this experience and will
miss the closeness with the families. Please
call me if you are interested and I will answer
any questions you may have.
Carole Mason
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner is
February 17th. If you would like to help, see
Kathy Katainen
Red Cross Blood Drive is coming to First Lutheran on
Friday, February 6 from 2:30—6:45 pm. Sign-ups will be
coming soon to a narthex near you!! If you have
questions, call Penny at 522-9301.
For anyone who has a child or grandchild who has died, let me
acquaint you with Daisy Catchings-Shader whose 23-year-old son
died suddenly. In her grief she wrote a book as she was recovering.
To honor her son’s memory she started Umbrella Ministries to help
grieving mothers in particular. If you are interested in her book and
what Umbrella Ministries is all about, please contact Daisy at or talk to Patty Cottrell, Diane
Hackman or Sandy Kruger.
Operation Christmas Child
For 20 years Samaritan’s Purse has delivered shoebox gifts packed by caring
people to hurting children all around the world. Every shoebox offers an opportunity
to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with a hurting child. The total number of
shoebox gifts collected from Southeast Idaho this year totaled 3,238 which is an
increase from 3,006 in 2013 and 2,744 in 2012! FELC filled 55 Operation
Christmas Child shoeboxes—10 of which were filled by the
money donated to Penny Power. Thanks again FELC for your
generous donations.
It is not too early to start collecting items now to fill Operation
Christmas Child shoeboxes next year. Set aside small treasures
(small toys, hygiene items, and school supplies). Let’s double
the number of boxes we fill next year!
Cookbooks are here! Please contact Suzette Horton at 529-8040.
Cost is $15.00.
Congregational Quilt —Colors
(Note: The reason the quilt is not currently displayed is that we
are waiting for the installation of a sound system in the
Fellowship Hall which will occur early in 2015. Then the quilt
will be hung on the west wall.)
years to build this temple, and will you raise it up in three
days?” 21 But he was speaking about the temple of his body.
The colors also have their own meanings. Both purple and gold were
symbols of royalty. These colors, at the intersection of the two pieces of
the cross, remind us that Jesus is our King. Gold, also in the fabric
As promised this month, we will look at the meaning of the colors in the framing each square of the cross, makes a prominent appearance in the
congregational quilt. The colors that were chosen--red, purple, and gold stable, as a gift of the Magi. The white in the letters of the red squares is
--were three of the four colors that God instructed the Israelites to use in a symbol of purity.
the construction of the tabernacle.
Isaiah 1:18
“Come now, let us reason together, says the LORD: though your
Exodus 36:8, 13
sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they
And all the craftsmen among the workmen made the
tabernacle with ten curtains. They were made of fine twined linen are red like crimson, they shall become like wool.
and blue and purple and scarlet yarns, with cherubim skillfully
The red is the color of blood – His blood – which He shed for us and for
worked. 13And he made fifty clasps of gold, and coupled the
our sins. You will find it at the top section of the cross, where the crown
curtains one to the other with clasps. So the tabernacle was a
of thorns caused His head to bleed; it is on both sides of the crosspiece,
single whole.
where the nails pierced His hands, and at the bottom section, where the
After the temple was built, all of the furnishings from the tabernacle were nails pierced His feet. In another profound connection to the Old
Testament, the blood of the Passover lamb was spread over the top of
transferred to the temple. It is fitting for us to use these colors for the
the door and down both sides. Jesus is our
cross in the quilt, because Jesus described Himself as a temple.
Passover Lamb.
John 2: 19-21
Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I Next month, we will begin to look
at the words in the squares.
will raise it up.” 20 The Jews then said, “It has taken forty-six
Volume 114, No. 1
January 2015
Thanks and Prayers
Three Days of Prayer. . .
We will be joining LCMC in special prayers for three days.
Look for the brochure with our updated Prayer Clock. If
you haven’t already signed up for the Prayer Vigil,
please do so.
Tuesday, January 6—a day of confession
Wednesday, January 7—a day of petition
Thursday, January 8—a day of seeking God’s vision
Many thanks to Pastor Larry and the congregation for all
your prayers and blessings. With your help and our Lord
Jesus, I am on my way to recovery. Thank you all for
being my angel. Thank you also for the
beautiful Prayer Shawl.
Rose Fischer
WINDOW FAIRIES. . . . Just cannot find the
words to express my deepest gratitude for
your gift. Every time I look out my new windows,
I say Thank You to all my “family” at First Lutheran.
Thank you ever so much.
Hugs to all, Ann Hurley
Thank you all for your many letters, gifts, food and
prayers during my knee surgery. I so appreciated you
remembering me. I am now in physical therapy three
times a week for six weeks. After that I should be as
good as new!!! You have blessed me,
Wendy Cudmore
Those who mourn the loss of loved ones:
Those who are ill:
 Don Larson, Debra Holst’s father
 Diane Prout, David & William Lerum’s grandmother
 Donna Reynolds, Elaine Harris’s sister
 Luanne Lance, Cal Miller’s sister-in-law
 Brock Steingruber, Rebecca Steingruber & Carrie Jenkin’s
 Shirley Roberts, Shawn Cleverly’s mother
 Bob Gould, Liselotte Gould’s son
 Jean Bruno, Jo Glissendorf & Sue Cox’s friend
 Karen & Geoff Turner, Ann Hurley’s cousins
 The Murray Family, Rachel Clausen’s relatives
 The Derrick Family, Dora Evan’s relatives
 Craig cleverly, Shawn Cleverly’s brother
 Jamie Muirbrook, Marie Mathewson’s granddaughter
 Bill Bubb, Jyl Jackson’s father
 Chaplain David Hunsicker, Chaplain John Piirto’s friend
 Clara Rasmusan, Bobbi Hasner’s relative
 Gary Bean, Cathi Bean’s father-in-law
 Amy Schmutz, Carole Mason’s friend
Thanks to Mark Statham for installing a
second sink in the women’s rest room!
Thank you Penny Dixon for this year’s Christmas
Cantata! It was once again wonderful!
Thank you dear church family, for the kind words, cards,
thoughts, and prayers for our sweet Grandmother and
Great-Grandmother, Frances Shadley. The thoughtfulness
and prayers extended to our family during Grandma’s
illness and death were greatly appreciated. Thank you
very much.
Jeff, Kami, Justin & Katelyn Shadley
Thanks for your kind words of sympathy when my mother, Dorothy
Guilford, passed away after Thanksgiving. We very much appreciated
your concern.
Dale & Karen Guilford
Thank You! Everyone who helped at the Cantata
presentations, providing treats, helping with set-up, serving and
clean-up. You made the week’s big schedule so much easier for
everyone. Especially all of the coordinators, Suzette Horton, Janice
McBride, Tess Forbord and Jan Galbraith and Donna Amundson.
Family & friends of Paul Fisk on his passing
Family & friends of Frances Shadley, Jeff Shadley’s
grandmother, on her passing
Family & friends of Dorothy Guilford, Dale Guilford’s
mother, on her passing
Wendy Cudmore
Schoonmaker Family
Maddie Laug
Kay Sawyers
Joe Portale
John Cox
Debbie Horton
Ann Hurley
Nancy Bergman
Easton Jardine
Rose Fischer
Bill & Reba Lockman
Nell Johnson
Debbie Holden
Marilyn Thoren
Dennis Kunerth
Dave Sheldon
Jerry Townsend
Missionaries: Lutheran Bible Translators Rev. Michael & JoAnn
Megahan in Botswana; Missionaries to China, Rev. Jeff & Mim
Friends and family serving in the military: Andrew Wallace, Marc
Schoonmaker, Skylar Hudman, TJ Litteer, Mike Stultz, Garrett
Marchington, Kyle Skeen, Jeff Knudson, Thomas Butler, Alton
Helm, Eric Gratzke, Rob Slanger, Mike Monroe, Calvin Wilde,
Kevin Hancock, Jody Townsend, Paul Roege, Craig Bukowski,
Michael Smith, Jack Hogan, Kali Rice
Pastoral Acts for December:
Our new members: Nick, Cathy, and Ariana Abreu; Sheri
and Michaela Conn; Atticus Austin; Marilyn Thoren; George
Harris; Chantelle Tam; Mike and Deborah Holden
Transfer of Membership: Andy and Terry Jacobs
Volume 114, No. 1
January 2015
Crosswalk is a publication of
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Sunday Worship Schedule
8:45 am: Choir Rehearsal
9:00 am: God’s Instruction For Today (GIFT)
10:15 am: Worship Service
11:30 am: Fellowship and Coffee
Staffed Nursery Care is available
Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9am to 4pm
The Reverend Larry Cudmore
Pastor Emeritus
The Reverend John Piirto
Director of Music Ministries
Penny Dixon
Church Administrator
Heide Weatherby
Directors of Christian Preschool
Wendy Cudmore and Patti Chapin
Salvador Bolainez (Sal)
Financial Secretary
Patty Cottrell
Martha Wentzel
Crosswalk Editors
DiAnn Brown and Karen Guilford
Put news items for the Crosswalk in the “Newsletter” box at the church office
OR e-mail items to: and
Volume 114, No. 1
January 4
Grappling with God
Genesis 32-33
2nd Sunday Christmas
January 11
Ten Rounds in the Ring
Exodus 6-12
1st Sunday after Epiphany
January 18
Open Ground
Korah’s Rebellion
Numbers 16
2nd Sunday aft Epiphany
January 25
Breached Walls
Joshua 5-6
3rd Sunday aft Epiphany
January 2015