The Prophecy.indd - HQ


The Prophecy.indd - HQ
Years ago, there was a religious order who gathered around the high priest
Shagrath. The disciples of Shagrath were wolves-heads who profited by theft
and betrayal. They sacrificed the goods they stole to their gods Alim and
Artak in return for empty promises of power and strength.
Shagrath was a devious, cunning follower of Tzeentch and would use his followers‘ belief in gods of his own invention to gain vast wealth and power along
with an army of religious fanatics.
Afore long, Shagrath sought alliance with Morcar and promised him a “living army of will-less soldiers“. Morcar, delighted, sent Shagrath aid in many
forms for several years, eventually summoning him to attend his court.
When Morcar laid eyes upon his reputed army for the first time, he was furious at an army of ill-trained common men, no match for the Empire’s armies.
He ordered the destruction of the order’s temple. With but a word he basted
the minds and souls from these “soldiers“ and cursed Shagrath to suffer a “life
as death“.
The shattered body of the high priest was then placed in a crypt in the solitary
valleys of the Omshâk mountains at the edge of the Wastes of Chaos. Here it
was surrounded by four wings, known as the Orc Encampment, the Chambers
of Undead, the Ogre Caverns and the Halls of Magic.
The legend proceeds to relate Morcar‘s final words to Shagrath, just before
his funeral: “I will leave you and your army to suffer in death for a thousand
years, then I shall have an army of will-less dead soldiers.“
The four keys to Shagrath’s tomb have been hidden in the four wings along
with the Eye of Light, a powerful object which keeps his powers at bay. Further, the legend elaborates of the various artefacts necessary to reawaken
Shagrath and thence slay him.
A few days ago Brother Sanguinus, a young cleric, stumbled across an obscure
reference relating to this prophecy and has reckoned that these thousand years
could soon be over. He quickly dispatched a letter to me, informing me of his
findings, but I have since lost contact with him as he mysteriously vanished
shortly thereafter.
It seems that this undead army could be the key to the attack that Morcar
now musters near the gates of Gorgath‘s Citadel. Our course of action is clear:
you must venture to the Omshâk country and destroy Shagrath before the
thousand-year curse ends and Morcar can summon him. Shagrath is said to
have been buried alongside his treasures, which will easily fund the entire expedition. You need also find the Eye of Light, with which I might keep the approaching attack at bay. May fortune be with you.
This quest is written by Flint(
and can be downloaded for free at this site :
The Prophecy
This Quest has been designed to be played on a HeroQuest board with hallways two spaces wide. However it
is possible to play the game on a standard gameboard. All Equipment required to play the quest can be downloaded from the English Section of the “HQ-Cooperation“ web site at All special Items
such as overlays, rings, and keys can be downloaded separately in the file: ““.
The following non-standard monsters have been used: Ogres, Skaven and Wraiths. The stats for these monsters can also be found on the HQ-Cooperation web site.
The goblin-merchant Naglfar is a nefarious character who is part of the treasure deck. He occasionally appears
to supply the heroes with new weapons within the quest. In this quest Naglfar becomes an active character.
If this roleplaying element is not desired, you will have to think of another way to revert the effect of the Orc
Transformation Potion in “The Orc Encampment“ Quest.
The stone doors in the “Caves of the Ogres“ have to be opened after passing a “Body test“. For more on this
see the rules section of HQ-Cooperation.
You will need the following equipment:
The Choice:
- 2 Ogre (Use Gargoyles if you don‘t have Ogres)
- 5-6 Skaven (use Goblins if you don‘t have Skaven miniatures)
- 4 Crypt overlays from the “Return of the Witch Lord“ official expansion
Assault on the Orc-Camp:
- 1 “Outside“ Overlay (can be found in the HQ-Cooperation web site)
- 4 Skaven
- 1 Key token (can be found in the file “schluessel.jpg”)
- 1 Ring token (can be found in the file “ring_orks.jpg”)
The Caves of the Ogres:
- 3 Ogres
- 7 Skaven
- 2 “Lever“ markers (can be found in the file “hebel.jpg”)
- 4 stone doors from the Against the Ogre Horde official expansion ( file “Felsentuer.jpg”)
- 1 Portcullis from the Elf Quest Pack official expansion (can be found in the file “fallgitter.jpg”)
- 1 overlay „Abyss 4x4“ (can be found on the HQ-Cooperation web site)
- 1 overlay „Bridge 4x4“ (can be found on the HQ-Cooperation web site)
- 1 Key token (can be found in the file “schluessel.jpg”)
- 1 Ring token (can be found in the file “ring_oger.jpg”)
Valley of the Undead:
- 3 Wraiths (Use Skeletons if you don‘t have Wraiths)
- 1 Deathmist token from the „Return of the Witch Lord“ official expansion ( file “todesnebel.jpg”)
- 1 “Lever“ marker (can be found in the file “hebel.jpg”)
- 1 “Torch“ marker (can be found in the file “fackel.jpg”)
- 1 overlay “Spiketrap 4x5 (can be found on the HQ-Cooperation web site)
- 1 overlay “Bridge 4x5“ (can be found on the HQ-Cooperation web site)
- 2 Trap Door markers (can be found in the file “falltuer.jpg”)
- 1 gamecard (Worn Document) (can be found in the file “Symbolraetsel.jpg”)
- 1 Key token (can be found in the file “schluessel.jpg”)
- 1 Ring token (can be found in the file “ring_untote.jpg”)
- 1 Token “Circle of fire“ (can be found in the file “ring_flammend.jpg”)
The Magic Halls:
- 2 “Lever“ markers (can be found in the file “hebel.jpg”)
- 1 Key token (can be found in the file “schluessel.jpg”)
- 1 Ring token (can be found in the file “ring_magie.jpg”)
The Eye of light:
- 3 “Lever“ markers
- 1 overlay “Throneroom of the Witch Lord“ from the “Return of the Witch Lord“ official expansion
- 1 overlay “Wall of Light“, (can be found on the HQ-Cooperation web site)
- 1 overlay “Treasure Room“ (can be found on the HQ-Cooperation web site)
- 2 Ogre
- 6 Skaven
- 1 coloured piece of glass or jewel for the “Eye of Light“
This quest is written by Flint(
and can be downloaded for free at this site :
This quest is written by Flint(
and can be downloaded for free at this site :
The Choice
This is the entrance to the temple. To reach Shagrath’s resting place you
will need to collect the keys and artefacts needed to destroy him. In order
to find all these items, you must make your way through the four wings
which surround the temple. Upon entering the Hall of doors, you will first
have to make a choice…
A: Beside the doors is a lock with four keyholes. It can only be unlocked with the four keys from the four
wings. The Heroes may only pass beyond the entrance area of the temple and enter the crypt proper once
this lock is opened.
B, D, F, J: These treasure chests each contain sufficient potions of healing to restore all Heroes to their starting
Body points. The Heroes may not remove these potions and take them with them. The chests will vanish
when the doors to rooms C, E, G, and K respectively, are opened.
C: This door leads to the “The Orc Encampment“ Quest.
E: This door leads to the “Valley of the Undead“ Quest.
G: This door leads to the “Ogre Caverns“ Quest.
H: These teleport traps are activated when a Hero walks over them (he does not have to finish his move on
the trap for it to work).
Movement: 6, Attack: 3, Defend: 4, Body: 5, Mind: 6.
The Chaos Sorcerer knows the Chaos Spells “Fear” and “Tempest”. He has the following stats:
Movement: 6, Attack: 2, Defend: 5, Body: 5, Mind: 8.
This door leads to the “Magic Halls“ Quest.
This quest is written by Flint(
and can be downloaded for free at this site :
The Chaos Champion knows the Chaos Spells “Ball of Flame” and “Summon Undead”. He has the following stats:
This quest is written by Flint(
and can be downloaded for free at this site :
The Orc Encampment
A number of Orcs have made an encampment in this ruined wing of the temple. According
to the writings of Brother Sanguinus, the leader of these Orcs is a Warboss named Gront
who possesses one of the four keys. He has in his employ two mighty shamans, capable of
casting powerful magics. Also thought to be here is further information on the artefacts
needed to destroy Shagrath. Be sure to hunt down the lost library which the Orcs have
doubtlessly ignored.
A: The training ground: As the heroes enter the Orc Camp, some military exercises are taking place under the
supervision of a pair of Orc officers.
B: This door is locked from the inside and may not be opened from this side.
C: The treasure chest contains two healing potions each of which will restore up to four lost Body points.
D: The library: Here is where Cantor the Shaman studies. He knows the spell “Orc Transformation” and is
protected by a magic aura. No ranged attack nor spell can harm him, tell the players this when they enter
the room. As soon as all Heroes are inside the room, Cantor casts the “Orc Transformation” spell on the
Heroes on his turn, transforming all Heroes in the room into Orcs. From this moment on, they have Mv, A,
D and Md of a standard Orc. Only Body points and equipment/items remain unchanged. While in this state
they may not cast spells, even those from Spell Scrolls, Artefacts or other sources.
Cantor has the following stats:
Movement: 6, Attack: 2, Defend: 4 , Body: X, Mind: 8
Cantor’s body is equal to one, plus however many Body points of damage he is dealt prior to casting the
“Orc Transformation” spell.
F: If a Hero steps on the space with the arrow, the door “F1“ opens automatically.
G: The treasure chest on the left, which is secured by a trap, contains a simple but scratched ring forged of an
unknown transparent substance.
The ring from the Orc Encampment
The treasure chest on the right contains four healing potions that restore up to two lost Body points each.
H: This is the office of the Goblin merchant “Naglfar“. He is very surprised to meet the Heroes here in this
camp. He offers a Potion of True Self which will transform the Heroes back to their normal form...after all,
the Heroes are really good customers and Naglfar really likes to help…for about 600 Gold coins. If the
heroes do not have 600 Gold coins, the merchant will accept their equipment instead…for half of the usual
selling price. The treasure chests are the private wealth of Naglfar and are filled with thousands of Gold
coins, so obviously he will not leave this room. If the Heroes try to attack him, Naglfar produces a glass
spear which he smashes to the floor, filling the room with smoke. When the air clears the Heroes will find
themselves alone in the room, Naglfar and his belongings having vanished.
This is Branthul the Shaman. He knows the Chaos Spells “Summon Orcs” and “Ball of Flame”. Branthul
has the following stats:
Movement: 6, Attack: 2, Defend: 4, Body: 3, Mind: 8.
J: Here stands Gront the Warboss. He has the following stats:
Movement: 8, Attack: 4, Defend: 5 , Body: 5, Mind: 3
If Gront is slain, the Heroes will find a key in his pocket, one of the needed keys to enter the sanctuary of
The key of Gront
If the Heroes have collected the key, they can leave the fortress through the door “B“. If they leave the camp
through the door they entered, then they go directly to the Hall of Doors, where they have to make another
choice of door.
This quest is written by Flint(
and can be downloaded for free at this site :
E: In one of the bookcases the Heroes find a piece of parchment. It reads: “Four rings on four different fingers
needs hold the Circle of Fire to awake the master…“
This quest is written by Flint(
and can be downloaded for free at this site :
The Ogre Caverns
In this cavernous labyrinth reside Krot and Badark, two Ogre Lords.
Leading an elite group of Skaven, the two Lords fulfil Morcar‘s wishes
to keep guarded the key to Shagrath’s resting place. Be on your guard, my
friends, for the traps and ambushes of the Skaven are devious indeed.
A: The chasm in this room is impassable. If the lever on the north wall is used, a bridge magically appears,
allowing the heroes to traverse the chasm. The lever may only be pulled by hand from the adjacent square.
B: This treasure chest contains 150 Gold coins along with two potion of healing which will restore up to four
lost Body points.
C: The treasure chest is armed with a chest trap. It contains two Spell Scrolls drawn at random from the scroll
deck and two healing potion which will restore up to two lost Body points.
D: This treasure chest contains one of the keys required to enter the sanctuary of Shagrath.
The key from the Ogre Caverns
F: This is the lair of the Ogre Lords Krott and Badark. The upper treasure chest contains a large ring along
with 150 Gold coins.
The ring of the Ogre Lords
The lower treasure chest contains two healing potions that restore up to four lost Body points. Also in the
chest is a handwritten note. This note is needed to find the “Eye of Light”. Note that the chests are trapped
as per note “E“, but that this trap cannot be detected by searching. If the Wizard or Elf searches for treasure here, they will also detect some sort of magical presence, which may indicate a trap. The teleport trap
here may not be discovered directly. The first Hero setting foot on this space immediately vanishes, reappearing in room “G“ as indicated. This ends the player’s turn immediately.
G: Using this lever reveals and opens the secret door “H“ and opens the portcullis “I“
H: The treasure chest contains a Spell Scroll drawn at random from the scroll deck along with 100 Gold coins
The portcullis may not be opened normally. If a Hero stands adjacent to the portcullis, they may look into
the room as if the portcullis where open. The portcullis still blocks line of sight for ranged weapons or casting spells.
If the Heroes have collected the items they seek, they may leave the caverns through the door with two arrows.
This leads directly into the Hall of Doors, where they have to make another choice.
This quest is written by Flint(
and can be downloaded for free at this site :
E: These two Chaos Warriors are statues. They will both animate if both of the treasure chests “E” are opened
by the Heroes. They fight as normal Chaos Warriors and may attack when they animate as if they where
wandering monsters.
This quest is written by Flint(
and can be downloaded for free at this site :
The Chambers of the Undead
Now you must cross the Chambers of the Undead where great danger
awaits. According to Brother Sanguinus, a hidden sanctuary lies
somewhere here, concealed behind a narrow hallway. A very important
artefact, needed for the Ritual of Awakening, rests here, guarded by a
pair of vile and vicious creatures.
A: After the last hero passes the door, it closes automatically with a loud bang. Place a blocked square token
in front of the door then remove the door. The way back is blocked and the Heroes need to find another
B: This is the Deathmist, a breath of Chaos magic. Treat it as a model which may move four spaces per turn
but cannot enter rooms. It may pass through enemy models and enemy models may pass through it, but
each time this occurs it causes them to lose one Body point. The Deathmist cannot be attacked nor attack
normally and is immune to all Spells and effects.
C: Using this lever lowers a bridge over the spike pit in room “D”, allowing the Heroes to cross the pit. The
treasure chest contains two torches (needed later in the Quest) and two healing potion that each restore up
to four lost Body points.
D: The Spike Pit: The pit in this room can not be crossed unaided. The Heroes may not jump over it. The Skeletons on the other sides are armed with crossbows, which allow them to make ranged attacks with three
combat dice.
E: These zombies guard the entrance to the sewers represented by the trapdoor. If the Heroes wish to pass
F: The secret door in the east wall may not be found by searching. This treasure chest contains 120 Gold
coins and a worn document. Give the Heroes the Worn Document tile, it looks like that:
This parchment is actually a mystical puzzle-key. The Heroes have to guess the answer of “five”. They
have to write the missing symbol on the document tile with a pen, it then has to look like that:
If the Heroes successfully guess the answer, the secret door in the east wall appears.
G: These two Wraiths protect the Circle of Fire, an artefact one cubit across, which lies on the altar. If the Heroes defeat them, they may claim the Circle of Fire.
The Circle of Fire
H: This is the Necromancer Shandor, master of the Chambers of the Undead. He knows the Chaos Spells
“Summon Undead”, “Ball of Flame” and “Firestorm”. Shandor has the following stats:
Movement: 6, Attack: 4, Defend: 5, Body: 5, Mind: 6.
This treasure chest contains a ring made of bone, as well as a Burrow Spell Scroll.
The ring of the undead
J: This is the Chaos Warlock Zanthalon, he is the protector of this passage. He knows the Chaos Spells “Destruction”, “Ball of Flame” and “Cloud of Chaos”. Zanthalon has the following stats:
Movement: 6, Attack: 5, Defend: 6, Body: 5, Mind: 6.
When Zanthalon is killed, ALL remaining monsters in the Quest, save for the Wraith in room “K”, crumble to
dust immediately.
K: This treasure chest contains one of the required keys to enter the sanctuary of Shagrath.
The key of the undead
If the heroes have collected the items they require, they may leave the Chambers through the door with the two
arrows. They go directly to the Hall of Doors, where they will have to make another choice.
This quest is written by Flint(
and can be downloaded for free at this site :
through the sewers unharmed, they will need a light source. A torch may be lit by a Hero at the start of
their turn and the fire will burn the start of their next turn. Each torch may be lit five times before it becomes
unusable and must be discarded. A Hero may pass through the sewers as their entire turn. A Hero without
a torch suffers the one combat die of damage which they may not defend against due to hurting themselves in the dark.
The Halls of Magic
These are the Halls of Magic. Here you must avoid the most deadly of
traps, therefore, courage and forethought are called for. Besides the key,
you need discover the whereabouts of the “Eye of Light“, and how to make
use of it.
In this Quest, there are special Teleport Taps that are labelled A, B, and C. The two teleport traps of the same
letter each lead to each other and work both ways. These Teleport Traps MAY be found by searching for traps,
as they appear as a shimmering vortex when approached.
As each Hero enters the board, the four Chaos Sorcerers facing them are (temporarily) invulnerable. On your
first turn, each of them will cast a variant of the “Teleport” spell on one Hero. Helpless, the Heroes are transported to their starting positions:
A: Starting Square for the Barbarian
B: Starting Square for the Elf
C: Starting Square for the Dwarf
D: Starting Square for the Wizard
In your second turn, they will each cast the “Escape” spell to reach their normal, unknown starting positions.
This quest is written by Flint(
and can be downloaded for free at this site :
F, J, H, L: All four of these Chaos Warlocks know the Chaos Spells “Escape”, “Ball of Flame” and “Command“
(this is after their initial appearance). They have the following stats:
Movement: 6, Attack: 3, Defend: 4, Body: 5, Mind: 6.
They will each use their “Escape“ Spell BEFORE they die, which will transport them to the hallway at the
top of the game board. When they cast their “Escape” Spell, they are also healed of all lost Mind and Body
G: This treasure chest contains a healing potion that will restore up to four lost Body points, along with a Spell
Scroll drawn at random from the scroll deck.
This treasure chest contains a healing potion that will restore up to four lost Body points along with a leather bag containing jewels worth 200 Gold coins.
K: This treasure chest contains a healing potion that restores up to four lost Body points along with a document with the following on it: “Only the learned may join together the paths and unite that which is sundered. Read the tome and succeed in thine trial… “
L: After this Sorcerer has cast their Escape spell, the Wizard will find a grimoir on the sorcerer’s table. In order
to read it, he must spend an entire turn during which he may take no other actions, and pass three Mind
tests in a row. If he passes all three tests, he may read one page out of the book successfully, and cast a
powerful spell, which teleports one of the other three Heroes into this room. In order to do so, the Wizard
must pick one of the three Teleporter traps in this room. The Hero figure closest to the other end of the Trap
and in the same section of the complex will be pulled through. The Wizard will have no other clue which
trap leads to which trap. Once all Heroes are in this room, all three Teleporter traps stop working.
M: This lever removes the fallen block M1.
N: This is the young cleric Sanguinus, now corrupted and turned to Chaos. He knows the Chaos Spells “Fear”,
“Lightning Bolt” and “Firestorm“. Sanguinus may only cast the “Firestorm” spell at moment of his death, out
of the normal turn order, as his body is torn asunder and explodes. Sanguinus has the following stats:
Movement: 8, Attack: 4, Defend: 5, Body: 6, Mind: 8.
O: The treasure chest is secured by a magical lock. It may only be opened after a successful Mind test. It contains the ring of magic and a Spell Scroll drawn at random from the scroll deck.
The ring of magic
P: The treasure chest is secured by a chest trap. It contains four healing potions which will restore up to two
lost Body points, along with a cipher as to the location of the “Eye of Light“, which can be used with the plan
from The Ogre Caverns, Room F, if the Heroes have already found it.
Q: The treasure chest contains two Spell Scroll drawn at random from the scroll deck.
R: The treasure chest contains the keys of magic along with 350 Gold coins
The key of magic
S: This lever opens the fallen block tile on the left, removing it from the board. The Heroes may leave the halls
through the door with the two arrows. They go directly into the hall of doors, where they will have to make
another choice.
This quest is written by Flint(
and can be downloaded for free at this site :
E: This treasure chest contains one healing potion that will restore up to six lost Body points.
This quest is written by Flint(
and can be downloaded for free at this site :
The Eye of Light
You finally entered the temple in which rests Shagrath. You now need to solve the puzzle
to succeed in your quest. Find the “Eye of Light”, for without it you will be unable to kill
Shagrath. You need also discover the ritual to reawaken him, that you might finally defeat
him & stave off a great evil from coming to pass. Once you have done away with Shagrath,
you must hasten to me with the Eye of Light, for our need of it is dire indeed.
A: If this lever is used, the bookshelf on the right wall moves down one square. The newly revealed Zombie
may immediately move and attack as if it were the Evil Wizard Player’s turn. The secret door may only be
found after the lever has been pulled.
B: This chest contains scrolls holding details of the rites the Heroes need to awaken Shagrath.
C: This is the tomb of Shagrath. The 4 Chaos Warriors are statues that are invulnerable. The tomb is magically sealed and may not be opened nor searched inside. For more details of what will transpire here, see
“the Ritual” below:
D: The portcullis may not be opened until the lever in room “G” has been used.
E: This treasure chest contains four healing potions that will restore up to four lost Body points each, along
with a Spell Scroll drawn at random from the scroll deck.
F: This is the treasure chamber of Shagrath’s followers. It is filled with thousands of Gold coins. No hero
may carry more than a thousand Gold coins. When they carry 500 Gold coins or more, they roll one fewer
D6 when they move. If they carry 700 Gold coins or more, they may neither use nor carry any weapons or
H: This treasure chest contains two healing potions that will restore up to two lost Body points each, along
with a Spell Scroll drawn at random from the scroll deck.
The sorcerer is the guardian of the “Eye of Light”. He knows the Chaos Spell “Summon Undead”, and has
the following stats:
Movement: 8, Attack: 3, Defend: 4, Body: 15, Mind: 10.
In a small alcove in the right wall lies the “Eye of Light” on a small cushion made of dark red velvet. It is an
ugly jewel from which a giant magical aura appears to the Heroes.
J: This secret door may not be found by searching, but will appear if the lever is used.
K: This treasure chest contains two healing potions that will restore up to two lost Body points each, along
with 100 Gold coins. The two doors in the left wall are open doors.
The four Heroes must each wear one of the rings on one hand. They must then stand in a ring around the
tomb, each standing at a compass point about it. With the hand bearing the ring, they must then hold the
“Circle of Fire” over the middle of the tomb. The Heroes have to figure this out by themselves, although the
EWP may give some hints. The Wizard may now recite the magic rituals found in room “B” while holding the
Eye of Light in his free hand.
When the ritual is completed, the Tomb breaks open. It contains nothing more than rotting remains. However,
at the same time, a figure appears on the throne. Morcar himself! So long as he sits on the throne he cannot be
harmed. Also, while the Heroes hold the Eye of Light, he cannot harm them, but do not tell them this. Morcar
otherwise has enough power to turn all of the Heroes to dust, along with any Men-at-Arms they may have.
Morcar demands of them the Eye of Light, in return for their lives. Should they refuse, he casts a spell, animating the four statues. Each of the Chaos warriors knows the Chaos Spell “Summon Undead” and has the
following stats:
Movement: 8, Attack: 6, Defend: 6, Body: 15, Mind: 10
Each time the Heroes kill one of the Chaos Warriors, Morcar may summon another one adjacent to him. You
should, however, aim to leave a route through the board via which the Heroes may flee from a foe they can
never defeat.
As the Heroes pass through room D, a shade appears before them. They feel, more than hear, a hateful whisper on the breeze: “He did it… why did you awaken me? Fools! Now I must serve him. Did you not know he
cannot hold it? It matters not. Whence my powers have returned, I shall have my vengeance on all of you…”
With that, the shade vanishes in the breeze.
“ be continued!“
This quest is written by Flint(
and can be downloaded for free at this site :
G: This secret door can only be found, if the Heroes have the plans from room F in Cavern of the Ogres. The
lever unlocks the portcullis in room “D”.