
Welcome to your new MGEU Steward Handbook!
The Handbook is now smaller and more portable to make
it easier for you – as an elected union leader in your
workplace – to keep it with you at all times.
The content of the Handbook has been updated
to focus more clearly on the most important
information you will need on a daily basis – either
to answer questions from members or to assist
them when they need you to represent and advocate
for them.
This Handbook is also part of a much larger system
of information and support for MGEU activists which
includes your:
•MGEU Staff Rep
•Local Table officers, stewards, workplace activists
•MGEU Resource Centre
•Collective Bargaining Agreement
•MGEU Web Site
•MGEU Membership Education Program
The MGEU: Quick Facts......................................................5
What We Do......................................................................5
MGEU Union Dues.............................................................6
The Members....................................................................7
Your Union Local...............................................................8
Basic Structure of the MGEU.............................................8
MGEU Areas......................................................................9
MGEU Components.........................................................10
MGEU Standing Committees...........................................11
MGEU Board of Directors.................................................12
MGEU Convention...........................................................13
MGEU Staff......................................................................14
MGEU Constitution and Bylaws.......................................16
MGEU Policy Manual.......................................................16
MGEU Communications: Website and Portal...................17
MGEU Communications: Resource Centre....................... 18
MGEU Membership Education.........................................19
Local President................................................................21
Chief Steward..................................................................22
Local Vice President.........................................................22
Workplace Health and Safety Rep....................................23
Getting Elected in your Local/Workplace.........................24
Working Together as Local Leadership.............................24
Working with your MGEU Staff Rep.................................25
Building a Relationship with your Members....................26
Orientating New Members..............................................27
Understanding your Collective Agreement......................28
Talking to Members about their Collective Agreement....29
Collective Bargaining.......................................................30
Importance of Local Union Meetings...............................31
Strengthening Local Meetings.........................................32
Local Meeting Procedures - Basic Rules of Order..............33
Being Effective with Employer Representatives...............34
Duty of Fair Representation............................................35
Representing Members in Disciplinary Meetings............36
– before, during and after
Disciplinary Meeting Notes.............................................38
MGEU Grievance Process.................................................39
Your Collective Agreement Grievance Procedure.............40
Grievances vs. Complaints...............................................41
Investigating Member Complaints..................................42
Investigation Interviews Tips...........................................43
Member Statement.........................................................44
Member Authorization....................................................45
Grievance Investigation Report.......................................46
Handling Non-grievable Complaints...............................51
Proceeding with a Grievance...........................................51
Grievance Format............................................................52
Draft Grievance Form .....................................................53
Presenting a Grievance to the Employer..........................54
Moving Through Grievance Steps....................................55
MGEU Screening Committee...........................................56
MGEU Grievance and Appeals Committee.......................56
Resolving Concerns and Exercising Right to Refuse.........58
External Resources for Members.....................................59
My Contacts....................................................................61
The MGEU: Quick Facts
• Largest union in Manitoba
• 32,000+ members: 13,000 in Civil Service, 19,000 in broader public sector
• Over 65% women
• Over 1,000 different occupational classifications
• Rich ethnic diversity
• 244 locals (Aug./09)
• 16 Components
• Offices in all 8 geographic areas
• Started as MB Civil Service Association (1919)
• 1,200+ elected activists
• 85 skilled, professional staff
• Affiliations:
National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE)
Canadian Labour Congress (CLC)
Manitoba Federation of Labour (MFL)
Regional Labour Councils/Coordinating Committees
(Winnipeg, Selkirk, Southeast, Portage , Brandon, The Pas, Thompson, Flin Flon)
What We Do
• Negotiate collective agreements to improve wages, benefits and working conditions
• Monitor and enforce employer compliance with these contracts
• Represent and advocate for members in their workplaces
• Identify and respond to workplace issues
• Lobby for legislation that helps working people
• Organize - bring new members into our union
• Communicate with our members, the public and government
• Educate and train our elected leadership and staff
• Help strengthen communities where our members live
•Work together with the rest of the Manitoban/Canadian labour movement
How we do it: MGEU Union Dues
• Among the lowest dues of any union in Manitoba
• Finance everything we do as a union
• Paid by all employees covered by collective agreements negotiated by the union
• Collected by employers and remitted to the union
• Administered centrally at MGEU main office (Winnipeg)
• Guarantees equal access to resources regardless of local size
• All union finances overseen by Finance Standing Committee
• Annual external audit
• Dues rates established democratically by Convention
The Members
Members ARE the union
Active members are members who…
• Participate in the key decisions to guide their union
• Read and understand their collective agreement
• Come out to their local meetings
• Raise issues to be addressed
• Identify employer breaches of contract
• Identify workplace health and safety hazards
• Bring forward bargaining proposals
• Participate in votes to ratify their collective agreement
• Help elect leadership at all levels
• Take on leadership roles at various levels in the union
Active, informed members = stronger union
Your Union Local
Local #: ________________________________________________
Workplace(s) Location(s):_____________________________________
• One of 244 locals in the MGEU
• The key building block of the MGEU
• Local level is where member issues first identified
• Essential source of proposals for collective bargaining
• Front line of labour management relations
• Local can include members in one or more workplaces
• Local table officers: President, Chief Steward, Vice President
• Local executive also includes Shop Stewards and Members-at-Large
• Local represented on Area Councils
• Many locals also represented on Component executives
Basic Structure of the MGEU
MGEU Areas
• MGEU is divided into eight geographic “Areas”
• Area Council includes leadership from all locals in Area
• Area Council meets regularly to discuss issues of regional concern
• Area Council elects an Area Director to Provincial Board of Directors
• Each Area has regional office and at least one Staff Representative
• Central office is in Winnipeg (Areas 6-7)
MGEU Components
• Consist of two or more locals sharing a common collective agreement, a common
employer or employment-related interests
• Component Executive includes leadership from all locals in component
• Component Director sits on Board
• Not every local is part of a component
Civil Service Components
• Clerical
• Corrections
• Health
• Legal
• Administration
• Physical Sciences
• Social Sciences
• Trades
Broader Public Sector Components
• Manitoba Liquor Control Commission (Golico)
• Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI)
• Post Secondary Education
• Technical/Professional/Paramedical
• Health Care Support Services
• Community Support
• Addictions Foundation of Manitoba
• Government Community Workers
MGEU Standing Committees
• Focus on specific aspects of the union’s work
• Meet as required – usually at least 1-2 times per year
• Each Area Council elects one representative to each Committee
• 1st, 2nd and 3rd VPs chair specific committees as determined by Constitution
• All other Committee Chairs elected by and from the Provincial Board
• Each Committee is assigned one staff support (Staff Rep or Specialist)
• Chairs provide regular updates to Provincial Board
• All Committees provide a report with recommendations to Convention
• MGEU Standing Committees
Constitution, Bylaw and Structure (1st VP is chair)
Finance (2nd VP is chair)
Membership Education (3rd VP is chair)
Health, Safety and the Environment
Grievance and Appeals
Equity and Human Rights
Technological Change
Pensions and Benefits
Ad Hoc Committees: Young Members Steering Committee
MGEU Board of Directors
The Board is Comprised of:
- President and four Vice-Presidents (Provincial Officers)
- Area Directors
- Component Directors (500+ members)
- Representatives from large locals (500+ members)
• Provides direction to union between Conventions
- Overall policy direction
- General administration
- Ensures collective bargaining proceeds appropriately
• All Board members elected for two-year terms
MGEU Convention
• Highest decision-making authority of the union
• Sets overall policy direction for union
• Considers amendments to Constitution/Bylaws and Policy
• Meets every two years
• 300+ delegates elected from their locals
• At least one delegate per local – more for larger locals
• All Board members are also delegates
• Reports delivered by Board and all Standing Committees
• Resolutions discussed and voted upon by delegates
• Elections of President, four VPs (Provincial Officers)
• Keynote and other guest speakers
MGEU Staff
MGEU staff carry out much of the day-to-day work of the union.
Four Directors supervise various departments
• Director of Operations - all staff report to (directly or indirectly)
• Director of Negotiations
• Director of Rural/Legal Services
• Director of Finance
Staff Reps work closely with local leadership and members
• Specialists: Grievance/Arbitrations, Communications, Research, Education, Health
and Safety, Workers Compensation, Pensions, Finances, Promotions, Central Files
• Membership Department
• Resource Centre
• Administration support staff
MGEU Staff Organizational Chart
MGEU Constitution and Bylaws
• The union’s Constitution and Bylaws define:
- Overall objectives, structure and process of the MGEU
- Who does what: Locals, Convention, Board of Directors, Area Councils,
Components, Standing Committees
- Roles of various elected positions
- How key decisions are made and by whom
• Constitution can be amended by 2/3 vote at Convention
• Union Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote, by the Board of Directors and
Convention or just by Convention
• Amended Constitution and Bylaws are mailed out post-Convention to all elected
activists (also available on website or from Resource Centre)
MGEU Policy Manual
• Broad operating guidelines for the MGEU
• Operational policies ie. financial, education…
• General Resolutions on issues and campaigns
• New policies or amendments come primarily from Convention or Board
• Ultimately all must be approved by Board of Directors or Convention
• Updated and mailed out post-Convention revised copy sent to all local leaders
• Available on website or call Resource Centre to have one mailed
MGEU Communications: Website and Portal
MGEU Communications: Resource Centre
IN WINNIPEG 982-MGEU(6438) • Toll-Free 1-866-982-MGEU(6438) • TTY Deaf Access 982-6599
TTY Deaf Access Toll-Free 1-866-982-6599 • 8am to 8pm, Monday - Friday •
Membership Education
• Available to all Shop Stewards, Local Table Officers and Workplace Health & Safety Reps
• To provide knowledge, skills and confidence required to assist members, respond to
workplace concerns and deal with employers
• Two year Education Calendar/Program Guide provides course information, schedule,
program policies and procedures available at or upon request to
Resource Centre
• Staff Reps and elected Activists co-facilitate courses
• Membership Education/Safety, Health & Environment Committees provide
membership oversight and input
• Activists can access their education record via myMGEU