JUHOUD ANNUAL REPORT 2013 This leaflet contains excerpts from our work, our project, our partnership, and our programs Ten years of Impact Ten Years of Partnership Ten years of Transformation Table of Content: A note from the director………………………………………………………………..……..….……….3 About Juhoud………………………………………………………………………..…………..….……..4 Juhoud in numbers...…………………………………………………………….………………....……...5 Economic Development Program………………………...…………………..………………...…...…….6 Villages Project…………………………………………………………………………….………....…….7 Train to Gain Project………………………………………………………………………………...……..8 Deep Project………………………………………………………..…………………………..……....……9 Pilot Project Support……………………………………………………………………….………..…...10 Civic Participation Program………………………………………………………………………..…….11 Tomouh Project……………………………………………………………………………………..…….12 Bedna Forsa Project………………………………………………………………………………….…...13 Lifelong learning Program…………………………………………………………………………..…....14 Adult Education Project……………………………………...……………………………………....…..15 List of our partners………………………………………………………………………….……...……..16 Juhoud in local Media……………………..………………………………………………………..…….17 List of our don………………………………………………………………………..…………..……… 18 Contacts information…………………………………….………………………………………………..19 A note from the director Juhoud is one of the Palestinian civil society organizations that works on sustainable development in Palestine. Throughout this leaflet, we seek to introduce concise and focused information for our partners and those who are interested in our programs as well as to introduce our mission, vision, and strategic objectives in order to give a clear picture about Juhoud and its pioneered role. In this context, I would like to thank the Board of Directors and the executive team who work hard to achieve Juhoud’s vision and goals toward a democratic Palestinian society. Samer Salameh, the Founder About Juhoud Mission Juhoud is an independent non-governmental organization established in 2003. Juhoud is committed to supporting community development in marginalized and predominantly rural areas through promoting economic development, civic and community engagement, and life-long learning and training using a participatory approach that emphasizes selfreliance and focuses on youth and women while fostering a sense of national and community belonging. Values Juhoud is an independent Palestinian non-governmental organization that believes in pluralism, integrity, transparency, accountability, democracy, rule of law & equity. Strategic Objectives To contribute to strengthening the local economy in rural and marginalized areas through fostering increased productive economic participation of women and youth. To foster civic engagement and participation of youth and women in their communities. To establish and maintain a sustainable system for resource and training centers and materials to support life-long learning, self-reliance, and economic and community development. To enhance Juhoud’s technical and administrative capacity. Board Members: Name Position Naser Saededdin Ali Qatami Head Emile Jamil Makhlouf Treasurer Nancy Mohamad Sadeq Deputy Head Anwar Zakareis Humaidat Secretary Moammar Abduallah Ishtewi Member Basam Muhamad Abu Rabee Member Wisam Hanna Ibrahim Salameh Member Juhoud in Numbers (2013) 10 years on the ground 11 projects Total Budget : $460541 29 TARGETED VILLAGES () of direct beneficiaries () of indirect beneficiaries Economic Development Program To contribute in strengthening the local economy in rural and marginalized areas through fostering increased productive economic participation of women and youth To advocate for and coordinate job opportunities for youth and women To build the capacities of youth and women in entrepreneurship and business development Villages project is a cooperation between eight partners across the Mediterranean ( France, Palestine Spain, Italy, Greece, Tunisia, Egypt, and Lebanon ) over a three year period. The project is funded by EU with $52,121 and implemented in Birzeit and Kafreiat villages. Villages project focuses on : to exchange, and allow mutual knowledge, to transfer advices and best practices through the establishment of "Countryside Exchange in the Mediterranean" to create a Mediterranean network of VILLAGES, as a pledge for the future, when the project will be completed Outputs: Booklet about the project in English and Arabic languages is printed Strategic plan for Birzeit and Kafiate is completed The International Countryside Exchange Week is conducted in Birzeit, Jebia, Ain Senia, Dura Al- Qare' Burham and Jifna Participating in the International Countryside Exchange Week in Tunisia A video about The International Countryside Exchange Week is produced A report about International visits is made. A pilot project for farmers were implemented in cooperation with Olive Branch to help farmers to produce and market their products. Media coverage: http://www.raya.ps/ar/news/821257.html http://maannews.net/arb/ViewDetails.aspx?ID=558371 http://www.al-ayyam.com/article.aspx?did=221732&date=8/23/2013 http://www.villages-net.eu/index.php?lang=ar “Train to Gain” Project This project aims at empowering youth and equip them with employability skills through providing 40 hours of training in life-skills, cross-cutting skills, as well as internships (onthe-job training). This intervention will help youth in gaining the know-how, the practical work experience, and skills that will allow them to succeed in the modern Palestinian labor market. Project objectives: To increase employability skills of 250 youth by providing them with 20 hours of Lifeskills training (based on the IYF Passport to success materials) To increase the employability skills of 125 youth by providing them with 20 hours of cross-cutting skills training based on the needs of youth and employers To Provide practical on the job training opportunities for 60 youth (out of the 125) through a structured and meaningful internship program Project output: 281 young graduates have been trained in Tulkarem, Qalqilya, Nablus 12 training life skills were given to youth 65 young graduates were hired in the targeted locations A brochure and 4 roll ups 60 MOUs with privet and governmental organizations were signed A report on graduates needs and organizations needs were issued 3 press releases were issued. Media Coverage: http://www.panet.co.il/online/articles/110/111/S-711298,110,111.html http://www.panet.co.il/online/articles/110/111/S-709601,110,111.html http://www.al-ayyam.com/pdfs/27-10-2013/p05.pdf http:// www.alfajertv.com/alfajertube/110053.html HOPE Deprived Families Economic Empowerment Project (Deep) Deep project aimed at improving the living conditions of depressed and deprived families in the targeted areas. It is funded by Islamic Development Bank and executed by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) with 158800$ Deep project aims at : 1-Human, natural, and financial capitals of poor families who received non-financial services are improve 2-Poor Families who received financial services have developed or established economic activities. 3-NGOs and MFIs’ institutional capacities and practice strengthened for pro poor and sustainable interventions. 4-A mechanism for good practices and sustainable poverty alleviation process in place. Outputs: 20 poor families were empowered by providing household tools, sheep, Saloons tools SUCCESS STORY Abd Al-Kareem Dawood, 61 years old from Hares village -Salfeet, is suffering from heart disease. The family in general depends on social assistant and alms. The family consists of 10 people; children are dropped out, girls suffer from psychological problems, the father is an old man who cannot move from bed. Aslo, the two child, Aya and Zaina, are suffering from mental retardation who need special heath care. There home, which supposed to be a good and safe place, is an animal like house; it is cracked and damaged, water is not connected to the kitchen or the bathroom. Therefore, Juhoud starved to help this family in providing source of income as well as providing their children with trainings. Though this project, Juhoud provided sheep as a source of income to the family. Civic participation program Civic Participation Program To contribute in strengthening the local economy in rural and marginalized areas through fostering increased productive economic participation of women and youth To advocate for and coordinate job opportunities for youth and women To build the capacities of youth and women in entrepreneurship and business development Tamouah (ambition)- promoting social entrepreneurship among young Palestinians Having began in 2012, Tomooh Project that targets the youth and the youth organizations (CBOs) in 5 Palestinian governorates (Ramallah, Nablus, Salfeet, Qalqlya and Tulkarem). It aims at enhancing the youth participation in their local communities for the long run. This will be achieved through building capacities for 10 youth organizations on one hand, and building the capacities of 150 youth (gender sensitive) on the other, and through supporting 10 social initiatives designed, led and managed by the youth in order to actually enhance their participation in the development of their societies, in which will help in changing the traditional view towards youth role in the decision making process. Juhoud, through this project, worked on tow levels and therefore towards strengthening the leadership of young people in targeted areas. We will be working through building the capacity of youth organizations to form the incubator of youth initiatives towards greater participation in decision-making on the local level. In a second stage we will building the capacity of young people themselves to enable them to play their role in decision making. It should be noted here that the project will be implemented in partnership and coordination with local councils, youth (in the villages where there are such councils) or youth organizations active on the local level. Bedna Forsa Project ( Honoring Young Entrepreneurs in the International Youth Day) Bedna Forsa project aimed at changing the stereotypical image of young people cannot be trusted in public issues through Highlighting 50 local initiatives led by creative young people and networking them funders and local NGOs to support them. The project was funded by CRS with 119800 and implemented in Ramallah, Nablus, Jenin, Salfeet, Tubas, Tulkarem, and Qalqilya. Project outputs: brochure about the project was designed and printed. 5 mins film was recorded about young entrepreneurs initiatives A Booklet about young entrepreneurs achievements was designed and printed A steering committee for honoring young entrepreneurs was formed Honoring 5o young entrepreneurs from the targeted areas in the International Youth Day Media coverage Short Film about young initiatives •http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCa_Rt88v3c Falasteen TV interview •http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPE5kZqhskw&feature=youtu.be Radio Mazag: •http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=HA22Eb6S23A&feature=youtu.be List of our partners Jalazon Community Women’s Center Olive branch Association - Kobar Youth Club - Mazra’a Youth Club - Mazra’a Women’s Association - Abu Shkeidem Culture Center - Abu Shkeidem Youth Club - Birzeit University - Birzeit Youth Club - Birzeit Church Youth Group - Atara Center for the Preservation of Traditions - Jeebia Culture Center - Jeebia Youth Club - Burham Youth Club - Ein Arik Women’s Association - Bettin Women’s Association - Al-Nabi Saleh Agriculture Committee - Aboud Area Development Program - Shuqba Village Committee - Ein Sinia Village Council - Ein Sinia Youth Club - Jifna Women Association - Attara Women Association - Abu Ahkeidem Women Association - Kufor Zebad Women Association - Kufor Sour Women Association - Kufor Aboush Women Association - Relief International Offices in Jenin and Salfeet - World Vision Local Community Committees - Tubas Agriculture association - Marda Association Juhoud in local Media This is a representation of Juhoud’s achievements and the objectives reached through a web/media research related to our work, our projects, our partnerships and our programs. Juhoud finished Toumouh project through conducting a closing ceremony http://www.salam-tv.ps/ar/news/53406.html Signing MOU with Khadorie University http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYgkvy6TN3 Launching the steering Committee for Bedna Forsa Project file:// B1%20%D9%81%D9%84%D8%B3%D8%B7%D9%8A%D9%86%D9%8A%D8%A9%20-%20%D8% AC%D9%85%D8%B9%D9%8A%D8%A9%20%D8%AC%D9%87%D9%88%D8%AF%20%D8% AA%D8%B7%D9%84%D9%82%20%D8%AA%D8%B4%D9%83%D9%8A%D9%84%20%D8% A7%D9%84%D9%84%D8%AC%D8%A7%D9%86%20%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AA%D9%82% D9%8A%D9%8A%D9%85%D9%8A%D8%A9panet.htm http://www.shfanews.net/index.php/2012-02-15-08-44-39/21835-i http://samanews.com/ar/index.php?act=post&id=194392 Our Donors Issa Abu Daeih Building –3rd Floor Office 6&7 PO Box 67460 Saladhin St Jerusalem Tel: 972-2-811629 Fax: 972-2-811831 Email: info@juhoud.org www.juhoud.ps Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/juhoud?ref=hl